St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1962-1963

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CHRONICLE 196 2 - 6 3 Number






THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1961-63

MISS M. JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A. Editor of the Chronicle, 1962-64




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The list of Members for whom the College has no address at present will be found on p. 38 of this Chronicle. The attention of members is drawn to the coloured folder attached to this number.



Principal KATHLEEN MARY KENYON, C.B.E., M.A. (D.LIT. LOND., L.H.D.), F.B.A., F.S.A.


Professorial Fellow, Montague Burton Professor of International Relations. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, O.B.E., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Classics, University Lecturer in Homeric Archaeology. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Research Fellow, University Demonstrator in Astronomy. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., D.SC. (M.SC. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in Mathematics, University Lecturer. BETTY KEMP, M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in History, University Lecturer. HON. HONOR MILDRED VIVIAN SMITH, O.B.E., M.A. (D.SC., M.D. LOND.), Research Fellow. PAMELA OLIVE ELIZABETH GRADON, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in English Language, University Lecturer. AGNES PRISCILLA WELLS, M.A., Official Fellow, Treasurer. HELEN MARY WARNOCK (MRS.), B.PHIL., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Philosophy, University Lecturer. SUSAN MERIEL WOOD (MRS.), B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Medieval History, University Lecturer. MARJORIE MARY SWEETING, M.A. (M.A., PH.D. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Geography, University Lecturer. MABEL RACHEL TRICKETT, M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in English Literature, University Lecturer. MARGARET JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor and Cassel Lecturer in German, University Lecturer. BETTY ISABELLE BLEANEY (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow and Tutor in Natural Science (Physics), University Lecturer. VERA JOYCE DANIEL, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in French, University Lecturer. JOYCELYNE GLEDHILL DICKINSON, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Librarian. MARY RANDLE LUNT, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Tutor in Natural Science (Biochemistry).





Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer

in Italian, and University Lecturer. THEODORA CONSTANCE COOPER, M.A. M.A. CAMBRIDGE), Lecturer

in Economics.


Lecturer in Mathematics. Lecturer in French. Lecturer in Zoology.



Principal's Secretary G. A. EASTERBROOK

Treasurer's Clerk MRS. JAY

ANNUAL MEETING OF ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR MEM1:E S HE thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Association of Senior Members 11 was held in the Reading Room on Saturday, 7 July 1962, at 3 p.m., the

Principal in the Chair. One hundred and ten members were present. The Principal called on the meeting to stand in memory of six members who had died during the year. In referring to Dr. Kathleen Kenyon's election as Principal, Miss Procter said that the College was to be congratulated on the election of one who was both an eminent scholar and an experienced administrator. She drew attention to the retirement of Canon Gilbertson and to the appointment of the Rev. J. Ralphs as his successor in the post of Chaplain. Miss Lindsey was also retiring and Miss Fox, S.R.N., was to take her place as matron. The Principal explained the change involved in the substitution of the new University office of 'Assessor' for the Representative of the Women's Colleges. The Principal drew the attention of Senior Members to the Portrait Fund, which stood at £1133. The College wanted an oil-painting of Professor Agnes Headlam-Morley if possible. Finally the Principal referred to the further instalment of £2,736 which had been received from the Dame Catherine Fulford Legacy. The whole legacy now amounted to £11,236. Miss Lemon was re-elected editor of the Chronicle (proposed by Miss Busbridge, seconded by Mrs. Lobel). Miss Yonge made an appeal that the Chronicle and enclosures should be sent by air-mail to those living overseas, or in time for it to be received before the Annual General Meeting took place. The Principal replied that there was no reason why the Chronicle should not be sent by air-mail to places like Africa and Asia, where post took a long time to arrive by sea. Professor Dean made the suggestion that the notices should be sent separately by air-mail to such Senior Members, and the Chronicle by sea. This ended the business of the meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting a presentation was made to the Chairman by Senior Members and other Old Students of the College, as a token of affection and gratitude.

PRESENTATION TO MISS PROCTER T the Meeting of the Association on 7 July 1962, Mrs. Jalland presented A to the Principal a gift from Senior Members and other Old Students, in the form of a cheque. Mrs. Jalland said that she had been one of the Principal's earliest pupils, and believed that she had the distinction of being the only undergraduate whose essay the Principal had ever lost. She had also worked under Miss Procter as Assistant Librarian for two years until she was appointed Librarian, and those two years had been very happy ones. 7

Mrs. Jalland further said that it was not only for Miss Procter's scholarship that the Association wished to honour her, but because of her great administrative gifts, particularly during the last sixteen years, while she had been Principal. We all knew how, during those years, the College had in every way increased in amenities and in scholarship and in general standing. It was with our great gratitude, respect, and affection that the gift, which would amount to nearly £30o after the final cheques had been received, was offered by Mrs. Jalland on behalf of the Association. The Principal, in her reply to Mrs. Jalland, said that she was very grateful for the gift and for the kind thoughts behind it. She remembered the incident when she had lost Mrs. Jalland's essay, and said that the response to her confession of the loss was the very chilly remark, 'I am sorry that you have lost my essay. I spent a great deal of time on it.' In spite of this little contretemps, she had very happy recollections of her association with Mrs. Jalland. Scholarship, the Principal said, had had to be put on one side, since scholarship and administration do not go well together. She hoped now to have time to research, but she would miss all the work in the College very much. A Head of House was probably best defined in the terms of our own Statutes, as one who 'shall exercise a general superintendence over the College in all its departments'. But the Principal had heard of a male colleague who stated that a Head of House was 'an unnatural combination of demi-god and dog's body'. She was not sure about the demi-god. But there was certainly enormous interest in being Principal. Miss Procter concluded by telling the meeting of her new home in Eynsham.

SHE Y PARTY, x963 SHERRY PARTY for members of the Association will be held on Friday, A 27 September 1963, 5.3o-7.3o p.m., at Queen Elizabeth College, Campden Hill Road, by kind permission of the Principal (M. J. Sargeaunt). Full particulars will be found on a slip enclosed with the Chronicle.

GAUDY, 1964 HE next Gaudy will take place in July 1964. The Gaudy Dinner will be

on Saturday, 4 July 1964, at 7.3o p.m. Further particulars will appear in 9 the next issue of the Chronicle.

GAUDY, 1962 OW the clock turns back as the taxi deposits you at the familiar College

p 1door—as you climb the front stairs and turn past what were once Miss Gwyer's rooms, and the bathroom where one of your year once trespassed— as you go into one of the rooms overlooking the terrace. Even the elongated dining-room is not so strange, and, as you wander out into the garden after dinner, you feel years younger. But, as you wander on to the lawn, you realize how the College grounds have expanded. To read that the College is ground landlord of all the 'square' between St. Margaret's Road and Canterbury Road is impressive, but even 8

more so is the reality as one wanders aimlessly and endlessly through the delightful grounds. And how clever 'they' were, who left the old brick walls of the original gardens standing. Not only must these isolated gardens afford greater privacy, but they increase the sense of mystery—until one reaches the familiar purlieus of the Lawn and finds the old path winding back to College. The path along which you so often ran, squinting through the Hall curtains to see if the dons had reached the 'High' Table—and you would have to bow to the Trine.'! St. Hugh's owes much to Miss Procter for her selfless devotion to its interests; her best monument in the years to come will be her wise stewardship, which allowed St. Hugh's to expand its grounds, and her vision in preserving the beauty and character of these grounds. Saturday morning—the clock has gone back as you jump guiltily out of bed to get down to Hall just in time for breakfast and find, also one of the last corners, one with whom you used to collect the broken pieces so long ago. Then a nice, leisurely wander in the garden, and a prowl round Blackwell's and the 'High' and all these familiar places. Back to College, and mounting excitement as here and there familiar faces appear, the familiar roar rises ever louder as we make our way to the Reading Room for the Business Meeting, which runs its speedy and pleasant course, enlivened by the news that Miss Perham has been elected an Honorary Fellow, a distinction much appreciated by her Old Students. The last item, fortunately an unusual one, gives us the opportunity to express our affection for, and gratitude to, Miss Procter, through Mrs. Jalland. Then comes the most pleasant part of the weekend, tea in the garden, when one can move about, meeting more old friends, and having the chance of talking to Miss Gwyer and Dr. Seaton—who remind us of our youthful wickedness. The whole weekend is now building up to its climax—the Dinner. More greetings in the front hall, more noise as we move to the Dining Hall, lulling for a moment as we turn for the familiar procession to the High Table—noise rising to a joyful clamour as we fall to. Speeches can be a hindrance to a dinner, but our speakers tonight have been skilfully chosen. Mrs. Abbott, with her joyous reminiscences, recalling so much that we had forgotten; Mrs. Norman replying to the toast of the Association and so wisely reminding us of the part the academic training can play in the life of the housewife, as well as in that of the more obviously academic professional woman; Dr. Joan Evans, with her proud boast that she has known every Principal of every Women's College, and then, replying for the last time to the toast of the College, Miss Procter, recalling how Miss Gwyer, in her farewell speech, had spoken of the women at Oxford having reached their adolescence, claimed that women had now reached full maturity and full recognition as members of the University. And so the Gaudy of 1962 has reached its peak. There is still much that is pleasant to recall—gossipping in the hall, the corridors, the common rooms, our own rooms. The Sunday morning Celebration gathers us again for the familiar ritual. And the lovely sunny morning when we laze in the garden, pay our calls, and through it all runs the pleasure of remembrance, of anticipation for the next Gaudy; our thanks to all those who laboured so hard to make this a memorable weekend for so many; and our especial thanks to Miss Procter and our very best wishes for her future happiness at Eynsham. F. C. W. 9

At the Dinner the toast of the Association of Senior Members was proposed by Mrs. Abbot (E. M. Tostevin, 1926), who spoke about life in the College when she was up and said how difficult it was to recollect the atmosphere of the late twenties, and then did so very amusingly and clearly. She mentioned sundry items of news of Senior Members contained in recent numbers of the Chronicle, and ended by saying that she thought the Association might be described simply as 'an Association of women who came to this College in their late teens and who went out into the world in their early twenties, each to face different problems but all conscious of owing a great debt for having had three or four years as members of this College—and of this great University'. In replying to the toast Mrs. Norman (E. G. Elliott, 1937) spoke of how difficult must be the Tutors' task of sorting the crowd of would-be entrants to the College, yet it was clear from the account of the achievements of members cited by Mrs. Abbot, that they seldom made mistakes. She confessed that her non-acquaintance with the works of Jane Austen somewhat hampered her early dealings with Miss Gwyer, but with Miss Procter, her tutor, some knowledge of botany helped her. She spoke of the deep debt we all owed to Miss Procter for her work in the restoration of the garden after the war. She, too, tried to recall the atmosphere of 'her day', so different from that of Mrs. Abbot's but her memories now were mostly of the two years before the war—chiefly of listening to music and of the river—not punts on the Cherwell but Port Meadow and O.U.W.B.C. Finally she summed up what the Association means to housewives and expressed thanks to 'those who organize the reunions so well and thereby give us so much pleasure'. Dr. Joan Evans (1914 and Hon. Fellow) proposed the toast of the College. Stating firmly that she believed she might be unique in that she had known all the Principals of all the Women's Colleges in Oxford she proceeded to allude to some of the earliest ones and to entertain the gathering with a short and witty speech of which she tore up the very brief notes as she sat down, so that one hesitates to reconstruct her charming remarks about the two Principals present. In reply the Principal said : This is the last time that I shall address you at a Gaudy. In the past I have used these occasions to speak of College policy and College problems but in the future these will no longer be my direct concern and I can confidently leave them to the capable hands of my successor and to the experience of the Fellows. I shall today confine myself to the present and the past and survey some of the changes which have taken place in the College in the last sixteen years. As I am an historian and as I have had a very long connexion with the College, my survey will include some comparison with earlier periods. Miss Gwyer, in her speech at the 1946 Gaudy, spoke of women in Oxford `moving out of the adolescent stage of women's College life' and taking their place on a level with the men. That has now certainly taken place and the Women's Colleges have attained their majority and are mature institutions. The coming of maturity has been marked internally by the attainment of complete self-government and externally by changes in the relationship between the Colleges and the University. When I was appointed as a Tutor in 1925 this College was still incorporated under the Companies' Acts, which meant that only a very limited number of salaried officers of the College might I0

sit on the Council which governed the College. In the next year the incorporation of the College by Royal Charter took place, the Council was reconstituted, and the tutors became ex officio Fellows with seats on the Council. The first Fellows-7 of us—were admitted in November 1962 and as the total membership of the Council was 22 we were a very small minority of it. As the number of Fellows increased and certain life members ceased to attend, the ratio between Fellows and external members changed and in 1946 the Principal and Fellows constituted a majority, although not a large one, of the Council. Throughout that time there was no constitutional change, but in 1948 the Principal became ex officio Chairman and, three years later, a far more important change took place when, under a new statute, the membership of the Governing Body was restricted to the Principal and Fellows, and St. Hugh's became completely self-governing. The Governing Body then numbered 14; it now numbers 18; but 12 of the present Fellows have been elected to Fellowships after 1951. Two changes have taken place in the relations between the Women's Colleges and the University. In the first place, there is the abolition of the limitation of women students. In 1927, as a very young tutor, I attended the debate in the Sheldonian Theatre in which the limitation was approved. It was certainly the most unpleasant of the many debates to which I have listened. The speeches showed clearly the amount of hostility to the women members of the University which was then felt and which continued to exist to some extent up to the war. The actual quotas (they varied slightly for the five societies—that imposed on St. Hugh's was 16o) did not cause any practical disadvantage at the time, as in every case they were larger than the number of undergraduates, but they underlined the fact that the women were in Oxford on sufferance. After the war the quota caused difficulty when pressure on places grew. It was raised slightly in 1948 when the proposal aroused some but negligible opposition. A further increase was allowed a few years later and in 1957 the quota was abolished. As the Men's Colleges had increased very rapidly, the proportion of women to men in 1957 was lower than it had been in 1927. The Women's Colleges are increasing their numbers slowly but lack of money for building is almost as effective a limitation as an arbitrarily imposed quota. Another change which came very quietly, without debate, opposition, or division,was the recognition by the University that the Women's Societies had full collegiate status and all the rights and privileges enjoyed by the older Colleges. This was in 196o-81 years after Lady Margaret Hall and Somerville College, the two oldest of the Women's Colleges, were founded, and 40 years after women were first granted degrees. The University cannot be accused of undue haste in its recognition of the Women's Colleges. These are constitutional and legislative changes, but legislation normally follows public opinion, it does not form it. The question of women in Oxford was settled more than a decade before final recognition was granted. I do not think any of the post-war generations in either Senior or Junior Common Rooms have felt themselves to be in any way on sufferance, or have been treated as anything less than equals by their male contemporaries. The Fellows of the Women's Colleges have taken their full part in University teaching, lecturing, examining, and administration—and may I here interpolate a tribute to the Fellows of St. Hugh's. They are a very distinguished body and they fully merit the recognition they have received. Even that last stronghold of male exclusiveness, the Estates Bursars' Committee, has opened its II

membership to the Treasurers of the Women's Colleges, although it has not yet invited them to participate in the archaic survival known as the Corn Rent Dinner. Life for the undergraduate population is certainly very different now from what it used to be. Cloistered quiet has given place to a very strenuous social life and participation in innumerable intercollegiate activities. Men and women mix freely. Equality is as much a characteristic of the fifties and sixties as inequality was in the twenties and thirties. The only inequality left is the numerical one, and this certainly adds to the distractions which beset the women. In its way the situation is almost as abnormal as the earlier enforced segregation, for nowhere else is the ratio of men to women 7 to 1, except at Cambridge where the disproportion is even greater. The standard of life for the woman undergraduate has risen. State Scholarships and Local Education Authority grants allow most of them a greater margin for amenities than their predecessors had (even allowing for the change in the value of money). Although students everywhere are inclined to complain that their grants are not large enough, I have met with very few cases of real hardship in recent years. Undergraduates who have to support themselves throughout all, or most of, the vacation do run into difficulties, but these are exceptional cases and there is little financial stringency. Although our women live a very full life, they also work steadily and well, as the class lists testify. The women do well in Schools and the great majority obtain Second Classes. They show a high standard of competency. For a period St. Hugh's was rather short of First Classes but the last three years have shown an encouraging improvement which will, I hope, be maintained. More of our undergraduates have been winning University Prizes and Scholarships and we are increasing our representation in the Senior Common Rooms of the other four Colleges and in Universities throughout the British Isles. I have no doubt that St. Hugh's has a useful, distinguished, and prosperous future before it. I have already spoken for too long, but I should like to end on a more personal note. I have had an unbroken connexion with St. Hugh's for 37 years-2I of them as a Fellow and Tutor and 16 as Principal. It is not possible to live in a community and participate in its direction and government for so long without becoming identified with it. St. Hugh's has long had, and will always continue to have, my entire devotion. I have tried to serve it to the best of my ability窶馬ot always, I fear, very successfully. It is a College which is well worth serving and I am proud to be a member of it.

THE P INCIPAL'S REPORT N 31 July 1962 Miss Evelyn Procter retired from the post of Principal of the College, a post which she had held since 1946. She has gone to live O in Eynsham, taking with her the best wishes of all past and present members of the College for a happy period of retirement from administrative duties in which she can return to her own studies. A presentation to Miss Procter by Senior Members and other Old Students of the College as a token of gratitude and affection was made at the Annual Meeting in July 1962. 12

The appointment as Visitor of the College of the Most Reverend Arthur Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury, was reported in the last number of the Chronicle. On 26-27 January 1963 the archbishop paid his first visit to the College. On Saturday night he dined in Hall. Subsequently he met undergraduates for coffee in the J.C.R. and then returned to the S.C.R. to meet Fellows and other Senior Members. On Sunday morning he celebrated Holy Communion in Chapel. During the year the College has elected two new Honorary Fellows. In May 1962 it elected Miss Margery Perham, C.B.E., F.B.A., Fellow in Imperial Government of Nuffield College, formerly Fellow and Tutor of the College. Another honour recently conferred on Miss Perham is her appointment as President of the Universities Mission to Central Africa. In October 1962 the College elected Miss Procter, and to mark the occasion a dinner in Hall was given on 28 November, at which Miss Gwyer and other Honorary Fellows were present. A number of other distinctions have been conferred on Senior Members. Dr. Honor Smith, Senior Research Fellow, has been awarded the O.B.E. Mrs. Bleaney, Fellow, has been appointed temporary Honorary Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Miss Anne Hudson has been elected a Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall. Miss Rosemary Woolf has been elected a Fellow of Somerville College and Mrs. Rossotti (Hazel Marsh) a Fellow of St. Anne's College. Mrs. Leys (R. J. Mitchell) has been awarded the Suzette Taylor Research Fellowship at Lady Margaret Hall. Cora Diamond, B.Phil., has become Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Sussex, M. M. Rigby, B.Litt., Lecturer in English Language at Birmingham University, and M. M. Sellens, Principal of Saffron Walden Training College. Shelagh Jameson won the Barclay Head Prize for Ancient Numismatics. In Trinity Term 1962 Miss D. H. F. Gray, Fellow, was Visiting Fellow at the British School of Archaeology in Athens. Miss J. Dickinson, Fellow and Librarian, was elected Lecturer in Modern History at the College. Miss Lillian Ruff, M.A., Ph.D., of Nottingham University, a musciologist, has been appointed Elizabeth Wordsworth Junior Research Fellow. The Rawnsley Studentship in Czech and Polish Studies has been awarded to Miss Aleksandra Ambros of Warsaw University, the Yates Senior Scholarship in Theology to Miss Ruth Vinson of Bedford College, London, and the Dame Catherine Fulford Senior Scholarship to Miss Anita Auden, Exhibitioner of the College in English. All came into residence in Michaelmas Term 1962. Two new College appointments took effect at the beginning of the Michaelmas term. The Reverend John Ralphs succeeded Canon A. D. Gilbertson as Chaplain, and Miss Fox, S.R.N., succeeded Miss Lindsey as Matron. The College has extended a warm welcome to both. On the first Sunday of Michaelmas Term a special evening service was held to mark the reopening of the Chapel after its redecoration and refurnishing, made possible by the generous legacy of Dr. Cecilia Ady. The Chapel has been refloored with wood blocks, and provided with oak pews and stalls for the Chaplain and Principal and new altar rails and lectern. The roof has been redecorated in grey with mouldings in a lighter colour. The whole effect is admirable. The memorial tablets have not yet been replaced, as they are awaiting the designing of a new tablet in memory of Dr. Ady. 13

In previous reports the proposal to provide additional accommodation and simplify administration by linking up Nos. 2, 3, and 4 St. Margaret's Road has been described. It had been intended that this work should begin in the long vacation 1962, and it was hoped that the building would be ready for use within the academic year. The scheme, as originally envisaged, had the advantages that the new accommodation would be ready relatively quickly, and of an estimated cost which was low for the amount of accommodation to be provided; aesthetically it could not be claimed that the result would be very pleasing; but when tenders were obtained, the cost was found to be more than twice that of the original estimate, and even drastic pruning of the plan could not reduce the amount to a reasonable sum. The Governing Body at the end of Trinity Term therefore reluctantly decided to drop the whole plan. At the beginning of the 1962-3 academic year, it was therefore necessary to start planning again from the beginning. The Governing Body is clear that it is necessary to provide additional accommodation, both to increase the numbers of undergraduates, as a contribution to solving the general problem of pressure on university places, and also to bring into College undergraduates who are at present in lodgings and those in some of the detached buildings in the college grounds, since on administrative and financial grounds the use of these houses for undergraduates has its drawbacks. An outline two-stage plan to provide this new accommodation has been approved in principle. When completed, the new building will continue the College frontage along St. Margaret's Road, replacing Nos. 2, 3, and 4 with a new block, with another block at right angles between the end of this block and 82 Woodstock Road; this block would thus form a fourth north—south wing, corresponding to the wings of the Main Building and the Library. For reasons of convenience, the north—south wing will be built first, since this will mean that the St. Margaret's Road houses can remain in use meanwhile. An ad hoc planning committee was set up in the Michaelmas Term, and an immediate tour of inspection of new university buildings in Oxford, Cambridge, and elsewhere was made. As a result, an architect was selected in November, and his preliminary scheme will shortly be received. Each of these new blocks will accommodate about fifty undergraduates and two tutors. The increase in actual numbers with the first stage will not be great, as the present plan is to bring into College undergraduates in lodgings and from some of the detached houses, the vacated houses can probably be used with advantage for graduate accommodation. These plans will, of course, involve the College in very considerable expenditure; a very rough estimate is that each block will cost about 4100,000. It is hoped that help will be forthcoming from the Wolfson Trust, which has already given £ioo,000 each to St. Anne's and St. Hilda's. It is believed that it is the intention of the Trust to give similar sums to the other Women's Colleges, but it is not known when or in what order. In any case, the College will have to raise the other 4100,000, and in this connexion it will once more be necessary to call on the generosity of its Senior Members. Some members of the Association will have seen reference in the Press to the activities of the College during Michaelmas Term. The idea that undergraduates should be allowed to decorate their own rooms seemed to strike even The Times and its readers as novel, though in fact it had already been allowed by St. Anne's. One benefit derived from this publicity was that a firm 14

of paint manufacturers, S. Bowley & Son, Ltd., not only offered a very substantial reduction in the price of materials, but sent experts to advise on problems connected with the bad materials used in the post-war redecoration; the firm even sent their own man to redecorate one of the sick-bay rooms. The first batch of undergraduates redecorated their rooms in the Christmas vacation, and though they were somewhat interrupted by press photographers, they all completed their tasks most successfully, and they, the Bursar, who gave most willing co-operation, and Bowley & Son are to be heartily congratulated on the result. Schools results in 1962 were unspectacular. Of the 57 St. Hugh's candidates who sat for the Final Honour Schools, 2 were placed in the First Class, 40 in the Second, 12 in the Third, 2 in the Fourth, and I failed. Those who obtained First Classes were Wendy James (Geography) and Jennifer Duncan (French and Spanish). In Mathematical Honour Moderations, Patricia Wiseman was placed in the First Class, as was Janice Robinson in the Natural Science Honour Moderations. The number of undergraduates in residence for the year 1962-3 reading for a B.A. is 198, of whom one is a graduate of another university. Seven graduates of other universities and sixteen graduates of the College are reading for research degrees. One graduate of another university and twelve graduates of the College are reading for postgraduate diplomas. K. M. K. 28 February 1963

GIFTS AND BENEFACTIONS 1UROM Mr. J. P. Hodgson, £5,0o0 to endow Scholarships in English J1 Language and Literature. Under the will of Miss D. Ibberson, k2oo for the provision of Scholarships. From Miss E. S. Procter, gift of books and endowment of the Evelyn Procter Fund of about £1,100, the interest to be used for the purchase of books for medieval studies, especially History. Under the will of the late Dame Catherine Fulford, a further instalment of £2,736.14$. 2d. From the Worship and the Arts Association of Chelmsford Diocese, two handblown glass cruets with silver mounts for use in the College Chapel. From Miss Procter on her retirement as Principal, two pairs of silver salt cellars, a silver pepper pot, and mustard pot, all c. George III, for use at the High Table. From Mrs. Arthur Chorley, a gift of furniture for the Senior Common Room.

DEGREES, 11962 D.Sc. I. W. Busbridge, M.A., D.Phil., F.R.A.S. D.Phil. Mrs. Bradbury (H. S. M. Macpherson), M.A., G. Gompertz. B.Litt. Mrs. Furbank (P. Beer), A. H. Redmayne, M.A. B.M. J. Pearson, B.A. 15

M.A. Mrs. Brenan (V. L. Disney-Roebuck), Mrs. Brown (M. Rochat), Mrs.

Bulst (S. Spike), V. E. Chancellor, Mrs. Clarke (A. P. M. Heath), Mrs. Cooper (F. E. Muha), E. J. Cosnett, H. E. Dales, Mrs. Davies (M. B. Allen), C. K. Derry, Mrs. Erskine (S. E. Outhwaite), Mrs. Gardner (A. M. Langford), Mrs. Gordon-Thomson (J. Gleadall), G. Hayes, G. E. Hoyland, Mrs. Jones (J. S. Haynes), R. J. Jones, Mrs. Longman (R. E. Arthur), S. J. Mansergh, D. M. Y. Meade, A. T. D. Miller, Mrs. Morey (L. A. Dalton), I. Morris, P. M. Morton, H. A. Paling, J. Pearson, Mrs. Pickering (J. R. Burgess-Parker), E. M. T. Powell, Mrs. Price (A. G. F. Matthews), A. H. Redmayne, Mrs. Robinson (S. E. Kelly), P. A. Rundle, M. A. Saunders, Mrs. Slatter (P. E. Foster), Mrs. Smith (A. Gibbons), J. G. Wynn Williams. B.A. Mrs. Anderson (D. B. Morgans), A. B. Auden, R. M. Barnicot, M. Bates, J. M. Beaver, I. Bedford, M. V. Bedwell, Mrs. Betts (A. Blyton), M. M. Bilham, J. I. Bracey, J. M. Carruthers, M. A. Caswell, M. F. Chen, A. R. C. Clarke, R. M. Cook, Mrs. Costello (E. J. Jacka), A. Crabtree, J. M. Cross, Mrs. Dignum (P. M. Dormer), A. H. Dohoo, P. D. Donald, J. A. Duncan, J. M. Furlow, G. L. Galley, S. A. Greeves, C. H. Grewe, J. M. Griffin, A. K. S. Grindle, D. E. Harris, A. C. Hawkes, E. A. Herbert, C. J. Herbert, M. E. Isaacs, W. R. James, J. E. Jeffery, E. A. King, Mrs. Ledger (P. R. Jones), N. G. Lepsky, D. M. Y. Meade, J. M. Milburn, M. Nash, Mrs. Newton (J. S. Huxley), Mrs. Norman (K. A. Kelly), E. M. V. Raine, Mrs. Reynolds (A. Campodonic), C. A. Reynolds, P. A. Robinson, A. C. Rosenberg, E. G. Ruddock, Mrs. Scribbins (J. R. Purkis), M. H. C. Sedgemore, Mrs. Shepherd (K. M. Gadegaard), M. J. Snow, A. E. Thompson, R. J. Weare, E. A. Webb, Mrs. Young (J. E. Hood). University Prizes Prize for a Poem on a Sacred Subject: Mrs. Caird, M.A. (V. M. Newport). Barclay Head Prize for Ancient Numismatics: Shelagh Jameson, B.A. Henry Oliver Becket Memorial Prize: Wendy James. Olwyn Rhys Memorial Collection Prize: Jennifer Ann Duncan. Postgraduate Awards and other Distinctions State Studentships: Maureen Bilham, Christine Grewe, Wendy James, Ann

Smith. D.S.I.R. Grant: Elizabeth King. College Awards and Prizes Dame Catherine Fulford Senior Scholarship: Anita Auden. Hurry Prize: Jennifer Ann Duncan. Elizabeth Wordsworth Essay Prize: Hilary Turner; Commended Sarah Edwards. College Prize: Wendy James. Honorary Scholarship: Janice Robinson (Natural Science).


HONOUR EXAMINATIONS, 1962 Literae Humaniores

Class II: M. Nash. Class III: A. Blyton, S. A. Greeves. Mathematics

Class II: D. E. Harris, P. R. Jones. Class III: M. V. Bedwell, L. A. Hayes. Class IV: R. M. Wilkinson. Natural Science

Physics. Class II: E. A. King. Class III: A. C. Rosenberg. Class IV. S. E. Hicks. Chemistry Part I (unclassified): C. J. Herbert, M. J. Snow. Chemistry Part II: Class II: C. A. French, B. H. Peel, D. E. A. Schuftan. Zoology. Class III: D. M. Ladkin. Animal Physiology. Class II: E. A. Herbert. Modern History

Class II: C. R. Allen, J. M. Beaver, M. M. Bilham, P. D. Donald, A. E. Hamlin. Class III: G. J. V. Grimond, D. B. Hodge, B. Tebbs. English Language and Literature

Class II: A. B. Auden, R. M. Cook, P. M. Dormer, M. Flower, A. K. S. Grindle, J. E. Jeffery, C. A. Mills. Class III: K. M. Shepherd. Modern Languages

Class I: J. A. Duncan (French and Spanish). Class II: M. Bates (French), S. Bennett (German and French), I. Bedford (German and French), A. R. C. Clarke (French), S. M. Connell (French and German), A. Crabtree (French and German), A. H. Dohoo (French and Spanish), S. J. Durman (German and French), C. H. Grewe (German and French), J. M. Hodlin (French). Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

Class II: M. E. Edwards, J. M. Furlow, A. C. Hawkes, J. R. Purkis, E. A. Webb. Class III: J. D. Huxley. Geography

Class I: W. R. James. Class II: P. A. Robinson. Jurisprudence

Class II: L. F. Shew. Music

Class II: M. H. Sedgemore. Oriental Studies

Class III: E. J. Jacka. 17


Class II: M. E. Isaacs, J. Parham. Classical Honour Moderations

Class II: J. B. C. Parker. Class III: R. Atkinson, M. Holwell, J. C. Kennedy, P. A. Powley, E. A. Senior. Mathematical Honour Moderations

Class I: P. T. Wiseman. Class II : J. Bacon, M. E. Ekins, F. A. Gee, R. A. Ottaway, E. A. C. Shirley, S. E. B. White. Natural Science Honour Moderations

Class I: J. Robinson. Class II: K. Arms, V. M. Patton. Diplomas Diploma in Theology: H. M. Gray, L. J. Morrison (Distinction). Diploma in Public and Social Administration: J. P. H. Thomas. Diploma in Economics: M. F. Chen. Certificate in Statistics: C. Rivett. Diploma in Education: J. M. Albery, D. A. Ashby, R. M. Bennett, J. C.

Browne, J. M. Callender, B. M. G. Corley, M. Holley, A. Le Vin, S. E Lello, J. Molland, A. M. Sigsworth, R. J. Weare.


(Nuffield Scholar) (Natural Science), Withington

Girls' School, Manchester. GRANT, JANET ELEANOR

(jubilee Scholar) (Mathematics), Nonsuch County

School for Girls, Cheam. (Yates Scholar), St. Albans Grammar School



(Gamble Scholar) (Mathematics), The Gram-

mar School, Penistone. PATERSON, MARY TORRENZA

(Alice Ottley Scholar) (Natural Science), The

Alice Ottley School, Worcester. SAVILLE, VALERIE FRANCES DIANA

(Ethel Seaton Scholar) (English), Croydon


(Old Students' Scholar) (English), The County School

for Girls, Reigate. Exhibitioners: BARWICK, SUSAN

(Gamble Ex.) (Classics), Central Newcastle High School,



(Gamble Ex.) (Geography), The Queen's School, Chester.



Grammar School for Girls.

(English), The High School, Birkenhead, G.P.D.S.T. PUGMIRE, HELEN (English), Whitley Bay Grammar School. SEARLE, JEAN ANN (Mathematics), The High School for Girls, Crediton. JULIA LESLEY

Commoners : (History), Grey Coat Hospital, Westminster. Smith College, Massachusetts, U.S.A. ALLAN, ELSPETH MARY (Geography), Godolphin School, Salisbury. ABBOTT, JANICE CHRISTINE ADELMAN, JANET ANN,


for Girls, Birmingham. BERRIDGE, JILL MARGUERITE

Languages), King Edward VI High School

(Classics), South Hampstead High School,


(Modern Languages), Tadcaster Grammar School,



(Jurisprudence), The Maynard School,

(Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), The Grammar School for Girls, Southampton. BOYCE, JUNE BARBARA (Music), The Grammar School for Girls, Southampton. CASTLE, JUDITH AUDREY (History), County Grammar School for Girls, Hove. CASTLE, ROSEMARY ELIZABETH (Classics), Brighton and Hove High School, G.P.D.S.T. CHAN, ROSALIND PO KUEN, University of Hong Kong. CHEN, LEE-SUN University of Taiwan. COOK, VIVIEN ANN, University of Bristol. DAVIES, MARI JOSEPHINE (History), Brighton and Hove High School, G.P. D. S.T. DAVIS, ELIZABETH MARY (Medicine), Grammar School for Girls, Royal Tunbridge Wells. DUFF, ANNE SCOTT (Mathematics), Manchester High School for Girls. EVANS, MARGARET IRENE (Geography), Orpington Grammar School for Girls. FILSON, FRANCES RACHEL (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), The Tiffin Girls' School, Kingston-on-Thames. GALLEY, SUSAN JENNIFER (Mathematics), Grammar School for Girls, Royal Tunbridge Wells. GERO, SUSAN MARY PATRICIA (Modern Languages), North London Collegiate School, Edgware. HARRIS, SUZANNE RUTH (Theology), The King's High School for Girls, Warwick. HERBERT-JONES, GILLIAN JAMESINA (English), Ladies' College, Cheltenham. HORNAK, JULIA THERESA (English), Convent of the Sacred Heart, Tunbridge Wells. BOURKE, ELIZABETH ANN



(Mathematics), Haberdashers' Aske's School,


(Natural Science), The Henrietta Barnett School. (Modern Languages), Alderman Newton's Girls'


School, Leicester. LEGGE, KAREN

(History), Twickenham County Grammar School. (Natural Science), Grammar School for Girls,


Royal Tunbridge Wells. (Modern Languages), Queen Anne's School,



(Geography), Rosebery County Grammar School

for Girls, Epsom. MEANS, SUSAN

(Natural Science), The High School, Bedford. (Modern Languages), Brighton and Hove High



(Natural Science), The Woodhouse Grammar School,

Finchley. MUKERJI, NANDITA, University of

Calcutta. (Classics), City of Worcester Grammar


School for Girls. O'TOOLE, BRIDGET

(English), Truro County Grammar School.


University of Ghana.

(Music), Badminton School, Bristol. (Modern Languages), Lady Manners School,

Bakewell. (Modern Languages), Wallingford County School for Girls, Carshalton. PURL, DIANA (History), Grimsby Wintringham Girls' Grammar School. ROBINSON, JACQUELINE ANNE (Natural Science), Rosebery County Grammar School for Girls, Epsom. ROBINSON, VERONICA ANN (History), The Blyth School, Norwich. ROBSON, MARY CATHERINE (English), The Grammar School, Gosforth. SHARP, HILARY CATHERINE (Natural Science), The Lady Eleanor Holles School, Hampton. SMITH, MARIE VIVIAN (Mathematics), The County High School, Clacton-onSea. STEVENSON, JUDITH (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Oxford High School, G.P.D.S.T. SUTTON, ANNE FRANCES (History), Norwich High School for Girls, G.P.D.S.T. THORNE, JULIA LAUREEN BARBARA (Natural Science), Perse School for Girls, Cambridge. TOD, CAROLINE NIEBUHR (History), South Hampstead High School, G. P. D. S.T . TURRALL, MARGARET JENNIFER (English), King Edward VI High School for Girls, Birmingham. PURBRICK, JANE ELIZABETH



(Philosophy, Politics, and Economics),

The High School, Birkenhead, G.P.D.S.T. VINSON, RUTH MARY, University of London. WICKSON, GILLIAN MARYSKA

(Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Croydon


(Natural Science), Calder High School for

Girls, Liverpool.

(English), Southern Grammar School for Girls,



RESEARCH STUDENTS (Last date for completing degree is given in brackets) D.Phil. CRAWFORD, JANE. Admitted

M.T. 1959. Board of English Language and Litera-

ture (T.T. 1963). Admitted M.T. 1960. Board of English Language and Literature (T.T. 1964). MACLEAN, JANET NOBLE. Admitted M.T. 1961. Board of Physical Sciences (T.T. 1965). OATES, SHEILA, B.A. Admitted M.T. 1960. Board of Physical Sciences (T.T. 1964). HARTLEY, FREDA KATHRYN. Admitted M.T. 1961. Board of Biological Sciences (T.T. 1965). MAZUMDAR, VINA (MRS.), M.A. Admitted M.T. 1960. Board of Social Studies (T.T. 1960). REDMAYNE, ALISON HOPE, B.LITT., M.A. Admitted M.T. 1961. Board of Anthropology and Geography (T.T. 1965). HOUGHTON, MAUREEN ANN, B.A. Admitted M.T. I960. Board of Physical Sciences (T.T. 1964). KING, ELIZABETH ANN, B.A. Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of Physical Sciences (T.T. 1962). RUFF, LILLIAN MARGARET. Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of Music (T.T. 1966). JAMESON, SHELAGH ANNE, B.A. Admitted M.T. 1960. Board of Literae Humaniores (T.T. 1964).



Admitted M.T. 1960. Board of Modern History


Admitted T.T. 1961. Board of Modern History

(M.T. 1964). LE VIN, ANN, B.A. Admitted

M.T. 1960. Board of Modern History (T.T. 1963). H.T. 1961. Board of English Language and Literature (M.T. 1963).



Admitted H.T. 1961. Board of English Language and Literature (M.T. 1963). MAYS, MARIANNE FRANCES (MRS.), B.A. Admitted M.T. 196o. Board of English Language and Literature (H.T. 1963). MITCHELL, ANN WILSON, B.A. Admitted M.T. 1961. Board of English Language and Literature (M.T. 1963). ROSS, FLORA MUNRO. Admitted T.T. 1962. Board of English Language and Literature (H.T. 1965). SINNETT, ANN LILIAN MARY. Admitted M.T. 1961. Board of English Language and Literature (T.T. 1964). ALEXANDER, MARY (MRS.), M.A. Admitted M.T. 1957. Board of Medieval and Modern Languages (T.T. 1964). CHAPMAN, JANET AVERIL. Admitted T.T. 1955. Board of Medieval and Modern Languages (H.T. 1963). CONSTABLE, MADELEINE VIVIEN (MRS.), M.A. Admitted M.T. 1959. Board of Medieval and Modern Languages (T.T. 1963). NORTH, CHRISTINE MARY (MRS.), B.A. Admitted M.T. 1961. Board of Medieval and Modern Language (T.T. 1964). STEPHEN, MARY WANDA. Admitted M.T. 196o. Board of Medieval and Modern Languages (T.T. 1963). COOK, PAULA JANE, B.A. Admitted T.T. 1961. Board of Anthropology and Geography (H.T. 1964). ATKINSON, LIZBETH (MRS.). Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of English Language and Literature (T.T. 1965). CAMERON, JENNIFER IRENE, B.A. Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of English Language and Literature (T.T. 1965). HUMFREY, BELINDA ANN, B.A. Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of English Language and Literature (T.T. 1965). NONGAUZA, MARY CHRISTINA. Admitted T.T. 1959. Board of Social Studies (H.T. 1963). SMITH, ANN. Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of Committee for Advanced Study (T.T. 1965). HUDSON, ANNE MARY, B.A.

Probationer B.Litt. CHEN, LEE SUN.

Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of Literae Humaniores (M.T.

1963). Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of English Language and Literature (M.T. 1963). COOK, VIVIEN ANN. Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of English Language and Literature (M.T. 1963). GREWE, CHRISTINE HILDEGARD. Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of Medieval and Modern Languages (M.T. 1963). AUDEN, ANITA BENEDETTA.


Sciences (T.T. 1964). 22

Admitted M.T. 1961. Board of Biological

Admitted M.T. 1962. Board of Anthropology and Geography (T.T. 1969).


B.M. Students (not in residence) Date of Matriculation 1956 SNOW, JENNIFER ANN BARTER, B.A. The London Hospital.



The Radcliffe Infirmary.

Diploma Students in Residence Diploma in Anthropology W. R. JAMES

Diploma in Public and Social Administration E. A. WEBB

Certificate in Statistics P. J. COOK, B.A.


Other Graduate Students in Residence Working for: M. J. SNOW

Chemistry Part II

JUNIOR COMMON OOM REPS RT, 1962 TN the Trinity Term of 1962 the J.C.R. regretfully said farewell to Miss '

I Procter, to whom the College owes so much. We very much welcome Miss Kenyon as our new Principal. We had to say good-bye to Canon Gilbertson and to Miss Lindsey at the end of the summer. Many generations will remember Canon and Mrs. Gilbertson's teas in Headington, and Miss Lindsey's kindness to them when they were in sick bay. We should like to thank them very much for all they did for us, and to welcome in their place Mr. Ralphs and Miss Fox, to whom we give our very best wishes. The activities of the J.C.R. remain various and vigorous as usual. The second Summer Ball was held with great success in May. The decorations, designed by Elizabeth Montague-Jones, were much admired—the presentation of the entrance and Dining Hall in a medieval style was delightful, while the descent to the infernal regions of the J.C.R. had its rewards in the shape of a very good jazz-band. The 1963 Ball Committee is already preparing for what promises to be another in the original and lively tradition begun by its predecessors. The corridors of M.G.A. ground floor have been embellished by prints bought out of a grant made to the Art Committee by the J.C.R. It is proposed gradually to acquire prints and possibly original works, out of a newly organized Art Fund, and to hire a termly selection of prints from the Schools prints scheme. Varying between works of Graham Sutherland and Greek wallpaintings, the pictures have aroused great interest and are providing a conversation-point as well as a very pleasing decoration. 23

The College Dramatic Society flourishes, and in Trinity Term took part in the first major production done by four colleges: in collaboration with Keble, Magdalen, and St. Hilda's, Giradoux's Tiger at the Gates was presented at the Playhouse. Weekly play-readings have continued with Keble, and the College has been well represented in University productions. In particular, Gill Baldwin and Sylvia Lane were in The Lesson by Ionesco, which was the O.U.D.S. contribution to the N.U.S.—Sunday Times Drama Festival at Loughborough during the Christmas vacation. This production was runnerup in the competition for one-act plays. Jenny Reynolds is on the committee of E.T.C., and, a unique achievement for women, Karen Arms and Catherine Forster have been elected to the Technical Committee of O.U.D.S. Many members of the College are on the committees of University clubs and have been fortunate enough to meet outstanding speakers. Diana Holdsworth, for example, as President of the Russian Club in Trinity Term, helped to entertain the poet Yergeni Yertushenko on his visit to Oxford. Gillian Thomas had the distinction of being the first woman to be the President of the Stubbs Society. Music has flourished this year. The St. Hugh's Musical Society has been re-formed after a lapse, and interesting programmes have been presented. The Chapel Choir, reinforced by basses and tenors from Keble, sang in the Carol Services at St. Hugh's and Keble. In Michaelmas Term it also took part in a performance of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, jointly with Keble and Wadham. Various new arrangements have been made in the general life of the College: domestically, the new lighting in the ironing-room has made laundering much easier; considerable interest was aroused in the national press, as well as in College, by the Principal's proposal that undergraduates should be allowed to decorate their own rooms. Several people did this in the Christmas vacation, with very pleasing results. Socially, leave to entertain men visitors on Saturday and Sunday evenings, and to Sunday lunch, is particularly appreciated. The College continues to be represented on the Student Council, but now it has been decided to appoint a special representative, relieving the J.C.R. President of this responsibility. We would particularly like to congratulate Wendy James and Ann Duncan on their Firsts in Schools; Peta Wiseman and Janice Robinson on Firsts in Honour Mods. ; and Jennifer Bilham on being placed proxime accessit in the competition for the Gibbs Scholarship in Chemistry. ALISON SMITH

GAMES EPORT TRINITY TERM 1962-HILARY TERM 1963 URING the past year St. Hugh's has once again done well on the games field, providing a high proportion of the University teams in most sports. DLawn Tennis was perhaps the exception, for the standard proved too high in the 1st VI, and no Blues were obtained. Jenny Elgood was, however, treasurer of the club. St. Hugh's was unfortunately eliminated by St. Anne's in the first round of Cuppers. 24

In Cricket, however, we were well represented, as the team was captained by Sally Thorne and included three other St. Hugh's players, Clare Bayley, Ann Scott, and Marian Liebmann. These all contributed to a good win over Cambridge, a match which was only marred when Ann unfortunately had to retire with a broken nose. The outdoor sports this winter have suffered severely at the hands of the weather, and the Lacrosse fixture against Cambridge had to be cancelled altogether. Clare Bayley was secretary of the club, and several St. Hugh's people were in line for Blues, including Elspeth Allan, who was also chosen to play for W.I.V.A.B. in a match against Southern Reserves, which also had to be cancelled. Hockey Cuppers have not taken place, but the team still has high hopes of playing its match against Cambridge ; Elizabeth Davies, Susan Galley, Rosalind Wilson, Susan Means, and Penny Hedley will be awarded Blues if it is played. Penny is secretary of the club. The Netball Club has had a moderate season, also being hard hit by the snow and ice. The Cambridge match has not yet been played, but it seems likely that the side will include three members of St. Hugh's : Sally Thorne (captain), Pauline Dickens (treasurer), and Susan Harris. Here again Cuppers have had to be cancelled. The indoor sports have, of course, kept going unhindered by the weather. The Badminton team which beat Cambridge included Jenny Bilham, who captained the side, and Sally Thorne. Jenny Elgood, Squash Rackets captain, has been chosen to play for W.I.V.A.B. against the Scottish Universities. Vicky Haywood also won a Blue, but in spite of their efforts the side was narrowly defeated by Cambridge. A rather heavier defeat was sustained by the Table Tennis team, in which St. Hugh's was represented by Peta Wiseman (secretary) and Ann Nuttall. SALLY E. THORNE

OBITUARY N 21 February 1962, FRANCES MARION STEWART BACHELOR, Commoner of the College, 1898-1901. Aged 83. On 24 July 1962, LILIAN CONSTANCE ROGERS, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1901-5. Aged 80. On 14 January 1963, LILIAN IRENE BEVIS (née DAwsoN), Commoner of the College, 1901-5. Aged 80. On 17 May 1962, DORA IBBERSON, C.B.E., M.A., Scholar of the College, 1910-13. Aged 71. On 14 April 1962, EILEEN ISOBEL GLENDAY, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1912-15. Aged 67. On 21 December 1962, MARY ISABELLA NICHOL SMITH (née HARFoRD), Commoner of the College, 1912-15. Aged 72. On 23 January 1963, HILDA CONSTANCE ALLEN, M.A., Scholar of the College, 1914-17. Aged 71. 25



ORA IBBERSON entered St. Hugh's College in 191o, and three years later obtained First Class Honours in French. It is not, however, for her scholarship that those of us who knew her then particularly remember her, but for an integrity of character and a warmth of heart that won our affection and respect. At a time when society was more divided than now by class-distinctions, the daughter of an artisan might well have thought herself somewhat isolated in a community almost entirely composed of professional men's daughters. For Dora, ever frank and friendly, with a quiet sense of humour and an unshakeable belief in the priority of human values, such artificial barriers had no meaning at all. Moreover, out of her own hard-won experience of life, she helped, in no small degree, to widen our outlook on the world beyond our College walls. After leaving College, Dora spent a short period teaching in a school, but finding here too little scope for her eager, reforming spirit, she soon embarked on a career of public service as a government official. In this capacity an all-toorare combination of a cool head and a warm heart enabled her to do distinguished work in tackling social problems. Whether as an inspector bringing relief to the victims of sweated labour, showing, as a member of the Central Assistance Board, compassionate understanding of the difficulties of those in need, or helping the late Margaret Bondfield to compile a book (Our Towns) that brought to light among other social iniquities, the full horror of the slums, Dora's keen sense of justice, and, above all, her large-hearted humanity, inspired her to work for 'the common good of all'. Her appointment towards the end of her career as Social Welfare Officer in Trinidad gave her opportunity to exercise her special gifts in a new setting, and she was made a C.B.E. in 1948. Her death on 17 May 1962 followed all too soon on her retirement in 1955. We of St. Hugh's are proud to recognize in Dora Ibberson one of the most distinguished alumnae of our College, and one who, by her untiring service in the cause of social reform, has a rightful place among the noblest women of her day and age. M. R. B. S.



ARY HARFORD, who became Mrs. David Nichol Smith, was a member of the last year which completed its three years' residence in the Old St. Hugh's—the Hall, the House, and the Hostel. It was, therefore, a small year—never more than fifteen—and all its members were well known to one another. I myself had a special bond with Mary in that we were both reading English, and so she chose me to be her chaperone or gooseberry at those exciting river picnics which led up to her engagement. On the day on which we heard our Schools results we were both invited to dinner by that redoubtable lady the Mother of D. N. S., and he led us into the garden in turn—I was told some details of my Schools papers and Mary was meant to receive a proposal of marriage, but she had had enough for one day and fended him off. The next morning, in the Ashmolean, her fate was sealed. 26

From that time onwards she devoted her fine intelligence, her warm, affectionate nature, and all her gifts to her husband and her growing family. In spite of sorrows and anxieties she retained her youthful charm and when I last saw her, five years ago, time had not dimmed her blue eyes and the fresh roses in her cheeks, now contrasting with her snow-white hair, so that the friend of more than forty years before seemed hardly to have changed at all. M. L. P.

EILEEN ISOBEL GLENDAY ILEEN GLENDAY came up to St. Hugh's in 1912 when the College, E in Norham Gardens, was still quite small so that all its members, many of whom were outstanding characters, knew each other well. She revelled in all that Oxford had to offer, its scholarship and friendship, won her 'Blue' for Hockey and Tennis, and was Captain of Oxford Women's Tennis. The lives of women students as well as men were strongly affected by the outbreak of the First World War, and in 1915 she went to fill a man's place in a Boys' Preparatory School, Mount House, Plymouth; after the war, when masters were again available, she took charge of the Junior House there. In 1929 she decided to start a school of her own, and opened Rookesbury Park, Wickham (in Hampshire), as a Preparatory School for Girls and for small boys. Here she found her life work, and the beautiful house in the CarpenterGamier estate became her home. When war broke out in 1939 the house was commandeered, and the school transported to Haecombe House in Devonshire. Six years were to pass before they were able to return and face the daunting task of reconstruction, but after a few years the school was larger and more successful than ever. She was still in charge of it when death overtook her on 14 April 1962. A few extracts from appreciations which appeared at the time show how much her work was valued. `From a handful of children the School grew rapidly and flourished exceedingly, soon becoming known at home and abroad as a welcome stepping-stone to the Public Schools.' `E. I. G. achieved an almost miraculous blend of firmness and strength of character on the one hand, and a sense of fun and complete understanding of children on the other, which combined to make her a most loved and distinguished person. She was more than a person, she was an institution: the finest teacher I have ever met, and a superb Headmistress.' `In addition to her wonderful work as headmistress she was for many years a member of the P.C.C. of St. Nicholas Church, Wickham, in which capacity she gave loyal and devoted service to the community.' In 1961 she decided to turn the school into a Trust, so that it was safely handed over to a Governing Body, all of whom are her friends, and are carrying on the work of her beloved school. 27

ALICE MARIE GRUTTER ARIE GRUTTER's First in English (1935), combined with her gift and enthusiasm for teaching, introduced her to a career of outstanding M importance in that profession, and her death at the early age of 47 was a serious loss to it as well as to her many friends in England and abroad. Successive spheres of educational activity found her at Wycombe Abbey, the Women's Borstal at Aylesbury, the A.T.S., the Army School of Education (Guerden Hall), and the Headquarters of the Rhine Army; then, after demobilization, to Hornet-ton College, the Foreign Office Scheme of Lectures to Adult German Groups, and special Adult Education appointments under the Allied High Commission for Germany. At the time of her last illness she had been for some years resident Staff Tutor to the Department of Extra-Mural Studies of Birmingham University in South Staffs. Among the tributes paid to her memory in the press, a letter to the editor of the Guardian described her personality as one of 'distinction, civilized integrity and human warmth'. These words admirably sum up a character with whom it is a privilege to have been associated at an early stage of a very brilliant career. G.




(Budapest), at Nottingham on Io December 196o. PETRONELLA JUDITH MARGARET ALLUM to JOHN RICHARD WARMAN, B.A.


broke College, Oxford), on 14 August 1962. ANN BLYTON to CHRISTOPHER BETTS, in August 1962. NAOMI PATRICIA BYRNE tO GARTH PIERS VICCARS COLLYER, B.A.

(St. Catherine's



(Brasenose College), at St. Andrew Undershaft, City of London, on 8 July 1961. CAROLYN JEAN HERBERT tO D. J. KEEPE, in August 1962. JEAN HOLMES tO A. L. FETTER, in August 1962. CAROLINE MARY HORNBUCKLE tO MR. POLLARD, in April 196o. JANET DIANE HUXLEY to A. H. NEWTON, in August 1962. ELIZABETH JANE JACKA to DR. A. COSTELLO, in July 1962. PAULINE RITA JONES to PETER LEDGER, in July 1962. KATHARINE ANNE KELLY to PETER NORMAN, on 6 January 1962. ANN FELICITY HAWKER tO JOHN PATRICK SMITH, M.A.


Peter's College, Oxford), in Hereford on 7 August 1962. VALERIE EDITH LARMAN to CHRISTOPHER W. FRANCE, in April 1961. VALERIE BRENDA LEDGER to MR. LYNCH, at St. Albans Registry Office, Herts., on 24 February 1962. JOAN LE GROS CLARK to PETER STANLEY UZZELL, on 8 June 1962. EDITH MONICA MELLES to PETER DOBBS, On 15 September 1962. CLARE ANTHONY MILWARD tO MARIUS GRAY, in September 1961. MARION HAZEL PAYNE to ROY LEONARD COLE, at Topsham, Devon, on 2 September 1961. MARGARET ALLNUTT PRIESTLEY tO ROBERT SELWYN NEIL BAX, in Rome on 27 August 1962. JENIFFER RUTH PURKIS to R. SCRIBBINS, in August 1962. MARY ROSE SCRUTON to JOHN LUDLOW LEAPER, at St. Peter's Church, Hayling Island, on 2 June 1962. ELIZABETH ANNE SHACKLE to DAVID IAN BOWER (Oriel College), at St. Peter's-inthe-East Church, Oxford, on 31 March 1962. AMELIA MARY LANGFORD to THE REV. IAN DOUGLAS GARDNER, B.A. (St.


on z8 October 1962. (Jesus College, Cambridge),


on 3o December 1961.



(L. J. M. Brown)—a son (John), 1957, a son (David), 1958. (D. A. Jameson)—a son (Paul David), 4 May 1962. MRS. BOGGON (Janet Blyth)—a daughter (Catherine Jessica), 3 May 1961. MRS. BRADBURY (H. S. M. Macpherson)—a son (David Savile), 22 July 1922. MRS. CAMPBELL (J. M. Stolper)—a son (Alister David), 2I October 196o. MRS. COTTIS (J. B. Moon)—a son (Matthew John), 13 May 1962. MRS. DAVIES (M. E. Cain)—a son, October 196o. MRS. DE SALIS (D. M. Lawton)—a son (Jonathan), 8 August 1962. MRS. FENTON (J. A. Clegg)—a son (Stephen), I August, 1962. MRS. FLETCHER (Eve Gold)—a son, 3 October 1962. MRS. FRANKLIN (Charlotte Hajnal-Konyi)—a son (Gideon Benjamin Cecil), 28 June 1962. MRS. FRIEDMAN (E. C. Richardson)—a daughter (Elizabeth Ruth), 24 August 1962. MRS. GOMME (H. P. Moore)—a daughter (Katherine Alice), 4 April 1962. MRS. GUNN (A. E. A. P. Sandford)—a son, 24 January 1962. MRS. HOLDEN (J. F. Wilkinson)—a daughter (Elizabeth Mary), 26 January 1962. MRS. HURFORD (P. M. Matthews)—a son (Richard David Alban), 22 June 1961.




MRS. JAMES (Barbara

Cooper)-a son (Michael Godfrey), 16 February 1962. (E. E. Langridge)-a daughter (Moira Denise), 3 June 1962. MRS. KNIGHT (S. M. Jones)-a daughter (Hilary Ruth), 21 March 1962. MRS. LEES (E. E. MacCallum)-a son (Harry Douglas), 18 October 1962. MRS. LITTLER (A. E. J. Herbert)-a son (Andrew John Samuel), 31 December 1962. MRS. LOTHIAN (Yvonne Mead)-a daughter (Jane Elizabeth), 8 February 1962. MRS. LUTYENS-HUMFREY (R. M. Moore)-a son (Nicholas Enderby), 24 April MRS. JONES


(S. M. John)-a son (Kevin Patrick), 15 August 1962. J. Spurgin), in July 1962. MRS. NEWMAN (A. E. Page)-a son (Jonathan Richard), 18 November 1962. MRS. NISSEL (Muriel Griffiths)-a son (Daniel Robert), 18 September 1962. MRS. PUTZ (P. H. Fox)-a son (Nicholas Charles), 14 April 1962. MRS. RACE (E. M. Carabine)-a daughter (Julia), 9 June 1962. MRS. REEBY (D. M. Jones)-a son (Paul Inigo), 21 June 1962. MRS. ROTHWELL (M. E. Meehan)-twin son (Michael James) and daughter (Anne), 19 June 1961. LADY ANNE THORNE (Lady A. P. Pery)-a daughter, 5 July 1961. MRS. WHALE (J. L. Hackett)-a son (Toby James), 21 August 1962. MRS. WEBSTER (M. S. Curzon)-a daughter (Amanda Jennifer), 9 January 1961. MRS. LYONS


PU LICATIONS A. A. B. Fairlie, M.A., D.Phil. Flaubert: Madame Bavary. Arnold, 1962. 6s. 6d. (Mrs.) Jacynth Hope-Simpson, M.A. The Bishop's Picture. Putnam. 1962. 5s• The Man Who Came Back. Hamish Hamilton. 1962. 12S. 6d. Danger on the Line. Hamish Hamilton, 1962. 6s. 6d. The Great Fire. E. P. Dutton, New York, 1962. $2.95. (Mrs.) Lucille Iremonger, M.A. And His Charming Lady. Secker & Warburg, Nov. 1961. 2IS. 0. J. Lace, M.A. Teaching the New Testament. S.P.C.K. (Seabury, 1961), Spring 1962. 3s. 6d. (Mrs.) R. J. Leys, M.A., B.Litt. The Laurels and the Tiara. Harvill Press. About 3os. Professor Ida Mann, M.A., F.R.C.S. The Cockney and The Crocodile. Faber & Faber (published under married name-Caroline Gye). 25s. The Science of Seeing. Patterson Brokensha. Perth, W.A. (revised third edition with Antoinette Pirie). 15s. (Mrs.) M. E. Potter, M.A. Spring in Morocco (novel), by Anne Betteridge. Hurst & Blackett, 1962. H. M. Purkis, M.A. French for West Africa, 1 & 2. C.U.P. 30

ARTICLES (Mrs.) Sheila Bradbury, M.A., D.Phil. 'The Stunting of Growth in young Rabbits Injected with 90 strontium.' Int. .7. Radiation Biol., vol. iii (1961), p. 515. I. W. Busbridge, M.A., D.Phil., D.Sc. 'On solutions of Chandrasekhar's Integral Equation'. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. cv,, pp. 112-17 (1962). M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil., F.R.S. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, vol. xxxi (1961). A generalization of Montel's theorem. Yournal of the London Mathematical Society, vol. xxxvii (1962). Ruth J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. Review of N. R. Ker, English Manuscripts in the century after the Norman Conquest. . . , in Speculum, vol. xxxvi, 4 (Oct. 1961), pp. 665-8. `The Manuscripts of Nicholas Trevet's Anglo-Norman Chronicles' in Medievalia et Humanistica (vol. xiv, 1962) : Studia in honorem E. A. Lowe, pp. 95-100. (Mrs.) Lucille Iremonger, M.A. Articles in Daily Telegraph, Evening Standard, reviews in Evening Standard, and women's magazines. Monthly contributions on subjects of Local Government interest to The Londoner, organ of the London Municipal Society. K. M. Kenyon. 'Excavations in Jerusalem 1961.' Palestine Exploration Quarterly (5962).

`Excavations in Jerusalem.' Antiquity (1962). `Biblical Jerusalem.' Expedition (1962). (Mrs.) R. J. Leys, M.A., B.Litt. 'A Note on Two Items in a Codex of the Biblioteca Palatina.' Archivio Storico per le province Parmensi, ser. iv, vol. xii. M. R. Lunt, M.A., D.Phil. 'Evidence for the Occurrence of Uridine Diphosphate N-acetyl Glucosamine in Crustacean Tissues.' By M. R. Lunt and P. W. Kent. Biochem. y., vol. lxxviii (1961), p. 128. `A Chitinase system from Carcinus maenas.' Biochim. Biophys. Acta, vol. xliv (1960), p. 371. By M. R. Lunt and P. W. Kent. M. M. Mahood, M.A. 'Love's Confined Doom.' Shakespeare Survey, no. 15. Cambridge University Press, (1962). Professor Ida Mann, M.A., F.R.C.S. 'Climate, Culture and Eye Disease.' Trans. Opth. Soc., vol. lxxxi (1961). `The Trachoma Situation in Western Australia', with Dorothy Perret. Revue Internat. du Trachome, vol. iv (1961), p. 399. D. F. Martin-Hurst, M.A. 'An unusual village and its problems.' By Victoria Smalipeice, M.D. Lond., F.R.C.P., and D. Martin-Hurst. The Lancet (22 September 1962). (Mrs.) Sheila Patterson, M.A. 'The Polish Exile Community in Britain.' Polish Review (New York), vol. vi, no. 3 (1961). J. H. Prosser, B.A., B.Sc. 'The Transition State in Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution.' By J. R. Knowles, R. 0. C. Newman, and (Miss) J. H. Prosser. Proceedings of the Chemical Society (September 1961), p. 341. 31

M. E. Reeves, M.A. Joachimist Influences on the Idea of a Last World Emperor.' Traditio, vol. xvii (1961), pp. 323-70. F. E. Richardson, M.A., B.Litt. 'A Middle English Fragment from the First Book of Kilkenny.' Notes and Queries, N.S., VOL ix, p. 47. — `Notes on the Text and Language of Interludium de Clerico et Puella.' Notes and Queries, N.S., vol. ix, p. 133. Mrs. 0. L. Sayce, M.A. 'Das Problem der Vieldentigkeit in Schillers asthetischer Terminologie.' Schiller Jahrbuch (1962). Lady Anne Thorne, M.A., D.Phil. 'Proc. 4th Int. Conf. in Ionization Phenomena in Gases', p. 207. North-Holland 1960. Proc. Phys. Soc., vol. lxxvi (1960), p. 833. H. M. Wallis, M.A., D.Phil. 'Globes in England up to 1660'. The Geographical Magazine, vol. xxxv, no. 5 (September 1962), pp. 267-79. with E. D. Grinstead. 'A Chinese Terrestrial Globe, A.D. 1623.' The British Museum Quarterly, vol. xxv, nos. 3-4, pp. 83-91. `The First English Terrestrial Globe.' Der Globusfreund, June 1962, no. 11, pp. 158-9. (at the printer). Capt. Philip Carteret' s Voyage round the World. C.U.P. for the Hakluyt Society.

TEACHING POSTS VACANT ANY schools write to the College to ask if any suggestions can be made of graduates who might be interested in a vacant post. As regards recent M graduates, tutors have the requisite information. But there may be others who wish to change their school, or who want to take up teaching again after an interval, or who would like to get a post in a particular neighbourhood. If there are any Senior Members who would like to be notified of vacant posts, it is suggested that they should inform the College, which could then compile a list that could be referred to when notifications of vacancies are received. The College is also from time to time notified of impending appointments of headmistresses. It would again be helpful if there were a list of Senior Members who were interested in obtaining a post as a headmistress. K. M. KENYON

NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEM ERS (The date of appointment is 1962 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College.)

(C. E. M. Lawrence, 1931), was appointed a Delegate on the Oxford University Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, from August. U. R. ALLEN, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1941), was appointed Consultant Pathologist to the Sutton Coldfield, Lichfield, and Tamworth group of hospitals.



J. M. P. ANDERSON, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1953), was

House Physician to the Medical Unit, University College Hospital, London, from March to September. D. E. ASIIHURST, M.A. (1951), returned from the United States in October. She was awarded a N.A.T.O. Fellowship to continue research on insect connective tissues. At present she has research facilities in the Zoology Department of St. Bartholomew's Medical College, London. MRS. BARRETT, M.A. (B. N. Coates, 1952), was appointed an Assistant Lecturer (Grade B) in the Commercial Department at Hendon Technical College. O. D. BICKLEY, M.A. (Fellow, 1932), gave a public lecture in Toronto in Commemoration of A. Fogazzaro (for the Dante Alighieri Society) and two lectures, in June, for the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, Japan, on Dante and on Modern Italian Poetry. She also lectured at Doshisha Women's University, Kyoto, and at the University of Nara, Japan. MRS. BOWER, M.A. (E. A. Shackle, 1951), was College Secretary at St. Hilda's College, Oxford, from April 196o to March 1962 when she left Oxford to live in Rugby where her husband teaches Physics in the School. She is doing some part-time teaching and '0' Level examining. MRS. BRADBURY (L. F. Todd, 1904) continues to do some work for the Mothers' Union in Fairford Rural Deanery and to help with the work for the Stewardship scheme of Fairford Church. MRS. CAMPBELL, M.A. (Joan Stolper, 195o), was appointed a Tutor (part-time) in the History Department, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. MRS. CARLISLE, M.A., B.LITT. (A. I. Gillmore, 1945), has moved to East Sheen, as her husband has left the Marine Biological Laboratory at Plymouth to take up an appointment with Anti-Locust Research in Kensington. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL. (1919), gave a lecture at the Symposium on non-linear differential equations at Madison, U.S.A., in April. She received the honorary degree of D.Sc. from the University of Wales, at Swansea, in July. ESTHER CHAWNER (1922) retired from the British High Commission Office at Delhi, where she had been working since 195o. MRS. CHRISTIAN, M.A., B.LITT. (D. M. Niblett, 1933), was appointed Assistant Professor, English Department, Campbell College, N. Carolina. MRS. COLE, B.A. (M. H. Payne, 196o), is living in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, where her husband is a lecturer at the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. MRS. COLLYER, B.A. (N. P. Bryne, 1959), was appointed part-time Secretary to Professor J. R. R. Tolkien in August and part-time Assistant at the Social Studies Faculty Library, Oxford, in October. MRS. COMPSTY, M.A. (J. H. Hall, 1951), was appointed to teach Ordinary level and advanced French to Students of Bolton Technical College. MRS. CONVERY, M.A. (M. F. Harding, 1936), has now left the Sudan on the completion of her husband's contract there, and is in England. MRS. COOK, M.A. (K. M. Fitt, 1954), is attending a full-time Russian course at the Holborn College of Law, Languages, and Commerce. A. C. CREED, M.A. (195o), visited New Zealand for six months after leaving Canada. She is now teaching all the Latin at Dover Heights High School, Australia, a large Sydney High School with nearly one thousand pupils. 33

(1936), was appointed District Librarian, Cheadle and Gatley District (Cheshire County Libraries). RUTH J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), who was appointed Professor in the Graduate Faculty of the University of Massachusetts in 1961, was elected First Vice-President of the Modern Language Association of America for 1962, and a member of the Editorial Board, Publications of M.L.A. 1962-7. BRENDA DICKESON, M.A. (1947), was appointed Area Secretary with the Family Welfare Association, from November. MRS. DOBBS, M.A. (E. M. Melles, 1939), was promoted and now works in the Organization and Establishment branch of the Ministry of Labour. MRS. DOBBS, M.A. (F. E. Randolph, 1921), is doing part-time teaching at South Wilts. Grammar School for Girls. D. R. DOLMAN, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1954), was appointed House Surgeon at Derby City Hospital from March to September and House Officer at Marston Green Maternity Hospital near Birmingham from October. MRS. EAGLESTONE, M.A. (H. J. M. Greening, 1952), has been teaching at Wroxall Abbey School, Warwick, since September. S. R. FELLOWS, B.A. (1958), took up an appointment in the Foreign Office in November. MRS. FINCHAM, M.A. (Jill Cousins, 1944), was appointed Secretary of the Chelmsford and Mid-Essex Marriage Guidance Council. D. I. FLETCHER, M.A. (1938), was appointed a member of the committee of the Stourbridge Archaeological and Historical Society. SHEILA FORBES, M.A. (1949), was appointed Mechanical Engineer with Canadian Westinghouse Co., Hamilton, Canada. MONITA GLENDAY, M.A. (1918), retired from the post of Headmistress of Clifton High School, Bristol. MRS. GODFREE, M.A. (Z. J. Garrett, 1942), is part-time Mathematics teacher at Miss Ironside's school in Kensington. MRS. GORRIE, M.A. (L. C. Mackintosh, 1947), was elected to the Committee of the London Association of University Women. I. C. A. GREIG, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1951), has been an Assistant in the Physiology Department, Leicester, since 196o. MRS. GRIFFITHS, M.A. (Valerie Kipping, 1952), returned to Japan in December for a further period of four years. MRS. GURNEY, M.A. (N. K. M. Dewar, 1929), was appointed Lecturer in the Department of History in the new University of York, from January. MRS. HALL, M.A. (B. M. Henderson, 1945), resigned her post in the Secondary Modern School, Oldbury, in July, and moved to Nottingham where her husband has been appointed a Lecturer in Church History at the University. MRS. HARDIE, M.A. (P. M. C. Uhde, 1946), is a supply teacher in liberal studies at the North Gloucestershire Technical College, Cheltenham, and in Science and Mathematics at Charlton Park Convent School, Cheltenham. M. F. C. HARVEY, M.A. (1947), was appointed Headmistress of the School of S. Clare, Penzance (Western Division of the Woodward Corporation), from September. EVELYN HEATON, M.A. (1949), was appointed Librarian at the Bolton Technical Teacher Training College. 34 E. B. DEAN, M.A.

(Mary Zvegintzov, 1927), was appointed Principal of St. Mary's College, Durham, from October. MRS. HOLLIDAY, M.A. (Ruth Blick, 1947), will be moving from Southall to Chesterfield in 1963. MRS. HOWARD (Jessie Skinner, 1916) was Religious Instruction Organizer at the Craig School, Bassaleg, Monmouthshire, 1960-3. A. M. HUDSON, B.A. (1957), was elected to an Official Fellowship and Tutorship in English, at Lady Margaret Hall from October 1963. P. F. HULL, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1953), was appointed House Surgeon in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Reading group of Hospitals for twelve months from April. MARGARET IGGLESDEN, M.A. (1942), was appointed Lady Warden of St. Mary's Hall, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, from July 1961. MRS. IREMONGER, M.A. (Lucille Parks, 1934), was appointed to the Town Planning and the New and Expanding Towns Committees of the London County Council, of which she is a member for Norwood and Lambeth. She was awarded the Silver Musgrave Medal for Literature, awarded by the Institute of Jamaica for notable contributions in the field of literature, science, and art. ROSEMARY IRVINE, M.A. (1941), was appointed Deputy Head of Bacon's School, Bermondsey, London. EDITH JACKSON, M.A. (1934), was appointed Principal of Queen Elizabeth School, Ilorin, Nigeria, a Government Girls' Secondary School, taking School Certificate. She will be retiring in June 1963 after fifteen years in Africa, and hopes to be in England for some years. MRS. GRETA JAMES, M.A., B.LITT. (1951), was promoted a Principal Lecturer of Maria Grey Training College. MRS. JOHN, M.A. (C. M. Dowler, 1938), was elected a Councillor of the Leatherhead Urban District Council in May. Al. H. JOHNSTON, B.A. (1957), is now Assistant Librarian at the Worcester Grammar School for Girls. E. I. LEMON, M.A. (1913), was elected President of the Oxford Association of University Women. MRS. LEYS, M.A., B.LITT. (R. J. Mitchell, 1921), who has been Socio Corrispondente per le province Parmense of the R. Dep. di Storia Patria since 1959, was awarded the Suzette Taylor Research Fellowship at Lady Margaret Hall. M. E. LOYD, M.A. (1953), was appointed an Assistant Mistress at the Royal Masonic School for Girls, Rickmansworth, from September. MRS. LYNCH, M.A. (V. B. Ledger, 1945), resigned her post in the City Museum, Plymouth, and is teaching History in St. Albans. MRS. Mc CALLUM, M.A., B.SC. (F. M. E. Macdonald, 1936), was appointed a parttime Demonstrator in Zoology at Monash University, Australia, from March 1961. MRS. MACMILLAN, M.A. (C. F. Spurgin, 195o), hopes to spend a year in Canada, 1963-4, with her husband, who teaches at Wellington College, Berks. PROFESSOR IDA MANN, M.A., F.R.C.S. (Hon. Fellow), attended the Expert Committee on Trachoma, of the World Health Organization, in Geneva, in August 1961. She toured South Africa, lecturing on the Prevention of Blindness, in April 1962. MRS. HOLDSWORTH, M.A.



(1924), has been a member of the Editorial Board of

The Almoner, a monthly journal of medical social work, for the past five

years and has been its Chairman for the last two years. H. Dawson, 1945), will be in Kowloon, Hong Kong, where her husband is Vicar, for the next three years. MRS. MOREY, M.A. (L. A. Dalton, 1955), received the M.A. from Indiana University in September. She is teaching English part-time and working on the Ph.D. at Wayne State University in Detroit, where her husband has been appointed an Assistant Professor. P. M. MORTON, M.A. (1950), was appointed operational Research Analyst with Canadian National Railways, Montreal. MRS. PADFIELD, M.A. (S. M. V. Runganadhan, 1941), has returned to settle permanently in England. She has been free-lancing for the B.B.C. on Sound broadcasting—Woman's Hour, Schools, and General Overseas programmes, chairing the Asian Club. F. E. RICHARDSON, M.A., B.LITT. (1951), was appointed a Lecturer in English Language at the University of Leicester from October. B. H. ROBERTS, B.A. (1926), resigned from the Ministry of Health and has gone to work with the Friends Service Council on resettlement work in Algeria for two years. G. M. ROBERTS, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1954), went as the medically qualified member of the Oxford University Women's Expedition to the Canary Islands in the summer. She was appointed Obstetric Unit House Surgeon, University College Hospital, London, from September. MRS. HODGESS-ROPER, B.A. (V. H. Edwards, 1956), was appointed Research Assistant, Market Research Department, Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., Manchester, from July. MRS. ROSSOTTI, B.SC., M.A., D.PHIL. (H. S. Marsh, 1948), was elected to an Official Fellowship in Chemistry at St. Anne's College, Oxford, from October. MRS. SANKEY, M.A. (G. W. Putman, 1951), is now living in New York, as her husband has been appointed First Secretary (Colonial Affairs) with the United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations. D. B. SAUNDERS, B.LITT. (1922), attended the Conference of the International Federation of University Women in Mexico City in July. M. M. SELLENS, M.A. (1950), was appointed Principal of Saffron Walden Training College, Essex, from September. SISTER M. JEANNE D'ARC, M.A. (M. P. Vaulk, 1940), was appointed Headmistress of St. Francis R.C. Primary School, Braintree, a new school opened in September. H. J. SOUTHERN, M.A. (1934), was appointed Vice-Principal of St. Mary's College, Bangor, N. Wales, from September. MRS. SWINDELLS, M.A. (L. W. Iggulden, 1953), will be leaving Slough, as her husband has been appointed Priest-in-charge of St. Michael's, Taunton, from January 1963. MRS. SZkIII, M.A. (A. L. E. Fairbank, 1952), was Assistant History Mistress, Manning Grammar School, Nottingham, from September 1961 till July 1962, and was appointed Assistant Lecturer, Italian and Liberal Studies, Coventry Technical College, from September. 36 MRS. MICHELL, M.A. (C.

(M. M. Burgess, 1933), has been teaching, part-time, German and French at the William Gibbs School, Faversham, since September. MRS. WARD PLATT, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (0. P. Frodsham, 1942), is doing part-time work in General Practice. MRS. WARMAN, B.A. (P. J. M. Allum, 1957), was appointed Librarian of the Geography Department Library, Cambridge University, from June. R. M. WEBSTER, M.A. (1950), was appointed Lecturer in Divinity at Stockwell College, Bromley, Kent, from September. B. J. WEST, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1949), entered into partnership with Drs. Macdonald and Arney in Kingswood, Bristol. MRS. WHITEHEAD (Margaret Flower, 1959) is teaching English with some History at Roade Secondary School. VANESSA WILLIAMS, B.A. (1956), was appointed Assistant History Mistress at Bournville Girls' Grammar—Technical School, Birmingham, from September. MRS. WOLFE, M.A. (M. A. Hart, 1947), who spent the summer of 1962 in London, now lives in Santa Barbara, where her husband has an appointment as Professor of Economics at the Santa Barbara Campus of the University of California. BRIGITTE WOLFF, B.SC. (1939), was sent to the Eighth International Cancer Congress in Moscow in July. MRS. WOOLF, M.A. (P. S. Moore, 195o), will be permanently in Newcastle upon Tyne, as her husband has been appointed a Lecturer in English at King's College. ANN YOUNG, B.A. (1957), was appointed Assistant Mistress (History) at the Hertfordshire and Essex High School, Bishop's Stortford, from September 1961.



SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE WORK THE B.F.U.W. and the I.F.U.W. offer each year for competition amongst members certain Scholarships and Fellowships that enable the holders to undertake research work abroad, mostly for an academic year, or occasionally for a shorter period to complete a piece of work; there is also available each year a Scholarship at Crosby Hall, the B.F.U.W.'s Club House in London. Particulars may be obtained from: The Secretary, British Federation of University Women, Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. 3 The College has no known address for the following Members, and the Principal's Secretary would be grateful for any news. S. 0. Allison (1925-8) Mrs. Atack (M. F. Houlihan) (1924-7) I. J. Baker (1953-9) L. I. G. Bickmore (1906-9) Mrs. Bown (M. E. Prichard) (1919-22) F. E. Bramley (1937-40) Mrs. Clutterbuck (B. A. Bristow) (1942-5) Mrs. Corinaldesi (B. Coxon) (1943-6) Mrs. Doran (G. M. Ziar) (1941-4) M. H. Doss (1947-50) S. M. Draycott (1944-7) Mrs. Godwin (E. J. Hackshaw) (1924-7) J. 0. Harries (1938-41) I. R. G. Hart (1909-12) Mrs. Hinde (J. M. Briscoe) (1940-3) M. E. Homes (1954-7) G. H. Johnstone (1919-22) C. M. Lilleyman (1940-3) N. P. Littlewood (1940-3) E. Mason (1935-8) Mrs. Shewell (I. M. Miles) (1939-42) E. J. D. Staveley (1917-20) J. 0. Stovin (1933-6) Mrs. Walters (N. D. Ford) (1950-3)




Chronicle 1964 and Register of Addresses Please fill in appropriate details below and return at any date before i December 1963. NAME MAIDEN NAME (if married)

DATE of entering College Degrees

ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE (for inclusion in the Register of Senior Members. In future a single address for correspondence will be entered in the Register)

NEW APPOINTMENTS D U RI N G 1963(or any appointments not previously notified, with dates)

PUBLICATIONS (Please give publisher, price and date of publication, or if publication is an article details of periodical)

ANY OTHER NE WS (including date and particulars o marriage and births if not previously notified)


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