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Chairman: THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1949-51: MISS C. M. ADY, M.A., D.LITT. Editor of the Chronicle, 1948-50: MISS E. LEMON, B.A.
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Council EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Principal (Chairman). DOUGLAS VEALE, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi, until the 1st day
of October
1951. ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Research Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Official Fellow and Treasurer. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., D.LITT., Research Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, B.LITT., M.A., Professorial Fellow. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, M.N., Official Fellow, Secretary to the Council. OLGA DELFINA BICKLEY, M.A., Official Fellow. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. BETTY.KEMP, M.A., Official Fellow. MOLLY MAHOOD, M.A., Official Fellow. SIR JOHN LINTON MYRES, M.A., Fellow of New College, until the 1st day of October 1952. ALFRED EWERT, M.A., Fellow of Trinity, until the 1st day of October 1952. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT., until the 1st day of October 1950. HERMA ETHELFRIED FIEDLER, M.A., until the 1st day of October 1952. KENNETH CLINTON WHEARE, M.A., Fellow of All Souls, until the 1st day of
October 1951. MARGARET JOAN SARGEAUNT, M.A., until the 1st day of October 1951. DOROTHY ELIZABETH ACKROYD, M.A., until the 1st day of October 195o. ARTHUR FREDERICK WELLS, M.A., Fellow of University College, until the
day of October 1952.
Principal E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., F.R.HIST.S.
Tutors L A. FRANCIS, M.A. D.E. MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A., F.S.A. D. H. F. GRAY, O.B.E., M.A. O. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in Lit-
tere (Genoa). M. G. ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., F.R.A.S. I. W. BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL. B. KEMP, M.A. M. MAHOOD, M.A.
French. English Language. Classics. Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian. Science. Mathematics. History. English Literature.
Lecturers S. M. CHENEVIX TRENCH, M.A. Medieval History. H. M. WARNOCK, M.A. (MRS.). Philosophy.
Bursar S. M. P. MASON.
Principal's Secretary E. BEERS.
EPORT OF THE TWENTY-FOU19, TH ANNUAL MEETING OF SENIOR MEM E S HE meeting was held in the Mordan Hall, St. Hugh's College, on Saturday 18 June at 3 p.m., the Principal in the Chair. The Chairman began T her statement by a reference to the loss sustained by the College through the death of Sir Frederick Ogilvie, Principal of Jesus College. He became a member of the St. Hugh's College Council when he returned to Oxford as a Fellow of Trinity College, after the First World War, and was re-elected on his appointment as Principal of Jesus in 1944. His help and interest had been unfailing, despite his many other activities. The presence at the meeting of Miss Mary Cartwright enabled the Chairman to tender to her in person the congratulations and good wishes of the Association on her election as Mistress of Girton. Recent appointments reported were those of Miss N. Moller as Principal of the College of Physical Education at Wentworth Woodhouse and of Miss Ackroyd to a Commonwealth Fellowship awarded to members of the Home Civil Service for travel in America. The appointment by the College of two new lecturers was announced. Miss Chenevix Trench, Somerville College, in Medieval History, and Miss Wilson, Lady Margaret Hall, in Philosophy. A bequest of boo had been received from the late Mrs. Warner, in memory of her daughter Margaret, undergraduate of the College, who was killed in a bicycle accident in her first year (1936). Owing to the death of the last of her relatives who had a life interest in it, the residuary estate of Miss Catherine Yates would now pass to the College. According to the terms of her will this was left for the establishment of a lectureship or a Scholarship in Theology, preference being given to candidates intending to read for the Honour School or the Diploma in Theology. It was estimated that the College would receive not less than ÂŁ5,000. The Secretary reported the unopposed election of Miss Herma Fiedler as a Member of Council for the years 1949-5 z . Dr. Ady was re-elected as Secretary of the Association for 1949-51. Other business included discussion of proposals made by the organizing Committee for a dinner in London on 1 October 1949, and a suggestion that undergraduates of the College in their third year might be interested in the privileges and functions of the Association by means of a personal talk given by one of the officers. The membership of the Association now stands at 910. A very fine afternoon enabled the meeting to adjourn for tea in the garden.
THE GAUDY, x95o HE St. Hugh's College Gaudy will be held from Friday, 3o June until Monday, 3 July 1950. The Gaudy Dinner will take place on Saturday, I July, at 7.3o p.m. Invitation cards are enclosed with the Chronicle.
Miss Gwyer would like Senior Members to know 'that the Hillman Minx, towards the future cost of which they so generously contributed in 1946, has at last been delivered, after being on order three years and five months. It appears in every respect perfect, and renews her gratitude to all concerned.' 7
HERE have been no retirements of Fellows this year. The appointment of Miss Wilson, now Mrs. Warnock, as Lecturer in Philosophy, and of Miss Chenevix Trench as Lecturer in Medieval History, were briefly reported at the meeting of the Association in June 1949. Mrs. Warnock went up to Lady Margaret Hall in 1942 and took a First Class in Classical Honour Moderations in 1944; she taught for two years at Sherborne Girls' School, and returned to Oxford in 1946. In 1948 she was placed in the First Class in the Final Honour School of Literae Humaniores. From 1948-9 she held the Gilchrist Studentship and a Lady Margaret Hall Senior Scholarship, and worked for the Degree of B.Phil. Miss Chenevix Trench went up to Somerville College in 1942 and was placed in the First Class in the Final Honour School of Modern History in 1945 ; she was awarded the Gilchrist Studentship, and the Rosa Hovey Graduate Scholarship at Somerville College in 1946, and worked for the Degree of B.Litt. From 1948 to 1949 she was Assistant Lecturer at Nottingham University. During last Michaelmas Term our Bursar, Miss Mason, was given leave of absence through illness. The Assistant Bursar, Miss Menzies, coped most successfully with two people's work; she told me that many things had to be left undone, but such deficiencies were certainly not very noticeable, and to the onlooker everything seemed to run smoothly on oiled wheels. We were glad to welcome Miss Mason back, looking much better than we could have hoped, after Christmas, and she seems to be standing up admirably to the strain of College life and all the constant demands that lack of service, rationing, and controls make on a Domestic Bursar these days. Miss Gray, Tutor in Classics, has just been elected by Somerville College to the Woolley Travelling Fellowship in Archaeology for the year 1950-1. The Council is granting Miss Gray Sabbatical leave for Trinity Term 1951, and she will visit the Near East both during this coming Long Vacation and during the Spring and Summer of 1951. Her plans include visits to Greece, Smyrna, and Cyprus. The London dinner agreed on at the last Annual Meeting of the Association duly took place on x October 1949 in the newly redecorated rooms of the Mayfair Catering Company. The dinner was attended by sixty senior members, most of them living in or near London. It was a great success, and there is no doubt that those who attended it enjoyed themselves. If, as I hope, the dinner becomes a biennial event, taking place in the year in which there is no Gaudy, I would suggest an alteration in date. The first week-end in October is, for various reasons, inconvenient for many people. The College already circularizes all the members of the Association twice every year, and to undertake to do so for a third time, in the Long Vacation, is not really practicable. If the dinner were held at the end of June, or early in July, it would be possible for the notices to be sent out with the Chronicle, as are the invitations to the Gaudy, and this would greatly decrease the clerical work involved. This matter of date is a question which might be discussed at the Annual Meeting of the Association this summer; as there will be a Gaudy this year there is likely to be a good attendance at the Meeting. Two benefactions are reported elsewhere in this issue of the Chronicle, but they require some additional comment. The gift from an anonymous donor of 4Ix,oco, together with securities to the value of ÂŁ3,500, is a truly munificent gift, and one of the largest the College has received. The securities have been 8
added to the Endowment Fund and the kr r,000 has been paid into the Building Fund, which is intended not only for future building, but also for the purchase of freehold or leasehold properties required by the College in its plan for future development; the allocation of the gift to this Fund is in accordance with the express wishes of the donor. The Lioo legacy from the late Mrs. Warner has been invested for the Library Fund, and the interest will be used annually to purchase a book or books in memory of Margaret Le Talle Warner, Mrs. Warner's only daughter, who was killed in a bicycling accident in May 1936, during her first year as an undergraduate at St. Hugh's College. The College does not yet know what sum it will receive as residuary legatee from the Yates's Estate. The memorial to the six senior members of the College killed by enemy action during the war will take the form of a bronze plaque to be placed in the Chapel; the lay-out of the names has been approved, and the work has been put in hand. This term the number of undergraduates in residence is 165, of whom 18 are living in lodgings or at their own homes in Oxford. Only undergraduates over the age of 23 (mostly graduates of other Universities, or ex-service undergraduates) and those in their fourth year are in lodgings; the rest are all accommodated in the College itself or in the adjacent College houses. Only 4 of the present undergraduates are ex-service candidates, and they will complete their courses this summer. No undergraduate matriculated after this (Hilary) Term can claim the privileges of War Service, and the various special War Examinations are one by one disappearing. Most 'Sections' have already been abolished and the rest will be withdrawn after this year; December `Schools' have been held for the last time, and Shortened Final Honour Schools will be withdrawn after Trinity Term 1951. Tutors and Examiners will view the disappearance of these War Examinations without regret. Pass Moderations, suspended in 194o, still slumbers in the Limbo of half-forgotten things, neither revived nor abolished, while its place as a First Public Examination is now taken by numerous Preliminary Examinations, each appropriate to a single Honours School. After next year the Honours Schools will be increased in number to fifteen by the addition of Music. The singularly infelicitous arrangement by which undergraduates reading Music have hitherto combined a Pass B.A. with the B.Mus. will now cease; instead, they will read for the new Final Honour School of Music for the B.A., and the B.Mus. will become a post-graduate degree to be taken only by those who have already obtained high honours in the Final Honour School of Music. This should prove a much more workable arrangement and should benefit the study of music in Oxford. February, 195o
E. S. P.
benefactions and gifts have been received since the last issue of
the Chronicle: From a senior member of the College who wishes to remain anonymous— r,000 together with securities to the value of £3,500. Under the will of the late Mrs. Warner, £1 00.
ST. MA In GARET'S HOUSE INETEEN HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE was the year of St. Margaret's House Diamond Jubilee. This meant that we had some special N Jubilee activities superimposed on our normal programme. We also took over some fresh work during the year, which altogether was a very busy and happy one. The Diamond Jubilee was commemorated by a special Thanksgiving Service in our Parish Church, and by a dramatic entertainment at the Town Hall. The entertainment consisted of songs and scenes from life in Bethnal Green during the past sixty years, and was much enjoyed by both audience and performers. To mark the Jubilee Year, St. Margaret's Council launched a special appeal for a Jubilee Fund, to be used for our Extension Scheme. This has realized over ÂŁ415. It is a great pity that the Government's economy measures have again prevented us from beginning work on the permanent building, but we shall need very considerable funds when we do start, so the &I5 is a real encouragement. Apart from our special festivities, 1949 brought the usual volume of work. In the clubs the steady development of the Anson (Mixed Senior) Club in responsibility and self-government has been gratifying. The Youth Club, too, in spite of occasional outbreaks of toughness, is doing well, but it suffers much from the lack of adequate premises, which makes it almost impossible to develop crafts for either sex. Lack of space has affected the Junior Club and Playcentres less. There the problem is how to find suitable volunteers from 4.30 or 5 p.m. The Women's and Old Age Pensioners' Clubs have been very well attended, and we are hoping to arrange a number of holidays for them this summer, both through the Women's Holiday Fund and privately to Miss Barbara Murray, an old friend of St. Margaret's, who has taken a cottage in Sussex, as an 'open house' for Bethnal Greeners. During the year we have been able to appoint a member of St. Margaret's staff as the resident social worker on the Minerva L.C.C. Housing Estate. This has proved a difficult but interesting project. Playcentre groups and a Mothers' Club have been started, and the Resident Worker has got to know many of the families and been able to help them in a variety of ways. A stimulus to our interest in the welfare of old people in the Borough was given by the appointment of Miss Marjorie Watkins, the Secretary of our Citizens' Advice Bureau, as the (part-time) Old People's Welfare Officer. This has entailed the supervision of four Old People's Clubs and the recruitment of an additional member of staff. The work is proving interesting and very well worth while. The Citizens' Advice Bureau dealt with over 3,900 calls in the year. Many of the problems brought dealt with housing and personal problems of a very difficult nature, requiring both technical knowledge and a real understanding of people. The Bethnal Green Borough Council has just increased its grant towards the cost of the Citizens' Advice Bureau, which should mean we are able to develop it as a fundamental part of our work. So in spite of the enforced delay in getting the Club Extension, there has been much to encourage us in the past year, and we look forward to the future with confidence. STELLA PENLEY
THE J.C.R. REPORT, 1949-5o HE J.C.R. has been occupied this year with the usual full programme of activities at home and outside. We have established, in addition to the flourishing J.C.R. shop, a private milk scheme run by members on a sound business basis. Profits from the shop amounting to £6 were sent this Term to St. Margaret's House. J.C.R. finance has also been sufficiently prosperous to buy the much-desired picture, a landscape by Peter Piper, which now hangs in the Common Room. The St. Margaret's House Sale held in the Michaelmas Term was more than usually successful, and realized £121. The Carol Service also in the Michaelmas Term was well attended, and the Choir gave a delightful selection of carols under the guidance of the organist Miss Whiteley. The Hertford—St. Hugh's Choral Society has maintained its reputation for enterprise by a lively performance in the Trinity Term of Gilbert and Sullivan's Princess Ida. Study groups with Bishop Hone have been meeting regularly throughout the year. During the University Mission Week this Term members of the J.C.R. organized competent discussion groups and held tea-parties for the visitors. A J.C.R. dance was held in the Michaelmas Term, but there was not enough support to hold one this Term. Plans are under discussion for holding only one in the year in future and attempting a higher standard of entertainment. In the dramatic world members of the J.C.R. have distinguished themselves in many of the College and University productions. A successful Fresher's Play written by one of their number was produced in the Michaelmas Term. Two formal debates have been held with the St. John's College Debating Society. Members of St. Hugh's J.C.R. have also taken part in the work of the O.U. Women's Debating Association, begun in the Michaelmas Term. Academic distinction was won by Joan Haworth with First Class Honours in the English School and the award of the Hurry Prize. Helen Wallis was elected to the Mary Gray Allen Senior Studentship. Altogether we hope our time has been not altogether wasted since our last report, and we look forward to an equally busy year to come.
GAMES REPORT, i949-5o URING this period interest in such sports as hockey, netball, and D lacrosse have not been as great as could be desired. More and yet more members are being absorbed in such activities as squash, tennis, and sailing. So much so that the demand for squash courts cannot be met during the time they are available to the College. The number of members playing has made it possible to hold a squash tournament, won by Ann Ritchie. Both Miss A. Ritchie and Miss J. Cooper, who only started this (Hilary) Term, have reached a high enough standard to qualify for the University squash ladder. A few hockey matches have been played, but in `cuppers' we lost to Lady Margaret Hall. There has been some discussion concerning the revival of II
lacrosse `cuppers'. St. Hugh's were unable to raise a team, but we have two blues, Miss M. Keene and Miss B. West. In the netball `cuppers' we have beaten Somerville, and have yet to meet St. Hilda's, the stronghold of the University netball team. The active interest shown by St. Hugh's in the Boat Club has been maintained. We can boast of being the one College which, during the season, have put an 'eight' on the river. We have three rowing blues, Miss M. Curzon, Miss D. Hunter, and Miss H. Marsh. Owing to the state of the river, freshers' `fours' have been postponed until the Trinity Term. During the summer many informal, but enjoyable games of tennis were played against men's Colleges. Unfortunately the College lost to St. Anne's in `cuppers'. This was compensated for by the winning of swimming `cuppers'. We had amongst us a high percentage of swimming blues, Miss P. Uhde, Miss V. Trueman, Miss P. Shields, and Miss M. Keene. Altogether there is quite a lively interest in sport within the College. MARY KEENE Games Secretary
DEG EES, 1949 D.Phil. Mrs. Jarman (R. M. Lodge). B. Litt. 0. R. Gee, J. M. Telfer, E. C. Vollans, R. S. Woolf, M. E. Yockney. B.M. H. E. Bambridge, Mrs. Kipling (J. W. Hollins), J. E. McKinstry,
A. M. M. Oriel, F. V. Tallack. M.A. Mrs. Barrett (C. C. Aspinall), E. Baxter, R. L. Beaumont, L. D. Bechler,
M. G. D. Boyall, L. E. Braddick, A. C. Burrows, M. E. Clifford, D. E. Dancer, D. R. Davie, K. M. Evans, J. M. Fitzpatrick, 0. P. Frodsham, Mrs. dodfree (Z. J. Garrett), A. V. Gordan, M. Greaves, Mrs. Grieve (J. M. Gibbins), Mrs. Holdsworth (M. Zvegintzov), Mrs. Hope (M. N. Whittaker), M. Igglesden, M. Jacobs, Mrs. Jarman (R. M. Lodge), N. M. King, N. P. Littlewood, M. E. Meehan, J. C. Morland, J. M. Munn-Rankin, Mrs. Norman (E. G. Elliott), Mrs. Pelham (P. M. Brentnall), S. E. E. Randall, Mrs. Rawlins (D. M. F. Colbeck), Mrs. Redgrave (0. A. W. Lyon), M. D. B. Seaton, E. B. B. Sharp, M. I. G. Smith, Mrs. Suggate (0. D. Reynolds), Mrs. Thornton (M. A. Clerk), Mrs. Waterhouse (R. E. Franklin), Mrs. Weston (J. M. Gamon), M. L. Woodward, G. M. P. Wortley, E. M. Wright. B.A. F. J. M. Arthur, Mrs. Blin-Stoyle (A. E. Balmford), C. C. Boulter, J. M. Bullen, J. Cousins, E. David, C. H. D. Dawson, E. M. Deuchar, P. T. Duke, D. Dyson, I. L. Echt, M. Flew, J. M. Floyd, M. L. Franklin, W. Gawronska, J. M. Goodrich, J. R. Grafton, C. Hajnal-Konyi, P. M. J. Higham, P. F. Hunt, E. T. Keenor, Mrs. Kelvin (P. Hackwood), V. B. Ledger, E. R. Micklem, Mrs. Morgan (J. M. Haworth), J. M. Mumford, M. P. Paine, F. M. Reid, G. M. Roberts, G. L. A. Schiller, R. Seaman, J. P. Shields, E. M. G. Simpson, Mrs. Sumner (R. Johns), P. M. C. Uhde, C. M. Wheatley, S. P. Wheeler, A. E. N. Whittingham, A. L. D. Willan, E. Wilson.
HIINOUR EXAMINATIONS, 1949 Modern History. Class II, P. Hackwood. Class III, F. J. M. Arthur, H. Couper, B. Dennys, J. M. Goodrich, C. Hajnal-Konyi, C. M. Wheatley.
English Language and Literature. Class I, J. M. Haworth. Class II, J. G. Gratton, P. F. Hunt, R. Johns, A. J. A. Reid, F. M. Reid. Class III, J. M. Mumford, A. D. Phillips. Modern Languages. Class II, D. Dyson (Fr.), M. Flew (Ger., Fr.), J. M. Floyd (Ger., Fr.), E. Johnston (Sp., Fr.), G. M. Roberts (Fr., Ger.), S. P. Wheeler (Ger., Fr.). Class III, I. L. Echt (Ger., Fr.), A. E. N. Whittingham (Ital. Fr.). Shortened Honours. Class III, V. M. F. Neville Terry (Ital.). Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Class II, A. E. Murray, R. M. Reynolds. Class III, M. L. Franklin, E. Wilson. Shortened Honours. Class III, P. T. Duke, P. M. C. Uhde. Theology. Class III, E. David. Geography. Class II, M. P. Paine, G. K. West. Mathematics. Class III, A. E. Balmford, G. D. Rogers. Natural Science. Chemistry, Part II, Class II, A. Wardley. Chemistry, Part I, J. P. Shields, E. M. G. Simpson, A. L. D. Willan. Classical Honour Moderations. Class II, E. M. Smith. Class III, M. Evans, G. M. Matthews. Class IV, P. E. Minney. Satisfied the Examiners, F. G. I. Finch. Mathematical Honour Moderations. Class I, E. M. Hunter. Class II, J. L. Aitkin, J. Salkind, M. Williams. Miss Cecily Clark has been awarded a Senior Scholarship for 1949-50 offered by the Women Students' Property Committee.
P I OCEEDINGS OF THE ESEA CH CS MMITTEE, 1949=50 iss M. K. JAMES's tenure of the Elizabethan Wordsworth Studentship
has been renewed for the year 1949-50. Miss Helen M. Wallis has been elected Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholar for the year 1949-50. Miss Wallis (Honour School of Geography Class II, 1948) is working for the degree of B.Litt., her subject is 'The influence of physical factors on the exploration of the South Pacific, 1519-1770'. She was awarded the Herbertson Memorial Prize for 1948. There was no election to the Moberly Senior Scholarship, 1949-5o.
PPLICATIONS are invited for an Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship of the maximum value of ÂŁ175 per annum, open to a graduate of St. Hugh's College wishing to pursue a definite course of higher study or research. Further particulars may be obtained from the Principal, to whom applications should be sent before 2 May 1950. 13
MAT ICULATIONS, 1949 Michaelmas Term Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholar: COLMAN, DIANA THERESA MURIEL,
Lady Eleanor Holles School. (English.)
King Edward's High School for Girls, Birmingham.
(English.) Ethel Seaton Scholar: HODGKINSON, JEAN,
Howell's School, Denbigh, N. Wales. (History.)
Scholars: JONES, ANNIE, Municipal Secondary School, Bolton. (Modern Languages.) PEARSON, ANN ELIZABETH, Notting Hill and Ealing High School, Ealing.
(History.) Exhibitioners: BOWYER, PAULINE AUDREY, County
Grammar School for Girls, Peterborough.
(History.) CUTCLIFFE, SHEILA LESLIE, Sutton High School. (Chemistry.) HALLETT, JILL PAULINE, Nonsuch County Grammar School
for Girls, Cheam. (Modern Languages.) HUDSON, JENEPHER, Moreton Hall, Oswestry. (English.) HUMPHREYS, MARGARET JOAN, Tottenham County School (Botany.) JONES, DOROTHY MARGARET HOLMES, High School for Girls, Clifton. (Geography.) morr, JANET MARY, Southend-on-Sea High School for Girls. (Mathematics.) TESTER, KARIN INGRID MARIE, St. Paul's Girls' School, Hammersmith. (Modern Languages.) WEST, BARBARA JUNE, Haberdasher's Aske's School, West Acton, W. 3. (Medicine.) Commoners: BEAULAH, LINDIS MARY, Gardenhurst, Burnham-on-Sea. BIRD, MARGARET RUTH, Malvern Girls' College. BLANCHARD, MARY HELEN, Queen's College, London, W. I. BLEWETT, SYLVIA, Bromley County Grammar School. BLYTH, JANET, Ludlow High School, Shropshire. COOPER, JUDITH, N. London Collegiate School, Canons, Edgware. DAITZ, EDNA (MRS.) (B.A. University of the Witwatersrand). DE RIN, DIANA MARIA, Watford Grammar School. EDWARDS, ELEANOR MARGARET, St. Paul's Girls' School, Hammersmith, W. FORBES, SHEILA MARIS, Ladies' College, Cheltenham. FOX, PENELOPE HOWARD, The Mount School, York, and Private tuition. GIBSON, LEONIE JUDITH (B.A. University of Melbourne). GREEN, CECILIA PHYLLIS, Ladies' College, Cheltenham. HALL, MADELEINE FAE, Wimbledon High School. HEATON, EVELYN, Municipal Secondary School, Bolton. HERBERT, CAROLA, St. Paul's Girls' School, Hammersmith. HOWARD, MARY EILEEN (B.Sc. Queen's University, Belfast).
County School, Machynlleth. KENNY, UNA MARY, St. Mary's Convent, South Ascot, Berks. LAWTON, DOROTHY MARY, Ecclesfield Grammar School. MACKINTOSH, EILEEN MARGARET, St. George's School for Girls, Edinburgh. MOORE, HELEN PERRIS, Burgess Hill School and Private tuition. PALMER, MARY LAKEMAN LANE, Plymouth High School for Girls. PRIESTMAN, ANN, Ladies' College, Cheltenham. RIGBY, MARJORY MUIRHEAD (M.A. Glasgow University). RITCHIE, ANN FERGUSON, Ladies' College, Cheltenham. ROBERTS, ANN PAMELA HILARY (MRS.), Rosemead, Littlehampton, and Private tuition. SINGLETON, MARGARET JANE, Oswestry High School for Girls. SPICKERNELL, SUSAN, Newbury County Girls School. STOBBART, MARGARET ANNE, Haberdasher's Aske's School, West Acton, W. 3. TARNER, MARGARET, Camden School for Girls, N.W. 5. THRELFALL, EILEEN MARY, Pate's Grammar School for Girls, Cheltenham. VARLEY, VERONICA MARY (MRS.), W.E.A. University Tutorial Classes. VASEY, CYNTHIA GWENDOLEN, The High School, Bedford. WEBB, BETTY (B.A. Rhodes University College). WILKES, ROSEMARY RUTH, Ladies' College, Cheltenham. WILLIAMS, MOIRA PHYLLIS, Swansea Grammar School.
N zo March 1945, at Repton, MARGARET KARRAMERE MOWLL, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1904-8. Aged 6o. On 31 May 1949, at St. Katharine's House, Wantage, ANNIE JULIA GEORGINA MALONE, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1890-2. On 24 May 1949, at Leusdon Vicarage, MARIA DALBIAC WESTON, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1891-4. Aged 82. Early in 1949, WINIFRED PEACEY, B.A. Student of the College, 1913-16. Aged 58. On ro October 1949, at Eastbourne, EMILY ROSA DAYMOND, D.MUS. OXON. 1920, at an advanced age. The first woman to take a doctor's degree in Music at Oxford. Early in 1949, VIOLET MURRAY (née WETHERELL), wife of Professor Murray of Cape Town University. M.A., Rhodes University College, Grahamstown. Commoner of the College, 1929-31. Aged 45. On zo March 1949, at Lancaster, ELLEN VERA ALICE HEROD (née TURNER), M.A. Yates Scholar of the College, 1937-9.
first Yates Scholar in Theology elected by the College (1937), died after a long period of uncertain health, and a short one of happy marriage, in 1948, leaving a gap keenly felt by a large circle. She was a graduate and M.A. of Sheffield University with First Class Honours in French and English, and had taught successfully for several years in Schools of high standing. She threw herself with enthusiasm into Oxford life, and proved a sound student of her new subject, graduating with a good Second Class in 1939. She was at once appointed Headmistress of Surbiton Church High School, where her 15
leadership and influence are still affectionately remembered. The severe strain of the war in that part of southern England proved too much even for her courageous spirit, and a weakened physique enforced her retirement in 1944. In addition to great natural charm, disposition, and dignity of address, Vera possessed in a remarkable degree strength and depth of character, issuing in considerable power and sanctified by Christian grace. During the latter years of her life she followed the Rule of the Third Order of the Anglican Franciscans, finding in it strength and guidance in prolonged weakness and suffering. She was very proud of her membership of the College, and her many friends in our Society cherish equally the memory of so blest a spirit, all too early taken from among us. B. E. G.
College), at All Hallows Church, Liverpool, on 3o August 1949. RUTH BEAUMONT tO CYRIL OULTON, at St. Giles' Church, Sheldon, Birmingham, on 17 September 1949. FRANCES ELIZABETH BOOTH tO KENNETH ANDERSON ROBERTSON (Wadham College), at St. Oswald's Church, Askrigg, Leyburn, Yorks., on 6 April 1949. MERRIL ATKINSON BRADY to ROGER DAVID SYLVESTER (Balliol College), in January 1949. MARGARET BRITTAIN to LOUIS BRANNEY, at St. James' Church, Spanish Place, London, on 8 June 1949. MARY ELIZABETH CLIFFORD to FRANZ MANDL, M.A., D.PHIL. (Lincoln College), in Oxford, on I October 1949• HILDA DALLEY tO PETER FLINT, On 21 May 1949. MARY WYNYARD DAVIES to NORMAN ILES, on 4 December 1948. BARBARA DENNYS to PETER MORTON SPIERS (Balliol College), at the Church of St. John-at-Hampstead, on 3o July 1949. JEANNETTE MARY DUTTON to CHRISTOPHER KINGSTON HAMEL COOKE (Corpus Christi College), at St. Augustine's Church, Edgbaston, Birmingham, on 19 April 1949. NANCY WYNELL GAMON to ANTONY JAMES GULLIFORD CROCKER, quietly in London, on 7 June 1949. JANET MURIEL GIBBINS to ALAN KENNETH GRIEVE, M.C., M.A. (Cantab.), in the Chapel, University College of the Gold Coast, Achimota, on 15 October '949. AUDREY ISABEL GILLMORE to D. CARLISLE, on 15 July 1949. PATRICIA HACKWOOD tO REGINALD PETER KELVIN, in September 1949. JOAN MARGARET HAWORTH tO GARETH MORGAN (Balliol College), at Lingfield, Surrey, on 23 December 1949. SUSAN PATRICIA COURTENAY HODGSON tO BRIAN ASHMORE, on 27 August 1949. ELIZABETH ROBERTS JOHNSTON to LIEUTENANT PETER EDWARD BRAZIL COY, R.M.,
at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton, on 3o July 1949. AUDREY WINIFRED JONES to RICHMOND SEYMOUR POSTGATE, on 16 July 1949. ELEANOR MARY ORD LAURIE to ALEXANDER REGINALD ISSERLIS (Keble College), at Aberystwyth, on 29 December 1949.
of Art), at SS. Philip and James, Whitton, on Io December 1949. GLENYS MARY PARRY to N. L. ILETT, at Altrincham, on 12 April 1949. CHRISTINE DOROTHY ROGERS to CYRIL ARTHUR GOLDING, on 20 July 1949. XANTHE RYDER to MICHAEL DALGLISH, at Brompton Oratory, in May 1949. RHODA SEAMAN to DENNIS GILBERT DUERDEN, on 31 August 1949. CONSTANCE MABEL SENIOR to DR. J. W. S. CASSELS, at St. Mark's Church, Dewsbury, on 6 August 1949. BEATRICE JOAN SMITH to EDWARD ARTHUR WILLIAMS, B.SC., F.R.I.C., at the Christadelphian Hall, Small Heath, Birmingham, on 8 October 1949. MILLICENT STANDEVEN to ARTHUR W. EAST, on 17 September 1949. RUTH ELSIE TAYLOR to DR. H. PHILLIP GOLDMAN, at the Reform Synagogue, Manchester, on 18 September 1949. MARY ELIZABETH JULIA TRINDER tO JOHN E. M. GILBEY (The Queen's College), at St. Edmund the Martyr, West Kingsdown, Sevenoaks, on 23 April 1949. HELEN MARJORIE WATT to LAWRENCE DANIEL LYLE, M.A. (Merton College), on 20 August 1947. LOIS HEATHER MARY WILKINSON tO CAPTAIN VESEY MICHAEL HILL, R.A., on 15 October 1949. MARY LOUISE WOODWARD tO JOHN EWIN STEWART, in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., on 16 April 1949.
IRTHS MRS. BARBOUR (J. M. Galbraith)-a daughter, 14 June 1949. MRS. BARRY (E. R. Wynne)-a son (Andrew), 10 June 1948.
Nuts. Barr (D. F. Bleasby)-a son (Andrew William), 3 June 1949. MRS. CLARK (Morfudd Rhys)-a daughter, 24 October 1949. MRS. COWEN (Rosamund Rieu)-a son (John), 27 June 1949. MRS. COWPERTHWAITE (Patricia Stockdale)-a daughter (Sheila
Mary), 17 January 1948. MRS. DE TRAFFORD (P. M. Beeley)-a daughter (Mary Annette), March 1949. MRS. FLASH (Delphine Chitty)-a son (Adrian Clive), 6 January 1949. MRS. GREEN (June Burdett)-a son (Scirard Roger), 27 October 1949. MRS. HOBSON (Sheila Surtees)-a son (Andrew), 20 July 1949. MRS. HOPE (M. N. Whittaker)-a daughter (Marion Elizabeth), 9 January 1949. MRS. ILES (M. W. Davies)-a son (William), 29 September 1949. MRS. JALLAND (B. M. Hamilton-Thompson)-a son, 7 January 195o. MRS. LIDWELL (D. J. M. Fursdon)-a daughter (Margaret Caroline), 14 May 1949. MRS. 1VIAISEY (A. J. B. Arnold)-a son (Andrew), 24 November 1949. MRS. MARSDEN (M. H. Gillett)-a daughter (Rosemary Helen), 9 October 1949. MRS. MAY (B. M. Orton)-a daughter (Marian Barbara), 20 November 1949. MRS. NICOL (D. N. Finn)-a son, 31 July 1949. MRS. PELHAM (P. M. Brentnall)-a daughter (Barbara Rose), 17 July 1949. MRS. PHILLIPS (M. B. Pritchard)-a son (John Mark), 15 October 1949. MRS. PUSEY (E. J. Sparks)-a daughter (Anne Elizabeth), 23 March 1949. MRS. SALMON (Melicent Barrett)-a daughter, 28 February 1949.
MRS. SANDERS (I. M. Townsend)-a daughter (Virginia Mary), 3 August 1949. MRS. SAYCE (0. L. Davison)-a daughter, 13 January 195o. MRS. SCOTT (Dora Bishop)-a daughter (Anne Marie), zo September 1949. MRS. STRAWBRIDGE (Stella Hassid)-a son (Geoffrey Michael), 7 August
1949. MRS. THOMPSON (0.
B. N. Fawcett)-a daughter (Elizabeth Alison), 22 May
MRS. WALMSLEY (A. J. Parker)-a daughter (Mary Rosalind) 23 March 1949. MRS. WRIGHT (A. V. Readman)-a daughter (Alison Diane), 13 April 1949. Ants. YOUNG (E. I. Marshall)-a son (Martin William James), 27 November
PUBLIC TI NS S. M. Andrews, M.A. Jane Austen; Some Aspects of her Work, together with her Tonbridge Connections. Tonbridge Free Press. Is. 6d. K. L. Carrick Smith, M.A. The Church and the Churches. S.C.M. Press. 7s. 6d. January 1945. - Sonship. Independent Press Ltd. is. 6d. February 1949. Joan Evans, D.Litt. English Art 1307-1461 (vol. v of Oxford History of English Art). Clarendon Press, 1949. 3os. - Cluniac Art of the Romanesque Period, Cambridge University Press, 1949. 43. 3s. Evelyn M. Hatch. A translation from the French of a story by Claude de Silve, published under the title of Eastward in Eden by Gollancz. May 1948. (Mrs.) Mary Hopkirk, M.A. Nobody Wanted Sam. The story of the unwelcomed child, 1530-1948. John Murray. 15s. December 1949. Phoebe Llewellyn Smith, B.A. Illustrations to a children's book, The Shadowy Man, written by Eileen O'Faolain. Longmans, November 1949. ARTICLES C. M. Ady, M.A., D.Litt. 'The Archivio Bentivoglio at Ferrara.' English Historical Review, July 1949. Articles on (1) Vernon Lee, (2) Paget Toynbee. Dictionary of National Biography 1930-40, (1949). S. M. Andrews, M.A. Three poems in Poetry Folio (organ of Kent and Sussex Poetry Society). (Mrs.) V. M. Caird, M.A. 'The Olney Hymns.' Article published in the Bulletin of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland. April 1949• M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil., Sc.D., Non-Linear Vibration Report prepared for the British Association with the Assistance of Prof. E. T. Copson and Prof. J. Greig. M. M. Chattaway, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil. 'The Wood Anatomy of the Proteaceae.' Australian Journal of Scientific Research, B.I. 3. 279-302. 1948. `Note on the Vascular Tissue in the Rays of Banksia.' Journal of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 21 April 1948. `Some Additional Notes on Sapwood.' C.S.I.R.O. Forest Products News Letter, No. 172. March 1949. 'More about Sapwood'. Ibid., No. 176. July/August 1949. `Visit to Whroo.' Australian Geographical Magazine. June 1949. i8
M. M. Chattaway, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil. 'Cradle Mountain Tasmania. Australian Geographical Magazine. December 1949. M. R. Cunningham, M.A. 'The Value of Correspondence Courses', One and All. (3d. from N.A.S.U., 3o Bloomsbury Street, W.C. 1.) November 1949. Ruth J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. Review of Baker and Bell (ed.), St. Modwenna. (Anglo-Norman Texts, VII), Oxford, 1947. The Romantic Review, xl. z (April 1949), pp. 136-9. Review of J. E. Vallerie (ed.), Garin le Loheren according to Manuscript A. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1947. Symposium, iii. 2 (Nov. 1949), pp. 357-9. E. M. Dresel, M.A., B.Sc. [with M. Griffith]. 'The Heats of Wetting of Coal Powders ground to Various Degrees of Fineness.' Fuel, September 1949. Joan Evans, D.Litt. 'A French Prototype for the Eleanor Crosses.' Burlington Magazine. April 1949. `Ninety Years Ago.' Antiquity, September 1949. P. M. C. Evans, B.A. Article on 'Human Rights' published in Studies, 1950, by the N.Z. National Council of Churches in December 1949. is. 6d. Esme H. Hadfield, B.A., B.M. [with R. T. Hinde]. 'Two Cases of Lateral Sinus Thrombosis.' Journal of Laryngo-Otology, October 1949. (Mrs.) Mary Hopkirk, M.A. 'The Administration of Poor Relief 1604-1834', illustrated for the Parochial Records of Danbury. Essex Review. July 1949. (Mrs.) Lucille Iremonger, M.A. 'Seventy-five Years of British Rule in Fiji.' Crown Colonist, Octobe r 1949. `Seven Months in an Open Canoe.' The Listener, 27 January 1949. `The Legend of Rose Hall.' Ibid., 7 July 1949. (Mrs.) B. M. Jalland, M.A., B.Litt. Essay on 'The Ministry'. Report of Sixth Anglo-Catholic Congress. July 1948. Pp. 90-7. (Dacre Press. 1949. zs. 6d.) R. S. Maas, B.A. 'Shakespeare's "Macbeth" as an Analysis of Evil.' Metaphysical Notes, October 1947. `Jesus' Method.' Ibid., August 1949. M. F. Perham, M.A. 'Creating a New Nation.' The Times, iz June 1949. 'The Sudan emerges into Nationhood.' Foreign Affairs, July 1949. 'The Colonial Dilemma.' The Listener, 14 July 1949. Mabel Myfanwy Rees, M.A. 'The Entry into Pharmacy.' Youth Employment Officers Bulletin, May 1949. M. E. Seaton, M.A. 'That Scotch Copy of Chaucer.' Journal of English and Germanic Philology, October 1948, xlvii, 352-6. The Year's Work in English Studies, 1946, vol. xxvii, ch. i, 'Literary History and Criticism-General Works'. M. R. Toynbee, M.A. 'Some Early Portraits of Charles I.' Burlington Magazine, January 1949. `Royal Portraits at Sizergh Castle', Westmorland, The Stewarts, vol. viii, No. 3, 1949. 'Alexander John Finberg' and 'Louis Wain' in Dictionary of National Biography, Supplement, 1931-40, 1949. (Mrs.) J. M. Wright, M.A., D.Phil. [with Dr. Harold King]. `Aminoindotriazines.' Journal of the Chemical Society, 1948, p. 2314.
NEWS AND APP•INTMENTS OF SENIO MEM SERS, 1949 [The date of appointment is 1949 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College.] M. ABBOTT, M.A. (1932), was appointed College Secretary at Newnham College, Cambridge, from January 195o. D. E. ACKROYD, M.A. (193o), was appointed to a Commonwealth Fellowship awarded to members of the Home Civil Service, and is in the United States for the year. C. M. ADY, M.A., D.LITT. (1900), was invited to take part in an International Congress on Humanistic Studies held at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, in September. Her paper on 'Humanism and Tyranny' was the only English communication. A. M. ARNOLD, B.A. (1944), was appointed English Mistress at Eastbourne Girls' High School. F. J. M. ARTHUR, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. IRENE ASHCROFT, M.A. (1928), was appointed Headmistress of Brighton and Hove High School, G.P.D.S.T., from September 1950. G. M. BAKER, M.A. (1917), was appointed English and Scripture Mistress at the Royal Commercial Travellers' Girls' School, Hatch End, from January 1950. I. J. BAKER, M.A. (1935), was appointed Head Almoner at Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, Middlesex, from April. MRS. BAND (E. M. Mitchell, 1932), M.A., has left Reading University and is now living in Birmingham. L. D. BECHLER, M.A. (1942), is Personnel Officer at Spicers Ltd., stationery manufacturers. EVELINE BLADES, M.A. (1909), will retire from the Civil Service in May 1950. MRS. BLAKEY (M. L. Wright, 1919), B.A., will be co-Principal of Tudor Hall School, Wykham Park, Banbury, from January 195o. H. K. BONE, B.A. (1931), has been Assistant Secretary at the Ranyard Mission, London, since 1938. C. C. BOULTER (1946) is teaching music at the New College School, Oxford. MRS. BOWRING (N. M. Windross, 1943), B.A., is now a part-time Assistant Lecturer at Reading University and reading for a Ph.D. (Reading). She and her husband are giving a joint W.E.A. class in Reading on 'Clear Thinking'. MRS. BOYD (J. M. Elles, 1920), B.A., writes that her son has now left school and is going to Sandhurst. MRS. BRADBURY (L. F. Todd, 1904), writes that her elder son is in the Meteorological Office of the Air Ministry, and at present in Aden, and the younger one is in Transport Command, R.A.F. MRS. BROWNRIGG (I. M. Miles, 1939), M.A., was appointed Music Adviser to the West Sussex Education Committee. M. E. BURNETT (1895), who has lived in France for nearly forty years, had to leave her own house in June 1940, when the Germans occupied France, but 'was able to return in June 1946 and was fortunate to find my house intact, in spite of heavy bombardment in the village at the time of the Liberation'.
C. s.
D. G. BUSHNELL, M.A., B.C.L. (193o),
started to practise on her own as a Solicitor in Bournemouth. MRS. CAIRD (V. M. Newport, 1941), M.A., will be moving to Montreal in June 195o, as her husband has been appointed Professor of New Testament at McGill University. MRS. CARDEW (M. E. B. Russell, 1923), M.A., has exhibited pictures at Heal's and with the East End Academy. MRS. CARLISLE (A. I. Gillmore, 1945), B.A., is in Naples where her husband is working at the Zoological Station. MRS. CARLISLE (S. G. Grove, 1939), M.A., is at the Council of Industrial Design, working as editor of Design Folios, a series of illustrated essays for schools. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL. (1919), Mistress of Girton, took her Sc.D. (Cambridge) in June. N. I. CHELTON, M.A. (1931), took a W.E.A. class in connexion with the Nottingham University Department of Adult Education during the winter. CECILY CLARK, B.A. (1945), was awarded the Oxford University Women's Property Committee Studentship, 1949-50. BRENDA COWDEROY, B.A. (1943), was called to the Bar, Gray's Inn, in November. MRS. COWPERTHWAITE (Patricia Stockdale, 1938), M.A., is now permanently settled in Edinburgh, as her husband has resigned from the Colonial Administrative Service and joined the Home Civil Service. BRENDA COXON, B.A. (1943), is taking a year's course at the School of Librarianship, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MRS. CROCKER (0. M. Harris, 1935) B.A., was appointed Secretary, Modern Language Association, London. EVELYN CRYER, B.A. (1922), was appointed English Mistress at Allerton High School, Leeds, from September. C. H. D. DAWSON, B.A. (1945), is taking a two-year course at Ridgelands Bible College, Bexley, Kent. E. B. DEAN, M.A. (1936), was appointed Librarian-in-charge, Students Section, Staffordshire County Library from June. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), was given the diploma of Officier d'Academie (Palmes academiques), awarded to her by the French Ministry of Education in January, at the French Consulate in Boston, Mass., in November. H. C. DENEKE, M.A. (1900), visited Germany twice during the year for the Foreign Office, as adviser to Women's Organizations. MRS. DESPRES (Nina Shilston, 1939), M.A., has resigned her post at Alderman Newton's School, Leicester, and gone to Stonehouse where her husband is teaching at Wycliffe College. B. P. DEVERELL, B.A. (1943), has a post in the Foreign Office in London. C. M. DOWLER, M.A. (1938), was appointed London Secretary of the EnglishSpeaking Union from November. s. M. DRAYCOTT, B.A. (1944), who was Secretary at the Pallas Gallery, London, W. r, from July to November, was appointed Private Secretary to the managing director, Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, in November. E. M. DRESEL, M.A., B.SC. (1939), was appointed a Senior Scientific Officer, Chemistry Division, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, in April. P. T. DUKE, B.A. (1946), is taking a Secretarial course in London. DOROTHY DYSON, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. 2I
E. R. EADE (1945) is teaching at Penrhos College, Colwyn Bay. R. ELDRIDGE, B.A. (1940), qualified as a Solicitor and is now
in private
(1931), was appointed the Anglican delegate to the New Zealand Council for Religious Education; and corresponding member of Committee of Women's Section of the New Zealand National Council of Churches. MRS. FLEET (N. M. Thorp, 1929), M.A., D.PHIL., was appointed temporary Assistant Lecturer in German, King's College, London. MRS. FLETCHER (Mary Jackson, 1930), M.A., came to England on leave before going with her husband to Nigeria where he has been sent on secondment from Aden. MARY FLEW, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. MRS. FLINT (Hilda Dailey, 1945), B.A., was appointed a temporary Personnel Assistant, Hoover Ltd., on finishing her training with them in September. J. M. FLOYD, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. W. M. FOX, B.A. (1934), was appointed an Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Town and Country Planning, in October 1948. 0. P. FRODSHAM, M.A., B.M. (1942), was appointed House Physician, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. CLARICE GARNETT, B.A. (1943), left St. Elphin's School, Darley Dale, in July to do a year's course for the certificate of Education, with Selly Oak Missionary training, at Upper Kingsmead, Selly Oak, Birmingham. 0. R. GEE, B.A., B.LITT. (1914), was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Modern History, Westfield College, University of London. PAMELA GIBBONS, M.A. (1941), had a five months' holiday in the United States, during which she visited Mary Woodward (now Stewart) in Boston. She was appointed Assistant Almoner, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, from January 195o. MRS. GILBEY (M. E. Trinder, 1943) was appointed Language Mistress at Peterborough County Grammar School in 1948. She has married the headmaster of a Mission School in Madagascar, and is doing part-time teaching at a native Secondary School in Madagascar. MRS. GODFREE (Z. J. Garrett, 1942), M.A., was appointed part-time teacher at St. Paul's School, Sao Paulo, Brazil. M. C. GODLEY, M.A. (1919), was appointed Honorary Adviser and Lecturer to the Ashridge House of Citizenship. In the autumn of 1950 she has been invited to be the guest of the Mayor of Christchurch, N.Z. and of the Canterbury Centennial Association during the Centenary celebrations in December. Her great-uncle founded the Canterbury Settlement. C. P. GOODENOUGH, M.A. (1924), was appointed Lecturer in the History of Christian Doctrine and Pastoral Theology, St. Christopher's College, Blackheath. J. M. GOODRICH, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. HAZEL GOODWIN, B.A. (1943), was appointed Librarian, Baynes Park Branch Library, London, S.W. 20. A. V. GORDON, M.A. (1932), was appointed Woman Education Officer, Education Department, Nigeria, in 1948. J. R. GRATTON, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Social Science. MRS. HAMILTON (A. T. Blake, 1941), M.A., was appointed Instructor in German, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.A. P.M. C. EVANS, B.A.
D. M. HAMMONDS (1904), H.M.I., Ministry of Education, MRS. HANDFORTH (Joan Tresise, 1938), M.A., has left Hong
retired in August. Kong and is now in
Saskatchewan, Canada. (1931), was appointed in charge of cataloguing section of Ministry of Supply Central Library. K. E. HARDY, M.A., B.LITT. (1935), was appointed Vice-Principal, City of Worcester Training College, from September. MRS. HARRIS (Evelyn Phipps, 1912), was appointed Secretary, St. John's College, Johannesburg. MRS. HARRISON (H. S. B. Felberbaum, 1942), B.A., has an appointment with the Economic Commission for Europe at Geneva. Y. L. HARRISON, B.A. (1941), was appointed Secretary and Assistant in the Films division of Encyclopaedia Britannica Ltd., in March. MRS. HAWKINS (H. D. Martin, 1943), B.A., was appointed Senior English Mistress, Harrington School, Ealing, from January 1950. J. M. HAWORTH, B.A. (1946), was awarded the Hurry Prize and is reading for a B.Litt. JOYCE HAZLEHURST, B.A. (1931), was appointed Organizing Tutor for the W.E.A., Southport and District, from April. J. M. HEPBURN, M.A. (1940), entered the W.R.N.S. under the special entry scheme in March. After the preliminary training she went to the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, as a Cadet, and was appointed to H.M.S. Drake at Devonport in August as a Probationary Third Officer for training in Administration. P. M. J. HIGHAM, B.A. (1943), is Committee clerk, Hampshire County Council. E. M. HIRST, B.A. (1917), was appointed Organizing Secretary, Harrogate and Knaresborough Old People's Welfare Committee. D. M. V. HODGE (1897), was Secretary for Parochial Statistical Report, Lichfield Diocesan Missionary Council, in February. MRS. HOLDSWORTH (Mary Zvegintzov, 1927), M.A., was appointed Secretary, Oxford University Colonial Studies Committee and Secretary, Institute of Colonial Studies. JEAN HOOLE, M.A. (1925), was appointed Assistant Mistress, Greycotes School, Oxford, from September. MRS. HORNIBROOK (Margaret Hemstock, 1918), M.A., was elected to the Eton Rural District Council. MRS. HOWELL (G. E. Davies, 1938), M.A., writes that she now lives in a large vicarage in a lively parish in a colliery district: the church is modern but beautifully appointed. P. F. HUNT, B.A. (1946), is doing a secretarial training. DORA IBBERSON, M.A., (1910), will be on leave in England from April 1950 till the end of the year. MRS. ILES (M. W. Davies, 1939), M.A., worked for the Cardiff League of Social Service, Cardiff, from January to July. A. C. ILIESCU, D.PHIL. (1936), enrolled on the supplementary list of officers, R.A.F., as from October 1948. MRS. IREMONGER (Lucille Parks, 1934), M.A., was appointed Staff Artist to Corona, official organ of H.M. Colonial Service. D. R. K. IRVINE, M.A. (1941), left Pate's Grammar School for Girls because of illness. M. G. IRWIN, M.A. (1906), retired from the County School, Harrow, in July.
M. 0. Laurie, 1942),, was appointed Senior Scientific Officer, Zoology Department, British Museum. MRS. IZ (Dorothy Rowley, 1940), M.A., is reading for the Final Honour School of English. EDITH JACKSON, B.A. (1934), was appointed Headmistress, Tonj Girls' School, Sudan, from January I950. She writes : 'This school will be our first for girls among the Nilotic tribes of the South Sudan. We hope to open it in the course of 195o, i.e. when my colleague and I have learned some Duika.' MRS. JALLAND (B. M. Hamilton Thompson, 1923), M.A., B.LITT., was appointed Central Correspondent for Literature, Girls' Friendly Society. M. K. JAMES, M.A. (1935), was elected Elizabeth Wordsworth Student for a second year. JEANETTE JOHNSON, B.A. (1944), was appointed Secretary to the Rt. Rev. Bishop E. J. Palmer, in Oxford, from October. w. H. JONES, B.A. (1934), has reverted to the use of her maiden name. G.I. KEENLEYSIDE, M.A. (1938), was appointed Lecturer in Religious Knowledge, Drake Hall Emergency College, Stafford. MRS. KELVIN (Patricia Hackwood, 1946), B.A., is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. E. T. KINGSTON, M.A. (1921), Director and Secretary, Mayfair Catering Co. Ltd., North Row, Park Lane, was appointed Director and Secretary, Mayfairia Ltd., Bryanston Street, London, W. I. MRS. KIPLING (J. W. Hollins, 1942), B.A., B.M., was appointed Assistant Medical Officer of Health, with duties mainly in the School Health Service, Hull. D. M. LANE, B.A. (1945), was appointed German Mistress at Hunmanby Hall, Filey, Yorks., from September. MRS. LAYBOURNE (H. D. Burnett, 1919), M.A., was Associate Producer, Malta Amateur Dramatic Club, for Off the Record, Command Performance, 16 December. V. B. LEDGER, B.A. (1945), went to Munster University, Germany, in November for eight months, to study. JOAN LE GROS CLARK, B.A. (1944), was appointed Secretary to the Family Welfare Association, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, in 1948. M. A. LISTER, B.A. (1943), left Brighton and Hove High School in July and is reading for an Oxford Diploma in Education. PHOEBE LLEWELLYN SMITH, B.A. (1935), does free-lance work connected with book design—mostly `jackets'—as well as part-time teaching and lecturing on art history. F. G. LLOYD, M.A. (1935), was appointed French Mistress at St. Elphin's School, Darley Dale. MRS. LOBEL (M. D. Rogers, 1919), B.A., was appointed Secretary to the Committee of the Victoria County History of Oxfordshire. This involves planning the arrangement of the five remaining volumes of the history, writing a part of them, collecting a team of writers, making a search for private records and other material, and finally, editing the work. MARGARET MCCONNACHIE, B.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant College Secretary, Balliol College, from January 195o. MRS. MCKANE (E. C. Harris, 1939), M.A., will be returning to England in March 195o, with her two small sons and her husband, whose overseas tour is completed. 24
(M. E. Horn, 1923), M.A., was elected a member of Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council, and Churchwarden, East Lambrook Church. ROSALIE MAAS, B.A. (1943), has been doing editing work for the author of the recently published God and Science. A. C. MADGE, B.A. (1944), was appointed a Secretary to the Combined Research and Planning Organization, Ismailia, Egypt, in March. IDA C. MANN, M.A., F.R.C.S., (Fellow), was awarded the C.B.E. in the New Year, Honours, 1950. MRS. MATTHEWS (J. H. Lloyds, 1943), B.A., was appointed Secretarial Assistant, John Milton Bureau, Cambridge, from October. M. E. MEEHAN, M.A. (1941) was appointed Private Secretary to the Principal of the Royal Academy of Music from January 1949. E. M. MELLES, M.A. (1939), still working as a Cadet Officer in the Ministry of Labour (Southern Region), was tranferred to the Aldershot Office. MARGARET MILLINGTON, B.A. (1944), was given a grant by Bedford County Education Committee, after obt aining the Social Study Diploma at Edinburgh University, to take the training in Psychiatric Social Work at Edinburgh. NANCIE MOLLER, M.A. (1922), was appointed Principal, Lady Mabel College of Physical Education, from November. H. M. P. MONFRIES, M.A. (1940), was appointed Instructor in English at Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A., for the Spring and Summer Sessions, and was appointed to the Faculty of Mount Holyoke College, Mass., as Instructor in French and English, in September. A. H. MOORE, M.A. (1921), was appointed to the Berkshire Appeals Tribunal and to the Berkshire Probation Committee. B. M. C. MORGAN, B.A. (1921), was appointed Governor of Horley County Secondary School, and of Horley Evening Institute, a Manager of Honey County Primary and Infants School, and of Salfords Primary; and the Salfords representative on the Southwark Diocesan Conference. J. C. MORLAND, M.A. (1941), was appointed (part-time) Assistant Editor, Blinkhorn Chronicle (John Lewis Partnership) Gloucester, and a Staff Trainer, part-time. D. M. MOSS, M.A. (1939), a member of the Youth Department of the National Council of Social Service was loaned to the World Assembly of Youth (a new international organization with headquarters in Brussels) as Assistant to the General Secretary from October. MRS. MOULTON (E. M. Brown, 1927), M.A., was appointed Secretary, Finance Committee, Allied General Secretariat at Bonn. J. M. MUMFORD, B.A. (1946), is reading for an Oxford Diploma in Education. MRS. MUNBY (L. H. Jacques, 1944), B.A., was appointed part-time Lecturer in English at Cambridgeshire Technical College, Cambridge. W. E. MURRELL, M.A. (1924), was appointed Occupational Therapist, The Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Hospital, Pyrford, Surrey, from May. MRS. NICHOL SMITH (M. I. Harford, 1912), spent five months in Egypt from December 1948, with her husband, who held a Visiting Professorship at Fuad I University. Their headquarters were in Cairo, and they had a most interesting trip to Upper Egypt, as well as going by air to Tobruk, returning by road along the coast over many of the battlefields. MRS. MACKILLIGIN
Keppel Compton, 1926), M.A., is still Assistant Professor at Barnard College, Columbia University, and is Executive Officer of the Department of Religion. M. P. PAINE, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. NAOMI PAPWORTH, B.A. (1934), was appointed Senior History Mistress at Coburn School for Girls, London, from September. MRS. PATTERSON (Sheila Pridmore, 1936), M.A., who will complete her postgraduate diploma in Anthropology at the London School of Economics in June 195o, spent 1949 working at the School of African Studies, University of Cape Town, and will return to South Africa after July 1950 when her husband takes up a post on a South African newspaper. A. C. PERCIVAL, M.A. (1921), was appointed Principal of the Forest Training College, Walthamstow, of which she was formerly Vice-Principal. M. F. PERHAM, M.A. (1914), Fellow of Nuffield College, was appointed a member of the Executive Committee of the Inter-University Council for Higher Education in the Colonies. MRS. PHILLIPS (M. B. Pritchard, 1940), M.A., did part-time teaching at Our Lady's Convent, Abingdon, from January to July. V. J. PITT, B.A. (1943), was proxime accessit for the Matthew Arnold Prize. MRS. POPE (S. E. Fryer, 1936), M.A., was appointed Latin Mistress at Weirfield School, Taunton, from January, and continued to teach in the Taunton Technical Institute Evening Classes. P. M. PRICE, M.A. (1914), was awarded the O.B.E. in the Birthday Honours List. MRS. PROVIS (E. R. Young, 1921), M.A., whose husband died suddenly in February, is still the Principal of Manor House (independent School) Limpsfield. S. E. E. RANDALL, M.A. (1939), was appointed Senior English Mistress, Upper Chine School, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. B. J. REEVE, M.A. (1930), does voluntary work at the Boy's Prison, Wormwood Scrubs. A. J. A. REID, B.A. (1946), is doing a Secretarial training. F. M. REID, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. MRS. ROBERTSON (F. E. Booth, 1944), B.A., was appointed a part-time teacher at North Bedfordshire College of Further Education from October. G. L. A. SCHILLER, B.A. (1944), was appointed a teacher at Ludwick Infant School, Welwyn Garden City, from September. M. E. SEATON, M.A. (Fellow), has moved to 8 Winchester Road, where she hopes her old students will go to see her. M. D. B. SEATON, B.A. (1940), is Secretary, British Council, Agra, U.P., India. E. B. B. SHARP, M.A. (1925), is now Secretary and Deputy Director, Institute of Personnel Management, which moved in January 195o from Old Broad Street to Hill Street, W. I. PETRONELLA SHIELDS, B.A. (1946), was appointed Industrial Chemist with Chiswick Products Ltd., London, from October. MRS. SHRIGLEY (N. A. Billitt, 1944), B.A., was re-appointed to teach French at Poynton Evening Institute from September. G. M. S. SIMEY, B.A. (1923), was appointed a J.P. MRS. simms (Helen Moss, 1921), B.A., was appointed Senior English Mistress, St. Felix School, Southwold, in September 1948. MRS. SINGER-BLAU (Helen Singer, 1943), B.A., was appointed Civics Mistress at Moreton Hall School, Oswestry, from September. z6
(1944), was living with a French family near Paris for a few months. She is taking a Diploma Course in the General History of Art at l'Ecole de Louvre, and also studying French at l'Institut Phonetique de l'Universite de Paris. J. M. SMELLIE, B.A. (1944), is a medical student at University College Hospital, London. L. V. SOUTHWELL, M.A. (1909), retired from St. George's School, Clarens, Switzerland. L. L. SPENCER (1913), is doing voluntary work for the local after-care and emergency branch of the British Red Cross Society. A. N. STEVENSON, M.A. (1932), was appointed Senior English Mistress, Chichester Girls' High School, in 1948; she joined the staff in January 1946. MRS. SUTHERLAND (G. A. Campbell James, 1939), M.A., who has been a parttime lecturer at Stafford Technical College, is moving to Newcastle-onTyne, where her husband has been appointed a Lecturer from January 1950. MRS. THOMAS (G. M. Willing, 1929), B.LITT., was appointed (part-time) Supervisor of London School Practice, Homerton College, Cambridge, and appointed an oral examiner in French and Spanish, Schools Examination Council, University of London. H. C. THOMSON, M.A., (1922), was appointed a J.P. D. M. THORNTON, M.A. (1934), is Almoner, Cardiac Department, the London Hospital. D. E. TUCK, B.A. (1944), was appointed Senior English and History Mistress at Wycombe Court, Lane End, High Wycombe, from January. MRS. TUPPER (D. F. H. Chappel, 1911), M.A., is Honorary Secretary of the Harrow Council of Churches. P. M. C. UHDE, B.A. (1946), is working in the Research and Statistics Division of the Economic Co-operation Administration in London. MRS. VINT (B. E. Jowers, 1920), B.A., is now living in a modern flat outside York with her husband who is attached to G.H.Q. Northern Command. H. M. WALLIS, B.A. (1945), was elected to the Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship for 1949-50. A. A. WARDLEY, B.A. (1945), was appointed a Technical Officer, I.C.I., Dyestuffs Division, Blackley, Manchester. B. J. WATCYN-WILLIAMS, B.A. (1946), was appointed Senior History Mistress at Lady Margaret High School, Cardiff, from January 1950. MRS. WATERHOUSE (R. E. Franklin, 1941), M.A., has held a research Scholarship at the University of Birmingham since September 1948. C. M. WATSON, B.A. (1921), was appointed Secretary, Lady Margaret Hall Settlement, Lambeth, S.E. 11, from July. M. E. S. WEIR, B.A. (1946), was appointed Secretary to the Librarian of the National Book League in November. MRS. WEST (Sybil Goulding, Fellow 1925), M.A., has been an awarder to the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board for some years and regularly examines for the Board in oral and written French. She also examines for London University Matriculation Board and the Delegacy of Oxford Local Examinations. C. M. WHEATLEY, B.A. (1946), is doing a Secretarial training. S. P. WHEELER, B.A. (1946), is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. M. T. WHITCOMBE (1945) was appointed Secretary to the Diplomatic Correspondent of the European Services of the B.B.C. in December. S. P. SLIPPER, B.A.
A. E. N. WHITTINGHAM, B.A. (1947), is doing a Secretarial course. M. E. WILKINSON, B.A. (1944), was appointed to the Civil Service, Customs
and Excise, in February. A. L. D. WILLANS (1946) is reading for the Cambridge Diploma in Education. G. M. B. WILLIAMS, M.A. (1924), was elected President of the Association of Assistant Mistresses in January 195o. EDITH WILSON, B.A. (1946), is reading for a Social Science Diploma, London School of Economics. SULAMMITH WOLFF, B.M. (1942), was House Physician, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, from January to August. In October she was appointed House Physician to the Rheumatology Unit, Royal Free Hospital, London.