Odyssey Bound Newsletter from St. John's College

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in this issue >>> Ariel Internship Excerpts (p. 2-3)


Global Pathways Excerpts (p. 4-5) Continuation of Interview on p.1 (p. 6) General Pathways Students (p.7) More Information (p. 8)

Ms. Sally Ko in Bhutan during her Global Pathways.

Career Services at St. John’s College, Santa Fe

ALERT Upcoming Deadlines Boren Fellowship for International Study

Deadline: Monday, 11/30 at Career Services Office

Projects for Peace

Deadline: Friday, 12/4, noon at Career Services Office

Global Pathways Fellowship

Deadline: Monday, 12/14, 5:00 pm at Career Services Office

PHOTO Marchutz School of Visusal Arts

November/December 2015

Interview with Jill Savage (SF96), Geologist Jill Savage, a graduate of St. John’s College Santa Fe, talks about her experience at the college and how it related to her career as a geologist in the petrolium engineering field. What are some important job/life What sparked your interest in skills that you gained from your Geology? SJC education? How did they help I knew I would be a geologist despite you in your career? my many attempts at being otherwise. St. John’s teaches you how to listen and I spent most of my pre-college years ask questions. In the beginning, as a with my Dad in the Rockies surveying young geologist, you are surrounded by and mapping landslides, rock falls, and many more experienced scientists. If debris flows. It was a wonderful and inyou want to learn and grow in your field evitable way to get hooked on earth proyou have to listen and ask questions, cesses. When it came time for college, that is, put into practice the notion you instead of enrolling at a school that had really know nothing. Also, St. John’s a bachelor’s degree in Geology, I choose teaches you to think. I was surprised St. John’s. Some would think that St. at how easily I integrated intellectually John’s was a complete aberration from into graduate school and into a field an earth science path but I would argue that was never specifically addressed that it fell neatly in line (Aristotle, Luwhile at St. John’s. Graduate school felt cretius, Darwin, etc. too many to name very natural and was a lot of fun. Howhere). In fact, I was convinced I made ever, once I entered the corporate world the right decision during freshman lab, great conversation became less readily when we set off behind the dorms and available for various competing reasons. found a comfortable spot on the ground You were hired to make the company amongst the trees and dirt and just sat, money, but, you can do both. The ability listened and observed. Then we all tried to listen, to observe, and to thoughtfully to talk about what we experienced. That approach people and problems sets you was hard! I felt like I was in boot camp apart and drives success in your careers for the mind. and in life. Continued on pg. 6 1

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