Class of 2025 Senior Guide

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Dear Seniors and Parents,

As you are now in the midst of the college application process and in keeping with St. Joseph’s standards “to provide every high school student and his/her parents a comprehensive college guidance program,” we have put together this addendum for you to add to the College Counseling Handbook you received last year.

One of the school standards states: St. Joseph’s will actively seek to aid students in the discernment of their respective vocations by (among other things) helping them to select the colleges or universities that are the best fit for each of them. As we have discussed and communicated many times, we are guided by a desire to find the best match possible between the student’s hopes and each college’s programs (academic and extracurricular). We hope that you have spent time reflecting, evaluating and communicating with each other about the student’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, special talents, and motivation for college. You should have started visiting at least some of the colleges on your child’s list. College visits can be one of the most effective means of discovering a “good fit”.

Through these open and honest discussions and college visits, most students should now have their list narrowed to five or six colleges. Generally we recommend applying to one “reach” college, several “target” colleges (where he or she has about a 50/50 chance of being accepted) and at least one to two colleges where the student feels sure he or she will be admitted. Of course, not every student will follow this format as this is just a general guide, but every college selected should be one that he or she would be happy to attend and is affordable.

Please do not feel overwhelmed by this process, as we are here to help you through each step and will send you reminders throughout this process. Choosing a college is an exciting adventure, and we look forward to sharing this important experience with all of you.


Application Deadlines for some of the universities in South Carolina:

University Deadline Notification


Coastal Carolina *

College of Charleston

● Early Action: 10/15/24

● Regular Decision: 1/1/25

● Early Decision: 10/15/2024

● Early Action: 11/15/2024

● Regular Decision: 2/1/2025

● Early Decision: 11/1/24

● Early Action & Honors: 11/1/24

● Early Decision II: 1/15/25

● Regular Decision: 1/15/25

Furman University

● Early Decision I: 11/1/24

● Early Action: 11/15/24

● Early Decision II: 1/15/25

● Regular Decision: 1/15/25

The Citadel



Winthrop University

● Rolling Admissions (recommended to apply during the summer or beginning of senior year)

● Early Action: 10/15/24

● Honors & Top Scholars: 11/15/24

● Regular Decision: 12/1/24

● Fall Priority: 11/1/24

● Spring Priority: 2/1/25

● After 2/1/25: Reviewed on monthly basis

● EA Notification: mid-December

● RD Notification: mid-February

● ED Notification: 12/1/2024

● EA Notification: 12/15/2024

● RD Notification: 3/1/2025

● ED Notification: 12/1/24

● EA Notification: 12/15/24 (For SC residents & Honors College)

● ED2 Notification: 3/1/25

● RD Notification: 3/1/25

● ED Notification: 11/1/24

● EA Notification: 12/1/24

● ED2 Notification: 1/15/25

● RD Notification: 2/15/25

● Rolling Admissions (usually within 2 weeks of receiving all required materials)

● EA Notification: Mid-December

● Honors Notification: Mid-February

● RD Notification: Mid-March

● Fall Priority Notification: 12/1/24

● Spring Priority Notification: 2/15/25

● After 2/1/25: Decisions released on a rolling basis; monthly

Wofford College

● Early Decision: 11/1/24

● Early Action: 11/15/24

● Regular Decision: 1/15/25

● ED Notification: 12/1/24

● EA Notification: 2/1/25

● RD Notification: 3/1/25

All above colleges and universities accept the Common Application (*) Test Optional Verified (Please note that some colleges need official test scores–sent from the testing agency while others will accept self-reporting)

(**) SRAR (Self-Reported Academic Record) Required

All the above information is accurate at the time of publishing, but students are encouraged to verify dates and other information with each colleges’ website.

SAT Test Dates 2024—2025

August 24, 2024

October 5, 2024

November 2, 2024

December 7, 2024

March 8, 2025

May 3, 2025

June 7, 2025

August 9, 2024

September 20, 2024

October 18, 2024

November 22, 2024

February 21, 2025

April 18, 2025

May 22, 2025

August 13, 2024

September 24, 2024

October 22, 2024

November 26, 2024

February 25, 2025

April 22, 2025

May 27, 2025

SJCS will also be offering the SAT on October 11th. More information will be coming.

*All dates subject to change

ACT Test Dates 2024—2025

September 14, 2024

October 26, 2024

December 14, 2024

February 8, 2025

April 5, 2025

June 14, 2025

July 12, 2025

9, 2024

September 20, 2024

November 8, 2024

January 3, 2025

February 28, 2025

May 9, 2025

June 6, 2025

25, 2024

October 7, 2024

November 22, 2024

January 20, 2025

March 16, 2025

May 26, 2025

June 20, 2025

SJCS will also be offering the ACT during the 2023-2024 school year. More information will be coming.

*All dates subject to change

State-Funded Scholarship & Grant Programs

3.0 LIFE GPA; and

Earn an average of 30 credit hours by the end of the first academic year*

If a SC HOPE recipient satisfies the above criteria, they move into the LIFE scholarship program beginning in their 2nd academic year

Two-Year Institution


Four-year Institution (Meet 2 out of 3)


1100 SAT or 22 ACT

Rank in top 30% of graduating class*

*Cannot use rank if graduating mid-year

3.5 SC UGP GPA; and

1200 SAT or 25 ACT; and

Top 6% rank in either 10, 11, 12

Without regard to rank (Alternative Criteria)

4.0 SC UGP GPA; and 1400 SAT or 31 ACT

*Mid-year graduates MUST apply prior to mid-year graduation date

Determined 'in need' by completing the FAFSA

3.0 LIFE GPA; and

Earn an average of 30 credit hours by the end of the first academic year*

Up to eight terms of eligibility towards first Bachelors degree

*Academic year: Fall, Spring, Summer

** Can use AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, and CLEP hours towards credit hour requirement

3.0 Institutional GPA; and Earn 30 credit hours each academic year

Up to eight terms of eligibility towards first Bachelors degree

*Academic year: Fall, Spring, Summer

**Cannot use AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, or CLEP hours towards credit hour requirement

Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

After attempting 24 hours, earn a minimum 2.0 GPA; and Complete the FAFSA annually

Students are not eligible to receive Lottery Tuition Assistance for more than one certificate, diploma, or degree earned within any five-year period unless the additional certificate, diploma, or degree constitutes progress in the same field of study.

2.0 GPA; and

Earn 24 credit hours; and Complete the FAFSA annually, so 'in need' status can be confirmed.

SC HOPE Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions

What is the SC HOPE Scholarship Program?

The SC HOPE Scholarship Program was established under the SC Education Lottery Act and was implemented beginning with the 2002-03 academic year. It is a one-year merit-based scholarship created for first-time entering freshmen attending a four-year institution who do not qualify for the LIFE or Palmetto Fellows Scholarships, but graduate from high school with at least a B average. Funding for the program is dependent upon the annual proceeds generated by the SC Education Lottery.

Award Amount:

Students attending an eligible four-year public or private college or university will receive up to $2,800* (including a $300 book allowance) towards the cost-of-attendance during the first-year of attendance only.

*Funding is awarded half in the fall term and half in the spring term. The HOPE Scholarship in combination with all other scholarships and grants shall not exceed the cost-of-attendance as defined in Title IV regulations for any academic year.

In order to qualify for the SC HOPE Scholarship, a student MUST meet the following general and initial eligibility requirements:

General Eligibility Requirements

 Graduate from high school or complete an approved home school program as prescribed by law;

 Attend an eligible South Carolina public or private college or university;

 Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) at the time of high school graduation and be a legal resident of South Carolina as defined in applicable State statutes governing the determination of residency for tuition and fee purposes at the time of high school graduation;

 Be enrolled as a full-time degree-seeking student;

 Certify that he or she has never been convicted of any felonies and has not been convicted of any second alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor convictions within the past academic year;

 Verify that he or she is not in default and does not owe a refund or repayment on any Federal or State financial aid; and

 Must not be a recipient of a LIFE Scholarship, Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, or Lottery Tuition Assistance.

Initial Eligibility Requirements:

In order to qualify for the SC HOPE Scholarship, first-time entering freshmen must meet the following criteria:

 Earn a cumulative 3.0 grade point ratio (GPR) based on the Uniform Grading Policy (UGP) upon high school graduation

***PleasebeawarethattheinformationprovidedinthishandoutissubjecttochangeduringtheLegislativeSession. The Commissionstaffwillupdatethisinformationasnecessary.

If You Plan to Transfer, Read This!

 First-time entering freshman who were eligible to receive the scholarship and transferred mid-year (spring term) to another institution may be eligible to receive the scholarship for the spring term if transferring to the same type of institution (four-year to four-year). Eligibility at the transferring institution will be based on whether or not the student met the initial eligibility requirements at the beginning of the academic year prior to transfer.

 A student who transfers from a two-year college or university to an eligible four-year college or university who enrolled in remedial courses during the freshman year may be eligible to receive the SC HOPE Scholarship. The terms of eligibility to receive scholarship funds must not include the period of time the student was enrolled in remedial courses at a two-year college or university, unless the student completed at least twelve credit hours of non-remedial course work during the first term(s) during the freshman year. The student will be eligible to receive the scholarship for the maximum terms of eligibility following completion of remediation if the student was eligible to receive the SC HOPE Scholarship upon high school graduation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the SC HOPE Scholarship?

There is no application required for the SC HOPE Scholarship. The college or university will determine eligibility based upon the final official high school transcript and will notify students if eligible to receive the scholarship. If you believe that you are eligible, but have not received information from the college or university, please contact the financial aid office at the college to inquire about your eligibility.

How long can I receive the HOPE Scholarship?

Students are eligible to receive the HOPE Scholarship for no more than two terms (or its equivalent) during the first year of attendance only. The maximum number of terms of eligibility is based on the student’s initial college enrollment date with the exception of credit hours earned during the summer session immediately prior to the student’s initial college enrollment. For example, if a student enrolls in college in Fall 2005, the last term of eligibility to receive the HOPE Scholarship will be Spring 2006.

Can I qualify for the HOPE Scholarship if I graduated from a high school outof-state or completed an approved home school program as prescribed by law?

Yes, as long as you can provide verification to the college that you were a dependent of a South Carolina resident at the time of high school graduation and at the time of college enrollment and you met all other eligibility criteria.

If you were home schooled, this information must be provided by the approved home school association or the parent. If you attended an out-of-state high school, then the information must be provided by the public high school you would have attended if you did not attend an out-of-state high school. An official letter on the public high school’s letterhead must be submitted to the eligible college or university you are planning to attend in South Carolina.

What happens if I drop out of school and re-start the next semester?

The HOPE Scholarship is a continuous program. Therefore, if you drop out or take a leave of absence from the institution, the “clock is still ticking” so to speak. The term(s) you are out will count against your two terms of eligibility.

Will I lose the HOPE Scholarship if I need to drop a class one quarter or term?

No, you will not automatically lose the scholarship. Scholarships are awarded annually and refunds are based on the policies and procedures of the institution. However, a student must be enrolled full-time to receive the scholarship.

What happens if I have been convicted of an alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor offense?

Students who have been adjudicated delinquent or have been convicted or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any second alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor offense are ineligible for the scholarship for one academic year after the adjudication, conviction, or plea occurred. The student will lose eligibility the next academic year (fall and spring terms) immediately following conviction.

What happens if an extenuating circumstance prevented me from being eligible to receive the HOPE Scholarship for the maximum terms of eligibility?

If an extenuating circumstance prevented you from receiving the maximum terms for the HOPE Scholarship, you may submit an appeal. Appeal applications can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office at the college or university, the Commission on Higher Education or Applications are reviewed annually and the deadline for receipt of appeal applications is in late September. Please check the CHE website for official appeals deadlines.

May I qualify for the HOPE Scholarship if I complete my high school graduation requirements a semester early?

Students who complete their high school graduation requirements prior to the official graduation date reported on the final high school transcript may be eligible to receive the HOPE Scholarship pending the approval of the Commission on Higher Education. An Early Graduation Application Form can be obtained from your institution’s financial aid office.

For more information about the SC HOPE Scholarship Program, contact:

Dr. Gerrick Hampton, Program Manager

Phone: (803) 734-4397

***Please be aware that the information provided in this handout is subject to change during the Legislative Session. The Commission staff will update this information as necessary.

LIFE Scholarship

Frequently asked Questions

What is the LIFE Scholarship?

The Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program administered by the financial aid office at each eligible public and independent institution in South Carolina. The LIFE Scholarship may be used towards the cost-of-attendance for up to eight terms based on the students’ initial college enrollment date. Student’s must be enrolled in their first one-year program, first associate’s degree, first two-year program leading to a baccalaureate degree, first baccalaureate degree, or first professional degree.

What is the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement?

The General Assemblyestablished the LIFE Scholarship Enhancementin ordertoincreasethenumberofstudentsin theState majoring in mathematics and science and to increase the access to higher education, improve the employability of South Carolina’sstudentssoastoattractbusinesstotheState, provideincentivesforstudentstobebetterprepared forcollege,andto encouragestudentstograduatefromcollegeon time. Studentsenrolledattwo-yearinstitutionsarenoteligibletoreceiveaLIFE Scholarship Enhancement. Studentscan receivetheLIFE ScholarshipEnhancementbeginningtheirsecond/sophomoreyearin college (based on initial date of college enrollment).

The Purpose:

 Increase ACCESS to higher education

 Improve EMPLOYABILITY of South Carolina students

 Provide INCENTIVES for students to be better prepared for college

 Encourage students to GRADUATE from college on time

 LIFE Scholarship Enhancement’s purpose is to increase the number of students in the State majoring in mathematics and science

Award Amount:

Four-year Public

Four-year Independent

Two-year Public and Independent


LIFE Scholarship Enhancement (Four-year Institutions Only)

Up to the cost-of-attendance, not to exceed $4,700, plus a $300 book allowance

Up to $4,700 plus a $300 book allowance

Up to the cost-of-tuition at USC Regional campuses to include a $300 book allowance, not to exceed $5,000

Up to the cost-of-tuition to include a $300 book allowance, not to exceed $5,000

Up to the cost of attendance, not to exceed $2,500

*Award amounts are awarded half in the fall and half in the spring. Cost-of- tuition shall mean the award amount charged for registering for credit hours of instruction and mandatory fees assessed to all students. (The LIFE Scholarship in combination with all other scholarships and grants shall not exceed the cost- of- attendance as defined in Title IV regulations for any academic year.)

To qualify for a LIFE Scholarship, a student must meet ALL of the following requirements in addition to the initial eligibility requirements, if you are a first-time entering freshman, listed on page two of this handout. To qualify for a LIFE

***PleasebeawarethattheinformationprovidedinthishandoutissubjecttochangeduringtheLegislativeSession. The Commissionstaffwillupdatethisinformationasnecessary.

Scholarship Enhancement, a student must meet ALL of the eligibility requirements for a LIFE Scholarship and be a recipient of LIFE Scholarship funds. In addition, to receive a LIFE Scholarship Enhancement the student must be a math or science major and have successfully completed a total of at least fourteen credit hours of instruction in mathematics and life and physical science courses (including AP, IB and dual enrollment courses taken during high school) by the end of the student’s first year of enrollment in college (based on initial date of college enrollment).

General Eligibility Requirements:

 Graduate from high school or complete a home school program as prescribed by law;

 Attend an eligible South Carolina public or private college or university;

 Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) at the time of high school graduation and be a legal resident of South Carolina as defined in applicable State statutes governing the determination of residency for tuition and fee purposes at the time of high school graduation;

 Be enrolled as a full-time degree-seeking student;

 Certify that he or she has never been convicted of any felonies and has not been convicted of any second of subsequent alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor convictions within the past academic year;

 Verify that he or she is not in default and does not owe a refund or repayment on any Federal or State financial aid;

 Must not be a SC HOPE Scholarship, Palmetto Fellows Scholarship or Lottery Tuition Assistance recipient.

 For a LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, students must attend an eligible four-year South Carolina public or private college or university.

Initial Eligibility Requirements for a LIFE Scholarship:

In order to qualify for the LIFE Scholarship, first-time entering freshman attending an eligible four-year institution must meet two of three of the following criteria:

1. Earn a cumulative 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on the SC Uniform Grading Scale upon high school graduation

a. The grade point average must be reported to two decimal places (minimum) and cannot be rounded. The GPR must be calculated after official completion of courses required for graduation.

2. Score an 1100 on the SAT or an equivalent on the ACT

a. SAT/ACT scores will be accepted through the June national test administration of the high school graduation year.

b. It is permissible to select the highest SAT Evidence-based Reading score combined with the highest SAT Evidenced-based Math score from different test administrations.

c. The ACT composite score may be based on multiple test sittings.

3. Rank in the top 30% of the graduating class

a. The ranking percentages must be reported in two decimal places (minimum) and cannot be rounded. The class rank must be based on the SC Uniform Grading Scale.

b. The rank must be based on all students who received their diploma during the traditional graduation ceremony typically in May/June. The graduating class cannot include any students who graduated during the summer.

First-time entering freshmen attending an eligible two-year or technical institution must earn a cumulative 3.0 GPA based on the UGP as described in (1a) above. The standardized test score and class rank requirements are waived.

Initial Eligibility Requirements for a LIFE Scholarship Enhancement:

A student must meet ALL of the eligibility requirements for a LIFE Scholarship and be a recipient of LIFE Scholarship funds. In addition, all to receive a LIFE Scholarship Enhancement the student must be a declared math or science major by the beginning of the second academic year of college enrollment. Approved lists of eligible majors and eligible courses to meet the fourteen credit hour course requirement for the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement are provided on the Commission’s website at

To Regain or Earn the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement:

After completion of the first academic year of college or to earn the scholarship while in college, students must:

 Meet all general eligibility criteria;

 Earn an averageof30 credithours*bytheend ofeach academicyear(fall, spring, summer)equalingaminimumof30 credithoursconsistentwith thepoliciesand proceduresoftheinstitution ifarisingsecondyearstudent,60credit hours if a rising third year student consistent with the policies and proceduresoftheinstitution, or90 credithours consistent with the policies and procedures of the institution if a rising fourth year student; and

 Earn a minimum 3.0 LIFE grade point average (GPA) based on grades earned at ALL institutions attended excluding remedial, continuingeducation, and non-degreecreditcoursesbytheend ofeachacademicyear(fall,spring, summer). Please note that the new LIFE GPA includes any dual enrollment grades earned while in high school.

 To receive the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, the student must be a recipient of the LIFE Scholarship in his/her second, third, or fourth year of enrollment at an eligible four-year institution in SC. In addition the student must have a declared major in a math or science field and have successfully completed a total of at least fourteen credit hours of instruction in mathematics and life and physical science courses (including AP, IB and dual enrollment courses taken during high school) by the end of the student’s first year of enrollment in college (based on initial date of college enrollment).

*Credit hours include any college credits earned during an academic year, as well as any AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, CLEP, and exempted credit hours

If You Plan to Transfer, Read This!

 Students who receive the LIFE Scholarship and transfer mid-year to another institution maybe eligible to receive the Scholarship orLIFE Scholarship Enhancement forthespringtermiftheymettheeligibilityrequirementsattheendof the previous academic year for both the LIFE Scholarship and the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement.

o If you are a freshman, mid-year transferring student, transferring to the same type of institution twoyear to two-year or four-year to four-year the same requirements apply (eligibility at time of enrollment).

o If you are a freshman transferring mid-year from a two-year to a four-year institution then you must meet the eligibility requirements of a first time entering freshman enrolling at a four year institution.

If transferring to another eligible institution, to receive the LIFE Scholarship INITIALLY, students must:

 Have earned a cumulative 3.0 LIFE GPA at eligible institutions; and

 Have earned a minimum of 30 credit hours (second year transfer), 60 credit hours (third year transfer), or 90 credit hours (fourth year transfer) at all prior institutions or an annual equivalent for a student who begins mid-year at the participating institution.

 To receive the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, the student must be a LIFE Scholarship recipient in their second, third, or fourth year of college enrollment (based on initial date of college enrollment). In addition, the student must declare a major in math or science and successfully completed a total of at least fourteen credit hours of instruction in mathematics and life and physical science courses (including AP, IB and dual enrollment courses taken during high school) by the end of the student’s first year of enrollment in college (based on initial date of college enrollment).

For scholarship eligibility after the initial year of transfer, students must:

Earn a cumulative 3.0 LIFE GPA based on grades earned at all eligible institutions attended excluding remedial, continuing education, and non-degree credit courses by the end of the academic year (fall, spring, summer); and Meet one of the following:

Earn 30 credit hours* if entering the second year of college based on initial enrollment; or

Earn 60 credit hours if entering the third year of college based on initial enrollment; or

Earn 90 credit hours if entering the fourth year of college based on initial enrollment; or

Earn 120 credithoursifenteringthefifth yearofan approved five-yearbachelor’sdegreeprogrambasedoninitial enrollment.

*Credit hours include any college credits earned during an academic year, as well as any AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, CLEP, and exempted credit hours

For the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, students must meet all eligibility requirements for the LIFE Scholarship and be a recipient of LIFE Scholarship funds. In addition, the students the student must be a math or science major who has successfully completed a total of at least fourteen credit hours of instruction in mathematics and life and physical science courses (including AP, IB and dual enrollment courses taken during high school) by the end of the student’s first year of enrollment in college (based on initial date of college enrollment).

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement?

There is no application for the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement The college or university will automatically determine eligibility and will notify students if eligible for the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement If you believe that you are eligible, but have not received notification from the institution, please contact the financial aid office at the college or university for additional information.

How long can I receive the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement?

The LIFE Scholarship is limited to ten (10) consecutive terms for the first approved five-year baccalaureate degree program, eight (8) consecutive terms for the first four-year degree program, four (4) consecutive terms for the first associate’s degree programor a two-year programthat is acceptable for fullcredittoward abaccalaureatedegreeortwo(2)consecutivetermsfor thefirstone-yearcertificateordiplomaprogram. Theavailablenumberoftermsforscholarshipfundingisbasedonthetimeof initial college enrollment.

Students may receive a LIFE Scholarship Enhancement for a maximum of six consecutive terms (i.e., three academic years) for a an approved associate's degree program that exceeds 68 credit hours, a first bachelor’s degree in an eligible program or an eligible program of study that is structured so as not to require a bachelor’s degree for acceptance into the program and leads to a graduate degree program, and eight consecutive terms (i.e., four academic years) towards an approved five-year bachelor’s degree program and six consecutive terms towards a 3 plus 2 program.

A list of approved five-year programs can be found here:

Can I qualify for the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement if I graduated from a high school out-of-state or completed an approved home school program as prescribed by law?

Yes, as long as you can provide verification to the college that you were a dependent of a South Carolina resident and a U.S. Citizen/Legal permanent resident at the time of high school graduation and at the time of college enrollment and you met all other eligibility criteria. In order to qualify for the LIFE Scholarship, the GPA and class rank requirements must be based on the UGP. Therefore, as a high school senior enrolled in an approved home school program or an out-of-state high school, you must request to have your grade point average and rank reported based upon on the UGP.

Should you feel that you meet the LIFE Scholarship eligibility requirements, please contact the admission office at your planned institution of attendance or the SC Commission on Higher Education to discuss the appropriate documentation that will need to be submitted on the student’s behalf. Additional information may be required in order to make a determination of LIFE Scholarship eligibility.

May I receive the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement if I am required to take remedial courses? First-time entering freshmen attending an eligible two-year or technical college who enroll in remedial courses during the first term(s) of enrollment will not be eligible for scholarship funds during this period unless the student is enrolled in at least twelve credit hours of non-remedial courses. Credit hours earned during the term(s) of remedial enrollment will not be used to determine remaining scholarship eligibility at the completion of remediation unless the student has completed at least twelve hours of non-remedial coursework each term of enrollment. The student will be eligible for the LIFE Scholarship for the term following completion of remediation if the student was eligible to receive the LIFE Scholarship upon high school graduation. Upon meeting all of the eligibility requirements for the LIFE Scholarship and the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, students can receive a LIFE Scholarship Enhancement during their second, third or fourth year of undergraduate study in a math or science related major.

What do I need to do to keep the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement once it is awarded?

Tokeep theLIFE Scholarship, studentsmustearn a cumulative3.0LIFEgradepointaverage(GPA)andanaverageof30credit hourseach academicyear. In addition, anycredithoursattempted orearned beforehigh schoolgraduation,hoursexemptedby examination, oradvanced placementcreditaccepted bytheinstitution asacademiccredit, willbereflected in thetotal number ofcumulativehoursearned. Also, rememberthattheacademicyear isconsidered fall, springand summer. Therefore,youcan usethesummertobringup aGPAorearn credithours. FortheLIFE ScholarshipEnhancement,thestudentmustcontinuetobe enrolled full-timeasamath orsciencemajoratafour-yearSCinstitution and bearecipientoftheLIFE Scholarship atthetime of LIFE Scholarship Enhancement disbursement.

How do I get the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement to transfer institutions?

If you transfer institutions you will need to contact the financial aid office at the new institution concerning your eligibilityfor the LIFE Scholarship and LIFE Scholarship Enhancement.

What happens if I fall below the minimum credit hour or GPA requirement?

Studentswhofailtoearn acumulative3.0 LIFE GPAattheend oftheacademicyearortherequisitenumberofhoursrequired, may regain eligibility the next academic year if their cumulative LIFE GPA is a 3.0 at the end of the academic year and they have earned a minimumof 30 credit hours if a rising sophomore, 60 credit hours if a rising junior, or 90 credit hours if a rising senior. Theacademicyearisconsidered fall, springand summer. Therefore,youcanusethesummertobringupaGPAorearn credit hours. Please consult your college or universityfinancial aid officetoverifythatcredithoursearned duringthesummer at another institution will be accepted. Students who do not meet the annual credit hour requirement at the end of each academic year (based on initial date of college enrollment) cannot receive a LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement.

What happens if an extenuating circumstance has caused me to fall below the required number of credit hours or grade point average?

If a truly extenuating circumstance resulted in the loss of LIFE Scholarship eligibility, you may submit an appeal to the Commission on Higher Education. Applications for appeal may be obtained after June 1 from the institution’s Financial Aid Office, theCommission on HigherEducation, or,FamiliesMilitary/Appeals.aspx.Applications are reviewed annually. The deadline for receipt of appeal applications is in late September. Please check the CHE website for specificappealsdeadlines. StudentscannotsubmitanappealtotheCommissionfortheLIFEScholarshipEnhancement. Students can only appeal the loss of a LIFE Scholarship.

May I use credit hours earned through AP, CLEP or collegiate hours earned prior to high school graduation toward the credit hour requirement?

Anycredithoursearned beforehigh schoolgraduation, hoursexemptedbyexamination,oradvancedplacementcredithoursdo not count against the semester limits and maybe used towards the credit hour requirement ifaccepted bytheinstitution forthe LIFE Scholarship and towards the fourteen credit hour requirement for the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement.

Can I use my LIFE Scholarship for a summer term?

Yes. A student would need to demonstrate meeting the continued eligibility requirements as stated above by the end of the spring term. Additional enrollment requirements for a summer term must be met in order for a student to receive the Scholarship.

Please contact the LIFE Scholarship coordinator at your home institution to discuss your specific summer term Scholarship eligibility.

Can I use the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement to study abroad, co-op, or go on an internship?

Yes, you can use the LIFE Scholarship and LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, but the home institution must approve the internship, cooperativeworkprogram, travelstudyprogram, orNationalorInternationalStudentExchangeprogramandaccept full-time transfer credit hours. In addition, you mustcontinue tomeeteligibilityrequirements. PleaseseeLIFE Regulation for the LIFE Scholarship and LIFE Scholarship Enhancement for further details.

Can I use the LIFE Scholarship to attend an out-of-state school?

No. In compliancewith theestablished LIFE Scholarship Lawand Regulations, astudentmustbeenrolledataneligibleSouth Carolina institution in order to participate in the LIFE Scholarship program.

A student may be eligible to participate in the Academic Common Market. The Academic Common Market allows for South Carolina residents who are enrolled in specific programs at out-of-state institutions to be charged only the applicable in-State tuition by the institution in which the student is enrolled. Participation in this program still does not allow for the LIFE Scholarship to be used at an out-of-state institution.

More information on the Academic Common Market can be found here:,FamiliesMilitary/LearningAboutCollege/AcademicCommonMarketInformation.aspx

What happens to my LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement if I get deployed with the military overseas? The semesters you are deployed will not count against the maximum terms of eligibility for the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement.

What happens if I drop out of school and re-start the next semester?

The LIFE Scholarship and the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement are continuous programs. Therefore, if you drop out or take a leave of absence from the institution, the “clock is still ticking” so to speak. You will still have to adhere to the yearly credit hour requirements just like you would ifyou werestillin school. Duringyourtimeoff, termsofeligibilityarebeingused even if you are not enrolled or receiving any LIFE Scholarship funds. The total terms of eligibility a student has is based upon the initial term of enrollment.

If I need to drop a class one quarter or semester will I lose the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement? No, you willnotautomaticallylosetheScholarship orEnhancement. Scholarshipsand Enhancementsareawardedtofull-time studentsannually. However, you mustmeetthecredithourrequirementbytheend oftheacademicyear tomaintaineligibility. Therefore, you must have a total of 30 credit hours after your first year, a total of 60 credit hours after your second year, and a total of 90 credit hours after your third year of college. Any credit hours attempted or earned before high school graduation, hoursexempted byexamination, oradvanced placementcreditaccepted bytheinstitutionasacademiccreditwillbereflectedin the total number of cumulative credit hours earned. Students must meet all eligibility requirements to receive a LIFE

Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement.

What happens if I have been convicted of an alcohol or other drug misdemeanor offense?

Students who have been adjudicated delinquent or have been convicted or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any second or subsequent alcoholorotherdrug-related misdemeanoroffenseareineligiblefortheLIFEScholarshipand/orLIFEScholarship Enhancement foroneacademicyearaftertheadjudication,conviction,orpleaoccurred Thestudentwillloseeligibilitythenext academic year immediatelyfollowing conviction and will lose the Scholarship and Enhancement for the fall and springterms.

May I qualify for the LIFE Scholarship if I complete my high school graduation requirements a semester early?

Studentswhocompletetheirhigh schoolgraduation requirements priortotheofficialgraduationdatereportedonthefinalhigh school transcript maybe eligibletoreceivetheLIFE Scholarship pendingtheapprovaloftheircollegeoruniversity. An Early Graduation Application Form can be obtained from your institution’s financial aid office

May I qualify for the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement if I qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?

Students who qualifyunder ADA can receive the LIFE Scholarship and the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement upon meeting all eligibility requirements (see, regulations) Students who qualifyunder the ADA must register with the institution’s Disability Services Office The Institutional DisabilityServices Provider must provide written documentation to the Office of Financial Aid each academic year verifying that the student is approved to be enrolled in less than full time status or earn less than the required annual credit hours. In order to renew the Scholarship each academic year, the student must complete the required numberofhoursapproved bytheinstitutional DisabilityServicesProviderandearnacumulative3.0LIFEgradepointaverage. Students must meet all requirements as stipulated by state law and regulation to receive a LIFE Scholarship and/or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement.

If I am a LIFE Scholarship/LIFE Scholarship Enhancement Recipient, am I eligible to receive Lottery Tuition Assistance during the summer of the same academic year?

No, according to the law, if you received the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, you cannotreceiveLottery Tuition Assistance during the same academic year For example, if you are awarded the LIFE Scholarship during the fall and spring terms, then you are not eligible toreceiveLotteryTuition Assistanceduringthesummerterm However, ifyou transfer mid-year from an eligible four-year institution to an eligible two-year institution and you received the LIFE Scholarship at the four-year institution, you may be eligible to receive Lottery Tuition Assistance.

If I am enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies Program at one of the USC Regional Campuses can I receive the LIFE Scholarship or LIFE Scholarship Enhancement for my 3rd and 4th years of study?

In orderforyou toreceivetheLIFE Scholarship and/orLIFE Scholarship Enhancement your3rd and 4th yearsofstudyyou will need to transfer to USC-Columbia.

For more information about the LIFE Scholarship Program or the LIFE Scholarship Enhancement, contact:

Dr. Gerrick Hampton, Program Manager 803-734-4397

***Please be aware that the information provided in this handout is subject to change during the Legislative Session. The Commission staff will update this information as necessary.

Palmetto FellowsScholarship

What is the Palmetto FellowsScholarship?

ThePalmettoFellowsScholarshipisamerit-basedprogramestablishedin1988andisadministeredbythe South CarolinaCommissiononHigherEducation. Theannualawardamountforthefreshmanyearisupto $6,700. The award amountforthesophomore,junior andsenioryears is upto $7,500 peryear. Half of the Scholarship is awarded in the fall term and half in the spring. The Scholarship must be applied directly toward the cost of attendance, less any other gift aid received. Assuming continued eligibility, Palmetto Fellows mayreceive scholarship funding for a maximum of two consecutive terms towards a one-year certificate or diploma program, or four terms (based on the date of initial college enrollment) toward the first associate degree or two-year diploma program, or eight terms (based on the date of initial college enrollment) toward the first bachelor’s degree or a program of study that is structured so as not to require a bachelor’s degree and leads to a graduate degree or for no more than a total of ten terms (based on the date of initial college enrollment) toward the first approved five-year bachelor’s degree at an eligible two-year or four-year institution in South Carolina

Purpose of the Palmetto FellowsScholarship:

• RECOGNIZE the most academically talented high school seniors inS.C.;

• ENCOURAGE academically talented students to attend college in the State;and

• RETAIN talented minority students who might otherwise pursue studies outside the State.

Initial EligibilityRequirements:


• In ordertobeeligible toapplyforaPalmettoFellows Scholarship,a highschoolseniormustalsomeet all of the following general eligibilityrequirements:

1) Beenrolled inan approved SCpublic orprivate highschool,an eligible SC homeschoolprogram of studyora preparatoryhigh schoollocated outsidetheState while a dependent of alegalresident of South Carolina;

2) Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) at the time of high schoolgraduation and be a legal resident of South Carolina as defined in applicable State statutes governing the determination of residency for tuition and fee purposes at the time of high school graduation;

3) Beseriouslyconsideringattending,haveapplied,orhavebeenacceptedforadmissiontoaneligible institution in South Carolina;

4) Certify that he/she has never been convicted of any felonies and has not been convicted of any secondorsubsequentalcoholorotherdrug-relatedmisdemeanoroffenseswithinthepastacademic year by submitting a signed affidavit to the college financial aid office;and

5) Cannot bearecipient of theLIFEScholarship,SCHOPEScholarship or LotteryTuition Assistance in the same academic year.


• For Early Awards, the school counselor/representative must submit the application and required documentation to the Commission on Higher Education (CHE) for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship by April 15th of the student’s senior year. If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday the deadline is the preceding Friday (students cannot use the Early Awards criteria to be eligible for the Late Awards). Students are eligible to apply if they meet one of the following sets of academic requirements:

1. Score at least 1200 on the SAT (25 on the ACT)1 by the March national test administration, earn a minimum 3.50 cumulative GPA2 on the SC Uniform Grading Policy (SC UGP) at the end of the junior year, and rank in the top six percent3 of the class at the end of either the sophomore or the junior year; OR

2. Score at least 1400 on the SAT (31 on the ACT)1 by the March national test administration and earn a minimum 4.00 cumulative GPA2 on the SC UGP at the end of the junior year.

• For Late Awards, the school counselor/representative must submit the application and required documentation to the CHE for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship by June 30th of the student’s senior year. If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday the deadline is the preceding Friday. High school seniors are eligible to apply if they meet one of the following sets of academic requirements:

1. Score at least 1200 on the SAT (25 on the ACT)1 bythe June national test administration of the senior year; earn a minimum 3.50 cumulative GPA2 on the SC UGP at the end of the senior year; and, rank in the top six percent3 of the class at the end of the sophomore, junior or senior year; OR

2. Score at least 1400 on the SAT (31 on the ACT)1 bythe June national test administration of the senior year and earn a minimum 4.00 cumulative GPA2 on the SC UGP at the end of the senior year.

In order to use rank as an eligibility criterion, the high school or home school association must have a policy on rank which has been reviewed to verify compliance with the South Carolina Uniform Grading Policy and established Regulations for the State Scholarship programs. For the PFS those schools and home school associations that do rank as a policy, and have fewer than twenty students, then the top two students (at the end of either the sophomore, junior, or senior academic year) regardless of rank will be able to use rank as an eligibility criterion. If your high school or home school association does not rank as a policy, or the student does not meet the rank eligibility requirement, then the student will need to use theAlternate eligibility Criteria for the State scholarship programs.

Private institutions that do not utilize the SC Uniform Grading Policy, out-of-state high schools, and third option must contact the Commission to determine which eligibility criteria must be used to qualify. If a school does not rank as a policy, the second eligibilitycriteria must be met.


1 See Question 1 for detailed information regarding the minimum SAT/ACT score requirements.

2 GPAs must be reported to at least two decimal places and cannot berounded.

3 Rank is calculated bymultiplying the number in class bysixpercent. If the result is not a whole number, then you should round it up to the next whole number. For example, a class size of 185 students would include the top twelve students since 11.1 rounds up to twelve (185 x 6% = 11.1, rounded to the next whole number of12).

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the qualifying score on the SAT (and equivalent ACT score)determined?

The score on the SAT must be calculated by using the highest Math score combined with the highest CriticalReadingscore. StudentscannotusetheWritingsubsectionscoretomeettheminimumSATscore. Beginning with the high school graduating class of 2022, the ACT can now be Superscored. A Superscored ACT must be calculated by using the highest English, Math, Reading and Science subject scores and then add the four scores together. Divide the sum of the four scores by four. If needed, round to the nearest whole number. The ACT Superscore calculator can be found here: superscore-calculator

When is the last SAT/ACT date used to qualify for thescholarship?


For Late Awards, test scores will be accepted through the June national test administration of the senior year. Students taking the June test administration date must have scores sent directly to the Commission by designating the following codes: SAT 4313; ACT 6326

Studentstakingthe June test administration date must ensure that their scoresarereceivedbythe CHE by July31st .

Students taking the June test administration date must have their school counselor/representative complete the electronic application by the deadline date, if they wish to be considered. School counselors/ representatives must also submit all other required documentation by the June 30th deadline and list June test taking applicants as “pending.”

If I attend high school out-of-state, am I still eligible toapply?

Yes. Students who attend out-of-state preparatory high schools may be eligible to apply if they are residents of South Carolina. These students are personally responsible for contacting the Commission about the application process and must adhere to the established deadlines. In order for out-of-state students to use their current rank as one of the eligibility criteria, the guidance counselor from the out-of-state high school must provide the high school’s grading system to the Commission on Higher Education. Upon review, the Commission will determine if the out-of-state high school’s grading system is comparable to the current SC UGP.

The current rank from the out-of-state high school maybe used, if the grading scales are determined to be comparable. Ifthegrading systemsare determinednon-comparable,thenthecurrentrankcannotbeused. In this case, out-of-statestudentsmust: 1) usethealternate criteria (score atleast 1400onthe SAT (31 on ACT) and earn aminimum 4.00cumulative GPA based onthe SC UGP) toqualifyforthescholarship; OR 2) the school counselor from theout-of-state school has the option of convertingthecumulativeGPAs of the applicant’s entiregraduating classtothecurrent SC UGPtodetermineifthestudentrankswithinthetop six percent. In addition, theschoolcounselormust submit theranking reportthatidentifiesallstudentsin the applicant’s classandtheir respective GPAs,their respective GPAs basedontheSCUGP, andtheSC UGP rank.Thestudent’shigh schoolcounselor must convertthestudent’sgradestotheSCUGP to determine if the student meets the minimum cumulative GPA. The conversion must be attached to the official out-of-state transcript and theSCUGPGPA must be listed onthe converted transcript. Theout-of- state high school counselor, in cooperation with the student, is responsible for submitting all required information by the established deadline. (Note: A preparatory high school is defined as a school recognized by the state in which the school is located to offer curricula through the twelfth grade and prepares students for college entrance.)


If I home school, what criteria must I meet to be eligible to apply?

The home school association must have an established ranking policy. If the home school association ranks as a policy, then the home school association must submit a ranking report on the association’s letterhead that includes class rank and GPA based on the SC UGP for all home school students in the student’s class. If using rank to be eligible to apply, students must home school through a South Carolina recognized home school association that ranks their members. To determine if your home school is recognized by South Carolina, please visit: home-schooling/. If the home school association is not recognized by South Carolina, the student must use the Alternate Criteria of eligibility.

Students may also be eligible to apply by scoring at least 1400 on the SAT (31 on ACT) and earning a minimum 4.0 cumulative GPA based on the SC UGP (without any regard to class rank). Students must meet all other eligibility criteria. The home school association, in cooperation with the home school student, is responsible for submitting all required information by the established deadline.

How do I qualify if I attend a high school that has a small class size (less than twenty students)?

For those schools/home school associations with fewer than twenty students in a class and that have a policy on rank that has been determined to be in compliance, the top two students shall be considered regardless of whether they rank in the top six percent of their class. These students must also have scored at least 1200 on the SAT (25 on the ACT) and earned a minimum 3.50 cumulative GPA on the SC UGP. If a student does not rank number one or number two in the class, he/she may also qualify by scoring at least 1400 on the SAT (31 on the ACT) and earning a minimum 4.00 cumulative GPA on the SC UGP (without anyregard to classrank). Studentsmustmeet allother eligibility criteria.


is the application process?

School counselors/representatives are provided application materials through the SC Guidance Counselor Listserv. School counselors/representatives identify eligible students in their high schools who meet the criteria of the scholarship. The school counselor/representative must submit an electronic application through CollegeNet by the established deadline date. Additionally, school counselors/representatives must submit the hardcopies of the required documentation to CHE on all eligible students and be in receipt of CHE by the established deadline date. If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday the deadline is the preceding Friday. The application information is provided to the school counselor/representative only.

The assistance of counselors is required to ensure that eligible students are given the opportunity to apply by providing the application information to these students. Application materials must be submitted to the CHE by the established deadlines. The Early Award deadline is April 15th and the Late Award deadline is June 30th of the year of high school graduation*. Please contact your high school counselor for additional information. It is the responsibility of the high school to contact the Commission on Higher Education for application information if they have not received any application information. *Once a student graduates high school they are no longer eligible to apply. Additionally, a student cannot earn the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship once they graduate from high school.

After submitting the application, when should I expect to be notified about the status of my application?

For the Early and Late Award processes, applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis. Students will be notified of their application status through the student’s e-mail designated on the electronic application. Please make sure students are also checking their spam/junk folders.

Upon notification of the conditional award, students are provided a Designation Form to complete and return to the Commission. Students must designate the institution they plan to attend the Fall term even if they plan on attending an out of state institution. Students must return the Scholarship Designation Form to the CHE by the established date. Failure to submit the Designation Form by the established deadline MAY affect scholarship funddistribution.

What is a conditional award notification?

Students who metthe academic requirementsforthe Palmetto Fellows Scholarshipandhavebeennotified by the Commission of a conditional award notification must prove both South Carolina residency requirements AND proof of US citizenship/legal permanent resident at their eligible SC institution. If proof of both requirements is not met, the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship will not be awarded.

Once I have been awarded the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, am I required to immediately enroll incollege?

Students selected as Palmetto Fellows have the ability to take a 'Gap Year' or a 'Gap Semester' immediately following their high school graduation. Students MUST enter an eligible SC institution no later than the fall term one year immediately following high school graduation. For example, if a student graduated in June 2022, they would need to enroll at an eligible SC institution no later than the Fall 2023 term in order to avoid forfeiting the scholarship. During the 'Gap Year' or 'Gap Semester' students cannot earn and/or attempt to earn any college credits, or the student will forfeit the scholarship. Once a student enrolls at an eligible SC institution, they must maintain continuous full-time enrollment. If a student has a break in continuous full-time enrollment at an eligible SC institution they will forfeit the scholarship. Students who chose to delay their initial college enrollment (take a ‘gap year’) will be required to complete and submit a Reapplication Form to CHE upon the time of their enrollment to determine their Palmetto Fellows eligibility. The Reapplication Form can be found here:

If my academic major is not offered in South Carolina, can I stillreceivethe Palmetto Fellow Scholarship if I will attend a college located outside the State?

No. StudentsselectedasPalmettoFellowsmust enrollinaneligible SCinstitution, evenifthestudent’smajor isnot offeredwithintheState. However, youmaybeeligiblefortheAcademic CommonMarket(basedon your enrollment in an eligible academic program at participating institutions in the Southern region). Additional information regarding this program is available at the followingwebsite:

Am I eligible for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship if I attend an out-of-state institution and then transfer back to an eligible South Carolina institution?

Yes, only if you were conditionally awarded the Scholarship during your senior year and you meet the continued eligibility requirements. Students must complete a Reapplication Form located at https:// If a student transfers mid-year, it is the responsibility of the student to complete the Reapplication Form. It is also the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to cover tuition and fees at the transferring institution until confirmation ofthe transferrequesthas beencompletedbyCHE. Astudentmusthavebeenpartofan Earlyor Late Award application periodduringtheiryearofgraduation,determinedtobeaPalmettoFellows Scholarship recipient, and demonstrated meeting allgeneralandcontinuedeligibilityrequirementsinorder to receive the scholarship.

Am I eligible to apply for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship if I complete my high school graduation requirementsearly?

An application must be submitted during the school year you plan to graduate from high school. If awarded the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, you must enroll and begin receiving the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship no later than the fall term immediately following high school graduation, or the student can choose to utilize a 'Gap Year' (or semester)

• For seniors who graduate mid-year (December/January): Studentswhograduatemid-yeartheirsenioryearmustapplyduringtheearlyawardsperiod. Students who choose to attend an eligible SC institution for the spring term, may be eligible for the PFS Scholarship by completing anEarlyGraduationApplication at theinstitutiontheywishto attendbytheir established deadline. Students who begin their initial enrollment during the spring term must earn 15 credit hours and a 3.0 cumulative institutional GPA by the end of the academic year in order to maintain eligibility for the next academic year.

Once I have been awarded a Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, are there specific criteria I must meet in order to retaineligibility?

Yes. You must do the following to renew your Scholarship each academicyear:

• Be continuously enrolled full-time at a four-year eligible institution at the time of Scholarship disbursement;

• Earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at your home institution for graduation purposes by the end of each academic year (beginning with fall, including spring and ending with the immediately succeeding summer);

• Earn at least 30 non-remedial credit hours for graduation purposes by the end of each academic year (beginning with fall, including spring and ending with immediately succeeding summer). Exemptedcredithours(i.e., AP,IB,CLEP),credithoursearnedbeforehighschoolgraduation(i.e.,dual enrollment courses) and credit hours earned the summer term immediately following high school graduation cannot be used to meet the annual credit hour requirement for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship;

• Maintain South Carolina residencyas defined inapplicable State statutesgoverning thedetermination of residency for tuition and feepurposes;

• Cannot be in default or owe a refund/repayment on any state or financial aid by submitting a signed affidavit to your college financial aid office;

• Certify that you have never been convicted of any felonies and have not been convicted of any second or subsequent alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor offenses within the past academic year by submitting a signed affidavit to your college financial aid office;and

• Complete any other documentation required by your college financial aidoffice.

May I use exempted credit hours, credit hours earned prior to high school graduation or credit hours earned the summer term immediately following high school graduation toward the annual credit hour requirement?

No. Students must earn 30 non-remedial credit hours each academic year. However, for Enhancement purposes only, these hours may be used to meet the 14 credit hours required by the end of the first academicyear.

Can I use my Palmetto Fellows Scholarship at a SC Two-Year Institution or Technical College?

Yes. Effective for Palmetto Fellows Scholarship recipients beginning with enrollment for the Fall 2021 term. This legislation did not grant Palmetto Fellows eligibility to students who attended a two-year institution prior to Fall 2021 and at that time chose to forfeit their Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. You can find additional information here:

Can I use my Palmetto Fellows Scholarship for a summer term?

Yes. A student would need to demonstrate meeting the continued eligibility requirements as stated above by the end of the spring term. Additional enrollment requirements for a summer term must be met in order for a student to receive theScholarship.

Please contact the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Coordinator in the Financial Aid Office at your home institution to discuss your specific summer term Scholarshipeligibility.

What happens if I am convicted of an alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor offense?

Students who have been adjudicated delinquent or have been convicted or pled guilty or nolo contendere to their first alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor offense will be held harmless and their Scholarship eligibility will not be affected. However, any second or subsequent alcohol or other drug-related misdemeanor offense will make you ineligible for the Scholarship for one academic year after the adjudication, conviction, or plea occurred. Scholarship eligibility will be forfeited the next academic year (fall and spring terms) immediatelyfollowing the second or subsequent conviction(s).

What happens if I am convicted of a felony?

Students who have been convicted of a felony are no longer eligible to receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship or the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement

If I am mobilized/deployed by the military, will I lose my eligibility for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship?

The terms you are mobilized/deployed will not count against the maximum terms of eligibility. You are required to re-enroll at an eligible four-year institution within twelve months upon being demobilized. You are also required to provide official documentation to verify your military mobilization to your college financial aid office. (Note: Military mobilization is defined as any situation in which the U.S. Department of Defense orders members of the United Stated Armed Forces to active duty away from their normal duty assignment during a time of war or national emergency).

What requirements must I meet in order to renew my Palmetto Fellows Scholarship if I qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?

Students who qualify under the ADA must register with their college accessibility services office. The Disability Services Officer must provide written documentation to the office of financial aid before the start of each academic year. The documentation should include at a minimum whether the student has been approved to be enrolled less than full-time or earn less than the required thirty credit hours per year. In order to renew the Scholarship each academic year, the student must complete the required number of hours approved by the college Disability Services Provider and earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the home institution for graduationpurposes.

What happens if my cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0 or I don’t earn thirty credit hours by the end of the academic year?

Students have the opportunity to increase their GPA by the end of the academic year (summer term). Students must attend their home institution if they intend to increase their GPA in the summer. Students may attend another eligible institution if they wish to increase their credit hours provided that their home institution will accept the credit hours for graduation purposes.

Ifthecontinuedeligibilityrequirementsarenotmaintained,youforfeitcontinuedparticipationintheprogram and yourScholarshipwillbediscontinued. However,ifalegitimateextenuatingcircumstanceaffectedyour abilityto meettherenewalrequirements, youmaysubmit anappealbytheestablished deadline. Appeals must be submitted immediately following your notification of failing to meet the renewal requirements. Applications for appeal may be obtained from the Commission on Higher Education’s web site at:

If I need to drop a class for the term, will I automatically lose the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship?

No. As long as you are enrolled full-time at the time of scholarship disbursement, you have until the end of the academic year (including the immediately succeeding summer) to complete the required thirty credit hours. However, before dropping any class(es), you should contact the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Coordinator at your college financial aid office. Due to varying refund periods at each college, youmay berequiredtorepayfundsyou receivedbasedonthedateyoudroppedbelowfull- time status.

Can I use my Palmetto Fellows Scholarship to study abroad, co-op or to participate in an internship or exchangeprogram?

Yes. You may be eligible to receive Scholarship funds if the program is approved by your college and is accepted byyour college as full-time transfer credit.

Although you will not receive Scholarship funds, you may participate in a program that is approved by your college but is not eligible for full-time transfer credit. However, you are not allowed to participate in any programs that are not approved by your college. Please contact the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Coordinator at your college financial aid office for further information.

How do I transfer my Palmetto Fellows Scholarship from one eligible college to another eligible college within SouthCarolina?

You will need to complete the In-State Transfer Form, which is available onlineat: Transfers must receive prior approval from the Commission on Higher Education. Palmetto Fellows cannot receive funding for morethaneighttermsatalleligiblecollegesandthecontinuedeligibilityrequirementsmust be maintained.

If a student transfers mid-year, it is the responsibility of the student to complete the In-State Transfer Form. It is also the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to cover tuition and fees at the transferring institution until confirmation of the transfer request has been completed byCHE.

If I graduate early from college (before using the eight terms of Palmetto Fellows Scholarship funding), can I use the remaining funds toward another bachelor’s degree or a graduate degree?

No. In the event of early graduation, the Scholarship is discontinued and all remaining terms are forfeited. Additionally, the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship cannot be applied to a second bachelor’s degree or to graduate coursework. The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship can be prorated for the student's final term of enrollment immediately prior to graduation.

Can I receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship in combination with the LIFE or SC HOPE Scholarship?

No. If you are receiving a Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, you cannot receive the LIFE or SC HOPE Scholarship within the same academic year. However, if you lose your Palmetto Fellows Scholarship at the end of the year, you maybe eligible to earn the LIFE Scholarship the next academic year.

Am I eligible to receive Lottery Tuition Assistance during the summer of the same academic year I receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship?

No. If you are receiving a Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, you cannot receive Lottery Tuition Assistance during the same academic year. For example, if you are awarded the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship during the fall and spring terms, then you are not eligible to receive Lottery Tuition Assistance during the immediately succeeding summer at a two-year or technical college.

Can I earn the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship once I have started college?

No. The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship must be awarded during the senior year of high school. However, the LIFE Scholarship may be earned after starting college. Please review the requirements for earning the LIFE Scholarship onpage threeoftheLIFEScholarshipQ&A document onthe Commission’s web siteat:

For more information about the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, pleasecontact: Ms. Kathryn Harris


General inquiries can be sent to:

Although information is accurate when provided, please note that the information is subject to change based on new legislation. Information will be updated asnecessary.

The Commission also provides a news release to all major newspapers in South Carolina regarding the Palmetto Fellows Scholarshipandapplicationdeadlinesforthecurrentgraduatingclass. Studentswho are enrolledatanout-of-statehighschool arepersonallyresponsibleforcontactingtheCommissionabout the application process and must adhere to the same deadlines.

Palmetto Fellows ScholarshipEnhancement

What is the Palmetto Fellows ScholarshipEnhancement?

The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement was established during the 2007 legislative session and is a merit-based incentive for Palmetto Fellows to major in mathematics and science. Palmetto Fellows are not eligible for the Enhancement during their freshman year. Palmetto Fellows may become eligible for the Enhancement beginning with their sophomore year and continuing through their senior year. The annual award amount for students receiving both the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship and Scholarship Enhancement cannot exceed $10,000 (total amount of combined funds from $7,500 Palmetto Fellows Scholarship and $2,500 Enhancement) per year. Half of the Enhancement is awarded in the fall term and half in the spring. The Enhancement must be applied directly toward the cost of attendance, less any other gift aid received. Assuming continued eligibility, Palmetto Fellows may receive Enhancement funding for a maximum of six consecutive terms of full-time study toward the first bachelor’s degree at an eligible four-year institution in South Carolina. Palmetto Fellows may receive Enhancement funding for up to eight consecutive terms of full-time study toward the first approved five-year bachelor’s degree or first 3 + 2 program.

Purpose of the Palmetto Fellows ScholarshipEnhancement:

• Increase the number of students in South Carolina who major in science andmathematics

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an application required to receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement?

No. Palmetto Fellows are not required to apply for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement. The student’s homeinstitutionwillreviewastudent’stranscripttodetermine if thestudentmetthe14 credithour requirement intheirfirst academic year and if theyare enrolled in aneligible major atthehome institution.If the student is determined Enhancement eligible the institution will automatically award the Enhancement beginning notsoonerthanthesecondacademicyearofcollegeenrollment iftheeligibility requirementsare met.

What are the initial eligibility requirements for receiving theEnhancement?

Palmetto Fellows must successfullycomplete at least 14 credit hours of instruction inmathematics or life and physical sciences or a combination of both bythe end of their freshman year.

Additionally, all Palmetto Fellows must enroll full-time and degree seeking in a declared major in mathematics or science that has been approved and assigned a CIP code by the Commission on Higher Education. Eligibility for Enhancement funds begins with the sophomore/second year and continues through the senior year (not eligible for the Enhancement the first year). Students must meet the continued eligibility requirements for the underlying Palmetto Fellows Scholarship to be eligible for Enhancement funds.

What courses can be used to meet the fourteen credit hours required by the end of my freshman year?

To meet the required fourteen credit hours bythe end of the first academic year, please refer to the list of approved courses on the Commission’s web site at:

Additionally, the following credit hours may be used to meet the fourteen credit hours required at the end of the freshman year for Enhancement purposes only:

Revised 10/2022

1) Exempted credit hours (i.e., AP, IB, CLEP); 2) credit hours earned while in high school (dual enrollment); 3) credit hours earned during the summer session immediately prior to the student’s initial college enrollmentin fall, and; 4) Pass/fail courses with a grade of “Pass” only.

What mathematics and science majors are eligible for the Palmetto Fellows ScholarshipEnhancement?

A list of declared majors by institution is available on the Commission’s website and can be found here:

What eligibility requirements must I meet to continue receiving Enhancement funds?

In order to maintain the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement, Palmetto Fellows must continue to declare an approved major, meet the institution’s criteria for satisfactory academic progress in that major and meet all continued eligibilityrequirements for the underlying Palmetto Fellows Scholarship.

What happens if I fail to meet the continued eligibility requirements for the Enhancement?

If the continued eligibility requirements are not maintained, you forfeit continued participation and Enhancement funding will be discontinued. You may still receive the underlying Palmetto Fellows Scholarship if you have maintainedeligibility.

If you also lose eligibility for the underlying Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, you may submit an appeal by the October deadline if a legitimate extenuating circumstance affected your ability to meet the renewal requirements (for additional information, please see question seventeen in the Q & A for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship provided above). However, students are not eligible to appeal solely for loss of their Enhancement funds.

For more information about the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement, please contact:

Ms. Kathryn Harris


General inquiries can be sent to:

Although information is accurate when provided, please note that the information is subject to change based on new legislation. Information will be updated as necessary.

Revised 10/2022

Transcript Release Form


NameofCollege(s)Transcripts shouldbesentto:




____Ifyouareincludingtestscoreswithyourapplication,itisyourresponsibilitytoknowifyourcollege(s)requiresofficialscores (meaningsentdirectlyfromtheapplicableinstitutiontothecollege)oriftheywillacceptself reportedscores. Youareresponsiblefor requestingandsendingallofficialtestscoresandacknowledgethatSJCSisnotabletosendofficialtestscores.

____PleasenotethatallLettersofRecommendationwillbesentdirectlytothecollegesindicatedandwillnotbeshowntothe student/parent. Bysigningbelowyouareacknowledgingyourunderstandingofthisandagreetowaiveyourrightstoreviewthese letters. AllrequestsforTeacherLettersofRecommendationsmustbemadedirectlytotheteachers.

____TranscriptRequestFormsMUSTbesubmitteddirectlytotheCollegeCounselingOfficeviahanddelivery/in personmeeting. No transcriptswillbesentwithoutthisform.

____Pleaseallowfourweeksforprocessing. Allrequestsshouldbemadeatleast30dayspriortoyourcollege’sdeadline.


____BysigningthisformIacknowledgethatIhavereviewedandapprovedmytranscript. InadditionIacknowledgethatIamawareof St.Joseph’spolicyondisclosingdisciplinehistory.


Official College Visit Record

Student Name ______________________________________________

Grade _________

College ___________________________________________________________________

Date (s)___________________________________________________________________

College Official Signature

Title of Official ______________________________________________________

Email address of official_______________________________________________

I certify that the above information is true and accurate.

Parent Signature______________________________________________

Official documentation from the college/university must be attached to this form. Examples of official documentation included: personal itinerary of student’s campus visit, statement from admissions counselor/coach on college’s/university’s letterhead, business card of admissions counselor/coach.

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