March 2022 News & Notes

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St. Joseph’s School Prayer

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.

From the Headmaster

The St. Joseph’s Way Point #1

The SJ Way affirms the infinite worth and innate religiosity of each member of the school community.

Greetings from all of us at St. Joseph’s Catholic School!

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2, which this year falls during SJCS’ Minimester Week. The middle school is taking advantage of the timing to hold a Day of Reflection on Ash Wednesday. Mass and the distribution of ashes will take place at 8:00 AM. Parents and any high school students who might be available are welcome to attend.

Lent, of course, is the penitential season of preparation for Easter. For 40 days, Christians are asked to deepen their awareness of their sinfulness and corresponding need for Christ’s sacrificial love through increased commitment to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. For a refresher on the significance of this liturgical season, please watch this fast paced, 3 minute video found HERE.

This year, the St. Joseph’s Catholic School community is participating in the 1 1 1 Lenten Challenge. During House Meetings in February and March, we are showing the students a brief video (found HERE) introducing them to the challenge and inviting them to participate by filling out a card indicating: 1 thing they are going to Give Up; 1 spiritual or charitable practice they are going to Pick Up; and 1 sin they are going to Focus On rooting out. The completed 1 1 1 cards (without names) will be posted in their household to signify that we are on this journey together and committed to praying for and encouraging one another. I’ve linked the 1 1 1 Lenten Challenge card HERE if you would like to join the students and faculty in this challenge.

Lent is also a good occasion to say a word about the first point of the St. Joseph’s Way. I had an interaction with a student recently that I think illustrates the connection. The young man didn’t seem himself, so I asked him how he was doing. After saying he was fine, he opened up a bit more and told me that he felt a little bit off right now spiritually, and that God seems distant. I reminded him that Lent was coming and a

\March 2022 Edition
Contents From the Headmaster ....................... 1 Things You Need To Know ................ 3 From the Middle School Director 5 From the High School Director 5 From the Athletic Department ......... 7 From the Business Office ................... 7 From the College Counseling Office 8 From the Development Office ......... 9 From the Fine Arts Department ...... 10 From the Parents Guild .................... 10

great opportunity to take a closer look at his relationship with God and others. I shared that I too was feeling a little off and in need of some spiritual renewal.

The first point of the SJ Way reminds us that every person has infinite worth precisely because every person is made in the image and likeness of God. Because of this, we all have a built in longing to know and love God, which is what we mean by ‘innate religiosity’ in the first point of the SJ Way.

This is why we “feel a little bit off” when attitudes, habits, and ways of interacting with others fall short of our dignity as women and men in the image and likeness of God. Thankfully, God never tires of drawing us back to Himself and Lent is an excellent opportunity to take steps to do just that. I hope you’ll encourage your children to participate in the 1 1 1 Lenten Challenge.

Speaking of efforts to uphold and support the infinite worth of every human being, before closing my letter this month I want to call your attention to the upcoming Pink & Blue Banquet to be held at Flour Field on Saturday, March 26 in support of St. Clare’s Home, a maternity home for expectant mothers who choose life and are in need of shelter, safety, and security. St. Clare’s Home ( is the fulfillment of the dream and decade long effort of St. Joseph’s graduate, Claire Pizzuti (Capelle, SJCS 2006). St. Joseph’s Catholic School is proud to help sponsor this event, and I hope members of our school community will do what we can to support this incredible pro life ministry by attending the event and/or by donating time, talent, and/or treasure to St. Clare’s Home. In doing so, you will be directly helping an expectant mother find the support she needs to give birth to her baby.

In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for Caroline, Katy ‘19 and BJ ’17 Tally on the passing of their grandmother; for Mendolia Anderson on the passing of her grandfather.

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With Love and Prayers, Keith F. Kiser
Important Dates for 2022-2023 Please click HERE for important dates for the 2022 2023 school year.

Things You Need To Know

Middle School February 28 March 2

Middle School students will have a regular class schedule on Monday, February 28 and Tuesday, March 1. Wednesday, March 2 will be a Middle School retreat experience with a Noon dismissal.

High School Minimester February 28 - March 2

High School Minimester will be held on Monday, February 28 through Wednesday, March 2.

Ash Wednesday, March 2

The imposition of ashes will be offered at Mass at 8:00 AM.

NO SCHOOL & Faculty/Staff Professional Development, March 3 4

There will be no school on Thursday, March 3 and Friday, March 4 so that the faculty and staff may focus on professional development. The school and school office will be closed.

SJCS Spring Art Exhibit Entries Accepted, March 7-14

The 2022 Spring Art Exhibit is around the corner! Students in all grades are encouraged to participate. Categories will include Drawing, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Mixed Media, and Computer Graphics. Entries will be accepted in the Art Room from March 7 14. For entry requirements, contact Anne Meyer.

Sophomore Course Selection Meetings, March 7-18

Course scheduling conferences with the College Counseling Office are required for current sophomores and will take place between March 7 18. It is recommended that the student and one parent attend the meeting, but students can attend the meeting without a parent present. Please sign up for a 15 minute session HERE. Please use the student’s email account when signing up for a meeting. If your student has a study hall period or you do not see an appointment time that fits your schedule, email Jenn Albright to set up a meeting at another time.

Last Scheduled Admissions Testing, March 12

The last scheduled admissions testing date for new students (in all grades) for Fall 2022 admission is Saturday, March 12. Applicants sign up for testing when they complete the online application.

Margaret Ann Moon Scholarship Deadline to Test, March 12

The final testing date for rising sixth grade applicants to test for this scholarship (details found HERE) is Saturday, March 12. All rising 6th grade students who currently do not attend (nor have siblings attending) Upstate Catholic schools (including SJCS) are encouraged to apply. SJCS will award up to five middle school (half paid tuition) scholarships to rising sixth graders based on a combination of academic merit and need. There is no fee to apply for this scholarship, and it is renewable each of the remaining two years of middle school if academic conditions are met while enrolled at SJCS. A completed application must be on file prior to testing. Please help us spread the word if you know someone (family, friend, or colleague) who has a rising sixth grader for next year. Contact Admissions for more information.

First Round Admissions Notifications, March 15

If you have a child who has applied for admission to SJCS for Fall 2022, and your family completed the priority admissions process by the end of February, the first notifications will arrive in mailboxes on or before March 15.

Third Quarter Grades Emailed, March 18

The link for third quarter report cards will be emailed to students after 4:00 PM on Friday, March 18. Please remember to check your spam folder. If you do not receive the link or have problems viewing the report card, please email the Registrar, Carol Curry. If you have any questions regarding your student’s grade, please contact the teacher.

Spring Break Week, March 21 - March 25

Spring Break will be the week of Monday, March 21 through Friday, March 25. Classes will resume on Monday, March 28. The school and school office will be closed.

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Medical Club Blood Drive, March 29

St. Joseph’s Medical Club, along with The Red Cross, is hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, March 29 from 10:00 AM 1:00 PM in the gym. Parents, faculty, and students 16 or older may donate. It’s best to make an appointment by visiting HERE and using the sponsor code "SJCS". All students (regardless of age) must have the SJCS permission form (found HERE) signed by a parent or guardian. Students who are 16 years old must also have the Red Cross permission form (found HERE) signed. You must bring a picture ID and a mask with you. You will need to wear the mask while checking in and donating. Parent volunteers are needed to help check in donors. Email Mrs. Orbon to sign up to volunteer. Thank you for helping to save lives in our community!

SJCS Spring Musical, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella, April 7-10

Be sure to mark your calendars for the spring musical, Cinderella! Based on the classic story, this updated Rodgers & Hammerstein classic is sure to entertain all ages and bring a little magic into the spring semester! Performances will be April 7 10 and tickets will be available to purchase on the website in mid March.

Mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting, April 13

There will be a mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting on Wednesday, April 13 during HS Club Time (10:30 AM) in the JP II Center. Every senior must attend this important meeting. Dress code, arrival times, and graduation practice are just some of the topics covered. You will be given your cap and gown at this time.

Calendar Clarification, April 13 & 14

The daily bell schedule for April 13 and April 14 have been switched. This means that students are dismissed at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, April 13 (and it will be a Thursday bell schedule) and at 1:15 PM on Thursday, April 14 (and it will be a Wednesday bell schedule). Friday, April 15 is the official start of our Easter Break.

Easter Break, April 15 19

Easter Break will begin on Friday, April 15. The school and school office will be closed. Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 20.

Third Annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament, August 5 Save the date for the third annual SJCS Athletic Department Golf Tournament at The Preserve at Verdae golf course on August 5. The Athletic Department will be hosting this fundraiser for all sports teams. These funds will be used to support all the teams that make up St. Joseph’s Athletics. This has replaced many of the individual fundraisers that each team has done in the past. We strongly encourage the whole St. Joseph’s community to participate in the golf tournament. All alumni, families, and friends are welcome! Look for more details in April from Knights Athletic Booster Club. The Knights Athletic Booster Club is the all sport Booster Club for SJCS. Thank you for your generous support of all SJCS athletes.

Let’s Travel in 2023!

• Travel to Japan: The Japan trip scheduled for this summer has been postponed to next summer. If you are interested in traveling to Japan during the summer of 2023 you can still join the trip. The sign up link will be active soon. In the meantime, see the itinerary HERE. Questions? Contact Mrs. Carr

• Travel to Italy: The spring break 2023 trip to Italy is active now! Sign up soon for the best price and prepare to see the best parts of Italy. The Catacombs, a Papal audience, Michelangelo’s David, and incredible food are all part of this trip. See the itinerary, costs, and sign up information HERE These trips are open to all current 8th 11th grade students. Questions? Contact Mrs. Carr or Mrs. Palmer.

• Travel to Greece: There will be a trip to Greece from June 9 17, 2023. This is a great way to see the best highlights of Greece! This trip is open to students who are currently in grades 8 11. Right now, travelers can sign up without paying a deposit and still lock in the current rate. The price will increase every few months. Also, there is a promotion going on right now where the first payment can be postponed until April 1. The first 5 students who sign up will be entered into a drawing for a $500 scholarship. Email Mrs. Trakas for more information or visit the Travel Adventures page on the SJCS website.

Has Your Information Changed?

If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Jenny Starks.

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From the Middle School Director

This past October, when our high school students took the PSAT, all of our middle school students participated in a mini retreat experience. The students were really engaged, the feedback was positive, and many of them asked us to plan another one during the year. And what better time to have another retreat than now, as we enter the season of Lent. When asked about potential topics for another middle school retreat, students overwhelmingly petitioned for something to address stress. So, on Ash Wednesday, March 2, we are excited to offer them a chance for some in school rest and reflection. Our middle school retreat to start off this special season is titled, “Rest In Me: A Response to Stress through Christ.”

We are certainly aware of the stress that our students feel, and, in particular, the stress they feel because of the expectations and pressures of school. While we do what we can to minimize any structural issues that contribute to this stress, we also work with our students to help them better understand how to manage the contributing factors that are in their control.

On Ash Wednesday, our middle school students will begin the day with Mass and the distribution of ashes. They will learn about the stress influencers that they can control: technology usage and social media, the relevance of self care, including sleep, nutrition, exercise, the importance and sustainment of healthy friendships, and the role of prayer in developing an authentic, personal relationship with Christ. Along with some time for fun and fellowship, our students will spend lots of time with our middle school teaching team, hearing their stories of how their faith has helped them overcome obstacles.

While strong academic preparation is a significant element of an SJCS education, it is the attention to the formation of our students’ hearts and souls that is most critical and essential. How fortunate we are to have a leadership team and middle school faculty that believes this as deeply as I do. Please pray for all of our teachers, staff, and students as we begin our Lenten journey in the peace and comfort of Christ.

From the High School Director

Three questions about attendance…

St. Joseph’s allows every student a certain number of days each year that they can be absent from school (most major illnesses and quarantines are separate from this basic policy). These can cover some illnesses, family matters, unforeseen travel disruptions, and the like. Basically, we want to recognize that our students and families have lives outside of school, and we want to account for that within our overall framework. It’s the same logic we use when thinking about getting to school on time. We recognize that sometimes a student can be delayed through no fault of their own, and we try to embrace policies that recognize that reality. That’s why we allow students a few tardies each quarter before we intervene.

The last two years have wreaked havoc on school attendance policies. Likewise, late arrivals have skyrocketed at schools all over the country. Many schools have employed “Seat Time” recovery plans where students have to be physically present in the school outside of regular hours to satisfy certain state requirements. As I’ve talked with students about some of these issues, a number of questions have come up; and I’d like to offer a few answers to the most common ones.

Q: If I’m still passing the class, why does it matter if I’m there or not? First, because the state does have requirements for attendance, and no one should want to be the test case for when a lack of attendance means no credit can be earned regardless of the grade. More importantly, learning shouldn’t just be about passing. Studies show that there is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement. No one is exactly sure where the tipping point is; but at St. Joseph’s, we embrace more than the “just got by” mentality.

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“My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation.” Psalm 62:1

Q: Why does it matter if I’m a few seconds (minutes) late to school, to class, or to Household? Being on time to school or class can seem like a pretty minor issue, but actually there’s more going on here than it might seem. As part of a student’s preparation for college and working, promptness matters. As I heard one teacher say, try telling your boss that you’re only a few minutes late each day and see how that works out for you. Being on time and ready when the period starts is a good habit. It’s also respectful to everyone else because it contributes to an orderly, studious, atmosphere, and that’s what we want here during the school day.

Q: Nobody in college cares about this. Why does St. Joseph’s? That’s just wrong. I’ve known several professors who lock their door when the class starts and if you’re late, you’re out. I’ve also seen cases where a professor refused to write a letter of recommendation for graduate school for students who, although intellectually capable, simply weren’t in class enough to warrant an endorsement by the professor. A letter of recommendation isn’t just about the grade earned. If that’s all it was, a transcript would suffice. Letters like these are endorsements of the person’s behavior, and being professional (on time, present, etc.) matters.

In the end these are good habits to develop in any context, and it’s good for education. That’s why we promote it at St. Joseph’s

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From the Athletic Department

Requirements for Students Participating in Sports

Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2021 2022 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2021, and complete the required forms ONLINE HERE prior to the first tryout or practice. NO PAPER FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED, NO EXCEPTIONS! If you were an athlete in 2020 2021, please use your existing login. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice are: Pre Participation History and PreParticipation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Steadman Hawkins form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through PlanetHS (formerly Arbiter Athlete) found HERE. Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Planet HS will be available on the SJCS website HERE, please note that you must login to the SJCS website first. Be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school.

From The Knights Athletic Booster Club

• The Knights Athletic Booster Club offers a big congratulations to all of our winter sports teams for wrapping up successful seasons! It was wonderful to see the student section back in full swing in the gym this year SJCS has amazing fans!

• Please make sure to check out the revamped SJCS athletics social media accounts. These dedicated accounts will keep everyone in the community updated about schedules, scores, and news related to the many teams and athletes here at St. Joseph’s. A big thank you to the new Communications Director, Andrea Gray, for her hard work getting these accounts up and running and making them look so good Please follow and share!

Instagram: sjcs_athletics

Twitter: @sjcs_athletics

Facebook: St. Joseph's Catholic School Athletics

From the Business Office

Re-enrollment Deadline Has Passed

The deadline to re enroll for the 2022 2023 school year has passed. If you have not yet re enrolled your student, please contact Jenny Starks in the Admissions Office to see if there are any remaining spots.

Flexible Tuition

Flexible Tuition offers individualized tuition rates for families based on a family’s documented financial ability to pay. Any family that is unable to pay the full price (which is set based upon the real cost to educate a student at SJCS) is invited to apply for an individual rate. That rate will be determined based upon a strictly confidential analysis of the family’s financial position with the assistance of FACTS, an independent, third party organization. Flexible Tuition is awarded on an annual basis and must be applied for each year. To get to the FACTS application website, click HERE

Tuition Insurance

For several years, St. Joseph’s has maintained a no refund policy related to tuition. After July 1, no portion of tuition and fees paid or outstanding will be refunded or canceled in the event of absence, withdrawal, or dismissal from the school of the student. In view of the obligation, the school now provides a Tuition Insurance Plan for all monthly and semi annual payment plans to protect your yearly financial obligation under the terms of the Enrollment Contract. This program ensures tuition and fees (prepaid and due) in the event of separation according to the terms of the policy. If you are paying one annual payment (Plan A), you may opt to purchase tuition insurance. The cost of optional tuition insurance is $214.00 for Middle School and $244.00 for High School. Contact Lisa Lawrence to sign up for the optional insurance for Plan A selections or any other tuition insurance questions.

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Senior Tuition Accounts

In order to participate in Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation, all senior tuition and fees must be paid in full (except for the June tuition) by May 20, 2022. Contact Ann Gushue with any questions regarding tuition and fees due.

Tuition Recruitment Credit

In an effort to recruit more families like yours to St. Joseph’s Catholic School, and reward our best customers to help us with this endeavor, the school offers a $500 Tuition Credit Program. Based on parent feedback, we have learned that “Word of Mouth” is our most effective advertising medium for attracting families. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the St. Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their next tuition bill, usually in November. Click HERE to read more about the program qualifications.

From the College Counseling Office

Eighth Grade & Freshman Course Selection Meetings

Mrs. Charlton met with all rising sophomores in January and February to review the course scheduling process and graduation requirements. Mrs. Vaughn presented scheduling information to all rising freshmen through their Theology class the week of February 7. Any current 8th or 9th grade student who plans to submit a course appeal form is required to meet with a counselor (8th grade with Mrs. Vaughn and 9th grade with Mrs. Charlton) once their form is complete. Parent participation is mandatory for all course appeal conferences. Please contact Greshan Charlton or Courtney Vaughn to schedule a meeting.

High School Course Scheduling

• During the month of March, counselors will continue meeting with students in grades 8 11 to review high school courses requested for next year and discuss any Course Appeal Requests for Honors or AP classes. A scheduling conference is mandatory for all students in grades 9 through 11, as well as any 8th grade student requesting an Honors course for which they do not meet the prerequisites specified in the High School Course Catalog. March 31 is the final date to review Course Appeal Request Forms and submit them to the College Counseling Office.

• Any changes to courses requested must be processed through the College Counseling Office.

• Course requests should be given careful consideration at this time since the master schedule is dependent on all requests. Once the master schedule is set, course changes will be limited.

College Visits

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who would like to visit colleges should register for visits through the colleges’ websites or with the Admissions Offices and then email the Front Office with the date(s) you will be attending the college visit. Juniors and second semester sophomores get two college visit days per year and seniors are permitted four college visit days per year. Please remember to bring back the proper documentation to the Front Office (College Visit Record Form, found HERE, with required signatures and official documentation see form for details).

SAT & ACT Testing

Although many colleges are announcing that they will be test optional for next year, juniors are still encouraged to register to take both the ACT and SAT at least once before the end of their junior year. Click HERE for SAT test dates and HERE for ACT test dates.

College Match Program

In March, we will begin our College Match program with the junior students. It is important that the students know their Scoir login information.

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Individual College Planning Meetings for Juniors

Don’t forget to schedule your individual family college planning meeting with your college counselor. All juniors should meet with their college counselor at least once before the end of April. Parents should complete the Parent Survey as soon as possible.

Senior College Acceptances/Scholarships

Please continue to share your good news and advise the College Counseling Office of college acceptances and scholarship awards. With nearly 90% of the senior class reporting acceptances so far, they’ve been offered over $6.5 million in scholarships.

Financial Aid Reminder for Seniors

Please make sure that you have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and (if applicable) the CSS Profile. Both of these forms were available beginning last October, and many schools have February and March deadlines. The federal government, along with the colleges to which you applied, require you to fill out the FAFSA form in order to receive federal aid and financial aid packages.

From the Development Office

Annual Auction Gala Update

• Mark your calendars for the 2022 Annual Auction Gala on Friday, April 22. Our Gala Committee members, faculty/staff, students, and parents are working together to diligently prepare for our school’s largest fundraiser that supports our students.

• Stay tuned to your email for details pertaining to the nature of our Gala. If you are interested in volunteering or donating a silent or live auction item, contact Amy Cassidy (Gala Chair), Aimee Lonergan (Gala Co Chair), or Katie Orbon in the Development Office

The Gala Committee Needs Your Help

The Gala Committee is in need of:

• Bottles of wine for the wine pull

• Baskets that can be used for Silent Auction

• Vacation homes or timeshares to be auctioned off If you are able to help, contact Amy Cassidy (Gala Chair), Aimee Lonergan (Gala Co Chair), or Katie Orbon in the Development Office

Middle School Baskets and High School Experiences for the Gala

• Middle School Household baskets are due in the Development Office by March 31.

• If you signed up to donate an item for one of the High School Experiences for the Gala, please bring it to the Development Office by March 31. Thank you for your support!

Annual Fund

• Our goal this fiscal year (July 2021 June 2022) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. As of February, an impressive 43% of our school families have contributed. Congratulations to the 8th grade which is leading with a grade level participation of 51%! We will continue to track these participation numbers through the Gala in the Spring.

• Helping families afford a St. Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 6% of the school’s overall budget. It accounts for 75% of the funding that is not covered by tuition. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $525,000. The Annual Fund total through January was $348,000! Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions, download your Annual Fund Donation Form today or make an online donation!

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From the Fine Arts Department

In case you missed it…Jubilate Knight & Twinderella

In case you missed the early Fine Arts events of 2022, you can view them on the SJCS Fine Arts YouTube Page.

• Jubilate Knight 2022 Playlist

• 8th Grade play Twinderella

"Year of St. Joseph" Ornaments

Did you know that March 19 is the Feast of St. Joseph? The Jubilate Arts Guild has a very limited number of our St. Joseph ornaments left and these beautiful glass decorations also make fabulous sun catchers to be displayed in your home year round as a reminder and inspiration of Jesus’ foster father. Purchase yours HERE for just $25. The link above is also good for our senior families to purchase their Red Door ornament for graduation!

Jubilate Arts Guild Openings

Have you been wondering what the Jubilate Arts Guild is? Have you been wondering how you can get involved in an organization that impacts all the students here at SJCS? JAG is the place for you! We are the Fine Arts booster club and we have a position for you, no matter how much or how little time you have to invest. We meet once a month, before school for those with busy work schedules. All middle school students partake of the fine arts programs and the majority of our high school students participate in band, strings, chorus, dance, theater, and/or visual arts. Positions we are looking to fill for the 2022 23 school year:

• Vice President/Jubilate Knight Chair: Functions mainly as the chair for Jubilate Knight, our annual talent show fundraiser.

• Membership Coordinator: Keeps track of incoming memberships and membership correspondence.

• Treasurer: Keeps track of funds coming in and out. Relays the accounting already done by the school accounting department.

• Public Relations: Communicates with the school’s PR to relay information about Fine Arts events to be posted to the school’s website and social media.

• Tech Week Meals and Concessions: Coordinates the feeding of our theater students during the week of the performances, and the selling of concessions at the performances. SignUpGenius is your friend.

• Ways and Means: Coordinates the various fundraisers the Fine Arts department does throughout the school year.

We are also looking for people to be on our Jubilate Knight committee to help put together and promote our amazing annual talent show and fundraiser.

If you would like to join a fun group of parents who support the Fine Arts here at SJCS, JAG is where you need to be! Contact Cindy Davis for more information.

Volunteers Needed

The Fine Arts Department is always looking for volunteers in the following areas:

• Parents or students willing to donate their time and talents through their sewing skills

• Parents to assist in the Scene Shop during after school and Saturday crew sessions If you would like more information on how to volunteer, please contact Teresa McGrath.

From the Parents Guild

Thank You!

• We would like to give Rita Taylor a huge thank you for coordinating the delicious lunch for the faculty/staff during CSW! Thank you as well to all of our fantastic volunteers who helped that day with set up/clean up and by sending in food and gift cards The faculty/staff are truly grateful for our parental support!

• We would like to sincerely thank Patricia Hanson for all of her hard work on the Used Uniform Sale! The next sale will be sometime before school starts in August.

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Spirit Wear

Graduation Yard Signs

Calling all senior parents! We have partnered with for you to purchase graduation signs customized for your son or daughter. Check out the sign options HERE. This is a great way to showcase your graduating senior.

Keep the Donations Coming!

Did you know that SJCS receives a check every month from Amazon? Plus, we receive funds from Publix, Harris Teeter, and Lowe’s Foods. We need these funds to continue our efforts in improving the school. In just a few minutes you can set up your account and help us start gaining rewards. To find out more details and sign up, click HERE.

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Spirit Wear is still available in the School Store. The next school wide sale will be towards the end of the month

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