CHRONICLE 19 5 1 5 2 Number 24
ST. HUGH'S COLLEGE, OXFORD ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR MEMBERS ANNUAL MEETING, 5952 In accordance with the provisions of Statute XI, 5, the twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Association will take place at St. Hugh's College on Saturday, June 1952,
at 3 p.m. DRAFT AGENDA
x. Minutes. z. Chairman's Statement. 3. Election of Editor of the Chronicle. 4. Consideration of a Dinner in London. 5
Other Business, if any. C. M. ADY, Secretary.
Tea will be served after the meeting. Notice of further business for inclusion in the Agenda should be sent to me by May 31st.
THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1951-53:
MISS C. M. ADY, M.A., D.LITT. Editor of the Chronicle, 1950-52:
7 7 7
8 8
Council EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Principal (Chairman). ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Research Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, B.LITT., M.A., Professorial Fellow. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, M.A., Official Fellow. OLGA DELFINA BICKLEY, M.A., Official Fellow. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. BETTY KEMP, M.A., Official Fellow. MOLLY MAHOOD, M.A., Official Fellow. HON. HONOR MILDRED VIVIAN SMITH, M.A., Research Fellow. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT., Supernumerary Fellow. PAMELA OLIVE ELIZABETH GRADON, M.A., Official Fellow. AGNES PRISCILLA WELLS, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary to Council.
Principal E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., F.R.HIST.S.
Tutors E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. D. H. F. GRAY, O.B.E., M.A. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore
French. Classics. in Let- Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in
tere (Genoa). Science. Mathematics. History. English Literature. English Language.
Lecturers S.
Medieval History. Philosophy. Physics. Cassel Lecturer in German. Geography.
Treasurer A. P. WELLS, M.A.
Bursar E. M. WORNER.
Librarian I. S. T. ASPIN, B.LITT., M.A.
Principal's Secretary E. BEERE.
HE meeting was held in the Mordan Hall on Saturday, 16 June 1951. f Twenty-one Senior Members were present. In the absence of the Secretary, Dr. Busbridge kindly acted in her place. The Chairman in her statement made some observations and comments on the new constitution of the Council of the College, which had recently received final approval from the Hebdomadal Council and the Privy Council. She emphasized that the change had been initiated by the men members of Council, in particular by Sir Frederick Ogilvie shortly before his death, and by the Registrar who felt strongly that the change was inevitable and that it should come sooner rather than later. Some people had questioned the ability of the new Council to deal with finance but as the Council had the advice of an eminent Stockbroker, Sir Frank Newson-Smith, on all financial matters, this difficulty should not arise. The changes in the Statute XI. Association of Senior Members were also commented upon. The Chairman next told of the acquisition from St. John's College of the rest of the island site, bounded by the Banbury Road, St. Margaret's Road, Woodstock Road, and Canterbury Road. The remainder of the lease of 78 Woodstock Road had also been acquired and would provide accommodation for a tutor and seven students from the beginning of the coming academic year. The Chairman spoke of the retirement of Miss Thorneycroft who had served the College as Bursar and then as Treasurer from 1925, and who would be greatly missed by Senior Members of many generations. The following appointments were announced. Treasurer: Miss Wells, Westfield College, Temporary Administrative Officer in the Treasury. Cassell Lecturer in German: Miss Margaret Jacob, Senior Member of the College and Assistant Lecturer at Manchester University. Lecturer in Geography: Miss Marjorie Sweeting, Research Fellow of Newnham College. Dr. Ady was re-elected as Secretary of the Association 1951-3.
DINNE IN LONDON, 1951 HE Association Dinner in London, which, as agreed at the twenty-fifth T annual meeting, was to have been arranged in July 1951, had to be cancelled as an insufficient number of names was sent in.
LETTER F OM MISS THO NEYCROFT DEAR FELLOW MEMBERS, I want to express my very warm thanks to all of you who contributed to the cheque which was given to me before I left Oxford. I do appreciate very much your generosity and most of all the kind thoughts which prompted the gift. 7
I did intend to try and write to each one of you and should like to have done so but when I sat down to think it out seriously I realized it would be too big an undertaking. I have not yet used the gift. After much thought I decided to use it for travel which I could not otherwise afford. Unfortunately money regulations make this impossible in the immediate future, but I shall still keep it for this hoping and believing that rosier years are ahead of us. I miss St. Hugh's and Oxford and many things connected with Oxford. After 26 good years this could hardly be otherwise. But I am enjoying living in London and never find time hang heavily on my hands. In fact there are not enough hours in the day! I hope some of you will occasionally pay me a visit. My flat is not far from St. John's Wood Station and several buses are quite near at hand. It is easily accessible from any of the central parts of London. My telephone number is Maida Vale 1825. I shall always be glad to see any of you and you will always be welcome. My thanks and good wishes to all of you. Yours sincerely, GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT
THE G UDY Prim demolition of the huts in St. Hugh's gardens is scheduled to begin
.11. on i March and is likely to take at least four months to complete. The College has therefore decided not to hold a Gaudy in 1952. It is hoped to hold one instead in July 1953.
THE PRINCIPAL'S REPORT TN August last Miss Thorneycroft retired after twenty-six years at St. I Hugh's College first as Bursar and later as Treasurer. Miss Thorneycroft was appointed Bursar in 1925 and elected to an Official Fellowship in 1927. Until 1932 the College had an external Treasurer, but from then onward the Bursar became responsible for the whole financial administration. After the war when the volume of administrative work had greatly increased, it was decided to divide the financial from the domestic duties of the Bursar, and to create two separate offices: that of Treasurer and that of Domestic Bursar. Consequently in 1946 Miss Thorneycroft became Treasurer and held this office until her retirement last summer. During her tenure of office as Bursar and Treasurer, the College has extended its buildings and stabilized its finances. Miss Thorneycroft is well known to members of the Association with whom she has done much to keep in touch, and carries with her their good wishes on her retirement. The College has lost an old and valued friend by the death on 28 January 1952 of Percy Comyn Lyon, C.S.I., Emeritus Fellow of Oriel College. Mr. Lyon was born in 186z and was educated at King's School, Bruton, and at Oriel College. He entered the Indian Civil Service in 1883, held many
important posts and ended by being Vice-President of the Executive and Legislative Councils of Bengal (1914-17). He returned to Oriel as Fellow and Treasurer from 1918 to 1928. He was a co-opted member of the Council of St. Hugh's from 1926 to 1935. He held the office of Treasurer of the College from 1926 to 1932 and did much to set in order and strengthen its finances. From 1930 until 1935 he was Chairman of Council. After his retirement he continued to take a friendly interest in the College. Last Michaelmas Term Dr. Joan Evans was elected as our first Supernumerary Fellow under the amended Statutes. She thus again, after a brief interlude of a few months, becomes a member of the Governing Body on which she served as a co-opted member from the granting of the Charter in 1926 until the Council was limited to the Principal and Fellows at the beginning of Trinity Term 1951. There have been two elections to Official Fellowships: Miss Gradon, whose appointment as Tutor in English Language was reported last year, and Miss A. P. Wells, who last summer succeeded Miss Thorneycroft as Treasurer. Miss Wells is a graduate of Westfield College, London, where she read Modern Languages; before her appointment as Treasurer she held the post of temporary Administrative Officer in H.M. Treasury. Two new Lecturers have been appointed: Miss M. Jacobs (St. Hugh's College, 1942-3 and 1945-7 ; Final Honour School of Modern Languages Class I, 1947, Moberly Senior Scholar 1947-8; Assistant Lecturer in German, University of Manchester, 1948-51) as Cassel Lecturer in German, and Miss M. M. Sweeting (Newnham College, Cambridge, Geographical Tripos Part I, Class I, 1940, Part II, Class I, 1941; Ph.D. 1948; Research Fellow of Newnham College 1948-5 i) as LectUrer in Geography. Last summer the College purchased the lease of 78 Woodstock Road of which it was already ground landlord. Accommodation has thus been provided for Miss Jacobs and seven undergraduates. Although smaller than our other houses, this house is very suitable for College use. It has no basement, but good kitchen quarters for a man and wife who supply the domestic service ; there are suitable rooms for the Senior Member in charge and good, wellshaped rooms for undergraduate bed-sitting rooms. The house adjoins 8o Woodstock Road which has been occupied by the College since 1936 and it has access to College through the gardens. In June 1951 Miss Gwyer gave up her lease of West Cottage which adjoins East Cottage (the official residence of the Treasurer) and is in the garden of the Shrubbery (now leased to the Maison Francaise). The cottage was let during the summer months but since the beginning of Michaelmas Term has been used to provide accommodation for three undergraduates of mature age. After nearly a year of difficulties and delays, and with the help and support of the University, the College has at last obtained a licence for the demolition of the huts erected in the College gardens during the war. The work of demolition will begin on 1 March and the contractors reckon that it will take at least four months to carry out, while the rehabilitation of the gardens can hardly be completed before the autumn. This is the year for the biennial Gaudy which should take place early in July, but as • it is impossible to guarantee that the huts will be completely demolished by then, the College has decided not to hold a Gaudy this year, but to postpone it until July 1953, by which time we shall hope to have our gardens restored to something like their pre-war beauty and privacy. E. S. P. February 1952 .
ENEFACTI NS AND GIFTS MHE following benefactions and gifts have been received since the last I. issue of the Chronicle: Under the Will of the late Miss Winifred Woolley (M.A., student of the College 1915-18): L50. From Miss Phyllis Price the sum of £120 to provide a Scholarship or Exhibition in History of £q.o a year for three years, to be called the Frances Savory Scholarship or Exhibition. From Miss Margaret Bone an oil painting by Frances D. Bedford—' Oh all ye green things of the earth.' ,
THE I.C.A. REP RT, 1951-2 'T'HE activities of the J.C.R., as Senior members must know very well,
-11. do not vary greatly from one year to the next. One name is simply substituted for another in the list of academic distinctions or distinctions in other fields. Internally, however, a J.C.R. varies noticeably from year to year, particularly in its general attitude. The last year has been quietly enjoyable because the majority of members seem to prefer an even tenour of existence, a balanced diet of work and relaxation, to the rather disturbed excitement which is usually the atmosphere of an outstanding year. The immediate result of this is that J.C.R. meetings are as brief as possible as opposed to the long and hotly debated arguments of other years, and that the J.C.R. prefers to spend its surplus money on the luxuries of a hair-drier and a punt and on setting aside a small sum every term towards a good fiction library and a picture fund. The comfort of the J.C.R. itself has been increased by the recovering of the chairs, half in a tomato colour and half in brown and white stripes, while new lamp shades have been bought for the wall brackets. The most unusual innovation has been that we now have beer and cider to drink in Hall, but this again is an indication that the present J.C.R. is one that appreciates its creature comforts and an untroubled life. One of the characteristics of this easy-going air is, however, an unwillingness to enter very strenuously into any form of activity, with the result that a handful of people undertake all the organization and responsibilities. But those few have succeeded remarkably well. The St. Margaret's House Sale was the most successful ever held, and the annual dance was extremely well arranged and attended. There are also a large number of members who are officials of University societies such as the Critical, Heraldry, and Italian Societies, and who play or sing in University orchestras or choirs. The St. Hugh's Choir itself is still large and proves its capabilities to the College at the yearly Carol Service. The J.C.R. in fact has a great deal of talent which is generally only made public at the entertainment on St. Hugh's Night, which now includes some kind of dramatic entertainment such as sketches or monologues, and in the Freshers' Play in the Michaelmas Term. In the academic field the College had two members with First Class Honours in Schools—Gwynneth Matthews in Lit. Hum. and Cicely Fortescue in Modern Languages. Gwynneth Matthews was also awarded the I0
Hurry Prize. The Moberly Senior Scholarship was given to Rachel Toulmin and Elizabeth Hunter was awarded the Francis Hutchinson Senior Scholarship at Lady Margaret Hall. Otherwise the J.C.R. contrives along its familiar lines. The Daily Worker is still outvoted at General Meetings and the Fiction Library dies and is revived. The present First Year, however, promise to be more active than the past two years. It is difficult to present any definite pattern of College life in a J.C.R. Report, but it will be interesting to attempt to read between the lines in future ones and see if that promise has been fulfilled. DIANA COLMAN
TNTEREST in College games this year seems to have been more social than serious, although there are a number of people who take an active part in University games. The weather in the Trinity Term was not very reliable, but we enjoyed several friendly tennis matches with the men's colleges. We were beaten by Somerville in the first round of `cuppers', but we made up for this in our rowing as St. Hugh's won the Inter-college Freshers' fours. This is hardly surprising, since three of the four have this year gained their rowing blues : Miss K. Curtis (stroke), Miss A. House (cox), and Miss E. Kennedy-Skipton. St. Hugh's came second in swimming `cuppers', and Miss M. Keene gained a swimming blue. There have been several hockey fixtures with the men's colleges during the past two terms, although it has always been difficult to raise a team. In the `cuppers' matches we were beaten by Somerville (1—o) in the first round, but we all enjoyed a good game. Several people played in University practices, and Miss P. Morton gained her blue. A number of people in the College play squash but there have been no blues in this game. There is no enthusiasm for netball and little for lacrosse, with the exception of those who play regularly for the University; blues have not yet been awarded. PAMELA MORTON, Games Secretary
DEGREES, 1951 B.Litt. I. S. T. Aspin, Thesis: Anglo-Norman political songs. E. M. Gibson, Thesis: Scottish vernacular satire and lampoon in the eighteenth century, considered in relation with some other kinds of vernacular literature. Mrs. Higginson (J. Brassington), Thesis: A geographical survey of fruitgrowing in the Vale of Evesham and the Wisbech area. M. M. Rees, Thesis: Rural settlement in North Wales since the late eighteenth century. D. F. Wright, Thesis: The Grace of God in the Old Testament, considered with reference to certain Hebrew words and ideas. B.Phil. Mrs. Daitz. B.M. T. E. Zaiman. II
M.A. by incorporation: Mrs. G. M. James, Miss M. M. Sweeting. M.A. Y. C. Aboav, Mrs. Addison (P. M. Russell), S. 0. Allison, Mrs. Ashton-
Hopper (M. C. J. Harvey), S. M. Backhouse, K. L. Ball, F. E. Bates, Mrs. Batten (A. M. M. Oriel), Mrs. Blinkhorn (M. P. Thorneycroft), B. E. Blomfield, M. Y. B. Boyd, R. M. Brooke, L. M. L. Carlton, Mrs. Cawte (M. E. Gerken), Mrs. Doran (G. M. Ziar), Mrs. Dowrick (M. C. B. Burbury), M. G. Edwards, Mrs. Fessler (A. M. Arnold), Mrs. Fincham (J. Cousins), 0. R. Gee, Mrs. Geddes (E. H. G. La'Brooy), Mrs. Green (J. Burdett), M. E. L. Griffiths, W. J. L. Hazelhurst, B. M. Henderson, E. M. Henry, Mrs. Hewson (A. F. Fisher), Mrs. Higginson (J. Brassington), Mrs. Hill (L. H. M. Wilkinson), J. Johnson, A. C. Madge, Mrs. Mann (M. G. Hartshorne), Y. E. Mead, M. Millington, Mrs. Munby (L. H. Jaques), Mrs. Polak (H. L. Utitz), Mrs. Potter (M. Newman), M. M. Rees, M. I. Reid, J. M. Robinson, M. Sherlock, Mrs. Shrigley (N. A. Billitt), S. P. Slipper, J. Md. Smellie, Hon. Janetta Somerset, H. M. Stewart, Mrs. Takada (M. F. Nakamura), F. V. Tallack, Mrs. Tompkins (J. M. E. Fortescue-Foulkes), M. A. W. Toovey, Mrs. Trehearne (M. V. Blake), D. E. Tuck, E. K. Wallen, C. M. Werner, D. L. Werner, S. J. A. Wickham, M. E. Wilkinson, Mrs. Wyatt (H. M. Watts). B.A. J. L. Atkin, S. E. Brown, M. E. Cain, N. M. Clegg, G. Crowther, S. K. Davies, M. Evans, M. M. Feeney, C. N. Fonthier, C. R. Fortescue, E. M. Hunter, J. E. Jackson, Mrs. Keeley (M. M. S. Kyris), M. Keene, M. C. Levett, V. Majumdar, H. S. Marsh, G. M. Matthews, L. E. Matthews, P. M. Matthews, J. E. Mayo, P. E. Minney, R. M. Moore, A. M. 0. Richards, G. Rigby, J. Salkind, M. A. Seton, J. P. Smalley, N. E. Smith, A. Stafford, P. M. Stringer, Mrs. Thaler (A. L. Pollak), M. C. Tindal, D. R. Titheridge, R. M. Toulmin, Mrs. Webb (A. Nugent), M. Williams, A. C. Wickham, J. M. Wood, L. R. Zurndorfer. Post Graduate Awards Mrs. Daitz, Postgraduate Fellowship, Bedford College, London. E. M. Hunter, Francis Hutchinson Senior Scholarship, Lady Margaret Hall. Lady Anne Pery, Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship, St. Hugh's College. R. Toulmin, Moberly Senior Scholarship, St. Hugh's College. E. E. B. Young, Scholarship to St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, Paddington.
HONOU EXAMINATIONS, i 95 x Literae Humaniores:
Class I Class II Class III Class III Class IV
G. M. Matthews. E. M. Smith. M. Evans. M. Evans. P. E. Minney.
Modern History: Class II Class III
N. M. Clegg, R. M. Toulmin, B. Webb. S. K. Davies, C. A. Isles, R. M. Moore, M. C. Tindal.
English Language and Literature: Class II M. E. Cain, J. R. M. Wood, L. R. Zurndorfer. Class III L. E. Matthews, J. E. Mayo, G. M. Preece, G. Rigby, M. Wright. Overstanding for Honours: Mrs. Iz (D. R. Rowley). Modern Languages: Class I C. R. Fortescue (Fr.). C. N. Fonthier (Fr., Sp.), Class II A. M. 0. Richards (Ger., Fr.), A. Stafford (Fr.), J. M. Wood (Ger., Fr.). Class III M. M. S. Kyris (Modern Gk., Fr.). Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: Class III P. M. Matthews, M. E. Seton. Geography: Class II
Mathematics: Class II
S. E. Brown, G. Crowther, M. C. Levett, J. C. H. Roffey. J. L. Atkin, E. M. Hunter, J. Salkind, M. Williams.
Natural Science: Chemistry Pt. I H. S. Marsh. Chemistry Pt. II: Class II M. S. Curzon, S. M. Landa. Class III Mrs. Gibb (C. Godfrey). 13
Natural Science (cont.)
Botany: Class III
H. Parnell.
Zoology: Class II
D. R. Titheridge.
Physiology: Class II
A. L. Pollak, A. C. M. Wickham. M. Keene.
Class III
Classical Honour Moderations:
C. G. Vesey. Class II M. P. Williams. Class III Satisfied the Examiners: M. A. Stobbart. Mathematical Honour Moderations:
K. G. Curtis, M. K. F. Dale, P. M. Morton, V. A. Wylie.
Class II
MATRICULATIONS 1[951 Scholars: (History), Jubilee Scholarship, Priory County
Grammar School for Girls, Shrewsbury. GOLDREI, THEODORA DIANA
(Mod. Langs.), Gamble Scholarship, St. Paul's
(Medicine), Nuffield Scholarship, Northampton
School for Girls. Exhibitioners: BRACKEN, ANN MARIE (History), Levenshulme High School, Manchester. CHAPMAN, JANET AVRIL (Mod. Langs.), Pinner County Grammar School. DAVEY, BARBARA BERYL (Maths.), North London Collegiate School. D'ENTREVES, MARIE ROSE (Mod. Langs.), Rye St. Antony, and Headington
School, Oxford. HARE, MARY (English), St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews. LEWIS, XAPHNE ROSEMARIE LLOYD (Chemistry), Wycombe Abbey LOMER, MARY RUTH (History), County Grammar School for
Austell, Cornwall. LUNT, MARY RANDLE
(Nat. Science), (Biochemistry), The Abbey, Malvern
Wells. Commoners: ASHHURST, DOREEN ELIZABETH, Cheltenham Ladies' College. BELCHER, MARGARET MYFANWY, Bedford High School. BINYON, PAMELA MARY, The Alice Ottley School, Worcester.
School. Girls, St.
BROMLEY, JEAN, The Grammar School, Todmorden. CLUNIES-ROSS, ELIZABETH MAY, The Maynard School,
Exeter, and Miss Hobbs, Buckingham Gate, London. COLTHURST, SUSAN MARGARET, Malvern Girls' College. DAVIES, MORFUDD LEWIS, The Grammar School, Harrogate. DE GRUCHY, STELLA CLAIRE, Watford Grammar School for Girls. DOWNER, FRANCES MARY MIDDLEMIST, The Alice Ottley School, Worcester. GREIG, ISABEL CATHERINE ARCHIBALD, North London Collegiate School. HACKETT, JUDITH LAURIE, King Edward VI High School for Girls, Birmingham. HALE, PATRICIA ANN, Gloucester High School for Girls. HALL, BEATRICE MADGE, Bolton County Grammar School, Bolton. HAY, JEAN MAVIS, Convent of St. Maur, Weybridge, Surrey, and Westminster Tutors. HENRY, ANNE WILLARD, B.A. Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania. morr, JOYCE, Simon Langton Girls' School, Canterbury. JEBB, VANESSA MARY, Mrs. Fyfe's (Owlstone Croft), Hatherop Castle, Fair-. ford, Glos. LOAKES, SHEILA MARY, High School, Kettering. MACCALLUM, ELIZABETH EVELYN, Brighton and Hove High School. MACPHERSON, HERMIONE SHEILA MARGARET, Cheltenham Ladies' College. MACRAE-TAYLOR, FIONNQHAL, St. Paul's Girls' School. MANSFIELD, LORNA GUESTINA, Pendleton High School, Salford. MASSEY, MARGARET NORA JENNIFER, Monmouth School for Girls. MIDDLEBROOKE, JANET ELAINE, High School for Girls, Boston, Lincs. MILLER, ANN TATIANA DANILEVITCH, Roedean School, Brighton. MIST, MADELEINE EVA, Bromley County Grammar School for Girls. PUCKRIDGE, VIVIENNE JOY, Bromley County Grammar School for Girls and Miss K. M. Hobbs, Buckingham Gate. PUTMAN, GWENDOLINE WINIFRED, Watford Grammar School for Girls. RAINFORTH, FRANCES ANN, Sherborne School for Girls. RICHARDSON, FRANCES EILEEN, Ladies' College, Cheltenham. RICKARDS, SARAH ELINOR, Oldcastle, Dallington, Nr. Battle, Sussex, and Blunt House, Oxted. SESTON, KATHLEEN ANNE, Boston High School, Lincs. SHACKLE, ELIZABETH ANNE, Headington School, Oxford. SOLESBY, TESSA AUDREY HILDA, Clifton High School, Bristol. TENNENT, ANNE HYACINTH FRANCE, Rye St. Antony, Oxford. TURNER, JOAN MARY, Willesden County Grammar School, London. WEST, JENNIFER LOUISE, Roedean School, Brighton.
OBITUARY N 6 April 1951 MABEL MARIAN DODSLEY-FLAMSTEED, Student of St. Hugh's Hall 1892-95. Aged 84. On II February 1951, JESSIE WATSON, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1892-95. On 29 July 1950, DAISY ALMA PRATT, Student of St. Hugh's College, 1914-18. Aged 54. On 21 March 1951, BLANCHE LUCY LEFROY, Member and Secretary of the Council of St. Hugh's College, 1915-26. 15
On 23 August 195r, WINIFRED WOOLLEY, M.A., Student of St. Hugh's College, 1915-18. Aged 65. On 7 March 1952. VIOLET KILLWORTH TALLENT, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1922-25. Aged 49. On 9 March 1952, ELIZABETH RAHMAN (née CASTLEDINE), Commoner of the College, 1932-34. Aged 37. On 22 March 1951, as the result of a road accident, ADINA ILIESCU, D.Phil., Commoner of the College, 1936-39. Aged 37.
at St. Mary's Church, Harrogate, on
6 October 1951. HARVEY) to MAJOR W. MORLAND, at Pietermaritz1951. MARY BLAKE to E. B. G. TREHEARNE, in August 1949. SHEILA MARY BROWN to DAVID RICHARD COATMAN (Pembroke College), at Holy MARY ASHTON-HOPPER
burg, Natal, on 18 December
Trinity Church, Brompton, London, on 7 August 195r. in London on z March
1951. HELEN COMNINOS to ALEXANDER G. CHLOROS (University College, Oxford), on 15 December 1951. JILL COUSINS to DAVID LANGLEY FINCHAM at Southend-on-Sea Registry Office, on 20 January 1951. BRENDA COXON to DR. ERNESTO CORINALDESI, at St. Nicholas' Church, Durham,
at St. Peter's Church,
Leckhampton, Cheltenham, on 25 August 1951. CONSTANCE MARGARET DOWLER to LESLIE FRANCIS JOHN,
at St. John's Church,
Buxton, on 5 May 1951. STELLA MARGARET DRAYCOTT to RALPH F. DYE, in October 1951. MARGARET ELSIE EADE to PHILIP HOWARTH, on 3 March 1950. ILSE LORE ECHT to ROBERT A. KAGAN, on 26 August 1951. MARGARET MARY FEENEY to ROBERT PROTHEROUGH (Lincoln College), at Maidstone, on 29 August 1951. FELICE GEORGE FINCH to JAMES HUMPHREY GEORGE WOOLLCOMBE, at St. James'
Church, West Hanney, on 13 October 1951. DOREEN M. FORSTER to JOHN E. SHELBOURN, at St. Mary's Church, Monkseaton, on 29 December 1951. JOCELYN MARY ELIZABETH FORTESCUE-FOULKES to JOHN MATTHEW ROWLAND TOMPKINS, at All Saints' Cathedral, Nairobi, Kenya, on 16 November 1951. HANNAH MARY GILMOUR to GODFREY FRANKLAND FARNWORTH, at St. Mary's Church, Stoke D'Abernon, on I March 1951. CYNTHIA MARY HILL to JAMES PATRICK SHORT, at St. Francis' Church, Petts
29 August 1951.
U.S. Air Force, on
at St. Margaret's Church, West
Hoathly, on z8 July 1951. VIVIENNE HUGHES to ALBERT NURSE,
at St. Michael's Church, Wakefield,
(Queens' College, Cambridge), at Hillingdon Parish Church, on r September 1951. JUNE ELSIE JACKSON to C. P. W. EAMES, B.SC., at St. Augustine's Church, Honor Oak, on 28 July 1951. MARY MARGARET STATHATOS KYRIS to EDMUND LEROY KEELEY, at St. Sophia Cathedral, London, on 8 March 1951. MEGAN CONSTANCE LEVETT tO GEOFFREY ALLEN, at Christchurch, Hants, on 20 December 1951. SHEILA MARGARET LUGARD to CAPTAIN CHARLES JOHN GERALD MEADE, 8th (The King's Royal Irish) Hussars, at the Parish Church of St. James, Abinger, on 19 August 1950. MARY MACQUEEN MORRIS to ARTHUR JACK HARDY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., at St. John the Baptist Church, Yarcombe, Devon, on 6 October 1951. ANNE LISA POLLAK to PAUL RAPHAEL THALER, at the New West End Synagogue, Bayswater, London, on 12 July 1951. PAULINE RIPLEY tO HUGH BREFFIN O'NEILL, at the Church of Our Lady of Victories, Kensington, on 14 July 1951. PATIENCE MARGARET MARKHAM TATE to GEOFFREY HUNTER, at Kingston, Ontario, Courthouse, on rz June 1951. MARIANNE PAMELA THORNEYCROFT to JOHN E. BLINKHORN, in London, on 6 January 195r. MARGARET ANN WOTTON TOOVEY to JOHN DE MORGAN CAMPBELL THOMPSON, M.A. (New College), at Godalming, on 22 December 1951. HELEN MARJORIE WATTS to CLIFFORD SAMUEL WYATT, on 3 February 1951. MARY ELIZABETH STUART WEIR to K. C. J. HARLEY, On I I August 1951. GILLIAN WEST to ANTHONY JOHN MANLEY (Hertford College), on 12 September 1950. SYBIL PAMELA WHEELER tO MR. STEWART. GWENDOLYN MAUD ZIAR tO GEOFFREY FREDERICK DORAN, on 16 March 1951.
(S. P. C. Hodgson)—a son (Rupert Gerald Courtenay), z June
1951. MRS. BATTEN (A. M. M. Oriel)—a daughter (Elizabeth Anne), 23 July 1951. MRS. BIDGOOD (R. Jones)—a daughter (Janet Claire), 7 August 1951. MRS. BLIN-STOYLE (A. E. Balmford)—a daughter (Helena), February 1952. MRS. BOLT (D. F. Bleasby)—a daughter (Georgina Dorothy), 9 March 1951• MRS. BRANNEY (M. Brittain)—a daughter (Helen Mary), 19 May 1951. MRS. CASSELS (C. M. M. Senior)—a daughter (Patricia Mary), 12 November
1951. MRS. COOKE (J. M. Dutton)—a son (Stephen Hamel), 14 July 1951. MRS. COY (E. R. Johnston)—a son. MRS. DOWRICK (M. C. B. Burbury)—a son, 23 November 1951. MRS. GIBS (C. Godfrey}—a son (Robert George), 8 September 1951. 17
MRS. GREEN (J. Burdett)-a daughter (Priscilla), 17 November 1951. MRS. HANDFORTH ( J. Tresise)-a son (Charles Adrian), 17 October 1950. MRS. HARVEY (B. A. Skemp)-a son, 23 June 1951. MRS. HEWSON (A. F. Fisher)-a daughter (Christina Catherine Jennifer) MRS.
so October 1951. HILL (L. H. M. Wilkinson)-a son (Vesey John Munnings), 25 October
1951. MRS. HOPE (M. N. Whittaker)-a son (Ronald Anthony), 16 March 1951. MRS. HORNER (M. J. Croft)-a daughter (Frances Mary), 23 December I950. MRS. HOWELL (G. E. Davies)-a son, 18 November 1951. MRS. ILES (M. W. Davies)-a son (Harry Norman), 3o January 1951. MRS. KERSHAW (H. M. Healey)-a daughter (Juliet Susan), 27 January 195o. MRS. MCKANE (E. C. Harris)-a daughter (Caroline Ann), 18 September 1951. MRS. MAY (B. M. Orton)-a daughter (Hilary Anne Louise), 28 December
1951. (C. Gernos Davies)-a daughter (Eluned Mair Morda), 17 November 195r. MRS. MORGAN ( J. M. Haworth)-a daughter (Helen Jessica), 29 May 1951. MRS. NORMAN (E. G. Elliott)-a son (Philip), 3 June 1951. MRS. OULTON (R. Beaumont)-a son (Thomas Francis), 17 July 1951. MRS. PHILLIPS (M. B. Pritchard)-a daughter (Sara Ann), 2o August 1951. MRS. ROOM (G. L. Musto)-a son (David Charles), 14 August 1951. MRS. SHRIGLEY (N. A. Billitt)-a daughter (Sylvia Claire), 3o November 195o. MRS. SINKES (J. M. Bullen)-a daughter (Rosaline Margaret), 4 September MRS. MORDD EVANS
1951. MRS. SPIERS (B. Dennys)-a daughter (Sally Jean Elizabeth), is September 1951. MRS. STANLEY PRICE (M. J. Milkins)-a daughter (Amelia Anne), 7 June 1951. MRS. STEWART (M. L. Woodward)-a son (Thomas Leighton), 14 August 1951. MRS. TREHEARNE (M. Blake)-a son (Ian Richard), May 1950. MRS. WALMSLEY (A. J. Parker)-a daughter (Ann Hilary), 18 March 1951. MRS. WARNOCK-a son, 18 January 1952. MRS. WILLIAMSON (M. M. Gyde)-a son (Stephen John), 28 February 1951. MRS. WRIGHT (A. V. Readman)-a daughter (Idonea Daphne), 19 May 1951.
Adoption: MRS. VIGOR
(R. G. Martin)-a son (Andrew Martin Vigor), on so September
PUBLICATIONS Brenda Cowderoy, M.A. Fourth Supplement to Clerk and Lindsell on Torts, published by Sweet & Maxwell, 1951. 5s. (Mrs.) N. Gorodetzky, B.Litt., M.A., D.Phil. Saint Tikhon Zadonsky, Inspirer of Dostoevsky. S.P.C.K., 1951. 2 Is. M. Hampden-Jackson, M.A. Book of Poems. Blackwell (Alden & Blackwell, Ltd.). October 1951. 6s. P. M. Hartnoll, M.A. Oxford Companion to the Theatre, edited by Phyllis Hartnoll, price 35s., published 7 June 1951, by the Oxford University Press. R. A. Maas, B.A. The Bible for Everyman: From Genesis to the Exodus. The Foundational Book Company, Ltd., October 1951. 5s. 18
(Mrs.) N. C. Mackenzie, M.A. Aids to Psychology. Bailliere Tindall & Cox, 1951. 6s. E. D. McLeod, M.A. Translation of all Colette's animal stories under the title : Creatures Great and Small. Published by Seeker & Warburg, Ltd., on to December 1951 (being the second volume in their new translations of all the main works of Colette). A. C. Percival, M.A. Youth will be Led. Collins. 8s. 6d. (The story of the Voluntary Youth Organizations.) (Mrs.) M. E. Potter, M.A. As the Sun Rises. S.P.G. 25. E. E. S. Procter, M.A. Alfonso X of Castile, Patron of Literature and Learning. (Norman Maccoll Lectures, 1949.) Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1951. 15s.
ARTICLES C. M. Ady, M.A., D.Litt. 'Humanism and Tyranny.' Article in Umanesimo e Scienza Politico. Papers read at an International Congress in Rome. (Milan, 1951.) M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil. 'Forced Oscillations in Non-linear Systems.' Journal of Research of National Bureau of Standards, vol. xlv (1950), 514. — Won-linear Vibrations', Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, vol. i (1951), 131. — with J. E. Littlewood, Annals of Maths. liv (1954 Brenda Cowderoy, M.A. 'Costs of Appeal to the Lands Tribunal.' Article in Rating and Income Tax. i6 August 1951. R. J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. 'Unnoticed Commentaries on the Dissuasio Valerii of Walter Map' in Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, vol. 2, 1950, pp. 128-50. — Reviews: of Dialogue de Saint-Julien et son disciple, edited by Adrien Bonjour, and The Other World according to Descriptions in Mediaeval Literature, by Howard R. Patch, both in Romantic Review. April 1951. (Mrs.) B. M. Y. Ennis, M.A. 'City of Many Towns' (on Washington, D.C.). Published Bristol Evening Post, 23 October 1951. Joan Evans, D.Litt. 'The Royal Archaeological Institute: a Retrospect', in Archaeological Journal, vol. cvi, 1949, p. i. (Mrs.) N. Gorodetzky, B.Litt., M.A., D.Phil. Reviewed books for the following: Slavonic Review, London, vol. xxix, no. 73, June 1951; ibid. no. 71. Eastern Churches Quarterly: book reviews: in vol. lx, spring 1951; and in vol. lx, no. 2, summer 1951. (Mrs.) M. Holdsworth, M.A. 'The Central Asian Republics of the U.S.S.R.' Soviet Studies (University of Glasgow). January 1952. D. M. Hunter, B.A. 'Excavations at Torwood 1948-9', article in Proceedings of Falkirk Archaeological Society, new series, vol. i, 1950. J. M. Hussey. 'Bibliographical Notes on Byzantine Studies in the British Isles and America' in Byzantinische Zeitschrift, vol. xliii, 1950, and Byzantinoslavica, vol. xi (t), 1950. — 'The Writings of John Mauropous: A Bibliographical Note'. Byzantinische — Zeitschrift, vol. xliv,, 1951. (Mrs.) A. R. Isserlis, B.Sc. 'Use of Dermestid Beetles for Cleaning Mammalian Skeletons', by E. M. 0. Lauvic and M. E. Hill. The Museum Journal, 1951, vol. 51, no. 8. (Mrs.) G. M. Jaffe, M.A. 'The Problem of Nature and Nurture: Monozygotic Twins.' Transactions: Illinois Academy of Science. 1950. 19
(Mrs.) R. M. Jarman, M.A., D.Phil. 'An Examination of a Suggested Laboratory Method of Assay of the Anti-pernicious Anaemia Fraction of Liver Extracts.' (With S. W. F. Underhill.) Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology (1951), iii, 87-92. R. S. Maas, B.A. "The Tempest" : A New View.' Ideas of Today. November 1951. F. M. E. MacDonald, M.A., B.Sc. 'An Investigation on the Histochemical Technique for the Localisation of Acid Phosphomonoesterase.' Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol. xci, 1950, page 315. M. Mahood, M.A. 'The Fatal Cleopatra: Shakespeare and the Pun' in Essays in Criticism, vol. i, no. 3. — Reviews in Review of English Studies; Modern Language Review, &c. V. Majumdar, B.A. Collingwood's Philosophy of History ...' article in Patna
University Journal. D. E. Martin-Clarke, M.A. Series of articles on Chaucer; Canterbury Tales; Dante and Boccaccio in the new Children's Britannica (published Encyclo-
paedia Britannica). D. F. Martin-Hurst, M.A. 'Resettlement Problems in Cases of Brain Injury.' The Almoner, vol. 3, no. Io, January 1951. (A Journal of Medical Social Work.) (Mrs.) V. M. Niebuhr, M.A. 'The Gospel, Women and the Church'. Theology, vol. liv, no. 375, 376, September and October 1951. `Women and the Church, and the Fact of Sex'. Christianity and Crisis, 6 August 1951. M. A. Priestley, B.Litt. 'Anglo-French Trade and the "Unfavourable Balance" Controversy 1660-1685' in the Economic History Review, second series, vol. iv, no. 1, 1951. M. E. Reeves, M.A. 'The Abbot Joachim's Disciples and the Cistercian Order' in Sophia, Anno XIX, N. 3-4, Luglio–Dicembre 1951, pp. 355-71 (published in Padua, Italy). P. H. M. Rothwell, M.A. 'The Calibration of Proportional Counters with X-rays from Radio-Active Sources.' Proceedings of the Physical Society (A). May 1950. (P. 539.) — 'Proportional Counters in a Magnetic Field.' Proceedings of the Physical Society (A). May 1950. (P. 541.) — 'An Investigation of the Isomerism of Bromine8°, and a Measurement of the Fluorescence yield of Krypton.' Philosophical Magazine. September 1950. (P. 873.) `Fluctuations in the Energy Loss of Fast Electrons in a Proportional Counter.' Proceedings of the Physical Society (B). October 1951. D. S. Russell, M.A. Intracranial Tumours.' Chapter with D. W. C. Northfield in Modern Trends in Neurology, ed. A. Feiling. Butterworth. 1951. (with B. Lennox). `Dystopia of the Neurohypophysis'. J. Path. and Bact., vol. 63, 485. (1951•) D. B. Saunders, B.Litt. Review of W. B. C. Watkins' book, Johnson and English Poetry before 166o, pub. in Modern Philology, vol. xxxiv, no. 3, 1937, pp. 326-29. Review of De Witt Starnes and Gertrude Noyes' book, English Dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson, 1604-1755, in Univ. of Toronto Quarterly, October 1946, pp. 98-101. — Review of Roy Daniell's book, Deeper into the Forest, in Manitoba Arts Review, Spring, 1949, pp. 12-17. 20
D. B. Saunders, B.Litt. Review of W. K. Wimsatt's book, Dr. Johnson and Science, in Univ. of Toronto Quarterly, July 1949, pp. 409-12. M. E. Seaton M.A. 'Le Songe Vert: its Occasion of Writing and its Author.'
Medium ,
1950, xix, 1-16.
— 'Literary History and Criticism, General Works.' The Year's Work in English Studies, 1947, vol. xxviii, ch. 1. (Mrs.) E. M. Simpson, D.Phil. 'The Biographical Value of Donne's Sermons.' Review of English Studies, October 1951. E. M. G. Simpson, B.A. 'The Preparation and Properties of Some $- (2- and 4-Aroylphenoxy)-propionic Acids.' Journal of the Chemical Society, 1951, no. 495, 2239. (Mrs.) C. M. Snow, M.A., B.Sc. 'Experiments on Spirodistichous Shoot Apices I'. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Series B, no. 624, vol. 235. January 1951. J. M. Telfer, M.A., B.Litt. `Picous', line 156 of La Folie Tristan de Berne, in French Studies. January 195r, pp. 56-61. M. R. Toynbee, M.A. `Radcot Bridge and Newbridge.' Oxoniensia, vol. xiv (1940. `More Light on Susanna, Lady Bellsyse.' Notes and Queries. 9 June 1951. — 'Anne, Lady Salter.' Notes and Queries. 15 September 1951. — 'Dom James Waters (1740-1808). A Suggested Portrait.' Downside Review. Summer 1951. 'A Royal Journey through Herefordshire and Radnorshire in 1645• Transactions of the Radnorshire Society, vol. xxi (1951). — 'A Portrait of Bernard Stuart, Third Seigneur d'Aubigny.' The Stewarts, vol. ix, no. r (1951). — 'Fresh Light on William Larson's Statue of James II at Newcastle upon Tyne.' Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series, vol. xxix (1951). `Adriaen Hanneman and the English Court in Exile: A Further Note.' Burlington Magazine. October 1951. E. C. Vollans, M.A., B.Litt. 'The County Borough of Derby.' Transactions and Papers of the Institute of British Geographers, 1949, no. 15. H. M. Wallis, B.A. 'The First English Globe: A Recent Discovery.' The Geographical Journal, vol. cxvii, Part 3. September 1951, pp. 275-90. E. M. Wright, M.A. In The Life of Faith. 'A Chuich Reborn—St. Mark's, Kennington' (23.5.51); 'Present-Day Opportunities in Israel' (30.5.51), `A Home for Overseas Students—Methodist International House' (13.6.51); 'The Saving Power of the Gospel in Industrial England— St. Clement's Church, Higher Openshaw, Manchester' (8.8.51); `Sound Scholarship on an Evangelical Basis—Bible Churchmen's College' (22.8.5x); 'Missionaries in the Making—Redcliffe Missionary Training College' (26.9.51); 'Healing Ministry in India—Vellore Christian College' (5.12.51).
NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEMItERS 1951 [The date of appointment is 1951 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College.]
(1944), was appointed a teacher at the British Institute, Gothenburg, Sweden. She is studying part-time at the Gothenburg Hogskola. MRS. ALLEN (M. C. Levett, 1948), B.A., was appointed Senior Geography Mistress at the Church of England Girls' Grammar School, Meriden, Sydney, Australia, from February 1952. S. B. ANDREWS, B.SC., M.A. (1933), was appointed Senior Science Mistress at Wimbledon High School. S. M. BACKHOUSE, M.A. (1944), was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Lady Margaret School, Parsons' Green, London. K. L. BALL, M.A. (1926), was appointed Assistant Professor of Library Science, Library School, University of Toronto. H. E. BAMBRIDGE, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1943), was appointed House Surgeon at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and is now Resident Medical Officer at Sydenham Children's Hospital. RUTH BARBOUR, M.A. (1936), represented the Bodleian Library at the VIII Congresso Internazionale di Studi Bizantini at Palermo in April, and attended the first international Conference on Patristic Studies at Oxford— at which she read a paper—in September. MRS. BARNES (M. M. Beaver, 1916), M.A., now has an appointment at Eastholm School, Peterborough, England. MRS. BARNES (M. Colbourne, 1947), B.A., was appointed to the staff of Government Communications Headquarters, Middlesex. MRS. BATTEN (A. M. M. Oriel, 1943), M.A., B.M., B.CH., passed the D.Obst., R.C.O.G., examination in April. MRS. BEDI (F. Houlston, 1929) is now living at Srinagar, Kashmir, and has been active in the organization of relief and constructive social work necessitated by the disturbances there. Her eldest son is now a student at St. Stephen's College, Delhi University. MRS. BELL (M. I. M. Ottley, 1905) is Vice-Chairman of the Publications Committee of the Mothers' Union. C. D. BENNETT, B.A. (1947), was appointed Nancy Moore's assistant in the Academic Secretary's office, University College of the South West, Exeter. MRS. BLANEY (J. Cooke, 1908) is Civil Defence Liaison Officer, West Herts. Sub-division, W.V.S. R. M. BROOKE, M.A. (1945), was appointed Lecturer in Divinity at Furzedown College, London, from September. ETHEL BROWN, M.A. (1927), was appointed Headmistress of Belle Vue Girls' Grammar School, Bradford, Yorks. JOAN BURCH, B.A. (1947), was appointed Chemistry Mistress at Woodford County High School for Girls from September. D. G. BUSHNELL, M.A., B.C.L. (193o), was appointed a J.P. for the County borough of Bournemouth. E. M. BUTTERWORTH (1916) is Chairman of a committee for running a Social Club for the Aged-Retired Citizens.
(M. E. B. Russell, 1923), M.A., has a year's leave of absence to join her husband in Abuja, via Minna, Nigeria. MRS. CARLISLE (S. G. Grove, 1939), M.A., resigned from the Council of Industrial Design in August and is doing free-lance writing, including articles for the Children's Britannica. She is hoping to adopt a baby girl, legally, in 1952. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL. (1919), was elected President of the Mathematical Association, 1951-2. She is a member of the first British National Committee for Mathematics under the new International Mathematical Union established in September. MRS. CASTLE (B. A. Betts, 1929), was re-elected M.P. (Labour) for Blackburn, East, at the General Election in October. MRS. CHLOROS (Helen Comninos, 1948), B.A., was an Assistant Mistress at Norland Place School from January till July, and now lives in Aberystwyth. CECILY CLARK, B.A. (1945), was appointed temporary Assistant Lecturer in English Language at University College, Hull, from January 1952. M. L. CLARKSON, M.A. (1923), was promoted Assistant Chief Welfare Officer, Department of Social Welfare, Gold Coast. N. M. CLEGG, B.A. (1948), is taking a secretarial course in Manchester. L. M. cum, M.A. (1938), was appointed Senior Mistress, the Girls' Grammar School, Bradford, from September. MRS. COATMAN (S. M. Brown, 1947), B.A., was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Pate's Grammar School for Girls, Cheltenham MRS. CORINALDESI (Brenda Coxon, 1943), M.A., sailed for Canada on 19 November with her husband who has a Research Fellowship in the division of Physics, National Research Council, Ottawa. BRENDA COWDEROY, M.A. (1943), was appointed Barrister in Charge of the Covenant Control Department of the British Motor Trade Association in September. MRS. CROFT (Margaret Nicklin, 1943), M.A., was appointed French Mistress at St. Faith's School, Oxford, in April. GERALDINE CROWTHER, B.A. (1948), was appointed Publicity Editress for Selfridges Ltd., London. EVELYN CRYER, B.A. (1922), was appointed Senior English Mistress at Allerton High School, Leeds. MRS. DAITZ (1949) was appointed to a Post Graduate Fellowship at Bedford College, London. MRS. DANCER (D. E. Chatfield, 1942), M.A., was appointed proof reader to W. Boyd & Co., Printers, Nairobi. D. E. H. DARKER, M.A. (1924), was appointed Deputy Principal, Maria Grey Training College, London. D. R. DAVIE, M.A. (1941), is the joint proprietor with her brother of a private hotel in Wadhurst which they have been running since July. C. H. D. DAWSON, B.A. (i945), was authorized by the Bishop of Chelmsford for Parish Work in the parish of St. Luke, Walthamstow. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), is now Chairman, for a three-year term, of the Department of French Language and Literature of Mount Holyoke College. She was a member, for the second successive year, of an areareview committee for the allocation of Fulbright Fellowships for France and Italy.
H. C. DENEKE, M.A. (1900),
was elected President of the Oxfordshire Federation of Women's Institutes and is a member of the International Committee of the National Federation of Women's Institutes. EDITH DE PUTRON (1910) has now retired from the Headmistress-ship of Dorchester School, Parkstone, and is living in the Channel Islands. BRENDA DICKESON, B.A. (1947), is now a case worker with the Family Welfare Association. MRS. DICKINSON (M. M. L. Bailey, 1937), M.A., was appointed Educational Psychologist to Somerset from January 1952. MRS. DISSANAYAKA (P. Dickman, 1938), who returned to Ceylon on the outbreak of war, has been teaching History in a Ceylon School for the last three years, but is now giving up this work to undertake the broadcasting of History Lectures in the Schools Programme of Radio Ceylon. Her husband is Superintendent of Police in the Western Province, and they have two daughters and a son. L. M. DOLPHIN, M.A. (1929), was appointed Senior Classics Mistress at Howell's School, Denbigh, from September. MRS. DYE (S. M. Draycott, 1944), B.A., resigned her post as Private Secretary to the Managing Director of Firth-Vickers on her marriage. She has now found employment in the Travel Department of the N.V.S. DOROTHY DYSON, B.A. (1946), is now teaching at Croydon High School. MRS. EAMES (J. E. Jackson, 1946), B.A., was temporary Assistant Mathematics Mistress from September 195o to March 1951 at the King's Warren School, Plumstead. Since March she has been on the permanent staff. c. L. EDWARDS, B.A. (1916), was appointed an Assistant Mistress at St. Mary's School, Baldslow, St. Leonards-on-Sea, from September. D. M. M. EDWARDS-REES, M.A. (1918), was appointed Chairman, National Education Committee, Y.W.C.A. of Great Britain. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT. (1914), was elected a Supernumerary Fellow of St. Hugh's. She was nominated a Trustee of the London Museum, and elected a Corresponding Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America. MARY EVANS (1947) has taken her Diploma in Education at Durham University. P. M. C. EVANS, M.A. (1931), has now returned to England. MRS. FARNWORTH (H. M. Gilmour, 1936), M.A., went to Malaya in November to join her husband, who is an Army Chaplain. MRS. FERGUSON (V. Trueman, 1947), B.A., is a management trainee, John Lewis Partnership. MRS. FESSLER (A. M. Arnold, 1944), M.A., is studying for the M.Ed. degree at Nottingham University. J. M. FLOYD, B.A. (1946), was appointed Assistant Mistress, for French and German, at the Girls' High School, Newport, Mon. M. G. FORSTER, M.A. (1937), was appointed an Assistant Mistress at Clifton High School, Bristol. C. R. FORTESCUE (1948) is reading for a B.Litt. 0. P. FRODSHAM, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1942), was appointed Senior House Officer in General Medicine at Crumpsall Hospital, Manchester, from January 1952. MRS. GARRICK (P. F. Michell, 1919), B.A., was appointed Housemistress and Latin Mistress at the City of London Freemen's School, Ashstead Park, Surrey. J. A. GAVED, M.A. (1937), was appointed a Principal, the Colonial Office. 24
(1946), was appointed English Tutor at Hillcroft Residential College for Working Women, Surbiton. S. W. GLENISTER, M.A. (1943), has been Secretary to the Foreign Editor and to the Sports and Entertainment Editor of Picture Post, since October. HAZEL GOODWIN, M.A. (1943), was appointed Assitant Mistress at Spring Grove Grammar School, Isleworth, from January 1952. A. V. GORDON, M.A. (1932), was appointed Provincial Woman Education Officer, Niger Province, Nigeria. MRS. GRANDY (A. L. M. Shaw, 1936), M.A., is living in London as her husband is Second Secretary at Canada House. M. E. L. GRIFFITHS, M.A. (1936), was appointed an Assistant History Mistress at the Ladies' College, Cheltenham, from September. A. M. GRUTTER, M.A. (1932), returned home in September, after three years' Adult Education work in Germany, to take up a post as Resident Tutor and Lecturer in English at Burton Manor College for Adult Students, near Chester. E. H. HADFIELD, B.A., B.M., B.CH. (1940), was elected F.R.C.S. (England), in December. M. HAMPDEN-JACKSON, M.A. (1936), is now a Tutor to the Beechlawn Tutorial Establishment, Park Town, Oxford. MRS. HANDFORTH (Joan Tresise, 1938), M.A., writes that she has just been spending six months in England, study leave for her husband, and they have gone to Montreal for a further six months before returning to Saskatchewan in July. PHYLLIS HARDCASTLE, M.A. (1931), was re-elected to the Executive Council, Society of Civil Servants. F. W. HARE, M.A. (1927), was elected President of the Warwick and Leamington branch of the British Federation of University Women; and Vice-President of the Leamington and Warwick Soroptimist Club. C. M. HARGRAVE, M.A. (1908), finally retired in July. Y. L. HARRISON, M.A. (1941), was appointed Secretary to the Nuffield Investigation into the Functions and Design of Hospitals, London, and Personal Assistant to the Director of the Investigation. PHYLLIS HARTNOLL, M.A. (1926), was appointed Vice-Chairman, Society for Theatre Research. M. F. C. HARVEY, B.A. (1947), was appointed Assistant History Mistress at St. Albans High School. J. M. HAWKINS, B.A. (1946), is Research Assistant, Lexicon of Patristic Greek (ed. G. W. H. Lampe, M.A.), to be published by the Clarendon Press. J. M. HEPBURN, M.A. (1940), was appointed, in June, to the W.R.N.S. Depot, H.M.T.S. Dauntless, Burghfield, as Divisional Officer, training between twenty and forty new entries each month. G. M. K. HILL (1905) is Secretary of the Prayer Healing Fellowship, London Healing Mission. MRS. HORNIBROOK (Margaret Hemstock, 1918), M.A., was elected Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council, and Chairman of the Townswomen's Guild, Gerrard's Cross. R. M. HOWARD, M.A. (1936), is no longer in private practice at the Bar. From September she was appointed Legal Assistant (established) in the Solicitor's Office, Inland Revenue. MRS. HOWARTH (M. E. Eade, 1940), M.A., is still employed by London Transport.
D. M. HUNTER, B.A. (1946), was appointed Curator of Falkirk Burgh Museum. E. M. HUNTER, B.A. (1948), was awarded the Francis Hutchinson Senior
Scholarship at Lady Margaret Hall. MRS. HURST (Mrs. Whitty, 1945), B.A., is now MRS. IREMONGER (Lucille Parks, 1934), M.A.,
living in Manchester. has written various articles including regular contributions to Go, the international travel magazine. One of her broadcasts was chosen for inclusion in the Radio Listener's Week End Book, an anthology of the best post-war broadcasts published by Odhams, and another was chosen for inclusion in On the Air, an anthology of Spoken English published by the Oxford University Press. She has broadcast frequently during the year and lectured widely to luncheon clubs and literary societies. D. R. K. IRVINE, M.A. (1941), was appointed History Teacher to the Army School in Ismailia, Egypt, and went there in June. c. A. ISLES (1948) is training with the Society of Household Managers. MARGARET JACOBS, M.A. (1942), was appointed to a Lecturership in German at St. Hugh's. MRS. JAFFE (G. M. Spurway, 1917), M.A., is on leave of absence from Barut College for a year, and is writing a book which she hopes to publish in 1952 or 1953. D. M. JAMES, M.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant Mathematics Mistress at the Rosa Bassett School, Streatham (formerly Streatham Secondary School) from September. JEANETTE JOHNSON, M.A. (1944), took up an appointment in the Foreign Office in July. MENAI JONES, M.A. (1915), resigned her post at Harrow in July 195o, and is living in Bangor. MRS. KAGAN (I. L. Echt, 1945), B.A., was granted leave of absence from the United Nations. MARY KEENE (1948) is continuing her pre-clinical work at Oxford for two terms. MRS. KIPLING (J. W. Hollins, 1942), M.A., B.M., B.CH., was appointed Honorary Secretary to the Hull Marriage Guidance Council. She does occasional locums for local general practitioners. M. M. KIRK, B.A. (1947), after a temporary post with the Council of Industrial Design in connexion with the Festival of Britain, took up an appointment with John Lewis and Co., Ltd. MRS. KIRKHAM (B. R. Lacey, 1944), B.A., was appointed Secretarial Assistant to the Society of Authors in February, after an intensive course of secretarial training at the Cripplegate Secretarial College from September to December 195o. In December 1951 she was appointed a Primary School Teacher (temporary) in High Wycombe. MRS. KNIGHT (D. M. Sherwood, 1933), B.A., has not had time to take on any outside work since she and her family joined her husband at Cranwell in October—he was appointed Senior Chaplain of Cranwell in September. M. H. LAGDEN, M.A. (1919), returned to the Cotswolds—to Burford. She has had poems accepted in this country in Poetry Review and English, and in America in Poetry and Virginia Quarterly Review. s. M. LANDA, B.A. (1947), was appointed a Technical Officer, I.C.I., Slough. D. M. LANE, B.A. (1945), was appointed Assistant for English Conversation at the Steglitzen Oberschule fur Madchen, Berlin, for 1951-2. 26
(Gladys Keay, 1931), B.A., was appointed Supervisor of the Blood Transfusion Unit at the General Hospital, Penang, Malaya, from October 195o. L. L. LEWENZ, M.A. (1943), was appointed Senior History Mistress at High Storrs Grammar School for Girls, Sheffield. M. E. LOWE, M.A. (1927), was awarded the Association of Head Mistresses' Page Scholarship to visit U.S.A. in the spring of 1952. J. D. MCCALL, M.A. (1943), was appointed English Assistant at the College de Jeunes Filles, Calais, from October 1951 to July 1952. F. M. E. MACDONALD, M.A., B.SC. (1936), was awarded a Colonial Research Scholarship and is at present working in Sir Macfarlane Burnett's team at Melbourne, Australia. MRS. MACDONALD (L. L. Stave, 1925), B.A., gave up her post as private secretary to the Chairman of G. H. Benson, Ltd., in December, after twelve years, as she is going to live in rural Essex. She does not intend to take up any other work at present. ENID MCLEOD, M.A. (1915), was promoted to be Deputy-Controller of European Division in the British Council, in August. A. C. MADGE, M.A. (1944), was appointed Secretary at the British Embassy, Paris, for two years from November. MOLLY MAHOOD, M.A. (Fellow, 1947), lectured at Fort Hare, South Africa, from July to September. VINA MAJUMDAR, B.A. (1947), was appointed a Lecturer in Politics at Patna University in July. MRS. MARSDEN (M. H. Gillett, 1935), M.A., was appointed to the Governing Body of Charlotte Mason Schools, Ltd. MRS. MARTIN-CLARKE, M.A. (Fellow, 1930), lectured on Mediaeval Art and Literature under London University Extension Auspices 1950—t. G. M. MATTHEWS (1947) is reading for a B.Phil. L. E. MATTHEWS, B.A. (1948), is reading for the Post-Graduate Certificate in Education at the London Institute of Education. P. M. MATTHEWS (1948) is reading for the Cambridge Education Diploma at Homerton College. MRS. MAY (B. M. Orton, 1943), M.A., left Tasmania in July to go to Canberra, where her husband is Chaplain of the Royal Military College. Y. E. MEAD, M.A. (1944), was appointed Geography Mistress at Bromley High School. E. M. MELLES, M.A. (1939), was appointed to the City office of the Ministry of Labour in February. MRS. MIDGLEY (C. A. Gaminara, 1934), B.A., has now returned to Delhi after her husband's year as Trade Commissioner in Bombay. V. P. MILLAR, B.A. (1947), was appointed History Mistress at Howell's School, Llandaff, from September. P. E. MINNEY, B.A. (1947), was appointed to the Feature Staff of Essex Newsman Herald, Chelmsford. B. J. MISSEN, B.A. (1947), is working in a branch of the Foreign Office at Eastcote, Middlesex. M. C. MOGFORD, B.A. (1947), was selected for training as a W.R.A.C. Officer. B. M. MOORE (1948) is taking a Secretarial course in Oxford. B. M. C. MORGAN, B.A. (1921), was appointed a member of the Southwark Diocesan Moral Welfare Council. J. C. MORLAND, M.A. (1941), was appointed Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of E. L. Ward, Ltd., Cheltenham. 27 MRS. LE MARE
D. M. MOSS, M.A. (1939), was confirmed in the post of Assistant Librarian in the Picture Post Library of Illustrations. MRS. MOWAT (L. E. Homewood, 1934), M.A., was confidential stenographer and Emergency Clerk to the British Adviser, Selangor, Malaya, throughout the year. W. E. MURRELL, M.A. (1924), is finishing her war-time training in Occupational Therapy under the direction of the Dorset House School of Occupational Therapy, at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford, from September 1951 to June 1952. DIANA NIXON, M.A. (1943), was appointed Statistical Assistant in the Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome—transferred from the Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva. E. M. T. OLIVER, M.A. (1912), has retired from teaching and is helping the Nuns at All Souls' Priory, Headington, Oxford. D. E. PENNY, B.A. (1937), is an Almoner at the General Lying-in Hospital, Waterloo Road, London. J. A. PONTREMOLI, B.A. (1945), has done conference work as a translator and precis-writer for the United Nations and the World Health Organization. O. M. POTTS, M.A. (1911), is on the committee of the newly formed Merseyside branch of the Oxford Society. MRS. PRATER (D. I. Fletcher, 1938), M.A., had a part-time appointment for the Summer Term teaching English at Thornbury Grammar School. After listing a number of local secretaryships, &c., she says: 'In short, thoroughly involved in Thornbury life and much enjoying it.' G. M. PREECE (1948) is doing Market Research with Lever Bros. H. M. PURKIS, M.A. (1940), was appointed Assistant Lecturer in French at Royal Holloway College, Englefield Green. S. E. E. RANDALL, M.A. (1939), was teaching at Rosemead, Littlehampton, 1950-1. GILLIAN RIGBY (1948) was awarded a Post-Graduate scholarship at Smith College, U.S.A. D. M. L. RIPPON, M.A., (1922), is still teaching Science at Downe House, Newbury. MRS. ROBERTSON (F. E. Booth, 1944), B.A., was re-appointed a part-time teacher at the North Bedfordshire College of Further Education from September. J. M. ROBINSON, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1944), was House-Surgeon to the Radiotherapy Department of the Middlesex Hospital from February till August, and from August, House Physician at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Derbyshire, until February 1952. J. P. ROBINSON, M.A. (1943), was appointed Senior English Mistress at the Dorchester County School for Girls, Dorset, from September. J. C. H. ROFFEY (1948) is taking a course in Personnel Management at the London School of Economics. MRS. ROOM (G. L. Musto, 1938), M.A., writes that they have just completed their fifth move in four years and are beginning to settle down in a new house in Cologne. MRS. ROSENGWEIG (J. S. A. Chappat, 1938), B.A., moved to Berkeley in July as her husband was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. P. H. M. ROTHWELL, M.A. (1944), was awarded an Italian Government Scholarship to the Institute of Physics in Rome, for Cosmic Ray Research. 8
(1926), was appointed Headmistress of the County High School for Girls, Winchester, from September. S. V. RYMER, B.A. (1947), was appointed junior History Mistress at Dudley High School for Girls. D. B. SAUNDERS, B.LITT. (1922), was appointed Chairman of the Winnipeg Women's Branch of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. She did her last term as Scholarship Convener of the Canadian Federation of University Women, and was a Canadian delegate to the Conference of the International Federation of University Women at Zurich in August 1950. G. L. A. SCHILLER, B.A. (1944), was appointed a First Grade Teacher in Brookside School, San Anselmo, California. M. D. B. SEATON, M.A. (1949), was appointed Secretary to the Upper India Chamber of Commerce, Kanpur (formerly Cawnpore), from September. M. A. SETON (1948) is taking a secretarial course in London. MRS. SHORT (C. M. Hill, 1944), B.A., is continuing in her post as Assistant to the Curators of the Muniments at Glasgow University after her marriage to a member of the French Staff of Glasgow University. MRS. SHRIGLEY (N. A. Billitt, 1944), M.A., was re-appointed a teacher in French at the Poynton Evening Institute. G. P. SIBLEY, B.A. (1947), is a correspondent of the Financial Times, and was appointed to the Intelligence Department at the Head Office of Barclays Bank, Ltd. She was one of the prizewinners in the Observer Christmas Short Story Competition. The story will be published in a collection by Messrs. Heinemann. 1. M. SIMMS, M.A. (1916), retired from the Punjab Educational Service and returned to England. MRS. SINGER-BLAU (Helen Singer, 1943), M.A., was appointed head of the History Department, Bexleyheath Secondary Modern School for Girls, Kent. SISTER ELSA (E. M. Henry, pm), M.A., wrote that provided a passage could be obtained she expected to start work in January 1952 at Rosettenville, Johannesburg, in the Secondary School, under the supervision of the Community of the Resurrection (Mirfield) and live in St. Agnes Hostel, where seventy girls of the schools are housed. They are all Africans. The Order is taking over the work from the Grahamstown Sisters and another Sister is going out with Sister Elsa. SISTER MARGUERITE (M. D. Chapman, 1925), B.A., who has been teaching at St. Hilda's School, Sneaton Castle, is now Headmistress. S. P. SLIPPER, M.A. (1944), resigned her post in E.C.A. in Paris at the end of May in order to take up an appointment in the Personnel Branch of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at the Rome Headquarters. E. M. SMITH (1947) was appointed an Assistant Mistress at St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews. THE HON. JANETTA SOMERSET, M.A. (1942), is living at home for a year before resuming newspaper work, probably in the United States. MRS. SPENCER (D. L. Lindsay, 1942), M.A., B.M., B.CH., was appointed a House Surgeon at St. Thomas' Hospital. L. LEIGH SPENCER (1916) is coaching some Spanish girls, from a nearby Convent School, in English. ANN STAFFORD, B.A. (1948), was appointed Executive Officer, Ministry of Supply. 29 H. D. ROXBURGH, B.A.
Hodgkins, 1943), M.A., whose husband is stationed in London with the North Atlantic Defence Production Board, is now a student at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. D. M. THORNTON, M.A. (1934), was appointed a Tutor at the Institute of Almoners in November 1950. M. C. TINDAL (1948) is reading for the Education Diploma of Edinburgh University at Moray House Training College. D. R. TITHERIDGE (1948) is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Education. MRS. TOMPKINS (J. M. E. Fortescue-Foulkes, 1942), B.A., was appointed an Experimental Officer at the Anti-Locust Research Centre, London, in April, and a Technical Officer of the Desert Locust Survey at Nairobi in December. Her husband is in the Desert Locust Survey, Nairobi. R. M. TOULMIN (1948), the Moberly Senior Scholar 1951-2, is reading for a B.Litt. D. E. TUCK, M.A. (1944), began work in the Youth Employment Service, Acton, London, in April, after not working since January 1950 owing to illness. P. M. C. UHDE, B.A. (1946), is now a Statistical Draftsman in E.C.A. M. P. M. VAULK, M.A. (1940), is now Sister M. Jeanne d'Arc, having entered the Franciscan Convent at Braintree in December 1949, and received the habit on to July 195o. E. C. VOLLANS, M.A., B.LITT. (1939), was appointed a Lecturer in Geography at Bedford College, London. H. M. WALLIS, B.A. (1945), was appointed Assistant Keeper in the Map Room of the British Museum from April. BETTY WEBB (1949) was appointed Temporary Assistant Lecturer in Economic History at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, 1951-2. G. H. WESTON, M.A. (1943), is expecting to go to a new post in Beirut, Lebanon, in September 1952. MRS. WESTON (J. M. Gamon, 1941), M.A., who taught at the Girls' Grammar School, Suva, in 1949 and 195o, was appointed a Temporary Assistant 'Teacher at Adi Cako Bau School, an Intermediate Fijian Girls' School. M. E. WHITE, M.A. (1930), is the Editor of The Phoenix, Journal of the Classical Association of Canada. A. C. M. WICKHAM (1948) is continuing pre-clinical work at Oxford for two terms. s. J. WICKHAM, M.A. (1920), has been appointed Headmistress of Crohan Hurst School, South Croydon, from September 1952. A. L. 0. WILLIAMS, B.A. (1949), was appointed Chemistry Specialist at Queen's College, Harley Street, London. MARGARET WILLIAMS (1948) was appointed an Assistant Mistress at Newport High School for Girls, Monmouthshire. A. A. M. WILSON, M.A. (1933), was appointed a J.P. for Sutton Coldfield in January. EDITH WILSON, B.A. (1946), was appointed a Child Welfare Officer, L.C.C., in 1950. H. M. WILTON, B.A. (1939), has been an Assistant in the Secretary's office, Bedford College, London, since January. BRIGITTE WOLFF, B.SC. (1939), was appointed Histologist, Department of Surgery, Guy's Hospital, London. SULAMMITH WOLFF, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1942), was appointed Paediatric Registrar to the Whittington Hospital, Highgate, London. MRS. STEWART (M. I.
JEAN M. WOOD (1948) is doing a Secretarial Course in Oxford. JUNE R. M. WOOD (1948) was doing a Secretarial Course before
taking the Foreign Office Administrative Grade Examination in January 1952. MRS. WRIGHT (H. J. Crump, 1919), B.A., is doing private teaching. MRS. WYATT (H. M. Watts, 1939), M.A., was appointed Personnel Officer, International Refugee Organization, Geneva. E. B. B. YOUNG, B.A. (1947), has been a Clinical Student at St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, since April. E. R. ZIMAN, B.A. (1947), is at the School of Librarianship, University College, London. L. R. ZURNDORFER, B.A. (1948), was appointed Publications Officer for the Shirley Institute (Research Centre for the British Cotton Association), Manchester, from February 1952.