iAccord publication

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We’re there for you Hospitality I Compassion I Respect I Justice I Excellence

Silvana Gugliandolo A/CEO, St John of God Accord

Extending a warm welcome to the winter edition of iAccord.

Winter brings us frosty mornings, cold days, the opportunity for indoor activities and warm winter meals and the desire for warmth and good things to read.

We proudly bring you another issue filled with great stories highlighting our client’s achievements from across all our services.

We are half way through 2023, and I want to reaffirm our commitment to maintaining and growing services where they are needed.

Requests for services are indicating we need to expand further into the western region. Whilst we currently offer group services and accommodation in the west; we will soon be able to offer support coordination, allied health and individualised services as well.

In other news the NDIS has changed the terms and conditions surrounding the delivery of Programs of Support in our group day programs. Service Agreements for these programs will now be able to extend up to six months instead of 12 weeks reducing paper work for families and services. Programs of Support continue to offer goal focused programs to clients attending group services in our Greensborough, Glenroy and Sydenham Community Campuses and we proudly share stories from these services in this edition.

The stories shared within these pages reflect the incredible outcomes our clients experience, which undoubtedly will inspire and uplift you, especially to see our NDIS Employment Services grow significantly where we now support 37 clients at our Frankston and Greensborough sites.

I also take this opportunity to remind you that if you or someone you know is looking for supported independent living and specialist disability accommodation we will be able to help. Please contact us to have a discussion.



extend my heartfelt appreciation to our all our clients, families and stakeholders who have supported me over the last eight months in my role. Your support has been very important and meaningful to me.

Lastly please do not hesitate to contact me on Accord.CEO@sjog.org.au if you have anything at all you want to discuss.

Please enjoy your read.

We are very excited to have launched St John of God Accord into the social media arena this year. If you haven’t already, please have a look at our Facebook page and follow us to keep up with the latest news about what’s happening around St John of God Accord, plus much more.

Cover picture: Michael and Andrew enjoying their holiday program.

Editor/Production: Aisling McCabe 1300 002 226

Email your story to: aisling.mccabe@sjog.org.au or accordmarketing@sjog.org.au

1 iAccord WINTER 2023
As Acting CEO, I
this opportunity to
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Footy fever is back

AFL football plays a significant role in the Victorian community and there is no bigger footy fan than David, an avid Collingwood supporter.

For most of his adult life, David has attended nearly every game both here in Victoria and interstate to support his beloved Collingwood Football Club. The COVID period was a difficult time for David who resigned to watching the games on the television in his shared supported living home in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne.

However, this year has seen crowds of up to 100,000 people return to the MCG for the tribalism that David loves and contributes to along with his fellow Magpie Army. The look on his face at the first game back was priceless!

‘Person best’

As part of Bernard’s broader NDIS goals, he was keen to improve his bone density and general strength, so he engaged the services of a private strength and conditioning coach. The coach put together a program which has caregivers supporting Bernard to improve his strength with squats, push ups and cardiovascular output using the exercise bike at his supported independent living home, east of Melbourne.

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Bernard has achieved notable improvement in his overall health and conditioning and just last week achieved his personal best on all three measures
He lost his voice yelling and his team had a good win.
Claude Staub, Team leader, Support Independent Living

Holiday programs at St John of God Accord Community Campuses

Holiday programs, community based or onsite, are offered during the school holidays for clients to experience further social engagement.

All our clients from across our campuses enjoy the activities on offer as they can learn new skills, play a sport and meet new friends.

Lots of thought and collaboration go into the activities so all our client’s needs are supported. We ended the holiday program with a 70’s & 80’s themed disco at Sydenham Community Campus.

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Lawn Bowls holiday program at Gladstone Park Bowls Club.

Our Glenroy Community Campus clients enjoyed a community outing to the Gladstone Park Bowls Club as part of a recent holiday program.

Jacob who attended the holiday program thoroughly enjoyed the experience and wanted to share his story.

Jacob has also been part of a Computer Skills Program of Support and used his learnings from the program to share his story.

The Bowls club members were so incredibly accommodating. They provided everything needed for the clients and staff to try lawn bowls on the day. They also provided a “sausage sizzle” and drinks for everyone’s lunch! All clients and caregivers had a great time.

Being my first time doing this, I learnt how to correctly position my body by listening to instructions from the members about how to play this sport. I learnt quickly and continued playing until lunch.

I really enjoyed this sport and before we left the manager asked me to join their club. I had a great day and had so much fun.

I really hope that I can go bowling again soon !

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Drawing by Jacob

Celebrating St John of God Accord

Each year St John of God day is celebrated across St John of God Health Care to reflect on the man who St John of God was.

We always celebrate with our clients across our services. Our Greensborough Community Campus became alive as clients enjoyed crazy camera opportunities, ball machines, slushies’, ice-cream machines, hotdogs, and ended with a disco, well it was a great day! 1,000,000 likes

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St John of God identified with the people that he served, and knew their stories well – in fact, he saw himself reflected in each person he cared for.

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Sydenham Community Campus (SCC)

Computer Skills Program

We know that digital literacy is a highly effective resource for our clients as it improves several opportunities to access community and employment possibilities.

The success of the Computer Skills Programs of Support at SCC means that it will continue to run consecutively now.

All our clients are developing great computer skills and it is amazing to watch their enthusiasm and see how much they are learning.

I joined so I could learn computer skills, make friends and learn what to do. said Thinh ”

I’ve learned to create an email account and now I can send emails. I can use MS Word and Publisher software. said Terry ”

Textile Program of Support

The Textile Program of Support is growing in popularity, as many clients choose to engage with the program. There are many levels of skills required to hand sew and create their own piece of textile. Generally the program starts with everyone choosing to make a cushion/pillow, placemat, drink cooler, wallet, or blanket. As each person has a different level of skill, they are supported to perform sewing skills and complete chosen work with guidance. The clients continually demonstrate their skills in mastering fundamental sewing. Each person is very proud of their achievement.

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Wednesday Soccer Programs of Support

The Wednesday Soccer Program of Support continues to be one of the more popular programs at SCC.

The program provides structured learning of various football skills and organised drills. Everyone thoroughly enjoys learning, and playing soccer. All clients understand the concept of the game and the purpose of the drills.

After each session everyone plays in a match, and uses all their skills learned through the program. Learning about winning and losing and not giving up is still a core component to playing soccer. All our clients also know to strive for the equaliser or the winning goal!

Each week we see excellent human perseverance and teamwork efforts from all the clients.

Long may it continue!

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Greensborough Community Campus


Digital Photography

The Digital Photography Program of Support started in 2021 with most of the clients in the group continuing to participate in the program since its inception.

As the program has evolved over time our clients confidence has grown behind the camera learning how to capture that moment.

This term, the clients printed their favourite photographs on to t-shirts. Each client chose their picture, edited it, then printed it onto a special vinyl paper and ironed it onto their T-shirt.

Well done everyone!

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St John of God Accord Memorial

During the lockdown periods in 2020-2021, we sadly had to say goodbye to several members of the St John of God Accord community who lived in our supported independent living homes.

Kevin, who lives in our Supported Independent Living home, felt strongly that we should all be able to have a chance to grieve together and pay our respects to those who passed away during lockdowns – he met with Mission Director Neal Murphy and Music Therapist Zara Thompson to organise a memorial service in honour of those who passed away.

The memorial service was held on Thursday 24th November 2022. Members of the St John of God Community gathered in the Welcome Lounge to pay our respects, share memories of our friends, and talk about what it means to lose someone we love. Kevin wrote and performed a song in honour of those who had passed, and he and Neal offered words of comfort and prayer to everyone.

Kevin said that the memorial was a beautiful way to remember our friends and help us heal together.

We remember:

John Taylor

Vito Celestino

Andrew Hyden

Sophia Glibatsas

Marcus Martin

Stelio Costa

Jane Conlan

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Caring for our environment

We know that people are shaped by the environment in which they live. It’s becoming more important how we react and treat our environment around us.

As such, the Accord Environmental Sustainability Committee was set up to provide a voice for both our caregivers and clients to contribute to creating a work space that is both culturally and physically environmentally sustainable across all our services.

The committee is made up of a group of both caregivers from across corporate services, and service delivery with clients representing community campuses and accommodation. Everyone’s goal is to bring about environmental sustainable opportunities for all areas across the organisation.

Each committee meeting opens up with an Acknowledgement to Country and a speech from our clients. Our last meeting Katie and Georgina perfectly said,

In the meetings, we review legislation updates, water, waste, and energy usage reports and discuss opportunities where we can make environmentally focussed improvements.

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Forests are our lungs. Small steps turn into bigger steps. The earth is what we all have in common.
“ ”
Rebecca (Bec) Mulvogue, Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Some initiatives that have been implemented so far are:

A new waste management system at Greensborough Community Campus with battery, soft plastics, paper, recycling, organic waste and landfill bins around the Campus. The removal of under desk bins has also seen a reduction of over 50 bin liners going into landfill each day. This has now been rolled out to other community campuses with other offices and accommodation sites to follow. Valuable trials at accommodation sites have been led by Andrew, Katie and Georgina with great feedback provided.

Posters have been sent out to all sites for what to put it in each bin helping educate everyone on how to dispose of waste properly specific to their council

Solar panels are being installed at Greensborough Community Campus which will see a great impact both financially and environmentally long term as well as ensure we minimise the impact of power outages at the site with battery backup connected to the solar which will also power the server during any outages.

Electric vehicles are being trialled in the coming months.

Minimising hard rubbish by recycling/refurbishing using second hand furniture has been explored with options sourced for future needs.

This is a great mantra as when it comes to the environment, we all need to actively participate in initiatives, not just talk about them.

We have made really great strides over the last couple of months with real sustainable changes implemented. The changes are reflected by both our clients and caregivers in every service.

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In the words of Pope Francis; On Care for Our Common Home:
We are all interconnected, and all individuals, communities and governments have an essential part to play in caring for the environment.
“ ”

Support Coordination

Meet some of our support coordination team

Here at St John of God Accord, we have a highly experienced team of support Coordinators. We provide services across the whole of Victoria with and offer Support Coordination, Specialist Support Coordination and Psychosocial Recovery Coaching funding streams. Hear from two of our Support Coordinators

How did you hear about Support Coordination?

Being part of the rollout of NDIS, I began working closely with Support Coordinators to assist clients with their plan rollouts and services. I loved advocating for the clients and, I dreamed of being in this role on day. So I started to educate myself and learn as much about the NDIS to ensure I was equipped with the knowledge to work as a Support Coordinator. Once my kids were old enough, I applied for a role and I was successful.

Why did you want to become a Support Coordinator?

I wanted to assist participants to achieve their goals and get the support they and their family needed. I strive to ensure the participants are getting what they need from the NDIS to assist them to live their life to their best ability.

What roles have you undertaken and when did you start working at St John of God Accord?

I started working in supported independent living as a disability support worker in 2008, where I worked for three years before moving to different accommodation homes. In that time I was promoted to a team leader. I then started my education journey, and completed my Certificate 4 in disability, Diploma of Case Management, Advanced Diploma in Disability, and Diploma of Management. I also undertook Mission Mentoring.

I acted as PBS and Accommodation Manager, providing me with a well-rounded knowledge and understanding of the sector. I was part of the initial roll out of NDIS, ensuring all our accommodation homes were NDIS compliant.

When I first got married and had children I moved into Individualised Services to have the flexibility to work around being home with my children coupled with working alongside clients at Greensborough Community Campus.

Support Coordination offers me also a flexible work arrangement where we can work remotely, together, and visit our participants to build relationships, respect, goals and support. We ensure that the needs of the clients and families are met whilst maintaining our flexible work options, study ability and our family values within St John of God Accord.

What is your biggest challenge as a Support Coordinator?

My biggest challenge as a Support Coordinator is navigating the NDIS to ensure that the participant gets what they need. I also need to ensure that the goals of the participant are achievable and the NDIS can assist to make it happen.

What are the highlights of being a Support Coordinator?

Highlights for me will always be when participants achieve their intended goals once their plans are in place.

It’s such a relief for their families when their plans are approved. Their gratitude is often overwhelming. However, for our participants, having the correct NDIS plan in place can change lives forever.

Please contact us on 1300 002 226 or email Accord.Marketing@sjog.org.au for further information.

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Coordination in the western
We are now offering Support
Jodie Williams

When did your first start working at St John of God Accord?

I first started working for St John of God Accord in October of 2019 at the Sydenham Community Campus.

In early 2020 when COVID first was declared, I was redeployed to our accommodation services from day services. COVID really had an unprecedented impact not only on the service providers but the participants and their families.

What roles have you undertaken at St John of God Accord?

From October 2019 to January 2021 I was a disability support worker across day services as well as accommodation. From January 2021 to now I am a specialist Support Coordinator.

How did you hear about Support Coordination?

In 2020 I was in my final year of my Bachelor of Social Work and during this time I was always looking for new opportunities with St John of God Accord and coincidentally a position within Support Coordination came up! I thought to give it a try as it was on my bucket list. I was saying to my wife the interview for the role was one of the friendliest job interviews I’ve ever had.

Why did you want to become a Support Coordinator?

I always wanted to be a Support Coordinator and challenge myself. I wanted to learn more about the NDIS system and develop my capacity and knowledge as this can be pretty overwhelming and complex for participants and their families. I thought to further develop my capacity to support others by joining the specialist Support Coordination team. This involves more complex scenarios with intersecting fields such as justice, mental health, coordinating complex hospital discharge, youth and justice, mental health, ABI, early childhood, aged care housing, ILO and SIL, employment, intellectual disability and physical disability.

I feel so supported by my Team Leader who is very understanding and great with supporting me since returning from paternity leave. I feel I’m a valued member of our team.

What is your biggest challenge as a Support Coordinator?

There are a few!

Everyday has a different challenge but overall the system is very complex for people who need and depend on it the most. With certain cases there are a lot of moving parts to keep track of and organise.

There are times when there is a new part of the NDIS I am just coming across and learning about and this can be at first a bit intimidating and overwhelming however I always try and remember whenever I feel overwhelmed this is where the learning happens.

What has been the highlight of being a Support Coordinator?

I really enjoy explaining plans and providing clarity to participants and their families with regards to NDIS plans/ supports. Going into the office has often been a warm and welcoming experience with my managers often encouraging me to fulfil my potential.

A highlight of this has been the fact that I am currently completing an advanced Diploma of Community Services Management.

Since I started I have learnt so much and I am proud to say that I have surprised myself a few times with the role.

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We’re there for you Please contact us on 1300 002 226 or email Accord.Marketing@sjog.org.aufor further information. Do you or someone you know need an experienced Support Coordinator? We currently have capacity with no waitlist. St John of God Accord has capacity within our team of experienced support coordinators to take new referrals. Our team provides services across the whole of Victoria, including Support Coordination, Specialist Support Coordination and Psychosocial Recovery Coaching funding streams. Our team of support coordinators are diverse! It’s this diversity that is our greatest strength and includes culture, language, lived experiences, qualifications and specialisations, including: Coordinating Complex Hospital Discharge Youth and Justice Mental Health ABI Early Childhood Aged Care Housing, ILO and SIL Employment Intellectual Disability Physical Disability We also provide our team with regular clinical supervision from qualified social workers, multidisciplinary case reviews and ongoing professional development opportunities. If your organisation has a specialisation that we do not service, please let us know and we will add you to our referral list for that particular area.
Matthew Paul


School Leaver Employment Supports Program

It has been an exciting start to 2023 for the St John of God Accord School Leaver Employment Supports Program (SLES).

Our Frankston School Leaver Employment Services (SLES) has started weekly training programs, Road to Your Learners; education and practice to gain a Learner’s Permit from VicRoads. Travel Training; A program designed to help clients gain confidence in using public transport independently, enabling them to better access the community and travel to and from training and work. Our latest service to commence in the South is the Communications in the Workplace Program, supporting clients to World of Work, a weekly training that includes resume and skills building.

In addition to all these exciting skill-building programs, our SLES clients have commenced their 12-week placements under the guidance of our Employment Support Workers. Work experience placements see our clients exploring various occupations and gaining confidence and skills required to become ‘work ready’.

We had a number of our School Leaver Employment Services clients who recently participated it a two-day Barista Course that was delivered through the Jesuit Community College.

If you have any questions about our SLES program call Chris on 0448 319 114

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Chris Milton, Manager NDIS Employment Services, St John of God Accord
Did you know that SLES has grown by 118% and now has 37 clients in total.

The Coffee Barista Training Program assisted Len and Jayden to build the skills and capacity to become job ready in a supportive, practical environment. The purpose is to develop the confidence, education, and employability skills to eventually transition into work, independence and specialised skills to become quality baristas.

Our regular social days offer our clients the opportunity to socialise and interact with their peers, while enjoying various activities and exciting experiences. So far in 2023 the Frankston SLES clients have enjoyed several events, such as, Holey Moley mini golf, Waves leisure Centre and a guided tour, exploring Frankston’s newest street art. We have also introduced a fortnightly ‘In-House’ social day based at our Frankston office which gives our clients the opportunity to practice communication and social skills as they participate in various team team-work activities and games.

With the support of our SLES team we see our Frankston clients headed for an exciting employment journey in 2023.

Work experience at Edendale Farm

Edendale Community Farm is one of St John of God Accord’s partners for work experience. Our SLES clients regularly work in the farm’s volunteer programs. At Edendale Farm this year, clients have had the opportunity to expand their work skills while working with the farm animals, or helping out in the plant nursery where there are many different roles to choose from.

Thomas is another client that has worked for over a year with the animals at Edendale Farm. He helps with feeding the livestock, caring for the guinea pigs and brushing the goats. Thomas has the opportunity to build connections with other Farm staff and build his communication and workplace skills.

Rian also currently volunteers helping out in the veggie garden at Edendale farm building his time management and communication skills. Rian has the chance to connect with staff and other volunteers while he shares morning tea with the team every Friday.

St John of God Accord is very grateful to Edendale Community Farm for the opportunity to utilise such a great environment that enables clients to gain the valuable work experience they need.

While supporting clients at Edendale, it has been encouraging to see the growth in our young people as they develop their skills and abilities. Taylor is one client that has been able to grow his confidence while stepping up and taking on many different tasks in the plant nursery. Taylor’s role started out with simply emptying used pot containers, before moving on to washing and stacking pots and cleaning his work area. As Taylor has expanded his role in the nursery, he always shows a big smile on his face when successfully completing a new task.

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Volunteering at Edendale allows our clients to feel confident, empowered and a sense of personal satisfaction as they start their journey to employment.


Accommodation homes in Melbourne

St John of God Marillac officially opened The Regency at Hillside, west of Melbourne. These two new SDA villas are the second homes as part of our innovative housing strategy to build 10 new SDA homes on five parcels of land across Melbourne.

The opening of The Regency had many people in attendance from the local community and already we have clients going to call The Regency home in the coming months.

These two new units provide each client with an experience of greater independence due to the smart technology available to them in both villas, and are fully accessible and promote a greater quality of life through improved livability.

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Construction is underway of the remaining six new two bedroom villas, with completion due in 2023/2024. These builds are in various stages of completion and are located in Eltham (situated in the northeast) and Ardeer and Altona (located in the western suburbs).

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Contact Shannon Morgan 1300 010 200 website: www.marillac.sjog.org.au phone: email: Shannon.Morgan@sjog.org.au

Introducing our new value in focus

A balanced and fair relationship with self, neighbour, all of creation and with God.

Every year, we highlight one of our values through our online Formation module. This year the value in focus is Justice.


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