Welcome to the Anglican Parish of
The Anglican Parish of CHRIST CHURCH
CHRIST CHURCH ST LAURE Railway Square, Sydney
Railway Square, Sydney Consecrated 1845
4 september 2016
The Martyrs of Papua New Guinea
7.00am Morning Prayer 7.30am Eucharist 9.00am Sung Eucharist & Children’s Ministry Preacher: The Rev’d Elaine Farmer Setting: Mass in E (Smith) Hymns: 219(t.106), 224(t.178), 404(omit *), 198(t.64) 10.30am Procession & Solemn High Mass Preacher: The Rev’d Elaine Farmer Setting: Missa de la batalla escoutez (Guerrero) Hymns: 197, 404(desc. Sutcliffe), 196(t.64), 219 Motet: Beati quorum via (Stanford) Postlude: Allegro, from Sonata No.1 in F minor Op.65 (Mendelssohn) 6.30pm Solemn Evensong, Procession & Benediction Preacher: Fr John Sanderson Hymns: 218(i), 224,(t.178), 230(i), 226(desc. Caplin) Canticles: Westminster service (Howells) Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord (Elgar) Postlude: Prelude in A BWV 536i (Bach)
welcome to christ church st laurence Christ Church St Laurence is an inner city parish committed to the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a congregation and as the Church we are committed to the support of the underprivileged, the persecuted and the socially marginalised. We are an Anglican church in the Anglican Catholic tradition.
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm) 6.00pm Christian Meditation
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm)
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm) 12.15pm Healing Eucharist
THU 8 September
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm)
Birth of Mary, Mother of our Lord
FRI 9 september
Mass Readings
Please use these readings in conjunction with the coloured service booklet. Breakfast is served after the 7.30am Eucharist today. Refreshments are served after the 9.00am Sung Eucharist and the 10.30am Solemn High Mass, all in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. If you are a visitor please ask a sidesperson for directions.
In triumph let thy faithful servants rejoice, rejoice and take their rest.
For the word of the Lord, Thanks be to God.
All powerful and everliving God, turn our weakness into strength: as you gave the martyrs of Papua New Guinea the courage to suffer death for Christ, give us the courage to live in faithful witness to you. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm) 6.00pm Eucharist
SAT 10 september
Daily Services (7.30am, 8.00am, 5.30pm)
Sun 11 september
1 Kings 8:22-24, 27-30; Ps 122, 1 Peter 2:4-10; Matthew 7.24-29 7.00am Morning Prayer 7.30am Eucharist 9.00am Sung Eucharist Preacher: Fr Ron Silarsah Setting: Mass in E (Smith) 10.30am Missa Cantata Preacher: Fr Ron Silarsah Setting: Missa fons bonitatis (Gregorian chant) Motet: Sancta Maria (Dunstable) 5.00pm Procession & Solemn High Mass (with Orchestra) Preacher: The Rev’d Andrew Sempell Canticles: Harmoniemesse (Haydn) Anthem: How lovely are thy dwellings (Brahms) Introit: I was glad (Parry)
Readings: The Revised Common Lectionary in NRSV (1997), Mowbray, London. Introit, Collect and Psalm: A Prayer Book for Australia (1995), Broughton Books, Sydney. Propers: The Roman Missal (1969 & 1983), E.J.Dwyer (Aust.). Reproduced with permission.
FIRST Reading
and praised among all the peoples of the earth, when I restore your fortunes before your eyes, says the Lord.
Verses of the psalm are read alternately by a single reader and the congregation. A pause is observed at the colon for reflection. At Solemn High Mass, the choir sings the psalm.
Zephanaiah 3.14-20 Sing aloud, O daughter Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away the judgements against you, he has turned away your enemies. The king of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall fear disaster no more. On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem: Do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands grow weak. The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing as on a day of festival. I will remove disaster from you, so that you will not bear reproach for it. I will deal with all your oppressors at that time. And I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth. At that time I will bring you home, at the time when I gather you; for I will make you renowned
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Out of the depths have I called to you, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice; O let your ears consider well: the voice of my supplication. If you, Lord, should note what we do wrong: who then, O Lord, could stand? But there is forgiveness with you: so that you shall be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits for him: and in his word is my hope. My soul looks for the Lord: more than watchmen for the morning, more, I say, than watchmen for the morning. O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy: and with him is ample redemption. He will redeem Israel: from the multitude of their sins.
Mass Readings Second reading
Romans 8.33-39 Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, ‘For your sake we are being killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep to be slaughtered.’ No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. For the word of the Lord, Thanks be to God.
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia. The bodies of the saints are buried in peace: yet their names live from generation to generation. Alleluia!
John 12.20-32 The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John. Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ. Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus.’ Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus. Jesus answered them, ‘The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour. ‘Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say – “Father, save me from this hour”? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.’ Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.’ The crowd standing there heard it and said that it was thunder. Others said, ‘An angel has spoken to him.’ Jesus answered, ‘This voice has come for your sake, not for mine. Now is the judgement of this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.’
Be the defender of those who love your name: let them exult because of you. For you will bless, O Lord, those that are righteous: you will cover them with your favour as with a shield.
The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God: and no torment will ever touch them; In the eyes of the foolish they seem to have died, but they are at peace.
COMMUNION MOTET Beati quorum via
Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) Beati quorum via integra est: qui ambulant in lege Domini. Blessed are they whose way is blameless: who walk in the law of the Lord. Psalm 119.1
This is the Gospel of the Lord, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Anglican Board of Mission Monthly Retiring Collection for September, October and November Myanmar: Doctorate Sponsorship Program Nant Hnin Hnin Aye (Snow) ABM is supporting a postgraduate scholarship at Trinity College in Melbourne for a theology student from Myanmar. In partnership with the Church in the Province of Myanmar, ABM is delighted that Nant Hnin Hnin Aye (Snow) will be the first recipient of the scholarship. Snow will study for a doctorate in New Testament studies, specifically looking at how Jesus redefined the social and cultural norms of his day, as described in Luke’s gospel. Given Myanmar’s particular political context, she will focus on the application of Jesus’ teachings to the reality of marginalised groups in Myanmar today. Snow is hoping to be a role model and set a trend for Anglican women theologians in Myanmar. Snow grew up in Yangon City, and lives with her parents and brothers. Her family members joyfully serve different roles in the ministry there though it is not easy with political, social and financial challenges. Snow works as a lecturer in the New Testament at the Holy Cross Theological College, serves as a member of different committees at the college, is the personal assistant to the Principal and is also a member of the Anglican Research Centre. She would like to study a doctorate degree in Australia to enhance her theological understanding to benefit her work, Holy Cross Theological College, and women in general. Snow is committed to being an example to other women in Myanmar to show them what they are capable of achieving. Women are only afforded the opportunity to study if an organisation or school offers to sponsor them. She would like to encourage younger women to prove that they are capable in ministry. Snow says she would like “to see 100% opportunity for women in educational area. The more educated women we have the new generation will build healthy community with positive approach.”
SUNDAY NOTICES Parish Quiet Day We will be holding a day of rest and reflection at St Benedict’s Monastery, Arcadia on Saturday 8 October. Morning tea will be provided - bring a picnic lunch to enjoy in the gardens. There will be further details closer to the day. At Belltower Books During renovations the bookshop in the hall will be closed. The West Door branch is well stocked with books, cards, wrapping paper, CDs and The Deacon’s Treasure and is open before and after the Masses and Evensong. The books reviewed in the latest Deacon’s Treasure by Father Robert Wheeler are available: Robert Louis Wilken: The Spirit of Early Christian Thought; Walker & Parry: Deep Church Rising Recovering the Roots of Christian Orthodoxy; Richard A Burridge: Four Gospels, One Jesus.
Parish Trivia Night The Annual Parish Trivia Night will take place in the Parish Hall, Friday 23 September, 7pm for a 7:30 start (BYO drinks and picnic dinner). Tickets will be available on the night, still for only $15 - but perhaps best to order in advance – there’s a form and clipboard at the church’s west door. If you wish to reserve a table of up to eight players, please contact Rebecca at the parish office. As always, all funds raised from the evening will be in aid of the Factory Community Centre in Raglan Street, Waterloo, and the team which proves itself the wisest will win a handsome dozen of quality mixed wines. Other fabulous prizes will be awarded on the night – a top Thai restaurant voucher, brilliant homemade marmalades, etc. and amusing novelties of no taste whatsoever. If the “practice” question below is intimidating, do not worry – trivia is a team sport, two minds are better than one, eight minds are better than two, so get a team together for what promises to be the usual enjoyable annual outing.
Music Scores The music scores of today’s Missa de la batalla escoutez by Francisco Guerrero were donated in loving memory of Bill Johnston. A similar gesture in memory Trivia practice question: of a loved one can be made by speaking Name the only horse to have been favourite for the Melbourne Cup to Neil McEwan. three years in a row. (Answer in next week’s pewsheet). Organ Recital Next Thursday, 8 September, Fr Daniel Dries will give a lunchtime recital at St Andrew’s Cathedral, George St at 1.10pm (concluding at 1.40pm). The programme will include music by J. S. Bach, Franck and Vierne.
PARISH DIRECTORY Church address Parish office address Parish postal address Rector
812 George St, Sydney L2, 812B George Street, Sydney PO Box 1324, Haymarket NSW 1240 office@ccsl.org.au Fr Daniel Dries fr.daniel@ccsl.org.au
www.ccsl.org.au P 02 9211 0560 F 02 9212 2449 M 0417 662 776
Fr John Sanderson fr.john@ccsl.org.au Antony Weiss Antony.Weiss@student.moore.edu.au Ryan Austin-Eames ryan.austineames@gmail.com Fr Ron Silarsah fr.ron@ccsl.org.au Fr Michael Giffin Fr Eric Hampson Fr Ian Crooks Rebecca Mychael r.mychael@ccsl.org.au Peter Hanson p.hanson@ccsl.org.au Brenda Hunter b.hunter@ccsl.org.au Anthony Miller a.miller@ccsl.org.au Peter Hanson p.hanson@ccsl.org.au Parish Hall, 505 Pitt St choir@ccsl.org.au Neil McEwan AM frscm n.mcewan@ccsl.org.au Peter Jewkes p.jewkes@ccsl.org.au Joshua Ryan j.ryan@ccsl.org.au Helen Hewson office@ccsl.org.au Editors tdt@ccsl.org.au
M 0408 130 864
Licensed Clergy
ParISH ADMINISTRATOR Wardens: wardens@ccsl.org.au Treasurer Choir office Director of Music Organist organ scholar Belltower Books THE DEACON’S TREASURE
M 0466 548 937 M 0400 814 518 M 0423 430 913 P 02 9327 8215 P 02 9211 0560 P 02 9211 0560 M 0408 263 124 M 0418 118 115 M 0432 566 784 M 0408 263 124 P 02 9212 7776 P 02 9212 7776 P 02 9960 2476
MEDITATION & SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Ann Bergman a.bergman@ccsl.org.au
P 02 9498 2625
Head Server SacristanS
Head Sidesperson Belltower Captain Head Verger
Brian Luhr OGS oam bluhr1@bigpond.com Scott Batey John Wood Peter Hanson peterhanson.1108@gmail.com Dace Vare ringers@ccsl.org.au Darren Churchill vergers@ccsl.org.au
Welcome to the Anglican Parish of CHRIST CHURCH ST LAURENCE Join our email list to be kept informed of Feasts and Festivals and other services and events in our church. To become a subscriber, please visit www.ccsl.org.au/newsletter or sign up via our Facebook www.facebook.com/ChristChurchStLaurence
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