St. Joseph’s School Prayer
Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster-Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life.
From the Head of School
Spring Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!
For over two decades now, the school has set aside one day each year to do charitable work in the community. We call this St. Joseph the Worker Day (SJWD) because the day typically falls on the Friday closest to the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, which is celebrated by the Catholic Church on May 1 each year. This year, however, we are moving SJWD to the end of the year on Friday, May 19. Team Day, which was originally scheduled for that day, is being moved to Friday, April 28, the day originally scheduled for SJWD. In other words, we are switching the days for these events.
The reasons for this change are two-fold:
1. We need more time to plan an impactful SJWD. Since Team Day takes less time to plan, it made sense to switch the dates of these events. COVID shut down SJWD 2020 and 2021 entirely and last year’s SJWD was an uneven experience for our students for a variety of reasons that aren’t necessary to go into. Ultimately, we determined that to do SJWD well, we needed the extra time that switching the dates affords.
2. We would very much like to end the school’s 30th Academic Year with a day of service in the community. Without the support of the Greenville community over the last three decades, there would be no St. Joseph’s Catholic School as we know it today. So many individuals, organizations, and churches have contributed time, talent, and treasure in support of the school, especially in the beginning years, making it possible for us to develop into the school that we are today. As we wrap up the third decade of our existence, we simply want to say a collective thank you by quietly working to address needs in the community in imitation of our patron St. Joseph, who worked tirelessly and humbly at the service of Jesus and Mary.
This March marked the 10th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Throughout his years as pope, Francis has continually exhorted the church to go to the margins in order to find Christ in those who are most in need. The Pope has also repeatedly encouraged Christians to cultivate cultures of encounter and dialogue. It’s with these things in
mind that we feel it’s important to set aside a whole school day in order to do charitable work in the community.
Thank you, parents, in advance, for we realize that an unusual school day disrupts family schedules and routines. It involves sacrifices on the part of parents to get kids to different places at different times. Thank you also to those parents who will offer to drive carpools and help with other logistics for the day through your Household. This is not a small thing to ask of our parents. We wouldn’t ask it if we didn’t believe that service days such as this are an integral part of the school’s Christian proposal. If we approach the day with an openheartedness toward those we encounter and with an expectation to see Christ in new and sometimes surprising ways, it will have been worth the sacrifice and effort.
The members of the Class of 2023 will rightly ask what will become of Senior Send-Off, which typically takes place on Team Day. We’re considering various options, but please rest assured that the event will take place with the same intentionality and fun as always.
I wanted to thank you for all the prayers offered for our family. For those who don’t know, the brother of my wife, Tami, brother passed away in mid-February after experiencing a rapid decline from a lung disease. While traveling back to South Carolina, we received word that my 95- year old grandmother passed away. My Grandmother Kiser was a great woman in so many ways. The matriarch of a family that never had much materially, Grandma held the family together. She was rich in faith and generous in love. No one taught me more about what it means to work hard and love steadfastly and unconditionally. May Mark Owen and Doris Kiser rest in peace.
In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for Addi Gregory on the passing of her grandmother; for the Horne family on the passing of Morgan Horne.
With Love and Prayers,
Keith F. Kiser Head of SchoolThings You Need To Know
Annual Upstate High School Art Exhibit, March 27-April 19
SJCS Fine Arts will be represented in the Annual High School Art Exhibit hosted by Greenville Technical College, Benson Campus in Greer. The exhibit runs from March 27- April 19 and is open to the public. Be sure to make plans to view the exhibit and see artwork created by Matthew Hall, Matt Patterson, and Maddy Wells
Mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting, March 30
There will be a mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting on Thursday, March 30 during HS Lunch (11:50 AM - 12:30 PM) in the JPII Center. Every senior must attend this important meeting. Dress code, arrival times, and graduation practice are just some of the topics covered. You will be given your cap and gown at this time.
SJCS Spring Musical, Irving Berlin's White Christmas, March 30-April 2
Be sure to mark your calendars for the spring musical, White Christmas! Based on the classic holiday favorite, adventure with Bob Wallace and Phil Davis to Pinetree, Vermont where they plot to use their stardom to help their former general's business. This story of brotherhood and friendship contains all of Berlin's greatest hits: "Happy Holiday," "Blue Skies," and the reminder that "The Best Things Happen When You're Dancing!" While we've left the Christmas season, the heart of this show reminds us that the Christmas spirit of simplicity and generosity should be kept all year long. Performances will be March 30- April 2 and tickets are available to purchase in advance HERE.
Calendar Clarification, April 5 & 6
The daily bell schedule for April 5 and April 6 has been switched. This means that students are dismissed at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, April 5 (and it will be a Thursday bell schedule) and at 1:15 PM on Thursday, April 6 (and it will be a Wednesday bell schedule). Friday, April 7 is the official start of our Easter Break.
Easter Break, April 7 - 11
Easter Break will begin on Friday, April 7. The school and school office will be closed. Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 12.
Progress Update, April 14
Mid-quarter grades will be updated on Friday, April 14. An email will be sent to parents as a reminder to check your student’s progress through the FACTS Family Portal. Please contact teachers directly if you have any questions or concerns.
New Student High School Priority Placement Testing Dates April 18 & 20
Newly accepted and enrolled high school students who are entering grades 9-12 and who are currently completing high school courses in math and/or any level of world language for high school credit at their current school and wish to advance to the next level at St. Joseph’s will need to take SJCS Placement Tests. Priority testing dates are Tuesday, April 18 (Math) and Thursday, April 20 (World Language). The tests will be held at SJCS beginning at 3:30 PM. Information regarding these tests was sent home in all new high school student acceptance packets. Parents of new high school students can expect an email from Jenny Starks to register your child for placement testing. Questions? Contact Jenny Starks in the Admissions Office.
Mother/Daughter Retreat, April 22-23
You are invited to a Mother/Daughter Retreat for tweens (ages 11-13). "Arise and Shine" will take place Saturday April 22-Sunday April 23. The goal of the retreat is to open up communication channels by learning about what it means to be a young woman. There will be interesting and lively presentations on: The Joy and Beauty of Being a Woman; Changes in a Tween's Body/How the Cycle Works; and Growing in Your Faith as a Teenage Girl. Beyond these presentations, moms and daughters will have some brief times for discussions. There will also be a presentation and discussion for only the moms on parenting tips and encouraging communication. Most of the retreat will be spent doing fun games and activities together, like manicures, hair braiding, crafts, Pictionary, and waterfall hikes. For more information about this event, click HERE
Date Changes to Team Day (April 28) & St. Joseph’s the Worker Day (May 19)–Note new dates!
St. Joseph’s the Worker Day is being moved to Friday, May 19. Team Day, which was originally scheduled for that day, is being moved to Friday, April 28. More details will be given soon.
New Student Night, May 1
All newly accepted students (students new to SJCS for fall 2023) and their parents are required to attend this informative evening on campus beginning at 7:00 PM in the JPII Center. Personalized student packets will be available for pickup and a checklist covering a number of important topics will be reviewed. Students will split out into grade level meetings and teachers will be on hand as well. More information about this night was included in all new student acceptance packets. Questions? Contact Barbara McGrath in the Admissions Office.
New Student High School Makeup Placement Testing Dates May 9 & 11
Newly accepted and enrolled high school students who are entering grades 9-12 and who are currently completing high school courses in math and/or any level of world language for high school credit at their current school and wish to advance to the next level at St. Joseph’s will need to take SJCS Placement Tests. For those students unable to make the April 18 & April 20 priority testing dates, additional testing dates will be offered on Tuesday, May 9 (Math) and Thursday, May 11 (World Language). The tests will be held at SJCS beginning at 3:30 PM. Information regarding these tests was sent home in all new high school student acceptance packets. Parents of new high school students can expect an email from Jenny Starks to register your child for placement testing. Questions? Contact Jenny Starks in the Admissions Office.
Senior Red Door Ceremony & HS Academic Awards Ceremony, May 12
The HS Academic Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, May 12 in the JPII Center at 2:00 PM. Only seniors and their parents will attend this ceremony. All seniors should wear their dress uniform that day. All senior parents are invited to attend, and you will be notified, in advance, if your child is receiving an award. The Academic Awards Ceremony will conclude with the Class of 2023 processing out through the Red Door in the school’s annual Red Door Farewell Ceremony. This program marks the end of one spiritual journey and the beginning of a new one for our seniors.
Rising Senior College Essay Workshop, July 17-22
The College Counseling Office will hold a college application essay workshop for rising seniors July 17-22. College Admission Counselors will be present throughout the week to lead and assist students through the brainstorming and revision process. Space is limited to the first 50 students who register and over half of the spots have been reserved. The times, cost, and registration can be found HERE
Rising Senior Application Boot Camp, August 2 & 3
The College Counseling Office will host a free college application boot camp for rising seniors on August 2 and 3 at SJCS. All rising seniors are welcome. More details, including the specific times and registration link, will follow in an email later this summer.
Fourth Annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament, August 4
Save the date for the fourth annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament at The Preserve at Verdae golf course on August 4. The Athletic Department will be hosting this fundraiser for all sports teams. These funds will be used to support all the teams that make up St. Joseph’s athletics. This has replaced many of the individual fundraisers that each team has done in the past. We strongly encourage the whole St. Joseph’s Community to participate in the golf tournament. All alumni, families, and friends are welcome! The Knights Athletic Booster Club is the all-sport Booster Club for SJCS. Thank you for your generous support of all SJCS athletes.
Sign-ups are Open for the France & Spain Trip May 28-June 7, 2024
Put your language study into action! Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and tastes of France and Spain with Madame McCoy and Señora Russell from May 28 to June 7, 2024. Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, take a sunset cruise down the Seine, ride a bike through the gardens of Versailles, make a pilgrimage to Lourdes, explore the Basque Region, visit the renowned Camino city of Burgos, step into a Fairytale in Segovia, and learn flamenco from a professional dancer. These are just a few of the highlights of the trip. Parent participants are also welcome! More information and registration can be found HERE. Questions? Contact Jeanne McCoy.
Important Dates for 2023-2024
Please click HERE for important dates for the 2023-2024 school year.
Student ID’s for 2023-24 School Year
ID's are used to purchase lunch and items at the School Store as well as check in/out for Late Stay. Students are issued one ID free of charge when they enter the school as a new student. Students who attend middle school at SJCS are also given a new (free) ID when they enter the high school as freshmen. Outside of these times, ID replacements cost $5.00. Students should keep their ID’s from year to year and returning students should show up on the first day of school with their ID. New ID’s for the 2023-24 school year will be issued to all new students and all freshmen about a week or two after Yearbook Photo Day. Replacement IDs can be requested from Mrs. Hawkins in the front office.
Exam Schedules
Monday, May 1 7:40 AM: US Government & Politics 11:40 AM: Chemistry
Wednesday, May 3 7:40 AM: English Literature & Composition
Thursday, May 4 11:40 AM: Statistics
Friday, May 5
Monday, May 8
Tuesday, May 9
Wednesday, May 10
AM : European History
AM: United States History
AM: Art History
AM: Calculus AB
AM: English Language & Composition
AM: Spanish Language & Culture
AM: Biology
Thursday, May 11 7:40 AM: French Language & Culture 11:40 AM: Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Students must report to the Meeting Room at the times listed above. AP students are excused from all of their classes on any day they have an AP exam, and they may arrive later or leave campus early. However, if it is beneficial to attend other classes on that day, they should do so. If students stay on campus after an exam, they must check in at the front office before reporting to class. They may not leave campus after a morning exam and return to school for a later class.
Thursday, May 18
AM: Theology
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: English
Make-ups as needed
Final Exam Schedule, Grades 8-11 for Non-AP Courses
Monday, May 22 8:05–10:00 AM: Period 1 Exam
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Period 2 Exam
Tuesday, May 23 8:05–10:00 AM: Period 3 Exam
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Period 4 Exam
Wednesday, May 24 8:05–10:00 AM: Period 5 Exam
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Period 6 Exam
Thursday, May 25 8:05–10:00 AM: Period 7 Exam 10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Make-up Exams
Exam Guidelines
• Students are not allowed to test early.
• SJCS Exemption Policy: Excepting math courses, juniors and seniors can exempt exams in year-long courses if they have a 90 average in the course by the Friday before final exams are scheduled to begin. Exemption averages are calculated by averaging the fall semester grade with the third and fourth quarter grades. Students on probation or those who have certain disciplinary actions may not be eligible.
• Eighth grade students should go to morning Household on exam days.
• High school students should report directly to their exam room and must be seated by 8:00 AM. Anyone not in attendance after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy. No students are to be admitted to the exam once the exam has been distributed. Likewise for the second exam, students should be seated and attendance taken by 10:15 AM, and no student will be admitted after the exam has been distributed.
• Students should bring review materials for other exams and study quietly if they finish an exam before the end of the exam period. Silence should be maintained from the moment exams are distributed until all exams are collected at the end of the exam period. Students with questions should raise their hands quietly.
• Once an exam begins, students are not permitted to leave the room. Restroom trips should be for emergencies only and then only after the student has turned in their exam.
• Students with only one exam on a given day need be present only for that exam. If they do not have a 10:20 AM exam, they may leave at the end of the 8:00 AM exam period. Similarly, if students do not have an 8:00 AM exam, they do not need to report until the 10:20 AM exam period (by 10:15 AM). All students leaving or arriving between the exam times should enter/exit through the front office.
From the Middle School Director
Although you have not seen Him you love Him; even though you do not see Him now yet believe in Him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter 1: 8 - 9With the introduction of the Flex Time period on Thursday mornings, we had the opportunity to include more community prayer time. So we took advantage of it. Your children may have shared with you that we begin every Thursday at 9:04 AM in the JPII with Morning Prayer. Students steadily gather by Household, and there generally are exchanges of greetings amid excited chatter. You can imagine the chatter level of 660+ students! But the beautiful thing is that with an announcement that prayer is to begin, they quiet quickly and settle in. Our prayer time consists of some contemporary worship music, a scripture reading, some sort of relevant reflection (usually from Pope Francis’ Letter to Young People), prayers of petition, and a closing prayer we say in unison.
I’m fortunate that I get to have a role in that prayer time - either through accompanying one of the songs, or managing the flow of the service. It’s absolutely one of my most favorite times of the week. When prayer time is concluded, I dismiss the students, encouraging them to “live in joy” that day. I didn’t realize, at first, that I was saying it every week until someone pointed that out to me. It truly is my wish for them … for all of us, really. And now, I make it a point to say “live in joy” specifically and intently. One student even shared with me that they miss hearing those words when I’m not there!
Pope Francis frequently writes and speaks about joy as a gift - a fruit of the Holy Spirit. As I delved deeper into his writings on joy, I discovered that Pope Francis draws inspiration from another bishop of Rome who was elected before him, Pope Paul VI. His apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Nuntiandi , released in 1975, encourages the role that each of us has in living and spreading the Gospel. While written almost 50 years ago, these words remain relevant, encouraging and full of promise. I hope that they inspire you to “live in joy.”
Let us therefore preserve our fervor of spirit. Let us preserve the delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing, even when it is in tears that we must sow. May it mean for us- as it did for John the Baptist, for Peter and Paul, for the other apostles and for a multitude of splendid evangelizers all through the Church's history- an interior enthusiasm that nobody and nothing can quench. May it be the great joy of our consecrated lives. And may the world of our time, which is searching, sometimes with anguish, sometimes with hope, be enabled to receive the Good News not from evangelizers who are dejected, discouraged, impatient or anxious, but from ministers of the Gospel whose lives glow with fervor, who have first received the joy of Christ, and who are willing to risk their lives so that the kingdom may be proclaimed and the Church established in the midst of the world.
Pope Paul VI
From the High School Director
Exams will be here before you know it. I was one of those students who liked exam week, primarily because it provided a very dramatic moment of clarity and resolution. Do well or don’t, at least it was over.
Fortunately, there are some tips I can share for not only lowering the stress but in many cases helping them do a little better on exams. I’ve written these as if I was talking to the students directly!
1. Start early. Take any material you know is going to be on the exam (questions from the midterm, a review sheet, “new” material that you haven’t been tested on yet, etc.) and spend about 10 minutes a day on it, starting two or three weeks before the exam. This will feel like a real imposition, but it’s a huge time saver in the end and it helps material get into long-term memory.
2. Avoid the temptation to ‘over prepare’ for the exams you’re most nervous about at the expense of the others. Especially early on, do a little bit for every exam you’re going to have.
3. Quiz yourself! Actually write out questions and answer them, or share them with friends in the class and answer each other’s questions.
4. Go bimodal. Don’t limit your studying to one mode only (rereading notes is the most common). It’s not a bad strategy, but consider a couple of other methods of studying. Examples include rewriting major sections of notes or lists of names/dates. Kinesthetic or tactile learning can be very helpful. It takes a different kind of concentration to rewrite something than to just reread it.
5. Exercise, sleep, and eat well. No kidding, it helps!
6. Finally, take regular breaks. Exhausting yourself mentally and physically feels like serious preparation but it often does more harm than good.
From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office
High School Summer School Courses for Credit
There are a few spots in the Government class for this summer, however, Economics is full. Please see the class information HERE if you are interested in taking the Government class.
Senior College Applications
Please continue to share your good news and advise your College Counselor of college acceptances and scholarship awards. If you have made your final decision on which college you will be attending, then you can send in your enrollment deposit confirming your place in the freshman class. When you do this, remember to notify the other colleges (that accepted you) that you will not be attending their institution. You should send a note, which can be done via email, to the colleges to thank them for their consideration and the time spent on your application. This is very important as it will open up spots for other applicants who may be on the waitlist.
FAFSA Reminder for Seniors
The federal government, along with the colleges to which you applied, requires you to fill out the FAFSA form in order to receive federal aid and financial aid packages. With financial aid, sending your FAFSA in earlier is always better. There are limited funds for financial aid, which are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Apply later, and there may not be as much money to go around, especially when more and more people today are seeking out financial aid.
Seniors: Finish Your Year Strong
Remember that colleges will receive your final transcripts and that all acceptances are conditional based upon you consistently completing your senior year with the grades that were previously sent to them. If you are struggling in any classes, please stop by to see your College Counselor so that you can discuss a plan of action.
SAT & ACT Testing
Juniors make sure you register to take both the ACT and SAT at least once before the end of your junior year. SAT test dates can be found HERE and ACT test dates can be found HERE Although many colleges will remain test optional through next year, test scores can enhance your application. In addition, the SC state scholarships (Life and Palmetto Fellows) still require the SAT or ACT to qualify.
Juniors: Student Athletes
All students thinking about playing a varsity-level sport at the college level (NCAA Division I or II), should register with the NCAA Eligibility Center and request that your transcripts be sent to them at the end of your junior year.
College Visits
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who would like to visit colleges should register for visits through the colleges’ websites or with the admissions offices and then email The Front Office to let us know what date(s) you will be attending the college visit. Please remember to bring back the proper documentation (College Visit Record Form with required signatures and official documentation see form for details) and turn it in at the Front Office.