Welcome to the Anglican Parish of
The Anglican Parish of CHRIST CHURCH
CHRIST CHURCH ST LAURE Railway Square, Sydney
Railway Square, Sydney Consecrated 1845
10 JANUARY 2016
The Baptism of Our Lord
7.00am Morning Prayer 7.30am Eucharist 9.00am Sung Eucharist Preacher: Fr Ron Silarsah Setting: Missa sine nomine ( Jewkes) Hymns: 338 (vv 1, 2, 6), 58(t.101ii), 352, 425 10.30am Procession & Solemn High Mass Preacher: Fr Ron Silarsah Hymns: 338, 352, 425, 58(t.101ii) Setting: Missa Eliensis (Wills) Motet: Tribus miraculis (Marenzio) Postlude: Prelude in D BWV 533i (Bach) 6.30pm Epiphany Carol Service Officiant: Fr Daniel Dries
Left: The Lectern, northern side of the Chancel, Christ Church St Laurence
welcome to christ church st laurence Christ Church St Laurence is an inner city parish committed to the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a congregation and as the Church we are committed to the support of the underprivileged, the persecuted and the socially marginalised. We are an Anglican church in the Anglican Catholic tradition.
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm)
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm)
WED 13 JAN Hilary of Poitiers, bishop and teacher (d. 367) THU 14 JAN
Sava, first archbishop of the Serbian church (d. 1235)
1 Sam 3.1-10 (11-18)19-20; Ps 40.5-; Mark 1.29-39 Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm) 12.15pm Healing Eucharist Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm)
1 Sam 8.4-7(8-9) 10-22; Ps 89.14-18; Mark 2.1-12 Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm) 6.00pm Eucharist
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm)
Sun 17 JAN
The Second Sunday after Epiphany
Isa 62.1-5; Ps 36.5-10; 1 Cor 12.1-11; John 2.1-11 7.00am Morning Prayer 7.30am Eucharist 9.00am Sung Eucharist Preacher: Mr Antony Weiss 10.30am Solemn High Mass Preacher: Mr Antony Weiss 6.30pm Solemn Evensong & Benediction Preacher: Fr John Sanderson
The flowers in the Church this week are given to the Glory of God, and in loving memory of Sylvie Silarsah
Mass Readings
Please use these readings in conjunction with the coloured service booklet. Breakfast is served after the 7.30am Eucharist today. Refreshments are served after the 9.00am Sung Eucharist and the 10.30am Solemn High Mass, all in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. If you are a visitor please ask a sidesperson for directions.
A voice came from heaven, saying, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.’
Eternal God, at the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan you proclaimed him your beloved Son, and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: grant that all who are baptised into his name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savour; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
FIRST Reading
Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and from the west I will gather you; I will say to the north, ‘Give them up,’ and to the south, ‘Do not withhold; bring my sons from far away and my daughters from the end of the earth – everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.’ For the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Verses of the psalm are read alternately by a single reader and the congregation. A pause is observed at the colon for reflection. At Solemn High Mass, the choir sings the Psalm.
Isaiah 43.1-7 Thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. I give Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in exchange for you. Because you are precious in my sight, and honoured, and I love you, I give people in return for you, nations in exchange for your life.
1. Ascribe to the Lord, you powers of heaven: ascribe to the Lord glory and might. 2. Ascribe to the Lord the honour due to his name: O worship the Lord in the beauty of his holiness. 3. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters: the God of glory thunders, the Lord upon the great waters. 4. The voice of the Lord is mighty in operation: the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice. 5. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedar trees: the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
Mass Readings 6. He makes them skip like a calf: Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox. 7. The voice of the Lord divides the lightning flash: the voice of the Lord whirls the sands of the desert, the Lord whirls the desert of Kadesh. 8. The voice of the Lord rends the terebinth trees, and strips bare the forests: in his temple all cry ‘Glory.’ 9. The Lord sits enthroned above the water flood: the Lord sits enthroned as a king for ever. 10. The Lord will give strength to his people: the Lord will give to his people the blessing of peace.
Second reading
Acts 8.14-17 When the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. The two went down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit (for as yet the Spirit had not come upon any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus). Then Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. For the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Alleluia. The heavens opened and the Father’s voice was heard. This is my beloved son listen to him. Alleluia. 4
Luke 3.15-22 The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke. Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ. In the wilderness John proclaimed a baptism of repentance. As the people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Messiah, John answered all of them by saying, ‘I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing-fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing-floor and to gather the wheat into his granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.’ So, with many other exhortations, he proclaimed the good news to the people. But Herod the ruler, who had been rebuked by him because of Herodias, his brother’s wife, and because of all the evil things that Herod had done, added to them all by shutting up John in prison. Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.’ This is the gospel of the Lord, Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
When Jesus had been baptized he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove on him.
This is he of whom John said: ‘I have seen and have given witness that this is the Son of God.’
COMMUNioN MOTET (9.00am) The Three Kings (Cornelius)
Three kings from Persian lands afar to Jordan follow the pointing star: and this the quest of the travellers three, where the new-born King of the Jews may be. Full royal gifts they bear for the King; gold, incense, myrrh are their offering.
The star shines out with a steadfast ray; the kings to Bethlehem make their way, and there in worship they bend the knee, as Mary’s child in her lap they see; their royal gifts they show to the King; gold, incense, myrrh are their offering.
Thou child of man, lo, to Bethlehem the kings are travelling, travel with them! The star of mercy, the star of grace, shall lead thy heart to its resting-place. Gold, incense, myrrh thou canst not bring; offer thy heart to the Infant King.
COMMUNioN MOTET (10.30am) Tribus miraculis (Luca Marenzio 1553-1599)
Tribus miraculis ornatum diem sanctum colimus: hodie stella Magos duxit ad praesepium: hodie vinum ex aqua factum est ad nuptias; hodie in Jordane a Joanne Christus baptizari voluit, ut salvaret nos, alleluia. We celebrate a day sanctified by three miracles: today a star led the Wise Men to the manger; today water was changed into wine at the marriage feast; today Christ chose to be baptised in the Jordan by John for our salvation. Alleluia. Magnificat Antiphon--Epiphany Readings: The Revised Common Lectionary in NRSV (1997), Mowbray, London. Introit, Collect and Psalm: A Prayer Book for Australia (1995), Broughton Books, Sydney. Propers: The Roman Missal (1969 & 1983), E.J.Dwyer (Aust.). Reproduced with permission. CHRIST CHURCH ST LAURENCE Railway Square, Sydney
SUNDAY NOTICES Epiphany Carols At 6.30pm today we will hold our annual Epiphany Lessons and Carols Service. Please consider inviting friends and family to this service which is always a wonderful conclusion to the festive season.
At Belltower Books Available at Belltower Books: new titles, cards, CDs, sale items and second-hand books from $1.00. CCSL Calendars are also still available ($12), as are lectionaries ($10), and the Deacon’s Treasure ($7), and CCSL Aprons ($15). Earle Backen: Clergy Leave Sacred Art is now available at the special Fr Daniel will depart for an overseas price of $10. holiday tomorrow, Monday 11 January. Fr Daniel and his family return to Australia Accommodation Request in late January. Fr John will be the Acting A PhD student (aged 45) & her 3-legged Rector from 11 January until 28 January, dog are in urgent need of a home. Both when Fr Daniel returns. We pray God’s are well house trained and are looking blessing on Fr Daniel, Peta and their family to board with an older person, or for their safe and enjoyable travel. housemates. If you are able to assist, please speak directly with Fr John Sanderson. Choir Leave Following tonight’s Carols service, our Blessing of the Backpacks choir will take a period of leave and return At the conclusion of the 9am Sung to sing Solemn High Mass on Candlemas Eucharist on Sunday, 31 January, (2 February). We wish our choristers students, teachers and anyone involved a peaceful rest, and look forward to in education are invited to come forward welcoming them back. In the choir’s for a blessing, bringing with them a absence, music will continue to be offered backpack, laptop, briefcase or some other at all services by cantors. symbol of study as we mark the beginning of the new academic year. Meditation Group The CCSL Meditation Group will be in Lenten Study Groups recess throughout January. All parishioners Lenten Study groups will be held this year are warmly invited to join the group at on Wednesdays at 11am, and Thursdays its first meeting for 2016 on Monday 1st at 6pm. We will use the Archbishop February. of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2016, I Am With You, by Kathryn GreeneMcCreight. The book will be available from Belltower Books from next Sunday. 6
PARISH DIRECTORY Church address Parish office address Parish postal address Rector
812 George St, Sydney L2, 812B George Street, Sydney PO Box 1324, Haymarket NSW 1240 office@ccsl.org.au Fr Daniel Dries fr.daniel@ccsl.org.au
www.ccsl.org.au P 02 9211 0560 F 02 9212 2449 M 0417 662 776
Fr John Sanderson fr.john@ccsl.org.au Mr Antony Weiss Antony.Weiss@student.moore.edu.au Fr Ron Silarsah fr.ron@ccsl.org.au Fr Michael Giffin Fr Eric Hampson Fr Ian Crooks Mr Simon Polson s.polson@ccsl.org.au Dr Colin Bannerman c.bannerman@ccsl.org.au Dr Anthony Miller a.miller@ccsl.org.au Mr Peter Hanson p.hanson@ccsl.org.au Mr Peter Hanson p.hanson@ccsl.org.au Parish Hall, 505 Pitt St choir@ccsl.org.au Dr Neil McEwan AM frscm n.mcewan@ccsl.org.au Mr Peter Jewkes p.jewkes@ccsl.org.au Mr Joshua Ryan j.ryan@ccsl.org.au Dr Helen Hewson office@ccsl.org.au Editors tdt@ccsl.org.au
M 0408 130 864
ParISH ADMINISTRATOR Wardens: wardens@ccsl.org.au Treasurer Choir office Director of Music Organist organ scholar Belltower Books THE DEACON’S TREASURE
M 0400 814 518 M 0423 430 913 P 02 9327 8215 P 02 9211 0560 P 02 9211 0560 M 0409 123 694 M 0432 566 784 M 0408 263 124 M 0408 263 124 P 02 9212 7776 P 02 9212 7776 P 02 9960 2476
MEDITATION & SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Mrs Ann Bergman a.bergman@ccsl.org.au
P 02 9498 2625
Head Server SacristanS
Head Sidesperson Belltower Captain Head Verger
Mr Brian Luhr OGS bluhr1@bigpond.com Mr Scott Batey Mr John Wood Mr Peter Hanson peterhanson.1108@gmail.com Ms Deryn Griffiths ringers@ccsl.org.au Mr Darren Churchill vergers@ccsl.org.au
02 9632 4461 02 8399 2549 02 9699 9309 0408 263 124 02 9591 1828 0412 196 473
Welcome to the Anglican Parish of CHRIST CHURCH ST LAURENCE Join our email list to be kept informed of Feasts and Festivals and other services and events in our church. To become a subscriber, please visit www.ccsl.org.au/newsletter or sign up via our Facebook www.facebook.com/ChristChurchStLaurence
The Anglican Parish of
CHRIST CHURCH ST LAURENCE Railway Suare, Sydney Consecraed 1845
including music by Poulenc, Whitacre, Weelkes and Mathias
SUNDAY 10 JANUARY 2016 a 6.30PM