September 23 News & Notes

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St. Joseph’s School Prayer

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster-Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life.

From the Head of School

“To know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you might be filled with the fullness of God ” Ephesians 3:19

Warm greetings from all of us at St. Joseph’s Catholic School!

The school’s fourth decade is off to a great start, and there are a lot of reasons to be grateful as we begin this new school year. The new teachers look to be excellent additions to our already outstanding faculty and staff. (Please read Mrs. Jaraczewski and Dr. Jones’s articles to learn more about each new teacher, and you will see why we are so excited about them.) 662 students are enrolled with 6th, 8th, & 9th grades all at full capacity. The new high school STEM Center opened just in the nick of time, with occupancy being granted on the morning on the first day of school! This newly renovated space is going to open up possibilities in STEM education not available to previous SJCS students.

We had a beautiful All School Mass on the first day of the school year to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was a perfect opportunity to entrust our students, parents, and staff to the care of Our Lady and St. Joseph.

And don’t the students look great in their new uniforms? One pleasant surprise is that the new uniforms combined with the grandfathered older uniforms look much better than expected. Whew! One important note here for parents of juniors is that we have decided to allow the members of this Class of 2025 to wear the old uniforms through their senior year so that they won’t have to buy new uniform items for one school year. Permission to wear the old uniforms for one more year is being granted for current juniors only. At the start of 2024-25, all students except members of the Class of 2025 will be required to be entirely in the new uniform.

Speaking of uniforms and other student life matters, we have developed a new guideline containing the minimum expectations we have for student behavior according to The St. Joseph’s Way. We are calling this document “The 10 Commitments of a St. Joseph’s Student.” These were shared with the students in assemblies during the first week of

\ September 2023 Edition
Amen. Contents From the Head of School 1 Things You Need To Know 3 From the Middle School Director ...... 8 From the High School Director .......... 8 From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office ............ 9 From the Athletic Department ........ 10 From the Business Office ................... 11 From the Development Office 11 From the Fine Arts Department 11 From the Parents Guild ..................... 13 From the School Nurse ...................... 13

school. Every student will be asked to sign the commitments acknowledging that they understand what’s expected of them as members of this community. They are listed below…

Ten Commitments of a St. Joseph’s Student

• We show reverence for God during our liturgies & services

• We honor and respect the adults who teach and lead us

• We do our own work to the best of our ability

• We wear the school uniforms correctly with pride

• We treat all of our peers with respect

• We speak to others in a spirit of charity and encouragement, rejecting derogatory, discriminatory, and racist language

• We take good care of the school building

• We use technology only with permission so as to be present to others

• We extend hospitality and kindness to guests and athletic opponents

• We look for ways to use our talents for the most marginalized in our community

Even prior to the first day of school, our parent volunteers were hard at work enriching the community through their generosity. The Annual Golf Tournament in support of our athletic program was another huge success thanks to the generosity of so many individuals under the direction of Camille Roberts and Brian Remsberg. Over 50 parents came out to our first-ever Household Parent Get-Together thanks to Lynn Courchaine’s vision and leadership. And over 20 Parents Guild leaders got together at Jenna Howard’s house to socialize and plan for how they want to support the school this year.

Some of you might recall that last year we started a new initiative aimed at bringing parents together around the mission of the school under the acronym T.E.A.M. (Total Engagement Around the Mission). The Household Parent Get-Together mentioned above was inspired by those discussions. I am pleased to tell you that the monthly parent discussion group with members of the administrative, student life, and campus ministry personnel on the mission of the school, that started last year, will resume again in October. See the Need to Know section for details. All are welcome. I hope you’ll consider attending.

Looking ahead, we are hoping to begin construction on a new building we are calling The Founders St. Joseph’s Way Center as early as next summer. This building will be the new home of our House Program, Campus Ministry, Student Support Services, four new HS theology classrooms, and be accessed through a new shaded plaza containing many picnic tables that students can use at lunch time, helping to alleviate overcrowding issues we have in the cafeteria. We are currently in a silent phase of a capital campaign to raise funds for this new building. We hope to take that campaign public later this fall. Thanks to the generosity of our community, the fund raising for this project is going very well. We also have plans to make important improvements to our athletic facilities, including expanded weight and locker rooms, and a new plaza entrance to the stadium including new restrooms for fans that will address access and safety issues. We’ll be sharing more information about the building during the general assembly at Meet the Teacher Night on Wednesday, September 13. I hope you’ll make plans to attend.

I ask for your continued prayers and support throughout the school year for our teachers, administrators, and coaches. Specifically, with our theme for the year in mind, please pray for their human and spiritual fullness which encompasses their health, well-being, wholeness, satisfaction, and happiness. These women and men are generously and sacrificially committed to providing the very best experience for your sons and daughters. Please pray that they might know and experience the love of Christ so that they might be filled with the very fullness of God. There’s no better gift you could give them than to say thank you for all that they will do for your students this year.

In closing, please join us in praying for the following member of the SJCS family: for Connor Campbell on the passing of his grandfather.

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Early Dismissal, September 1

Things You Need To Know

Dismissal will be at Noon on Friday, September 1 for all students.

Labor Day, September 4

There will be no classes. The school and school offices will be closed.

Encore! Middle School Fine Arts Program - Deadline to Register, September 5

The SJCS Fine Arts Department is launching a new after-school program for MS students. This program is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:15-4:15 PM and provides the opportunity to dive more into the following programs: Band, Dance, Strings, and Musical Theatre. Students can attend both days or choose just one. Additional program and registration details can be found HERE. The deadline to register is September 5.

Senior Students College Counseling Nuts & Bolts Meeting, September 7

The College Counselors will be meeting with all the seniors on Thursday, September 7 during the Flex Period to review various procedures students will need to follow throughout the college application process. All seniors must attend this very important meeting.

Seniors & Parents Guidance Meeting, September 7

Our annual meeting for seniors and their parents will be held on Thursday, September 7 at 7:00 PM in the JP II Center. The meeting will last approximately one hour. At least one parent and their senior student must be in attendance for this informative meeting. Brad Pochard, Associate Vice President for Enrollment at Furman University, will be here to present.

Bakhita House Service & Safari Trip Informational Meeting, September 7

The Bakhita House is partnering with a Christian school in Kenya called Canopy Life Academy. We are offering the opportunity to participate in a service trip to Kenya this summer, July 11-22, 2024. We will see the Canopy Life campus, serve the students and teachers through various activities and projects, meet Letitia (the student we are sponsoring), and learn about their school and country. The trip ends with a true African safari. All Bakhita House students and parents are invited to join us for an information meeting on Thursday, September 7 at 7:00 PM in the Meeting Room. Canopy Life representatives will be with us to explain the trip and answer any questions. Prior to the meeting, you can find out more about Canopy Life HERE. Follow them on Instagram @canopylife. Questions? Email Elaine Trakas or Bryan Haffey.

Welcome Back International Tailgate & Auction, September 8

• Join us Friday, September 8 from 5:30-7:00PM for our Welcome Back International Tailgate. Our Annual Welcome Back Tailgate has an international theme this year! SJCS Parent Leader Groups will be providing FREE hot dogs, condiments, plates, flatware, and napkins. There is no cost to attend, though we ask that you bring an international dish to share. If possible, please bring it in a disposable container. Please RSVP HERE by Monday, September 4.

• This year, the Parents Guild will be hosting a Fall Auction at the tailgate. This new fundraiser will be replacing the Attractions Coupon Books. Please come check out all of our exciting items and help support the Parents Guild. We hope to see everyone as we kick off a new school year and football season!

Meet the Teacher Night, September 13

It is our hope that all middle school and high school parents will set aside Wednesday evening, September 13 from 6:00-8:15 PM for the annual Meet the Teacher Night. After a general session in the JPII Center with Mr. Kiser that begins promptly at 6:00 PM, parents will be able to walk through their child’s daily schedule and meet their child’s teachers. If you have more than one student at SJCS, you will want to choose which classes are most important for you to visit and/or mom and dad can follow different schedules. In order to keep the evening flowing smoothly and to get everyone out by 8:15 PM, this evening should not be viewed as conference time.

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Charleston Wrap Fundraiser Extended Deadline, September 13

Charleston Wrap provides a variety of unique gifts, gourmet food, home decor, handbags, and holiday fare (as well as high quality wrapping paper). It has something for everyone! Get a head start on your Christmas shopping and find something for yourself as well, while supporting the SJCS Jubilate Arts Guild and Fine Arts Department. Awards will be given to the top high school seller and the top middle school seller, and your sales will earn House points. To be eligible for the competition and the HH points, you must register as a participant. After you register, send out your personal sales link to your friends and family. Any orders they place using your personal sales link will qualify you for the competition and HH points. You can register or order HERE, using the Organization ID: 24456.

Middle School Open Mic Knight, September 15

The Fine Arts Department will be sponsoring the first MS Open Mic Knight of the year on Friday, September 15 from 5:00-6:30 PM. All MS students are encouraged to participate in this informal, open-mic style event and we invite MS families to attend. Any younger siblings must be accompanied by their parents. Lemonade will be served, along with a variety of baked goods, during the evening of fellowship and entertainment. Equipment will be available for those interested in performing a favorite poem, song, or monologue throughout the evening. Entrance is through the Cafeteria/MS parking lot door and admission is $5.00 per person, to be paid by cash/check at the entry point.

Mid-Quarter Grades Progress Update, September 15

Mid-quarter grades will be updated on September 15. An email will be sent to parents as a reminder to check your student’s progress through Blackbaud. Please contact teachers directly if you have any questions or concerns.

Informational Meeting for 2024 France & Spain Trip, September 20

Put your language study into action! Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and tastes of France and Spain with Madame McCoy and Señora Russell from May 28 to June 7, 2024. Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, take a sunset cruise down the Seine, ride a bike through the gardens of Versailles, make a pilgrimage to Lourdes, explore the Basque Region, visit the renowned Camino city of Burgos, step into a Fairytale in Segovia, and learn flamenco from a professional dancer. These are just a few of the highlights of the trip. Parent participants are also welcome! More information and registration can be found HERE. Questions? An informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20 at 6:30 PM in Room 103. If you are interested but unable to attend the meeting, contact Jeanne McCoy.

Spirit Week Begins September 22

Spirit Week kicks off Friday, September 22 and ends with the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 30, with lots of fun opportunities in between! Our Spirit Week will benefit Lead Collective, a local non-profit that aims to support youth leaders from under-resourced communities in walking the way of Christ. Former SJCS employee Keitt Brace now works for Lead, and we are so excited to support them. Find more about Lead HERE and be on the lookout for a full Spirit Week calendar soon!

Alumni, Alumni Parent, & SJCS Retirees Homecoming Tailgate, September 29

Join us for our 2023 Alumni, Alumni Parent, and Retirees Homecoming Tailgate on Friday, September 29 at 6:00 PM under the big white tent on the top of the hill by the end zone. Join us for delicious tailgate food, drinks, fellowship, and special door prizes as we cheer on our Knights! Please RSVP HERE by Monday, September 25.

Admissions Open House, October 1

Please help us fill the campus on October 1 by inviting a prospective parent (relative, friend, neighbor, or coworker) to our annual Admissions Open House. The event begins at 1:00 PM and officially kicks off the admissions season for the upcoming school year. Families interested in SJCS will have a chance to hear a few testimonials, tour the campus with current students, meet and speak with teachers, coaches, and parents, and learn more about opportunities both in and out of the classroom. This is a once-a-year event, so please help us to spread the word.

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How Can You Help?

• We are encouraging current SJCS families to pick up an Open House Yard Sign at Meet the Teacher Night here on September 13. This visible sign in your yard could also serve as a reminder to speak to a neighbor (or any prospective family) about your child’s St. Joe’s experience. A strong enrollment helps all of us, and we thank you, in advance, for helping us recruit next year’s students.

• Current SJCS families can earn a $500 tuition credit for actively recruiting new families to St. Joseph’s. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the St. Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their November tuition bill. For more information, click HERE.

Attention Eighth Grade Parents

SJCS eighth grade parents will receive an important letter in September from Keith Kiser, Head of School, about transitioning your child from eighth to ninth grade. This letter will cover many important topics for eighth grade families. If your child plans to re-enroll here for ninth grade, it is not necessary that he/she “apply” for high school, as your child is already a student in our school. However, it is required that all SJCS eighth graders complete our high school admissions test. This test provides us valuable data on our current eighth grade class, allows your son/daughter a chance to compete for one of two academic (half-tuition paid) scholarships awarded each year to incoming ninth graders, and will assist us in placing your child in the correct high school classes. The test will be given to all SJCS eighth graders during the school day on Eighth Grade Day, which falls on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

Financial Aid Night for Senior Families, October 2

On Monday, October 2 at 6:00 PM, Melissa M. Barnette, Associate Director of Financial Aid at Furman University, will be conducting a general Financial Aid meeting to discuss the various types of aid, scholarships (including the state scholarships, scholarships through the colleges and private scholarships), the CSS Profile, federal money (grants, loans, work study), and a general overview of the FAFSA for this year’s graduating seniors. The meeting will be held in the Meeting Room.

Travel to South Africa Interest Meeting, October 3

Travel to South Africa with Ms. Berman and Mrs. Carr. In the summer of 2025, SJCS will take its second trip to South Africa, Ms. Berman's home country. Interested students and parents click HERE to see the itinerary, price, and sign up. An interest meeting will be held October 3 at 6:00 PM. Interested students have an opportunity to earn college credit on the trip and through a follow-up on-line class through George Mason University at no additional cost. Current 7th grade through 11th grade students are eligible.

T.E.A.M. (Totally Engaged in Advancing the Mission) Meeting, October 5

Parents and administrators will continue to gather monthly to pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance with the goal of developing programs and initiatives to support parents in their Christian vocation. All SJCS parents are welcome to prayerfully consider if you might be interested and called to join the TEAM Leadership Committee. Our first gathering of the year will be Thursday, October 5 from 8:00-9:00AM in the Boardroom near the front desk. Questions? Contact Katie Orbon .

Students for Life Event, October 7

Students in grades 8-12 (ages 13-18) are invited to join other Upstate teens at Prince of Peace Catholic Church for an interactive evening of enrichment, trivia, discussion, and fellowship to celebrate and protect the lives of unborn babies and their parents. To register for this event, click HERE.

Junior Class Kairos Retreat, October 7-9

Historically, the junior class is offered the opportunity to attend the Kairos retreat, a 3-day, 2-night retreat dedicated to encountering Christ in the reality of our daily lives, through the community and through the sacraments. This year, our Kairos retreat will also be open to seniors who were unable to attend last year. The dates for the retreats are October 7-9. Any junior or senior who has not previously been on a Kairos retreat may attend. More information will be sent to families soon. Questions? Contact Gabe Lewis.

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9th Grade PSAT Testing, October 11

All freshmen will take the PSAT 8/9 on Wednesday, October 11 with dismissal at 11:30 AM. The purpose of the PSAT 8/9, which is the first in the College Board's SAT Suite of Assessments, is to establish a starting point in terms of college and career readiness as students transition to high school. The results help educators and students figure out what students need to work on most so that they are ready for college when they graduate from high school. Starting this year, the PSAT 8/9 will be administered in a digital format. Further test details and ideas for practice will be communicated via email and in the October News and Notes. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering.

10th and 11th Grade PSAT Testing, October 11

The PSAT will also be administered to all sophomores and juniors here at school on the morning of Wednesday, October 11, with dismissal at 11:30 AM. This test is a shortened, practice version of the SAT and it provides a good opportunity for students to get comfortable with the format, pacing and questions on the SAT. For juniors, this test also serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) and it is the only way to be considered for National Merit scholarships. This year the PSAT will be administered in a digital format that will help students prepare for the SAT, which goes digital next spring. Further test details and ideas for practice will be communicated via email and in the October News and Notes. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering.

SAT Test at School for Seniors Only, October 11

Seniors have the opportunity to take the SAT at school on Wednesday, October 11 from 7:50 AM to approximately 12:15 PM. The cost is $60 and the administration will be a paper and pencil format. More information about the test itself can be found in the SAT School Day Student Guide. Please register HERE by Thursday, September 7 at 4:00 PM if you would like to take the SAT test at school on Wednesday, October 11. Seniors who do not take the SAT will be out of school on this day. Questions? Contact Melissa Broering.

11:30 PM Dismissal on Wednesday, October 11

Dismissal will be at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, October 11 for all students in grades 6-11. Seniors taking the SAT will be dismissed around 12:15 PM.

Fall Break, October 12 & 13

Fall Break will be Thursday, October 12 and Friday, October 13. There will be no classes. The school and school offices will be closed.

Grandparents Day, November 20

Grandparents Day is Monday, November 20 from 9:30 AM-12:15 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity for grandparents or special friends to tour the school and have lunch with their grandchildren. Invitations will be mailed to grandparents who live in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. If you would like us to mail an invitation to a grandparent who does not live in one of those states, please email their name and address to Katie Orbon. This is for grandparents of both middle school and high school students. We look forward to welcoming everyone!

Student Absence Information

An absence is recorded for every class a student misses. With the exception of classes missed for school events or college visits, all absences are included in a student’s Total Absence Count (TAC). Students who miss for the following reasons are eligible to make up any work missed:

• Personal illness (parent note and email)

• Doctor’s appointments (must email and provide note from doctor)

• Death in the family (parent note)

• A family health emergency (parent note)

• A baptism, ordination, wedding, or graduation involving a member of the immediate family (parent note)

• Seniors who vote in a state or federal election are granted an excused tardy not past first period.

• Other events cleared by the Division Director in advance.

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Photo Galleries on the SJCS Website

Check out our new photo galleries on the SJCS website (found HERE). You will be able to download full-resolution photos from events as well as order prints and gifts. Digital downloads are free. Prints and gifts are available for purchase.

Greece Trip Rescheduled to Spring Break 2025

Our trip dates have been moved to Spring Break 2025; the exact dates will be posted at the end of this school year. The details are still the same: visiting various ancient sites in Athens and a cruise around the Greek Islands (including Ephesus and the island of Patmos/the Cave of the Apocalypse), as well as experiencing modern Greek culture. All the details (including the itinerary, cost, payment plans, insurance options, and travel dates) can be found HERE. Questions? Email Elaine Trakas.

Confirmation Preparation

Seventh and eighth grade Catholic parents should contact their home parish to find out about registration for Confirmation preparation. Though St. Joseph’s seventh grade Religion classes cover Confirmation, each parish has its own requirements and they need to know which children are planning to be confirmed in the upcoming year. This is usually during eighth grade, but depending on the parish date for Confirmation, some preparation may begin in seventh grade.

Has Your Information Changed?

If you have had a change of address, phone number, or email, please email your updates to Mary Cummings

Are You Receiving SJCS Emails?

SJCS now uses Blackbaud for our student/parent software Emails from Blackbaud come from the email address (even if it is sent by a specific person). If you suspect you are not receiving all SJCS communication, make sure to add this email address to your contact list. Also, check your junk, SPAM, and quarantine folders in your email – they may have been routed there by your email.

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From the Middle School Director

“Christians among the teachers are called to be witnesses and educators of authentic Christian life, which evidences attained integration between faith and life, and between professional competence and Christian wisdom. All teachers are to be inspired by academic ideals and by the principles of an authentically human life.” –Saint Pope John Paul II, ExCordeEcclesiae:ApostolicConstitution oftheSupremePontiffonCatholicUniversities , August 15, 1990, #22

Whenever there is an open teaching position, we are diligent in our pursuit of excellent candidates. Not only do we hire teachers who excel in their content area, we also pursue educators who have the capacity, capability, and desire to model authentic Christian witness to our students. We are so pleased to welcome these educators to our community!

Chris Martinez - 6th Grade English/Language Arts & 6th Grade Foundations

Mrs. Martinez comes to Saint Joseph’s with over 30 years of teaching experience, with 23 of those years in Catholic schools. English literature, grammar, and writing at the middle school level is her specialty! Mrs. Martinez earned a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education/English from Clemson University and a Masters of Education from Southern Wesleyan University. Her poise and proactive approach to teaching will benefit our students well beyond the 6th grade classroom.

Connie Hayes - 7th Grade Literature & 6th Grade Foundations

Ms. Hayes loves teaching at the middle school level, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have her as part of our Middle School teaching team. Ms. Hayes just recently moved to South Carolina from California, where she taught 7th grade English/Language Arts for nine years in the Bakersfield school district. Ms. Hayes earned a Bachelor of Arts in English (concentration in Children's Literature) as well as a Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction, both from California State University - Bakersfield. Her joy and enthusiasm for teaching and learning is contagious.

Cheryl Landstrom - 7th Grade Writing and Grammar & AP Seminar (HS)

Mrs. Landstrom brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our 7th Grade teaching team. For the past 19 years, Mrs. Landstrom served at Wilson Hall in Sumter, SC, teaching a variety of courses from middle school grammar and writing to AP Literature. Mrs. Landstrom also served a critical role in the Finance Office while at Wilson Hall; her skills are varied and deep! Mrs. Landstrom earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of South Carolina - Columbia. We are grateful for her calm and passionate approach to these critical subject areas.

From the High School Director

A few weeks ago I picked up a book I first read in graduate school. It’s called A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural It’s not exactly a classic, but it looms large in my memory for the clarity of expression. In it, a social theorist named Peter Berger tried to lay out the options for religious communities that exist in societies that aren’t built around their faith. In that sense, it’s about how religious minorities “get along” in a world that doesn’t share, or even make room for, their beliefs. Berger says most groups either reject the rest of the society in an effort to stay “pure,” or simply give in over time so much that they are indistinguishable from everyone else. They may still identify as a community, but they’re eager to fit in. Both strategies, Berger says, will fail in the long run. What actually works is coupling practices that keep community bonds strong (part of the first strategy) while at the same time constructively engaging with the society (taken from the second strategy).

Though the book is 50 years old, Berger’s model is a pretty good summary of what schools like Saint Joseph’s do every day. We make the sacraments available every week, take theology and formation seriously, and move to the rhythm of the liturgical year so that our students experience a life steeped in faith. At the same time, we teach our students not to shrink from the challenges of the modern world. We are convinced that the Gospel has resources the world desperately needs, so we want our students to be prepared to bring those resources to bear on our most pressing social problems.

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My hope and prayer for this year is that our students feel enriched by the practices of faith that provide meaning and reassurance while at the same time feeling empowered by the ideas they’re exploring in the classroom. I’m excited about where we are as a school and believe as strongly as ever in the importance of our mission and method in the lives of our students and families.

I also want to take a moment to introduce four new members of our High School faculty.

Bill Driscoll

Bill Driscoll is an avid outdoor enthusiast with many years of teaching experience. His primary responsibility this year will be in CP World History (9th grade) and US History (11th grade). Most recently from Idaho, Bill and his wife have three children. We’re very excited about his experience and the positive vibe he brings to the classroom.

Mateo Gomez

Mateo Gomez is our new Physics teacher. Originally from Colombia, Mateo has also lived in Mexico and Texas. A recent graduate from Texas A&M University with a double major in Physics and Math, he also studied neuroscience. His enthusiasm for the sciences is contagious, and his classes are off to a great start. Welcome, Mateo!

Paul Meyerhofer

Paul Meyerhofer is a face some of you may recognize when you see him around campus. A former teacher from Buffalo, New York, Paul filled in for us as a substitute teacher last year. When we posted a Computer Science position he reached out immediately, having been impressed with our students and our school when he was on campus. He’s taking over the department with an eye towards enriching our Computer Science offerings. His experience will be a real asset to the school, and we’re very glad he’s reentered the teaching profession.

Mary Mousallam

Mary Mousallam is a former Greenville resident whose family resides in Bethlehem. Not Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, like I originally assumed…the actual Bethlehem. In fact, she lived on Manger Street. A teacher with more than a decade of teaching experience in upper level mathematics, she’s also an active musician and worship leader. She’ll be teaching CP Algebra II and CP Precalculus, and we are so grateful she wanted to return to Greenville.

From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office

College Counseling Seminar Series During Flex Time

The College Counseling Office will have various sessions planned for Seniors and Juniors during Flex Time throughout the first semester. Students and parents will be given information about these events in advance. We encourage students to attend as many of these events as possible More information is coming soon!

College Counseling is on Instagram

Please be sure to search and follow @sjcs_collegecounseling for scholarship updates, application process tips & tricks, college visit announcements, and much, much more. This is a great way to stay connected with our office so we encourage everyone to follow along

College Rep Visits

Numerous colleges have already scheduled campus visits and we are currently working to schedule many others. Some colleges still have travel restrictions imposed, so we may be hosting some virtual visits, but the majority of visits will be done in person. These visits will be communicated via Scoir and on the College Counseling page of the SJCS website under “Colleges Visiting SJCS.” Students must register for visits through their Scoir account, at least one day in advance. We attempt to schedule as many of these visits during the high school lunch period so that juniors and seniors can participate without missing class time. However, sometimes visits will need to take place at another time during the school day and in these cases; those students who have a particular interest in the college will need to ask permission from his or her teachers to be excused from class. This will take place at the discretion of individual instructors. Please encourage your child to attend as many of these informal meetings

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as possible. These sessions provide great opportunities for students to talk with the college reps in a relaxed setting along with their classmates.

College Visits

Juniors and seniors are permitted to visit colleges or attend early decision days. In order for a college visit to count as a field trip, you must provide advance notice of the trip to the front office, and documentation (standard college visit letters) from the college or university immediately after the visit. Second-semester sophomores and all juniors are allowed two (2) college visits. Seniors are allowed up to four (4) college visits over the course of the academic year.

From the Athletic Department

Athletic Participation Requirements 2023-2024

Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2023-2024 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2023, and complete the required forms online at Big Teams (found HERE ) prior to the first tryout or practice (this includes Off Season Practices and Weights). No paper forms will be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS! Returning athletes please use your existing login. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice are: Pre-Participation History and PreParticipation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Steadman Hawkins form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big found HERE. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big found HERE . Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Big Teams will be available on the SJCS website HERE, please note that you must login to the SJCS website first. Be sure to type St. Joseph’s Catholic School in the search line when looking for our school. This website is available in any language. To change the language, click on the person icon in the top right corner. Also there is a new Big Teams feature where you can toggle between the athlete account and parent account once linked. To do this, click My Profile and Linked accounts.

From the Booster Club

• Do you have a student athlete who plays any sport at St. Joseph’s? Are you grateful for the amazing coaches and growth opportunities that SJCS athletics provides your child? Or are you simply just proud to be a Knight and love our school? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then please make sure you join the Knights Athletic Booster Club today! Your membership fees are critical to providing the financial support ALL our athletic teams need to enhance program excellence for our student-athletes and our school overall.

• Click HERE to join or get more information on the various membership levels and benefits. If you are considering joining at the Platinum level, the deadline for names to be listed on our stadium and gym banners is September 1. You will receive one, two, four or six key tags, depending on membership level, for free admission to all nonplayoff home games. A huge "thank you" to those who have already joined! Please note that once a membership form is received, it can take a week or so to process. You will receive an email when your key tags are available for pick up. Thank you for your patience.

• Interested in advertising for your business or just showing your family’s support for St Joseph’s athletics? We have updated our banner program to create enhanced visibility at our sports venues and more flexible options for where you'd like your logo displayed. Click HERE for more information on athletic sponsorships.

• Show your support for the Varsity Football team, and join your fellow fans and classmates at 5:30 PM every home game for a pre-game tailgate starting on September 1. This season, we will have pulled pork sandwiches and nachos, as well as other fun and exciting options. So bring yourself, your family, and friends early for some great food, fellowship and fandom!

• Stay up to date on ALL of the Knights athletics teams’ games and significant events by subscribing to the Athletic Calendar HERE!

September 2023 News and Notes Page 10

Tuition Accounts

From the Business Office

• St. Joseph’s uses Blackbaud Tuition Management for all tuition and incidental billing. You can access your students’ tuition account HERE

• Questions about your tuition account? Contact Ann Gushue.

• Cafeteria and School Store purchases are through a debit account. Payments can be made by bringing cash or check (payable to FLIK Dining) to the front office or online at MySchoolBucks

Late Tuition Payments

St. Joseph’s offers flexible options for families to decide how and when to pay tuition. All payments must be made according to the payment terms you chose. Families receiving tuition assistance may risk their current and future awards if payments are consistently late with no communication made with the Business Office. Blackbaud charges $40 for each late payment and unsuccessful draft. If you need to make any changes to your payment terms, please give the business office 7- days’ notice to ensure the ability to make the change.

Cafeteria Service

FLIK Dining Services provides cafeteria service during the school day. The cost for a full lunch is $7.00. Breakfast items are served from 7:30-7:45 AM, lunch is served during MS and HS lunch periods, and snacks are sold for 45 minutes at the end of each school day.

Late Stay

Late Stay is available each day after school until 6:00 PM. Any student not involved in a supervised after-school activity must report to Late Stay by 3:30 PM. The Registration fee for Late Stay is $30 per family and will be assessed the first day a student uses the Late Stay Program. The hourly rate for Late Stay is $4.50. This amount will not be pro-rated. Late Stay charges are billed monthly through the Blackbaud Tuition Management system.

From the Development Office

Extra Weekends at your Timeshare or Vacation Home? Theater or Concert Tickets?

It's never too soon to be thinking about our 2024 Annual Auction Gala We are looking for any family willing to donate ‘a stay’ at your vacation home or timeshare or theater or concert tickets to be auctioned off at our 2024 Gala. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate, please contact Kevin Meyer or Katie Orbon in the Development Office. Remember, this donation is tax-deductible!

Annual Fund

Our goal this fiscal year (July 2023 – June 2024) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. We will track participation numbers by grade level throughout the year, beginning in October.

Helping families afford a St. Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 6% of the school’s overall budget. These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $525,000. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions or make an online donation!

From the Fine Arts Department

Volunteers Needed

Please contact Teresa McGrath for more information on how to volunteer for either of the opportunities below:

• Any parents or students willing to donate their time and talents to the Fine Arts Department through their sewing skills

• Any parents willing to assist in the Scene Shop during after-school and Saturday crew sessions

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2023 Christmas Ornament Announcement

Congratulations to SJCS graduate Mimi Tierney on creating the winning design for this year’s official SJCS Christmas ornament! Information on how to order this one-of-a-kind collector’s ornament designed by one of our own grads will be available soon. Want to get your order in early or find out the availability of past years’ ornaments (VERY limited), contact Christine Balts. Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

Opportunities to Support the Fine Arts

Join: Show your love for the Arts by joining our Fine Arts Booster Club, the Jubilate Arts Guild (JAG). With membership support in past years, we were able to purchase much-needed items to benefit the department. For example, a tenor saxophone and bass drum for Band, drying racks and artwork displays for Visual Arts, sheet music for Strings and Chorus, a washer and dryer for Theatre, and a speaker and music for Dance. In addition to supporting the Fine Arts with your membership purchase, there are many benefits to joining JAG, including discount tickets and priority seating at many Fine Arts events. The membership form can be found HERE

Volunteer: Looking to get more involved? All MS students and most HS students are involved in the Arts in some way at SJCS. JAG is in need of parent volunteers to serve on the JAG committee for the 2023-2024 school year. We have various officer positions available, and several committee vacancies. Come to a meeting to discover how much fun it can be supporting the Arts. Want more information? Contact the Jubilate Arts Guild President, Cindy Davis.

Purchase a wreath: Our famous Wreath Sale will begin in October. You have probably heard about the beautiful live wreaths, table toppers, and swags that can be delivered to you and your loved ones (or business associates). And they last! Last year we sold out before the end of the fundraiser so get your order in early! Look for more information in future News and Notes on how to order these wonderful holiday decorations.

Charleston Wrap Fundraiser: One of our major fundraisers is through Charleston Wrap and it’s going on this year from August 11 through an extended deadline of September 13. Browse thousands of items from gift wrap to gourmet kitchen items to home décor and handbags. Get your Christmas shopping done early and support the Fine Arts!

Jubilate Knight for the Arts Talent Competition and Fundraiser

Mark your calendars for our Fine Arts Department annual talent competition and fundraiser, Jubilate Knight for the Arts, on Saturday, February 10, 202 4. All members of the school community are invited to participate in this event and the sale of voting tokens aids in funding the needs of our dance, choral, instrumental, theatre, and visual arts programs. Preparations for this family-friendly fun evening begin in the fall, so dust off the dancing shoes, exercise the vocal chords, or come up with an act to showcase your own unique talent. Look for more information in later New & Notes. In addition, if you are interested in joining the planning committee, we are always in need of volunteers to help put together this exciting event for our SJCS family. Want more information? Contact the Jubilate Arts Guild President, Cindy Davis


Attention business owners! Want to reach a larger audience? Try the JAG sponsorship program. We are offering our corporate sponsors a chance for promotion with advertising in the programs of our six main Fine Arts events. The size of the ad depends on the level of sponsorship. In addition to an ad in our programs, our sponsors will get further promotion through social media, the Fine Arts’ website, and special signage in the lobby of our events. For more information, click HERE. If you join our sponsorship program before November 1, you will maximize your investment by being part of our first big Fine Arts event, the Fall Play. Questions? Contact Brandon Cabaniss.

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From the Parents Guild

From the Parents Guild President, Jenna Howard

Welcome to a new school year! I hope everyone is off to a great start. Just a reminder that all parents and caregivers of St. Joseph’s students are automatically members of the Parents Guild – no need to join! It is the Parents Guild’s goal to engage parents with the school through volunteer opportunities. We provide support to the administration, faculty, and staff, as well as the student body. There are many ways to get involved and I hope everyone will take the opportunity to support our school community. Be on the lookout for Sign Up Genius emails throughout the year with all of the ways you can volunteer. Please reach out to anyone on the board with any questions or ideas. We look forward to a fantastic year and serving with each of you!

Parents Guild 2023-2024 Board

Parents Guild seeks to coordinate the involvement of the parents in the daily life of the school. The 2023-2024 Board is as follows: Jenna Howard, President; Nikki Hamby, VP Parent Engagement; Jessica Clements, VP Ways and Means; Jamie Bach, Treasurer; Stephanie Wilkins, Secretary; Jennifer Rosenfeld, High School Rep/Parents Ambassadors; Molly Netzler, Middle School Rep/Parents Ambassadors.

No-Cost Fundraisers

Please visit the Parents Guild page on the SJCS website HERE to learn ways to participate in no-cost fundraising programs for 2023-2024. These include Publix, Harris Teeter, Lowes, Box Tops for Education, and Amazon. It’s easy to do and helps the school.

School Store

Knights and Nobles, the St. Joseph’s School Store, is open every school day Monday-Friday (except Wednesday) from 10:15 AM-12:15 PM and 2:45-3:30 PM . Staffed by parent volunteers, the store is located at the entrance to the school cafeteria. The store stocks items such as snacks, candy, chips, and a variety of beverages. While the store is designated as a fundraising source for the Parents Guild, the School Store will have pricing comparable to the FLIK prices and will try to keep items reasonably priced. While visiting the school store, be sure to check out and purchase our new totes, trunk organizers, tumblers, umbrellas, and hats!

Thank You To…

• Patricia Hanson for her hard work to make the Used Uniform Sale a success

• Danielle Adams for organizing and setting up the School Store and for coordinating volunteers

• The Parents Guild Board and Committee Chairs for providing a back to school breakfast for all SJCS staff on Friday, August 11

From the School Nurse

Student Illness

If your child has signs and symptoms of illness, please refer to DHEC's School Exclusion List for help determining whether your child may attend classes. Please report absences to the Front Office as soon as possible. For a DHEC list of illnesses/reasons to keep your child home, please click HERE.

SC Certificate of Immunization

All students must have a valid SC Certificate of Immunization on file in Magnus Health prior to the start of classes. Out of state vaccination records may be taken to your local physician or the health department for transcription to the correct form. Religious exemptions are NOT allowed for school entry.

Magnus Health

Student Health Records must be updated in your child's Magnus Health Account. This includes conditional questions, vital health record, SC Certificate of Immunization, consent for treatment, and permission for over-thecounter medication provided by SJCS.

September 2023 News and Notes Page 13


If your child has a life-threatening allergy, please make sure you have an updated care plan in Magnus Health and emergency mediation available in the Health Room prior to the first day of classes.


Students with asthma should have an updated action plan and medication available for them if needed. Please discuss with your child's physician to see if medication needs to be stored in the Health Room for the 2023-2024 school year.

Medication Policy

It is against St. Joseph's policy for a student to carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent permission, and permission from the school nurse to self-administer. Failure to comply with the medication policy may result in disciplinary action.

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