2 minute read

Beyond Blue

Mixed Emotions

The last couple of years have been tough, and with everything constantly changing, it’s hard to find the right words to describe how we’re feeling. One moment we might be excited for the day and then the next, we can’t be bothered. Or maybe we might be hopeful for the future, and then feel really worried about it.

Feeling HappyFlat Feeling ChillPanic Feeling WorryHope

When you’re excited for the day ahead but just can’t be bothered anymore.

While many people are understandably struggling, there are plenty of others who aren’t, but who wouldn’t say they were thriving either. Those in this position don’t know how to describe it. If you’re Because languishing can feel like being in limbo, you might not recognise it in yourself.

Be mindful of the following changes:

• Not enjoying activities they usually do • Cutting back on work • Trouble focusing

How do you combat it?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. One approach is to try and find a state of ‘flow’. This could be painting, gardening, running or playing guitar. It could be doing jigsaw puzzles or just reading a book. Everyone will have a different approach to finding an activity that helps them achieve flow.

When everything around you is calm, but inside you’re stressing out.

For people who experience social anxiety, adapting life after lockdown may feel hard. Social anxiety – or social phobia – isn’t just about being a bit nervous or uncomfortable around others, it’s a mental and physical battle.

What are the signs?

Common signs may include excessive sweating, shaking, blushing or stuttering when trying to speak. In addition to worrying about how you look, you may also worry that you will do or say the wrong thing and end up publicly humiliated and embarrassed.

How to keep your cool in the moment

• Challenge your negative thoughts • Distract yourself • Delay your thoughts - Set aside time to think about negative thoughts later. • Breathe

Constantly switching between looking forward to the future & being worried by it.

How much worry is too much? And when does a natural response to a stressful situation become something more serious?

Things that can bring on feelings of stress:

• Experiencing something new or unexpected • Things that threaten our sense of self • Feeling as though we have little control over a situation.

What is anxiety? While everyone feels anxious at times, anxiety is more than just feeling worried or stressed. These feelings are a common response to a situation where we feel under strain. This usually passes once the source of stress has gone. What is depression? Feeling low, irritable or sad now and again is completely natural, but if you’re experiencing these feelings for longer than a month, to the point where your life is seriously impacted, it’s time to get help. Contacting your GP is the first step.

To find out more about Beyond Blue, click here. To donate points click here.

If you need assistance visit Beyond Blue’s support services. Our mental health professionals are available 24/7 on1300 22 4636, Web chat (3pm-12am AEST) and email (responses within 24hrs). For immediate support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 and in an emergency, always call triple zero (000).

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