St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1964-1965

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CHRONICLE 1964-1965 Number 37





Chairman THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1963-5 MISS M. JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A. Editor of the Chronicle, 1964-6

MISS E. LEMON, M.A. 17 Rawlinson Road, Oxford





GAUDY 1966 GAUDY 1964

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The attention of members is drawn to: 1. The coloured folder attached to this number. 2. The list of Members of the College for whom the College has no address at present. 3. The new arrangement that all members of the College should notify the Hon. Secretary of the Association of any change of address.


Principal KATHLEEN MARY KENYON, C.B.E., M.A., D.LITT. (D.LIT. LOND., L.H.D.), F.B.A., F.S.A.


Professorial Fellow, Montague Burton Professor of International Relations. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, O.B.E., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Classics, University Lecturer in Homeric Archaeology. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Research Fellow, University Demonstrator in Astronomy. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., D.SC. (M.SC. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in Mathematics, University Lecturer. BETTY KEMP, M.A., Nuffield College Fellow, Tutor in History, University Lecturer. HON. HONOR MILDRED VIVIAN SMITH, O.B.E., M.A. (D.SC., M.D. LOND.), Research Fellow. PAMELA OLIVE ELIZABETH GRADON, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in English Language, University Lecturer in Medieval English. AGNES PRISCILLA WELLS, M.A., Official Fellow, Treasurer. HELEN MARY WARNOCK (MRS.), B.PHIL., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Philosophy, University Lecturer, Estates Bursar. SUSAN MERIEL WOOD (MRS.), B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Medieval History, University Lecturer. MARJORIE MARY SWEETING, M.A. (M.A., PH.D. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Geography, University Lecturer. MABEL RACHEL TRICKETT, M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in English Literature, University Lecturer. MARGARET JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor and Cassel Lecturer in German, University Lecturer. BETTY ISABELLE BLEANEY (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow and Tutor in Natural Science (Physics). VERA JOYCE DANIEL, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in French, University Lecturer. JOYCELYNE GLEDHILL DICKINSON, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Librarian, Lecturer in Modern History. MARY RANDLE LUNT, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Tutor in Natural Science (Biochemistry). THEODORA CONSTANCE COOPER, M.A. (M.A. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Economics, University Lecturer. EVA MYRTLE MAJOR, M.A., Official Fellow, Bursar.




Elizabeth Wordsworth Junior Research Fellow LILLIAN MARGARET RUFF (B.MUS., M.A., PH.D. NOTTINGHAM)


Lecturer in French. AVAIL GILCHRIST BROTEN, M.A. (B.A. BIRMINGHAM), Lecturer in English Language and Medieval Literature. STELLA ANN CROSSLEY (Mrs.), M.A., Lecturer in Zoology. ELIZABETH ANN HILTON, M.A. (B.SC. EXETER, PH.D. LOND.), Shell Lecturer in Mathematics. ELIZABETH HELEN MERVYN THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Lecturer in Jurisprudence. PAMELA WALEY (MRS.) (B.A. LOND.), Lecturer in Spanish. RACHEL FRANCES WALL, M.A. (M.A. CAMBRIDGE), Lecturer in Politics, University Lecturer in Politics.



Principal's Secretary G. A. EASTERBROOK

Treasurer's Clerk MISS P. SMITH

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR MEMBERS rrHE thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Association of Senior Members 1 was held in the Mordan Hall on Saturday, 4 July 1964, at 3 p.m., the Principal in the Chair. One hundred and forty-one members were present. The Principal called on the meeting to stand in memory of eighteen members who had died during the years 1962-4. The Principal made special mention of Miss Shaw, who had died during the year and paid a tribute to her. In her news of the S.C.R. the Principal reported that Miss Eva Major, Bursar, had been given an M.A. by decree and elected to an official Fellowship, with effect from Michaelmas Term 1964. Mrs. Warnock had become Estates Bursar. Miss Adam and Miss Sweeting were still at the ends of the earth, and, as they returned to us, Miss Lunt would disappear to the United States to take up a post-doctoral research fellowship at the California College of Technology, Berkeley. Miss Bickley had this year founded the Henry Rowlatt Bickley Memorial Lecture on 'Italy, Past and Present', and it was hoped that the first lecture in 1965 would be on Italian art. The Principal drew the attention of senior members to the changes in the College buildings: the new Mordan Hall, in which a number of concerts had already been held and in which the new portrait of Professor Headlam-Morley was now hung; the stage in the Mordan Hall which had been a generous gift from an anonymous donor; the Fulford Room as an extension of the library; the new Principal's Lodgings; the perimeter wall around the site, to incorporate the houses in the late-leave system. A snack bar was being planned as an addition to the present building in the North forecourt, and for this a grant had already been allocated by the University Grants Committee. The new building would be in occupation by October 1965. In order to expand our numbers, we were keeping all the rooms in College houses for undergraduates, instead of using some for graduates as in the original plan. Miss Lemon was re-elected Editor of the Chronicle. Mrs. Laybourne had given the College ÂŁ5o for an object of beauty for the library or the dining hall. After some discussion Miss Ashcroft, seconded by Miss Young, proposed that an object in silver or silver plate be bought. Miss Busbridge suggested that the A.S.M. might like to play a greater part in running its own affairs, and proposed that it should elect its own committee. Since this would involve an alteration in the Bye-laws, she proposed that a committee be set up to discuss the matter. The meeting nominated members for an exploratory committee of nine members. Miss Wells asked members if they would express a view on the desirability of economizing by sending the address list only to those members who requested it. It was suggested that the address list be printed every four years instead of every three years. It was also suggested that a supplementary list, recording changes of name and address, could be published more frequently than the main list. This matter was referred to the new committee. 7

New Constitution

A new Constitution for the Association of Senior Members has been drawn up. It will be presented for discussion at the Annual General Meeting in 1965. Will anyone who will be at the meeting and who wishes to see a copy of the draft, please apply to The Secretary (M. Jacobs, St. Hugh's College).



KENNETH CLARK, K.C.B., C.H., F.B.A., will give the Henry Rowlatt Bickley Memorial Lecture on 3 June 1965, at 5.3o p.m. in the Mordan Hall on the subject 'A Failure of Nerve. Italian Painting 152o-1535'.



interim report on the Appeal for £1oo,000 for the new building appeared in last year's issue of the Chronicle. The total of £32,758 received or promised up the end of February 1964 was a very encouraging start. We are delighted to be able to tell Senior Members that this figure has been almost doubled in the last year. Since I March 1964, 255 more Senior Members have sent gifts and made covenants. Contributions have also been received from the J.C.R. and parents, from two of the men's colleges in Oxford, from industry, trusts, city companies, and other friends of the College, bringing the grand total up to £63,919(this figure includes the additional income-tax that will accrue to the College from payments under Covenant, as a result of the increase in tax from 7s. 9d. to 8s. 3d. from April 1965). We should like to express once again our very grateful thanks to all those who have contributed so generously to the Appeal. A list of new contributors since I March 1964 is enclosed. We should like to make special mention of the contribution made by the J.C.R. and their parents which now totals £1,133. This includes the proceeds of concerts, recitals, and parties organized by the J.C.R. during the past year. We acknowledge the generous offer of the Drapers' Company to give 7,000 in seven annual instalments. The building, which will provide rooms for forty-seven undergraduates and two Fellows, is progressing well and, in spite of a national brick shortage, it is still hoped to have it ready for occupation by Michaelmas Term. A. P. WELLS



SHERRY Party for members of the Association will be held on Wednesday,, 29 September 1965, 5.30-7.30 p.m., at Queen Elizabeth College, Campden Hill Road, by kind permission of the Principal (M. J. Sargeaunt). Full particulars will be found on a slip enclosed with the Chronicle. 8

GAUDY, 1966


HE next Gaudy will take place on 1-4 July 1966. The Gaudy Dinner will be on Saturday, 2 July, at 7.3o p.m. Further particulars will appear in the next issue of the Chronicle.

GAUDY, 1964 OR most of us the Gaudy Week-end is a step back in time when we can throw off our present responsibilities and enjoy again the College life we remember, without its attendant anxieties over unfinished essays and looming tutorials. Certainly once we are inside the familiar hall—having mastered the new press-button method of entry—the clock turns back and we settle into our allotted rooms, anxiously scanning the names on neighbouring doors to discover who is billetted near to us. Just for a moment or two we are back again at the beginning of a new term. Meeting old friends, endlessly exchanging news of jobs, husbands, children, and grandchildren, provides sufficient excuse for the deafening buzz of conversation which greets one at all stages of the week-end, reaching its crescendo at the Saturday night dinner, when indeed one needs to lip-read to understand one's neighbours; muted in the open air of the garden at the tea party (the most rewarding hour to sit and chat with one's tutor), and only completely stilled during the Communion service on Sunday morning, for Noise is part of the Gaudy. This year there was much that was new to inspect, quite apart from meeting our new Principal. The Annual Meeting in the Mordan Hall—the Library to my generation—gave us an opportunity of admiring its new decorations, its spacious stage and lovely curtains, but of the New Building there was nothing to be seen but a deep wide hole in the ground, somewhere behind '82' and `No. 4'. The excellent Architect's model, however, gave us a promise of what is to come and we look forward to sampling this new accommodation at future gaudies. The week-end reaches its height in the Saturday dinner and it is then that we listen with awe and admiration to our one-time companions, so ably speaking of their interesting lives, and wonder perhaps whether we have not allowed ourselves to float along on a too-bucolic stream. After dinner people begin to drift away in groups to gather in various rooms for further talk, or perhaps to seek fresh faces in the vicinity of the J.C.R., where welcome provision is made for late cups of tea or coffee in the pantry. This year we welcomed the installation of the milk machine which made possible not only late cuppers but early morning ones as well. Sunday morning is a restful interlude. After Chapel and a leisurely breakfast one is free to enjoy the beautiful gardens, half expecting to meet Miss Rogers at every turn, for in our day one seldom walked in the gardens without finding her somewhere, busily discussing plantings or prunings with a gardener, and the loveliness we enjoy today is her memorial. On the terrace Dr. Busbridge dispenses seemingly endless cups of coffee before we walk along the Backs of College Houses, past the site of the new building, to the Principal's Lodging where Dr. Kenyon entertains us to sherry, and we are conducted on a tour of this most gracious house, transported for a moment



to distant Jericho as we pass through the workrooms. Here is indeed an impressive contrast to the noisy rooms in College, in which Miss Gwyer and her guests must so often have longed for the suppression of that dreadful squeak of shoe sole on linoleum which betrays every step of the nightwandering student. For most of us the week-end is over after Sunday lunch, and, after leavetakings, we pick up our cases, summon our taxis, and return to homes and families, refreshed by this retreat into the past and grateful to all those who have made possible for us this opportunity of glimpsing life in St. Hugh's 1964. A. S.


the Gaudy Dinner Mrs. Adler (C. E. M. Lawrence, 1931) proposed the toast of the Association of Senior Members and Mrs. Ryan (S. M. C. Cameron, 1953) replied. Dr. Honor Smith (Fellow, 1947) said: 'In a few minutes I am going to have the great privilege of proposing the toast of St. Hugh's College, but before that I should like to tell you a little about certain medical activities which will always be connected with the name of St. Hugh's. During the war this College suffered very severely. Those working here became displaced persons. They endured the hideous inconvenience of eviction and returned to find the still more hideous disfigurement of the garden. In the meantime a "Military Hospital (Head Injuries)" had been in possession. This was the result of a conversation held about the time of Munich between a highly distinguished neurologist, Dr. Symonds, now Air Vice-Marshal Sir Charles Symonds, and the Nuffield Professor of Surgery of this University, Hugh Cairns—Hugo as he was called to his face by his intimates, Hughie as he was known behind his back by a host of juniors. Symonds was old enough to have been a qualified doctor at the Western Front by the end of the Kaiser's war. Hughie had been in the ranks at the Battle of the Somme. Both considered another war to be inevitable and Symonds was recalling the waste and muddle of the time before and dreading its repetition. This was enough and more than enough for Hughie, who was not only a first-class brain surgeon, but a man of inexhaustible energy and inflexible determination, with a great talent for organization. This time there would be neither muddle nor waste, but servicemen whose heads or spines were injured should receive treatment as good as any civilian in peace-time, or if possible better. First, there must be a special hospital, this in spite of the fact that specialized hospitals were anathema to the conventional army medical service. Further, since Hughie could not conceive of a first-class standard of treatment divorced from teaching and research, it must be situated near a university medical school. And where better than Oxford, where he already had a professorial department geared to post-graduate teaching and neurological research? `We were the sacrifice—but the policy payed handsome dividends. The closest liaison was established with the relevant departments at the Radcliffe Infirmary to which Professor Dorothy Russell had been lured to supervise the pathology, and with Professor Florey's department, at that time convulsed with the birth throes of penicillin. Invaluable help, too, was given by Dr. Holbourne, the physicist. It was he who first showed exactly how blows on the head damage the brain and who thus provided a firm scientific basis on which effective protection could be built. This was the genesis of the crash-helmet I0

that all responsible motor-cyclists wear today and which has saved so many thousands of lives. It was Dr. Holbourne, too, who when he received the usual call-up papers entered under the heading "present occupation", "I am trying to instil the abracadabra of physics into the mumbo-jumbo of surgery". Indeed cheerfulness kept breaking through. One elderly bacteriologist was dug out of retirement and, as the oldest lieutenant in the army, was made bacteriologist to the hospital and our mess president. Daddy Weston ruled the doctors with an iron rod. No one escaped. An oldish, and extremely eminent, neurologist visiting our hospital was told sharply at breakfast: "Riddoch, put back that second teaspoonful of marmalade, you've had your ration." And then, in a deafening aside: "Knew him at school, always a greedy boy." `Experience gained in the Kaiser's war showed conclusively that the chief cause of failure in the treatment of head wounds was the interval between the time when the man was wounded and that when he reached the base hospital and was, at long last, within reach of expert surgery. It was the supreme achievement of this hospital to solve this problem. In principle the answer was as simple as it was brilliant. Expert surgery must be brought to the wounded at the level of the forward casualty clearing station. To this end our mobile neuro-surgical units were devised. All the personnel were trained here and then sent overseas, fully equipped to move with our army and carry out expert brain surgery just behind the front line. The story of these units is a saga in itself, from the first one that was captured during our retreat on Dunkirk, through the campaigns of North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Burma, and Northern Europe, to the last that arrived in the Far East just as Japan capitulated. Constantly reporting back to and being supported by the mother hospital, their success cannot be exaggerated. `But with it all, the research aspects were never forgotten. Records had to be kept, and kept they were, accurately and lucidly and comprehensively, even when for days on end one operation would follow another at fifteen-minute intervals. As a result of this a new chapter in the management of infections has been written, the treatment of minor head injuries has been revolutionized, and important advances made to the understanding of the functions of the brain. `Today the scars on the lawn have disappeared and the officers who worked and trained here are back in civilian life, many of them running their own departments. Indeed it is difficult, if not impossible, to visit any neurological centre here or overseas without hearing the slightly irreverent boast: "I was a graduate of St. Hughie's." `I know this is a very inadequate account of the work done here, but I hope it may be some compensation for the disruption that the College suffered to know that its aims of teaching, research, and, if I may say so, of service, were still ardently pursued.' In her reply the Principal spoke of the noise which is a necessary part of any Gaudy—perhaps to express rejoicing. She was very pleased to report that the College was flourishing. She referred to the response of Senior Members to the Building Appeal and spoke of the snack bar to be built in the forecourt. The success of the Appeal Fund would make a great difference to the College, increase the number of scholarships and the number of tutors, and improve the salary scale. She made reference to the Robbins Report and the Franks Commission and, of course, to New College's plan to accept women members. II



HE outstanding function of the year 1964 was the dedication by the Rt. Revd. the Bishop of Oxford of the memorial tablet to Dr. Cecilia Ady on Sunday, 14 June. The College owes to the generosity of Dr. Ady the redecoration and refurnishing of the Chapel. The tablet was designed by Mr. Reynolds Stone, and has been placed on the north wall, facing the entrance. The inscription on it reads In grateful memory of Cecilia Mary Ady 1881-1958 Scholar, Tutor & Fellow of the College by whose beneficence this Chapel was refurnished in the summer of 1962

Five new appointments to the academic staff took place in Michaelmas Term 1964, Miss Rachel Wall as Lecturer in Politics (in combination with a faculty lecturership and a lecturership at Lady Margaret Hall), Miss Elizabeth Hilton as Shell Lecturer in Mathematics, Miss Avril Briiten as Lecturer in English, Miss Elizabeth Thorneycroft as Lecturer in Jurisprudence (in combination with Lady Margaret Hall), and Mrs. Waley as part-time Lecturer in Spanish. The Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturership in Italian was not renewed, but Mrs. Roaf continues to do part-time teaching in Italian; Mrs. Atiyah resigned as Lecturer in Mathematics, and Mrs. Austin, on her election to a Fellowship at St. Hilda's, as Lecturer in Philosophy. The Bursar, Miss Eva Major, who has been given an M.A. by decree, has been elected to an Official Fellowship. In Michaelmas Term 1964 Dr. Madge Adam, Research Fellow, returned from a year's Sabbatical leave at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra, and Miss M. M. Sweeting from two terms Sabbatical leave spent mainly at the University of New Mexico. During 1964 Professor Headlam-Morley, Professorial Fellow, was on Sabbatical leave in Trinity Term, Miss B. Kemp in Hilary and Michaelmas Terms, and Miss V. Daniel in Trinity and Michaelmas Terms. Miss Mary Lunt began a year's Sabbatical leave in Michaelmas Term 1964, to be spent as a post-doctoral research fellow at the California Institute of Technology. Appointments of Senior Members to academic posts have been numerous. Miss G. Matthews has been elected to an Official Fellowship and Tutorship in Philosophy at St. Anne's. Miss S. Hanson has been appointed to a Lecturership in German at the University of Durham. Miss M. Houghton has been appointed Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Sussex. Miss G. Thomas has been elected to an Assistant Lecturership in History at Newnham College, Cambridge, with effect from October 1965. Miss A. Smith has been appointed Assistant Lecturer in the History of Education in the Department of Education, University of London. Miss B. Humfrey has been elected to a Research Fellowship at the University of Reading. Miss P. Wiseman has been awarded a Regent's Fellowship at the 12

University of California. Miss Alison Redmayne has received a research and travel grant from the Institute of Archaeology and History in East Africa. Other distinctions gained by members of the College were that Dr. Mary Cartwright, Honorary Fellow, Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge, was awarded the Sylvester Medal of the Royal Society, and Miss Phyllis Hartnoll the Prize for a Poem on a Sacred Subject. Miss Hartnoll also won this prize in 1947—this is the first time in which such a University Prize has been awarded twice to the same person. Two new Assistant Bursars, Miss Y. Riddelsdell and Miss D. Brigham, were appointed in Michaelmas Term 1964. In December 1964 the new post of Deputy Bursar was created, and Miss Riddelsdell was appointed to this with effect from Hilary Term 1965. A new feature in College life is a series of concerts in the Mordan Hall, of which the completion and redecoration was announced in the last number of the Chronicle. The grand event in this was a recital given by Nancy Evans, accompanied by Dr. Sydney Watson, and the College is most grateful to these distinguished artists for giving us this pleasure. The undergraduate musical society arranged a number of performances, including a Victorian Evening and an Edwardian Music Hall, both delightful occasions. The proceeds of all these concerts have gone to the Building Fund. Recitals of sacred and organ music have also been given in the Chapel. The College is very fortunate in having in residence a number of able and enthusiastic musicians. A further event in the Mordan Hall was the hanging of the portrait of Professor Headlam-Morley. The College is proud to possess such a distinguished picture by Robert Lutyens, and in this way to commemorate its affection for an outstanding member of the College. During the year, the new building, as yet unnamed, has been going up apace. It is due to come into use in Michaelmas Term 1965. As usual, of course, there have been hold-ups. The most serious was the shortage of bricks in the summer of 1964, which put the building six weeks behind schedule. As a result, it may be a near thing, and we may be faced with the necessity for emergency measures to provide accommodation during the first few weeks of term. But to see the building rising so fast is most exciting. The Building Fund has risen at a rate not quite keeping pace with the building, but even more excitingly fast, since its success gives us such very great satisfaction. In a total of £63,919 (including covenants), the wonderfully generous response of senior members has been the major factor, with a figure of nearly £34,600. Mrs. Wardley gave £z,000 in memory of her daughter Arabella. The J.C.R., with various money-raising efforts (the most spectacular an Allhallowe'en party in the basement) and through parents, have raised the excellent sum of £1,133. Our most generous outside contributors have been the Drapers' Company with £7,000 in seven annual instalments, the Pilgrim Trust with £5,000, the Max Rayne Foundation with £5,000 in five annual instalments, and the Goldsmiths' Company with £3,000 and the Mercers' Company with kr,000. Such gifts have been a magnificent encouragement. We almost feel our target is in sight, though, of course, the last third of the sum will be much harder work than the first two-thirds. A further event affecting college accommodation was the acquisition in Michaelmas Term 1964, by means of a grant from the University from its University Grants Committee allocation, of the remainder of the lease of 13 Canterbury Road, once the house of Sir John Myres. The College is the 13

ground landlord of all the houses, Banbury Road, Canterbury Road, and Woodstock Road, in the block. The leaseholds of the Canterbury Road houses run out in about five years. The future of the Canterbury Road houses is dependent on the decision as to whether a relief road will come through at this point, possibly in 197o. Meanwhile, the acquisition of the remainder of the lease of No. 13 gives the College valuable additional space at this time of maximum pressure on university entrance. Most of the rooms will be used for teaching, and one tutor's set, thereby releasing rooms in College for undergraduates. With the opening of the new building, providing forty-seven undergraduate rooms and two tutors' sets, and the rooms in 13 Canterbury Road, College will now be able to provide rooms for 227 undergraduates to live in. The only undergraduates living out will be fourth years, a few married undergraduates, and those with Senior Status or of mature years. The total of undergraduates reading for a first degree will thus be about 25o. The increase to these numbers has, of course, had to be spread over a whole undergraduate generation of three years, with an increasing number having to live out till the climax of opening the new building arises. Thus for the academic year 1964-5, thirty-nine second- and third-year undergraduates who would normally live in have in fact been in lodgings. The College is sorry that they have had to suffer this hardship from a state of affairs from which the greater part of the benefit will go to their successors. The College in 1964 began what it is hoped will be an annual practice of appointing a Schoolmistress Student. The holder of the Studentship is given hospitality in College for a term, to provide an opportunity either for research or to bring herself up to date in her own subject. The first holder of the Studentship, in Trinity Term 1964, was Miss Gwen Mossop, Physics Mistress at Sutton High School, a Senior Member of the College. In the Final Schools of 1964 the College had the welcome number of six First Classes; K. Arms in Zoology, J. C. Bilham in Chemistry Part II, M. C. Ekins in Mathematics, E. A. Newton in Chemistry Part II, C. Whyte in Geography, E. A. Willatts in English. Forty-one were placed in the Second Class, nineteen in the Third Class, three in the Fourth Class, and one was given a Pass Degree. In Classical Honour Moderations, H. M. Cartledge was placed in the First Class and H. A. Priestley was placed in the First Class in Mathematical Honour Moderations. The number of undergraduates in residence for the year 1964-5 reading for a B.A. is 232, of whom seven are graduates of other universities. Seventeen graduates of the College and twenty graduates of other Colleges are reading for research degrees. 'Fen graduates of the College and eight graduates of other universities are reading for post-graduate diplomas. K. M. K.

GIFTS AND BENEFACTIONS FROM: Nuffield College, in 1963, ÂŁ1o,000 to the College Endowment. Miss 0. D. Bickley has endowed an annual Lecture on 'Italy, Past and Present', in memory of her father, Henry Rowlatt Bickley. Miss Francis, Miss Thorneycroft and Miss Bickley, a gavel and plinth for High Table. 14

Miss G. Mossop, the New Testament of the New English Bible. Miss P. Hartnoll, The Mordan Hall Record Book. Miss H. Fiedler, candelabra for use in Hall. Mrs. K. M. Evans, carved oak chair for use of the Principal. Mrs. Laybourne, coasters for High Table. Miss L. Ruff, a Venetian glass oil and vinegar cruet. Mrs. Frank Hopkirk, a collection of books on the Regency period.

DEGREES, 1964 D.Litt. K. M. Kenyon. D.Phil. A. M. Hudson, Mrs. Knight (J. N. Maclean), Mrs. Stevenson

(F. K. Hartley). B.Litt. Mrs. Isaacs (J. I. Cameron), W. R. James. M.A. by Decree. A. Briiten, E. A. Hilton, E. M. Major, R. Wall. M.A. K. M. Abbott, C. W. Barron, M. E. Belcher, Mrs. Bell (A. Farrer),

Mrs. Birkett (W. M. Catlin), Mrs. Bloxham (E. Elves), Mrs. Bowman (E. W. Reynolds), Mrs. Buchanan (K. M. Willson), Mrs. Cameron (M. J. Wilson), M. A. Carter, J. Cartwright, E. M. Challans, Mrs. Challis (J. Ilott), Revd. Mother Margaret Chapman, Mrs. Chitty (M. B. Holdgate), Mrs. Crellin (D. M. Harvey), F. Crossfield, Mrs. Dacombe (D. C. Taylor), Mrs. Dawkins (B. W. Brown), J. E. Dawson, Mrs. Deans (J. M. Cope), Mrs. Dennis (C. M. W. Joseph), J. M. Dick, Mrs. Disney (E. W. Wynn-Williams), Mrs. Duncan (M. C. Mogford), Mrs. Eliashof (P. A. Deakin), M. T. McD. Ellis, P. A. Erlebach, Mrs. Farish (A. C. Stephenson), W. A. Forth, Mrs. Gibb (C. Godfrey), D. M. Goschen, Mrs. Grant (E. Iliff), Mrs. Gunn (A. E. A. P. Sandford), R. Hall, M. R. Hambly, S. R. Hanson, Mrs. Harley (A. M. Lever), Mrs. Harris (A. M. 0. Richards), W. E. Hefford, Mrs. Henson (M. Clark), Mrs. Hills (C. M. Exley), Mrs. Horseman (D. M. Gardner), M. A. Houghton, Mrs. Howard (I. C. Pomphrett), Mrs. Hubbard (P. M. Sargent), A. M. Hudson, Mrs. Hugh-Jones (J. Goodwin), G. E. S. Hunt, Mrs. Hyde (A. E. Galbraith), Mrs. Insley (B. W. Green), Mrs. Jocelyn (W. E. Shepherd), Mrs. Kenrick (R. C. Tyrrell), A. J. Kettle, W. A. Kitchen, Mrs. Leaper (M. R. Scruton), L. Lomax, Mrs. Marshall (N. H. Seymour), Mrs. Meade (S. M. Lugard), Margaret Moore, P. M. Moore, Mrs. Morshead (A. M. G. Battiscombe), Mrs. Naipaul (P. A. Hale), Mrs. Papineau (C. I. Kahn), Mrs. Peile (F. 0. W. Hoare), Mrs. Potter (A. M. Early), Mrs. Powell (M. Williams), D. C. Pyett, Mrs. Pyke (M. P. A. Colbourne), A. C. Rashleigh, Mrs. Rear (M. E. Alais), V. B. C. F. Rhys-Davids, Gilds M. Roberts, Mrs. Robertson (A. M. Bell), Mrs. Rodgers (B. Aikin-Sneath), Mrs. Rutherford (M. E. E. McDougle), Mrs. Sanders (H. T. E. Charles), Mrs. Saunders (M. Tolansky), Mrs. Sayers (M. Woolf), Mrs. Scott (C. A. Isles), Mrs. Sheehan (G. Gauge), R. A. Shenton, Mrs. Sims (P. M. Fulford), M. C. Smith, Mrs. Smith (R. W. Boyle), A. A. L. Sprules, Mrs. Stephens (A. F. L. Fowler), Mrs. Sylvester (M. A. Brady), Mrs. Tickell (R. 0. Haynes), Mrs. Valli (C. A. Hall), A. E. Ward, Mrs. Warman (P. J. M. Allum), Mrs. Waters

(I. Henderson), Mrs. Whale (J. L. Hackett), Mrs. Whicker (M. H. Johnston), Mrs. Wiemann (U. Watson), Mrs. Wilkinson (B. Oliver), G. L. Wilson, Mrs. Wolfe (J. S. Welch), Mrs. Woods (J. M. Sprules), Mrs. Wright (E. Portsmore), A. Young. B.A. K. Arms, Mrs. Baker (G. S. Davies), D. Barnes, P. C. Batty, Mrs. Bowman (E. W. A. Reynolds), A. Bray, G. M. P. Burrow, R. A. Calvert, Mrs. Campbell (D. J. Hannah), Mrs. Catchpole (D. A. Scott), Mrs. Chitty (M. B. Holdgate), M. N. E. Collings, B. Collins, E. M. Cresswell, E. A. Cromwell, V. S. Dhaganwar, M. E. Ekins, Mrs. Elliott (H. J. Richardson), C. J. Elson, F. A. Gee, Mrs. Grayson (J. M. Jones), C. A. Hayes, V. M. S. Haywood, P. J. Hedley, A. E. Henry, M. Holwell, Mrs. Howard (I. Pomphrett), J. Hutchings, Mrs. Insley (B. W. Green), Mrs. King (M. Jones), Mrs. Kinnear (E. M. Preston), M. I. Laing, D. J. Leslie, M. F. Liebmann, Mrs. Marshall (N. H. Seymour), S. Milner, Mrs. Mole (S. R. Wildbore), A. V. Nuttell, R. A. Orraway, C. M. I. Pirquet, M. G. Plumpton, Mrs. Potter (A. M. Early), Mrs. Powell-Jones (A. E. Murray), B. C. Price, Mrs. Reinhardt (N. J. Simonds), J. D. Reynolds, J. Robinson, P. Sambrook, G. M. Sardeson, Mrs. Sayers (M. Woolf), E. C. Sheldrick, E. A. C. Shirley, Mrs. Slater (G. W. Baldwin), Mrs. Smith (K. R. Mottram), D. E. Squire, Mrs. Thornton (J. Bacon), Mrs. Valli (C. A. Hall), R. M. Vinson, M. P. A. Walker, Mrs. Waters (I. Henderson), L. A. Wells, S. E. B. White, C. Whyte, E. A. Willatts, P. T. Wiseman, I. V. Woodford, A. E. Wyatt. University Prizes Prize for an English Poem on a Sacred Subject: 'The Mammon of Unrighteous-

ness'. P. M. Hartnoll, M.A. Martin Wronker Prize for Medicine: Mrs. Esiri (M. M. Evans), B.A. Herbertson Prize: S. Marks. University Bursary Countess of Warwick Travelling Bursary: R. E. Harvey. Postgraduate Awards and other Distinctions State Studentships: G. M. P. Burrow; A. K. Henry; G. M. Lawrence; I. V.

Woodford. D.S.I.R. Grants: K. Arms; J. C. Bilham; Mrs. Thornton (J. Bacon) (at York); P. Wiseman (at the University of California, Berkeley). M.R.C. Grants: E. A. Newton; V. M. Patton; J. Robinson. Regent Fellowship at the University of California: P. Wiseman. German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship, at the Otto Suhr Institut,

Berlin: M. Collings. College Awards and Prizes Dame Catherine Fulford Senior Scholarships Avril K. Henry. Proxime accessit: M. Bradshaw (Scholar of Somerville

College). Victoria M. Patton (Exhibitioner of the College). Proxime accessit: Janice Robinson (Hon. Ibberson Scholar). i6

Ibberson Scholarship in Classics Helen M. Cartledge (Exhibitioner of the College).

Rawnsley Studentship Mrs. Z. Krzyzanowska (M.A., Warsaw).

Yates Senior Scholarship Joan 0. Crewdson (M.A., Cambridge).

Hurry Prize Jennifer C. Bilham, Chemistry Part II, Class I.

Elizabeth Wordsworth Essay Prize June B. Boyce for her essay on `Counterpoint'—`the fundamental aesthetic texture of harmony' (Tovey). Proxime accessit: Bridget O'Toole. Highly Commended: Stephanie Parkinson.

Hilary Haworth Prize Jacqueline A. Robinson for her essay on 'The nature of the gene and its action'.

Special College Prizes: Karen Arms, Zoology Class I; Jennifer C. Bilham, Chemistry Part II, Class I; Mary E. Ekins (Exhibitioner of the College), Mathematics Class I; Elizabeth A. Newton, Chemistry Part II, Class I; Christine Whyte, Geography Class I; Elizabeth A. Willatts, English Class I.

HONOUR EXAMINATIONS, 1964 Literae Humaniores Class II: R. Atkinson. Class III: M. Holwell, J. B. C. Parker, P. A. Powley, E. A. Senior.

Mathematics Class I: M. E. Ekins. Class II: J. Bacon, F. A. Gee, J. Hutchings, R. A. Ottaway, E. A. C. Shirley, S. E. B. White, P. T. Wiseman.

Natural Science Animal Physiology. Class II: E. C. Sheldrick. Biochemistry. Class II: V. M. Patton, J. Robinson (Distinction in Chemical Pharmacology). Chemistry. Part I: P. J. Hedley, W. M. Owen. Chemistry. Part II. Class I: J. C. Bilham, E. A. Newton. Physics. Class II: M. F. Liebmann, M. P. A. Walker. Physics. Class III: A. V. Nuttall, D. E. Squire. Zoology. Class I: K. Arms. 17

Modern History Class II: (Mrs.) G. S. Baker, P. V. Dickens, J. M. Jones, H. L. Turner, C. M. S. Ward. Class III: E. M. Dobbs, L. S. 0. Dutt, B. A. Kear, E. M. Preston, L. A. Wells. Class IV: C. Dolan.

English Language and Literature Class I: E. A. Willatts. Class II: G. R. Baker, R. A. Calvert, E. A. Cromwell, C. J. Elson, A. K. Henry, C. M. I. Pirquet, M. A. Wilson, I. Woodford. Class III: B. Collins, J. Taylor.

Modern Languages Class II: D. J. Leslie, S. Milner (Distinction in Colloquial French), J. M. A. West, S. Wildbore (Distinction in Colloquial German), H. J. Richardson. Class III: M. N. E. Collings (Distinction in Colloquial German).

Philosophy, Politics and Economics Class II: G. M. Lawrance, G. M. Sardeson. Class III: V. V. Dhagamwar, S. F. Fisher. Class IV: W. A. Dorward, L. J. Wood.

Geography Class I: C. Whyte. Class II: S. Mafies, A. S. Robinson, P. Sambrook, V. A. Spence, M. J. Taylor. Class III: L. A. Schaffer.

Music Class II: G. M. P. Burrow, J. M. Rickett.

Theology Class II: R. M. Vinson.

Oriental Studies Class III: (Mrs.) J. C. Gunasinghe.

P.P.P. Class III: E. H. Watts.

Pass School English Language and Literature: M. G. Plumpton. Engineering: E. L. Montague-Jones.

Classical Honour Moderations Class I: H. M. Cartledge. Class II: S. Barwick, J. M. Berridge, R. E. Castle, E. E. M. Mumford.

Natural Science: Honour Moderations

Class II: J. E. Lucking, J. A. Robinson. Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Science

Class II: E. P. Jacob, L. A. Richardson. Class III: E. C. Rickards. Biochemistry Class III: S. M. Williams. Mathematics: Honour Moderations Class I: H. A. Priestley. Class II: C. M. Farmer, A. C. Platt. Class III: A. M. Aston, G. M. Bennett. Diplomas Diploma in Anthropology: N. K. Hopa. Diploma in Public and Social Administration: E. M. Underwood. Diploma in Education: J. A. Burge, J. M. Elgood, (Mrs.) J. G. Leach, P. A. Lloyd, (Mrs.) A. B. T. Reid, E. M. Simpson, A. K. S. Grindle (Part II only).




Scholar) (Classics), Greenhead High School,


(Gamble Scholar) (Modern Languages), Bedford High

School. (Old Students' Scholar) (Modern Languages), Brackley High School for Girls. HEILPERN, JENNIFER JANE (Gamble Scholar) (Mathematics), Withington


Girls' School, Manchester. (Irene Shrigley Scholar) (History), Grey Coat Hospital, Westminster. PASTERNAK-SLATER, ELISABETH ANN ISABEL (Hodgson Scholar) (English), Oxford High School for Girls. PERRENS, MARGARET RUTH (Abbott's Scholar) (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Sherborne School for Girls. Exhibitioners: BROMLEY, EILEEN (Hodgson Exhibitioner) (English), Todmorden Grammar School. HARRIS, ANNE MARGARET (Gamble Exhibitioner) (Classics), Bedford High School. MORGAN, JANET PATRICIA (College Exhibitioner) (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Newbury County Girls' Grammar School. ROBOTHAM, PATRICIA HELEN (Gamble Exhibitioner) (History), North London Collegiate School. SEN GUPTA, LIPIKA (College Exhibitioner) (Philosophy , Politics, and Economics), Convent of Jesus and Mary, New Delhi, and North London Collegiate School. 19 LITTLE, BRANDA FRANCES

Exhibitioner) (Classics), Brincliffe Grammar School, Nottingham. WILSON, MARGARET ANNE (Yates Exhibitioner) (Theology), Wimbledon High School. STAINSBY, MARIGOLD SUSAN (College

Commoners: (History), Colston's Girls' School, Bristol and Talbot Heath, Bournemouth. ATTHILL, CATHERINE ANNE (Modern Languages), St. Antony's, Sherborne and More House, London. AUNG, SAN SU KYI (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi. BARBER, PATRICIA ANNE JOSEPHINE (Modern Languages), Manchester High School for Girls. BARLOW, CAROL ANN (Diploma in Slavonic Studies), University of Liverpool. BARTLETT, FLORENCE ELIZABETH (Mathematics), Ashford County Grammar School. BEECH, CYNTHIA MARY (Geography), Thistley Hough School for Girls, Stoke-on-Trent. BILVERSTONE, CAROL (Theology), Lady Margaret High School, Cardiff. BOYER', KATHARINA ANGELINA MORWYN (Diploma in Classical Archaeology), Keele University. BRIERLEY, ARLYN JOAN (Jurisprudence), Balshaw's School, Leyland. BROWN, JUDITH ELIZABETH (Mathematics), Chatham Grammar School for Girls. BUCKNELL, SUSAN ELIZABETH (Geography), Swampscott High School. CLARK, ELIZABETH URSULA (Modern Languages), Sheffield High School. COHEN, VIVIENNE RHONA (Natural Science), St. Alban's High School. CUNDY, JANE MARY (Natural Science), Sherborne School for Girls. DANIEL, PHYLI,IS MARGARET GRACE (Oriental Studies), University College of North Wales, Bangor. DARKWA, ELEANOR (History), Wesley Girls' High School, Ghana. DODGSON, CAROL ANN (History), Thistley Hough School for Girls, Stoke-onTrent. FIELD, CAROL DEBORAH (Mathematics), North London Collegiate School. FINNIS, MARIE CARMEL (B.Litt. Eng.), Newnham College, Cambridge. FLAWS, SARAH WYNARD (Geography), Blackheath High School. FLITCROFT, MARGARET (History), Levenshulme Grammar School, Manchester. FREMON, CHARLOTTE DE LAURIERE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Cornell University, New York. GARRARD, GWENDOLINE (Diploma in Anthropology), Bristol University. GAYFORD, MARY (Modern Languages), Clifton High School, Bristol. GILBERT, SARAH VIRGINIA (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Prior's Field, Godalming and Queen's Secretarial College, London. GOODEY, JANE ROSEMARY (English), St. Joseph's Convent School, Reading. GWYER, SARAH CATHERINE (Jurisprudence), Convent des Oiseaux, Westgate, and Westminster Tutors. HALL, GILLIAN SUSAN ELIZABETH (Medicine), Harrogate Grammar School. HALLON, GAYLE (Jurisprudence), The Ladies' College, Cheltenham. ATKINSON, JENNIFER MARY


HARRIES, CLAIRE (Medicine), Newquay County Grammar School. HARRIS, FELICITY GAY (English), King's High School for Girls, Warwick. HASTINGS, SELINA (English), St. Paul's Girls' School and Westminster

Tutors. (English), The Ladies' College, Cheltenham and McAdam's Secretarial College, Edinburgh. HERTZ, DALIA (B.Litt.) (Philosophy), The University of Tel-Aviv. HEYWOOD, DRUSILLA RUTH (Geography), The Hall School, Wincanton, and Beechlawn Tutorial College, Oxford. HIGSON, ANNE HESKETH (Diploma in Ethnology), Bradfield College. HOARE, DOROTHY ANNE KATHERINE (Mathematics), Beckenham Grammar School. HOPKINS, CHRISTINE MARY (Natural Science), Bournemouth School for Girls. HUGHES, MARGARET GILLIAN (Modern Languages), Bury Grammar School for Girls. JACKSON, SUSAN (Music), Burlington School, London. JAMES, MARIANNE VALENE (English), Wycombe Abbey School, Bucks. JENKINS, LESLEY MARJORIE (Natural Science), James Allen's Girls' School, London. KEMPE, MARY ELIZABETH (Geography), Princess Helena College, Hitchin, and Ealing Technical College. KNIPE, LINDA MARGARET (Mathematics), Merchant Taylors' School for Girls, Liverpool. LAMBERT, FRANCES MARGARET (Music), Ursuline High School, Ilford, and Royal College of Music. LEATHAM, PATRICIA MARY ELIZABETH (Modern Languages), Eothen School, Caterham, and Westminster Tutors. LEWIS, ELIZABETH PETA (English), Woodford County High School. LILLINGTON, SUSAN MAUREEN MARGARET (Jurisprudence), Edinburgh University. MCCARTHY, MARY (SISTER COLUMBA) (B.Litt. Geog.), University College, Cork. MCCOLLUM, MARGARET STELLA (History), Wakefield Girls' High School. MCMILLAN, MAUREEN ALSTON (Diploma in Social and Public Administration), Edinburgh University. MALLEY, JANET (Diploma in Slavonic Studies), University of Melbourne. MARLEY, KATHLEEN AVRIL (History), Newcastle-upon-Tyne Church High School for Girls. MILLETT, ELIZABETH NINA (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Plympton Grammar School. MILLS, PAMELA (Diploma in Public and Social Administration), London University. MILNER, KATHARINE (Modern Languages), Penistone Grammar School, Sheffield. MORGAN, MARY ELIZABETH (Geology), Exeter University. MORLEY, MARGARET JOYCE (Mathematics), Bolton School. MOSS, JENNIFER (English), Oxted County School. OWEN, SUSAN ELIZABETH (Psychology, Philosophy, and Physiology), Priory Grammar School for Girls. PARKIN, PATRICIA ANN (English), Bridlington High School for Girls.




Benenden School, Cranbrook, and West-

minster Tutors. POPE, EDNA MARGARET

Girls, Lewes. PROCTOR, KAREN

(Modern Languages), County Grammar School for

(History), Harrison Barrow Girls' Grammar School,

Birmingham. (Diploma in Social and Public Administration), Bolton School and Royal College of Music. REID, CATHERINE ISOBEL (Classics), Toronto University. REISS, ESTHER DEBORA, MRS. (English), Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and private tuition. REYNOLDS, SARAH (Natural Science), Farnborough Hill Convent College. ROWLEY, ELIZABETH MARY (Modern Languages), King Edward VI High School for Girls, Birmingham. SCOTT, SUSAN COMPIGN1 (Geography), Walthamstow Hall, Sevenoaks. SHORTLAND, SANDRA ANNE (Modern Languages), County High School, Wellingborough. SKELLERN, PAMELA PATRICIA ANN (Mathematics), Thistley Hough School for Girls, Stoke-on-Trent. SPEARS, ALISON BARBARA (Natural Science), Sutton High School. STEARN, MARGARET RUTH (Medicine), Lady Eleanor Holles School, Hampton. STEPHENS, SARA MARGARET TREVELYAN (Mathematics), King's High School for Girls, Warwick. STEWART, VIVIEN (Geography), Portsmouth Southern Grammar School for Girls. STOLL, MARJORIE RENEE JULIET (Modern Languages), Lycee de Jeunes Filles, Luxembourg. STYLES, SUSAN JACQUELINE (Classics), King Edward VI Grammar School for Girls, Birmingham. TOWNEND, SARAH JANE (English), St. Margaret's School, Folkstone. WALKER, CLARE ROSEMARY (Natural Science), Wyggeston Girls' Grammar School. WESTERN, ANNA CECILIA (B.Sc. Forestry), Birkbeck College, London and Institute of Archaeology, London. WILD, VALERIE FRANCES (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Darlington High School for Girls. WILKES, KATHLEEN VAUGHAN (Classics), Wycombe Abbey School, Bucks. WILKIE, BRENDA CHRISTINE (History), Central Newcastle High School. WINTLE, RUTH ELIZABETH (Theology), Westfield College, London. WOODROW, MARY LOUISE (Medicine), Westonbirt School, Tetbury. WOOTTON-WOOLLEY, MAUREEN JENNIFER (Modern Languages), Benenden School, Cranbrook. WRIGHT, KAY (B.Litt. Archaeology), University of Sydney and Institute of Archaeology, London. YATES, TRUDI KAREN (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), Harrogate Grammar School. YOUNG, BARBARA (English), Lady Manners School, Bakewell. YOUNG, MARGARET HUNTON (History), Rosebery County Grammar School, Epsom. REDMAN, JOAN MARGARET


RESEARCH STUDENTS (Term of admission in brackets) Board of the Faculty of Medicine B.Sc. PATTON, V. M. (M 64). Board of the Faculty of Literae Humaniores Probationer B.Litt. HERTZ, D. (M 64). YAQUB, R. (H 64). B.Litt. BEAN, MRS. (A. E. SELLER) (H 64). D.Phil. JACKSON, J. C. (M 63). Board of the Faculty of Modern History Probationer B.Litt. TURNER, H. L. (M 64). B. Litt. BOLTON, B. A., M.A. (M 6o). KETTLE, A. J., M.A. (T 61). Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature Probationer B.Litt. FINNIS, MRS. M. C. (M 64). HENRY, A. K., B.A. (M 64). B.Litt. ATKINSON, MRS. L. (M 62). COOK, V. A. (M 63). HUMFREY, B. A., B.A. (M 62). MAYS, MRS. (M. F. KOENIG), M.A. (T 6o). MITCHELL, A. W., B.A. (M 61). PRATT, MRS. (A. L. M. SINNETT) (M 61). ROSS, F. M. (T 62). D.Phil. CRAWFORD, J. A., M.A. (M 59). ZUCKERMAN, MRS. (J. P. LEEDHAM), B.A. (M 6o). Board of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Probationer B.Litt. BARBER, MRS. M. T. L., M.A. (T 64). B.Litt. ALEXANDER, MRS. (M. KURN), M.A. (M 57). CONSTABLE, M. V., M.A. (M 59). DUNCAN, J. A., B.A. (M 63). NORTH, MRS. (C. M. RENSHAW), B.A. (M 61). ROGERS, MRS. (C. H. GREWE), B.A. (T 63). D.Phil. CLOSE, MRS. (E. A. CLARKE), B.A. (M 63). STEPHEN, M. W. (M 59). Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies D.Phil. THOMPSON, G. W. (M 63). Board of the Faculty of Physical Sciences D.Phil. BILHAM, J. C., B.A. (M 64). CHAN, R. P. K. (M 62). GRANT, M. F. (M 63). McCREA, S. H. (M 63). Chemistry, Part II. HEDLEY, P. J. Board of the Faculty of Biological Sciences B.Sc. ROBINSON, J., B.A. (M 64). D.Phil. ARMS, K., B.A. (M 64). HARLEY, MRS. (A. M. LEVER), M.A. (M 61). NEWTON, E. A., B.A. (M 64).

Board of the Faculty of Social Studies D.Phil. SEAWRIGHT, B. A. (M 63). Board of the Faculty of Anthropology and Geography Probationer B.Litt. DENSON-DART, R., M.A. (M 64). HOPA, N. K. (M 64). MCCARTHY, M. (M 64). WRIGHT, K. (M. 64). B.Sc. COOPE, MRS. E. (M 62). 23

Board of the Faculty of Music Probationer B.Litt. BURROW, G. M. P., B.A. (M 64). D.Phil. RUFF, L. M. (M 62). Board of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry B.Sc. WESTERN, A. C. (M 64). Board of the Faculty of Mathematics D.Phil. DICKENSON, G. A. (M 63). HOUGHTON, M. A., M.A. (M 60). Committee for Advanced Studies B.Litt. SMITH, A. (M 62).

JUNIOR COMMON ROOM REPORT, 1964 J.C.R. activities this year have largely been directed towards fund-raising for the new building. The committee set up for this purpose have worked really hard, and the J.C.R. contribution now stands at over a thousand pounds. The bulk of this has come from parents, but the J.C.R. itself has done quite well, notably through the organization of a series of concerts, including a Victorian and an Edwardian evening, when a large number of the audience came wearing the dress of the period. These were organized by Judy Rickett, Hilary Sharp, and June Boyce, and proved the most successful events of the term. In Hilary term, the Principal very kindly allowed us to use her lovely house for a dance, whose large profits also went to the fund. In the Michaelmas Term, Judy Vajda organized a Hallowe'en party which was open to all members of the University, and the college found itself swamped; the cellars were cleared and decorated for dancing, and the occasion made a large contribution to the J.C.R. total. The St. Hugh's summer ball was again a great success; the ball committee, headed by Joanna Trollope, organized the entire occasion around a rose motif, the designs for the decorations being excellently done by Lisette Cook and Caroline Tod. The College was again represented at the conference of the National Union of Students which is gaining more recognition among Oxford colleges now; they discussed student affairs and matters of general interest. Most of the College societies have died through apathy and lack of interest, but the music society still has a large amount of support, and the choir again combined with Keble for the Christmas Carol Service at St. Hugh's, and then went to Keble for their service. The J.C.R. is swelling in number of members, and a large proportion of second years had to move out into lodgings; the increase is most noticeable in the dining hall, and the building of a buffet where snacks will be available as alternatives to main meals in hall is a development which the J.C.R. view with pleasure. There have been other developments in the domestic field, notably that men visitors are now allowed into College until so p.m.— St. Hugh's was the first woman's college to make this extension, and the others have now followed suit. The common room is now being used more, because a television has been installed, thanks to the profits of the University Challenge Programme on I.T.V. The common room has been in a state of dilapidation for some time, and we are going to redecorate it this year; the committee inevitably formed for the task is considering material and paint 24

colours, and trying to choose things that will not jar the eye of future members. The art committee, too, are continuing to buy prints, and hope to have enough soon for us to be able to put some in individual rooms. The year 1964 has been one of excitement and change for the J.C.R.; 1965 will see even greater changes when the increase in numbers is completed, and the new building comes into use.




Y winning both tennis and hockey cuppers, and providing nineteen Blues, seven of whom were officials and six of whom were chosen to play for W.I.V.A.B., St. Hugh's did nothing to diminish its sporting reputation. S. Gero captained the University Tennis VI to victory against Cambridge; J. Elgood, another old Blue, and M. White, a new Blue, also played. E. Allan (College Captain) and C. Datta played for the University on several occasions, and these five, and R. Blundell-Jones, won an uninspiring cuppers tournament. C. Jex, S. Mears, A Nuttell, H. Sharpe, A. Robinson, R. White, and C. Whyte also represented the College for various, mostly social, matches. M. White has been elected next year's University Captain and R. White is to captain College tennis. We very much regret the loss of one of our hard tennis courts in the new building site, but hope to have it replaced by next season. St. Hugh's hockey team which won cuppers consisted of C. Farmer (Captain), E. Allan, C. Bayley, G. Bennett, S. Galley, A. Hale, P. Hedley, C. Jex, R. White, G. Wickson, R. Wilson. Miss Kenyon introduced the team to the loving-cup ceremony afterwards, a tradition which we decided would be worth reviving if we should win cuppers again. R. Wilson, an old Blue, was University Secretary, G. Bennett, C. Farmer, and C. Jex were awarded their Blues, while G. Wickson and R. White played for the and XI. G. Bennett, C. Farmer and R. Wilson also played for the Southern Universities and W.I.V.A.B., captained by R. Wilson who also played in the Combined and British Universities—we should like to congratulate her on this achievement. The victorious University Blues Lacrosse XII included four members of St. Hugh's, C. Bayley, an old Blue, E. Allan (Captain), who also played for the Southern Universities, W.I.V.A.B., and the Midland Reserves, M. White and S. Williams. W. Dorward also played occasionally. M. White was elected Treasurer for next season. G. Wickson (Secretary) and E. Allan (Treasurer) and C. Bayley, old Blues, represented the College in the University Cricket team. F. Gee also played occasionally. J. Elgood, an old Blue, was the only member of St. Hugh's who played in the Blues Squash match, but E. Allan, E. Davies, and A. Nuttall played for the University on various occasions and J. Elgood was also chosen to play for W.I.V.A.B., A. Nuttall captained the College squash team which also included C. Bayley, W. Forward, and S. Williams. E. Davies is College Captain for 1964-5. S. Galley was elected Treasurer of the Women's Sailing Club after gaining her Blue, and H. Batty and B. O'Toole also sailed for the University on various occasions. These three were only narrowly beaten by St. Hilda's in the first round of cuppers. 25

P. Wiseman was the only member of the College to play in the University Table Tennis team, which she captained, thereby getting her Blue for the third year. S. Harris, an old Blue, was Treasurer of the University Netball VII; both she and L. Wilson represented St. Hugh's and were awarded their Blues. E. Hadrill and J. Vajda swam for the University and both gained their Blues. E. Hadrill also swam for W.I.V.A.B. and has been elected Secretary for next year. We can find no record of any Badminton players in College, and hope that no one is offended by this or any other omission. ELSPETH ALLAN

OBITUARY Early in 1964, GEORGINA MARY SELBY, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1889-91. On 27 July 1962, MARGARET MOORE, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1914-18. Aged 68. At Christmas-time 1963, VIDA HIGGIN, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1924-7. Aged 57. On 6 May 1964, MARJORIE ELEANOR MCINTOSH (nee BETTS), B.A., Commoner of the College, 1926-9. Aged 56. In 1964, DORIS GERTRUDE BUSHNELL, M.A., B.C.L., Commoner of the College, 1930-3. Aged 56. On 9 April 1964, NANCY PATRICIA LITTLEWOOD, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1940-3. Aged 42. On 13 March 1964, JOYCE MARJORIE HIGGINS, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1954-8. Aged 28.



EWS was received last year of the death of Margaret Moore at Bangalore, India, on 27 July 1962, after a bicycle accident. She was 68. Margaret came up to St. Hugh's in 1914 and took the Honour School of English in 1918. On going down she put in a spell of educational work with the Y.M.C.A. in France. Later she read for the Oxford Diploma in Theology, which she gained with Distinction in 1923. In 1925 she went to India, where almost all the rest of her life was spent. For some years she taught Scripture and English at St. Mary's School, Poona, an institution run by the Community of St. Mary the Virgin. In 1943 she went to the Women's Christian College, Madras, as Lecturer in New Testament and English Literature. After a year's furlough from 1946 to 1947 she returned to this post, which she resigned in 1954. She took up part-time work at Bishop Cotton Girls' School, Bangalore, in 1955. Pleasantly impressive as a young woman, Margaret retained through life qualities which gained the devotion of many Indian pupils and friends. Admired for her intellectual gifts, she was revered for her self-effacing yet positive character and her deep religious life. An Old Girl of St. Mary's 26

describes in a memoir her first encounter with 'Miss Moore'—a physical encounter, as the child of ten ran along the school corridor and collided with the newly arrived teacher from England. Humorously kind on this occasion, Margaret was a tower of strength in real crises. Her unexpected death caused intense grief in a wide circle of Christians and others. She loved India, and, in the words of her pupil's memoir, her burial at Bangalore seemed 'a fitting end to a grand life'. I. M. S.

MRS. MARJORIE McINTOSH (née Betts) DY WOOTTON of Abinger writes: Marjorie McIntosh had a greater zest for life than almost anybody that I have known. I have often seen her furious at the frustrations of public or academic life, but never disheartened nor even visibly tired. Good fortune and her own splendid vitality combined to give her a full share of what any woman would most desire—a rich and happy family life, a successful career of her own, and abounding opportunities of service to the community. All this she savoured to the full, giving the impression that she woke to it every day with fresh delight and expectation. Her gifts were indeed many—as hostess and cook no less than as lecturer and chairman of our greatest education authority. Her premature and tragic death has cast a grievous shadow over all her friends and indeed over all who are concerned with the welfare of the people of Greater London.


MARRIAGES (Brasenose College), at Fulham Registry, London, on 8 September 1962.



April 1964. HELEN ELIZABETH DALES to V. S. DOWNING, at All Saints' Church, Northallerton, Yorks., on 22 August 1964. SUSAN DENT to MARTIN WILLIAMS, on 6 April 1964. SHEILA JEAN DURMAN to DAVID PARKER, on 5 September 1964. JENNIFER MARY ELGOOD to JOHN FREDERICK MICHAEL MAXWELL, at Moseley,

Birmingham, on Io August 1964. CATHERINE ELIZABETH FORSTER to JEREMY D. B. WALKER (Trinity Oxford), in Cambridge, 12 September 1963. DOROTHY JANE HANNAH to JOHN D. CAMPBELL, on 2 February 1964. MARIE ELIZABETH HOLMES to COLIN BIRD, on 14 September 1963.



(University College, Oxford), in


3o March 1964.



BIRTHS (C. G. Pritchard)-daughters (Catherine Margaret), 27 October 1961, (Helen Elizabeth), 6 December 1963. MRS. BARNETT (Ann Huxley)-a daughter (Alison), 20 July 1961; a son (Julian), 22 July 1963. MRS. BENSLY (R. A. Stirling)-a daughter (Erica), 7 November 1963. MRS. BRADBURY (H. S. M. Macpherson)-a son (Michael Charles), 19 February 1964. MRS. BROCK (S. M. Abercromby)-sons (Andrew), 24 January 1962, (Graham), 15 May 1963. MRS. BROWN (Jennifer Buddicom)-a daughter (Abigail Ruth), 25 March 1964. MRS. COWEN (Rosamund Rieu)-a daughter (Bryony Rosamund), in 1963. MRS. EVANS (N. R. Moylan)-a daughter (Caroline Jane Nesta), I August 1964. MRS. FRIEDMAN (E. C. Richardson)-a daughter (Deborah Anne), 21 June 1964. MRS. GARDNER (A. M. Langford)-a son (Timothy), I I December 1963. MRS. GORRIE (L. C. Mackintosh)-a son, September 1963. MRS. GRANT (Mary Keene)-a son (Robert John), 6 May 1964. MRS. HAINES (C. P. M. Dight)-a daughter (Catherine Elizabeth), 29 September 1963. MRS. K. L. JAMBOR-a son (Geogely), 3 October 1964. MRS. JOHNSTON (Pamela Connell)-daughters (Fiona Margaret), I October 1962, (Hilary Jessica), 9 January 1964. MRS. JONES (J. S. Haynes)-a son (Michael John Charles), 3 February 1963. MRS. KING (M. M. Bilham)-a daughter (Rachel Mary Herriotts), 26 August 1964. MRS. LEAPER (M. R. Scruton)-a daughter (Genevieve Mary), 5 June 1964. MRS. LELLO (S. E. Nash)-sons (Simon Andrew Hugh) in 1962, (Mark John), in 1963. MRS. LITTLER (A. E. J. Herbert)-a daughter (Mary Jean Muriel), 4 September 1964. MRS. MACMILLAN (C. J. Spurgin)-a son (Richard Anthony), 3o December 1963. MRS. ANDERSON


MRS. MAYHOOK (E. M. Ross)-a son (Paul Richard), 24 January 1964. MRS. MORTIMER (B. P. Rose)-a son (Mark Daniel), 16 February 1964. MRS. NEWMAN (A. E. Page)-a son (Peter William), 25 March 1964. MRS. OWEN (E. A. Vigar)-a son (Nicholas John), 31 July 1964. MRS. RENTOUL (M. C. Tindal)-a son (William James), 8 July 1964. MRS. SAGLE (E. L. Blanchard)-a son (Philip Robert), 7 May 1964. MRS. TROUPP (L. R. Zurndorfer)-a daughter (Catherine), 16 February 1964. MRS. WARD PLATT (0. P. Frodsham)-a daughter (Clare Hilda), to March

1963. rims. WHITE (S. M. Colthurst)-a son (Andrew John Kelvin), 5 August 1963. MRS. WILSON (K. W. Walters)-a daughter (Virginia Wendy), 22 December 1963. MRS. WOOLVEN (F. E. Bates)-a son (Richard James), 25 December 1963.

PUBLICATIONS M. E. Belcher, M.A. A History of Rangi-Ruru School, published by Board of Governors of Rangi-Ruru School, April 1964. Ios. 6d. (Mrs.) K. M. Cartledge, M.A. The Miser (L' Avare) by J. B. P. Moliere. Translated from the French and adapted by Katharine Cartledge. Plays Retold. London, O.U.P., 1962. Ruth J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. In December 1964 Basil Blackwell published (for Medium Aevum Monographs) The Rule of St. Benedict. A Norman Prose Version. Edited by Ruth J. Dean and M. Dominica Legge. D. M. M. Edwards-Rees, M.A. Family Life in Britain. Blackwell's Pocket Histories, 1962. Illustrated. 8s. 6d. Joan Evans, D.Litt. Monastic Architecture in France from the Renaissance to the Revolution. Cambridge University Press, ÂŁ8. 8s. - Prelude and Fugue, an Autobiography, Museum Press. Margaret Greaves, M.A., B.Litt. The Blazon of Honour (A Study in the English Renaissance). Methuen, 1964. Probably 15s. Phyllis Hartnoll, M.A. Shakespeare in Music. Essays by J. Stevens, C. Cudworth, Winton Dean, Roger Fiske, with a catalogue of musical works based on Shakespeare, edited by P. H. Macmillan, 1964. 45s. Jacynth Hope-Simpson, M.A. The Hamish Hamilton Book of Myths and Legends, 25s. - The Ninepenny. 7s. 6d. The Witch's Cave. 5s. All Hamish Hamilton, 1964. M. M. Mahood, M.A. Joyce Cary's Africa. Methuen, 1964. 3os. (Mrs.) Margaret Potter, M.A. The Younger Sister, by Anne Betteridge. 12s. 6d. - Return to Delphi, by Anne Betteridge. 15s. Both published by Hurst and Blackett, 1964.

ARTICLES D. E. Ashhurst and J. A. Chapman. 'An electron microscope study of the cytoplasmic inclusions of the neurones of Locusta migratoria.' Quart. J. micr. sci., vol. ciii (1962), pp. 147-53. and N. C. Patel. 'Hyaluronic acid in cockroach ganglia.' Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vol. lvi (1963), pp. 182-4. 29

D. E. Ashhurst and A. G. Richards. 'A study of the changes occurring in the connective tissue associated with the central nervous system during the pupal stage of the wax-moth, Galleria mellonella, L.' J. Morph., vol. cxiv (1964a), pp. 225-36. `The histochemistry of the connective tissue associated with the central nervous system of the pupa of a moth, Galleria mellonella, L.' Ibid., pp. 237-46. `Some histochemical observations on the blood cells of the waxmoth, Galleria mellonella, L.' Ibid. pp. 247-54. (Mrs.) A. E. Blin-Stoyle. 'A Study of the Homogeneity in Composition of an Irish Thick-Butted Axe', by E. E. Richards and A. E. Blin-Stoyle, Archaeometry, vol. 4, 1961. --- 'Correlations between Composition and Provenance of Mycenaean and Minoan Pottery', by H. W. Catling, E. E. Richards, and A. E. BlinStoyle. The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, vol. 58. `Computerized Business Management Games' by Audrey Blin-Stoyle and Donald Savage. Bulletin of the International Computation Centre, Rome, vol. 3, no. 3, 1964. (Mrs.) B. A. Bradbrook, D.Phil. 'Clovek proti skaze.' By Alexander Matugka. (Review) Books Abroad (January 1964), pp. 88-89. `Zrozeni moderny.' By Eva Strohsova. (Review) Books Abroad (April 1964), p. 196. `A apek Revival.' The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. xlii, no. 99 (June 1964), PP- 434-9. `Umeni pfehladu.' By Yifi ',eq. (Review) Books Abroad (July 1964), P. 319. `Czech Rebels with a Cause.' (A letter to the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 22 Oct. 1964, p. 959.) (Mrs.) J. H. Carter, M.A. 'Coding, style and the initial vowel in Northern Rhodesian Tonga.' (Article.) African Language Studies, vol. iv, pp. 1-45. Ruth J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. 'Nicolas Trevet.' Dictionnaire des Lettres FranFaises . . Le Moyen Age, Paris, 1964. Review of Mabel VanDuzee, A Medieval Romance of Friendship: Eger and Grime, New York, 1963, published in the Wellesley Alumnae Magazine, July 1964. Joan Evans, D.Litt. Anniversary Address, Society of Antiquaries, Antiquaries Journal, vol. xliii (1963), pt. ii, p. 185. `An English Alabaster at Muret, Haute Garonne', ibid., p. 284. Phyllis Hartnoll, M.A. Reviews in Notes and Queries, Theatre Notebook, Times, &c. Poems in English, The Field, London Magazine, &c. D. I. Fletcher, M.A. 'A History of Hagley.' Article written for a brochure issued by the Hagley Community Association in aid of the proposed community centre. April 1964. (Mrs.) J. S. Greene, M.A. 'Nehemiah.' Link (July–Aug. 1964), no. 4—the magazine for the young churchman, published by the Young Churchmen's Fellowship (Youth Section of the Church Society). K. L. Jambor. 'Disorders of Topographical and Right–Left Orientation in Adults compared with its Acquisition in Children', in Neuropsychologia (1964), vol. 2; with M. Williams. S. M. Ottley, M.A. 'Mary Linskill, a Forgotten Novelist', Yorkshire Life Illustrated, Nov. 1962, p. 47. 30

S. M. Ottley, M.A. 'Mary Stuart and the Melancholy Earl', Derbyshire Countryside, Feb./Mar. 1963, pp. 28-29. — 'Black Friday', Yorkshire Life Illustrated, Mar. 5964, pp. 328-9. (Mrs.) E. M. Rowlinson, M.A., B.Sc. 'New Proofs for two theorems of Capelli.' Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, vol. vii (1964), no. 3. Doris B. Saunders, B.Litt. 'The Grove Collection in the University of Manitoba: a Tentative Evaluation', Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Cahiers de la Societe Bibliographique du Canada, pp. 7-20, Toronto, Canada, 1963. M. M. Sweeting, M.A. 'Absolute Factors in the Denudation of Limestone Terrains.' Article in Erdkunde, 5964. (Mrs.) E. H. Turner, M.A. 'The Russian Squadron with Admiral Duncan's North Sea Fleet, 1795-1800.' The Mariner's Mirror, vol. xlix (1963), no. 3. H. M. Wallis, M.A., D.Phil. ' John Hawkesworth and the English Circumnavigators.' Commonwealth Journal, vol. vi (1963), no. 4, pp. 567-75. (Mrs.) S. Walton, M.A., B.M., B.Ch. 'A Questionnaire Follow-up of Alcoholic Patients', with Lydia Holland, Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, vol. xxv (5964), pp. o8-18. (Mrs.) S. M. Wilson, M.A. 'Eastern Horizon' and 'Some Problems of Chinese Education.' Two articles on China in The Guardian (Nov. 1964). E. M. Wright, M.A. 'St. Deiniol's Residential Library, Hawarden', The Life of Faith, an inter-denominational religious weekly.



ANY schools write to the College to ask if any suggestions can be made of graduates who might be interested in a vacant post. As regards recent graduates, tutors have the requisite information. But there may be others who wish to change their school, or who want to take up teaching again after an interval, or who would like to get a post in a particular neighbourhood. If there are any Senior Members who would like to be notified of vacant posts, it is suggested that they should inform the College, which could then compile a list that could be referred to when notifications of vacancies are received. The College is also from time to time notified of impending appointments of headmistresses. It would again be helpful if there were a list of Senior Members who were interested in obtaining a post as headmistress. K. M. KENYON

NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEMBERS (The date of appointment is 1964 unless otherwise stated, the date after each name is that of entry to the College)

P. M. ALLEN, M.A. (5923), was appointed Librarian at the Medical Library, Haile Selassie I University, Addis Ababa. A. M. AMBROS (5962), was appointed Graduate Assistant at the Taylor Institute, Oxford, to catalogue Slavonic pamphlets.

G. Pritchard, 1956), taught part-time at Kabale Junior Secondary School for Girls in the summer of 1963, to help the overworked staff of the Protestant Mission (C.M.S.). She and her husband are returning to England, probably permanently, in 1965. D. E. ASHHURST, M.A. (1951), was appointed a Research Officer in the Department of Zoology, Oxford. K. L. BALL, M.A. (1926), was promoted from Associate Professor to Professor of Library Science, University of Toronto, from July. DOROTHY BARNES, B.A. (1960), was appointed History Mistress at Chadderton Grammar School for Girls, Lancs. MRS. BARNETT, B.A. (Ann Huxley, 1954), was appointed Junior Lecturer in German at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, from January 1965. Al. E. BELCHER, M.A. (1958), was appointed Lecturer in English at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, from February 1965. MRS. BENSLY, B.A. (R. A. Stirling, 1958), expects to return to Bangkok after home leave in 1965. MRS. BIRD, M.A. (M. E. Holmes, 1954), has been Assistant Youth Employment Officer, Kingston and Esher Youth Employment Bureau, since April 1961. MRS. BLIN-STOYLE, M.A. (A. E. Balmford, 1946), has been a part-time lecturer at Brighton College of Technology since January 1963. M. E. BONE, B.A. (1925), has been Residence Officer at Royal Holloway College, since September 196o. MRS. BOORE, B.A. (M. A. Caswell, 1958), was appointed an Assistant Mistress (History) at the Tiffin Girls' School, Kingston-upon-Thames, from September 1962. MRS. BROCK, B.A. (S. M. Abercromby, 1956) is now living in U.S.A. as her husband is a research Fellow at Harvard University. MRS. BROUGH, B.A. (M. J. M. Lewis, 1953), was appointed 'A Level' Geography Tutor to the University Correspondence College, Burlington House, Cambridge. ETHEL BROWN, M.A. (1927), will retire from her post as Headmistress of Belle Vue Girls' Grammar School, Bradford, in July 1965 and will be living near Harrogate from April. MRS. CALVERT-SMITH, M.A. (S. M. Tilling, 1936), who was appointed Chairman of the Grants Committee of the Family Welfare Association in April 1963, was reappointed for 1964, and has been a member of the Citizens' Advice Bureau Advisory Committee of the F.W.A. since 1963. She is also on the Council of International Social Service of Great Britain. Her elder son won a Classical Exhibition at King's College, Cambridge, in 1963. MRS. CARDY, M.A. (J. P. Robinson, 1943), has been a part-time lecturer in English and Social Studies since 1962, and has been a part-time assistant English Mistress at Croydon High School, G.P.D.S.T., since 1963. She has been a G.C.E. examiner, 0 Level, for S.U.J.B. since 196o. MRS. CARTER, M.A. (J. H. Wilkinson, 1947), was appointed a Recognized Teacher of the University of London, and a University Examiner in Shona to the University of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. MRS. CARTLEDGE, M.A. (K. M. Harris, 1931), reports that her eldest daughter, who was elected an Exhibitioner of St. Hugh's in 1962, was awarded the Ibberson Scholarship in 1964. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL., F.R.S. (1919), was awarded the Sylvester 32


Medal of the Royal Society for distinguished contributions to analysis and the theory of functions of a real and complex variable. MRS. CASTLE (B. A. Betts, 1929) was re-elected M.P. (Labour) for Blackburn in October. She was appointed Minister of Overseas Development and sworn a member of H.M.'s Most Honourable Privy Council. M. E. COLTHORPE, B.A. (196o), has been living in Cambridge since autumn 1963 when she became an assistant in the University Department of Aerial Photography. She was appointed an educational and careers adviser in the Advisory Centre for Education, Cambridge, in 1964. V. A. COOK (1962) has been appointed to a Graduate Assistantship at Seattle University. D. F. CUMBERLEGE, M.A. (1937), was appointed Headmistress of Bruton School for Girls, Somerset, from September. MRS. DACOMBE, B.A. (D. C. Taylor, 1924), whose husband died in 1962, has been doing some coaching for G.C.E. and Common Entrance. E. B. DEAN, M.A. (1936), was appointed Tutor-Librarian at Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln, from April. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), was promoted, by the French Minister of Education, to the rank of Offic ier de l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques, in December 1963. She was elected to the Foreign Language Advisory Committee of the Modern Language Association of America for three years from January 1964. In October she gave the eleventh annual Strub Lecture at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa., taking as title 'What is AngloNorman ?' M. P. DODWELL, M.A. (1944), was appointed Violin teacher at Audrey Wickens Music School, Eastbourne. D. R. DOLMAN, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1954), obtained the Diploma in obstetrics of R.C.O.G. in March. MRS. DORAN, M.A. (G. M. Ziar, 1941), is a Lecturer at Kilburn Polytechnic. D. M. M. EDWARDS-REES, M.A. (1918), who was a member of West Sussex Education Committee 1961-4, was re-appointed in 1964. MRS. EMERTON, M.A. (N. E. Bennington, 195o), was appointed part-time Chemistry Tutor at Beechlawn Tutorial College, Oxford, from October 1963. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT. (1914), was appointed a membre du Comite d'honneur, Societe francaise d'Archeologie. D. W. FAWDRY, B.A. (1952), who was Editor of Dairy Engineering 1959–March 1964, was appointed Editor of Dairy Industries, incorporating Dairy Engineering, in April. S. R. FELLOWS, B.A. (1958), was appointed to teach at the British Institute of Rome from January. D. I. FLETCHER, M.A. (1938), was elected a member of the committee of Brierley Hill Concert Society in June. MRS. FOOT, B.A. (Monica Beckinsale, 1957), was appointed Senior Research Assistant at Scottish Television. MRS. FREER, M.A. (D. G. Pointon, 1953), was appointed a part-time Lecturer at Leicester College of Technology, from October. MRS. GALLAGHER, M.A. (F. M. Hanson, 1939), returned to teaching—parttime—at St. Monica's Convent, Skipton, in September 1963. MRS. GARDNER, M.A. (A. M. Langford, 1955), was accepted as a member of 33

Wycliffe Bible Translators for work in West Africa, September 1963. Her husband was also accepted and they are living in Nigeria. MARJORIE GARNER, M.A. (1920), is still teaching History at the Kingsley School, Leamington Spa. MRS. GIBBENS, M.A. (Jean Jopling, 1952), who obtained the London University Diploma in Theology in 1963, has been teaching English and Religious Knowledge at Clark's Grammar School, Clifton, Bristol, since September 1963. MRS. GODFREE, M.A. (Z.

J. Garrett, 1942), who was a part-time Mathematics teacher at Moira House, Eastbourne, from September 1963, was appointed part-time Mathematics teacher at Maltman's Green, Gerrards Cross, from September. MRS. GREENE, M.A. (J. S. Burdett, 1954), has been a teacher at Oxted County School since September 1962. MRS. GUNASINGHE (J. C. Kennedy, 196o), was appointed English and French Mistress at Hemel Hempstead Secondary Modern School. MRS. GURNEY, M.A. (N. K. M. Dewar, 1939), was appointed Archivist in charge of the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, in January. A. E. HAMLIN, B.A. (1959), completed the course for the diploma in European Prehistory at the University of London Institute of Archaeology in July, and was awarded a Visiting Studentship for research in medieval archaeology at Queen's University, Belfast, from October. S. R. HANSON, M.A. (1957), was appointed to a Lecturership in German at the University of Durham. D. E. HARRIS, B.A. (1959), was appointed Assistant Mistress in Mathematics at Dame Alice Owen's Girls' School, London, from September 1963. PHYLLIS HARTNOLL, M.A. (1926), was the winner of the English Prize for a poem on a Sacred Subject—subject 'The Mammon of Unrighteousness.' She won this prize first in 1947 with a poem on 'St. Luke', and she won the Newdigate in 1929 and so has set up a record as there is no evidence of any Oxford Graduate combining all three since the awards were founded. She was appointed a member of the Council of the Society of Women Musicians. MRS. HEDLEY MILLER, B.A. (M. E. Ashe, 1941), is Assistant Secretary at the Treasury. M. E. HESTER, M.A. (1956), was appointed Senior Mathematics Mistress at the High School, Northampton. M. J. HODGSON, M.A. (1954), was appointed Assistant Classics Mistress at The Queen's School, Chester, in September 1963. MRS. HOLLIS, B.A. (D. E. Stancliffe, 1937), now lives in Rotherham, Yorks., where her husband has been a vicar since 196o. M. c. HONOUR, M.A. (1937), was appointed Assistant Professor, Department of English, Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana, U.S.A. MRS. HOPE-SIMPSON, M.A. (J. A. Cureton, 1949), has moved to Plymouth, where her husband has been appointed Headmaster of Plymouth College Preparatory School. She has had books published recently in the U.S.A., Brazil, and Holland, and an extract from a book televised by the B.B.C. M. A. HOUGHTON, M.A. (1957), was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Sussex. P. F. HULL, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1953), was Senior House Officer (Gynaecology), 34

at the Jessop Hospital for Women, Sheffield, from July to the end of December. B. A. HUMFREY, B.A. (1958), was elected to a Research Fellowship at the University of Reading. MRS. K. L. JAMBOR, B.A. (1957), was appointed Clinical Psychologist at the Warneford Hospital, Oxford. C.L. JONES, M.A. (1953), obtained A.R.C.M. (pianoforte teaching) in April. MRS. JONES, M.A. (M. J. Daniels, 1942), has been teaching Latin and English at All Saints Secondary School in Jesselton, N. Borneo, for two years (1962 and 1964) but will be returning to England for good in 1965. MRS. KALEN, M.A. (Vera Pattison, 1916), did a long tour through Basutoland, the Rhodesias, Malawi, Nairobi, and Egypt. She and her husband now live in Worthing, Sussex. w. M. KEENS, M.A. (1926), has been head of the French department at Downe House, Newbury, since 1958. MRS. KENRICK, M.A. (R. C. Tyrrell, 1939), does part-time teaching, and does voluntary work for Essex and the National Federation of Women's Institutes. She has three teenage children. A. J. KETTLE, M.A. (1957), was appointed Lecturer in Medieval History at St. Salvator's College, University of St. Andrews. D. M. LANE, M.A. (1945), was appointed an Assistant Mistress, to teach German, at Kesteven and Sleaford High School for Girls, Lincolnshire, from September. PROFESSOR M. M. MAHOOD, M.A. (Fellow, 1947), was appointed Professor of Literature at Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, in 1963. G. M. MATTHEWS, M.A., B.PHIL. (1947), was elected Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, St. Anne's College, Oxford. MRS. MAXWELL (J. M. Elgood, 196o), was appointed to teach Mathematics at Eltham Green Comprehensive School from September. PROFESSOR MAXWELL, B.A., B.LITT. (W. A. Pronger, 1927), reports that her son, Thomas, won the Andrew Smith Scholarship to Cambridge, and went to Clare College in October. M. B. MAYNARD, M.A. (1921), retired from teaching in July. P. S. MISCHLER, B.A. (1960), who was a member of the Oxford University Women's Expedition to Bijapur, India, in July to August 1964, was appointed an Assistant Mistress at Speedwell County Infants' School, Littlemore, Oxford, from September, after completing training at Maria Grey College, London. MARJORIE MOLLER, M.A. (1918), retired from the Wardenship of Denman College in June. MRS. OAKLEY, B.A. (M. D. Holmes, 192o), was elected Mayor of Reigate Borough. MARGARET OSBORN, M.A. (1925), retired as Headmistress of St. Paul's Girls' School in December 1963 and is living in Chipping Campden, Glos. s. M. OTTLEY, M.A. (1940), has been Librarian and Information Officer, the United Steel Companies Ltd., Sheffield, Department of Operational Research since 1958. She has contributed articles to the Yorkshire Post series entitled 'Country and Coast'. MRS. PAINTER, M.A. (D. E. Tuck, 1944), who was a Home Teacher for maladjusted children in 1963, was appointed a part-time teacher in a Junior School, in 1964, both with Middlesex County Council. 35

(1919), retired from her appointment with the Ministry of Defence (Army Department) and was appointed to the Civil Service Commission. c. M. 1. PIRQUET, B.A. (1961), entered the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Woldingham. E. M. T. POWELL, M.A. (1953), who was awarded a Gilbert Murray Travel Grant for 1965 (for Greece) in January, was appointed Classics Mistress at Watford Grammar School for Girls, from September. P. A. POWLEY, B.A. (1960), was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Gloucestershire Community Council, from September. A. H. REDMAYNE, M.A. (1955), received a research and travel grant from the Institute of Archaeology and History in East Africa. MRS. RICHARDS, M.A. (M. J. Singleton, 1949), has moved to Marston Moreteyne, Bedford, where her husband was inducted as Rector in October. MRS. RICHARDSON, B.A. (C. L. A. Dening, 1899), has retired from teaching and is now living in a village four miles from Buckingham. MRS. RIDLER, M.A. (A. M. Morris, 1953), was promoted Assistant Supervisor of Courses at Wolsey Hall, Oxford, in 1963. LADY ROBERTS, M.A. (E. N. Hora, 1918). Sir Gilbert Roberts was made a Knight in the New Year Honours 1965. G. M. ROBERTS, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1954), was appointed Senior Resident Obstetric Officer at the Maternity Hospital, Cambridge, from August. MRS. ROGERS, B.A. (C. H. Grewe, 1959), is going to Cornell University, U.S.A., where her husband has a research appointment, in 1965. P. A. RUNDLE, M.A. (1955), who took a course for the Postgraduate Diploma in Archive Administration at the London School of Librarianship and Archives, 1963-4, was appointed Assistant Archivist, Wiltshire County Record Office, Trowbridge, from July. PROFESSOR D. S. RUSSELL, F.R.C.P. (M.A. 1942), was elected an Honorary Fellow of the College. MRS. SAVORY, M.A. (Mabel Davies-Colley, 1914), was bought out in November 1963 on the compassionate list and left her farm at Kipkabus, Kenya, for a cottage at the Highlands School, Eldoret, where she is doing some teaching temporarily. MRS. SHELBOURN, M.A. (D. M. Forster, 1937), who has been a teacher of French and Italian at Evening Institutes since 1958, was appointed an Assistant Examiner in French and Italian for G.C.E. London University. MRS. SHRIGLEY, M.A. (N. A. Billitt, 1944), was appointed part-time French Mistress at Hulme Grammar School for Girls, Oldham, from February. ANN SMITH (1961) was appointed Assistant Lecturer in the History of Education in the Department of Education, University of London. MRS. STEPHENS, M.A. (A. F. L. Fowler, 1925), now has a daughter at St. Hugh's. MRS. STRAWBRIDGE, M.A. (Stella Hassid, 1942), has been teaching part-time at St. Luke's Secondary Modern Boys' School, Maidenhead, since April 1962. MRS. SYLVESTER, M.A. (M. A. Brady, 1945), who is a Housemaster's wife at Trinity College, Glenalmond, runs a small Nursery School at her home and examines for English Language, 0 Level. G. R. THOMAS, B.A. (1960), has been appointed Assistant Lecturer in History at Newnham College, Cambridge, from October 1965. M. P. V. VAULK, M.A. (1940), who intends to do missionary work abroad after a year's training in Paris, has transferred to another religious congregation A. D. K. PETERS, B.A., B.M., B.CH.


in which she will be known by her secular name and no longer as Sister M. Jeanne d'Arc. MRS. VENTERS, B.SC., D.PHIL. (J. C. Bell, 1931), was appointed a Lecturer in the Department of Applied Science, Edinburgh College of Domestic Science, Atholl Crescent. R. M. VINSON (1962) was ordained Assistant Minister of Brown Street Baptist Church, Salisbury, in October. MRS. WALKER, B.A. (C. E. Forster, 196o), was appointed Administrative Assistant to the Leicestershire Education Committee. MRS. WALTON, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (Sulammith Wolff, 1942), was appointed Senior Research Fellow, Mental Health Research Fund and an Associate Member of the Medical Research Council Unit. A. J. WELLS, M.A. (1954), was Assistant Mathematics Mistress, Hertfordshire and Essex High School, Bishop's Stortford, 1963-4, and appointed assistant Mathematics Mistress, The High School for Girls, Worthing, from September. MARGARET WHITE, B.A. (1960), is now a nun of the Catholic order of the Little Sisters of Charles de Foucauld. She joined the Order in September 1961 and is known as Little Sister Constance. M. E. WHITE, M.A. (1930), was appointed Head of the Department of Classics at Trinity College, Toronto, the only woman head of a Department in Toronto. P. T. WISEMAN, B.A. (1961), was elected to a Regent Fellowship at the University of California. MRS. WILSON, M.A. (S. M. Backhouse, 1944), lived in Hong Kong from January 1963 to August 1964 and, while there, taught English in Vocational Training Classes of Lutheran World Service and was Assistant English Mistress at the Diocesan Girls' School. She is returning to England and expecting to live in London.

SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE WORK B.F.U.W. and the I.F.U.W. offer each year for competition amongst members certain Scholarships and Fellowships that enable the holders to undertake research work abroad, mostly for an academic year, or occasionally for a shorter period to complete a piece of work; there is also available each year a Scholarship at Crosby Hall, the B.F.U.W.'s Club House in London. Particulars may be obtained from: The Secretary, British Federation of University Women, Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. 3.


ADDRESSES REQUIRED rT1HE College has no known address for the following Members and former I undergraduates, and the Secretary of the Association would be grateful for any news. A. N. Abbott (189o) Mrs. Adam (G. M. Irvine) (1926) S. 0. Allison (1925) 37

Mrs. Annesley (C. 0. J. Awdry-Nicks) (1922) B. U. M. Armitage (1917) Mrs. Atack (M. F. Houlihan) (1924) L. E. Auld (1911) Mrs. Baggaley (H. Bradbrooke) (1928) D. R. Bagley (1920) E. Barber (1907) G. M. Barker (1922) N. Barrows (1926) F. M. Barton (1907) I. D. Bennett (1900) Mrs. Berrie (W. Knox) (1926) T. G. I. Bird (1931) R. Blamire Brown (1898) Mrs. Boavista (M. E. H. Campbell) (1939) Mrs. Boone (V. A. G. Smith) (1914) Mrs. Boyce (A. P. Portlock) (1936) D. M. Boykett (1913) Mrs. Brown (P. Hatton) (1926) Mrs. Brown-Wilkinson (M. T. G. Abraham) (1914) M. Bull (195o) Mrs. Caplan (T. Finkelstein) (1935) S. H. Carmon (1917) Mrs. Cavendish (J. M. Hay) (1951) Mrs. Chambers (D. Matthews) (1931) Mrs. Chapman (N. P. Abbott) (1925) J. E. Clarke (1925) A. Clifford (1934) Mrs. Clutterbuck (B. A. Bristow) (1942) Mrs. Collard (J. F. Robertson) (1942) Mrs. Conder (M. D. Tull) (1935) L. Coombes (1898) Mrs. Cooper (K. Dixon) (1937) Mrs. Cryer (C. M. Clarkson) (1927) Mrs. Culloty (M. Clark) (1934) Mrs. Daitz (1949) Mrs. Daubeny (E. Gore) (1889) Mrs. Dauncey (R. L. Dennis) (1942) Mrs. Davies (M. P. Holt) (1929) M. P. Davis (1938) Mrs. Dawes (D. Townend) (1936) Mrs. Dawson (J. Biles) (1951) Mrs. Day (L. Stockley) (1947) E. N. Denton (1918) Mrs. Dickinson (M. B. Philips) (1925) M. M. Doss (1947) Mrs. Dougherty (R. Sykes) (1931) Mrs. Dover (M. Whitfield) (1910) K. P. Drake (1947) I. M. C. Druid (two) Mrs. Dunmore (Betty Smith) (1946)


Mrs. Eriksson (P. C. Bourne) (1927) Mrs. Faldo (J. Grosvenor) (1922) R. Farnell (1904) M. Farson (1947) Mrs. Finn (W. Hesketh Wright) (1930) W. J. Forrest (1914) F. M. Fox (1903) I. D. Free (1922) A. Freeman (1901) E. H. Fyleman (1931) Mrs. Gabell (P. Guimaraens) (1924) W. E. Gare (1918) Mrs. Godwin (E. J. Hackshaw) (1924) E. H. G. Gratton (1894) H. Green (1937) Mrs. Green (D. B. Fridjhon) (1954) R. Hamilton-Gordon (1903) E. M. Hampson (1945) Mrs. Handforth (J. Tresise) (1937) S. Harbottle (1936) I. R. G. Hart (1909) Mrs. Harward (J. Pape) (1928) Mrs. Hennessy (D. M. Deiner) (1946) Mrs. Hony (D. Hoare) (1943) Mrs. Hopwood (M. Sheehan) (1935) V. C. Home (i911) Mrs. Houghton (C. Joel) (1895) H. K. Hudson (1918) E. W. Hutton (1921) Mrs. Ibbotson (P. Winter) (1940) J. Jackson (1932) Mrs. James (C. Todd) (1931) E. Jewitt (1931) L. Joad (1938) K. Johnson (1924) U. Johnson (1938) G. H. Johnstone (1919) G. E. W. Jones (1944) M. M. B. Jones (1941) Mrs. Jull (C. C. McDonald) (1925) Mrs. King (R. d'Entreves) (1951) P. Knights (1942) V. J. Langton (1944) Mrs. Latham (P. Kirkby) (1927) D. M. Lee (1921) M. Lee (1932) Mrs. Leonard (V. P. Swann) (1940) Mrs. Levett (D. M. N. Levett) (1899) M. Lewis (1945) M. G. Lewis (1912) Mrs. Lindsay (H. E. P. Douglas) (1921) 39

Mrs. Lloyd-Bogie (M. S. Lloyd) (1942) Mrs. V. Lossky (1952) D. N. Lovegrove (1935) Mrs. Lovell (B. M. Wardell) (1924) Mrs. Lubega (1955) Mrs. Lucas (M. M. Darwell) (1935) F. H. McCall (1902) Mrs. McVergh (E. M. C. Liddiard) (1941) M. A. N. Marshall (19H) E. Mason (1935) Mrs. Mease (M. N. Webb) (190I) Mrs. Meyer (J. Dixon) (1937) E. K. Milner (1926) H. N. Mitsotakis (1944) R. M. Mockridge (1947) Mrs. Mold (P. J. Cox) (1915) D. E. Moore (19o7) J. M. Mott (1949) J. M. Mumford (1946) Mrs. Munn (K. M. Reavenall) (1939) S. Nicholas (1950) Mrs. J. C. Nicholson (C. E. MacNeice) (1922) M. Noble (1932) Mrs. O'Neill (P. Ripley) (1945) D. Paige (1937) J. M. Parkinson (1933) M. Patton (1932) Mrs. Pearce (C. E. Ingram) (1912) Mrs. Pearse (D. E. D. Raby) (1935) Mrs. Phillips (E. E. Varley) (1915) Mrs. Pledge (Ruth Brown) (1921) Mrs. Potter (M. Ogilvy) (1930) F. T. Prichard (1916) M. P. Ramsey (1908) W. M. Raper (1925) Mrs. Raymond (K. M. E. Williams) (1920) Mrs. Reid (R. Herriot) (1926) M. H. B. Reynard (1932) G. Rigby (1948) Mrs. Rimanek (E. M. Jay Brown) (1925) D. B. Riviere (1927) Mrs. Roberts (G. N. Smith) (1905) N. M. Roberts (1929) A. K. Robertson (1925) M. B. Robinson (1890) E. S. C. Rogers (1922) M. E. Rose (1935) F. R. Saunders-Jacobs (1929) Mrs. Seel (D. M. Abson) (1929) D. Selby (1909) Mrs. Scott (M. L. M. Lowe) (1927) 40

Mrs. Scott (N. Miall) (1940) H. E. Scott (1926) Mrs. Sherlock (A. Downie) (1937) M. A. Shuttleworth (1900) V. A. Simpson (1890) H. M. Smith (1907) Mrs. Speer (M. le Mesurier) (1924) Mrs. Stalker (J. P. Smalley) (1947) Mrs. Staveley (A. Jones) (1949) E. J. D. Staveley (1917) Mrs. Stewart (M. Hodgkins) (1943) Mrs. Tester (I. Yarwood) (1928) Mrs. Thomas (F. E. Stoton) (1896) D. Thompson (1937) M. E. E. Thompson (1892) Mrs. Touch (P. Wallbank) (1931) Mrs. Twentyman (E. B. Warner) (1897) B. M. Tyndall (1958) Mrs. D. V. Varian (B. A. Money) (1938) Mrs. Walker (M. Chapman) (1940) Mrs. Watson (W. Buxton) (1897) Mrs. E. M. Wellings (G. A. Witts) (1928) D. U. C. Weston (1936) M. Wheeler (1942) Mrs. White (I. C. Moberley) (1920) Mrs Whitehead (H. Cartwright) (1941) J. M. Whitehead (1935) D. Wilby (1918) E. Williams (1888) Mrs. Woollcombe (F. Finch) (1947) Mrs. Wright (A. Barker) (1888) Mrs. Wyatt (H. M. Watts) (1939) Mrs. Yarrow (K. Jackson) (1927) M. E. Yockney (1941)




Chronicle 1966 and Register of Addresses Please fill in appropriate details below and return at any date before i December 1965. NAME MAIDEN NAME (if married)

D ATE of entering College Degrees

ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE (for inclusion in the Register of Senior Members. In future a single address for correspondence will be entered in the Register)

PERMANENT HOME ADDRESS (if different from the above)

NEW APPOINTMENTS D U RI N G1965(or any appointments not previously notified,with dates)

PUBLICATIONS (Please give publisher, price and date of publication, or if publication is an article details of periodical)

ANY 0 T HER NE WS (including date and particulars of marriage and births if not previously notified)


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