October 2022 News & Notes

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St. Joseph’s School Prayer

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.

From the Head of School

Greetings from St. Joseph’s Catholic School!

Before getting into the body of my letter, I would like to remind everyone that our Annual Admissions Open House is on Sunday, October 9, beginning at 1:00 PM with a program in the JP II Center. Please spread the word to family and friends. Or better yet, invite them to attend with you as your guests. Our parents tell us time and again that the number one reason they started looking into the school was because of a recommendation from a trusted friend. To express our gratitude for spreading the good word about St. Joseph’s, a few years ago we started giving current families a $500 tuition credit when a student they recommended enrolls in the school.

It was good to see so many of you at Meet the Teacher Night. Thank you for making the time to spend a whole evening with us getting to know your sons’ and daughters’ teachers. Given that we shared a great deal of information about the state of the school in a relatively short period of time during the assembly period, I thought it might be helpful to link the slides presented that evening HERE so you can refer to them if you’d like. You will have to login to access the portal using your FACTS Family Portal user name and password.

In the context of my comments at Meet The Teacher Night on the theme for the year “There is need of only one thing” and the encouragement to entrust all of your anxieties and worries about your children to God, one dad stopped me in the hallway later in the evening to show me a picture of his son who is a freshman at The Citadel. (He’s one of two members of the Class of 2022 who are there.) The dad of the other graduate showed me a picture as well. It was good to see both young men sporting the same new haircut. (Let’s just say they were well within the SJCS guidelines!)

The dad who stopped me in the hallway reminded me that I once told him and the other middle school parents gathered at that time not to worry about where their kids will go to college. I said that it would all work itself out in time, but probably not as they expected. The dad brought this up because he said that’s exactly what happened with his son. He’s loving The Citadel but they didn’t imagine then that he would attend there.

\October 2022 Edition
Contents From the Head of School .................. 1 Things You Need To Know ................ 3 From the Middle School Director ..... 7 From the High School Director ......... 7 From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office ........... 8 From the Athletic Department ......... 9 From the Business Office ................... 9 From the Development Office ....... 10 From the Fine Arts Department ...... 10 From the Parents Guild .................... 11 From the School Nurse .................... 12

Trusting God with the future well being of my children has been something I’ve definitely had to work on - still working on it, if I’m being totally honest. I’m fond of saying that we have to take “the long view” when it comes to our kids because raising teenagers can be dramatic in the moment. Trust involves a humble and necessary detachment. Ultimately, our children don’t belong to us. They are free and need to learn to use their freedom for their own good and the good of others, if they are to develop into well adjusted adults. While we can and must guide them along the way, we cannot make every decision for them. Finding the balance of when to intercede and when to lay low and let them figure it out involves a good deal of discernment and prayer, especially when it comes to the bigger matters. The older I get the more I appreciate the value of letting them learn from their mistakes.

In his apostolic exhortation on St. Joseph from a couple of years ago, Pope Francis describes Joseph as a tender, loving, and creative father who refuses to try to p ossess his son:

Our world today needs fathers. It has no use for tyrants who would domineer others as a means of compensating for their own needs. It rejects those who confuse authority with authoritarianism, service with servility, discussion with oppression, charity with a welfare mentality, power with destruction…

When fathers refuse to live the lives of their children for them, new and unexpected vistas open up. Every child is the bearer of a unique mystery that can only be brought to light with the help of a father who respects that child’s freedom. A father who realizes that he is most a father and educator at the point when he becomes “useless”, when he sees that his child has become independent and can walk the paths of life unaccompanied. When he becomes like Joseph, who always knew that his child was not his own but had merely been entrusted to his care. In the end, this is what Jesus would have us understand when he says: “Call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven” (Mt 23:9).

In every exercise of our fatherhood, we should always keep in mind that it has nothing to do with possession, but is rather a “sign” pointing to a greater fatherhood. In a way, we are all like Joseph: a shadow of the heavenly Father, who “makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Mt 5:45). And a shadow that follows his Son.

For any St. Joseph’s dad who might want to do a deeper dive into his vocation as a man and father, Father Duncan and Gabe Lewis are leading a Men’s Retreat during the weekend of November 5 and 6 on the topic of the Pope’s letter about St. Joseph’s. Click HERE for more information and to register. We’d love to have you join us.

In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for Jack and Lily Velky on the passing of their grandfather; for Hayes Frank on the passing of his grandmother; for Farra Bryan on the passing of her grandfather; for Phen Wunder on the passing of his grandfather; for Melissa Broering on the passing of her mother in law; for Bob Castello on the passing of his mother in law

With Love and Prayers, Keith F. Kiser Head of School

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Things You Need To Know

YIG Hosted Dress Down Day, September 30

YIG is hosting a dress down day on Friday, September 30. All students wishing to dress down (which would include any non uniform attire), can pay $3. They will receive a wristband indicating that they have paid. Students are asked to wear red, white, and blue and must dress in accordance with the Parent/Student Handbook

Poll Worker Training Class, October 1

On Saturday, October 1, the poll training class for SJCS students who applied to work the election polls will take place from 9:00 AM Noon in the Meeting Room. Please arrive at the school no later than 8:45 AM and enter through the cafeteria entrance.

SJCS Students for Life Events, October 2

Please join the SJCS Students for Life community as we gather in l ove and prayer for the unborn and their moms. Click HERE for details of upcoming events, and watch this fall for details about the March for Life, as well as a baby items collection on behalf of Birthright of Greenville.

Thespian Society Annual Food Drive, October 3-October 28

The International Thespian Society will host their annual food drive as a Household competition. All non perishable food donations will go to benefit a local food pantry. More details will be announced to the student body in October.

Financial Aid Night for Senior Families, October 4

On Tuesday, October 4 at 7:00 PM, Melissa M. Barnette, Associate Director of Financial Aid at Furman University, will be conducting a general Financial Aid meeting to discuss the various types of aid, scholarships (including the state scholarships, scholarships through the colleges and private scholarships), the CSS Profile, federal money (grants, loans, work study), and a general overview of the FAFSA for this year’s graduating seniors. The meeting will be held in the Meeting Room.

Access to Gradebooks in FACTS Family Portal closes October 7

The first quarter marking period ends on Friday, October 7. Parent and student access to Gradebooks in the FACTS Family Portal will close at 4:00 PM in order for faculty to enter grades for the marking period. Access to Gradebooks and Report Cards in the FACTS Family Portal will resume once report cards have been issued.

Campus Ministry "Beginning Day", October 8

Any high school student who is curious about Campus Ministry is invited to an afternoon of games, songs, food, and prayer from 3:00-8:30 PM on Saturday, October 8.The day is designed to help students discover how friendship with others and with God makes it possible to not just "survive" high school, but to live it with meaning. The event will be held at the McCauley Family's barn (1999 Roe Ford Road, Greenville, SC, 29617). Questions? Contact SJCS Campus Minister Gabe Lewis.

Admissions Open House, October 9

Please help us fill the campus on Sunday, October 9 by inviting a prospective parent (relative, friend, neighbor, or co worker) to our annual Admissions Open House. The event begins at 1:00 PM and officially kicks off the admissions season for the upcoming school year. Highlights include hearing from a graduate and a parent on their SJCS experience, touring the campus with current students, and speaking with teachers, coaches, and parents to learn more about opportunities both in and outside the classroom. This is a once-a-year event, so please help us to spread the word. How Can You Help? Current SJCS families can earn a $500 tuition credit for actively recruiting new families to St. Joseph’s. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the St. Joseph’s family who recommended SJCS on their application. After the new student attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their November tuition bill. For more information, click HERE.

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Attention Eighth Grade Parents

All eighth grade parents were recently mailed and emailed a letter from Head of School, Keith Kiser, about transitioning your child from eighth to ninth grade. Please contact Jenny Starks if you do not recall receiving this letter as it covered several important “need to know” topics:

1) Open House on Sunday October 9 is for anyone who is undecided about their child’s high school years at SJCS. The event, which begins at 1:00 PM, will allow you to hear a high school senior and a graduate speak on the value of their high school years spent at St. Joseph’s. You will also have the opportunity to speak with our high school faculty as you tour that section of the school. Current high school students will be available to answer questions you or your child have about the changes students might encounter next year as they enter ninth grade.

2) “The Value of a St. Joe’s Diploma” is a program led by the SJCS Guidance Office on Open House Sunday, October 9, from 2:30-3:00 PM in the Meeting Room. It will provide families with a wealth of information on the advantages of being an SJCS graduate.

3) Eighth Grade Lunch with the Leaders resumes in October. All eighth graders will receive an invitation sometime during this school year to attend lunch with their House Leaders along with Mr. Kiser and Mrs. J. These luncheons are designed to serve as a halfway checkpoint in your child’s St. Joseph’s career; students will be invited to share how their middle school experience has been and encouraged to ask questions as they begin to plan for high school. The first luncheon is Monday, October 3, and all eighth grade members of the Drexel House should have received an invitation and should plan to attend.

4) Eighth Grade High School Shadow Day is Friday, November 18. All SJCS eighth graders will have the opportunity to attend a few classes in our high school taught by several ninth grade teachers on Friday, November 18. As our eighth graders look towards high school, it’s important for them to be able to sit in some of our high school classrooms and hear from a few of the outstanding faculty who will be teaching them next year.

5) High School Preview Night is Thursday, January 12. All eighth grade parents are invited to campus on Thursday, January 12, 2023 (prior to the Eighth Grade Play) from 6:00-7:00 PM in the Meeting Room. The program, which will include a discussion on high school course selections, promises to be most enlightening and informative.

6) Eighth Grade Day is Wednesday, January 25. Your eighth grade son or daughter will take our high school scholarship/placement test on Eighth Grade Day on January 25. There are several reasons for completing this test: 1) All SJCS 8th graders will be eligible to compete for one of two academic scholarships awarded each year to two incoming ninth graders, and 2) This test provides us valuable comparison and placement data on our incoming ninth grade students. Please note that this is not a test to get into our high school, as your child is already a St. Joseph’s student. As with every SJCS student who wishes to re enroll each year, the re enrollment contract and the re enrollment fee, due in February 2023, will secure their spot in the ninth grade class.

Middle School Retreat, October 12

All MS students will participate in an on campus retreat on Wednesday, October 12 The retreat will begin at 8:00 AM. Students will be dismissed at Noon. Students are not required to wear uniforms that day; however, the free dress guidelines do apply. These guidelines can be found on page 40 of the Parent/Student Handbook.

Ninth Grade PSAT Testing, October 12

All freshmen should report directly to their testing room by 7:50 AM and will be dismissed at Noon. Students should wear their casual uniform and bring two #2 wooden pencils, a scientific, graphing or 4 function calculator, and their student ID card number. Testing room lists will be posted at school. The purpose of the PSAT 8/9, which is the first in the College Board's SAT Suite of Assessments, is to establish a starting point in terms of college and career readiness as students transition to high school. The results help educators and students figure out what students need to work on most so that they are ready for college when they graduate from high school. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering

Tenth & Eleventh Grade PSAT/NMSQT Testing, October 12

The PSAT will be administered to all sophomores and juniors here at school on the morning of Wednesday, October 12. Students should report to their testing room by 7:50 AM and will be dismissed at Noon. Testing room lists will be posted at school. Students should wear their casual uniform and bring two #2 wooden pencils, their scientific or graphing calculator, and their student ID card number. Many of our AP courses require a minimum score on one of the PSAT sections as a prerequisite, which will affect both sophomores and juniors when they register for classes for next year. For juniors, this test is also called the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test

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(NMSQT), and it is the only way to be considered for National Merit scholarships. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering

SAT Test at School for Registered Seniors Only, October 12

The SAT test will be administered on Wednesday, October 12 to seniors who registered ahead of time. These seniors should report to their testing room by 7:50 AM and will be dismissed at Noon. Testing room lists will be posted at school. Students should wear their casual uniform and bring two #2 wooden pencils, their scientific or graphing calculator, and their student ID card number. Seniors not taking the SAT will not have school that day. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering

NOON Dismissal, October 12

Dismissal will be at Noon on Wednesday, October 12 for all students due to standardized testing. This is for grades 6-12.

Schedule Change on October 13

Due to PSAT testing the day before, Thursday, October 13, will follow the M, T, F schedule with all classes meeting and a 3:00 PM dismissal.

Greece Trip Interest Meeting, October 13

The Greece trip is still planned for June 9-17. The trip is packed with wonderful adventures and sights in Athens, Delphi, and a cruise to Myconos, Santorini, Rhodes, and Patmos! There is an interest meeting for parents and students on Thursday, October 13, at 7:00 PM in the Meeting Room. But you don't have to wait until then. For more information, email Elaine Trakas. Travel like this helps students develop independence and a broader worldview while connecting what they learn in the classroom with the real world. This is a great Christmas or graduation gift!

First Quarter Grades Emailed October 14

First quarter ends on October 7. A link to report cards will be emailed to parents and students on Friday, October 14 after 4:00 PM. The link will remain active for 14 days.

Fall Break Week, October 17 & 18

Fall Break will be Monday and Tuesday, October 17 and 18. The remainder of the week will be a regular Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday schedule.

Fall Play: Father Knows Best, October 21 23

Welcome to the home of the busy Anderson family! The youngest daughter, Kathy, makes plans to spend the night at a friend's house; their son, Bud, has an emergency practice with his basketball team; the oldest, Betty, has been asked on a date! Meanwhile, Margaret, the mother, is battling an uncooperative washing machine, making dinner, and designing a table setting for her Garden Club. When Father reads a story in the newspaper about two young teens eloping, he decides it's more important for everyone to stay in for the night. The Anderson home has suddenly become host to Kathy's friend, Bud's basketball team, Betty's date, Margaret's Garden Club, and a repair man...and now, Father also has an important business meeting in the works! Chaos escalates as Father tries to bring a balanced order back to his family's life. Join the Anderson family's adventure as excitement and complications develop...does everything fall apart? Or does the chaos only bring the family closer together?

All performances will be in the St. John Paul II Center. Online ticket reservation information will be available on the website in early October. Members of the Jubilate Arts Guild will receive early access to discounted online ticket purchasing opportunities before they go on sale to the public. Click HERE for the Jubilate Arts Guild membership form. You must join by October 7 in order for the membership benefits to apply to the fall production.

Ladies Knight Out, October 26

Mark your calendars for an exciting evening of fun and fellowship on Wednesday, October 26 at the home of Joanie Martin. Details will be sent with a formal email invitation. All SJCS ladies are invited to attend!

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Household Dean & Parent/Teacher Conferences, November 2

The first quarter report cards will be e-mailed on Friday, October 14. Wednesday, November 2 from 2:00-6:00 PM has been set aside for Household Dean and Parent/Teacher Conferences. An email will be sent to parents around October 19 with instructions for signing up for conferences, as all conference appointments will be made online.

Middle School Shadow Day/Bring A Friend Day, November 8

Do you have (or do you know) a prospective middle school student who would like to see what a day is like at St. Joe’s? While high school applicants are required to shadow, we open up our middle school one day each academic year for prospective middle school students to shadow for a half day of classes and lunch. Current SJCS middle school students are also encouraged to invite a friend (currently in grades 5-7) to visit for a half day. NOTE: Greenville County Schools have off on Tuesday, November 8 (Election Day), but SJCS is in session on this date. All visitors must register in advance, and the online registration form will be posted on the school website on October 11. It’s first come, first served, as classroom space is limited and we will restrict the number of visitors that day.

How Can You Help? 1) If your SJCS middle school child has a friend who would like to see what St. Joe’s is like, please direct the parents of your child’s friend to register on our website October 11-31. 2) If your SJCS middle school child is willing to host a student they do not know on this day, please submit your child’s name to Jenny Starks in the Admissions Office as soon as possible.

Senior Graduation Supplies Orders, November 10

Information regarding caps and gowns, announcements, as well as other graduation supplies will be emailed to seniors and their parents in mid October. Representatives from Herff Jones will be available in the Boardroom by the Front Office to take orders during the morning Flex Period on Thursday, November 10.

Junior Ring Orders, November 10

Information regarding class rings will be emailed to juniors and their parents in mid October. Representatives from Herff Jones will be available in the Boardroom by the Front Office to take orders during the morning Flex Period on Thursday, November 10. The representatives will be able to size rings, answer questions, and accept down payments during this time.

Semester Exams & Christmas Travel Reminder, December 12-December 15

As we near the Christmas Holidays, please remember to book family travel plans for after your student’s scheduled exams. Eighth grade and high school exams are Monday, December 12 through Thursday, December 15. Make-up exams only will take place on Friday, December 16.

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From the Middle School Director

“You ought to ask our Lord for just one thing … to love Him.” Saint Padre Pio

My family and I spent this past July 4th weekend in Mount Pleasant, SC. Johnny was playing some baseball, and one of my sisters lives there - so great reasons to visit the Coast. We planned on attending the 11:30 AM Sunday Mass at Stella Maris Catholic Church on Sullivan’s Island. However, as relatively new South Carolinians, we did not anticipate the beach goer traffic as we headed to the church from our hotel! Luckily, Christ Our King parish had a Noon mass we could get to.

The celebrant and homilist for the Noon mass was Father Andrew Fryml, one of our very own St. Joseph’s graduates. In addition to serving as one of the parish priests at Christ Our King, Father Fryml is also the chaplain at Bishop England High School. I’m certain that our church detour that morning was part of God’s plan for me because Father’s homily message was one I won’t soon forget. It was simple yet powerful. As he acknowledged the discord and disruption in our communities and the world, Father Fryml encouraged us to remember our one directive - our one purpose …to draw others to Christ.

There must have been other times in my life when that message has been delivered. But for some reason, Father Fryml’s words really made an impact on me that early July afternoon. In fact, I draw on his words multiple times a day as I prioritize the many responsibilities in front of me - responsibilities as a wife, mother, and a Catholic school administrator. I know I am not alone in my struggle to make sense of seemingly competing priorities. Many of you have shared with me the enormity of expectations you bear - when everyone needs you, yet you feel like you are never enough. In these moments … in these doubts … is when I recall the words of Father Fryml: “Draw others to Christ.”

Drawing another to Christ is no easy feat. And, ultimately, we cannot deliver another to Christ. We can, however, inspire, provoke, guide, nurture, accompany and, at times, challenge with the Truth. The singularity of this focus and purpose gives me strength and courage as I navigate all the things I need to do and the people I need to serve. And focusing on this one thing fits in so well with our theme for the year, inspired by Luke 10: 38 42, “There is need of only one thing.”

If you haven’t already, consider your “one thing” for this school year. What singular purpose will drive your decisions and influence your direction? Identifying our one thing has the potential to bring clarity, confidence and peace as we sort through all we are called to be and do.

“But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness’. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

From the High School Director

Many of you have heard me say that our philosophy of educational practice at St. Joseph’s is really pretty simple. We believe in high expectations, and high levels of support for our students to meet those expectations. High expectations without support is unrealistic, and high levels of support without high expectations is coddling. We don’t want to be guilty of either of those fallacies.

As a teaching team our whole faculty has discussed this many times over the last several years, but a few bullet points might be helpful for students and parents alike. It is especially important when selecting classes, or when trying to identify ways that students can improve their performance. So, what do these terms mean?

High Expectations

• We assign rigorous classwork that should challenge students to do more than rote memorization. Rigor is often confused with quantity. Our goal is not just to assign lots of work, but rather to assign work that requires students to engage their higher faculties. Compare/contrast questions, for instance, are generally

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2 Corinthians 12:9

more demanding than “list” or “summarize” questions. There can be space for those things as well, but the goal should always be to eventually move beyond simply reproducing a list from notes or a textbook.

• We assume that students complete the work that is assigned, and our class discussions proceed as if each student was prepared for that reality. This requires students to develop learning skills that rely on some measure of independent thinking and effort.

• We hold students accountable for their work (this one could be under support as well). We don’t shy away from accountability for fear that it won’t seem welcoming. While we want to be realistic and recognize that sometimes flexibility on a deadline may be in order, we believe that students should learn to balance demands on their time, and that sometimes one has to say no even to a fun opportunity because there is work to be done.

High Support

• We utilize appropriate tools for engaging students who may benefit from different kinds of instruction. This is harder in some courses than in others, but one of our goals is to make sure students have varied opportunities to show what they know.

• We have a growing staff of people dedicated to helping students adjust to the demands of our school. There are several support programs at St. Joe’s designed to reinforce content from the classroom and to help students who may struggle in specific areas.

• We have increased teacher availability before and after school, and during the Thursday morning flex period, so that students can ask more specific questions than are sometimes possible in a classroom. Dedicated help, often one on one or in small groups is available during this time as well.

• See the last point on high expectations. Accountability is not the enemy of supportive education any more than it is in parenting.

Your students are in great hands at St. Joseph’s, and we are grateful for your support.

From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office


Junior and senior students and their parents are encouraged to make use of our college counseling platform, SCOIR. You can access SCOIR HERE for personalized college search information, career planning help, and other college related items. Contact Heather Driscoll, Jenn Albright, or Courtney Vaughn in the College Counseling Office if you have lost your registration code.

Parents of Seniors

It’s that time of the year when deadlines are fast approaching for admissions and scholarship applications. Remember that the faculty members who write letters of recommendation need as much advance notice as possible to craft your student’s recommendation, and for the College Counseling staff to compile secondary reports, transcript records, and send all related information, etc. We strongly encourage all students to meet with us to review their applications and essays as this will allow us to put together the best possible packet for them. It is incumbent upon the seniors to make sure they give us adequate notice (ideally, four weeks in advance of the deadline) on requests. Please follow up with your son or daughter today to make sure they get on top of their deadlines and college admissions ‘to do’ lists, and have them get their requests in to us as soon as possible. Also, make sure your student is checking the Scholarship and Upcoming Events sections of the College Counseling page on the website. These pages are updated on an ongoing basis as we receive information.

College Counseling is on Instagram

We are excited to announce that the College Counseling Office has officially launched an Instagram account! Please be sure to search and follow sjcs_collegecounseling for scholarship updates, application process tips and tricks, college visit announcements, and much, much more This is a great way to stay connected with our office, so we encourage everyone to follow along!

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To Access FACTS Family Portal

To access the FACTS Family Portal, click HERE and enter your username and password.

From the Athletic Department

Winter Sports Begin October 31

Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2022 2023 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2022, and complete the required forms ONLINE at student central at Bigteams.com prior to the first tryout or practice No paper forms will be accepted, no exception. If you were an SJCS athlete in 2021-2022, please use your existing login. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice are: Pre Participation History and Pre Participation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Steadman Hawkins form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big Teams.com found HERE. Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Big Teams is available on the SJCS website HERE. Please note that you must login to the SJCS website first. Be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school. This website is available in any language. To change the language, click on the person icon in the top right corner.

Athletic Booster Club

• Show your continued support for the Varsity Football team at their last two remaining regular season home games. Pre-game tailgating starts at 5:30 PM.

o On October 21 we play Christ Church. We will be featuring Local Pie Pizza and Carolina Gourmet Snowballs.

o Senior Night will be held on October 28 as we play McCormick High School. This is also our annual Founders Tailgate.

• Do you have a student athlete who plays any sport at St. Joseph’s? Are you grateful for the amazing coaches and growth opportunities that SJCS athletics provides your child? Or are you simply just proud to be a Knight and love our school? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then please make sure you join the Knights Athletic Booster Club today! Your membership fees are critical to providing the financial support ALL our athletic teams need to enhance program excellence.

• Click HERE to join or get more information on the various membership levels and benefits. You will receive one, two, four, or six key tags, depending on membership level, for free admission to all non playoff home games AND you can present your key tag at any Sully's Steamers for a free promotional item! A huge "thank you" to those who have already joined! Please note that once a membership form is received, it can take a week or so to process. You will receive an email when your key tags are available for pick up. Thank you for your patience.

• Interested in advertising your business or just showing your family’s support for St Joseph’s athletics? We have updated our banner program to create enhanced visibility at our sports venues and more flexible options for where you'd like your logo displayed. Click HERE for more information on athletic sponsorships.

From the Business Office

Cafeteria Balances

FLIK, our cafeteria service, has updated their point of sale system. This system will be used for all cafeteria and School Store purchases. FLIK system offers a declining balance program that can be used to purchase lunch, breakfast, snacks, drinks, and St. Joseph’s logo items. Since FLIK is not set up to extend credit to students, the new software will not allow a balance due of $50.00 or more. You can check your students balance at MySchoolBucks.

To put money on your account, you can send cash or a check to the attention of FLIK or pay online at MySchoolBucks. If you have any questions regarding your student’s MySchoolBucks account, please contact Chef Stacie

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Late Stay

Late Stay is available each day after school until 6:00 PM. Any student not involved in a supervised after school activity must report to Late Stay by 3:30 PM. The cost for Late Stay is $4.50 an hour.

Tuition Credit Program

Thank you to many of our school families for employing our Student Recruitment Tuition Credit Program this past school year. We greatly appreciate you referring families to SJCS! This program is ongoing and we hope that more SJCS parents will choose to take advantage of this for 2023 2024 recruitment. Click HERE to read about the program, and note that the $500 tuition credit will be issued on your November statement after the student you referred to SJCS has attended classes for one quarter.

From the Development Office

Annual Fund

Our goal this fiscal year (July 2022 – June 2023) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. We will track participation numbers by grade level throughout the year, beginning in October. Our faculty and staff are leading the way this year with 85% participation and over $27,000!

Helping families afford a St. Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 6% of the school’s overall budget. It accounts for 75% of the funding that is not covered by tuition. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $550,000. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions, download your Annual Fund Donation Form today, or make an online donation!

From the Fine Arts Department

Volunteers Needed

Please contact Teresa McGrath for more information on how to volunteer for either of the opportunities below:

• Any parents or students willing to donate their time and talents to the Fine Arts Department through their sewing skills

• Any parents willing to assist in the Scene Shop during after school and Saturday crew sessions

Opportunities to Support the Fine Arts

Join: Show your love for the Arts by joining our Fine Arts Booster Club, the Jubilate Arts Guild (JAG). With membership support this past year, we were able to purchase several items to benefit the department, including a tenor saxophone and bass drum for Band, drying racks and artwork displays for Visual Arts, sheet music for Strings & Chorus, a washer and dryer for Theatre, and a speaker and music for Dance. In addition to supporting the Fine Arts with your membership purchase, there are many benefits to joining JAG, including discount tickets and priority seating at many Fine Arts events. The 2022 2023 membership form can be found HERE.

Sponsorships: Attention business owners! Want to reach a larger audience? JAG would like to introduce our sponsorship program. We are offering our corporate sponsors a chance for promotion with advertising in the programs of our six main Fine Arts events. The size of the ad depends on the level of sponsorship. In addition to an ad in our programs, our sponsors will get further promotion through social media, the Fine Arts’ website, and special signage in the lobby of our events. Click HERE for more information on sponsorship levels and benefits. Become a Fine Arts Sponsor as soon as possible to maximize your sponsorship dollars. The Fall Play and Christmas Concerts are just around the corner! Questions? Contact Brandon Cabaniss

Volunteer: Looking to get more involved? All MS students and most HS students are involved in the Arts in some way at SJCS. JAG is in need of parent volunteers to serve on the JAG committee for the 2022 2023 school year. We have various officer positions available, and several committee vacancies. Come to a meeting to discover

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how much fun it can be supporting the Arts. Want more information? Contact the Jubilate Arts Guild president, Cindy Davis

Purchase a wreath : Our annual Wreath Sale will begin in October. You have probably heard about the beautiful live wreaths, table toppers, and swags that can be delivered directly to you and your loved ones (or business associates) around mid November. You can order these festive wreaths and tabletop décor HERE. Contact Erin Brasington with questions.

Order an Ornament: Don't forget to order your SJCS Red Door ornament to commemorate your child’s time at St. Joseph’s. Additionally, the 2022 SJCS Christmas ornament, designed by SJCS Student Natalie Wills, is now available. Click HERE to purchase either ornament. There are also a limited number of last year’s "Year of St. Joseph" ornaments still available Contact Christine Balts if you are interested. Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Charleston Wrap Fundraiser! The Jubilate Arts Guild raised over $3,000 to support the SJCS Fine Arts programs.

Jubilate Knight for the Arts Talent Show

Mark your calendars for our Fine Arts Department annual talent competition and fundraiser, Jubilate Knight for the Arts, on Saturday, February 11, 2023. All members of the school community are invited to participate in this event, and the sale of voting tokens aids in funding the needs of our dance, choral, instrumental, theatre, and visual arts programs. Preparations for this family friendly fun evening begin in the fall, so dust off the dancing shoes, exercise the vocal chords, or come up with an act to showcase your own unique talent. Look for more information in later New & Notes. In addition, if you are interested in joining the planning committee, we are always in need of volunteers to help put together this exciting event for our SJCS family. Contact Cindy Davis for more information.

From the Parents Guild

The School Store

Knights and Nobles, the St. Joseph’s School Store, is open every school day before and after school and during the lunch periods. Staffed by parent volunteers, the store is located at the entrance to the school cafeteria. The store stocks grocery items for before school snacks (granola bars and juice) and after school snacks, with a limited selection of sweet treats available at lunchtime. The store also stocks some school supplies (highlighters, pens, notecards, etc.), locker accessories (locker ladders and magnets), and St. Joseph’s spirit wear (some items from spring sale and a restock after the fall sale).

New this year: School Store purchases may be charged to the student’s MySchoolBucks account or may be paid for with cash. There will no longer be a separate charge account through the parent portal. Spirit Wear items must be paid for with cash or check made payable to the school. While the store is designated as a fundraising source, the School Store will have pricing comparable to the FLIK prices and will try to keep reasonable rates.

Parents in Prayer:

At St. Joseph’s we know that “unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1). Without the quiet, unassuming, humble prayers of those who believe deeply in the mission and providence of SJCS, all the great projects and plans would be futile. To this end, every Thursday at 1:30 PM a group of SJCS parents gather to reflect and offer prayers for the intentions of the school community. This group is open to any SJCS parent. For more information, contact SJCS parent Kristen Armaly

With Sincere Thanks To…

• Mary Galbreath and Lisa Ireland for coordinating the Middle and High School Ambassadors to make our new families feel welcome.

• Lynn Courchaine for her continued efforts in making our School Store a success!

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From the School Nurse

Student Illness

Students with signs or symptoms of illness should not attend school or extracurricular activities. Absences should be reported to the Front Office.


Students with symptoms of COVID or who have been exposed to COVID should be tested. PCR, antigen, and home COVID testing are all acceptable tests this year. COVID positive student tests should be reported to the school by using the COVID reporting form located on the school website.

Medication Policy

It is against St. Joseph’s policy for a student to carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent permission, and permission from the school nurse to self administer and self monitor. Failure to comply with the medication policy may result in disciplinary action.


If your child has a life threatening allergy, please make sure you have an updated care plan in Magnus Health and emergency medication available in the health room. Care plans must be signed by both parent and physician.


Students with asthma should have updated action plans and medication available for them if needed. Please discuss with your child's physician to see if medication needs to be stored in the health room.

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