iAccord Summer Edition

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Hospitality I Compassion I Respect I Justice I Excellence

We’re there for you

Rebecca Cattermole CEO, St John of God Accord

Welcome to the summer edition of iAccord and my first as CEO of St John of God Accord. At the time of writing this, I’m four months in the role, and together with the Accord Executive team (AEC), we have made significant strides and accomplishments in the past few months. I have started our Client & Family Engagement sessions which will be held quarterly across our sites in regions and online. Thank you to those who attended the first session early December 2023. Please keep an eye on our socials and your inbox for the invite for the next one in early 2024. The AEC and I have just published our Strategic Plan for 2024 -2025 and you will find it on the back cover of this issue of iAccord. Our new strategic direction marks a shift towards a future as a contemporary and competitive disability service provider, without compromising on our commitment to our mission, values and safety. Our Strategic Plan 2024-2025 is available on our website and will be shared with our clients and family members. Our disability sector as a whole has had a busy and turbulent few months, with the release of two major reports; The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, and the NDIS Review. Acknowledging the recommendations in these reports, SJG Accord continues our strong focus on safeguarding clients through our Zero Tolerance framework. Our strategic goal “Maximising Client Inclusion” is also closely linked to the recommendations.

We celebrated International Day of People with Disability across our organisation on 3 December 2023. In Australia 4.3 million people live with disability or neurodiversity. Across St John of God Accord we have the honour of providing support to approximately 1,200 people who live with disability. We now have a social media presence on Facebook and LinkedIn pages. It is a positive step towards better engagement with clients, families, disability professionals and other stakeholders. This also supports our goal to enhance our market presence and voice, and enables broader reach and communication. Please connect with us - like, follow and share! In other exciting news, one of our partners, St John of God Marillac, officially opened their new Specialist Disability Accommodation homes in Eltham. These two new villas are built to the categories Fully Accessible & Improved Liveability. These two modern and spacious villas will be the new home to six clients. These two new homes are equipped with assistive technology, contemporary styling, a shared sleepover room and large outdoor spaces, and are part of 10 new homes being built across Melbourne. Please have a safe and Merry Christmas and great New Year. But while festive for many, it can be a challenging season for others. Please take care of yourself and those around you.

Thank you for reading and for your support. My door is always open and you can contact me on CEO.Accord@sjog.org.au Regards, Rebecca

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Cover picture:

Matthew and the Elvis performer


Aisling McCabe 1300 002 226


iAccord SUMMER EDITIONEmail your story to: aisling.mccabe@sjog.org.au or accordmarketing@sjog.org.au SUMMER EDITION

St John of God Accord

NDIS School Leaver Employment Service (SLES) supports participants towards a future with purpose. Chris Milton, Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner

Workplace tours are regularly organised for clients, providing them opportunities to meet employers and explore different occupations, up close. St John of God Accord NDIS Employment Manager and Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner Chris Milton joined five clients at a tour of St John of God Frankston Rehabilitation Hospital, and shares just a few of the positive take-aways for the group. Upon arrival we were greeted by our welcoming and knowledgeable tour guides, St John of God Frankston Rehabilitation Hospital Clinical Educator Deirdre Phelan and Director Clinical Services Karen Ward, as well as Group Manager Mission Integration East Denis Byrne. We began our tour in the Chapel and learned some of the different reasons why people may visit the Chapel. Our clients were impressed with the stained glass window that had been moved from the old Chapel. There were plenty of questions from our group. Len asked what kind of patients came to the hospital. Jayden wanted to know if babies were born there. Next, we were shown the hydrotherapy pool where we spoke to physiotherapist, Jess. Jayden asked who takes care of patients in the pool. Len asked questions about the temperature of the pool and its upkeep. Next, we met reception caregivers and one of the hospital’s environmental workers. He explained the main aspects of his role and what he carried in his trolley. Another member of our tour, Peter could relate closely, as he currently works as an environmentalist at another health care provider. Peter knew several caregivers working at St John of God Frankston Rehabilitation Hospital and was able to ask many questions during the visit. One question to Karen was about the different roles in the hospital.

We were very lucky to have a tour of the wonderful art room as it was such a bright space full of beautiful patient art. Along the hospital corridors we were shown photo boards displaying all the amazing nurses. We met many of those nurses in-person and saw both wings of the hospital. Next, we saw an example of a patient’s room which was quite spacious with a beautiful green outside view. We learned about the client whiteboards where a patient’s medications and appointments are written. We finished off the day with a lovely afternoon tea of healthy fruit juice and freshly baked slices provided by the hospital’s chef. Being a chef was the final occupation we learned about.

Our clients really enjoyed their visit and gained a great insight into the various occupations in a hospital. iAccord



Specialist Disability Accommodation homes in Melbourne

Shannon Morgan, (SDA Coordinator)

It’s truly heart-warming to open yet another St John of God Marillac’s SDA home in Eltham, north of Melbourne, as part of an innovative housing strategy aimed at constructing 10 new Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) homes across Melbourne. The community’s strong attendance at the opening event highlights the support and interest from local residents. The imminent arrival of clients who will call these homes their own in the coming months shows the immediate impact and significance of these initiatives. The focus on providing greater independence for clients through the implementation of smart technology within these newly built villas is commendable. Moreover, these homes are designed to enhance the overall quality of life for the residents.

Contact Shannon Morgan to discuss vacancies and tours 1300 010 200 I www.marillac.sjog.org.au I shannon.morgan@sjog.org.au

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The ongoing construction and development of the remaining four two-bedroom villas in Ardeer and Altona, situated in the western suburbs, is a testament to the commitment to expanding and providing specialised accommodation for individuals with disabilities. The expected completion of these builds by 2023/2024 reflects the dedication to furthering this impactful initiative. St John of God Accord has partnered with St John of God Marillac to be the SIL provider.

The introduction of these new Fully Accessible & Improved Liveability homes earlier in the year indicates a significant step forward in offering specialised living spaces tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals requiring Specialist Disability Accommodation.






Sydenham Community Campus (SCC) Nathaly Gonzalez, Team Leader Community Campus

Drama Group Program of Support Providing a platform where clients can express themselves through spontaneity and imagination is invaluable. Encouraging clients to work at their own pace fosters a sense of confidence and creativity while also making the learning process enjoyable. The incorporation of internet navigation to gather drama ideas and costumes showcases a modern approach to learning and exploring new concepts. Witnessing such high levels of participation and engagement among the clients indicates a genuine interest and enthusiasm for the activities. Moreover, the ongoing growth, learning, and socialisation within our clients’ environment demonstrate the effectiveness of the program in not only honing drama skills but also in fostering personal development and social interaction. It’s truly commendable to see the program contributing to the holistic well-being of its participants.

It’s great to see the progress and positive experiences within the Programs of Support Drama group!




Hand Hygiene Well done to our clients who successfully completed the “Use of Hygiene Practices for Food Safety Course” through Catalyst Training & Disability Services! It’s evident that the clients’ dedication and hard work have paid off, resulting in their successful passing of the course. Their pride and happiness upon receiving the news of their accomplishment reflect the value they place on learning and acquiring new skills. The course was incredibly informative and practical, providing essential knowledge about cooking, storing food safely and highlighting the significance of hygiene practices for food safety. The demonstration using ultraviolet light to showcase how quickly germs can spread, even after handwashing, must have been an eye-opening experience for the clients, emphasising the importance of thorough hygiene measures. The fact that all the clients were able to pass the assessment speaks volumes about their comprehension and application of the course material. Their exceptional performance on the assessment reflects their dedication and understanding of the modules, including “Preventing Food Contamination,” “Following Procedures for Food Safety,” “Preventing Cross Contamination,” and “Reporting Safety Issues.”

Kudos to the clients for their hard work and to the program for providing such valuable learning opportunities!

Holiday Program Clients at SCC really look forward to their holiday programs. Each client enjoyed their visit to the St. Kilda Botanical Gardens in September. The day was filled with a picnic lunch and leisurely strolls around the gardens, embracing the serene atmosphere and indulging in the various features, such as the giant chess board, was a memorable experience for everyone involved. The success of the picnic lunch has left such a positive impression that both the clients and caregivers are keen to incorporate it as a regular theme for the

Holiday Program. This enthusiasm speaks volumes about the enjoyment and satisfaction derived from this particular activity. Integrating such a pleasant and engaging event as a recurring theme for the Holiday Program would undoubtedly contribute to creating a consistent source of joy and relaxation for everyone.

The St. Kilda Botanical Gardens provided the perfect setting for a day of relaxation and enjoyment.




Photography Beginners Program of Support Our clients’ incredible progress in the Beginners Photography (PoS) is indeed an enriching experience. The process of learning how to use and hold a camera has evidently become more than just a skill-building activity; it’s a transformative journey that positively impacts their self-esteem, confidence, and decision-making abilities. The opportunity to capture moments through photography not only empowers the clients but also allows them to express their creativity and individual perspectives. The skill of printing photos from retailers like Big W and Kmart showcases a practical aspect of the learning process, teaching them how to materialise their captured moments and preserve them physically. Moreover, understanding the process of saving photos on a USB, processing them at retail outlets, and transferring them to an iPad represents a comprehensive learning experience, incorporating technological skills and practical

application. Such multifaceted learning not only enhances their technical abilities but also encourages independence and adaptability with various devices. Additionally, the visit to Artvo seems to have been a captivating and enjoyable experience, further igniting creativity and appreciation for art in a unique and immersive environment. The dedication and hard work of the caregivers in facilitating the Beginners Photography (PoS) are commendable. Their efforts in nurturing and guiding the clients through this transformative journey are undoubtedly crucial in making this program such a success. Overall, the Beginners Photography (PoS) stands as a testament to the incredible impact of creative activities in enhancing the lives of participants, fostering skills, boosting confidence and promoting social engagement.

Congratulations to everyone involved for their commitment and dedication to such an inspiring initiative! 7





Greensborough Community Campus Helen Stamkovski and Louise Johnson, Community Support Workers

Textiles Program of Support The Textiles Program of Support clients were busily making fascinators for Oaks Day so everybody could enjoy their annual Oaks Day festivities.

Halloween Party As part of the client consultative group, clients requested a Halloween party.

The Welcome Lounge was a

spooky affair!




Pastoral Care Reflection Tania Rose, Pastoral Care Practitioner Reflecting on my year, I’ve met and engaged with more new people across our Accommodation and Individualised services. I have fostered deep connections and created meaningful impact on the lives of many of our clients. Building trusting friendships and providing companionship in an ever-evolving landscape speaks volumes about the practice of Pastoral Care. Pastoral Care acknowledges the spiritual and existential dimensions of each person’s being, shows a holistic understanding of their needs beyond the physical and emotional aspects. Offering comfort, companionship, and a sense of belonging within their larger community undoubtedly contributes significantly to their growth and happiness.

My wish for you is to embrace your unique abilities and personalities that will inspire a greater community that reflects unity and empowerment. My commitment continues to make a positive difference in the lives of those around me. Please continue and seek out opportunities to spread kindness and support within the St John of God Accord community and beyond.

I encourage the importance of finding strength, resilience and asking for support in your life’s journey.

The Monster Show Anthony Sellar, Team Leader Accommodation Kevin’s spontaneous desire to attend what he referred to as “The Show” turned into a delightful and memorable experience! After an in-depth conversation with Kevin about which show he wanted to go to, it was fantastic that he communicated his interest and enthusiasm for the carnival rides he spotted in Bayswater.

Some swift action took place, a few phone calls and a quick Google search to sort out the situation demonstrates great initiative and responsiveness to fulfil Kevin’s wish. It’s wonderful to see that such local events can be arranged with relative ease, providing a meaningful experience for him. The best part is that not only did Kevin get to attend the carnival rides, but he also had the incredible opportunity to ride in a real Monster Truck! This unexpected and exciting addition likely made the experience even more special and memorable for him. Indeed, event planning becomes much simpler and more enjoyable when individuals express their desires and interests openly. Kevin’s enthusiasm and clear expression of what he wanted made it possible to create an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for him.

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Footy fever alive and well Aisling McCabe, Marketing & Communications Manager

Footy fever was alive and well as the Bombers footy team from Greensborough Community Campus (GCC) and the Bulldogs footy team from Sydenham and Glenroy Community Campuses (SCC and GlCC), came face to face for a much-anticipated match at Diamond Creek Oval, northeast of Melbourne. Diamond Creek Oval came to life as barbecues, trestle tables and ice coolers were unpacked and set up for what would be great celebrations as caregivers busily got cooking. Sausages, veggie burgers and onions were in high demand. The air was full of tension, the adrenaline was pumping, the clients ready, the whistle blew and the ball was thrown in. The Bombers’ Effie and Ritchie certainly took off up the field, but it was the Bulldogs’ Aaron and Dragan, who eventually propelled their team to the win. The cheers from the clients, their families and caregivers went up when the final whistle was blown. Steven Williams (Community Campuses Manager) gave the Best on Ground award to Effie (Bombers) and Aaron (Bulldogs).

Everyone was ready for a sausage at that point, the sun stayed out and it was a great day for all.




Day out at the MCG Matt Munro, Disability Support Worker

It was that time of year where everyone was talking footy. Finals were approaching and excitement was mounting. Michael and I had a fantastic time exploring Richmond and experiencing the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) during our city break! Michael’s choice of the MCG tour to have his soft toy, Khan, take a ‘Speccy’ on the hallowed turf showed his love for the sport and the significance of the venue. Traveling via public transport allowed for a more immersive experience, engaging with fellow passengers and feeling the city’s vibe. Starting the tour at Gate 5 and meeting Pam, the volunteer tour guide, set the tone for an engaging and informative exploration of the stadium. The walkthrough of the team change rooms, the game day media centre, the member’s area, and especially the revered Long Room was fascinating for Michael.

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His curiosity and active participation, asking numerous questions throughout the 90-minute tour, indicates his deep interest in the history and workings of the MCG. We both had an awesome time, and it’s no surprise that Michael is already planning his next visit, this time to watch his beloved Hawks play at the MCG.

The experience left a lasting impression and sparked excitement for future sporting events at such an iconic venue.

Melbourne Storm delight Yolande Chan, Community Support Worker

Jason is an incredibly passionate and dedicated fan of the Melbourne Storm Rugby League team! His commitment to supporting the team for over two decades demonstrates a deep love for the sport and the club itself. His enthusiasm and infectious energy always create a vibrant atmosphere on game days, fostering connections with fellow fans and spreading positivity.

Will Warbrick Ryan Papenhuyzen

It’s impressive how Jason not only cheers for the team but also engages with other supporters, discussing their shared passion for the sport. His knowledge of the game and players adds depth to his fan-dom, surprising those around him. Meeting former captain Glenn Lazarus and the current players, especially after 25 years of supporting the team, has been incredibly exciting for Jason. He has to date met current players Christian Welch, Nelson Asofa-Solomona, Ryan Papenhuyzen (currently captain), Harry Grant, Xavier Coates, Nick Meaney and William Warbrick.

Josh King

Xavier Coates

Nelson Asofa Solomona

Christian Welch

Nick Meaney

His efforts to reach out to injured players, sending well wishes and prayers and ringing up SEN Radio and the club itself, truly showcase his empathy and care for the team members beyond their performance on the field. It’s evident that Jason’s ultimate dream is to meet Craig Bellamy before his retirement, which would undoubtedly be a pinnacle moment for him as a devoted fan. His dedication and enthusiasm for the Melbourne Storm could indeed influence others who might not be rugby fans, showcasing the power of genuine passion and love for a team.




St John of God Accord

Accommodation Christmas Party Aisling McCabe, Marketing & Communications Manager

St John of God Accord’s accommodation party was a lively and enjoyable event once again! With over 300 attendees, including clients, their families, and caregivers, the atmosphere was vibrant and filled with excitement.

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Events like these are wonderful opportunities for community members to come together, celebrate, and create cherished memories. The inclusion of such special performances often adds an extra level of joy and energy to the festivities. It was even more special that we also celebrated International Day of People with Disability.

The presence of Elvis and the Show Girls from Vegas undoubtedly added a touch of glamour and entertainment to the occasion. Their performance captivated the audience, getting everyone up on their feet and creating a memorable afternoon for all involved.




We’re there for you

St John of God Accord

Strategic Direction 2024 - 2025 Maximising Client Inclusion

C lient involvement in Consumer Participation Committees is embedded across all services S upported Decision Making is embedded Clients are supported without the use of Restrictive Practices C lients are active members of their communities

Growth and Innovation of Accommodation Services

E ngage new SDA partnerships with clear expectations

Service Growth (non-SIL)

I dentify target services and target regions for growth

Our Workforce

Our workforce matches the requirements of our clients and organisation

G row SIL services by 20% M anage SDA partnerships according to client need and expectations

E xplore and expand into new service avenues A chieve 10% non-SIL service growth

O ur workforce is resourced to deliver the expected outcomes xplore innovative recruitment practices to attract and maintain the E best future caregivers

Brand and Voice Representation

B rand enhancement through market research S ocial media presence and SEO investment D evelop new and accessible organisational website M arketing and Sales Strategy

We’re there for you


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