Oxb6 chapter 8

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494  Broad horizons 496  Fairmont Hotels & Resorts 500  Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd 502  Panalpina World Transport Ltd 506  Qatar Airways

broad horizons With a healthy attitude to staff development and a wide array of graduate career options, the travel and logistics industry delivers a smooth job-seeking journey

The search for a suitably rewarding career

turnover increase,’ says Sharon Glancy,

the latest issue in PricewaterhouseCoopers’

inevitably throws up a variety of hurdles

Managing Director of the training division

‘Transportation & Logistics 2030’ series of

for graduates on the job trail. And with the

at People 1st.

publications, can sometimes be overlooked

competition for positions proving stiff at

As MP Norman Baker, the Parliamentary

by graduates. However, anyone who takes

present, the current climate is no exception.

Under Secretary of State for Transport,

the time to find out about the sector will

However, opportunities in the field of travel

points out, many companies in the sector

soon realise that it offers good career

and logistics abound.

already recognise that it is in their best

progression potential, as well as a variety

In fact, around a third of the industry’s

interest to develop their staff. Commenting

of enticing roles in what can often prove

ageing workforce will need to be replaced

on the findings of the State of the Nation

to be an international and cosmopolitan

by 2020, according to People 1st, the Sector

report 2013, he observes that ‘it is clear

working environment.

Skills Council for Hospitality, Passenger

employers are making serious investments

Transport, Travel and Tourism in the UK.

into the future of our industry’.

Promoting diversity

Indeed, according to the government-

Misconceptions still abound, however,

The recent study also highlights the

recognised organisation’s 2013 survey

about graduate-level jobs in the travel

industry’s growing need for employees who

of more than 1,400 employers in the

industry. Many half-hearted summaries of

are educated to degree level and goes on

passenger transport and travel sector,

the aviation sector, for instance, virtually

to advise that filling more top jobs with a

recruiting a new generation of staff is

begin and end with the role of airline pilot.

diverse range of personnel could help to

one of the industry’s top priorities.

‘There is a huge misunderstanding

increase a company’s profits. It’s a notion

about the range of career options available

that looks set to take off, meaning that

within the aviation industry,’ says Brian

female graduates, for example, who enter

To help attract young talent, companies in

Wisdom, Chief Executive of People 1st.

the sector could well find themselves with

travel and logistics are increasingly offering

‘Roles such as ground handling, flight

greater opportunities for progress than they

outstanding development opportunities.

engineers and airport duty managers have

might expect to encounter elsewhere.

Such initiatives call for a degree of financial

the potential to offer exciting careers with

It’s an intriguing industry profile that

commitment from companies, but one that

excellent opportunities for advancement.’

adds up to a sector that bucks the broader

has proven beneficial to employers as well as

It’s a fallacy that places those jobseekers

economy-wide trend of oversubscribed

employees. ‘We know from our State of the

who have the initiative to dig a little deeper

positions and limited options. Indeed, in terms

Nation report that 48 per cent of passenger

in a strong position.

of prospects and professional scope, the travel

transport and travel businesses that trained

The same goes for skilled positions

and logistics industry is one that offers a

staff in the last 12 months saw their financial

at logistics companies, which, according to

refreshingly trouble-free route to employment.

Investing in people

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‘ It is clear that employers are making serious investments into the future of our industry’

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For more than a century, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has been providing an exceptional level of service to guests, colleagues and communities around the world

CHAPTER 8  | travel & logistics

A heritage of hospitality


With more than 100 years of hospitality experience to its name,

well as information about their particular hotel, Fairmont’s core beliefs

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts knows more than most about making

and the five-part Fairmont Service Promise. With career development

guests feel welcome. The company’s 67-strong global collection

resources such as the online Fairmont Global Learning Centre and

of luxury properties includes The Savoy in London, The Plaza in

Pathfinder – the company’s internal job-posting programme – the

New York and The Fairmont Banff Springs – a UNESCO-listed

company is dedicated to promoting and developing its talent from

World Heritage Site that celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2013.

within. In fact, 65 per cent of its management and leadership teams

A subsidiary of FRHI Holdings Limited – a leading international

derive from internal candidates who chose to further their careers

hotel company that includes the Fairmont, Raffles and Swissôtel

at Fairmont.

brands – Fairmont’s distinctive properties are renowned as

It’s no exaggeration to say that Fairmont is fully committed

much for their exemplary service as for their rich heritage

to making colleagues feel valued. The company’s Service Plus

and breathtaking architecture.

Memory Maker recognition programme, for instance, rewards

‘What we believe truly sets Fairmont apart is our culture, which

colleagues for consistent performance, embodying Fairmont values

grows from our four core values: respect, integrity, empowerment

and acting as role models for success. It also encompasses the

and teamwork,’ says Carolyn Clark, Senior Vice President, Human

company’s Anniversary Awards – significant because Fairmont

Resources, Americas. ‘These values inspire all that we do as a

enjoys one of the best retention rates in the industry. ‘Just as

service provider and also as an employer.’ The result is an engaging

we strive to personalise our guest experience, we also personalise

workplace: in 2013, Mediacorp Canada Inc. named Fairmont among

our colleague recognition by allowing recipients to select a

Canada’s Top 100 Employers for an 11th consecutive year, while

reward that is memorable and meaningful to them,’ says Carolyn.

FRHI was one of just 32 recipients worldwide of the coveted Gallup

Reward certificates can be redeemed online, through an external

Great Workplace Award for the second year in a row.

partner, for goods or experiences from a variety of global merchants,

Winning workforce Fairmont relies on four key principles to achieve a winning workforce: select the best; lead with the best; train and develop; and recognise

while recipients of the company’s top honours – Star of the Year and Leader of the Year – are invited to design their own reward, creating a customised memory.

Leaders of tomorrow

this proven approach has far-reaching benefits – quite literally.

In January 2013, Fairmont launched its Fairmont Leadership

‘Engaging, passionate colleagues who feel valued are better equipped

Promise – a programme that builds upon the Fairmont Service

to deliver the kind of authentic, warm and engaging service that

Promise and embodies the core principles of the company’s

creates memories and drives guest loyalty,’ says Carolyn.

leadership culture. ‘To develop our Fairmont Leadership Promise,

All new colleagues complete the comprehensive myFairmont

we asked our top leaders around the world what leadership

training programme, which includes role-specific guidelines, as

meant to them,’ says Carolyn. ‘We also asked our colleagues

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and reward. With more than 30,000 colleagues over 17 countries,

‘What we believe truly sets fairmont apart is our culture, which grows from respect, integrity, empowerment and teamwork’

to identify the qualities of the best leaders they had worked with.

Fairmont CAREs

The best leaders, we know, lead by example.’

With hotels in some of the world’s very special destinations,

To grow careers within the brand and nurture emerging top talent,

Fairmont has always taken great pride in having a positive

Fairmont offers its long-standing Leadership Development Programme.

environmental, economic and social influence on the local

Successful candidates – all hospitality graduates – undertake an

communities in which it operates. To this end, the Fairmont

18-month rotation in a leadership role at one of Fairmont’s properties,

Sustainability Partnership programme focuses on four key areas:

gaining comprehensive experience in areas such as food and beverage,

responsible business, ecosystem, environment and engagement.

rooms, spa management, human resources, accounting and finance,

The latter – encompassing the collaboration of colleagues and

and revenue management. It’s an innovative approach that earned

guests, community members or groups – includes Fairmont

Fairmont the 2009 Best Initiative in Hotel Management Training

CAREs (Community Assistance and Responsibility to the

accolade at the Worldwide Hospitality Awards.

Environment), a grant programme that provides seed funding

Celebrating growth

for small businesses and organisations that strive to improve community well-being.

With the opening of each new Fairmont property, the company

To address the low employment rate among young people

hosts a ‘Welcome to the Family’ celebration day – not just in the

with intellectual disabilities in China, for instance, colleagues at

new location, but in every Fairmont destination around the world.

Fairmont Beijing have partnered with the Special Commune, a

‘When we opened Fairmont Zimbali Resort, just outside Durban,

training facility where such youths can live while they develop

South Africa,’ recalls Carolyn, ‘I was approached by the Assistant

social and job skills. Thanks to a $10,000 grant from Fairmont

Housekeeping Manager, Nkosi, who wished to sing a song he had

CAREs, the organisation was able to purchase equipment that

written as part of the celebration.’ Nkosi’s song – accompanied

will assist the residents’ training in kitchen skills and gardening.

by ten fully choreographed Zulu dancers – was about Fairmont’s

By harvesting and selling their own organic fruit and vegetables,

culture and values of respect, integrity, teamwork and empowerment,

some of which are served at Fairmont Beijing, students will also

and its mission of ‘turning moments into memories for our guests’.

help the Special Commune achieve its objective of becoming

‘Nkosi told me that writing the song was simple: Fairmont had

financially self-sufficient by 2014.

brought the inspiration – our culture and values – to this new

Fairmont CAREs is an acronym, but also aptly describes this

hotel,’ says Carolyn. ‘With his song, he affirmed that at Fairmont,

historic hotel brand’s motivation for providing an exceptional

our culture and values transcend all nationalities.’

experience for guests, colleagues and the community alike.

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Heights of ambition For the lucky few candidates who are accepted on Heathrow Airport Holdings’ prestigious Future Leaders Graduate Programme, the sky’s the limit www.heathrowairport.com

There has never been a more exciting time to work for Heathrow

aspect of the business, from HR to commercial. The third option will

Airport Holdings Ltd. Against the background of ever-increasing

always be an operational placement, to enable graduates to understand

levels of customer satisfaction, the transformation of the busiest

the core business.

international airport in the world continues. The £2.5 billion Terminal

‘Heathrow is a complex business and participants need to

2 opens in 2014, at which point all passengers will travel through

understand it at every level,’ explains Helen. ‘Graduates often feel

new or refurbished terminals. And with the debate about more

like they’ve worked for multiple businesses by the end. It’s a dynamic

runways vital for future growth, Helen Hunter, Head of Leadership

and fun business, but it’s not an easy ride!’

Development, believes that there are great opportunities to thrive at the UK’s only hub airport.

Development opportunities

‘Heathrow is developing beyond recognition, and our people are

In exchange for their hard work and dedication, participants are

instrumental,’ she explains. ‘The right people will be able to actively

presented with development opportunities that can take them

shape the future of a crucial piece of UK infrastructure and one of

anywhere. Graduates apply for junior manager jobs at the end

the world’s most exciting businesses.’

of their programme and can progress quickly within the business.

Excellent all-rounders

‘Heathrow is a professional home for those ambitious enough to go the distance,’ explains Helen. ’Whatever a graduate’s aspiration,

With diverse career opportunities, ranging from apprenticeships

Heathrow’s leadership programmes and other training courses are

to management positions, Heathrow offers something for everyone.

designed to push them further and help them aim higher. Many of

But it is perhaps the Heathrow Future Leaders Graduate Programme

our most senior staff have worked their way up through the business,

that is most exciting.

so the sky really is the limit.’

Open to a select intake every year, the scheme offers graduates

And, of course, this fostering of talent serves Heathrow beautifully

a rigorous operational and strategic training in the running of the

in exchange. The successful development of the organisation needs

airport. The journey starts with an application, psychometric testing

leaders with a keen business acumen and solid knowledge of the

and interactive workshops at Heathrow’s National Assessment Centre.

organisation from the ground up. ‘We understand that in order to

‘We make no secret of wanting the best graduates,’ says Helen. ‘But we

Heathrow to thrive we have to nurture its employees,’ explains Helen.

don’t just look for intellectual ability. Teamwork and interpersonal skills,

‘The common theme in our development programme is a passion for

as well as problem-solving skills, are all just as important. We’re looking

and dedication to nurturing the people who make Heathrow what it

for all-rounders who can excel in every aspect of the programme.’

is today. This is the foundation of any good business and why we’re

The scheme is developed entirely according to each participant’s

heading in the upward direction we are.’

career aspirations. No two programmes are ever the same. Each graduate    As Heathrow steps into its future there is the promise of a completes three placements over 18 months – two of which are chosen

world of opportunity and an exciting journey for those ready to

based on the participant’s individual ambitions and could include any

come on board.

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‘ The right people will be able to actively shape the future of a crucial piece of UK infrastructure’

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CHAPTER 8  | travel & logistics

Forward thinking Global supply-chain solutions specialist the Panalpina Group has improved its staff development, and its own prospects as a result www.panalpina.com

The Panalpina Group has been one of the world’s leading providers

on, committing itself to becoming an organisation that

of supply-chain solutions for years, combining airfreight, ocean freight

recognises talent, experience and learning ability, and

and logistics. Highly regarded by its numerous clients worldwide, the

develops and values its employees.

organisation has been on its own journey of late to transform how

‘It was virtually the first time we had looked at the

it is viewed by its 15,000 or so employees.

company’s overall strategy and determined a vision for

‘In 2007, a variety of factors combined to bring about a change

the organisation,’ says Niti. To help establish Panalpina’s

of philosophy within the group,’ explains Niti Khosla, Corporate

new values, the organisation turned to its employees

Head of Learning and Development. Based in Switzerland with

once again, asking what would make them proud to

some 500 offices in more than 80 countries around the world, the

work for the company. ‘Defining the company is an

Panalpina Group had recently become publicly limited and was facing

evolutionary process that continues to this day,’ she says.

some internal difficulties. The company had also had a change in

‘It’s an ongoing journey.’

leadership. ‘Our new CEO wanted to change the course of the

Another major step that the company took was to

organisation and encourage a more professional approach,’ Niti

establish PanAcademy and the group’s e-learning platform

continues. ‘The organisation had just had its IPO and was coming

for employee development. To help ascertain which fields

out of an era of low margins and traditional thinking, and some of

of expertise the academy should focus on and identify

our core processes had remained largely unchanged for many years.’

gaps in capability, Panalpina held a review of its senior

Employee feedback

leadership, which identified a particular deficit in strategic thinking and analytical skills. This, in turn, led to the

One of the first steps was to bring in a new Chief Human Resources

creation of the company’s leadership programme, which

Officer, Alastair Robertson. He commissioned an effectiveness survey

is open to many of the organisation’s top people.

to find out what employees thought of the organisation’s HR policies,

Navigating Our Future programme

plan. The feedback was eye-opening, with staff saying that there were

A capability committee, chaired by Alastair, was also

no career-development opportunities and little recognition of talent

established, aimed at highlighting any present or future

within the company. Succession planning was absent, with limited

shortfall in skills and addressing these deficiencies.

bench strength to fill in vacancies. ‘There was clearly a lot of work

With these changes came a new focus on nurturing the

to be done,’ says Niti. It was a challenge that Panalpina tackled head

company’s leadership culture. Management performance

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processes and practices as the foundation for a five-year turnaround

‘Over the last six years, we’ve undergone a major shift in our approach towards our talent’

is now actively monitored and there is a

but also for those nearing the top of their field. ‘Over the

firm emphasis on building on individual

last couple of years, we’ve attracted some really high-profile

competences. To this end, PanAcademy

people from the competition,’ says Niti. In a complete

offers a number of corporate courses, as well

turnaround from 2007, the results of Panalpina’s 2012

as regional and national training measures.

effectiveness survey were overwhelmingly positive, with

These include the Navigating Our Future

the majority of respondents rating the organisation’s HR

programme, which is offered to high-potential

function as effective and industry-leading.

employees in mid- to senior-level positions who want to pursue an international career.

Raising the bar

Participants are encouraged to look at their

Inevitably, the bar has been raised yet further. ‘We’re on

strengths and weaknesses, and are given

the right track,’ says Niti, ‘and our staff now want even

constructive feedback in a bid to discover

more focus on talent management and career planning.

the company’s leaders and prepare them

We have to consider a new generation of employees with

for the years to come.

different requirements.

‘It’s a difficult programme – not one for

‘These are typical conversations that every organisation

the fainthearted,’ says Niti. ‘In a very intense,

is having,’ she continues. ‘How do we apply technology?

condensed way it gives those involved the

How do we manage the development of talent? How do

chance to look at themselves and forge a new

we communicate with our staff? Over the last six years,

leadership horizon.’ And while the programme

we’ve undergone a major shift in our approach towards

may be tough going, it delivers results, with

our talent.’ Indeed, in a rapidly changing world, Panalpina

more than 70 per cent of those who graduate

is now well placed to ensure that it can meet its employees’

taking on more responsibility over the

evolving needs.

following year. Panalpina also offers a ‘basic’

As Niti explains, it’s an ongoing process, but what’s very

version of Navigating Our Future – delivered

apparent is that Panalpina has successfully transformed itself.

in nine different languages – aimed at

From being a company with a very basic HR department

graduates and high-flyers about to take on

and no core values, the organisation now has a clear sense

a management role within the organisation.

of its own identity and a concrete strategy for nurturing its

Thanks to programmes such as these,

employees and future leaders. As a result it has become an

Panalpina has become an increasingly enticing

exciting, rewarding place to work that attracts some of the

career option, not only for those starting out

best in the business.

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Sky-high prospects One of the world’s finest airlines, Qatar Airways offers fantastic opportunities for graduates to grow as quickly and successfully as the company itself www.qatarairways.com

Established in 1994, Qatar Airways has come a long way in just

employment in the aviation sector. Despite the recent

under two decades. The state-owned, Doha-based carrier not

recession, the company has thrived and managed to

only flies to more than 125 global destinations, but was also

achieve astounding success in a very short period of

named Best Airline in the World in Skytrax’s prestigious industry

time in a highly competitive industry.

audit in both 2011 and 2012.

As a young airline, Qatar Airways offers graduates

Committed to excellence

exceptional possibilities to develop their career and make a real impact. ‘Working at Qatar Airways offers

One of only seven elite carriers to have been awarded five out

a rewarding experience,’ says the company’s CEO.

of five stars by Skytrax, Qatar Airways leads the way in service

‘People who join the airline are not simply hired to

innovation and hospitality. It prides itself on being committed to

maintain an existing legacy, but to enhance what is

excellence across all aspects of its operations, and currently operates

already a world-class organisation and therefore become

one of the youngest and most modern fleets in the industry.

part of a fascinating story within the aviation industry.’

Initially set up as a small regional airline, it was relaunched in 1997 with the aim of becoming a global brand. Under the

Outstanding opportunities

stewardship of CEO Akbar Al Baker – who had previously worked

For new members of staff, the Qatar Airways story

at the Civil Aviation Directorate of Qatar and as the Chairman of

begins with their induction course when they first join.

the Qatar Tourism Authority – it rose to prominence and became

The company also aims to promote staff from within

one of the fastest-growing airlines in the world. Qatar Airways

whenever possible and provides management training,

now operates services across every continent, using an extensive

design network strategies, international placements

fleet of 130 aircraft. And its growth is set to continue, with the

and a range of internship programmes.

carrier aiming to fly to 270 destinations by 2015.

A highly sought-after employer, the airline also

Qatar Airways employs more than 29,000 staff worldwide –

offers a number of fantastic incentives, such as

20,000 directly and the remainder through subsidiaries. The company

competitive salaries, travel discounts and attractive

aims to achieve a vast increase in staff numbers by employing

benefit packages, which include housing, transport

up to 5,000 additional people each year, and a large part of its

and utility allowances. Furthermore, those employees

growth strategy for the next few years is focused on attracting

who are based in Qatar enjoy the benefits of receiving

high-calibre talent.

a tax-free income.

The work environment at Qatar Airways provides compelling

‘Working at Qatar Airways also gives graduates

opportunities for outstanding graduates who are looking for

the chance to interact with a number of different

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‘as a young airline, qatar airways offers graduates exceptional possibilities to develop their career and make a real impact’

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nationalities and meet colleagues from different cultural backgrounds,’ says the company’s CEO. ‘Each group of new recruits at the company contains a mix of anywhere from 25 to 40 different nationalities, and we employ more than 150 nationalities in total.’    In addition to looking for new employees to support its existing growth strategy, Qatar Airways has recently initiated a tremendous recruitment drive to support a new airport that is currently being built in Qatar. This venture cements the airline’s status as an ideal workplace for high-calibre individuals who are looking for a chance to not only join a fast-growing brand, but also work for a company where their opinions are valued and where they have plenty of opportunities for extensive training and career development.

Educate A Child Qatar Airways has achieved tremendous success in the aviation sector within a short period of time, but the company remains as committed as ever to a strong corporate social responsibility policy. To this end, the airline recently became a key partner of the Educate A Child programme – a global initiative that strives to significantly reduce the number of youngsters who are being denied a quality education.

CHAPTER 8  | travel & logistics

‘Our passengers travel the world over,’ says the company’s CEO, ‘and with a network that spans six continents, our global reach is perfectly suited to drawing attention to the wide-ranging aims of Educate A Child to enable more than 60 million out-of-school children to have access to education.’    As well as making its own monetary contributions to the cause, Qatar Airways collects donations on board its flights and, just as significantly, uses its numerous about Educate A Child. Via its in-flight entertainment system and magazines, its website and its social media channels, the company champions the programme and highlights the good work that it continues to do in improving millions of young lives.    As befits an industry innovator, Qatar Airways is also leading the way in cultivating new, sustainable technologies. The company is currently funding major research into biofuels, developing a modern fleet of aircraft and investing in clean and fuel-efficient aeroplanes, such as the 787 Dreamliner. This state-of-the-art aircraft, which emits far less carbon than older models, joined the Qatar Airways fleet in 2012, proving once again that the the world’s high-fliers.

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company is the perfect destination for


220 Aarhus University – School of Business and Social Sciences www.bss.au.dk

354 AXIS Capital www.axiscapital.com

342 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank www.adcb.com

358 BlackRock www.blackrockoncampus.com

222 Aga Khan University www.aku.edu

228 Brigham Young University www.byu.edu

430 Agrium Inc. www.agrium.com

230 British Columbia Institute of Technology www.bcit.ca

224 Ahlia University www.ahlia.edu.bh

288 Canadian Natural Resources Limited www.cnrl.com

346 Arch Capital Group Ltd. www.archcapgroup.bm

232 Canterbury Christ Church University Business School www.canterbury.ac.uk/business-school

226 Aston University www1.aston.ac.uk

436 Celgene www.celgene.com

434 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals www.astrazenecacareers.com

292 Cenovus Energy www.cenovus.com

350 AXA www.axa.co.uk

440 Coloplast www.coloplast.com

219 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) www.comsats.edu.pk

306 Gazprom Marketing & Trading www.gazprom-mt.com

362 CQS www.cqs.ch

402 HCL Technologies Limited www.hcltech.com

296 Cummins www.cummins.com

500 Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd www.heathrowairport.com

300 Damar Group Limited www.damargroup.co.uk

234 Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences www.hs-niederrhein.de

444 Domtar www.domtar.com

364 IGM Financial Inc. www.igmfinancial.com

496 Fairmont Hotels & Resorts www.fairmont.com

236 Institute of Medical Biology www.imb.a-star.edu.sg

400 FDM Group www.fdmgroup.com/uk

452 International Paper www.internationalpaper.com

302 Finning International Inc. www.finning.com

454 John Deere www.johndeere.com

448 Forest Laboratories, Inc. www.frx.com

310 KLM UK Engineering Limited www.klmukengineering.com

238 La Cité collégiale, collège d’arts appliqués et de technologie www.lacitecollegiale.com

240 Mount Royal University www.mtroyal.ca

368 Legal & General Group Plc www.legalandgeneral.com

242 National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) www.nust.edu.pk

458 Levi Strauss & Co. www.levistrauss.com

312 Nexen www.nexeninc.com

462 LifeScan Scotland Ltd www.lifescan-scotland.co.uk

472 Novartis Oncology www.novartisoncology.com

464 Loblaw Companies Limited www.loblaw.ca

476 Novelis Inc. www.novelis.com

406 Maxis www.maxis.com.my

480 NSK Europe Ltd www.nskeurope.com

372 Mazars www.graduates.mazars.co.uk

244 NUI Galway: School of Chemistry www.nuigalway.ie/chemistry

301 ML Electronics Ltd www.ml-electronics.co.uk

374 Onex Corporation www.onex.com

468 Molex Incorporated www.molex.com

410 Ooredoo www.ooredoo.com

502 Panalpina World Transport Ltd www.panalpina.com

378 Standard Chartered Bank www.standardchartered.com

316 PETRONAS Energy Trading Ltd www.petronasenergy.com

324 Subsea 7 www.subsea7.com

246 Prague College www.praguecollege.cz

328 Syncrude Canada Ltd. www.syncrude.com

506 Qatar Airways www.qatarairways.com

332 Tata Steel www.tatasteelcareers.com

320 Repsol www.repsol.com

380 TD Bank Group www.td.com

414 Rogers Communications www.rogers.com

418 Tele2 AB www.tele2.com

248 Royal Irish Academy of Music, The www.riam.ie

254 The University of Oklahoma www.ou.edu

484 Smith & Nephew www.smith-nephew.com

245 Trinity College Dublin – School of Mathematics www.maths.tcd.ie

252 Södertörn University www.sh.se

256 Université de Sherbrooke www.usherbrooke.ca

258 University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry www.med.ualberta.ca

280 University of Waterloo – Faculty of Mathematics www.uwaterloo.ca/math

260 University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education (HfH) www.hfh.ch

275 University of Zagreb – Faculty of Economics & Business www.efzg.unizg.hr

262 University of Basel – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences www.unibas.ch

384 Validus Holdings, Ltd. www.validusholdings.com

266 University of Hong Kong, The www.hku.hk

488 Vertex www.vrtx.com

268 University of Kashmir www.kashmiruniversity.net

422 Virgin Media http://careers.virginmedia.com

270 University of Lahore www.uol.edu.pk

282 Warwick Business School www.wbs.ac.uk/go/cambridge

272 University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna www.mdw.ac.at

334 Weatherford www.weatherford.com

274 University of Rajasthan www.uniraj.ac.in

283 World Trade Institute – University of Bern www.wti.org

276 University of Saskatchewan – College of Engineering www.engr.usask.ca

388 XL Group plc www.xlgroup.com

278 University of Sussex www.sussex.ac.uk

392 Zurich Insurance Group www.zurich.com




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Stephen Mitchell, Head of Editorial

Client relations

the author or profiled organisation and does

David Hutter, Editor

Dhruti Patel, Head of Client Relations

not necessarily coincide with the editorial

Becky Wallace, Production Manager

Stephen Flynn, Client Relations Executive

views of the publisher.

Gemma Hughes, Chief Subeditor

Ilaria Tarasconi, Client Relations Executive

Sarah Evans, Subeditor Joe Fullman, Subeditor Commissioned writers

The inclusion of sponsor organisations in this publication does not constitute an

Sponsor relations

endorsement, implied or otherwise, by

Tanya Stavrinou, Sponsor Relations Manager

the publisher or Cambridge University

Mark Bowles, Nicola Henig and Sabrina Sandi

Students’ Union. Any readers wishing to

Chris Evans

use the services of these organisations

Richard Gibson


should take up independent references

Alexandra Gray

Peter McIntyre

in the normal manner.

Peta Miller

© 2013 Regal Press Limited.

ISBN: 978-1-906670-28-3

Jessica Moore

All rights reserved.

Siobhan Mason

Josh Peisach

Printed in the UK by Knockout Print.

Kate Smallwood

Sample CV (Chapter 1: Constructing a winning

Jamie Williams

CV) and job sector overviews (Chapter 2)

Rachel Wilson-Couch

included with the permission of Graduate

Lucy Winstanley Norris

Prospects; graduate jobs (Chapter 2) included

Cathy Winston

with the permission of AGCAS and Graduate

Alice Wright

Prospects. For the latest version of this content,

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