St. Joseph’s School Prayer
Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.
From the Headmaster
The St. Joseph’s Way Point #3
“The SJ Way proposes that fulfillment is found in communion with Christ, who remains a living presence today in the friendship of His followers, the Church.”
Advent Greetings from SJ Catholic School!
Come Lord Jesus! Come Quickly! This Advent petition of the Church is the cry of every human heart. We are full of needs and desires that we can’t ever seem to satisfy on our own. Mick Jagger was right about one thing: I can’t get no satisfaction. And so was Bono when he sang: I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.
Given that we are entering the liturgical season of Advent, I thought I would dedicate my column this month to commenting on the third point of the SJ Way, which is truly the core of the school’s proposal to its students: that fulfillment in this life and the next is to be found only in communion with Christ.
As explained in the SJ Way itself: We believe that our students come to us with an innate desire for God as expressed in their relentless pursuit of love, belonging, significance, truth, beauty, goodness, justice, and ultimately, happiness.
Therefore, we encourage our students to look closely at their human experiences and motivations in order to help them judge what gives life true satisfaction and meaning.
We aim to show students how faith in Christ and fellowship with His followers makes life more fulfilling and interesting.
Perhaps the best way I can illustrate how we envision this point of the SJ Way working is to tell you about a decision five members of the Class of 2021 recently made. Toward the end of last year, these students approached their senior year Theology of the Body teacher, Mrs. Koffskey, herself a SJCS graduate (Class of 2008), and told her that they wanted to deepen their ties to the Catholic Church. After a period of discernment and further study, these students did so during a Mass
\December 2021/January 2022 Edition
Contents From the Headmaster ....................... 1 Things You Need To Know ................ 3 8th Grade & HS Exam Schedule 8 From the Middle School Director 9 From the High School Director ......... 9 From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office 10 From the Athletic Department 10 From the Business Office ................. 11 From the Development Office ....... 12 From the Fine Arts Department ...... 12 From the Parents Guild 12 From the School Nurse .................... 13
celebrated by Father Duncan at St. Joseph’s on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Three students were confirmed and one became a new member of the Catholic Church. All four chose fellow SJCS graduates to sponsor them on their faith journey!
There were just over 100 members of the Class of 2021, all of whom had heard the school’s Christian proposal in various and sundry ways over their years at St. Joseph’s through religion classes, school Masses, campus ministry, retreats, etc. Some of those students had been at St. Joseph’s for seven years, others four or less years. Why did these five students use their freedom to respond so generously to the school’s Christian proposal such that they wanted to deepen their commitment to Christ and His Church, while there are others from the same class who perhaps haven’t gone to Mass since they left home for college? This is a great mystery that only God fully comprehends. Ultimately, faith is a gift from God Himself.
What I have noticed over the years, however, is that those who are most attuned to their human needs, desires, and shortcomings tend to be the ones who are most responsive when they encounter Christ’s love and mercy. It’s the same thing one reads about in the Gospel stories. Who responds to Jesus? Tax collectors, sinners, the woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well, the blind, and the lame. They follow Jesus when called by Him, while the Scribes and the Pharisees, who see themselves as righteous, reject Him to the point of wanting Him to be condemned to death.
A few weekends ago, I ran into a graduate from the Class of 2019. He was on a retreat with about 100 other Clemson students I was happy to see him but somewhat surprised. I had heard that he had stopped going to church yet here he was. When I asked him why he was at the retreat, he told me in so many words that living without faith was destroying him. He said he came to realize that maybe Catholicism is true after all, so he’s returned to practicing his faith.
This is why we say in the SJ Way that we are patient with our students and that we don’t give up on them. Life is a dramatic journey, filled with fits and starts, as is everyone’s walk of faith. Therefore, it’s essential that we give students the space, time, and freedom they need to really look at their lives.
Sometimes parents will come to us with an unexpressed expectation that if they send their children to St. Joseph’s, we will make them good Christians. While we work hard to present the teachings of the Church in the most attractive light possible and strive to love them with Christ’s love, ultimately the students themselves must use their reason and freedom to discover the truth of the Gospel for themselves. That's work no one else can do for them. What we can do is to set a good example, invite them to live a Christian life with us, while students at the school, provide them with the space and time to reflect and pray, accompany them as they use their freedom to verify the school’s Christian proposal, and keep them in our prayers.
When you want your kids to know and love Christ more than anything else in the world, it can be painful when they ignore or even reject Him for a time as more and more young people are doing these days. So, let’s pray with urgency this Advent: Come Lord Jesus! Come quickly! Reveal the fullness of your truth, beauty and goodness to all of our students and graduates such that they would use their freedom to draw closer to Him.
In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for SJCS Foreign Language Chair Madame McCoy as she recovers from surgery; for SJCS retired teacher Joanna McLucas, wh ose husband, Gordon, passed away; for Dorian Lane on the passing of his sister in law; for Nick Hannouche (2006) on the passing of his father; for Mendolia Anderson on the passing of her grandmother; for Aidan and Adam (2021) Miller on the passing of their grandfather.
With Love and Prayers, Keith F. Kiser Headmaster
Dec ‘21/Jan ‘22 News and Notes Page 2
Things You Need To Know
Thanksgiving Break, November 24 26
Thanksgiving Break is Wednesday, November 24 Friday, November 26. The school and school office will be closed.
Spring Musical Auditions, November 29 & 30
The Fine Arts Department will be presenting the production of Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella this spring. Auditions will be open to all High School and Middle School students on Monday, November 29 from 5:00 8:00 PM and Tuesday, November 30 from 3:15 6:15 PM. Callbacks will be Thursday, December 2 from 3:15 5:15 PM. All audition information can be found HERE and you can sign up for your audition date HERE. Be sure to join us in this wonderful opportunity as we bring back musical theatre to the SJCS stage! The Spring Musical will be April 7 10.
Dress Uniforms for All School Mass Beginning December 1
Beginning after Thanksgiving Break, December 1, students will be expected to wear dress uniforms for Wednesday All School Mass through the rest of the school year
Interest Meeting for Greece Trip in June 2023, December 1
Is Greece calling you? Do you want to share an adventure with your son or daughter before they go off to college? Or, maybe give them a gift of an experience they'll never forget and an education they can't get in school? Mrs. Trakas and Miss Houmis are leading a group to Greece (June 9 17, 2023). The trip is open to all students who are currently in grades 8 11. There is Zoom interest meeting for parents and students on December 1 at 7:30 PM. The link for the meeting can be found HERE. Questions? Email Mrs. Trakas
Toys for Tots Drive Ends December 6
The Bakhita House is sponsoring the Toys for Tots drive again this year. Many children in our area will not have any toys this Christmas if not for this amazing charity. Please donate new unwrapped toys by December 6. Collection boxes are located in the front office, high school entrance, and the cafeteria. Thank you for your support!
Christmas Concerts, December 7 9
• This year the Fine Arts Department will sponsor the following concerts which will begin at 7:00 PM in the JP II Center: Strings ensembles will perform on Tuesday, December 7. Band students will perform on Wednesday, December 8. Choral students will perform on Thursday, December 9.
• Admission is free to all concerts. Jubilate Arts Guild members will receive priority seating based on their membership level. Seating will not be assigned, but the doors will open to Jubilate members at 6:30 PM, followed by general admission at 6:45 PM. Be sure to pick up your Jubilate Arts Guild member tag at check in. Additionally, the Fine Arts Department decals and Christmas ornaments will be available for purchase in the HS Commons! Please note: All patrons are strongly encouraged to be masked while on campus.
Quarter 2 Ends, December 10
Grading for the second quarter ends on Friday, December 10. Parent and student access to gradebook and report cards in FACTS Family Portal will close Friday afternoon to allow faculty to enter and finalize grades. Family Portal will reopen after report cards are issued December 21.
6th & 7th Grade Schedule for December 13 15
Sixth and seventh graders will not have exams All classes, except for Related Arts, will meet for a shorter time each day from December 13 15. We will start at the normal time and dismissal will be at 12:15 PM. There will be no classes on Thursday, and 6th and 7th graders do not need to come to school that day.
8th Grade Semester Exams, December 13 15
Eighth graders will follow the exam schedule and guidelines detailed in this edition of News and Notes except for the following: their 8th period exam will take place at 10:20 AM on December 13 during the 2nd period exam time since there is no Related Arts exam. There will be no 8th grade exam on Thursday and 8th graders do not
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need to come to school that day. Please look carefully at the exam schedule in this edition of News & Notes. Parents should avoid taking students out for appointments on exam days and remember that exams may not be taken early.
Late Stay During Exam Week, December 13-15
There will be Late Stay from 12:30 6:00 PM on Monday, December 13 through Wednesday, December 15. There will be NO Late Stay on Thursday, December 16
HS Semester Exams, December 13–16
Please see the exam schedule and guidelines detailed in this edition of News and Notes. Please avoid taking students out for appointments on exam days and remember that exams may not be taken early.
No Middle School Classes Thursday, December 16
Middle school students do not need to come to school on Thursday, December 16. The high school will be dismissed at 10:00 AM after their last exam. If need be, you may bring your middle school student on Thursday, December 16 between 7:30 and 10:00 AM, and we will have a movie for them. However, they must be picked up at 10:00 AM since there is no Late Stay that day. Please let us know if you will be bringing a middle school student on Thursday morning, December 16, by registering HERE.
High School Advent Retreat, December 16-17
Exams will be over, you will have 2 weeks of break before you, no more tests or homework to worry about for a while, the Christmas spirit will be in the air. Join us to spend 24 hours living together in front of our life's questions: Why am I here and what actually helps me to be myself in high school? Who really makes me free and happy? We will see how Advent helps us face our questions and what Christmas means. The retreat will take place at Heartridge Retreat Center in Sunset, SC (about 1 hour from SJCS) from 1:00 PM on Thursday, December 16 until 1:00 PM on Friday, December 17. More information will be emailed to high school students. Questions? Contact Gabe Lewis.
Christmas Break, December 17-January 3 Friday, December 17 will be make up exams ONLY. The school and school offices will be closed. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 4.
Second Quarter/First Semester Grades Emailed to Parents, December 21 Quarter 2/Semester I Report Cards will be emailed on Tuesday, December 21 after 4:00 PM. Please remember to check your spam or junk email folder. If you do not receive the link for the Report Card, please email the Registrar, Carol Curry. Please direct any questions regarding your student’s grade with the teacher.
HS Semester II Add/Drop Period, January 4 14
The final day to add or drop a course for the second semester is January 14. Course Add/Drop Request Forms are available in the College Counseling Office. Full-year courses cannot be modified during the second semester. Only semester courses may be changed if space is available.
Jubilate Knight for the Arts Talent Competition Auditions, January 6 & 18
• Auditions: Auditions will be Thursday, January 6 from 2:40 6:00 PM and Tuesday, January 18 from 3:10 6:00 PM. Any member of the SJCS community is welcome to audition and students can earn points for their Household simply by auditioning. Traditional and non traditional talents are welcome and performances may be up to four minutes in length. Be sure to start preparing your performance act now and work on it over the Christmas Break. Audition information and form can be found HERE and you can sign up for your audition time HERE
• New category: Performance Technology submissions. Use the submission form, found HERE, by Tuesday, January 18.
• New Art Competition: There will be a Visual Art competition in addition to the performance event. The submission information can be found HERE The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, January 18. Questions? Contact Teresa McGrath.
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Priority Admissions Testing, January 8 or February 5
If you have a child who is interested in applying for admission or you know someone who may be interested, our online application, found HERE, is open. Priority testing dates are Saturday, January 8, 2022 or Saturday, February 5, 2022 and applicants sign up for one date when they complete the online application. There is no preference given to either of these dates. Applicants who test in January are not given priority over those who test in February. These are the best dates to test because these applicants will get the first look and be the first to receive their admissions notifications (around March 15). Rising freshmen applicants who test in January or February may also compete for one of our St Joseph’s Scholar (half paid tuition) Scholarships.
8th Grade Play Twinderella, January 13
The SJCS Fine Arts Department will be presenting the fourteenth annual 8th grade play on Thursday, January 13. Join us for this production, starring over 30 students from the 8th grade class. The performance begins at 7:00 PM with free admission. Seating will be open for Jubilate Arts Guild members at 6:30 PM and general admission will begin at 6:45 PM. Concessions will be for sale during Intermission. Please note: All patrons are strongly encouraged to be masked while on campus.
Upcoming Eighth Grade Events, January 13 & 26
All eighth grade parents received a letter from Headmaster Keith Kiser in September about transitioning your child from eighth to ninth grade. Please email Jenny Starks if you do not recall reading this letter as it covered several important “need to know” topics:
• High School Preview Night is January 13: All eighth grade parents are invited to campus on Thursday, January 13 (prior to the Eighth Grade Play) from 6:00 7:00 PM in the Meeting Room, to hear from our Guidance Office about high school course selections, as well as from several of our freshmen teachers who will speak on their passion and their discipline. This program promises to be most enlightening and informative.
• Eighth Grade Day is January 26: Your son or daughter will take our high school scholarship/placement test on Eighth Grade Day on Wednesday, January 26. There are several reasons for completing this test: 1) All SJCS 8th graders will be eligible to compete for one of two academic scholarships awarded each year to two incoming ninth graders, and 2) This test provides us valuable comparison and placement data on our incoming ninth grade students. Please note that this is not a test to get into our high school, as your child is already a St. Joseph’s student. As with every SJCS student who wishes to re enroll each year, the re enrollment contract and the re enrollment fee, due in February 2022, will secure their spot in the ninth grade class.
• Eighth Grade “Lunch with the Leaders” resumes this year with a slightly different twist. In addition to meeting with Mr. Kiser and Mrs. J, our eighth graders will be attending lunch with their House Leaders. These luncheons are designed to serve as a halfway checkpoint in your child’s St. Joseph’s career; they will be invited to share how their middle school experience has been and encouraged to ask questions as they begin to plan for high school. A few weeks prior to your child’s House lunch meeting, you will receive an email from Jenny Starks that will include an online link to the schedule as well as a link to a survey for your eighth grader to complete prior to the luncheon.
Middle School Shadow Day/Bring A Friend Day, January 14
• Do you have (or do you know) a prospective middle school student who would like to see what a day is like at SJCS? While high school applicants are required to shadow, we open up our middle school one day each academic year for prospective middle school students to shadow for a half day of classes and lunch. Current SJCS middle school students are also encouraged to invite a friend (currently in grades 5 7) to visit for a half day. NOTE: Greenville County Schools have Friday, January 14 off, but SJCS is in session on this date. All visitors must register in advance, and the online registration form will be posted on the school website in early December. It’s first come, first served, as classroom space is limited and we will limit the number of participants.
• Current SJCS families can help the school out in two ways: 1) If your SJCS middle school child has a friend who would like to see what SJCS is like, please direct the parents of your child’s friend to register on our website in early December. 2) If your SJCS middle school child is willing to host a student they do not know on this day, please submit your child’s name to Jenny Starks in the Admissions Office as soon as possible.
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Junior Class Kairos Retreat, January 15 17
The annual junior class Kairos Retreat will take place from Saturday morning, January 15 to Monday evening, January 17, at Heartridge Retreat Center in Sunset, SC. Any junior in high school may attend. More information will be emailed to juniors and parents. Questions? Contact Gabe Lewis
ACT Practice Test, January 29
We will be giving a Princeton Review ACT Practice Test here at school on Saturday, January 29, from 9:15 AM 1:00 PM. This online test is geared toward juniors or seniors who have not yet taken the ACT, but interested sophomores may also attend. The experience will help students become familiar with the ACT format and learn about which areas they need to focus on to improve their scores when they take the actual ACT for college admissions purposes. Please click HERE to register by January 21. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering
Jubilate Knight for the Arts Talent Competition, Saturday, January 29
• The Event: The Fine Arts Department’s annual “Jubilate Knight for the Arts Talent Competition and Fundraiser” is a family friendly event, highlighting our artistically gifted school community. All members of the St. Joseph’s community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents) are invited to audition. Doors will open at 6:00 PM and the Talent Competition will begin at 7:00 PM. Patrons will enjoy an evening of fabulous entertainment and can vote ($1 per vote) on their favorite acts to benefit our theatre, choral, dance, strings, band, and visual arts programs. Visit the school website for more event and ticketing information. Please note: All patrons are strongly encouraged to be masked while on campus.
• Tickets: Ticketing information will be available on the school website in early January.
• To Volunteer: Lend your talents and time to the Jubilate Knight planning committee. Our next meetings will be December 1 and January 5 at 7:30 AM in the Boardroom. Questions? Contact Christine Balts or Cindy Davis. If you are interested in volunteering for the night of the event, but can’t make it to the planning meetings, please contact us as well. Volunteer roles include token counting, ticket sales, concessions, set up, and clean up.
Junior College Planning Night, February 8
Brand R. Stille, Vice President for Enrollment at Wofford College, will be here on February 8 at 7:00 PM in the JP II Center. He will present on some of the following topics: College Admission Calendar, Key Terms (Early Decision, Early Action, Rolling Admission, Wait List, Common Application, etc.), Student/Parent/School Responsibilities, How to Research College Information, College Entrance Exams, and Financial Aid. At least one parent must attend with their student. You will find out who your junior’s college counselor will be and we will begin scheduling individual student/family meetings following this meeting.
SJCS Parent Wine & Cheese Social, February 10
This is a great opportunity to hear from/socialize with school officials and other parents in a small, informal setting. Prior to the Freshman/Sophomore College Counseling program, all current SJ parents are invited to a Wine/Cheese Social on Thursday night, February 10 from 5:30 7:00 PM in the Meeting Room. Socialize from 5:30 to 6:00 PM, and beginning at 6:00 PM, Mr. Kiser and other school administrators will share information about the school and invite your questions and participation. Please note that this is a parent only event; however, supervision for freshmen or sophomores attending the College Night program will be provided.
Freshman & Sophomore College Counseling Night, February 10
The annual meeting for freshmen and sophomores and their parents to discuss general academic and college planning items will take place on February 10 at 7:00 PM in the JP II Center. All freshmen and sophomore families must attend this meeting (at least once either during the students’ freshman or sophomore year). Students are asked to sit with their parents.
Flexible Tuition Application 2022-23 Priority Deadline, February 15
SJCS offers Flexible Tuition and our need based FACTS Grant & Aid Application will be posted on our website in early January 2022 with a February 15, 2022 priority deadline. SJCS also offers merit based scholarships as well as
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Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 17
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the school and school offices will be closed on Monday, January 17.
scholarships with both merit and need based components. For this school year alone, SJCS awarded $1.3 million in tuition assistance to 166 students (26% of our student body) through our Flexible Tuition Program For a complete list of all scholarship opportunities, as well as deadlines and qualifications, click HERE
New York Encounter, February 17 20
Juniors and Seniors are invited to apply to attend the annual New York Encounter with SJCS Campus Ministry at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Manhattan. Join SJCS Theology Teachers Gabe Lewis and Michele Houmis for a weekend of presentations, conversations, exhibits, and music centered around the theme “This Urge For Truth”. Can we ever know what is real and who is trustworthy? Why does truth matter? And how can we reach it? As Friedrich Nietzsche said, “One day the wanderer slammed a door shut behind him, came to a halt, and wept. Then he said: ‘This penchant and urge for what is true, real, non apparent, certain how I hate it!’” The group will depart on Friday morning by plane for NYC, and return Sunday evening. More information including registration and cost will be sent to juniors and seniors in December. Questions? Contact Gabe Lewis.
Attention All Parents!
St. Joseph’s Student Recruitment/Tuition Credit Program is ongoing. Applications for fall 2022 admissions are now open, and we hope that more current SJCS parents will choose to take advantage of this program in order to receive a $500 tuition credit. Approximately one third of all new applicants for the 2021 2022 school year were referred by current SJCS families, and we sincerely appreciate the help. Please note that the new family must list the referring family on the student application in order for the referring family to receive the $500 credit. Click HERE to read more.
Has Your Information Changed?
If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Jenny Starks
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Exam Schedule
Exam Guidelines
Students are to report directly to their designated exam rooms. All students should be seated by 8:00 AM. Any students arriving after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy. No students are to be admitted to the exam once the exam has been distributed. For the second exam, students should be seated and attendance taken by 10:15 AM. No student may be admitted once the exam has been distributed.
Students may bring review materials for other exams to study quietly if they finish their exam early. Silence should be maintained from the moment the exams are distributed until all exams are collected at the end of the testing period.
• Once exams begin, students should not be permitted to leave the examination rooms. Restroom trips should be limited to emergencies and then only after the student has turned in his/her exam.
Quiet is to be maintained at all times. Students should remain in their seats until the last exam is turned in.
Students on campus who are not taking exams must remain in the library. The library will be a designated study hall.
• Students with only one exam on a given day need to be present for that exam only. They may leave after their first exam if they don’t have a 10:20 AM exam, and they can arrive at 10:15 AM if they don’t have an 8:05 AM exam.
There should be no cell phones or smart watches out for any reason during an exam.
Dec ‘21/Jan ‘22 News and Notes Page 8 8th Grade & HS
Time Monday December 13 Tuesday December 14 Wednesday December 15 Thursday December 16 Friday December 17 8:05 AM 10:00 AM 8th Grade 1st Period HS 1st Period 8th Grade 3rd Period HS 3rd Period 8th Grade 6th Period HS 6th Period HS 8th Period Make Up Exams (If Needed) 10:20 AM12:15 PM 8th Grade 8th Period HS 2nd Period HS 4th Period 8th Grade 5th Period 8th Grade 7th Period HS 7th Period Make Up Exams (If Needed)
From the Middle School Director
“God walks into your soul with silent step. God comes to you more than you go to Him. Never will his coming be what you expect, and yet never will it disappoint. The more you respond to his gentle pressure, the greater will be your freedom.”
Venerable Fulton Sheen
We pray often during the day. Each class begins with prayer, and every sixth period we begin our daily announcements with a school wide prayer. It’s woven into the fabric of who we are, and upholds another point in The St. Joseph’s Way Fulfillment in Christ.
Our students love to advocate for others, and our classrooms are filled with prayer intentions of all sorts … from important sports games, to sick pets, to ailing family members. These sincere intentions are often how we catch a glimpse into the inner workings of our students’ hearts. It is beautiful and powerful, and our students engage with it in a way that inspires us to offer more of it.
The potential for distraction at this pre Christmas time of year is very real, and in some ways unavoidable. However, this Advent season, our middle school students and staff will work with specific intention to prepare hearts and minds to receive the beautiful message of Christmas: God became man and dwelt among us. Every morning during Advent, we will gather as a middle school community to offer morning prayer in the JPII. This time will help us reflect on the Advent themes of joy, peace, and hope through song, scripture, and student led reflections.
Please support this Advent effort with your prayers. Pray for our students, our staff, and the entire SJCS community, that our hearts and minds be transformed by the powerful miracle of Christ’s birth.
From the High School Director
The rise in anxiety related diagnoses for adolescents in America is well documented, though the causes are less than agreed upon. Some people think there is a genuine rise in distress among teenagers, while others think the main culprit is a certain willingness to report and document their anxiety that was absent in previous generations. Of course, these competing explanations are not mutually exclusive so it could be a bit of both. There’s even some evidence in favor of a kind of contagion effect such that anxiety can actually spread among peer groups after one person is diagnosed. One of the most concerning aspects to all of this is that many students are turning to various forms of self medication, including the sharing of prescription drugs.
Fortunately, talking with our kids helps many of them cope with the anxiety and it can help parents learn about certain kinds of self destructive behaviors. There are a few things that can help with the conversation:
• Settle in for the long haul. Oftentimes we want to get right to what we perceive as the heart of the matter. (I’m really guilty on this score.) There is value, however, in slowing down and recognizing that each conversation, even if you don’t get to resolution, is time well spent.
• Don’t try to fix. This can be tricky, especially when it comes to schooling. Sometimes we assume that by fixing the problem (for example, getting an assignment done) the anxiety will go away. That’s not always the case. Be ready to listen without forcing a fix.
• Do talk about things other than their stress/anxiety. This will open the doors of communication, and it will also give them some time to not think about their anxiety (which they often feel as a shortcoming on their end).
Finally, remind them that there are people in their life who care deeply about them. Point number four of the St. Joseph’s Way calls on us to accompany our students through some choppy waters. We recognize that as both a responsibility and a privilege. So, thank you for giving us that opportunity.
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From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office
PSAT Test Results
PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 8/9 test results are expected to be available to students online around December 6 7 at their College Board account. Students who don’t have an account should click HERE for information on opening a College Board account, which is necessary for accessing scores. Paper score reports will be distributed at school after they arrive in January or February and parents will be emailed when students receive these reports. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering
Senior College Applications
Please continue to share your good news and advise Mrs. Driscoll and Mrs. Albright of college acceptances and scholarship awards. To date, nearly 20% of the senior class has been accepted to at least one university.
Senior Transcript Requests
Transcript requests should be made no later than December 6, 2021 for all colleges in which you plan to apply. Many colleges have January 1 deadlines, so it is important that these requests are made prior to Christmas Break as it may not be possible for us to send documents to colleges during the break. If you would like for your Mid-Year Report (first semester grades) to be mailed in January (once the first semester grades are finalized), then you must put in your transcript request before the Christmas Break.
Seniors & Scholarship Opportunities
Make sure that you are visiting the College Financial Aid and Scholarships link, found HERE, on the College Counseling page regularly as we add new scholarship opportunities as we receive them.
High School Students
Please make sure to visit the Upcoming Special Programs and Events link, found HERE, on the College Counseling page on a regular basis as we add new programs as we receive them.
From the Athletic Department
Spring Sports Tryouts/First Day of Practice, January 31
Spring sports tryouts/the first day of practice will be Monday, January 31. Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2021 2022 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2021, and complete the required forms ONLINE at prior to the first tryout or practice. NO PAPER FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED, NO EXCEPTIONS! If you were an athlete in 2020 2021, please use your existing login. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice are: Pre Participation History and Pre Participation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Steadman Hawkins form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through PlanetHS (formerly Arbiter Athlete) found HERE. Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Planet HS will be available on the SJCS website HERE. Please note that you must login to the SJCS website first. Be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school.
From the Knights Athletic Booster Club
The Knights Athletic Booster Club congratulates all of our Fall teams on wrapping up a successful season A special thank you to all the coaches who put so much into forming these athletes on and off the field
• It is never too late to join the Booster Club if you haven't already done so. As a reminder, your membership fees help supplement the overall Athletic Department budget. Boosters work in conjunction with the Athletic Director, Eric Nash, to determine the greatest funding needs that will benefit all athletes across all sports. Boosters also help fund activities and events that foster a sense of community and school spirit. Click HERE for more information on the various membership levels and to join the Booster Club today! Our goal is to have 100% participation from all of our athlete families.
• This year, the Booster Club is working to establish an Athletic Hall of Fame. We have many worthy athletes who have worn the Royal Blue and White over the years and would be excellent candidates to be a part
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of our inaugural class. Former coaches are also eligible. Please follow the link, found HERE, to nominate an athlete or a coach and for nomination guidelines. Thank you, and GO KNIGHTS!
From the Business Office
Tuition Accounts
As a reminder, St. Joseph’s Business Office will be closed beginning December 20 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 4. In order to avoid late fees, please make sure all your December 529 plan payments are received by the Business Office no later than Wednesday, December 15. If you have any questions regarding your tuition payments, please contact Ann Gushue
Senior Tuition Accounts
In order to participate in Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation, all Senior tuition and fees, excluding the June draft, must be paid in full by May 20, 2022. If you have any questions regarding your senior’s account, or if you need to set up a payment plan for past due accounts, please contact Ann Gushue
Re Enrollment for the 2022 2023 School Year
All 2022 2023 school year enrollments/re enrollments will be completed using the FACTS Family Portal. In February, when the next school year’s tuition has been established, each family will receive an e mail containing instructions and a link to be used to complete their student’s enrollment. This enrollment process will include selecting a payment plan and updating any necessary student information. Your child will not be eligible to enroll for classes for the 2022 2023 school year until the online enrollment process is complete and your 2021 2022 tuition and fees are paid in full.
Flexible Tuition
The Flexible Tuition application process for the 2022 2023 school year will begin in early January with a priority deadline of February 15. Flexible Tuition is awarded annually and must be applied for each year. Please look for the FACTS link at the bottom of the Affording SJCS page under the Admissions tab on the website.
Tuition Recruitment Credit
In an effort to recruit more families like yours to St. Joseph’s Catholic School, and reward our best customers to help us with this endeavor, the school offers a $500 Tuition Credit Program. Based on parent feedback, we have learned that “word of mouth” is our most effective advertising medium for attracting families. The Tuition Credit Program is designed to reward current St. Joseph’s families for actively recruiting new families to St. Joseph’s. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the St. Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student(s) attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their next tuition bill, usually in November. Click HERE to read more about the program qualifications. Contact Barbara McGrath, the Director of Admissions, with any additional questions regarding this program.
Cafeteria Balances
Flik, our cafeteria service, will be updating their software and point of sale systems over Christmas Break. Flik offers a declining balance program that can be used to purchase lunch, breakfast, afternoon snacks, and retail items such as bottled drinks, ice cream, cookies, and snacks. Since Flik is not set up to extend credit to students, the new software will not allow a balance due of $50.00 or more. You can check your students balance at MySchoolBucks. To put money on your account you can send in cash or a check to the attention of Flik or pay online at MySchoolBucks
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From the Development Office
Welcome to our Director of Communications
A warm St. Joseph’s welcome to Andrea Gray, who started in October as the Director of Communications! Andrea comes to St. Joseph’s from Milliken where she was a Marketing Communications Specialist. Andrea is originally from Greenville and graduated from Carolina High and then Howard University. She has worked for Howard University Television, the Archdiocese of Washington DC, and Joe Gibbs Racing. She brings a wealth of video production, social media, and communications experience to St. Joseph’s.
Annual Fund
Our goal this fiscal year (July 2021 June 2022) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. We will track participation numbers by grade level throughout the year. Our faculty and staff are leading the way this year with 90% participation and over $26,000!
Helping families afford a St. Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 6% of the school’s overall budget. It accounts for 75% of the funding that is not covered by tuition. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $525,000. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions, download your Annual Fund Donation Form today, or make an online donation!
From the Fine Arts Department
Volunteers Needed
The Fine Arts Department is always looking for volunteers in the following areas:
• Parents or students willing to donate their time and talents through their sewing skills
• Parents to assist in the Scene Shop during after school and Saturday crew sessions If you would like more information on how to volunteer, please contact Teresa McGrath
From the Parents Guild
Catholic Schools Week Help Needed
Each year, the Parents Guild treats the faculty and staff to a luncheon during Catholic Schools Week (January 30 February 4). This year’s luncheon will be held on Friday, February 4. We want to show our appreciation to each member of the faculty and staff by giving each a gift card. Please send in gift cards to the school marked to the attention of the Parents Guild.
We Love our Faculty & Staff
As the Faculty and Staff left for Thanksgiving Break, the Parents Guild gifted each person with a pumpkin bread loaf baked by our amazing Holiday Baking Committee and a Christmas wrapping paper starter kit.
Used Uniform Sale
There will be a winter Used Uniform Sale in January. Be on the lookout for a date!
With Appreciation
• A very special THANK YOU to Katie Martin and all of the volunteers for making Grandparents Day so wonderful!
• A huge shout out to Christina Bittrick and all of our Holiday Bakers for spoiling our faculty and staff with homemade Pumpkin Bread November 23 and Christmas cookies for dessert at their Holiday Lunch December 15!
• Another big THANK YOU to Jackie Zannino and her company Label Creations for designing labels for our pumpkin bread!!
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From the School Nurse
COVID Vaccination Cards
Students who have completed the COVID vaccination series are encouraged to email vaccine documentation to the school nurse or upload the completed vaccine card to the immunization section of Magnus. This will assist with future contact tracing or quarantine efforts.
Student Illness
• Students with signs or symptoms of illness should not attend school or extracurricular activities. Absences should be reported to the front office, but if any of the following symptoms or circumstances apply, please stay home and contact the school nurse: a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher, loss of taste or smell, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, vomiting or diarrhea, close contact to a positive COVID case, or COVID positive, or awaiting COVID testing.
• If your student has TWO or more of the following symptoms, they should stay at home and be evaluated by their physician before a return to school: chills, headache, muscle or body aches, fatigue, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, or nausea.
COVID Resources
COVID Resources, Family Health Monitoring Guide, Frequent Scenario Guidelines and PCR Testing information may be found here HERE
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