SJCS School Profile 22-23

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100 St. Joseph’s Drive | Greenville, SC 29607 | 864.234.9009 | h School CEEB C ǣ 410902

School Leadership


Keith Kiserǡ Heather , Director |; ext. 127 Steven Jones, High School Director , College Counselor |; ext. 151 Carol Curry, Registrar |; ext. 135 ǡ

ʹͲʹʹǦʹͲʹ͵ SCHOOL PROFILE School & Student Distinctions

Who We Are

Class of 202ʹ Population: 10ͺ

. ’s Catholic (SJCS) is a private,

Class of 202ʹ Test Results SAT Results: Mid-50% Range (Mean) Critical Reading: ͷͺͲ-͸ͻͲ (͸ʹͻ) Math: ͷͶͲ-͸͸Ͳ (͸ͲͲ) Composite: ͳͳʹͲ-ͳ͵ͶͲ (ͳʹʹʹ)

ACT Results: Mid-50% Range (Mean) English: ʹ͵-͵ʹ (ʹ͹) Math: 2ʹ-2ͺ (ʹͷ) Reading: ʹ͵-͵͵ (ʹͺ) Science Reasoning: ʹ͵-ʹͺ (ʹ͸) Composite: ʹ͵-ʹͻ (ʹ͸)

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Roman Catholic, coeducational, collegepreparatory day school serving ͸͸ͳ students in grades six through twelve. Recognized and approved by and within the Diocese of Charleston, St. Joseph’s seeks academic excellence and strives to form the minds, hearts, and souls of its students in the likeness of Christ. The school provides a rigorous liberal arts curriculum with challenging college-preparatory, honors, and Advanced Placement classes. St. Joseph’s also offers more than 100 co-curricular activities, ϐ ǡ ǡ leadership, service, and personal enrichment clubs and organizations.

Grade Distribution Top 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

9ͷ.Ͷ͹-10ͳǤͶͲ 92.ͻͶ-9ͷǤͶͷ ͻͲ.Ͳͷ-92.ͺͺ 8͹.͹Ͳ-ͻͲ.ͲͲ 7Ͷ.ͺ͵-8͹.ͷ͹

9͹.͹ͳ 9Ͷ.ͳͺ 91.ͷͻ 88.ͻͺ 8͵.ͳ͸

Mid-50% CWA: 8ͺ.ͷͶ - ͻͷǤͲͶ Median CWA: 91.ͻʹ

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