St. Joseph’s School Prayer

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster-Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.
From the Head of School
Fall Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!
It was a pleasure to see and speak with so many of you at Meet the Teacher Night a few weeks ago. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to walk the hallways and listen to each of your children’s teachers talk about their plans for the year. I hope you found this inspiring.
A hallmark of an SJCS education has always been the partnership between the school and its parents. Last year, in an effort to strengthen the relationship between the school and its parents around the Catholic Christian mission of the school, we introduced the TEAM concept (Total Engagement Around the Mission). This developed into a monthly discussion group for parents and school administrators. Those discussions were more fruitful than I could have imagined. Thank you to all the parent leaders who participated. Your input was invaluable.
The TEAM roundtable discussions are continuing this year beginning on Thursday morning, October 5 from 8:00-9:00 AM during the school’s Flex Period. All are welcome to attend. RSVPs are not required. Simply sign in at the front office on the morning when you arrive.
For several years now, St. Joseph’s has had a Well-Read Mom group. Well-Read Mom is a national movement that provides mothers with a guided monthly reading experience and discussion about a different book each month. The suggestion was made at one of the TEAM meetings last year to add a second WRM group so that it would be accessible to more SJCS women. We have done just that, and so SJCS now offers two WRM groups that meet on the same day, one in the morning and one in the evening. For more information and how to participate see the Need to Know section of this publication. You can check it out before making a commitment.
Calling All SJCS Fathers
In an effort to connect with SJCS fathers around the mission of the school, we are starting a monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast that we are calling the Well -Fed Dads. The format of the breakfast will be simple. The
school will supply Sully's Steamer bagel sandwiches, coffee, and juice for breakfast, which the men will be encouraged to pick up when they enter the meeting room at 6:45 AM. We'll allow for a few minutes of fellowship as we settle in and greet one another. The program will start at 7:00 AM with a brief (12 to 15 minute) devotional/witness talk by one of our male staff members. This will be followed by a brief discussion; the sharing of prayer concerns, and conclude with Morning Prayer from the liturgy of the hours at 7:30 AM. We will wrap it up and the men will be on their way by 7:45 AM. The first Well-Fed Dad Prayer Breakfast will be on Tuesday, October 17. I hope many SJCS dads will take advantage of this opportunity. Most men, myself included, could use a little more fellowship in their lives. Ladies, please encourage your husbands to attend.
Seeking Your Feedback
In early November, the SJCS Board of Trustees will gather at the school for a day-long retreat and a follow up meeting a couple of days later with the goal of updating the school’s 6-year strategic plan. The input of our community is vital in this process. To that end, we will be surveying our staff, students, and parents. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey when it arrives via email. Your confidential responses will be carefully reviewed as we discern what needs our attention and resources going forward. Please don’t miss this opportunity to help determine the priorities for the school in the future.
Finally, thank you for all the ways you supported Spirit Week. We are proud of the big impact our students had on LEAD Collective, thanks to their efforts and our community’s generosity.
In closing, please join us in praying for the following member of the SJCS family: for Katy McClintock’s family on the passing of her mother in law; for Nicholas, Josh ’23 and Gabe ’22 Lagleva on the passing of their grandfather.
With Love and Prayers,
Keith F. Kiser Head of SchoolThings You Need To Know
Christmas Wreath Sales Begin October 1
Our annual Wreath Sale will begin October 1. You have probably heard about the beautiful live wreaths, table toppers, and swags that can be delivered to you and your loved ones (or business associates) around midNovember. Last year we sold out before the end of the sale, so get your order in early to ensure you receive your fresh, live greenery in time for the holiday season. You can order these festive wreaths HERE using the Fundraising Code STJOSESC001. Questions? Contact Kelly Quesnelle.
Admissions Open House, Sunday, October 1
Please help us fill the campus on October 1 by inviting a prospective parent (relative, friend, neighbor, or coworker) to our annual Admissions Open House. The event begins at 1:00 PM and officially kicks off the admissions season for the upcoming school year. Highlights include hearing from a graduate and a parent on their SJCS experience, touring the campus with current students, and speaking with teachers, coaches, and parents to learn more about opportunities both in and outside the classroom. This is a once-a-year event, so please help us to spread the word.
How Can You Help?
Current SJCS families can earn a $500 tuition credit for actively recruiting new families to St Joseph’s. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the St. Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their November tuition bill. For more information, click HERE.
Attention Eighth Grade Parents
1) Open House on Sunday October 1 is for anyone who is undecided about their child’s high school years at SJCS. The event, which begins at 1:00 PM, will allow you to hear a high school senior and a graduate speak about the value of their high school years spent at St. Joseph’s. You will also have the opportunity to speak with our high school faculty as you tour that section of the school. Current high school students will be available to answer questions you or your child have about the changes students might encounter next year as they enter ninth grade.
2) “The Value of a St. Joe’s Diploma” is a program led by Dr. Jones and Mr. Haffey on Open House Sunday, October 1, from 2:30-3:00 PM in the Meeting Room. It will provide families with a wealth of information on the advantages of being an SJCS graduate.
3) Eighth Grade High School Shadow Day is Friday, November 17: All SJCS eighth graders will have the opportunity to attend a few classes in our high school taught by several ninth grade teachers on Friday, November 17. As our eighth graders look toward high school, it’s important for them to be able to sit in some of our high school classrooms and hear from a few of the outstanding faculty who will be teaching them next year.
4) Eighth Grade Day is Wednesday, January 17: Your eighth grade son or daughter will take our high school scholarship/placement test on Eighth Grade Day on January 17. There are several reasons for completing this test: 1) All SJCS 8th graders will be eligible to compete for one of two academic scholarships awarded each year to two incoming ninth graders, and 2) This test provides us valuable comparison and placement data on our incoming ninth grade students. Please note that this is not a test to get into our high school, as your child is already a St. Joseph’s student. As with every SJCS student who wishes to re-enroll each year, the re-enrollment contract and the re-enrollment fee, due on February 2, 2024, will secure their spot in the ninth grade class.
5) High School Preview Night is Thursday, January 25: All eighth grade parents are invited to campus on Thursday, January 25, 2024 (prior to the Eighth Grade Play) from 6:00-7:00 PM in the Meeting Room. The program, which will include a discussion on high school course selections, promises to be most enlightening and informative.
Financial Aid Night for Senior Families, October 2
On Monday, October 2 at 6:00 PM, Melissa M. Barnette, Associate Director of Financial Aid at Furman University, will be conducting a general Financial Aid meeting to discuss the various types of aid, scholarships (including the state scholarships, scholarships through the colleges and private scholarships), the CSS Profile, federal money (grants, loans, work study), and a general overview of the FAFSA for this year’s graduating seniors. The meeting will be held in the Meeting Room.
New Front Office Hours Begin October 2
The Front Office will continue to open 30 minutes prior to the start of school. Beginning Monday, October 2, the Front Office will close 30 minutes after student dismissal, regardless of the schedule for the day.
Thespian Society Annual Food Drive, October 2-November 1
The International Thespian Society will host their annual food drive as a Household competition. All non-perishable food donations will go to benefit a local food pantry. More details will be announced to the student body in October.
Travel to South Africa Interest Meeting, October 3
"Asihambe" means “Let's travel” in Zulu Interested in going on safari, cooking an authentic South African meal, or staying in a Zulu village? Consider trav eling to South Africa with Ms. Berman and Mrs. Carr. In the summer of 2025, SJCS will take its second trip to South Africa, Ms. Berman's home country. Interested students and parents click HERE to see the itinerary, price, and sign up. An interest meeting will be held October 3 at 6:00 PM in Room 205. Interested students have an opportunity to earn college credit on the trip through a follow-up on-line class with George Mason University at no additional cost. Current 7th grade through 11th grade students are eligible.
T.E.A.M. (Totally Engaged in Advancing the Mission) Meeting, October 5
Parents and administrators will continue to gather monthly to pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance with the goal of developing programs and initiatives to support parents in their Christian vocation. All SJCS parents are welcome to prayerfully consider if you might be interested and called to join the TEAM Leadership Committee. Our first gathering of the year will be Thursday, October 5 from 8:00-9:00AM in the Boardroom near the front desk. Questions? Contact Katie Orbon.
Students for Life Event, October 7
Students in grades 8-12 (ages 13-18) are invited to join other Upstate teens at Prince of Peace Catholic Church for an interactive evening of enrichment, trivia, discussion, and fellowship to celebrate and protect the lives of unborn babies and their parents. To register for this event, click HERE.
Junior Class Kairos Retreat, October 7-9
Historically, the junior class is offered the opportunity to attend the Kairos retreat, a 3-day, 2-night retreat dedicated to encountering Christ in the reality of our daily lives, through the community, and through the sacraments. This year, our Kairos retreat will also be open to seniors who were unable to attend last year. The dates for the retreats are October 7-9. Any junior or senior who has not previously been on a Kairos retreat may attend. More information will be sent to families soon. Questions? Contact Gabe Lewis.
Middle School Coffee with the Counselor, October 9
Our middle school counselor, Emme Smith, has scheduled various times throughout the year to meet, chat, and answer questions that parents may have about the SJCS middle school experience. Students and parents will be given information about the scheduled dates in advance. Please join us on October 9 at 8:00 AM in the Meeting Room for our first Coffee with the Counselor event. We encourage parents to attend as many sessions as possible to gain insight and information.
Mom, Next Meeting October 10
Well-Read Mom is a program that accompanies women in the reading of great books and spiritual classics to encourage personal growth, friendship, and meaningful conversations in order to explore the human condition and reorient ourselves to what is good, beautiful, and true. We meet the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:00 PM at St. Joseph’s. We had our first meeting in September, but you are still welcome to join us! Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 10. For more information, contact Donna Frank There is also a group that meets the second Tuesday of each month in the morning. If morning is better for you, contact Kristen Armaly who hosts the meeting at her home.
PSAT Testing, October 11 (All 9th, 10th and 11th Graders)
The PSAT 8/9 will be administered to all freshmen and the PSAT/NMSQT to all sophomores and juniors at school on Wednesday, October 11. Students should report directly to their testing room by 8:00 AM and will be dismissed at
approximately 11:30 AM. Testing room lists will be posted at school. It is very important that students bring their fully-charged Chromebook for this digital test. A graphing calculator is built into the testing app, however students may bring an approved calculator if they prefer. Students should also bring a pencil and their student ID card and wear their casual uniform. Many of our AP courses require a minimum score on one of the PSAT sections as a prerequisite, which could affect students when they register for classes next year. For juniors, this test is also called the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) and it is the only way to be considered for National Merit scholarships. Information about this new digital format and test practice information will be sent by Melissa Broering via a separate email. Questions, contact Melissa Broering
SAT Testing, October 11 (For seniors who registered)
The SAT test will be administered on Wednesday, October 11 to seniors who registered ahead of time. These seniors should report to their testing room by 7:50 AM and will be dismissed at approximately 12:15 PM. Testing room lists will be posted at school. Students should wear their casual uniform and bring two #2 wooden pencils, their scientific or graphing calculator, and their student ID card. This SAT will be the paper and pencil version. The SAT will transition to digital in the spring of 2024. Seniors not taking the SAT will not have school that day. Questions, contact Melissa Broering
11:30 AM Dismissal on Wednesday, October 11
Dismissal will be at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, October 11 for all students in grades 6-11. Seniors taking the SAT will be dismissed around 12:15 PM.
Fall Break, October 12 & 13
Fall Break will be Thursday, October 12 and Friday, October 13. There will be no classes. The school and school offices will be closed.
Spirit Knights Begin October 16
Mark your calendar and plan to join us for our first "Spirit Knight” of the year at Takeoff Mini Golf. Each month the Parents Guild will plan a Spirit Knight at a local venue where a portion of the sales will be donated back to SJCS to support our school. Grab a friend and drop in for a round of mini golf with friends, family, and staff to support SJCS! Mention SJCS when booking. Takeoff Mini Golf is located at 28 Airport Rd Ext Greenville 29607 (Next to Runway Park at the Downtown Airport). Contact Christy Lynn with questions or if interested in hosting a Spirit Knight event this year.
• Middle School Spirit Knight: October 16 from 4:00-8:00 PM
• High School Spirit Knight: October 18 from 4:00-8:00 PM
Well-Fed Dad, First
Meeting, October 17
The men of St. Joseph’s are invited to join together for a monthly prayer breakfast to be fed both physically and spiritually. We will meet at St. Joseph’s from 6:45-7:45AM beginning Tuesday, October 17. For more information, please contact Katie Orbon.
Access to Blackbaud Gradebooks Closes October 18
The first quarter marking period ends on Wednesday, October 18. Parent and student access to gradebooks will close at 4:00 PM in order for faculty to update report card grades for the marking period. Access to gradebooks will resume once report cards are issued.
Fall Art Exhibit, October 24-November 16
The Fine Arts Department is excited to announce the 2023 Annual Fall Art Exhibit: Infinite Worth in Color. Every Visual Arts student will enter a piece to be displayed in this exhibit. If you would like to enter artwork, but are not enrolled in a Visual Art class this semester, email Anne Meyer and she will work with you. Set up for the exhibit will be October 16-20. The first day of the exhibit is Tuesday, October 24 and will run through November 16 Enjoy the student artwork displayed on the first floor in the high school hallway, the senior commons, the middle school hallway, and the middle school commons. Questions? Email Anne Meyer
First Quarter Report Cards available October 24
First Quarter (Q1) report cards will be accessible in Blackbaud on Tuesday, October 24, after 4:00 PM. An email will be sent from the Registrar’s Office to parents and students when report cards are finalized.
Household Dean & Parent/Teacher Conferences, October 25
Wednesday, October 25 from 2:00-6:00 PM has been set aside for Household Dean and Parent/Teacher Conferences. An email will be sent to parents around October 11 with instructions for signing up for conferences, as all conference appointments will be made online.
Fall Team Day, November 1
Fall Team Day will be held on Wednesday, November 1 including All School Mass celebrating All Saints Day.
Bell Schedule Change, November 2
Thursday, November 2 will be a Monday/Tuesday/Friday schedule with 1st period beginning at 8:00 AM.
Junior Ring Orders November 6
Information packets and order forms for class rings will be distributed to Juniors and their parents in midOctober. On Monday, November 6, representatives from Herff Jones will be available in the Boardroom by the Front Office to take orders from 10:30 AM-Noon (Period 4 and HS lunch). The representatives will be able to size rings, answer questions, and accept down payments during this time.
Senior Graduation Supplies Orders November 6
Information packets and order forms for graduation cap and gown, announcements, and other graduation supplies will be distributed to Seniors and their parents in mid-October. On Monday, November 6, representatives from Herff Jones will be available in the Boardroom by the Front Office to take orders from 10:30 AM-Noon (Period 4 and HS lunch).
Middle School Shadow Day/Bring A Friend Day, November 7
Do you have (or do you know) a prospective middle school student who would like to see what a day is like at St. Joe’s? While high school applicants are required to shadow, we open up our middle school one day each academic year for prospective middle school students to shadow for a half-day of classes and lunch. Current SJCS middle school students are also encouraged to invite a friend (currently in grades 5-7) to visit for a half-day. NOTE: Greenville County Schools have off on Tuesday, November 7 (Election Day), but SJCS is in session on this date. All visitors must register in advance, and the online registration form will be posted on the school website on October 2. It’s first come, first served, as classroom space is limited and we will restrict the number of visitors that day.
How Can You Help?
1) If your SJCS middle school child has a friend who would like to see what St. Joe’s is like, please direct the parents of your child’s friend to register on our website on October 2.
2) If your SJCS middle school child is willing to host a student they do not know on this day, please submit your child’s name to Emily Burress in the Admissions Office as soon as possible.
Fall Play: Much Ado About Nothing, November 16-19
• Be sure to mark your calendar for the upcoming production of Much Ado About Nothing. In Messina, Claudio and Hero prepare to wed while Benedick and Beatrice are engaged in a war of wits. Things are turned upside-down when deception from friends and foes alike surrounds the lives of both pairs. Will their relationships survive or be destroyed? This comedy will keep you on the edge of your seat until the difficult knot of gossip and false information is undone.
• Ticket information will be available on the website in October. Members of the Jubilate Arts Guild will receive early access to discounted online ticket purchasing opportunities before they go on sale to the public. Click HERE for the Jubilate Arts Guild membership form. You must join by October 27 in order for the membership benefits to apply to the fall production.
Grandparents Day, November 20
Grandparents Day is Monday, November 20 from 9:30 AM-12:15 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity for grandparents or special friends to tour the school and have lunch with their grandchildren. Invitations will be mailed to grandparents who live in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. If you would like us to mail an invitation to a grandparent who does not live in one of those states, please email their name and address to Katie Orbon. This is for grandparents of both middle school and high school students. We look forward to welcoming everyone!
Semester Exams & Christmas Travel Reminder, December 14-19
As we near the Christmas Holidays, please remember to book family travel plans for after your student’s scheduled exams. Eighth grade and high school exams are Thursday, December 14 through Tuesday, December 19. Make-up exams only will take place on Wednesday, December 20.
Catholic Schools Week, January 2024
Be sure to highlight January 28-February 3, 2024 on your calendar to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week. If you are interested in helping to plan and implement the variety of activities for this special week, please contact Christine Balts ( or 703-498-7416). We will start working with our House Leaders this month to create the themes for each day to honor our parishes, communities, vocations, teachers and staff, and our families.
Student Absence Information
An absence is recorded for every class a student misses. With the exception of classes missed for school events or college visits, all absences are included in a student’s Total Absence Count (TAC). Students who miss for the following reasons are eligible to make up any work missed:
• Personal illness (parent note and email)
• Doctor’s appointments (must email and provide note from doctor)
• Death in the family (parent note)
• A family health emergency (parent note)
• A baptism, ordination, wedding, or graduation involving a member of the immediate family (parent note)
• Seniors who vote in a state or federal election are granted an excused tardy not past first period.
• Other events cleared by the Division Director in advance.
Photo Galleries on the SJCS Website
Check out our new photo galleries on the SJCS website (found HERE). You will be able to download full-resolution photos from events as well as order prints and gifts. Digital downloads are free. Prints and gifts are available for purchase.
Greece Trip Rescheduled to Spring Break 2025
Our trip dates have been moved to Spring Break 2025; the exact dates will be posted at the end of this school year. The details are still the same: visiting various ancient sites in Athens and a cruise around the Greek Islands (including Ephesus and the island of Patmos/the Cave of the Apocalypse), as well as experiencing modern Greek culture. All the details (including the itinerary, cost, payment plans, insurance options, and travel dates) can be found HERE. Questions? Email Elaine Trakas.
Has Your Information Changed?
If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Mary Cummings.
Are You Receiving SJCS Emails?
SJCS now uses Blackbaud for our student/parent software. Emails from Blackbaud come from the email address (even if it is sent by a specific person). If you suspect you are not receiving all SJCS communications, make sure to add this email address to your contact list. Also, check your junk, SPAM, and quarantine folders in your email – they may have been routed there by your email provider
From the Middle & High School Directors
This month, we decided to merge our monthly column to address something that comes up once or twice every school year, namely Household Snack. As you know, immediately following All-School Mass on Wednesday the students head to a 20-minute Household period where they eat their snack for the school day. Besides the opportunity to share food together, we are trying to be very conscientious about building community during this time. We have some school-wide initiatives that will provide more purpose and meaning for our Households. It’s also a chance for the students to catch their breath and to fuel up for the last part of the school day.
Individual families are asked to provide a snack a few times a year for the entire Household. Feeding 16-20 students can be a challenge, and doing so in a way that doesn’t break the bank is even harder. We are mindful of the challenges (we are parents, too!), and we want to assure you that the goal is not to see who can bring in the most exciting and elaborate snack! The goal is a snack that is relatively satisfying without being a complete meal. The good news is that there are a lot of affordable options that will give the kids enough energy to end their school day strong.
Before listing some of those options (see below), please remember that the snack needs to arrive with your student in the morning. When snacks get dropped off later in the day it can get a little confusing on our end to make sure everything gets where it needs to be. If at all possible, please send it in with your student in the morning when they arrive at school.
Ideas for Feeding 20 Hungry Students
• Crock-pots are awesome! Check with your dean, but most of us are happy to have a crock-pot in our classroom to help with snack time. BBQ is a good option (beef, pork, or chicken), and with a couple bags of chips and some buns it’s a great idea. Some Household have done mac and cheese, meatballs in marinara sauce (add some hotdog buns and you’ve got subs!), and hot dogs. Queso with ground beef is always a hit but that one can get a little more expensive if it’s a really large Household.
• Another crock-pot favorite is tacos. Beef, pork or chicken meat with tortillas, lettuce and cheese make for a great snack. Forgo the tortillas and send in some salsa and tortilla chips and you have the ingredients for nacho plates. Chili or hearty soups with biscuits or rolls fill up these teens, too.
• Sandwich platters are popular. Most of the sandwich shops will do this for you, but many have done their own with ham or turkey options. This one is pretty affordable too, and rounded out with some chips or some fruit and you’re in good shape!
• Once or twice we’ve done a late night run to the store for cereal and milk. It takes 4-6 boxes in our experience, and two gallons of milk usually covers it. Check with your Dean to make sure storage is available but a cooler works too.
• Flik has some good options. This link will take you to their order page. In our experience, 6-8 pizzas usually works depending on the size of the HH, and the students in it
Aside from feeding them, we also want to teach our students to be grateful and appreciative for what they share with one another. The one-up-manship about who brought the best thing is actually the opposite of what we’re trying to do here on so many levels. The main message here is that every parent should bring in what they are comfortable with, both from a monetary and logistical standpoint.
Please do send in whatever is necessary for your snack to be consumed with as little mess as possible. We don’t always have bowls, plates, and utensils available, so please send those in when it’s your turn. You can always check with your child’s Household Dean to see if there is a stockpile of these items already.
Finally, some families send in drinks and desserts when it’s their turn and some don’t. Either option is fine. Most of the students have water bottles with them and there are refill stations throughout the school so no one is going thirsty. A package or two of cookies is a nice addition to the snack, but no one should feel obligated to provide multiple courses!
We appreciate your support and covet your prayers for our students, teachers, and the entire community!