CHAPTER 4 | energy & engineering
286 Development potential
310 KLM UK Engineering Limited
288 Canadian Natural Resources Limited
312 Nexen
292 Cenovus Energy
316 PETRONAS Energy Trading Ltd
296 Cummins
320 Repsol
300 Damar Group Limited
324 Subsea 7
301 ML Electronics Ltd
328 Syncrude Canada Ltd.
302 Finning International Inc.
332 Tata Steel
306 Gazprom Marketing & Trading
334 Weatherford
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development potential R&D lies at the very heart of the energy and engineering industry, providing those involved with the chance to make their mark in a big way
The challenges facing the energy and engineering industry are,
continues to grow apace. Thousands of green-sector jobs are expected
on the whole, large in scale – whether literally, as in such fields
to be created in the UK over the next few years, due in no small part
as construction and satellite technology, or in terms of impact, as
to the Government’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by
with the ongoing push for ever-greener global solutions. It is no
80 per cent by 2050, as set out in its 2011 paper ‘The Carbon Plan:
coincidence, then, that research and development (R&D) is also a
Delivering our low carbon future’.
big deal and on the receiving end of huge quantities of investment,
One of the ways in which the Government aims to achieve this
both in the UK and beyond.
figure is by investing significant funds, in partnership with global
By way of example, an estimated £251 million was invested
industry, into the R&D departments of the energy sector. The Energy
in R&D by the energy and water industries in the UK in 2010 alone,
Technologies Institute (ETI), for instance, is a public–private partnership
according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change. It’s a
formed with the aim of ‘accelerating the development, demonstration
sizable sum that accounted for a staggering 1.6 per cent of that
and commercial deployment of energy technologies that will increase
year’s total expenditure in UK businesses.
energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help achieve
As technology continues to develop at a spectacular rate,
energy and climate change goals’. Since its inception in 2008, more
the ongoing need to fill the industry’s R&D positions means that
than £210 million has been invested in the programme – a major
innovative, high-quality science and engineering graduates are in
step on the road to achieving the UK’s first milestone target of
great demand. In addition to a host of prestigious graduate schemes
meeting 15 per cent of the country’s energy needs with renewable
and excellent career progression opportunities, the industry’s
sources by 2020.
commitment to R&D offers employees the chance to put a range of capabilities to good use.
A wider range of roles
A technical degree is essential to a research role, but candidates
Key R&D challenges in the energy sector include unearthing new,
are also often required to be commercially minded and willing to get
sustainable ways to extract fossil fuels and maximising the potential
their hands dirty. As Peter Lockhart, Chief Technology Manager at
of renewable resources. However, it’s not just those with a scientific
engineering R&D firm Roke Manor Research says: ‘The highlights of
or engineering background that are being sought out by the wider
a career in R&D include working on intellectually stimulating projects,
industry – the energy and engineering sector is a vast global
pushing forward the frontiers of tech development and talking to
employer that relies upon a steady flow of graduate-level recruits
VIPs one day, being in a muddy field doing trials the next.’
to fill vital roles in such fields as planning, marketing, procurement
The future’s green
and customer service. So, a career in energy or engineering could mean contributing
The green sector – defined by the UN as ‘jobs that protect ecosystems
to vital projects in a variety of different ways, within an industry that
and biodiversity, reduce energy, materials and water consumption,
offers excellent progression prospects. What more could you want?
de-carbonise the economy and minimise waste and pollution’ –
To save the world? Well, that might just be on the cards, as well.
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‘ Thousands of green-sector jobs are expected to be created over the next few years’
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Oil and gas firm Canadian Natural Resources Limited works hard to find the right employees to complement its collaborative working environment
CHAPTER 4 | energy & engineering
A resourceful employer
their whole career,’ says Steve. Furthermore, through these rotations,
or more of hard study, they are ready to commit to a company that
graduates also gain experience in different geographical locations,
suits their ambitions and personality perfectly. Canadian Natural
and work with different teams in various roles. This allows them
Resources Limited knows this and wants the same thing, which
time to explore and discover their niche speciality.
is why it approaches recruitment as a two-way process.
At Canadian Natural, staff development doesn’t end with the
Based throughout western Canada and in Aberdeen, Scotland,
graduate scheme. ‘Once in the office, employees work in different
Canadian Natural is a large, independent crude oil and natural
areas, changing every few years – so after six or seven years, they’re
gas producer that employs around 5,000 people worldwide.
very well-rounded and have a great understanding of their aptitude,
Working with natural gas, light oil and heavy oil, as well as in-situ
what they like best and what they are best at.’ Employees also
oil sands production, oil sands mining and associated upgrading
benefit from mentoring and training, and the company’s education
facilities, Canadian Natural has one of the strongest and most
assistance programme gives each permanent employee a budget
diverse asset portfolios of any energy producer in the world.
to cover tuition fees for courses that will enhance their business
Its primary focuses for employment are therefore engineering,
effectiveness. In some cases, there’s also the chance to gain
geology and geophysics, along with finance and accounting.
professional accreditation as employees progress.
Cream of the crop
Relaxed and professional
‘We prefer to take students as our new hires,’ says company
This array of opportunities is attractive, but the most important
President Steve Laut. Searching for the cream of the university crop
element for company and employees alike is getting the right
on both sides of the Atlantic, Canadian Natural takes on around
match of personalities and working styles. ‘We’ve recruited
300 paid summer students every year between their Canadian and
straight out of university for about ten years now, and that
Aberdeen offices. Those students get a chance to try out different
works for us because we have a unique culture at Canadian
areas of the business, understand what the company is about and
Natural,’ says Steve. Essentially, it’s about teamwork in a relaxed
find out how it works. ‘Just as importantly, we get a chance to see
yet professional environment. Employees work together to create
how they perform,’ says Steve.
value for the company’s shareholders – and they do so without
Beyond its summer schemes, Canadian Natural offers graduate
the need for stuffy suits. Unless they’re meeting visitors, the
programmes in engineering, geoscience and finance. Successful
dress code is business casual, and on Fridays, jeans and T-shirts
applicants spend two years working in their field, gaining hands-on
rule. ‘If interns and trainees feel comfortable with us, if our work
experience of difference aspects of their sector. For engineers, for
environment suits their personality, then they’re going to do well
example, this might include time spent working in pure reservoir
here,’ adds Steve. ‘If they come straight from university, they’re
engineering, production engineering, facilities design engineering,
not coming from a more bureaucratic culture or a more siloed
drilling engineering, and sales and environmental engineering.
approach, so they’re not re-learning how to do things. It makes
‘Variety is very attractive for people because it sets them up for
it easier. It makes for a happy environment.’
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Graduates tend to set their sights on the best. After three years
Staff development is another key feature. ‘We try
‘We try to use new technology to lower our
to develop people at all levels, so they can challenge
environmental footprint in all our activities, and
themselves in their career,’ he continues. ‘We give our
we make sure we give back to the communities
people a lot of responsibility early on to help them
we’re working in.’ These communities include
have a meaningful career. If you can perform and show
some in Ivory Coast and Gabon in West Africa.
accountability and competence, you can go far. We’re a
Meanwhile, on the environmental side,
meritocracy.’ By way of example, Steve mentions young
Steve points to Canadian Natural’s Horizon
engineers who have become managers within ten years.
Oil Sands operation. ‘We are using about
‘We’re looking for the brightest, most enthusiastic
25 to 30 per cent of the fresh water that
people – but we’re also looking for people who
we thought we would need when we first
are dedicated and willing to work hard,’ he says.
designed it,’ he says. ‘Using new technology,
‘At Canadian Natural, it’s about being a team player.’
Entrepreneurial spirit
we capture CO2, reducing our environmental footprint and reducing the amount of water we use. Technology is changing very rapidly,
There’s another attribute that makes candidates
improving and reducing the environmental
stand out for the company, however, and that’s a
footprint in all oil sands production. It’s a very
spirit of enterprise. ‘Our jobs need people who are
exciting area to be in because there’s such a
entrepreneurial. There are a lot of business decisions
difference we can make.’
to make, and there are a lot of opportunities. You need
For ambitious, entrepreneurially minded
that mindset to be able to identify those opportunities
team players, that’s an appealing prospect.
and make the most of them. Entrepreneurial people
Canadian Natural works hard, too. The company
are always looking for ways to do things differently
is determined to build a diversified, fulfilling
or more effectively,’ says Steve. ‘They are looking for
environment for employees, while minimising
opportunities to create value.’
the company’s impact on the environment and
This tendency towards creative thinking and
continuing to grow. In fact, the organisation is
efficiency brings out another strength of Canadian
set to double over the next seven years. It can
Natural. ‘We’re very strong in the community, and
achieve this by its employees working together
very progressive environmentally,’ Steve explains.
and enjoying the work they do.
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‘we try to develop people at all levels, so they can challenge themselves in their career’
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POWER TO CHANGE With its laudable attitude to corporate responsibility, Canadian oil company Cenovus Energy invests in the futures of the environment and its employees alike www.cenovus.com
With a global population of more than seven billion and rising, and
to be ecologically responsible, the company
a worldwide demand for energy that shows little sign of easing up, oil
also achieved a 27 per cent reduction in
is as important a resource as ever. And Canada is one of the industry’s
greenhouse gas emissions between 2004 and
major players, boasting the third-largest oil reserves on the planet.
2012. ‘We are constantly looking for ways
More than 97 per cent of the country’s 174 billion barrels
to reduce our impact on land, air and water,’
can be found in the oil sands of Northern Alberta, and one of the
says Sheila. ‘At any one time, we have between
leading companies involved in oil extraction in the area is Cenovus
100 and 150 technology development projects
Energy. Based in Calgary, Cenovus employs around 5,000 people,
under way, both to benefit our bottom line
from geologists and environmental specialists to field operators
and improve our environmental impact.’
and engineers. The company has enjoyed a 75 per cent increase in staff numbers since 2009, offering vast opportunity for those
Unlocking resources
looking to work for an innovative firm in an expanding industry.
Cenovus has well-established goals and values
Fuelling progress
that it strives to adhere to. ‘Our purpose is to inspire bright minds to help fuel world
At present, the region’s oil is consumed primarily in North America.
progress,’ says Sheila. ‘In addition, we have
But with such an abundant supply available, Cenovus anticipates
a promise to work collectively to unlock
that it will be increasingly used to fuel progress in such areas as Asia
challenging oil resources in a way that makes
in years to come. Eighty per cent of the oil in the oil sands is too
Canadians proud. Our staff have really
deep to be mined and can only be accessed by drilling, a process
embraced these ideologies and feel they are
at which Cenovus is expert.
contributing to the progress of our society.’
‘All of our oil sands operations are the drilling type,’ says
In addition to these aims, Cenovus has
Sheila McIntosh, Cenovus Executive Vice-President of Environment
a commitment to be ‘rigorous, respectful
& Corporate Affairs. ‘We don’t mine, we only drill and pump the oil to
and ready’. It is ‘rigorous’ about the way it
the surface. With the required technology for this type of production
develops resources with safety as a key focus.
coming into play only about a decade ago, this is still a young
Indeed, if an employee feels that a task can’t
industry, but we have made huge advancements when it comes
be achieved safely, they are encouraged to
to being more efficient.’
refuse to continue. And responsibility and
The thick oil that is deep under the ground in Northern
thoughtfulness are crucial elements of all the
Alberta must be heated in order for it to melt and be pumped
company’s activities. ‘“Respectful” means we
to the surface. This involves steam being injected into the ground.
trust each other to do the right thing,’ says
Recent advancements in technology mean that Cenovus uses
Sheila. ‘We collaborate with one another and
virtually no fresh water in this process. And in its ongoing efforts
make the communities we live and work in
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‘We are constantly looking for ways to reduce our impact on land, air and water’
better places because we are there.’
spending 12–18 months in each area and
The goal is to build strong relationships
being mentored along the way.
within the company and with business
After graduating from the University of
partners and residents in local areas.
Calgary with an honours degree in Mechanical
Special training programmes are offered to
Engineering, Jarrett Dragani joined Cenovus
local people, encouraging them to establish
in 2011. ‘I have experienced a diverse range of
small businesses that Cenovus can then hire.
engineering roles and responsibilities as well as
Scholarships are offered to local students
the opportunity to work with different teams
and millions of dollars are invested in
in the company,’ says Jarrett. ‘The Cenovus
community programmes and associations.
management team is very supportive of ongoing
The company’s third value, to be ‘ready’,
professional development for all employees,
concerns innovation. ‘We actively encourage
and new graduates all get access to an equal
our staff to embrace fresh thinking and new
amount of training, regardless of their position.
ideas,’ says Sheila. ‘We believe the status
Cenovus offers new technologies, new ways of
quo is unacceptable. We are always striving
thinking and an environment that supports my
to be better and looking for more efficient
continuing development.’
ways of doing things.’ The culture at Cenovus
Indeed, the future of this exciting company
encourages every member of staff to put their
is all about growth and innovation. Almost every
ideas forward, and a special fund is made
aspect of society is touched by the oil industry
available to test ideas that might improve
in some way on a daily basis, whether people
energy efficiency.
use transport or enjoy machine-made products.
Student opportunities Constantly on the lookout for talented new
And the expansion of the industry in Canada’s oil sands offers people the opportunity to make changes and have a direct impact. ‘At Cenovus,
employees, Cenovus hires around 250
we have already achieved so much, such as
students each summer. They work with
the virtual absence of fresh water during oil
the company for four months in various
sands extraction, and we’re determined to
departments, and a number of them are
make even greater improvements,’ says
invited to enter the firm’s new graduate
Sheila. ‘We want Canadians to be proud of
development programme. For three to four
the responsible way in which we drill this
years, graduates experience job rotation,
valuable energy resource.’
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All POWER to progression Cummins has been recognised for its equal opportunities and diverse workforce and can offer graduates varied opportunities and progression for a rewarding career www.cummins.com
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Cummins, a global power leader, received a perfect score in 2013
culture and values of the business and supported them through
for the eighth consecutive year in the Human Rights Campaign’s
graduate programmes,’ says Stuart. ‘We are, however, conscious
Corporate Equality Index. It also featured in DiversityInc’s top 50
that 50 per cent of students don’t do sandwich degrees so we’re
companies – good news for future employees and the 44,000 people
looking at ways to increase our summer placements intake, bringing
it employs worldwide.
people back year on year to build up that experience with Cummins
Cummins designs, manufactures, distributes and services diesel
and move them forward through the same route.’ In 2013, Cummins
engines and related technologies for various markets including truck,
is recruiting 150 students and graduates.
bus, rail, marine, military and mining. With headquarters in Indiana in the USA, the company has operations in 190 countries and had sales
Diverse and inclusive
of $17.3 billion in 2012. Cummins is split into four businesses: engine,
Cummins is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce
power generation, components and distribution and has a central parts
and, testament to its success, has women and members of minority
warehouse in Wellingborough and eight other locations across the UK
groups among its senior leaders. In fact, Cummins was recognised
and Ireland. Its international reach means it can offer an exciting career
as one of the ‘top companies for diverse managers and women’
environment for graduates who, by moving through different sectors
by Diversity MBA magazine in March 2011.
of the business, get to learn a broad and diverse range of skills.
‘We are conscious that if we are not inclusive or diverse in our
Broad development
thinking then we’ll stagnate as a company,’ says Stuart. ‘As a global organisation we need to be able to think globally. How can we ensure we delight our customers, give them what they’re looking
which enables them to grow at their own pace,’ says Stuart Proctor,
for and make sure we do it in a way that fits in with their culture?
Recruitment Manager. ‘We allow flexibility for people to move around
From a commercial point of view, being diverse and inclusive adds
the business, be it around the UK or globally. Over a career, people
to our strength and our market share.’
tend to change companies to vary their working life. At Cummins,
That diverse workforce also serves the communities it works in by
we argue that you can do that without having to leave the business.’
volunteering time and talent. Teams in the USA, for example, have built
‘We obviously take a large number of engineering students
playgrounds, providing equipment and man-hours. ‘Local communities
and graduates purely for the development of the product and the
benefit from the work Cummins does in its locations around the world,’
processes that we use,’ says Stuart, ‘but like any manufacturing
says Stuart. ‘In Stockton-on-Tees, we’ve got a strong link with a charity
organisation, we have the full spectrum of disciplines ranging
called Daisy Chain Project which offers care and respite for children
from quality, manufacturing and materials to HR, IT and finance.’
with autism. Some of our teams have painted and decorated rooms
Around 75 per cent of the talent coming into Cummins is
and built raised beds so the children can plant flowers. We engage
‘raw talent’, people starting out whose careers it wants to develop.
with the community by doing activities that support local charities,
Meanwhile, 25 per cent are experienced and can come in and hit the
as well as providing financial support through fundraising activities.
ground running. ‘We’ve taken a large number of placement students
It enables us to achieve a lot more and get a better understanding of
as part of their sandwich degrees, seen who performs well, fits the
the needs of the local community.’
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‘Cummins offer graduates broad and structured development
'graduates and students also get the chance to step out of their normal jobs to support cummins' engagement at the big bang fair'
Working with the community also creates a great opportunity for Cummins employees to get involved. ‘You might have somebody leading the team out on site, doing risk assessments and enjoying opportunities that they may not get to do within their normal day-today activities,’ says Stuart. Graduates and students also get the chance to step out of their normal jobs to support Cummins’ engagement at The Big Bang Fair – the UK’s largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths for young people. In 2013, a former graduate trainee managed the programme, supported by other graduates and placement students. As well as improving the communities in which employees work and live, Cummins strives to minimise its impact on the environment. ‘When we make our products, we look at the legislative requirements as the minimum and work towards meeting those very early in the life cycle of the product,’ says Stuart. ‘This means we can hit the ground running when those emission standards come in.’ ‘In addition to optimising the environmental impact of our products, we look at ways to reduce energy usage and minimise our waste too. We spend a lot of time, effort and money on increasing the amount of recycling we do and increasing the amount of reusable and recyclable packaging.’ Cummins’ first green manufacturing facility opened in Ranjangaon, India in 2011 and all of its facilities are striving to be as efficient as possible. By taking its responsibilities to its employees, communities and the environment seriously, Cummins is an ideal place for any graduate to start and continue their career. The company’s vision is ‘Making people’s lives better by unleashing the power of Cummins.’ With its broad, structured and holistic career development, Cummins can also unleash the power of its graduates and become the engine of their careers.
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Engineering positive results Damar Group is a leading contractor in the water and energy sectors thanks to its skilled staff and technological edge www.damargroup.co.uk
Damar Group Limited is often first choice for clients with leading-
Bristol sewage treatment works at Avonmouth. Using sophisticated
edge projects due to its wealth of employee talent and experience.
technology, food waste is converted to biogas (gaseous fuel) and then
Damar is one of the UK’s pre-eminent multidisciplinary contractors,
to electricity on behalf of Wessex Water‘s green energy arm, GENeco.
widely recognised for its specialist engineering and in-house
‘Our clients‘ innovative vision in demanding these technologies
capabilities. The company is backed by one of the world’s leading
is matched by Damar’s own vision and ability to innovate,’ says Chris,
providers of construction equipment and power systems, Finning UK.
‘we recognise that having the right people has helped embed our
Versatile provision
culture of innovation into the company’s DNA.’ To this end, Damar is committed to offering rewarding and
Working in the water, energy and defence sectors, Damar Group
fulfilling careers and cultivates an environment where employees
offers whole-life-cycle engineering solutions. Capable of delivering
thrive. The company focuses on professional development at all
projects ranging from several thousand to multimillion pounds,
levels from apprenticeship schemes to career progression pathways.
Damar works for clients such as Wessex Water, Bristol Water and BAE Systems, providing design and build services from project
Developing talent
conception to takeover.
Business Operations Director, Martin Whitfield gives his full support
In 2012, Finning UK acquired the Somerset-based business
to Damar’s strategy of developing a skilled and committed in-house
Damar Group with the goal of expanding the energy capabilities of
workforce. ‘Through our investment in our employees we are uniquely
both companies. ‘We have the engineering and delivery expertise
positioned in the industry to offer directly employed project teams.
to provide power and energy solutions’, says Damar‘s Group
We recruit individuals who share our company values and are keen
Services Director, Chris Maddox. ‘With Finning UK‘s support we
to develop their own skillsets.’
are strengthening and expanding through targeted research and
development focused on this sector.’
with it,’ Chris says, ‘Our talented and committed teams ensure we keep
Damar Group played a key role in a project managed by Finning
pace with these technological advancements ensuring we are always best
UK, enabling the generation of electricity from food waste to the
placed to deliver the right solutions to our clients, today and tomorrow.’
‘The market place is changing and our business needs to change
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creating the future UK-based ML Electronics Ltd offers the perfect environment for technologically minded people who think outside the box www.ml-electronics.co.uk
ML Electronics Ltd (MLE) designs, develops,
‘We strive to create things that will make
Determined to develop a steady supply
manufactures and delivers the products that
a positive difference for generations to come,’
of future leaders instead of simply filling
define modern life. The Salisbury-based
explains Chairman Mike Lloyd. ‘To achieve
immediate vacancies, the company not only
company provides innovative and often
this, we undertake a vast amount of research
offers high-performing engineering graduates
pioneering electronics engineering solutions
and development. By combining science with
a structured programme of mentoring, but
for the healthcare, e-autosport and cleantech
creativity and forward-thinking, we can meet
also involves them in projects with a range
industries, among others. It not only helps
each client’s precise needs.’
of clients from day one. To reach its goal of
businesses around the world to thrive, but
becoming one of the UK’s leading employers,
also creates an enduring positive legacy.
Inspirational ideas
High-profile clients and products –
With an approach built on teamwork, trust
support and allows each graduate to follow a
such as Ferrari’s Formula One team and
and the courage to think outside the box, MLE
unique path. As part of the Investable Projects
the PlasmaJet surgical instrument developed
draws on its employees’ excellent technical
Ltd group, there are fantastic opportunities
for Plasma Surgical – show that MLE has the
ability to create products that offer something
for personal and professional development at
breadth and depth of expertise to respond
genuinely new. ‘We believe that by bringing
association companies, such as super-yacht
to even the most technically challenging
together outstanding people who dare to
lighting specialist Lumotics Marine.
and time-critical projects. The company’s
be different, inspirational ideas come to life
Dedicated to teamwork, inventive
mission is to solve society’s most pressing
and great things happen that will benefit the
engineering, brave design and helping future
problems, which places a firm emphasis
whole of society,’ Mike says. ‘This approach
generations, MLE offers a rare level of job
on creating outstanding products that
is crucial to MLE’s success, and it’s essential
satisfaction to those with the ambition to
contribute to a sustainable future.
to us that our graduates share our vision.’
work at the forefront of technology.
MLE also provides exceptional levels of
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On the right track Having celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2013, Canada’s Finning International – the world’s largest Caterpillar dealer – is safeguarding its future for years to come www.finning.com
Established in Vancouver in 1933, Finning International is today
will face challenges – perhaps through labour shortages,
a global operation with Caterpillar dealerships in Canada, South
cost pressures or increased demand on machinery – and
America, the UK and Ireland that deliver services to customers in
then acts accordingly.
mining, construction, power systems and forestry. With more than 15,000 employees, the organisation’s great success is largely due
Ethical integrity
to the immense value it places on safety, sustainability, investment
The organisation also prides itself on its exemplary business ethics.
and business ethics. ‘We’ve been around for 80 years and plan to
Employees are expected to maintain the highest standards of
be around for a lot longer,’ says Rebecca Schalm, Chief Human
integrity. To that end, each new recruit is presented with a code
Resources Officer. ‘Our decisions are based on how we plan to
of ethics, which is based upon six key values – ‘We care, we
maintain ourselves in the future. We realise the importance of
communicate, we take responsibility, we empower, we trust and we
investing in people and facilities to sustain our business for the
do our best’ – and supported by a whistleblower policy. The company
long haul.’
expects these values to be followed in all its endeavours. ‘You can’t
Employees are nurtured, ensuring there is an ongoing pool
expect to stay in business and maintain the reputation of your business
of talent within the organisation. The company’s performance-
if you make compromises as far as ethics are concerned,’ says Rebecca.
management processes – and its ongoing support for employees’
‘This past year, we have also introduced an international anti-bribery
personal development and further education – have ensured that
and anti-corruption policy. If our employees raise issues, we take them
job retention is high.
seriously and will take action when people act against our code of
Maintaining the future
conduct and values.’ Along with promoting ethical excellence, Finning International
Customers can hire or buy used or new Caterpillar equipment from
has also made safety its foremost priority. The organisation strives to be
Finning safe in the knowledge that they will be supported by the
a zero-injury workplace and so provides clear, regular safety training.
company to maximise the equipment’s lifespan and operating
‘We set goals every year that continue to drive improvement in our
efficiency. Much of the machinery is used in heavy industries, and
processes, and we have made tremendous progress,’ says Rebecca.
Finning puts a great deal of effort into remanufacturing – rebuilding
The result of these high standards is high employee engagement,
components such as engines from existing parts to minimise waste.
a fact proven by Finning’s annual employment survey, sponsored by
‘We reuse everything we can so as to save money and reduce the
Caterpillar, which benchmarks the company globally. In 2012, an
need for raw materials to produce new components,’ says Rebecca.
impressive 86 per cent of employees completed the survey.
‘We want our customers to buy the most efficient equipment that
Following a first-class honours degree in business studies
has the longest lifespan, and we make sure that happens.’
from Sheffield Hallam University, Gavin Donoghue joined the UK
Finning International aims to foster loyalty by providing
and Ireland division of Finning in 2008 on its graduate programme.
customers with solutions to meet their ever-changing needs.
‘I was aware of the company and saw an advertisement for the
Partnering with Caterpillar, it works to understand where industries
commercial graduate programme online,’ says Gavin. ‘I had studied
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a wide range of modules at university and loved the
by setting objectives, looking at targets for professional
structure of the Finning programme – three eight-month
development and options for possible training. We then have
secondments that would give me a real breadth of
a mid-year review and finish the year by discussing and rating
experience in different areas of the company.’
our performance. This is a company with highly engaged
Gavin spent his first eight months working in regional
people who are passionate about making positive changes
operations before moving to the head office in Cannock,
and continually improving the business. You never feel like
Staffordshire for his next secondment. ‘I had experienced
you’re just doing the same thing day in, day out.’
the front end of the business and then moved on to
A passion for innovation and a strong social conscience
interact with head office,’ he says. ‘I spent my final eight
mean that Finning International is always looking to the
months setting up a new business called Cylinder Express,
future. The business has a keen sense of environmental
a hugely exciting project that really drew on all my
awareness and places a particular focus on alternative
previous experience. The way the graduate programme
energy sources, sustainability and finding ways for
worked gave me the chance to shape opportunities
Caterpillar products to turn waste products into energy.
for myself, which is key to being successful at Finning.
It has been involved in setting up such initiatives all over
Opportunity is there if you choose to be proactive – if
the world, helping customers to make the most efficient
you knock on the door, you’ll find opportunity behind it.’
use of their resources.
Ongoing development
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‘The way the graduate programme worked gave me the chance to shape opportunities for myself, which is key to being successful at Finning’
The company is also keen to promote and support charitable causes. As such, Finning is involved in ‘The Coldest Journey’, an expedition across Antarctica in the middle of
moved into a role within the mining group in Leeds where
winter to raise money for Seeing is Believing, an organisation
he is now heavily involved in planning and forecasting.
that helps tackle avoidable blindness. Two Finning International
And he continues to develop within the company.
mechanics are operating the Caterpillar equipment, towing
‘We have a “one-to-one” appraisal process, which
the living quarters for participants of this immense physical
involves three meetings a year,’ he explains. ‘We begin
challenge, which hopes to raise $10 million for the charity.
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Following his two-year graduate programme, Gavin
State of the art GM&T, the fast-growing international marketing and trading arm of Russia’s Gazprom, has turned its parent company into a global powerhouse www.gazprom-mt.com
Gazprom Marketing & Trading (GM&T) is not only part of one of the world’s largest companies, but also one of the sector’s fastest-growing businesses. With its focus on trading commodities (including gas, power, oil, LNG, LPG and clean energy), carbon credits and emissions, the London-based subsidiary was set up in 1999 to help its Russian grandparent company, OAO Gazprom, access liberalised international energy markets. Today, GM&T has additional offices in Paris, Zug, Manchester, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Walluf, Singapore and Houston.
Pursuit of innovation Having grown rapidly in a short time and harbouring significant ambitions for continued growth, GM&T is working hard to outperform its competitors in the dynamic energy market. One way in which the company hopes to achieve this is by pursuing innovation to drive value for its customers. A recent success in this area was its completion of the world’s first LNG delivery through the Northern Sea Route (NSR). This shipping lane connects the Atlantic and Pacific via the Arctic Ocean, thereby cutting the sea distance from Northern Europe to north-east Asia by up to 40 per cent compared with traditional routes. GM&T’s successful journey has confirmed the NSR’s technical and commercial viability. The company’s attempt to complete the route reflects its desire to grow the business sustainably. Headquartered in one of London’s most energy-efficient buildings, GM&T also has a retail subsidiary, Gazprom Energy – which supplies industrial and commercial clients
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such as Heinz, YO! Sushi and Debenhams across the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands – and won Energy Retailer of the Year at the 2012 Energy Excellence Awards.
Long-term view The company’s commitment to sustainability is epitomised by its Clean Energy team. Trading in emissions allowances and carbon credits, it helps large European emitters meet their obligations while supporting low-carbon projects in developing countries around the world. The team sources a wide variety of projects that generate carbon credit and then ensures that the value of each client’s portfolio is maximised. ‘Our long-term ambition to become the world’s leading energy marketing and trading company won’t be achieved by quick wins – it will depend on long-term, sustainable performance,’ says GM&T’s Head of Global Resourcing, Alistair Milnes. ‘We want to build a significant LNG business, but that takes time, whether it is marketing the upstream LNG production of our parent company or buying and selling third-party LNG. We believe that our LNG business should cover the full range of activities: trading, optimisation, origination and long-term contracts, and meet the goal of delivering Gazprom gas to companies and regions our pipelines cannot reach to build a truly Building GM&T’s capabilities is also an essential element of sustaining growth. Critical to that are the
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global gas business.’
‘The feedback that we get from our graduates confirms the immediate, significant impact that they get to make in their roles’
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people who are brought into the business. The company’s workforce
a global industry, GM&T offers a wealth of opportunity.
has grown from two in 1999 to around 1,000 today, and more than
Consistent responses to GM&T’s assessment day are that
60 staff members have been recruited via its graduate programme.
it’s an open and valuable experience where graduates get
‘Our ambition is to be the leading marketing and trading company
the chance to meet people from across the business, to
in the global energy market,’ Alistair says. ‘And identifying future
network and to gain a real understanding of what it’s like
leaders and future contributors to the global energy trading industry
to work at the company. ‘And once on the programme,
is a core part of our growth strategy. We’re very much a company that
the feedback that we get from our graduates confirms
wants high-potential graduates to play a significant role, so we put a
the immediate, significant impact that they get to make
lot of work into our graduate and talent-development programmes.’
in their roles,’ Alistair says.
Although GM&T is identifying talent at all levels of the business, exceptionally gifted graduates are playing an increasingly important
Graduate placements
role through a structured 18-month graduate programme. ‘This enables
In 2014, 20 graduates will have the opportunity to join
them to actively fulfil a role that adds genuine value and purpose to
the programme on placements in London, Manchester
the company,’ Alistair says. To be recruited to one of the programme’s
or Singapore. Further down the line, GM&T offers
four streams in Commercial and Front Office Analytics, Professional
its employees a suite of specific development tools
Analytics, Technical Experts and Project Managers, graduates must be
that centre on each individual’s core area of expertise.
highly numerate and analytical, and capable of working collaboratively
And the business has also created extensive programmes
across different business functions.
to assist with the development of future leaders.
Great support
‘The vast majority of roles we are recruiting for are newly created, so we’re bringing in a lot of new expertise,’ Alistair explains. ‘And because we are a
high level of support extended to prospective candidates throughout
global business, whichever stream you join, you’ll benefit
the application process, which is based on a range of assessment
from a global outlook. In short, there is a genuine
strategies. For talented people who want to build an enriching
opportunity to come in, play a part and shape the future
career working with financial data, commodities and products in
of the company.’
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A key feature of GM&T’s approach to graduate recruitment is the
Aviation high-flyer KLM UK Engineering in Norwich delivers expert training in aircraft maintenance that includes both established and innovative learning techniques www.klmukengineering.com
As befits a company with a long-standing reputation for technical
the world over, with overseas trainees studying online and then
expertise, KLM UK Engineering Limited’s success is underpinned
travelling to the UK to take their exams in person.
by an innovative and positive attitude towards education. Part of
Training programmes include EASA (European Aviation Safety
the Air France-KLM group, the Norwich-based firm has more than
Agency) ‘basic’ and ‘type’ courses, which provide an overview
40 years of experience in aircraft maintenance and airline support,
of how aircraft operate and the qualifications to work on specific
along with a highly proactive approach when it comes to the skills
categories of aircraft, respectively. The college also offers compliance
development of its prospective and ongoing employees.
training, an apprenticeship scheme and a foundation degree in
The engine room of the company’s continual drive for industry
aircraft engineering.
excellence is its on-site Technical Training College, which delivers a host of programmes that combine theoretical learning and hands-on
Degree programme
skills. ‘In the past, training and real-world experience were quite
The latter has been delivered in partnership with Kingston University
separate,’ says Head of Technical College Simon Rhodes, ‘but our
in London for more than ten years. In keeping with the college’s
twin focus ensures that trainees have the technical expertise to carry
aim to provide a blend of theory and practice, the course combines
out maintenance work quickly and effectively, while enabling us
academic and professional qualifications, and is due to be awarded
to provide our existing engineers with lifelong learning.’
BSc (Hons) status in September 2014.
Innovative learning tools
The company’s apprenticeships scheme, meanwhile, provides an exceptional gateway into the industry. With ten apprenticeship
In addition to the more conventional methods of teaching that
positions available each year, competition is fierce, but those who
take full advantage of the company’s considerable expertise, the
are accepted receive a comprehensive training and excellent job
Technical Training College has also embraced many of the new
prospects. ‘We’re in a phase of growth at the moment,’ says Simon.
learning tools that have sprung up over recent years. ‘Teaching is
‘And the industry as a whole is crying out for young talent to replace
moving away from the traditional, classroom-based “chalk and talk”
its ageing workforce.’
sessions and into something that is more technically advanced,’ says
Just as KLM UK Engineering is leading the way in breathing new
Simon. ‘For instance, we use the internet and tablets to convey
life into the industry’s personnel, it is also modernising the way that
applied knowledge in the shape of webinars, video tutorials and
workforce learns its trade. Further potential innovations in the offing
online programmes to provide a greater and more accessible level
at the Technical Training College include the introduction of virtual
of understanding.’
aircraft software, which simulates faults and maintenance tasks for
This expanding pool of virtual learning resources can even benefit
trainees to work on. ‘It’s a bit like a surgeon having a dummy run
those not immediately connected to the company. ‘We are currently
before operating on a human body,’ says Simon. ‘You don’t want
working with the RAF,’ says Simon. ‘When personnel leave the service
to be making any mistakes on the real thing.’
they want to get into the world of civilian work, so we offer them
Indeed, as an aviation high-flyer, KLM UK Engineering is perfectly
online courses, in which they can progress at their own pace, module
positioned to deliver a forward-looking engineering education to its
by module.’ Indeed, the college’s outstanding programmes are used
employees and the wider industry alike.
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‘ teaching is moving away from classroombased sessions and into something that is more technically advanced’
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The Nexen generation Nexen is an innovative global energy company that recruits and develops employees who are eager to push boundaries and forge bold career paths www.nexeninc.com
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From an academic standpoint, Jack Hoyes had prepared himself well
geology, geophysics, finance and accounting. These young
for a career as a geophysicist with MSc degrees from the University
professionals learn on the job by rotating through different areas
of Cambridge and the University of Leeds. ‘But a solid academic
of the business and working on high-profile projects. A mentor is
foundation is only one aspect of a successful career as a geoscientist
assigned to each graduate to provide coaching and feedback.
in this industry,’ says Jack. ‘I knew that I needed to build up a wide range of skills and knowledge – from exploration to development,
New Graduate Program
from geology to petrophysics. So I looked for a company that would
For Jack Hoyes, the New Graduate Program was a key factor in his
provide meaningful opportunities to develop my career.’
decision to join Nexen in 2010: ‘I focused my job search on operators
Jack's search led him to Nexen, an upstream oil and gas
with graduate programmes as I feel they offer the best introduction to
company responsibly developing resources in some of the world‘s
the industry and the career I wanted to follow. Nexen’s programme, in
most significant basins, including the UK‘s North Sea, offshore West
particular, is an excellent way to enter the industry. You’re challenged
Africa, the USA and Western Canada. About 3,000 employees work
on real projects and integrated as a key part of your team from the
for Nexen worldwide. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of CNOOC
start. You receive excellent funding for professional development
Limited, the largest independent offshore oil and gas producer in
and training, and within the first three years you are able to gain
China and one of the largest exploration and production companies
experience in a wide range of business areas.’
in the world.
Jack’s first placement was with the Europe New Ventures
Investing in new talent
team, where he worked to identify future prospects in the North Sea and assess their risk. He then moved to a development team, working on the Golden Eagle Field, one of the largest discoveries
oil sands, and shale gas – and its aggressive growth strategy is
in the region in the past decade. Jack is about to start the last
underpinned by a commitment to people. The key to the company’s
year of the New Graduate Program when he will move back to
success in the highly competitive world of global energy exploration
exploration, this time dedicated to offshore Nigeria. ‘I’m looking
and production is attracting talented people and providing them
forward to new challenges and opportunities. The depth and
with the resources and skills to share in the company’s success.
breadth of my work experience speaks to the excellence of
‘Talented employees are attracted to workplaces where there is
this programme.’
plenty of room for personal growth and career advancement,’ says
Importantly, Nexen is also a great place to work for new graduates
Quinn Wilson, Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate
in areas outside engineering, geology and geophysics. Nexen is one of
Services. ‘That’s why we invest in training, mentoring and leadership
a select group of corporations and government departments to offer
development to help our employees reach their full potential.’
a chartered accountant training programme in Canada. In addition,
One of Nexen’s signature human-resource initiatives is its New
the company offers new graduate development experiences in human
Graduate Program, a development opportunity offered to new and
resources, supply management, petroleum land management and
recent graduates across a range of disciplines, including engineering,
health, safety, environment and social responsibility.
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Nexen has three principal businesses – conventional oil and gas,
‘The new graduate programmes are just one part of nexen's commitment to providing every employee with a rewarding career’
Rewarding careers
Global reputation
The new graduate programmes are just one part of Nexen’s
In 2013, Nexen was added to the roster of
commitment to providing every employee with a rewarding career.
the ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations
The company also offers internships and summer student positions
in the World’. This is the company’s fourth
for young talent. Once hired, employees take an active role in
consecutive year in the Global 100, affirming
mapping out a plan for their own career growth and development,
its worldwide reputation for responsible energy
supported by top-quality tools and resources. Nexen provides
development. Other significant awards include
generous tuition subsidies for employment-related courses and
being named one of ‘Canada’s 50 Most Socially
subsidies for professional accreditations. For managers at every
Responsible Corporations’, one of the ‘Best
level, opportunities are specifically targeted to enhance leadership
50 Corporate Citizens of Canada’ and one of
capabilities through intensive training programmes.
‘Canada’s Top 30 Green Companies’ for the
For technical staff, Nexen’s Technical Talent Framework is
fourth year in a row.
a tailored career development process designed to increase skills
Award citations invariably refer to
and knowledge, develop capabilities and advance their careers.
Nexen’s commitment to integrity, which
It empowers technical staff and ensures that Nexen has the talent
is formalised in a number of documents,
to fully realise its growth plans. This focused approach to developing
including a comprehensive integrity guide,
talent is expanding to other areas of the company. This year, this
a code of ethics and company policies.
framework was introduced to finance professionals who now have
Integrity is not just a value at Nexen – it’s a
access to the same focused development opportunities.
defining characteristic. ‘For Nexen, it’s not just
In addition to training and career development, Nexen provides
what we do that matters, it’s how we get the
highly competitive compensation and benefits. As a result, Nexen
job done,’ says Quinn. ‘So while we push hard
appears regularly in national top employer rankings which highlight
to drive high performance and be innovative,
the company’s industry-leading compensation programmes,
we live by a set of principles of excellence,
comprehensive health, savings and pension plans as well as
personal accountability, integrity, and social
flexible work schedules.
and environmental responsibility.'
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Fuelling ambition A major player in the UK’s energy industry, PETRONAS Energy Trading is looking for future leaders as it expands into Europe www.petronasenergy.com
Headquartered in offices on London’s Strand, PETRONAS Energy Trading is the Europe-based trading and marketing division of PETRONAS, Malaysia’s fully integrated oil and gas multinational. One of the world’s biggest energy players, PETRONAS is a Fortune Global 500 company (ranked 75th in 2012) with more than 46,000 employees in over 30 countries. A fully owned subsidiary, PETRONAS Energy Trading trades in energy commodities including gas, power and emissions. It also operates key business areas in liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification, natural gas storage, transportation and gas-fired power generation capacity.
Recent expansion The company has invested heavily in UK infrastructure, including the 100 per cent acquisition of Humbly Grove Gas Energy Ltd in 2011, a facility that accounts for around 5 per cent of the UK’s total gas storage. PETRONAS also owns a 50 per cent equity share of the Dragon LNG terminal in Pembrokeshire, Wales, a gateway through which 6 billion cubic metres of gas can be pumped into the UK market each year. Since entering the UK market, PETRONAS Energy Trading has also expanded into north-west Continental Europe. ‘Following the successful acquisition of the Humbly Grove facility, the business now includes bidirectional pipeline capacity between the UK and Belgium, providing direct access to the European gas markets,’ explains Dario Ghazi, Head of Trading & Analytics. Already active in both Belgium and the Netherlands, PETRONAS Energy Trading plans to expand its operational
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‘Development of the business’s human capital is a key priority and has led to the creation of a high-performance culture’
capabilities into France, Germany and parts of southern Europe as part of a long-term investment strategy in European energy infrastructure. It’s a policy of continued growth that has made career prospects with PETRONAS Energy Trading among the best in the energy sector.
Portfolio diversification PETRONAS Energy Trading has also acquired a significant equity stake in two gas-fired power plants at Baglan Bay in Wales and Sutton Bridge in Lincolnshire with a view to diversifying its portfolio. ‘The technology implemented at Baglan Bay is cutting-edge,’ says Dario. ‘There are only three plants in the world using that technology, so it is pretty exciting.’ And while the business continues to grow its UK power capabilities in-house, it will also provide its parent company PETRONAS with direct exposure to the UK power market. ‘Building this in-house capability means addressing internal capacity from a training and risk-management perspective, as well as building operational and trading capabilities for our power desk,’ says Dario. ‘So it’s a great opportunity for people to get on board while this is being built from the very start.’ This will also create opportunities for those involved to gain experience and, ultimately, to specialise in areas such as intracommodity risk and risk management. ‘Power and risk analysts will be looking at the interplay of all the factors involved in a combined-cycle gas turbine plant to ensure that the company to the global market for LNG through the Dragon LNG terminal is a major plus point.’
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remains competitive,’ says Dario. ‘In addition, the added exposure
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High-performance culture
particular skills that each individual has
Along with the growth of the company, the
demonstrated throughout their placement
development of the business’s human capital
on the programme.
is a key priority for PETRONAS and has led to
If taken on permanently, graduates
the creation of a high-performance culture.
benefit from the same advantages that
To further its commitment to employee learning
other PETRONAS Energy Trading employees
and development, PETRONAS Energy Trading
receive. Recognising that employees need
launched a brand new Graduate Development
to be provided with the right tools to grow
Programme in 2013.
in their various roles, the business has
This programme provides high-calibre
developed its own internal training and
graduates with the opportunity to gain
development programmes, and also offers
knowledge, skills and experience on their
the chance to pursue external vocational
journey to becoming future leaders in the
training at leading institutions.
energy trading sector. The twelve-month
Future business leaders
acumen through extensive on-the-job learning
Actively seeking individuals who display
on real-world projects. Graduates are given
the drive, passion and commitment to
the opportunity to rotate through key business
become future business leaders within the
areas including front-office analytics, trading,
energy trading sector, PETRONAS Energy
operations and risk, as well as finance, human
Trading looks for bold, forward-thinking
resources and legal/compliance.
and capable candidates who relish the
They also benefit from the additional
opportunity to turn the challenges they
development programmes that the company
face into achievements.
provides, including external vocational training
The company’s continued expansion
and individual mentoring, which enable
looks set to create ongoing opportunities for
graduates to further enhance their learning
graduates for years to come. Indeed, backed
and employability. At the end of the Graduate
by one of the world’s biggest energy
Development Programme, PETRONAS Energy
players, PETRONAS Energy Trading offers
Trading tries to place candidates within the
graduates growth and stability – the best
organisation, paying close attention to the
of both worlds.
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programme aims to develop strong business
ENERGised approach Spanish energy giant Repsol is an industry leader that is making colossal strides in the discovery and development of new, sustainable fuel sources www.repsol.com
Spanish firm Repsol is one of the world’s largest private energy companies. As such, it is very much in the vanguard when it comes to tackling what is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today – the provision of safe, sustainable energy for future generations. The key to the company’s success is its willingness to invest in staff, technology and research. Repsol employs more than 24,000 workers in 30 countries around the world, and its Technology Centre in Móstoles, 30 km north of Madrid, provides some 400 researchers with the resources to develop new ideas and innovations. The firm has also set up the Repsol Foundation, which focuses on corporate social responsibility and boasts a strong emphasis on inclusivity and diversity. ‘Repsol is a global company that strives for the welfare of its employees and customers alike,’ says Jaime Martínez López, Director of Corporate Culture and Development. ‘We’re a step ahead in building a better future through the development of smart energies.’
Diversity focus Repsol specialises in alternative fuels and has a presence at all stages of the energy chain, from exploration and production to refining and commercial sales. The company stands out, not only for its groundbreaking work in such areas as hydrocarbon exploration in deep water, but also for its award-winning integration of employees from differing backgrounds and with differing abilities. ‘We believe in diversity as a rich source of added value for the company,’ says Jaime. ‘Repsol employs more than 500 people with disabilities, and the wide range of generations, cultures and professional profiles at the company bring different ideas and perspectives to the table that, in turn, create a thriving working environment.‘
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To ensure that Repsol’s best minds are supported from the outset of their careers, the company offers three master’s courses. One of these concentrates on oil and gas exploration and production, while the other two cover petroleum refining, petrochemicals and gas, and management, respectively. To date, more than 1,300 students from 32 countries have been involved in the programmes, which are taught mainly by the firm’s experts. The students, whose backgrounds range from chemical and environmental to industrial engineering and geosciences, are guaranteed employment with Repsol if they achieve the required academic results. And those who stay at the company for at least two years after completing their course have the cost of registration covered by the firm.
Career progression ‘Repsol’s reputation for encouraging employee development, along with its global presence, makes the company a tempting choice for graduates,’ says Isabel Torre Fernández-Navamuel, an Industrial Engineering graduate. But it was the opportunity to follow the company’s specialised master’s in oil and gas production that really set the firm apart for her. ‘I found the master’s degree very interesting,’ she says. ‘It was highly recommended as a course to complement my university education, because you can learn the entire value chain of oil and gas from a technical and economic point of view.’ Isabel’s ten months of study focused on alternative energies, such as combined-cycle and wind energy; oil and gas production; and exploration and refining, as well as business skills including directly to a position with Repsol. ‘There was a specific opening for someone who had taken the master’s, which is adapted to the needs
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marketing, finance and project management – all of which led
‘WE’RE a step ahead in building a better future through the development of smart energies’
of the company,’ she explains. ‘My first position at
With this in mind, the company’s New
Repsol was in training and professional development,
Energy business unit was set up to implement
and throughout my career I have specialised in human
initiatives in areas such as bioenergy and
resources.’ Since starting in that initial role, Isabel
renewable energy for transport.
has moved through the ranks and is now a Business
Repsol already has a string of alternative
Partner in Repsol’s commercial division, a role which
energy successes to its name. With 17 years of
includes refining, chemical, trading, marketing, LPG
research into biofuels behind it, the company
and new energies.
is helping develop sustainable sources such
‘Our employees are one of our cornerstones,’
as the hardy Euphorbia lathyris plant, and
explains Jaime. ‘We establish a firm commitment to
is seeking to incorporate new biofuels into
them, attracting, motivating and retaining the best
conventional fuels.
professionals by offering an appealing place to work,
Other projects have looked at transport
as well as guaranteeing and promoting training and
electrification, especially electric and plug-in
professional development opportunities.’
hybrid cars, as well as renewable electricity
Sustainable solutions
generation, including wind, wave, tidal and geothermal energy. Further environmentally
The discovery of easily accessible, reliable and cost-
friendly initiatives include green asphalts made
effective energy sources is vital to society’s continued
from reused tyres, hydrocarbon exploration, the
technological development. It’s a challenge that Repsol
production of SolarGas using solar energy and
is striving to meet, while minimising its impact on the
gas, and efficient plastics used for greenhouses,
environment. Named as a global leader in sustainability
food preservation and the car industry.
for two consecutive years in the Dow Jones Sustainability
At the heart of Repsol’s continued success
Index, Repsol is also listed in the prestigious FTSE4Good
are the company’s employees. With clear
Index and the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations
strategies on everything from high-level training
in the World Index.
to optimising the work–life balance of its team
‘Repsol is tackling the double challenge of
members, the company’s motivated workforce is
responding to ever-increasing energy demands while
the driving force behind the firm’s considerable
maintaining a high level of commitment to the
achievements. As Jaime concludes: ‘With effort,
environment,’ says Jaime. ‘Without doubt, research,
talent and enthusiasm, we are moving forward
development and innovation are the most valuable
in order to offer the best energy solutions for
tools in our efforts to achieve this objective.’
society and for the planet.’
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With operations around the world, offshore engineering giant Subsea 7 continues to expand its horizons and those of its employees
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oceans of opportunity
As the global leader in specialised engineering, construction and
Subsea 7 specialises in and demonstrates its values at work.
services for the offshore energy industry worldwide, Subsea 7 works
Working 150 km from the shore, the project involved laying more
exclusively on engineering and infrastructure projects between the
than 50 km of rigid pipelines to serve 49 oil wells, as well as mooring
surface of the sea and the seabed. Providing both new-build
lines and dynamic risers, at depths down to 1,200 m. Using several
infrastructure and life-of-field maintenance to national and
vessels at once, the project called for extensive collaboration. ‘Six or
international oil and gas companies, many of the organisation’s
seven ships had to be in the right place at the right time, and able
projects are delivered in challenging and deep-water environments.
to work in complete harmony,’ says Keith. ‘That’s a huge logistical
A significant player in a young industry, Subsea 7 is the product
challenge and demonstrates the global supply chain and global
of organic growth and a number of acquisitions that have taken place
coordination that we need to deliver as a business.
over the years. The most recent merger, between Subsea 7 and Acergy
‘We’re in a very strong sector for employment,’ adds Keith.
– two of the major offshore players in the industry – was completed
‘We’re growing and anticipate further growth in the future.
in January 2011.
That means we can make long-term strategic investment
‘In order to go deeper in water, you need to have a bigger
decisions about our assets and our people.’
technical investment, a bigger fleet and greater capability, and you
Today, Subsea 7 employs more than 14,000 people worldwide,
get that by being a bigger company,’ says Executive Vice President
including around 2,000 specialist engineers. The company has some
of Human Resources Keith Tipson. ‘So we’re a product of our global
16 different nationalities working at its London head office, and
growth as the industry has changed, from being local to the North
around 100 working for the business as a whole. ‘One of the
Sea and West Africa to becoming global companies that have merged
significant benefits of the way we’ve grown is that we’ve absorbed
to meet the challenges of larger projects and greater risks.’
a multitude of references, influences and cultures,’ Keith says.
Offshore projects
by any single nationality.’
The scale of projects varies considerably, from those where a vessel
‘That’s resulted in a common company culture that isn’t dominated
Graduate development
for which Subsea 7 takes on the entire management, engineering,
Subsea 7’s two-year Graduate Engineering Development Scheme is
procurement, installation and commissioning of the project.
‘first and foremost a global programme’, says Keith. ‘Around 120 joined
‘These larger projects might involve two years of tendering, three
the programme this year from 15 different countries.’ Employed locally
years of engineering and then 12 months to execute,’ Keith says.
but part of the same global training initiative, graduates benefit from
Total PazFlor – a $1 billion project in Angola – is a good example
three two-week training seminars, held at locations around the world,
of the kind of large-scale engineering and infrastructure project that
where the entire graduate cohort can come together and meet their
324 / 325
is made available to a client on a daily basis to ‘EPIC’ contracts
‘We make sure that our people’s long-term learning and development is high on their agendas’
international peers. It’s a programme that offers graduates a sound footing through a combination of work experience and technical education. This culminates in entry to the Graduate Engineering Development Scheme, ‘which can take them right the way through to becoming a global expert in their technical field’, explains Keith. Including those on graduate programmes and conversion programmes – for people from other parts of the engineering and construction world who are looking to move into the subsea sector – Subsea 7’s annual trainee intake is closer to the 300 mark. It’s a figure that Keith is confident the company will sustain over the coming years. The organisation also makes every effort to ensure that its new recruits and existing employees are well equipped to establish sustained careers in the industry. ‘We’re striving to give our people longevity by investing in them over the long term,’ Keith says. ‘They get great opportunities worldwide and we’re really focused on internal mobility because our people are the most critical resource that we’ve got. ‘If we can help our people understand and describe how they relate to our values and what it’s like to work for Subsea 7, we can all benefit,’ Keith adds. To this end, Subsea 7 launched its global employer brand ‘Being 7’ in 2012, which helps people and prospective candidates understand what the organisation offers as an employer, including career development opportunities. Subsea 7 encourages employees to articulate the ways in which the business’s key values of safety, integrity, innovation,
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performance and collaboration help fuel success. ‘Having our employees say what it feels like to be part of the company and what the benefits are of working here is not only good for them, but is also a great accolade for potential employees,’ says Keith. Recognising that the sector offers plenty of opportunities for talented individuals, Subsea 7 places particular importance on its performance-management review process. This ensures that employees are guided by their own personal development and career goals, as well as those of the company. The organisation is committed to helping employees build sustainable careers, offering tools such as the Subsea 7 Career Development Plan to help staff chart their professional futures and support them in their goals.
Academy 7 Subsea 7’s commitment to making long-term investments in people lies at the heart of its Academy 7. This virtual academy delivers the company’s talent development programmes across the organisation, creating a sustainable learning environment and supporting professional development. Academy 7 offers a structured way for employees across the business to further their technical expertise or business leadership skills, along with a range of global development programmes for those interested in pursuing an international career. ‘I think it’s one of the key Keith says. ‘We make sure that our people’s long-term learning and development is high on their agendas.’
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things that makes us the employer of choice in our sector,’
Syncrude Canada is looking for recruits who are passionate about turning land that has been used for crude oil extraction back into productive ecosystems
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Back To Nature
Based 40 km north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Syncrude Canada Ltd.
As of 2013, Syncrude had reclaimed more than 3,100 hectares
is proud of its role in extracting millions of barrels of crude oil from
of land disturbed by oil sands mining operations, with another 1,200
Canada’s oil sands each year through its expert mining and upgrading
hectares ready for re-vegetation. The company has also planted more
techniques. But the company is equally keen to highlight the efforts
than seven million tree and shrub seedlings.
made by its employees to turn the damaged land back into thriving
Further environmental benefits are provided by the hydrotransport
natural habitats.
process pioneered by Syncrude. This uses warm water to pipe the
Progressive reclamation
oil sand, which uses much less energy than the original hot water process. The result is lower environmental impact and more cost-
‘Since the company began mining in the late 1970s, we have
effective production.
operated with a progressive reclamation policy,’ insists Cheryl Robb,
Syncrude has also developed a more environmentally sound
media relations adviser at Syncrude. ‘Essentially, we have to dig a big
extraction process, which employs mechanical energy instead of
hole to do the mining and extract the oil from the sand. Then, once
thermal energy so as to lower the temperature required to extract
we’ve finished, the hole has to be filled back in and the forest and
bitumen from 80°C to 40°C and thereby reduce greenhouse emissions.
ecosystems recreated. But it is important that we do this correctly,
This technology has proved so effective that it has been taken on by
so comprehensive research is required.’
other competitors and adapted for their own operations.
Syncrude is among the top 50 research and development
Environmental benefits
million. Much of the work takes place at the company’s research
This dedication to innovation and minimising its environmental
centre on the southern outskirts of Edmonton. This is where the
impact, combined with great job opportunities, is attracting people
latest theories on environmental rejuvenation are developed before
to Syncrude from across the globe. ‘We have a great reputation
being tested out and then implemented in the field.
worldwide, not just for our responsible redevelopment programmes
Back in the 1970s, when Syncrude began its mining operations,
and research, but for the wide range of careers we offer,’ says Cheryl.
an environmental audit was undertaken to ascertain how much of an
‘We have everyone from doctors and engineers to shovel operators
affected area was wetlands or forest, to catalogue the different species
and electricians on our staff – all providing extremely valuable work
of wildlife present, and determine the quality of the water and air.
for the organisation.’
This meant that when it came to putting it all back again, the company
Furthermore, at around 50 years old, mining oil sands is still a
would know how to recreate the habitat as accurately as possible.
young industry, so there’s great scope to effect change and create
Thanks to these initial efforts, and a great deal of research and
new technology. ‘We have students and researchers coming to us
redevelopment work since, Syncrude became in 2008 the first company
all the time with new ideas that they can then put into action within
in the Canadian oil sands industry to receive certification from the
our organisation,’ says Cheryl.
Alberta Government for a reclaimed area. Called Gateway Hill, the land
One environmental engineer, Warren Zubot, was fully supported
is now a healthy forest of broad-leaf and needle-leaf trees interspersed
by Syncrude to undertake a master’s in environmental engineering at
by wetlands.
the University of Alberta. During his studies, he researched a water-
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spenders in Canada with an annual research budget of about $60
‘It’s easy to see why Syncrude has been repeatedly recognised as one of Alberta’s “Top 60 Employers”’
filtering technology using petroleum coke that has the potential to be
Plus, there are incentives for
put to great use by Syncrude, leading to Warren receiving a Canadian
employees who choose to live in the
patent and a US patent for the technology. ‘We strongly support
area. The company offers a retention
relevant studies, and have close ties with universities across Canada
programme, salary uplifts to address
and the USA,’ says Cheryl. ‘We’re also always on the look out for new
the higher cost of living in the area and
ideas and expertise in different areas. If there’s a gap we’ll fill it.’
a housing/rental subsidy programme for
Networking opportunities
eligible employees. ‘A highly competitive compensation programme is one of the
For those graduates who find employment at Syncrude, the scope for
many reasons that over 400 employees
development is great. New recruits are assigned a mentor to show
have been at Syncrude for 30 years or
them the ropes, and then placed on an Initial Professional Development
more,’ says Cheryl.
Programme. This offers networking opportunities with management leaders, as well as specific orientation and development assignments,
Top employer
including working in the oil sands.
It’s easy to see why Syncrude has been
Interdisciplinary work is also greatly encouraged, so heavy
repeatedly recognised as one of Alberta’s
equipment operators and welders can work alongside geological
‘Top 60 Employers’ at Mediacorp Canada’s
technicians and reclamation scientists to discuss the best ways
annual competition. Aside from the great
to create whole new landscapes full of rivers, lakes and forests
hiring incentives, Syncrude has been cited
where wildlife can thrive.
for its flexible health benefits, maternity
As well as internships and apprenticeships, there are also
leave coverage and ongoing employee
opportunities for graduate recruits to further their studies while
development through training.
working through the Education Training Programme. As long as
Syncrude also proudly invests in the
the course is relevant to Syncrude, then the company is happy
scientists of the future, donating $1 million
to pay for the tuition.
to a science and technology centre in a Fort
Syncrude Canada also places great importance on the local
McMurray high school in 2011. ‘Science and
Alberta area and its people. Aboriginal people make up more
technology built our industry and we’re proud
than nine per cent of its employee workforce, and Syncrude
to help to explore their opportunities and
has conducted close to $2 billion in business with Aboriginal
careers in these fields,’ concludes Scott
companies since 1992.
Sullivan, Syncrude President and CEO.
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‘ In 2013, the firm took on more than 100 apprentices, 16 graduates and 30 internships'
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A future with steel With plans to take on more than 100 new UK recruits each year, the global operation Tata Steel is recognised as one of the UK’s leading apprenticeship employers www.tatasteelcareers.com
Tata Steel has numerous plants all over
Graduate development
industry that contributes to the construction
the UK – from its plate rolling and heat
For their graduate schemes and summer
of everything from new schools, hospitals and
treatment facilities in Dalzell and Clydebridge
internships, Tata Steel is looking for anyone
bridges to cars, boats, planes, skyscrapers
to its high-grade and special steels operations
with a passion for science – and engineering
and even drinks cans and paperclips.
in Rotherham and Stocksbridge, and its
in particular. The majority of Tata Steel’s
With some 80,000 employees worldwide,
long products equipment in Scunthorpe.
summer internships come back on a
the company operates in 26 countries and
‘Apprentices need to be local to site,’ says
graduate scheme.
has a commercial presence in more than
Benjamin. ‘But if they can get here, they
‘Graduates will start off on a two-year
50. Operating to the very highest standards,
can take part. Because we’re recruiting at
development programme and rotate around
Tata Steel was named one of the Top 100
multiple sites across the UK, it increases
different areas of the business to give them
Apprenticeship Employers in 2012 by
the opportunities for people to apply.’
an idea of the full engineering process,’
the National Apprenticeship Service and
The nature of each apprenticeship varies
says Benjamin. ‘If we’ve got a graduate who
City & Guilds.
depending on the site and location but all
just wants to sit at a desk and push papers,
include paid release for further education
we’re not the place for them. We’re a fully
on a daily, weekly or block basis.
integrated steel business. We give a lot
It’s a standing that the company is eager
Engineering has a male image but
of responsibility to graduates early on.
to sustain, and in 2013, the firm took
there are plenty of opportunities for
They have many opportunities to progress
on more than 100 apprentices, 16 graduates
women too. Lindsey McDonald joined
as long as they are willing to push themselves
and 30 summer internships in the UK.
Tata Steel as an apprentice in September
and take on challenges.’
These new recruits should already be
2007 at its Scunthorpe site and has
Tata Steel will also support graduates
thinking about the future. ‘Tata Steel offers
since been sponsored through a
by paying for membership of a relevant
a wide range of opportunities that enable
foundation degree as well as a degree
professional body and by providing support
apprentices and graduates to really fulfil
in electrical engineering. ‘Apprentices
towards further study at university or college.
their ambitions,’ claims Talent Recruitment
start off working towards an Advanced
‘They’ll receive training to push towards a
Manager Benjamin Short. ‘Engineering is
Modern Apprenticeship, Level 3,’ says
chartered position with a professional body as
an international language.
Benjamin. ‘Once they’ve completed their
well,’ says Benjamin. ‘Graduates can climb as
‘Some of our engineers go over to
apprenticeships, some people will go
high as they want within the company if they
work in the Netherlands, across the rest of
on to further education while others will
have the skills, abilities and drive to get there.’
Europe and even to India in order to share
undertake degrees with us and continue
Anyone working for this global steelmaker
best practice. A number of our apprentices
on to the graduate scheme. Like Lindsey,
– whether starting out as an apprentice or a
and our graduates have also gone on to be
they can then continue climbing with a
graduate – will be able to shape their careers
very senior managers. There’s no limit.’
degree in their pocket.’
in an industry that shapes the world.
Recruitment drive
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Tata Steel is part of a multi-billion-dollar
One of the world’s largest providers of oilfield services, Weatherford prides itself on the quality of its operations and the training it offers its employees
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Fair-weather futures
Offering services throughout the lifecycle of an oil well – including
to encourage chosen goals. Weatherford’s internship programme is
drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention –
carefully considered. At the beginning of each year, the company
Weatherford’s global network includes 70,000 people, 1,066
will determine the number of interns that can be accommodated,
service bases, 90 manufacturing facilities and 34 technology centres
along with the length of the assignments and the projects they will
across more than 100 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland and
be working on. ‘Interns are sought from the best institutions,’ says
Houston, Texas, the company’s strategic focus is aligned with two
Gareth. ‘We look at the top universities and engage with students
key objectives – efficiency and productivity. The company’s long-
in their penultimate year of study. Posts are then advertised by
term goals are geared towards delivering better results for clients,
those universities’ careers websites.’
improving infrastructure and reducing recovery costs. To do this the company operates with a streamlined organisational structure that
High-calibre interns
delivers efficiency, while increasing individual productivity levels
Each intern’s progress is carefully monitored. A fortnight before
through more intensive recruiting, training and retention.
they finish an assignment the human resources department will
Stimulating environment
discuss their performance with relevant stakeholders. When an intern shows star quality, further opportunities may well follow. Final-year sponsorship may be offered at this stage, with Weatherford
environment within a modern corporate structure, encouraging
offering to pay 50–100 per cent of the intern’s final year’s study
innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit. ‘At Weatherford we believe
costs, subject to exam passes and satisfactory attendance rates.
all our people have an important role to play’ says Gareth Innes,
At the end of the intern’s study programme, Weatherford will
Marketing Director for Europe, Africa & Middle East. ‘We don’t
offer an ‘intent to employ’. While this doesn’t guarantee an absolute
dictate a rigid career path. Instead we give people the opportunity to
commitment of employment, it implies a genuine intention. ‘In previous
take their career in a direction that fits them, creating the conditions
years, we have always been able to deliver against this intention,’
for success. If their skills lie in something specific, we will do our
says Gareth. ‘Since 2010, when this programme was introduced, no
utmost to nurture that.’
students selected in this way have left the business that they were
This is a business that aims to offer employees the power to
recruited into.’ As graduates, employees will join Weatherford already
realise their ambitions, working as an integral part of a network
on level six of the company’s Professional Development Structure.
rather than a hierarchical structure. Weatherford has a reputation
Anika Ephraim joined Weatherford in 2006 as a technical sales
for being a ‘can-do’ organisation, seeking innovative solutions and
engineer before moving on to become Regional Technical Sales
regularly breaking the mould when it comes to its technical work.
Manager for Europe, Caspian and Sub-Saharan Africa. Highly qualified,
Employees are given the freedom, flexibility and scope to develop their
with a BSc in design and manufacturing engineering and an MSc
own ideas. Their careers will always be supported with training and
in polymer sciences, she spent her first six years with the company
development, with relevant experience offered as and when necessary
working on and off shore from the company’s Aberdeen base.
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As an employer, Weatherford aims to provide a stimulating work
‘ At this forward-thinking, entrepreneurial organisation, employees are invited to become a part of the future’
In 2012, she took on another role. ‘I’m now
Career prospects
the Global Product Line Manager for Real
Career prospects are clearly inspirational
Time Data Services, Petroleum Consulting,
and challenging, while the working
facilitating the process that enables clients to
environment exceeded Anika’s expectations.
assess and analyse data coming from the rigs,’
’The Weatherford offices are always
she says. ‘I’m based in Houston and the move
pleasant places to work,’ she says. ’As in
has been a fabulous experience. I’m part of
Aberdeen, we have a lovely gym here in
an innovative, challenging organisation with
Houston and active social clubs. There is a
major developments in progress in so many
crèche for employers with small children, a
areas. I enjoyed my time in Aberdeen, but now
canteen with a great selection of food and
it’s wonderful to be in the hub of the action
landscaped areas outside, so you never feel
here in Texas, a part of the wider corporate
like you’re in a concrete jungle and stuck
machine and among so many skilled people,’
behind your desk. There are many diverse
she continues.
opportunities here for people with all kinds
‘My career has turned in a direction that
of skill sets.’
I didn’t predict. Weatherford saw a skill in
As for the ethos of the industry, ‘we
me and gave me the opportunity to develop
are conscious of the effect our business has
it, to look outside the box and give it a try.’
on the outside world’, says Anika. ‘As such,
Developmental support
we are always aspiring to improve our impact both on the environment around us and
‘Each year, my manager and I will set my
around the people who live and work
objectives, which will always include personal
among us.’
development targets,’ says Anika. ‘These will
At this forward-thinking, entrepreneurial
be reviewed quarterly. If a target is looking
organisation, employees are invited to
unrealistic or the goals have changed, I know
become a part of the future, finding the best
I will be supported. The aim is for me to
ways to maximise extraction from current
achieve and to perform to the best of my
reserves as well as finding new resources
ability, not to fail.’
to deliver energy to the world’s population.
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