St. Joseph’s School Prayer
Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.
From the Head of School
Advent Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!
I am writing this letter on the Monday following one of the most improbable SJCS athletic victories I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing in my time at the school. Down 21 to 0 in the third quarter to perennial football state champions Southside Christian, I watched our Knights claw their way back into the game in the final quarter and a half to force overtime and then defeat the Sabres on a two point conversion. It was a truly remarkable performance by the players and coaches and a thing of beauty witnessing the boys’ determination and skill as they turned the tide of a playoff game that had all but been lost. As Walker Wood crossed the goal line on the two point conversion to win the game, the crowd erupted in joy and rushed the field to celebrate with the players and coaches.
My favorite moment from the night was hearing one of the players shout to his dad who was pacing in the stands as we were about to go for two: “Tell mom to start praying the Rosary!” Ah, the things you experience only in a Catholic school!
It was an incredibly fun night for our whole community and a moment of pure joy as we celebrated with hugs and handshakes on mid field. I’m pretty sure I hugged a few people I didn’t even know. It was one of those moments! Reflecting on this a few days later, I was struck by the fact that this moment was made possible for the community by all of the hard work the players and coaches put in during the season and throughout the year in the weight room.
It’s no secret that we have an excellent athletic program at St. Joseph’s, led by our Athletic Director, Coach Eric Nash. He and our coaches work incredibly hard to provide moments like this for all of our student athletes and our community as a whole. Just about every week after Mass, Coach Nash gives a rundown of all the accomplishments of our teams, including the girls’ volleyball team winning its 11th state championship in the last 12 years!
Over the years, we’ve said that we compete and win the St. Joseph’s Way, meaning that we do so keeping the mission at the center of the experience and that we do so with our students. In other words, we
\ December 2022/January 2023 Edition
of School .................. 1 Things You Need To Know ................ 3 Middle School Exam Schedule 8 High School Exam Schedule 8 Exam Guidelines ................................ 8 From the Middle School Director ..... 9 From the High School Director ....... 10
Support Services & College Counseling Office ......... 10
....... 11
................. 11
...... 12
.................... 13
.................... 14
Athletic Department
Business Office
From the Development Office
From the Fine Arts Department
From the Parents Guild
From the School Nurse
don’t recruit or rent athletes so our teams can be better. That was one of the things that was so gratifying watching the improbable comeback playoff victory. Those were our kids, many of whom are undersized by comparison and yet they and the coaches found a way to win. Of course, we’d welcome some bigger St. Joseph’s students, mind you, without sacrificing our integrity or admissions standards
As we watch our students compete, we are cognizant of their lives off of the playing field. Generally, and sometimes even specifically, the faculty and staff have an idea of how those students are doing in their classes, and what they and/or their families might be going through at the time.
At St. Joseph’s, athletics is about so much more than just wins, losses, and championships. It’s an opportunity for adults (teachers, coaches, and parents) to accompany their student athletes as they bond together over their common love of the game. Competition has a way of drawing out and revealing the desires and needs of the human heart in unique and wonderful ways (okay, sometimes in not so wonderful ways, too!). I like the way the St. Joseph’s Way explains it: We approach sports as a privileged opportunity for personal growth and team building, while viewing winning as a byproduct of doing things well and defeat as an opportunity to build character and learn from mistakes and disappointments.
Because sports is such a significant part of the student and community experience at St. Joseph’s (over 80% of our students participate in at least one sport), the Standards Committee of the Board of Trustees has asked us to articulate how our athletic program contributes to fulfilling the school’s mission of forming the minds, hearts, and souls of our students in the likeness of Christ according to The St. Joseph’s Way. Specifically, Coach Nash and I have been tasked with developing a document that spells out how our sports programs support the Infinite Worth of each student athlete; reinforce the Positivity of Reality; help students to discover their personal Fulfillment in Christ, and finally, how our coaches Personally Accompany their players as they verify the school’s Christian proposal. We’ll be working on this in the second semester and hope to have a document to share with you later in the year or early next fall.
Before closing this letter, I would like to wish you and your family a Blessed Advent Season and a Merry Christmas. Advent is a four week liturgical season during which the Church invites us to prepare our hearts for a new experience of Christ’s birth and his ongoing presence in our lives. I hope that you and your family can find time for quiet and prayer during the busy holiday season to be reminded of how much God loves you and desires to be close to you and your family.
In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for Ryan’18, Katie Ann’22 and Emmaclaire Byrne on the passing of their great aunt and for Isabel’20, Jane’22, Michael Poinsette, and Jordan Plumblee on the passing of their grandfather.
With Love and Prayers, Keith F. Kiser Head of School
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 2
Things You Need To Know
Catholic Schools Week Planning Meeting, November 28
Be sure to highlight January 29-February 4, 2023 on your new calendar to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week. Stay tuned to social media to hear about the daily activities planned for both students and families to honor our parishes, community, vocations, teachers and staff as well as our families. If you are interested in helping to plan the variety of activities for the upcoming National Catholic Schools Week, join us Monday, November 28 at 1:00 PM in the large conference room (on the administration hall) to hear about all the fun things we have planned and how you can help make it a memorable week for both students and families. If you can’t attend but are still interested in helping, please contact Christine Balts via email or by phone (703-498-7416).
Giving Tuesday, November 29
Let’s get ready for Giving Tuesday on Tuesday, November 29. We’re asking everyone to donate either $19.93 in honor of the year the school was founded or $30 in honor of the 30th anniversary of the school. For questions or to donate, contact Andrea Gray
Spring Musical Auditions Rescheduled,
November 29 30
Auditions for the Spring Musical have been rescheduled to November 29 30, with callbacks on December 1. Audition details will be emailed to students prior to Thanksgiving Break. Questions? Contact Fine Arts Director, Teresa McGrath
Tigers for Life Presentation,
December 1
Join SJCS Students for Life for a great event! Loving Life from the Moment of Conception - enjoy the inspired passion of Alivia Grace Talley, a junior at Clemson, who is the president of Tigers for Life and spokesperson for Students for Life of America. Alivia Grace will share her insights and welcome questions. This event will take place at 8:00 AM in the JP II Center and is open to high school students and all parents.
Christmas Wreath Sale Deadline Extended to December 5
Help support the SJCS Fine Arts Programs through the annual Jubilate Guild Online Christmas Wreath Fundraiser. These beautiful fresh wreaths, centerpieces, and live tabletop trees come from Minnesota and are delivered to you and your loved ones (or business associates) starting in mid November. Click HERE to purchase your wreath and enter the fundraising code, STJOSESC001. Contact Erin Brasington for assistance with your bulk order. An Amazon gift card will be given to the student who sells the most wreaths.
Practice ACT Test, December 3
We will be giving a Princeton Review ACT Practice Test at school on Saturday, December 3, from 9:15 AM-1:00 PM. This test is geared toward juniors or seniors who have not yet taken the ACT, but interested sophomores may also attend. The experience will help students become familiar with the ACT format and learn about which areas they need to focus on to improve their scores when they take the actual ACT for college admissions purposes. Please click HERE for more information and to register by November 29. Test participants are also invited to attend an online Princeton Review “Strategy Session” beforehand on December 1 from 6:30 7:30 PM. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering
Christmas Concerts, December 6 & 7
This year the Fine Arts Department will sponsor the following concerts which will begin at 7:00 PM in the St. John Paul II Center.
• Tuesday, December 6: Band Ensembles
• Wednesday, December 7: Strings & Choral Ensembles
Admission is free to all concerts. Jubilate Arts Guild members will receive priority seating based on their membership level. Click HERE to join. Seating will not be assigned, but the doors will open to Jubilate members at 6:30 PM, followed by general admission at 6:45 PM. Be sure to pick up your Jubilate Arts Guild member tag at check in. Additionally, the Fine Arts Department decals and Christmas ornaments will be available for purchase in the HS Commons.
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 3
Schedule Change on December 7 & 8
December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and a Holy Day of Obligation. Due to this, Wednesday, December 7 will be a Thursday schedule with classes ending at 3:00 PM. Thursday, December 8 will be a Wednesday schedule and there will be an all school Mass. Dress uniforms should be worn on Thursday.
Toys for Tots Drive Ends December 9
Donations of new, unwrapped toys for children of all ages are accepted. These toys will be distributed by the local US Marines Corps. Toys can be dropped off in the front office. This event is sponsored by the Bakhita House.
Fall Art Exhibit on Display thru December 9
Please join the SJCS Visual Arts students in celebrating the second annual Fall Art Exhibit. Artwork of HS and MS students will be on display from Friday, October 21 through Friday, December 9. Artwork can be viewed in the school library, the MS commons, the HS commons, and the first floor hallways. Enjoy!
Quarter 2 Ends, December 9
Grading for the second quarter ends on Friday, December 9. Parent and student access to gradebook and report cards in FACTS Family Portal will close Friday afternoon to allow faculty to enter and finalize grades. Family Portal will reopen after Report Cards are issued December 20.
Middle School Schedule, December 12-14
Eighth grade students will have semester exams. Sixth and seventh graders do not have semester exams. However, these classes will have final projects or assessments to end the term. All middle school students will follow the exam schedule and guidelines detailed in this edition of News and Notes. Please note there are several changes in the order of classes for middle school . Please pay special attention to the schedule. This schedule means that middle school students do not have school on Thursday, December 15. First semester ends on Wednesday, December 14 for middle school students. Please look carefully at the exam schedule in this edition of News & Notes. Parents should avoid taking students out for appointments on exam days and remember that exams may not be taken early.
High School Semester Exams, December 12–15
Please see the exam schedule and guidelines detailed in this edition of News and Notes. Please avoid taking students out for appointments on exam days and remember that exams may not be taken early.
Late Stay During Exam Week, December 12-14
There will be Late Stay from 12:30-6:00 PM on Monday, December 12 through Wednesday, December 14. There will be NO Late Stay on Thursday, December 15.
Advent Retreat, December 15
SJCS Campus Ministry will host an Advent Retreat for high school students after the last exam on Thursday December 15. More information will be sent to students and parents by email. Questions? Contact SJCS Campus Minister Gabe Lewis.
Christmas Break, December 16-January 2
Friday, December 16 will be make up exams ONLY. The school and school offices will be closed. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 3.
Second Quarter/First Semester Grades Emailed to Parents, December 20 Quarter 2/Semester I Report Cards will be emailed on Tuesday, December 20 after 4:00 PM. Please remember to check your spam or junk email folder. If you do not receive the link for the Report Card, please email Carol Curry, the school registrar. Email the teacher for any questions regarding your student’s grade.
HS Semester II Add/Drop Period, January 3 13
The final day to add or drop a course for the second semester is January 13. Course Add/Drop Request Forms are available in the College Counseling Office. Full year courses cannot be modified during the second semester. Only semester courses may be changed if space is available.
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 4
Priority Admissions Testing, January 7 or February 4
Parents with children interested in applying for fall 2023 priority admission should submit an online application (found HERE). Priority testing dates are Saturday, January 7, 2023 or Saturday, February 4, 2023. The January testing date will close soon. Applicants sign up for one date when they complete the application. There is no preference given to either of these dates…applicants who test in January are not given priority over those who test in February. These are the best dates to test because these applicants will get the first look and be the first to receive their admissions notifications (around March 15). Rising freshmen applicants who test in January or February may also compete for one of our St Joseph’s Scholar (half tuition) Awards.
Happily Ever Before (8th Grade Play), January 12
The SJCS Fine Arts Department will be presenting the fifteenth annual 8th grade play on Thursday, January 12. Join us for this production, starring students from the 8th grade class. The performance begins at 7:00 PM with free admission. Seating will be open for Jubilate Arts Guild members from 6:30 6:45 PM; general admission will begin at 6:45 PM. Concessions will be for sale during intermission.
Upcoming Eighth Grade Events, January 12 & January 25
• High School Preview Night is Thursday, January 12: All eighth grade parents are invited to campus (prior to the Eighth Grade Play) on Thursday, January 12 from 6:00-7:00 PM in the Meeting Room. Dr. Jones, Mr. Haffey, and several of the ninth grade teachers will be on hand to talk about the return on investment that St. Joseph's offers in high school. You'll hear about the curriculum, student life, campus ministry, and more! The program will also include a discussion on high school course selections and criteria for class placement in high school CP and Honors classes. You won’t want to miss this!
• Eighth Grade Day is Wednesday, January 25: Your eighth grade son or daughter will take our high school scholarship/placement test on Eighth Grade Day on January 25. Eighth graders will not attend their regular classes on this day, and they will dismiss at the normal 1:15 PM dismissal time. There are several reasons for completing this test: 1) All SJCS 8th graders will be eligible to compete for one of two academic scholarships awarded each year to two incoming ninth graders, and 2) This test provides us valuable comparison and placement data on our incoming ninth grade students. Please note that this is not a test to get into our high school, as your child is already a St. Joseph’s student. As with every SJCS student who wishes to re enroll each year, the re enrollment contract and the re enrollment fee, due in February 2023, will secure their spot in the ninth grade class.
• Eighth Grade “Lunch with the Leaders”: Eighth grade students in the Drexel House completed their luncheon in October. Eighth grade students in the Romero House will have their luncheon on November 28. The Bakhita House Luncheon will be December 5, and the Molla House Luncheon will be January 30. As a reminder, these luncheons, led by the senior House Leaders with Mrs. J and Mr. Kiser present, are designed to serve as a halfway checkpoint in your child’s St. Joseph’s career; eighth graders will be invited to share how their middle school experience has been and encouraged to ask questions as they begin to plan for high school. If your eighth grade child has yet to attend his/her luncheon, look for an email from Jenny Starks a few weeks ahead of time with a link to a survey for eighth graders to complete prior to the luncheon.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Day, January 16
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the school and school offices will be closed on Monday, January 16.
Jubilate Knight Talent Competition Auditions, January 18 & 26
• Auditions: Auditions will be Wednesday, January 18 (1:30 6:00 PM) and Thursday, January 26 (3:10-6:00 PM). Any member of the SJCS community is welcome to audition and students can earn points for their Household simply by auditioning. Traditional and non traditional talents are welcome and performances may be up to four minutes in length. Be sure to start preparing your performance act now and work on it over the Christmas Break. Audition information and form can be found HERE and you can sign up for your audition time HERE
• New category: Performance Technology submissions. Submissions should use the form found HERE by January 26. Questions? Contact Teresa McGrath.
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 5
March for Life Trip, January 20
Please pray for the busload of St. Joe’s students who will be attending the National March for Life in Washington DC on January 20. Questions? Contact SJCS Students for Life Club Moderator Jill Kriegel.
Jubilate Knight Visual Art Competition Deadline, January 27
Jubilate Knight for the Arts will continue to include a Visual Art competition in addition to the performance event! Student, adult, and alumni submission information can be found HERE The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 27. Questions? Contact Anne Meyer.
Junior Class Kairos Retreat, January 27-29 & March 10-12
Historically, the junior class is offered the opportunity to attend the Kairos retreat, a 3 day, 2 night retreat dedicated to encountering Christ in the reality of our daily lives, through the community and through the sacraments. This year, we are hosting two Kairos retreats and opening it up to seniors who were unable to attend as juniors last year. The dates for the retreats are January 27 29 and March 10 12. Any junior or senior who has not previously been on a Kairos retreat may attend. Questions? Contact SJCS Assistant Campus Minister Catherine Showghi
Junior College Planning Night, February 6
We will have Brand R. Stille, Vice President for Enrollment at Wofford College here to present on February 6 at 7:00 PM in the JP II Center. He will present on some of the following topics: College Admission Calendar, Key Terms (Early Decision, Early Action, Rolling Admission, Wait List, Common Application, etc.), Student/Parent/School Responsibilities, How to Research College Information, College Entrance Exams, and Financial Aid. At least one parent must attend with their student. We will let you know who your college counselor will be and will begin scheduling individual student/family meetings following this meeting.
Parent Social & Dialogue with School Administrators, February 9
This is a great opportunity to hear from and socialize with school administrators and other parents in a small, informal setting. Prior to the Freshman/Sophomore College Counseling program, all current SJ parents are invited into the school on Thursday night, February 9 from 5:30-7:00 PM in the Meeting Room. Enjoy wine and cheese from 5:30 6:00 PM, and beginning at 6:00 PM, Mr. Kiser and other school administrators will share information about the school and invite your questions and participation. Please note that this is a parent only event; however, supervision for freshmen or sophomores attending the College Night program will be provided.
Freshman & Sophomore College Counseling Night, February 9
We will be having our annual meeting for freshmen and sophomores and their parents to discuss general academic and college planning items at 7:00 PM on February 9 in the JP II Center. All Freshman and Sophomore families must attend this meeting at least once (either during the student's freshman or sophomore year). Students are asked to sit with their parents.
Senior Mission Trip, February 26 March 1
The Senior Mission Trip will be from Sunday, February 26 through Wednesday, March 1 in Charleston, SC. We will be staying at Camp St. Christopher. The estimated cost of the trip is around $400, but that will depend on how many students attend. More information will be sent out in December. Questions? Contact Keitt Brace
Diocesan Youth Conference, March 3-4
The Diocese of South Carolina’s Youth Evangelization Team will be hosting a conference for high school students across the state, and St. Joe’s will be organizing a group to attend. The conference will be held at the Columbia Convention Center March 3 4. More information about registering will be sent later in January. Questions? Contact SJCS Assistant Campus Minister Catherine Showghi.
Greece Trip Summer 2024
Lock in the lowest rates by registering now! This would make a wonderful Christmas gift. More info and registration can be found HERE. Questions? Contact Elaine Trakas.
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 6
Attention All Parents!
St. Joe’s Student Recruitment/Tuition Credit Program is ongoing. Applications for fall 2023 admissions are now open, and we hope that more current SJCS parents will choose to take advantage of this program. Over 25 current SJCS parents received a tuition credit for $500 (or more!) on their billing statement in November for their multiple referrals recruiting families to the school through this program. Please note that the new family must list the referring family on the student application in order for the referring family to receive the $500 credit. Click HERE to read more.
Has Your Information Changed?
If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Jenny Starks.
New Visitor Software Being Implemented
We will be implementing a new visitor software system starting sometime after Thanksgiving Break. This system is for safety and to ensure an accurate count of students, staff, and visitors in the building at any particular time, in the unlikely event of an emergency. All parents, visitors, and volunteers will be required to have an ID (ex. drivers license) to scan upon arrival. Please be patient with us as we implement this new system. This system is very similar to ones used throughout the country as well as Greenville County.
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 7
High School Exam Schedule
8:05 AM10:00 AM 1st Period 3rd Period 5th Period 7th Period Make Up Exams (If Needed)
10:20 AM12:15 PM 2nd Period 4th Period 6th Period Make Up Exams (If Needed)
Exam Guidelines
• Students may NOT test early nor will exams be administered outside of their scheduled date.
• High school students should report directly to their exam room and must be seated by 8:00 AM.
• Anyone not in attendance after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy. No students are to be admitted to the exam once the exam has been distributed. Likewise for the second exam, students should be seated and attendance taken by 10:15 AM and no student will be admitted after the exam has been distributed.
• Students should bring review materials for other exams and study quietly if they finish an exam before the end of the exam period. Silence should be maintained from the moment exams are distributed until all exams are collected at the end of the exam period.
• Students with questions should raise their hands quietly.
• Once an exam begins, students are not permitted to leave the room. Restroom trips should be for emergencies only and then only after the student has turned in their exam.
• Students with only one exam on a given day need be present only for that exam. If they do not have a 10:20 AM exam they may leave at the end of the 8:00 AM exam period. Similarly, if a student does not have an 8:00 AM exam, they do not need to report until the 10:20 AM exam period (by 10:15 AM). All students leaving or arriving between the exam times must go to the library.
• Students will NOT be dismissed until the end of their exam period.
• Any student not in uniform, will not be allowed to take their exam.
• Students may bring review materials for other exams to study quietly if they finish their exam early. Silence should be maintained from the moment the exams are distributed until all exams are collected at the end of the testing period.
• Quiet is to be maintained at all times. Students should remain in their seats until the last exam is turned in.
• There should be no cell phones or smart watches out for any reason during an exam.
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 8
Monday December 12 Tuesday December 13 Wednesday December 14
Monday December 12 Tuesday December 13 Wednesday December 14 Thursday December 15 Friday December 16
From the Middle School Director
“Work every day at increasing your purity of heart, which consists in appraising things and weighing them in the balance of God’s will.” Saint Francis de Sales
Last year, I was introduced to a podcast called “Abiding Together.” The podcast, started in 2017, was the fruit of a deep friendship between two married women and a Catholic nun. The topics were relevant and inspiring, and their desire to more authentically live their Catholic, Christian lives encouraged me. While the podcast is on a brief hiatus now, it was their last episode that really had an impact on me.
Heather Khym, one of the married women on the team, shared a practice that she and her husband started about seven years ago. At the start of every school year in August, as seasons change and school aged children begin a new journey, Heather and her husband take time to reflect and evaluate their own path as a married couple, and if that path is truly in response to God’s will in their lives. “Do you still want us to do all these things this way … Is this what our children are needing? … Do you still want this to be our focus?”1 As I listened to Heather share her experience, I imagined the vulnerability in that work and in that action, wondering what a response would look like if, in fact, discernment revealed that the current path had veered off course. It is a powerful practice that takes some serious courage and commitment. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it.
Y’all have heard about my bike in the garage prayer time, and my long list of intentions. So, as I’ve thought about what this practice could look like in my life and the life of my family, I started adding the intention of “help us to discern Your will ” It wasn’t as overwhelming as I imagined, particularly since I came to the understanding that while there are certainly watershed moments that require an immense and intense decision in the life of a couple and a family - like a career change or a geographic move - those times are not nearly as numerous as the daily discernment that is needed and required to live in faithfulness. The seemingly small steps matter, and they chart a course that leads us from where we are to where we want to be. As people of faith, our ability to stay closely connected to God’s desires and plans for us is rooted in the simple action that is required for any intimate relationship to flourish - time together. Prayer, worship, and spiritual reading can do much to ensure that our imperfect lives are lived with fidelity and focus.
We know too well the myriad of voices that come at us and have the potential to influence our decisions. My prayer for all of us at the dawn of 2023 is that we can commit to genuine discernment of God’s path for us as parents and members of the St. Joseph’s Catholic School community. What do we desire for our children and our family? What do we want our relationship with this school to look like? How are we cultivating a life of integrity and intentionality within the context of our faith? What is the one thing that we want to ensure we don’t lose sight of?
One of the great things about being part of the St. Joseph’s family is that day in and day out, we know that someone is bringing our needs and intentions to our Heavenly Father. Please continue to pray daily for all those who call St. Joseph's home.
1Khym, H. (Host). (2022, June 6). For Everything There Is a Season. (No. SE11 E17). [Audio podcast episode]. In Abiding Together is-aseason
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 9
From the High School Director
They were telling me the truth all along. My parents, grandparents, and friends all said the time with my own kids would fly by. Before I knew it, they said, my kids would be out of the house and on their own.
It’s not that I didn’t believe them. I just couldn’t see it when the kids were little. Having five kids in ten years made it a little harder to believe that one day we would miss the noise, the mess, and the general craziness. Two of ours are out of the house now, and the three still at home are out and about so much that we’re getting a sense of what life might be like in a few years. I do like the quiet (we still have no concept of what less mess will be like!), but I can see, now, what all those people meant. My wife recently decided that for her birthday this year she wants to go to dinner and bowling with all our kids. We don’t bowl, so mostly it’s about laughing at how bad we are. It won’t be quiet, or cheap, but it will be a great night.
As we head into this Christmas season, I want to urge all of us to take a few minutes with our kids to just do something fun. Don’t cram for another semester, or try to get way ahead on SAT or ACT prep. Don’t stress over the admissions packets that we’re watching for every day. Our kids need a break. They need some time to breathe, to laugh, and to deepen those connections to home and family. I believe it will help them socially and academically in the long run, and I know it will be great for all of us parents, too.
I hope the Incarnation of Christ is made anew for all of us this Christmas. Have a safe and happy Christmas break.
From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office
PSAT Test Results
PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 8/9 test results are expected to be available to students at their College Board account on December 6. Students who don’t have an account should click HERE for information on opening a College Board account, which is necessary for accessing scores. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering
Senior College Applications
Please continue to share your good news and advise Mrs. Driscoll and Mrs. Albright of college acceptances and scholarship awards. To date, nearly 20% of the senior class has been accepted to at least one university.
Senior Transcript Requests
• Transcript requests should be made no later than December 7, 2022, for all colleges to which you plan to apply. Many colleges have January 1 deadlines so it is important that these requests are made prior to Christmas Break as it may not be possible for us to send documents to colleges during the break.
• If you would like to be on the priority list for your Mid-Year Report (first semester grades) to be mailed in January (once the first semester grades are finalized), then you must put in your transcript request before the Christmas Break.
Make sure that you are visiting the College Financial Aid and Scholarships link on the College Counseling page regularly as we add new scholarship opportunities as we receive them.
High School Students
Please make sure to visit the Upcoming Special Programs and Events link on the College Counseling page on a regular basis as we add new programs as we receive them.
Dec ’22/Jan ‘23 News and Notes Page 10
From the Athletic Department
Spring Sports Requirements
Spring Sports Tryouts begin on January 30. Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2022-2023 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2022, and complete the required forms ONLINE at student central at prior to the first tryout or practice, (this includes Off Season Practices and Weights). No paper forms will be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS! Returning athletes please use your existing login. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice (including summer practices) are: Pre Participation History and Pre Participation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Steadman Hawkins form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big found HERE. Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Big Teams will be available on the SJCS website HERE. Please note that you must login to the SJCS website first. Be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school. This website is available in any language. To change the language, click on the person icon in the top right corner.
From the Business Office
Tuition Accounts
As a reminder, St. Joseph’s Business Office will be closed beginning Monday, December 19 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. In order to avoid late fees, please make sure all your December 529 plan payments are received by the Business Office no later than Monday, December 12. Questions? Contact Ann Gushue.
Senior Tuition Accounts
In order to participate in Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation, all senior tuition and fees, excluding the June draft, must be paid in full by May 19, 2023. If you have questions regarding your senior’s account, or if you need to set up a payment plan for past due accounts, contact Ann Gushue.
Re-Enrollment for the 2023-2024 School Year
All 2023-2024 school year Enrollments/Re enrollments will be completed using the family portal. In February when the next school year’s tuition has been established, each family will receive an e mail containing instructions and a link to be used to complete their student’s enrollment. This enrollment process will include selecting a payment plan and updating any necessary student information. Your child will not be eligible to enroll for classes for the 2023-2024 school year until the online enrollment process is complete and your 2021-2022 tuition and fees are paid in full.
Flexible Tuition
The Flexible Tuition application process for the 2023-2024 school year will begin in February with a priority deadline of February 15, 2023. Flexible Tuition is awarded annually and must be applied for each year. Please look for the Flexible Tuition link at the bottom of the Affording SJCS page under the Admissions tab on the website.
Tuition Recruitment Credit
In an effort to recruit more families like yours to St. Joseph’s Catholic School, and reward our best customers to help us with this endeavor, the school offers a Five Hundred Dollar ($500) Tuition Credit Program. Based on parent feedback, we have learned that “Word of Mouth” is our most effective advertising medium for attracting families. The Tuition Credit Program is designed to reward current St. Joseph’s families for actively recruiting new families to St. Joseph’s. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the St. Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student(s) attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their next tuition bill, usually in November. Click HERE to read more about the program qualifications. Questions? Contact Barbara McGrath, the Director of Admissions, with any additional questions regarding this program.
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Cafeteria Balances
FLIK, our cafeteria service, offers a declining balance program that can be used to purchase lunch, breakfast, snacks, drinks, and St. Joseph’s logo items. Since FLIK is not set up to extend credit to students, FLIK cannot allow a balance due of $50.00 or more. You can check your students balance at MySchoolBucks. To put money on your account, you can send cash or a check to the attention of FLIK or pay online at MySchoolBucks.
From the Development Office
Annual Auction Gala
Mark your calendars for the 2023 Annual Auction Gala on Friday, April 21. Our Gala Committee members are working diligently to prepare for our school’s largest fundraiser that supports our students.
Some Gala needs to keep in mind as we enter the holiday season:
• Bottles of wine for the wine pull
• Baskets that can be used for the silent auction
• Silent and Live auction items
• Vacation homes or timeshares to be auctioned off If you are able to help, contact Aimee Lonergan (Gala Chair), Katie Saad (Gala Co-Chair), or Katie Orbon in the Development Office.
Annual Fund
Our goal this fiscal year (July 2022 – June 2023) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. We will track participation numbers by grade level throughout the year. Our faculty and staff are leading the way this year with 90% participation and over $27,000!
Helping families afford a St. Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 6% of the school’s overall budget. It accounts for 75% of the funding that is not covered by tuition. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $550,000. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions, download your Annual Fund Donation Form today, or make an online donation!
From the Fine Arts Department
JAG Membership Drive Ends November 30
Been holding out for the perfect opportunity to join the Jubilate Arts Guild (JAG), our Fine Arts Booster Club? Well now is the time! If you join sometime between now and the end of November, you will receive a special SJCS gift and your name will go into a raffle for a basket of SJCS merchandise, including two front row tickets to our Spring Musical. The higher the level you join, the more times your name goes in the raffle. In addition to supporting the Fine Arts with your membership purchase, there are many benefits to joining JAG, such as discount tickets and priority seating at many Fine Arts events, including the upcoming Christmas Concerts. The 2022 2023 membership form can be found HERE You have to join by November 30 to be eligible for our raffle, which will take place on December 7.
Opportunities to Support the Fine Arts Sponsorships
: Attention business owners! Want to reach a larger audience? JAG would like to introduce our sponsorship program. We are offering our corporate sponsors a chance for promotion with advertising in the programs of our six main Fine Arts events. The size of the ad depends on the level of sponsorship. In addition to an ad in our programs, our sponsors will get further promotion through social media, the Fine Arts’ website, and special signage in the lobby of our events. Click HERE for more information on sponsorship levels and benefits. Become a Fine Arts Sponsor as soon as possible to maximize your sponsorship dollars. The Fall Play and Christmas Concerts are just around the corner! Questions? Contact Brandon Cabaniss.
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Volunteer: Looking to get more involved? All MS students and most HS students are involved in the Arts in some way at SJCS. JAG is in need of parent volunteers to serve on the JAG committee for the 2022 2023 school year. We have various officer positions available and several committee vacancies. Come to a meeting to discover how much fun it can be supporting the Arts. Want more information? Contact the Jubilate Arts Guild president, Cindy Davis.
Jubilate Knight for the Arts Talent Show
Mark your calendars for our Fine Arts Department annual talent competition and fundraiser, Jubilate Knight for the Arts, on Saturday, February 11, 2023. All members of the school community are invited to participate in this event, and the sale of voting tokens aids in funding the needs of our dance, choral, instrumental, theatre, and visual arts programs. Preparations for this family friendly fun evening have begun, so dust off the dancing shoes, exercise the vocal chords, or come up with an act to showcase your own unique talent. Our audition dates will be immediately after Christmas Break and are fast approaching. You can see videos of last year’s winners HERE.
• Volunteers: If you are interested in joining the planning committee, we are always in need of volunteers to help put together this exciting event for our SJCS family. We will have a planning meeting December 12 at 7:30 AM. We are looking for people to help with the planning and for volunteers the day of the event. Contact Cindy Davis for more information.
• Auditions: Auditions will be Wednesday, January 18 (1:30-6:00 PM) and Thursday, January 26 (3:10-6:00 PM) Any member of the SJCS community is welcome to audition and students can earn points for their Household simply by auditioning. Traditional and non traditional talents are welcome and performances may be up to four minutes in length. Be sure to start preparing your performance act now and work on it over the Christmas Break. Audition information and form can be found HERE and you can sign up for your audition time HERE
New category: Performance Technology submissions. Submissions should use the form found HERE by January 26.
• Visual Art Submissions: Jubilate Knight for the Arts will continue to include a Visual Art competition in addition to the performance event! Student, adult, alumni submission information can be found HERE. The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 27.
• Tickets: Ticketing information will be available on the school website in early January!
From the Parents Guild
Catholic Schools Week Help Needed
Each year, the Parents Guild treats the faculty and staff to a luncheon during Catholic Schools Week (January 30 - February 3). We want to show our appreciation to each member of the faculty and staff by hosting a luncheon. This year's luncheon will be held on Friday, February 3. Volunteers will be needed to provide the meal. Be on the lookout for a Sign Up Genius from Betsy McCart and Sarah Farrar.
We Love our Faculty & Staff
As the Faculty and Staff left for Thanksgiving Break, the Parents Guild gifted each person with a pumpkin bread loaf baked by our amazing Holiday Baking Committee and a Christmas wrapping paper starter kit.
Used Uniform Sale
The winter used uniform sale will take place in February. Be on the lookout for the date!
School Store Hours
The School Store will no longer be open before school. FLIK will be open in the mornings. The School Store will continue to be open each day during lunch and after school.
Spirit Wear available in School Store
Spirit Wear is available for purchase in the school store. Cash and checks made payable to SJCS are accepted.
St. Joseph’s Family Owned restaurants
The Parents Guild is considering hosting several Spirit Nights at local restaurants to raise funds to support our school. Please contact Jenna Howard if you own a restaurant and might be interested in hosting a Spirit Night and donating a portion of sales to St. Joseph’s.
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Parents in Prayer
Every Thursday at 2:00 PM a group of SJCS parents gathers to reflect and offer prayers for the intentions of the school community. This group is open to any SJCS parent. For more information, contact SJCS parent Kristen Armaly
With Sincere Thanks
The Parents Guild would like to thank the following volunteers for helping to get the school year off to a great start:
● A BIG THANK YOU to Nikki Hamby for organizing the Attractions book drive.
● School Store Volunteers: to each and every one of you, thank you for all you do. All sales from the School Store benefit the Parents Guild and make it possible to help serve St. Joseph’s students and faculty. We appreciate the efforts and dedication from our volunteer coordinator, Lynn Courchaine, and the many volunteers who give their time and talents to make our events and programs at SJCS a success.
● Mary Beth Galbreath and Lisa Ireland for coordinating the Middle School and High School Ambassadors Program.
● Beth Jones and Elaine Barnhill for leading and organizing the Open House Reception. It was a great success with lots of new families in attendance!
● Amy Cassidy, Joanie Martin, and Bianca Walker for organizing and hosting a wonderful Italian themed Ladies Knight Out.
● Stephanie Dach for opening her home for everyone to gather for Ladies Knight Out.
● Jessica Clements for working with the Booster Club to organize our Fall Spirit Wear Sale.
● A very special thank you to Katie Martin and all the awesome volunteers for making Grandparents Day so wonderful!
● A huge shout out to Anne Mruz and all of our Holiday Bakers for spoiling our faculty and staff with homemade Pumpkin Bread November 22 and Christmas cookies for dessert at their Holiday Lunch December 14!
● Another big THANK YOU to Jackie Zannino and her company Label Creations for designing labels for our pumpkin bread!!
From the School Nurse
Student Illness
Students with signs or symptoms of illness should not attend school or extracurricular activities. Absences should be reported to the Front Office.
For students with symptoms of COVID, home COVID test results are acceptable this year. COVID positive student tests should be reported to the school by using the COVID reporting form located on the school website.
Medication Policy
It is against St. Joseph’s policy for a student to carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent permission, and permission from the school nurse to self administer and self monitor. Students with asthma who need to carry rescue inhalers should have updated action plans in Magnus. Failure to comply with the medication policy may result in disciplinary action.
If your child has a life threatening allergy, please make sure you have an updated care plan in Magnus Health and emergency medication available in the health room. Contact the nurse if you have questions about your student’s allergy or clarifying allergy information or care plans in Magnus.
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