ST. HUGH'S COLLEGE. The objects of St. Hugh's College are thus set forth in its Charter :—to acquire and take over the property and liabilities of the Association hitherto known as St. Hugh's College, Oxford ; to provide for women who are members of the University of Oxford the protection and training of an Academic House, conducted according to the principles of the Church of England, but with full provision for the liberty of those who are not members of that Church ; to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to advancing education, learning and research among women in Oxford or elsewhere. The College was founded in 1886 by Miss Elizabeth Wordsworth under the title of St. Hugh's Hall. It was recognized from its foundation as an independent institution by the Association for the Education of Women in Oxford, and in 1888 its Principal, with the Principals of Lady Margaret Hall and Somerville Hall, became members of the Council of that body. In 1891 St. Hugh's Hall was placed under the management of a Council : it was constituted under a Deed of Trust in 1894, and incorporated in 1911 under the Companies' (Consolidation) Act (1908) under the title of St. Hugh's College. On November 1st, 1910, it was recognized by Decree of Convocation ; and in 1920, women were admitted to full membership of the University. In 1926 the College was incorporated under Royal Charter ; the exercise of the powers thereby conferred being vested entirely in the Council, and the composition of the first Council being duly defined. The original home of St. Hugh's Hall was 25, Norham Road, which received the first Principal, Miss Moberly, in 1886, with only four students. Further habitations near by were added as numbers increased, and a room was built and set apart for a Chapel in 1910. By 1915 numbers had risen to over sixty ; and the new building now in use, standing on a site of three and three-quarter acres, and containing the present College Chapel and the Mordan Library, was •erected from the design of Mr. Buckland in 1915. Benefactions to the College include Scholarships founded by Miss Clara Evelyn Mordan, and Miss Erica Hamilton ; also bequests, donations and loans at various periods from a number of friends of the College, notably Miss Mordan and Miss Mary Gray Allen, the former having left to St. Hugh's College in 1915, for purposes entrusted to the discretion of the Council, a sum of £11,000, and the latter, in 1925, property she had herself inherited from Miss Mordan, amounting to £36,000. Additional buildings rendered possible by this benefaction are to be erected as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made.
THE VISITOR. Under Statute XV the Council proceeds to the election of a Visitor. THE FIRST COUNCIL UNDER THE NEW STATUTES. BARBARA ELIZABETH GWYER, Spinster, Master
of Arts, for so long as she holds
the office of Principal. Arts, Reader in Agricultural Chemistry, for so long as he holds the office of Treasurer. CHARLOTTE ANNE ELIZABETH MOBERLY, Spinster, Hon. Master of Arts, for so long as she shall desire to serve. EDITH ELIZABETH WARDALE, Spinster, Master of Arts, for so long as she shall desire to serve. ELEANOR ADDISON PHILLIPS, Spinster, Master of Arts. DOROTHY WINIFRED SPRULES, Spinster, Master of Arts. Until the JOHN LINTON MYRES, Master of Arts, Fellow of New College, first day Wykeham Professor of Ancient History. of the HENRY MAXWELL SPOONER, Master of Arts. JANE WILLIS KIRKALDY, Spinster, Master of Arts, Tutor of St. Michaelmas Term, 1928. Hugh's College. GEOFFREY REYNOLDS YONGE RADCLIFFE, Master of Arts, Fellow of New College. CECIL GRAHAM TRAQUAIR MORISON, Master Of
BEATRICE MARGARET SPARKS, Spinster, Master of Arts. EDWARD DOMETT SHAW, Bishop, Doctor in Divinity, Canon
of Until the first day of the BURNETT HILLMAN STREETER, Master of Arts, Fellow of Queen's Michaelmas College. EVELYN DOROTHY RITCHIE, Spinster, Master of Arts, Tutor of Term, 1927. St. Hugh's College. Christ Church, Oxford.
Spinster, Master of Arts, Tutor of the' Society of Oxford Home-Students. ANNIE MARY ANNE HENLEY ROGERS, Spinster, Master- of Arts, Until the Tutor of the Society of Oxford Home-Students. ELFRIDA MARY TALBOT, Spinster, Master of Arts, Lecturer and first day of the Tutor, Department of the Training of Teachers. Michaelmas JOAN EVANS, Spinster, Bachelor of Letters. VICTOR JOHN KNIGHT BROOK, Master of Arts, Fellow of Lincoln Term, 1928. College. ROBERT WARDEN LEE, Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of All Souls College, Rhodes Professor of Roman-Dutch Law.
FELLOWS. Under Statutes I, 9, V, 1 (a) , the Council proceeds to the appointment of Fellows.
1926-7. PRINCIPAL. Miss B. E. GWYER, M.A. TUTORS. MISS J. W. KIRKALDY, M.A. (Science). Miss E. D. RITCHIE, M.A. (Classics). Miss E. M. G. FARROW, M.A. (Chemistry). Miss E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. (French). Miss M. F. PERHAM, M.A. (History). Miss H. McM. BUCKHURST, M.A. (English). Miss S. M. GOULDING,1 M.A. (French). Miss E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A. (History). Miss M. E. SEATON 2 (English). 1 Doc. Univ. Paris. 2 M.A London (Bedford Coll.). The
above constitute the Tutors' Meeting under Stat. VIII, A, 8. LECTURER. MRS. WRINCH NICHOLSON,
M.A. (Mathematics).
1925—JULY, 1926.
The fifteenth General Meeting of the " Old Association," as it is now its fate to be denominated, was held on June 27th, 1925, when the broad principles of the new Statutes were approved and the Council was instructed to embody them in final form for presentation to an Extraordinary Meeting at an early date. The Rector of Lincoln and Sir Montagu Burrows, then at the end of the period of membership for which they had been elected, did not stand for re-election to the Council ; their services to the College particularly in the important sphere of finance, were warmly acknowledged and their loss regretted. Miss Ady, Miss Rogers and Miss Talbot were elected to the Council ; Miss Evans, Professor Lee, and the Rev. V. J. K. Brook were then co-opted. Mrs. Gardner had resigned her seat previously, and this casual vacancy was filled by the co-optation of Miss Ritchie at the first meeting in the following term. The Extraordinary Meeting of the Association was held on January 23rd, 1926, and was attended by forty-six members, who gave their consent to the winding-up of the existing Association and the forwarding of the finally approved draft of the Charter and Statutes with a petition to the King in Council. This was done on March 10th, the Hebdomadal. Council of the University having already approved them. We were notified by the Clerk of the Privy Council of the granting of the Charter on June 28th, and it accordingly took effect on that day. During the Michaelmas Term Mr. Radcliffe resigned the office of Treasurer, which he had filled with such energy and success since 1922. The College owes its present condition of financial stability to his unremitting interest and care, which cannot be too highly valued. They were acknowledged by a special resolution of the Council on November 21st, 1925. He was succeeded by Mr. C. G. T. Morison, who had been elected to the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Bishop Chavasse, which was recorded in the last Report, Mr. Radcliffe being co-opted to his place on the Council. Mr. Morison's early tenure of office was auspicious in that Miss Mary Gray Allen's bequest was shortly after announced. The application of this most welcome benefaction, and the mode of associating therewith the giver's name, were referred by the Council to a specially appointed Committee, which reported as follows:— " That the money not required for the purchase of freeholds should be allowed to accumulate in a building fund to be applied in accordance with a comprehensive building scheme, such buildings to be associated with the name of Miss Gray Allen. The Committee further recommend that the accommodation most urgently required should be provided with as little delay as possible." The Report was adopted, and the Committee empowered to proceed with the preliminary steps.
6 During the year Miss Stopford and Miss Burnett, to the regret of their many friends in the College and outside, resigned their tutorial appointments ; and Miss Metherell the office of Bursar, which she had held since 1921, with conspicuous zeal seconding the Treasurer's efforts to secure financial stability. We hear with interest that Miss Stopford is sailing in August for Kingston, Jamaica, as Headmistress elect of the Deaconess High School. In the summer of 1925 the appointments of Miss Perham and Miss Ritchie were confirmed for a period of five years ; Miss Francis was appointed Tutor in Medival French Language and Literature for a period of five years ; and Miss Seaton, M.A., Girton College, Cambridge, and London (English), Miss Buckhurst, M.A. (English), Miss Procter, M.A. (History), and Miss Goulding, M.A., Doc. Univ. Paris (French), were appointed Tutors for a probationary year. Miss Thorneycroft, B.A., Birmingham, was appointed Bursar. The Gilchrist Trustees have announced their intention of adding £75 to the money they allot to Entrance Scholarships for the Societies of Oxford Women Students, and St. Hugh's will now be in a position to offer triennially a scholarship of £30 under this Trust. In addition the Committee of the St. Hugh's Club offered this year a grant of £10, to be renewed if desirable for two years more, to a candidate of merit allotted a vacancy but unable to use it without help. These form interesting additions to the sum allotted annually to scholarships and exhibitions from the general revenues of the College. Miss M. M. Chattaway, B.A., who took the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Michaelmas Term, 1925, is the first woman to be elected to a Senior Studentship in Science, the election being announced in February, 1926. Five Students were placed in the First Class of the Final Honour School in 1925: Miss Abbott in Modern History, Miss Lauterbach and Miss Sargeaunt in English, Miss Fiedler in Modern Languages (French), and Miss Paterson in Chemistry. The Hurry Prize was awarded to Miss Sargeaunt. The Library has had a year of progress. A Subject Catalogue, rendered possible by a special grant made by the Council, is on the way to completion, and is already proving of high value. A great effort is being made to catalogue all sections of the Library during the time allotted, Miss Hands, who was placed in charge of the work by the Committee, being helped in the clerical part of it by the • undergraduate members of the Committee and others recruited by them. A report of gifts and requirements appears elsewhere. The following kind gifts have been received by the College : from Lady Goodenough, a statuette of St. Hugh with his swan (the design and work of Mrs. Moore-Smith), now standing on the Library clock ; from Miss Moberly, framed photographs of Miss Mordan and Miss Allen ; from Miss Edith C. Wilson, a framed print of Raphael's " Four Sibyls," formerly the possession of Miss A. D. Greenwood ; from Miss Rogers and other friends, a quantity of bulbs and plants for the garden. An addition to the Chapel ornaments has been made in the shape of a pair of brass altar vases engraved with the
motto " Fidelitas," the design and work of Mr. Hugh Wallis ; it is hoped also to purchase a new floor covering for the sanctuary, and, if possible, altar hangings, before very long. During the year, contributions to the St. Hugh's College Appeal Fund have been as follows :—Per the Appeal Fund of the Four Women's Colleges, £115 9s. 7d. ; per Lady Iris Capell, L4 6s. Od. ; lecture by Miss Evans, L7 8s. Od. ; Miss Yda Thomson, L2 2s. Od. ; Miss H. H. Wilson, L10 ; St. Hilda's ; repaid by College " Shop," £5. The amount now Musical Society, standing to the credit of the Fund is £2,450 6s. 6d. From this total £2450 has been paid into the Revenue Account. May, 1926. The above Report has been received and adopted by the Council, and is transmitted to the Association as the Report for the past year. In connection with the College Statute XIII, 2, it may be useful to remind future graduates (wishing to qualify as Senior Members under class (b) therein mentioned) that they should, at the time of taking the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, sign the College form which registers them as Members, and provides a channel by which the necessary University and College dues are received on their behalf. GIFTS TO THE LIBRARY, 1925-6. Mrs. Buckler's donation of £20 was devoted to much needed accessions to the Economic History section, and six volumes of the Rolls of Parliament. Miss Buckhurst's generous contribution to the cost of the English Dialect Dictionary enabled the purchase of this work to be completed. By the kindness of Mrs. Rashdall a number of works from the Library of the late Dean of Carlisle have been added. Other gifts of books have been made by Miss Wordsworth, the Principal, Mrs. Wright, Professor Myres, Miss C. L. Maynard, Mrs. Nicholson, Miss Perham, Miss Procter, the Rev. P. D. Thomson, Miss Seaton, Miss S. E. Brain, Miss M. M. Ellis, Miss Limpus, Miss MacPherson, Miss G. Hutton, Miss Barker, Miss Warriner, and the Junior Common Room. The Librarian has also received with much pleasure " Mediaeval France," by Joan Evans, " Elementary Grammar of Old Icelandic," by H. McM. Buckhurst, and " Swift en France," by S. M. Goulding, " Note on the Chromosomes of the Genus Hypericum," by M. M. Chattaway, from their respective authors. The following numbers of the English Historical Review are urgently needed, as the sets can then be bound :1895, April, July. 1898, April. 1902, July. 1903, January, July, October. 1909, January, July, October. 1907, January, October. 1910, January, April, July. Also needed The Arden Shakespeare : about 30 more volumes. The New Shakespeare : last 2 volumes. Bower : The Ferns. Raleigh : History of the World.
8 APPOINTMENTS, 1925-6. The following appointments have been made:— UNIVERSITY LECTURER. PATERSON, M. J., Junior Science Lecturer, Household Science Department, King's College.
PRINCIPALS. ALLEN, H. M., Principal, Training College, Warrington. BAZELEY, E. T , Principal, Home and Colonial Training College, MACPHERSON, V. M., Headmistress, Penzance High School.
Wood Green.
ANDREWS, S. M., Royal School, Bath. BEAMES, E., Mary Datchelor Girls' School, Camberwell. BEASLEY, M. P. M., Newark High School. BICKMORE, L. I. G., Hertfordshire and Essex County
School, Bishop's Stortford. BROWN, K. M., Clifton High School. BROWN, R., Bromley High School, Kent. BUTT ERWORTH, E. M., Lecturer and Tutor, Edge Hill Training College, Liverpool. CARTWRIGHT, J., County High School, Worthing. CLIVE SMITH, S. A. Whyteleafe County School. COMPSTON, R. M., The Hiath Ladies' College, Wellington. COOPER, P. M., Harrogate College. CRAY, W., East Dereham High School. DAGLEISH, M., Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Mansfield. DAWS, E., Watford Grammar School. DEARDS, P. M. A., Hertfordshire and Essex County School, Bishop's Stortford. DICK, J. L. M., Girls' Grammar School, Ware. DORMOR, C. E., Ravenscourt, Eastbourne. EDWARDS, C. L., Grassendale, Southbourne. EMTAGE, O. K., St. Anne's College, Natal, South Africa. EVANS, K. M., Eden Hall, Edenhall, Carlisle. FIELD, M. E. C., Croft High School, Edgbaston, Birmingham. FOWLER, E. V., Dorchester School, Parkstone. FULFORD, E. L., Godolphin and Latymer Girls' School, Hammersmith. GEE, E. A., Normanhurst Court, Battle, Sussex. HEWETT, N. K., Northampton High School. HOARE, K. N. H., Bromley High School, Kent. H UTTON, E. W., Presbyterian College, Melbourne, Australia. MANSELL, M. H., St. Stephen's College, Folkestone. KENDALL, B. B., Kesteven and Seaford High School. KINGSTON, E., Clapham High School. LINTON, F. M., St. Faith's Intermediate School, Lincoln. MARR, M. L., North Middlesex School for Girls, Enfield. MAYNARD, M. B., Oldershaw School for Girls, Wallasey. MESSENT, C. E. M., St. Anne's, Abbots Bromley. MOORE, M., St. Mary's High School, Poona, India.
9 MORGAN, B. M. C., Rosemead, Littlehampton. Moss, H., St. Mary's School, Calne. SHARPE, G. M., Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate. SLANEY, M., alvern Girls' College. SMITH, K. L., Drake and Tonson's School, Keighley. SOWBY, C. L., Oswestry High School. SPRULES, M. L., St. Katharine's, Wantage. STOPFORD, E. E., Queen Margaret's School, Scarborough. VOLKERT, R. D., St. Anne's, Abbots Bromley. WAYMENT, A. E., Grimsby High School. WICKHAM, S. J. A., Parsone Mead, Ashtead. YONGE, E. M., Calder Girls' School, Seascale.
OTHER APPOINTMENTS. ALLSOP, K. M., Advertising Service Advertising CO. ASHFORD, M., Secretary, South American Publications Royal Mail Steam Packet CO. BARKER, D. M. C., Assistant Librarian, Mothers' Union Central Library,
Westminster. METHERELL, R., Superintendent G.F.S. Hostel, Paris. MORGAN, E. M., Liberal Agent, Kettering Division. PERKINS, M. E., Hon. Secretary, Student Movement House, Russell Square, W.C.1. ROUNTREE, A. D., Diocesan Worker, Lichfield Diocesan Association for
Preventive and Rescue Work. STEEL, M. W., Assistant Producer, Citizen House, Bath.
The following are reading for the Diploma in Education, 1926, in the University of Oxford :— HARWOOD, M. G. BENSON, M. H. E. LAUTERBACH, M. L. CHAWNER, E. MOLLER, N. CRYER, E. DALE, M. DEAN, I. M. M, DUNCH, M. FREE, I. D. HARVEY, M. C. J.
0 GRADUATES. B.M. Norton, Kathleen Grace HON. M.A. Moberly, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth M.A. Ady, Cecilia Mary Allen, Hilda Constance Arnold, Lilian Margaret (Mrs.) Baker, Adelaide Maude Baker, Gwendoline Marjorie Barnes, Muriel (Mrs.) Bazeley, Elsie Theodora Beames, Eleanor Beaver, Beryl Emma Bickmore, Leslie Isabel Geraldine Blacow, Nesta Mary Blades, Eveline Bolton, Lydia Elizabeth Bolton, Nora Boykett, Dorothy Madeline Carter, Norah Charlotte Chappel, Gertrude Mary Clark, Elsa Bax Carlton Crichton, Edith Cunynghame, Georgina Maude Evelyn Davies-Colley, Mabel Deneke, Helena Clara de Castro, Inez Pauline Melanie Lopez . Denton, Eileen Nora Draper, Gladys Evans, Theodora Marian Elizabeth Everett, Dorothy Farrow, Elizabeth Monica Openshaw Forrest, Winifred Jessie Gordon, Mary Lindsay. Gunnery, Lois Gwynn, Joan Katharine (Mrs.) Gwynne, Phyllis May Hall, Muriel Mary Josepha Hargrave, Catharine Muriel Hart, Agnes Margaret Hemstock, Margaret Herdman, Ethel Holland, Muriel Sibyl Homersham, Miriam Margery Home, Vivienne Cecilia Hudson, Harriet Kirkby Hutchinson, Winifred Frances Hutton, Barbara Grindal Ibberson, Dora
Irwin, Margaret Gladys Jones, Menai Jenkins, Fanny Marie Kalen, Vera Gwendolen (Mrs.) Kennard-Davis, Maude Agnes (Mrs.) King, Mary Ethel Layng, Margaret Rache Mackenzie, Margaret Harriet Macpherson, Violet Mary Mammatt, Winifred Mary Maurice, Mary Evelyn McLeod, Enid Devoge Moberly, Gwendolen (Mrs.) Moller, Marjorie Moore, Margaret Moorhouse, Dulcie Christine Morice, Cecily Margaret Murray, Violet Cecil Muscott, Phyllis Bruce Negus, Beatrice Ellen Nicholas, Eleanor Sarah Norton, Kathleen Grace Oliver, Ermin Mary Theodora Parr, Dorothy Mary Paterson, Ethel Leslie Penny, Dorothy Annie Allies Perham, Margery Freda Phillips, Eleanor Addison Phillips, Ruth Leslie Porcher, Muriel Joan Potter, Margaret Preston Potter, Muriel Lucy Potts, Osyth Mary Price, Phyllis Mary Priest-Shaw, Ethel Favell Rice, Marcia Alice Robinson, Florence Rogers, Lilian Constance Savory, Frances Ina Seelly, Gertrude Mary Michaud Shaw, Margaret Renee Bryers Simpson, Margaret Lindley Sims, Irene Margaret Smith, Dorothea Elizabeth Smith, Ida Isabel Southwell, Lorna Violet Sparks, Beatrice Margaret Stanton, Hilda Mary (Mrs.) Sowby, Constance Lilian Sprules, Dorothy Winifred Stallman, Sophia Felicia Stopford, Eveleen Emily Talbot, Elfrida Mary Taylor, Catherine Margaret Thomas, Edna Marie Tudor, Edith Mary Annie
M.A., continued. Tupper, Dorothy Frances Haighton (Mrs.) Unmack, Emily Rosa West Wardale, Edith Elizabeth Wallace, Ethel Marienne Wethered, Doris Mary Wildy, Rose Mackelcan Willans, Lilian Muriel Wilson, Ethel Woodman, Hilda Woolley, Winifred D.PHIL.
Simpson, Evelyn Mary (Mrs.) D.MUS.
Daymond, Emily Rosa B.SC.
Chattaway, Margaret Mary B. LITT.
Evans, Joan Gordon, Mary Lindsay B.A. Abbott, Irene Dorothy Adelaide Allsop, Katharine Mary Andrews, Sylvia Mary Arrowsmith, Georgina Leslie Ashford, Margaret Ashforth, Gladys Alice Vera Baker, Frances Margaret Baker, Nancy Balmforth, Mildred Barry, Agnes Erica Beasley, Millicent Phyllis May Bellamy, Marjorie Anderson Benson, Mary Hilda Elizabeth Bentley, Lilian (Mrs.) Bonner, Evelyn Frances Calthrop Bown, Margaret Clara Bradshaw, Edith Mary Royds Brough, Antonia Brown, Mary Isabel Brown, Ruth Bryant, Hilda Mary Camous, Florence Louise Elise
Cartwright, Julia Cartwright, Mary Lucy Chattaway, Margaret Mary Chawner, Esther Chilton, Margaret Clark, Annis Clark, Nelly Payne Clarry, Marjorie Helen Clive-Smith, Stella Agnes Collwyn Hargreaves, Freda Louise (Mrs.) Cook, Frances Mary Adelaide Cooper, Phyllis Mary Compston, Rosemary Marcia Cousens, Mildred Edna Cray, Winifred Crossfield, Frances Crump, Helen Josephine Cryer, Evelyn Cunningham, Margaret Ruth Currey, Joyce Mary Leacroft Curtis, Audrey Beatrix (Mrs.) Dale, Marjorie Dalgleish, Maisie Dalston, Mary Marshall Daws, Eva Dawson, Katherine Mary Dean, Isobel Marjorie Marcham Deans, Valerie Margaret Stuart Deards, Phyllis Mary Agnes Denham, Dorothy Katharine Denton, Eileen Norah Dick, Jeanie Lucia Margery Dormor, Cecily Ethel Dunch, Muriel Dyke, Janet Mary (Mrs.) Edwards, Charlotte Lxtitia Edwards-Rees, Desiree Mary Mabella Elles, Joan Mary Emtage, Olwen Katrina Evans, Kathleen Mary Fiedler, Herma Ethelfried Field, Margaret Ethelwyn Cary Fowler, Eduarda Vera Free, Iris Doreen Fulford, Edna Lilian Galbraith, Joan Kirkland Garner, Marjorie Gee, Elfrida Alice Gee, Mabel Elizabeth Giles, Agnes Eugenia Glenday, Dorothea Nonita Glenday, Eileen Isobel Godley, Margaret Cecilia Grosvenor, Joan Guy, Florence Mary Haggett, Hilda Joyce
12 B.A., continued. Hardman, Kathleen Ann Irene Harrison, Nellie Hart, Innes Ruth Gray Harvey, May Cecilia Johnanna Harwood, Marjorie Gertrude Heard, Helena Betsy Hesketh-Roberts, Gwendoline (Mrs.) Hewett, Nora Kathleen Hewins, Margaret Nancy Hilliard, Lydia Maud Hirst, Ethel Margaret Hoare, Kathleen Nancy Holden Holmes, Mary Dorothea Holt, Anne Durning Hornibrook, Eileen Mary Houghton, Violet Edith Hudson, Marjorie Hutton, Edna Winifred Hutton, Mary Holt Jaffe, Grace (Mrs.) Johnstone, Gladys Helen Keble, Dorothea Kendall, Betty Beryl Kingston, Emily Thomasine Lagden, Mervyne Hilda Lauterbach, Mary Logan Layboume, Helen Dorothy (Mrs.) Layng, Margaret Rachel Lee, Dorothy Mercy Limpus, Lorna Florence Lindo, Zaira Flora Mary Josephine Teresa Balvanera Lucy Linton, Florence Mary Lister, Olive Howland Lovett, Penelope MacNeice, Caroline Elizabeth Mansell, Millicent Hope Marr, Margaret Laura Martin, Ella Nancy May, Phyllis Maynard, Muriel Messent, Catherine Edith May Michell, Penelope Frances Middleton, Dorothy Frances Miskin, Violet Ethel Mitchell, Rosamund Joscelyne Moberly, Ida Christine Moller, Nancie Monk, Mary Dorothea Daise Moore, Anstace Helen Morgan, Beryl Mary Constance Morgan, Dorothy Moss, Helen Newnham, Jane Mervyn Nicholas, Elizabeth Margaret (Mrs.) Nickalls, Barbara Marie Ogden, Marjorie
Oliver, Agatha Mavis Park, Annie Hunton Parrett, Beatrice Gertrude Paterson, Ethel Leslie Paterson, Kathleen Grace Logan Paterson, Margaret Joyce Paul, Winifred Mary Watson Peebles, Marjorie Grace (Mrs.) Perceval, Alicia Constance Perkins, Mary Peters, Alice Deirdre Kingsnorth Phillips, Enid Elizabeth Dora (Mrs.) Pickford, Margaret Prichard, Maud Elizabeth Randolph, Frances Edith Reynolds, Enid Rhys-Davids, Vivien Brynhild Caroline Foley Rippon, Dorothy Mary Roberts, Mabel Armitage Robertson, Joyce Elizabeth Anne Robson, Hilda Rogers, Mary Doreen Rountree, Eleanor Constance Mary Ruffer, Veronica Inez Rygate, Carol Evelyn May Sargeaunt, Margaret Joan Savory, Grace Monica Sharpe, Gertrude Mary Sinclair, Margaret Slaney, Marguerite Sprules, Lilias Smith, Dorothea Elizabeth Smith, Kathleen Louise Spink, Audrey Steel, Mary Westwood Staveley, Elsie Jackson Dawes Stevens, Margaret Primrose Strong, Ethel Marion Symonds, Charlotte Gwendolen Wortley (Mrs.) Tallent, Violet Killworth Taylor, Mildred Beatrice Thomson, Helen Cecilia Toynbee, Margaret Ruth Vigne, Patricia Fitzgerald Vint, Betty Everilda (Mrs.) Volkert, Rosemary Dorothy Wait, Mary Elizabeth Killigrew Walford, Mary Elizabeth Watson, Catherine Ethel Watson, Edith Marian Wayment, Agnes Etheldreda Webb, Sylvia Mary Russell Wells, Olive Mary (Mrs.) Weston, Hilda Margaret Whicher, Margaret Joyce Whytlaw, Jean Langlands
13 B.A., continued. Wickham, Stella Jean Agnes Wilson, Beatrice Alice Windham, Alba Windle, Winifred Margaret Wood, Hilda Madeline
Wright, Margaret Loveday Wright, Mary St. John Yonge, Eileen Mary Young, Eleanor Rosemary Ziegler, Vera (Mrs.)
1925-6. STUDENTS IN RESIDENCE. RESEARCH, GRADUATE AND FOURTH YEAR STUDENTS. Abbott, Irene Dorothy Adelaide Brooke, Winifred Ethel Emma Buckler, Georgina Grenfell (Mrs.) Chorlton, Cicely Escombe, Lilla Maud Isobel Grainger, Frances Alice Macaulay, Margaret Euphemia (Exhibitioner, 1922) MacNeice, Caroline Elizabeth Pilkington, Christine Mary (Exhibitioner, 1922) Rhoads, Rebecca Garrett Saunders, Vera Gray (College Scholar, 1922) Saunders, Doris Boyce Shrigley, Irene Maud Vosper, Edna Field Smith, Elizabeth Margaret Tallent, Violet Killworth Wace, Margery Helen (Exhibitioner, 1922) Warriner, Doreen THIRD YEAR STUDENTS. Allen, Priscilla Mary Baker, Sylvia Joyce Brook, Eileen Margaret Butler, Dora Minnie Burt, Winifred Mary (College Scholar, 1923) Byram, Phyllis Mary Clarkson, Mary Lorina Cowell-Smith, Mary Morrison Daman, Audrey Le Breton Dingwall, Mabel Winifred Edmonds, Gwendoline Adelaide Balson Evans, Mary Isobella Legh Fagan, Eileen Hilda de Lacy Gent, Margaret Hilary Hadfield, Annie Hamilton-Thompson, Beatrice Mary Henry, Elsa Margaret Hill, Laura Harriet Maude Holt-Kentwell, Alice Lorrine Campbell
Third Year Students, continued. Horn, Madeleine Edith Huish, Frances Catharine May Keys, Nan Aston Learoyd, Ruth Haslewood McNeill, Dorothy Trevor Maddock, Ethel Dolores Marshall, Heath Jary Martin, Phyllis Alma Mathews, Mona Mathias, Margaret Alwena Morton, Gertrude Mary Morse, Eunice Florence Neal, Dorothy Nina Neville-Rolfe, Dorothy Nugent, Marian Catharine Theffania Ogilvie, Alice Marshall Osborne, Hannah Mary Platt, Dorothea Elizabeth Reeves, Marjorie Ethel Russell, Mary-Ellen Baron Russell, Vivien Rycroft, Barbara Frances Sara, Muriel Maud Grace Simey, Gertrude Margaret Stewart Thelwell, Florence May Walker, Phebe Margaret Wilson, Hilda Mary Woodcock, Nina Bruce Younghughes, Grace Mary SECOND YEAR STUDENTS. Babbs, Kathleen Emily Brunyate, Annie Aileen Mary Clark, Dorothy Harrison Cunningham, Alice Dacombe, Ursula Mary Sybil Darker, Dulcie Elizabeth Helen Ellis, Kathleen Joyce Evans, Isobel Anwyl Fookes, Mary Rosamund Goodenough, Cecilia Phyllis Greenhalgh, Bertha Griffiths, Olive Merrivel Hackshaw, Elizabeth Joan Hall, Marjorie Brayshaw Haynes, Renee Oriana Higgin, Vida Hignett, Sheila Hobbs, Kathleen Mary (Exhibitioner, 1924) Houlihan, Mary Florence Humphreys, Honour Noel Huxley, Anne Heathorn Johnson, Kathleen Lace, Olive Jessie (Alice Ottley Scholar, 1924) Lacey, Gertrude Brenda
15 Le Masurier, Marguerite Leslie-Jones, Elinor Doreen Lingard, Deborah Eugenie Lord, Priscilla Machin, Joyce Kathleen Martin-Hurst, Daphne Forrest Mercer, Evelyn Alice Violet Moore, Frances Heather Murrell, Winifred Emily O'Shaughnessy, Eileen Maud Pope, Dorothy Ethel Uglow Symes, Elizabeth Nora Taylor, Dorothy Constance Tyacke, Alice Katherine Patricia Vickers, Catherine Mary Wardell, Bertha Mary Watkins, Mary Gwendolen (Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholar, 1924) Whittaker, Margaret Ola Williams, Gwendoline Mary Bradley Woods, Kathleen Miriam (College Scholar, 1924) FIRST YEAR STUDENTS. Abbott, Kathleen Mary Abbott, Nancy Pauline Adams, Ella Ursula Allison, Susannah Oliver Anderson, Hope Elizabeth Peard Barker, Grace Iris Bone, Emmeline Mary Cambridge, Audrey Muriel Challans, Eileen Mary Chapman, Marguerite Doris Clarke, Janet Ella Deacon, Shelagh Stuart Douglas, Helen Fleming Forth, Winifred Agnes Fowler, Audrey Flora Lilian Fox, Florence Mary Fulford, Phyllis May Gossip, Margaret Elizabeth Graham, Phyllis Marguerite Marie Helps, Joan Williamson Hensman, Mary Newton Hobhouse, Cicely Margaret (Exhibitioner, 1925) Hoole, Joan Hussey, Joan Mervyn Jay-Browne, Evelyn Margaret Kinai, Fumi Lane, Margaret Winifred (Old Students' Scholar, 1925) Langfield, Dorothy Margaret Leonard, Lois Monica McDonald, Charlotte Christina Morgan, Dorothy Blanche Morris, Irene Moss, Phyllis Gwendoline Mott, Betty
First Year Students, continued. Osborn, Margaret Phelips, Mary Beatrice Power, Esther Melvina Pritchard, Alice Dorothy May Raper, Winifred Mary Robertson, Annie Kathleen Scott, Eleanor Mary Pad6mma (College Scholar, 1925) Smith, Lorna Seymour Stave, Liesa Lottie Thrupp, Hermine Magdalen Todd-Naylor, Ursula Van Boeschoten, Mary Winifred Pretoria Walker, Kathleen Annie Welch, Flora Christian