From the Head of School
Saint Joseph’s School Prayer
Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster-Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.
Greetings from all of us at Saint Joseph’s Catholic School!
As we head into the final month of school, I want to congratulate the members of the Class of 2024 and say a few words about their accomplishments and the opportunities it is affording them as they matriculate to the colleges and universities of their choice.
To date, the members of this class have been accepted into 117 different schools in 33 states, with 97% reporting that they have at least one scholarship offer. Notably, 31 of those acceptances have been to Catholic colleges and universities spanning the nation, the highest total for any one class I can recall. Eight members of the Class of 2024 have signed/committed to play a college-level sport.
The preliminary list of schools they will be attending (some are still making final decisions) represents a Who's Who of top schools and programs across the country These are acceptances not necessarily enrollments: Notre Dame (3), Virginia Tech (3), Duke, Georgetown, Fordham, Purdue, Benedictine, Rochester Institute of Technology, UNC, Michigan, Tennessee, Villanova, and Pepperdine to name just a representative group. Not surprisingly, many of our students have chosen to stay close to home and will attend one of our state’s illustrious colleges and universities.
Of those listed above, the following are enrollments: VA Tech (3), Notre Dame (3), Georgetown, and Duke.
None of this happens without our teachers' excellent work and the students' diligent efforts. Based on years of feedback from past graduates, we know with a high degree of certainty that the Class of 2024 members are well-prepared for academic and personal success at the next level.
In the words of our founding board chair, “Our students are destined to change the world.” This is something we truly believe and expect. It’s always fascinating to hear about how our graduates go on to do that, each in their unique and imperfect ways. For some, the route they take
in life looks like we thought it might when they were students here. For many others, the route they take is circuitous, surprising, and sometimes filled with mistakes (life lessons) but is just as impactful and satisfying in the end.
We are happy that Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation will be held at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church on Saturday, May 25 at 10:00 AM. This will be a ticketed event this year. Regardless of whether you will be attending, please do pray for the members of the Class of 2024 and for all of our alumni that they would each hear Christ’s particular call in their lives and experience the joy of spreading Christ’s love in their daily lives.
Before closing this letter, I want to thank two longtime employees who will be retiring at the end of this school year. Jeanne McCoy is retiring after 14 years leading the French department at St. Joseph’s. Madame McCoy is simply one of the best teachers I know. Beloved by her students, her excellence in the classroom is without compare, and her care and compassion for her students and colleagues will most certainly be missed.
I also want to thank Dawn Hawkins for her years as the school’s receptionist. For the past 23 years, visitors to the school have been greeted by Mrs. Hawkins. As gatekeeper, Dawn has had the unique opportunity and challenge of welcoming guests and ensuring they have the credentials to be in the building. It’s a delicate balance that Dawn has walked graciously. No one in the school has been responsible for more intercessory prayers than Mrs. Hawkins, for her relationships are such that people ask for her and the school’s prayers for them, which she passes on to the employees and the parents' weekly prayer group. Dawn cares deeply about the school and will be greatly missed so much so that right now, I’m having a hard time imagining greeting anyone else in the morning!
In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for Caroline and Emma ’21 Getz on the passing of their grandfather; for Jayda Demirel on the passing of her grandfather; for Lillie, Mollie and Charlie Mendelson on the passing of their grandmother.
With Love and Prayers, Keith F. Kiser Head of School
Senior Celebration Day, May 2
Things You Need To Know
Seniors are invited to wear a college t-shirt from their chosen college on Thursday, May 2. Seniors should wear their t-shirt with approved dress down day bottoms. The College Counseling Office will also have a special celebration with pizza, cake, a group photo of all seniors, as well as some other photo opportunities in the Gym from 11:45 AM (just before high school lunch) until 12:45 PM . Make sure to bring your appetite and smiles!
Exam Schedules for AP, Senior, & Final Exams
Please see the Exam section of this News & Notes for full details of exams. Please avoid taking students out for appointments on exam days and remember that exams may not be taken early.
Looking for the perfect gift to honor your upcoming Graduate? Order by May 7
Our beautiful stained glass Red Door ornament is a wonderful token to commemorate your student’s years at SJCS, and they make great gifts. If you order by May 7, you can pick them up when you watch your senior walk out the Red Door during the Red Door Ceremony on May 9. You can order your Red Door ornament HERE. We also have a limited number of our beautiful Madonna and Child ornaments still available. Perfect for Mother’s Day! To order the Madonna and Child, contact Christine Balts directly.
Spring Fine Arts Concerts, May 7-9
Celebrate the end of the year at the Fine Arts Spring Concerts:
• Tuesday, May 7: Band Ensembles
• Wednesday, May 8: Choral Ensembles
• Thursday, May 9: Strings Ensembles
All concerts will begin at 7:00 PM in the St. John Paul II Center. Admission is free. Jubilate Arts Guild members will receive priority seating based on their membership level. Be sure to pick up your Jubilate Arts Guild member tag at check-in. Seating will not be assigned, but doors will open to Jubilate members only at 6:30 PM, followed by general admission at 6:45 PM.
May Spirit Knight, May 9
The May “Spirit Knight" will be on Thursday, May 9, ALL Day at Tipsy Taco on Woodruff Road. SJCS will receive a portion of the sales. Mention Saint Joseph’s when paying. Please plan to support the Parents Guild and join us for dinner!
HS Academic Awards Ceremony & Senior Red Door Ceremony, May 9
The HS Academic Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 9 in the JPII Center at 2:00 PM. All seniors should wear their dress uniform that day. All senior parents are invited to attend, and you will be notified in advance if your child is receiving an award. The Academic Awards Ceremony will conclude with the Class of 2024 processing out through the Red Door in the school’s annual Red Door Farewell Ceremony. This program marks the end of one spiritual journey and the beginning of a new one for our seniors. Parents should park in the sophomore parking lot (by the baseball dugout) and enter through the front lobby.
Interest Meeting for Trip to London, May 13
Interested in traveling to England? Attend the informational meeting on Monday, May 13 at 6:00 PM to learn more. Click HERE to RSVP to the meeting. This trip will include guided walking and sight-seeing tours of London highlights, along with a visit to the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, and visits to Stonehenge, Bath, and Stratfordupon- Avon. The trip also includes a backstage tour of the National Theatre, a workshop and performance at the Globe, and a West-End production. Trip details (including the itinerary, cost, payment plans, etc.) can be found HERE. This trip is open to current 8th grade through 11th grade SJCS students; parents are also welcome to join us. Interested students and parents can register HERE . There's an additional meeting night discount for those who attend on May 13.
Schedule Change/12:05 PM Dismissal on May 15
Due to the 8th Grade Convocation and Awards Ceremony, all students (except for 8th graders) will be dismissed at 12:05 PM.
Grade Convocation Mass & Awards Ceremony, May 15
The Eighth Grade Convocation Mass and Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 15 at 12:15 PM and last approximately 90 minutes. Families are invited to attend. All other students will be dismissed at 12:05 PM that day; however, any student is welcome to stay and join us for the celebration.
Interest Meeting for America in the World Wars Trip, May 15
There will be an interest meeting on Wednesday, May 15 at 6:00 PM in Room 205 to discuss an exciting trip opportunity for summer 2025. Due to safety concerns, the South Africa trip has been changed to an exciting new trip and topic, America in the World Wars! Come and visit some of the most exciting places American troops fought in WWI and WWII in Europe. See Churchill's War rooms in London, cross the channel at night to visit the Normandy beaches, the American cemetery at Omaha, the 1917 museum and Flanders Field, to name a few. We will have high tea in London, visit the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, and travel to Westerbork, where both Anne Frank and Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) were held before being sent to Auschwitz. To view the itinerary, cost, and payment plans, click HERE. Questions? Contact Meby Carr.
Fine Arts Improvisation Knight, May
The SJCS Theatre Department will sponsor an Improvisation Knight on Thursday, May 16. Join us for an entertaining evening of Improvisation as the students compete against each other on stage, using only their quick wit and humor. The show will start at 7:00 PM. Admission is $5 at the door and concessions will be available for purchase. Jubilate Arts Guild members will receive priority seating based on their membership level. Be sure to pick up your Jubilate Arts Guild member tag at check-in. Seating will not be assigned, but doors will open to Jubilate members only at 6:30 PM, followed by general admission at 6:45 PM.
Textbook Purchasing List Posted, May 17
Textbook lists for 2024-2025 will be posted on St. Joseph’s website by May 17. The school’s official textbook vendor is BNC Services. Sales through BNC earn 5% cash back to St. Joseph’s. BNC’s online bookstore can be accessed HERE. Summer reading titles may be purchased through them starting May 28, and all other textbooks will be available beginning July 8. BNC Services carries the majority of our textbooks and is a straightforward and easy way to secure the books needed. They offer books in new and used condition as well as a chance to sell books back at the end of the year. If you choose to use another vendor, please make sure to order by ISBN to ensure you have the correct edition and format. Also note that class schedules will not be finalized until mid-July and will be issued via email. If you choose to purchase books early, please note that you may be required to purchase additional books or different books based on your student’s actual schedule. From July 21-27, BNC offers St. Joseph’s discount shipping week. Orders over $149 qualify for free shipping that week only.
Access to Gradebooks Closes May 20
The fourth quarter ends on Monday, May 20. Parent and student access to gradebooks in Blackbaud will close at 4:00 PM for faculty to update report card grades for the marking period. Access to gradebooks will resume once report cards are finalized and issued.
Annual Senior/Senior Parent Dodgeball Game, May 20
The Annual Senior/Senior Parent Dodgeball game is Monday, May 20 at 6:00 PM in the Gym. Parents are encouraged to dress as they did in high school! Please RSVP HERE . Questions? Contact Krystal Kennedy, Junior Class Parent Rep.
6th and 7th Grade Schedule, May 21-23
All students will be dismissed at 12:15 PM on exam days from May 21-23. Sixth graders will not have exams and 7th graders will have exams in Math and Literature only. They will have two extended classes each day, matching the eighth grade and HS exam schedule, with the following exception: since their Related Arts classes will not meet, sixth graders will meet with their 7th period class at the 3rd period exam time, and seventh graders will meet with their 7th period class during the 5th period exam time There will be no MS classes on Friday, May 24.
8th Grade Semester Exams, May 21-23
Eighth graders will follow the exam schedule and guidelines detailed in this edition of News and Notes except for the following: their 7th period exam will take place at 10:20 AM on May 21 during the 2nd period exam time,
since there is no Related Arts exam. There will be no 8th grade exam on Friday, May 24 and 8th graders do not need to come to school that day unless they have a makeup exam. Please avoid taking students out for appointments on exam days, and remember that exams may not be taken early.
Late Stay, May 21-23
We will have Late Stay on Tuesday through Thursday, May 21-23, after the 12:15 PM dismissal, but there is NO Late Stay on Friday, May 24, which is the last day of school, with a 10:00 AM dismissal.
Graduation Practice, May 23
Graduation practice will begin promptly at 1:00 PM at St. Mary Magdalene Church. This is a required event for ALL seniors, and they should plan to be at practice from 1:00–3:00 PM. All seniors must be present and arrive on time at this practice in order to walk at Commencement. Graduation tickets will also be distributed at practice.
No Middle School Classes, May 24
Middle school students will not have school on Friday, May 24. The high school will be dismissed at 10:00 AM on that day after their last exam. There is no Late Stay on that day
Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement, May 25
The Class of 2024 will graduate at 10:00 AM at St. Mary Magdalene Church on Woodruff Road. The doors will open for seating at 9:00 AM. Each graduate receives eight tickets. This will also be livestreamed for those who do not have a ticket to attend.
School Office Closed, May 27
The school and school offices will be closed on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day.
Summer HS Courses for Credit
The summer Government and Physical Education classes both still have availability. The Physical Education course can be taken by any rising ninth through twelfth grade student to earn one half credit toward the one full PE credit required for graduation. It is particularly helpful for students who will not be earning PE credits through SJCS Varsity or JV athletics. You can find more information about these classes and register HERE.
Summer Office Hours Begin May 28
Beginning Tuesday, May 28, summer office hours are 8:00 AM-1:00 PM Monday-Thursday. The office will be closed on Fridays, as well as the week of July 1-5. The office re-opens July 8 and summer hours continue until August 2.
2024 Annual JAG Ornament Design Contest, Deadline May 31
The SJCS Jubilate Arts Guild is sponsoring their annual art competition to design our new Christmas ornament. This year we are looking for your best Star of Bethlehem with inspiration coming from Matthew 2:9 … And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them … Students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, etc. are all encouraged to create their interpretation of the Star of Bethlehem to be turned into a 3 1/2" W x 3 1/2" H DIAMOND shape NanoBrite translucent, yet opaque, stained glass-like ornament. Use of Bright and Deep colors for the best light effect on the finished product is recommended. Artwork can be hand sketched, painted, or digitally designed. Digital process: High Res 300-600 dpi jpeg, pdf required (no png, gif accepted). Click HERE for details. Entries should be submitted to Teresa McGrath by Friday, May 31.
Final Report Cards Available June 3
Quarter 4/Final report cards will be accessible in Blackbaud after 4:00 PM on Monday, June 3. An email will be sent from the Registrar’s Office to parents and students when report cards are finalized.
Course Schedules Available Mid-July
HS students and parents will be notified via email in mid-July when schedules are available online. Students will have an opportunity to make limited change requests once they receive their schedules. MS students will receive their schedules when school begins in August.
Rising Senior College Essay Workshop, July 22-25
The College Counseling Office will hold a college application essay workshop for rising seniors July 22-25. College Admission Counselors will be present throughout the week to lead and assist students through the brainstorming and revision process There are only a few spots remaining, so if you would like to attend, please register as soon as possible. The times, cost, and registration can be found HERE .
Rising Senior Application Boot Camp, August 6 & 7
The College Counseling Office will host a free college application boot camp for rising seniors on August 6 and 7 at SJCS. All rising seniors are encouraged to attend. More details, including the specific times and registration link, will follow in an email later this summer.
Sixth Annual Athletic Department Golf Tournament, August 9
Friday, August 9 is the Sixth Annual Athletic Department Golf Tournament! Proceeds from this event directly benefit all teams, and sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Kevin Meyer in the Development Office or Golf Fundraising Chair Josh Hoover-Dempsey for more information on sponsorship packages and benefits. And as always, please help us honor those athletic volunteers who go above and beyond in their service and dedication to the Knights.
Community Service Hours Due
All students are required to complete and submit their community service hours in MobileServe prior to exams. The requirements by grade level are as follows: Freshmen: 10 hours, Sophomores: 15 hours, Juniors: 20 hours, and Seniors: 20 hours. Questions? Contact Greshan Charlton.
BNC Textbook Buyback
Parents who wish to sell books back to BNC may do so online. BNC Services will buy back textbooks that meet their condition requirements and send the money directly to you. You do not need to have purchased your books through BNC Services to participate. You may also sell your books back to BNC Services through their website. They will cover shipping costs. This short video (found HERE) will provide you with complete instructions.
Used Textbooks
As the school year comes to a close, please consider donating any unwanted used textbooks to St. Joseph’s. These textbooks are distributed to our scholarship students and/or used in the classroom at the teacher's discretion.
Important Dates for 2024-2025
Please click HERE for important dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
Back to School Forms for 2024-2025
Back to school forms were emailed to all parents of students for the 2024-2025 school year. The forms include contact information update, emergency contact updates and grandparent updates. Complete these forms to keep our records accurate. Contact Mary Cummings with any questions.
Has Your Information Changed?
If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Mary Cummings.
Upcoming Opportunities for Travel
Ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Consider one of the following trips, and be immersed in global learning opportunities that will boost independence and fuel curiosity:
Greece Spring Break 2025
Visit Athens and cruise around the Greek islands (including Ephesus and the island of Patmos/the cave of the Apocalypse) and experience modern Greek culture and cuisine. All the details (including the itinerary, cost, payment plans, insurance options, and travel dates) can be found HERE. Questions? Email Elaine Trakas.
London Spring Break 2025
America in the World Wars Summer 2025
This trip will include guided walking and sight-seeing tours of London highlights, along with a visit to the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, and visits to Stonehenge, Bath, and Stratford-upon- Avon. The trip also includes a backstage tour of the National Theater, a workshop and performance at the Globe, and a West End production. Trip details (including the itinerary, cost, payment plans, etc.) can be found HERE The exact dates will be posted at the end of this school year. Dates listed on the itinerary are used to begin the trip planning. This trip is open to current 8th grade through 11th grade SJCS students; parents are also welcome to sign up. There is an additional fee for adult participants. Interested students and parents can register HERE. Refer to links above for scholarship discount. Questions? Contact Teresa McGrath or Christina Harvey
Due to safety concerns, the South Africa trip has been changed to an exciting new trip and topic: America in the World Wars! Come and visit some of the most exciting places American troops fought in WWI and WWII in Europe. See Churchill's War rooms in London, cross the channel at night to visit the Normandy beaches, the American cemetery at Omaha, the 1917 Museum and Flanders Field, to name a few. We will have high tea in London, visit the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, and travel to Westerbork, where both Anne Frank and Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) were held before being sent to Auschwitz. To view the itinerary, cost, and payment plans, click HERE. Questions? Contact Meby Carr.
AP Exam Schedule
Monday, May 6
Tuesday, May 7
Exam Schedules
7:40 AM: US Government & Politics
11:40 AM: Chemistry
11:40 AM: Seminar
11:40 AM: Statistics
Wednesday, May 8 7:40 AM: English Literature & Composition
Friday, May 10
Monday, May 13
Tuesday, May 14
7:40 AM: European History
7:40 AM: United States History
7:40 AM: Calculus AB & BC
7:40 AM: English Language & Composition
11:40 AM: Physics C; Mechanics
Wednesday, May 15 7:40 AM: French Language & Culture
Thursday, May 16
Friday, May 17
7:40 AM: Spanish Language & Culture
11:40 AM: Biology
7:40 AM: Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Students must report to the Meeting Room at the times listed above. AP students are excused from all of their classes on any day they have an AP exam, and they may arrive later or leave campus early. However, if it is beneficial to attend other classes on that day, they should do so. If students stay on campus after an exam, they must check in at the front office before reporting to class. They may not leave campus after a morning exam and return to school for a later class.
Senior Exam Schedule
Monday, May 13
Tuesday, May 14
Wednesday, May 15
Thursday, May 16
8:00–10:00 AM: History
10:30 AM–12:30 PM: Math
8:00–10:00 AM: Literature
10:30 AM–12:30 PM: Science
8:00–10:00 AM: Theology
8:00–10:00 AM: World Language
10:30 AM–12:30 PM: Electives
Friday, May 17 Make-ups as needed
Final Exam Schedule, Grades 8-11 for Non-AP Courses
Tuesday, May 21
Wednesday, May 22
Thursday, May 23
Friday, May 24
Exam Guidelines
8:05–10:00 AM: Period 1 Exam
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Period 2 Exam
8:05–10:00 AM: Period 3 Exam
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Period 4 Exam
8:05–10:00 AM: Period 5 Exam
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Period 6 Exam
8:05–10:00 AM: Period 7 Exam
10:20 AM–12:15 PM: Make-up Exams
• Students are not allowed to test early.
• SJCS Exemption Policy: Excepting math courses, juniors and seniors can exempt exams in year-long courses if they have a 90 average in the course by the Friday before final exams are scheduled to begin. Exemption averages are calculated by averaging the fall semester grade with the third and fourth quarter grades. Students on probation or those who have certain disciplinary actions may not be eligible.
• High school students should report directly to their exam room and must be seated by 8:00 AM. Anyone not in attendance after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy. No students are to be admitted to the exam
once the exam has been distributed. Likewise for the second exam, students should be seated and attendance taken by 10:15 AM, and no student will be admitted after the exam has been distributed.
• Students should bring review materials for other exams and study quietly if they finish an exam before the end of the exam period. Silence should be maintained from the moment exams are distributed until all exams are collected at the end of the exam period. Students with questions should raise their hands quietly.
• Once an exam begins, students are not permitted to leave the room. Restroom trips should be for emergencies only and then only after the student has turned in their exam.
• Students with only one exam on a given day need be present only for that exam. If they do not have a 10:20 AM exam, they may leave at the end of the 8:00 AM exam period. Similarly, if students do not have an 8:00 AM exam, they do not need to report until the 10:20 AM exam period (by 10:15 AM). All students leaving or arriving between the exam times should enter/exit through the front office.
From the Middle School Director
“Father, I am seeking; I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me.”
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Comfort with the unknown… At the start of every school year, I think to myself that it will be Thanksgiving before I even have a chance to catch my breath. And without fail, it happens. The speed of it all simply amazes me. Days and weeks became quarters and semesters, and this school year will end in a matter of weeks.
You might be experiencing at home what we see at school … higher than normal levels of restlessness, emotion, exhaustion and anxiety. Understandably, many things contribute to these feelings for our children at this time of year: anticipation of summer break; sadness over friends moving on to other schools; worry about doing well on end of year tests and projects; concern about finding summer work, or going to a new camp, or simply being away from a routine that is known and comfortable. Evidence of these feelings might be revealed in the typical patterns we’ve seen from our children before - crankiness, sleepiness, sleeplessness, tired eyes or emotions that quickly escalate. We might also experience actions that are not typical, and those can evoke concern on our end.
There are definite strategies we can use to help our children navigate this time more smoothly.
• First, listen to their concerns. Help them articulate what it is they are most worried about. Assure them that many of these feelings are normal, and that there are other students their age who feel the same way. With a good understanding of what is most contributing to their stress, a viable action plan can be developed.
• Second, work to help them develop comfort with the unknown. This mindset is underdeveloped in our children, and we need to actively cultivate their understanding of it. If there is anything we know for sure, it’s that we are sure we won’t know everything. A strategy here is to help them recall times when they were able to successfully navigate unexpected events. Remind them of the strategies they used to overcome the obstacles.
• Third, help them take care of their mind, body, and spirit. Ask for their electronics at least 30 minutes to an hour before they go to bed so that they have a good chance at restful sleep. Help them see the connection between nutritious food and the stable energy they feel. Pray with them every day, asking for wisdom, guidance and a renewed spirit. Also, pray in thanksgiving for all the blessings that have been received.
These can be trying times for us parents, as we, too, try to manage the multiple responsibilities that come with end of year events. We are here and available to offer suggestions, provide resources, or develop plans of action when home concerns intersect with school concerns. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need us.
From the High School Director
What I’ve Been Saying About You Behind Your Back
Not long ago I was corresponding with an old friend who referred to the period of life when we knew each other as a ‘blessed time.’ Our families had been involved in starting a church in the suburbs of North Houston, and a real sense of optimism and camaraderie pervaded everything we did together. That captures my sense of my time at Saint Joseph’s perfectly. It truly has been a ‘blessed time.’ Yes, of course there have been challenges. There are certainly instances where I wish I could do something over. But our shared commitment to providing our kids with a great Catholic education has made the work worth doing.
When people ask me about Saint Joseph’s, I don’t talk about myself. I don’t talk about accreditation or discipline issues. I don’t talk about the labor of putting together the class schedule every year or the back and forth about who should be in what class. I definitely don’t talk about hoodies or our tardy policy.
I talk about you. I tell them what an extraordinary community of people this is. I use terms like “missional,” “hardworking,” “generous,” and “committed.” I tell them that no other group of people I know is more dedicated to the well-being of their children than the families at Saint Joseph’s, and I make sure they know that it is inspiring to be around the families that make up our school. It’s that inspiration that I’ll take with me to the Diocese of Youngstown, and it's that optimistic camaraderie that I will most cherish from my time in Greenville.
I will be praying for you in the weeks and months to come, and I covet your prayers for me as well. You have been a blessing to me and my family for the last eleven years, and for that I am in your debt.
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen.
From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office
Seniors: Graduation Surveys
All seniors must complete their Graduation Survey in Scoir as soon as possible. Completing this survey is essential in your college receiving your final transcript.
Seniors: Final Transcripts
We will send final transcripts to the college(s) that you indicate on your Graduation Survey. Please note that this also includes the NCAA. Final transcripts will be sent out the first and second week of June. If your college requires a form to be included with the transcript, please make sure the college counseling office has this form. Please continue to bring in all college acceptance letters and scholarships offers to us.
Juniors: Teacher Letter of Recommendation Request Forms
All juniors should stop by the College Counseling Office to pick up their Letter of Recommendation Request Forms and then take them to their teachers to ask them for a letter of recommendation. This should be done before the end of the school year. If you have any questions, please contact the College Counseling Office.
Rising Senior Families
If you would like to have a follow up meeting, please contact the college counseling office to set one up. All students should try to meet with their college counselor at least one more time before the end of the school year or in June.
From the Athletic Department
Summer Sports Training
Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2024-2025 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2024, and complete the required forms ONLINE at Big Teams (found HERE) prior to the first tryout or practice (this includes Off Season Practices and Weights). No paper forms will be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS! Returning athletes, please use your existing login. All physicals submitted to participate in the 20242025 school year are valid until the last day of school. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice (including summer practices) are: Pre-Participation History and PreParticipation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Bon Secours St. Francis Health System Consent Form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big Teams.com. Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Big Teams will be available on the SJCS website HERE. When creating an account be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school, if you type in different spellings of the school it will not populate as an option. This website is available in any language. To change the language, click on the person icon in the top right corner. Also, there is a new Big Teams feature where you can toggle between the athlete account and parent accounts once linked. To do this, click My Profile and Linked accounts.
From the Booster Club
• Thank you to all our Boosters and volunteers for helping make 2023-2024 a success. Our final board meeting of the year will be Wednesday, May 15 at 5:30 PM in the Boardroom. ALL are welcome! If you'd like to get a better sense of all that the Booster Club does, and are looking for opportunities to serve (there are many), we invite you to attend.
• We still have open Board positions to fill, including VP and Concessions co-chair. There are many opportunities to get involved and serve the SJCS community. For more information please contact Jeremy Wolfram
• Our annual Coaches Appreciation Dinner is coming up in May. We look forward to celebrating the tremendous work of our dedicated coaches!
From the Business Office
Student Tuition Accounts
As we approach the end of the school year, please review your student's tuition account for any outstanding charges.
• Senior Tuition Accounts: In order to participate in Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation, all senior tuition and fees, excluding the June draft, must be paid in full by May 17.
• All Other Student Accounts: All tuition and fees must be paid in full before they will receive their 2024-2025 class schedule.
• Please contact Ann Gushue if you have questions regarding your senior’s account, or if you need to set up a payment plan for past-due accounts.
From the Development Office
Annual Fund
Our goal this fiscal year (July 2023 – June 2024) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. We will track participation numbers by grade level throughout the year. Currently the 6th grade is leading the way with a participation level of 45%!
Helping families afford a Saint Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 5% of the school’s overall budget. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $525,000. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions or make an online donation!
You Belong Campaign
Saint Joseph’s started the You Belong Campaign in the Spring of 2023 with a goal of $6 million to build the Saint Joseph’s Way Center. This building will contain a large multipurpose room (seating 175-200), four new Theology classrooms and offices for Campus Ministry, Student Support Services, and College Counseling. To date, we have raised 97% of the goal. We plan to break ground on the new building this summer and open it in the Fall of 2025. If you’d like more information on the campaign and the plans, please refer to our campaign webpage. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions or if you’d like information on how to make a pledge to the campaign.
From the Fine Arts Department
Theatre Summer Camps
• June 3-6: HS Improvisation (Rising 8th-12th Graders) from 3:00-5:00 PM
• June 3-7: Rising Stars (Rising 3rd-8th Graders) from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM Click HERE for additional details and registration.
We have an exciting new upgrade to our Sponsorship Program!
Attention business owners! Want to reach a larger audience? The Jubilate Arts Guild Sponsorship program is a great value. We are offering our corporate sponsors a chance for promotion with advertising in the printed programs of our six main Fine Arts events over the course of the school year. The size of the ad depends on the level of sponsorship. In addition to an ad in our programs, our sponsors will get further promotion through social media, the Fine Arts’ website, and special signage in the lobby of our events. NEW FOR 2024-2025: If you join at one of our top three Levels, you also get a sponsor banner hung in the gym! Space for those is very limited. Click HERE for more information on sponsorship levels and benefits. Questions? Contact Christine Balts
Jubilate Arts Guild Board Openings for 2024-25
Have you been wondering what the Jubilate Arts Guild is? Have you been wondering how you can get involved in an organization that impacts all the students here at SJCS? JAG is the place for you! We are the Fine Arts booster club and we have a position for you, no matter how much or how little time you have to invest. We meet once a month all year for regular club business, or you can join the committee for our annual talent show (Jubilate Knight for the Arts), which meets several times throughout November through February. All middle school students partake of the fine arts programs and the majority of our high school students participate in band, strings, chorus, dance, theater, and/or visual arts. If you would like to join a fun group of parents who support the Fine Arts here at SJCS, JAG is where you need to be! Contact Cindy Davis for more information.
A special Thank You!
A special thanks to the following talented and enthusiastic parents who worked hard this year supporting the Jubilate Arts Guild and the Fine Arts here at SJCS by serving on the JAG board: Christine Balts, Sue Bannio, Cindy Davis, Nikki Hamby, Meg Lanza, Katie Orbon, Kelly Quesnelle, Megan Richmond, Sarah VanderLinde, and Melanie Wills.
From the Parents Guild
Special Thanks
Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped welcome and greet at the New Student Night on Monday, April 29. We are looking forward to getting to know all of the new SJCS students and families next year. A special thanks to Nikki Hamby for doing an outstanding job revamping the Parents Guild Faculty Grant Program this year. Through PG Grant funds, we were able to award the following grant items this year. Our goal for next year is to be able to provide a Fall and a Spring Grant application window.
• Loudspeaker System and sound board to use for dances, outdoor events, campus ministry, and Spirit Week/school events.
• Folio Cabinet for the Encore Program and our Middle/High School Chorus to store the student music folders.
• Spanish short stories for beginners and intermediate levels. DVD and Spanish materials for both the Middle and High School.
• Readers for all French 1 and 3 classes.
• Calculator class sets for classrooms.
• Brainpop instructional tool to help ensure student success in making connections to the lessons in fun ways.
• Funds to purchase eb ooks, audiobooks, join Junior Library Guild, and to build our school library.
• 85' TV/Display permanently mounted in Academy Commons to use for presentations and guest speakers.
2024-2024 Parent Guild
Looking to get involved next year? We are currently looking to place volunteers on our board and in committee leadership positions. There are a variety of ways to get involved and it is a great way to meet and connect with other SJCS families. Contact Jenna Howard if interested or have questions.
New COVID Policy
From the School Nurse
Individuals with a positive viral test should remain out of school until at least 24 hours after fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medicines and symptoms are significantly improving. A parent note/email stating that the fever has been resolved for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are significantly improving, is required for a student to return to school.
From the Technology Services Department
Senior Chromebook Return Information
• All seniors are required to return their Chromebooks to the Library no later than May 17 (they may be returned earlier), immediately following the end of their last senior exam/AP exam.
• Chromebooks are to be returned with the charger and case. The case should be emptied of all items except the Chromebook and charger.
• Your student account will be charged for any items not returned or for any damages.
• The charges for non-returned items are: Chromebook $350, Charger $20, and Case $30. The damage charge is $30.
• Damaged/lost fees must be paid at the time of return.
Grades 6-11 Chromebook Return Information
• All students in grades 6-11 are required to return their Chromebooks to the Library on May 24, immediately following the end of the last exam at 10:00 AM.
• Chromebooks may be returned to the library earlier than May 24 if it is no longer needed for classes or exams.
• Chromebooks are to be returned with the charger and case. The case should be emptied of all items except the Chromebook and charger.
• The charges for non-returned items are: Chromebook $350, Charger $20, and Case $30. The damage charge is $30.
• You can pay any fees at that time or your account will be charged and payment will be due in June.