St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1959-1960

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CHRONICLE 1959-60 Number 3 2




Chairman THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1959-61 MISS M. JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A. Editor of the Chronicle, 1958-6o MISS E. LEMON, M.A.





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GAUDY, 196o































The list of Members for whom the College has no address at present will be found at the end of this Chronicle.





Professorial Fellow, Montague Burton Professor of International Relations. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, O.B.E., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Classics, University Lecturer in Homeric Archaeology. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Research Fellow, University Demonstrator in Astronomy. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL. (M.SC. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in Mathematics, University Lecturer. BETTY KEMP, M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in History, University Lecturer. HON. HONOR MILDRED VIVIAN SMITH, M.A. (D.SC., M.D. LOND.), Research Fellow, May Reader in Medicine. PAMELA OLIVE ELIZABETH GRADON, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in English Language, University Lecturer. AGNES PRISCILLA WELLS, M.A., Official Fellow, Treasurer. HELEN MARY WARNOCK (MRS.), B.PHIL., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Philosophy, University Lecturer. SUSAN MERIEL WOOD (MRS.), B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Medieval History, University Lecturer. MARJORIE MARY SWEETING, M.A. (M.A., PH.D., CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Geography, University Lecturer. MABEL RACHEL TRICKETT, M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in English Literature, University Lecturer. MARGARET JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor and Cassel Lecturer in German, University Lecturer. BETTY ISABELLE BLEANEY (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow and Assistant Tutor in Natural Science (Physics), University Lecturer. VERA JOYCE DANIEL, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in French, University Lecturer. JOYCELYNE GLEDHILL DICKINSON, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Librarian.



Tutors and Lecturers

Assistant Tutor in Natural Science (Biochemistry). Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian, and University Lecturer. MARGARET LOUISE TREVES, B.A., Lecturer in Jurisprudence. MARY RANDLE LUNT, B.A.,



Principal's Secretary G. A. EASTERBROOK

EPORT •F THE THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF SENIOR MEIWIERS 9'n HE meeting was held in the Reading Room on Saturday, 20 June 1959. .11 Twenty-nine Senior Members were present. The Chairman called on the meeting to stand in memory of four former members who had died during the year. In her Statement the Chairman referred to the proposed statute which would come before Congregation in Michaelmas Term and which would confer on the Women's Colleges the status of full Colleges of the University, and explained its implications. The Chairman offered the congratulations of the meeting to the Mistress of Girton on her appointment as Reader in the Theory of Functions, University of Cambridge, and on the Hon. D.Sc. which she was to receive from Hull University, and to Dr. Evans on her election as President of the Society of Antiquaries. She reported that Miss Dickinson had,been elected to an Official Fellowship; that Miss Daniel and Mrs. Bleaney had been appointed to University Lecturerships and that Miss Levick had been elected to a Fellowship and Tutorship at St. Hilda's College. College post-graduate awards were also reported. Miss Jacobs was re-elected Secretary of the Association. Reports were given on the Building Fund Appeal and on the Portrait Fund. The portrait of the Principal, painted by Mr. Frederick Deane, was on view at the meeting.

GAUDY, 1960 rirHE St. Hugh's College Gaudy will be held from Friday, 1 July, until Monday, 4 July 1960. The Gaudy Dinner will take place on Saturday, 2 July, at 7.3o p.m. Invitation cards are enclosed with the Chronicle.



ISS DICKINSON, who has been Librarian since 1953, has been elected to an Official Fellowship and took her seat on the Governing Body in Michaelmas Term. During Trinity Term 1959 Mr. Frederick Deane of Manchester painted my portrait for the College. This now hangs in the Dining Hall. It has had a favourable reception in Oxford and I hope it will meet with the approval of Senior Members generally, and especially of those who have contributed to the Portrait Fund out of which the cost has been met. Miss Jacobs is away for the academic year on leave of absence and is teaching in the English Department at the University of Munich with the status of `Dozent'. During Miss Jacobs's absence Miss Mary Kurn, Scholar of the College 1952-6, is Acting Tutor in German and is responsible for undergraduates reading German for the Modern Language School. Miss Sweeting has returned from her year in Australia. Miss Kenworthy, who acted as Tutor in Geography during Miss Sweeting's absence, has been appointed to 7

a Tutorial Research Fellowship at Bedford College, University of London. Senior Members who were in residence between 1922 and 1941 will have heard with deep regret of the death of Miss Sophia Salt on 21 February 1960. Miss Salt was appointed as Assistant Bursar in 1922. She had seen extensive nursing service during the First World War and was responsible for the health of undergraduates throughout her period of service to the College, and no one who has been nursed by her will have forgotten her skilful and kindly ministrations. She was also for some years in charge of 4 St. Margaret's Road and from 1932 to 1939 was Warden of St. Hugh's House (8o Woodstock Road) when the house was used not only as an ordinary undergraduate house during term, but also as a house where undergraduates who wished to reside during vacation could stay for certain periods. Miss Salt retired in 1941 and since then has lived with her elder sister, in recent years at Cirencester. Miss Beere, who after being clerk to the Principal's secretary for many years, became in 1946 Principal's secretary, retired last summer but continues to live in Oxford. In Michaelmas Term 1959 the Congregation of the University approved legislation which granted the Women's Colleges the full status of Colleges of the University. As a result of this Stat. Tit. xxm 'Of Women Students' which, since 1920, has governed the relations of the Societies of Women Students with the University will disappear from the University Statutes. The practical changes occasioned by this alteration in status are not many. The Women's Colleges will now be liable to contribute to the University from their external revenue, i.e. revenue from land, endowments, &c. but not from fees. As a number of deductions are allowed from gross income before it is assessed for contribution, none of the five Colleges will at present qualify for assessment. The Heads of the Women's Colleges will be eligible for election to the office of Vice-Chancellor but, under the existing conventions as to seniority and age, it is unlikely that any of the present Principals will be called on to serve in this office. Women will not be eligible for the Office of Proctor, but in future a Representative of the Women's Colleges will be elected to serve on those University Committees on which the Proctors serve ex officio. This office will rotate among the five Colleges in order of seniority and the election will be carried out by the College concerned in the same way as an election to the office of Proctor. This should be a useful innovation, as it will enable some of the younger Fellows of the Women's Colleges to gain experience of University business as do the Fellows of the Men's Colleges who serve as Proctors. The Women's Representative will, however, have no disciplinary or ceremonial functions. In future, if a woman is elected to a Professorial chair, the chair will be allocated during her tenure of it to one of the Women's Colleges in order of seniority, instead of according to an ad hoc decision of the Hebdomadal Council as heretofore, and a procedure has been worked out by which, if a woman is a candidate for a Professorship, the College concerned will be represented on the electoral board, although the representative will not have a vote. The change in status has necessitated a revision of the College Statutes, as various statutes defining the relations between the University and the College have to be added, and this has given an opportunity for a more comprehensive revision of the statutes. These have to be approved by the University, in so far as they affect it, and by the Queen in Council before they come into force. -


The College has suffered a great loss by the death on 17 January 196o of Dame Catherine Fulford, who has been a generous friend to all five of the Women's Colleges at Oxford and to New Hall at Cambridge. Dame Catherine, who was not a University graduate, had a distinguished career in local government and served on the London County Council as Councilor and Alderman from 1931 to 1958. She visited St. Hugh's College and had lunch with members of the Senior Common Room last September and Miss Gray and I paid a return visit to her house at Bowlhead Green near Godalming early in Michaelmas Term. Three of four recent gifts made by Dame Catherine to St. Hugh's College have been added to the capital of the Senior Scholarship Fund out of which the emoluments of the Moberly Senior Scholarship, which is not endowed, are paid. It has been decided in future to offer a Moberly Senior Scholarship and a Catherine Fulford Senior Scholarship in alternate years; the conditions of the two awards will be similar, except that the Catherine Fulford Senior Scholarship will not be restricted to members of the College as is the Moberly Senior Scholarship. Among honours awarded to, and appointments of, Senior Members are the following: The Mistress of Girton (Mary Cartwright), appointed one of the Septemviri of the University of Cambridge from January 196o; Mrs. Castle, M.P. (Barbara Betts), Chairman of the Labour Party 1959; Professor Kathleen Coburn of Toronto University, Rose Mary Crawshay Prize for English Literature 1959, awarded by the British Academy for her Notebooks of S. T. Coleridge, vol. i; Miss M. M. Dean, awarded the O.B.E. in the New Year's Honours List 196o; Dr. Joan Evans, President of the Society of Antiquaries, the first woman to hold this office; Mrs. Mirsky (Aileen Guilding), Professor of Biblical Studies in the University of Sheffield, the first woman elected to a chair at Sheffield. The following have been appointed to Head Mistress-ships: Miss D. J. Dixon, Stoke Damerel High School for Girls, Plymouth, and Miss L. L. Lewenz, Harrison Barrow Girls' Grammar School, Birmingham. Other appointments and news of Senior Members are to be found elsewhere in the Chronicle. This year the 'At Home' for Senior Members resident in Oxford, which is held each year on the Saturday before or after St. Hugh's Day, was held before, instead of after, dinner and the husbands of married members were also invited—judging by the increased number of acceptances both innovations were welcomed. A Gaudy will be held from the 1st to the 4th of July 196o and notices about it are being sent out with the Chronicle. The results in the Schools this year were satisfactory: of the 57 candidates who sat for the Final Honour Schools, 4 obtained First Classes, 41 obtained Second Classes, so obtained Third Classes, and z obtained Fourth Classes. Those placed in the First Class were: Diana Copley (Scholar) and Margaret Hester (Exhibitioner) in Mathematics; Jean Holmes in Natural Science (Physics) and Marianne Koenig (Exhibitioner) in English Language and Literature. In the academic year 1958 to 1959 the number of undergraduates in residence was 190 of whom 188 (including 3 graduates of other Universities) were reading for the B.A. degree and a graduates of other Universities were reading for research degrees. There were also 19 graduates of the College in residence reading for research degrees or post-graduate diplomas. 9

The College is now working out its scheme, to which reference was made at the 1957 Gaudy, for the conversion of the three St. Margaret's Road houses into a single block and for the provision of a Principal's Lodgings elsewhere. The architect's plans are now under detailed consideration. The scheme provides for a connecting bridge between the west end of the Mary Gray Allen Wing and 2 St. Margaret's Road at first-floor level and two-storied links between 2 and 3 and 3 and 4 St. Margaret's Road. The type of roof used in these three houses makes any link at second-floor level impossible. Outside the three houses will retain their present appearance, with flat-roofed, twostoried, brick-built links between them; inside a good deal of alteration will be necessary, in order to provide communication between the houses on the ground and first floors. The whole block will provide bed-sitting-rooms for 34 or 36 undergraduates as well as sets for 3 or 4 Fellows. There will be an additional Junior Common Room, laundry, and drying room in the semibasement at No. 4. Altogether it will be possible to provide accommodation for an additional 18 undergraduates. The College hopes to start work on this conversion in the Long Vacation of 1962. The building will take from six to nine months to complete, so the provision of accommodation for displaced persons during Michaelmas Term 1962 and Hilary Term 1963 will present a problem. The scheme will have to be financed largely by a loan. The Building Fund remains open, and any contributions to it not required for the repayment of the loan made by the University towards the cost of the 1958 extensions will be used for this second stage of the College's building scheme. New subscribers and further donations will be very welcome. E. S. P. March 1960.

GIFTS AND ENEFACTIONS Legacy under the will of the late Barbara Le Fanu : ÂŁ20. 6s. 8d. Legacy under the will of the late Winifred Emily Alder-Barrett: Lso for the College Library. Gift from Dame Catherine Fulford, D.B.E.: L5oo.

DEGREES, 1959 D.Phil. R. A. Coldwell-Horsfall. Thesis: 'The Magneto-resistance Effect in Metals and Semi-conductors.' M. F. Hall, M.A. Thesis: 'A Study of the Behaviour of Sticklebacks, with Special Reference to the Brook Stickleback.' D. A. Jameson, M.A. Thesis: 'Measurements of Vibrational Absorption Bands of Polyatomic Molecules.' B. M. Levick, M.A. Thesis: 'Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor with special reference to Antioch—towards Pisidia.' Mrs. Webster, M.A. (M. S. Curzon), Thesis: 'An X-ray Analytical Study of the Structures of some Complex Organic Molecules.' B.Litt. K. Tyabji, M.A., B.C.L. Thesis: 'Limited Interests in Mohammedan Law.' B.Sc. Mrs. Littler (A. E. J. Herbert). I0

B.M. G. R. Ford, M.A. M.A. Mrs. Atack (M. F. Houlihan), Mrs. Baggaley (H. Bradbrooke), C. A.

Baker, Mrs. Barrett (B. N. Coates), M. Basco, E. J. Beck, J. Bromley, Mrs. Burbridge (0. D. Grenfell), Mrs. Buxton (B. A. Stamp), Mrs. Compsty (B. M. Hall), A. C. Creed, Mrs. Ellman (B. Samuell), G. R. Ford, H. J. M. Greening, Mrs. Griffiths (V. Kipping), M. F. Hall, M. E. Hancock, Mrs. Hughes (I. D. Jenkins), Mrs. Huldt (M. Hare), D. A. Jameson, J. Jopling, Mrs. Knight (S. M. Jones), M. Kurn, M. A. M. Leighton, E. I. Lemon, Mrs. Lennie (D. M. Mitchell), J. G. Lewis, Mrs. Lowe (A. C. R. Goodbody), S. J. Marwood, J. M. Mills, Mrs. Oakley (M. D. Holmes), S. M. Ottley, Mrs. Price (J. Bates), Mrs. Race (E. M. Carabine), N. Rice-Jones, Mrs. Rogers (M. J. Lucas), Mrs. Sankey (G. W. Putman), Mrs. Smart (L. D. Burton), P. Somers, Mrs. Stevens (W. B. Watson), M. Stock, M. B. Taylor, Mrs. Todd (M. C. Griffiths), Mrs. Treanor (M. L. L. Palmer), Mrs. Waddams (M. M. Burgess), Mrs. Webster (M. S. Curzon), B. J. West, D. U. C. Weston, Mrs. Woof (P. S. Moore), E. R. Ziman. B.A. S. M. Abercromby, M. R. Benson, D. K. Bolton, D. A. Brimacombe,

D. M. Copley, J. Cox, M. K. Credland, Mrs. Davies (M. B. Allen), C. K. Derry, D. R. Dolman, V. H. Edwards, M. W. Fieldsend, Y. A. Gabell, M. R. Hambly, G. Hayes, J. S. Haynes, M. E. Hester, Mrs. Holden (J. M. Wilkinson), J. Holmes, C. M. Hornbuckle, M. R. Jessiman, W. A. Kitchen, M. F. Koenig, E. A. L. Lackie, E. E. Langridge, A. Le Vin, S. E. Lindup, M. E. McKaig, G. A. P. Maberly, A. Mason, M. E. A. O'Brien, S. Peacock, J. Pearson, J. Porter, C. G. Pritchard, E. J. Roberton, A. E. A. P. Sandford, J. A. Smith, S. Spike, R. M. P. Stanford, A. J. Ubieta, S. Van Noorden, A. E. Ward, J. P. Wareing, E. J. Watt, V. Williams, J. G. Wynn Williams. University Scholarships and Prizes, Postgraduate Awards, &c. Gladstone Memorial Prize (for vacation travel r959): E. Elves and M. A.

Houghton. State Studentship: A. Redmayne, B.A. D.S.I.R. Grant: J. Holmes. Graduate Assistantship, Radcliffe College, U.S.A.: S. J. G. Allison. Assistantship, University of British Columbia, Canada: R. Denson-Dart. English Speaking Union Scholarship, Smith College, U.S.A.: J. Porter. College Awards Rawnsley Studentship 1959-61: M. Stephen, M.A. Edinburgh. Moberly Senior Scholarship 1959-60: A. Le Vin, B.A. Hurry Prize: J. Holmes. Elizabeth Wordsworth Essay Prize: A. Hudson; proxime accessit: A. Tolansky. Hilary Haworth Essay Prize: S. Oates; proxime accessit: K. Jambor. Special Prizes: D. M. Copley; M. E. Hester; M. F. Koenig. II

HONOU EXAMINATIONS, 1959 Literae Humaniores Class II: C. Dunbar, G. Hayes, M. S. Lloyd, J. Wynn Williams. Class III: W. Fieldsend, M. R. Hambly, R. Stanford.

Mathematics Class I: D. M. Copley, M. E. Hester. Class II: W. Greenfield, J. Haynes, W. A. Kitchen, M. E. McKaig, S. Peacock, J. P. Wareing, J. M. Wilkinson.

Natural Science Physics. Class I: J. Holmes. Class III: R. Cole. Chemistry Part I (unclassified): D. Brimacombe, L. Harpner. Chemistry Part II, Class II: E. M. Lloyd, E. M. Smith. Class IV: A. G. F. Mathews. Animal Physiology. Class II: J. Pearson. Class III: V. Sachs. Zoology. Class II: S. Van Noorden.

Modern History Class II: D. K. Bolton, B. J. Godfrey, A. Le Vin, G. Maberly, J. Porter, A. E. Ward, V. Williams. Class III: J. Batsford, A. Farrer.

English Language and Literature Class I: M. F. Koenig. Class II: M. Benson, J. Buddicom, M. K. Credland, V. M. Gascoigne, A. Mason, J. B. Matthews, C. G. Pritchard, E. J. Watt.

Modern Languages Class II: U. Benson (French), C. M. Colsell (Italian and French), J. Cox (German), E. Franklin (German and French), C. Hornbuckle (French), M. O'Brien (French), A. J. Ubieta (Spanish and French). Class III: S. Alliston (French and Spanish).

Philosophy, Politics and Economics Class II: V. H. Edwards, G. Miles. Class III: E. A. L. Lackie. Class IV: S. Lindup.

Geography Class II: R. Denson-Dart, Y. A. Gabell. Class III: A. E. Sandford.

Classical Honour Moderations Class II: M. Clark. Class III: E. Elves.

Mathematical Honour Moderations Class II: J. M. Albery, J. V. Child, M. Holley, C. Rivett. Class III: R. M. Bennett, G. L. Galley. 12

Natural Science Honour Moderations

Class II: A. M. Lever. Class III: A. Kiggell, M. R. Norman, A. M. Sigsworth. Diplomas Diploma in Statistics: S. M. Green. Diploma in Social and Public Administration: J. Phillips. Diploma in Education: E. J. Cosnett, J. M. Higgins, R. M. Higman, S. E.



(Jubilee Scholar) (Classics), Bedford High School. (Gamble Scholar) (History), Windsor School,


Hamm, and Hinckley Grammar School. JEFFERY, JANET ELIZABETH (Old

Students Scholar) (English), Watford Grammar

School. Exhibitioners AUDEN, ANITA BENEDETTA

(English), Canonesses of St. Augustine, More

House, London. BEDFORD, INGRID

(Gamble Exhibitioner) (Modern Languages), The King's

High School, Warwick. (English), Crediton High School for Girls. DUNCAN, JENNIFER ANN (Gamble Exhibitioner) (Modern Languages), Manor


House Convent School, London. GREWE, CHRISTINE HILDEGARD

(Modern Languages), Malet Lambert School,

Hull. (History), St. Paul's Girls' School. (Natural Science), King Edward VI High School


for Girls, Birmingham. (Geography), Kelsick Grammar School, Ambleside. (Mathematics), Gloucester High School for Girls.


Commoners (History), Limuru Girls' School, Kenya. (Modern Languages), Church High School, Sunderland. BEAVER, JENNIFER MARY (History), Stamford High School. BEDWELL, MARGARET VALERIE (Mathematics), James Allen's Girls' School, ALLEN, CATHERINE RUTH


East Dulwich. (Modern Languages), Gloucester High School for Girls. CHEN, MAE FUN (History), St. Stephen's Girls' College, Hong Kong. CLARKE, ELIZABETH ANNE (Modern Languages), Leiston Grammar School. BENNETT, SUSAN



(Modern Languages), Simon Langton Girls' School,


(Classics), Brighton and Hove High School.

Trinity College, Dublin. CRABTREE, ANGELA (Modern Languages), Wakefield Girls' High School. DAY, JOYCE (History), Bootle Grammar School. DIAMOND, CORA (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DOHOO, ANNE HELEN (Modern Languages), Ackworth School, Nr. Pontefract. DONALD, PATRICIA DOROTHY (History), Croydon High School. DORMER, PAMELA MARGARET (English), The King's High School, Warwick. DURMAN, SHEILA JEAN (Modern Languages), Croydon High School. EDWARDS, MARGARET ELAINE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), South Hampstead High School and Borlands Tutorial College. FLOWER, MARGARET (English), Goole Grammar School. FURLOW, Jean Margaret (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), Maldon Grammar School. GANGULY, EVA, Patna University, India. GOMPERTZ, GILLIAN, Birmingham University. GRINDLE, ANN KATHERINE SUSAN (English), Convent of the Sacred Heart, Tunbridge Wells. HAMLIN, ANN ELIZABETH (History), Red Maids' School, Bristol. HARRIS, DIANA ELIZABETH (Mathematics), The King'S High School, Warwick. HAWKES, ALISON CLAIRE (English), Central Newcastle High School. HAYES, LEONORA ANTOINETTE (Mathematics), Minchen den School, London. HAYWOOD, VICTORIA MARGARET SUSAN (Classics), Wakefield Girls' High School. HERBERT, ELIZABETH ANNE (Medicine), Croydon High School. HICKS, SARAH ELSPETH (Natural Science), Queen Anne's School, Caversham and Oxford College of Technology. HODGE, DIANA BRYANT (History), Manchester High School. HODLIN, JANE MARY (Modern Languages), City of Worcester Grammar School for Girls. HUNT, PATRICIA GAY WARREN (Mathematics), Sherborne School for Girls and Borlands Tutorial College. HUXLEY, JANET DIANNE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), Godolphin and Latymer School, Hammersmith. JONES, MARGARET (Classics), Canon Slade Grammar School, Bolton. KING, ELIZABETH ANN (Natural Science), Copthall County Grammar School, Mill Hill. CRAWFORD, JANE ANNETTE,



(Natural Science), Queen Mary's High School,

Walsall. Edinburgh University. (English), Durham Girls' Grammar School. PARHAM, JANET (Theology), Romford County High School. PICHANICK, PHYLLIS CONSTANCE FELICITY (English), Dominican Convent High School, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia. PIKE, CAROLINE MARY VICTORIA (Mathematics), Westonbirt School and Guildford County Technical College. PURKIS, JENNIFER RUTH (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), North London Collegiate School. ROBINSON, PENELOPE ANN (Geography), Atgerley School, Southampton. SHEPHERD (Mrs.) KAREN MARGRETHE (English), Struer Statsgymnasium. SHEW, LESLEY FRANCES (Jurisprudence), St. Michael's, Limpsfield. SNOW, MARGARET JANET (Natural Science), Leeds Girls' High School. STEPHEN, MARY WANDA, Edinburgh University. TEBBS, BETTY (History), Woodhouse Grammar School, Sheffield. WEBB, ELIZABETH ANN (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), Rosebery County Grammar School. WILKINSON, RITA MARGARET (Mathematics), Leeds Girls' High School. LEACH, ANGELA MARY,



has the advantage of allowing economic freedom. For the

IN. first time, perhaps, since before the war the J.C.R. has been able to spend

relatively freely without worrying too much about the cost. In a glorious summer, which will be noted in future years for the general air of prosperity and well-being which it bred, the J.C.R. captured the mood by throwing its own party in the gardens to which all members of the College were invited. We were delighted to see so many members of the S.C.R. and welcomed the opportunity to meet and speak with them under such pleasant conditions. While nominally the J.C.R. carried out all the preparations, we are in fact greatly indebted to the caterer—Mrs. Barker—and the Bursar for the assistance and advice they gave. We were particularly pleased that we were financially able to make donations, each of a worthwhile size, to World Refugee Year, and our two regular beneficiaries St. Margaret's House and World University Service. In the Hilary Term 196o, a motion was passed at the J.C.R. Meeting to adopt a refugee child. We have not so far had details of the child, but we do sincerely hope that future generations of J.C.R. members will feel as strongly as we do about giving help in this way, and will continue to give financial assistance. In return for the J.C.R. subscription, we have tried to keep up a satisfactory standard of J.C.R. amenities. Two new Anglepoises have been fitted up in the J.C.R. to supplement the general diffused light, which while bestowing an Athenaeum-like air on the room, is not particularly suited to close reading. 15

The J.C.R. has also passed a motion authorizing the Committee to buy a washing machine, and it is hoped, on condition that the estimates of installation come within the sum stipulated, that an automatic Bendix will shortly be in operation. The Art Club, which a short while ago was moribund, having been resurrected last year by Veronica Gascoigne and Marianne Koenig, continues to pursue an active and constructive policy. Jean Hood and Caroline Reynolds, the present Committee, are as concerned to maintain the present healthy state of the funds as they are interested (naturally) in buying new works. Their main intention is to purchase originals: they have bought an abstract by Jean Cartier and two interesting and attractive lithographs. They also bought at cheap rates from a picture club a dozen or so reasonable prints, which are hired out to J.C.R. members to hang in their rooms. By this scheme, the Art Club assures itself of a steady income, which is used to supplement the resources of the slowly but steadily diminishing Picture Fund. Owing to a sudden University grant to the Oxford University Women's Games Fund, J.C.R. subscriptions will be cut, yet in spite of this and increased J.C.R. expenditure over the past year, there is still a considerable surplus in the J.C.R. Funds which has been tied up in 5 per cent. Defence Bonds for the moment, so that future J.C.R.s may be able to take advantage, in the way they think best, of the same economic independence as we have been able to enjoy. Individual members of the J.C.R. continue to make their names in University society generally. This is probably so in the Drama sphere more than any other. Caroline Threlfall and Romola Christopherson in particular have been popular performers for both O.U.D.S. and E.T.C. The College did very well in cuppers, coming fourth with a performance of Ionesco's The Bald Prima Donna produced by Jennifer Cameron. Because it felt that the University was getting all the benefit of St. Hugh's talent, a College Society was inaugurated in Hilary Term to plough back some of the profits into the College firm. Its formal aim is to promote discussion of a wide variety of topics; its intention is to provide a common talking point for members of different years and graduates in particular. Mr. Warnock, speaking on Robert Graves, set the Society off on a promising career. The Carol Service this year was held jointly with Lincoln. It took place on Advent Sunday in St. Michael's-at-the-North-Gate. The main musical item was the well-known Bach cantata Sleepers, Wake. Two carols, John Wood's twentieth-century version of '0 Worship the Lord', and Praetorius's sixteenthcentury harmonization of 'The Noble Stem of Jesse', were also performed. A quartet from the Royal Academy of Music came from London to play a fourpart Fantasia by Purcell. The three Lessons were read by the Principal of St. Hugh's College, Canon Gilbertson, and the Rector of Lincoln, Mr. Oakeshott. We all rejoiced with last year's members in their academic successes. Specially to be congratulated are Diana Copley, Margaret Hester, Jean Holmes, and Marianne Koenig, who were all awarded First Class Degrees. May we wish the most worthy of their successors comparable honours. JOAN DUKES i6

GAMES REPORT, 1959-60 T. HUGH'S was very well represented in the women's teams to play against Cambridge. About three-eighths of the players taking part in matches against Cambridge were from St. Hugh's. Miss M. Scruton captained the badminton team which lost against Cambridge. Miss G. Miles captained the cricket team which lost to Cambridge. Others who gained their half-blues were Miss J. Carruthers, who is now secretary, Miss G. Corley, Miss J. Cross, Miss M. Holley, and Miss J. Tucker. Miss M. Hood captained the hockey team and Miss M. Holley was treasurer. Miss J. Albery, an England reserve, captained the lacrosse team. Miss J. Callender and Miss J. Cross also played in the match against Cambridge which was drawn, an improvement on recent years. Miss M. Houghton captained the tennis team which beat Cambridge. Also in the team of six were Miss M. Henkel, Miss B. Peel, and Miss D. Webb. Miss B. Peel is the new captain. Miss E. Herbert, Miss P. Jones, and Miss B. Peel played in the netball match. Miss J. Beattie and Miss J. Bott played for the squash rackets team against Cambridge. Miss J. Beattie is the new captain. Miss J. Prosser captained the swimming team which included Miss C. Renshaw, the treasurer, Miss A. Hawkes, Miss D. Ladkin, and Miss R. Shenton. The match against Cambridge was lost. Oxford were only able to have two practices. Miss C. Renshaw is the new captain. Miss M. Johnston was a member of the table tennis team chosen to play against Cambridge. MARY HOLLEY



N 8 December 1959, DOROTHY MARY VERE HODGE, M.A., Dublin, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1897-1900. Headmistress of the Friary School, Lichfield, 1911-45. Aged 8j. On 21 June 1959, LILIAN LEIGH SPENCER, Student of the College, 1913-16. Aged 65. On 21 February 1960, SOPHIA FRANCES SALT, Assistant Bursar, 1922-41, Warden of St. Hugh's House, 1932-9. Aged 78. On 23 October 1958, DEBORAH EUGENIE LINGARD, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1924-7. Aged 53. On 24 February 1960, EDITH MARGARET JEFFCOAT BAXTER, B.A., Commoner of the College, 1928-31. Aged 52. On 22 October 1959, WINIFRED EMILY ALDER-BARRETT, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1929-32. Aged 49. On 9 March 1959, MRS. LEONORA WILCOX (nee FALLAS), M.A., Commoner of the College, 1932-5. Aged 46. 17

On 1 September 1959, WINIFRED IIILDA JONES, I3.A., Commoner of the College, 1934-7. Aged 43. On 24 June 1959, EILEEN TERESA KEENOR, B.A., Exhibitioner of the College, 1944-7. Aged 33. On 22 January 1960, ARABELLA ANN WARDLEY, M.A., Scholar of the College, 1945-9. Aged 32.

WINI FRED ALDER-BARRETT A friend writes: INIFRED passed peacefully away on 22 October 1959, at the close of an illness which first declared itself three years ago and from which she knew for almost a year that she would not recover. She faced its successive stages quietly and without change of serenity or of personality, remaining the "A.B." of the 1929-32 J.C.R., plus the added maturity which an active life of service had brought her. Tor the last fourteen years, she had been in charge of Cumberland's library service, striving to bring the companionship of books to families, especially to children, throughout the county. Gradually the range of reading opportunities became wider and branch libraries and travelling vans brought books to readers in the smaller towns and remote villages, who welcomed new possibilities of choice. `She had a loyal staff to whom she was herself completely loyal, and also won recog iition of her vision and tenacity both from senior colleagues and from County Committee members. `She knew that she had staunch friends and latterly said, characteristically, that their number amazed her. `The spirit of Oxford was one of the many strengths on which she drew and she delighted during her last days in a photograph of Magdalen tower seen from the far corner of Addison's walk across a meadow of fritillaries. `Her only sister was closest to her as her strength ebbed. Slowly she took serene leave of her responsibilities, her friends, and of the many plans she had made in case more time should be allowed her. In her less than fifty years she not only accomplished much—she attained tranquillity.'


MAR IAGES of Capetown, South Africa, at St. George's West Church, Edinburgh, on 3o July 1959. MARION BASCO to DR. PETER MICHAEL MAITLIS, on 19 July 1959. VALERIE EILEEN BAXTER to DR. ROGER JOHN WOOD, at St. Paul's Church, Langleybury, Herts., on 17 October 1959. URSULA BELMAN to BRYAN WRIGHT, in August 1959. JANET MARIGOLD BLOMFIELD to JAMES ARCHIBALD CLOW, On 31 March 1959• CECILY CLARK tO G. R. ANDERSON, M.A. (Aberdeen), B.LITT. (Oxon.), 011 2 April 1959.






(Balliol College), on 16

April 1955. 23 March 1959. at St. Peter's Church, Bourne-


mouth, on 16 July 1959. at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Dover, on 5 September 1959. VALERIE HOPE EDWARDS to JOHN HODGESS ROPER, at the Hampstead Garden Suburb Free Church, in August 1959. ANN FARRER to WALTER HERMAN BELL, in August 1959. MARY FRENCH tO DAVID BRIAN CURTIS, B.A. (Merton College), on 15 August 1959. CAROL RUTH GOODMAN to BERNARD DONOUGHUE (Nuffield College), 011 28 November 1959. JUNE AUDREY GRIFFITHS tO RICHARD MICHAEL COMPSTON HARTLEY, B.A. (Merton College), on 22 August 1959. MARY FRANCES HARDING to NORMAN ANTHONY CONVERY, on 21 December 1957• KATHLEEN EDITH HARDY tO THE REV. E. HARRIS JONES, Vicar of Ffynnongroew, Flint, on 4 January 196o. BARBARA HOLLAND to IL W. ELLIOTT, at Swindon Registry Office, 011 22 August 1959. BARBARA ELSIE HURST to ROBERT STUART BURNS, at St. Mary's Church, Eastham, on 15 August 1959. DOROTHY ANN JAMESON to THE REV. MICHAEL HUBERT ATKINSON (The Queen's College), at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Mill Hill, on 6 April 1959. SYLVIA MARY JOHN to JAMES ANTHONY LYONS, B.SC. (N.U.I.), of Cork, at the Church of Our Lady of Peace, Llanelly, on 4 August 1959. MARY KATHLEEN FEARNLEY DALE tO ALEC CHRISTOPHER PATE,


at Hinde Street Methodist Church, London, on 15 August 1959. at St. Botolph's Church, Northfleet, Kent, on 22 August 1959. EDITH MARGARET LLOYD to GRAHAME A. A. GALE, B.A. (Keble College), at All Saints' Church, Cyncoed, Cardiff, on 8 August 1959. ELIZABETH EVELYN MacCALLUM to FRANK PEARSON LEES (Trinity College), at the Friends' Meeting House, Brighton, on 15 August 1959. JUDITH MARY MARTIN tO MORGAN ALISTAIR BOYD (Wadham College), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, on 26 May 1959. ANTOINETTE GILLIAN FRANKLIN MATHEWS to PETER JOHN PRICE, on 3 October 1959. JOAN DORIS MAY to ROBERT LUTYENS, in London, in July 1959. YVONNE ELIZABETH MEAD to DONALD LOTHIAN, at St. John's Church, Southall, Middlesex, on 15 August 1959. EILEEN ELSIE LANGRIDGE tO JACK ALFRED JONES,






at Oxford Registry Office, On 5 August


(St. Edmund Hall), at Wake-

field Cathedral, on 3 April 1956. (Trinity College), at St. Michael's Church, Heighington, Darlington, on 31 March 1959. PATRICIA MARY PEARSALL to PATRICK ERNEST BRIDGWATER, M.A. (Cantab.), Principal of the Teacher Training College, Mubi, Northern Nigeria, on 24 June 1959. LADY ANNE PATRICIA PERY tO LT.-COLONEL PETER THORNE, at Chiddinglye, On 16 May 1959. VIVIENNE JOY PUCKRIDGE to GARETH HYWEL JONES, at Hayes, Kent, On 21 March 1959. GWENDOLINE WINIFRED PUTMAN to JOHN ANTHONY SANKEY, at the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, Rickmansworth, on 8 June 1958. EILEEN MELLA ROSS to MR. MAYHOOK, in September 1959. MARY NENA MARGARET SHEPPARD tO ANTHONY VINCENT SILKE JONES, at St. George's Church, Beckenham, on 3 April 1959. MARGARET JANE SINGLETON to THE REV. P. L. C. RICHARDS, M.A. (St. Catherine's Society), Tutor at Bishops' College, Cheshunt, at Christ Church, Radlett, Herts., on 7 January 196o. SHEILA POMEROY SLIPPER to DR. GIANNI VACIAGO, in Torino, Italy, on 15 November 1959. RACHEL MILWARD THOMPSON to MICHAEL JOHN MORIARTY, at St. Andrew's Church, Bedford, on 9 January 196o. AUDREY MARY VIOLET WILCOCKS tO PROFESSOR ING. GUIDO GUERRA, of Naples University, on 13 September 1958.



at the City Temple, on 12 December 1959.


M. G. Simpson)—a daughter (Katharine Jane), 20 April 1959. MRS. ALLEN (M. C. Levett)—a son (John Martin), 5 April 1959. MRS. BARBOUR (J. M. Galbraith)—a daughter (Sarah Elizabeth), 16 December 1959. MRS. BOGGON (Janet Blyth)—a son (Christopher Neil), 22 February 1959. MRS. BRETT-SMITH (Catharine Hill)—a son, 7 November 1959. MRS. BUXTON (B. A. Stamp)—twin son (Timothy) and daughter (Sarah), 31 July 1959. MRS. CRACKNELL (J. J. Michael)—a daughter (Linda Jane), 21 June 1959. MRS. CROSS (E. M. Clunies-Ross)—a daughter (Juliet Fiona), 9 January 196o. 20

(M. B. Allen)-a son (Richard Andrew), 6 July 1959. (K. I. P. Tester)-a son, 14 December 1959. MRS. DENNY (V. A. Wylie)-a son (Roger John), 8 October 1959• mils. DE SATGE (M. A. Stobbart)-a son (Jeremy John Philippe), 3 September 1958. MRS. DE TRAFFORD (P. M. Beeley)-a daughter (June), 7 June 1959. MRS. ELLIOTT (F. J. M. Arthur)-a son (John Michael), 2 October 1956; a son (Thomas George), 29 March 1958. MRS. ELMQUIST (C. Y. Aboav)-a son (Stefan), 2 June 1959. MRS. EVANS (N. R. Moylan)-a son (Adrian William Dacre), r December 1959. MRS. FENTON (J. A. Clegg)-a daughter (Lesley Anne), to November 1959. MRS. FESSLER (A. M. Arnold)-a son (Paul Nicholas), 2 April 1959. MRS. FRANKLIN (Charlotte Hajnal-Konyi)--a son (Noah), 3o April 1959. MRS. GENT (A. H. Low)-a daughter (Katharine Melanie), 22 May 1959. MRS. GOODING (H. S. Macdonald)-a son (Christopher Thomas), 5 March 1959. MRS. GRINDROD (R. M. Orgill)-twin son (Martin William) and daughter (Anne Hilary), 22 November 1956. MRS. GUERRA, (A. M. V. Wilcocks)-twin son (David) and daughter (Francesca), 3 August 1959. MRS. HALL (B. M. Henderson)-a daughter (Edith May), 4 March 1959. MRS. HARDY (M. McQ. Morris)-a daughter (Elisabeth Barton), 5 September 1958. MRS. HEMMING (J. M. E. Fortescue-Foulkes)-a son (Oliver Richard Newton), 7 August 1959. MRS. HOPE-SIMPSON (J. A. Cureton)-a daughter (Elinor Jacynth), 12 April 1959. MRS. HOWELL (G. E. Davies)-a son (David Arthur), z8 April 1959. MRS. HUGHES (I. D. Jenkins)-a daughter (Rosamund Anne), 16 April 1959. MRS. HURFORD (P. M. Matthews)-a son (Michael John), 13 May 1959. MRS. IVY (M. J. Gilbertson)-a son (Andrew Hugh), 2o March 1959. MRS. JAMES (Barbara Cooper)-a son (Guy Stuart), 14 April 1959. MRS. KIRBY (J. F. Dickins)-a son (William David), 18 October 1958. MRS. KNIGHT (S. M. Jones)-a daughter (Anthea Clare), 4 May 1959. MRS. Kox (Pamela Gibbons)-a son (Nigel Christopher), 23 May 1959. MRS. LEA-WILSON (G. M. Trevaldwyn)-a daughter (Mary Morwenna), January 1956; a daughter (Fiona Clare), May 1957. MRS. LORRIMAN (G. T. Unbegaun)-a daughter (Veronica Mary), 4 April 1959. MRS. LUSCOMBE (A. C. M. Wickham)-a daughter (Hilary Caroline), 2 May 1959. MRS. MCANUFF (M. A. Lister)-a daughter (Mary Elizabeth), 26 November 1959. MRS. MOORE (M. D. B. Seaton)-a son (Colin Patrick), 3o March 1958; a son (Kevin Joseph), 3o December 1959. MRS. DAVIES MRS. DAWE


(A. M. G. Battiscombe)-a daughter (Sarah Olympia), 17 August 1959. MRS. NIND (T. S. Willan)-a son (Hugh John Hampden), 27 December 1959• MRS. PEASE (Susan Spickernell)-a son (Michael Roland Wedgwood), 12 April 1959. MRS. PHILLIPS (M. B. Pritchard)-a son (Charles James Peter), 7 May 1959. MRS. RICHARDS (A. M. James)-a daughter (Luned Margaret), 18 July 1959. MRS. RODDAM (J. A. Pontremoli)-a son (Nicholas Jacques), 4 July 1958. MRS. RODGERS (J. F. Knighton)-a daughter (Jane Frances), to June 1959. MRS. ROSSOTTI (H. S. Marsh)-a daughter (Heather Carol), 18 February 1959. MRS. ROTHWELL (M. E. Meehan)-a son (Peter Francis), 13 September 1959. MRS. ROWLINSON (E. M. Hunter)-a son (Andrew John), 16 February 1959. MRS. RYE (J. P. Shields)-a daughter (Penelope Fane), 24 February 1959. MRS. SAMPSON (E. S. Robinson)-a son (Thomas Bradbury), 31 October 1958. MRS. SAMUEL (R. H. Cowen)-a son (Jonathan Wilfred), 24 May 1959. MRS. SANKEY (G. W. Putman)-a daughter (Caroline), 25 April 1959. MRS. SCOTT (Margaret Millington)-a son (Paul Richard), 6 May 1959. MRS. SHORT (C. M. Hill)-a son (Richard Lindsay), 27 September 1959. MRS. SMART (Joyce Graham)-a son (Patrick John), 4 June 1958. MRS. STONEHOUSE (S. L. Cutcliffe)-a son (Alan David), 4 April 1959. MRS. SWINDELLS (L. W. Iggulden)-a daughter (Catherine Elizabeth), 29 June 1959. MRS. TREANOR (M. L. L. Palmer)-a daughter (Anne Kathryn), 19 September 1959. MRS. TCHAKAROV (J. M. Floyd)-a son (Anghel John), 9 April 1959. MRS. WAHBA (Josephine Salkind)-a son (Monrad), 15 January 1959. MRS. WENBAN (J. E. A. Claye)-a son (Andrew Michael), 26 June 1959. MRS. WIGG (M. A. Brown)-a daughter (Philippa Ann), 9 June 1959. MRS. WIGGINS (J. A. Pulley)-a son (James Cohn), 13 January 1959. MRS. WOLTON (M. A. Seton)-a daughter (Julia Mary), 2 April 1959. Adoption MRS. ISSERLIS (E. M. 0. Laurie)-a daughter (Susan Eleanor), b. December 1958. MRS. KENNEY (S. F. De Sa)-a daughter (Gillian Ruth), b. 19 February 1958. MRS. MORSHEAD

PUBLICATIONS (Mrs.) J. M. Clow, B.A., with J. W. B. Douglas. Children under Five by J. W. B. Douglas and J. M. Blomfield, Allen & Unwin, 1958. 21S. C. E. Crittall, M.A. Victoria History of Wiltshire. Vol. iv. Oxford University Press, Sept. 1959. £7.7s. Joan Evans, D.Litt. Vol. iii of Ruskin's Diaries. Clarendon Press. The Lamp of Beauty. Selected and edited by J. E. from the writings of John Ruskin. Phaidon Press.



(Mrs.) Diana Fearon, M.A. A Rhino for Rosamund. Robert Hale, 1959. zos. 6d. (Mrs.) N. Gorodetzky, B.Litt., M.A., D.Phil., with N. Duddington. Tolstoy: Selections (in the series Oxford Russian Readers). Clarendon Press, 1959. 18s. Phyllis Hartnoll, M.A. (Editor). Welcome, Good Friends (the autobiography of the late Sir Kenneth Barnes). Peter Davies, 1958. — (Translator). Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas. Everyman No. 'co, Dent, 1959. (Mrs.) Mary Holdsworth, M.A. Turkestan in the Nineteenth Century: a brief history of the Khanates of Bukhara, Kokand Khiva. Luzac & Co. (for Central Asian Research Centre), Dec. 1959. 18s. (Mrs.) Lucille Iremonger, M.A. American edition of Love and the Princesses. Crowell's. $5. Young Traveller in South Seas, published in Japan and Israel. (Mrs.) M. D. Lobel, B.A. 'Ploughley Hundred' (Vol. vi of A History of the County of Oxford), ed. Mary D. Lobel. Oxford University Press, 1959.

6s. Sarah Myers, B.A. Co-author of New Orbits, published in March 1959, by the Joint Political Committee of the National League of Young Liberals and Union of Liberal Students, price as. 6d. M. F. Perham, M.A. The Diaries of Lord Lugard. 3 vols. (Mrs.) Margaret Potter, M.A. Murder to Music, by Margaret Newman. John Long. 1959. 1 Is. 6d. D. S. Russell, M.A., F.R.C.P. (with L. J. Rubinstein). Pathology of Tumours of the Nervous System. Edward Arnold, London, 1959. 7os. M. E. Seaton, M.A., D.Litt. 'Marlowe's Light Reading', in Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies presented to Frank Percy Wilson, pp. 17-35. Oxford University Press, 1959. (Mrs.) E. M. Simpson, D.Phil. The Sermons of John Donne, published by the University of California Press and Cambridge University Press. Vol. iv (with the late G. R. Potter), 1959. $7. 5o. (Mrs.) Sulammith Walton, M.A., B.M., B.Ch. Translation of Erwin Acker Knecht, A Short History of Psychiatry.

ARTICLES (Mrs.) A. E. Blin-Stoyle, M.A. Paper entitled 'A Sample Analysis of British Middle and Late Bronze Age Material Using Optical Spectrometry', by M. A. Brown and A. E. Blin-Stoyle, appearing in the next issue of Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. (It was due for publication in Dec. 1959.) M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil., F.R.S. 'On the Decomposition of Functions Regular in a Circle.' Journal of the London Mathematical Society, vol. xxxiv,, 1959, PP. 454-6.



M. R. Cunningham, M.A. 'The Unconscious Mind.' One and All, Journal of the National Adult School Union. Oct. 1959. 6d. from 35 Queen Anne Street, W. 1. E. M. Deuchar, M.A. 'Experimental Demonstration of Tongue Muscle Origin in Chick Embryos.' Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology, vol. vi, part 4, Dec. 1958, pp. 527-9. (Mrs.) T. E. Harris, M.A., B.M., B.Ch. 'Acute Laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis —an account of 122 cases studied in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.' British Medical Journal, vol. i, 14 Feb. 1959, pp. 416-19. Phyllis Hartnoll, M.A. Articles on Moliere, de Musset, Pirandello, and Racine, in England; article on the Terry Family, Enciclopaedia dello Spettacolo. Revision and preparation of articles for the new edition of Collier's Encyclopaedia, N.Y. Revision of theatre and kindred articles in new edition of Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia, vol. ix. (Mrs.) Mary Holdsworth, M.A. 'Afrikakunde in der Sowjetunion.' Osteuropa, 1959, Nos. 7-8. `News from Africa'—three broadcasts on Commonwealth topics in B.B.C. Science to the U.S.S.R. Aug.–Sept. 1959. A number of abstracts for African Abstracts, Oct. 1959. — Contributions to 'Notes and News' in Africa, July 1959. D. R. K. Irvine, M.A. Article on Comprehensive Schools in The Church Observer, Oct. 1958. Price 9d. Publ. by Church Union. B. M. Levick, M.A., D.Phil. 'Two Pisidian Colonial Families.' Journal of Roman Studies, vol. xlviii (1958). (Mrs.) A. E. J. Littler, B.A., B.Sc. (with Dr. M. L. Tomlinson). 'The Synthesis of 1: 9-9' : i'-Dicarbazolylene, and Related Experiments.' Journal of the Chemical Society, 1958, pp. 4492-4. A. L. Mayer, B.Sc. 'Effect of Pyridoxine Administration on the Urinary Excretion of Oxalic Acid, P yrodoxine and related compounds in Mongoloids and Non Mongoloids.' American Journal of Nutrition, vol. vii, 1959,P. 76. M. A. Priestley, B.Litt. 'Richard Brew: an eighteenth-century trader at Anomabu.' Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana, vol. iv, part i, 1959. E. E. S. Procter, M.A. 'The Towns of Leon and Castille as Suitors before the King's Court in the Thirteenth Century.' English Historical Review, vol. body, 1959, pp. 1-22. (Mrs.) C. L. A. Richardson. 'Some Industrial Victoriana.' I.C.I. Magazine, Feb. 1959. (Mrs.) H. S. Rossotti, B.Sc., M.A., D.Phil. 'Infra-red Studies of Complexes of Iodine with Monohydric Alcohols and with Amylose.' Journal of Polymer Science, vol. xxxvii, 1959, p. 557. 24

H. S. Rossotti (with F. J. C. Rossotti). 'Calculation of Stability Constants from Cryoscopic Measurements by the Projection Strip Method.' Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol. lxiii, 1959, p. 1041. P. H. M. Rothwell, M.A. 'Cosmic Rays in the Earth's Magnetic Field.' Phil. Mag. vol. iii, no. 33, Sept. 1958, p. 961. `Satellite Observations of Solar Cosmic Rays.' Nature, vol. clxxxiv, July 1959, p. 138. `Magnetic Cut-off Rigidities of Charged Particles in the Earth's Field at times of Magnetic Storms.' Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. lxiv, no. 11, Nov. 1959, p. zoz6. N. K. Sandars, B.Litt. 'Amber Spacers.' Antiquity, vol. xxxiii, Dec. 1959. (Mrs.) 0. L. Sayce, M.A. 'Der Begriff edelez herze im Tristan Gottfrieds von Strassburg.' Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift, Jg. 33, 1959, Heft 3. (Mrs.) C. M. Snow, M.A., B.Sc. (with R. Snow). 'The Induction of Dorsiventrality in Leaves.' New Phytologist, 1959. — 'Regulation of Sizes of Leaf Primordia.' Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 1959. M. M. Sweeting, M.A. (with G. E. Groom). 'Valleys and Raised Beaches in Bunsow Land, C. Vertspitsbergen.' Norsk Polaa Institutt Skrifter, 1958. M. R. Toynbee, M.A. Eight articles in the Victoria History of the County of Oxford, vol. vi (1959)•

— (with Sir G. Isham). 'Ann Isham of Banby and her Three Husbands.' Genealogists' Magazine, March and June 1959. `The Balfour Letters to King James VI and I.' The Stewarts, vol. xi, no. I, 1959. (Mrs.) E. H. Turner, M.A. 'American Prisoners of War in Great Britain 1777-1783.' The Mariner's Mirror, vol. xlv, no. 3, July 1959. Brigitte Wolff, B.Sc. (with H. J. B. Atkins). 'The Malignant Gland in the Axilla.' Guy's Hospital Reports, in print. Rosemary Woolf, B.Litt., M.A. 'Doctrinal Influences on the Dream of the Nord.' Medium ZEvum, vol. xxvii, 1958, pp. 137-53. 'Chaucer as a Satirist in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.' Critical Quarterly, vol. i, 1959, pp. 150-7.


Dear Miss Lemon, In the early part of 1958 I was invited to lecture in America on theatre history, and began my tour in the following October in Richmond, as the Visiting Scholar of the University Center in Virginia. I gave two lectures in Richmond itself, two in Charlottesville, at the University of Virginia (where I was interested to see the room once occupied by Edgar Allan Poe), and one each at Sweetbriar, Longwood, and Mary Washington Colleges. The countryside was at its best, and I was driven through miles of beautiful 2


forest with blazing red and gold autumn foliage. I also learnt a good deal about the Civil War, and visited several of the historic battlefields. I then went on to Texas (Dallas and Austin) and to Indiana (Lafayette and Bloomington). The University of Indiana at Bloomington is situated only a few miles from the birthplace of the Prime Minister's mother, and he was recently given an honorary degree there. The journeys by air were most exciting, and I had a wonderful view of the Mississippi far below, with its memories of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn! Back in New York, I lectured at Barnard Hall, part of the University of Columbia, and hoped to see Ursula Niebuhr (Keppel-Compton), but she was away. However, on a second visit in October 1959 I went again to Barnard Hall, and this time had the pleasure of dining with Ursula, her husband, and son. She was very busy and happy, making plans for next year when her husband is due to retire and will, we all hope, have more leisure to devote himself to writing. On my second visit I also lectured at Princeton, and indulged in the somewhat unacademic pastime of Television quiz shows, but not, luckily, on those which have since been investigated by Congress! Everywhere I went I found Americans deeply perturbed by the revelations of 'rigged' shows, whose repercussions go far beyond the confines of the 'quiz' itself, and by the harm done to education and academic studies in the popular mind by the Van Doren scandal. I am happy to say that an American Society for Theatre Research has now been founded, affiliated to the International Federation for Theatre Research, which, as you may remember, I helped to found some years ago. Our journal, of which I am editor, is now going to be printed in England under my supervision, after a trial run in Italy. I hope very much that anyone interested in writing for it, or subscribing to it, will get in touch with me. Yours sincerely, PHYLLIS HARTNOLL

NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEM ERS (The date of appointment is x959 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College.)

E. M. Lawrence, 1931), has been Staff Tutor in History and International Affairs, University of Oxford Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, since August 1958. MRS. ANDERSON, M.A., B.LITT (Cecily Clark, 1945), has been Lecturer in English (Language) in the University of Aberdeen since January 1958, and is acting regularly as Examiner in English for the Civil Service Commission. J. M. P. ANDERSON, B.A. (1953), was awarded the Croxon Memorial Scholarship at University College Hospital, London, where she began to read for her B.M., B.Ch., in April. MRS. ADLER, B.A. (C.


(1955), was appointed Trainee Personnel Assistant, Joseph Lucas (Electrical) Ltd., in February. A. J. BAGNALL, M.A. (1954), was appointed Editorial Researchist on the staff of the Observer from August. K. L. BALL, M.A. (1926), was promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Library Science, Library School, University of Toronto, from July. RUTH BARBOUR, M.A. (1936), was appointed Lecturer in Greek Palaeography at Oxford, from October. MRS. BARNETT, B.A. (Ann Huxley, 1954), whose husband was ordained Deacon in the Chapel of the Cross of the new Cathedral, Coventry, on Trinity Sunday, and is serving as a Curate in Coventry, has been working half days since July at the Herbert Museum which is to be opened to the public in March 1960. MRS. BARRETT, M.A. (C. C. Aspinall, 1942), was appointed Assistant History Mistress at the School of St. Mary and St. Anne, Abbots Bromley, from September. E. M. J. BAXTER, B.A. (1928), who was a part-time Lecturer in the Arts Department of Brighton Technical College 1958-9, was assisting temporarily with Sixth Form Latin at Varndean School for Girls, Brighton, during 1959, in addition to her appointment at Roedean School. MRS. BATTEN, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (A. M. M. Oriel, 1943), is doing two clinics a week for the L.C.C. E. J. BECK, M.A. (1952), was appointed Assistant Classics Mistress at Colston's Girls' School, Bristol, from September. P. M. BINYON, M.A. (1951), is now teaching in the mission field in Northern Nigeria. MRS. BLIN-STOYLE, M.A. (A. E. Balmford, 1946), whose husband is a visiting Associate Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the academic year 1959-60, was appointed Staff Member of the Department of Scientific Research in the Laboratory for Nuclear Science at M.I.T. from October. P. A. BOWYER, M.A. (1949), was appointed Senior History Mistress at Sherborne School for Girls, from September. MRS. BOYD, B.A. (j. M. Martin, 1952), resigned her appointment with the Church of England Newspaper in December 1958. Since her marriage she lives in North Borneo. MRS. BRADBURY (L. F. Todd, 1904), has been living in Fairford, Glos., since her husband retired from the living of Bremhill, Wilts., at the end of June. A. V. M. BREWIN, M.A. (195o), was appointed Research Assistant to Professor S. H. Frankel, Nuffield College (Professor of Colonial Economic Affairs), from October. MRS. BROCK, B.A. (S. M. Abercromby, 1956), was appointed to the staff of St. Cyprian's School, Cape Town. MRS. BROMHEAD, M.A. (E. R. Snodgrass, 1938), was appointed Tutor, St. Aidan's Society, Durham University. R. E. ARTHUR, B.A.


(S. M. Tilling, 1936), and her husband run discussion groups for engaged couples under the auspices of the Marriage Guidance Council. K. L. CARIUCK SMITH, M.A. (1920), will be retiring from the Mount School, York, in July 196o. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL. (1919), was appointed Reader in the Theory of Functions in the University of Cambridge, 1959, and from January 196o was appointed one of Septemviri of the University of Cambridge. She was given the honorary degree of D.Sc. by the University of Hull in June. MRS. CALVERT-SMITH, M.A.

(B. A. Betts, 1929), was elected Chairman of the Labour Party 1958-9: she was re-elected M.P. (Labour) for Blackburn at the General Election in October. MRS. CHAMBERLAIN, M.A. (S. J. Wickham, 1920), retired from the Headmistressship of Croham Hurst School, South Croydon, in July. MRS. CASTLE

(C. M. P. Abson, 1953), has been in Accra, Ghana, since July, when her husband went there to work with British Petroleum Ltd. She has a very interesting job with the French Embassy as their official translator. MRS. CLOW, B.A. (J. M. Blomfield, 1939), has been Research Officer with the Population Investigation Committee on Survey of Child Health and Development, since 1954. KATHI.EF.N COBURN, B.LITT. (1930), was awarded the Rosemary Crawshay Prize for English Literature by the British Academy, for The Notebooks of MRS. CLINCH, B.A.

S. T. Coleridge, vol. i.

(B. M. Hall, 1951), took up a part-time appointment teaching French at Bolton Technical College, in September. PAMELA CONNELL, B.A. (1954), has been an assistant mistress at Northampton High School, teaching Scripture and History, since September 1958. M. R. CUNNINGHAM, M.A. (1919), was co-opted to the National Adult School Union's Handbook Compilation Committee (for 1961 Handbook). H. E. DALES, B.A. (1954), who was Assistante d'anglais, Ecole Normale, Grenoble, till June, has been working in the Foreign Office since September. MAISIE DALGLEISH, M.A. (1920), has retired from the Headmistress-ship of Brentwood School, Southport, and is now living in Edinburgh. L. A. DALTON, B.A. (1955), is a graduate student and teaching assistant in the department of English, Indiana University, U.S.A., for the year 1959-60. D. K. DANIEL, B.A. (1953), was working as office secretary in the central office of the London Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare from January to November. I. M. M. DEAN, M.A. (1922), was made an O.B.E. in the New Year Honours List 1960. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), was appointed to the Fellowship Awards Committee of the American Council of Learned Societies, and to that of the American Association of University Women. s. c. DE GRUCHY, M.A. (1951), was appointed Child Care Officer, Oxfordshire County Council, from September. MRS. COMPSTY, M.A.


(M. G. Beamish, 1939), was appointed part-time assistant mistress for English and Greek, at Enfield County School, Middlesex. BRENDA DICKESON, M.A. (1947), was appointed to a Fellowship for Advanced Casework Course, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. MRS. DICKINSON, M.A. (M. M. L. Bailey, 1937), has been County Psychologist to Somerset Education Committee since 1952. D. J. DIXON, M.A. (1938), was appointed Headmistress of Stoke Damerel High School for Girls, Plymouth, from September. MRS. DONOUGHUE, B.A. (C. R. Goodman, 1954), has had a teaching post in Stebon Primary School, London, E.14, since September. F. M. M. DOWNER, M.A. (1951), was appointed Senior Geography Mistress at Clarendon School, Abergele, North Wales. MRS. DEMBEIGH, M.A.

M. G. EDWARDS, M.A. (1935),

is one of the members of the Staff of the Ministry of Supply who, when it was abolished, joined the new Ministry of Aviation. has been teaching German and French at Sale County Grammar School for Girls since 1958.

K. J. ELLIS, B.A. (1924),

(Betty Samuell, 1931), has been a member of the Epsom Group Hospital Management Committee since 1955. Her elder son was at Merton College 1956-9 and the younger one is now there.


(N. E. Bennington, 1950), will be in Canada from January to May 1960 as her husband has been appointed Visiting Professor in Old Testament at Toronto University for that term.



(1914), was elected President of the Society of Antiquaries, and elected Treasurer of the Royal Archaeological Institute.

P. M. C. EVANS, M.A. (1931), was

appointed Chairman of the Working Party to make suggestions for the post-training of women Church workers, set up by the Central Council for Women's Church Work, in October.


C. H. Symonds, 1932), who is the President of the Radley Women's Institute, has been doing temporary work as acting tutor at Denman College. MRS. FITZPATRICK, M.A., B.SC. (J. M. Richardson, 1940), was appointed Horticulture and Biology teacher at Oriel School, Southam Delabere, Cheltenham. MRS. FLEET, M.A., D.PHIL. (N. M. Thorp, 1929), was appointed L.C.C. Instructor in German at the City of Westminster College and at Highbury College of Commerce. D. I. FLETCHER, M.A. (1938), has helped in the preparation of two exhibitions, open to the public, at Queen's College, Stourbridge—one, in April, on local history; the other on 'Dr. Johnson's England' as part of the celebrations commemorating the 250th anniversary of Johnson's birth. G. R. FORD, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1952), was appointed House Surgeon at St. Thomas' Hospital, London. P. E. FOSTER, B.A. (1955), was appointed Assistant German Mistress at Wycombe Court School, near High Wycombe, from September. 29

(E. M. Lloyd, 1955),was appointed to a research post in the Physical Chemistry Unit, Research Division of Glaxo Laboratories, Ltd., from July. M. s. GALLOWAY, M.A. (1950), has left the Universities' Federation for Animal Welfare after five years as Branch organizer and has accepted a post in Brussels as translator and editorial secretary with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, from January 196o. MRS. GORRIE, M.A. (L. C. Mackintosh, 1947), was appointed to a temporary W.E.A. lectureship in English Literature from January to April. MRS. GRANDY, M.A. (A. I. M. Shaw, 1936), has now three children, two boys and a girl. Her husband is Director of International Economic Relations in the Department of Finance, Ottawa. MRS. L. GREEN, M.A. (June Burdett, 1944), adjudicated for Durham W.I. `Beginners Please' Festival in October. She has appeared on B.B.C. television as a book reviewer in 'Something to read'. H. J. M. GREENING, M.A. (1952), has returned to act as assistant mistress in St. Stephen's Girls' College, Hong Kong. F. M. GUY, B.A. (1920), retired from the staff of St. Swithin's School, Winchester, in July. M. F. HALL, M.A., D.PHIL. (1949), was appointed Zoological Adviser to the Granada TV. Film Unit in the Regent's Park Zoo from September. B. B. A. HAMILTON, B.A. (1954), was appointed a teaching Fellow in General Education at Harvard University 1959-60. She hopes to be married in 196o and then to live for at least a year in Brazzaville on the Congo. M. E. HANCOCK, B.A. (1952), was appointed French Mistress at Parliament Hill School, London, from September 1958. PHYLLIS HARDCASTLE, M.A. (1931), retired, on health grounds, from the Civil Service at the end of March. MRS. HARDING, M.A. (D. A. 0. Hudson, 1941), was appointed Sixth Year Mistress at Kidbrooke School, from September. MRS. HARDIE, M.A. (P. M. C. Uhde, 1946), whose second daughter, Gillian Augusta, died suddenly in June 1959, hopes to join her husband, who left for a staff appointment in Aden in January 196o, later in 196o. MRS. HARRIS (Evelyn Phipps, 1912), was appointed Secretary to the Johannesburg branch of the National Council of Women. MRS. HARTLEY, B.A. (J. A. Griffiths, 1955), was appointed Mathematics Mistress at Wakefield Endowed High School for Girls from September. PHYLLIS HARTNOLL, M.A. (1926), has written articles, book reviews, and dramatic criticism in The Times, The Times Literary Supplement, Notes and Queries, Theatre Notebook, Stage, Theatre Arts (U.S.A.). E. R. HASLOP, M.A. (1927), had a grace term in the summer and visited Germany, Austria, and France. W. J. L. HAZLEHURST, M.A. (1931), who was President of the Unitarian Sunday School Association 1959-60, was appointed Minister of Waverley Road Unitarian Church, Small Heath, Birmingham, and Tamworth Unitarian Chapel, from October. MRS. GALE, B.A.


(1955), was appointed Geography Mistress at Dudley Girls' High School, from September.

A. P. M. HEATH, B.A.


M. HIGGINS, B.A. (1954), was appointed Classics Mistress at Northwood College, Northwood, Middlesex.

R. M. HIGMAN, B.A. (1954),

was appointed Divinity Mistress at Notting Hill and Ealing High School (G.P.D.S.T.) from September.

H. Edwards, 1956), had a temporary post in charge of data collection for a Library Use Study project in the University of Chicago Library. She will be in the U.S.A. for the length of her husband's Commonwealth Fellowship, 1959-61.


(1954), was appointed Assistant Classics Mistress, North London Collegiate School, from September. M. E. HOLMES, B.A. (1954), was appointed Assistant Youth Employment Officer, Doncaster, Yorks, in August 1958.


(195o), now Sister Mary Edward, O.P. , entered the Noviciate, at Stroud, of the English Dominican Congregation of St. Catharine of Siena, and was clothed in the Dominican habit on the feast of Bl. Martin de Poires. MRS. HOWELL, M.A. (G. E. Davies, 1938), has been Headmistress of St. Peter's School, Claypole, Notts., since 1956 and District Commissioner in the Girl Guides. MRS. HUGHES, M.A. (I. D. Jenkins, 1952), was appointed part-time Latin Mistress at Shrewsbury High School (G.P.D.S.T.), from September.


(1953), was awarded the Sturges Class Prize in Medicine and Class Prize in Forensic Medicine at Westminster Medical School. MRS. HURST, M.A. (Mrs. G. J. Whitty, 1945), has been lecturing, part-time, in Geography in the Froebel Training Department and to the senior classes of Alexandra College, Dublin, since September. MRS. HUSSEY, M.A. (C. M. Hobhouse, 1925), has one son at Merton, in his third year, and one in his second year at New College. MRS. JAFFE, M.A. (G. M. Spurway, 1917), had leave of absence and did research work in Oxford. MRS. JALLAND, M.A., B.LITT. (B. M. Hamilton Thompson, 1923), is now Senior History Lecturer at Rolle College, Exmouth (training college for women). MRS. GRETA JAMES, M.A., B.LITT. (1951), Senior Lecturer, Maria Grey Training College, has been Warden of the College Hostel (Ormonde Lodge) since September 1958. Al. R. JESSIMAN, B.A. (1955), was awarded Diplome College d'Europe (Bruges). MRS. JONES, B.A. (E. E. Langridge, 1955), was appointed an assistant mistress at Erith Grammar School, Kent, from September. MRS. JONES, M.A. (V. J. Puckridge, 1951), has been doing private coaching for Davies's Tutors since May. MRS. KELVIN, M.A. (Patricia Hackwood, 1946), was appointed Director and Company Secretary of Kellams Research, Ltd. (market research).

P. F. HULL, B.A.


(H. M. Healey, 1938), writes that 'we have bought a house within ten minutes' drive of the centre of town' (Toronto), and 'we also have an acre of ground by a small lake forty miles away, by which we have built a small cottage where we spend summer weekends when Toronto is too hot and humid for comfort.' M. M. KERSHAW, B.A. (1954), was appointed an Assistant Mistress at Mexborough Grammar School. MRS. KIRKHAM, B.A. (B. R. Lacey, 1944), was appointed assistant teacher in the Junior Department of Green Street School, High Wycombe, from September 1958. D. M. LANE, M.A. (1945), was appointed German Assistant Mistress at Nelson Secondary Technical School, Lanes., from January 196o. A. M. LANGFORD, B.A. (1955), was appointed to teach Scripture and French at Brownhills High School, Stoke-on-Trent, from September. V. E. LARMAN, B.A. (1955), was appointed an Assistant Mistress, Geography and Mathematics, at the North London Collegiate School, from September. MRS. LEA-WILSON, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (G. M. Trevaldwyn, 1937), whose husband was in the Sudan Agricultural Service, returned from the Sudan in 1955. They are now farming near Bury St. Edmunds, and she gives occasional help to the local doctor. MRS. LEES, M.A. (E. E. MacCallum, 1951), is doing some part-time mathematics teaching at Downe House School, Newbury. MRS. LENNIE, M.A. (D. M. M. Thomas, 1936), was appointed Secretary of the Oxford Society. B.M. LEVICK, M.A., D.PHIL. (195o), was appointed probationary Fellow and Tutor in Classics, St. Hilda's College, Oxford. L. L. LEWENZ, M.A. (1943), was appointed Headmistress of Harrison Barrow Girls' Grammar School, Birmingham, from September. MRS. LEWITTER, M.A. (Diana Nixon, 1943), is doing part-time statistical work with the Department of Applied Economics. 0. H. LISTER, B.A., B.M., B.CH. (1920), retired from medical practice. MRS. LITTLER, B.A., B.SC. (A. E. J. Herbert, 1954), was appointed Chemistry Mistress at St. Helen's School, Abingdon, from September 1958. MRS. LUSCOMBE, M.A., B.M., B.CII. (A. C. M. Wickham, 1948), was part-time Registrar at Macclesfield Infirmary till March and from September to November. She has been Clinical Assistant at Stockport Infirmary since November. MRS. LYONS, M.A. (S. M. John, 195o), has been part-time Senior French Mistress at the Sacred Heart of Mary Secondary Convent School, Waterford, Ireland, since September. M. E. MCKAIG, B.A. (1956), was appointed Mathematics Mistress at Huddersfield High School from September. ENID MCLEOD, M.A. (1915), left her post as Representative, British Council and Cultural Attache in France, on 1 October, and retired from the service of the Council in November. MRS. KERSHAW, M.A.


(Marion Basco, 1952), was appointed Assistant French Mistress at Mayfield School, Putney. s. J. MANSERGH, B.A. (1955), was appointed Assistant Geography Mistress at the High School, High Wycombe, from September. MRS. MARSDEN, M.A. (M. H. Gillett, 1935), and her husband have bought a small farm near Horsham, where they hope to raise sheep and calves. MRS. MELLOWS, M.A. (Joan Melloy, 1943), was appointed Industrial Officer, Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Lagos, Nigeria. MRS. MISCHLER, M.A. (H. M. Newell, 1929), writes that her eldest daughter took her B.A. at Cambridge in June, and her second daughter has been awarded a place at St. Hugh's for 196o, to read History. MRS. MOIGNARD, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (J. P. Dawson, 1935), was elected an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society in May. During the year she had twenty pictures hung in international photographic exhibitions, including two in the Royal Photographic Society's Exhibition of pictorial photography, one of which was retained by the Society for their foreign loan collection of prints. MARJORIE MOLLER, M.A. (1918), was appointed Warden of Denman College. MRS. MORGAN, M.A. (Mary Evans, 1947), now lives in Belgium, as her husband was moved there from Canada—this makes the sixth move in seven years. MRS. MORSHEAD (A. M. G. Battiscombe, 1954), was assistant Registrar of the Royal Archives, Windsor Castle, from October 1957 to June 1959. G. M. MORTON, M.A. (1923), is now Junior English Mistress at the City of London School for Girls. SARAH MYERS, B.A. (1954), had her appointment on the editorial staff of The Times Educational Supplement confirmed. MRS. NICHOLS, M.A. (P. M. Robertson, 1943), was reappointed to teach French at the Brighton and Hove High School (G.P.D.S.T.), from September. MRS. NORTH, B.A. (M. J. Pizzey, 1953), was appointed sub-editor and librarian of the Delegates' Library at the Clarendon Press, Oxford, from February. D. M. NUTBOURNE, M.A., B.SC. (1939), is now working in the department of Experimental Medicine at Cambridge on a Medical Research Council Fellowship. MRS. OAKLEY, M.A. (M. D. Holmes, 192o), was re-elected a Borough Councillor for the Borough of Reigate. MRS. PADFIELD, M.A. (S. M. V. Runganadan, 1941), is now the Delhi correspondent on a Bombay women's magazine called Femina. She writes book reviews for the Eastern Economist, and is a programme producer on the External Services division of the All India Radio. A. S. PENNEY, B.A. (1952), was appointed Senior History Mistress at Pendleton High School from September. A. C. PERCIVAL, M.A. (1921), returned to full-time work as Principal Lecturer in Education at Trent Park Training College, and at Hornsey College of Art, from September. MRS. MAITLIS, M.A.


(A. G. F. Mathews, 1955), was appointed assistant chemist in the research laboratory of John Laing & Sons Ltd. (building contractors). E. S. PRIDDLE, B.A. (1955), is a clinical student at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. ANN PRIESTMAN, B.M., B.CH. (1949), was appointed Paediatric Registrar to the Exeter Clinical Area, and to the Westminster Children's Hospital. MRS. PROVIS, M.A. (E. R. Young, 1921), has retired from being Principal of the Manor House School, Limpsfield, after nineteen years, and is now a governor of the school. MRS. RACE, M.A. (E. M. Carabine, 1952), began teaching Classics and English at Barr's Hill School, Coventry, in January. MRS. RICHARDS, M.A. (M. J. Singleton, 1949), was appointed Secretary to the Principal of Bishops' (theological) College, Cheshunt, from April. MRS. RIDLER, B.A. (A. M. Morris, 1953), was appointed a part-time assistant mistress at Faringdon County Grammar School for Girls, teaching French and Spanish. MRS. RIVETT, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (J. D. Peacock, 1951), was appointed Senior House Officer in Pathology at Stepney Group Pathological Laboratory, Mile End Hospital, London, for one year from March. MRS. RODDAM, M.A. (J. A. Pontremoli, 1945), continued to do free-lance conference work as precis-writer at United Nations. MRS. ROSSOTTI, B.SC., M.A., D.PHIL. (H. S. Marsh, 1948), was appointed a parttime demonstrator in Chemistry at Edinburgh University. P. H. M. ROTHWELL, M.A. (1944), was appointed Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Iowa, U.S.A. V.I.RUFFER, B.A. (1919), has been nominated by the Archbishop of Canterbury as a member of the Church of England Council for Interchurch Relations, having for several years assisted the Council by translations and reports of foreign news. P. A. RUNDLE, B.A. (1955), was appointed Assistant French Mistress at the Ladies' College, Cheltenham, from September. PROFESSOR D. S. RUSSELL (M.A., 1942), Professor of Morbid Anatomy in London University, will retire in September 196o. MRS. RUSSETT, M.A. (Anne Dickinson, 195o), moved back to England after two years in Greece (Athens) and hopes to remain here for some years. J. E. R. SALTER, M.A. (1934), was appointed Librarian, Anti-locust Research Centre. A. E. A. P. SANDFORD, B.A. (1956), is reading for the Diploma in Anthropology, specializing in Prehistoric Archaeology and Technology, at Oxford. D. B. SAUNDERS, B.LITT. (1922), attended the International Federation of University Women's Conference in Helsinki and afterwards visited Leningrad and Moscow with an I.F.U.W. tour. MRS. SCOTT, M.A. (Dora Bishop, 1939), is a temporary part-time English mistress at Bounds Green Secondary Modern School. MRS. PRICE, B.A.


(Margaret Millington, 1944), resigned from Eastbourne Child Guidance Clinic in January. G. M. SHARPE, M.A. (1919), was appointed Deputy Headmistress, Berkhamsted School for Girls. MRS. SIMS, B.A. (S. Y. Tutton, 1954), was appointed Assistant Mistress, to teach Music, at Bolton School (Girls' Division) from April. MARGARET SINCLAIR, M.A. (1919), has been Editor, International Review of Missions, since 1958. SISTER M. JEANNE D'ARC, M.A. (M. P. Vaulk, 1940), has been teaching on the staff of Bl. Philip Howard School, Hatfield, Herts., since September. MRS. SKEMP (A. M. Weeks, 1941) is continuing to work as cashier at her husband's (solicitors') office. C.M. SMART, B.A. (1953), was appointed Assistant Classics Mistress at Orme Girls' School, Newcastle-under-Lyme, from September. E. M. SMITH, B.A. (1955), was appointed Technical Assistant in the Patents Division of Shell Research Ltd., from October. P. A. SMITH, M.A. (1932), was sent as one of two delegates of the Association of Headmistresses to the Annual Conference of F.I.P.E.S.O. (Federation internationale des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Secondaire Officiel), held in Paris, and acted as interpreter at the meetings. c. J. SPURGIN, M.A. (195o), was appointed Almoner to the casualty and ophthalmic departments in St. Thomas' Hospital, London, from December. MRS. STEWART, M.A., B.MUS. (Ann Slater, 1946), was appointed Professor of Musicianship, part-time, at Nottinghamshire County Junior Music School, from January. MARY STOCK, M.A. (1952), was appointed secretary to the Secretary of the Church of England Council for Ecumenical Co-operation, Church House, Westminster. P. M. STRINGER, M.A. (1946), was appointed Senior Classics Mistress at Pate's Grammar School for Girls, Cheltenham, from September. R. M. THOMPSON, B.A. (1954), became an Assistant Principal in the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance in September 1958. D. M. THORNTON, M.A. (1934), was appointed Head Almoner, Middlesex Hospital, London. MRS. TREHEARNE (M. V. Blake, 1939) has been teaching French, English, and Geography at Bonner Hill Road Secondary Modern School, Kingston-onThames, since September. E. M. A. TUDOR, M.A. (1905), ended twelve years' service as 'Minister's member' of Brighton and West Sussex Appeals Tribunal of the National Assistance Board. MRS. TUPPER, M.A. (D. F. H. Chappel, 1911), is now Chairman of the Central Middlesex Marriage Guidance Council. MRS. SCOTT, M.A.


(E. H. Duthoit, 1929), has sold her land agent and surveyor's practice in Hertfordshire, but has retained her membership as a Registered Architect and also the associate membership of the Women Housing Managers. She is now doing part-time voluntary work at the National Maritime Museum. MRS. USHERWOOD, M.A. (M. L. Reepmaker d'Orville, 195o), was appointed administrative assistant at the Council for Nature, a national association of Societies interested in natural history and conservation, founded in July 1958. MRS. VACIAGO, M.A. (S. P. Slipper, 1944), has resigned as secretary to the Assistant Director-General of F.A.O. in order to join her husband in Lima, Peru. E. A. VIGAR, B.A. (1954), was appointed Assistant Mathematics Mistress at Wycombe Abbey School, High Wycombe. MRS. WADDAMS, M.A. (M. M. Burgess, 1933), was appointed part-time Sessional Lecturer in German at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1959-60. E. K. WALLEN, M.A. (1933), was appointed Headmistress of Queen Victoria High School, Stockton-on-Tees. MRS. WALTON, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (Sulammith Wolff, 1942), was appointed Consultant Psychiatrist, Groote Schur Hospital, Cape Town. B. H. WARDLE, B.A. (1953), was appointed Geography Mistress at St. George's School, Ascot, from September. A. A. WARDLEY, M.A. (1945), signed a two-year contract to work as Chemist at the Centre of Agronomic Research (for the Moroccan Government) in Rabat, in September. MRS. WARREN, B.A. (J. M. Deacon, 1953), is still in the Civil Service, in the office of the Special Commissioner of Income Tax. MRS. WARRELL-BOWRING, M.A. (N. M. Windross, 1943), has been doing the Political Theory teaching for the Oxford Delegacy for Social Administration. As her husband has been transferred to Winfrith Heath atomic station, they moved to Dorchester, Dorset, in February 196o. F. C. WELCH, M.A. (1925), was elected President of the Ulster Head Mistresses' Association. G. M. WIRGMAN, M.A. (195o), was appointed History Mistress at Fareham Grammar Schools for Girls, Hants. BRIGITTE WOLFF, B.SC. (1939), was on study leave in the United States from April to June, working in the Free Hospital for Women, Boston, Mass. She travelled to San Francisco before coming home. MRS. WOOD, B.A. (V. E. Baxter, 1953), left the War Office in September. Her husband has a NATO research fellowship at the University of Pavia and they will be in Italy for a time. j. M. WOOD, M.A. (1948), was transferred from the Australian Embassy, The Hague, to the Australian Embassy, Rome, to continue as Private Secretary to the Ambassador, H.E. Hugh McClure Smith, after his transfer to Rome, in June.





The College has no known address for the following Members, and the Principal's Secretary would be grateful for any news. L. I. G. Bickmore (1906-9) Mrs. Blakey (M. L. Wright) (1919-22) Mrs. Brierley (A. F. Ritchie) (1949-52) Mrs. Clutterbuck (B. A. Bristow) (1942-5) Mrs. Cooke (J. M. Dutton) (1943-6) Mrs. Doran (G. M. Ziar) (1941-4) Mrs. Farnworth (H. M. Gilmour) (1936-9) Mrs. J. Godwin (E. J. Hackshaw) (1924-7) J. 0. Harries (1938-41) I. R. G. Hart (1909-12) Mrs. Hartcup (A. A. E. Levinson) (1936-40) G. H. Johnstone (1919-21) N. P. Littlewood (1940-3) E. Mason (1935-8) Mrs. Rowland (A. F. Alexander) (1940-3) Mrs. Stewart (M. I. Hodgkins) (1943-6) J. 0. Stovin (1933-6) E. M. Watson (1922-5) Mrs. Whale (J. L. Hackett) (1951-4)

SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE WORK The B.F.U.W. and the I.F.U.W. offer each year for competition amongst members certain Scholarships and Fellowships that enable the holders to undertake research work abroad, mostly for an academic year, or occasionally for a shorter period to complete a piece of work; there is also available each year a Scholarship at Crosby Hall, the B.F.U.W.'s Club House in London. Particulars may be obtained from: The Secretary, British Federation of University Women, Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. 3.



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