The College was founded in 1886 by Miss ELIZABETH under the title of St. Hugh's Hall. It was recognised from its foundation as an independent institution by the Association for the Education of Women in Oxford, and in 1888 its Principal, with the Principals of Lady Margaret Hall and Somerville Hall, became members of the Council of that body. In 18'9l St. Hugh's Hall was placed under the management of a Council: it was constituted under a Deed of Trust in 1894, and incorporated in 1911 under the Companies' (Consolidation) Act (1908) under the title of St. Hugh's College. On November 1st, 1910, it was recognised by Decree of Convocation. In 1915 Miss WORDSWORTH and Miss MOBERLY were made Honorary Vice-Presidents of the College. In 1920 St. Hugh's College was admitted to the privileges of a College in the University of Oxford. WORDSWORTH
COUNCIL MEETINGS, 1924-5. Saturdays in the second and sixth weeks of Full Term.
COUNCIL (1923-4). The Rev. T. H. ARCHER HOUBLON, D.D. (7, Pembroke ltoad, W.8.), President. G. R. Y. RADCLIFFE, Esq., M.A., New College (135 Banbury Road), Treasurer. The Very Rev. the Dean of Christ Church, Representative of the Hebdomadal Council. The Principal. *Miss C. A. E. MOBERLY, Hon. M.A., St. Hugh's College (4 Norham Road). • Miss B. M. SPARKS, M.A., St. Hugh's College, Principal of the Ladies' College, Cheltenham. *The Rt. Rev. Bishop SHAW, D.D., Christ Church and Oriel (Christ Church). *Miss A. M. A. H. ROGERS, M.A., Society of Oxford Home-Students (39 Museum Road). *Miss E. E. WARDALE,1 M.A., St. Hugh's College (12 St. Margaret's Road.) tThe Rt. Rev. Bishop OHAVASSE, D.D., Corpus Christi College (19 New-Inn-Hall Street). tSir MONTAGU BURROWS, M.A., C.I.E., Exeter College (Norham House, Norham Gardens). (Miss C. M. ADY, M.A., St. Hugh's College (40 St. Margaret's Road). tMiss E. M. TALBOT, M.A., St. Hugh's College, (12 Linton Road). fMiss JOAN EVANS, B.Litt., St. Hugh's College, (9 Kensington Park Gardens, W.11). fJ. A. R. MUNRO, Esq., M.A., Rector of Lincoln College. §Miss E. A. PHILLIPS, M.A.,2 St. Hugh's College, Head Mistress of Clifton High School (2 Cecil Road, Clifton). §Miss D. W. SPRULES, M.A., St. Hugh's College, Head Mistress of Haberdashers' Aske's Girls' School, Creffield Road, Acton, W. §Professor LEE, D.C.L., Balliol, Oriel and All Souls, (Westbury Lodge, Norham Road). §Professor M YRES, M.A., New College, Magdalen and Christ Church (The Copse, Hinksey Hill). §Miss J. W. KIRKALDY, M.A., Somerville College (35 Holywell). §The Rev. Canon H. MAXWELL SPOONER, M.A., Magdalen College (84 Woodstock Road). HON. SECRETARY. Miss B. L. LEFROY (Queen's College). * Until 1924. I Ph. D., Zurich. Hon. M.A., Bristol.
t Until 1925.
§ Until 1926.
The President (ex-officio). The Treasurer (ex-officio). The Principal (ex-officio).
Sir Montagu Burrows. The Rector of Lincoln. Miss Rogers.
The President (ex-officio). The Secretary (ex-officio). The Principal (ex-officio). Professor Myres.
Miss Evans. Canon Spooner. Miss Kirkaldy.
The President (ex-officio). The Treasurer (ex-officio). The Principal (ex-officio). Bishop Chavasse.
Miss Sprules. Miss Rogers. Miss Talbot. Canon Spooner.
The Treasurer. The Principal. Miss Moberly.
Miss Rogers. Professor Myres.
The President. The Treasurer. The Principal. The Rector of Lincoln.
Professor Lee. Miss Rogers. Bishop Chavasse. Miss Phillips.
Miss Talbot.
The Dean of Christ Church. Miss Kirkaldy.
1923-4. PRINCIPAL.
Miss E. F. JOURDAIN, M.A., (until her sudden death on April 6th, 1924.)
Trinity Term, 1924. Newnham College, Cambridge.
Miss M. E.
Miss-;0. B. Firth.' TUTORS.
Miss J. W. Kirkaldy, M.A. (Natural Science.) •Miss E. E. Stopford, B.A. ( English.) *Miss E. D. Ritchie, B.A. (Classics.) Miss E. M. 0. Farrow, B.A. ( Natural Science.) *Miss M. S. Sinclair.2 ( History.) *Miss H. D. Burnett, B.A. (English.) *Miss E. A. Francis.2 ( French.) The following have tutorial control :— *The Vice-Principal. (History and Modern Greats.) Mrs. F. G. Gardner.4 (Mathematics.) Miss D. Newcomen, M.A. ( Groups.) LIBRARIAN.
*Miss W. M. Mammatt, M.A. SECRETARIES.
Miss A. M. P. Mills, M.A. Miss F. M. Alleyne. BURSAR.
*Miss Metherell. ASSISTANT
*Miss S. F. Salt. D. Litt. Lond. A. , Edinburgh. • M.A., London. • Cambridge Mathematical Tripos, Class I. ; M.A., Trinity College, Dublin. • Resident in the College. 1
2 M.
REPORT OF THE COUNCIL, JUNE, 1923—MAY, 1924. THE thirteenth General Meeting of the College was held on Friday, June 22nd, 1923, when Miss PHILLIPS, Miss SPRULES and Mr. OGILVIE were re-elected Members of Council by the General Meeting. Mr. JENKINSON, Miss KIRKALDY and Canon SPOONER were afterwards co-opted as Members by the Council. The Council wishes to express its great gratitude to the Chairman, the RECTOR OF LINCOLN, who presided over the affairs of the College at a critical time in its history but who was obliged, owing to the pressure of other work, to give up the position of President and Chairman at the beginning of Hilary Term, 1924. The Council cannot sufficiently express its obligation to a former President, Dr. ARCHER HOUBLON, who has been willing to accept the position of Chairman in this emergency. The Council notes with pleasure the improved financial posit lot, of the College and congratulates the Treasurer, Mr. RADCLIFFE, on the success of his work. At the end of the Michaelmas Term, 1923, the DEAN OF CHRIST CHURCH took the place of Dr. LOCK, who resigned his position on the Council as representative of the Hebdomadal Council. After the expiration of the term of three years for which Miss ADY had been appointed Tutor in Modern History, her appointment was not renewed. In consequence of this the following Members of Council resigned their places :—Professor BRIERLY, Miss HAIG BROWN, Mr. NICHOL SMITH, Miss VENABLES, Mr. OGILVIE and Mr. JENKINSON, and the following tutors, Miss EVERETT, Miss ScoTT THOMSON, Miss SHAW, Miss TOYNBEE and Miss WARDALE also resigned office. The Council records the co-optation of the following members :—the RECTOR OF LINCOLN, Bishop CHAVASSE, Bishop SHAW, Miss SPARKS, Professor LEE and Professor MYRES. The unfortunate controversy which arose as a consequence of these events was submitted to the decision of the Chancellor of the University, and his award has been published in the University Gazette and in the Press (see below). The Chancellor's suggestion that the Constitution should be reviewed has been referred to the Committee of Council which was already constituted to recommend a new Constitution. In Trinity Term, 1923, steps were taken to appoint a VicePrincipal, and Miss C. B. FIRTH, M.A., D.Litt. (Lond.), came into residence in the Michaelmas Term for her probationary year. In the course of the year the appointment of an Assistant Bursar, Miss SALT, was recognized by the Council. The Council also approved the temporary appointment of the Principal (French), Miss HATCH (History), Miss SINCLAIR (History), Miss RITCHIE (Classics) and Miss
8 (English) to fill vacancies on the Tutorial Staff caused by the resignation of the five Tutors, and appointed to a tutorship in French Miss FRANCIS, M.A. (Lond.), and to an assistant tutorship in English Miss BURNETT, B.A. (Oxon). The Council records with regret the death in January, 1924, of Miss ELLEN M. KNox, a former student of the College, who, as Principal of Havergal College,- Toronto, for thirty years did a great work for the cause of women's education in Canada; and also the death in February, 1924, of Miss M. E. WIGG, Head Mistress of the Burlington Secondary School, London, also a former student of St. Hugh's, who was in residence from 1900 to 1903 ; and of Miss MARGARET JANE TEW, M.A., Scholar of St. Hugh's Hall, 1902-1905, Head Mistress of Brentwood County High School, who died on May 3rd, 1924. The following members of the Staff obtained University appointments during 1923-24 :—In Trinity Term, 1923, Miss G. SCOTT THomsoN was appointed to examine for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ; and Miss FARROW has recently been appointed Lecturer and Demonstrator to the Old Chemistry Department. The results of the Final Schools in 1923 included the following :— Miss M. L. CARTWRIGHT, Final Honour School of Mathematics, Class I. Miss M. M. CHATTAWAY, Final Honour School of Natural Science (Botany), Class I, who has been awarded a Research Scholarship for two years by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Twelve Second Classes were also obtained in the following subjects :— Modern History 3, English 8, Modern Languages (German) 1. At the Scholarship Examination in March, 1924, the following awards were made :— To the Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholarship (£40 a year for three years) MARY GWENDOLEN WATKINS (Newland High School, Hull, and Penrhos College, Colwyn Bay) French; to a College Scholarship (£40 a year for three years) KATHLEEN MIRIAM WOODS (Ranelagh School, Bracknell) Mathematics; to the ALICE OTTLEY Scholarship (£40 a year for three years, open only to members of the ALICE OTTLEY School, Worcester) OLIVE JESSIE LACE, Mathematics ; to a College Exhibition (X20 a year for three years) KATHLEEN MARY HOBBS (County School, Tunbridge Wells) History ; to Bursaries (£20 a year for three years) EILEEN MAUD O'SHAUGHNESSY (Sunderland High School) English; EVELYN ALICE VIOLET MERCER (St. Mary and St. Anne's, Abbots Bromley) French; GWENDOLEN MARY BRADLEY WILLIAMS (Harpurhey High School) English. While this Report was in preparation the Council received with great regret the news of the sudden death of the Principal, Miss ELEANOR F. JOURDAIN, M.A. (Oxon), D. Univ. Paris, which took place from heart failure on 6th April. STOPFORD
9 Miss JOURDAIN had given to the College twenty-two years of devoted service, and under her guidance it had increased in numbers from 50 -to 162 students, and had moved into the present buildings. The Chancellor of the University says in writing to the Chairman desire to convey my sincere condolences upon the of the Council, loss of a most distinguished woman, who had rendered great service to the cause of women's education at Oxford and notably to St. Hugh's College.' The Council has invited Miss MARGARET E. ROBERTSON, (Newnham College, Cambridge, Mediaeval and Modern Languages Tripos, Class I. 1889) formerly Headmistress of Christ's Hospital Girls' School, Hertford, sometime Associate of Newnham College, Cambridge, to act as Principal until a new appointment can be made. From the Oxford University Gazette. April 2nd, 1924. "The Chancellor of the University, having been unanimously invited by the Council of St. Hugh's College to adjudicate on the questions which have arisen in connection with the administration of the College, and having received the assurance that his decision will be accepted by all parties, deputed the Counsel of the University, Mr. A. C. CLAUsoN, K.C., to hold an enquiry, which the members of the Council (including the Principal and Miss Ady), and the former members who had resigned in the course of the dispute, were invited to attend. The Chancellor, having studied the written statements furnished on each side and a note of the proceedings at the enquiry (which was held by M r. Clauson at St. Hugh's College, Oxford, on 22nd March), has arrived at the following conclusions, which are published as his decision." 1. The Chancellor is satisfied that for some time past the personal relations between the Principal and one of the tutors, Miss Ady, have been inharmonious. As it was mutually admitted at the enquiry that no imputation rests on the good faith of either party, the Chancellor does not find it necessary to pronounce upon the precise responsibility for this regrettable state of affairs, which culminated in an intimation by the Principal to Miss Ady, on the 19th November, 1923, of her intention to recommejid to the Council that Miss Ady be not reappointed a Tutor of the College. 2. On the 24th November, 1923, the Council, being satisfied that future collaboration between the Principal and Miss Ady was impossible (as all parties at the enquiry agreed to be the case), and that Miss Ady's reappointment would involve the Principal's resignation, decided by a narrow majority not to reappoint Miss Ady to her Tutorship. Thereupon several members of the minority resigned from the Council, and a number of the Tutors of the College, sympathizing with Miss Ady, resigned their posts. 3. At the recent enquiry all imputations against Miss Ady, and anything written or verbal which could be so construed, were withdrawn, and the Chancellor accordingly finds and decides that no imputation rests upon Miss Ady. 4. Miss Ady, whose character has been thus vindicated, does not now ask for reinstatement on the Tutorial Staff of St. Hugh's College.
10 5. As regards the so-called " boycott " against the College by other Women's Tutors (to which the Council have specifically called the Chancellor's attention) it was stated at the enquiry that the Council did not suggest that Miss Ady was responsible for it : and the Chancellor finds that those ladies, in intimating their intention of withholding their co-operation, should it be invited, with the new Tutors of the College, did not exceed their rights. 6. The unfortunate occurrences which have formed the subject of this enquiry demonstrate a want of understanding between the Administrative and Tutorial Staffs which has been detrimental to the interests of the College. 7. The Chancellor is of opinion that in order to prevent the recurrence of similar troubles the Council should take steps to secure a more defined and harmonious co-ordination among the College authorities. It will be for the Council to consider what constitutional reforms are desirable for this purpose, and whether such reforms should be accompanied by changes in personnel. 8. The Chancellor remits this problem to the Council in full confidence that it will be considered and dealt with in such a manner as will best conduce to the efficiency and well-being of the College ; and he will be gratified to be informed, if they think fit, of the result of their labours. CURZON OF KEDLESTON, March 31st, 1924. Chancellor of Oxford University.
The following appointments have been made :— Head Mistresses. LINDSAY, B. L. P., Monmouth High School.
University Posts. BALMFORTH, M., Lecturer, Rhodes University College, Grahamstown,
S. Africa. EDWARDS REES, D. M. M., Tutor and Censor, S. Mary's College,
Durham. GORDON, M. L., Assistant Lecturer in Classics, University College of
the S.W. of England, Exeter. TOYNBEE, M. R., Assistant History Tutor, S. Hilda's Hall, Oxford
(also in Oct. 1923, appointed Assistant to the Editors of the Dictionary of National Biography). Training College Posts. ALLEN, H. C., Lecturer in Education, S. Mary's College, Lancaster
Gate, W.2. BAZELEY, E. T., Principal of Warrington Training College. HAMILTON, R. E., Lecturer in English, Gipsy Hill Training College,
S.E. Assistant Mistresses. BAKER, N., The Vyne-in-Hampshire, Basingstoke. BRADSHAW, E. M. R., The High School, Basingstoke. BUTTERWORTH, E. M., S. George's, Ascot. CARTWRIGHT, M. L., The Alice Ottley School, Worcester. COUSENS, M. E., The High School, Wellingborough.
11 CRUMP, H. J., Gravesend County School. CUNNINGHAM, M. R., Renelagh School, Bracknell, Berks. DAWSON, K. M., Dagfield, Birkdale, Lancs. DENHAM, D. K., Boston High School, Lincs. EDWARDS, C. L., Old Palace School, Croydon. HILLIARD, L. M., Boston House, Meads, Eastbourne. JOWERS, B. E., Queen's School, Chester. LETS, V., King's Hall School, Compton, Quebec.
MIsKIN, V. E., Withington Girls' School, Manchester. MONK, M. D. D., King's Hall School, Compton, Quebec. PICKFORD, M., Badminton House, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. PRICHARD, M. K, The High School, Clifton, Bristol. SIMS, I. M., S. John's College, Johannesburg. STRONG, E. M., S. Monica's, Burgh Heath, Tadworth. THOMAS, E. M., The High School, Sutton, Surrey. UNMACK, E. R. W., The High School, Bournemouth. WILSON, E., S. Michael's Hall, Hove. Administrative Work. KEBLE, D., Juvenile Probation Officer at the Old Street Police Court. HILL, G. M. K., Secretary to the British Council of the WorIct Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches. IBBERSON, D., Senior Inspector, Ministry of Labour Trade Boards Inspectorate, N.W. Division. Missionary Work. ESPINASSE, K., S.P.G. Mission, Ranchi, B. At 0., India. WALLACE, E. M., Cowley Fathers' Mission at St. Cuthbert's, Tsolo, Cape Province. Degrees, etc. Burreemoms, E. M., M.A. English Literature, University of Liverpool. MOORE, M., Distinction in the Oxford Diploma in Theology. Lecturer for various Church Organizations.
Desiderata for the Library. French Bible. English Historical Review Vol. II, 1893, Vols. I—II, 1894, '95, '96, '98-1912. Bainbridge. Physiology and Muscular Exercise. Chalandon. HiStoire de la Domination normande en Italie et Sicile. Hodder. Life of Lord Shaftesbury (3 Vols., 1886). Hodgkin. Italy and her Invaders. Rashdall. Theory of Good and Evil. Rashdall. Universities in the Middle Ages.
M .A.s. Ady, Cecilia Mary
Gwynn, Joan Katharine (Mrs.)
Allen, Hilda Constance
Gwynne, Phyllis May
Baker, Adelaide Maude
1903 -1907
Hall, Muriel Mary Josepha
Barnes, Muriel (Mrs.)
Hargrave, Catharine Muriel ... 1908-1911
Bazeley, Elsie Theodora
Herdman, Ethel
Beames, Eleanor
Holland, Muriel Sibyl
Homersham, Miriam Margery
Bickmore, Leslie Isabel Geraldine 1906-1909
Horne, Vivienne Cecilia Blades, Eveline
Bolton, Lydia Elizabeth
... 1911-1915
Hutchinson, Winifred Frances 1917-1920 Ibberson, Dora
Irwin, Margaret Gladys
Jones, Menai ...
... 1916-1919
Bolton, Nora
Boykett, Dorothy Madeline ... 1913-1916 Chappel, Gertrude Mary
... 1915-1918
Clark, Elsa Bax Carlton
... 1913-1916
Kalen, Vera Gwendolen (Mrs.) 1916-1919 Cohen, Margaret Lilian (Mrs.) 1911-1914 Crichton, Edith
Cunynghame, Georgina Maude Evelyn 1899-1902
Kennard-Davis, Maude Agnes (Mrs.) 1906-1908 King, Mary Ethel
Mackenzie, Margaret Harriet
Macpherson, Violet Mary Davies-Colley, Mabel
Deneke, Helena Clara
Draper, Gladys
... 1908-1911
Mammatt, Winifred Mary ... 1891-1895
Maurice, Mary Evelyn
... 1907-1911
McLeod, Enid Devoge
... 1915-1918
Evans, Theodora Marian Elizabeth 1912-1915
Moberly, Gwendolen (Mrs.) ... 1912-1915 Moorhouse, Dulcie Christine
... 1914-1918
Murray, Violet Cecil ...
Gordon, Mary Lindsay, B.Litt. 1906-1911
Muscott, Phyllis Bruce
Everett, Dorothy
Forrest, Winifred Jessie
Gunnery, Lois
... 1916-1920
Nicholas, Eleanor Sarah
... 1913-1916
13 M.A.s (continued) ... 1909-1913
Oliver, Ermin Mary Theodora 1912-1916
Southwell, Lorna Violet
Penny, Dorothy Annie Allies 1906-1909
Sparks, Beatrice Margaret ... 1894-1898 ... 1917-1920
Phillips, Eleanor Addison
Sowby, Constance Lilian
Phillips, Ruth Leslie
Sprules, Dorothy Winifred ... 1902-1905
Porcher, Muriel Joan
Talbot, Elfrida Mary
Potter, Margaret Preston
Tew, Margaret Jane ...
Potter, Muriel Lucy ...
Thomas, Edna Marie
1915 -1918
Potts, Osyth Mary ...
Tudor, Edith Mary Annie ... 1906-1909
Price, Phyllis Mary ...
Tupper, Dorothy Frances Haigh ton (Mrs. ) 1911-1914
Unniack, Emily Rosa West ... 1915-1918
Robinson, Florence ...
Wardale, Edith Elizabeth ... 1888-1889
Rogers, Lilian Constance
Wallace, Ethel Marienne ... 1908-1911
Savory, Frances Ina ...
Wethered, Doris Mary
... 1915-1918
Seelly, Gertrude Mary Michaud
Wildy, Rose Mackelcan
... 1907-1910
Shaw, Margaret Renee Bryers 1910-1913
Willans, Lilian Muriel
... 1907-1910
Sims, Irene Margaret
Woodman, Hilda
... 1899-1902
Smith, Ida Isabel
Woolley, Winifred ...
... 1915-1918
Rice, Marcia Alice
D. Phil. Simpson, Evelyn Mary (Mrs.)
D. Mus.
B. Litt.
Daymond, Emily Rosa
Evans, Joan ...
... 1914-1918
B A. s. Baker, Frances Margaret ... 1915-1917
Balmforth, Mildred
Baker, Gwendoline Marjorie
Beasley, Millicent Phyllis May 1913-1916
Baker, Nancy
1919-1922 Beaver, Beryl Emma
14 B. A. s (continued) Bellamy, Marjorie Anderson
Dick, Jeanie Lucia Margery
Blacow, Nesta Mary
Dyke, Janet Mary (Mrs.)
Bown, Margaret Clara
Edwards, Charlotte Lmtitia
Bradshaw, Edith Mary Royds 1911.1915 Brough, Antonia
Brown, Mary Isabel
Burnett, Helen Dorothy
1920-1923 ... 1914-1918 1916-1920
Edwards-Rees, Desiree Mary Mabella 1918-1922 Emtage, Olwen Katrina
... 1919-1923
Farrow, Elizabeth Monica Openshaw 1918-1921
Camous, Florence Louise Elise 1919.1922
Garner, Marjorie
Cartwright, Mary Lucy
Gee, Elfrida Alice
... 1917-1920
Gee, Mabel Elizabeth
... 1916-1919
Giles, Agnes Eugenia
.•• 1911-1915
... 1919-1923
Chattaway, Mary Margaret ... 1920-1923 Chilton, Margaret
Clark, Annis
Clarry, Marjorie Helen
Clive-Smith, Stella Agnes
Cook, Frances Mary Adelaide
Glenday, Dorothea Nonita
Glenday, Eileen Isobel
... 1912-1915
Godley, Margaret Cecilia
... 1919-1922
Harrison, Nellie
Hart, Agnes Margaret
Hart, Innes Ruth Gray
Heard, Helena Betsy
Hemstock, Margaret
Compston, Rosemary Marcia 1919-1922 Cousens, Mildred Edna
... 1919-1922
Crosthwaite, Elizabeth Margaret 1920-1923 Crump, Helen Josephine
... 1919-1922
Cunningham, Margaret Ruth 1919-1922 Curtis, Audrey Beatrix (Mrs.) 1913.1916
Hesketh-Roberta, Gwendoline (Mrs.) 1907-1910
Hewett, Nora Kathleen
Dalaton, Mary Marshall
Hilliard, Lydia Maud
Dawson, Katherine Mary
Hirst, Ethel Margaret
Holt, Anne Durning
Dalgleish, Maisie
Deans, Valerie Margaret Stuart 1919.1922 Denton, Eileen Norah
Hornibrook, Eileen Mary
... 1918-1921
15 B. A. s (continued) Houghton, Violet Edith
Newnham, Jane Mervyn
Hudson, Harriet Kirkby
Nickalls, Barbara Marie
Hutton, Barbara Grindal
Norton, Kathleen Grace
Hutton, Mary Holt ...
Oliver, Agatha Mavis
Park, Annie Hunton
1917.1920 Parr, Dorothy Mary ...
Parrett, Beatrice Gertrude
Paterson, Ethel Leslie
Jaffe, Grace (Mrs.)
Johnstone, Gladys Helen
Jowers, Betty Everilda
Keble, Dorothea
Paterson, Kathleen Grace Logan 1918-1921 Kendall, Betty Beryl
Lagden, Mervyne Hilda
Layng, Margaret Rachel
Paul, Winifred Mary Watson
Peebles, Marjorie Grace (Mrs.) 1920-1923 Perham, Margery Freda Leys, Vera
1920-1923 Peters, Alice Deirdre Kingsnorth 1920-1923
Lindo, Zaira Flora Mary Josephine Teresa Bal van era Lucy ... 19161 920 Linton, Florence Mary
Lister, Olive Howland
May, Phyllis ...
Michell, Penelope Frances
Middleton, Dorothy Frances 1909-1912
Phillips, Enid Elizabeth Dora (Mrs.) 1915-1918 Pickford, Margaret ...
Priest-Shaw, Ethel Favell ... 1917-1920 Prichard, Maud Elizabeth ... 1919-1922 Reynolds, Enid
Rhys-Davids, Vivien Brynhild Caroline Foley ... 1915-1918
Miskiu, Violet Ethel
Moberly, Ida Christine
Moller, Marjorie
Monk, Mary Dorothea Daise
Rountree, Eleanor Constance Mary 1917.1921
Moore, Margaret
Savory, Grace Monica
... 1918-1921
Morice, Cicely Margaret
Sharpe, Gertrude Mary
... 1919-1923
Negus, Beatrice Ellen
Sinclair, Margaret
Robson, Hilda
Rogers, Mary Doreen
16 B.A.s (continued) ... 1919-1922
Smith, Dorothea Elizabeth ... 1916-1919
Wal ford, Mary Elizabeth
Smith, Kathleen Louise ...
Webb, Sylvia Mary Russell ... 1912-1915
Spink, Audrey
Wells, Olive Mary (Mrs.)
Stallman, Sophia Felicia
... 1917-1920
Staveley, Elsie Jackson Dawes 1917-1920
... 1916-1919
Whytlaw, Jean Langlands ... 1918-1922 Wickham, Stella Jean Agnes
Stopford, Eveleen Emily
... 1916-1920
Wilson, Ethel
Strong, Ethel Marion
... 1919-1922
Windham, Alba
Symonds, Charlotte Gwendolen Wortley (Mrs.) 1904-1907 Taylor, Catherine Margaret ... 1916-1920 Taylor, Mildred Beatrice
Toynbee, Margaret Ruth
Vigne, Patricia Fitzgerald ... 1921.1923 Wait, Mary Elizabeth Killigrew 1920-1923
Windle, Winifred Margaret ... 1919-1922 Wood, Hilda Madeline
... 1916-1919
Wright, Margaret Loveday ... 1919-1922 Wright, Mary St. John
Yonge, Eileen Mary
Past and Present Undergraduate Members. 563. Abbott, Irene Dorothy Adelaide London Matriculation, 1920, 1922 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1922 History Previous, 1923 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1923 623. Allen, Priscilla Mary
Oxford Higher Local, Dec. 1919 Higher Certificate, Joint Board, Scripture, 1922 Group Al, Dec. 1923
564. Allsop, Katharine Mary
Responsions, 1922 Pass Moderations (3 subjects), 1923 „ completed, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
520. Andrews, Sylvia Mary
Responsions, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
156. Arbuthnot-Lane, Lottie Rhona
Responsions, 1904 Class III, English Language & Literature,1907 Honour Certificate. Holy Scripture, 1921
565. Arrowsmith, Georgina Leslie
Responsions, 1921, 1922 Pass Moderations (3 subjects), 1923 „ completed, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
566. Ashford, Margaret
Responsions, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
521. Ashforth, Gladys Alice Vera
London Matriculation, 1919 Responsions, Greek and Latin Prose, 1920 History Previous, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
624. Awdry, Mary Diana
Oxford Senior Local, 1921
562. Awdry-Nicks, Cicely Olive Jeanie Responsions, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922 Pass Moderations completed, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1923 469. Bagley, Dorothea Richmond
Cambridge Higher Local, 1916-7 Geography Diploma. Part 1, 1915 Part 2, 1921
18 625. Baker, Sylvia Joyce
Oxford Higher Local Pass Moderations, 1924
471. Barker, Dorothy Mary Cecil
Responsions, 1920 Holy Scripture, 1920 History Previous, 1921
567. Barker, Gwynedd Mary
Oxford Senior Local, 1920, 1921 Exemption from Holy Scripture History Previous, 1923 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1924
568. Barry, Agnes Erica
Responsions, 1922 Pass Moderations (3 subjects), 1923 ,, completed, 1923
569. Benson, Mary Hilda Elizabeth
Higher School Certificate, 1922 Pass Moderations, 1923
570. Bonner, Eveleen Frances Calthrop Cambridge Previous History Previous, 1923 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1923 626. Brook, Eileen Margaret
Cambridge Senior Local, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1924
571. Brooke, Winifred Ethel Emma
School Certificate, 1921, 1922, with Exemption from Holy Scripture Pass Moderations (3 subjects), 1923 „ completed, 1923 91
371. Brooksbank, Ina Muriel
Oxford Senior Local, 1915 Oxford Higher Local, 1917 Class III, English Language and Literature, 1920
522. Brown, Ruth (Old Stittlents Scholar)
School Certificate, 1919 Higher Certificate, Chemistry and Subsidiary Mathematics, 1920 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 Physics Preliminary, 1922
523. Bryant, Hilda Mary
Science Preliminary, Chemistry, 1921 School Certificate, 1918 and 1921 History Previous, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922
676. Buckler, Georgina Grenfell (Mrs.) M.A. Cambridge (Titular) 627. Budenberg, Janet Selma
B.A. (Manchester)
628. Burt, Winifred Mary (College Scholar)
Cambridge Senior Local Oxford and Cambridge Higher Certificate Pass Moderations, 1924
629. Butler, Dora Minnie
Joint Board Higher Certificate History Previous, 1924
19 630. Byram, Phyllis Mary
Oxford Senior Local History Previous, 1924
524. Cartwright, Julia
Oxford Senior Local, 1918 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922
572. Chawner, Esther
Northern School Certificate Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
573. Chorl ton, Cicely
Northern School Certificate, 1920 Holy Scripture, 1923
631. Clarkson, Mary Loring
London General Schools, 1921-22 Pass Moderations, 1924
526. Cooper, Phyllis Mary
School Certificate, 1919 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922
632. Cowell-Smith, Mary Morrison
Oxford Senior Local History Previous, 1924
475. Cray, Winifred
London Matriculation, 1918 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1920 Pass Moderations, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922
574. Crossfield, Frances
School Certificate, 1919 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
677. Crosthwaite, Mary Ale xieChristian Responsions, 1923 575. Cryer, Evelyn
Northern School Certificate Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
527. Currey, Joyce Mary Leacroft
Oxford Senior Local, 1920 and 1921 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922 History Previous, June, 1923
576. Dale, Marjorie
Northern School Certificate, 1920 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
633. Daman, Audrey Le Breton
Oxford Senior Local, 1920 Pass Moderations, 3 subjects, 1924
577. Davies, Phyllis May
Responsions, 1920 Exemption from Holy Scripture Group Al, 1923
20 185. Davis, Alice Mary
Responsions, 1907 Class III, English Language & Literature, 1910 Honour Certificate.
528. Daws, Eva
Responsions, 1919 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922
578. Dean, Isobel Marjorie Marcham
Northern School Certificate History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
579. Dean, Ruth Josephine
B.A., Wellesley College, Mass.
529. Deards, Phyllis Mary Agnes (College Scholar)
Responsions, 1920 Oxford Senior Local, Latin, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922
First Examination, 1897 88. de Castro, Inez Pauline Melanie Lopez ( Scholar) Class III, English Language & Literature, 1900 Honour Certificate. Responsions, Greek, 1921 Holy Scripture, 1922 Group B2, 1923 478. Denham, Dorothy Katharine
Responsions, 1919 Holy Scripture, 1920 Pass Moderations, 1921
634. Dingwall, Mabel Winifred
Cambridge Senior Local, 1921
531. Dormor, Cicely Ethel
London Matriculation, 1919 School Certificate, 1920 Holy Scripture, 1922 Class III, Honour Moderations (Mathematics), 1923 Group Cl, 1923 Group B6, 1923 Group B2, 1924
532. Douglas, Helen Eekford Pearson Cambridge Senior Local, 1918 Responsions, Greek and Latin, 1919 Holy Scripture, 1922 Pass, Honour Moderations (Mathematics) 1923 Group Cl, 1923 580. Dunch, Muriel
General Schools Certificate, 1920 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
581. Eagle-Bott, Leila Beatrice
Cambridge Senior Local History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1924
Responsions, 1922, 1923 635. Edmonds, Gwendoline Adelaide Balson Pass Moderations, 1924
21 480. Elles, Joan Mary
Oxford Higher Local, 1919-20 Responsions, French, 1920 Holy Scripture, 1920 History Previous, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922 Group B1, June. 1923 Group B2, 1924
582. Escombe, Lilla Maud Isobel
Responsions, 1921 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923
481. Evans, Kathleen Mary
Northern Universities' Matriculation, 1919 Responsions, Greek, 1920 History Previous, 1921
636. Evans, Mary Isabella Legh
Cambridge Senior Local, 1921 Pass Moderations. 1924
637. Fagan, Eileen Hilda de Lacy
London Matriculation, 1921 Oxford School Certificate (Religious Knowledge) History Previous, 1924
583. Fawcett, Elizabeth Noble
Higher School Certificate, 1922 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
534. Fiedler, Herma Ethelfried
Responsions, 1919 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1918 Pass Moderations, 1922 Groups B2 and Group B5,1922 First Mus. Bach., Dec. 1923
525. Field, Margaret Ethelwyn Cary
Oxford Senior Local, 1918 Responsions, Greek, 192 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 History Previous, 1922
482. Fleming, Patricia Margaret Oxford Senior Local, 1918 Stanley Pass Moderations, 1921 Holy Scripture, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Class IV, Final School of English Language and Literature, 1923 584. Fowler, Eduarda Vera
London Matriculation, 1919 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
585. Free, Iris Doreen
Oxford Senior Local, 1919, 1921 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1922 Pass Moderations, 1923
535. Fulford, Edna Lilian
London Matriculation, 1921 and 1919 Holy Scripture, 1922 Class III, Honour Mods. (Mathematics), 1923 Group B6, 1923 Group B2 and Cl, 1924
22 586. Galbraith, Joan Kirkland
Responsions, 1922 Pass Moderations (3 subjects), 1923 completed, 1923 91 Holy Scripture, 1923
638. Gent, Margaret Hilary
Oxford and Cambridge School Certificate
675. Gordon, Mary Robertson
B.A. Manitoba, 1923
587. Grainger, Frances Alice
London Matriculation, 1920 Pass Moderations (3 subjects), 1923 completed, 1924 Holy Scripture, 1924
639. Greenhill, Ruth Edith (College Exhibitioner)
London Matriculation, 1920 Oxford Senior Local (Religious Knowledge) 1919 History Previous, 1924
588. Grosvenor, Joan
Oxford Senior Local, 1919 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923
589. Gundry, Doris Shuckburgh
School Certificate, 1920 Higher Certificate, 1921 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923
484. Guy, Florence Mary
Responsions, 1919 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1920 Pass Moderations, 1921
640. Hadfield, Annie
Northern School Certificate, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1924
536. Haggett, Hilda Joyce
Responsions, 1920 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations,1921 Pass Moderations completed 1922
Cambridge Senior Local, 1921 641. Hamilton•Thompson, Beatrice Mary History Previous, 1924 590. Hardman, Kathleen Ann Irene
London Matriculation, 1921 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1922 Mechanics and Physics Preliminary, 1923 Chemistry Preliminary, 1923
591. Harvey, Mary Cecilia Johnanna
Responsions, 1920, 1921 History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
592. Harwood, Marjorie Gertrude
London Matriculation, 1919 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
642. Henry, Elsa Margaret
London Matriculation, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1924
23 537. Hewins, Margaret Nancy
Responsions, 1920 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
643. Hill, Laura Harriet Maude
Responsions, 1921 History Previous, 1924
397. Hind, Kathleen Isabel
Exemption, Music Preliminary, 1919 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1922 Exemption from Responsions, 1923 Pass Moderations, 3 subjects, 1923
487. Hoare, Kathleen Nancy Holden
School Certificate, 1918 Cambridge Previous. Part 1, 1919 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1920 Oxford Senior Local, Latin, 1921 Honour Moderations (Mathematics), Class II, 1922
488. Holmes, Mary Dorothea
Cambridge Senior Local, 1917 Responsions, Greek and Latin Prose, 1919 Honour Moderations, Classics, Class IV, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
678. Holt-Kentwell, Alice Lorrine [Campbell
Responsions, 1919, 1921
644. Horn, Madeleine Edith
Joint Board School Certificate Pass Moderations, 1924
448. Hudson, Maijorie
Responsions, 1919 Holy Scripture, 1919 Pass Moderations, 1920 Class II, Final Honour School of Modern Languages (French), 1922
645. Huish, Frances Katharine May
Cambridge Senior Local, 1922 Pass Moderations, 3 subjects, 1924
538. Hutton, Edna Winifred
London Matriculation, 1921 History Previous, 1922 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1923
516. Jelleyman, Freda Louise
Responsions, 1920. 3 subjects Holy Scripture, 1921 Responsions, Mathematics, 1921 History Previous, 1922
646. Keys, Nan Aston
London Matriculation, 1922 Pass Moderations, 1924
491. Kingston, Emily Thomasine
London Matriculation, 1917 Chemistry, Preliminary, 1920 Holy Scripture, 1921 Physics Preliminary, 1922
24 143. Lardelli, Maria Louisa (Scholar)
First Examination. 1907 Class II, Modern History, 1906 Honour Certificate.
593. Laurie, Margaret Gwynydd
Oxford Senior Local, 1920, 1921 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1920 History Previous, 1923
594. Lauterbach, Mary Louisa
Cambridge Senior Local, 1920 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
647. Learoyd, Ruth Haslewood
Responsions, 1922 and 1923 Pass Moderations, 1924
539. Lee, Dorothy Mercy
Responsions, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
647. Lefroy, Elizabeth Grace
B.A., Western Australia
381. Lemon, Elsie Isabel
Oxford Senior Local, 1915 Responsions, Latin Prose, 1918 Class III, Modern History, 1920 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1923 History Previous, 1924
98. Lidbetter, Evelyn Mary
First Examination, 1897 Class II, English Language & Literature, 1901 Responsions, Greek, 1921 Holy Scripture, 1922
595. Limpus, Lorna Florence
Responsions, 1921 History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
Higher Certificate, 1905 179. Lindsay, Barbara Lumsden Primrose Honour School of Modern History, Class III, 1910 B.A., Classics, London 198. Linton, Edith Mary (Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholar) Holy Scripture, 1909 Class II, Honour Moderations, Classics, 1910 Sidgwick Latin Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1910 Sidgwick Greek Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1911 Class IV, Literati Humaniores, 1912 B.A. Diploma. 495. Lovett, Penelope (College Scholar)
Responsions, 1919 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1920 History Previous, 1921
649. Lynn, Isobel Frederica Vick
Oxford and Cambridge Higher Certificate History Previous, 1924
25 596. Macaulay, Margaret Euphemia
Scottish Universities Preliminary Exam., 1921 Holy Scripture, 1922 Pass Moderations, 1923
597. MacNeice, Caroline Elizabeth
School Certificate Exemption from Holy Scripture Chemistry Preliminary, 1923 Mechanics and Physics Preliminary, 1923 Zoology Preliminary, 1923 First B.M. (Chemistry) 1923
651. Maddock, Ethel Dolores
Oxford and Cambridge Schools Certificate Pass Moderations, 1924
540. Mansell, Millicent Hope
- London Matriculation, 1919 Responsions, Greek, 1920 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1923
496. Marr, Margaret Laura
School Certificate, 1918 Responsions, Greek, 1919 Holy Scripture, 1920 History Previous, 1921
650. McNeill, Dorothy Trevor
Responsions History Previous, 1924
652. Marshall, Heath Jary
Oxford Higher Local, 1923 History Previous, 1924
653. Martin, Phyllis Alma
London Matriculation, 1921 History Previous, 1924
598. Martin, Ella Nancy
Responsions, 1922 Exemption from Holy Scripture Pass Moderations, 1923
654. Mathews, Mona
Northern Matriculation, 1921 History Previous, 1924
655. Mathias, Margaret Alwena
London Matriculation, 1923 History Previous, 1924
541. Maynard, Muriel
London Matriculation, 1919 History Previous, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
542. Messent, Catherine Edith May
Responsions, 1920 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
543. Mitchell, Rosamond Joscelyne
Responsions, 1921 History Previous, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
26 599. Moller, Nancie
London Matriculation Chemistry Preliminary, 1923
600. Moore, Anstace Helen
Responsions, July, 1922 History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
544. Morgan, Beryl Mary Courtenay
Responsions, 1920 History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
601. Morgan, Dorothy
Northern Matriculation, 1920, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
419. Morgan, Mary Enid Myfanwy
Responsions, 1918 Class III, Modern History, 1921 Holy Scripture, 1921
545. Morrah, Kathleen Cecilia
London Matriculation Holy Scripture, 1922 Honour Moderations (Mathematics) Class III, 1923 Group B6, 1923
656. Morse, Eunice Florence
Oxford Senior Local, 1921, 1922 and 1923 Pass Moderations, 1924
657. Morton, Gertrude Mary
London Matriculation, 1921 Holy Scripture, 1923 Pass Moderations, 1924
546. Moss, Helen
Oxford Senior Local Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations,1921 Pass Moderations, 1922
622. Nicholson, Anna Mabel
B.A., University of Western Australia Training Diploma, 1923
658. Neal, Dorothy Nina
London Matriculation, 1921 Oxford Senior Local (Religious Knowledge) 1920 Pass Moderations, 1924
659. Neville-Rolfe, Dorothy
Oxford and Cambridge School Certificate Pass Moderations, 1924
660. Nugent, Marian Catharine [Theffania
Responsions, 1922, 1923
602. O'Farrell, Margaret Bunbury
Responsions, 1921 Pass Moderations (3 subjects), 1923 Pass Moderations (completed) 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
. 27 548. Ogden, Marjorie
School Certificate, 1920 History Previous, 1922 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
661. Ogilvie, Alice Marshall
London Matriculation, 1921, 1922 History Previous, 1924
662. Osborne, Hannah Mary
London Matriculation, 1920 Oxford and Cambridge Higher Certificate (Religious Knowledge) History Previous, 1924
550. Paterson, Margaret Joyce (College Scholar)
Oxford Senior Local, 1918 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 Science Preliminary, Chemistry, 1921 Physics, 1922 „
305. Pattison, Dorothy Rachel
Responsions, 1913 Holy Scripture, 1915 Honour Moderations, Classics, Class IV, 1917 Groups D, Al, 1917
128. Pearson, Elizabeth Helen
Oxford Senior Local Class III, French Language & Literature, 1905 Honour Certificate.
551. Percival, Alicia Constance
School Certificate, 1919 Higher Certificate, 1920 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 Honour Moderations, Classics, Class IV, 1923
552. Perkins, Mary
Responsions, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
603. Pilkington, Christine Mary
London Matriculation, 1921 Botany Preliminary, 1922 Physics Preliminary, 1923 Chemistry Preliminary, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
663. Platt, Dorothea Elizabeth
Oxford Senior Local, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1924
84. Prideaux, Ethel Mary Charlotte
London Matriculation Class III, Modern History, 1899 Honour Certificate. Holy Scripture, 1921
553. Randolph, Frances Edith
Responsions, 1920 History Previous, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1923
664. Reeves, Marjorie Ethel
Responsions, 1923 Oxford Senior Local (Religious Knowledge) History Previous, 1924
28 236. Richmond, Doris Mary
Cambridge Higher Local, 1909 Class III, German Language & Literature, 1913 Honour Certificate
604. Rippon, Dorothy May Lyddon
Oxford Senior Local, 1920, 1922 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1920 Chemistry Preliminary, 1923 l'hysics Preliminary, 1924
605. Roberts, Mabel Armitage
Cambridge Senior Local, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
606. Robertson, Joyce Elizabeth Anne Oxford Senior Local, 1922 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1922 Pass Moderations, 1923 461. Ruffer, Veronica Inez
Oxford Senior Local, 1917 Oxford Higher Local, 1920 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1920 Groups B2 and 115, 1922 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922
665. Russell, Mary-Ellen Baron
Oxford Senior Local, 1921, 1922, and 1923 Pass Moderations, 3 subjects, 1924
666. Russell, Vivien
Oxford and Cambridge Schools Certificate
667. Rycroft, Barbara Frances
Oxford Senior Local, 1921 and 1923 Pass Moderations, 1924
554. Rygate, Carol Evelyn May
London Matriculation, 1921 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Geography Diploma, Part I, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923 Group B2, 1924
668. Sara, Muriel Maud Grace
London Matriculation, 1921
608. Sargeaunt, Margaret Joan
Responsions, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
609. Saunders, Doris Boyce
B.A., University of Manitoba Education Diploma, 1923
610. Saunders, Vera Gray
Oxford Senior Local Exemption from Holy Scripture
611. Serocold, Elizabeth Laura
Responsions, 1921 History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
612. Shrigley, Irene Maud
London Matriculation, 1920, 1922 History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
29 669. Simey, Gertrude Margaret Oxford School Certificate, 1921 and 1923 [Stewart History Previous, 1924 504. Sinclair, Marjory Sophia
M.A., Edinburgh. (History)
359. Skinner, Jessie
Oxford Higher Local, 1916 Class HI, French Language & Literature, 1919 Honour Certificate. Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Holy Scripture, 1921
555. Slaney, Marguerite
School Certificate Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 History Previous, 1922
283. Spencer, Lilian Leigh
Cambridge Higher Local, 1912 and 1913 Oxford Higher Local, 1914 ÂŁgrotat, English Language & Literature, 1916 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921
566. Sprules, Lilian
London Matriculation, 1920 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 History Previous, 1922 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922
613. Steel, Mary Westwood
London General Schools Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
614. Stevens, Margaret Primrose
Higher Certificate Exemption from Holy Scripture History Previous, 1923
815. Tallent, Violet Killworth
Cambridge Senior Local, 1920, 1921 Agricultural Preliminary (French), 1922 Agricultural Preliminary, completed, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
670. Theiwell, Florence May
Northern Matriculation, 1922 Pass Moderations, 1924
616. Thomson, Helen Cecilia
Higher Certificate Exemption from Holy Scripture History Previous, 1923 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1923
558. Volkert, Rosemary Dorothy (College Exhibitioner)
London Matriculation, 1919 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1922 Holy Scripture, 1922
617. Wace, Margery Helen
London Matriculation History Previous, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
671. Walker, Phebe Margaret
Oxford Higher Certificate, 1922 Oxford Senior Local (Religious Knowledge)
30 618. Warriner, Doreen
Oxford Senior Local, 1921 Exemption from Holy Scripture, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923
559. Watson, Catherine Ethel (Ottley Scholar)
School Certificate, 1919 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 Science Preliminary, Chemistry. 1921 Biology, 1922 11
619. Watson, Edith Marion
Responsions, 1921 Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
515. Wayment, Agnes Etheldreda
Responsions, 1920 Holy Scripture, 1921 Physics, Preliminary, 1922
620. Weston, Hilda Margaret
London Matriculation Pass Moderations, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1923
560. Whither, Margaret Joyce
School Certificate, 1918 and 1920 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 History Previous, 1922 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922
428. Wilby, Doris
Oxford Senior Local, 1916 London Matriculation, 1916 Oxford Higher Local, Latin, 1918 History Previous, 1920 Class II, French Language Si Literature, 1921 Responsions, 1923 Holy Scripture, 1924 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1924
45. Williams, Alice Mary
First Examination Class III, Modern History, 1895 Honour Certificate.
621. Wilson, Beatrice Alice
M.A., New Zealand
672. Wilson, Hilda Mary
Oxford Senior Local, 1920
673. Woodcock, Nina Bruce
London Matriculation Pass Moderations, 1924
561. Young, Eleanor Rosemary
School Certificate, 1918 and 1919 Exemption, Holy Scripture, 1921 History Previous, 1922 Greek in Translation in Pass Moderations, 1922
674. Youughughes, Grace Mary
London Inter. Arts, 1920
The Secretary, St. Hugh's College, would be glad to hear of any change o! address. The number beside each name is the number in College Books. AM indicates Annual Membership of the College. LM indicates Life Membership of the College. * Now resident at St. Hugh's College. Where two addresses are given, the second is the permanent home address. 21, Craven Road, Reading 57 Abdy, D. C. 291 Abraham, M. T. C.... (See Browne-Wilkinson) AM 212 Addison, M. M. ... High School for Girls, Halifax 40, St. Margaret's Road, Oxford LM 113 Ady, C. M. 24, Lancaster Gate Terrace, W. 2 AM 292 Allen, H. C.... Amenbury, Beaconsfield, Bucks. * 623 Allen, P. M. ... 20, Winchester Road, Oxford Alleyne, F. M. M 27, Bramham Gardens, London, S.W. 5 * 564 Allsop, K. M. ... St. Mary's, Tonbridge, Kent • 520 Andrews, S. M. Girls' High School, Clifton, Bristol AM 156 Arbuthnot-Lane, L. R. 21, Cavendish Square, London, W. Farnley, Banbury Road, Oxford 368 Armitage, B. U. M. Ethelbert Road, Canterbury * 565 Arrowsmith, G. L. ... (See Bentley) AM 86 Ash, L. Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. * 566 Ashford, M. 39, Heathfield Road, Acton, W. 3 * 521 Ashforth, G. A. V. Wycombe Abbey School, Bucks 243 Auld, L. E.... 29, Annesley Road, Liverpool ... King's Hill, Dursley, Glos. * 624 Awdry, M. D. * 562 Awdry-Nicks, C. 0, J. 51, Campden Hill Court, W.8 ... Carlton Husthwaite, Thirsk, Yorks. 469 Bagley, D. R. Headington School, Oxford LM 140 Baker, A. M. Olivera, Windmill Road, Headington 16, Crick Road, Oxford AM 318 Baker, F. M. 34, Parson Street, Keighley, Yorks LM 369 Baker, G. M. The Vyne-in-Hampshire, Basingstoke AM 431 Baker, N. ... 16 Crick Road, Oxford Elm Cottage, Snaresbrook, Essex. * 625 Baker, S. J. 470 Balmforth, M. ... 6, Stephen Street, Cape Town • 563 Abbott, I. D. A. ... 92, Victoria Street, Wolverton, Bucks. AM 181 Barber, E. ... St. Cross, Winchester ... (See Wright) 16 Barker, A. L. (See Braine-Hartnell) AM 14 Barker, C. L. * 471 Barker, D. M. C. ... Gaskyns, Rudgwick, Sussex. • 567 Barker, G. M. ... Woodlands, Oxted, Surrey 16, Station Road, Marlow LM 343 Barnes, Mrs. (M. M. Beaver) ... Pilgrim's Rest, Transvaal, S. Africa * 568 Barry, A. E. 451 Barstow, Mrs. ... Bakloh, Punjab, India (A. T. Marshall) ... (See Harvey) LM 65 Barter, C. D. Glendalough House, Annanmore, co. Wicklow 182 Barton, F. M. AM 94 Batchelor, F. M. S. Lingholt, Hindhead, Surrey ... (See Evans) 183 Baynes, M. ... ... The Training College, Warrington LM 133 Bazeley, E. T. Woodland, Ottery St. Mary, Devon ... 24, Beaconsfield Road, Clifton, Brlstol LM 273 Beames, E. ... AM 274 Beasley, M. P. M. ... 24, Victoria Avenue, Wellington, Salop
St. Hilary's, Battle, Sussex The Limes, 176, Park Road, Peterborough (see Barnes) LM 343 Beaver, M. M. Harpurhey High School, Manchester AM 60 Bell, A. E. ... 32, Denison Road, Victoria Park, Manchester LM 150 Bell, Mrs. ... . Alces Place, East Bletchington, Seaford, Sussex (M. I. M. Ottley) 1641, Stout Street, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. LM 512 Bellamy, M. A. .. . 1, Welby Gardens, Grantham. .. . 80, Primrose Mansions, Alexandra Avenue, Batter118 Bennett, Mrs. sea Park, S.W. 11 (I. D. Ludwig) * 569 Benson, M. H. E. .. . 20, Bonsfield Road, New Cross, S.E. 14 AM 86 Bentley, Mrs. D. .. . Herne Cottage, Ditton Hill, Surbiton (L. Ash) 126 Bevis, Mrs. T. A. .. . Childe Okeford, Shillingstone, Dorset (L. I. Dawson) AM 169 Bickmore, L. I. G... . Seymour Lodge, Seymour Road, S.W.8 Godolphin and Latymer Girls' School, HammerAM 56 Bird, P. smith, London, W. 5, Castlenau Mansions, Barnes, London, S.W. The Elms, Eccles Old Road, Manchester LM 7 Birley, M. H. 294 Birtwell, R. E. (See Colman) LM 370 Blacow, N. M. Bainbridge Road, Sedbergh Ministry of Labour, 94, Corporation Street, BirLM 213 Blades, E. ... mingham The Vicarage, Selly Oak, Birmingham LM 200 Blainey, Mrs. A. R.... Bent Parade, Black Rock, Melbourne Kippington Vicarage, Se venoaks. (J. Cooke) 270 Blake, D. H. 95 Blamire-Brown, R. E. Little Kimble, Prince's Risborough, Bucks LM 319 Bolton, L. E. ... High School, Norwich Enstone, Oxon ... 88, Mansfield Road, Nottingham LM 344 Bolton, N. ... ... (See Wilson) 38 Bond, A. ... * 570 Bonner, E. F. C. ... 78, Ashley Gardens, S.W. 1 432 Bonsey, 0. M. ... (See Bradley) Gwyny, Pontypridd, Glam. 311 Boone, Mrs. ... (V. A. G. G. Smith) ... Sea View, West Runton, Norfolk LM 295 Boothby, D. Liverpool Road, Newcastle, Staffs 429 Boscq, M. L. ... 2, Rue Crebillon, Paris 132 Bowen-Colthurst, P. Layer-de-la-Haye, Colchester de B. F. LM 146 Bowen-Colthurst, Mrs. R., Great House, Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchester (W. S. B. West) Cornhill, Sherborne AM 433 Bown, M. C. ... Friar Gate House, Derby AM 275 Boykett, D. M. Ruddington Vicarage, Notts S.P.G. Mission, Hubli, India LM 148 Bradbury, L. F. (L. F. Todd) 24, St. Peter Street, Tiverton, Devon 432 Bradley, Ms. D. ... Derwent, Temple Ewell, nr. Dover (0. Bonsey) AM 244 Bradshaw, E. M. R. Wayside, Wallis Road, Basingstoke, Hants AM 14 Braine-Hartnell, Mrs. C., Hadley House, Cheltenham (C. L. Barker) 18 Breeks-Atkinson, S. N. LM 434 Brough, A. ... ... 22, Edith Grove, S.W. 10 * 626 Brook, E. M. ... 3, Champion Hill, S.E.S. LM 398 Beaver, B. E.
AM 254 Brook, F. L....
... 6, Melbourne Mns., Queen's Club Gardens, W. 14 Ashbrook, Totnes, S. Devon * 571 Brooke, W. E. ... The Meade, Beaconsfield, Bucks 371 Brooksbank, I. M. ... The Grammar School, Bingley, Yorks 20, Alfred Place, Dewsbury AM 276 Brown, K. M. ... Bradford Grammar School, Yorks 3, Alfred Road, Farnham ... North Wootton Vicarage, Shepton Mallet AM 435 Brown, M. I. * 522 Brown, R. ... ... North Wootton Vicarage, Shepton Mallet LM 110 Browne, E. M. ... High School, Leamington 8, Union Road, Leamington 291 Browne-Wilkinson, Mrs., Dyer Street House, Cirencester (M. T. C. Abraham) * 523 Bryant, H. M. ... The Bungalow, Tregurrian, S. Columb Minor, Cornwall * 676 Buckler, G. G. (Mrs.) 109, Banbury Road, Oxford. * 627 Budenberg, J. S. ... Somerville, Marple, Cheshire. 78 Bulkeley, M. M. Coddington Rectory, Ledbury 395 Bullen, B. A. C.M.S. Ladies' College, Colombo, Ceylon Westside, Beeding, Sussex AM 277 Buller, A. B. (See Curtis) LM*436 Burnett, H. D. Women's University Club, 2, Audley Square, W. 1 Wychwood Park, Toronto LM 66 Burnett, M. E. La Lande Chalandouz, S. Jouan-des-Guerets, Illeet-Vilaine, France 320 Burridge, H. M. ... 39, Charleville Road, W. 14 * 628 Burt, W. M. ... 19 Park Street, S. James' Square, Bath. * 629 Butler, D. M. Seacombe, Wimborne Road, Poole, Dorset. 345 Butterworth, E. M.... Carlton, near Wakefield 87 Buxton, W. E. ... (See Fairlie-Watson) * 630 Byram, P. M. ... Etruscan House, Alexandra Road, Market Drayton, Salop. AM 437 Camous. F. L. E. ... Belvedere School, Liverpool 66, Monnow Street, Monmouth 372 Carmon, S. H. ... Secondary School, Waterloo with Seaforth, nr. Liverpool 9, Harrison Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne LM 296 Carter, N. C. Education Office, Colombo, Ceylon Byculla, Upton Road, Slough * 524 Cartwright, J. . Langold, Victoria Road, Macclesfield LM 438 Cartwright, M. L. Alice Ottley School, Worcester Aynho Rectory, Banbury, Oxon 321 Chapman, S. J. .▪ (See Felkin) 241 Chappel, D. F. H. .• (See Tupper) LM 316 Chappel, G. M. ..▪ County Secondary School, Bermondsey 44, Nelson Square, Blackfriars Road, S.E. 1 LM 472 Chattaway, M. M. . • 151, Woodstock Road, Oxford. * 572 Chawner, E. • Derby House, Winckley Square, Preston LM 400 Chilton, M. .,. ▪ Heath View, Windmill Road, S.W. 4 * 573 Chorlton, C. ▪ Linden, Aughton, nr. Ormskirk, Lancs. LM 373 Clark, A. ... .▪ Heatherley, Inverness The Nunnery, Orrell Mount, near Wigan LM 278 Clark, E. B. C. 23, St. Mary's Street, Southampton AM 367 Clark, N. P. Girls' High School, Lincoln 101, Derinton Road, S.W. 17 * 631 Clarkson, M. L. 4, Derwentwater Place, Keswick. AM 430 Clarry, M. H. Lych Gate, Spencer Road, Canford Cliffs, Bournemouth
iv. AM 473 Clive-Smith, S. A. ... c/o Bank of New South Wales, 29, Threadneedle Street, E.C. . Box 381, Johannesburg, S. Africa AM 248 Cohen, Mrs.... (L. M. Higman) c/o District Engineer, Hill Crest, Natal 294 Colman, Mrs. (R. E. Birtwell) LM 439 Compston, R. M. .. . 113, Rosebery Road, Muswell Hill, N. 10 ... 22, Newport Road, Cardiff AM 474 Cook, F. M. A. (See Blainey) 200 Cooke, J. 96 Coombes, L. ... Kynance, Eldorado Terrace, Cheltenham * 526 Cooper, P. M. ... High School for Girls, Wellingborough LM 440 Cousens, M. E. Kingsholm, Church Gresley, Burton-on-Trent * 632 Cowell-Smith, M. M. Coillin, Banchory, Kincardineshire. . (See Wallace) 163 Cowie, W. ... ... The Platts, Watford, Herts 11 Cox, Mrs. A.... (S. M. Iles) 14, Fairdene Road, Coulsdon, Surrey 322 Cox, P. J. . Common Hill, Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge, Wilts. * 475 Cray, W. ... LM 346 Crawshay, 0. M. ... (See Wells) AM 201 Crichton, E. Queen Margaret's School, Scarborough ... (See Walker) 214 Crick, M. B.... LM 97 Crick, M. M. (See Irving) The Hollies, Ack Lane, Bramhall, Cheshire * 574 Crossfield, F. 476 Crosthwaite, E. M.... Highfield, King's Langley, Herts. 677 Crosthwaite, M. A. C. Highfield, King's Langley, Herts. LM 441 Crump, H. J. County School for Girls, Gravesend 179, Hampstead Way, N.W. 4 184 Crump, M. M. ... Goldsmith's College, New Cross, S.E. ... 575 Cryer, E. 21, Beechwood View, Leeds * AM 442 Cunningham, M. R. Ranelagh School, Bracknell, Berks. Cranleigh Rectory, Surrey County High School, Church Hill, Walthamstow, AM 104 Cunynghame, G. M. E. E. 17 High School, Sunderland LM 347 Curran, K. ... 13, Hanover House, N.W. 8 * 527 Currey, J. M. L. The Hatherings, Little Eaton, nr. Derby AM 277 Curtis, Mrs. Wetherdene, Charlcombe, Bath (A. B. Buller) 5, Blair Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester * 576 Dale, M. ... Inverleith, Queen's Drive, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. LM 477 Dalgleish, M. LM 401 Dalston, M. M. ... Penryn Lodge, Westwood Park, Forest Hill, S.E.23 * 633 Daman, A. le B. ... Ventura, Haines Hill, Taunton. 17 Daubeney, Mrs. C. W. The Brow, Coombe Down, Bath (E. H. Gore) * 577 Davies, P. M. Mount Bures Rectory, Colchester LM 297 Davies-Colley, M. ... Whalley Range High School, Manchester Oakleigh, Burnage Lane, Levenshulme, Lancs. LM 185 Davis, A. M. Havards, Isca Road, Exmouth LM 170 Davis, Mrs. R. Kennard, The Lodge, Birkenhead School (M. Mack) * 528 Daws, E. ... ... 49, Heron Court Road, Bournemouth LM 402 Dawson, K. M. Dagfield, Birkdale, Lancs. 85, Stanthorpe Road, Streatham, S.W. 16 126 Dawson, L. I. ... (See Bevis) LM 518 Daymond, E. R. ... Royal College of Music, South Kensington, S.W. 6, Upper Phillimore Place, W. 8
... 3, Parkfield Road, Liverpool * 578 Dean, I. M. M. 59, Greencroft Gardens, Hampstead, N.W. 6 * 579 Dean, R. J. AM 443 Deans, V. M. S. 11, Croft Road, Swindon * 529 Deards, P. M. A. Ash Villa, Harlow, Essex LM 88 De Castro, I. P. M. L. Cavendish House, Burlington Road, Nottingham LM 116 Deneke, H. C. ... Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford Gunfield, Norham Gardens, Oxford 51, Harley House, Regent's Park, N.W. AM 478 Denham, D. K. ••• 63, Sydney Street, Boston, Lincs. Ainhem, Kilmacolm. 105 Dening, C. L. A. ••• (See Richardson) ••• Marylands, Shrub End Road, Colchester AM 403 Denton, E. N. LM 234 De Putron, E. ••• Ladies' College, Cheltenham 127 De Reyes, I. M. ••• The High School, Wellingborough ••• (see Orr) 323 Dick, A. C. ... ••• The Vicarage, Heath, Derbyshire AM 479 Dick, J. L. M. * 634 Dingwall, M. W. ••• Sunnybrae, Bonchurch, I.O.W. LM 178 Dobbs, A. C. ••• 12, Cearns Road, Oxton, Birkenhead LM 40 Dodsley-Flamsteed, M . M., Girls' Public School, Beaufort West, S. Africa 139 Dodwell, D.... (See Nixon) Doehaerd, D. (see Schricke) 530 Doraiswamy, Mrs. ... Mahboobia College, Hyderabad, India 3, Commercial Street, Bangalore, S. India ... 2, Chestnut Road, Peverell, Plymouth * 531 Dormor, C. E. 532 Douglas, H. E. P. ... Mayfield Lodge, Dalkeith LM 197 Douglas, J. Winthank House, Cupar, Fife, Scotland 240 Dover, Mrs. ... Plox House, Bruton, Somerset (M. Whitfield) LM 298 Draper, G. ... County School, Golders Rise, Hendon, N.W. 4 The Avenue, Lincoln 229 Druitt, I. M. C. ... 74, Bennett Road, Bournemouth 280 Duggan, Mrs. E. F.... Holmwood House, Linden, Essex (F. S. Hanbury) 162 Duggan, E. M. ••• South Cerney, Cirencester ••• 59, Darnley Road, Gravesend * 580 Dunch, M. ... 310 Dyke, Mrs. ... ••• 23 Rugby Mansions, W. 14 (J. M. Smith) * 581 Eagle-Bott, L. B. ... 24, Cornwall Gardens, S.W. 7 67 Eakin, M. L. Central Bureau for the Employment of Women, 54, Russell Square, W.C. 1 * 635 Edmonds, G. A. B. Henley, Victoria Avenue, Swanage. LM 348 Edwards, C. L. ... Wonston Rectory, Sutton Scotney, Hants 186 Edwards, G. ... (See Roberts) LM 404 Edwards-Rees, D. M. M. S. Mary's College, Durham Whitton Tower, Rothbury, Northumberland AM 230 Elgood, Mrs. V. A. A. 6, Northwick Park Road, Harrow (D. G. Lawson Lewis) * 480 Elles, J. M. ... ... 79, Onslow Square, S.W. 7. AM 4 Emmerson, J. A. ... (See Price) AM 444 Emtage, 0. K. ... Halstead Rectory, nr. Sevenoaks, Kent The Lodge School, Barbados AM 134 Eppstein, Z. ... Stanley House, Axbridge, Somerset * 582 Escombe, L. M. I. Langlete, Little Common Road, Bexhill AM 279 Espinasse, K. ... S. Margaret's School, Ranchi, B. & 0., India LM 299 Evans, J. ... 9, Kensington Park Gardens, W. 11 ... 9, Wellington Terrace, Sutton Coldfield. * 481 Evans, K. M. * 636 Evans, M. I. L. ... Church Leys, Rearsby, Leicestershire.
vi. 183 Evans, Mrs.... . •• Tidnor Mills, Lugwardine, Hereford (M. Baynes) LM 258 Evans, T. M. E. . •• Budleigh, Showell Green Lane, Sparkhill, Birmingham . •• High Street House, Sevenoaks M Everett, D. ... * 637 Fagan, E. H. de L. Astley, Hersham, nr. Walton-on-Thames 43 Fairbanks, A. L. . •• 220, Boulevard Raspail, Paris XIV Melbourne House, Wells, Somerset LM 155 Fairley, Mrs. B. . •• The University, Toronto. Canada (M. A. Keeling) 22, Kendall Avenue, Toronto 87 Fairlie-Watson, Mrs • Muzufferpore, Tirhoot, India (W. E. Buxton) •• 104, Oakley Street, S.W. 3 153 Farnell, R. Grange Corner, Eastbourne 259 Farrow, A. M. • .. (See Hall) LM 406 Farrow, E. M. 0. .. 37, Chalfont Road, Oxford * 583 Fawcett, E. N. .. Yardley Crest, Tonbridge, Kent 79 Fear, H. M.... • .. Grey Coat Hospital, Westminster, London, S.W. 16, Cyril Mansions, Battersea Park, S.W. 11 321 Felkin, Mrs. Elliott. 157, route de Florissant, Geneva (J. Chapman) 290 ffoulkes, Mrs. R. . 8, Barnfield Crescent, Exeter (M. G. Vaughan) * 534 Fiedler, H. E. . The Lane House, Norham Road, Oxford * 525 Field, M. E. C. . 32, Wheeley's Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham . 7, Cope Place, Earl's Court, S.W. 324 Findlay, J. d'A. Arun Lodge, Horsham, Sussex 482 Fleming, P. M. S. . Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. AM 300 Forrest, W. J. Pentreath, Crackington, S. Gennys, Cornwall 39 Fowler, A. C. Pupil Teachers' Centre, Tottenham * 584 Fowler, E. V. Avon Wood, Sneyd Park, Bristol M Francis, E. A. 39, West Street, Reigate * 585 Free, I. D. ... 2, Victoria Street, Windsor, Bucks * 535 Fulford, E. L. . .. Craven House, Hayes End, Middlesex * 586 Galbraith, J. K. . .. 57, Netherhall Gardens, N.W. 3 LM 374 Gamble, C. ... . .. (See Johns) 407 Gare, W. E. Mollington Banastre, Mollington, near Chester M Gardner, Mrs. . .. 5, Marston Ferry Road, Oxford LM 260 Gardner, G. .. (See Moberly) AM 483 Garner, M. ... . .. Wood Edge, Loxley, Nr. Warwick . .. The High School, Huddersfield AM 375 Gee, E. A. ... Moorlands, Mount, Outlane, Huddersfield . .. 88, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1 AM 349 Gee, M. E. ... Moorlands, Mount, Outlane, Huddersfield .. 2 Pembroke Vale, Clifton, Bristol. * 638 Gent, M. H. AM 42 Gent, Mrs. H. C. . .. 2, Pembroke Vale, Clifton, Bristol (S. E. Kershaw) AM 245 Gibson, M. V. . .. Flat No. 5, 49, Tavistock Square, W.C. 1 LM 246 Giles, A. E. .. 84, St. John's Road, Oxford cio H. S. King & Co., 9, Pall Mall, S.W. 1 AM 408 Glenday, D. N. . .. Francis Holland School, Graham Street, S.W. St. Margaret's, Fowlers Road, Salisbury LM 261 Glenday, E. I. . .. Mount House School, Hartley, Plymouth St. Margaret's, Fowlers Road, Salisbury AM 135 Goddard, R. W. . .. High School, Priory Road, Dudley Craddock Lodge, Cullompton, Devon LM 445 Godley, M. C. . c/o Barclay's Bank, Banbury Road, Oxford LM 187 Godwin, E. M. .
vii. 455 Goldsmith, Mrs. R. L. S., Anamudi, Blackacre Road. Dudley (M. K. Norton) ••• University College, Exeter AM 171 Gordon, M. L. * 675 Gordon, M. R. ••• 54, Westgate, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. Gore, E. H. (See Daubeney) 215 Graham, E.... S. Paul's Girls' School, London, W. 6 * 587 Grainger, F. A. ••• 7, Elmwood Gardens, Acton Hill, London, W. 3 ••• Withington Girls' School, Fallowfield, Manchester LM 80 Grant, M. A. 15, Chaucer Road, Bedford 61 Grattan, E. H. G. Grey Coat Hospital Westminster, London, S.W. Katharine House, Addiscombe, Croydon Rutherglen, Clarendon Road, Watford. * 639 Greenhill, R. E. AM 247 Greig, M. J.... Anglefield, York Road, Sutton, Surrey 151 Grigg, Mrs. P. J. 2, FitzGeorge Avenue, Kensington, W. 14 (G. C. Hough) Redleaf, Hansler Grove, East Molesey * 588 Grosvenor, J. 394 Guignon, G. S. Julien-du-Sault, Yonne, France 589 Gundry, D. S. 5, Windsor Terrace, Clifton, Bristol The County Secondary School, Bermondsey LM 350 Gunnery, L. The Vicarage, Wath•on-Dearne, Yorks. * 484 Guy, F. M. ... Forest School, Walthamstow The Grange, Eynsham, Oxon AM 224 Gwynn, Mrs. J. T. (J. K. Sedding) ... Hartington House, Leek, Staffs AM 216 Gwynne, P. M. 244, Rochdale Road, Royton, Lancs. * 640 Hadfield, A. 24, S. James Square, Bath * 536 Haggett, H. J. ... 376 Haig, M. 5, Mansfield Road, Ilford, Essex AM 117 Hales, A. M. M. The Leett, Writtle, Chelmsford Poltimore College, nr. Exeter AM 262 Hall, M. M. J. 5, Southmoor Road, Oxford 259 Hall, Mrs. A. 7, Rosemont Avenue, N. Finchley, N. 12 (A. M. Farrow) LM 108 Hamilton, G. 49, West Street, Chichester AM 81 Hamilton, R. E. ... Gipsy Hill Training College, The Avenue, S.E.19 * 641 Hamilton, ThompBeck Cottage, Adel, Leeds. son, B. M. 154 Hammonds, D. M.... Bishop Otter Training College, Chichester, Sussex 37, North Street, Chichester (See Macdermot) 175 Hanbury, J. 280 Hanbury, F. S. ... (See Duggan) * 590 Hardman, K. A. I.... Lynwood, Greenacres, Oldham 263 Harford, M. I (See Nichol Smith) LM 202 Hargrave, C. M. The High School, Gainsborough, Lincs. Winfrith, Trafalgar Road, Horsham AM 257 Harris, Mrs. St. Peter's Vicarage, Devizes, Wilts. (E. Phipps) 409 Harrison, N.... 141, Portland Street, Southport AM 377 Hart, A. M.... 313, Upper Richmond Road, S.W. 15 ... 3, Inkerman Terrace, Allen Street, W.8 LM 217 Hart, I. R. G. 591 Harvey, M. C. J. ... The Rectory, Barwick-in-Elmet, Leeds LM 65 Harvey, Mrs. R. ... The Rectory, Barwick-in-Elmet, Leeds (C. D. Barter) 592 Harwood, M. G. ... 20, Amherst Avenue, W. Ealing, W. 13 AM 51 Hatch, E. M. 23, Vincent Square, Westminster, London, S.W. LM 410 Heard, H. B. 73, Heathfield Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W.18
viii. ... County School for Girls, Chiswick, London, W. 72, Park Road, Chiswick, W. 4 32, Hawkshead Road, Southport 339 van Heijst, J. M. A. de V. (see Tugman) ... County Secondary School, Banbury LM 411 Hemstock, M. 30, Denbigh Road, Ealing, W. 13 • Matfen, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 642 Henry, E. M. * ... Barnett House, Oxford AM 188 Herdman, E. Sudbury, Cutslow, Oxford ▪ Hill Crest, Wimbome, Dorset. AM 485 Hewett, N. K. ... 98, St. George's Square, S.W. * 537 Hewins, M. N. ... (See Cohen) 248 Higman, L. M. ... 11, Ashley Mansions, S.W.1 LM 203 Hill, G. M. K. Pen-y-Bryn, Ford, near Shrewsbury ... Sheppard's Barn, Hurst Green, Oxted, Surrey. * 643 Hill, L. H. M. AM 446 Hilliard, L. M. ... Boston House, Meads, Eastbourne 32, Wood Lane, Highgate, N. 6 ... 82, Kensington Park Road, W.11 397 Hind, K. I. ... ... Somerset House, Aspley, Huddersfield LM 378 Hirst, E. M. ... 160 Hirst, M. ... Grammar School for Girls, Rochester 16, York Road, Rochester 28, High Street, Morley, Yorks * 487 Hoare, K. N. H. ... 10, Staverton Road, Oxford LM 89 Hodge, D. M. V. ... The High School for Girls, Lichfield AM 281 Holland, M. S. ... St. Michael's School, Bognor Abergele, Victoria Road, Cirencester, Glos. ... 17. St. John Street, Oxford 28 Holliday, M. M. * 488 Holmes, M. D. ... The Vicarage, Tynemouth, Northumberland. LM 447 Holt, A. D. .. 54, Viler Road, Liverpool AM 218 Homersham, M. M 106, S. Clement's House, Clement's Lane, E.C. 4 412 Hora, E. N.... ... 87, Pepys Road, New Crois, S. E.14 .. 8 Cadogan Gardens, S.W. 3. * 644 Horn, M. E. LM 249 Home, V. C. .. High School, Burton-on-Trent 50, Britannia Square, Worcester 111 Homer, W. S. H. ... The High School, Kendal LM 413 Homibrook, E. M. The Holt, Gerrard's Cross 151 Hough, G. C. .. (See Grigg) 73 Houghton, Mrs. B. . .. Archer's Court, St. Helen's, Hastings (C. S. Joel) LM 379 Houghton, V. E. ... Archer's Court, St. Helens, Hastings AM 359 Howard. Mrs. ▪ Inissfree, Risca Road, Newport, Mon. (J. Skinner) .▪ Uttoxeter High School AM 414 Hudson, H. K. Fern Bank, Heaton Mersey, Lancs. 41 Hudson, H. M. .• Elderslea, Bushey Heath 448 Hudson, M. ▪ Eulalie, Silverdale Avenue, Westclifi-on-Sea * 645 Huish, F. K. M. ... Greenhouse, Rotherfield, Sussex. .. (See Langston) 90 Hunt, E. A. ... (See Solly) 130 Hunter, H. C. 351 Hunter, M. ... 6, Torrington Square, W.C. 1 137, Banbury Road, Oxford M 325 Hurry, G. B. .. Westfield, Reading LM 380 Hutchinson, W. F. . .. King's School for Girls, Warwick 8, Portland Road, Oxford ... St. Nicholas Vicarage, Pevensey, Sussex LM 415 Hutton, B. G. . Strathtay, 55 Howard Road, Southampton * 538 Hutton, E. W. LM 449 Hutton, M. Holt . .. Royal Naval School, Twickenham Windlesham, Surrey LM 82 Hedley, C. ...
ix. 393 Hyde-Lees, Mrs. ... 63 Upper Boundary Road, Derby (A. G. Younghughes) LM 226 Ibberson, D.... ... Torkington House, Hazel Grove, Cheshire 53, Fremantle Road, Cotham, Bristol. 11 Iles, S. M. ... ... (See Cox) 264 Ingram, C. E. ... Bedford House, York Place, Portman Square, London, W. LM 97 Irving, Mrs. M. .. . Little Cheney Rectory, Dorchester, Dorset (M. M. Crick) LM 172 Irwin, M. G. . County School, Harrow Fakenham, Norfolk AM 366 Jaffe, Mrs. c/o Guarantee Trust Co., 3 rue des Italiens, Paris (G. M. Spurway) * 516 Jelleyman, F. L. .. Brookdale, Kidderminster. LM 282 Jenkins, F. M. .. Haberdashers' Aske's Girls' School, Acton 73 Joel, C. S. ... (See Houghton) LM 374 Johns, Mrs. ... . 6, Sudbrook Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. (C. Gamble) LM 129 Johnston, J. A. .. Bussage House, Glos AM 450 Johnstone, G. H. . Briarleigh, Cheltenham Drive, Sale, Cheshire LM 326 Jones, M. ... 12, Nottingham Place, W. 1 LM 1 Jourdain, C. E. .. (See Sister Charlotte, C.E.) LM 489 Jowers, B. E. Queen's School, Chester 55, Brunswick Square, Hove, Sussex. LM 356 Kalen, Mrs. ... .•• 18a, Glazbury Road, W.14 (V. G. Pattison) LM 301 Keble, D. ... • 106, Jamaica Road, S.E. 16 27 Prince of Wales Terrace, Scarborough LM 155 Keeling, M. A. (See Fairley) 490 Kendall, B. B. 53, Boileau Road, Ealing, W.5 416 Kendrick, Mrs. 40, Linden Gardens, W. 2 (E. M. Kiek) 352 Kennedy, M. M. The Vicarage, Abingdon 189 Kenyon-Stow, D. (See Pike) 42 Kershaw, S. E. .. . (See Gent) * 646 Keys, N. A. . Kirkland, Campbeltown, Argyll. 150 Kholodovsky, Mrs. Petropavloskaya, N. 6, Sebastopol, Russia (L. von Vogdt) 416 Kiek, E. M.... (See Kendrick) AM 219 King, M. E.... Herts and Essex High School, Bishops Stortford 17, Westbury Park, Durdham Downs, Bristol * 491 Kingston, E. T. 22, Spencer Park, S.W. 18. AM 161 Knipe, F. M. High School, Boston, Lincs 4, St. Barnabas Hostel, Newland, Malvern Link 68 Knox-Little, M. K. Hoar Cross Vicarage, Burton-on-Trent Koellreuter, M. (Hon Member), Heinestr, 23, St. Gallen, Switzerland AM 513 Lagden, M. H. .. Selwyn, Oatlands Chase, Weybridge, Surrey. 317 Laidlay, M. A. M. .. 3, Little Clarendon Street, Oxford 13 Langston, B. (See Yates) 70 Langston, F. M. .. (See Teed) 90 Langston, Mrs. S. H. (E. A. Hunt) LM 143 Lardelli, M. L. .. High School, Brigg, Lincs. * 593 Laurie, M. G. Heron Court, Herongate, Brentwood, Essex * 594 Lanterbach, M. L... 20, Mayfield Road, Handsworth, Birmingham 230 Lawson Lewis, D. G. (See Elgood) LM 287 Laws, Mrs. 29 Brookfield Road, Headingley, Leeds (M. G. Richards)
LM 417 Layng, M. R. Leach, D. ... * 647 Learoyd, R. H. * 539 Lee, D. M. ... LM 25 Lee, M. L. ...
King's Stanley Rectory, Stonehouse, Glos. (See Mayor) Hornsea, near Hull. Anwick Vicarage, Sleaford, Lincs. 77, Banbury Road, Oxford Leafield, Witney, Oxfordshire •• • Bridge House, Walton, Wakefield •• • •• • •• • •• • •• •
144 Leeper, Mrs. (G. G. Melly) Chiddingfold Rectory, Surrey. * 648 Lefroy, E. G. ... Moyle's Court, Ringwood, Hants AM 381 Lemon, E. M. 109 Levett, Mrs. B. T. ... Ketchingham, Bodiam, near Hawkhurst, Kent (D. M. N. Levett) Boys' Grammar School, Newport, Essex 302 Levin, M. Westover, Gosforth, Northumberland 22, Manor Road, Folkestone AM 265 Lewis, M. G. King's Hall School, Compton, Quebec LM 492 Leys, V. ... Forncett, Salisbury LM 98 Lidbetter, E. M. ... Tilt House School, Curzon Avenue, Beaconsfield Lois Weedon Vicarage, Towcester, Northampton ... * 595 Limpus, L. F. LM 353 Lindo, Z. F. M. J. T. B. L., Odnil, Hope Road, Halfway Tree P.O., Jamaica, B.W.I. AM 179 Lindsay, B. L. P. • • • High School, Monmouth AM 198 Linton, E. M. • • • (See Sister Edith Mary) AM 494 Linton, F. M. .• • Worton, Aysgarth, Yorks AM 493 Lister, 0. H. . • • 174 Devonshire Road, S.E. 23 * 495 Lovett, P. ... • • • The Deanery, Southampton 118 Ludwig, I. D. • • • (See Bennett) * 649 Lynn, I. F. V. • • • 2 The Lodge, Sinclair Mansions, W. 12. * 596 Macaulay, M. E. • • • 7, Bute Gardens, Glasgow, W. 231 Macdermot, M. E. ... 175 Macdermot, Mrs. S. G. F., 4211, St. Catharine Street, Westmount, Montreal, (J. Hanbury) Canada 303 Macdonald, H. K. ... 5, Eton Terrace, Knaresborough Road, Harrogate Penrhyn, Kingstead Road, Sutton, Surrey 232 Macgregor, M. C. ... 170 Mack, M. A. (See Davis) * 650 McNeill, D. T. ... Charleston, Ballinacurra, Co. Cork. 337 McNeill, M. 12, Deramore Park, Belfast LM 327 Mackenzie, M. H. ... 50, Wheeleys Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham * 597 MacNeice, C. E. ... The Rectory, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim LM 204 Macpherson, V. M St. Anne's, Abbots Bromley, Rugeley, Staffs ... Diocesan School for Girls, Marton, nr. Wellington, 131 McCall, F. H. New Zealand 34, Adelaide Park, Belfast AM 237 McGregor, Mrs. ... S. Africa School of Mines and Technology, Johannes(E. Roechling) burg, P.O. Box 1176 Rainhill Farm, Box 109, Rustenburg, S. Africa ... 28, Lytidale Avenue, N.W.2 LM 328 McLeod, E. D. 382 McClung, N. G. C.... 2, Alexandra Gardens, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast * 651 Maddock, E. D. ... 3, Rockleaze Avenue, Sneyd Park, Bristol. 121 Magrane, Mrs. J. V. c/o Willett Estates, 5/6, Clement's Inn, W.C.2 (G. Willett) 21 Malone, A. J. G. ... 3, The Cottages, Crowborough LM* 35 Mammatt, W. M. ... 98, Woodstock Road, Oxford * 540 Mansell, M. H. ... 3, Gladstone Road, Chesterfield AM 220 Margoliouth, S. M.... (See Sheppard)
* 496 Marr, M. L.
11, Victoria Mansions, N.W.B.
xi. ... 23, Linton Road, Oxford 9 Marriott, Lady (H. Robinson) ... Owermoigne Moor, Dorchester, Dorset. * 652 Marshall, H. J. AM 58 Marten, Mrs. G. H. St. Mark's Vicarage, Surbiton (G. I. K. Medill) 267 Marris, Mrs. H. C. ... Burton Corner, Boston, Lincs (D. J. Norwood) 451 Marshall, A. T. ... (see Barstow) 250 Marshall, M. A. N.... 170, Banbury Road, Oxford ... (see Peebles) AM 497 Marshall, M. G. The Hall, Bloxwich, Walsall * 598 Martin, E. N. 68 Cambridge Street, Wolverton, Bucks. * 653 Martin, P. A. 23 Lennox Street, Coppice, Oldham, Lancs. * 654 Mathews, M. 7 Priory Street, Cardigan, S. Wales. * 655 Mathias. M. A. Fairacres Convent, Oxford LM 23 Matravers, E. C. 28, Craven Road, Reading AM 190 Maurice, M. E. c/o The British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby LM 91 May, E. G. ... 34, Russell Terrace, Leamington Spa Skellfield School, Ripon AM 233 May, P. ... 8, Westbourne Grove, Ripon 15, Galveston Road, East Putney, S.W. 15 * 541 Maynard, M. Mayor, Mrs. Bertram 134, Milton Road, Cambridge (D. Leach) ••• 28, Wilson Road, Sheffield 124 Mease, Mrs. W. (M. N. Webb) ... (See Marten) AM 58 Medill, G. I. K. 144 Melly, G. G. ... (See Leeper) * 542 Messent, C. E. M. ... Old Queen Street, Nottingham M* Metherell, R. ... 46, Talbot Road, N. 6 AM 452 Michell, P. F. ... c/o British Consulate General, Milan, Italy AM 221 Middleton, D. F. ... 31 Thornfield Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough,Yorks LM 453 Miskin, V. E. ▪ Withington Girls' School, Manchester Enderley, Nelson Road, Bournemouth * 543 Mitchell, R. J. • . Walpole House, Chiswick Mall, W.4. 5 Mitchell, W. J. de L. ... 5, Grosvenor Hill, Wimbledon, S.W. 19 191 Moberly, B. H. Moberly, C. A. E. ... 4, NorhamRoad, Oxford M 499 Moberly, I. C. • Windyridge, Shawford, Hants Moberly, M. A. ▪ Culverlea, Albion Hill, Exmouth, S. Devon LM 260 Moberly, Mrs. W. H. 435, Gillott Road, Edgbaston (G. Gardner) AM 418 Moller, M. ... ... 27, Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 12 * 599 Moller, N. ... ... 27, Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 12 LM 500 Monk, M. D. D. ... King's Hall, Compton, Quebec 3, Linnell Close, N.W. 4. Monnier, M. ... (See Pizot) * 600 Moore, A. H. ... 6, Charlbury Road, Oxford 192 Moore, D. E. H. LM 304 Moore, M. ... ... The Croft, Gomshall, Guildford AM 329 Moorhouse, D. C. • Selhurst Girls' Grammar School, Croydon 278, Portland Road, S.E. 25 * 544 Morgan, B. M. C. ... The Croft, Farringdon, Alton, Hants * 601 Morgan, D. M. ... 265, Buxton Road, Macclesfield AM 419 Morgan, M. E. M. North Gate, Crick, Rugby AM 383 Morice, C. M. ... 144, Woodford Wells, Woodford, Essex * 545 Morrah, K. C. ... 7, Ladbroke Square, W. 11 * 656 Morse, E. F. ... Whittles Hall, Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex.
44 West End Lane, N.W.6. Little Oak, Malvern Holy Trinity Vicarage, Derby Heatherley, Inverness, N.B. c/o Messrs. Cadbury, Bournville, Birmingham 8, St. George's Street, Northampton 354 Napier Jones, J. M. Duke's Ride, Crowthorne, Berks 384 Nasmyth, M. A. .• . The Lea, Kilmacolm, N.B. • • 15, Elm Road, Barnet, Herts. * 658 Neal, D. N. • 6, Torrington Square, W.C. 1 LM 385 Negus, B. E. Gt. Leighs Rectory, Chelmsford * 659 Neville-Rolfe, D. . • • Flax Bourton, near Bristol. Newcomen, D. M. . .• 22. Museum Road, Oxford M 3, Lansdowne Place, Clifton, Bristol AM 454 Newnham, J. M. AM 263 Nichol-Smith, Mrs. D. 86, Banbury Road, Oxford (M. I. Harford) Vale Farm, Upminster Common, Essex LM 501 Nickalls, B. M. 26, Bushnell Road, Upper Tooting, S.W. 17 AM 272 Nicholas, E. S. Coniston, Watford, Herts 139 Nixon, Mrs. T. C. c/o Messrs Dodwell & Co., Ltd., 24, S. Mary Axe, (D. Dodwell) E.C. or go Messrs. Dodwell & Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China 121, Kennington Park Road, S.E. 11 AM 420 Norton, K. G. 455 Norton, M. K. (See Goldsmith) 267 Norwood, D. J. (See Marris) The High School, Monmouth AM 123 Nott, P. M. Fownhope Vicarage, Hereford Farren Connell, Mount Nugent, Co. Cavan. • 660 Nugent, M. C. T. Ladies' College, Cheltenham 502 Odell, W. A. Parkfield, Acocks Green, Birmingham. 8, Boulevard Emile Augier, Paris. 517 Odier, J. C. M. c/o Messrs. Darley and Orpen, Solicitors, Kildare • 602 O'Farrell, M. B. Street, Dublin. * 548 Ogden, M. ... • • • High Lane, nr. Stockport * 661 Ogilvie, A. M. • • • 4, Grosvenor Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. AM 63 Olivier, E. M. • •• The Daye House, Quidhampton, Salisbury LM 256 Oliver, E. M. T. ••• AM 549 Oliver, M. ... • .• Derwent House, Belgravia, Kimberley, S. Africa 323 Orr, Mrs. H. C. ..• c/o Clan Syndicate, Private Bag, Maritzburg, Natal (A. C. Dick) • 662 Osborne, H. M. • • • Cloverley, Chinley, Derbyshire. 386 Osborne, I. D. • •• 325, Kingway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 194 Ottley, I. F. H. ••• (See Sister Isabel Mary) 150 Ottley, M. I. M. ••• (See Bell) 271 Owen, D. E. •• The Gazette, Montreal, Canada AM 387 Park, A. H.... • .• Thornton Curtis Vicarage, Ulceby, R.S.O., Lines AM 330 Parr, D. M.... • Corran, Watford The Glebe House, Medomsley, co. Durham AM 284 Parrett, B. G. Salisbury House, Newquay, Cornwall AM 3 Parsons, G. I. High School, Falmouth 63, Kingsfield Road, Watford 27 Parsons, Mrs. Fulham Infirmary, St. Dunstan's Road, W. 6 (A. B. Townsend) 355 Paterson, E. L. The High School, Winchester LM 421 Paterson. K. G. Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn., U.S.A. * 550 Paterson, M. J. North Hill Cottage, Winchester 305 Pattison, D. R. North Foreland Lodge School, St. Peter's in Thanet 356 Pattison, V. G. (see Kalen) * 657 Morton, G. M. ... • 546 Moss, H. 157 Mown, M. K. AM 251 Murray, V. C. LM 252 Muscott, P. B.
AM 331 27 AM 285 LM 128 LM 173
... Paul, W. M. W. Payan-Dawnay, Mrs. Peacey, W. ... ... Pearson, E. H. Penny, D. A. A. ...
S. Hilda's School, Dunedin, New Zealand (See Parsons) 26, Victoria Grove, Kensington, W. 8 19, Wimborne Gardens, Ealing, London, W. The High School, Clifton Quern's Cottage, Ulwell Road, Swanage
... Kidlington, Oxon ... The University, Sheffield 4, Albion Place, Leeds ••• Boldre Bridge House, Lymington, Hants. * 552 Perkins, M. ... AM 456 Peters, A. D. K. ••• 3, Ship Street, Oxford, and Ingleside, Netley, Hants 357 Peters, J. M. ••• 25, Wimpole Street, W.1, and Ingleside, Netley, Hants LM 164 Phillips, E. A. ••• The High School, Clifton 5, Porchester Square, London, W. 22, Sherard Road, S.E. 9 AM 313 Phillips, Mrs. (E. E. D. Varley) ... High School, Colchester LM 222 Phillips, R. L. Red Cottage, Verulam Road, St. Alban's AM 257 Phipps, E. ... (See Harris) Northcote, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol LM 422 Pickford, M. 189 Pike, Mrs. F. c/o Chief Engineer, Nigerian Railways,Ebute Metta. (D. Kenyon-Stow) Lagos, Nigeria Glendaray, Achill Sound, co. Mayo ••• Briars Hey, Rainhill, Lancs 603 Pilkington, C. M. * ••• 270 Boulevard Raspail, Paris Pizot, Mme. (M. Monnier) * 663 Platt, D. E. ••• Hazelhurst, Cyprus Road, Exmouth. LM 228 Porcher, M. J. ••• St. Stephen's High School, Clewer, Windsor Melrose, The Park, Cheltenham •• • 256a, Portsdown Road, W.9 AM 238 Porter, Mrs. (S. E. L. Rogers) ... 49 Portsmouth, L. S. Paul's Girls' School, W. 6 AM 255 Potter, M. L. 36, Old Park Avenue, London, S.W. 12 ••• The High School, Plymouth LM 147 Potter, M. P. ••• Queen Anne's School, Caversham, Reading LM 242 Potts, 0. M. LM 312 Pratt, D. A. ••• 107, Banbury Road, Oxford 99 Price, H. ... ••• (See Sister Helena) LM 4 Price, Mrs. H. ••• Maesteg, Pennyllne Road, Whitchurch, near Cardiff (J. A. Emmerson) ... 17, Cranbury Avenve, Southampton AM 306 Price, P. M. ... Boulsdon Bwthyn, Newent, Glos ... 21, Lexham Gardens, W. 8 342 Prichard, F. T. LM 457 Prichard, M. E. ... High School, Clifton, Bristol Llwydiarth Esgob, Llanerchymedd, N. Wales AM 84 Prideaux, E. M. C... . High School, Wisbech Summerleaze, Winscombe, Somerset AM 388 Priest Shaw, E. F. The High School, Boston, Lincs. 15, Holderness Road, Hull 286 Puttock, D. M. A. .. . The Downs School, Seaford Grendon, Midvale Road, Paignton, S. Devon 235 Pym, J. M. ... . High School, Winchester Great Barford Vicarage, Sandy, Beds AM 205 Ramsay, M. P. .. . 13, Greenhill Terrace, Edinburgh LM 50 Ramsey, Mrs. A. S... . Howfield, Buckingham Road, Cambridge (M. A. Wilson) 458 Ramsey, E. M. .. . Hope Park, Cupar, Fife, N.B. * 551 Percival, A. C. LM 293 Perham, M. F.
xiv. Wonersh, nr. Guildford The Elms, Bratton, near Westbury, Wilts. Copythorne Lodge, Cadnam, Hants. 2500, Delaware Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A. LM 314 Rhys Davids, V. B. C. F., Middleshaws. Chipstead. Surrey St. Anne's, Abbots Bromley, Stafford AM 52 Rice, M. A.... 287 Richards, M. G. ... (See Laws) AM 105 Richardson, Mrs. H. The Red House, Wilton, Salisbury (C. L. A. Dening) AM 236 Richmond, D. M. ... 72, Hall Road, Handsworth, Birmingham ... North Parade, Monmouth 100 Rickards, H. A. • 604 Rippon, D. M. L. ... Springfield House, Abingdon, Berks ... 15, Boxwell Road, Berkhampstead Ritchie, E. D. M Frere Fletcher Chambers, Napier Road, Fort, Robb, A. ... Bombay 167 Roberts, Mrs. C. L. D. Medical Mission House, Kalimpong, near Darjeeling, India AM 186 Roberts, Mrs. Hesketh Tan-y-bryn, Mold, N. Wales 40 Lee Road, Blackheath (G. Edwards) ... Rhyllech, Pwllheli, N. Wales • 605 Roberts, M. A. 358 Robertson, C. A. ... 41, Duke Street, Kingston, Jamaica * 606 Robertson, J. E. A.... 69, Bedford Road, Clapham, S.W. 4 20, Ashstead Road, Clapton Common, E. 5 LM 174 Robinson, F. 9 Robinson, H. (See Marriott) The Willows, Monkseaton, Northumberland AM 423 Robson, H. ... (See McGregor) AM 237 Roechling, E. Roechling, M. H. ... Edgehill, Windsor, Nova Scotia Highfield, Radlett, Herts Girls Grammar School, Watford LM 123 Rogers, L. C. 68, Park Hill, Clapham Park, S.W. 4 ... Norwich High School AM 460 Rogers, M. D. Kensington Villa, Royal Park, Clifton, Bristol AM 238 Rogers, S. E. L. ... (see Porter) Warwick Club, St. George's Square, S.W. 1 424 Rosser, E. ... Penryn, Eaton Grove, Swansea AM 307 Rountree, A. D. ... Stretford Rectory, Manchester Stretford Rectory, Manchester LM 389 Rountree, E. C. M. 24, Ladbroke Road, Notting Hill Gate, W. 11 * 461 Ruffer, V. I. * 665 Russell, M. E. B. ... 23, Larkhall Rise, S.W.4. 5, Norland Road, Clifton, Bristol. * 666 Russell, V. ... ... Penshurst Rectory, Kent. * 667 Rycroft, B. F. * 554 Rygate, C. E. M. ... Sizewell, Leiston, Suffolk Standon Rectory, nr. Eccleshall, Staffs. Salt, S. F. M* ... 32, Badminton Road, Balham, S.W.12. * 668 Sara, M. M. G. * 608 Sargeaunt, M. J., ... Donhead St. Mary Rectory, nr. Shaftesbury 609 Saunders, D. B. ... 902, McMillan Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba * 610 Saunders, V. G. ... School House, High Westwood, Hamsterley Colliery, Co. Durham Francis Holland School, Graham Street, S.W.1 AM 308 Savory, F. I. 1, Upper Belgrave Road, Clifton, Bristol ... Hillcote, Meads, Eastbourne AM 425 Savory, G. M. (See Wilson) 309 Sayer, S. M. 44, rue Jules Lejeune, Ixelles, Brussells Schricke, Mme. (D. Doehaerd) Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies, S.W. 1 166 Scott, B. G.... Gale Cottage, Littleborough, Lancs 92, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. 2 519 Scott, M. M. * 553 Randolph, F. E. ••• ••• *. 664 Reeves, M. E. ••• LM 459 Reynolds, E. ••• 503 Rhoads, R. G.
AM 224 Sedding, J. K. AM 145 Seelly, G. M. M.
(See Gwynn) Stoke Park Secondary School, Coventry Steeton Vicarage, near Keighley, Yorks 210 Selby, D. ... 9, Regent Street, S.W. 1 2, Walcot Gardens, S.E. 11 19 Selby, G. M. St. Peter's House, Grahamstown, South Africa Dungell's Farm, Yateley, Hants * 611 Serocold, E. L. P. ... Rosebank, Knowsley, Prescot. Lancs AM 462 Sharpe, G. M. ... Alva, Battledown, Cheltenham AM 227 Shaw, M. R. B. ... 27, Madeira Park, Tunbridge Wells AM 102 Shebbeare, Mrs. H. V. 2, Southwood Lane, Highgate, London, N. (A. I. Woodhouse) AM 220 Sheppard, Mrs. ... The Parsonage, New Maltby, near Rotherham (S. M. Margoliouth) * 612 Shrigley, 1. M. ... 52, Castlenau, Barnes, London, S.W. 13 114 Shuttleworth, M. A. Aliwal, Suffolk Road, Bournemouth ... 18, Addison Gardens, W.14. * 669 Simey, G. M. S. Highfield, Roydon, Essex LM 62 Simpson, J. AM 72 Simpson, M. L. ... St. Stephen's College, West Folkestone ... 24 Simpson, V. A. Forum Club, 6, Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1 M 514 Simpson, Mrs. P. ... Merton Lea, Highfield, Headington, nr. Oxford (E. M. Spearing) LM 340 Sims, I. M. ... 76, de Villiers Street, Johannesburg The Hollies, Green Lane, Derby LM 463 Sinclair, M.... St. Anselm's Vicarage, Davies—Street, W. 1 M * 504 Sinclair, M. S. ... Westoe, South Shields, Co. Durham. LM 1 Sister Charlotte, C. E. Home of the Epiphany, Truro (C. E. Jourdain) AM 198 Sister Edith Mary ... Fairacres Convent, Oxford (E. M. Linton) 6 Sister Eleanor, C. E. Home of the Community of the Epiphany, Truro (E. M. Spooner) 99 Sister Helena, C. H. N. Convent of the Holy Name, Malvern Link (H. Price) 194 Sister Isabel Mary ... All Saints' Sisterhood, Colney, St. Albans (I. E. A. Ottley) AM 359 Skinner, J. (see Howard) * 555 Slaney, M. ... 223 Slocombe, M. L. ... 23, Enys Road, Eastbourne LM 380 Smith, D. E. Longland, Henley-on-Thames 167 Smith, G. N. (See Roberts) 206 Smith, H. M. Women's Christian Medical College Ludhiana, Punjab Byculla, Bellasis Road, Bombay LM 332 Smith, I. I. 19, Great Percy Street, W.C.1. LM 310 Smith, J. M.... ... (See Dyke) AM 505 Smith, K. L. ... 82, Broadmead Road, Folkestone. 311 Smith, V. A. G. G.... (See Boone) AM 122 Snowdon, E. M. H. Kepplestone, Overbury Avenue, Beckenham, Kent 130 Solly, Mrs. R. H. ... Kingscote, 6, Berkeley Road, Bournemouth (C. H. Hunter) LM 225 Southwell, L. V. ... 38, Belsize Road, N.W. 6 LM 390 Sowby, C. L. Eslaforde, Linden Walk, Louth LM 59 Sparks, B. M. ... The Ladies' College, Cheltenham Kirk Langley Rectory, Derby 514 Spearing, E. M. S. ... (See Simpson) LM 283 Spencer, L. Leigh ... 110, Lichfield Road, Stafford Brynmelyn, Compton Road, Winchester
35, Argyll Mansions, Addison Bridge, W. 1 Alice Ottley School, Worcester The Vicarage, Bakewell, Staffs (See Sister Eleanor, C. E.) 6 Spooner, E. M. Haberdashers' Aske's School, Acton, W. LM 136 Sprules, D. W. Trelawne, Sutton, Surrey St. Aidan's, Bramley, Surrey * 556 Sprules, L. ... (See Jaffe) AM 366 Spurway, G. M. 58, Thurlow Park Road, Dulwich, S. E. 21 LM 391 Stallman, S. F. 211 Stansfield, H. M. ... (See Stanton) St. Mary's Vicarage, Selly Oak, Birmingham LM 211 Stanton, Mrs. S. G. (H. M. Stansfield) LM 364 Staveley, E. J. D. ... The High School, Tiverton 58, Devereux Drive, Seacombe, Wallasey Sweetbriar, S. Hayling, Hants * 613 Steel, M. W. Godolphin School, Salisbury 85 Steer, G. E.... Ryall Vicarage, Stamford c/o London Union and Smith's Bank, Muswell Hill, * 614 Stevens, M. P. N. 10 Lane's End, King's Heath, Birmingham 176 Stinton, Mrs. T. (C. M. Tree) 81a, S. Mark's Road, W. 10 AM*341 Stopford, E. E. (See Thomas) 75 Stoton, F. E. S. Monica's, Burgh Heath, Tadworth, Surrey AM 464 Strong, E. M. Grantleigh Hotel, Inverness Terrace, W. 2 20, Lemon Street, Truro 239 Sutton, F. G. 69 Swetenham, Mrs. ... (E. B. L. Watson) LM 149 Symonds, Mrs. .. Green Bank House, Chester (C. G. W. Watson) 15, Norham Gardens, Oxford LM 177 Talbot, E. M. * 615 Tallent, V. K. ... Dept. of Comptroller and Auditor General, 32, Scottish Provident Buildings, Belfast 12, Rectory Terrace, Gosforth, Northumberland LM 361 Taylor, C. M. ... Wellsdale, Gathurst, Nr. Wigan, Lancs. AM 506 Taylor, M. B. 70 Teed, Mrs. H. R. ... (F. M. Langston) ..• 125, Rochdale Road, Harpurhey, Manchester. * 670 Thelwell, F. M. 75 Thomas, Mrs. Allan (F. E. Stoton) LM 315 Thomas, E. M. ... High School, Sutton, Surrey 99, Effingham Road, St. Andrew's Park, Bristol Castle House, Bratton Fleming, N. Devon * 616 Thomson, H. C. 8, Douglas Avenue, Hythe, Kent 101 Titley, E. M. (See Bradbury) LM 148 Todd, L. F. 27 Townsend, A. B. ... (See Parsons) AM 426 Toynbee, M. R. ... 5 Park Crescent, Oxford (See Stinton) 176 Tree, C. M. ... ... 1 Marston Ferry Road, Oxford. 507 Trevelyan, J. ... The High School, Wimbledon 289 Truman, V. H. The Warren, Upton, Slough LM 168 Tudor, E. M. A. ... Social Service Centre, 26, Queen's Road, Brighton and Flat 3, 9, S. Michael's Place, Brighton St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown, S. Africa 339 Tugman, Mrs. C. (J. M. A. van Heijst) 30, Frenchay Road, Oxford 208 Tugwell, J. AM 241 Tupper, Mrs. The Vicarage, East Sheen, S.W. 14 (D. F. H. Chappel) 388 Spicer, M. A. I AM 253 Spink, A. ...
362 Turner, E. M. R. ... The Rectory, Cononley-in-Craven, Yorkshire ... City of London School for Girls, Victoria Embank 33 Turner, J. E. Byculla, Upton Road, Slough (merit, E.0 93 Twentyman, Mrs. ... Muchall Hall, Wolverhampton (E. B. Warner) LM 334 Unmack, E. R. W. West Horsley Rectory, Surrey AM 313 Varley, E. E. D. ... (See Phillips) 290 Vaughan, M. G. ... (See ffoulkes) ... Lodge Road, Kimberley, S. Africa 557 Vigne, P. F. 71 Visick, Mrs. C. ... St. Mary's Hill, Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa (H. E. Wiglesworth) * 558 Volkert, R. D. ... 12, Grange Road, Gunnersbury, W. 4 159 Von Vogdt, L. ... (See Kholodovsky) * 617 Wace, M. H. ... Grove Cottage, Matfield, Kent LM 508 Wait, M. E. K. Brimpsfield, Glos. LM 465 Walford, M. E. ... Easton Cottage, Charlbury, Oxon 214 Walker, Mrs. W. A. S. Dowerfield House, Long Bredy, Dorchester, Dorset (M. B. Crick) * 671 Walker, P. M. ... Barleston Rectory, Grantham. LM 209 Wallace, E. M. ... S. Gabriel's, Bramley, Guildford 163 Wallace, Mrs. C. Lindsay, c/o Lindsay Wallace, Esq., I.C.S., Landsowne, (W. Cowie) Guarharal, United Provinces, India AM 46 Ward, F. ... County School for Girls, Peterborough 105, Lincoln Road, Peterborough LM 10 Wardale, E. E. ▪ 12, St. Margaret's Road, Oxford 93 Warner, E. B. • (See Twentyman) • Weston Park, Shipston-on-Stour, Worcs. * 618 Warriner, D. • St. Oswald's Lodge, Worcester * 559 Watson, C. E. LM 149 Watson, C. G. W. ▪ (See Symonds) 69 Watson, E. B. L. • (See Swetenham) * 619 Watson, E. M. Auchendrane, Oxton, Cheshire AM 37 Watson, J. ▪ 7, Upper Cheyne Row, London, S.W. 3 4' 515 Wayment, A. E. • 202, Lambeth Road, S.E. 1. 124 Webb, M. N. ▪ (See Mease) AM 268 Webb, S. M. R. ▪ Swanbourne House, Winslow, Bucks. 22, Bishopric, Horsham LM 346 Wells, Mrs. D. ..▪ Southam Rectory, Warwickshire (0. M. Crawshay) LM 146 West, W. S. B. ... (See Bowen-Colthurst) 363 Westlake, M. A. ... Godshill, Fordingbridge, Salisbury * 620 Weston, H. M. ... Woodford, Kensington Road, Oldham ... Earlsdown, Winchester AM 331 Weston, M. D. LM 335 Wethered, D. M. ... 41, Canynge Road, Clifton, Bristol * 560 Whicher, M. J. ... 115, Queen's Road, Clifton, Bristol . 33, Manor Road, Bexhill-on-Sea 36 White, S. A. 240 Whitfield, M. • (See Dover) AM 427 Whytlaw, J. L. ... 27, Rawlinson Road, Southport Wickham, S. J. A. AM 509 East Brent Vicarage, Highbridge, Somerset. 71 Wiglesworth, H. E. (See Visick) 428 Wilby, D. ... . Grammar School, Evesham 155, Huddersfield Street, Dewsbury, Yorks AM 180 Wildy, R. M. 84, Denton Road, Hornsey, N. 8 195 Wilford, E. J. County School, Tunbridge Wells 2, Little Stanhope Street, Mayfair, London, W. AM 196 Willans, L. M. ... 128, Grosvenor Road, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne Bremen House, Huddersfield 121 Willett, G. ... ... (See Magrane) AM 45 Williams, A. M. ... Leigh House, LoWer Heath, Hampstead, London, N.W.
37, Via Pier Capponi, Florence. 10, Brunswick Square, W.C. 1 510 Williams, K. M. E. Dunedin, Swinton, Manchester. 38 Willson, Mrs. N. ... The Vicarage, Lyme Regis, Dorset (A. Bond) LM 138 Wilson, A. M. ••• 33, Prince of Wales' Mansions, Battersea Park, London, S.W. 11 * 621 Wilson, B. A. c/o Miss Frisby, 85a, Fordwych Road, West Hampstead, N.W. 2 309 Wilson, Mrs. W. Holt Clear Mount, Charing, Kent (S. M. Sayer) LM 365 Wilson, E. ... ••• S. Michael's Hall, Hove The Red House, Two Ball Lonnen, Newcastle-onTyne ••• Winford Rectory, near Bristol 53 Wilson, H. I. ••• The Vicarage, Great Plumstead, Norwich. * 672 Wilson, H. M. ••• (See Ramsey) LM 50 Wilson, M. A. 466 Windham, A. ••• Aldonaig, Row, Dumbartonshire c/o Bank of Montreal, 9, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall S.W. 1 ... Redhill, Farnham, Surrey LM 467 Windle, W. M. Lawnside, Great Malvern LM 338 Wood, H. M. Rochdale, Broomfield Avenue, Palmers Green, N. * 673 Woodcock, N. B. AM 102 Woodhouse, A. I. .. (See Shebbeare) ... Ivy Cottage, Beeding, Sussex LM 106 Woodman, H. 16, Wellington Road, Brighton LM 336 Woolley, W. 16 Wright, Mrs. C. P.... c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co., 54, Parliament Street, London, S.W. LM 468 Wright, M. L. ... Barbrook, Blue House Lane, Limpsfield, Surrey LM 392 Wright, M. St. J. ... County Secondary School, Hastings Barbrook, Blue House Lane, Limpsfield, Surrey ... 13, The Close, Salisbury AM 103 Wyld, F. M.... Ainsdale Lodge School, Shore Road, Ainsdale, 13 Yates, Mrs... Southport (B. E. Langston)... Court House, Newton Ferrers, Plymouth AM 511 Yonge, E. M. The Cedars, Henwick, Worcester * 561 Young, E. R. 393 Younghughes, A. G. (See Hyde Lees) * 674 Younghughes, G. N. Caldicot Vicarage, Newport, Mon. 12 Williams, E.
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