St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1968-1969

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CHRONICLE 1968-1969 Number





ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR MEMBERS A Sherry Party for Senior Members will be held on Friday, 26th September 1969, 5.3o to 7.3o p.m. in the Atkins Building, Queen Elizabeth College, London, W.8, by kind permission of the Principal (entrance in Campden Hill). Tickets 15/-. Members wishing to attend should let Miss Easterbrook, The Principal's Secretary, St. Hugh's College, know, enclosing 15/-, not later than 1st September.

Directions : The stations are either High Street, Kensington (which is slightly nearer) or Notting Hill Gate. Buses are Nos. 9, 49, 73 (Kensington High Street) and 27, 27A, z8, 31, 46, 52 (Kensington Church Street, Sheffield Terrace stop).


President, 1968-7o MISS M. J. SARGEAUNT, B.LITT., M.A. Hon. Secretary, 1968-70 MRS. J. COCKSHOOT (J. JOHNSON), M.A. Gateways, Harcourt Hill, North Hinksey, Oxford Editor of the Chronicle, 1968-7o

MISS E. LEMON, M.A. 17 Rawlinson Road, Oxford



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The attention of members is drawn to : 1. The coloured folder attached to this number. 2. The list of Members of the College for whom the College has no address at present. 3. The arrangement that all members of the College should notify the Hon. Secretary of the Association of any change of address.




Professorial Fellow, Montague Burton

Professor of International Relations. Soc. ab ep. Inst. Arch. Germ., Official Fellow, Tutor in Classics, University Lecturer in Homeric Archaeology. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Research Fellow, University Demonstrator in Astronomy. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., D.SC. (M.SC. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in Mathematics, University Lecturer. BETTY KEMP, M.A., Nuffield College Fellow, Tutor in History, University Lecturer, Vice-Principal.



Research Fellow. Official Fellow, Tutor in English Language, University Lecturer in Medieval English. AGNES PRISCILLA WELLS, M.A., Official Fellow, Treasurer. SUSAN MERIEL WOOD (MRS.), B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in Medieval History, University Lecturer. MARJORIE MARY SWEETING, M.A. (M.A., PH.D. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Geography, University Lecturer. MABEL RACHEL TRICKETT, M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in English Literature, University Lecturer. MARGARET JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor and Cassel Lecturer in German, University Lecturer. VERA JOYCE DANIEL, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in French, University Lecturer. JOYCELYNE GLEDHILL RUSSELL (MRS.), M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Librarian, Lecturer in Modern History. MARY RANDLE LUNT, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Tutor in Natural Science (Biochemistry), University Lecturer in Biochemistry, Dean. THEODORA CONSTANCE COOPER, M.A. M.A. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Economics, University Lecturer, Estates Bursar. EVA MYRTLE MAJOR, M.A., Official Fellow, Bursar. RACHEL FRANCES WALL, M.A. (M.A. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Lecturer in Politics, University Lecturer. AVRIL GILCHRIST BRUTEN, M.A. (B.A. BIRM., PH.D. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in English Language and Medieval Literature. JULIANNE ROUNTREE (M.A. EDIN.), Tutor in Philosophy. GILLIAN ANNE GEHRING (MRS.), D.PHIL. (B.SC. MANC.), Probationary Fellow and Tutor in Physics. MARY LUNN (MRS.), M.A., Probationary Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics. AUDREY JOAN COLSON (MRS.), B.LITT., M.A., D.PHIL. (Additional Fellow). PAMELA OLIVE ELIZABETH GRADON, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.),




Leverhulme Research Fellow KATHERINE ALISON RASPIN (B.A. CANTAB.)

Elizabeth Wordsworth Junior Research Fellow GILLIAN MARY PHILIPPA DRUMMOND (MRS.), B.A., B.MUS. CELIA SUSAN HANDS (MRS.) (B.A. MANC.)


Martinengo Cesaresco Junior Research Fellow GEMME MIENI (UNIVERSITY OF PISA)

Lecturers MONIQUE LAURENCE THERkSE BARBER (MRS.), M.A., Lecturer in French. STELLA ANN CROSSLEY (MRS.), M.A., D.PHIL., Lecturer in Zoology. ELIZABETH HELEN MERVYN THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Lecturer in Jurisprudence. MARY LUNN (MRS.), B.A., Shell Lecturer in Mathematics. HILARY FRANCES BROWN (MRS.), D.PHIL., Lecturer in Physiology. BARBARA MARY LEVICK, M.A., D.PHIL., Lecturer in Ancient History. JENNIFER CLARE GREEN (MRS.), B.A., Lecturer in Chemistry. CLARE LAMPEL, M.A. CHICAGO, PH.D. COLUMBIA, Lecturer in Philosophy. ROSEMARY HILDEGARD SYFRET, M.A. (M.A. CANTAB.), English Literature. ROBERT ROY STUART, B.C.L., Jurisprudence.

Deputy Bursar

College Matron




Principal's Secretary


Treasurer's Clerk MISS P. SMITH




HE forty-third Annual General Meeting of the Association of Senior Members was held in the Mordan Hall on Saturday, 6 July 1968, at 3 p.m., the President, Miss Sargeaunt, in the Chair. One hundred and thirty-seven members were present. The President called on the meeting to stand in memory of those who had died during the year. The Minutes of the last Meeting, having been reported in the Chronicle, were taken as read, and signed. The President's Report. Miss Sargeaunt said she was first of all delighted that so many people had turned up for the Meeting in this Gaudy Year. She had already been sitting in the garden on the bench kindly given to the College by old students of the years 1921-4 for which all were most grateful, and she hoped that everyone would have an opportunity, as her old gardener at Queen Elizabeth College used to say, 'to see it in the situ'. There was not a great deal to report. The Committee was working smoothly and were delighted that Miss Betty Ackroyd and Miss Helen Wallis had consented to speak at the Gaudy Dinner. The financial affairs of the Association seemed fairly satisfactory and so far the cost of running the Association was being covered by fees and Life Membership. The only larger expenditure envisaged during this year was the binding of the Chronicle. She thought members would like to know that Bodley had asked for copies, which go back to 1927. The President then said that there would be some changes on the Committee this year, four members being due for retirement, but also for re-nomination and there had been other nominations received. The Hon. Secretary was retiring and in this context the President thanked Mrs. Hemming most warmly for her help and support during the past two years. The Election of Officers would be held later on in the afternoon, and the President said she therefore had no further comments and was sure all present were waiting to hear the Principal's Report. The Principal's Report. The Principal began by saying she was very surprised that the Chronicle was not already in the Bodleian. Should it not also be sent to the British Museum and Cambridge? The building programme had now been completed and it was to be hoped that the two buildings would be admired for their different individual merits. The formal opening of Wolfson Building on 14 May by Princess Alexandra was a delightful occasion in spite of imperfect weather, and St. Hugh's felt superior to other women's colleges where the Queen only spent a quarter of an hour while Princess Alexandra was in College for a large part of the day talking to undergraduates, dons, and dignitaries. The Chancellor of the University and Sir Issac Wolfson were also present and in great form. As a result of the two new buildings, there were now 244 out of 270 undergraduates in residence, and of the 26 not in College itself, 15 were fourth-years or third-years preferring to live out. There was also a new departure this year in the form of graduate houses. Three leases of the Canterbury Road houses had


been acquired for 197o for graduate accommodation with a Middle Common Room, and had been completely booked up for the following year. The Principal said she had to confess to a debt of £55,000, to be repaid over twenty years. She said that a new appeal was being sent to everybody as 1,184 old students had still not contributed. She thought people might feel diffident at giving small amounts but assured members that every little bit really did help, and this really would be the last appeal; no further building would be undertaken until the debt had been demolished. Turning to St. Hugh's itself, the Principal reported that there were two new Tutors—Miss Gillian Murray, Tutor in Physics, originally Leverhulme Research Fellow, who was now getting married, and Mrs. Lunn, Tutor in Mathematics. She was originally Shell Lecturer and would be appointed Fellow and Tutor next term. The number of Lecturers had grown, Mrs. Barber, Miss Syfret, and Dr. Clare Lampel, and there was a second Lecturer in Jurisprudence, Mr. Roy Stuart. Dr. Kenyon said she hoped that the growth in numbers had slowed down, but this depended on the policy of the University. A great deal was still being heard about the recommendation of the Franks Commission. The independence of Colleges was stressed, but this was not so easy for the poorer ones (which included all the women's colleges) if they did not have comparative endowments. There was now, however, a College Contributory Scheme aimed at bringing all up to the level of £600,000. The Principal ended by referring to the pristine appearance of the Front Hall of the College, mentioning especially the new doors given by a Senior Member. Although some undergraduates had queried this, she assured the Meeting that the re-decoration had been done in time for, and not because of the visit of Princess Alexandra. The Bursar had taken an immense amount of trouble to achieve the result seen today. The Principal said she did not propose to enumerate College successes as she would be including these in her speech at the Gaudy Dinner, and on this subject she wondered if there was not an alternative solution to the Principal being required to speak twice in one day ? The President thanked the Principal for her interesting review. Mrs. O'Dell then asked if the New Building was to have a name. The Principal replied that it was to be called New Building. The Meeting was again reminded by Miss Lemon that there would be a reminder with the 1969 Chronicle that the Address List would be sent out in 197o only on prior payment of five shillings. Election of Officers. Miss Sargeaunt was re-elected President for a further term of two years, Mrs. Cockshoot, Hon. Secretary and Miss Lemon, Editor of the Chronicle. There were eight nominations for the Committee and for the four vacancies the following were elected: Mrs. J. Pusey, Miss B. Cowderoy (re-elected), Miss A. C. Percival and Mrs. J. Hemming. Other Committee members remaining were: Miss I. Sims, Miss S. F. Stallman, Mrs. D. L'Estrange Malone, Mrs. J. Green and Miss Beere (co-opted). This ended the business of the Meeting.


SHERRY PARTY, 1969 SHERRY Party for members of the Association will be held on Friday, 26 September 1969, 5.30-7.30 p.m., in the Atkins Building, Queen A Elizabeth College, Campden Hill Road, by kind permission of the Principal, Dr. K. G. Denbigh, F.R.S. Full particulars will be found on a slip enclosed with the Chronicle.

GAUDY, 1968 HIS year was the first occasion on which I had been able to arrive in College as early as the Friday. The smaller number of Senior Members foregathered enabled the different generations to meet, meander, and murmur in the more relaxing atmosphere before the main influx. The Buttery was a popular meeting place during Friday evening and Saturday morning, and a steady stream of callers visited contemporaries who had rooms in Wolfson Building. By lunchtime on Saturday, travellers from further afield had arrived (making 225 of us in all) and the Association meeting in the Mordan Hall was well attended. Elections for the newly formed Senior Members' Committee were held, and Miss Sargeaunt was re-elected as President, a result which was announced after the Dinner. This year's Gaudy was warmed by a welcome return of emphasis from the `fabric' to the 'family' of St. Hugh's. After half a decade of raising funds and bricks and mortar to provide the New and Wolfson Buildings, these are now complete and fast becoming an integral part of what the Press has adjudged `one of the best kept gardens in Oxford'. At last College could enjoy tea in that garden, and the fine weather that blessed the weekend. Amongst the seats in the garden, there was a new one presented by the 1921-4 generation, a gift that was gratefully acknowledged both by the Principal, on behalf of the present College, and by Miss Sargeaunt, on behalf of the Senior Members. Before Dinner, members met for sherry in the Mordan Hall, and there followed an excellent meal, served with professional speed and skill. When the time came for speeches, whilst one speaker expressed for all of us the debt we feel to St. Hugh's for the years spent at Oxford, and another looked to the roles that present and future students will be called upon to play in the world and the changing University order, for me the Gaudy will be linked with the British Museum! Miss Helen Wallis, recently appointed Supervisor of the Map Room and a Deputy Keeper, gave a lively outline of the position of women in public life and the Museum since the eighteenth century. Female appointments now must surely owe much to the persistence of ladies of leisure in the pursuit of knowledge, however much the 'rustling of their silks and other things' annoyed men! Miss Sargeaunt replied to the Toast 'The Association of Senior Members.' Miss E. Ackroyd, proposing the Toast to 'The College', referred to the Chronicle, which is now to be sent, by request, to the British Museum. It is a gratifying, if somewhat sobering, thought that our achievements and those of our successors will be enshrined in British history!



In reply, the Principal told us of her own and her sister's early 'freedom of the iron galleries' and of the present controversy over the British Museum site. Recent College history has included a Royal Horticultural Society Award to St. Hugh's Head Gardener and the election of the first woman President of the Union. Miss Kenyon looked forward to a vigorous and distinguished future for St. Hugh's, confident that this could be entrusted to the present lively and talented generation. A popular innovation at this year's Gaudy was the invitation by the Committee of the Association to wine in the J.C.R. after dinner. This had the advantage of keeping people together, making it easier to track down those whom one had not seen earlier! Reminiscence and revelation with particular friends in rooms was by no means ousted, however, merely postponed, and few lights were out before 2 a.m. For many, the Gaudy ended on Sunday morning, when we again walked across the garden, past the tulip tree in flower, to the Principal's Lodgings. Let us here express our thanks to the Principal and Fellows and to all who contributed to what was said on all sides to have been a most enjoyable weekend. Members would especially wish to thank Miss Major and her staff and Mrs. Hemming who was Secretary of the Association at that time. But for me, a fitting, final memory of the weekend is of the crowded congregations in Chapel for Evensong on Saturday and at Communion on Sunday morning. No words could better express the corporate spirit which links the generations of St. Hugh's and which is so much the essence of the Gaudy. Gaudeamus!

THE PRINCIPAL'S REPORT HE expansion of the College buildings has formed the most important 1. theme of my reports since, I think, my first one for 1962. The culmination of the building programme came with the opening of Wolfson Building by Her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandra on Tuesday, 14 May. Her Royal Highness was received on arrival by the Lord Lieutenant, Colonel John Thomson, who presented the Lord Mayor and civic dignatories and then by the Chancellor, the Rt. Hon. Harold Macmillan, who presented the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, Sir Isaac and Lady Wolfson, and the Principal and Vice-Principal. Her Royal Highness lunched in Hall, with some fifty guests, the Fellows, and as many members of the J.C.R. as could be accommodated. After lunch she took coffee with the J.C.R. and was most charming to the considerable number who were presented. The opening ceremony took place at 3 p.m. in a marquee on the lawn. The weather was not too kind, but fortunately the only serious shower of rain took place while the party was safely assembled in the marquee. After the opening, Her Royal Highness inspected a number of rooms in Wolfson Building and talked to the occupants, and paid a short visit to New Building. At tea, a further series of guests was presented. The whole ceremony was quite delightful. Now our two new buildings are in full occupation. Their amenities and comfort are very much appreciated. The College owes a great deal to its 10

architect, Mr. David Roberts. During the five and a half years of our association, he has shown the greatest appreciation of our needs and the utmost patience with our queries and changes of mind. We are exceedingly grateful to him, and we believe that he has enabled St. Hugh's to make a distinguished contribution to the architecture of twentieth-century Oxford. I think I must also pay tribute here to the help given by Senior Members in the expansion of the College. Many had contributed to the earlier Building Appeal, but the response to the new appeal launched has been admirable. A final appeal last summer brought in nearly £6,000 in donations and covenants, and the total now (31 January 1969) stands at £87,617. Of this, about half has come from Senior Members, which is a magnificent effort considering that we have very few rich members. There is still a debt of some £45,000, which we must pay off out of income over the coming years. Though the building programme is completed, the expansion of the College continues. The University Commission of Inquiry (the Franks Commission) gave prominence to the need to increase the proportion of women in the University. Consultations have been held with the women's colleges, and the plan for the size and shape of the University, just approved by Congregation, while holding the number of men undergraduates to approximately the present figure, a decison forced on the University by the lack of finance for new posts and expansion of libraries and laboratories as well as shortage of lodgings, allows for an increase of 175 at the existing women's colleges. Each of them is therefore planning to increase, and at St. Hugh's we have decided to increase by thirty undergraduates. This does, of course, mean that the number of undergraduates in lodgings will have to increase again. Clearly we cannot contemplate any new buildings until our present debt is paid off, though as the leases of the other Canterbury Road houses fall in, we may consider making use of them for undergraduates. At the moment it appears that at any rate the first stages of the increase will cause little hardship to undergraduates, as it is probable that there will be enough who opt to live out in their third year to balance the deficiency in rooms available. The first increase of ten will take place in Michaelmas Term 1969. The Governing Body has done a careful exercise to establish the subjects in which increase is desirable, what new teaching posts are required and any expansion in administrative and domestic provision. Only minor adjustments have proved to be necessary in these last respects. As regards subjects, it was agreed to give priority to science, and since the provision of tutorial Fellows, though increased from one to two by the appointment of Mrs. Gehring as Tutor in Physics in Michaelmas Term 1968, was still disproportionately low, the appointment of Mrs. Green as Tutor in Chemistry was made in Hilary Term 1969. Since pressure of entry in History and Modern Languages is always great, two new Tutors have been appointed, both already lecturers at the College, Mrs. Russell in History, with some reduction of her duties as Librarian, and Mrs. Barber in French. The College has elected two new Honorary Fellows, the Hon. Mrs. Miriam Lane, who had been given an Honorary D.Sc. by the University in Hilary Term 1968, and Professor Joan Hussey, B.Litt., M.A., Ph.D. London, a graduate of the College, Professor of History in the University of London. In Michaelmas Term 1968, Mrs. Gehring (G. A. Murray), D.Phil., II

formerly Leverhulme Research Fellow of the College, took up the post of Tutor and Probationary Fellow in Physics. Mrs. Lunn, formerly Lecturer of the College, took up the post of Tutor and Probationary Fellow in Mathematics. Mr. R. R. Stuart, B.Litt., was appointed Lecturer in Jurisprudence. Dr. L. Lyons resigned his post as Lecturer in Physics at the end of Trinity Term 1968. In response to the appeal to help students from Czechoslovakia, the College elected Miss M. Svestkova as an additional Rawnsley Student, and gave a place to Miss E. Paterova. The latter, however, withdrew at the end of Michaelmas Term. In Trinity Term 1968 Miss J. P. Dawkins was in residence as Schoolmistress Student. In the 1967-8 Chronicle it was reported that the first woman officer of the Union Society was a St. Hugh's undergraduate, Janet Morgan. In Hilary Term 1968, St. Hugh's also provided the first woman President, Geraldine Jones, who had a most successful term of office. The number of those reading for first degrees in Michaelmas Term 1968 was 279. Of these, 269 were undergraduates coming straight from school and ten were qualified for senior status or of mature years. Fifty-eight candidates are in residence reading for higher degrees, of whom 22 are Oxford graduates and 36 graduates of other universities. Of these, 27 are candidates for a B.Litt., 6 for a B.Phil., 4 for a B.Sc., 13 for a D.Phil., 1 for Chemistry Part II, and 7 for a B.M. Thirteen graduates of the College and 8 graduates of other universities are taking diplomas. In the Final Honour Schools of 1968 there were seven First Classes: in Literae Humaniores, J. E. Annas; in Mathematics, R. A. Bailey, M. N. Bennett, and L. V. Colyer; in Animal Physiology, C. E. Bastie; in Modern Languages, J. V. Balmer; in P.P.E., F. P. Kuttner. Fifty-four candidates were placed in the Second Class, thirteen in the Third; there were two passes and one failure. In Classical Honour Moderations, J. M. Kane was placed in the First Class, and there were four Seconds and no Thirds. In Mathematical Honour Moderations, S. L. Elbourne, S. A. Littlejohns, J. Peeling, and S. Russell-Vick were placed in the First Class and there were five Seconds and no Thirds. K. M. K.

GIFTS AND BENEFACTIONS Legacy from the late Miss T. M. Evans: Interim distribution of L5,000.

From the late Miss E. S. Nicholas: k5o for the Old Students' Scholarship Fund. From Mrs. M. Hopkirk: L2o4 for repair and repainting of main entrance gates. From Miss H. Fiedler: Books for the Library. From Miss M. A. Grant: k roo for the Library. 12

DEGREES, 1968 D.Phil. Mrs. Cracknell (M. F. Grant), Mrs. Green (J. C. Bilham), Mrs.

Millington (M. H. Ashworth), V. M. Patton, Mrs. Zuckermann (J. P. Leedham). B.M. E. M. Davis. B.Litt. Mrs. Constable (M. V. Colombo), F. M. Ross. M.A. Mrs. Ailing (J. I. Batsford), Mrs. Ankrah-Dove (L. Copeland), Mrs. Beck (M. S. Plowman), Mrs. Beeden (J. M. Raich), J. A. Burge, Mrs. Bruton (A. E. Wyatt), Mrs. Carpenter (R. A. Calvert), Mrs. Carter (A. M. Cowern), Mrs. Casebourne (G. R. Baker), B. Collins, Mrs. Davis (M. P. A. Walker), Mrs. Drake (C. Whyte), Mrs. Foster-Barham (K. F. Slattery), Mrs. Freedman (J. C. M. Grose), Mrs. Gale (E. M. Lloyd), Mrs. Guerra (A. M. V. Wilcocks), Mrs. Hamilton (E. M. Simpson), A. K. Henry, D. B. Hodge, Mrs. Holroyd (W. A. Dorward), Mrs. Jacob (J. M. Furlow), Mrs. Jaine (S. E. Fisher) Mrs. Jenkins (M. E. Edwards), A. Kiggell, Mrs. Kinnear (E. M. Preston), Mrs. Lello (S. E. Nash), D. J. Leslie, Mrs. Lunn (M. Garthwaite), S. Manes, Mrs. Maxwell (J. M. Elgood), P. S. Mischler, Mrs. Mole (S. R. Wildbore), Mrs. Morgan (E. Wilson), Mrs. Murphy (C. M. Colsell), Lady Nicholson (C. E. MacNeice), Mrs. North (C. M. Renshaw), Mrs. Paskins (B. H. Peel), V. M. Patton, Mrs. Pollard (C. M. Hornbuckle), P. A. Powley, Mrs. Price (E Uttenthall), J. H. Prosser, K. A. Raspin, Mrs. Read (E. A. Cromwell), E. A. C. Shirley, B. P. Smart, Mrs. Smith (C. M. R. Ward), J. A. Sylph, Mrs. Templeman (C. Dolan), Mrs. Tomblin (J. M. Milburn), Mrs. Tovey (J. M. Rickett), M. E. K. Wait, Mrs. Walker (C. E. Forster), Mrs. Wardle (L. A. Wells), E. A. Webb, Mrs. Whitehead (M. Flower), I. V. Woodford, Mrs. Zuckermann (J. P. Leedham). B.A. D. J. F. Adams, J. E. Annas, A. Atthill, R. A. Bailey, J. V. Balmer, P. A. J. Barber, C. E. Bastie, K. J. Beddows, M. N. Bennett, Mrs. Bridson (M. A. Dickie), A. M. Brockington, A. L. Brown, S. E. Bucknell, J. M. Catton, L. V. Colyer, B. A. Dobbs, C. A. Dodgson, Mrs. Donajgrodski (J. M. P. Dodd), P. M. Essery, C. D. Field, Mrs. Foster (H. P. Munns), S. K. Fraser, Mrs. Garratt (M. C. Robson), Mrs. Godley (H. Couper), M. T. Gray, P. K. Greenslade, C. 0. Hall, A. M. Harris, S. Hastings, Mrs. Hirst (M. S. Turnham), D. A. K. Hoare, M. Howett, I. Johnston, M. A. Keith, C. Kenyon, C. A. Leedham, A. C. Littler, V. Lockwood, Mrs. Mellor (H. P. C. Curtis), A. M. Mercer, E. N. Millett, I. J. Morcom, J. Morris, P. H. Morris, Mrs. Ilex (S. J. Thurgood), Mrs. Pitchers (J. Stevenson), E. M. Pope, V. M. Rainthorpe, Mrs. Roddick (M. Gayford), J. M. M. Rogers, Mrs. Ross (M. B. Cobb), E. M. Rowley, C. Secombe, J. M. Shorey, S. A. Shortland, C. L. Smith, M. M. Sparks, M. S. Stainsby, S. J. Styles, P. K. M. Swan, G. A. Tattersall, I. J. H. Taylor, S. E. Taylor, Mrs. Thomas (S. E. Owen), P. M. Tunnard, L. V. Unwin, C. S. Walker, R. D. Weatherall, M. F. White, M. K. Wootton-Woolley, P. W. Wright. University Graduate Award Countess of Warwick Travelling Bursary: W. A. Hayward. 13

University Undergraduate Award The Senior Denyer and Johnson Scholarship: S. S. Marshall. Postgraduate Awards Major State Studentships: H. A. Balshaw, M. E. Barsley, Mrs. Bowen

(S. D. Dow), P. M. Clifford, B. Dinesen, M. C. Phipps, Mrs. Stolkin (J. M. F. Willi s), V. A. Wilson. S.R.C. Grants: L. V. Colyer, M. N. Bennett, A. Kitt, H. J. Morton. S.S.R.C. Grants: C. 0. Hall, C. E. Whitehead. N.E.R.C. Grant: R. Muntus. College Awards and Prizes To Rawnsley Studentship: M. Svestkova (Charles University, Prague). To Dame Catherine Fulford Senior Scholarship: K. R. Kelley (B. A., Bates). Hurry Prize: J. E. Annas. Elizabeth Wordsworth Essay Prize: (shared) C. E. Cretney, C. F. Harvey. Hilary Haworth Essay Prize: N. M. Hayes-Allen. Special College Prizes: R. A. Bailey, J. V. Balmer, C. E. Bastie, M. N. Bennett, L. V. Colyer, F. P. Kuttner.

HONOUR EXAMINATIONS, 1968 Literae Humaniores

Class I: J. E. Annas. Class II: J. M. Pool, M. S. Stainsby. Mathematics

Class I: R. A. Bailey, M. N. Bennett, L. V. Colyer. Class II : P. K. Greenslade, M. A. Keith, A. Kitt, J. Taylor, R. D. Weatherall. Class III: M. B. Cobb. Natural Science

Physics. Class II: J. M. N. Rogers. Chemistry. Part I: M. S. Turnham. Part II: Class III. J. M. Cundy, C. R. Walker. Animal Physiology. Class I: C. E. Bastie. Class II: M. T. Gray. Zoology. Class II: J. Morris. Class III: J. M. Shorey. Jurisprudence

Class II: L. J. Woodburn. Class III: M. J. Cowen, G. A. Tattersall. Modern History

Class II: A. L. Brown, M. A. Dickie, C. E. Glover, I. J. Morcom, M. M. Sparks, K. P. Southworth, S. J. Styles, S. E. Taylor, C. S. Walker. Class III: K. J. Beedows, D. J. Lodge, P. K. M. Swan, L. V. Unwin. 14

Theology Class II: A. M. Harris, Mrs. V. R. Morris.

English Language and Literature Class II: W. B. Barber, J. M. Catton, M. H. Gillespie, M. Howett, G. Jones, C. Kenyon, V. C. Lebon, A. M. Mercer, C. Secombe, A. I. Stratton, P. W. Wright. Class III: E. A. Cotton.

Modern Languages Class I: J. V. Balmer (Fr. with distinction). Class II: A. M. Brockington (Germ.), 0. Cook (Germ.), B. A. Dobbs (Germ.), S. K. Fraser (Fr. with distinction), V. Lockwood (Germ. with distinction), P. H. M. Morris (Span. with distinction and Fr.), E. M. Rowley (Fr. and Germ. with distinction), C. L. Smith (Span. and Fr.), Mrs. Paez (Span. with distinction and Fr.).

P.P.E. Class I: F. P. Kuttner Class II: J. S. Crew, P. M. Essery, N. E. Griffiths, M. Wire.

Geography Class II: H. M. Eyles, L. M. Greeves, C. 0. Hall, J. J. Scadding. Class III: D. J. F. Adams. Pass: C. R. M. Dallyn.

Agriculture Class II: V. M. Rainthorpe.

P.P.P. Class II: J. R. Goodey, P. A. Smith-Stanleigh, M. R. Steam.

Music Class III: P. M. Tunnard.

Honour Moderations: Classical Class I: J. M. Kane. Class II: D. E. Barrett, M. J. Hunt, I. C. Lunt, A. D. Wright.

Honour Moderations: Mathematics Class I: S. L. Elbourne, S. A. Littlejohns, J. Peeling, S. Russell-Vick. Class II: F. H. Cooper, G. L. Filtness, K. M. Hannabuss, J. M. Mathieson, P. J. Rutherford.

Honour Moderations: Biochemistry Class I: F. P. Fairbank, F. M. Hoare. Class II: N. M. Hayes-Allen, D. H. Manning.

Honour Moderations: Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering Science Class I: M. A. Giddy. Class II: F. E. Chiswell, R. Gross, D. M. Lean, J. A. Unsworth.



Honour Moderations: Jurisprudence

Pass: A. S. Kennedy. Diplomas in Classical Archaeology: V. A. Wilson. Social Anthropology: C. C. Mumford, pass.


(Old Students' Scholarship) (Mathematics),

Brighton and Hove High School, G.P.D.S.T. (Hodgson Scholarship) (English), St. Michael's


School, Limpsfield. ELLIOTT, DEBORAH ANN

(Nuffield Scholarship) (Natural Science (Medicine)),

Clifton High School for Girls, Bristol. GRISOGONO, VIVIAN ANN LOUISE (Thomas

Wellbanh Fowle Scholarship) (Modern Languages (It., Fr.)), St. Paul's Girls' School. LIGHTFOOT, LOIS (Hodgson Scholarship) (English), King Edward VI High

School for Girls, Birmingham. Exhibitioners: CAWTE, CATHERINE MARY

(Old Students' Exhibition) (History), Carisbrooke

Grammar School, Newport, Isle of Wight. HALL, LESLEY SUSAN

(Ethel Seaton Exhibition) (English), Bramcote Hills

Grammar School, Beeston. (Old Students' Exhibition) (Natural Sciences (Biochemistry)), Sutton High School, G.P.D.S.T. HAYES, ELIZABETH MARY (Ethel Seaton Exhibition) (English), Croydon High


School, G.P.D.S.T. (Old Students' Exhibition) (P.P.E.), Wimbledon


High School, G.P.D.S.T. LYON, SUSAN

(Old Students' Exhibition) (Mathematics), The High School for

Girls, Gloucester. (Old Students' Exhibition) (Mathematics and Philosophy), Cheltenham Ladies' College. NORMAN, ELIZABETH ELEANOR ANNE (Ethel Seaton Exhibition) (Music),


Rosebery County Grammar School for Girls, Epsom. PEARS, NICOLA LOUIS

(Hodgson Exhibition) (English), Bedales School,


(Modern Languages), Notre Dame High


(Theology), King Edward VI High

School, Birmingham. BENNETT, MARGARET DIANA (Biochemistry), Andover Grammar School. BOOTE, KARIN VERLI (P.P.E.), St. Paul's School, Hammersmith.




(History), King Edward VI Grammar School,


(Medicine), Oxford High School,

G.P.D.S.T. BUTCHER, JUDITH ANN (History), Sutton High School, G.P.D.S.T. BYGRAVE, KATHLEEN CLARE (Medicine), Lady Eleanor Holles School. CAMERON, MARY ROSE (Zoology), Brackley High School. CANTI, ANTHEA CLARE (P.P.E.), Wycombe Abbey. CHARLES, MARIANNE LOUISE (English), Chichester High School. CLARK, BARBARA CELIA (English), Sheffield High School. CLARKE, SHANNON MARY CAMERON (English), Wycombe High School. CLARIDGE, SUSAN WENDY (Mathematics), Fleetwood Grammar School. COTTAM, CHRISTINE MARGARET (Geography), Bolton School. CRABBE, ANN MARINA (Classics), Roedean. DAVIES, PHILIPPA JANE PASMORE (Theology), School of St. Mary and

St. Anne, Abbots Bromley. DIXON, ALISON JANE (Medicine), Oxford High School, G.P.D.S.T. EARLY, SARAH DAPHNE MACGREGOR (P.P.E.), Malvern Girls' School. FINLAY, ALICE EMMA CAMPBELL (English), Heathfield, Ascot. FROST, CATHERINE GILLIAN (Modern Languages), Perse School, Cambridge. GASTON, MARGARET ALICE (Physics), Chatham Girls' School. GLOVER, JANE ALISON (Music), Monmouth School for Girls. GODFREY, LOUISE SARAH (Jurisprudence), Oglethorpe Girls' School. GOLDIE, HELEN SYLVIA (Geography), Leeds High School. GOODEY,, FELICITY MARGARET SUE (History), St. Austell Grammar School. GREEN, JUDITH MARGARET (P.P.E.), Central Newcastle High School. HALLET, HEATHER CAROL (Jurisprudence), Brockenhurst Grammar. HERBERT, MARY CHRISTINE (Biochemistry), Portsmouth High School. HODGSON, CLAUDIA CERIDWEN (Physics), Mill Mount Girls' School, York. HOLMAN, ANGELA MARY (Geography), Sacred Heart Girls' School, Newcastle upon Tyne. ILLINGWORTH, ANDREA (Mathematics), Penistone Girls' School, Sheffield. IRISH, MARGARET JANE (Mathematics), Tunbridge Wells Grammar School. ISLIP, KATHARINE SARAH (Physics), Ecclesboume School, Duffield. JENKS, SHARON ANONA (English), Woodford County High School. JOHNSON, PATRICIA ELIZABETH (Chemistry), Gainsborough High School. JONES, CHRISTINE MARY (English), St. Margaret's School, Bushey. JONES, SHIRLEY ELIZABETH (Chemistry), King's High School, Warwick. KIMBERLEY, KATHARINE ALISON RUTH (Classics), Bromsgrove County High School. LAKE, SALLY ANITA (Modern Languages), Tunbridge Wells Girls' School. LLOYD-BOSTOCK, ROSEMARY SHIRLEY ANNE (P.P.E.), Haywards Heath Girls' School. MACDONALD, CHRISTINA LESLEY (English), King's High School, Warwick. MATHEW, WINIFRED ANN (Modern Languages), Roedean. MILNE, ANN MCFARQUHAR (History), Ladies' College, Cheltenham. MITCHELL, JACQUELINE (Modern Languages), Central Newcastle High School. NIGHTINGALE, WENDY ANN (Music), St. Mary's Girls' School, Pinner. O'BRIEN, JENNIFER (Modern Languages), Woodford County High School. OSWALD, DEIRDRE DIANE (Chemistry), Caistor Grammar School, Lincoln. 17

PARKINSON, CATHERINE MARJORY (History), Brackley High School. PATERSON, ANN KATHARINE (Chemistry), Cheadle Hulme School. PELHAM, BARBARA ROSE (Modern Languages), Wycombe Abbey. PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH MARY STEWART (History), Sherborne School. PREVATT, BEVERLEY ANNE (History), Virgo Fidelis Girls' School,


Norwood. PROCTER, JOYCE (P.P.E.), Balshaw's Girl's School, Leyland. RICHARDS, SUSAN MARY (Mathematics), Oxford High School, G.P.D.S.T. SEDDON, JENNIFER MARY (Chemistry), Bolton School. SEIBER, JULIA MARY (History), Reigate County School. SMITH, CLAUDIA LESLEY (Biochemistry), Edgbaston Church of England

College, Birmingham. SMITH, HANNAH ALEXANDRA

(History), Lilley and Stowe High School,


(Modern Languages), City of London Freemen's School,

Ashtead, Surrey. STATON, JUDITH ANN (P.P.E.), St. Helena School, Chesterfield. STEVENSON, CATHERINE (English), Oxford High School, G.P.D.S.T. TICKELL, SHELLY GAIL (P.P.E.), North London Collegiate School. THOMAS, PATRICIA EILEEN (English), St. Joseph's Convent, Reading. WADHAM, SARAH FRANCESCA (Oriental Studies), St. Leonards-Mayfield


(Chemistry), Homelands Grammar School,

Derby. WICKERT, BARBARA (Classics), Heinrich-Hertz Gymnasium, Bad Godesburg. WILLIAMS, ANN JOYCE (Classics), Watford Grammar School. WINTRAM, CLAIRE DIANE (Modern Languages), King's High School, Warwick. WITHERINGTON, CHRISTINE ANNE (Geography), Bedford High School. WORT, JENNIFER JILL (Geography), Oxford High School, G.P.D.S.T. YOUNG, SUSAN MARGARET (Zoology), King Edward VI Camp Hill School,


(Modern Languages), Dame Allan's School,

Newcastle upon Tyne.

FIRST-YEAR GRADUATES FROM OTHER UNIVERSITIES READING FOR RESEARCH DEGREES, DIPLOMAS, ETC. ANDREWS, G. M. (B.A. Lond.), Diploma Social and Administrative Studies. BIERNOFF, C. N., MRS. (Dip. Lond.), B.Litt. (Archaeology). BLACKBOURN, P. A. (B.Sc.). BRYANT, E. R. (B.A. Lond.), Diploma Social and Administrative Studies. CHARLTON, C. J. (Gen. Newcastle), Diploma (Ethnology). CLIFFORD, P. M. (B.A. Leeds), B.Litt. (French). DINESEN, B. (B.A. Hull), B.Litt. (French). GOKHALE, A. W. (B.Sc. Poona), Diploma Mathematics. HERMON, S. T. (B.A. Edin.), B.Litt. (Archaeology).



(University Pisa), B.Litt. (It., Eng.) (Martinengo Cesaresco Junior

Research Fellow). MORTON, H. J. (B.Sc. Eclin.), B.Sc. (Botany). MUNTUS, R. (B.Sc. Leicester), Diploma Geochemistry. PHIPPS, M. C. (B.A. Hull), B.Litt. (English). PISTOR, J. C. (B.A. Denison) (Marshall Sch.), B.Litt. (Music). ST. JOHNSTON, P. M. (B.A. Lond.), B.Litt. (Social Anthropology). SVESTKOVA, M. (Chas. University, Prague), B.Phil. TEMPLE, R. N. (B.A. Bristol), Diploma Social and Administrative Studies. WHITEHEAD, c. E. (B.A. Durham), B.Litt. (Latin American Studies).


(B.A. Bangor). (B.A. Lond.).

RESEARCH STUDENTS (Term of admission in brackets) Board of the Faculty of Theology Probationer B.Litt. ISAACS, M. E. (M 68). B.Litt. MARSHALL, S. S. C. (M 66). Board of the Faculty of Literae Humaniores Probationer B.Litt. WEBB, MRS. (V. E. S. FISH) (M 68); WILSON, V. A. (M 67). B.Litt. BERGE, MRS. L. (M 67). B.Phil. BOLT, K. S. C. (M 66). Board of the Faculty of Modern History Probationer B.Litt. LOACH, MRS. (S. J. BAINES) (M 67); FIRTH, MRS. (K. R. KELLEY) (M 67); TAYLOR, S. E.

(M 68).

B.Litt. BARSLEY, M. E. (M 66). Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature Probationer B.Litt. GLAVIS, W. J. (M 67); PHIPPS, M. C. (M 68). B.Litt. ATKINSON, MRS. (M 62); FINNIS, MRS. M. C. (M 64); HANDS, MRS. (c. S. PRIESTLEY) (M

66); ROBINSON, P. R. (M 67); WOODFORD, I. V. (M 65).

B.Phil. HARRIS, F. G. (M 67); MILLETT, E. N. (M 67). Board of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages B.Litt. BARBER, MRS. M. L. T. (T 64); CWIAKALA, J. (M 67); HALIKOWSKA, T. M. (H 66); MAXWELL-BRESLER, F. A. (M 66); PRICE, MRS. (E. UTTENTHAL) (M 66); STOLKIN, MRS. (j. M. F. WILLIS). D. Phil. CLOSE, MRS. (E. A. CLARKE) (M 63).

Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies B.Litt. CORT, L. A. (M 67). 19

Board of the Faculty of Physical Sciences D.Phil. JONES, MRS. (E. P. JACOB) (M 66);


(M 63). Board of the Faculty of Biological Sciences B.Sc. BESWICK, F. M. (M 66); CARRINGTON, MRS. J. M. (H 68); EMERTON, MRS. N. E. (M 67); FIELDING, MRS. (P. E. SULLENBERGER) MRS. N. (M 66). D.Phil. GARRARD, G. (M 65).

(T 67);


Board of the Faculty of Social Studies B.Phil. SUTCH, M. H. (H 68); STEWART, V. (M 68). D.Phil. BALSHAW, H. A. (M 66). Board of the Faculty of Anthropology and Geography B.Litt. CARDALE, M. V. (H 67); JONES, D. G. (M 65); MARTINEZ-ALIER, V.

(M 66). JAMES, W. R. (T WRIGHT, K. (M 64).




(M 65);

Board of the Faculty of Music D.Phil. DRUMMOND, MRS. (G. M. P. BURROW) (M 68). Board of the Faculty of Mathematics D.Phil. FARMER, C. M. (M 67); LUNN, MRS. M. (M 65); PRIESTLEY, H. A.

(M 67). Inter-Faculty Liaison Committee for Latin American Studies B.Phil. BOWEN, MRS. S. D. Committee of Graduate Studies Probationer B.Litt. BLOOMFIELD, E. R. (M 67). B.Litt. ZAKI, MRS. N. (M 65).



NE of the highlights of an eventful year was the official opening of the Wolfson Building in May by H.R.H. Princess Alexandra. After having lunch in Hall, the Princess came for coffee in the J.C.R. where she at once took entertainment out of our hands and drew everyone into conversation. Her enthusiastic interest in women's education and great vitality impressed us very much. Earlier in the term the J.C.R. Committee had been invited to Somerville when the Queen opened a new graduate block and the women Presidents were among those to be presented. Although the widespread student unrest has not penetrated St. Hugh's, a significant move towards greater participation has been the setting up of the Joint Committee. Chaired by the Principal and comprising three Fellows and three representatives of the J.C.R., this meets at least once a term to discuss matters of common interest in the running of the College. So far results have 20

included the decision to allow the use of the Common Room of the New Building by any members of the College for drinks, and the abolition of the S.C.R. `procession' into Formal Hall. Another much-appreciated innovation is the late-night system whereby we can come in at any hour through the Lodge, instead of the romantic but uncomfortable route over the wall. St. Hugh's is now by far the most enlightened women's college in this respect! Members of the J.C.R. also appreciate the opportunity to dine on High Table once a fortnight, sharing this with the M.C.R. This has been a particularly gay year as we have had two College balls. The first was held in the Hilary Term, but the more expensive groups were not sufficiently well supported for it to be a financial success. We therefore decided to accept Mansfield's suggestion of a combined Christmas Ball. A luminous green, Tolkien-inspired poster, bearing an 'Invitation to Mordor', contributed to a massive demand for tickets, which sold out a week in advance. The joint organization, including Sandy Mason as President of St. Hugh's Ball Committee, is to be congratulated on an experiment we hope to repeat. An appeal for musicians to revivify the Music Society met with a great response, true to the apocryphal 'what does he play ?' image. The concert given in the Michaelmas Term had a programme which varied from madrigals and Bach's Clavier Concerto in D minor to Rossini's Italian Girl in Algiers. Clare Asher and Jane Glover conducted and the J.C.R. voted a generous supply of funds for future activities. As usual we had Carol Services with Keble at the end of Michaelmas Term, including a carol entitled 'Gloria, blest must thou be' written and set to music by Elizabeth Norman. The J.C.R. was packed for a hectic but thoroughly enjoyed Scouts' Carol Party, which had a much greater response than usual by everyone. Support was given by the J.C.R. to Fran Hazelton, who produced a highly amusing version of A Taste of Honey with a well-chosen University cast. An unusual feature was the jazz trio on stage, playing pieces composed by Michael Hinton. The Art Committee has been concerned with the appearance of the corridors this year. Black-and-white originals emphasize the clear-cut lines of the Wolfson and the 'cathedrals' are being reframed to keep up with the new decorations in the Main Building. It has also been discovered that an astute Committee in the past acquired a John Piper', which has appreciated in value quite considerably. Teas are being provided in the J.C.R. on Friday afternoons, which accounts for the long trail of men up the Banbury Road. The proceeds are sent to War-on-Want. After the distinction of Geraldine Jones's Presidency, St. Hugh's continues to help to organize the Union. Caroline Harvey is Librarian and Sue Bovey has been elected to Standing Committee. Other people are secretaries of clubs, including Gillie Keith for the Exploration Club, Annette Blampied for the North America Club, Tessa Lawrence for the French Club, and Pat Green for the Geological Society. Heather Aird is News Editor for Cherwell. We congratulate Veronica Veall on being awarded a Violet Vaughan Morgan Prize and Wendy Hayward on winning the Countess of Warwick Travelling Scholarship, as well as Julia Annas, Rosemary Bailey, Jenny Balmer, Celia Bastie, Margaret Bennett, Lynda Colyer, and Patricia Kuttner on their Firsts in Schools. BRONWEN HOARE 2I

GAMES REPORT, 1967-8 E have had another good year and been well represented in many branches of University sport, Lesley Jenking being Captain of Hockey W and Anna Conlong, Captain of Netball. In Cuppers Sue Ridsdale led the tennis team to victory and Lesley led the hockey, the first time we have won for many years. We miss her a lot this year, together with Jackie Pool, longstanding goalie in the Lacrosse Team, and Sue Styles, ex-Captain of Cricket. Despite the flakes of falling snow which account for the pained expressions in the photograph, the Lacrosse Team beat Cambridge and Blues were awarded to Jackie Pool, Hilary Russell, Ursula Rice, and Judy Goff. Unfortunately the Hockey lost the Blue match at home, the Team including Lesley Jenking, Gill Tattersall, Angela Mitchell, and Ruth Jackson. Blues in Netball were awarded to Anna Conlong and Jennifer King. Providing half the Squash Team, Lindsey Stanworth (M.C.R.), Pat Green, and Sally Letts gained their Half-Blues. In fencing we go on from strength to strength, with Dione Wright as Captain and Sally Littlejohns, who has been chosen to fight in Guernsey in an International Youth Competition as result of successes in British tournaments. Both helped Oxford to a resounding victory over Cambridge. Sue Elbourne is Secretary for the Table Tennis Club and won a Half-Blue. As usual much tennis was played during the summer, varying in standard from the informal games with men's colleges to the select Lawn Tennis Club, of which Sue Russell-Vick is now Match Secretary. Jane Panton and Lindsey Stanworth were awarded Blues. The Cricket Team played some interesting matches against Oriel and Lincoln, as well as beating Cambridge by sixty runs with a side that included Lesley Jenking, Florence Bartlett, and Judy Goff. JUDY GOFF

OBITUARY On 8 December 1967, MARGARET ANNIE GRANT, O.B.E., Commoner of the College 1896-9. Aged 92. On 27 December 1968, CHRISTINE LEONORA ANNABEL RICHARDSON (née DENING), Commoner of the College 1899-1903. Aged 87. In February 1968, MARGARET ADELE FAIRLEY (née KEELING), Commoner of the College 1904-7. Aged 82. In May 1968, GERTRUDE CHARLOTTE GRIGG (née HouGH), Commoner of the College 1904-7. Aged 83. On 9 May 1968, EMILY MARY DUGGAN, M.B.E., Commoner of the College 1905-8. Aged 81. On 24 May 1967, MAUDE AGNES DAVIS (née MACK), Commoner of the College 1906-8. Aged 82. On 2 September 1968, MARION BALFOUR WALKER (née CRICK), Commoner of the College 1909-13. Aged 83. 22

In September 1968, VIVIENNE CECILIA HORNE, M.A., Commoner of the College 1911-15. Aged 77. On z8 November 1967, MARY VENTON GIBSON, Commoner of the College 1911-14. Aged 75. In 1968, MURIEL DOVER (née WHITFIELD), Commoner Of the College 1911-14. Aged 76. On 3o April 1968, TIIEODORA MARION ELIZABETH EVANS, Commoner of the College 1912-15. Aged 76. On 9 September 1968, in New York, ELEANOR S. NICHOLAS, O.B.E., M.A., Scholar of the College 1913-16. Aged 74. In October 1968, JOAN HOOLE, M.A., Commoner of the College 1925-8. Aged 64. On 14 April 1968, the result of a car accident, TESSA FLORENCE BYRNE. Exhibitioner of the College. Aged 29.

ELEANOR S. NICHOLAS (1913-16), O.B.E., M.A. came up to St. Hugh's as a scholar from Clapham High School. She had already shown her powers of leadership as Head Girl of her school, and it was soon evident that she would be one of the leading students of her year—in fact she became Senior Student and Hockey Captain, and she played left-wing for the University. We who were up in 1914 were the first women to be coached by male tutors and Eleanor went to Professor J. A. R. Marriott, one of the leading historians of the time. She had a brilliant brain: she was clear and concise in both the written and the spoken word, and her crowning achievement at Oxford was a First in History. Those who came in contact with her remember her humility, her honesty and directness, her devoted patriotism, all based on a sincere and firm faith. Her delightful sense of humour and her kindliness made her many friends. We at St. Hugh's 1913-16 must all be the better for knowing her. On leaving the University she worked for the Society for Overseas Settlement of British Women, and later, during the War, was Secretary of the Children's Overseas Reception Board. For her services she was awarded the M.B.E. in 1937, and the O.B.E. before she retired in 1946 to look after her father. During the last eight years she had lived in America with her widowed sister who cared for her during a long and painful illness, borne, as one would expect, with wonderful courage and patience. 4 LEANOR




19 August 1968. 23

MARGARET VALERIE BEDWELL tO DAVID MICHAEL NICHOLAS, on 20 July 1968. ELIZABETH ANNE CLARKE to DAVID CLOSE (Pembroke College, Oxford), in London on 20 July 1963. MARY BLANCHE COBB tO WILLIAM OSWIN ROSS (St. Peter's College), at the East

London Baptist Tabernacle, on 17 August 1968. ROBERTA MARY COOPER tO CHARLES ALFRED WARMAN, on 4 April 1967. MARY AGNES DICKIE tO J. N. BRIDSON, in the summer of 1968. MARGARET FLITCROFT tO DAVID HAROLD SAXON, B.A. (Balliol College),

at St. Cuthbert's Church, Lytham, Lanes., on 13 July 1968. CAROL ANN HAYES to ANDREW K. MORGAN, B.A. (B.N.C.), in Brasenose College Chapel on 22 July 1967. JENNIFER KATHLEEN JONES tO JOHN BRYAN HAINSWORTH (New College), on 29 December 1962. WENDY ANNE KITCHEN to DERREK I. P. STUBBINGS, at All Saints Church, Cossington, Leics., on 26 July 1966. MARGARET SHEILA MCDONALD to JOHN DAVID COYLE, B.SC. (Brasenose College), on 1 August 1968. ESTHER ELIZABETH MARY MUMFORD to DAVID G. PASCOE-WILLIAMS at Painswick, Glos., on 26 July 1968. SUSAN ELIZABETH OWEN tO GORDON D. THOMAS, on 16 September 1967. ANNE SHEILA PENNEY tO JACK W. G. HOGBIN, on 3o March 1968. BRIDGIT CAROLYN PRICE tO DR. S. J. DIMOND, at Hellingly Church, Sussex, on 3o March 1968. HILARY CATHERINE SHARP tO GEOFFREY SHEPPARD, D.PHIL. (Wadham College), at All Saints Church, Weston Green, Surrey, on zo July 1968. CHRISTINE ROSEMARY SMITH tO HOWARD DAVID BELTON (Christ Church), at St. Michael at the North Gate, Oxford, on 16 July 1966. MARY SUSAN TURNHAM tO C. W. J. HIRST, in the summer of 1968. JANET MARY WEST tO HARRY CHRISTIAN, on 14 September 1968. MARY LOUISE WOODROW tO D. N. GILLAM, on 3 August 1968. Undergraduates KATHLEEN ALICE BARTON tO M. WESTOVER, in December 1968. SUSAN CANTELO tO T. WILLS, in the summer of 1968. SUSAN MARY CARTLEDGE tO T. WELD, in December 1968. MARY CHRISTINE DAVIES to I. J. M. HAIRE, in the summer of 1968. DIANA MARY HALLAM tO MR. MILWARD, in the summer of 1968. IRIS ANNE MORRIS to MR. CONLONG, in December 1968. JUDITH SUSAN PORTRAIT tO P. HYAMS, in the summer of 1968.

BIRTHS MRS. AUTHERS (J. E. Tucker)-a daughter (Elizabeth), z6 September 1968. MRS. BAKER (D. K. Daniel)-a daughter (Damaris Judith), 23 July 1968. MRS. BARRETT (B. N. Coates)-a daughter (Jennifer Margaret), zi March 1968. MRS. BELTON (C. R. Smith)-a son (Howard Edmund Jacob), 22 May 1968. MRS. BRACKWELL (M. McConnachie)-a daughter (Laura), II January 1968. MRS. CATCHPOLE (D. A. Scott)-a daughter (Helen Margaret), in June 1966.


MRS. CATLOW (J. E. Grant)-a son (John), I April 1968. MRS. CLOSE (E. A. Clarke)-a daughter (Susan Elizabeth), 12 November 1967. MRS. COOPER (P. M. Morton)-a daughter (Lynda Jane) 18 October 1968. MRS. CORY (J. G. Lewis)-a daughter (Rhiannon Cecil Joanna), 4 February

1968. MRS. DE CUANALO (M. I. Evans)-a son (Gustavo Guillerro), 15 February 1968. MRS. DOWNING (H. E. Dales)-Twins (Geoffrey James and Angela Margaret),

16 December 1967. MRS. FRENCH (S. M. Williams)-a son (Simon Timothy Nicholas), 26 October 1967. MRS. FRIEDMAN (E. C. Richardson)-a son (Matthew Alexander), 24 January

1968. MRS. GOODING (H. S. Macdonald)-a son (Kerrian Graham), 31 August 1968. MRS. JARNECKI (M. G. D. Boyall)-a son (Julian Stefan), to July 1968. MRS. KEENE (G. Lawrance)-a daughter (Harriet Margaret), 13 January 1968. MRS. KNIGHT (S. M. Jones)-a son (Jeremy David Charles), 27 October 1963;

a daughter (Philippa Margaret), 25 July 1968. LADD (E. S. Priddle)-a daughter (Rosalind Susan), 22 February 1968. MRS. LISTER (J. Bromley)-a daughter (Jennifer Victoria), 3o July 1968. MRS. MACMILLAN (C. J. Spurgin)-a son (Malcolm James), in June 1967. MRS. MAXWELL (J. M. Elgood)-a son (Edward Charles John), 11 October MRS.

1967. MRS. MOLE (S. R. Wildbore)-a son (Jonathan Roger), 24 December 1967. MRS. NATHAN (M. S. Galloway)-a son (Paul Jason Roger), 7 September 1968. MRS. PICKSLEY (A. Finding)-sons (Mark Alexander John), 1 July 1961 and

(Adam David John), Jo April 1964.

MRS. REID (A. B. T. Smith)-a son (Thomas Ker), 4 July 1968. MRS. RUDALEVIGE (S. R. Harris)-a son (Andrew Charles), 9 August 1968. MRS. RYAN (S. M. C. Cameron)-sons (Andrew), 21 August 1965 and (Nicho-

las), 6 December 1967. MRS. RIDSDILL SMITH (C. M. S. Ward)-a son (Roger Mark), Is July 1968. MRS. STAMPER (G. E. Hoyland)-a daughter (Katherine), 28 May 1968. MRS. STUBBINGS (W. A. Kitchen)-a son (John Francis), 4 December 1967. MRS. THOMAS (J. P. H. Beattie)-a daughter (Susanna Marion), 12 June 1968. LADY ANNE THORNE (Lady A. P. Pery)-a daughter (Janet Melinda), in March


MRS. THORNLEY (H. Pugmire)-a daughter (Clare Victoria), 26 August 1968. MRS. THORNTON (Jennifer Bacon)-a son (Timothy John), 29 October 1966;

a daughter, (Susanna Clare ) 25 August 1968.

MRS. TOMBLIN (J. M. Milburn)-a son (Marcus John), 6 May 1968. MRS. WARMAN (P. Allum)-a daughter (Polly Elizabeth), 26 February 1968. MRS. WOOF (P. S. Moore)-a son (Thomas William), i8 April 1965; a daughter

(Emily Helena), 16 October 1967. Adoption: MRS. WILSON (S.

M. Backhouse)-a daughter (Emma Maria) born io January,



PUBLICATIONS Phyllis Hartnoll, M.A. (ed.) Shakespeare in Music. Macmillan, 1966, paperback, 21s. The Oxford Companion to the Theatre, Third Edition, O.U.P. 75s. Winter War and Other Poems. Epworth Press, 1968. 15s. A Concise History of the Theatre, with 34 coloured plates and 228 black and white illustrations. Thames and Hudson (The World of Art Library), 35s.; paperback, 2IS. — (ed. with R. Rubens) My Life in Ballet, by Leonid Massine (with a complete catalogue of Massine's ballets compiled by Phyllis Hartnoll). Macmillan, 1968. 63s. Professor M. M. Mahood, M.A. Twelfth Night in a New Penguin Shakespeare (May 1968). G. M. Mossop, M.A. Advanced Level Atomic Physics. University of London Press, 22 April 1968. 3os. (Mrs.) Margaret Potter, M.A. Shooting Star, by Anne Betheridge. Hurst and Blackett, 1968. — The Touch-And-Go Year, by Margaret Potter (for children). Dobson, 1968. (Mrs.) Patricia Parsons, B.Litt., Mrs. Beer's House, Macmillan, Autumn 1968. (price not yet decided.) N. K. Sandars, B.Litt., Pelican History of Art, Prehistoric Art in Europe. 29 June 1968. 6 gns.

ARTICLES (Mrs.) Cecily Anderson, M.A. VElfric and Abbo', English Studies xlix (1968), 30-6. `Early Middle English Prose: Three Essays in Stylistics', Essays in Criticism xviii (1968), 361-82. (Mrs.) K. M. Cartledge, M.A. Book Reviews in English Language Teaching (joint publ. O.U.P. and the British Council), 3 times a year. (Mrs.) E. A. Close, M.A. 'Rumanian Studies: Language' in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, vol. xxviii (1966), published by the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1967. Ineologismele din opera lui B. P. Mumuleanu' (2 articles), in Limba Romdnd, vol. xvii (1968). Ruth J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. 'An Early Treatise on Heraldry in Anglo-Norman' in E. B. Ham Memorial Volume, ed. U. T. Holmes. Hayward (Calif.), 1967. Review of Charles Samaran et Robert Marichal, Catalogue des manuscrits en ecriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste, V:• Est de la France, Paris, ¶965. Published in Speculum xliii (1968), 539-41. Mrs. N. Gorodetzky. 'Literature of Questions', Canadian Slavic Studies no. 1 (Spring 1968), pp. ioo–io. S. A. Jameson, M.A. `Crepereius Gallus and his Gens' (with B. Levick), Journal of Roman Studies liv (1964). `Comutus Tertullus and the Plancii of Perge', ibid. lv (1965). `Two Lycian Families', Anatolian Studies xvi (1966). `The Date of the Asses of M. Agrippa', Numismatic Chronicle, seventh series, vi (1966). 26

S. A. Jameson, M.A. Articles for the 'I,' volume of Prosopographia Imperil Romani, znd. ed. (in press). `22 or 23', Historia xvii (1968). `The Chronology of the Campaigns of Aelius Gallus and C. Petronius', Journal of Roman Studies lviii (1968). `Attaleia', `Aspeudus"Amelas', and `Melanoscopium' in Pauly's RealEncyclopaedie, Supplement Band xii (in press). Professor L. J. Kramer, D.Phil. 'The Australian Heritage', English in Australia v (1967). `The Poetry of Rosemary Dobson', Poetry Magazine ii (1968). Introduction to Australians Abroad, ed. Charles Hiphon and Michael Wilding. Cheshire, 1967. Introduction to Henry Handel Richardson's The Getting of Wisdom. Discovery Press, Sydney, 1968. (Mrs.) S. H. M. Pollard, 1\4.A., B.Sc. 'Neolithic and Dark Age Settlements on High Peak, Sidmouth, Procs. Dev.. Archaeological Soc. xxiii (1966), 7/6. `Seven Prehistoric Sites near Honiton. Pt. I. A Beaker flint ring and three cairns', ibid. xxv (1967), 8 6. Lady Anne Thorne, M.A., D.Phil. 'Oscillator Strengths in the E—ir band system of OH by the hook method', Proc. Roy. Soc. A 301, 343, 1967. (Mrs.) 0. R. Tickell, M.A. Various reviews in the Times Literary Supplement, the Tablet, and the Catholic Herald.

TEACHING POSTS VACANT ANY schools write to the College to ask if any suggestions can be made of graduates who might be interested in a vacant post. As regards recent M graduates, tutors have the requisite information. But there may be others who wish to change their school, or who want to take up teaching again after an interval, or who would like to get a post in a particular neighbourhood. If there are any Senior Members who would like to be notified of vacant posts, it is suggested that they should inform the College, which could then compile a list that could be referred to when notifications of vacancies are received. The College is also from time to time notified of impending appointments of headmistresses. It would again be helpful if there were a list of Senior Members who were interested in obtaining a post as headmistress. K. M. KENYON

NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEMBERS (The date of appointment is 1968 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College)

(1927), had five songs broadcast by the B.B.C. during the year, two new carols of which she wrote the words and music, and musical settings of the 23rd Psalm, the Lord's Prayer, and 'Matthew, Mark, Luke and John'.




(1964), was awarded a Graduate Prize Fellowship at Harvard University, U.S.A. M. L. BATTERSBY, B.A. (1926), retired from Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate, in July, after thirty-two years, and is now living in Putney. MRS. BAX, B.LITT. (M. A. Priestley 1945), was Visiting Associate Professor of History in the Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1968-9. CAROL BILVERSTONE, B.A. (1964), was appointed Scripture Mistress at St. Helen's School, Northwood, from September. MRS. BRADNUM, M.A. (E. M. Cresswell, 196o), is teaching Religious Education, part-time, at Kelvin Hall School, Hull. F. E. BRAMLEY, M.A. (1937), after nine years on the Ordinary Level Latin Examiners' Panel, has since 1966 been responsible for the Ordinary Level G.C.E. paper on Greek and Roman Literature in Translation for the Joint Matriculation Board. A. V. BREWIN, M.A. (195o), was appointed Administrative Secretary at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex. EILEEN BROMLEY, B.A. (1964), was appointed Graduate Teacher in English at Aburi Girls' Secondary School, Ghana, from September. MRS. CARDY, M.A. (J. P. Robinson 1943), returned to her previous appointment as part-time lecturer in English and Liberal Studies at Croydon College of Art in September 1967. M. A. CARTER, M.A. (1957), was appointed Lecturer in Mathematics at Homerton Gollege, Cambridge, from September. MRS. CASSON, B.A. (H. M. Cartledge, 1962), was appointed Assistant Mistress in Classics at Erdington Girls' drammar School, Birmingham, from September 1967. MRS. CHRISTIAN, B.A. (J. M. West 1961), was Child Care Officer, London Borough of Greenwich from 1966-8 and has been in the Special Departmental Class of the Department of Employment and Productivity from October. v. v. R. COHEN, B.A. (1964), is continuing her studies for a Ph.D. specializing in the branch of Engineering Psychology known as Human Performance. She has taken her M.A. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Michigan. She was appointed Associate Research Engineer 'A' in the Psychoacoustics Research Group of the Boeing Company in Seattle, Washington, and whilst on leave of absence from this appointment has been Research Assistant to Dr. Richard W. Pew at the Human Performance Centre, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. PRIMROSE M. COOPER, M.A. (1948), was appointed Principal of the Bishop Westcott Girls' School, Namkum, Ranchi, Bihar from January, on a three and a half year contract. MRS. COYLE, M.A. (M. S. McDonald, 1963), was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Headington School, Oxford. MRS. CRAWSHAW, M.A. (D. W. M. Keast, 1933),was appointed a Care Committee Worker for I.L.E.A. (Voluntary) from January. MRS. CULLEY, M.A. (Elizabeth Clough, 1928), who had been on the staff of Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School for twenty-three years and head of the History Department for the last ten, retired in July. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), who was Mary Lyon, Mount Holyoke College 1966-7, was appointed Professor Emerita 1967 and Professor of French Emerita 1967. At the University of Pennsylvania she took up a dual J. E. ANNAS, B.A.


appointment as Medieval Bibliographer, University Library and Lecturer in Palaeography and Anglo-Norman Literature, in the Departments of Romance Languages and English, from January 1969. MRS. DINELEY, M.A. (N. M. Moore, 1943), after seven years in Canada, has returned to England on her husband's appointment to the Chair of Geology at the University of Bristol. MRS. EMERTON, M.A. (N. E. Bennington, 1950), is doing research on the history of crystallography, and hopes to continue this in Cambridge. MRS. FESSLER, M.A. (A. M. Arnold, 1944), is engaged on research work in child development at Nottingham University. MRS. FETTER, M.A., D.PHIL. (Jean Holmes, 1956), will be in Europe for the academic year 1969-70, while her husband is a Visiting Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich. MRS. UNA C. FITZHARDINGE, M.A. (1937), who was Headmistress of St. Catherine's C. of E. School for Girls, Waverley, Sydney from 1950-4 and resigned before her marriage, returned to teaching Ancient History at Sydney C. of E. Girls' Grammar School, Darlinghurst in 1968. S. DE C. FORSTER, M.A. (1931), retired from the post of Warden of Birmingham Settlement in March. V. M. FRASER, M.A. (1952), was appointed Headmistress of Godolphin School, Salisbury from January. MRS. FRIEDMAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (E. C. Richardson, 1954), was promoted to Associate Professor at Quinnipine College from February, but resigned this appointment in June when her husband accepted the position of Assistant Professor of Radiology in the brand-new medical school at La Jolla, California. SISTER Y. A. GABELL, B.A. (1956), entered the Community of the Glorious Ascension in April, having a term's leave of absence to do her postulancy at Stroud, and was made a Novice in August. She and Sister Cecile have a flat in Fulham from which they go out to work, she to Lady Margaret School, Fulham and Sister Cecile to All Saints Junior School, Wimbledon. s. J. GALLEY, B.A. (1962), went to New Hall, Cambridge to read for the Diploma in Mathematical Statistics, in October. MRS. GAMMAGE, B.A. (P. J. Hedley, 1961), joined the staff of Derwent Publications in November 1967. M. C. GODLEY, M.A. (1919), has now started a course in London on the Decorative Arts, Past and Present, in addition to general Look and Learn courses for girls in London and at Idbury. MRS. N. GORODETZKY, M.A., D.PHIL., retired from the Chair of Russian in the University of Liverpool. P. K. GREENSLADE, B.A. (1965), was awarded a Research Fellowship at the University of Toronto. MRS. GREIG, M.A. (H. L. S. Price, 1954), was assistant German teacher at Pembroke Grammar School, 1966-7. MRS. GRIFFITHS, M.A. (Valerie Kipping, 1952), is moving with her family from Japan to live in Singapore. MRS. GUNASINGHE, B.A. (J. C. Kennedy, 1960), has been Classics Mistress at Queenswood School, Hatfield since 1966. MRS. HARDIE, M.A. (P. M. C. Wide, 1946), was temporary Lecturer in Education at St. Paul's College, Cheltenham, from January to July. P. M. HARTNOLL, M.A. (1926), left London in 1967 for Lyme Regis, where she 29

now lives in a house formerly owned by Mrs. Leys (R. J. Mitchell). She has been elected President of the Lyme Regis Amateur Dramatic Society and lectures to local societies and Women's Institutes. She still works for Macmillans and is also preparing the Fourth Edition of the Oxford Companion to the Theatre and a concise paperback edition. M. F. C. HARVEY, M.A. (1947), was appointed Headmistress of Badminton School, Bristol, from September 1969. LADY SELINA HASTINGS, B.A. (1964), is now working on the book page of the Daily Telegraph. J. M. HEPBURN, M.A. (1940), was appointed Assistant Treasurer, St. Hilda's College, Oxford, in August. MONICA HOLWELL, B.A. (196o), taught Latin at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Streatham in 1965 and since 1966 has been Study Assistant, Ministry of Defence, London. P. F. HULL, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1953), was appointed Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Sheffield from January 1969. K. A. M. JACKMAN, M.A. (1941), is spending an increased proportion of her time in the organization of Schools' Exchanges—Bristol–Bordeaux and Bristol–Hanover—while continuing as Head of the Modern Language Department at Fairfield Grammar School, Bristol. In March she was awarded 'Chevalier des Palmes Academiques'—the presentation made by Professor Jean Dulck of the University of Bordeaux. S. A. JAMESON, M.A. (1956), was pre-elected into the Eugenie Strong Research Fellowship, Girton College, Cambridge (for three years from October). L. M. JENKING, B.A. (1964), was appointed Assistant Mistress (Physics) at Saltash County School from September. MRS. JOHNSON, M.A. (A. J. M. Annett, 1936), is Deputy Organizer, Citizens Advice Bureau, Hemel Hempstead, and is on the Lecture panel of the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies. E. V. KIRKPATRICK, B.A. (1963), was appointed as an assistant community worker in the Moseley and Balsall Heath areas of Birmingham, to work chiefly with immigrants, on behalf of the Birmingham Council of Christian Churches, from September. MRS. KRAMER, D.PHIL. (L. J. Gibson, 1949), was appointed Professor of Australian Literature in the University of Sydney from June. She is President of the Australian Association for the Teaching of English, and Vice-President of the Australian Society of Authors. F. P. KurrNER, B.A. (1965), was awarded a graduate Fellowship at the University of Chicago. MRS. LEES, M.A. (E. E. MacCallum, 1951), has returned to teaching (parttime) after seven years at home—working in a comprehensive school in Loughborough. M. R. LUSCUMBE (1966), has been Research Assistant to Dr. R. L. S. Bruce Mitford, Keeper of British and Medieval Antiquities, the British Museum, working on the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial, since September 1967. MRS. LYONS, M.A. (S. M. John, 195o), was appointed part-time Assistant French Mistress at St. Joseph's College, Bradford, from September. PROFESSOR M. M. MAHOOD (Fellow 1948), visited India in January to establish contact with Indian writers, in preparation for beginning Studies in Commonwealth Literature at the University of Kent. She visited Malaysia 30

in the same month as external examiner to the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. F. A. MAXWELL-BRESLER, B.A. (1963), was appointed to a Graduate Prize Fellowship in German at Harvard University from September. P. S. MISCHLER, M.A. (196o), has been a Lecturer at Kawenu Teacher Training College, Vila, New Hebrides, Western Pacific, since May. The New Hebrides group is an Anglo-French condominium. The training college trains young men and women for teaching posts in English medium primary schools. As the governments' role in education is very new, there is plenty of scope for ideas and initiative. As well as training the students, who themselves have only had primary school education, the college staff are writing handbooks to cover six years of primary school education. J. P. MORGAN, B.A. (1965), was awarded a Kennedy Scholarship to the U.S.A. for the academic year 1968-9. STEPHANIE MORRIS, B.A., (1962), has been assistant mistress in Biology at Matthew Murray Comprehensive School, Leeds, since September 1967. MRS. PELHAM, M.A. (P. M. Brentnall, 1933), has her elder daughter now at St. Hugh's reading Modern Languages. MRS. PLAISTOWE, M.A. (J. C. Winnington-Ingram, 1927), writes that during the year her husband was transferred from the parish of Summer Heathcote to that of St. Mary's Merivale, Christchurch, and was made Archdeacon of Christchurch, N.Z. P. A. POWLEY, M.A. (1960), is a family caseworker, in the Lancashire Children's Department. MRS. POYNTON, M.A. (Mary Flew, 1946), was teaching backward readers in a small junior school from September 1967—April 1968. Since May, she has been teaching French in Amesbury Secondary Modern School. MRS. PROCTER, M.A. (P. M. C. Green, 1946), in 1967, as soon as her younger child reached the responsible age of ten, enrolled as a very mature student at the local College of Education, Keswick Hall, Norwich. 'I found I was very attracted by younger juniors (8-9 years) with whom there is never a dull moment, and surprised myself by getting a credit at the end of the course, and was fortunate to be appointed locally at Costessey Junior School (modern building) beginning in September 1968. MRS. E. D. REISS, B.A. (1964), is a teacher at the Bleck High School, Ramat-Chen, Israel. MRS. RIVETT, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (J. D. Peacock, 1951), was regraded as Assistant Pathologist (Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology) from August at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, where she has been a full-time Registrar since October 1964. MRS. RYAN, M.A. (S. M. C. Cameron, 1953), was elected a Member of the Bar Council 1967-8 and 1968-9. S. V. RYMER, M.A. (1947), was appointed to teach Divinity at Bentley Grammar School, Colne from January 1964, and Senior Mistress from September 1964. MRS. SAXON, B.A. (Margaret Flitcroft, 1964), was appointed History Mistress at St. Mary's School, Wantage from September. MRS. SHEPPARD, B.A., B.SC. (H. C. Sharp, 1962), was appointed Scientific Officer at U.K.A.E.A. Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, Bucks., from August. 31

M. Short, I944), is now working as a part-time archivist for the South Yorkshire Committee of the National Register of Archives. M. L. SIMS, M.A. (1943), became B.B.C. Head of Children's Programme Television, in October 1967. MRS. SLATTER, M.A. (P. E. Foster, 1955), writes that her husband became the er on Tarawa in the Gilbert and Ellice Broadcasting Information Offic Islands 'and we shall all (ourselves and the two girls) be spending two years out there. I shall probably do some teaching'. A. B. SPEARS, B.A. (1964), was appointed Scientific Officer at A.W.R.E. Aldermaston. S. F. STALLMAN, M.A. (1917), was re-elected to the Council of the Folk-lore Society in March and made Hon. Secretary of the University Women's Club, Audley Square, from July. s. M. T. STEPHENS, B.A. (1964), was appointed Assistant Mathematics Mistress, Royal School, Bath, from September. MRS. SWINDELLS, M.A. (L. W. Iggulden, 1953), now works for Hertfordshire County Council as Home Tutor to children with a temporary physical or mental handicap. MRS. THOMAS, B.A. (S. E. Owen, 1964), has been Assistant Biology Mistress at Shrewsbury Girls' High School, G.P.D.S.T. since September 1967. LADY THOMPSON, M.A. (G. P. Stradling, 1932), who has been a University representative on Oxford City Council since 1955, resigned in 1968. She became a Justice of the Peace for Oxford City in 1967. H. C. THOMSON, M.A. (1922), retired from the Headship of Lord Digby's School, Sherborne in July 1967. She will be living in Sherborne. LADY ANNE THORNE, M.A., D.PHIL. (Lady A. P. Pery, 5947), was appointed Senior Lecturer in the Physics Department, Imperial College, London, from October. MRS. TICKELL, M.A. (0. R. Haynes, 5924), is at present writing a biography of Prospero Lambertine (Pope Benedict XIV). MRS. TOMBLIN, M.A. (J. M. Milburn, 5958), is part-time Librarian at the Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. She has studied for and passed the written examination to become an Associate of the (British) Library Association (A.L.A.). But one year's work under supervision is yet required窶馬ot too easy to arrange in Trinidad. MRS. TURNER, M.A. (E. H. Duthoit, 1929), has from May 1967 to May 1968 been Chairman of the Dickens Fellowship and much engaged in the preliminary arrangements for the 197o Commemoration Year. MRS. WARMAN, B.A. (R. M. Cooper, 1962), is reading for a Ph.D. at the London School of Economics, Major State Studentship 1966-8. MRS. WILLIAMS, M.A. (Jean Hackney, 5944), was appointed Deputy Headmistress, the Grammar School for Girls, Cheadle, Cheshire, from April. MRS. WOOLMER, M.A. (Heather Batty, 1962), started work with the Greater London Council as a town planner in September 1967, having taken a M.Phil. in Town Planning at University College, London in June 1967. MRS. SHORT, M.A. (C.


SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE WORK THE B.F.U.W. and the I.F.U.W. offer each year for competition amongst members certain Scholarships and Fellowships that enable the holders to undertake research work abroad, mostly for an academic year, or occasionally for a shorter period to complete a piece of work; there is also available each year a Scholarship at Crosby Hall, the B.F.U.W.'s Club House in London. Particulars may be obtained from: The Secretary, British Federation of University Women, Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. 3.



HE College has no known address for the following Members and former undergraduates, and the Secretary of the Association would be grateful for any news. Mrs. Adam (G. M. Irvine) (1926) S. 0. Allison (1925) Mrs. Alpert (M. J. Taylor) (1960) Mrs. Anderson (J. M. Mills) (1952) J. M. P. Anderson (1953) Mrs. Annesley (C. 0. J. Awdry-Nicks) (1922) B. U. M. Armitage (1917) Mrs. Atack (M. F. Houlihan) (1924) A. B. Auden (1959) L. E. Auld (1911) D. R. Bagley (1920) G. M. Barker (1922) N. Barrows (1926) F. E. Bartlett (1964) Mrs. Bawden (L.-A. Davies) (1950) M. P. M. Beasley (1913) E. M. Beer (1935) I. D. Bennett (1900) Mrs. Berrie (W. Knox) (1926) A. H. Bishop (1932) Mrs. Boavista (M. E. H. Campbell) (1939) Mrs. Boone (V. A. G. Smith) (1914) Mrs. Borthwick (R. J. Haswell) (1958) Mrs. Bostock (A. Sissermann) (1940) J. Y. Boydell (1942) J. Bradford (1946) Mrs. Bradley (0. Bonsey) 919) A. Bray (1960) Mrs. Brock (S. M. Abercromby) (1956) Mrs. Brown (P. Hatton) (1926) Mrs. Burgess (M. T. Whitcombe) (1945) H. M. Burridge (1915) 33

P. L. Butt (1950) Mrs. Campbell (D. E. Owen) L. M. Campbell (1958) Mrs. Caplan (T. Finkelstein) (1935) Mrs. Carey (M. Prosser) (1933) Mrs. Carmichael (M. James) (1926) Mrs. Chambers (D. Matthews) (1931) J. E. Clarke (1925) A. Clifford (1934) Mrs. Clutton Brock (H. M. Thrupp) (1925) E. M. Coe (1928) Mrs. Cole (G. V. W. Yeats Brown) (1939) D. T. M. Colman (1949) Mrs. Conder (M. D. Tull) (1935) L. Coombes (1898) Mrs. Cooper (K. Dixon) (1937) Mrs. Cooper (F. E. Muha) (1954) Mrs. Cornell (R. M. Wilkinson) (1959) Mrs. Corrie (M. C. Bown) (1919) Mrs. Cryer (C. M. Clarkson) (1927) Mrs. Culloty (M. Clark) (1934) M. J. Cunningham (1954) Mrs. Curtis (M. French) (1955) Mrs. Cutter (E. H. Thorpe) (1931) Mrs. Daitz (1949) Mrs. Davies (M. P. Holt) (1929) Mrs. Dawes (D. Townend) (1936) F. Dawson (1926) Mrs. Dawson (J. Biles) (1951) Mrs. Day (L. Stockley) (1947) Mrs. De Leblanc (D. E. Watson) (1942) Mrs. Denny (V. A. Wylie) (1950) E. N. Denton (1918) Mrs. Dernis (H. R. Clarke) (1928) Mrs. Donoughue (C. Goodman) (1954) Mrs. Dougherty (R. Sykes) (1931) F. M. M. Downer 0950 Mrs. Drake (C. Whyte) (1961) K. P. Drake (1947) Mrs. Dunmore (Betty Smith) (1946) G. A. B. Edmonds (1923) Mrs. Ellman (B. Samuell) (1931) C. J. Elson (1961) Mrs. Eriksson (P. C. Bourne) (1927) Mrs. Everard (M. N. J. Massey) (1951) Mrs. Faldo (J. Grosvenor) (1922) R. Farnell (1904) Mrs. Felkin (J. Chapman) (1915) J. d'A. Findlay (1915) Mrs. FitzPatrick (J. M. Richardson) (1940) Mrs. Foot (E. M. I. King) (1953) 34

W. J. Forrest (1914) I. D. Free (1922) Mrs. Freeman (F. A. Grainger) (1922) A. Freeman (1901) C. A. French (1958) E. H. Fyleman (1931) Mrs. Gabe11 (P. Guimaraens) (1924) W. E. Gare (1918) Mrs. Gent (A. H. Low) (1953) Mrs. Gibbon (W. M. Dingwall) (1923) M. C. Gichard (1959) Mrs. Glasser (K. I. Coombs) (1938) Mrs. Godfrey (J. B. Frazer) (1947) Mrs. Goodwin (E. J. Hackshaw) (1924) Mrs. Goodwin (J. A. G. Jones) (1962) E. Graham (1909) M. C. Graham (1945) H. Green (1937) Mrs. Green (B. Mott) (1925) R. Hamilton-Gordon (1903) Mrs. Handforth (J. Tresise) (1937) S. Harbottle (1936) P. Hardcastle (1931) J. 0. Harries (1938) I. R. G. Hart (1909) Mrs. Harward (J. Pape) (1928) Mrs. Hatton (W. M. Burt) (1923) K. A. Haslam (1937) M. H. G. Hastings (1942) W. J. L. Hazlehurst (1931) A. E. Henderson (1962) E. A. Herbert (1959) K. A. Hills (1920) Mrs. Hinde (J. M. Briscoe) (1940) Mrs. Homer (M. Croft) (1942) W. S. H. Homer (1900) Mrs. Houghton (C. Joel) (1895) Mrs. Hubbard (P. M. Sargent) (1950) H. K. Hudson (1918) Mrs. Hunter (P. M. M. Tate) (1947) E. W. Hutton (1921) J. Jackson (1932) E. Jewitt (1931) Mrs. Jocelyn (W. E. Shepherd) (1926) G. A. Joel (1927) K. Johnson (1924) U. Johnson (1938) Mrs. Johnston (Z. Grey Turner) (1932) G. H. Johnstone (1919) G. E. W. Jones (1944) M. M. B. Jones (1941) 35

Mrs. Kenney (E. F. Morse) (1923) Mrs. King (R. d'Entreves) (1951) Mrs. Kirby (J. F. Dickins) (195o) Mrs. Kirkham (B. R. Lacey) (1944) P. Knights (1942) Mrs. Latham (P. Kirkby) (1927) M. G. Laurie (1922) M. Lee (1932) Mrs. Leonard (V. P. Swann) (1940) N. G. Lepsky (1958) D. J. Leslie (1961) Mrs. Lewin (S. L. Sturge) (1933) M. Lewis (1945) P. L. Libermann (1945) C. M. Lilleyman (194o) S. E. Lindsay (1952) Mrs. V. Lossky (1952) Mrs. Love (B. Haines) (1953) D. N. Lovegrove (1935) Mrs. Lovell (B. M. Wardell) (1924) Mrs. Low-Beer (Ann Smith) (1961) Mrs. Lubega (1955) Mrs. Lucas (M. M. Darwall) (1934) M. E. Macdermot (1910) F. H. McCall (1902) P. H. McGregor (1934) Mrs. McVergh (E. M. C. Liddiard) (1941) E. D. Maddock (1923) Mrs. Maitlis (M. Basco) (1952) B. M. Makepeace (1926) H. J. Marshall (1923) M. A. N. Marshall (19n) Mrs. Martin (F. H. Moore) (1924) E. Mason (1935) Mrs. Mease (M. N. Webb) (1901) Mrs. Meyer (J. Dixon) (1937) Mrs. Meyer (M. M. Kirk) (1947) E. R. Micklam (1945) A. T. D. Miller (1951) H. N. Mitsotakis (1944) Mrs. Mold (P. J. Cox) (1915) J. Molland (1958) D. E. Moore (1907) I. Morris (1925) M. M. Mortlock (1927) J. M. Mott (1949) Mrs. Munn (K. M. Reavenall) (1939) Mrs. Naipaul (P. A. Hale) (1951) S. Nicholas (195o) M. Noble (1932) Mrs. Noel-Parker (K. M. Allsop) (1922) 36

Mrs. Norman (K. A. Kelly) (1958) A. V. Nuttall (1961) Mrs. Oake (M. H. E. Benson) (1922) Mrs. Orr (A. C. Dick) (1915) E. F. Page (1942) D. Paige (1937) J. M. Parkinson (1933) Mrs. Pate (M. K. F. Dale) (1950) M. Patton (1932) W. M. W. Paul (1915) Mrs. Pearce (C. E. Ingram) (1912) Mrs. Pearce (G. I. Barker) (1925) Mrs. Pearse (D. E. D. Raby) (1935) E. H. Pearson (1901) Mrs. Pecro (S. L. Davidson) (1960) Mrs. Persitz (H. G. Skidelsky) (1930) M. T. Peterson (1962) Mrs. Phillips (E. E. Varley) (1915) Mrs. Pickering (J. R. Burgess-Parker) (1954) Mrs. Picksley (A. Finding) (1952) C. M. V. Pike (1959) Mrs. Pitty (P. A. Robinson) (1959) Mrs. Pocock (S. M. Foster) (1939) Mrs. Potter (A. M. Early) (1938) Mrs. Potter (M. Ogilvy) (1930) Mrs. Powell (A. H. Johnson) (1939) F. T. Prichard (1916) Mrs. Rawlins (D. M. F. Colbeck) (1940) Mrs. Raymond (K. M. E. Williams) (1920) M. H. B. Reynard (1932) E. W. Reynolds (1934) N. Rice-Jones (1932) Mrs. Rimanek (E. M. Jay Brown) (1925) D. B. Riviere (1927) Mrs. Roberts (C. McF. Clark) (1933) Mrs. Roberts (G. Edwards) (1907) Mrs. Roberts (G. N. Smith) 11905) N. M. Roberts (1929) A. K. Robertson (1925) C. A. Robertson (1916) Mrs. Rogers (C. H. Grewe) (1959) E. S. C. Rogers (1922) Mrs. Roots (J. C. Blomfield) (1943) M. E. Rose (1935) Mrs. Ryder (I. Stein) (1947) P. Sambrook (1961) B. J. Sanderson (1939) Mrs. Sandford Jenkins (P. Singleton) (1927) F. R. Saunders-Jacobs (1929) Madame Schricke (D. Doeheard) (1918) Mrs. Scott (M. Millington) (1944) 37

Mrs. Scott (M. L. M. Lowe) (1927) D. Selby (1909) 0. E. Shaw (1931) L. Shew (1959) Mrs. Shewell (I. M. Miles) (1939) Mrs. Shinnie (M. B. E. Cloake) (1938) M. A. Shuttleworth (1900) A. M. Sigsworth (1958) Mrs. Simpkiss (H. W. P. Richardson) (1945) M. H. Sims (1954) M. S. Sinclair (192o) Mrs. Singer-Blau (H. Singer) (1943) Sister Veronica of the Cross (B. A. Wilson) (1922) Mrs. Slater (G. W. Baldwin) (196o) Mrs. Smalley (N. Harrison) (1918) G. L. N. Smith (1953) H. M. Smith (1907) Mrs. Smith (J. Stothert) (195o) Mrs. Smith (M. L. Davies) (195r) Mrs. Smith (P. M. S. Fleming) (192o) Mrs. Sparke (C. J. Kuttner) (1963) Mrs. Speer (M. le Mesurier) (1924) Mrs. Sponner-Yahraes (1955) C. S. Stainer (1958) Mrs. Stalker (J. P. Smalley) (1947) Mrs. Staveley (A. Jones) (1949) E. J. D. Staveley (1917) Mrs. Stewart (M. Hodgkins) (1943) Mrs. Stobart (J. A. Castle) (1962) S. Sutton Smith (1935) J. A. Sylph (1957) Mrs. Tester (I. Yarwood) (1928) D. Thompson (1937) M. E. E. Thompson (1892) Mrs. Thornton (R. G. Cole) (1956) U. Todd-Naylor (1925) L. M. Trevor (1938) L. F. Tweddle (1963) B. M. Tyndall (1958) Mrs. Valaes (1953) Mrs. Walker (M. Chapman) (1940) Mrs. Wallace (W. M. Cowie) (1905) Mrs. Walters (M. D. Ford) (195o) Mrs. Warren Hastings (S. Hignett) (1924) R. W. Weaver (1935) Mrs. Webb (A. Nugent) (1947) S. M. R. Webb (1912) M. Wheeler (1942) Mrs. Whitehead (H. Cartwright) (x941) M. Whittaker (i93i) D. Wilby (1918)


B. C. Wilkie (1964) M. E. Wilkinson (1944) Mrs. Williams (M. A. R. Parsons) (1933) Mrs. Wilson (J. E. McKinstry) (1942) Mrs. Wiseman (E. Pickles) (1927) Mrs. Wolfe (J. S. Welch) (1957) J. M. H. Wood (1957) Mrs. Woodham-Smith (T. D. Goldrei) (1951) Mrs. Woollcombe (F. G. I. Finch) (1947) M. Wright (1948) Mrs. Yalden-Thomson (E. Elbogen) (1938) Mrs. Yarrow (K. Jackson) (1927) A. Young (1957)


FORM OF BEQUEST I give and bequeath (specify the property) to the Principal and Fellows of St. Hugh's College, Oxford, to be dealt with or disposed of for the purposes of the College as the said Principal and Fellows may think fit. The receipt of the Treasurer or proper Officer of the said College shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.


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