St. Joseph’s School Prayer
Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.
From the Headmaster
SJ WAY Point #1
The St. Joseph’s Way affirms the infinite worth and innate religiosity of each member of the school community.
Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!
As the school community continues to mourn the death of our beloved senior Emily Gushue, I was reminded of the theme for this school year: “Love one another as I have loved you.” I’ve witnessed that love on display in powerful ways in the past couple of days, most especially in the outpouring of love for Emily from her classmates and how that has spilled over in a remarkable tenderness for one another. Because Emily was so kind hearted, accepting of everyone, and engaged in nearly every aspect of school life, just about everyone has an “Emily Story” of some way she’s impacted their lives for the better. It’s been beautiful to hear some of those as we’ve grieved together. As we reckon with how to best accompany and comfort Rick, Ann, and her sister Sara in the difficult days ahead, we know that Emily will remain in our hearts and lives and an inspiration for even greater love tenderness towards one another.
The remainder of my letter was composed before Emily’s passing.
It’s hard to believe that we are already in the final two months of the school year and that it looks to be a more normal spring without the need for COVID protocols. Thanks be to God! A defining moment in this respect was the return to All School Mass in the St. John Paul II Center last month. Thankfully, the Gala, Prom, and Graduation are all moving back indoors this year. Please pray that we have truly reached a turning point.
As we settle back into the normal routines of school life, I want to remind you that the teachers, coaches, staff, and administrators have never worked harder in their careers than they have over the last two years to provide your students with a high quality, mostly in person Catholic education with a full sports program and as many social activities as circumstances would allow. The stress and strain have taken its toll on students and teachers alike, but it has also made us more certain of
\April 2022 Edition
Contents From the Headmaster 1 Things You Need To Know ................ 4 Exam Schedules ................................. 6 Prom 2022 ........................................... 8 From the Middle School Director 9 From the High School Director 9 From the Athletic Department ....... 10 From the Business Office ................. 10 From the College Counseling Office 11 From the Development Office ....... 12 From the Fine Arts Department ...... 12 From the Parents Guild 13 From the School Nurse 13 From the Technology Services Department 14
what we want for our students, which we have tried to capture in the St. Joseph’s Way. I hope that the prevailing sentiment of our parent community is one of gratitude for all that our teachers, staff, and coaches did for our students during the pandemic. As a parent of a St. Joseph’s senior myself, who also has a front row seat to how hard the teachers and staff have been working, I couldn’t be more thankful for their efforts on behalf of my son.
At the suggestion of one of our senior student leaders, Dr. Jones and I have invited all of our 12th graders to sign up for one of nine listening sessions between now and the end of the school year to hear their feedback. The first session lasted nearly two hours and was incredibly constructive and energizing. This comes after similar meetings that Mrs. J, the House Leaders, and I had with all of the 8th graders earlier in the year. Hearing directly from the students about what they love about the school and what they wish was different is one of the most important things we do as an administration and frankly one of the joys of our jobs. Your kids are thoughtful, creative, generous, and simply fun to be with!
While on the topic of feedback, I want to spend the remainder of my letter telling you about a very important listening session that members of the admin team had in mid February with the parents of St. Joseph’s African American students. Looking at the school’s demographics and sensing a potential decline in the overall number of Black students in the coming years, we invited the parents of our African American students to a lunchtime discussion to ask them about their children’s experiences at the school. We also wanted to know what would make St. Joseph’s a more attractive option for Black students, as we desire to increase the diversity of the student body as an essential aspect of the school’s Catholic mission.
Without going into details, what we heard over the 2 ½ hour session was that not every student has had the same experience at St. Joseph’s. We listened to the parents tell us about the racially insensitive things their students have experienced and the ways their dignity has been undermined at times in our community. The parents also told us about how lonely and isolated they as parents can feel at school events.
After listening to these comments and thinking about some recent events at school, it seems clear that we have some serious work to do in order to ensure the infinite worth and dignity of every St. Joseph’s student is upheld and affirmed at all times and in all circumstances. Another learning for me was that there can be a significant difference between the intent of someone’s words and actions and the unintended impact that those words and actions can have on another person.
As is stated in the SJ Way, “we reject prejudice, racism, sexism, and classism in all their forms and manifestations.” The school’s administration is committed to a proactive and prolonged work to ensure this is true in our community.
Some steps we are taking include developing a diversity and inclusion statement rooted in our Catholic understanding of the human person with accompanying resources for student, teacher, and parent formation. As we do this work, we are in consultation with other Catholic high schools who are a few years ahead of us in doing this important work and with the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops’ Office Against Racism. If you’d like to learn more about the Bishops’ perspective, I’d encourage you to read Open Wide Our Hearts, which is linked HERE
Before closing, I want to mention that we have invited our Hispanic parents to a similar feedback luncheon on April 25 to hear about their students' experiences. I’ll update you on what we learn in that listening session in a future edition of News & Notes
As we engage in these discussions about diversity and inclusion, I want to ask you to refrain from the typical political analysis and comments represented by the various news outlets. This is not a left/right, liberal/conservative, democrat/republican issue for us. This is about ensuring that we have a truly Christian culture at school where every person’s infinite worth is embraced and celebrated. These efforts are about living the Gospel more faithfully.
Finally, please continue to pray for the Gushue family during their time of great loss and remember to also keep Peter Joseph Duncan and his family in your prayers as he continues to need medical attention. It was a joy to
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attend his baptism on March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph. God is good! Please also pray for the following members of the SJCS family: for Harrison Zinkann on the passing of his grandfather; for Lilly Egan ‘08 on the passing of her father.
With Love and Prayers, Keith F. Kiser
April 2022 News and Notes Page 3
Things You Need To Know
SJCS Spring Art Exhibit, April 1
The Fine Arts Department is hosting their annual Art Opening on Friday, April 1 from 5:30 7:30 PM (during the Fish Fry). Please join us to view artwork that has been submitted and chosen by art students in the middle school and high school. The artwork will be on display throughout the first floor, HS Commons, MS Commons, and the Fine Arts floor. Don't forget to drop by the SJCS Art Studio; Mrs. Meyer would love to see you! If you miss this event, the student artwork will be on display until the end of April. Questions? Contact Anne Meyer
SJCS Spring Musical, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella, April 7 10 Be sure to mark your calendars for the spring musical, Cinderella. Based on the classic story, this updated Rodgers & Hammerstein classic is sure to entertain all ages and bring a little magic into the spring semester! Performances will be April 7 10 and tickets can be purchased HERE
Mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting, April 13
There will be a mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting on Wednesday, April 13 during HS Club Time (10:30 AM) in the JP II Center. Every senior must attend this important meeting. Dress code, arrival times, and graduation practice are just some of the topics covered. You will be given your cap and gown at this time.
Calendar Clarification, April 13 & 14
The daily bell schedule for April 13 and April 14 have been switched. This means that students are dismissed at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, April 13 (and it will be a Thursday bell schedule) and at 1:15 PM on Thursday, April 14 (and it will be a Wednesday bell schedule). Friday, April 15 is the official start of our Easter Break.
Easter Break, April 15-19
Easter Break will begin on Friday, April 15. The school and school office will be closed April 15-19. Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 20.
Mid Quarter Progress Update, April 14
Mid quarter grades will be updated on Thursday, April 14. An email will be sent to parents as a reminder to check your student’s progress through the FACTS Family Portal. Please contact teachers directly if you have any questions or concerns.
Admissions Testing, April 30
One final testing date for fall 2022 enrollment has been added to this school year calendar. If you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about SJCS, especially our Sixth Grade Academy, please encourage them to contact Barbara McGrath in the Admissions Office.
New Student Night, May 2
All newly accepted students (students new to SJCS for fall 2022) and their parents are required to attend this informative evening on campus beginning at 7:00 PM in the JPII Center. Personalized student packets will be available for pick up and a checklist covering a number of important topics will be reviewed. Students will split out into grade level meetings and teachers will be on hand as well. More information about this night was included in all new student acceptance packets.
Senior Red Door Ceremony & HS Academic Awards Ceremony, May 4
The HS Academic Awards Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 4 in the JPII Center at 12:15 PM. Only seniors and their parents will attend this ceremony. Grades 6 11 will be dismissed at 12:15PM. All seniors should wear their dress uniform that day. All senior parents are invited to attend and you will be notified, in advance, if your child is receiving an award. The Academic Awards Ceremony will conclude with the Class of 2022 processing out through the Red Door in the school’s annual Red Door Farewell Ceremony. This program marks an end of one spiritual journey and the beginning of a new one for our seniors.
Exam Schedules for AP, Senior, & Final Exams
Please see the Exam section of this News & Notes for full details of exams.
April 2022 News and Notes Page 4
New High School Student Placement Testing, May 10 & May 12
Newly accepted and enrolled high school students who are entering grades 9 12 and who are currently completing high school courses in math and/or any level of world language for high school credit at their current school and wish to advance to the next level at St. Joseph’s need to take SJCS Placement Tests. The tests will be held at SJCS on Tuesday, May 10 (World Language) and Thursday, May 12 (Math) beginning at 3:30 PM. Information regarding these tests was sent home in all new high school student acceptance packets. Questions? Contact Jenny Starks in the Admissions Office.
High School Summer School Courses for Credit
There are still spots in the Government and Computer Applications classes for this summer. Please see the class information HERE if you are interested in taking one of these courses.
Rising Senior College Essay Workshop, July 18 21
The College Counseling Office will hold a college application essay workshop for rising seniors July 18-21. College Admission Counselors will be present throughout the week to lead and assist students through the brainstorming and revision process. The times, cost, registration link, and other important information will be sent to all rising seniors in April.
Rising Senior Application Boot Camp, August 3 & 4
The College Counseling Office will host a free college application boot camp for rising seniors on August 3 and 4 at SJCS. All rising seniors are welcome. More details, including the specific times and registration link, will follow in an email later this summer.
Third Annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament, August 5
Save the date for the third annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament at The Preserve at Verdae Golf Course on August 5. The Athletic Department will be hosting this fundraiser for all sports teams. These funds will be used to support all the teams that make up St. Joseph’s Athletics. This has replaced many of the individual fundraisers that each team has done in the past. We strongly encourage the whole St. Joseph’s community to participate in the golf tournament. All alumni, families, and friends are welcome! Look for more details in April from the Knights Athletic Booster Club. The Knights Athletic Booster Club is the all sport Booster Club for SJCS. Thank you for your generous support of all SJCS athletes.
Important Dates for 2022-2023
Please click HERE for important dates for the 2022-2023 school year.
Student IDs for 2022-2023
IDs are used to purchase lunch and items at the School Store as well as check in/out for Late Stay. Students are issued one ID free of charge when they enter the school as a new student. Students who attend middle school at SJCS are also given a new (free) ID when they enter the high school as freshmen. Outside of these times, ID replacements cost $5.00. Students should keep their IDs from year to year and returning students should show up on the first day of school with their ID. New IDs for the 2022-2023 school year will be issued to all new students and all freshmen about a week or two after Yearbook Photo Day. Contact Mary Cummings for questions or to request a replacement ID.
Let’s Travel in 2023!
• Travel to Japan: The Japan trip scheduled for this summer has been postponed to next summer. If you are interested in traveling to Japan during the summer of 2023, you can still join the trip. See the itinerary, register, and make payment arrangements all by clicking HERE
• Travel to Italy: The spring break 2023 trip to Italy is active now! Sign up soon for the best price and prepare to see the best parts of Italy. The Catacombs, a Papal audience, Michelangelo’s David, and incredible food are all part of this trip. See the itinerary, costs, and sign up information HERE
• These trips are open to all current 8th-11th grade students. Questions? Contact Mrs. Carr
Has Your Information Changed?
If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Jenny Starks.
April 2022 News and Notes Page 5
AP Exam Schedule
Monday, May 2
Exam Schedules
7:30 AM: US Government & Politics
11:30 AM: Chemistry
Wednesday, May 4 7:30 AM: English Literature & Composition Thursday, May 5 11:30 AM: Statistics
Friday, May 6
Monday, May 9
7:30 AM: European History
7:30 AM: United States History
11:30 AM: Art History
7:30 AM: Calculus AB
7:30 AM: Calculus BC
Tuesday, May 10 7:30 AM: English Language & Composition
Wednesday, May 11 7:30 AM: Spanish Language & Culture
Thursday, May 12
11:30 AM: Biology
7:30 AM: French Language & Culture
11:30 AM: Physics 1: Algebra Based
Friday, May 13 11:30 AM: Physics 2: Algebra Based
Students must report to the Meeting Room at the times listed above. AP students are excused from all of their classes on any day they have an AP exam, and they may arrive later or leave campus early. However, if it is beneficial to attend other classes on that day, they should do so. If students stay on campus after an exam, they must check in at the front office before reporting to class. They may not leave campus after a morning exam and return to school for a later class.
Senior Exam Schedule
Monday, May 16
Tuesday, May 17
Wednesday, May 18
8:05 10:00 AM: History
10:20 AM 12:15 PM: Math
8:05 10:00 AM: World Language/Electives
10:20 AM 12:15 PM: Science
8:05 10:00 AM: Theology
10:20 AM 12:15 PM: English
Thursday, May 19 Make ups as needed
Final Exam Schedule, Grades 8-11 for Non-AP Courses
Monday, May 23 8:05 10:00 AM: Period 1 Exam
10:20 AM 12:15 PM: Period 2 Exam
Tuesday, May 24 8:05 10:00 AM: Period 3 Exam
10:20 AM 12:15 PM: Period 4/5 Exam
Wednesday, May 25 8:05 10:00 AM: Period 6 Exam
10:20 AM 12:15 PM: Period 7 Exam
Thursday, May 26 8:05 10:00 AM: Period 8 Exam
10:20 AM 12:15 PM: Make up Exams
Exam Guidelines
• Students are not allowed to test early.
• SJCS Exemption Policy: Excepting math courses, juniors and seniors can exempt exams in year long courses if they have a 90 average in the course by the Friday before final exams are scheduled to begin. Exemption averages are calculated by averaging the fall semester grade with the third and fourth quarter grades. Students on probation or those who have certain disciplinary actions may not be eligible.
• Eighth grade students should go to morning Household on exam days.
• High school students should report directly to their exam room and must be seated by 8:00 AM. Anyone not in attendance after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy. No students are to be admitted to the exam
April 2022 News and Notes Page 6
once the exam has been distributed. Likewise for the second exam, students should be seated and attendance taken by 10:15 AM, and no student will be admitted after the exam has been distributed.
• Students should bring review materials for other exams and study quietly if they finish an exam before the end of the exam period. Silence should be maintained from the moment exams are distributed until all exams are collected at the end of the exam period. Students with questions should raise their hands quietly.
• Once an exam begins, students are not permitted to leave the room. Restroom trips should be for emergencies only and then only after the student has turned in their exam.
• Students with only one exam on a given day need be present only for that exam. If they do not have a 10:20 AM exam, they may leave at the end of the 8:00 AM exam period. Similarly, if students do not have an 8:00 AM exam, they do not need to report until the 10:20 AM exam period (by 10:15 AM). All students leaving or arriving between the exam times should enter/exit through the front office.
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Prom 2022
The Prom Committee is very excited to present Roaring Through The Knight! Juniors and Seniors are invited to an evening celebrating you with light hors d'oeuvres, dancing, and the senior video. This event will be from 8:0011:00 PM in the gym on Saturday, April 23. Students must arrive no later than 8:30 PM.
Prom Ticket Sales, March 28-April 6
Tickets for Prom are $30 each and will be available for purchase from April 1-8. Students will be able to purchase tickets through an online form that will be sent out on April 1. Students bringing an out of school guest must complete the Outside Guest Form found HERE This form must be turned in to Mrs. Brace for approval BEFORE you purchase your tickets.
Pre Prom Photos
Parents may take pictures before the dance from 7:00-8:00 PM outside the gym.
After Prom
After Prom is at Spare Time on 822 Congaree Road from 11:30 PM-1:30 AM (or you can get there immediately following Prom). There are bathrooms in which to change clothes. After Prom tickets will be $25. They will be available for purchase on the same form as the Prom tickets.
What’s included in your After Prom tickets:
• SJCS has a suite reserved with our own bowling lanes.
• Laser tag
• $5 game card
• Food and Drinks
• Prize wheel where everyone receives a $10 gift card
• Senior raffle with awesome prizes
Other info:
• If you buy a ticket and do not show up, your parents will be contacted for safety reasons.
• If you are leaving early, please have your parents contact Blair Bailey in advance.
Prom Dress Code
Many juniors and seniors have already begun to think about outfits for Prom. General guidelines outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook apply, but the following are more specific for Prom:
• Boys: Tuxedo, suit with tie, or sport coat with slacks and a tie
• Girls: Dress, two-piece dresses, dressy pants outfit
• Not permitted: excessively tight or baggy pants (male or female), shorts, dresses/skirts shorter than 4 in. above knees, dresses/tops that show cleavage or under garments (including bralettes), dresses/tops that plunge below waistline, bare midriffs. Please remember the guidelines when shopping. Questions? Contact Mrs. Brace
April 2022 News and Notes Page 8
From the Middle School Director
During the first pandemic summer, a dear friend and fellow educator felt called to compile a book of prayers for use by Catholic school teachers and leaders. She asked me if I wanted to contribute to the project. While not certain where it would lead, I wanted to support my friend … so I said yes. One of the topics Gina assigned to me was “a prayer for positive relationships ” I imagined our Catholic school community as this “net of love” that St. Teresa speaks of in the following quote - a community that, despite its imperfections and weaknesses, has the power and potential to be Christ to one another.
A Prayer for Positive Relationships
“Joy is prayer. Joy is strength. Joy is love. Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”
- St. Teresa of Calcutta
Dear Jesus, Your command to us was simple … love one another as I have loved you.
But simple does not mean easy. Our school community is made up of people with good intentions. We mean well and we desire the best for our students, their families, and the people we work with. But sometimes our good intentions and well-placed desires aren’t enough. Sometimes our tiredness and our anxieties get the best of us. And those around us bear the brunt of our brokenness.
Every day we meet up with some challenge that requires us to extend more grace, more mercy, and more forgiveness than we feel capable of delivering. This is the price of our imperfection. But all is not lost! There is joy, there is hope and there is a net of love when we turn to You. Help us to remember that because of Your grace, Your mercy, and Your forgiveness we can conquer the challenges that we face. You are enough.
From the High School Director
I remember back in graduate school reading an essay from the early 1900s about a new disease that someone wanted to call ‘bureaumania ’ It referred to the way interacting with a bureaucracy can drive someone crazy. We’ve all had that experience, I’m sure. Everyone can see that something is slipping through the cracks, but no one seems empowered to do anything about it. The essay was quite serious, but I remember thinking at the time that you can’t just start calling something a disease.
That was before I started working in a high school. I don’t know about bureaumania, but I can absolutely tell you that ‘senioritis’ is very real. The name is a bit off because anyone can catch it. Warm spring days mixed with the exhaustion we all feel at the end of a school year alters our perspective at times.
Fortunately, St. Joseph’s students seem to have a bit more resistance than some others. My friends in some other schools tell me that keeping students on task is harder than ever. Even at the college level, schools are having to invest more in keeping their students focused on positive, constructive behaviors. While I’m hearing all of this from friends and colleagues around the country, I’m reminded that just two weeks ago I was with about 65 of our students on the mission trip to Charleston, and they were great. Representatives from every worksite we visited talked about how they underestimated how much our students would get done. Several of them asked us to make this an annual event (it is) because our students left things so much better than they found them. Even the staff at the conference center commented to me about the lack of problems with our students.
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There may not be a cure for senioritis, but I am glad that the Knights seem to have some built up immunity. I hope it lasts for a few more months!
From the Athletic Department
Athletic Summer Camps
Sign ups for our Athletic Summer Camps can be found HERE
Requirements for Students Participating in Sports
Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2022-2023 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2022, and complete the required forms ONLINE HERE prior to the first tryout or practice. NO PAPER FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED, NO EXCEPTIONS! If you were an athlete in 2021-2022, please use your existing login. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice are: Pre Participation History and PreParticipation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Steadman Hawkins form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through PlanetHS (formerly Arbiter Athlete) found HERE. Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Planet HS will be available on the SJCS website HERE. Please note that you must login to the SJCS website first. Be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school.
From The Knights Athletic Booster Club
Did you know the Booster Club has had a very active 2021-2022 school year? Here's some of what we've accomplished so far:
• Funded the purchase of a Turf Tank automated field painting system, which saves time and money on paint cost and optimizes the look of our playing fields
• Contributed to offset the cost of State Championship rings
• Paid for a significant portion of student tickets for home playoff games for multiple sports
• Covered the cost of senior team banners
• Contributed a significant portion to the cost of repairing the gymnasium bleachers
• Completed the purchase of Hudl Camera Service and Installation, allowing fans to stream games and giving teams quality film to review And the year is not finished. There are more projects underway which we hope will enhance the athletic experience and contribute to the overall sense of Knights Pride. Board members work hard behind the scenes ensuring that our concessions stands are stocked, team parents are in place for all teams, quality spirit wear is available, fundraising opportunities are maximized, and athletic accomplishments are properly recognized within our school community.
Knights Athletic Booster Club Board Meetings are always open to any Booster Club member, and are typically the third Wednesday of every month. Please contact any Knights Athletic Booster Club Board leader for more information. Go Knights!
From the Business Office
Flexible Tuition
Flexible Tuition offers individualized tuition rates for families based on a family’s documented financial ability to pay. Any family that is unable to pay the full price (which is set based upon the real cost to educate a student at SJCS) is invited to apply for an individual rate. That rate will be determined based upon a strictly confidential analysis of the family’s financial position with the assistance of FACTS, an independent, third party organization. Flexible Tuition is awarded on an annual basis and must be applied for each year. To get to the FACTS application website, click HERE.
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Tuition Insurance
St. Joseph’s has, for several years, maintained a no refund policy related to your tuition plan selected. After July, no portion of tuition and fees paid or outstanding will be refunded or canceled in the event of absence, withdrawal, or dismissal from the school of the student. In view of the obligation, SJCS provides a Tuition Insurance Plan for all monthly and semi annual payment plans to protect parents’ yearly financial obligation under the terms of the Enrollment Contract. This program ensures tuition and fees (prepaid and due) in the event of separation according to the terms of the policy. If you are paying one annual payment (Plan A), you may opt to purchase tuition insurance. The cost of optional tuition insurance is $214.00 for Middle School and $244.00 for High School. Contact Lisa Lawrence to sign up for the optional insurance for Plan A selections or any other tuition insurance questions.
Senior Tuition Accounts
In order to participate in Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation, all senior tuition and fees must be paid in full (except for the June tuition) by May 20, 2022. Contact Ann Gushue with any questions regarding tuition and fees due.
Tuition Recruitment Credit
In an effort to recruit more families like yours to St. Joseph’s Catholic School, and reward our best customers to help us with this endeavor, the school offers a $500 Tuition Credit Program. Based on parent feedback, we have learned that “word of-mouth” is our most effective advertising medium for attracting families. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the St. Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student(s) attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their next tuition bill, usually in November. Click HERE to read more about the program qualifications.
From the College Counseling Office
College Visits
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who would like to visit colleges should register for visits through the colleges’ websites or with the Admissions Offices and then email the Front Office with the date(s) you will be attending the college visit. Juniors and second semester sophomores get two college visit days per year and seniors are permitted four college visit days per year. Please remember to bring back the proper documentation to the Front Office (College Visit Record Form, found HERE), with required signatures and official documentation see form for details).
SAT & ACT Testing
Juniors, make sure you register to take both the ACT and SAT at least once before the end of your junior year. Click HERE for SAT test dates and HERE for ACT test dates. Although many colleges will remain test optional through next year, test scores can enhance your application. In addition, the SC state scholarships (Life and Palmetto Fellows) still require the SAT or ACT to qualify.
Juniors: Student Athletes
All students thinking about playing a varsity level sport at the college level (NCAA Division I or II), should register with the NCAA Eligibility Center, request that your transcripts be sent to them at the end of your junior year, and speak with your counselor about whether or not to have your official test scores sent to them (SAT and/or ACT).
Senior College Applications
Please continue to share your good news and advise your college counselor of college acceptances and scholarship awards. If you have made your final decision on which college you will be attending, you can send in your enrollment deposit confirming your place in the freshman class. When you do this, remember to notify the other colleges that accepted you that you will not be attending their institutions. You should send a note, which can be done via email, to the colleges to thank them for their consideration and the time spent on your application. This is very important as it will open up spots for other applicants who may be on the waitlist.
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FAFSA Reminder for Seniors
The federal government, along with the colleges to which you applied, requires you to fill out the FAFSA form in order to receive federal aid and financial aid packages. With financial aid, sending your FAFSA in earlier is always better. There are limited funds for financial aid, which are distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Apply later, and there may not be as much money to go around, especially when more and more people today are seeking financial aid.
Seniors: Finish Your Year Strong
Remember that colleges will receive your final transcripts and that all acceptances are conditional based upon you consistently completing your senior year with the grades that were previously sent to them. If you are struggling in any classes, please stop by to see your college counselor so that you can discuss a plan of action.
From the Development Office
Annual Fund
Our goal this fiscal year (July 2021– June 2022) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. As of March, an impressive 44% of our school families have contributed. Congratulations to the 8th grade which is leading with a grade level participation of 51%! We will continue to track these participation numbers through the Gala in the Spring.
Helping families afford a St. Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 6% of the school’s overall budget. It accounts for 75% of the funding that is not covered by tuition. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $525,000. The Annual Fund total through February was $367,000! Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions, download your Annual Fund Donation Form today or make an online donation!
From the Fine Arts Department
by Greenville Technical College,
is open to the public. Be sure to make plans to view
Theatre Summer Camps
• Rising
Ornaments for Sale
(Rising 8th-12th
by seniors Mary Kate Farrell, Andres Lindstrom, and Grace Widman.
6-10, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, $150
June 6-9, 3:00-5:00 PM, $75
Calling all senior parents: Graduation will be here soon, and your student will be walking through the Red Door one last time. Be sure to order your commemorative Red Door ornament HERE for them to cherish the memory of their days at St. Joseph’s. Questions? Contact Christine Balts.
Ornament Design Contest Deadline May 6
Continuing the tradition of beautiful glass ornaments, the SJCS Jubilate Arts Guild is sponsoring the annual art competition to design the new 2022 Christmas ornament. This year we are looking for your best Knight based on
April 2022 News and Notes Page 12
Annual Upstate High School Art Exhibit SJCS Fine Arts will be represented in the Annual High School Art Exhibit hosted
Benson Campus in Greer. The exhibit runs from March 28 April 21 and
the exhibit
see artwork created
Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming Fine Arts Events • May 6: MS Coffeehouse • May 10-12: Spring Concerts • May 19: Improvisation Knight NOTE: Additional details will be included in the May News & Notes
Stars Camp (Rising
Graders): June
HS Improvisation
Click HERE for additional details and registration.
the inspiration found in Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil ” This art competition is open to the entire SJCS family: students, alumni, faculty, staff, and parents. Artwork can be hand sketched, painted, or digitally designed. The deadline to submit artwork is Friday, May 6. Details can be found HERE
Jubilate Arts Guild Openings
Have you been wondering what the Jubilate Arts Guild is? Have you been wondering how you can get involved in an organization that impacts all the students here at SJCS? JAG is the place for you! We are the Fine Arts booster club and we have a position for you, no matter how much or how little time you have to invest. We meet once a month, before school for those with busy work schedules. All middle school students partake of the Fine Arts Programs and the majority of our high school students participate in band, strings, chorus, dance, theater, and/or visual arts. Positions we are looking to fill for the 2022-23 school year:
• Vice President/Jubilate Knight Chair: Functions mainly as the chair for Jubilate Knight, our annual talent show fundraiser.
• Membership Coordinator: Keeps track of incoming memberships and membership correspondence.
• Treasurer: Keeps track of funds coming in and out. Relays the accounting already done by the school accounting department.
• Public Relations: Communicates with the school’s PR to relay information about Fine Arts events to be posted to the school’s website and social media.
• Tech Week Meals and Concessions: Coordinates the feeding of our theater students during the week of the performances, and the selling of concessions at the performances. SignUpGenius is your friend.
• Ways and Means: Coordinates the various fundraisers the Fine Arts department does throughout the school year.
We are also looking for people to be on our Jubilate Knight committee to help put together and promote our amazing annual talent show and fundraiser.
If you would like to join a fun group of parents who support the Fine Arts here at SJCS, JAG is where you need to be! Contact Cindy Davis for more information.
From the Parents Guild
Looking Ahead to the 2022 2023 School Year
Are you interested in getting involved at SJCS? We are now making plans for next year and would love your input. We have many opportunities to serve including: the Parents Guild Board, committee chairs, and much more. Interested? Contact Rebecca Feldman for more information.
Keep the Donations Coming!
Did you know that SJCS receives a check every month from Amazon? Plus, we receive funds from Publix, Harris Teeter, and Lowe’s Foods. We need these funds to continue our efforts in improving the school. In just a few minutes you can set up your account and help us start gaining rewards. To find out more details and sign up, click HERE.
From the School Nurse
Medication Policy
It is against St. Joseph’s policy for a student to carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent permission, and permission from the school nurse to self administer and self monitor. Failure to comply with the medication policy may result in disciplinary action.
If your child has a life threatening allergy, please make sure you have an updated care plan in Magnus Health and emergency medication available in the Health Room.
April 2022 News and Notes Page 13
From the Technology Services Department
Senior Chromebook Return Information
• All seniors are required to return their Chromebooks to the Library on May 19, immediately following the end of the last senior exam.
• Chromebooks may be returned to the library earlier than May 19 if the Chromebook is no longer needed for classes or exams.
• Chromebooks are to be returned with the charger and case. The case should be emptied of all items except the Chromebook and charger.
• Your student account will be charged for any items not returned or for any damages.
• The charges for non returned items are: Chromebook $300, Charger $15, and Case $25. The damage charge is $25.
• All students will be given a receipt at turn in and if damages are found, they will be noted, and the appropriate fee can be paid at the time of turn in or billed to your student account.
Grades 6-11 Chromebook Return Information
• All students in grades 6 11 are required to return their Chromebooks to the Library on May 26, immediately following the end of the last exam at 10:00 AM.
• Chromebooks may be returned to the library earlier than May 26 if no longer needed for classes or exams.
• Chromebooks are to be returned with the charger and case. The case should be emptied of all items except the Chromebook and charger.
• Your student account will be charged for any items not returned or for any damages.
• The charges for non returned items are: Chromebook $300, Charger $15, and Case $25. The damage charge is $25.
• All students will be given a receipt at turn in and if damages are found, they will be noted, and the appropriate fee can be paid at the time of turn in or billed to your student account.
Volunteer Summer Opportunities for Students
There will be volunteer service opportunities available this summer to assist the Technology Department in preparing for the 2022-2023 year. Interested? Email Mrs. Cummings.
April 2022 News and Notes Page 14