CHRONICLE 1969-1970 Number 42
President, 1968-70 MISS M. J. SARGEAUNT, B.LITT., M.A. Hon. Secretary, 1968-7o MRS. J. COCKSHOOT (J. JOHNSON), M.A. Gateways, Harcourt Hill, North Hinksey, Oxford Editor of the Chronicle, 1968—Feb. 7o
MISS E. LEMON, M.A. Acting Editor of the Chronicle, Feb.—July 1970
MRS. S. BRADBURY, M.A., D.PHIL. 6i Hill Top Road, Oxford
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The attention of members is drawn to: I. The coloured folder attached to this number. 2. The list of Members of the College for whom the College has no address at present. 3. The arrangement that all members of the College should notify the Hon. Secretary of the Association of any change of address.
Professorial Fellow, Montague Burton
Professor of International Relations
ab ep. Inst. Arch. Germ., Official Fellow, Tutor in Classics, University Lecturer in Homeric Archaeology MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Research Fellow, University Demonstrator in Astronomy IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., D.SC. (M.SC. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in Mathematics, University Lecturer BETTY KEMP, M.A., Nuffield College Fellow, Tutor in History, University Lecturer, Vice-Principal
Research Fellow
Official Fellow, Lecturer in English Language, University Lecturer in Medieval English AGNES PRISCILLA WELLS, M.A., Official Fellow, Treasurer ial Fellow, Tutor in Medieval SUSAN MERIEL WOOD (MRS.), B.LITT., M.A., Offic History, University Lecturer MARJORIE MARY SWEETING, M.A. (M.A., PH.D. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Geography, University Lecturer MABEL RACHEL TRICKETT, M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor in English Literature, University Lecturer MARGARET JACOBS, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow, Tutor and Cassel Lecturer in German, University Lecturer VERA JOYCE DANIEL, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.), Official Fellow, Tutor in French, University Lecturer JOYCELYNE GLEDHILL RUSSELL (MRS.), M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Librarian, Tutor in Modern History, University Lecturer MARY RANDLE LUNT, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow, Tutor in Natural Science (Biochemistry), University Lecturer in Biochemistry, Dean THEODORA CONSTANCE COOPER, M.A. (M.A. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in Economics, University Lecturer, Estates Bursar EVA MYRTLE MAJOR, M.A., Official Fellow, Bursar RACHEL FRANCES WALL, M.A. (M.A. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Lecturer in Politics, University Lecturer AVRIL GILCHRIST BRUTEN, M.A. (B.A. BIRM., PH.D. CAMBRIDGE), Official Fellow, Tutor in English Language and Medieval Literature, University Lecturer GILLIAN ANNE GEHRING (MRS.), D.PHIL. (B.SC. MANC.), Official Fellow and Tutor in Physics. MARY LUNN (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics JENNIFER CLARE GREEN(MRS.), B.A., D.PHIL.,OffiCial Fellow an dTutor in Chemistry GILLIAN ROMNEY, M.A., B.PHIL., Probationary Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy AUDREY JOAN COLSON (MRS.), B.LITT., M.A., D.PHIL. (Additional Fellow) PAMELA OLIVE ELIZABETH GRADON, M.A. (PH.D. LOND.),
Leverhulme Research Fellow WENDY ROSALIND JAMES, B.LITT., M.A.
Elizabeth Wordsworth Junior Research Fellow GILLIAN MARY PHILIPPA DRUMMOND (MRS.), B.A., B.MUS. CELIA SUSAN HANDS (MRS.) (B.A. MANC.)
Martinengo Cesaresco Junior Research Fellow GEMMA MIANI (UNIVERSITY OF PISA)
Lecturers ELIZABETH HELEN MERVYN THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Lecturer in Jurisprudence HILARY FRANCES BROWN (MRS.), D.PHIL., Lecturer in Physiology BARBARA MARY LEVICK, M.A., D.PHIL., Lecturer in Ancient History CLARE LAMPEL, B.A. TORONTO, M.A. CHICAGO, PH.D. COLUMBIA, Lecturer
Philosophy ROSEMARY HILDEGARD SYFRET, M.A. (M.A. CANTAB.), English Literature ROBERT ROY STUART, B.C.L., Jurisprudence WILLIAM DAVID BILLINGTON, M.A. (B.SC., PH.D. WALES), Lecturer in Zoology JOHN CRAVEN WILKINSON, M.A., Lecturer in Geography of the Middle East LAETITIA PARVIN ERNA EDWARDS (MRS.), M.A. (M.A. CAMB., PH.D. LOND.),
Lecturer in Classics College Secretary MISS G. A. EASTERBROOK
Deputy Bursar
College Matron
Principal's Secretary
Treasurer's Clerk MISS P. SMITH
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SENIOR MEMBERS HE forty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the Association of Senior Members was held in the Mordan Hall on Saturday, 5 July 1969, at 3 p.m., the President, Miss Sargeaunt, in the Chair. Thirty-five members were present. The President called on the meeting to stand in memory of those who had died during the year. The Minutes of the last Meeting, having been reported in the Chronicle, were taken as read, and signed. The President's Report. Miss Sargeaunt thanked the members present for attending the meeting when there was no Gaudy. Miss Sargeaunt drew special attention to Dame Mary Cartwright's inclusion in the Birthday Honours List, and the Meeting expressed a wish to send her congratulations. The President pointed out that there were no elections due this year. Those would take place next year, when Miss Lemon would be retiring from the Editorship of the Chronicle after twenty-five years. In recalling last year's Gaudy arrangements, Miss Sargeaunt said that the Committee were delighted that nearly everyone came to the party and that they were proposing to have this again, as it seemed to have met with approval. Also the Committee appreciated the opportunity of meeting more of the members. Another innovation for next year concerned the Principal's speeches. Dr. Kenyon had said that she would be glad to be relieved of one of them, and so she would make one speech at the Gaudy Dinner. At the Annual General Meeting a report on College news would be given by the Governing Body's representative, Dr. Adam. Miss Sargeaunt said that the affairs of the Association were going smoothly. She ended by reminding members that the 197o Register of Addresses would be sent only on prior payment of five shillings and that Miss Lemon would accept five shillings at this meeting to save people having to send it. This year, when there was no Gaudy, there would be the London Cocktail Party. The Principal's Report. The Principal explained that she was not trying to avoid speech-making, but that it was difficult to divide the news and to think of something different to say for the Dinner speech. She thanked the Committee for the new suggestion. The Principal said her report was not as exciting as last year's with its climax in Princess Alexandra's visit. The College now had eighty-eight new rooms in two buildings and a certain degree of consolidation was needed. It was necessary to catch up financially. Of the ÂŁ90,000 which the College had received in response to the appeals, more than half had been contributed by Senior Members. Shortly this would be increased by a further 3o guineas' fee for scenes of the Principal's Lodging, shot for a film of Charley's Aunt. The past year had, then, been a period of consolidation, and the College had to assess the effects of the expansion. Everyone who wanted to had been able to live in College. The Principal pointed out, however, that the College
could not stand still. More women's places were required in Oxford as was given prominence in the Report of the Franks Commission. St. Hugh's had decided to increase by another 3o undergraduates, io per year over the next three years. This would include 30 living out of College, but this would present no particular hardship since some wanted to do so. Some had permission to get married and this tendency would increase, though the proportion of married undergraduates was not likely to be large. The Principal said that the College had an overdraft of k4o,000 and therefore could not undertake further expansion. With the 3o extra there would be 30o places, plus or minus, with in addition some mature students. On the present showing this seemed to be the sort of College we wanted. The other women's colleges had similar plans, but the combined total of women's places would still be below the Franks recommendation. During the next few years the Principal foresaw mixed colleges as at Cambridge. She felt that the big men's colleges would undertake this. Men's numbers were limited by the University because of pressure on library and other accommodations. There was a surplus of women applicants in Modern Languages, English, and History, but the reverse in Classics and Science. If colleges were mixed at undergraduate levels, they would clearly be mixed at graduate levels, and in this case Senior and Middle Common Room members might be lured away, but if the advantage was to women's education, this must be accepted, and stipends should be brought up if possible. Turning again to St. Hugh's, the Principal said that two new tutors had been appointed, Mrs. Russell in History, and Mrs. Barber in French. Miss Rountree would be leaving the College in October. Mrs. Edwards had been appointed Lecturer in Classics. Over the last four or five years the tutorial fellows and lecturers had increased by a half-dozen. The College would like to appoint more and endowments for Fellowships were urgently needed. The University's decision to step up the endowment incomes of poorer colleges was a generous one. The first stages of this were now taking place, and in two or three years the College should begin a substantial build-up of endowment. It might then be possible to increase stipends to equal men's. The Principal said she would not deal in detail with awards and prizes, but wished to be associated with congratulations to Dame Mary Cartwright. Mr. Harris, the gardener, had also received the singular distinction of being awarded the Royal Horticultural Society's medal for forty years' service and had been entertained in College. Every now and again he talked of retiring, but the Principal hoped he would last out her time. The President thanked the Principal for telling us so much and thanked also the College for letting us hold the meeting. She looked forward to the Gaudy.
GAUDY, 1970
HE St. Hugh's College Gaudy will be held from Friday, 3 July, until Monday, 6 July 197o. The Gaudy Dinner will take place on Saturday, 4 July, at 7.3o p.m. Dinner on Friday night will be informal. Invitation slips are enclosed with the Chronicle. 8
PRINCIPAL'S REPORT OMPARED with previous years, 1969 has been relatively uneventful— no all-pervading noise of building, no official openings. New Building and Wolfson Building look firmly established, and the few minor teething troubles have been dealt with. The generosity of Senior Members to the Building Fund continues. Recently there were two gifts amounting to over 42,000. The total stands at nearly £93,000, and it seems not impossibly optimistic to think that we may reach our initial target of 100,000. This would be a most satisfactory achievement, even though there would still be £25,000 overdraft to be paid off, due to the inevitable escalation of prices while building was in progress. College finances will thus be pretty heavily committed for a number of years, and no major constructional activities can be contemplated. We are also endeavouring to keep up steady progress in redecorating the older rooms and corridors, especially in Main Building. This, though the pride and glory of 1916, is now occupied mainly by first years, as providing the least attractive accommodation, and one cannot deny that the first impression of new undergraduates and their parents is sometimes unfavourable. Groups of rooms are steadily being redecorated, but the rate is restricted by finance. The time when we might ask an architect to plan a thorough redevelopment to bring the rooms more into line with modern ideas is far in the future. Senior Members of St. Hugh's should, however, know of what the richer colleges are doing to help the finances of the poorer colleges, in which category are included the women's colleges and five of the men's colleges. The recommendation of the Franks Commission was that the endowment of each college should be brought up to £600,000. The richer colleges agreed to pay, according to their endowment income, into a Colleges Contribution Fund and from this Fund the poorer colleges each year receive a substantial payment. At the moment the effect on our income is not large, and certain other payments from the University have ceased, but soon our income will start to increase. This is very generous help from the older foundations to the younger. The year has seen a number of changes in the Senior Common Room. It is very sad that this must begin by recording the death in a street accident of Mrs. Barber. Only in last year's Chronicle was it reported that she had been appointed Tutor and Fellow in French, after having served the College well as lecturer for a number of years. It is a very sad loss to the College, and tragic for her husband and young daughter. The College has established the Monique Barber Memorial Fund, to be used for the benefit of undergraduates reading French. Miss Julianne Rountree (now Mrs. Jack) resigned her Fellowship and Tutorship in Philosophy at the end of Trinity Term, and has migrated to Somerville, the college of her first Oxford degree. In her place Miss Gillian Romney, B.Phil., M.A., has been appointed Fellow and Tutor. Mrs. Edwards (M.A. Cantab., Ph.D. London) was appointed Lecturer in Classics in Michaelmas Term 1969, and Mr. J. C. Wilkinson, M.A., was appointed Lecturer in Geography at the same date. Mrs. Crossley resigned her Lecturership in Zoology at the end of Hilary Term 1969, and Dr. W. D. Billington (Ph.D. Wales) was appointed in her place in Trinity Term. Miss Wendy James, M.A., who read Geography at St. Hugh's from 1959
to 1962, and who has since been a lecturer at the University of Khartoum, was elected as the third holder of the Leverhulme Junior Research Fellowship from Michaelmas Term 197o. In Trinity Term 1969 Mrs. Richardson of Nailsea School, nr. Bristol was in residence as Schoolmistress Student. There are certain prizes which members of St. Hugh's seem to win with almost embarrassing regularity. One is the Sacred Poem Prize, which was won in 1969 by Mrs. Wood, Fellow and Tutor in History. The University Calendar records only the last three winners, and they are at present all members of St. Hugh's, in 1965 Miss Phyllis Hartnoll, in 1962 Mrs. Caird (V. M. Newport). As Miss Hartnoll also won it in 1947, it is a remarkable record. Among undergraduate awards we produce a steady succession of winners of the Countess of Warwick Travelling Bursary, this year won by A. M. S. Mitchell. In Trinity Term 1969 the third Henry Rowlatt Bickley Memorial Lecture was given by Mr. J. B. Ward-Perkins, Director of the British School at Rome. His subject was 'A Roman Architect at Work: the Severan buildings at Leptis Magna'. In 1969 the increase in undergraduate numbers referred to in the last issue of the Chronicle was begun, with the admission of Io in excess of those going down. The number of those in residence reading for first degrees in Michaelmas Term 1969 was 290. Of these, 28o were undergraduates coming straight from school and Io were qualified for senior status or classified as mature students. Fifty-seven candidates were in residence reading for higher degrees, of whom 28 are Oxford graduates and 29 are graduates of other universities. Of these, 27 are candidates for a B.Litt., 5 for a B.Phil., 2 for a B.Sc., 13 for a D.Phil., 2 for Chemistry Part II, and 8 for B.M. Six graduates of the College and 8 graduates of other universities are taking diplomas. Six graduates of the College and 4 graduates of other universities are taking the Certificate of Education. 1969 was the best year for First Classes in anyone's memory, II of which 4 were in Modern Languages. The First Classes were as follows: in Lit. Hum., K. V. Wilkes; in Mathematics, S. Chinn; in Zoology, S. Whyte; in English, C. A. Tomlins ; in Modern Languages, M. F. Collier (German), M. D. Dowey (French, with distinction in spoken French), C. E. Grayson (German, Russian), W. A. Hayward (French, with distinction in spoken French); in P.P.E., Mrs. Weld (S. Cartledge); in Theology, J. Mitchell; in Oriental Studies, P. C. Johnstone. Fifty-seven candidates were placed in the Second Class, 12 in the Third, and there were 2 Passes. In Classical Honour Moderations, J. S. Clarke was placed in the First Class, and there were 4 Seconds and 2 Thirds. In Mathematical Honour Moderations, G. E. Bird, S. W. Claridge, and S. M. Richards were placed in the First Class, and there were 3 Seconds and no Thirds. K. M. K. ,
GIFTS AND BENEFACTIONS Legacy from the late Miss Irene Ashcroft: £m° From Mrs. Robert Henrey : Books for the Library From Mrs. Provis (E. R. Young): Books for the Library From Mrs. Simpson (K. A. Raspin): Umbrella Stand
DEGREES 1969 D.Phil. N. A. S. Balbaa, G. A. Dickenson, M. T. Paterson B.M. Mrs. Anderson (J. E. Lucking), S. J. Nicholls B.Litt. D. E. Ackroyd, Mrs. Al-Shahi (A. H. Higson), Mrs. Barber, (M. T. L. Fluchere), J. Cwiakala, Mrs. Halikowska-Smith (T. M. Halikowska), S. S. S. C. Marshall B.Sc. A. C. Western M.A. Mrs. Anderson (J. E. Lucking), Mrs. Bawden (L. A. H. Davies), E. A. Bourke, J. B. Boyce, Mrs. Casey (G. J. Herbert-Jones), R. E. Castle, Mrs. Conchie (A. V. Nuttall), Mrs. Dignum (P. M. Dormer), Mrs. Edwards (L. P. E. Parker), Mrs. Flinn (J. M. Bott), Mrs. Foot (M. Beckinsale), S. G. Galley, Mrs. Gammage (P. J. Hedley), Mrs. Goodwin (J. A. Jones), Mrs. Hudson (0. K. Entage), Mrs. King (M. Jones), Mrs. Kinsey (S. S. Robinson), C. A. Lea, C. A. Leedham, C. M. Littlewood, Mrs. Matthews (R. M. Vinson), Mrs. Merron (S. M. P. Gero), S. Milner, Mrs. Monk (J. A. Searle), N. Mukerji, S. J. Nicholls, Mrs. Owen (U. M. Sachs), M. T. Paterson, C. M. I. Pirquet, Mrs. Plowden (V. M. Gascoigne), Mrs. Potter (J. Trollope), Mrs. Price (M. J. Davies), J. A. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson (J. F. Piachaud), G. Romney, Mrs. Rudalevige (S. R. Harris), E. A. Senior, Mrs. Shilling (B. E. Charlton), A. E. Sutton, Mrs. Townsend (G. M. Wickson), Mrs. Williams (L. A. Schaffer) B.A. V. K. M. Ackroyd, R. M. Baines, J. P. B. M. Boenisch, S. Chinn, E. A. Cotton, M. J. Cowen, C. R. M. Dallyn, M. D. Dowey, M. J. Fanning, C. E. Glover, B. M. Hoare, A. M. Good, J. R. Goodey, C. M. Greaves, P. V. Green, N. E. Griffiths, Mrs. Haire (M. C. Davies), Mrs. Hathaway (H. M. Mitchell), W. A. Hayward, Mrs. Hyams (J. S. Portrait), A. R. Illingworth, M. V. James, A. J. Jepson, P. C. Johnstone, G. Jones, G. S. Keith, A. Kitt, T. G. Lawrence, D. J. Lebon, J. Leeming, S. E. Letts, F. E. Lowe, S. H. Lowe, F. E. Miller, J. Mitchell, Mrs. Morris (V. R. Britton), M. P. Nelson, 0. Cook, S. T. Percy, L. C. Piercy, Mrs. Plowden (V. M. Gascoigne), J. Pryce, C. F. Pullin, B. K. Rooks, H. N. Russell, Mrs. Shaw (A. I. S. Stratton), Mrs. Shilling (B. E. Charlton), Mrs. Smart (V. F. Wild), Mrs. Smith (W. M. Barber), P. A. Smith-Stanleigh, K. P. Southworth, Mrs. Stobart (M. H. Gillespie), Mrs. Tanner (R. H. Simmonds), P. F. Tate, C. A. Tomlins, V. Veall, A. J. Waller, J. Wasi, S. A. Whyte, K. V. Wilkes, M. Wire, L. Woodburn, H. M. Wright I I
University Graduate Awards Sacred Poem Prize: Mrs. Wood Rose Graham Research Fellowship at Somerville: Mrs. Loach (S. J. Baines) Mary Goodger Scholarship: Mrs. Dennis (J. Pearson) Ellerton Theological Essay Prize: J. 0. Crewdson University Undergraduate Awards and Prizes Marjorie, Countess of Warwick Travelling Bursary: A. M. S. Mitchell Charles Oldham Scholarship in Classical Studies: J. M. Kane Harmsworth Exhibition at the Middle Temple: C. E. Scott Proxime accessit Herbertson Memorial Prize: J. P. B. M. Boenisch Violet Vaughan Morgan Prizes: C. M. Jones; L. Lightfoot Postgraduate Awards British Council Scholarship to Miinster University: M. F. Collier German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship: C. E. Grayson Major State Studentships: J. M. Catton, C. F. Harvey, W. A. Hayward,
P. C. Johnstone, V. C. Lebon, J. Mitchell, E. A. I. Pasternak-Slater, S. M. Springbett (B.A. Liverpool) Scottish State Studentship: A. Gould (M.A. Edin.) S.R.C. Grants: R. A. Bailey, S. Chinn, P. Greenslade, F. E. Miller, J. Pryce, C. E. Pullin, P. F. Tate S.S.R.C. Grant: J. E. Howe (B.A. Birmingham) N.E.R.C. Grant: S. E. Letts M.R.C. Grant: S. Whyte College Awards and Prizes To a Moberly Senior Scholarship: S. T. Hermon (M.A. Edin.) Hurry Prize: Mrs. Weld (S. M. Cartledge) Elizabeth Wordsworth Essay Prize: J. M. Kane Hilary Haworth Essay Prize: C. M. L. Harvey Special College Prizes: S. Chinn, M. F. Collier, M. D. Dowey, C. E. Grayson, W. A. Hayward, P. C. Johnstone, J. Mitchell, C. A. Tomlins, S. A. Whyte, K. V. Wilkes
HONOUR EXAMINATIONS, 1969 Literae Humaniores
Class I: K. V. Wilkes Class III: Mrs. I. A. Conlong, J. E. Edmonds, Mrs. J. S. Hyams, M. P. Nelson, P. Smouha Mathematics
Class I: S. Chinn Class II: M. J. Fanning, F. E. Miller, H. Pryce, C. E. Pullin, P. F. Tate Class III: V. K. M. Ackroyd I2
Natural Sciences Physics Class II: A. M. L. Firth, P. Fenlaugh Class III: J. M. Emby Chemistry Part I: M. E. Davies, S. R. Ridsdale, J. Wilson Part II: Class II. M. S. Hirst Biochemistry Class II: D. J. Fairman, C. J. Raggatt Engineering Class II: F. E. Lowe Geology Class II: P. V. Green
Jurisprudence Class II: D. K. Livingstone, I. M. Plumstead Class III: H. N. Russell
Modern History Class II: C. M. Greaves, C. F. Harvey, S. T. Percy, K. C. Shindler, R. H. Simmonds, Mrs. S. E. Wills, H. M. Wright Class III: E. J. Panton, L. C. Piercy, A. T. Walton Pass: J. Wasi
Theology Class I: J. Mitchell Class II: M. D. Barr, Mrs. M. C. Haire, S. A. Jepson, A. J. Waller
English Language and Literature Class I: C. A. Tomlins Class II: R. M. Bower, C. E. Cretney, J. Leeming, D. M. McKenna, Mrs. D. M. Milward, H. M. Mitchell, S. E. Stockbridge, V. Veall Class III: A. L. Cecil, R. V. S. Dodd
Modern Languages Class I: M. F. Collier (Germ.), M. D. Dowey (Fr.*), C. E. Grayson (Germ. and Russ.), W. A. Hayward (Fr.*) Class II: A. C. Birkett (Fr.), H. A. Hole (Fr.*), J. M. Jutson (Fr.), T. G. Lawrence (Fr.* and Italian), F. M. R. Morrison (Fr. and Germ.*), J. A. Parker (Fr.* and Germ.*), J. Tabor (Fr.)
P.P.E. Class I: Mrs. S. M. Weld Class II: P. M. Clark, A. R. Malcolm, E. N. W. Ritchie, D. E. Shore, Mrs. K. A. Westover, D. Wilkinson
Geography Class II: J. P. B. M. Boenisch, B. M. Hoare, G. S. Keith, S. E. Letts
P.P.P. Class II: S. M. Bennett
Music Class II: B. K. Rooks * With Distinction in the spoken language. 13
Oriental Studies Class I: P. C. Johnstone Class II: P. Mosteshar-Gharai
Honour Moderations: Classical Class I: J. S. Clarke Class II: C. J. Chardin, M. E. Fawcett, U. C. Rice, H. M. C. Walsh Class III: J. A. Goff, M. J. E. Whiteley
Honour Moderations: Mathematics Class I: G. E. Bird, S. W. Claridge, S. M. Richards Class II: A. Illingworth, M. J. Irish, S. Lyon
Honour Moderations: Mathematics and Philosophy Class I: A. R. R. Nesham
Honour Moderations: Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering Science Class I: M. A. Gaston, C. C. Hodgson Class III: K. S. Islip
Honour Moderations: Law Pass: L. S. Godfrey, H. C. Hallett
Diplomas in: Theology: F. E. Saintsbury Social and Administrative Studies: E. H. Evans (Pass), K. Hirst (Distinction), K. Milner (Pass), J. L. Stanworth (Pass)
Geochemistry: R. Muntus Advanced Mathematics: M. M. Bennett, L. V. Colyer, A. W. Gokhale, A. Kitt
(Jubilee Scholarship, English), Roedean School,
(Nuffield Scholarship, Natural Sciences, Physics),
Notre Dame High School, Wigan
(Old Students' Scholarship, Natural Sciences, Physics), Central Newcastle High School, G.P.D.S.T. FOX, EDITH VALERIE JANE (Ethel Seaton Scholarship, Modern Languages, French), Howell's School, Llandaff GARDNER, ANN (Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholarship, Modern Languages, German), Oberlin College, Ohio HUMM, AMANDA PATRICIA (Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholarship, Geography),
Reigate County School for Girls PARSONS, RUTH MARGARET
School, G.P.D.S.T. 14
(Hodgson Scholarship, English), Wimbledon High
(Irene Shrigley Scholarship, History), Parklands
High School, Leeds PEERS, BERYL JUNE
(Old Students' Scholarship, Mathematics), Withington
Girls' School, Manchester ROBINSON, GILLIAN BARBARA (Nuffield
Scholarship, Natural Sciences, Chemistry), Queen Anne's School, Caversham, Reading RUSSELL, JOYCE KATHLEEN (Nuffield Scholarship, Natural Sciences, Chemistry), Kettering High School
(Clara Evelyn Mordan Exhibition, History),
Wimbledon High School, G.P.D.S.T. BENNETT, SANDRA MAY DENISE
(Old Students' Exhibition, Jurisprudence),
Brigg Girls' High School BRUTON, JUNE MARION
(Old Students' Exhibition, English), Talbot Heath,
Bournemouth (Old Students' Exhibition, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry), School of S. Helen & S. Katharine, Abingdon DOVEY, LYNNE MARGARET (Ethel Seaton Exhibition, History), King Edward VI
High School for Girls, Birmingham EGERTON, CHARLOTTE MARY
(Old Students' Exhibition, Mathematics), Sher-
borne School for Girls, Dorset Commoners: ANDREWS, PAULINE (Mathematics), Camden School for Girls ANDREWS, RACHEL MARY GARNETT (Mathematics), Penistone
School, Sheffield BAGLEY, VERONICA ANN
(History), King Edward VI Grammar School for
Girls, Birmingham BAKER, RUTH VERYAN DE CHAIR (Geography), Cheadle Hulme School BARRAS, CHRISTINE MARILYN (Theology), Barnsley Girls' High School BATSON, ALEXANDRA ANNE (History), Hemel Hempstead Grammar School BILLSDON, ROSEMARY JANET (Music), Wyggeston Girls' Grammar School,
Leicester BOND, ELIZABETH MARY (Modern Languages), Harrogate Grammar School BONELL, MARION (Modern Languages), Beaverwood School, Chislehurst BOOLE, SARAH MARGARET (Mathematics), Benenden School BRENNAN, VALERIE MARY (Modern Languages), Edgehill College, Bideford BROWNE, MARGARET LYNNE (Modern Languages), West Bromwich Grammar
School BULLOCK, GILLIAN LESLEY (Mathematics), Nottingham Girls' High School CAVE, BARBARA MARY (History), Notre Dame High School, Manchester CHATTERJEE, MAYA (Biochemistry), James Allen's Girls' School COYLE, SUSAN (Chemistry), Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School DOOLEY, CATHERINE MARY (P.P.E.), Plympton Grammar School, Plymouth DOVER, CATHERINE RUTH (History), St. Leoneard's School, St. Andrews,
Fife ENGEL, TAMAR (P.P.P.), Lycee Francais de Londres FEIBELMAN, ERICA FRANCES (P.P.E.), Parliament Hill School for Girls FORSYTH, JULIE BARBARA (Mathematics), Christ's Hospital, Hertford FRASER, VICTORIA MARY LOUISE (Classics), Wycombe Abbey 15
(Chemistry), South Hampstead High School (English), Ashford School for Girls (Chemistry), St. Albans Grammar School for
Girls HAWLEY, VALERIE JOAN (English), Bilborough Grammar School, Nottingham HENDERSON, MARGARET MARY MEIKLE (Modern Languages), Wakefield Girls'
High School HOLLMAN, JACQUELINE (Physics), Chatham Grammar School for HOWARD, CLARE ANTONIA MARY ELIOT (English), More House
Girls Convent,
London HOWE, MORWENNA ELIZABETH HEXT (Zoology), Westonbirt School, Glos. JAMES, CLARE VERONICA (History), Wycombe Abbey KEAY, MARY RUTH CLARE (History), Exmouth School, Devon KOURUKTCHY, JOSEPHINE MARIE (English), Notting Hill and Ealing High
School, G.P.D.S.T. KRISHNA, MEENAKSHI (Mathematics and Philosophy), B.A. Bombay LACK, MARGARET (Modern Languages), North London Collegiate School LEWIS, MARILYN JOAN (Jurisprudence), Bede School, Sunderland LUND, MRS. TESSA (P.P.P.), Mature Student MACLEAN, JUDITH MARY (History), King's High School for Girls, Warwick MASTERS, LYN CHRISTINE (Modern Languages), Prendergast Grammar School,
Catford MATHIAS, CEINWEN FLORENCE (History), Cheltenham Ladies' College MAXWELL-HYSLOP, HILARY SARA ROBSON (English), Oxford High School,
G. P. D. S.T. MEE, RACHAEL GWYNETH (Modern Languages), King's High School, Warwick MERCK, AMANDA JANE (English), B.A., Smith, Mass. MILBURN, ANGELA CAROLINE POLLINGTON (Modern Languages), Ladies'
College, Cheltenham MIDDENDORF, ALICE CARTER (Oriental Studies), B.A. Wellesley MOORE, ELIZABETH YVONNE (Theology), Peterborough County
School MOORE, MARGARET ANNE (Medicine), Wycombe High School MURISON, LINDA JACQUELINE (English), Lansdowne House School,
burgh POPE, HILARY ANNE (Geography), Lewes County Grammar School for Girls PRZYWALA, ADELE WANDA (Physics), King Edward VI Camp Hill School for
Girls PURSER, NICOLA GAYE (Medicine), Manchester Girls' RABAGLIATI, CAROLINE JANE (Modern Languages),
High School St. Albans Grammar
(Geography), Prescot Girls' Grammar School,
Lancs. ROGERS, GILLIAN MARGARET (Theology), Rugby ROSSANT, JANET (Zoology), Chatham Grammar SAUNDERS, HAZEL JANE
High School School for Girls (Mathematics), Twickenham County Grammar
School SCOTT, CATHARINE ELIZABETH (Jurisprudence), Mount School, York SCOTT, ELIZABETH DANE (P.P.P.), Edgbaston Church of England College,
SELLARS, SUSAN ELIZABETH (P.P.E.), St. Joseph's Convent, Reading SHARMAN, JUDITH ANN (Geography), Merchant Taylors' Girls' School,
(Modern Languages), Bury Grammar School for
(Geography), Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for
(Modern Languages), Hulme Grammar School
for Girls, Oldham SILVERMAN, RUTH (Jurisprudence), Wimbledon High School, G.P.D.S.T. SINGER, RACHEL PATRICIA (P.P.E.), Manchester High School for Girls SMALES, MARGARET BOLTON (History), Castleford Grammar School, Yorks. STANSFELD, SARAH ALYSHA GREY (English), Sherborne School for Girls STRAWSON, JULIA KATHARINE (P.P.P.), Oxford High School, G.P.D.S.T. TAYLOR, SUSAN ELIZABETH HALSTEAD (Medicine), Roedean School ter HAAR, GAIL REINETTE (Physics), Headington School, Oxford THOMPSON, ANNE MARGARET (Classics), The Queen's School, Chester THOMPSON, RACHEL JEAN (Medicine), Nottingham High School, G.P.D.S.T. TOMLINSON, SHEILA CLARE (English), Clifton Hall Grammar School, Not-
tingham TUCKER, SUSAN MARY (Classics), St. Mary's Convent, Cambridge VAL DAVIES, DAPHNE MARGARET (History), The Maynard School, Exeter VANSTONE, SARAH MARGARET (Mathematics), Headington School, Oxford VEARNCOMBE, PATRICIA ANN (Botany), Portsmouth High School, G.P.D.S.T. VERDON-SMITH, ELIZABETH JANE (History), Sherborne School for Girls WAINWRIGHT, ELIZABETH JANE (Geography), Bournemouth School for Girls WARNOCK, KATHLEEN (English), Prior's Field, Godalming WHITE, GLENYS (P.P.E.), Bletchley Grammar School WILKINSON, PATRICIA ANN (Chemistry), John Leggott Sixth Form College,
Scunthorpe WOODCOCK, SHEILA PATRICIA (Modern Languages), Mature Student
FIRST YEAR GRADUATES FROM OTHER UNIVERSITIES READING FOR RESEARCH DEGREES, DIPLOMAS, ETC. BLAIR, J. F. (B.A. Bristol), Diploma in Social Anthropology BOWDEN, M. (B.A. Lond.), Certificate in Education CARR, E. E. (B.A. Southampton), Diploma in Social and Administrative DISSANAYAKA, N. N. (B.A. Ceylon), B.Litt. (History) GOODSIR, MRS. R. M. (Dip. Cambridge), Diploma in Theology GOULD, A. (M.A. Edin.), B.Litt. (French) HORSFALL, S. M. (M.A. Edin.), Certificate in Education HOWE, J. H. (B.A. Birm.), B.Phil. (Politics) ILLINGWORTH, A. R. (B.A. Camb.), Camb. M.B. and B.Chir. KOFMAN, E. (B.A. Sydney), B.Litt. (Geography) OTLEY, J. s. (B.Sc. Lond.), Certificate in Education
REBELO, M. I. (B.A. York), Diploma in Advanced RODRIGUEZ, L. (Doct. Madrid), B.Litt. (History)
simcox, M. J. (BA. Exeter), Certificate in Education SPENCER, M. S. (B.A. Durham), Diploma in Social and Administrative Studies SPRINGBETT, S. M. (B.A. Liverpool), Diploma in Prehistoric Archaeology
RESEARCH STUDENTS (Term of admission in brackets) Board of the Faculty of Theology B.Litt. ISAACS, M. E. (M 68) D.Phil. HADFIELD, MRS. G. A. C. (M 66) Board of the Faculty of Literae Humaniores B.Litt. BERGE, MRS. L. (M 67) D.Phil. WILSON, V. A. (M 67) Board of the Faculty of Modern History Probationer B.Litt. HARVEY, C. F. (M 69), B.Litt. FIRTH, MRS. K. R. (M 67)
(M 69)
Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature Probationer B.Litt. CATTON, J. M. (M 69), KENYON, C. (M
SLATER, E. A. I. (M 69) B.Litt. COOK, V. A. (M 62), HANDS, MRS. C. S. (M 66), PHIPPS, M. C. ROBINSON, P. R. (M 67), WOODFORD, I. V. (M 65) B.Phil. LEBON, V. C. (M 69)
(M 68),
Board of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Probationer B.Litt. GOULD, A. (M 69), HAYWARD, W. A. (M 69) B.Litt. CLIFFORD, P. M. (M 68), MIANI, G. (M 68), PRICE, MRS. E. (M 66), STOLKIN, MRS. J. M. F.
(M 66)
D.Phil. BOWEN, MRS. S. D. (M 67), CLOSE, MRS. E. A. (M 63), STEPHEN, M. W. (M 59) Board of the Faculty of Physical Sciences D.Phil. JONES, MRS. E. P. (M 66) Board of the Faculty of Biological Sciences D.Phil. CARRINGTON, MRS. J. M. (H 68), MOOD, MRS. N.
(M 66),
Board of the Faculty of Medicine B.Sc. BLACKBOURN, P. A. (M 68),
Board of the Faculty of Social Studies Probationer B.Phil. HOWE, J. H. (M 69) B.Phil. SUTCH, M. H. (H 68) D.Phil. BALSHAW, H. A. (M 66) 18
(M 67)
(T 67),
Board of the Faculty of Anthropology and Geography Probationer B.Litt. CLARKE, MRS. A. P. M. (T 69), HERMON, S. T. (M 69), KOFMAN, E.
(T 69)
(M 66),
(M 66)
D.Phil. CARDALE, M. V. (H. 67), PRAG, MRS. K. (M 64) Board of the Faculty of Mathematics D.Phil. FARMER, C. M. (M 67), PRIESTLEY, H. A. (M 67) Board of the Faculty of Music B.Litt. PISTOR, J. C. (M 68) Inter-Faculty Liaison Committee for Latin American Studies B.Phil. HALL, C. O. (M 68), WHITEHEAD, C. E. (M 68) Committee for Graduate Studies B.Litt. BLOOMFIELD, E. R. (M 67)
JUNIOR COMMON ROOM, 1969 EVERAL additions were made to the College facilities during the year; an extra telephone and a tumble-drier made College life easier, while a dinner service, sherry glasses, a table-tennis table and a hot-drinks machine now make it even more enjoyable. Two magnificent menus were provided by the Chef and his staff, on the J.C.R. Formal Guest Night in Hilary Term, and on St. Hugh's night in the Michaelmas, both including the delicious 'Gateau meringue St. Hugh'. Meals, in another context, provided one point of endless discussion in the J.C.R., with the Bursar, and on the Joint Committee. The desire of a majority of the J.C.R. for alternative meal arrangements was complicated by the multiplicity of suggested changes and the difficulty of finding an arrangement to suit several minorities while remaining most beneficial to all concerned. Our thanks are due to the Bursar who took endless trouble to achieve an admirable compromise with lunch tickets. Formal Hall became less so, as trousers could be worn, except on guest nights, and several J.C.R. members accepted the S.C.R.'s invitation to dine on High Table during the year. The early rising habits of the J.C.R. left the newly instituted Buttery breakfast almost unpatronized, and we reverted to morning coffee again. A second contentious point was that of hours for visitors; a majority of returned questionnaire answers suggested they were too short. Again the J.C.R. was disunited in its ideas for remedying the situation, and the Joint Committee and new J.C.R. President were left to reopen the discussions. The activities of the Joint Committee in the sphere of sharing facilities with Jesus College were watched with interest by the J.C.R. until that subject took its turn to decline before newly rising concerns. After a good game St. Hugh's were defeated on ITV's programme `University Challenge'. The J.C.R. sponsored a spate of social activities, 19
among them a pantomime (the concoction of Barbara Clark and Felicity Goodey), Jonson's Volpone, and a mysterious Masked Ball, which, despite intense undercutting competition, was a great success. Both Volpone in Trinity Term, and the Ball in Michaelmas Term were organized jointly with Mansfield and owe much to Felicity Goodey's efforts to enrol J.C.R. support and help. The Art Committee toyed with the idea of a sculpture, but found none suitable, and first invested in sharing with the S.C.R. the cleaning and reframing costs of the College prints, which we hope soon to see along the corridors of M.B. The Music Society, especially under Clare Asher's guidance, performed some beautiful pieces, both instrumental and choral, accompanied by very learned programme notes. Again the Christmas carol service was a joint operation with Keble, and the same week of Michaelmas the J.C.R. held a carol party for the College staff. A project in Birmingham, arranged by JACARI, and a Jericho Play Group, were supported with J.C.R. funds, and Helen Goldie continued to encourage St. Hugh's contribution to War-on-Want with her Friday teas. The First Year photographs appeared as usual, despite the quickly discovered presence of amusingly dressed intruders. A few sherry parties were held jointly with St. Peter's for many of the First Years, and the First Year geographers continued our record of exploration with their expedition to the Canaries during the summer To the multiplicity of internal affairs involving the J.C.R. were added several University and inter-college activities. Our congratulations go especially to Sue Bovey on her election as Secretary of the Oxford Union Society, after working up through various committees, and to Heather Aird, who became St. Hugh's first Editor of Cherwell in Michaelmas Term. St. Hugh's has been well respresented in the dramatics sphere of O.U.D.S., E.T.C., and the Opera Club, and several members sing in the S.C.O. and Bach choirs. Catharine Scott was awarded a Harmsworth Exhibition at the Middle Temple, Angela Mitchell won the Countess of Warwick Travelling Bursary for travel in France, and Jennifer Kane, Christine Jones, and Lois Lightfoot are to be congratulated on their scholarships and prizes. The J.C.R. became interested in the idea of a central Student's Union, lending its support to a suggestion that a 'red-brick' type union with working, eating, and social facilities be based upon the present Oxford Union Society's premises. The J.C.R. produced a criticism of the Hart Report, with several constructive comments that were later discussed at a University ad hoc committee, and the Student Council Representatives for the J.C.R. were urged to convey to higher authorities the J.C.R.'s dismay at the five-week vacation residence limit proposed by Edward Short. An increasing number of people became involved in J.C.R. affairs inside and outside the College. While one or two setbacks occurred there was a mutual increase in friendly co-operation within the College and the J.C.R. is indebted to the Bursar, the Dean, and the College staff for furthering good relations. SUSAN J. D. MACKENZIE
GAMES REPORT 1968-9 T. HUGH's continues to play a leading role in all the major University sports clubs. Pat Green was captain of squash and Dione Wright captain of fencing; Sue Russell Vick was secretary of tennis and hockey, Judy Goff of lacrosse, Sally Littlejohns of fencing, Sue Elbourne of table-tennis, and Margaret Irish was tennis treasurer. Regular social matches of hockey and tennis were played against men's colleges but St. Hugh's had the good sense to keep well away from the river. In spite of five Blues, we managed to lose to both Somerville and St. Hilda's in hockey cuppers but the tennis was awarded to us without a point being played. Elizabeth Hayes, Margaret Irish, Frances Miller, Angela Mitchell, and Sue Russell Vick played in the University hockey team which, after a close match, became the only side from Oxford not to win against Cambridge last year. The Lacrosse Club was successful with Clare Bygrave, Jane Glover, and Judy Goff gaining Blues. Karin Boote was in the netball team and Sue Elbourne played in the table-tennis match. Sally Littlejohns and Dione Wright helped the Fencing Club to beat Cambridge, and Sally went on to represent British Universities. The squash team was also successful in its Varsity match, with St. Hugh's providing more than half the side: Vivian Grisogono, Lyndsay Stanworth, and Pat Green were awarded their HalfBlues. Clare Bygrave played in the cricket team that had a convincing win against Cambridge, but most people's attention turned to tennis in which the University had a good season. In this case two-thirds of the two teams were from St. Hugh's. The Blues match had to be played in two stages as the result of bad weather; Margaret Irish, Lyndsay Stanworth, Sue Russell Vick, and Barbara Clark were in the original side but by the resumption Vivian Grisogono was fit enough to replace Lyndsay and help Oxford to a resounding victory.
OBITUARY On 23 March 1969, IRENE ASHCROFT, Commoner of the College 1928-32. Aged 6o On 17 November 1969, MONIQUE LAURENCE THBRESE BARBER (née FLUCHERE), B.Litt., M.A. Lecturer of the College 1961-9, Fellow and Tutor in French 1969. Aged 41 On 9 March 1969, CONSTANCE LILIAN CONKLING (nee SOWBY), Commoner of the College 1917-20. Aged 70 On 12 March 1969, RUTH ELSIE GOLDMAN (née TAYLOR), Scholar of the College 1934-7. Aged 54 In September 1968, FLORENCE MARY HARKNESS-BROWN (née Fox), Commoner of the College 1926-8. Aged 63 21
In March 1969, RUTH EDITH HARRISON (née GREENHILL), Exhibitioner of the College 1923-5. Aged 65 On 27 January 1969, MARGARET ALICE MARY LAIDLAY, Exhibitioner of the College 1915-17. Aged 73 On 3 August 1969, MARY MORRISON LAWSON (née COWELL-SMITH), Commoner of the College 1923-6. Aged 65 On 13 February 1970, ELSIE ISABEL LEMON, Commoner of the College 1917-2o. Aged 71 In September 1969, EVELEEN FRANCES CALTHROP LETTS (née BONNER), Commoner of the College 1922-6. Aged 67 On z8 September 1969, JANET PAYNE, Commoner of the College 1967-9. Aged zo On 16 August 1969, DOROTHY ANNIE ALLIES PENNY, Commoner of the College 1906-8. Aged 8z On zo April 1969, DORA MARY AUGUSTA PUTTOCK, Commoner of the College 1913-16. Aged 75 On 31 January 1970, MARGARET SYFRET (née ASHFORD), Commoner of the College 1922-5. Aged 66 On 5 March 1970, JANET MARY AGNES TUGMAN (née DE VRIES VAN HEIJST), Commoner of the College 1916-18. Aged 72 On 19 May 1969, RUBY MARY WEBSTER, Commoner of the College 1950-2. Aged 47 At an unknown date—SHEILA O'BRIEN (née HIGNETT), Commoner of the College, 1924-6
ELSIE LEMON LSIE came up to St. Hugh's in 1917 from Monmouth Girls' High School and read Modern History. Although handicapped by poor health she yet E managed to take full part in College life, and her strong personality, vigorous mind, and strong convictions soon made her stand out among her contemporaries. After College she spent some years in private teaching but quite soon, in about 1927, she returned to Oxford where, as she so much wished, she made her career and home. She became secretary to K. N. Bell, Fellow and Tutor in History at Balliol, and assisted in the organization of the Balliol Society, working on the compilation of the Balliol Register of 1934 and 1952; last year she completed her work on the 1969 Register. She was also Secretary to the Balliol 1919 Dining Club, of Balliol men who had served in the First World War; this post she held until her death in February 197o. Another work carried out by Elsie for Balliol was that of Secretary to the Balliol Educational Trust. No record of Elsie's life would be complete without mention of her close association with Sarah Bell, daughter of K. N. Bell and founder and head of the 'Squirrel Nursery School'. Sally started the school over twenty years ago and in 1949 Elsie and Sally moved into 17 Rawlinson Road where the school flourished. Elsie was not herself active in the school but took the 22
closest interest in it and did much work for it in many ways. Another interest of Elsie's was the Oxford Association of University Women, a branch of the British Federation of University Women, affiliated to the International Federation of University Women. She was an active member for many years and was President of O.A.U.W. 1962-6; she attended meetings regularly and in Oxford was always ready to welcome visiting members and arrange interesting programmes for them. Her interest in, and connection with, College remained close throughout her life; she edited the Chronicle for twenty-five years; she had already announced her intention to retire after the 1970 issue and she was commencing work on it when she died. To all the work Elsie undertook she brought a great sense of responsibility and of personal involvement. The work called for concentration and accuracy; she had that but to her the compilation of records meant much more than mere lists; she was always conscious that her work was with persons. To many generations of St. Hugh's her death will leave a big gap; her home in Oxford was always open to St. Hugh's—indeed, one or two St. Hugh's undergraduates were generally to be found living there—and we shall not easily forget her many kindnesses and the unfailing warm hospitality with which she welcomed us, especially at Gaudy times.
RS. MONIQUE BARBER (née Fluchere) was killed in a street accident on 17 November 1969, significantly on leaving the Taylorian Library where—perfectionist that she was—she had been adding to her already comprehensive grasp of literary material needed for her tutorials the following day. Mrs. Barber was a commoner of Lady Margaret Hall 1947-50, Lectrice at Newnham College 1956-60, and Lectrice at Cambridge University 1958-60. She first became associated with St. Hugh's in 1960 and after eight years as a lecturer was appointed to a Tutorship in French and a Fellowship from October 1969. She also held an Agregation d'anglais from the Sorbonne and in Hilary Term 1969 completed her Oxford B.Litt. on the eighteenth-century French author H. J. Dulaurens. Her thesis had led her to explore an area of French literature where relatively little work is being done at present and she had various plans for pursuing her studies in the eighteenth-century. At the same time her breadth of knowledge was gaining increasing recognition outside St. Hugh's and calls upon her academically were becoming numerous. Her versatility in French and English gave her exceptional and stimulating insight into tricky linguistic problems, whilst her clear mind and sensitive approach to literature made discussion with her always rewarding. It is with the most tragic sense of loss that those who knew her envisage what she would undoubtedly have contributed both to St. Hugh's and to the University over the many unfulfilled years of a career that held so much promise. In a commitment to St. Hugh's which was cemented over the years, Mrs. Barber's warm personality and outstanding gifts as a teacher had left their imprint on succeeding generations of undergraduates. They recall with gratitude her multiple efforts on their behalf, her patient interest in them as individuals for whom she was prepared to take immense trouble. There was nothing superficial about Mrs. Barber, but neither was there anything heavy: 23
that would have been impossible in one so essentially rooted in Provence as she was. To her pupils she was a friend, to those who knew her as a colleague she represented a rare combination of human values—of integrity, of unassuming modesty coupled with a ready sense of humour—and of scholarship. To them her loss will always remain real, however much time may deaden the impact of her cruel disappearance.
MARRIAGES 17 October 1959 CYNTHIA MARY BEECH tO JOHN MERRIMAN, B.A. (Brasenose College), on 3o July 1968 GINA MARGARET BENNETT to A. HIBBERT, M.A., D.PHIL. (Brasenose College), at All Saints' parish church, Patcham, on 2 August 1969 CAROL BILVERSTONE to DEREK JOHN FRY, M.A., D.PHIL. (Merton College), at Cyncoed Methodist Church, Cardiff, on 12 April 1969 JANE ANNETTE CRAWFORD to GERALD ROBERTS (New College), at Christ Church, Rathgar, Dublin, on 27 June 1969 MARI JOSEPHINE DAVIES to PHILIP J. PRICE (Pembroke College), at Ebenezer Welsh Congregational Church, Swansea, on 27 March 1967 MARJORIE DAVIES to ARTHUR JAMES THRESHER, at Spalding parish church, on 3 November 1969 WENDY MARGARET DAVIES tO ROBIN A. DOWN, 23 August 1969 JULIA MARY PAEONA DODD to A. P. DONAJGRODZKI, at Magdalen College Chapel, On 1 July 1967 MARION HAMILTON GILLESPIE to STEPHEN R. STOBART, 27 July 1968 JUDITH ANNE GOFF to MARTIN WEAVER, 26 July 1969 CHRISTINE MARY GREAVES to JOHN H. LENTON (Oriel College), 3 January 1970 SARAH ANNE GREEVES to ALFRED KINEBANIAN, on Io August 1968 SARAH CATHERINE GWYER to JOHN BASIL ROBERTSON SHELDON, at St. Catherine's Church, Kingsdown, near Sittingbourne, Kent, on 16 September 1967 GILLIAN JAMESINA HERBERT-JONES to M. A. E. CASEY, 15 June 1968 JANE HODGES to M. MICHEL WAGNER, 4 December 1969 CELIA MARGARET HODSON to ROGER G. LOWE (Exeter College), in August 1967 EDNA W. HUTTON to J. J. HASTINGS, in December 1931 ANNE KITT to STEPHEN ANDREWS, in 1969 LINDA MARGARET KNIPE to KENNETH ERIC WYCHERLEY (St. Catherine's College), on 28 December 1968 VALERIE BAXTER to R. J. WOOD,
October 1969
in 1968
February 1966 (Peterhouse, Cambridge), at Chislehurst,
in Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts, on I June 1969 MARY CATHERINE MILLIGAN to ROBERT J. B. PARIS
at St. Andrews, on 7 April
College), on 28 July 1964 April 1969
at St. Matthew's Church, Bayswater, London, on 9 August 1969 DOROTHY C. PYETT to J. V. W. TOWNSHEND, on 28 December 1968 LINDA ANN RICHARDSON to W. B. AMOS (The Queen's College) at St. Mary's, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, on 19 April 1969 PATRICIA HELEN ROBOTHAM to JOHN STUART RICHARDSON, at the Church of St. Mary's, Finchley, London, N. 3, on 12 April 1969 EVELYN MARY SCHUFTAN to COLIN NICHOLAS MANLOVE (Pembroke College), On 2 September 1967 AVRIL CHRISTINE PLATT to GRAHAM PAUL HARRIS, PH.D.,
at Crowborough,
Sussex, on 13 September 1969 RUTH HILDA SIMMONDS to B. K. TANNER, 16
August 1969
(St. Peter's College),
on 15 February 1969 VIVIEN STEWART to M. S. TEITELBAUM
in Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A., on 5
September 1969 (Jesus College), on 24 August 1968 July 1969 CAROLINE SUSAN WALKER to FRANCIS G. B. ALDHOUSE (Pembroke College), in Pershore Abbey, Worcestershire, on 17 May 1969 ELIZABETH ANN WEBB to TERENCE MICHAEL PAMPLIN at Stoneleigh Methodist Church, Surrey, on 15 March 1969 RUTH MARGARET WHITE to ANDREW M. TITTENSOR, in September 1968 MARY LOUISE WOODROW to DR. DAVID M. GILLAM, in Scarborough, on 3 August 1968
(E. M. Smith)—a daughter (Kathryn Penelope), 24 September
1968 MRS. ALPERT (M. J. Taylor)—a daughter (Susannah Jane), 15 October 1967 MRS. ANDERSON (J. M. Mills)—a son (James), 16 July 1968 MRS. BARNETT (A. Huxley)—a daughter (Eleanor Jane), December 1966 MRS. BEDELLS (M. E. Ekins)—a daughter (Clare Helen), 5 November 1969 MRS. CONLONG (I. A. Morris)—a son (Richard James), July 1969 MRS. CROSSLEY (E. E. Browning)—a son (Robert Henry), November 1967 MRS. DONAJGRODZKI (J. M. P. Dodd)—a son (Patrick), 12 May 1968 MRS. FETTER (J. Holmes)—a son (Andrew James), on 19 December 1969 MRS. FOSTER (H. P. Munns)—a daughter (Rachel Caroline), 7 May 1968 MRS. GARDNER (A. M. Langford)—twin sons (Andrew Robert and Johnathan
Lewis), 28 November 1969 MRS. GRIFFITHS (V. Kipping)—a son (Stephen Glyndwr), 9 September 1969 MRS. HART (M. A. Powell)—a son (Alan Michael), 16 August 1968 MRS. HASTINGS (E. W. Hutton)—sons, (John R.) 1933, and (James H.) 1936 MRS. HUXHAM (J. Molland)—sons, (Timothy John) 2 July 1965, (Mark
Richard) 3 October 1966, and (Michael Guy), 9 May 1969 MRS. JACKSON (V. Williams)—a son (Alastair Randall Jackson), i2 MRS. JENKINS (M. E. Edwards)—sons, (Daniel Philip) 18 October
June 1968 1967, and
(Owen John) 21 August 1969 MRS. KEEP (C. J. Herbert)—a daughter (Philippa Ruth), 24 February 1969 MRS. KINEBANIAN (S. A. Greeves)—a daughter (Helen), z8 May 1969 MRS. KNIGHT (J. N. Maclean)—a daughter (Rachel Margaret), 4 June 1968 MRS. LEDGER (P. R. Jones)—a son (Andrew James), 23 May 1969 MRS. LINGARD (S. Raison)—a son (Mathew James), 14 June 1969 MRS. MORRIS (V. R. Britton)—a son (Stephen Meeson), i October 1969 MRS. MOYES (I. C. A. Greig)— a daughter (Caroline Elizabeth), 16 August
1963; a son (James Alastair Hugh), 4 January 1966; a daughter (Isabel Victoria) 16 April 1969 MRS. PEDDER (S. E. Lindup)—a daughter (Sophie Clare), 12 January 1967; a son (Thomas Richard), 21 October 1968 HON. MRS. PETRE (M. G. Plumpton)—a son (Mark Julian), 7 November 1969 MRS. PITCHERS (J. Stevenson)—a son (Thomas Alexander Colbert), 3o May 1969 MRS. PRITCHETT (V. E. Houghton)—a son (Michael Braddon), 26 November 1968 MRS. ROBINSON (J. F. Piachaud)—a daughter (Catherine Mary), 3o October 1969 MRS. ROPER (V. H. H. Edwards)—a daughter (Catherine Margaret), 7 March 1969 MRS. SCOTT (R. M. Cook)—a daughter (Laura), 16 April 1969 MRS. SHELDON (S. C. Gwyer)—a daughter (Rebecca Kate), 19 May 1969 MRS. SMITH (A. Gibbons)—a daughter (Jessica Clare), 23 November 1967; a son (Matthew Spencer), 14 September 1969 MRS. TOWNSEND (D. E. Harris)—a son (Neil William), 25 March 1969 MRS. WEBB (V. Fish)—a son (Robert Adam Fallon), 9 April 1969 26
(D. E. A. Schuftan)—a son (Richard Mahesan), 5
October 1969 (S. Dent)—sons, (Nicholas Martin) II March 1966, (Peter Johnathan) 13 November 1967 MRS. wool) (V. Baxter)—a son (Johnathan Roland Sibree), 12 November 1968 MRS. ZVEGINTZOV (C. A. Mills)—a daughter (Catherine Jane), 21 February 1969
Adoption: MRS. PEGG
(G. M. Wirgman)—a son (Thomas Hugh), born II May 1968
PUBLICATIONS M. A. Priestley (Mrs. Margaret Allnutt Bax), M.A., B.Litt. West African Trade and Coast Society: A Family Study (Oxford University Press, London, 1969). 55s. (Mrs.) Joyce Challis, M.A. Annotated Bibliography of Economic and Social Material in Singapore: Government Publications (series.) First published June 1967; second edition February 1969. Annotated Bibliography of Economic and Social Material in West Malaysia:
Government Publications (series.) First published February 1968. Annotated Bibliography of Economic and Social Material in Singapore and West Malaysia: Non-Government Publications. $7.50 cents (Singapore
currency), February 1969. Annotated Bibliography of Economic and Social Materials in Sabah and Sarawak: Government Publications (series.) February 1969
All published by the Economic Research Centre, University of Singapore Mrs. P. E. Crampton, M.A. Bible for Children, with Songs and Plays (N.T.), from the Dutch. Burke Books, March 1969. 3os. Rhine Pirates, from the German. Abelard–Schuman, 1968. Judy at School, from the Swedish. Burke Books, 1968. 9s. 6d. January takes Lessons, from the Swedish. Burke Books, 1968. 9s. 6d. The Four Seasons (lyric verse), from the German. Abelard–Schuman, 1968. The Wily Wizard and the Wicked Witch, from the Dutch. J. M. Dent and Sons, 1969. 225. The Brownies of Cologne (comic verse). Abelard–Schuman, 1969. Margaret Greaves, M.A., B.Litt. Scrap-Box, an anthology for young children. Methuen, 1969. 12s. 6d. Jacynth Hope-Simpson, M.A. The Unknown Island, Hamish Hamilton, London and Coward McCann, New York, 1968. as. The Curse of the Dragon's Gold. Doubleday, New York, 1969. (Mrs.) Mary Iles, M.A. No Right to Speak, a pamphlet on Detention Centres, prepared for the Prison Reform Council. Obtainable free from 381 Marine Road E., Morecambe, Lancs. (Mrs.) M. D. Lobel, B.A. Historic Towns, Vol. I, 26 June 1969. Lovell JohnsCook, Hammond and Kell Organization. 5 guineas. (Mrs.) D. E. H. Locke, M.A. Section on 'The Contemporary Theatre' in Pears Cyclopaedia. Published annually. 27
Sister M. Columba (Mary McCarthy). B.A., B.Litt. A Social Geography of Paisley, March 1969. Town Council of Paisley. E. D. McLeod, M.A. Charles of Orleans, Prince and Poet. Chatto & Windus, November 1969. 63s. M. M. Mahood, M.A. 'The Study of Literature in an African University' in St. Anthony Papers 3. Oxford University Press, 5969. Dr. A. C. Percival, M.A., Ph.D. The Origins of the Headmasters' Conference. John Murray, 26 October 1969. 2I5. (Mrs.) Margaret Potter, M.A. Love in a Rainy Country, by 'Anne Betteridge'. Hurst and Blackett. (Mrs.) A. M. Ridler, M.A. Novel: The Teacher. Allen Wingate & Baker, May 1969. 25s. (Mrs.) Hazel Rossotti, B.Sc., M.A., D.Phil. Chemical Applications of Potentiometry, Van Nostrand, London, 5969. Dr. Elizabeth Rowlinson, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D. S. A. Churikhir: Subgroups of Finite Groups. Translated from the Russian and edited by Elizabeth Rowlinson. Wolters-Noordhoff, 1969. (Mrs.) J. G. Russell, M.A., D.Phil. The Field of Cloth of Gold, Men and Manners in 1520. Routledge & Paul. 1969. Patricia Thomson, M.A. Collected Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt, ed. Kenneth Muir & Patricia Thomson. Liverpool U.P., 1969. `Rant and Cant in Troilus and Cressida', Essays and Studies, 5969. `The Elizabethan Period, excluding Drama', The Year's Work in English Studies, 1967. Dr. Sulammith Walton, B.M., B.Ch., M.A. Children under Stress. Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, March 5969. 42s. Translation from German of 2nd, revised edition of Erwin H. Ackerknecht : A Short History of Psychiatry, Hafner, New York, 1968.
ARTICLES (Mrs.) Cecily Anderson, B.Litt., M.A. ' "This ecclesiastical adventurer": Henry of Saint-Jean d'Angely', English Historical Review, lxxxiv (1969), 548-60. (Mrs.) Olive Ruth Anderson, M.A., B.Litt. 'Women Preachers in MidVictorian Britain: Some Reflexions on Feminism, Popular Religion and Social Change', Historical Journal, xii (1969). (Mrs.) Bohuslava R. Bradbrook, Ph.D., D.Phil. 'Padesat let Ceske literatury', Promeny (New York), vol. iv, October 1968, 87-94. 7 reviews in Books Abroad (University of Oklahoma Press). 3 reviews in Promeny (New York). `Karel Capek's Contribution to Czech National Literature.' An essay in the symposium Czechoslovakia Past and Present, vol. ii. Mouton, The Hague, 1969, pp. 1002-11. E. B. Dean, M.A. 'Television in the service of the library', Library Association Record, vol. lxxi, no. 2, February, 1969. A. A. B. Fairlie, M.A., D.Phil. 'Pellerin et le theme de l'art dans l'Education sentimentale' , Europe, Sept.-Nov. 1969. 'Quelques remarques sur les Petits Poemes en Prose' in BaudelaireActes du Colloque de Nice, Minard, 2e trimestre 1968. 28
A. K. Henry, M.A. 'William Golding: The Pyramid', Southern Review, iii (1968), 1-31. S. Honigsberg, M.A. Review of S. Shunami: 'A Bibliography of Jewish Bibliographies', Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. iii, no. 2. Barbara Levick, M.A., D.Phil. 'The Coinage of Pisidian Antioch in the Third Century A.D.', Numismatic Chronicle, ser. vii, vol. vi (1966). 'Some Coins and Inscriptions of Colonia Comama', ibid., vol. vii (1967). `Unpublished Inscriptions from Pisidian Antioch', Anatolian Studies, xvii (1967). `Acerbissima Lex Seivilia', Classical Review, N.S. xvii (1967). `Antiocheia (Pisidien)', Pauly Wissowa Kroll, Realehzyklopddie, Suppl. xi (1969). `Komama', ibid. (1969). `Caracalla's Path', Hommages a Marcel Renard, ii (1969). Sister M. Columba (Mary McCarthy), B.A., B.Litt. 'A Vocation of a Sister', Novena Mag., May 1969. S. M. Ottley, M.A. Various articles, from 1964 onwards, in The Dalesman, The Ridings, The Yorkshire Ridings, and The Yorkshire Ridings Magazine; during 1969: 'A Tale of Two Halls and a Battle', Yorkshire Ridings Magazine, vol. vi, no. z, February 1969, pp. z6-8. `The Eventful Life of Miles Coverdale', ibid. no. 9, September 1969, pp. 12-13. `The Talented Gattys', ibid., pp. 18-19. `The Story of Monk Bretton Priory', ibid. vol. 6, no. Io, October 1969, pp. 29-30. Dr. Elizabeth Rowlinson, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., in conjunction with Schwerdtfeger, Hans: 'Polynomials with Certain Prescribed Conditions on the Galois Group', Canadian Journal of Mathematics, xxi (1969), 262-73. (Mrs.) Susan Timperley and Dr. E. D. Hyam. `CARBOX, a computer programme for the Numerical Evaluation of Equilibria Involving COCO2—H2—H2O—CH4Mixtures and Non-Stoichiometric Oxides and Carbides', British Corrosion Journal, vol. iv (1969), no. 5 (September), pp. 260-6. (Mrs.) R. M. Tittensor, B.A., M.Sc. (née White). White, R. M. (1968), 'Conservation in Waterperry Wood', Proc. Rep. Ashmol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Oxf. 1968, 10-15. White, R. M. (1968), 'The Vegetation of the Curraun Peninsula, Co. Mayo', Ir. Nat. J. xvi (3), 57-62. Tittensor, R. M. (5969), 'Aspects of the ecology of the Loch Lomond Oakwoods', Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 41. E. C. Vollans, B.Litt., M.A. Essay entitled 'Urban Development in Belgium since 1830'. In Beckinsale, R. P., and Houston, J. M., Urbanization and its Problems. Essays in Honour of E. W. Gilbert. Blackwell, 1968. Pp. 171-98.
ANY schools write to the College to ask if any suggestions can be made of graduates who might be interested in a vacant post. As regards recent graduates, tutors have the requisite information. But there may be others who wish to change their school, or who want to take up teaching again after an interval, or who would like to get a post in a particular neighbourhood. If there are any Senior Members who would like to be notified of vacant posts, it is suggested that they should inform the College, which could then compile a list that could be referred to when notifications of vacancies are received. The College is also from time to time notified of impending appointments of headmistresses. It would again be helpful if there were a list of Senior Members who were interested in obtaining a post as headmistress. K. M. KENYON
NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEMBERS (The date of appointment is 1969 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College)
P. M. ALLEN, M.A. (1923), was appointed Librarian, National Museum, Nairobi and Secretary, E. A. Natural History Society. MRS. ALPERT, M.A. (M. J. Taylor, 196o), is doing occasional part-time work in town planning. MRS. AMOS, B.A. (L. A. Richardson, 1963), since December 1968 has been working at the Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology doing computer programming for research into three dimensional structure of virus particles. MRS. ANDERSON, B.LITT., M.A. (0. R. Gee, 1944), had the title of Reader in History conferred in July 1969 by the University in respect of her post at Westfield College, University of London. G. L. ARROWSMITH, B.A. (1922), retired from teaching in 1968. MRS. BARBOUR, M.A. (Jane Galbraith, 1941), now that her five children have reached years of discretion has been appointed by the I.L.E.A. as a Trainee Careers Officer. She is attending a ten-month course at the Kent College for the Youth Employment Service. R. BARBOUR, M.A. (1936), was given an appointment in the Cabinet Office in January 1969. MRS. BARNETT, B.A. (A. Huxley, 1954), writes that her husband has taken up a permanent post as Lecturer in French at the University College of Rhodesia and has become Hon. Chaplain to Anglican students. 30
(B. N. Coates, 1952), has registered for M.Phil., hoping ultimately to obtain a Ph.D., at University College, London, researching in the field of employers' liability, whilst still employed as Head of the Law Section, Hendon College of Technology, which is part of a proposed Polytechnic. MRS. BAX, B.LITT. (M.A. Cambridge) (M.A. Priestley, 1945), was invited to return to Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, for a second year (1969-7o) as Visiting Associate Professor in African History. MRS. B. P. L. BEDI, M.A. (Freda M. Houlston, 1929), is now the Buddhist nun Sister Karma Khechog Palmo; she was ordained in 1966. She is very happy in her new life, at Mahayana Buddhist Nunnery, Tilokpur, India. J. P. B. M. BOENISCH, B.A. (1966), was appointed to a teaching assistantship at McGill University, Montreal, where she is reading for an M.A. in Developing Area Studies. W. G. BOSWARD, M.A. (1926), retired in July 1968 from Wakefield Girls' High School where she was Deputy Head Mistress during her last seven years. j. B. BOYCE, M.A. (1962), was appointed Head of the Music Department, Burlington School, London, W. 12, from September 1969. MRS. BRADBURY, M.A., D.PHIL. (H. S. M. Macpherson, 1951), who has for several years been an Editor of the Oxford Consumers' Group, has been very busy lately and has felt obliged to resign: in recent weeks she has been busy editing this Chronicle. MRS. BRADNUM, M.A. (E. M. Cresswell, 196o), was ordained deaconess in the Church of England on Trinity Sunday 1969 by the Archbishop of York, and in October was appointed to the staff of St. Mary's Church, thingworth. MRS. CARLISLE, B.A., B.LITT. (A. I. Gillmore 1945), was reappointed in September 1969 for one year by Richmond-upon-Thames Education Authority to teach English and Religious Instruction at Gainsborough Secondary Modern School, Kew. MRS. CHALLIS, M.A. (J. Ilott, 1951), has moved from Singapore to Cairo where her husband has been appointed B.B.C. Correspondent. MRS. CHORLEY, M.A. (J. E. Mayo, 1948), was elected Councillor on Farnham U.D.C. She is also representative for Farnham U.D.C. on the S.W. Surrey Divisional Health and Welfare Sub-Committees, and also on the Citizens Advice Bureau. Some of her collection of aeronautical material was on view at the Science Museum, South Kensington in a special Alcock and Brown Exhibition in 1969. v. v. R. COHEN, B.A. (M.A. Michigan) (1964), became Teaching Fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan in September and received the Degree of Candidacy in Psychology from the University of Michigan in December. L. V. COLYER, B.A. (1966), is working on statistics and operational research at Imperial College, London. E. J. COSNETT, M.A. (1955), was appointed Lecturer in English at St. Katharine's College of Education, Liverpool. B. COWDEROY, M.A. (1943), was elected to the General Committee of the Bar Association for Commerce, Finance and Industry in June. MRS. COWPERTHWAITE, M.A. (P. Stockdale, 1938), is honorary secretary of the Scottish Association of Women Members of Oxford and Cambridge and would welcome anyone coming to Scotland as a member. MRS. BARRETT, M.A.
(E. E. Browning, 1952), moved to Harrogate in 1968 when her husband was appointed Professor of Industrial Relations at Leeds University. MRS. DENBEIGH, M.A. (M. G. Beamish, 1939), is no longer teaching, but doing some coaching at home. MRS. DENNIS, B.A. (J. Pearson, 1955), is working as part-time Medical Officer at the Park Hospital, Oxford, and carrying out a project concerned with the causes of and long-term outcome of neonatal convulsions. B. DICKESON, M.A. (1947), became Senior Psychiatric Social Worker, Kilburn Child Guidance Centre. MRS. DOBBS, M.A. (E. M. Melles, 1939), is continuing research work with the Department of Employment and Productivity, now on subjects of management and personnel interest. Her findings of a previous research assignment will be published in 197o. MRS. EMERTON, M.A. (N. E. Bennington, 195o), is continuing research on the history of crystallography which has been accepted for a Cambridge research degree. She has become a member of University College, Cambridge, one of the new mixed graduate colleges. A. A. B. FAIRLIE, M.A., D.PHIL. (1935), was appointed Reader in French, University of Cambridge, in October 1968. She was elected to the Council of Association Internationale des Etudes Francaises in 1969. C. M. FARMER, M.A. (1963), was appointed to an Assistant Lecturership at Royal Holloway College. S. M. FORBES, M.A. (1949), has been living in Canada for several years, and has been appointed Supervisory Engineer in charge of Turbine Development at the Canadian Westinghouse Company. M. G. FORSTER, M.A. (1937), was appointed to Croydon High School (G.P.D.S.T.) in 1968. MRS. FOSTER, B.A. (H. P. Munns, 1963), became Latin mistress at Our Lady's Convent, Abingdon, from April. S. GALLEY, M.A. (1962), was appointed Research Assistant, Reading University. MRS. GAMMAGE, M.A. (P. J. Hedley, 1961) joined the British Petroleum Co. Ltd., Britannic House, London, E.C. 2, as Patents Information Officer. MRS. GODFREE, M.A. (Z. J. Garrett, 1942), has been teaching Mathematics part-time at Oakdene, Beaconsfield, since September. MRS. LANCELYN GREEN, M.A. (L.R.A.M., L.G.S.M.) (J. Burdett, 1944), was reelected as Councillor for Bebington Borough Council. A. K. HENRY, M.A. (1961), was appointed Lecturer in English, Homerton College, Cambridge, in 1968. SISTER E. M. HENRY, M.A. (1923), was On furlough but hoped to return to Rhodesia in September. MRS. HIBBERT, B.A. (G. M. Bennett, 1963), was appointed Assistant Mathematics Mistress at Hove County Grammar School for Girls in September, 1967, and at Princess Gardens School, Belfast, from September 1969. SISTER NANCY HOARE, M.A. (194o), has for some time been working in the district of Pangalon, Kavalla, Greece, administering a fund which she herself inaugurated on behalf of poverty-stricken families. Full particulars of the fund are available from her, A/C No. 2753, The Ionian Bank, Kavalla, Greece. MRS. CROSSLEY, M.A.
(1958), was appointed Head of the Mathematics Department, Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls from September. S. HoNIGSBERG, M.A. (1964), resigned from the Oriental Institute Library to work as Librarian at the Ashmolean Museum Library in May. M. IGGLESDEN, M.A. (1942), became Administrative Officer in the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, from I May. This post came about as a result of help offered to Mrs. M. M. Smith, Director of the Institute, after the death of her husband, Professor J. L. B. Smith. The job includes the organization in the Institute and the compilation of an index of fishes of the Western Indian Ocean. MRS. KELVIN, M.A. (P. Hackwood, 1946), was appointed Lecturer in History at Acton College of Education. MRS. GRIFFITHS, M.A. (V. Kipping, 1952), is lecturing in Old Testament at the Singapore Discipleship Training Centre where Asian graduates study for the London Diploma in Theology. A. HADFIELD, M.A. (1923), retired from her post at the University of Exeter as Secretary to the Extra-mural Department, and as Assistant Secretary to the Committee for Education in H.M. Forces, the work she took on in 194o at what was then the University College of the South West. G. HALLON (1964), was called to the Bar in November 1968 and is now practising at the Bar in London chambers. MRS. HARDIE, M.A. (P. M. Uhde, 1946), had her appointment as Visiting Lecturer in Education at St. Paul's College, Cheltenham extended for the academic year 1969-7o. She was also an Evening Institute Lecturer for Gloucestershire L.E.A. and has done voluntary research in connection with County Residential Courses for Students under the auspices of Gloucestershire L.E.A. MRS. HARRIS, B.A. (A. C. Platt, 1963), was assistant mistress in the Department of Mathematics at Godolphin and Latymer Girls' School, London, W. 6, from September 1967 to August 1969. She is now married and has moved to Hamilton, Ontario, where her husband has taken a faculty post at McMaster University. MRS. LAYBOURNE, M.A. (Helen Burnett, 1918), has resigned from all her committees on leaving Durham, being fully occupied in household tasks, which leave her no time for good works. MRS. LOBEL, B.A. (M. D. Rogers, 1919), has been appointed General Editor of the Historic Towns series (see under Publications). This series is an important new venture which may eventually consist of ten volumes, including one for London. It is the British part of an international series and combines for the first time archaeology, history, and scientifically constructed maps and plans. MRS. LOCKE, M.A. (D. E. H. Darker, 1924), retired as Principal Tutor of Maria Grey College in 1965. M. E. LONG, M.A. (1933), was appointed Headmistress of Parsons Mead School, Ashtead, Surrey, in September 1969. MRS. LOWE, B.A. (C. M. Hodson, 1963), has been Assistant Geography Mistress at Manning Grammar School, Nottingham, since 1968. SISTER MARY MCCARTHY, B.LITT. (1964), was appointed Head of the Geography Department at St. Bede's Comprehensive School, Scunthorpe, from April.
(1963), was temporary Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Theology, University of Leeds 1968-9, and was appointed Lecturer in the Theological Department of King's College, London University, from October. M. MATHEWS, M.A. (1923), retired from her post as Head Mistress of the County Grammar School for Girls, Dudley, in August. MRS. MERRIMAN, B.A. (C. M. Beech, 1964), has been teaching Geography and Mathematics at the School of St. Helen and St. Katharine, Abingdon, since 1968. MRS. MILLINGTON, D.PHIL. (M. Ashworth, 1965), was awarded a Science Research Council Post-doctoral Research Fellowship. MRS. MOLE, M.A. (Susan Wildbore, 1961), says her husband is enjoying his teaching at the University of Ghana, at Legon, but she herself is a lady of leisure and finds it rather boring. She hopes to do some German teaching, but so far her only language work has been teaching English to Russian diplomats. I. J. MORCOM, B.A. (1965), was appointed Assistant Archivist, Stafford County Record Office, from August. J. MORGAN, B.A. (1964), was awarded a Nuffield Studentship for 1969-70. MRS. MOYES, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (I. C. A. Greig, 1951), has been Clinical Assistant in Psychiatry at De La Pole Hospital since 1964, and University Medical Officer, University of Hull, since 1966. She obtained the D.P.M. in December 1967. MRS. NEWBY, M.A. (S. Marks, 1961), will be living for the next twelve months in Jos, N. Nigeria, where her husband is working as a Land Surveyor with the Directorate of Overseas Surveys. MRS. NEWMAN, M.A. (A. E. Page, 1954), writes 'Local history research showed our previous home to have been parish Pest House. Have now moved to a Flemish weaver's cottage, but have yet to get dug into local records!' S. J. NICHOLLS, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (1963), was appointed House Physician to the Paediatric Department, United Oxford Hospitals, for six months from February 197o. MRS. NORSKY, M.A. (M. Y. Boyd, 1943), is a member of the Editorial Section of the International Labour Office, Geneva. MRS. PAMPLIN (E. A. Webb, 1959), is a Senior Training Development Officer in the Industrial Training Service. MRS. PARIS, B.A. (M. C. Milligan, 196o), was appointed Lecturer in Geography, Edinburgh College of Commerce, from September 1968. MRS. POWELL, B.A. (J. M. Shorey, 1965), started a professional training course in Psychiatric Social Work at Southampton University in October. MRS. PRICE, B.A. (M. J. Davies, 1962), was appointed Assistant History Mistress at Leeds Girls' High School from September 1968. MRS. RICHARDS, M.A. (A. M. James, 195o), taught for a year at Ryles Park Secondary School, Macclesfield, and is now teaching part-time at Mount Carmel Convent School, Alderley Edge. MRS. RICHARDSON, B.A. (P. H. Robotham, 1964), was Research Assistant in the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum, from 1967 to 1969, and has been working as Research Assistant to the President of Trinity College, Oxford, since April.
(A. M. Morris, 1953), left her post as Supervisor of Courses at Wolsey Hall, Oxford, in October, to take up a post as Administrative Assistant to the Council for Academic Awards. MRS. RIVETT, M.A., B.M., B.CH. (J. D. Peacock, 1951), successfully completed the examinations for Membership of the Royal College of Pathologists in December. G. M. ROBERTS, M.A., B.M., B.CH (1954), is Wates Foundation Research Fellow, King's College Hospital Medical School, London. MRS. ROBERTS, M.A. (J. A. Crawford, 1959), was Visiting Professor, English Department, State University of New York, at Buffalo, from June to July 1968; College Lecturer, English Department, University College, Dublin, from 1968-9; and is now Lecturer in the English Department at King's College, London. MRS. ROBINSON, M.A. (J. F. Piachaud, 1961), has been teaching Biology and General Science, part-time, at Mayfield School, Putney, a comprehensive school, since September 1968. MRS. RODNER, B.A., B.LITT. (F. A. Maxwell-Bresler, 1963), having obtained her M.A. in German from Harvard University in June, is continuing her studies towards the Ph.D. degree in German as a Graduate Prize Fellow of Harvard. D. B. SAUNDERS, B.LITT. (1922), retired from teaching at the University of Manitoba in September 1968, with the title of Professor Emeritus. MRS. SCOTT, M.A. (D. Bishop, 1939), has been full-time Modern Language Mistress at Enfield Chace School since September, having previously taught there part-time. MRS. SCOTT, M.A. (J. Rawlinson, 1932), has been Branch Organizing Secretary, Family Planning Association, since 1968. MRS. SHAW, B.A. (A. I. Stratton, 1965), began work as a Child Care Officer with Bristol Children's Department in August, having obtained her Diploma in Social Work at Bristol University. E. SHIRLEY, M.A. (1961), was appointed Research Assistant, Department of Criminology, Cambridge University. MRS. SHORT, M.A. (C. M. Hill, 1944), was appointed Assistant Archivist at Sheffield Central Library from November. MRS. SHRIGLEY, M.A. (N. A. Billit, 1944), was appointed a Justice of the Peace in August. Her daughter Claire is now in her first year at St. Hugh's, reading Modern Languages. A. B. SPEARS, B.A. (1964), is doing Voluntary Service Overseas in Malaya for one year from January 1970. M. S. STAINSBY, B.A. (1964), was appointed Classics Teacher at the Bulmershe School, Woodley, Reading, from September. MRS. STEWART, M.A. (M. L. Woodward, 1941), was Lecturer in Social Science, Seattle University, 1964-9, and has also been teaching Geography in the Education Department of the same university since 1964. She has travelled to Japan and to South America. MRS. STRAWBRIDGE, M.A. (S. Hassid, 1942), was appointed Head of the Chemistry Department at Shaftesbury Grammar School from September. S. J. STYLES, B.A. (1964), was appointed Head of the History Department at Monkton Wyld School, Charmouth, Dorset, from September. Monkton Wyld is a progressive co-educational boarding school. MRS. RIDLER, M.A.
(S. Peacock, 1956), has been part-time Lecturer in Computer Studies, Melton Mowbray College of Further Education, since 1968, and part-time Mathematics Teacher, Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School, since January. MRS. TITTENSOR, B.A. (R. M. White, 1963), has held temporary posts with the Nature Conservancy and the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh since July, while her husband completes his Ph.D. studies. She completed her own postgraduate studies in the University of Edinburgh in July, and obtained the M.Sc. L. F. TWEDDLE, B.A. (1963), has been Senior Library Assistant in the University Library, University of Durham, since September. M. P. VAULK, M.A. (1940), was appointed Head of the Secondary Department, Nazareth School, Addis Ababa, from October 1968. E. C. VOLLANS, B.LITT., M.A. (1939), was promoted Senior Lecturer, Bedford College, University of London, from April. MRS. WAGNER, M.A. (Jane Hodges, 1954), having married M. Michel Wagner, who is working for the United Nations World Food Program, expects to be in Bamako, Mali, until June 1971. 'I suppose I shall be somewhere in Africa with the Land Rover when the Gaudy takes place! Maybe I shall be in Timbuctoo : I plan to go there.' She would be interested to get in touch with other senior members of College who are in that part of Africa. E. M. WALLACE, M.A. (1908), writes short articles 'with a Christian slant' for her local newspapers from time to time. These are sponsored by the Guildford Branch of the World Council of Churches. In the last two years she has done about twenty of these, on various subjects such as Prayer, Christian Joy, Sunday, The Simple Gospel, etc. MRS. WATERHOUSE, M.A. (R. E. Franklin, 1941), was appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to serve on the Potato Marketing Board for three years. She was also re-elected for a second term to the Council of the Consumers' Association (publishers of Which?). MRS. WILLIAMS, B.A. (S. Dent, 196o), taught English Literature at De La Salle College, Manila, 1968-9. MRS. WILSON, M.A. (S. M. Backhouse, 1944), has moved with her family to Singapore for three years, until the end of 1972. R. E. WINTLE, B.A. (1964), was appointed woman tutor at Cranmer Hall (Theological College), St. John's, Durham. MRS. WOOD, B.A. (V. Baxter, 1953), worked at the War Office, Whitehall, 1956-9, and held posts as English Mistress at Southport High School for Girls 1962-4, Brentwood Woodard School 1965, and Fylde Lodge High School for Girls, Cheshire, 1967-8. MRS. WYCHERLEY, B.A. (L. M. Knipe, 1964), was Assistant Mistress in Mathematics at Merrywood Grammar School for Girls, Bristol, 1968-9. She has now moved to Kumasi, Ghana, where her husband is lecturing at the University of Science and Technology, and she hopes to obtain a teaching post there.
A REUNION IN DEVON FTER a gap of one hundred years, the British Association held its meeting in Exeter in September 1969. What a pleasure for the south-west, but A especially so for members of St. Hugh's, as Dr. Kenyon came to receive the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters. Mrs. Fortescue-Foulkes (M. G. Vaughan) and her husband, the President of the Devon and Exeter Institution, asked all the local members of the College to a reception to meet her. The reception was held in the Library of the Devon and Exeter Institution. The members of St. Hugh's, of every vintage, were: Mrs. Birkett (W. M. Catlin), Mrs. Buckingham (D. R. Davie), Mrs. Campbell (C. Dahl), Mrs. Cuttle (S. J. Baker), U. M. S. Dacombe, Mrs. Donne (N. A. Keys), C. E. Dormor, A. Hadfield, A. Hamlin, Mrs. Hargreaves (F. L. Jelleyman), M. S. Holland, Mrs. Hope-Simpson (J. A. Cureton), Mrs. Jalland (B. M. HamiltonThompson), Mrs. Lea-Wilson (G. M. Trevaldwyn), Mrs. Ley (M. E. Walford), E. A. V. Mercer, W. M. W. Paul, A. D. K. Peters. Mrs. Pollard (S. H. M. Patrick), Mrs. Putz (P. H. Fox), Mrs. Reddington (V. M. Plumstead), Mrs. Scott (C. A. Isles), M. L. Sprules, Mrs. Sykes (M. J. Whicher), M. Tamplin, and Mrs. Wigg (M. A. Brown). We also had the pleasure of meeting the Deputy Mayor of Exeter, Miss James (of the Devonshire Association), Miss Catleugh, Dr. W. G. Hoskins the antiquarian and Mr. DykesBower, who gave the vote of thanks. Mrs. Barbara Castle sent greetings and her photograph, and there was an interesting collection of old College photos, especially some from Miss R. W. Goddard, who wrote that, as a special concession in 1903, hockey skirts were allowed to be six inches above the ground! Mrs. Fortescue-Foulkes, the first medical student at St. Hugh's, told us how she had to have a chaperone at tutorials . . . how things have changed. We were very much interested to hear Dr. Kenyon tell us of her activities in 'digs', especially in Zimbabwe and Jericho, where she dug up dirt in order to verify history.
ACTING EDITOR'S NOTE t-T-1HIS issue of the Chronicle may reach you somewhat later than usual, 1 due to the untimely death of Miss Elsie Lemon and the subsequent difficulties encountered by the Acting Editor on having to take over at very short notice. Senior Members are asked to note that any correspondence concerning the Chronicle should be addressed to the Acting Editor, Dr. Sheila Bradbury, 61 Hill Top Road, Oxford. The Address List (1970) will not be sent out with the Chronicle as on previous occasions: it will, as announced last year, be sent only to those members who have ordered a copy and who have sent 5s. A number of Senior Members ordered a copy last year, when they returned the coloured slips with their year's news; they will be receiving their copy as soon as the Address List is ready. Any other Senior Members who would still like to order a copy are asked to do so without delay, by sending a cheque or postal order for 5s. (payable to St. Hugh's College) to the Acting Editor. It is hoped to have the Address List ready by early summer: any Senior Member who has already ordered a copy and who has not received one by 37
the end of July should write again to the Acting Editor, in case their order has been inadvertently overlooked. Any Senior Members who have changed their address and who have not yet informed the Secretary of the A.S.M. are requested to do so without delay, otherwise their out-of-date address will appear in the 197o Address List.
SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE WORK THE B.F.U.W. and the I.F.U.W. offer each year for competition amongst THE certain Scholarships and Fellowships that enable the holders to undertake research work abroad, mostly for an academic year, or occasionally for a shorter period to complete a piece of work; there is also available each year a Scholarship at Crosby Hall, the B.F.U.W.'s Club House in London. Particulars may be obtained from: The Secretary, British Federation of University Women, Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. 3.
HE College has no known address for the following Members and former undergraduates, and the Secretary of the Association would be grateful for any news. J. P. M. Anderson (1953) Mrs. Baldwin (M. S. Lloyd) (1955) Mrs. Barstow (A. T. Marshall) (1919) Mrs. Binfield (J. Porter) (1956) Mrs. Blinkhorn (M. P. Thorneycroft) (1943) Mrs. Bloxham (E. Elves) (1957) A. Bray (196o) Mrs. Brock (S. M. Abercromby) (1956) Mrs. Brody (R. E. Kirkis) (196o) N. Burrows (1926) Mrs. Cameron (M. J. Wilson) (195o) D. T. M. Colman (1949) E. P. Corner, O.B.E. (1933) E. Darkwa (1964) E. M. Davis (1962) Mrs. Deighton (K. R. Blundell-Jones) (1962) Mrs. De Leblanc (D. E. Watson) (1942) E. N. Denton (1918) Mrs. Donoughue (C. R. Goodman) (1954) Mrs. Dunmore (B. Smith) (1946) Mrs. Ehrenpreis (A. W. Henry) (1951) C. J. Elson (1961) Mrs. Enser (L. Harpner) (1956) M. B. Evers (1953) 38
Mrs. Farnworth (H. M. Gilmour) (1936) C. D. Field (1964) M. C. Finch (1938) Mrs. Foot (E. M. I. King) (1953) E. A. L. Forgan (1963) Mrs. Godfrey (J. B. Frazer) (1947) G. Gompertz (1959) Mrs. Grayson-Smith (M. Sherlock) (1927) E. Hadrill (1963) Mrs. Hagestadt (B. Tebbs) (1959) J. S. J. Hall (1963) Mrs. Harley (A. M. Lever) (1957) Mrs. Hatton (W. M. Brent) (1923) E. A. Herbert (1959) Mrs. Hinde (J. M. Briscoe) (1940) Mrs. Hubbard (P. M. Sargent) (1950) M. G. Hughes (1964) Mrs. King (M. M. Bilham) (1959) Mrs. Kinsey (A. S. Robinson) (1961) Mrs. Kirkham (B. R. Lacey) (1944) D. M. Knox (1948) Mrs. Leach (J. G. Mitchell) (1960) S. E. Lindsay (1952) Mrs. Low-Beer (A. Smith) (1961) M. S. McCollum (1964) Mrs. McKane (F. C. Harris) (1939) Mrs. Maitlis (M. Basco) (1952) S. T. Masood (1963) Mrs. Meyer (M. M. Kirk) (1947) F. Murdin (1958) Mrs. Own (E. A. Vigar) (1954) Mrs. Pate (M. K. F. Dale) (1950) Mrs. Picksley (A. Finding) (1952) Mrs. Powell (A. H. Johnson) (1939) Mrs. Price (J. Bates) (1952) Mrs. Parker (S. J. Durman) (1959) W. M. W. Paul (1915) Mrs. Pestieau (C. A. Reynolds) (1958) J. H. Prosser (1957) J. M. Pye (1935) Mrs. Reinhardt (N. J. Simonds) (1961) Mrs. Rentoul (M. C. Tindall) (1948) Mrs. Scott (M. Millington) (1944) Mrs. Slater (G. W. Baldwin) (1960) Mrs. Sparke (C. J. Kuttner) (1963) J. A. Sylph (1957) K. Tyabji (1937) Mrs. Wolfe (J. S. Welch) (1957) A. Young (1957) Mrs. Zuckermann (J. P. Leedham) (1957) 39
FORM OF BEQUEST I give and bequeath (specify the property) to the Principal and Fellows of St. Hugh's College, Oxford, to be dealt with or disposed of for the purposes of the College as the said Principal and Fellows may think fit. The receipt of the Treasurer or proper Officer of the said College shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.
Chronicle 1971 and Register of Addresses Please fill in appropriate details below and return at any date before i December 197o.
NAME in full
Style or Title
MAIDEN NAME (if married)
DATE of entering College
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE (for inclusion in the Register of Senior Members. In future a single address for correspondence will be entered in the Register)
PERMANENT HOME ADDRESS (if different from the above)
NEW APPOINTMENTS D URING 1970 (or any appointments not previously notified, with dates)
PUBLIC A TIONS (Please give publisher, price and date of publication, or if publication is an article details of periodical)
ANY 0 T HER NEWS (including date and particulars of marriage and births if not previously notified)
The Register of Addresses is to be printed in 1970. Copies should be ordered, and will be sent only on prior payment of 5s.