St. Joseph’s School Prayer
Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster-Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.
From the Head of School
“To know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” From Ephesians 3:14-19
Back to School Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!

I hope this letters finds you well, enjoying the remaining days of summer before the first day of school. If you walk through the school building right now, you could hardly imagine it being ready for the return of the students in a couple of weeks. In addition to the normal summer maintenance routine of cleaning floors, readying classrooms, applying fresh coats of paint throughout the building, and the myriad other things our hardworking maintenance staff does each summer to ensure the building is in tiptop shape for the new school year, they have had the added chaos this summer of a major renovation of the high school science and computer labs. Thankfully, I’m told that the project is going according to its very tight schedule and should be ready for occupancy by day one. A hearty thank you to Terry Crosby and David Keefe for all of their hard work and dedication managing all of these things so very well this summer so that our students can go to school in a clean, safe, and beautiful environment.
As we head into the new year, I want to direct our thoughts to the word fullness, which we find in this year’s theme verse listed above. We all want our lives to be filled with all manner of great experiences and good things. Desire for abundance and fulfillment in life is the interior motive that drives many of our decisions, from where you chose to go on vacation, to your career path, and even where you chose to send your children to school. While maybe you’ve never thought of it in these terms, but you’ve chosen St. Joseph’s at least in part because you believe the excellent education, competitive sports, fine arts opportunities, religious formation, and positive culture of the school community will provide your children with opportunities for a more abundant life.
But what makes for lasting fullness in life? This is the great question in life. How many great vacations or experiences have you had in life that ended with you wanting still more, regardless of how good the experience was? The human heart with its restless longing is not satisfied with anything less than an infinite fulfillment, which brings me to this year’s theme and the best reason to choose St. Joseph’s Catholic School for your children.
The faculty, staff, and coaches of St. Joseph’s Catholic School strive as a first priority, as our mission states, to form the minds, hearts, and souls of our students in the likeness of Christ precisely because we have experienced this, as St. Paul says in our theme verse, that fullness in life comes through experiencing the love of Christ through the gift of faith, with the result that we are filled with the very fullness of God.
A high ideal, we know, but one we will strive to implement each and every day of the school year. We invite you as parents to partner with us in this mission. One practical way that you can do this is to commit to praying for our students, faculty, and staff in your daily prayer time. Our l ongtime Founding Board Chair, Margaret Ann Moon, loved to remind everyone who would listen that we are not capable of fulfilling our mission on our own power, strength, or resources. She’d say, “We’re not doing this. God is.” After all, the mission we aspire to day in and day out is supernatural and faith is a gift of God, not something we can earn.
In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for Chris and Karen Miros on the passing of Chris’ father, Michael Miros.
With Love and Prayers, Keith F. Kiser Head of SchoolThings You Need To Know
First Day of Tryouts/Practice for Fall Sports Begin July 28
• JV & Varsity Football: Friday, July 28, time TBD
• Boys & Girls Swimming: Friday, July 28, at Spaulding Farms Pool from 7:00-8:30 AM
• Girls & Boys Cross-Country: Monday, July 31, from 7:30-9:00 AM
• JV Girls Tennis: Monday, July 31, from 7:30-9:00 AM
• Varsity Girls Tennis: Monday, July 31, from 9:00 -11:00 AM
• JV & Varsity Volleyball: Monday, July 31, from 1:30-3:30 PM
• Girls Golf at The Preserve at Verdae: Monday, July 31, time TBD
• Middle School Football: Monday, July 31, time TBD
• Middle School Volleyball: Wednesday, August 9, from 4:30-6:00 PM
• Middle School Cheer: Thursday, August 10, from 3:30-5:30 PM
New High School Student Math/World Language Placement Testing, August 1
Most new high school students completed our placement testing in May. However, if your child is new to SJCS for the 2023-2024 school year and he/she enrolled in the high school after May 1, he/she may still need to complete this testing. A make-up date has been set for Tuesday, August 1 and more information about the testing was communicated in your child’s acceptance packet. Questions? Contact Jenny Starks in the Admissions Office.
Pep Band Pre-season Camp, August 2-4
All band students, with at least one year of playing experience at SJCS, who are interested in playing in the Pep Band are invited to attend pre-season band camp. There are openings for all instruments! The camp will be held at SJCS August 2-4, from 9:00-11:30 AM. The cost for pre-season is $30 and includes a t-shirt and sheet music. This is the perfect way to get your “playing chops” back in shape for the start of school and to be prepared to play at the Varsity home football games in the fall. The "Band of Knights" Pep Band has established a tradition of spirit and school pride as they cheer on the team from the stands on Friday nights.
When the school year begins, Pep Band will rehearse on Wednesday afternoons, 1:30-3:00 PM to prepare for playing at the five Friday night home Varsity football games. Additionally, Pep Band can be taken for 1/2 HS credit for rising ninth grade and above with permission. Questions? Contact SJCS Band Director, Marjorie Malphrus.
College Application Workshop for Seniors, August 2-3
The College Counseling Office will be conducting a free College Application Workshop on August 2 and 3 from 12 PM to 2 PM in the Meeting Room. We will be focusing on the Common Application, Scoir and school-specific applications. Please bring your laptop or electronic device that has internet capability as we will be accessing and completing the actual college application forms during the workshop. Please sign up for this event using the registration link that was sent to you in July.
Fourth Annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament, August 4
Save the date for the fourth annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament at The Preserve at Verdae golf course on Friday, August 4. The Athletic Department will be hosting this fundraiser for all sports teams. These funds will be used to support all the teams that make up St. Joseph’s athletics. This has replaced many of the individual fundraisers that each team has done in the past. We strongly encourage the whole St. Joseph’s Community to participate in the golf tournament. All alumni, families, and friends are welcome! The Knights Athletic Booster Club is the all-sport Booster Club for SJCS. Thank you for your generous support of all SJCS athletes.
Student Parking Forms Due August 7
All sophomores, juniors, and seniors planning to drive to school should fill out the Parking Permit Application for Students found HERE . Keep in mind that a student’s driver’s license, registration, and insurance must also be uploaded in order to receive a parking pass. To receive a pass on the first day of school, this form must be submitted by 4:00 PM on Monday, August 7. Students who have completed an application will receive an email with information regarding picking up their passes. Once school starts, passes will be issued on a rolling basis.
Faculty/Staff Orientation, August 7-11
Faculty/Staff Orientation begins August 7 and continues intermittently through August 11. If you need to communicate with us during this week, please send an email to the person with whom you need to speak. Thank you for your patience during this important time of faculty/staff development.
24 Hour Theatre Extravaganza & Student-Produced Films, August 11-12
Please see the Fine Arts section of News & Notes for complete details.
New Student Orientation, Monday, August 14
New Student Orientation includes all students in Grades 6 & 9, as well as all NEW students in Grades 7, 8, 10, 11, & 12. At least one parent is requested to accompany their child. The event begins at 8:00 AM and will conclude around 10:00 AM. Students ARE required to wear their casual uniform. A detailed email will be sent in early August.
Optional Returning Student Orientation, Monday, August 14
All returning students in grades 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 are welcome on Monday, August 15 between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM to set up their lockers and turn in any required forms. Students must enter and exit the school through the Front Office. The first official day of classes is Tuesday, August 15.
Late Stay Begins, August 15
Late Stay begins on Tuesday, August 15 and is available each day after school until 6:00 PM. Any student not involved in a supervised after-school activity must report to Late Stay by 3:30 PM. The cost for Late Stay is $4.50 an hour.
Schedule & Uniform Notes for August 15-18
Tuesday, August 15 will be the first full day of classes. The day will run on a modified bell schedule with a 3:00 PM dismissal that includes all classes and Mass to celebrate the Assumption which is a Holy Day of Obligation. Students should wear their dress uniforms. Wednesday, August 16 will run on a Wednesday bell schedule with a 1:15 PM dismissal. House meetings for all students will be held during the time set aside for Mass. All students should be in casual uniform. Thursday, August 17 is a Thursday schedule and students may wear their casual uniform. Friday, August 18 is Yearbook Picture Day and all students in grades 6-11 must wear their dress uniform.
High School Course Add/Drop Period, August 15-25
Students may request schedule changes at the start of the school year during the Add/Drop period, August 1525. Students and parents should review the Schedule Change Policies found HERE prior to requesting any scheduling changes. Add/Drop forms will be available from the Registrar in the College Counseling Office, Room B208.
Yearbook Picture Day, August 18
Dress uniforms are required all day for grades 6 - 11 for yearbook photos on Friday, August 18. Students will be directed by class to their assigned photo times during the school day. Please be sure to have all necessary dress uniform items on hand and wrinkle free, neat haircuts, and boys clean shaven.
High School Youth in Government Interviews Begin August 21
High school students who went to YIG last year should be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. Carr about this year's YIG. Students who are interested in going to YIG should email Mrs. Carr for information. New YIG participants must sign up for an interview and pick up an application from Mrs. Carr in Room 205. Interviews start August 21.
Encore!, Middle School Fine Arts Program Begins August 22
This year the SJCS Fine Arts Department is launching an after school program for Middle School students to dive further into the Arts. More information regarding this program and registration details will be sent to parents and will be available on the website soon.
High School Fall Play Auditions, August 22-24
Auditions for the High School Fall Play are currently scheduled to be held August 22-23, with Callbacks on August 24. These auditions are open to all High School students. More information will be available in early August. Contact Fine Arts Director, Teresa McGrath, with any questions.
Fine Arts Open Mic Knights, August 25 & September 15
Throughout the school year, the Fine Arts Department and the Jubilate Arts Guild sponsor several Coffeehouse events. These open-mic events provide a space for students to perform in a fun, informal venue and enjoy socializing with their classmates while enjoying snacks and entertainment. Admission is $5/person and snacks are provided. Below are the dates for the fall Open Mic events. Mark your calendars and more specific details will be provided prior to the events.
• Friday, August 25: High School Open Mic
• Friday, September 15: Middle School Open Mic
Charleston Wraps Fundraiser Ends August 28
Charleston Wraps provides a variety of unique gifts, gourmet food, home decor, handbags, and holiday fare (as well as high quality wrapping paper). It has something for everyone! Get a head start on your Christmas shopping and find something for yourself as well, while supporting the SJCS Jubilate Arts Guild and Fine Arts Department! Place your order HERE .
Red Door Ceremony, August 30
All ninth-grade students and new high school students will take part in the Red Door Ceremony prior to Mass on Wednesday, August 30 beginning at 10:32 AM. Parents are encouraged to attend the ceremony and stay for Mass. Parents will be allowed to enter the JPII Center at 10:15 AM.
• A Brief History: St Joseph’s opened its doors in August 1993 and the first 13 high school students entered the school through a red door which, at the time, was the entrance to a little house beside St. Michael’s Lutheran Church on Augusta Road. Although the house was subsequently demolished, the red door was donated to SJCS and placed on the school’s current campus at the entrance to our chapel, the center of the school. During the school’s 15th anniversary celebration in March 2008, the door was unveiled and St. Joseph’s began a new tradition. Beginning with the Class of 2008, all graduating seniors now process out through this door as a symbol of their farewell to St Joseph’s, marking not only an end but a new beginning. All new high school students are formally welcomed into the school community each August by processing in through the red door, just as this door welcomed the first 13 high school students in 1993.
Attention Freshmen & New HS Parents – Deadline to Order is August 30
One of the most revered traditions at SJCS is the Red Door Ceremony, where incoming Freshmen and new HS students ‘enter’ high school through the Red Door that belonged to the original location of St. Joseph’s Catholic School, and is now currently located between the HS Commons and the JP II Center. Upon finishing their senior year, our graduates ‘exit’ high school by processing out the door. To commemorate this wonderful tradition, the Jubilate Arts Guild is selling a beautiful hand designed stained glass ornament. Click HERE to purchase your ornament.
Labor Day, September 4
There will be no classes. The school and school offices will be closed.
Senior & Parents Guidance Meeting, September 7
Our annual meeting for seniors and their parents will be held on Thursday, September 7 at 7:00 PM in the JP II Center. The meeting will last approximately one hour. At least one parent and their senior student must be in attendance for this informative meeting. Brad Pochard, Associate Vice President for Enrollment at Furman University, will be here to present.
Middle School Schedules
Middle school scheduling is still in process. Please disregard any middle school schedule information you may see on the Blackbaud Portal before school begins. Class rotations seen in Blackbaud could possibly change up until
that time. Students will receive their finalized schedules on the first day of school. Eighth grade parents were contacted by Mrs. Broering via email confirming their World Language placement. Middle school scheduling questions may be directed to Melissa Broering.
High School Class Schedules Available Now
High school schedules are available now in the Blackbaud student and parent portal. Emails were sent out announcing the availability of schedules and instructions for any necessary schedule changes. Other schedule changes will be processed by the Registrar during the designated fall Add/Drop period at the beginning of the fall semester, August 14-25. Seniors requesting scheduling changes must review the request with their College Counselor prior to submitting requests to the Registrar.
School Supplies
The middle school supplies lists can be found HERE on the school website. Middle school students should arrive the first full day of classes with their book bag, textbooks, and all supplies. There is no published list of high school supplies. High school students should plan to arrive the first day of classes with their book bag, textbooks, paper, a binder or notebook for each class, and a supply of pens and pencils. If particular supplies are needed for their classes, teachers will furnish students with that list after school begins.
Community Ser vice
We are impressed with the number of students who have already completed their volunteer work this summer! Please keep up the great work and continue entering your hours in x2Vol! Students can login to x2Vol using Google. Click HERE for the SJCS Service Committee Website, click "login," then "continue with Google." From there, students should use their SJCS email. Questions? Contact Catherine Showghi or Greshan Charlton.
Donate Textbooks
Please consider donating your student's used textbooks to SJCS. Drop them off any time during summer hours at the front desk with Mrs. Hawkins. We organize your donations and retain current copies to loan out to our scholarship students. Textbooks that are no longer being used by our school are donated through a charitable organization at no cost to our school. Last summer, 21 textbooks were recycled, 42 textbooks were donated to Africa, and 172 textbooks went to needy schools in the United States. Questions? Contact Greshan Charlton.
Travel to South Africa, Summer 2025
Travel to South Africa with Ms. Berman and Mrs. Carr. In the summer of 2025, SJCS will take its second trip to South Africa, Ms. Berman's home country. Interested students and parents click HERE to see the itinerary, price, and sign up. An interest meeting will be held in the fall. Interested students have an opportunity to earn college credit on the trip and through a follow-up on-line class through George Mason University at no additional cost. Current 7th grade through 11th grade students are eligible.
Has Your Information Changed?
If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Mary Cummings
From the Middle School Director
A dear friend and mentor gave me great advice several years ago that I think about and refer to just about every day. The advice was this: clear and proper communication of expectations, no matter the circumstance or event, will have a tremendous impact on the outcome. If something or someone falls short of the expectations we had for them - provided they are attainable and realistic - we should first ask if the desired expectations were comprehensively and clearly delivered so that the hoped-for outcome had every opportunity to be achieved.
This advice is very relevant in our middle school world, and also most any professional situation we engage in. Rarely do we encounter the student or person who purposefully wants to fall short of the expectations we’ve set out for them, particularly when a meaningful relationship has developed between all those involved. As I’ve grown in maturity and some wisdom, I’ve come to understand that this sage advice has an inward-looking component as well: not only do I need to clearly and consistently communicate expectations and desired behaviors, I need to examine my role in supporting the desired behaviors and outcomes. Are my expectations realistic and attainable? Are my own behaviors supporting the end goal or causing a distraction? Am I available for support and assistance, or have I removed myself from the situation? Have I superimposed my own anxieties and worries onto the situation, thus impacting the performance or work of the other?
The start of a new school year rushes in with a hailstorm of emotions, for both students and parents alike. For some, sadness that the more leisurely pace of summer is ending; for others, an excitement about meeting new people and embarking on a new adventure; and for another group of people, simultaneous hope and anxiety about the known and unknown. As a school community, we will communicate a variety of academic and behavioral expectations to you and your children. As parents, you will have your own expectations to share with them. And in this time of planning and anticipation, we encourage you to consider the inward-looking component of these expectations. How will you help ensure a successful school experience for your child? Some things for you to consider …
Middle school students are still in school and still living at home because they are not old enough or mature enough to manage life on their own! This period of development is designed to help them establish problemsolving strategies on all levels - academic, social, and emotional. We need to give them enough space for those skills to mature and flourish.
Levels of generalized anxiety and stress among our young people continue to rise. We can support their growth and lessen their worries by keeping our own anxieties and fears in check. This is middle school. A low score on a test, a lunch detention, or an assignment that was left at home will not keep them from getting into a college, or living a life of joy and positive impact.
Our students work hard during the school day. We can support their growth and healthy development by ensuring they have adequate time to rest, relax, and get proper nutrition. Limiting their technology use and access, particularly as bed time nears, will safeguard their sleep and dream time.
Our Catholic, Christian faith is a source of inspiration and strength on this life journey. Pray with your child and for your child - all days and in all ways. And, while you pray, add to your intentions the health, safety, and prosperity of all members of this Saint Joseph Catholic School community. We will be doing the same for you.
From the High School Director
The fall of 2023 will start my eleventh year at Saint Joseph’s. That makes it my longest tenure with any one school, and with three kids of my own still to graduate, I think every year from here on out will set a new personal record!
In the last ten years a lot of things have changed at the school. There have been personnel changes, new buildings built and an old one torn down, new teams and classes added, and now even a new logo, uniform, and color scheme. Our commitment to our Mission has not changed, and never will. We aspire to be the best Catholic school we can be, and that desire itself has prompted us to keep moving forward. You can’t be the
best by resting on past glories and accomplishments. That’s why, a few years ago, we moved our accreditation to a different agency. We wanted to be measured against the best schools in the region, or in the country for that matter. It’s why we switched to the High School League so we could compete against a larger pool. These are the marks of a school that isn’t satisfied with being good, or even really good. Constant improvement requires sustained effort rather than complacency.
It’s the same for students in their classes. Coasting is (sometimes) possible, but if you want to take full advantage of the opportunities Saint Joseph’s offers, you have to keep pushing yourself to improve. Ask bigger, bolder questions. Take the classes that push you forward. Don’t be satisfied with doing anything less than your best regardless of the grade. No one who has really succeeded at anything worth doing will tell you that settling is a viable strategy.
As we head into the new school year, my prayer for each of my students is that they do their best every day, and not just in the classroom. I pray for them on their sports teams, their clubs, their life outside of school, and even in their personal relationships, and I invite each of you to pray for them with me!
From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office College Counseling Meetings for 2023-2024
Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend these important and informative meetings. In each case, at least one parent and the student must attend their respective class meeting. Meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 PM in the JP II Center and will last about one hour. Please note the meeting dates for the year:
• Seniors: September 7
• Juniors: February 5, 2024
• Freshmen and Sophomores: February 8, 2024
There will also be a special Financial Aid Night for Senior Families on October 2 at 6:00 PM in the Meeting Room as well as course scheduling meetings for freshman and sophomore families in the spring. Specific dates and signup links will be emailed to families during second semester.
From the Athletic Department Summer Sports Training
Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2023-2024 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2023, and complete the required forms online at Big Teams (found HERE ) prior to the first tryout or practice (this includes Off Season Practices and Weights). No paper forms will be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS! Returning athletes, please use your existing login. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice (including summer practices) are: Pre-Participation History and PreParticipation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Steadman Hawkins form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big found HERE . Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Big Teams is available on the SJCS website HERE. Please note that you must login to the SJCS website first. Be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school. This website is available in any language. To change the language, click on the person icon in the top right corner. Also, there is a new Big Teams feature where you can toggle between the athlete account and parent accounts once linked. To do this, click My Profile and Linked accounts.
First Day of Tryouts/Practice for Fall Sports Begin July 28
• JV & Varsity Football: Friday, July 28, time TBD
• Boys & Girls Swimming: Friday, July 28, at Spaulding Farms Pool from 7:00-8:30 AM
• Girls & Boys Cross-Country: Monday, July 31, from 7:30-9:00 AM
• JV Girls Tennis: Monday, July 31, from 7:30-9:00 AM
• Varsity Girls Tennis: Monday, July 31, from 9:00 -11:00 AM
• JV & Varsity Volleyball: Monday, July 31, from 1:30-3:30 PM
• Girls Golf at The Preserve at Verdae: Monday, July 31, time TBD
• Middle School Football: Monday, July 31, time TBD
• Middle School Volleyball: Wednesday, August 9, from 4:30-6:00 PM
• Middle School Cheer: Thursday, August 10, from 3:30-5:30 PM
From the Booster Club
What Does the Booster Club Do? The Knights Athletic Booster Club raises money through individual family memberships and various corporate sponsorship opportunities to support ALL student athletes at St. Joseph’s, across ALL sports. Booster Club funding supplements the overall athletic department budget and accounts for approximately 25% of total athletic expenditures. We also seek to use these funds in ways that build school spirit within SJCS, as well as providing the best possible experiences for our student-athletes, coaches, students, and supporters.
Booster Club has used these funds to provide much needed upgrades to the old locker room, contributing significant sums towards the cost of purchasing a new bus, upgrading the softball field, paying for live streaming of all home events, covering the cost of student admission fees to playoff games, contributing towards the cost of state championship rings, purchasing new pop up tents utilized by multiple sports, covering the cost of field painting for multiple sports and paying the rental expense for offsite gym space during the winter basketball and wrestling season. Additionally, Booster Club is proud to be able to supplement the Athletic Department in refreshing uniforms across all sports in HS and MS in order to ensure that our athletes continue to put their best foot forward in all aspects! The Booster Club also manages the concession stands year-round, runs multiple Spirit Wear sales, organizes the Annual Golf Tournament, hosts an annual Coaches Appreciation Dinner, and recently started a new SJCS tradition, the Knights Athletic Hall of Fame and Induction Banquet.
How Can You Help? Join the Booster Club! Our goal this year is to have 100% of families with athletes join the Booster Club. You can join online by clicking HERE. Information about the costs and benefits of various membership levels can also be found online. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are also available (click HERE) Click HERE to learn more. Volunteer: Athletics runs on volunteer manpower, so please, support your team parents by stepping up when the call goes out for help! If you are interested in attending a Booster Club Board Meeting, they are typically the third Wednesday of every month during the school year at 5:30 PM, and are open to all members. Any of our 2023-2024 leaders (found HERE) will be happy to talk with you more. Our community is the strongest when we all pitch in together!
Friday Knight Lights!
Please mark your calendars for Friday Knight Lights Tailgates. Starting at 5:45 PM before Varsity Home Football games, SJCS is where you want to be! Dinner will be available, so come straight from work, and stay to cheer on your Knights. Look for more details on social media. Dates for the Varsity Home Football Games on Fridays are: September 1, September 8, September 22, and October 6.
The 2023-2024 Athletic Calendar can be viewed HERE where you can keep up to date on how to support and cheer on ALL of your Knights Athletes!
From the Business Office
Tuition Accounts
St. Joseph’s uses Blackbaud Tuition Management for all tuition and incidental billing. If you need assistance accessing your Blackbaud account, please contact Mary Cummings
St. Joseph's offers several payment schedules to allow families to meet their tuition commitments. The school also provides generous Flexible Tuition awards for families that need additional assistance with the cost of enrollment. Flexible Tuition awards are contingent upon timely payment of tuition based on the terms outlined in the enrollment contract. These Flexible Tuition awards can be revoked if payments are not made to the school
according to the payment terms chosen. Therefore, it is important that any requests to change the scheduled payments terms be made in writing to Ann Gushue in the Business Office to avoid revocation of the award. Please note that Blackbaud requires at least 3 days notice to make any changes to scheduled drafts payments. To ensure our ability to make the requested changes, you must give the Business Office at least 7 days notice for any requested change.
Cafeteria Service
FLIK Dining Services provides cafeteria service during the school day. The cost for a full lunch is $7.00. Breakfast items are served from 7:30-7:45 AM, lunch is served during MS and HS lunch periods, and snacks are sold for 45 minutes at the end of each school day. In addition, a la carte items such as pizza, sandwiches, and salads are served during Household on Wednesdays. Trays for Household snacks, Household lunches, and/or team meals are also available for purchase. Please contact Chef Stacey for information on the items available for Household lunches and snacks.
Students can use either their FLIK account or cash to purchase cafeteria items. To add money to a student’s FLIK account, you can pay online at MySchoolBucks or send cash or a check to the school to the attention of FLIK FLIK’s declining balance system will not allow a balance due of $50.00 or more. You can check your student’s account balance at MySchoolBucks
Late Stay
Late Stay is available each day after school until 6:00 PM. Any student not involved in a supervised after school activity must report to Late Stay by 3:30 PM. The Registration fee for Late Stay is $30 per family and will be assessed the first day a student uses the Late Stay Program. The hourly rate for Late Stay is $4.50. Late Stay charges are billed monthly through the Blackbaud Tuition Management system.
From the Development Office
Annual Fund
Our goal this fiscal year (July 2023 – June 2024) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. We will track participation numbers by grade level throughout the year, beginning in October.
Helping families afford a St. Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 6% of the school’s overall budget. It accounts for 75% of the funding that is not covered by tuition. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $500,000. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions, download your Annual Fund Donation Form today or make an online donation!
From the Fine Arts Department
24-Hour Theatre Extravaganza & Student-Produced Films, August 11-12
What better way to end the summer and kick off the school year than with a Theatre Extravaganza? Students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni have the opportunity to create a show from the ground up, only limited by time and their imagination! Anyone in the SJCS school community (rising 7th grade and older) can be involved in this event, beginning at 6:00 PM on Friday, August 11. Don't let the title fool you - this is not a 24-hour commitment! Those interested in being a part of this event can sign up for a role as a writer, actor, stage manager, crew member, or director. You can view role descriptions and timeline of the event HERE. The event will culminate with a performance of these plays at 7:00 PM on Saturday, August 12.
Any member of the SJCS school community is also invited to produce and submit short films to be showcased between performances at this event. The deadline for registering to participate in the 24 Theatre Extravaganza OR for submitting student-produced films is Monday, August 7
To sign up to be a part of the event, register HERE by August 7. To view the guidelines for student-produced films , click HERE To sign up to be a parent volunteer contact Teresa McGrath
24-Hour Theatre Extravaganza Performances, August 12
General Admission tickets can be purchased in advance HERE or at the door for $5 per person. All tickets are General Admission and the doors will open at 6:30 PM Additionally, Jubilate Arts Guild memberships will be available for purchase prior to the show. Writers of the event will be required to utilize certain elements in their scripts based on your input. Vote HERE by Thursday, August 10 to determine which elements will be required, and then join us at the show on Saturday, August 12 to see how they are woven into the scripts!
Volunteers Needed
Please contact Teresa McGrath for more information on how to volunteer for either of the opportunities below:
• Any parents or students willing to donate their time and talents to the Fine Arts Department through their sewing skills
• Any parents willing to assist in the Scene Shop during after-school and Saturday crew sessions
Opportunities to Support the Fine Arts
Join: Show your love for the Arts by joining our Fine Arts Booster Club, the Jubilate Arts Guild (JAG). With membership support in past years, we were able to purchase much-needed items to benefit the department. For example, a tenor saxophone and bass drum for Band, drying racks and artwork displays for Visual Arts, sheet music for Strings & Chorus, a washer and dryer for Theatre, and a speaker and music for Dance. In addition to supporting the Fine Arts with your membership purchase, there are many benefits to joining JAG, including discount tickets and priority seating at many Fine Arts events. The membership form can be found HERE .
Volunteer: Looking to get more involved? All MS students and most HS students are involved in the Arts in some way at SJCS. JAG is in need of parent volunteers to serve on the JAG committee for the 2023-2024 school year. We have various officer positions available, and several committee vacancies. Come to a meeting to discover how much fun it can be supporting the Arts. Want more information? Contact the Jubilate Arts Guild President, Cindy
DavisPurchase a wreath: Our famous Wreath Sale will begin in October. You have probably heard about the beautiful live wreaths, table toppers, and swags that can be delivered to you and your loved ones (or business associates). And they last! Last year we sold out before the end of the fundraiser so get your order in early! Look for more information in future News and Notes on how to order these wonderful holiday decorations.
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser: One of our major fundraisers is through Charleston Wrap and it’s going on this year from August 11 through August 28. Browse thousands of items from gift wrap to gourmet kitchen items to home décor and handbags. Get your Christmas shopping done early and support the Fine Arts!
Jubilate Knight for the Arts Talent Competition and Fundraiser
Mark your calendars for our Fine Arts Department annual talent competition and fundraiser, Jubilate Knight for the Arts, on Saturday, February 10, 202 4. All members of the school community are invited to participate in this event and the sale of voting tokens aids in funding the needs of our dance, choral, instrumental, theatre, and visual arts programs. Preparations for this family-friendly fun evening begin in the fall, so dust off the dancing shoes, exercise the vocal chords, or come up with an act to showcase your own unique talent. Look for more information in later New & Notes. In addition, if you are interested in joining the planning committee, we are always in need of volunteers to help put together this exciting event for our SJCS family. Want more information? Contact the Jubilate Arts Guild President, Cindy Davis.
Attention business owners! Want to reach a larger audience? Try the JAG sponsorship program. We are offering our corporate sponsors a chance for promotion with advertising in the programs of our six main Fine Arts events. The size of the ad depends on the level of sponsorship. In addition to an ad in our programs, our sponsors will get further promotion through social media, the Fine Arts’ website, and special signage in the lobby of our events.
For more information, click HERE. If you join our sponsorship program before October 1, you will maximize your investment by being part of our first big Fine Arts event, the Fall Play. Questions? Contact Brandon Cabaniss
From the Parents Guild
Welcome to the Parents Guild!
Welcome back to all our returning students and parents and a very warm welcome to our new families! All parents and guardians of any enrolled students at SJCS are automatic members of the Parents Guild. The mission of the Parents Guild is to promote and foster parent support for the mission of the school and to coordinate the involvement of parents in the daily life at SJCS. If you are interested in getting involved, click HERE to view the options. We have several open positions and need help in making the 2023-2024 school year a success! We hope to see all new and returning students at the student orientation on August 14. Please plan to stop by the Parents Guild table to check out and purchase some SJCS swag to proudly show your school spirit this year! We hope everyone has a smooth transition back to school .
No-Cost Fundraisers
Help SJCS earn money during the school year. Did you know that SJCS receives a check every month from Amazon? Plus, we receive funds from Publix, Harris Teeter, and Lowe’s Foods. We need these funds to continue our efforts in improving the school. In just a few minutes you can set up your account and help us start gaining rewards. To find out more, click HERE New this year, we will be hosting “Spirit Knights” as a new fundraising opportunity for our school while developing a deeper sense of community and family within SJCS. If your family has a restaurant or connections to a restaurant and would be interested in sponsoring a “Spirit Knights” event next year, please contact Jenna Howard. We donate all funds that exceed program costs back to St. Joseph’s.
Grandparents Group
The SJCS Parents Guild is creating a new Grandparents Group for the 2023- 2024 school year. This is an opportunity for our grandparents to be involved in activities and events that support our school and their grandchildren. If you have a grandparent interested in joining, please contact Jenna Howard.
From the School Nurse
SC Certificate of Immunization
All students must have a valid SC Certificate of Immunization on file in Magnus Health prior to the start of classes. Out of state vaccination records may be taken to your local physician or the health department for transcription to the correct form. Religious exemptions are NOT allowed for school entry.
Magnus Health
Student Health Records must be updated in your child's Magnus Health Account. This includes conditional questions, vital health record, SC Certificate of Immunization, consent for treatment, and permission for over-thecounter medication provided by SJCS.
If your child has a life- threatening allergy, please make sure you have an updated care plan in Magnus Health and emergency mediation available in the health room prior to the first day of classes.
Students with asthma should have an updated action plan and medication available for them if needed. Please discuss with your child's physician to see if medication needs to be stored in the Health Room for the 2023-2024 school year.