NIGERIA PRELIMINARY REPORT Global Youth Movement and Youth Insight Survey powered by
YouthSpeak is a global youth movement and youth insight survey powered by AIESEC. We are focused on understanding the hopes and challenges surrounding various issues which involve young people like us. Over 100 countries and territories, 42 000 voices were captured in the 2015 comprehensive survey to engage stakeholders across government, business, third sector and education. This year, we are striving to achieve 200 000 responses from young people in Nigeria to provide decision makers with their opinion on how they envision Nigeria and the world in 2030 and what are the issues that they are ready to act upon today to make this future brighter.
The Way the World will be Shaped by 2030 Depends on Us YouthSpeak 2.0 Theme of the year
How can we engage Millennials to take action? YouthSpeak 2.0 Question of the year
Phase 1 of the Nigeria YouthSpeak (Survey) campaign approached December 30th deadline for the year 2015 output. In this report you will find preliminary data of some of the top highlight questions of the survey. This does not represent all the data, but a simple preview. The survey will remain open until the official end date of the survey in April 2016 as we prepare our data for key events and publications in May 2016 and onwards. Official video: watch here Official website: learn more here
This Preliminary Report aims to showcase the impact of YouthSpeak to the network by presenting a preview of the current results.
Date – October 10 to December 31st 2015 Country – Nigeria Number of respondents – 1552
Age representation
Gender representation
DRIVERS IN LIFE Based on the results of the 2014 YouthSpeak report, Millennials are willing to live a meaningful life. They are not following the flow but, striving to achieve a bigger purpose and live their life to the fullest. What is interesting to have a look at in order to understand how they want to be engaged to take actions are their drivers in life.
3 main motives that drive Millennials in life
Three things that Millennials would do if they could be paid for anything*
*Based on the keywords search analysis
DRIVERS IN LIFE While taking important decisions Millennials are driven by Purpose of Life, Achievement and Responsibility. They have a sense of achievement: playing small doesn’t make any difference for them. It is important to note that Millennials do not confuse achievement with recognition. They definitely do not take important decisions with the intention to gain more power or social status.
They are curious about the world and don’t take things for granted. Desire to witness what is happening around with their own eyes is something important to Millennials. This generation is about “creation”: they ready to build and teach.
NIGERIA IN 2030 In September this year, the United Nations adopted the new global agenda for sustainable development in New York. The UN member states, governments, business, experts and leaders committed to address 17 global goals in the next 15 years for a better world. Young people will play a key role on the way to make it happen. But what do they envision in 15 years from now?
Will your society be in a better or worse state in 15 years from now (by 2030)? Worse 12%
Better 88%
Who do you think has the strongest ability to influence the society today?
NIGERIA IN 2030 88.24% of all the respondents believe that society will be in a better state. The highest number of holders of this optimistic opinion come from the SOUTH-WESTERN region
while the lowest - in Northern region. Individuals has the strongest ability to influence society, however, at the same time the power and significance of youth-led organizations to drive change cannot be underestimated. Youth wants to take an active stand and believe in their ability to influence the issues around. Alliance with the Private sector can boost the impact that Youth can bring to this world.
Coming to the part of “which issues millennials care about the most” let’s see if young generation is aware of the Sustainable Development Goals that were adopted in September, from which channels they learn about it and which issue they choose as the priority
Do you know what the Sustainable Development Goals are? YES
Which Global Goals Millennials care about the most
How do you know about the Global Goals?
YOUTH FOR GLOBAL GOALS Education and Poverty together with Hunger and Health are four key issues Young People care about the most. These are the areas where Young people need opportunities and support to start acting upon them.
Almost half of the respondents know about the Global Goals. Most of them mentioned University and AIESEC as two key sources of information from where they can learn and start acting upon the Global Goals
LEADERSHIP In AIESEC we believe that Leadership is the fundamental solution to achieve peace and fulfilment of humankind potential. In order to get closer to this vision by 2030, we need young people to step up as leaders to drive positive societal change. Therefore, it is imperative to understand who do young people consider as their role-models as leaders and which characteristics do they value the most.
Examples of modern Leaders in the eyes of Millennials
Key characteristics of a leader
LEADERSHIP Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln lead the chart. It is however peculiar how young people perceive politicians! In top ten we can see Barack Obama and Muhammadu Buhari . Is it because these figures demonstrate specific characteristics that young people value the most?
ENGAGEMENT It is a universally known fact that for long-term change to be driven, the young of today have to play a key role in driving that change. But, how do we really sensitize the youth towards issues that matter? How do we get crucial information reach them effectively so that they listen, and then, act? We attempted to understand what channels of engagement does the youth rely on!
Channels that Millennials use the most to keep themselves updated on day-to-day basis
The most trusted sources Millennials use while looking up for information
ENGAGEMENT Highest pecentage of the respondents use Facebook to keep themselves informed, while the second-most used channels are google and e-newspapers/e-magazines - but these channels are about half as popular as Facebook. This implies that the daily dose of crucial information for most of the respondents comes from what is being shared by their 'friends' on Facebook. For important information to get through to these people, it is important that such information is being shared by either their friends or channels/groups that they follow. It has become a requirement for messages to be packaged in a way that more people share it in order to make it reach out to more people. Interestingly, when it comes to trusted sources while looking up information, 20% respondents selected academic institutions. 15 % mentioned Friends and 44% mentioned parents/relatives. Thus implying that, most people are fairly convinced that academic institutions maintain trustable and credible information, as well as the people they look up to (such as parents/ professors/friends).
EDUCATION Based on the previous YouhtSpeak survey insights : Education is the burning issue for Millennials. We know that millennials prefer experiential learning to have a real hands-on experience. Has the situation changed? Which formats of experiential learning they prefer and what it can mean for the potential employers and educational institutes?
Education systems NPS (Net promoter score)
as of 1.05.2015
as of 1.12.2015
Practical experiences that Millennials want to live the most in order to grow professionally and personally
EDUCATION Millennials are largely unsatisfied with the education system, with a global Net Promotor Score of -42 as found in our survey last year. So far, in a short term period, this result is not changing, but the tendency shows us progress towards a better state. What’s is the reason? May be the answer can be found in the way Millennials perceive Education itself. If we really want to engage the young generation to act upon issues that they care about the most, they need a support system that contributes to their personal and professional development. They want a hands-on experience. Based on the preliminary results we can clearly see that this experience that we are talking about lie in the area of exchange and volunteering. Career fairs and conferences are less popular and are found to be less engaging nowadays.
Greater the number of people who know about YouthSpeak, louder the youth's voice will be. If we all strive for that, the decision makers of today all around the world will hear the decision-makers of tomorrow. So #YouthSpeak needs to get viral. We’re working to get YouthSpeak onto websites and press, broadcast on every social media and classroom, pinned to every community noticeboard and sent to every mobile phone. But that won’t be enough. We need your help to share the message about YouthSpeak. In conversations, on e-mail, in debates, on products, at home, at work, at school –whatever it takes to tell everyone.