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The Deacon’s Treasure The Deacon’s Treasure is a parish magazine published three times a year, at Easter, St Laurencetide, and Christmas, designed to reflect the life and spirituality of Christ Church St Laurence and its people. It offers a range of contributions on subjects from personal spirituality and CCSL events, to the issues engaging the whole Anglican – and the greater Christian – community. Offers of contributions to the magazine are always welcome, with preference given to people associated with the parish. Contributor Guidelines The following guidelines are provided for potential authors: 1. When considering a contribution, authors should have in mind that our magazine is a parish publication designed to be accessible for a wide readership. 2. Please consult with the editors in regard to submissions. Length of articles is normally between 400 and 1,500 words (including footnotes listing references or referencing quotations), submitted in a Word document. 3. Photographs and other illustrations are especially welcome, and where possible their source should be acknowledged. Photographs of parish people will only be published with the express permission of those depicted. 4. The contribution should be the author’s original work, unless expressly stated otherwise, in which case, the person submitting the work must obtain consent from the original author that the work may be reproduced. 5. The editors may amend text and layout for editorial reasons and, where possible, the authors will be consulted. 6. By submitting a work, the author grants The Deacon’s Treasure the right to reproduce the work. 7. The final decision to publish remains with the editors, and some material may be held over for subsequent editions.

Submission Deadlines The deadlines for submission of material are as follows: Christmas edition: 1 November Easter edition: First Sunday in Lent St Laurencetide edition: 1 July Any opinion contained within this magazine is not necessarily the opinion of the editors, the Parish of Christ Church St Laurence, or any person or people connected with it.

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