New & Notes October 2024

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From the Head of School

Saint Joseph’s School Prayer

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster-Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.

“Christ was faithful as a son over His house. We are Christ’s house if we hold firmly to our confidence and the boast of our hope.” Hebrews 3:6


Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!

Writing this letter during Spirit Week, I was greeted this morning by students dressed like Dr. Bolchoz, Mr. Perham, Mrs. Malphrus, Ms. Houmis, and a surprisingly high number of St. Lucita look-a-likes! A hearty thank you to Leanne Koffskey for all the time and effort that goes into planning a fun week for the students and a profitable one for this year’s beneficiary, Best Buddies. Please take a moment to click the link HERE or HERE to learn about how you can join in the great work they do in our community and around the world to end social, physical, and economic isolation for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

On my way to and from school every day I directly pass by two other schools. I regularly see students visiting one another in the parking lot of one school. The students in the other school wear uniforms (once required by Catholic schools only). I’m always struck by how much these students remind me of our own. I grew up in a home of dedicated public school educators My dad spent his entire career as a Guidance Counselor and coach of three varsity sports; my mom was the middle school secretary; and my sister is enjoying her first year of retirement after teaching kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd-grade students how to read for the better part of 30 years I can easily imagine how much these students are loved and cared for by their teachers.

All this is to say that passing these schools is a daily provocation to me. It invites me to ask what is unique and distinctive about our school. It is entirely unsatisfying and untrue to settle for answers that seek to throw shade on what takes place at public schools. Thankfully, parents in Greenville have a lot of good educational options from which to choose when selecting a school for their children. This is a great thing for our community and is the source of hope for the future of our region.

What role and niche does St. Joseph’s Catholic School have in the community of schools in Greenville? Why would a parent want to

choose this school (and pay for it!)? These are the questions we asked ourselves when we wrote The Saint Joseph’s Way. If you’ve not done so in a while (or ever), I strongly encourage you to read that relatively brief document, which you’ll find on our website and linked HERE. It truly is the philosophical “playbook” behind everything we strive to do for and with your sons and daughters.

Our approach to education is built upon the foundation that God exists and that all reality comes from Him. We believe that each human being is made in His image and likeness, and therefore, has infinite worth and a heart that longs to be united with Christ.

These convictions have implications for how we do everything, from the smallest daily interactions in the hallway to the way teachers prepare for their classes and the expectations they have for their students. They also influence how we deal with situations when they (or we) fall short of our ideals.

What difference does this unique approach to education make in the lives of students? (And is it worth the effort and money invested?) The best way I can answer that question is to look at our graduates. The impact on students is hard to describe precisely because every person is unique. Yes, there’s a quality (dare say, maturity) that I and many others see in our graduates. While not an exhaustive list that applies to everyone equally, words and phrases that come to mind when talking with other administrators about Saint Joseph’s Alumni include: Not satisfied with an immature faith; the certainty that they have the skills and resources to persevere through challenges; tenacity and a vigorous approach to life; exceptional academic competence; wisdom and courage to think for themselves; openness to people who are different from them; a life-long bond with high school friends; a sense of responsibility to use well the gifts with which they have been blessed; creativity and a passion to do good for others.

We talk a lot at Saint Joseph’s about “taking the long view.” Frankly, it’s one of my favorite things to tell parents, because I’ve had to learn to do this (sometimes the hard way) as a parent myself. We don’t always see the qualities listed above in our 7th, 8th, or 10th graders. In fact there are times when we can hardly imagine they’ll even emerge at all from the mess of the teenager in front of us. I’ve been there. I know what that feels like. And yet, weeks rarely go by when I don’t run into a graduate who is pursuing something meaningful in their lives and making a positive impact on others around them.

This long view helps to explain what we mean when we say we are a “college preparatory school.” We’re aiming much higher than simply getting our students into college. As Mrs. Wanda Jaraczewski’s article describes in detail, we are preparing them to be successful when they get there and beyond, later in life.

So, thank you for entrusting their education to our teachers, staff, and coaches. It is truly a privilege to educate them. I wholeheartedly agree with a substitute teacher who said to me the other day: “You have great kids at Saint Joseph’s. Thank you for allowing me to work with them.”

In closing, please continue to pray for several members of the SJCS faculty and staff and/or their spouses who are dealing with various health issues.

With Love and Prayers,

Things You Need To Know

Sign Up for Emergency Texts – Text “YES” to 79041

If you have not opted in to receive emergency alerts and other important information from SJCS, please do so today! Text “YES” to 79041 to receive important texts, such as emergency alerts & school closings.

Students Leaving Campus & Walking to QuickTrip

It has come to our attention that students are leaving campus to walk to QuickTrip after school and during sporting events. There is not a safe walking route to do this. We would appreciate your cooperation in asking your child not to do this.

Thespian Society Annual Food Drive Begins October 1

The International Thespian Society will host their annual food drive as a Household competition. All non-perishable food donations will go to benefit a local food pantry. The food drive will be October 1 – November 1 and more details will be announced to the student body in October.

Travel to France & Spain in May 2026 Informational Meeting, October 1

Señora Russell will be leading students on a trip to France and Spain May 25-June 3, 2026 (departing the Monday following Commencement). This trip is open to current 8-11th graders. The exciting itinerary leads us from Madrid to Paris, with the Mediterranean Coast in between. Starting in Madrid, we will see the Plaza de España, with its statue of Don Quixote, the majestic Alcalá Gate, the famous bullring Las Ventas, and the impressive Prado museum. From Madrid, we will travel by train to Barcelona, known for its artistic treasures and fine architecture. Students are sure to delight in all the sites as we discover Barcelona by bike. The highlight of our stay in the south of France will be a Gladiator games workshop and a tour of the Pont du Gard, a 161 foot Roman aqueduct in nearly perfect condition. Finally, we will be whisked away via fast train to Paris. We will visit the most famous landmarks in Paris. If you are interested in providing this opportunity for your child, please attend the interest meeting on Tuesday, October 1 at 6:30 PM in Room B-105. If you are interested but unable to attend, please email Señora Russell or visit the trip website HERE.

Preview Day (formerly Open House), October 2

Please help us fill the campus by inviting a prospective parent (relative, friend, neighbor, or co-worker) to our annual Admissions Preview Day. The event begins at 9:00 AM and officially kicks off the admissions season for the upcoming school year. The program offers prospective families an opportunity to learn more about our school, tour the facility with current students, and meet teachers and coaches. This event is open to all parents and students. Space is limited and registration is required. Click HERE to register.

How Can You Help?

Current SJCS families can earn a $500 tuition credit for actively recruiting new families to Saint Joseph’s. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the Saint Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their November tuition bill. For more information, click HERE

Attention Eighth Grade Parents

All eighth grade parents will receive a letter from Head of School, Keith Kiser, in October about transitioning your child from eighth to ninth grade. The letter will refer to the topics below:

1) Eighth Grade Interviews will begin in October. All parents of eighth graders will receive an invitation to attend a private meeting with their student and Head of School, Keith Kiser. This meeting is designed to serve as a halfway checkpoint in your child’s Saint Joseph’s career; students will be invited to share how their middle school experience has been and encouraged to ask questions as they begin to plan for high school. These meetings will be held between mid-October 2024 and February 2025. Look for an email from Emily Burress in the coming weeks that will include an online link to schedule as well as a link to a survey for your eighth grader to complete prior to this meeting.

2) Eighth Grade High School Shadow Day is Friday, November 22. All SJCS eighth graders will have the opportunity to attend a few classes in our high school taught by several ninth grade teachers on Friday, November 22. As our

eighth graders look towards high school, it’s important for them to be able to sit in some of our high school classrooms and hear from a few of the outstanding faculty who will be teaching them next year.

3) Eighth Grade Day is Wednesday, January 22. Your eighth grade son or daughter will take our high school scholarship/placement test on Eighth Grade Day on January 22. There are several reasons for completing this test: 1) All SJCS 8th graders will be eligible to compete for one of two academic scholarships awarded each year to two incoming ninth graders, and 2) This test provides us valuable comparison and placement data on our incoming ninth grade students. Please note that this is not a test to get into our high school, as your child is already a St. Joseph’s student. As with every SJCS student who wishes to re-enroll each year, the re-enrollment contract and the re-enrollment fee, due in January 2025, will secure their spot in the ninth grade class.

Paying for College: Virtual Event for Senior Families, October 7

On Monday, October 7 at 6:00 PM, Gina Rigby, Assistant Director of Financial Aid at Roger Williams University, will be conducting a general Financial Aid meeting to discuss the various types of aid, scholarships, the CSS Profile, federal money (grants, loans, work study), and a general overview of the FAFSA for this year’s graduating seniors. The meeting will be held virtually; a link to the meeting will be sent to all senior families via email

Access to Blackbaud Gradebook Closes October 8

The first quarter marking period ends on Tuesday, October 8. Parent and student access to gradebooks will close at 4:00 PM to allow faculty to update report card grades for the marking period. Access to gradebooks will resume once report cards are issued.

Next Well-Fed Dad Meeting, October 9

Last year, Pope Francis dedicated nearly half of his Wednesday general audiences to teaching about the virtues and vices. In keeping with the theme for this year that "we are Christ's House if we hold firmly to our confidence and the boast of our hope," a different Saint Joseph's father will speak at each breakfast about a particular virtue that's important to their family and/or a vice that they've striven to overcome through Christ's grace. Our next prayer breakfast is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9 at 6:45 AM in the Meeting Room. The next speaker is Kenneth Covington, and he will be speaking about acedia (spiritual sloth). Someone will be at the front office door to let you into the building beginning at 6:35 AM. Please kindly RSVP so we know how many breakfast sandwiches to purchase.

Christmas Tree Project Help Needed, October 9 & 24

Help is needed from student volunteers to make decorations for the SJCS Christmas tree that will be a part of the Bon Secours Foundation's annual Festival of Trees in downtown Greenville. Our tree's theme this year is "A Little Birdie Told Me. . .What Students Are Saying About St. Joe's." Students are invited on Wednesday, October 9 and Thursday, October 24 after school to help. Service hours will be given. Contact SJCS parent Melanie Wills for more information.

PSAT Testing, October 11 (All 9th, 10th and 11th Graders)

The PSAT 8/9 will be administered to all freshmen and the PSAT/NMSQT to all sophomores and juniors at school on Friday, October 11. Students should report directly to their testing room by 8:00 AM and will be dismissed at approximately 11:00 AM. Testing room lists will be posted at school. It is very important that students bring their fully-charged Chromebook for this digital test. A graphing calculator is built into the testing app, however students may bring an approved calculator if they prefer. Students should also bring a pencil and their student ID card and wear their casual uniform. For juniors, this test is also called the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) and it is the only way to be considered for National Merit scholarships. Information was previously sent via email by Melissa Broering. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering

SAT Testing, October 11 (For seniors who registered)

The SAT test will be administered on Friday, October 11 to seniors who registered ahead of time. These seniors should report to their testing room by 8:00 AM and will be dismissed at approximately 11:00 AM. Testing room lists will be posted at school. It is very important that students bring their fully charged Chromebook for this digital test. A graphing calculator is built into the testing app. However, students may bring an approved calculator if they prefer. Students should also bring a pencil and their student ID card and wear their casual uniform. Seniors not taking the SAT will not have school that day. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering.

11:00 AM Dismissal, October 11

Dismissal will be at 11:00 AM on Friday, October 11, for all students.

NO SCHOOL, October 14

There will be no school on Monday, October 14. The school and school offices will be closed.

Next Well-Read Mom Meeting, October 15

Well-Read Mom is a program that accompanies women in the reading of great books and spiritual classics to encourage personal growth, friendship, and meaningful conversations in order to explore the human condition and reorient ourselves to what is good, beautiful, and true. We meet the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at Saint Joseph’s. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 15. For more information, contact Sara Dellinger. There is also a Well-Read Mom group that meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the morning. Please contact Eileen Coffey for more information about time and location.

Donate to the MS Walk-a-thon by October 15

Anyone can donate to the Middle School Walk-a-thon! Donations can be made HERE. All donations will go to support the SJCS Fine Arts Department and programs to support all of the SJCS school community. Donations must be made by Tuesday, October 15.

Schedule Change, October 17

Flex period will be moved to the end of the day on Thursday, October 17 as part of a Middle School Walk-a-thon fundraiser sponsored by the Fine Arts Department. The school day will begin with the Thursday morning prayer service at 8:00 AM Flex time will begin at 2:00 PM Please update your calendars accordingly.

MS Walk-a-thon, October 17

• ALL Middle School students are invited to join us at the first SJCS Middle School Walk-a-thon on Thursday, October 17.

• In order to register to participate, two items must be completed by Tuesday, October 15: 1) Parents will need to complete the permission form found HERE for their child. 2) Students must raise a minimum of $50 in donations through the donation link found HERE

• All donations will go to support the SJCS Fine Arts Department and programs to support all of the SJCS school community.

• Prizes will be given for the MS students who collect the most donations and walk the most laps!

First Quarter Report Cards Available October 17

First quarter (Q1) report cards will be accessible in Blackbaud on Thursday, October 17, after 4:00 PM. An email will be sent from the registrar’s office to parents and students when report cards are finalized.

NO SCHOOL, October 21

There will be no school on Monday, October 21. The school and school offices will be closed.

Next Parent TEAM Meeting, October 23 & 24

The spirit of collaboration between the school and its parents has always been a hallmark of a Saint Joseph’s Catholic School education. To help facilitate this partnership, parents are invited to join Head of School, Keith Kiser, and a different member of his staff each month for a presentation and discussion on an important topic regarding the education and formation of teenagers in today’s world. To accommodate parent schedules, each topic will be presented twice, once on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM and then the following morning (Thursdays) at 8:00 AM. Each session will last one hour. Please join us on October 23/24 for Calming the Anxious Generation: Research-based tips for effective management of cell phones & social media, including how to discern if your teen is in crisis and what to do about it.

Make a Difference – Be an Election Poll Worker, Training October 26

Not old enough to vote? Want to be involved anyway and earn some money? Apply to be a poll worker for the 2024 elections. Students can apply and take the poll worker class at SJCS on Saturday, October 26 at 9:00

AM. Service hours are available, plus Greenville County will pay a stipend. Want to learn more? See Mrs. Carr if you are 16-18 years old and interested. Adults are welcome as well. Questions? Contact Mrs. Carr

Graduation Supplies and Class Rings Meeting October 30

A representative from Herff Jones will meet with Seniors and Juniors to present information regarding graduation supplies (e.g. caps and gowns, announcements, etc.) and class rings. Information packets and order forms will be distributed at the meeting which starts at Noon in the JPII on Wednesday, October 30. This meeting is mandatory for all seniors who wish to participate in commencement exercises, and it is strongly encouraged for all juniors. Parents are welcome to attend this meeting.

NOON Dismissal, October 30

All students will be dismissed at Noon on Wednesday, October 30 to accommodate Household Dean & Parent/Teacher Conferences. We will not be celebrating All-School Mass.

Household Dean & Parent/Teacher Conferences, October 30

Wednesday, October 30 from 1:00-5:00 PM has been set aside for Household Dean and Parent/Teacher Conferences. An email will be sent to parents around October 16 with instructions for signing up for conferences, as all conference appointments will be made online.

Fall Team Day, November 1

Fall Team Day will be held on Friday, November 1 including All School Mass celebrating All Saints Day.

NO SCHOOL, November 4 & 5

There will be no school on Monday, November 4 and Tuesday, November 5. The school and school offices will be closed.

Middle School Shadow Day/Bring A Friend Day, November 12

Do you have (or do you know) a prospective middle school student who would like to see what a day is like at St. Joe’s? While high school applicants are required to shadow, we open up our middle school one day each academic year for prospective middle school students to shadow for a half-day of classes and lunch. Current SJCS middle school students are also encouraged to invite a friend (currently in grades 5-7) to visit for a half-day. All visitors must register in advance, and the online registration form will be posted on the school website on October 1. It’s first come, first served, as classroom space is limited and we will restrict the number of visitors that day.

How Can You Help?

1) If your SJCS middle school child has a friend who would like to see what St. Joe’s is like, please direct the parents of your child’s friend to register on our website beginning October 1.

2) If your SJCS middle school child is willing to host a student they do not know on this day, please submit your child’s name to Emily Burress in the Admissions Office as soon as possible.

Graduation Supplies & Class Ring Orders, November 12

On Tuesday, November 12, representatives from Herff Jones will be on campus from 11:00 AM-Noon to take orders for class rings, graduation caps and gowns, announcements, and other graduation supplies. A deposit is required for all orders.

Ladies Knight Out, November 13

Save the Date! The Annual Ladies Knight Out will take place on November 13 at Park View at Hollingsworth.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (Fall Play), November 21-24

Be sure to mark your calendar for the upcoming production of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane! Based on Kate DiCamillo's book, the story introduces Edward Tulane, a porcelain rabbit who has it all. However, he is rather vain and self-absorbed. One day, fate thrusts him onto a miraculous journey, traveling throughout the country, and ultimately learning the meaning of love. Details for ordering tickets will be made available later in October. Members of the Jubilate Arts Guild will receive early access to discounted online ticket purchasing

opportunities before they go on sale to the public. Click HERE for the Jubilate Arts Guild membership form; you must join by October 25 in order for the membership benefits to apply to the fall production.

Important Information About Grandparents Day, November 25

Grandparents Day is Monday, November 25 from 9:30 AM-12:15 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity for grandparents or special friends to tour the school and have lunch with their grandchildren. This is for grandparents of both middle school and high school students. Invitations will be mailed to all current grandparents we have in our system. Please log into your Blackbaud account and make sure your child’s grandparents are listed in the contact card tab. It is extremely important that grandparents RSVP in advance. A hot lunch will be served, and we want to make sure we have enough food and seating for everyone. Last year we had over 600 people attend! Please contact Katie Orbon if you have any questions. We look forward to welcoming everyone!

Semester Exams & Christmas Travel Reminder, December 16-19

As we near the Christmas Holidays, please remember to book family travel plans for after your student’s scheduled exams. Eighth grade and high school exams are Monday, December 16 through Thursday, December 19. Make-up exams only will take place on Friday, December 20.

WWI & WWII Trip Summer 2025

In June of 2025, come walk where heroes have trod, experience a real English high tea, and travel the canals of Amsterdam. Join Mrs. Carr, Mr. Carr, and Coach Nash on a trip that immerses you into WWI and WWII events. Walk in trenches in Belgium, Churchill's War Rooms in London, and the beaches of Normandy. Click HERE to see the full itinerary, price, payment plans, and registration. The trip is open to 8th graders through seniors. Questions? Contact Mrs. Carr

Cafeteria Service

FLIK Dining Services provides cafeteria service during the school day. The cost for a full lunch is $7.95. Breakfast items are served from 7:30-9:00 AM, lunch is served during MS and HS lunch periods, and snacks are sold at the end of each school day.

Late Stay

Late Stay is available each day after school until 6:00 PM. Any student who remains on campus after dismissal and who it not involved in a supervised after-school activity must report to Late Stay by 3:30 PM. The Registration fee for Late Stay is $30 per family and will be assessed the first day a student uses the Late Stay Program. The hourly rate for Late Stay is $4.50. This amount will not be prorated. Late Stay charges are billed weekly through the Blackbaud Tuition Management system.

Required Community Service Hours

Please encourage students to join the "SJCS Service" Google Classroom. An invitation to join has been sent to all high school students. Opportunities for obtaining volunteer hours will be disseminated periodically. All completed community service hours must be logged in MobileServe using the student's school email address. The requirements by grade level are as follows: Freshmen-10 hours, Sophomores-15 hours, Juniors-20 hours, and Seniors-20 hours. Questions? Contact Greshan Charlton.

Has Your Information Changed?

If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Mary Cummings.

From the Assistant Head of School

"The whole journey of life is a journey of preparation... to see, to feel, to understand the beauty of what lies ahead, of that homeland towards which we walk." ~ Pope Francis

There are very distinct and noteworthy differences that Saint Joseph’s students experience because of our method of education. I would not be exaggerating if I told you that several times a week I am reminded - either through shared stories or things I personally witness - of how Saint Joseph’s prepares its students uniquely. We are a college preparatory school; that is true. However, our preparation is so much more than equipping our students to be accepted into their postsecondary institution of choice. This education is an investment in their preparation for life. While at Saint Joseph’s, our students are exposed to many dimensions of formation, including academic readiness, skills in management of time, relationships and self, and moral and spiritual growth. Over the next series of News & Notes publications, I’ll provide our perspective and insight.

Our life preparatory education encompasses more than helping our students gain entry into their first or second college choice. There is no question that our College Counseling Office provides premier service and benefit to our students and families. Whether it's developing strong and collegial relationships with college admissions offices, visiting college campuses to gain insight for our community, or keeping up to date on admission requirements and processes, our team of college counselors holds a wealth of knowledge. This expertise is an incredible advantage and value to our students and their families.

While acceptance into an institution of higher education is definitely a goal of our formation, the benefit of a Saint Joseph’s education really kicks into high gear when our graduates step onto their chosen college campus. We know that students from other high schools get into many of the same colleges and universities as our graduates. What makes our students different is what happens once they get there. Our Saint Joseph’s graduates know how to make an impression on their professors and their classmates. Our graduates are not phased or panicked by a multi-paged essay assignment. They master that essay with ease as they have developed the ability to write with clarity, confidence, and direction. A Saint Joseph’s student knows how to prepare for a quiz or test; assessments aren’t foreign to them. They have juggled and maneuvered multiple, competing priorities while at Saint Joseph’s, and the high level of expectation found in the college environment doesn’t phase them. When it comes to class discussions or presentations, our graduates display an assuredness that allows professional delivery of key points and arguments. They are comfortable talking in front of their peers and adults because they have honed these skills through Socratic seminars and a variety of speaking opportunities.

We believe that our graduates are destined to change the world. Change will and can happen when our students are equipped with relevant and excellent preparation. Such is the preparation that they receive when they are with us.

“Father, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me.” ~ St. Augustine

With Prayer and Thanksgiving,

From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office


Junior and senior students and their parents are encouraged to make use of our college counseling platform, SCOIR. You can access SCOIR HERE for personalized college search information, career planning help, and other college-related items. Contact the College Counseling Office if you have lost your registration code.

Parents of Seniors

It’s that time of the year when deadlines are fast approaching for admissions and scholarship applications. Remember that the faculty members who write letters of recommendation need as much advance notice as possible to craft your students’ recommendation, and for the College Counseling staff to write their recommendation letter, compile secondary reports, transcript records, and send all related information. We strongly encourage all students to meet with us to review their applications and essays as this will allow us to put together the best possible packet for them. It is incumbent upon the seniors to make sure they give us adequate notice (ideally, four weeks in advance of the deadline) on requests. Please follow up with your son or daughter today to make sure they get on top of their deadlines and college admissions ‘to do’ lists, and have them get their requests in to us as soon as possible. Also, make sure your student is checking the Scholarship and Upcoming Events sections of the College Counseling page on the website. These pages are updated on an ongoing basis as we receive information.

From the Athletic Department

Sports Training

Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2024-2025 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2024, and complete the required forms ONLINE at Big Teams (found HERE) prior to the first tryout or practice (this includes Off-Season Practices and Weights). No paper forms will be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS! Returning athletes, please use your existing login. All physicals submitted to participate in the 20242025 school year are valid until the last day of school. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice (including summer practices) are: Pre-Participation History and Pre-Participation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Bon Secours St. Francis Health System Consent Form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Big Teams is available on the SJCS website HERE. When creating an account, be sure to type “St. Joseph’s Catholic School” in the search line when looking for our school. If you type in different spellings of the school , it will not populate as an option. This website is available in any language. To change the language, click on the person icon in the top right corner. Also, there is a new Big Teams feature where you can toggle between the athlete account and parent accounts once linked. To do this, click My Profile and Linked accounts.

From the Booster Club

• Do you have a student athlete who plays any sport at Saint Joseph’s? Are you grateful for the amazing coaches and growth opportunities that SJCS athletics provides your child? Or are you simply just proud to be a Knight and love our school? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then please make sure you join the Knights Athletic Booster Club today. Your membership fees are critical to providing the financial support ALL our athletic teams need to enhance program excellence for our student-athletes and our school overall.

• Click HERE to join or get more information on the various membership levels and benefits. You will receive one, two, four, or six key tags, depending on membership level, for free admission to all non-playoff home games. A huge "thank you" to those who have already joined! Please note that once a membership form is received, it can take a week or so to process. You will receive an email when your key tags are available for pick up. Thank you for your patience.

• Interested in advertising for your business or just showing your family’s support for Saint Joseph’s athletics? We have updated our banner program to create enhanced visibility at our sports venues and more

flexible options for where you would like your logo displayed. Click HERE for more information on athletic sponsorships.

• Show your support for the Varsity Football team, and join your fellow fans and classmates at 5:30 PM every home game for a pre-game tailgate This season, we will have pulled pork sandwiches and nachos, as well as other fun and exciting options. So bring yourself, your family, and friends early for some great food, fellowship and fandom!

• Stay up to date on ALL of the Knights athletics teams’ games and significant events by subscribing to the Athletic Calendar HERE

From the Business Office

Student ID Badge

This year, the school gave all students a new student ID. The charge for a replacement ID badge is $15. All students are required to sign for their replacement badge at the time of the request , and the charge is billed to the student’s account, unless the student has cash at the time of the request.

Tuition Accounts

• Saint Joseph’s uses Blackbaud Tuition Management for all tuition and incidental billing. You can access your student’s tuition account HERE.

• If you are sending checks to pay for tuition or any miscellaneous fees, you can send them directly to the school for quicker processing: Attn: Business Office 100 St. Joseph's Drive Greenville, SC 29607.

• Any accounts that are past due will risk the ability for students to participate in extracurricular activities and eligibility to receive financial assistance in the future. If you foresee any issues, please reach out immediately so that we can discuss and come up with a solution.

• Questions about your tuition account? Contact Nikki Hamby.

2025 Annual Auction Gala

From the Development Office

Extra Weekends at your Timeshare or Vacation Home? Theater or Concert Tickets? It's never too soon to be thinking about our 2025 Annual Auction Gala. We are looking for any family willing to donate ‘a stay’ at your vacation home or timeshare or theater or concert tickets to be auctioned off at our 2025 Gala. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate, please contact Kevin Meyer or Katie Orbon in the Development Office. Your donation is tax-deductible!

Annual Fund

• Helping families afford a Saint Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 5% of the school’s overall budget. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community.

• Our Annual Fund goal for this fiscal year (July 2024- June 2025), which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $550,000. Please consider an Annual Fund donation. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions or make an online donation to the Annual Fund.

You Belong Campaign

• Saint Joseph’s started the You Belong Campaign in the Spring of 2023 with a goal of $6 million to build the Saint Joseph’s Way Center. This building will contain a large multipurpose room (seating 175-200), four new Theology classrooms and offices for Campus Ministry, Student Support Services, and College Counseling.

• To date, we have raised 99% of the goal! Construction on the new building is under way and it will open in the Fall of 2025. If you’d like more information on the campaign and the plans, or to make a pledge or donation, please refer to our campaign webpage or contact Kevin Meyer with any questions.

Named Endowment Funds

A Named Endowment Fund is an enduring gift that will support programs that are meaningful to you in perpetuity. The following funds have been established and are providing continued support:

• The Bikulege Family Foundation Endowment for Athletics

• The McNicholas Family Scholarship

• The Michael D. Miros Scholarship For more information about these funds or to get information about establishing an endowment fund, please contact Kevin Meyer

From the Fine Arts Department

Volunteers Needed

Please contact Teresa McGrath for more information on how to volunteer for either of the opportunities below:

• Any parents or students willing to donate their time and talents to the Fine Arts Department through their sewing skills

• Any parents willing to assist in the Scene Shop during after-school and Saturday crew sessions

Fall in Love with the Arts at SJCS

Catch the Pep Band at one of the Varsity Football games this fall (Go Knights!), stroll with us at the Middle School Walk-A-Thon after school on October 17, come along on The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane November 21-23, or feel festive at our holiday band, chorus, and strings concerts on December 10, 11, and 12. We hope you will join us for a Fine Arts event or two this fall!

Opportunities to Support the Fine Arts

• Join: Show your love for the Arts by joining our Fine Arts Booster Club, the Jubilate Arts Guild (JAG). With membership support in past years, we were able to purchase much-needed items to benefit the Fine Arts classrooms. In addition to supporting the Fine Arts with your membership, joining JAG has many benefits, including discount tickets and priority seating at many Fine Arts events. The 2024-2025 membership form can be found HERE

• Sponsor: Want to reach a larger audience for your business through arts events and social media? Try the JAG sponsorship program for as little as $125! New this year: special sponsorship levels also get a banner in the gym! For more information, click HERE. If you join our sponsorship program before November 1, you will maximize your investment by being showcased at all Fine Arts events this year. Questions? Email us HERE .

• Shop Wreaths: Our holiday wreath sale has begun! Beautiful live wreaths, table toppers, and swags can be delivered directly to you and your loved ones (or business associates) around mid-November. Last year we sold out before the end of sale, so get your order in early to ensure you receive your fresh greenery in time for the holiday season. You can order HERE using the Fundraising Code STJOSESC001 . You do not need to list a referring name, just be sure to include the fundraising code.

• Shop Ornaments: A Red Door Ornament is a great way to commemorate the Red Door Ceremony, and they make great Christmas gifts! The online order form is HERE

• Volunteer : Seeking volunteers with sewing, carpentry, and painting skills to help with preparations for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Email us HERE for more information.

From the Parents Guild

Welcome Back Auction

The Welcome Back Tailgate Parents Guild Auction was a huge success! Thank you to all of those who bid on our packages and a special thank you to all of our donors. Donors are listed as follows: Palmetto Craft, Monkees, The Greenville Drive, Good to Go Greenville, Skin Clique, Branch and Stem, Barre 3, Jeanie Haselden, Warehouse Services Inc, The Slice, Euphoria, Sobys, Indaco, Rick Erwins, Davis Orthodontics, and Cottage Grove.

Special Thanks To…

• Lindsey McGee, Jessica Clements, and Jamie Bach for putting together our Auction event, as well as, Frances Zacher and Oksana Monsivais for helping set up, and all for making it a successful event.

• All of those who donated items for our Meet The Teacher Treat Bags for all SJCS Staff.

• Our yearlong sponsor, Palmetto Family Orthodontics.

No-Cost Fundraisers

• Please visit the Parents Guild page on the SJCS website HERE to learn ways to participate in no-cost fundraising programs for 2024-2025. These include Publix, Harris Teeter, and Lowes. It’s easy to do and helps the school.

Upcoming Parent Guild Events

• Spirit Knight at The Slice in Simpsonville will be October 7 from 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM.

• There will be a Dress Down Day on October 31 that will cost $3 cash to be collected at the MS and HS doors.

From the School Nurse

Student Illness

Students with signs or symptoms of illness should not attend school or extracurricular activities. Report absences due to illness to the Front Office.

Medication Policy

Students may not carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent permission, AND permission from the school nurse to self-administer and self-monitor. Students with asthma who need to carry rescue inhalers should have updated action plans in Magnus. Failure to comply with the medication policy may result in exclusion from extracurricular activities or disciplinary action. Under no circumstance may a student carry controlled substances on their person.


If your child has a life-threatening allergy, please make sure you have an updated care plan in Magnus Health AND emergency medication available in the health room prior to the first day of classes. Contact the nurse HERE if you have questions about your student’s allergy or clarifying allergy information or care plans in Magnus.

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