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THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, .1947-9: MISS C. M. ADY, M.A., D.Lrrr. Editor of the Chronicle:
MISS E. LEMON, B.A., 1946-8
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939-45 •
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Council EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Principal. DOUGLAS VEALE, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi, until
the 1st day of October
1948 (Chairman). ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Research Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Official Fellow and Treasurer. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., D.LITT., Research Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary to the Council. OLGA DELFINA BICKLEY, M.A., Official Fellow. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. BETTY KEMP, M.A., Official Fellow. SIR JOHN LINTON MYRES, M.A., Fellow of New College, until the 1st day of
October 1949. ALFRED EWERT, M.A., Fellow of Trinity, until the ist day of October 1949. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT., until the 1st day of October 195o. GWENDOLEN MOBERLY (LADY), M.A., until the 1st day of October 1948. SIR FREDERICK WOLFF OGILVIE, M.A., Principal of Jesus College, until the
until the 1st day of October 1949. Fellow of All Souls, until the 1st day of
October 1948.
Principal E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., F.R.HIST.S.
Tutors E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. D. E. MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A. A. HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT. D. H. F. GRAY, M.A., O.B.E. o. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in Lit-
tere (Genoa). M. G. ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., F.R.A.S. I. W. BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL. B. KEMP, M.A. M. MAHOOD, M.A. (London).
French. English Language. Politics and Economics. Classics. Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian. Science. Mathematics. History. English Literature.
Bursar S. M. P. MASON.
Principal's Secretaries J. ANSLOW (MRS.). E. BEERE.
E regret that the notice about the Fund for a memorial to members of the College killed by enemy action 1939-45 in the last issue should not have been more conspicuous, and would direct the attention of members to the paragraph on p. 8.
REPO T OF THE TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF SENIOR MEM IERS HE Meeting was held in the Mordan Hall, St. Hugh's College, on Saturday, June 21st, 1947, at 3 p.m., the Principal in the Chair. Twenty-three members were present. The Chairman in her statement referred to the election as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Mary Cartwright (1919-23) as one of the greatest distinctions hitherto won by a member of the Association. Other notable events of the year were the prize for an English Poem on a Sacred Subject won by Phyllis Hartnoll, the Newdigate prize-winner of 1929, and the appointment of Joan Sargeaunt (1922-5) as Principal of King's College of Household and Social Science (University of London). Among other appointments were Dr. Adam to a University Demonstratorship, Dr. Burbridge to a University Lectureship, Jean Telfer as Lecturer at Durham University, and R. M. Brook as Lecturer in Divinity at Derby Diocesan Training College. Miss Seaton, after twenty-two years as Tutor in English Literature, was retiring at the end of the year. The College, and in particular the English School, owed much to her wise judgement and high standard of scholarship. The Council had appointed Miss Mahood, M.A., London, as her successor. With regard to the annual election of a Member of Council, it was reported that after a ballot had been taken, it was found that Miss M. R. Glover, who received the greater number of votes, was not eligible for election. Her name in the University Register, since she resigned her Fellowship, was no longer on the books of the College, and she thus failed to fulfil a condition of membership of the Association laid down in the College Statutes. It was pointed out that other former Fellows were affected, if St. Hugh's were not the College from which they were presented for an Oxford degree, and that the Council would at the earliest opportunity consider an amendment to the Statutes which would preserve the connexion with the College. Meanwhile the vacancy on the Council caused by Miss Moller's retirement could not be filled until the next election. On the motion of the Principal, Dr. Ady was re-elected as Secretary of the Association for the years 1947-9. The question of a meeting of the Association in London in years when there was no Gaudy was discussed. Miss N. Moller agreed to approach Miss Sargeaunt on the possibility of forming a London Committee to arrange such meetings, and to report to the next meeting. Miss Gwyer reported that the sum of ÂŁ33. 6s. 8d. had been received so far for a memorial to members of the College killed by enemy action.
NOTE. Arrangements are under way for a Dinner in the Autumn of 1948, to be held in London, in connexion with new developments at St. Margaret's House. Further information will be available for members at the twenty-third Annual Meeting on July 3rd.
THE GAUDY, 1948 'THE St. Hugh's College Gaudy will be held from Friday, July znd, until 'THE July 5th, 1948. Instead of the usual Gaudy Dinner there will be a Reception with a buffet supper on Saturday, July 3rd. Invitation cards are enclosed with the Chronicle.
MEMORIAL TO MEMCERS OF THE COLLEGE KILLED BY ENEMY ACTION, 1939°45 WENTY-FIVE subscriptions have been received, amounting to T £49. 9s. 6d. At their meeting on February 7th the Committee decided to keep the Fund open until July r5th, as they felt that some old members might have overlooked the original appeal in the Chronicle. Subscriptions should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Miss H. Fiedler, The Lane House, Norham Road, Oxford.
THE P INCIPAL'S REPORT TN July last Miss Seaton retired from her Tutorship in English Literature .11. which she had held since 1925. Her many friends and former pupils among
the members of the Association will be glad to hear that she still lives in Oxford and is actively engaged in research on 'English Courtly Poetry of the Fifteenth Century'. Miss Seaton was awarded a Leverhulme Research Grant for 1947-8 and in Michaelmas Term Council elected her to a Research Fellowship for five years. This carries with it a seat on the Council which will thus continue to have the benefit of Miss Seaton's ripe wisdom and experience. Two other elections to Fellowships have been made : Miss Ida Mann, formerly Professorial Fellow, to an Honorary Fellowship, and Miss B. Kemp, Tutor in Modern History, to an Official Fellowship. Miss Mann was appointed Margaret Ogilvie Reader in Ophthalmology in 1941 and in 1945 became Oxford's first and, up to the present, only woman Professor. Last summer Miss Mann resigned her Oxford appointments in order to become Director of Moorfields Eye Hospital. A note on the career of this very distinguished ophthalmologist appeared in an earlier issue of the Chronicle.' Miss Seaton's successor as Tutor in English Literature is Miss M. Mahood, M.A. (London). Miss Mahood obtained First Class Honours in English at King's College, London, in 1941; she has held the George Smith Scholarship of London University and the Inglis Studentship at King's College, and obtained her M.A. in 1944 with a thesis entitled 'The Transition from Jacobean to Restoration Comedy'. From 1943 to 1946 she was Assistant Lecturer in English at King's College. Miss Adam has been appointed University Demonstrator in Astronomy, Miss Busbridge University Lecturer in Mathematics, and Miss Gray University Lecturer in Homeric Archaeology. In Trinity Term Miss Francis was granted a long-overdue Sabbatical term. During her absence Chronicle, 1944-5, No. 17, p. 3.
Mademoiselle Julia Bastin, Professeur Ordinaire de l'Universite de Bruxelles, resided for four weeks and took some of Miss Francis's work. Another foreign scholar who has visited St. Hugh's is Dr. Alice Kober, of Brooklyn College, who stayed in College during the Easter Vacation while working in Oxford. In spite of the austerities of English life, both these distinguished visitors seem to have enjoyed their stay with us, as we most certainly enjoyed having them. Miss Bickley has been granted leave of absence for two Terms and is now in America; she will visit Italy before returning to Oxford in the Autumn. During the last six months we have received a number of food parcels from America and Australia, some intended for the Senior Common Room, others for the College in general. Some of them have been sent by Members of the Association or former undergraduates now resident abroad, others by unknown friends. It is difficult to thank adequately those who have sent them, known and unknown, not only for the welcome additions to our diet but also for the thought and generosity which have prompted such gifts. The huts in the garden are now fully occupied by various University departments and, after a series of delays, the Maison Francaise has taken up residence at the Shrubbery, which was put in order and redecorated in the summer. The work of re-erecting the College bicycle sheds which were removed during the war is being begun. When they are finished it will be possible to dispense with the unsightly corrugated iron erection (a legacy left by the Hospital) which at present does duty as a bicycle shed. The next step will be the general tidying up and replanting of the ground to the north of the main building. The ornamental iron gates are already back in place. Since the end of the War the number of candidates for the Scholarship and Entrance Examination has increased very rapidly. Numbers entering for these examinations fluctuate and, as a rule, are higher when the examination takes place in March than in November. Before x938 the number of candidates entering for St. Hugh's as their first choice was usually less than zoo; from 1938 to 1945 the entries, with two exceptions, rose to between zoo and 250, but with the post-war years there has been a sudden and marked increase. In March 1946 we examined 404 candidates and in November 1946, 37o. Our entry for the current examination is 519, of whom over half are offering either Modern Languages or English. With such numbers the work of selecting candidates to fill about fifty vacancies becomes extremely difficult. All the five Women's Societies are experiencing the same increase in numbers and the same consequent problem. They have agreed, therefore, after careful consideration and discussion, on an important change to take effect from the examination for candidates seeking admission in October 1949. All five Societies will examine simultaneously in November for admission in the following October. The examination for candidates offering Arts subjects will be held in two groups: (t) Lady Margaret Hall and Somerville College; (z) St. Hugh's College and St. Hilda's College; St. Anne's Society will join alternately one or other group. For Science and Mathematics (for which subjects the total number of candidates is comparatively small and the examiners are the same for both groups) the examination will be a joint one for all five Societies. It is hoped that this system will result in a decrease in the number of candidates examined by each Society, as in the past an increasingly large proportion of candidates have entered for both the November and March examinations. With smaller numbers a much more satisfactory selection should be possible. 9
Congregation has this Term enacted legislation, subject to the approval of His Majesty in Council, increasing the quota of women undergraduates. The four Colleges will each be allowed a maximum of 18o undergraduates and St. Anne's Society a maximum of 25o. The total quota will thus be raised from 85o to 97o. Within this maximum are included graduates of other Universities reading for the B.A. or the B.Litt. degrees but not 'Advanced Students' working for the D.Phil. This raising of the quota will not, however, mean an increase over the number of women undergraduates at present in residence, since this includes a large number of ex-service candidates who are extra numerum. After 1949, however, few, if any, of these extra numerum undergraduates will still be in Oxford. Nor will all the Colleges be in a position to avail themselves immediately of the permitted increase. The policy of St. Hugh's is to accommodate within the College buildings all its undergraduates, with the exception of a strictly limited number of fourth-year undergraduates and those of mature age. The College buildings, including the houses, can accommodate at most 15o, ten less than our present quota. Lodgings for undergraduates are almost unobtainable, even if the College was prepared to put its surplus undergraduates out in lodgings. Until we can provide more accommodation by building—a long term policy—or, as a more temporary and limited measure, by securing another house, we cannot appreciably increase our numbers. Nor is it only a question of a supply of suitable candidates and rooms in which to put them. Other factors are also involved; the balance between the Honour 'Schools' ; the number of tutors and of administrative officers; the size of the dining hall and kitchen and the provision of public rooms; the capital cost of building and the revenue necessary to run and maintain new premises when built : all these require careful consideration. The College Statute dealing with the Association of Senior Members (Stat. XI) has been amended by the addition of a new clause (§ 13) creating a new category of Honorary Members of the Association. The Statute with this addition is printed at the beginning of the Register of Senior Members. Under Statute XI (2) membership of the Association is confined to those who either were members of the College at the date of the coming into effect of the Charter (1926) or else are graduates of the College whose names are on the books of the College and the University. A Principal or a Fellow who is a graduate of another Oxford College and who pays her dues or has compounded through that College ceases to be on the books of St. Hugh's on relinquishing her office, and thus ceases to be a member of the Association. Under the new clause such a person will then become an Honorary Member. Honorary Members will not be eligible to be elected members of Council (a function more appropriately performed by a graduate of the College) nor will they have voting powers, but they will receive the Chronicle and the Register of Senior Members, notices and agenda of Annual Meetings and invitations to Gaudies and other social functions. Provision is also made for the election as Honorary Members of non-graduate members of the Senior Common Room. Council is also seeking the approval of the Privy Council for another amendment to the Statutes so that in future the Principal will be ex-officio Chairman of Council. This important constitutional change is a logical step in the development of the College and can be effected at the present time without any break in continuity and without losing the advantage of the present Chairman's experience, since Mr. Veale, who himself proposed the change, TO •
is willing to serve on the Council for as long as he is asked to do so. St. Hugh's owes much to its external Chairmen and to none more than to the present holder of the office. Mr. Veale first became a member of Council in 193o and he has been Chairman since 1937• It thus fell to him to pilot the College through the problems and vicissitudes created by the requisitioning of its buildings. It was extremely fortunate for the College that during the difficult years of the War it had as the Chairman of its Governing Body the Registrar of the University. That its prosperity was neither harmed nor retarded during that disruptive period was to no small extent due to the Chairman's wise guidance. Mr. Veale has given unstintingly of his time and interest to the affairs of St. Hugh's and has seemed always at hand to help and advise in time of difficulty. The College's debt to him for all that he has done for it is incalculable and it is reassuring to know that we shall continue to have his advice and counsel in the future.
BENEFACTIONS AND GIFTS THE following benefaction and gifts have been received since the last issue of the Chronicle: From an anonymous donor, provision for a Scholarship of k4o per annum to be named the Ethel Seaton Scholarship. From Miss Sparks, two pairs of silver sweet dishes for use at the High Table. From Miss Seaton, an antique tray of Sheffield plate.
ST. MA GA ET'S HOUSE AST year St. Margaret's House launched its Extension Scheme to provide better accommodation for its club members and residents, and the work in 1947 has centred round the new project. Unfortunately we have so far been unable to obtain a building licence to convert the bombed factory into club-rooms, but the new house, No. 19, Old Ford Road, is in use, the garden tidied, and some expansion of our work has been possible. The Extension Scheme is also continuing to provide a valuable stimulus to club responsibility, and its realization is the chief concern alike of the residents, club members, and friends of the Settlement. As the financial crisis grew in the Summer of 1947 it became clear that all building, except of dwelling-houses, would cease, and it was therefore no surprise when the Ministry of Education asked us to defer our application for grant-in-aid and a licence for our new club premises for a year. As the delay has made the problem of house-room for our existing clubs acute, we then applied for a licence to do some temporary work to the bombed factory, and with the help of the Ministry of Education we have obtained a licence for ÂŁzso. The work is now well in hand, and by the end of March we should have a fine new games-room suitable for badminton for the Mixed Club, and for team and ball games for the Junior Clubs. The amount of the licence has restricted the work to a minimum, and the materials have largely been salvaged from other parts of the factory, but we are hoping the Mixed Club will do some decorations during the Easter holiday. The house, No. 19, Old Ford Road, is occupied by two sets of tenants, both of whom help with Settlement activities, and the L.C.C. Occupation Centre on the ground floor flourishes. We hope to make part of the garden available for it this summer. The II
Extension Fund has managed to keep pace with the expenditure on repairs and redecorations to No. 19, although these turned out to be considerably more costly than the estimates. We have also had to pay considerable sums to our architect and the quantity surveyor for the estimates on the Club Extension. These sums we hope ultimately to reclaim from the Ministry of Education, but although we have raised £1,308, the General Account is bearing the Extension Fund's deficit of £93. I is. 6d. The actual running of No. 19, Old Ford Road is paying its way and meeting the mortgage repayments on the cost of purchasing all the new property. So that, provided we can build up a large reserve in the Extension Fund, the permanent scheme can go forward as soon as the Ministry of Education sanctions it. The Extension Scheme has brought plenty of work and plenty of problems. But we are as interested in it as ever, not only because we need the new building so much, but also because it gives us all a clearly defined means by which to fulfil our common purpose. STELLA PENLEY
FOURAH BAY COLLEGE, SIERRA LEONE Miss L. M. DOLPHIN, M.A. (1929) writes: I am teaching at a College founded by the C.M.S. and affiliated, since 187o, to Durham University. The students include Nigerians and Gold Coasters as well as Sierra Leonians. My pupils are taking Latin in the Durham General Degree in Arts. Three are also taking Greek. Of these one hopes to go on to England to read for Honours in Classics : he has been given a scholarship by the Chiefs of the Ashanti tribe. The College is financed by Missions, fees, and a small Government grant. The local people, old students, and others have now launched an endowment fund called The Fourah Bay College Fund. Would it be possible to ask through the Chronicle if any old students would care to contribute? Contributions could be sent to me or to Dr. R. S. Easmon, Westmorland Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone. The College suffered from the war, when it had to give up its buildings which are still being retained by the Government, and move from one temporary home to another. Its Science and pre-medical courses had to be dropped for lack of a laboratory, and much of the equipment has been ruined by the climate, so that it will be a big expense to reopen these courses.'
A DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S WIFE IN NIGERIA Mils. C. J. OLLARD (née Rachel Swayne) writes : It is very difficult to give an impression of this country in the space of an air-mail letter, but I'll continue to write small and try. At the moment we are on three weeks' local leave in the northern hills, having driven up the 600 miles in our own Austin car, so we had a pretty good view of the country as a whole. The North is entirely different from the South— particularly from the swamps where we have been—and after seeing these lovely hills and views—something like the rugged parts of the Lakes or Scotland—and revelling in a delicious breeze every day and having two or three blankets at night, one can't help realizing that the sticky humidity and complete flatness of Ahoada leaves a good deal to be desired: and I now see the point of the statement made to us that if we liked Ahoada we'd like anywhere in Nigeria! Fortunately we have been quite happy there: we are very fond of our house—a thoroughly bush affair really, long, low bungalow with 12
mud walls, thatched roof, and wide verandah all along one side; but it is pleasantly light with white paint and we look out on a green compound surrounded by a flowering hedge, and the atmosphere is much like an English country cottage. We are more or less surrounded by swamps, nothing but dark bush roads through dense tropical forests, very close and abounding with mosquitoes and other unpleasant species of biting things. But we've spent a large proportion of our time, so far, on tour and there are one or two quite attractive rest-houses in the division. We had great fun particularly touring by canoe at the height of the floods, when some of our houses were completely surrounded by water—outside kitchen, boy's house, and other conveniences completely under water, and canoes passing up and down all the time a few yards away! But on the whole, the rivers provide the only beauty in our area and we had brilliant tropical sunsets blazing all across the sky and reflected in the water, and I much enjoyed dining in the moonlight with the water lapping up to the walls. Some of the villages we go to are very remote and they haven't seen a European woman for goodness knows how long, so that the rest-house is surrounded most of the day by people just waiting to watch me! And if my boys don't happen to speak the dialect there 's no means of conversing with them and it is very difficult to get them to go away—a ridiculous situation. However, in most places I amuse myself while Christopher is in court by visiting the funny little bush schools and sometimes talking to them in the maternity homes (where they exist) and calling on the various mission folk. It's an entirely different existence, of course, from the wild rush of my past life, and it took me some time to get used to having absolutely nothing I must do! Sometimes I can't help feeling too that I'm not doing anything very useful as the climate certainly makes one grow more and more idle. But I suppose the most important thing one can do is to make as many friends as possible among the people, which I have tried to do in Ahoada, mainly via the Church. I attend the various women's meetings when I'm in the station and they love coming to call on me, most of them never having been inside a European house before, and being very surprised to find government officials who are Christians.
OR the first time since the war it can be said that the Junior Common Room really belongs to St. Hugh's again. Few are left who remember Holywell. Once again the College and houses represent a unity. The traces of separation, however, are slow to vanish from the community life of the J.C.R. Strange things happened to the 'custom of the Constitution' in the years away from St. Margaret's Road. However, those students now in their third year have witnessed a gradual knitting together, and it is possible to say that, in spite of difficulties, we know a spirit of unity approximating to that of pre-war days. At the end of the Trinity Term the J.C.R. and especially the English School sent greetings to Miss Seaton on her retirement and regretted that it was her wish that their remembrance should take no more concrete form. At the end of the same term Miss Collett also retired and the officers of the J.C.R., as many readers of the Chronicle will remember, sent out appeals to former students who had been at St. Hugh's during the fifteen years in which Miss Collett was lodge-keeper. As a result of this appeal and the collection in 13
College itself a pleasant informal meeting of the J.C.R. was held at which we were able to present Miss Collett with a cheque for fifty guineas and a readinglamp, with the good wishes of past and present members of the J.C.R. The societies are growing and flourishing. Undergraduates of St. Hugh's seem to be especially interested in those which are concerned with problems of to-day, whether national or international. A devoted but small band, under the I.S.S. representative, maintains a steady stream of parcels to the stricken countries of Europe, particularly Germany. The Dramatic Society was unable to produce a play last year owing to a very small second year and other difficulties but, at the time that this is being written there is reason to believe that it proposes to recover 'the rose that fell from its chaplet' by staging an ambitious production of 'The Antigone' in the Trinity Term. The present first-year students have just presented their Fresher Play, 'The Necromantic Don', written and produced by their Jubilee Scholar. The J.C.R. held two dances, according to its custom, one in May and one in February. Many undergraduates of St. Hugh's will long remember June 1947 for the gaiety of Commem.' week. The magnificence of the balls will not be repeated for some time, and it was as though austerity was relaxed for a fleeting moment to permit the present generation to see what Commem.' week used to be—and what it will be—like. The usual open night was again held on the Saturday before St. Hugh's Day, and the Organ Scholar had arranged a programme which showed that the standard of musical performance and appreciation had in no way fallen. A considerable number of students are going to London to take part in the broadcast by the Bach Choir at the beginning of March. A highly popular move has been the reopening this month of the J.C.R. shop. A good display has been achieved in spite of the difficulties of getting supplies. Thanks are due to those who are now running it and to Miss Martin who, in the onerous position of 'Senior member responsible', has given much sound advice. Any profits from the shop will be given to St. Margaret's House. Miss Penley came to College from the Settlement last summer and told the J.C.R. about progress there. Other visitors have included Sister Isabel, who gave an interesting talk about the need for Christian workers in North Africa, and Miss D. Burton and Miss P. Bennett, who came to assist in the work of the O.I.C.C.U. Mission. Great jubilation is being felt at the beginning of work on the new bicycle sheds—sorely needed after the depredations of the Army. The J.C.R. of 1947-8 offers its congratulations to R. M. Brooke (Theology), 0. R. Gee (Modern History), Jill Cousins (English), and Margaret Jacobs (Modern Languages) on their Firsts in Schools, and sends its greetings to all readers of the Chronicle. BRENDA M. HENDERSON
President, 1947-8
GAMES REPORT FOR 1947. It has been suggested that a Games Report would be of interest to old students. Such a report can, however, only be very general as, in the first place, no official records are kept, and secondly there have been few events of outstanding interest, since women's games are still in a state of gradual post-war recovery. After a considerable falling-off during the war, interest in games revived during 1947 in spite of the lack of facilities. As a result of war disorganization, much equipment was lost or fell into bad repair. These deficiencies are being 14
made good as fast as cost and supplies will allow. The tennis court at 'The Lawn' is being re-surfaced and the court at No. 8z Woodstock Road will be re-made as soon as the College can find contractors to undertake the work. There are some followers of almost every sport in St. Hugh's at the moment, although not in sufficient numbers in most cases to permit the playing of serious inter-college matches. It is hoped that hockey `cuppers' will start again in Hilary Term, and tennis and swimming `cuppers' will be held during Trinity Term 1948. In the meantime many informal games of hockey and ping-pong have been played against other colleges, providing much entertainment as well as exercise. The large increase in membership of the O.U.W.B.C. has made it possible to hold inter-college races in fours, probably for the first time since the College boat clubs ceased to exist. In the circumstances, those students who take their sport more seriously are obliged to play for the University rather than for the College. Three St. Hugh's undergraduates were successful in gaining 'blues' last year—Mary Whitcombe for cricket, Hilda Dailey for lacrosse, and Gay Sellers for rowing. G. M. S. Games Secretary
DEGREES, 1947-8 M.A. by Decree. B. Kemp, Hon. Honor Smith. B.M. U. R. Allen, 0. P. Frodsham, J. F. Robertson, Sulammith Wolff. M.A. J. M. Blomfield, W. G. Bosward,* J. M. Briscoe,* K. M. Cane, E. I.
Cooper, A. M. S. Dunn, K. M. Elliott, Nora Elliott,* Mrs. Fletcher (Mary Jackson), D. I. Fletcher, Mrs. Forward (S. M. Castor), Mrs. Fuller (R. A. Andrews), J. M. Hepburn, Nancy Hoare, I. R. Hodgson, Mrs. Koenig (A. R. Pow), D. M. Layton, Mrs. Lidwell (D. J. M. Fursden), D. E. Lingard,* E. B. Mackinlay, Mrs. Mowat (L. E. Homewood),* M. M. Oldham, R. M. Orgill, Mrs. Padfield (S. M. V. Runganadhan), M. B. Pritchard, H. M. Purkis,* M. J. Rigby, D. L. Rowley,* H. D. Roxburgh, Mrs. Sutherland (G. A. Campbell James),* P. T. Thomson, M. K. B. Wilkins, Mrs. Wright (A. V. Readman), G. V. W. Yeats Brown,* Mrs. Young (E. I. Marshall). B.A. Y. C. Aboav, A. M. Arnold, Mrs. Barbour (J. M. Galbraith) (War Degree), F. E. Bates,* P. M. Beeley, B. E. Blomfield, J. C. Blomfield, Mrs. Bogie (M. S. Lloyd), F. E. Booth, M. Y. B. Boyd, R. M. Brooke, Mrs. Brookfield (J. M. Startup), M. C. B. Burbury,* June Burdett, L. M. L. Carlton, Mrs. Crellin (D. M. Harvey),* 0. R. Gee, H. G. Goodwin, W. J. Hackney, J. M. Hepburn, Mrs. Higginson (Jeanne Brassington), C. M. Hill, Barbara Holland, June Humphrey, Margaret Jacobs, Jeannette Johnson, Mrs. Jones (Josephine Lane),* G. E. W. Jones, B. R. Lacey, V. J. Langton, P. M. Lindsay, J. H. Lloyds, R. S. Maas, A. C. Madge, Y. E. Mead, Margaret Millington, H. N. Mitsotakis, Joan Morton, Mrs. Munby (L. H. Jacques), Paula Pedlar, P. F. Peters, V. J. Pitt, Muriel Monica Rees, D. M. Rennie, J. M. Robinson, P. H. M. Rothwell, J. M. Shanks, Mrs. Shrigley (N. A. Billitt), S. P. Slipper, J. McI. Smellie, B. J. Smith, Hon. Janetta Somerset (War Degree), D. E. Tuck, H. L. Utitz, M. S. Viner, M. W. Wait, C. M. Werner, D. L. Werner, Mrs. G. J. Whitty, L. H. M. Wilkinson, M. E. Wilkinson. 5
HONOUR EXAMINATIONS, i947 Theology. Class I, R. M. Brooke. Jurisprudence. Class II, M. S. Viner. Literae Humaniores. Class II, H. G. Goodwin, J. H. Lloyds, Paula Pedlar. Modern History. Class I, 0. R. Gee. Class II, M. J. Elias, J. M. Gamon, C. M. Hill, V. J. Langton, Margaret Millington, M. E. Newman, L. H. M. Wilkinson. Class III, W. J. Hackney. English Language and Literature. Class I, Jill Cousins. Class II, A. M. Arnold, F. E. Booth, June Burdett, S. G. Harrison, June Humphreys, P. F. Peters, J. M. Startup. Class III, Jeannette Johnson, Joan Morton, S. P. Slipper, D. E. Tuck. Modern Languages. Class I, Margaret Jacobs (Ger.). Class II, Y. C. Aboav (Fr. and Ger.), N. A. Billitt (Fr.), M. C. B. Burbury (Fr.), H. N. Mitsotakis (Fr.), H. L. Utitz (Russ. and Fr.), M. E. Wilkinson (Ger. and Fr.). Class III, F. E. Bates (Fr.), S. M. Draycott (Ger. and Fr.), Barbara Holland (Ger. and Fr.), A. C. Madge (Ger. and Fr.). Mathematics. Class III, B. E. Blomfield, M. E. Clifford. Natural Science. Class II (Animal Physiology), P. M. Beeley, J. M. Robinson, J. M. Smellie : Chemistry Part II, D. M. Nutbourne. Class III (Physics), P. H. M. Rothwell ; (Botany), B. J. Smith. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Class II, L. H. Jacques, B. R. Lacey. Class III, G. E. W. Jones. Geography. Class II, Jeanne Brassington, Y. E. Mead, Muriel M. Rees. Class III, J. C. Heslop, P. M. Lindsay, Mrs. G. J. Whitty. Hon. Mathematical Moderations. Class II, C. D. Rogers. Class III, A. E. Balmford. Michaelmas Term Modern History. Class III, M. H. G. Hastings, H. M. Olgivy. English Language and Literature. Class II, Margaret Wheeler.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE l'ESEARCH COMMITTEE, 1947-8 ELECTIONS in 1947 were as follows: To the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship, Miss A. E. Guilding, B.A. (Honour School of Theology, Class II, 1946). Miss Guilding is working for the degree of D.Phil. ; her subject is 'The influence of the Palestinian triennial cycle of synagogue lectionary readings on the Fourth Gospel'. To the Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship, Miss V. J. Pitt, B.A., former Exhibitioner of the College (Honour School of English Language and Literature, Class I, 1946). Miss Pitt is working for the degree of B.Litt., her subject being 'Dualism in Shelley's thought as shown in his major works'. Proxime accessit, Miss M. B. Scrutton, B.A., former Scholar of Somerville College (Honour School of Literae Humaniores, Class I, 1942). To the Moberly Senior Scholarship, Miss Margaret Jacobs, B.A., former Scholar of the College (Honour School of Modern Languages, Class I, 1947). Miss Jacobs is working for the degree of B.Litt. ; the subject of her thesis is `A study of Otto Ludwig's views on the Drama'. 16,
ELIZABETH WORDSWORTH STUDENTSHIP, 1948-9 PPLICATIONS are invited for an Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship per annum, open to a graduate of St. of the maximum value of A Hugh's College wishing to pursue a definite course of higher study or research. ÂŁ175
Further particulars may be obtained from the Principal, to whom applications should be sent before May 5th, 1948.
THE LIBRARIAN'S REPORT mHE Library now contains 24,000 volumes. The Annual Grant to the
I Library was raised in the Michaelmas Term 1947 by 25 per cent. to meet the increased cost of book production and binding. The Library has been fortunate in receiving gifts : from Dr. Ady a collection of music, chiefly for piano, which resulted in a new departure in Library policy in the provision of music, and coincided with the purchase of a nucleus music section (biography and criticism); from Lady Douie we received a collection of works on Italian literature; from Miss Fiedler a selection of her father's library, consisting chiefly in German literature and philology; from Professor Simpson a collection of mathematical books ; and from New Collection a collection of classical works. During the war we presented unwanted scientific books to the Prisoners of War Library, and lists of unwanted books have been drawn up and offered for bombed continental libraries. During the war also, when the students were living in seven different places, the Library bought many duplicates of much-used books : this innovation is appreciated by the students, especially in the larger schools. The cataloguing is now done in typescript. Reading lamps have been provided on all the tables in the Reading Room and Library with a consequent saving of electricity: these also are much appreciated by the students. New book-rests are being made of the same wood as that used for the Library furnishings. A new bindery has opened in Oxford, and the heavy arrears of binding which accumulated during the war are at last being made up. The following books are wanted by the Library but are unobtainable from bookshops: Brandenberg, From Bismarck to World War. Champion, Voltaire. Finer, Mussolini's Italy. Whitehouse, Lamartine, vol. i. P. K. H.-W.
MATRICULATIONS, 1947-8 Michaelmas Term, 1947 Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholar: PITT, VALERIE JOAN, St.
Hugh's College, Oxford.
jubilee Scholar (1946): BROPHY, BRIGID ANTONIA SUSAN, St.
Paul's Girls' School. (Classics.) 17
Scholars: BAILHACHE, STEFANIE LOUISE, Camelford Grammar School. (History.) FARSON, MARION EDITH, Altrincham Grammar School. (English.)
High School, Middlesborough.
(Modern Languages.) FERNYHOUGH, SHEILA MARY, Orme Girls' School. (Natural Science.) KIRK, MARGARET MARY, Hillside Convent College. (Modern Languages.) MACKINTOSH, LAURA CAROLINE, Malvern Girls' College. (English). MISSEN, BARBARA JOAN, St. Paul's Girls' School. (Geography.) MOGFORD, MARGARET CEINWEN, Clifton High School. (Modern Languages.) STEIN, ILSE, Greenford Grammar School. (Mathematics.) TATE, PATIENCE MARGARET MARKHAM, Brownhills High School. (English.) WOOD, DIANA MARY INNES, Christ's Hospital. (Politics, Philosophy, and
Economics.) Commoners: ALEXANDER, MARY HOPE, Harrogate College. ATKIN, JEAN LESLEY, St. Paul's Girls' School. BAYLISS, FRANCES ELIZABETH CANDIDA, Loughton High School, Exeter. BENNETT, CHRISTINE DOROTHY, Abbey School, Reading. BRICK, RUTH, High School, Hereford. BROWN, SHEILA MARY, Lewisham Prendergast School. BURCH, JOAN, Lydney Grammar School. BURNS, EDITH JEAN, High School, Ludlow. COWEN, RUTH HELENA, St. Paul's Girls' School. CURZON, MONICA SYLVIA, Leeds High School. DICKESON, BRENDA, Selhurst Grammar School. DOSS, MARY MONEERA HABIB, English Girls' College, Alexandria. DRAKE, KATHARINE PRISCILLA, Headington High School. EVANS, MARY, Leeds High School. EWERT, ELIZABETH CATHERINE, St. Mary's School, Wantage. FEENEY, MARGARET MARY, Municipal High School, Rochdale. FINCH, FgLICE GEORGE INGLE, St. Paul's Girls' School. FRANKLIN, MOLLY LEILA, B.A., Rhodes University, S. Africa. FRAZER, JEAN BARBARA, St. Paul's Girls' School. GALBRAITH, AGNES ELIZABETH, Godolphin School, Salisbury. GODFREY, CHRISTINA, St. Paul's Girls' School. HART, MONICA ANNE, St. Martin's High School, London. HARVEY, MARY FRANCES CLARE, St. Mary's School, Colchester. HUDSON, DOROTHY JOAN, Moreton Hall, Weston Rhyn. LANDA, SONIA MILLICENT, St. Paul's Girls' School. MAJUMDAR, VINA, B.A., Calcutta University, India. MATTHEWS, GWYNETH MARGARET, Bendixon's, London. MILLAR, VIVIEN PATRICIA, Penarth County School. MINNEY, PRIMROSE ELIZABETH, Westonbirth School, Tetbury, Glos. MOCKRIDGE, ROSALIND MARY, Oxford High School. MONRO, ELIZABETH TREVELYAN, Queen Margaret's School, Castle Howard. NEVILLE-TERRY, VIOLET MARGUERITE FLORENCE, Our Lady's Convent, London. NUGENT, AUDREY, High School, Doncaster.
PERY, LADY ANNE PATRICIA, North Foreland Lodge, Lydney. RYMER, SHIRLEY VIVIENNE, County School, Bexhill-on-Sea. SHEPPARD, MARY NENA MARGARET, Grammar School, Market Harborough. SIBLEY, GILLIAN PAMELA, County School, Twickenham. SMALLEY, JOAN PATRICIA, Croydon High School. SMITH, EILEEN MARGARET, Brighton and Hove High School. SMITH, NANCY ELIZABETH, Ladies' College, Cheltenham. SMYTH, JILLIAN MARGARET, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Roehampton. STOCKLEY, LOIS ELISABETH, Queen Margaret's School, Duncan, British
Columbia. TRUEMAN, VIRGINIA ELIZABETH ANN, Roedean School. TUPPER, ROSEMARY GRACE, St. Swithun's School, Winchester. TYLER, PATRICIA MARGARET YALLAND, Clifton High School. WILCOCKS, AUDREY MARY VIOLET, St. Alban's High School. WILKINSON, JOAN HAZEL, County School, Beckenham, Kent. YOUNG, EILEEN BARBARA BARR, Wimbledon High School. ZIMAN, ELIZABETH RACHEL, St. Margaret's School, Bushey.
ITS ARY T N May 1944, at Glastonbury, Somerset, after a long illness, ELIZABETH IL MARY BROWNE, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1900-2. Aged 75. In May 1947, ENID REYNOLDS, B.A., Commoner of the College, 1919-22. Aged 47. On April 26th, 1947, in England, AUDREY LE BRETON ANDREWS, B.A. (nee Daman), Commoner of the College, 1923-6. Aged 43.
MAR IAGES New Zealand Army, in Geneva, on September Toth, 1947. (MRS.) ELSIE MYRTLE ARNOTT (née Tostevin) to DERMOT CHARLES HYATT ABBOT, in London, on September 9th, 1947. CYNTHIA CARRINGTON ASPINALL tO PHILIP CHARLES BARRETT, at St. John's Church, Barmouth, on September 3rd, 1947. NANCY AMY BILLITT to DR. JOSEPH ALFRED SHRIGLEY, at Poynton Church, on July ,9th, 1947. DORA BISHOP to GUY SCOTT (Christ Church), on August ,6th, 1947. DOROTHEA FLORENCE BLEASBY tO WILLIAM GEORGE BOTT, in Kensington, on August 6th, 1947. JEANNE BRASSINGTON tO MR. HIGGINSON, on August 8th, 1947. GWYNETH AUDREY CAMPBELL-JAMES tO ALASDAIR CAMERON SUTHERLAND, at Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, on May t7th, 1947. JANINE SUZANNE ANDRAE CHAPPAT tO MARK RICHARD ROSENZWEIG, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on August 1st, 1947. ZITA MARY DIGGINES tO HUGH VAUGHAN JAMES, B.A. (St. Edmund Hall), in London, on March 24th, 1947.
(Balliol), at St. Paul's Church, Knightsbridge, on April 7th, 1947.
at St. Christopher's, Springfield, on August 16th, 1947. BRENDA GREEN to MARCUS INSLEY, on July 21st, 1945. BETTY JOAN HARRIS tO ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, at Clyne Chapel, Swansea, on August 7th, 1947. DOREEN MARGARET HARVEY tO C. T. CRELLIN, at St. Michael's Church, Whichford, on December 28th, 1946. JOAN WINIFRED HOLLINS tO DR. JOHN KIPLING, on July 3oth, 1947. ELIZABETH ILIFF tO JAMES WADHAM GRANT, at Bishopswearmouth Parish Church, on October 2nd, 1946. LUCY HUTCHINSON JACQUES tO LIONEL MUNBY, in June 1947. JOYCE ELINOR JONES tO SAMUEL LEWIS BERMAN (Lincoln College), in June 1947. BARBARA ROSETTA LACEY tO R. M. KIRKHAM at the Registry Office, Oxford, on December 17th, 1947. INEZ LAMBERT to the REV. LEWIS FRANK BOWLES, M.A. (Cantab.) at Holy Trinity with St. Mary Church, Ely, on January zoth, 1948. GWYNNEDD CELIA MARIAN LEWIS to FRANCIS FEARON TURNBULL, C.I.E., at St. Margaret's, Westminster, on July 3oth, 1947. MAIREAD SINE LLOYD tO ALBERT BOGIE, at Glasgow, on August 23rd, 1947. DIANA MCKENNA tO LIEUT.-COLONEL SHEPPARD P. FEARON, 14th Punjab Regiment, at Cookham Dean, Berks., on January loth, 1948. JOAN GORDON MILN to DR. KENNETH MARSH (Trinity College, Oxford), in April 1946. . GRETA LESLEY MUSTO tO CECIL GEORGE ROOM (St. Peter's Hall), at Holy Trinity Church, Roehampton, on April loth, 1947. ALICE EDREY LOUISA PEET to STEPHEN ALLOTT, at the Friends' Meeting House, Sidcot, Somerset, on December 22nd, 1947. ALISON VIOLET READMAN to C. W. WRIGHT at St. Margaret's, Westminster, in July 1947. MARY LOUISE REEPMAKER D'ORVILLE tO KENNETH ASCOUGH USHERWOOD, in Westminster on December zoth, 1946. ALISON HOPE REYNOLDS to JAMES AUSTIN HEADY, M.A. (Merton), on August 29th, 1946. JESSIE FLORENCE ROBERTSON to DR. PATRICK J. COLLAND, at All Saints Church, Margaret Street, London, on February 7th, 1948. PRUDENCE MARGARET RUSSELL to ROBERT JAMES ADDISON, at Christchurch Priory, Hants, on July 5th, 1947. PAMELA WENTWORTH SMITH tO ALAN J. LING, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London, on March 22nd, 1947. JOYCE MARY STARTUP to RICHARD CHARLES BROOKFIELD, at the Registry Office, Maidstone, on August 6th, 1947. HANA LEA UTITZ tO EMIL POLAK, at Reigate, in July 1947. AMY MARY WEEKS tO HUGH WHITTINGHAM SKEMP, at St. Andrew's Church, Rugby, on July 11th, 1947. MARION NUTTALL WHITTAKER to RONALD S. HOPE, at Rossendale, Lancs., in December 1947. DORA AGNES HELEN YEATS BROWN tO MR. CAMPBELL, in 1947. RACHEL ELIZABETH FRANKLIN to JOHN A. H. WATERHOUSE,
BIRTHS MRS. BARBOUR (J. M. Galbraith)—a daughter, May 1st, 1947. MRS. BLACK (C. M. Stradling)—a son, June 21st, 1947. MRS. CAIRD (V. M. Newport)—a son (James Bradford), January 12th, 1947. MRS. CARTLEDGE (K. M. Harris)—a son, March 1947. MRS. CHALKLEY (A. M. Walker)—a son, October 28th, 1947. MRS. COLLEY (B. M. Child)—a daughter (Ellen Mary), November r6th, 1947. MRS. CULLINGWORTH (H. M. McCutcheon)—a son, November 5th, 1947. MRS. CULLOTY (M. E. Clark)—a daughter (Lucille Muriel), April 21st, 1947. MRS. DANCER (D. E. Chatfield)—a son (John Julian), October 11th, 1947. MRS. DISNEY (Eira Wynn-Williams)—a daughter (Anna Jane), August 11th,
MRS. ENNIS (B. M. Y. Tyler)—a son (James Guise), September i7th, 1947. MRS. GRANT (Elizabeth Iliff)—a son (William John Corrie), July i9th, 1947. MRS. HARGROVE (P. E. Loveday)—a son, September 23rd, 1947. MRS. HEDLEY (E. M. W. Lavington)—a son, June 26th, 1947. MRS. HSIAO (G. M. Ziar)—a son (Amos John, also known as T'ich Chu, the
Iron Pillar), August 23rd, 1947. MRS. JAMES (C. M. Loveday)—a daughter, September i5th, 1947. MRS. LIDWELL (D. M. J. Fursdon)—a son (Michael), December 24th,
1941, a daughter (Catharine), January i4th, 1944, a son (Richard), April i9th, 1946. MRS. LINES (E. M. Allum)—a daughter (Susan Elizabeth), November loth, 1947. MRS. MCKANE (E. C. Harris)—a son (Richard James), October 31st, 1947. MRS. MOORE (Edith Renwick)—a daughter (Elizabeth Bridget) April 11th, 1947. MRS. NICOL (D. N. Finn)—a son (Randall Lewis), May zznd, 1947. MRS. NORMAN (E. G. Elliott)—a son (Geoffrey), November 28th, 1947. MRS. PAPINEAU (C. M. Kahn)—a son (David Calder), September 3oth, 1947. MRS. PHILLIPS (K. E. Vile)—a daughter (Hilary Patricia), August 7th, 1947. MRS. POPE (S. E. Fryer)—a son (Timothy Fairfax), March 3oth, 1947. MRS. PYEMONT (Ruth Johnson)—a son, January i7th, 1948. MRS. SHAW (M. S. Plowman)—a daughter (Natalie Jane), October 26th, 1947. MRS. THACKWELL (P. M. Talbot)—a son (William), in February 1947. MRS. THOMPSON (0. B. N. Fawcett)—a son (Christopher Edward), September i4th, 1947. MRS. WHEELER (H. B. Williams)—a daughter (Christina Frances), September i5th, 1947. MRS. WILLIAMSON (M. M. Gyde)—a daughter (Susan Margaret), February 27th, 1947. MRS. YOUNG (E. I. Marshall)—a daughter (Jane Clare Marianne), April 8th, 1947.
PU LIC•TINS K. L. Carrick-Smith, M.A. The Church and the Churches. S.C.M. Press (Jan. 1948). 7s. 6d. Kathleen Coburn, B.Litt. S. T. Coleridge: The Philosophical Lectures, 18181819. Pilot Press. 2I
D. M. M. Edwards Rees, M.A. Christianity and Adolescence. Religious
Education Press 1947. 4s. Joan Evans, D.Litt. The Unselfish Egoist: A Life of Joseph Joubert. Longmans 1947. los. 6d. A. A. B. Fairlie, M.A., D.Phil. Leconte de Lisle's Poems on the Barbarian Races. C.U.P. R. M. Howard, M.A. Supplement to Goodeve on Personal Property. Sweet & Maxwell. A. C. Percival, M.A. Victorian Best Seller: The World of Charlotte M. Yonge. Harrap. Izs. 6d. Forthcoming. M. A. Rice, M.A. Story of St. Mary's, Abbots Bromley. Wilding & Son, Shrewsbury. Its. 6d. Mrs. Simpson, D.Phil. (with Percy Simpson, D.Litt.). Ben Jonson—Works, vol. viii. Poems and Prose Works. ARTICLES S. M. Andrews, M.A. 'Three Poems in Poetry Folio' (organ of Kent and Sussex Poetry Society). V. M. Caird (née Newport), B.A. 'The Hymn as a Literary Form.' Bulletin of Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland, January 1947. `Blest Pair of Sirens.' Bulletin of Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland, October 1947. M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil., F.R.S. [with J. E. Littlewood]. 'On NonLinear Differential Equations of the Second Order.' II. Annals of Mathematics, vol. xlviii (1947). R. J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. 'Chronicles and Memoires—Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: 1314-1498', section in A Critical Bibliography of French Literature, vol. i, The Medieval Period, pp. 214-20. Syracuse Univ. Press, 1947 (Gen. ed., D. C. Cabeen ; ed. of vol. i, U. T. Holmes, jr.) Review of 'E. J. Arnould, Le Manuel des Peches. Etude de litterature religieuse anglo-normande (XIIIme siecle).' Paris, Librairie E. Droz, 1940. In The Romanic Review, vol. xxxix, I (Feb. 1948). C. M. Dowler, M.A. `C.S.S.B. Snapshots.' Civil Service Opinion, July 1947. `Art in Everyday Life: "Art in Industry".' Journal of the Indian Institute of Art and Industry. To be published December 1947• P. M. C. Evans, B.A. Reprint of address on 'Some Problems in teaching the Bible in Schools' in Church or People (N.Z. Anglican monthly). December 1947. Dorothy Everett, M.A. 'Chaucer's "Good Ear" ' (Review of English Studies). Chapter on Chaucer. Year's Work in English Studies. D. H. F. Gray, M.A. 'Homeric Epithets for Things', in Classical Quarterly, vol. xli, pp. 109–z 1. Mary Hampden-Jackson, M.A. 'The Poet Blake.' Theology, June 1947. J. M. Hussey. 'The Canons of John Mauropous.' Journal of Roman Studies, vol. xxxvii (1m). [with Professor N. H. Baynes, F.B.A.]. 'Report on Byzantine Studies in the British Isles, 1939-45• Byzantinoslavica, vol. ix (i947). Joan Irwin, M.A. 'The Dental Hospital of Manchester and Turner Dental School.' The Hospital, June 1942. E. M. 0. Lawrie, M.Sc. [with H. N. Southern]. 'The House-mouse (Mus musculus) in Corn Ricks.' J. Anim. Ecol. xv, 134-49 (1946). 22
Ida C. Mann, M.A. Various scientific articles in British and American Journals of Ophthalmology. E. E. S. Procter, M.A. Chambers' s Encyclopaedia. New ed. (to be published shortly). Articles on 'Spain', 'Portugal', and 'Navarre' in the Middle Ages ; 'Spanish and Portuguese Orders of Chivalry' ; 'Alfonso X of Castile', &c. C. L. A. Richardson. 'Boulter the Highwayman.' Radio Play Feature Programme, broadcast from West Regional, January 1947. `The Bedcord Boy.' Children's Hour Radio Play, broadcast from West Regional, March 1947• `The Plague full swift goes by.' Radio Play Feature Programme, broadcast twice from West Regional, November 1947. M. E. Seaton, M.A. 'The Mobled Queene.' Times Literary Supplement, August loth, 1947. The Year's Work in English Studies, 1945, vol. xxvi, ch. t, 'Literary History and Criticism—General Works.' C. M. Snow (née Pilkington), M.A., B.Sc. [with R. Snow]. 'On the Determination of Leaves.' New Phytologist, 1947, vol. xlvi. M. R. Toynbee, M.A. 'William, Duke of Gloucester and Campden House, Kensington.' Notes and Queries, June 14th and 28th 1947. `A Charles I Conversation Piece.' Burlington Magazine, September 1947. `A Royal Reunion.' Blackwood' s Magazine, November 1947. — Review of H. C. Foxcroft's A Character of the Trimmer (1946). Notes and Queries, February 15th 1947. H. M. Wilson, B.A. 'Rivers and Waters in Literature.' Contemp. Review, October 1946. `Good and Bad People in Literature.' Hibbert Journal, April 1947. Brigitte Wolf, B.Sc. [and Frank Ellis] 'Quantitative Histological Analysis of Radiation Effects in Human Carcinomata.' The British Journal of Radiology, vol. xx, no. 237, 1947.
NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEMBERS, 1947-48 (INCLUDING NEWS OF SENIOR MEMBERS WHO WENT DOWN IN 1947.) [The date of appointment is 1947 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College.]
Y. C. ABOAV, B.A. (1944), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. M. G. ADAM, MA., D.PHIL. (1931), was appointed a University Demonstrator in Astronomy. W. E. ALDER-BARRETT, M.A. (1929), obtained the London University Diploma in Public Administration, Part II, in July. B. H. ALEXANDER, M.A. (1927), IS Senior Assistant in the B.B.C. Copyright Department (established as from October HO. U. R. ALLEN, B.A., B.M., B.CH. (1941), is House Physician to the Medical Unit at Cardiff Royal Infirmary. 23
E. L. Peet, 1939), B.A., resigned her appointment as Publicity Assistant to the Friends' Service Council in November, and was married in December. s. M. ANDREWS, M.A. (192I), was Deputy Headmistress of the County Grammar School, Tonbridge. She was elected to the Committee of Management of the Tonbridge Theatre Club. A. M. ARNOLD, B.A. (1944), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. M. E. ASHE, B.A. (1941), who is now (established) Assistant Principal in the Treasury, went to Washington in December with the Treasury Delegation. I. s. T. ASPIN, M.A. (1931), who was Assistant Librarian, Department of Forestry, Oxford, until June, is now Assistant Editor to the Anglo-Norman Text Society and is studying for a B.Litt. for which her subject is 'AngloNorman political songs'. I. J. BAKER, M.A. (1935), was appointed Senior Almoner at the Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford, from January 5th, 1948. A. E. BAMBRIDGE (1943), is doing her Clinical course at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. RUTH BARBOUR, M.A. (1936), was appointed Assistant in the Department of Western MSS. at the Bodleian Library, from October 1st. MRS. BARRETT (Cynthia Aspinall, 1942), B.A., was appointed History Mistress at Wings School, Fairford, Glos. F. M. S. BATCHELOR (1898), revived the Eastbourne Summer School of English for foreign students. In the six weeks there were 41 resident students and 6 non-resident from ten countries. F. E. BATES (1944), is teaching. RUTH BEAUMONT, B.A. (1940), was appointed Assistant Classics Mistress, North London Collegiate School. M. A. BELLAMY, M.A. (1920), is a J.P. and is on the Ministry of Labour and Assistance Board Advisory Committee for Grantham. She is also Hon. Secretary of the local Moral Welfare Committee. MRS. BIDGOOD (Ruth Jones, 1940), B.A., resigned the sub-editorship of Chambers's Encylopaedia in March. M. B. BLAKER, B.A. (1939), was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Camden School for Girls, Francis Mary Buss Foundation, from September 1946. MRS. BLAKEY (Loveday Wright, 1919), B.A., has been co-Principal of Battle Abbey School, Sussex, since May 1946. B. E. BLOMFIELD, B.A. (1944), is training at the Cambridge Training College for Women, and has been appointed Mathematics Mistress at Christ's Hospital from September 1948. F. E. BOOTH, B.A. (1944), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. C. W. BRADBURY, M.A. (1935), was Secretary to the British Delegation on the Man-power Directorate Of the Control Commission in Berlin from July 1946 till the Autumn of 1947. P. M. BRENTNALL, B.A. (1933), has resigned the Wardenship of South Hill Hall of Residence, Southampton, as from the end of March 1948, on account of her engagement to Mr. R. A. Pelham. J. M. BRISCOE, M.A., B.M. (1940), was a House Surgeon at the Radcliffe Infirmary from May to December and in January 1948 was appointed Gynaecological House Surgeon to Professor Moir at the Radcliffe Infirmary. 24
(1941), was released from the A.T.S. at the end of March and was appointed Research Assistant in the Foreign Office Library in November. B. C. H. BRODIE, M.A. (1936), was appointed Assistante for English at College Moderne Octave Greard, Paris, from October 1947 till July 1948. R. M. BROOKE, B.A. (1945), was appointed Divinity Lecturer at Derby Diocesan Training College. ETHEL BROWN, M.A. (1927), was appointed Senior French Mistress at the Princess Mary High School, Halifax, in September. MRS. BROWNRIGG (I. M. Miles, 1939), M.A., was appointed Music Adviser to the East Riding of Yorkshire Education Committee for schools, youth service and adult education, in September. H. A. BUCHAN, B.LITT. (1932), is teaching Literature for one year at Cornell University, Ithaca, U.S.A. M. C. B. BURBURY (1944) has returned to Finland. She is engaged to be married and will be going to New Zealand after her marriage. JUNE BURDETT, B.A. (1944), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. MRS. BURICHARDT (M. M. Ross, 193o), B.A., is now living in Vermont, U.S.A., where her husband is President of Bennington College. MISS BUSBRIDGE, D.PHIL. (1936, Fellow), was appointed a University Lecturer in Mathematics. D. G. BUSHNELL, M.A., B.C.L. (193o), has been Assistant Solicitor in a firm of Solicitors since 1945. E. M. BUTTERWORTH (1916) has just retired from Edge Hill College, Ormskirk, of which she was Principal from 1941. MRS. CARDEW (M. E. B. Russell, 1923), M.A., gave up her work under the North Cornwall Education Committee in July and was appointed Art Mistress to the City of London School for Girls in September. L. M. L. CARLTON, B.A. (1944), who is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education, has been appointed to the staff of Brighton and Hove High School from September 1948. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL. (1919), was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in March. OLIVE CHANDLER, M.A. (1929), joined the reconstruction section of UNESCO in Italy and Austria in May. M. M. CHATTAWAY, M.A., B.SC., D.PHIL. (1920), read a paper to the Forestry Session of the Science Congress at Perth, Western Australia, and was a delegate at the Biennial Conference of the Australian Federation of University Women. N. I. CHELTON, M.A. (1931), was appointed Lecturer in History and Social Studies at Mattock Training College, Derbyshire, from September. E. B. C. CLARK, M.A. (1913), is a licensed lay worker, honorary and part-time, at St. Mary's Church, Southampton. M. L. CLARKSON, M.A. (1923), has returned from Hong Kong and is now Secretary to the York Community Council. M. E. CLIFFORD, B.A. (1942), was appointed Scientific Officer at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. K. H. COBURN, B.LITT. (1930), is now Assistant Professor of English at Victoria College, Toronto. M. s. COCHRANE, M.A. (1930), is Drama Instructor at two L.C.C. Evening Institutes, and at three Clubs—one Youth Club and two East-end Social Centres. MARGARET BRITTAIN, B.A.
JILL COUSINS (1944) is teaching. MRS. CRELLIN (D. M. Harvey, 1943), B.A.,
was appointed Geography Mistress at Chipping Norton County School. M. J. CROFT, B.A. (1942), entered the Preliminary Training School for St. Thomas's Hospital. MRS. CRONYN (J. P. Harris, 1937) is part-time Secretary to Geoffrey Cooper, M.P. D. F. CUMBERLEGE, B.A. (1937), was appointed Senior English Mistress at the Diocesan School for Girls, Grahamstown, S. Africa, and arrived there in October. M. R. CUNNINGHAM, M.A. (1919), was appointed to the Council and Executive Committee of the National Association of Prison Visitors. D. R. DAVIE, B.A. (1941), taught in a small school in Switzerland up till Christmas, but is now back in England. M. W. DAVIES, B.A. (1939), is working with the Friends' Relief Service in Poland: from June till November she was in Central Poland and then moved to another part. s. S. DEACON, M.A. (1925), is English Mistress at Alderman Newton's Girls' School, Leicester. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), was appointed Visiting Lecturer in Old French Philology at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, 1947-8. She is Chairman of the Committee on Applicants for Oxford, American Association of University Women. H. C. DENEKE, M.A. (Iwo), went to Germany a second time for the Control Commission. R. L. DENNIS, B.A. (1942), obtained a Women Housing Manager's Certificate of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors in March and has been Assistant Housing Manager to Birmingham Copec House Improvement Society, Ltd., since April. MRS. DESPRIS (Nina Shilston, 1939), M.A., has been Assistant English and French Mistress at Alderman Newton's Girls' School, Leicester, since September. B. P. DEVERELL, B.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Varndean School for Girls, Brighton. MRS. DOBSON (F. M. Stinton, 1934), M.A., gave up her post at the Abbey School, Reading, in July when her husband accepted an appointment in Oxford. M. P. DODWELL, B.A. (1944), was appointed Assistant Modern Languages Mistress at Eastbourne High School. s. M. DRAYCOTT (7944) is working with a fancy jewellery exporter in London. M. G. DUCE, B.A. (1935), was appointed English Mistress at the Lady Eleanor Holies School from September. J. M. DUTTON, B.A. (1943), was appointed Junior English Mistress at King Edward's Grammar School, Handsworth, Birmingham, from January 1948. E. M. C. DYKE, B.A. B.M., B.CH. (1940), was House Physician in the Childrens' Department, the Churchill Hospital, Oxford, from January to July, and since October has been House Physician at the Royal Infirmary, Blackburn. M. O. EASTER, B.A. (1943), was appointed a shorthand typist with the Welfare of the Blind Department of the Middlesex County Council in February. S. Al. EATON, B.A. (1943), was appointed Junior English and Latin Mistress at Queen Anne's School, Caversham, from September. 26.
M. M. EDWARDS-REES, M.A. (1918), was seconded from Lancashire to be adviser on youth service to the States of Guernsey at the request of the Ministry of Education. She is now back in Preston. M. J. ELIAS (1944) is doing secretarial training in London. NORA ELLIOT, M.A. (1940), was released from the W.A.A.F. in April and started a six-months' secretarial course in September. K. M. ELLIOTT, M.A. (1926), is now Assistant Regional Disposals Officer in the Ministry of Works, at Nottingham. ZOt EPPSTEIN (1902) writes that since her sister's death in March she has moved to London and is hoping to make a home for forlorn elderly ladies who can get no domestic help. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT. (1914), is a temporary Lecturer at the Courtauld Institute of Art. She was appointed Vice-President of the Royal Archaeological Institute in 1947 and a Membre d'honneur, Academie de Macon. P. M. C. EVANS, B.A. (1931), is Headmistress of the Wellington Diocesan School for Girls at Nga Tawa, New Zealand. DOROTHY EVERETT, M.A., was appointed to a Leverhulme Research Fellowship 1947-8. MRS. FAIRLEY (Margaret Keeling, 1904) has now four grandchildren, a grandson born in 1946 as well as his three older girl cousins. B. E. FIELDING, B.A. (1943), was appointed French and Music Mistress at the Chatelard School, Les Avants,. Montreux, from September. She was taking her L.R.A.M. in London in January 1948. MRS. FLETCHER (Mary Jackson, 1930), B.A., is expecting to leave England in April 1948 though she does not know where her husband will be posted. J. M. E. FORTESCUE-FOULKES, B.A. (1942), was English Mistress at the Institut Prealpia, Chexbres, Switzerland, from February to December, when she returned to England. 0. P. FRODSHAM, B.A., B.M., B.CH. (1942), was appointed House Surgeon at the City Hospital, Nottingham, from November. MRS. FULLER (R. A. Andrews, 1940), M.A., gave up her work with Chambers's Encyclopaedia in November as she has moved to Salisbury where her husband has a teaching appointment. MRS. GADOMSKA (S. C. Pridmore, 1936), M.A., is doing a post-graduate diploma in Anthropology at the London School of Economics. J. M. GAMON, B.A. (1941), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. 0. R. GEE, B.A. (1944), is reading for a B.Litt. M. H. GENT, M.A. (1923), was appointed Classics Mistress at the Frances Holland School, Graham Street, London, from January 1948. s. w. GLENISTER, B.A. (1943), was appointed Secretary of the Screen-writers' Association in London from October. M. R. GLOVER, M.A. (Fellow, 1927), is now a W.E.A. Tutor in Stoke-on-Trent. MRS. CODFREE (Z. J. Garrett, 1942), B.A., went to Brazil in January 1948 with her husband who has an appointment there with the British Council. C. P. GOODENOUGH, M.A. (1924), is now living at home on account of her mother's health and is working part-time in the Diocese of Southwark as a lay evangelist. M. E. GOSSIP, M.A. (1925), was appointed Senior Mistress at the North London Collegiate School. 27
(Fellow, 1935), was appointed University Lecturer in Homeric Archaeology, and a Moderator in Classical Honour Moderations at Oxford. M. E. GRIFFITH, B.A. (1929), was appointed History Mistress at St. Alban's High School from September. A. M. GRUTTER, M.A. (1932), undertook a lecture tour in Germany for the Foreign Office during the summer vacation; she spoke to adult education groups of German men and women. A. E. GUILDING, B.A. (1944), the Elizabeth Wordsworth Student for 1947-8, is reading for a research degree in Theology. B. E. GWYER, M.A. (Principal, 1924-46), is Chairman of the Council of St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green, and of the Council of St. Helen's School, Northwood: the representative of the University on the Council of the Francis Holland Schools, and a member of the Council of Oakdene, Beaconsfield, and of the Institute of Christian Education. In Stokenchurch she is Chairman of the Managers of the Council Schools, and President of the Womens' Institute. w. J. HACKNEY, B.A. (1944), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. E. H. HADFIELD, B.A., B.M. (1940), was appointed House Surgeon to the Ear, Nose, and Throat Department of the Radcliffe Infirmary. M. Q. HAIG (1917) is lecturing to schools and colleges on the History of Costume. D. M. HAMMONDS (1904) was appointed Special Staff Inspector, part-time, at the Ministry of Education. PHYLLIS HARDCASTLE, M.A. (1931), was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Ministry of Supply Branch of the Society of Civil Servants. F. W. HARE, M.A. (1927), was appointed Headmistress of the King's High School, Warwick, from January 1948. MRS. HARRIS (Evelyn Phipps, 1912) has just retired from the service of the Bechuanaland Protectorate Government with which she has worked for 25 years. She is living in Johannesburg for the present but hopes to return to England about the end of 1949. M. G. HARTSHORNE, B.A. (1943), is an Assistant Librarian at the Leeds University Library. M. J. L. HAZLEHURST, B.A. (1931), who was a tutor to part-time courses in Youth Leadership in the West Riding of Yorkshire from January 1945 to July 1947, was awarded a scholarship at the Institute of Adult Education at the Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York, from September 1947 to June 1948. She is studying for the degree of M.A. in Adult Education at Columbia University. A. M. HEDLEY, M.A. (1934), was appointed Headmistress of the Red Maids' School, Bristol, from January 1948. M- L. C. E. HENTLASS, B.A. (1940), who left the B.B.C. (French Section of the European Service) a year ago, is now working for Michel St. Denis (the Jacques Duchesne of French broadcasts from London during the war) at the Old Vic. Theatre Club, an organization affiliated to the Old Vic. Company. J. M. HEPBURN, M.A. (1940), was appointed a lecturer in English at the Royal Academy of Dancing 1947-8;she is also doing Field Work with the Social Survey. 28 D. H. F. GRAY, M.A.
( 944) has been teaching at the Simon Langton School, Canterbury, since September. E. E. HERRON, M.A. (1932), has now left Durham (not Durban, for which mistake the Editor apologizes) and has been editorial assistant to the Directors of Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd., since April. J. C. HESLOP (1944)is teaching at Leeds. C. M. HILL, B.A. (1944), is working for a Diploma in the Study of Records and Administration of Archives at Liverpool University. D. M. V. HODGE (1897) retired from the Headmistress-ship of Friary Close, Lichfield, in 1945, and had to wait till May 1947 to get a passage to S. Africa where she is a mission worker (for one year) with the Community of the Resurrection of Our Lord, Grahamstown, doing parish work among the coloured people of St. Mark's Mission, Port Elizabeth. S. P. C. HODGSON, B.A. (1943), was English Mistress at an Institut de Jeunes Files in Switzerland. She is now reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. MRS. HOLDSWORTH (Mary Zvegintzov, 1927), B.A., who has been lecturing for the W.E.A. and teaching Russian at the City Technical School and at Ruskin College, lectured to Prisoner of War and Civilian Courses at Wilton Park Training Centre. BARBARA HOLLAND, B.A. (1944), is working for a Diploma in Librarianship. MRS. HOPE (M. N. Whittaker, 1941), B.A., was appointed an Assistant Principal, Ministry of Fuel and Power, in December. MRS. HOPKIRK (Mary Perkins, 1921), M.A., was appointed a member of the Essex County Records Committee in conjunction with the National Register of Archives. She is a Women's Institute speaker for the County of Essex. MRS. HORNIBROOK (Margaret Hemstock, 1918), M.A., is an Assistant Examiner in History for the Higher Schools Examination of London University. She is a Parish Councillor, Gerrards Cross, 1946-9. R. M. HOWARD, M.A. (1936), has been in practice at the Bar, London and Midland Circuit, since 1946. JUNE HUMPHREYS, B.A. (1944.), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. G. E. S. HUNT, B.A. (1934), was appointed tutor to a course in Youth Leadership in Yorkshire, under the National Association of Girls' Clubs and Mixed Clubs, from October. J. M. HUSSEY, M.A., B.LITT. (1925), was appointed Reader in History in the University of London. DORA IBBERSON, M.A. Ow 0), was made a C.B.E. in the New Year Honours, 1948. MRS. INSLEY (B. W. Green, 1929), who has been in the theatre, stage and production work, since she went down, has now changed to the writing side of the theatre and had a one-act play, 'The Golden Gate', accepted by the B.B.C. for broadcasting. EDITH JACKSON, B.A. (1934), was appointed a Mistress, Sudan Government Department of Education, stationed at Omdurman Training College for Girls, from January 1st, 1948. E. M. JACKSON, M.A. (1935), has changed her name by deed-poll to Mary Hampden-Jackson. MARGARET JACOBS, B.A. (1942), the Moberly Senior Scholar, is reading for a B.Litt. in Modern Languages. INA HERBERT
M. Hamilton Thompson, 1923), M.A., B.LITT.,1S a member of the Committee of Management, Devon and Exeter Approved School for Girls; and also a member of the Central Publications Committee, Girls' Friendly Society. G. M. JAMES, B.A. (1942), obtained a Diploma in Education, University of Wales, in July, and has been teaching in the North Road Junior Girls' School, Milford Haven, since September. MRS. JAMES (Z. M. Diggines, 1939), M.A., passed the Civil Service reconstruction examination, and after working as a temporary Inspector of Factories in Cambridge for the past three years has now been established as a permanent Inspector in London, where her husband is finishing his medical training. MRS. JOHNSTON (B. J. Harris, 1934), M.A., B.C.L., was appointed Senior Assistant Counsel in the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, from January, 1947. G. E. w. JONES (1944) is doing a secretarial training. MRS. 'CALLA (Vera Pattison, 1916), M.A., who lives in Sweden, has a son, who is nearly twenty, at College in England. She would be pleased to hear from any member of the College with sons of about the same age whom he could meet in vacations. MRS. KEENEY (S. F. De Sa, 1938), M.A., will shortly be moving to Dorchester as her husband has been appointed Principal of the Dorset Farm Institute, from April 1948. PHYLLIS KNIGHTS, B.A. (194.2), has, since leaving the A.T.S., done her teacher's training at the Maria Grey Training College, and was appointed History Mistress at Marley Girls' School, Dagenham. G. J. LACE, M.A. (1924), was appointed Secretary of the Manchester Diocesan Board of Women's Work in October. V. J. LANGTON, B.A. (1944), is doing a secretarial training. A. A. E. LEVINSON, B.A. (1936), has been working for the Times Educational Supplement, since 1946. P. L. LIBERMANN, B.SC. (1946), having presented her thesis for the B.Sc. has now returned to France. P. M. LINDSAY, B.A. (1944), is doing a year's post-graduate work in Hungary— with a Hungarian Government Scholarship. R. M. LODGE, B.A. (1941), who is still working for her D.Phil., is doing research work at the British Drug Houses. M. E. LONG, M.A. (1933), has been teaching at the Girls' School, Yambro, S. Sudan, since 1945. s. M. LUGARD, B.A. (1942), was Secretary Assistant to the Holiday and Training Centre for Boys employed in industry, Brathay Hall, Ambleside, before starting to work for her first M.B. at Cambridge. I. F. V. LYNN, M.A. (1923), was appointed History Mistress at St. Mary's School, Baldslow, Sussex, in September. The School belongs to the Community of the Holy Family. J. D. MCCALL, B.A. (1943), was appointed French Mistress at the High School, Stamford, Lincs., from September. M. M. MCCONNACHIE, B.A. (1943), has been on the staff of Time and Tide, since May. F. M. E. MACDONALD, M.A. (1936), Graduate Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery attached to the Wingfield-Morris Hospital, was appointed Lecturer in Zoology, St. Anne's Society, from October. 3o
C. Harris, 1939), M.A., accompanied her husband to Australia where he has a government appointment for three years, and took up parttime teaching work at the Methodist Ladies' College, Melbourne, in January 1948. E. N. MACLEAN, M.A. (1932), was appointed Headmistress of the Queen's School, Chester, from September. ENID MCLEOD, M.A. (1915), was made a Chevalier de la Legion d'Honeur in February 1947. A. C. MADGE (1944) is doing a secretarial training at Eastbourne. MRS. MARSDEN (M. H. Gillett, 1936), M.A., was appointed to the Executive Committee, Parents' National Educational Union, in July, as delegate to the International Affairs Committee of the National Council of Women. She and her family are still living with her parents while trying to find a house. MRS. MARSH (J. G. Miln, 1937), B.A., previously Principal at the Board of Trade, was appointed Principal at the Cabinet Offices in October. Y. E. MEAD, B.A. (1944), was appointed Geography Mistress at the Simon Langton Girls' School, from September 1948. M. E. MEEHAN, B.A. (1941), was appointed Modern Languages Mistress at the Convent of the Holy Child Jesus, Mayfield, from September. E. M. MELLES, M.A. (1939), is a Welfare Officer with the Ministry of Labour and National Service (Southern Region), dealing particularly with the reception and settlement of European volunteer workers in this country. MRS. MIDGLEY (C. A. Gaminara, 1924), B.A., has been home but has now gone back to India. MARGARET MILLINGTON, B.A. (1944), is training for property management under the L.C.C. H. N. MITSOTAKIS, B.A. (1944), is doing a secretarial course in London. MRS. MOIGNARD (J. P. Dawson, 1935), M.A., B.M., B.CH., Assistant Medical Officer for the Borough of Poole, was appointed Honorary Obstetrician at St. Monica's Home, Poole. A. H. MOORE, M.A. (1922), who has been a J.P. and Chairman of the Juvenile Court, Faringdon, since 1936, is a Delegate of the Oxford Local Examinations Board, and is on the Executive Committee of the Headmistresses' Association, 1946-8. B.M. C. MORGAN, B.A. (1921), is doing botanical work, collecting specimens for Bedford College and other herbaria. She also drives for the Hospital Car Service and W.V.S. 'Meals on Wheels' scheme. J. C. MORLAND, B.A. (1941), was appointed Staff Training Supervisor with Textile and General Supplies, Ltd., London, in July. M. MCQ. MORRIS, B.A. (1941), after teaching in Camberwell in the L.C.C. Modern Secondary School, was appointed Director of English at Bedales School, Petersfield. G. M. MORTON, M.A. (1923), Second Mistress at the City of London School for Girls, since 1938, was appointed Senior English Mistress and is acting tress while the Headmistress is ill. Headmis JOAN MORTON, B.A. (1944), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. D. M. moss, M.A. (1939), resigned from the Cultural Relations Department of the Foreign Office in October. MRS. MOWAT (L. E. Homewood, 1934), BA., was Confidential Secretary to the Malayan Union Secretariat, Kuala Lumpur, from February to April when she accompanied her husband to Besut, Trengganu, where he was appointed 31
Deputy Resident Commissioner. 'It is an isolated district—there is no other European woman here—but interesting and delightful. I am in charge of all the welfare work and represent the district on the State Committee and the Committee on the Central (Welfare) Council in Kuala Lumpur', she writes. v. C. MURRAY, M.A. (191 I), who has been Warden of University Hall, St. Andrews, for the last eleven years, says : 'University Hall is crowded out and the accommodation of the women students at St. Andrews, as elsewhere, is a great problem.' MARGARET NICKLIN (1943) is teaching at the School of Technology and Art, Oxford. H. M. OGILVY (1945), was appointed History Mistress at Westwood Hall High School, Leek, for two terms from January 1948. E. M. T. OLIVER, M.A. (1912), was appointed Assistant Mistress at St. Teresa's School, Minehead, in September. E. M. OLIVIER (1894) was elected Mayoress of Wilton. B. M. ORTON, B.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant Mistress at Pontefract High School from September. MARGARET OSBORN, M.A. (1925), Headmistress of St. George's School, Edinburgh since 1943, was appointed High Mistress of St. Paul's Girls' School, Hammersmith, from May 1948. M. C. OWEN, M.A. (1926), who has lately returned from a tour of the Far East— Japan, Hong Kong, and China—for the Y.W.C.A. has temporarily relinquished work with the Y.W.C.A. and was appointed General Secretary of the National Association for Mental Health in December. MRS. PANNELL (A. G. Gary, 1931), D.PHIL., is Associate Professor in History at the University of Alabama, U.S.A. PAULA PEDLAR, B.A. (1943), is doing temporary work in Exeter City Library. J. M. PEEL, B.A. (1937), was appointed Lecturer in History at Tinnavelly College, S. India, from January 1948. A. C. PERCIVAL, M.A. (1921), is now on the Schools sub-Committee of the English Association. J. E. PERKINS, B.A. (1935), was appointed to Junior Personnel Management, Ministry of Labour. H. M. PERKIS, M.A. (1940), returned to France for a year as Assistante at the College des Jeunes Filles, Suresnes. A. D. K. PETERS, B.A., B.M., B.CH. (1919), who is the Principal Medical Officer, North West Region, Ministry of Supply, was appointed a Lecturer in the Nuffield Department of Occupational Health, in Manchester University. v. J. PITT, B.A. (1943), the Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholar for 1947-8, is reading for a B.Litt. in English. M. J. PORCHER, M.A. (1910), who retired from teaching at the end of 1946,15 Secretary (voluntary) for U.M.C.A. in Cheltenham Deanery—St. Stephen's parish. LUNED POWYS-ROBERTS, M.A. (1934), was appointed Acting Warden of Alexandra Hall of Residence, Aberystwyth, in July. E. F. PRIEST SHAW, M.A. (1917), has left Yorkshire and has a cottage near Salisbury. M. B. PRITCHARD, M.A. (1940), was appointed Assistant Mistress at Headington School, Oxford, teaching Geography, a little English, and Mathematics, from September. 32
S. E. E. RANDALL, B.A. (1939),
gave up teaching in July, temporarily, for reasons of health. M. M. REES, B.A. (1944), is reading for a B.Litt. in Geography. M. E. REEVES, M.A. (1923), has done three broadcasts lately. M. I. REID, B.A. (1942), was established as Assistant Principal at the Treasury. NEST RHYS, B.A. (1942), was appointed Assistant Librarian at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, in the Department of Printed Books, in November. ROSAMUND RIEU, B.A. (1940), to whom the Editor apologizes for the mistake in the list of marriages last year, is doing secretarial work. RIGBY, M.A. (1940), is doing market research with British Nylon Spinners, Ltd., Coventry. J. F. ROBERTSON, B.A., B.M. (1942), has a resident appointment at the Radcliffe Infirmary. P. M. ROBERTSON, B.A. (1943), was appointed Junior Modern Languages Mistress at Milton Mount College, Crawley, from September. J. P. ROBINSON, B.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Southend High School for Girls. MRS. ROSENZWEIG (J. S. A. Chappat, 1938), M.A., is part-time Research Assistant of Professor Kluckholm at the Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, while preparing her research material for publication. H. D. ROXBURGH, M.A. (1926), was appointed Headmistress of the Girls' High School, Wellington, Shropshire, in 1946. F. R. SAUNDERS-JACOBS (1929) is Registrar of the Military Government High Court, Berlin, and Magistrate of the Summary Courts for Remand Cases and a legal assistant C.O.I. in the Control Commission, Germany. MRS. SCOTT (Dora Bishop, 1939), M.A. was appointed Modern Language Mistress at the Enfield County School, Middlesex, in September 1946. MRS. SCOTT (M. A. E. Howard, 1942), B.A., is living in Valetta, Malta, as her husband is serving with the Mediterranean Fleet. c. Al. M. SENIOR (1940), is Secretary to Professor Gilbert Murray. J. M. SHANKS (1944) is doing her clinical course at the Middlesex Hospital. MRS. SHAW (M. S. Plowman, 1942), B.A., resigned her post at St. Juliana's Convent, Begbroke, in July. MRS. SHRIGLEY (N. A. Billitt, 1944), is doing her teacher's training at Manchester. I. Al. sinus, M.A. (1916), was appointed Principal of the Government College for Women at Lyallput, West Punjab, Pakistan, from October. B. A SKEMP, M.A. (1937), is studying at the London School of Economics for a Social Science Certificate. S. P. SLIPPER, B.A. (1944), was appointed English Mistress at the Normal College for the Blind. MRS. SNOW (C. M. Pilkington, 1922), M.A. B.SC., was elected a Curator of the Botanic Gardens, Oxford, and appointed Lecturer in Botany at Somerville College. K. D. STEDMOND, B.A. (1943), was appointed History Mistress at St. Mary's School, Caine, from September. MRS. STONES (J. M. B. Fradin, 1940), B.LITT., resigned her appointment at Glasgow University, in June. MRS. STRAWBRIDGE (Stella Hassid, 1942), B.A., was appointed Technical Officer, I.C.I., Paints Division, Slough, in November. 33
(0. D. Reynolds, 1941), B.A., is now at Greymouth, New Zealand, where her husband is working for the Geological Survey. She acted as field assistant and chief cook on some of his expeditions, and has been doing some lecturing on Town Planning in Great Britain, and temporary library work at the Municipal Library. MRS. SUTHERLAND (G. A. Campbell-James, 1939), M.A., is now training as a Housing Manager. F. G. SUTTON (1910) was appointed Secretary, International Service Committee, Y.W.C.A. of Great Britain, in October 1942. O. M. SWEETING, M.A. (1929), has been Classics Mistress, at Aldershot County High School, since 1945• MRS. SYKES (M. J. Whicher, 1921), B.A., is Warden of St. Anne's House, II Bradmore Road, Oxford, and her house in Lyme Regis is a summer holiday house for older school children and students of French, British, and other nationalities. M. H. SYKES, M.A. (1939), is reading for a B.D. at Manchester University. F. V. TALLACK, B.A. (1943), is a medical student at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. A. E. TATLOW, B.A. (1939), was appointed assistant Lecturer in Applied Economics at the University College of Hull, from January 1948. K. I. TEASDALE, B.A. (1933), was appointed Lecturer in Geography at the Training College, Ripon, from September. j. M. TELFER, B.A. (1943), was appointed a Lecturer in French in the University of Durham, from October. MRS. TREMEMAN (P. G. Moss, 1925), has been an Assistant Examiner in Geography for the Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board since 1944. G.M. TREVALDWYN, M.A. (1937), who is a medical student at Oxford doing a few odd jobs of teaching and research, was Biology 'Don' at Winchester College for the summer term. D. E. TUCK, B.A. (1944), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. MRS. TUPPER {D. F. H. Chappel, 1911), M.A., now has a daughter in residence at St. Hugh's. MRS. TURNBULL (G. C. M. Lewis, 1937), M.A., resigned her appointment as an administrative officer in the National Coal Board in July. H. C. N. TURNBULL, M.A. (1936), has been in the library at the Pest Infestation Laboratory (D.S.I.R.), at Slough, since February, and in charge of the library since October. MRS. USHERWOOD (M. L. Reepmaker d'Orville, 1940), B.A., left the Foreign Office Research Department in August 1945 to work with the United Nations first in London and then in Geneva till December 1946 when she came home to be married. She has accompanied her husband on a five months' business trip to Australia. D. L. UTITZ, B.A. (1944), has returned to Prague since her marriage to Mr. Polak. M. S. VINER, B.A. (194, is training for Personnel Management at Barnes & Co., Finchley Road, London. MRS. VINT (B. E. Jowers, 192o), B.A., writes from Singapore: 'I am working voluntarily in a children's feeding centre and club for the poorest Chinese children, under the Social Welfare Department, and am temporarily supervisor of one of the largest, with 22 voluntary workers to organize, of all nationalities. Not only do approximately zoo children a day receive a free meal but those who wish can learn sewing, carpentering, English, Mandarin MRS. SUGGATE
arithmetic (very elementary), and the youngest members have various kindergarten activities—modelling, drawing, paper cutting. We cater for any child between two and fifteen who chooses to come. It is most interesting work and I thoroughly enjoy it. I expect to return to England in March, when my husband's tour of duty should end.' MRS. WALMSLEY (A. J. Parker, 1938), M.A., has been teaching Modern Languages at Endsleigh School, Colchester, since the beginning of 1947. F. C. WELCH, M.A. (1925), was appointed Headmistress of Ashleigh House School, Belfast, from January 1948. C. M. WERNER, B.A. (1944), has been a property management trainee under the L.C.C. since February, reading for the professional examinations of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. D. L. WERNER, B.A. (1944), is in the information bureau at Selfridges. MARGARET WHEELER, B.A. (1942), returned to St. Hugh's to obtain a full Honours degree. This she completed at the end of the year and was appointed English Mistress at Sherborne School, from September 1948. MRS. WHITEHEAD (Helen Cartwright, 1941), is doing part-time teaching for two terms at the Dame Alice Harpur School, Bedford. MRS. WILCOX (Leonora Fallas, 1932), M.A., is Modern Languages Mistress and Senior Assistant House Mistress at Cheadle Hulme School. M. K. B. WILKINS, M.A. (1940), has been teaching at Benenden School since September. L. H. M. WILKINSON (1944), is Secretary to Miss K. M. Hobbs' tutorial establishment. M. E. WILKINSON, B.A. (1944), is working with W. Wilkinson, Ltd., Goldsmiths, her father's business. ETHEL WILSON, M.A. (1917), was appointed Organizing Secretary to the Coventry Diocesan Board of Women's Work, from April. H. M. WILTON, B.A. (1939), is with the British Post-graduate Medical Federation of London University. J. C. WINNINGTON-INGRAM, B.A. (1927), was appointed Temporary Assistant Housing Manager of the Didcot Estate, Wallingford Rural District Council, from October. SULAMMITH WOLFF, B.A., B.M., B.CH. (1942), is children's House Physician at the Radcliffe Infirmary. M. L. WOODWARD, B.A. (1941), was appointed Catherine Innes Ireland Travelling Fellow, Radcliffe College, for the purpose of doing field work in French Canada for her Ph.D. thesis in Geography at Harvard. MRS. WRIGHT (A. V. Readman, 1940), M.A., was appointed Private Secretary to Lord Pakenham, Under-Secretary of State for War. F. M. WYLD (1898) is doing political work for the Conservatives in the Fareham (Hants) constituency—giving speakers' classes, chairman of the Political Education Committee, and a member of the Management Committee. G. V. W. YEATS BROWN, B.A. (1939), is working at Queen Aliyah College, Baghdad. E. M. YONGE, B.A. (1920), was appointed an Education Officer, Colonial Service, in Kenya. MRS. YOUNG (E. I. Marshall, 1935), M.A., is now living in Warlingham, and hopes to do more W.E.A. lecturing in the future.
1945 1947