Seven-Year Program of Study

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St. Joseph's Catholic School Seven-Year Program of Study 2022-2023 G









Exploring Earth, Exploring Life, Understanding Matter, Literature class Understanding Energy covers reading and analysis of Life Structure and challenging classic Function, Life Changes works in all MS grades. Grammar/ and Interactions, Energy and Matter, Earth: A Writing is taught as a separate class Dynamic Planet, Exploring the Universe for 7th grade. Foundations Motion & Energy, class in 6th grade Interactions of Matter, also covers some Understanding the grammar and Universe, Earth & Geologic writing. Changes, Exploring Ecology, Heredity and Human Body Systems

Composition & Literature

European Literature



American Literature, AP English Literature

Modern Literature, AP English Language, Creative Writing




Mathematics 6

Ancient Civilizations

Sacred Scripture



Physics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics I, Forensic Science, Environmental Science, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Aerospace I and II

US History 1877Church History & present Morality

Algebra I-A


Algrebra I

World History


Modern European, AP European, Economics


Algebra II


Fine Arts

Band, Strings, Chorus, Theatre

Spanish I

French I

Fundamentals of Spanish I, Christianity: Who Spanish II is Jesus?

French I, French II

Theology of the Church


Used as needed for class work in other disciplines

Spanish II, French II, Spanish III French III

Computer Applications, Graphic U. S. History, Applications, AP U.S. History, Yearbook, AP European, Morality, Catholic Spanish III, French III, Digital Economics, Social Teaching Spanish IV French IV Photography, Government, Intro Python Holocaust Programming History

Economics, AP Calculus, Algebra III, Pre- Government, Calculus, AP Statistics, Psychology, AP Apologetics, Faith Spanish IV, Personal Fundamentals Government, and Reason, French IV, AP Finance, of Calculus, AP European Theology of the AP French Spanish Statistics, Statistics, History, AP Art Body, Biblical Language Language Fundamentals Fundamentals History, Studies of Statistics of Statistics Holocaust History

Exercise & Fitness, Team Skills

Band, Strings, Chorus, Music Appreciation, Handbells, Art, Theatre, Woodworking

Theatre Arts, Stage Crew, Theatre Production, Directing, Film & Media, Speech & Improvisation, Band & Strings Sport, Athletic Ensembles, Art Training, Strength Techniques I & II, Training, Health Portfolio & Exercise, Development, Mixed Media Art I Modern Dance, Social Dance & II, Drawing, Yearbook, Modern Dance, Social Dance, Digital Photography I and II, Graphic Applications I & II

Additional courses, including electives, can be found in the SJCS High School Course Catalog (posted on the website under Academics).



Band, Strings, Chorus, Art

US History PreJesus, Columbian to Sacraments, and 1877 Prayer

Algebra I-B

Algebra II


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