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Increase community awareness and education of substance use and overdose.
h DPH creates and implements a social media campaign to increase accessibility of information and resources relating to SUD and overdose prevention.
h DPH updates the substance use section of the County’s website.
h DPH actively identifies and recruits new partners to provide overdose education and awareness.
h DPH continues to offer all educational materials in a variety of languages (Bosnian, Spanish, etc.).
h DPH partners with the Ethnic Communities Opioids Response Network-Missouri to design culturally appropriate resources to educate diverse ethnic communities (e.g., translation, videos, etc.).
Opportunity h DPH provides education specifically on fentanyl (what it is, where it’s found, and current trends), tailoring the content and delivery of messaging about fentanyl and use disorder to different audiences, using research-based, non-stigmatizing, and effective messaging strategies. h DPH strengthens and builds relationships to ensure equitable distribution of strategic outreach efforts for those communities with high incidence of SUD but low utilization of DPH resources. Opportunity h DPH acts as a community hub for up-to-date information, resources, and emerging trends to ensure the community has access to accurate information and links to treatment and harm reduction strategies. Opportunity
The CENTER Initiative provides training, education, and resources to community members and providers to promote the wellness and agency of people who use drugs and increase the understanding that drug use is a complex phenomenon that is often the result of individual and community trauma.
® DPH adds staff members, preferably with lived experience with substance use disorder, to increase capacity for SUD education and prevention efforts.
® DPH works with minority ethnic and linguistic communities to create culturally appropriate resources in multiple languages.
® DPH strengthens relationships with minority ethnic and linguistic communities to bolster community engagement.