St. Luke's Health Care Foundation Annual Report 2011

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s t. L u k e ’ s h e a Lt h C a r e f o u n Dat i o n 2 0 1 1 a n n u a L r e P o r t




tHe SPirit oF

Generosity Your generosity helps St. Luke’s patients every single day.

From lifesaving technology to something as simple as a coloring book, every contribution improves someone’s world. You might never meet the patients of St. Luke’s, but they know your generosity. Your gifts may be behind the scenes, but the pages that follow will bring you face to face with those you help. Hardworking staff, compassionate caregivers and donors like you—together, your generosity gives every patient hope.

your GeneroSity

Makes Us Great

St. Luke’s Hospital is one of only two hospitals in the state named one of the nation’s Top 100 Hospitals by Thomson Reuters, the nation’s leading source of healthcare information. St. Luke’s is the only Cedar Rapids hospital earning this designation and in the state of Iowa, shares the honor only with Mason City’s Mercy Medical Center – North Iowa. The award recognizes hospitals that have achieved excellence in quality of care, operational efficiency, financial performance and growth. This is the fourth time St. Luke’s has received this distinction. According to Thomson Reuters, it is difficult to be selected as a national benchmark hospital every year. Research has shown hospitals that win this award three or more times have particularly high levels of performance over many years. The announcement was made in 2012, but reflects data from 2011. “We are fortunate to have such exceptional medical staff, nurses and support staff who collaborate to continuously improve patient care,” said Ted Townsend, St. Luke’s president and CEO. “Being a four-time winner of this prestigious award is a reflection of the commitment, skill and experience of the healthcare providers, nurses and staff working at St. Luke’s.” It’s also a reflection of your generosity, for we could not achieve such success without your gifts and support. Thank you for helping make St. Luke’s Hospital one of the nation’s best.

o n o u r C o v e r : Ed Hemphill is pictured at St. Luke’s Child Protection Center in a medical exam room. Through a lifetime of quiet generosity, Ed and his late wife, Joan, helped the Child Protection Center and many other endeavors become what they are today. In this book, we honor Ed, Joan and each of you, for your gifts to St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation.


In my role as St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation president, I am gaining a new appreciation for the power of your generosity. Your generous gifts help make it possible for St. Luke’s Hospital to achieve its mission, “To give the healthcare we’d like our loved ones to receive.” Throughout this collection of stories of caring, you will read about people whose generosity is making a huge difference in the lives of patients and their families every day. At St. Luke’s Hospital, true selflessness is quite abundant—the joy when a baby is born; the elation when healing takes place; the concern with a tough diagnosis or unexpected outcome. The entire range of human emotions occurs, and your gifts help contain them. Your generosity helps make the happy stories happier and softens the effects of the sad stories. I wish I could tell every one of your stories in this honor roll of contributors. With each gift, you help improve the health of our community. In this roll of honor, we recognize and thank you for all you do for St. Luke’s Hospital, our patients and their families.

James M. Sealy St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation President





When I look around our hospital and our community and see what your donations accomplish, my heart swells with pride. Your generosity changes—and sometimes saves—lives. On the pages that follow, and every day throughout our community, you’ll see how your gifts can: • Ensure abused children leave treatment with essential supplies • Help frequent emergency room patients find healthcare alternatives • Offer hospice patients comfort and privacy in their final days • Give silent children a new voice • Help the tiniest of babies thrive

Gifts and Grants

2011 to St. Luke’S HoSPitaL and HeaLtH Care Foundation 6 5 3 4 2 1

You might not always see how valuable your gifts can really be, but the evidence surrounds us. As you look through these stories and the thousands of names on our donors’ roll of honor, please realize the power of your generosity. On behalf of all we serve, thank you for having such a big heart. 1. Equipment & Programs 2. Hospice 3. Scholarships & Education 4. Capital Improvements 5. Rural Health 6. Associate Assistance total

Stephen W. Allsop St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Board Chair

“your GeneroSity CHanGeS—and SometimeS ”

St. Luke’s Auxiliary

2011 GiFtS to St. Luke’S HoSPitaL



- SteVe aLLSoP

$ 1,764,724 $ 108,799 $ 96,503 $ 33,646 $ 24,848 $ 8,504 $2,037,024

7 7. St. Luke’s Floral & Gifts 8. Brewed Awakenings 9. Pledge Account total

$ 70,000 $ 26,683 $ 17, 07 1 $ 113,754




GenerouS For


heMPhiLLs show eternaL suPPort Ed Hemphill is an unassuming man. His late wife, Joan Theusen Hemphill, was a modest woman. Together, their quiet generosity has shaped St. Luke’s Hospital. From naming a birthing suite in 1979 in honor of the birth of their twin daughters in the 1950s, to donating the lead gift of $500,000 for the St. Luke’s Hospice Inpatient Unit Embracing Life campaign, the Hemphills’ support of St. Luke’s Hospital has spanned more than three decades and truly spans the cycle of life. “Whenever St. Luke’s has needed the Hemphills’ help, they’ve been here for us,” said Mary Klinger, director of major and planned gifts for St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation. “They’ve given significantly, generously and often.” “We’ve always been associated with St. Luke’s,” Ed said. “It’s just always been our hospital.” In 2007, the Hemphills donated $1.6 million to the Don’t Turn Away campaign for the St. Luke’s Child Protection Center—anonymously. “My wife didn’t want to have her name associated with things,” Ed said. “But she’s deceased now, and I think it’s time.” All they had to do was learn about abused children who needed their help to decide to give to St. Luke’s Child Protection Center.

“After I heard what those kids were going through, I was appalled,” Ed said. “They needed a new place, and I think we gave them enough to get that going.” Ed also has a special place in his heart for the services hospice provides. “People need privacy in their last moments, and we don’t have it here today,” Ed said. “That’s what really got me.” The Embracing Life campaign will create our community’s first dedicated Hospice Inpatient Unit at St. Luke’s Hospital. “The hospice inpatient unit will fill an unmet need for St. Luke’s patients and for our community,” said James R. Bell, MD, medical director for St. Luke’s Palliative Care and Hospice. “Sometimes the goal of comfort requires care that can only be provided in a hospital setting. “A major project such as this one requires philanthropic support,” said Dr. Bell. “The unit itself will be very tastefully done and will provide a more homelike atmosphere than typically would be seen in a hospital. It’s outside the scope of ‘normal’ renovation.” In addition, hospice doesn’t turn away anyone for lack of insurance or ability to pay, so the campaign will help grow the endowment fund necessary to sustain long-term operations.

eD anD his Late wife, Joan, are shown hoLDinG their t win DauGhters, Lori anD Lisa

It’s only through the generosity of people like Ed and Joan Hemphill that St. Luke’s can continue to provide the type of care that makes it a hospital people want to call their own.

“we’Ve aLwayS Been aSSoCiated witH St. Luke’S. it’S JuSt aLwayS ” Been

our hospital.

- ed HemPHiLL

< e D h e M P h i L L a n D DauG h t e r s , Lo r i bo b e n h o us e a n D L i sa Morris, at t h e h e L e n G . n a s s i f C e n t e r fo r wo M e n ’ s a n D C h i L D r e n’s h e aLth



GeneroSity HeaLS


s u e t e s Da h L e X e M P L i f i e s s t. L u k e ’ s a s s o C i at e G i v i n G Helping even one abused child makes you a hero. Helping more than 30,000 abused children makes you—well, it makes you Sue Tesdahl. The former manager of St. Luke’s Child Protection Center (CPC) retired at the end of 2011, after 25 years of service to St. Luke’s Hospital and as many years of dedication to child advocacy. Her commitment to helping Iowa’s most vulnerable children is matched only by her generosity. Sue’s cumulative personal, financial donations to St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation total nearly $25,000. “I feel that associates who work at St. Luke’s, in order to really make a contribution, have to believe in the mission,” Sue said. “For me, believing in the mission—not only of St. Luke’s, but of the CPC—meant involving myself totally in the effort.” As one of St. Luke’s CPC’s founders, Sue also helped establish four other accredited centers in Iowa, and several others working toward accreditation by the National Children’s Alliance.

st. Luke’s C hiLD ProteCtion Center ManaGer, JuLie keLLy, anD forMer ManaGer, sue tesDahL

As St. Luke’s President and CEO Ted Townsend noted, “Sue fought for state funding, lobbied to increase access and was tireless in her work to build collaborative efforts with community leaders, police forces, prosecutor offices and the courts so not only could we find and help the victims of child abuse, but we could work with all these others to ensure perpetrators went to jail, not just back home.”

Sue’s retirement doesn’t mean she’s lost her passion for the mission. Her ongoing involvement includes serving on St. Luke’s CPC’s Advisory Board as well as the Child Protection Council and the Child Abuse Prevention Advisory Council for the state of Iowa. And, she plans to continue helping St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation raise awareness and funds for the CPC endowment. St. Luke’s CPC is dependent on the support of St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation and donors who are committed to the protection of children. In addition, the CPC applies for numerous grants throughout the course of the year to help cover the deficit and to assist in purchasing necessary equipment. “The endowment will help the CPC defray costs,” Sue said. “In essence, people contributing to the endowment will be contributing to the care of children for years to come. “Abused children who don’t receive help can suffer their entire lives,” Sue said. “And abuse is more prevalent than many of us realize.

“PeoPLe ContriButinG to tHe CPC wiLL Be ContriButinG to tHe For yearS to Come.”

care of children

- Sue teSdaHL

“National statistics show one in every four girls and one in every six boys will experience some form of sexual molestation by the age of 18,” Sue said. “So a person only has to look around their child’s classroom or a social group to realize how invasive the problem is.” Thanks to Sue Tesdahl’s generosity—and the generosity of donors like you—the world is a safer place for children.

roCkweLL CoLLinS deLiVerS oF GeneroSity a


Children never leave St. Luke’s Child Protection Center (CPC) without a stop at the toy closet on their way home. And thanks to the generosity of employees at Rockwell Collins, children who have been treated won’t go home empty-handed. A group of Rockwell Collins employees arrived at the CPC with a truckload of donations on December 15, 2011— the day of former manager Sue Tesdahl’s retirement party. They brought bags for boys and girls ranging in age from infants to teens, as well as art sets, coloring books and a gift card the center could use to purchase more toys. “The sheer volume of bags and number of items in the bags was overwhelming,” said CPC Manager Julie Kelly. “The donation from Rockwell was very heartwarming, because they had a core group of employees who were so dedicated, they came to visit the center beforehand to talk about what we really needed,” Julie said. “And they far surpassed our expectations with the quantity of items donated.”

sue tesDahL anD JuLie keLLy (Center) aCCePt Donations froM roC kweLL C oLLins eMPLoyees for the C hiLD ProteCtion Center toy CLoset





s t. L u k e ’ s a u X i L i a r y w i n s b e n J a M i n f r a n k L i n awa r D For 63 years, St. Luke’s Auxiliary has worked tirelessly to support the mission of the hospital and help its staff give the healthcare we’d like our loved ones to receive. Quietly, often behind-the-scenes, the Auxiliary has donated $6.7 million to St. Luke’s Hospital. They ask nothing in return for their generosity. But in November 2011, the Eastern Iowa Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) took notice. Created for an individual or group that defies standard classification, AFP’s Benjamin Franklin Award recognizes an entity whose commitment to philanthropy is demonstrably profound. It’s an award only given when there are compelling reasons to recognize a group’s effort, and in 2011, that group was St. Luke’s Auxiliary. “We were truly amazed,” said Auxiliary President Sarah Rheinschmidt. “We were very surprised and honored to receive this award.” Through two decades of sponsoring The Festival of Trees—and now through other fundraisers, the hospital gift shop and Brewed Awakenings coffee shop—the Auxiliary works to inspire and motivate the practice and philosophy of philanthropy in the community; and to enhance the quality of life in Eastern Iowa. Nancy Skogsbergh, St. Luke’s Auxiliary historian and member of St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Board of Directors, said, “What sets the Auxiliary apart is its ability to bring people together for the common good. “In receiving the award, we looked at the past years and all the ways in which we were able to give back to our hospital and the community that helped us with that,” Nancy said. “And we realized how much we really engaged the community in helping us raise money.” It’s that kind of generosity that has funded more projects, programs and equipment at St. Luke’s over the past six decades than we have room to list here. Suffice it to say, $6.7 million goes a long way toward improving the quality of care St. Luke’s delivers. All of which, Nancy said, has been the Auxiliary’s honor. “What a privilege for us to be able to give,” Nancy said. That’s what defines generosity. And for that, we are eternally grateful to the St. Luke’s Auxiliary.

Corporate GeneroSity

t r a n s a M e r i C a h e L P s C r e at e C o n s i s t e n t C a r e The generosity of Transamerica has helped countless people at St. Luke’s Hospital, through more than $400,000 in cumulative contributions to a variety of programs and campaigns. In 2011, a $50,000 gift allowed St. Luke’s to launch the Emergency Department Consistent Care Program (EDCCP)—one of the first of its kind in the country. “St. Luke’s continues to be innovative and progressive in their view of healthcare,” said Lon Olejniczak, senior vice president for Transamerica and member of St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Board of Directors. “So when they’re looking for better ways to improve or innovate, those are the types of programs we like to support.” EDCCP was created to help patients who use the Emergency Department (ER) frequently find the most appropriate healthcare services for their needs. “Our program includes people who have used the ER more than 12 times in the last 12 months,” said Marilyn Gerhold, an ER social worker at St. Luke’s. “Each of these patients receives an individualized care plan, so everyone knows the protocol to follow every time they come into the ER, regardless of which doctor they see.” The care plan, combined with follow-up after each program participant is discharged from the ER, leads to higher-quality and more consistent care. Thanks to the Transamerica grant, St. Luke’s hired a full-time case manager to run this program. The case manager works with program participants and their primary care providers to find alternatives to ER visits. The grant requires the program to be replicable, so St. Luke’s social workers have been collaborating with providers at other area hospitals, in addition to meeting with social workers across Eastern Iowa. As of March 1, 2012, the program had 130 enrolled patients, and more are being added each month. And, the ER staff is already seeing a decrease in patient visits.

st. Luke’s hosPitaL PresiDent anD Ceo, teD townsenD, with nanCy MortiMore, auXiLiary viCe PresiDent; sarah rheinsChMiDt, auXiLiary PresiDent; anD nanCy skoGsberGh, auXiLiary Past PresiDent

transaMeriCa senior viCe PresiDent, Lon oLeJniCzak, with MariLyn GerhoLD, sanDi MCintosh, saLLie seLfriDGe, bonnie LunsforD, anD Dr. ryan sunDerMann

“Helping these patients identify services they actually need and connecting them with the right services benefits everybody,” Marilyn said. “It reduces healthcare costs for the patients, the hospital and the community. But most importantly, we are improving the quality of life for our patients.”

“St. Luke’S ContinueS to Be

It’s that type of community-minded thinking Transamerica likes to fund. “Under Ted Townsend’s leadership, the entire St. Luke’s philosophy is based on looking out for the greater good of our community,” Lon said. “You can see their enthusiasm about this program, because it really is going to make everyone better.”

tHoSe are tHe tyPeS oF ProGramS we Like to SuPPort.”

innovative and progressive.

- Lon oLeJniCzak



St. Luke’S

Roll of Honor

In this roll of honor, we recognize and thank the donors who so generously gave to St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation last year. The listing is intended to acknowledge all cash gifts received between January 1 and December 31, 2011. It does not include pledges. If we have inadvertently omitted or made an error in your entry, please contact us at 319/369-7716. Thank you.

$200,000+ Carl & Mary Koehler Estate United States Department of Health & Human Services



GeneroSity Perhaps no single person better exemplifies generosity than Helen G. Nassif. Her continued vision helps St. Luke’s Hospital fulfill its mission, “To give the healthcare we’d like our loved ones to receive.” Most recently, she gave $1 million to create the Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center of Iowa – one more way Ms. Nassif is helping improve healthcare for our community. The Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center of Iowa is a collaborative effort among nearly 200 local physicians and St. Luke’s Hospital to consolidate the area’s cancer care services into a single facility. “I believe in the collaborative spirit between physicians and other providers working together for the patient,” said Ms. Nassif. “It’s my hope that this center can someday be a platform for all providers in Cedar Rapids to work together.” We’ll never feel we can thank Ms. Nassif enough. Her generosity benefits the whole community.

Linn County Empowerment St. Luke’s Auxiliary Orville L. Thomas Estate Witwer Charitable Trust #4


Steve & Mary Beth Allsop Dr. Ken* & Kathy Anderson Ion & Mihaela Barbulescu Jeffrey & Valissa Berg Dr. Stephen & Teresa Brown Jeffrey Brown Kathryn Cook Ruth Crist Estate George Kilberger Trust Nick Longworth* Sharon Moore Dr. Dale & Louise Morgan NextEra Energy Ralph & Linda Palmer Jack & Jacqueline Roland Jeff & Lorena Skelley Jerry Skelley Drew & Jo Ann Skogman Dorthy Sorensen Sandra & Steven Spurbeck The Esco Group Ted* & Cathy Townsend Dr. Jeff & Cheryl Westlund


Anonymous Iowa Department of Public Health William & Char Osborne Peregrine Charities Transamerica United Way of East Central Iowa

$20,000+ Momentum Fund of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Iowa Cardiology Education Association Helen Kelly Trust Lucille Powell Estate Shuttleworth & Ingersoll PLC Variety - The Children’s Charity of Iowa

$10,000+ Dr. James & Rachele Bell Dina & John Linge, Cedar Memorial Thomas & Margaret Sears Wormer Charitable Trust

The faces you see scattered throughout this report are the smiles of St. Luke’s associates and community leaders who are also donors. We are grateful for their generosity.


eriC suter Business Analyst, Market Research

Mona Cook Breast Care Coordinator, Breast and Bone Health

Les Garner President and CEO, The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation

Anonymous Crescent - Janko Masonic Foundation Dominick J. McDermott Trust Dr. David & Susan Gehring Steve & Sally Gray Paul* & Mary* Hagen Dr. David & Susan Haupt Iowa Nebraska Primary Care Association Henry & Sara Katz Trust Linda & Robert Mattes ME&V Dr. Steven & Joy Anne Mindrup Dr. Michael Mullerleile Dr. Steven Nielsen Mary Ann* & Sam Osborn Robert & Andrea Porazil Raining Rose Scales Pointe Marina LLC James* & Patricia Sealy SourceMedia Group Fund of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation St. Luke’s Hospital St. Luke’s Medical Staff United Fire & Casualty Co. US Bancorp Foundation Van Meter Industrial Fund of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Drs. Steven Wahle & JoAnn German Wahle

$1,000+ Amana Society Dr. Thomas Anderson Doris Armstrong

Milt* & Corene Aunan Carolyn Barko* Patty Barnes* Dalene Bateman Doralyn* & Kenneth Benson Harold Bern Peg Bradke* Sheryl Brehm* Mary Ann Buresh Steven & Mary Burns Cedar Rapids RoughRiders Thomas & Joanne Collins Betty Debban Harold Denton Denver & Carol Dillard Dr. Craig* & Barbara Dove Michael* & Denise* Easley Mary* & Larry Elgin Rex & Kathy Eno David Fagle First Federal Credit Union Doug Funke & Wendy Willenbring Graham Construction Carleen Grandon Henry Haegg Kevin Hamers* Victor Hamre Dr. Tork Harman Julie Heitz* Dr. John & Nancy Herring Highway Equipment Company Jared & Carol Hills Institute of Healthcare Executives and Suppliers Invision Architecture Ltd. David & Mary Johnson Dr. Rhys Jones* & Valerie Chittick Heather* & Chad Jurgenson Dr. James* & Sherrie* Justice KJWW PC John Knoebel Jackie & Mike Kuntz Brent Leis LincolnWay Community Foundation Linn County Dental Association Dr. Larry & Susan McCray Sandra* & Dr. Thomas McIntosh Mercy Medical Staff Jeanne M. Messner Dr. Ray & Judy Miller Robin & Jon Mixdorf Richard* & Julie Monthie Dale & Cheryl Moore Jill* & Kevin Morgan Murphy Memorial Douglas & Marva Neighbor Robert & Vilma Nejdl Michelle* & Steve Niermann Gary Novak

Katie* & Steve Oberbroeckling F. Forbes Olberg & Ann Olberg Donor Advised Fund of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Troy Overholt* Ann Overton* Thomas & Judith Peek Bonnie Poulson Richard Raddatz Dr. David* & Mary Jo Rater J.B. & Dee Rehnstrom Dr. Mark* & Karen* Reinertson Rockwell Collins Vernon Rosene Carol Rowland* Dr. Jason & Kelly Schmit Nancy Schoeben* Fred & Lois Schuchmann John* & Amy Sheehan Mary Sheehan Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman Carol Smith* Solon-Andreas Foundation Mary* & Thomas Stanford Eric Suter* Dr. Mark Taylor* Patrick W. Thies* Kristi* & James Thomson Dr. Jean Todd Butterfield University District Dental Society Dr. John & Gretchen Van Heukelom Judy K. Walton* Susan Welsh Helen Wilgenbusch James* & Paula* Willett

$500+ Mary Jo Achey Elaine Adkison Stephanie* & Troy Anderson Kenneth Anderson Sr. Family Marcine Bean* Wilma Blosser Valerie Boddicker* Chris Bolden* Amy* Johnson Boyle & Tim Boyle George & Elizabeth Brownell Connie* & David Buhlman Dr. Regina Butteris* Stan Cadwallader Family Valerie Campbell* Dr. Kenneth & Kay Cearlock Cedar Rapids Television Co. Mary* & Lon Clouse Cockburn Family Trust Carol* & Paul Collingsworth Creighton University Michael* & Paula Cufr Ron & Sharon Cummins

William Dodd Lynn Duve* Tiffany Earl John Ellwood Dave & Maureen Engle Janet* & Louis Ervin Suzanne Felton* Marilyn Flattery Jip Fleming Leland Floyd Joan Franklin* Helen Freeman Dr. Ronald & Corinne Gambach Richard & Nancy Garberson Julie Gilmore* Paula Grahs* Shery Haight Theresa Hamlett* Lori Hampton* Sue A. Harwood* Mary Henry* Kathryn Herring Dorothy Hershner Jennifer Hinz* Matthew* & Dana Hoffnagle Jeremy Hudson* Kimberly Ivester* Gladys Jones Ida Kansky Trust Andrea Kelley* Carmen Kinrade* George Klinger Gail Kucera* Dr. James* & Nancy LaMorgese Dr. Brian* & Cheryl Lindo Joe* & Candy Linn Belle Lipsky Teresa* & Lloyd Ludolph Alicia Luerkens* Myra Lussman Forman Jeannette* & David Mankin Pamelia Mann* Dennis* & Alice Mans Judith McCracken Dr. Jon & Susan McKellar Wayne & Jackie Meier John Meyer * Robert Millage Richard* & Kerrie Miller Chris* & Bruce* Montross Katie Moses* Drs. Ritu & Sandeep Munjal Greg & Debbie Neumeyer Donor Advised Fund of The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Dr. Brady & Michelle Novak Jolene Ott* Jennifer Pallesen* James* & Erin* Pazour Janna Petersen* David Phillips* Peg* & Derrick Pickering

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate



Voices oF GeneroSity

r o C k w e L L C o L L i n s r e t i r e e s h e L P C h i L D r e n C o M M u n i C at e

st. Luke’s wit wer ChiLDren’s theraPy theraPist LynDe boettCher, with Patient, braDy bruCe, roCkweLL CoLLins retiree voLunteers rePresentative terry LaMb anD braDy’s Mother, niki

Thanks to Rockwell Collins Retiree Volunteers (RCRV), children who couldn’t speak now have a new voice. RCRV members not only volunteer their time and talents to help worthy recipients, they also fund a Charitable Grant Program. In 2011, the grant focused on assistive devices for the disabled, and provided $2,000 to St. Luke’s Witwer Children’s Therapy to purchase an Alt-Chat™ device. “Alt-Chat™ is a communication device for children who can’t speak,” said Sharon Hill, Witwer Children’s Therapy manager. “It’s a computer, activated by a touch screen, that generates speech for the child.” Witwer Children’s Therapy is one of the largest outpatient pediatric therapy centers in the state. Staff there provide occupational, physical and speech therapy for children with disabilities. According to Sharon, speech therapists use the Alt-Chat™ to help children with vocal-cord paralysis, coordination issues and other communication problems. “With an Alt-Chat™ device, we can test and evaluate children who may need one of their own to use. It helps clients with reimbursement, since insurance companies are more likely to pay for devices that have been proven to work. It’s been very effective,” said Sharon. “We have several children who have their own units now, and we continue to use it as an evaluative device.” RCRV puts retired Rockwell engineers to work in the community, often designing and building assistive devices for people with disabilities. “We have about 250 volunteers, and in the last two years, we’ve given more than 100,000 volunteer hours,” said John McDonough, community projects team chair for RCRV. John sponsored the Witwer Children’s Therapy grant application. “If someone needs a device to make their lives easier, we’ll design and build it for them.” Witwer Children’s Therapy recently gave Cliff Koop, another Rockwell retiree, its “Excellence in Teamwork” award for generously building specialized equipment for numerous patients for only the cost of materials. “I think when you take care of children, especially children who are vulnerable or disabled, it’s a true measure of the spirit of people who are kind and generous,” Sharon said. “These incredibly committed retirees are really in it for the children. They’re donating their time and they’re doing it for the right reasons.”

$500+ continued Pipe Pro Inc. Laura* & John Rainey Susan Ramm* Dr. Brian Ray* Diane & John Riccolo Paula Roby & Roy Nowers Virginia Rystrom Teresa* & Charles Saxon Marcia* & Thomas Schmidt Cynthia Scovel* Laura Sheahan Patricia Shedek* Kristin Sherwood* Robert & Marilyn Simon Sue* & Ed Slattery Susan R. Smith* Arlene Smith St. John Lutheran Church, Ely Gail* & David Stork Lynn & Mike Sundall Heather Sylvia* Tallgrass Business Resources Mary Tangeman* Susan* & David Tesdahl Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thursday Noon Optimist Club Maxine Van Hamme Connie Vogel Nancy Wallen* Alisha Weber Megan Weber* Jennifer Wilson* Dennis* & Kari Winders Dr. Dennis & Debra Yossi Elaine Young* Janet* & Thomas Zuber $250+ Denise Abel* Floyd Alber Alliant Energy Foundation Robert & Elizabeth Allsop Karen & Alexander Alt Heather Anholt* Dr. Dustin* & Tonya* Arnold Marilyn Aucutt* Lois Bailey* Nancy Baldwin Larie Barker* Cindy Beasley Ann Beem* Benchmark Inc. Angela Berns* Dean* & JoAnn Bleadorn Sandra* & James Bodin Myrt & William Bowers Janet* & David Brown Catherine Brunssen* Leanne Burdick* Judy Burkey Angie Campbell Russel Carne

Bonita Carpenter* Dr. Wesley & Michele Cerveny Diana* & Joe Cira City of Ottumwa Charles* & Judith Cizio Constance Clancey* Linda* & James Cnossen Ramona Cook* Deborah Corrigan* Carol Crump Patricia* & William Dahlsten Julie Desmet* Bobby Dickerson* Joann Dirks Nancy Distler* Jennifer & Daniel Drake Sallie & James Driscoll Penny Dullea* Jean Dunn* Jerry Edmunds* Dr. Rodney & Ruth Erickson Jennifer Eubanks* Anthony* & Debi Fawcett Janette* & Thomas Felts Linda* & Dennis Fitz Terry Franc Karin Frantz* Carol Fridal* Debbra Galland* Terri Grantham* Cynthia* & Francis Grochala Sean Hannah* Charity Hansel Rhonda Happel* Rhonda Harmon* Jayne Hildebrand* Sharon Hill* Dr. Mary Hlavin & Steven Rowe Diane Hoffa* Laura* & Edward Holecek Dorothy Holtz Family Mary Horn* Todd & Cindy Hutcheson Andrea Hutchinson* Iowa Radiology PC Kent* & Joy Jackson Tonya Johnson* G. Richard & Jacqueline R. Johnson Michelle M. Jonas* Tari Jones* Nadine Karlan* Brenda Keller* Frank & Geri Kintzle Harold & Beverley Klink Suzanne Knott Joan & Robert Kocher Michele* & John Kramer April Krum* Michelle Langston* Janet Libe* Shawn Little* Phyllis* & Donald Maeder

Pamela Mahany Dr. Mark Marz Julie McNeal* Carol Meade* Duane Meihost Stacey Mercer* Dick Merritt Linda Meskimen* Mike’s of Alburnett Patrick & Deborah Milke Sally & Ted Miller Mary* & Craig Moline Nancy Murphy* Janice Mussell* Nancy Hart Myers* Mary Myers* Karen* & Michael Newland Marsha Nieland Gordon Nordgren Sue* & Don Novak Joan O’Connor* Brenda Oehler* Kimberly Ohnesorge* Chad Ortgiesen* Debbie Person* Diane Pfeiler* Lois Pienkos Dale Pinnow* Theresa Pint* Elizabeth Pithan* Jim & Marilyn Podgorski Janet* & Dennis Posekany Donna* & Lial Prier Tanner Pump Gwendolyn Randall* Dina Rashid* Drs. Douglas Recker & Heidi Blachley Lisa Reveles* Vicky Richards* Glen Rickey* Debbie Ryan* Marcia* & Donald Sadler Nancy* & Mark Scheumann Emily Schneider* Marie* & Terry Schrock Debbie* & Delvin Schroeder David & Jennifer Schuchmann Carol* & Michael Schueller Lori Schumann* Daniel & Eugenia Schwartz Donna Schwartz Rose Schwichtenberg Deborah Schwiebert* Ann Sealy* Diane Seelau* Kristi Sharp* Diana Siguenza* Nancy & John Skogsbergh Dr. Stephen & Gail Sladek Terry* & Lynn* Smith Marty & Julianne Smith Amanda Smith* Pamela Smith

Sara* & Kent Sodawasser Pamela Sorenson Gary & Susan Speicher St. Stephen’s Church Sheri Svatosch* Dawn Svenson Holland Joan Thaler Julie Thompson* Ju Nean Tracy Cathy Troll Carolyn* & Duane Voshell Denise Walker* Dr. Michael & Nancy Walker Brenda Weber* Janet Webster* Trisha Welsh* Katherine Werling* Amy & Andy White Jenifer White* Scott Whitson* JoBeth* & Dan Wiese Jay & Arlie Willems Jill Wilson* Kelly Wilson* Betty Wittenburg Steven Yahn* Lyle Young Family Dr. Kevin & Shannon Tanner $100+ Les Ackerman James & Ruth Affeldt Lisa* & Charles Ainsworth Nader & Cyrene Ajluni Alice United Methodist Church Annette Allbee* Alorica Dave & Dianne Ameling R. Richard & Linda Anderson Randall Anderson Mary Anderson-Norris* Cheryl Andrews* Apache Hose & Belting Co. Emily Appleton* Jacqueline Aschoff Tammy Asplund* Diane Avis* Dr. Terry Babor Karen* & Charles Bachman Jennie Balcom Stephanie Ballard Kevin Ballard Lorna Barnes William Barnhart Kathleen Barnotes* Clarice Bartz Lawrence & Catherine Basile Virginia Beach Dean & Gale Beer Joan* & Jim Berends Helen Billings Kathy Biwer* Julie* & Randy Bobzien Clarence Boesenberg

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate



$100+ continued Clyde Boldt Trust Darlene Boles Kirsten Both Lillian Grace Booth Michelle Boyd* Janice Brenny Geneva Brock Family Timothy Brodahl Ann & Robert Bromley Robin* & Gary Brown Jerry & Rita Brown Katherine Brown Wes & Holly Bruns Kathryn Brunssen Patricia Bryant David* & Donna Buresh Arvin Burkhardt Sandra* & James Burm Burns Farms Inc./Richard & Judith Burns Shirley Burrell Mark Butschi* Kathleen Byrne* Kathy Bzdill* Doris Cammack Bobbie Caryl* Cedar River Conference Emi Chapman* Kelly Chiafos CIPCO City of Chelsea Clarence Ambulance Service Volunteer Assoc. Inc. Bryan Clark Lawrence Cohn Darwin & Elizabeth Coleman Chelo Collier Joseph Cone Josephine Cook Lori Corey* Sarah* & Kevin Corizzo Richard Cortez Laura Cram* Carol* & Randy Cress Sandra & Robert Cronbaugh Alan Crump Ann Currie* Betty Cushman Armella Dana Dr. Tim & Di Daniels Katie Darling* Craig Davenport Robert & Joye Davidson Mary Davidson* Laura Davis* Faye D. Davis Jennifer Deimler* Kristine DeKlotz Marilyn DeLange Janice Delany Marilynn Demarah Edward & Beverly DeNeve Verna Mae Dennis

Kay Detweiler* Dr. Arthur & Pat Devine Virginia Dietiker* Karee Dietrich* Dr. Anshul Dixit Jerry Dooley* Elizabeth Dowd Ryan Dowden Sherrie Drury Carol Duit* Donald & Marlyn Duncalf John Dwyer Randall & Dodie Easton Kate Ebinger Denise Edgett Debra Edwards Lois & Robert Elkin Brenda Emick-Herring* & Michael Herring Callie* & Will Engelbrecht Dr. Susan Enzle Larry & Marsha Erb Erb’s Technology Solutions Carma Ernster* Laurel Estes Kay* & Errol Everett Beverly* & Tim Faber Jeanna* & Kenneth Fagle Charles & Carol Fairbanks Fairfax State Savings Bank Velma Faler* Kerri Feldhaus* Bill Feldhaus* Susan Feldmann* Linda Feller Claire Fernow Dr. Richard & Janice Fiester Deanna Fillenworth* Norman & Carol Fisher Flowerama Karen Fordyce William Freeburg Whitney Frost* Paula Fry* Eugene Frye Douglas Fuller Ann Funke* Lori Gaster* Stuart & Theresa Gerdes Dr. Daron & Patricia Gersch Julie Giesmann Give With Liberty Esther Glenn H. Nick & Kary Gloe Richard E. & Janet Glynn Wendy Goldsmith Kathleen & David Good Sheryl Goodnight Laverna Goughnour Johnny Granquist Scott Gregoire William Griffin Cheryl & Thomas Grinna Chad Gruis*

Cynthia Gunther Mary Ann Gureno* Guttmacher Institute Bernice Haehlen Carol Haendler* Irene & Lester Haerther Nancy Hagensick* Jeremy Hague* Alyssa Hague* Zola Hallberg* Barbara Hamer* Bruce & Beth Hammell Robert Hampton Rose Hanzelka William Haro* Terry & Elaine Harrington Linda & John Harris Anita* & Jim Haughenbury Susanne Hays Katie Heath* Sally Hedges Sarah Hefflefinger* Teresa Hegland* Lisa & Jeff Henderson Jean Herger Linda Herman Billy Heeren Philip & Susan Hershner Rita Hill Dr. Michael & Nancy Hirleman Charles & Freida Hite Anthony & Susan Hlas Dr. Richard* & Stephanie Hodge Bradley Hoeppner* C. Dean & Kay Hoffman Jacqueline & Dennis Holloway Ruth Holm Brad Holsinger Cynthia* & Cody Lee Homewood Kathy Homire* Roxanne Hoover Lori Horak* Walter & Nancy Horn Donna* & Robert Hospodarsky Jennifer Houlihan* Nancy Houtz* Louis Houtzager Family Lisa Hughes* Sara Huilman* Merlin & Darlene Hulse Gingie Hunstad Jayne Iben* Brenda Inman* Carol Ireland* Robyn Jahlas* Rich & Diane* Jamrok Brittney Jansen* Kaj Jensen* Teresa Johnson* Rev. Phil Jorgensen* Sharon Judge* Marilene* & Richard Julich

John & Patricia Kadlec Wanda Kaiser Scott Kallemeyn* Dawn Kannenberg Merry Kelley Janet Kelly Elaine Kemmerer* Virginia Kent Kathy Kilbourn Shari* & Jay King Jenny Kirstein* Sandy Klein* Patricia & Karl Knutson Richard Kohl Marjorie & Richard Koolbeck Emil Koval Dr. Dennis & Karen Kral Pat Krekeler Tara* & Brian Kress Vickie Kriz* Kenneth Krizan Kathleen Krumrei* Randy Kuehl Kathy Kuntz* Diane Kutzko L.L. Pelling Co. Joan Lacayo* Tony LaJeunesse Dr. Carlton Lake Lisa Lambi* Leah Lander Dennis Lang* Late Bloomers Sandra Lathrop* Sarah Laucamp* Judith Lebeda Harold Leclere Family Dr. Teresa Mee-Ling Lee Lisa Lehmkuhl* Ken & Pat Lehr Patricia Lemon Joseph Leone* & Barbara Berns* Jami Letourneau Dr. Steve & Barcey Levy Rebecca Little Donald Lodge Karen Loeffler* Lori Lohff* Kristine Long* Cynthia Lower* Catherine Loy* Ruby Lubbock Family Sharon Lucas* Lynch Dallas PC Brent & Mitzi Magid Sheryl Manchester* Kathie Manderscheid* Dr. Farid & Sousan Manshadi Marion Policemen’s Protective Association Maureen Marks Kerstin Marnin* Enid Martin

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate

Patricia* & Robert Martin Tracie & John Maurice Dennis Mauss* Terry Mayo Dr. Stephen & Denise Maze Dr. C. Chris Mbaeri Shirley McCloy* Maureen McEvoy* Carol McGrath* Barbara* & Donald McKinney Catherine McMahon Grant James McVay Sandy McVey* James Mead Judith Meeks* Drs. Janet Merfeld & Kevin Murray Debra Mescher* W. Carolea Miller Jack & Linda Minder Cathy Mineck* Anita Minor Cathy Misfeldt* Joy Mitchell* Joni Moeller* Maxine Moes Family Megan* & Richard Moffitt Terry Moffitt Brian & Tina Monroe Robert Moore* Clara Moore Edith & Phillip Moorhead Dennis & Mary Mulford Rose Mary Muller Murdoch Funeral Homes Morris & Betty Neighbor Linda Neilsen Roger & Mary Newland Lumir & Norma Newmeister Allan J. & Vicki* D. Nimmer Crystal Nodurft* Dr. Ted* & Kristin Noring Northridge Family Medicine Deb Novak Susan Novak* Lois Novak* Alicia Novak Nancy Novotny* Valerie Obadal* Linda Oberbroeckling* James Oberreuter Vince & Michele* O’Connor Dianne Olinger* Carrie Olmstead* Scott & Penny Olson

Judy Olson Debra Olson Jennifer Oltmanns* Sandra Ong* Dr. Merlin & Ruth Ann Osborn John Osland Rashid Othman Theresa Otto Our Savior’s Women of the ELCA Karen* & Brent Pahl Darrell & Lois Paulsen David & Ruth Pearson Corey & Holly Peiffer Ann Peitzman Marshall & Jennifer Petersen Julie* & Randy Peterson Tammy Peterson* Shirley* & Timothy Philipp Dr. Debra Piehl Karen Pierce* Carolyn Pigott Rosberg Van Pike Lynn & Daniel Pilkenton Edwin Plesek Estate Rhonda Plourd Dr. Joseph & Susan Pollpeter Lorri Prasil-Holcomb* Marlyne Preusser Virginia Pugh Robert Ramey Clair Ramlo Dale & Caryl Rammelsberg Karen Ratz* Susan Rauch Linda Razo* Red Hat Mommas Dr. James & Beverly Reinertson Hon. David & Betsy Remley Arlene Reyman John Reynolds Sarah Rheinschmidt Sister Rosemary Riesburg Wayne & Loralyn Riley Stephen Rinderknecht Richard & Jerilyn Ring Jerry Ringer Robert Risdale Michael Robinson* Merle & Mary Lou Robinson Dr. Jennifer Robinson Dr. John* & Beth Roof Dr. Dennis* & Darcey Rosenblum Milton Ross Catherine Ross-Garron*

Sally Rowley Marcia Rudd Sharon Rullkoetter Paul Sale Tammy Sampson* Debra* & Jerry Sanders Martha Sarles Dr. Michael & Tess Saunders Dr. Denise Schavey Joe & Lynda Schimberg Marcia Schmatt* Jeanne* & Gary Smith Matt Schmitz* Robert Schreckengast* Keith & Justine Rae Schulte Makenzie Schultz Katherine Schwartzhoff* Jeffrey Schweitzer* Cathy Scott* Barbara Searcy John & Joan Seeck Joyce* & Carl Sefl Richard Seiler Jr.* Elizabeth Semotan* William Severa Arlene* & Wayne Shaw Robert Sheffler Dr. James & Laureen Sheronick Julie Shimek Barbara Shoemaker Debra Showalter Dawn Sickert* Debra* & David Siggins Marilyn Sippy Roger & Mirian Sirowy Joanne Slaughter* Don & Coletta Slezak Shawn Snitkey* Carol & Martin Snyder Ida* & Peter F. Martin Sorensen Connie Spicher* Donna Spilker* Daryl & Susan Spivey St. Luke’s Medical Records & Clinical Coding Elizabeth Standefer* Robert Steen Mark* & Sandra* Steinberg Leigh Ann & Paul Stewart William Stewart Todd Stiles* Darcy Stoll* Storm Steel D. Kay Stowers Tara Strang* Anne* & Dan Strellner Harold Suchanek Kathy Swanson*

Carla Tadlock* Susan Tait* Elwin Tanner Frank & Anna Teffer Richard & Nancy Thomas Leonard & Diane Thompson Diane Thompson* Bette Thornburg* Jeffrey & Kathy* Thorsteinson Dr. Shannon* & Robert Throndson Terry & Bernadette Tiede





erb’s teChnoLoGy soLutions Gives QuietLy but GenerousLy We’re grateful to every local business and corporate sponsor that supports St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation, especially those like Erb’s Technology Solutions, which exemplifies a commitment to improving our community. “It’s always been extremely important to us to get involved in our community,” said Mike Brogan, Erb’s president and CEO. “When we were presented with the opportunity to support St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation, it was very clear to us the influence our involvement could have. We didn’t want to support a cause just to say we did— which is why we continue to donate. We see a genuine relationship with St. Luke’s and understand the benefits and value in having good healthcare partners.” A donor since 1981, Erb’s has given thousands of dollars to a variety of St. Luke’s causes. Especially significant to Erb’s are their contributions to the newborn intensive care unit (NICU), where many employees have experienced its benefits firsthand. “There have been a number of Erb’s families that have seen the likes of the NICU, and all the wonderful things it’s capable of,” Mike said. An active supporter of many Cedar Rapids causes, the 50-year-old, locally owned technology company took a dynamic role in flood recovery in 2008, inviting flood-displaced businesses to use Erb’s as a temporary worksite. Erb’s sees great value in supporting community healthcare as well. “St. Luke’s has made our community, the health of our community and the lives of everyone in our community a priority,” Mike said. “We want to see our community flourish and we want to support areas that help do that. When we contribute to the Foundation, we are confident our donations are being utilized in a way that’s beneficial for everyone involved.” We’re very grateful for corporate partners like Erb’s. We couldn’t do what we do without their generosity. And, as Mike said, “At the end of the day, good healthcare partners make our community a stronger one.” Gary Denison, JiM koCh anD kevin torner froM erb’s teChnoLoGy soLutions, with aManDa Guttau anD her twins in the niCu

$100+ continued Robert Toborg Mary* & Steve Trumpold LuAnn Urlaub* Brenda Valenta* Rosanne Vancura* James & Barbara Vancura Vaughn & Bernice Hartzell Estate Jodi* & Don Volesky Dennis Wachal* Dr. Richard & Laura Walton Sharon Ward Amanda Ware* Dr. Michael Warner John Warren & Jean Treder Jim & Jo Wasta Watkins Savings Bank Rhonda & Joe Watton Gerald & Agnes Weber Dr. Jerome & Carol Wehr Catherine Weig* LaRae Wenzel* Dr. Gilbert & Mary Wessel Western Fraternal Life Association Beverly Weyland* Dolores White Ross & Shirley Wiley Paul & Gail Williams Melea Willson* Patti Wilson* Mahlon Wilson Ann Wilson-Grant & Daniel Grant Karen Woeste* Sheri Wolfe* Michelle Wood* Kimberly Woods* Ruth Woods James & Harlene Woodson Sara Wright* Ruth Wurster Judy Ylvisaker* Gerald & Rae Zahradnik Patti Zessin* Van & Julie Zimmer Julie* & Brian Zimmerman John* & Ann Zlabek Velma Zumback Below $100 A W Welt Ambrisco Insurance Daniel Abel* Robert & Gretchen Abeling Linda Abernathey Colleen Abodeely* Norma Abou Raad* Autumn Achenbach Paula Adams* Patricia Adney* Nancy Africa Amy A’Hearn Beth A’Hearn*

Ronald & Nancy Ahrens Doralee Ainsworth Alice Akers Julie Akers* Judy & Darrell Akers Linda Alanko Kevin Albers Wayne Aldrich* Carol Allen William & Kelly Allen Lois Allen Pat Alvernaz Kristine Ambroson* Lauren Ameling Jayne Ament* Connie* & Steven Ament Theresa Andersen Janice Anderson Brenda Anderson John & Joyce Anderson Katherine Anderson Debra* & Richard Anderson Megan Andresen* Cheryl Anthes Jolee Arensdorf* Mary Ann Aringdale Velma Armstrong Beverly Armstrong Alisha Armstrong* Karen Arnold Carrie Aschenbrenner* William & Patricia Ask J.L. Atkinson Patricia Auman Linda Ayoki* Dave Baburek Jr. Laverne & Ann Bagley Kristi Bahl* Kathryn Bailey Mary* & Charles Bailey Deborah Ballard Bill & Glenda Balsanek Jolene Balvanz Robinn Bardell* Celeste Barkley Robert & Judy Barnard Francis & Lola Barrick Mary Barron Cindy Bartels* Carolyn Baughman David Baukol Kirby Baumgard Kevin Bebout Christine Becicka Patricia* & Gregory Beck Carma Lou Beck Cindy Becker* Kevin & Deb Becker Ruth Beckley Brian Been Angela Beik* Pauline Belding Rozella Belfield Patsy Bell

Kimberly Bell* John & Cheryl Bell Jill Beltramea* Elizabeth Beltz Sandra Bender Sean Bennett* Susan Benters Maily Berg Sue Berger Robert Bergman Verle & Mary Bergum Lissa Bern Mary Anne Berry* Janet Berry Beta Sigma Phi Bethany Lutheran Church Connie BeVard* Kristin Biedermann* Steven Bierschenk Janet Billerbeck Sandra Bills* Catherine Bilskie Virgil & Audrey Birdsell Debbie* & Marshall Bjornsen Rachel Blackford* Nancy* & Lonnie Blackwell Blair House Owners Association Inc. Dan & Jolene Blanchard Donna Blaser* Bret Blaylock* Michele Blaylock* Marilyn Bledsoe Rita Block* Kathy Blok Mary Ann Blumer Nola Bodensteiner* Lynde Boettcher* Jackie Bonebrake Wayne Borchsenius Sheryl Bosch* John & Phyllis Botkin Jenny Botsford* Kay Bottelman* Debra Boyd Blake & Jane Boyer Dian Boysen Frank & Mary Bozanek Douglas Brady* Freda Brandt Todd Bransky Deborah Breeden Jill Breidenbach Sarah Breidert George & Mary Briggs Susan Bright Rebecca Brimeyer* Julie Brook* Raymond & Irma Brown Helen Brown Judith Brown Raymond Brown Kenneth & Charlotte Brown Colleen Brown*

F. Wallace Brown Walter & Martha Bruce Marcella Bruns E.M. & Ardyce Brunsting Betty Bruyn Peter & Jo Ann Bryant Amee Bumba* Sheryl Buol* Dorea Burkamper Cathy Burke* Dorothy Burkhart Brooks Burkhart Susan Burns* Teresa Burns Pamela Burrack* Juanita Bush Donald & Margot Buss Richard* & Donna Butikofer Barbara Byas William Byrne Claudia Cahalan Shelley Cahalan* Diane Cail Jill* & Gary Caldwell Pam Caldwell* Kimberly Calef Dennis Callas* Jo Ann & Robert Cantwell Virginia Carkhuff Cheryl & Kurtis Carlson Wendell & Violet Carlson Donn Carnal David Carpenter Marilyn Carpenter Jeanette Carson* Jana Carson Suzanne Carter Maryanne Carter Betty Carter* Bill & Judy Cash Dennis & Pat Casner Brett Caspers Melody Cassidy Mary Chaffee Eleanor Chalupsky Michelle Cherry Chris Chicchelly Donivan & Helen Childers Christ Episcopal Church Laura Christen* Juliann Christensen Carol Christensen Sheli Christianson* Latonya Christopher Janet Chrystal Gary & Sharon Ciha Walletta Claasen Sheri Clapp* Paulette* & Robert Clark Richard Clark Harold & Carol Clark Joyce Clark Elizabeth Clarke Donald Claussen

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate



Below $100 continued Jason Cleppe* Pamela Coats* Pamelia Cohn* Linda Cohrt Douglas Cohrt Maria Cole Margaret Cole* Leanne Collins Gisela Compton Laurel Condon Joyce Conley Diana Connelly Phyllis & Roger Conrad Florence Constable Sarah Contreras* Robin Cook* Denise Cook* Deanna Cook* Mary Coon * Marilyn Coonrod Joan Copper* Julie Drew Corpstein Shelley Cotton Vickie Covington* Carol Cowan Randy Cox Jane Craig Luann Crawford Patricia & Dale Cress Christine Croghan* Kenneth Cross Linda* & Dennis Crouse Shelley Crumes* Rene Crumley* Richard & Dixie Crump Renee Cudworth* Daniel & Renee Cudworth Joy Cummings* Shirley Cummings Donna Cunningham*

Custom Hose & Supplies Inc. John & Betty Cuthbertson Walter & Marjorie Daft Dan & Ann Dall Carol Dalton Lawrence & Ona Danker Judith Darling* Diana Daskalos Corcoran* Duwayne & Jennie Davidson Donna Davis* Bibkubwa Davis Sandra Davis* Jean Davison Arlene Dayhoff Carolyn Deady Laura Decker* Jane Deets Rollis & Shirley Deetz Roxanne Delany* Carrie Dempsey* Gerald & Janice Denehy Joseph Dennert Clinton & Joyce Dennis Eva Denny* Mary Dettmer Meri DeVore Todd & Rebecca Dickinson Cathy Dickinson Paula Diers* Tammy* & Kevin Dietrich Nancy Digmann Dolores Dilger* Irene Dirks Michelle Divoky* Margaret Doermann Roger & Barbara Dolan Rena Dombrosky Keary Donaldson Margret Donnelly Maria Donovan*

Robyn Dorf Robert & Teresa Doubek Ann Doyle Teresa Doyle* Rae Jean Draper Lindsey Drew Cynthia Drew Kimberly Driscoll* Barbara Driscoll Anita Dubisher Darlene & Harold Duckett Cynthia Duda* Hollis & Virginia Duecker Debra Duff Renato Dulay Justin Dunn Shannon & DeLane Duval Barbara Dvergsten Carla Dye Dr. Douglas & Cynthia Easker East Tennessee State University Glenn & Grace Ebert Diane Eckenrod Barbara & George Edaburn Janet Eden* Allan & Marcia Edwards Anne & Christopher Edwards Wanda Edwards Clarence Edwards III Elizabeth & James Efting Barbara Eggleston Kristine Egli* Ashley Eiben* Luella Eichhorn Diane Eimen Dawn Eitel Jennifer Eley* Ann Elliott Gary & Denise Ellis Charles & Anna Ellis Donna Jo Elsner*

Gwen ranDaLL Director, Education and Organizational Development MarGaret sears Past President, St. Luke’s Auxiliary MiChaeL Cufr Chief Pilot, Lifeguard

russeLL r. wasenDorf Jr. Vice President, Peregrine Charities

Michael & Carolyn Elwood Charles Emig Christy Engledow* Leigh Enneking Kathryn Entwisle* Susan Epps Judithe Ernst Shelley Evans* Karen Everman* Amy Everson* Leigh Faaborg* Monica Farmer* Gary & Karen Farmer Harvey & Bonnie Fascher Susan Faulkner* Edward & Kaye Feddern Julie Felderman* Vickie Feldmann* Janet Feuerbach Aleda Feuerbach Cheryl Fiala Randall Fiedler Susan Finley* Rita Finn Joyce Finn-Dirks* Verna First* Faye Fisher Jackie Fisher* Mary Jean Fisher Mike & Anne Fitzharris Anne Fitzpatrick Carol Flack Donald Flack Jr. Christine Flesner* Tracy Fliger Roger & Marian Flink James Florence Greg Floyd Holly Flynn* Teri Ford* Amy Foreman*

Mary henry Physician Relations and Recruitment

Forrest T. Jones & Company Christina Fortmann* Edward Fosselman* Raymond Fossman John & Bonnye Fowler Barry Francois Matt & Tammy Frank Donald & Patricia Franzenburg Chris Frederikson Alma Freeman Ellen Freeman Verda Freese Family Genevieve Freeseman Kathleen French John Frey Robert & Ethel Jean Freymark Nicole Fridley* Rosemary Frost Sara Fry Sharon Fuller Brandy Furler* Dale & Helen Fye Ruth Gaede Adeline Gaimari Eugene Gaines Susan Gambrel Susan Garber Patricia Garwood Deborah Gates* Dorothy Gee Lois Geist Daniel Geistkemper* Gene Gerber* Marilyn Gerhold* Faye Gerner Dorothy Gerr* Colleen Gibbins Katherine Gigous Carolyn Gilbert David Gilbertson Jerry & Janet Gilland P.D. Gilpin Douglas Gissel Kelly Glass* Cindy Glass* Rowanne Glawe* Margery Glick Susan Godley Lori Goedecke* Cindy Goerdt Dennis & Karla Goettel Steven Goettel Julie Gollobit Patricia* & Ron Gonder Sela Gonlubol* Gwen Good Sandra Good Sue Gordon Connie Gottschalk Sheryl Gould Anthony Govea Steve & Rose Goyke Margaret Grassfield Lisa Grawe*

Arthur Gray Paula Gregoire* Lisa Greif Mary Jayne Greif Theresa Grieder* Martha Griffith Debra Grobstich Tom Gross Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. Donald* & Angela Gudenkauf Stacy Guertin* Theresa Gustaveson* Arleen Haas Jean* & Paul Hachey Sandra Hackney* Lynda Haddy* Mary Hajek* Michael Halferty Vernon & Margaret Hall Donald & Karen Ham Richard & Margaret Hamed Margaret Hamilton* Tim Hamlett Dorothy Hand Martha* & Robert Handley Mary Handy Charles Handy Sandra Hanna David & Beverly Hannon Dianne Hannum* Mary Hansen* Dorothy Hansen* Elfrieda Hansen* John & Barb Hanzelka Lester & Alma Happel Donald & Janice Happel Joyce Harban* Margaret Hardesty Beverly Harms Harold Harrington* Lendell Harris Phyllis Harris* Greg & Paula Hart Heather Hasley* Ronald Hauge Jennifer Haverly* Brad Havran David Hawker B. Hawkins Karen Hawley Carol & Janet Hayek Carolyn Hayes* James Healy Roger & Connie Heard Eric & Ann Hearn Kay Ann Heck Nancy Heckle Lance Heeren Sarah Hefel* Jessica Heidt* Stephen Heims Everett Heitshusen Goldie Helgens Dr. John & Laura Hemann

Kenneth & Doris Henderson Esther Henderson Mary Henderson Patricia Hendrickson Elenor Hentzler Charles & Susan Hepker Sharon Herring Dorothy Herrington Cassandra Herschman* Robert Hess Marie Hess La Rae Heyl Linda Hickey Brenda Hildebrand Nancy Hildenbrand* Dorothy Hinman Blanche Hinton* Marilyn Hiscock Esther Ann Hite Donald Hlas Joseph Hlavacek Kristine Hollander* Janice Holm Rhonda Holtkamp* Alice Holtz Honkamp Krueger & Company Ashley Hopkins Kate Hopp* Lucille Horman Charlene Horstman Donna Hoskinson* Dr. David & Betty Jo Hoyt Iona Hrdlicka Rebecca Hubbs Karen Huber Jane Hubler Wanda Hucker Patrice* & Greg Hudson Mary Huffman* Janice Huggins Sandra* & Terrance Hughes Barbara Hughes Penny Hughes Sally Hunt* Susan* & Earl Hunter Phyllis Hunwardsen Robin Hynek* IBEW Local #1362 Jean Imoehl S. Ingles Lois Irwin Jeanne Isaacs Peggy Jackson Andrea Jackson Teresa Jamison Richard & Marvel Jean Janko Ray Janko Megan Jantscher* Irene Jass Rick Jedlicka Lavon Jellison Mindy Jellison* Michelle Jennings Pamela Jennings

Teresa Jensen* Jerry & Jeanette Jessop Becky & Alex Johnson Douglas Johnson* Elaine Johnson Cheryl Johnson* Kay Johnson Jennifer Johnson Thomas Johnson Earl Johnson Donald Johnson Annalou Johnson Lisa Johnston* Linda Jones Daniel & Nancy Jones Edmund Jones Bridget Joyce* Steven & Rhonda Juehring David & Dixie Jurgens Deann Jurgensen* Duane & Nancy Jurgensen George Justice Margaret Kacena Sharon Kadlec Donald & Florence Kadlec Gerry Kahler Kenneth & Linda Kaiser Emil & Betty Kapucian Julie Karlan* Donald Katuin Russell & Betty Kauffman Carole Keegan Rebecca Keeton Cynthia Kehl Becky Keiper* Donald & Barbara Keiper Irvin & Dolores Keiper Nicole Kelchen* Jessica Kelly* Judith Kelly Sharon Kelly Gail Kennedy Cathy Kennedy* Nancy Kennedy* Tony & Susan Kennicott Don & Cathy Kensinger Bettymae Ketelsen Joyce King* Don & June King Dr. Heather & Robert Kingus Rosemary Kinley James Kisling Amy Kitterman Tindal* Diane* & Douglas Kladivo Tim Kleiman Clara & Thomas Kleiman Breana Klein* Katherine & Nicholas Klein Janice Klein Cynthia Klima* Carol Kline M. Pauline Kloos Susan Klopfenstein* Catherine Klub*

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate



teD townsenD stanDs in front of st. Luke’s waLL of honor in the hosPitaL’s a avenue Lobby



Day in and day out, St. Luke’s associates live our mission. This is demonstrated in the care they provide and their personal generosity to St. Luke’s. In 2011, over 1,100 associates gave more than $280,000 to our associate annual giving campaign, called iCare. This was an increase over the giving in 2010 of more than $24,000. The 2011 iCare campaign focused on raising funds for our community’s first Hospice Inpatient Unit. Our associates are obviously passionate about creating a Hospice Inpatient Unit – their dedication goes beyond the bedside. I hear stories every day about the great care associates provide, and that makes me proud. I am also proud of their generous spirit.

Ted Townsend St. Luke’s President and CEO

Dr. reGina butteris Medical Director, Child Protection Center Pat thies Director, Pharmacy

PeG braDke Director, Heart Services

sCott whitson Physician IT Services CarMen kinraDe Director, Nursing Operations

Below $100 continued Sharon Knapp Mary Knee* Carol Knight* Darlene Knussman Donna Knutson Dr. David & Sarah Kobliska David Kobliska Doris Kocher Dr. Julie Koch-Womer Samuel & June Koehler Daniel & Diana Kroeze Deanna Kohlhaas* Kevin Komenda* Carolyn Krafka Arlene Krafock Ashley Kramer* Susan* & David Kramer Delores Krancus Annette Kray* Marvin Krehbiel Jill Kreitman* David & Diane Krejci Jayne Kremer* Janice Kriegel* Lia Kroeze Antonia Kroeze Margaret Krolak Sharon Krousie* Kara Krueger Theodore & Margaret Kubicek Sherry Kuehl Barbara Kuenstling Nancy Kuhn* Dorothy Kula Lesta Kulhavy* Mary & Michael John Kundert Julie Kunkel Charles & Carol Kunstorf John & Anne Marie Kuntz Charlotte Kuriger April Kurovski Anita Kurth Carrie Kyte* Patricia Laetare Robin Lafave* Thomas & Kay Lammers Ian Lamphier Lucy Lancaster Patricia Landt Jennifer Lange* Sarah Lange* Kristina Lange* Amanda Langfitt* Adella Langreck Rachel Langston* Scott & Kimberly Lanning Dawn Lansing* Jeanette & Jack Larson Patricia Larson Sven & Carol Larson James & Glenda Lawson Julia Lebeda* Diana Lee*

Kathryn* & Lars Lee Rosemary Leesekamp Gary & Carol Lehman Diana Lehmkuhl Daniel Lehn Meghan Leibold* David Leigh Debra Lekin Susan Leonard Janet Lesan Alyssa Levisay* Marcia Lewis* Darlene Lidvall Betty Lietz Cynthia Linder* Shirley Linder Dana Lindsey-Ballas* Gerald Lindstrom Edward & Edna Lingo Joyce Lins Marc & Julie Lins William Littrell Marva Livengood Donald & Connie Lochner Carolyn* & Ron Lochner Merlyn Jo Lockert Lisa Lode* David & Joanne Lodge Marilyn Lodge Anne & Edward Loeb Lisa Loesch* Charity Loffer* Nicole Loftis* Donna Logsdon* Melissa Loney Gail Long Wanda Long Michael & Barbara Long Diana Long* Bertha Long Mary Ann Long* Patricia & Jack Lowe Joyce Lubbers Virginia Luchauer Eleanor Luckel Ann Luedtka Orva Luke Lori Lutsch* Harold & Dixie Lutz Deborah* & Douglas MacDougall Hilda* & Carl Machula Adrianne Mackey Nadine Mackey Jessica Mackey* Kathleen Maddigan Marilyn Magid Amy Magner* Ellen Magnifico Kelly Mahoney* Gail Maiers* Jane Majzel* Mary Ann Malecek Melody Malek

Dorothy Malek Constance Malmer William Manely* Linda Marple Dr. Donald & Nancy Marquardt Paula Marshall Darrel & Bonita Martin Laurence & Marjory Martin Reyna Martinez-Narhi* Daniel Martinson Julia Martinusen Kay Mase Nichole Mason* Kimberly Mason* Maria Mathis John & Barb Matias Dr. James Matsuda* Kimberly Matteson* Dean Maus* Michelle Maus* Corliss May* Eldon & Denise McAfee Larry McBurney James & Laurie McClain Richard McClain Nancy McCleeary Marcia McClintock* Jennette McClurg Karen McCommis* Jon & Sheri McCright Joy* & David McCulla John McDonough Gary McEowen* Kathy McGowan Becky McGraw* John & Sharon McIntosh Marilyn McKenna Vern McKenzie Margaret McKone* Linda McLarty Michele McMullan* Jim McMurray Cletus & Olga McNamara Julie McNulty* Lucille McNutt* Rita Meade* George Meaney Mary Means* Donna Meeks James & Christine Meggers Melvin Meggers Michael Mehegan Linda Meier Stoner* Kimberly Melheim* Leona Melhus Mary Ann & James Mente Judy Merchant Ardith Merritt Joan Merryman Brian Messer Jon* & Jennifer* Metzen Valarie Meyer* Henry & Mildred Meyer Leslie Meyer

Edward Meyer J. Paul & Linda Meyeraan Andrew Meyers Nancy Meyn Esther Miceli Doreen Michel* James & Judith Midcalf Sue Milius* Deborah Miller* Earl & Dorothy Miller Alvin Miller Deb* & James Miller Wendy Miller* Jim & Katie Miller Sandra Miller* Arlene & Earl Miller Dr. Connie Miller Ruth* & Rick Miller Leanne Miller Kerri Miller* Sidney Milligan Vincent Mills Teresa Mims* Mary Minear Sarah Mineck* Marilyn Minor Dr. Glen Miska Debra Mitchell* Mary Mitchell* Mary Mittag Terry Mixdorf Melissa Moeller* Donna Moenk* Susan Moershel* Linda Mohr Stephen & Diane Montgomery Lori & Ian Montgomery Mary Montour* Cleo Montross The Family of Kenneth & Ruth Montz Debra Moore* Connie Moore* Brenda Moore Jennifer Schilling Moore Joe & Annette Moore The Moore Family Georgia Moorman* Barbara Moorman* Tami Mora* Paula Moran* Mary Morgan* David Morgan* Teri Morgan Heather Morris Jill Morris* Janet Morris Jay & Barbara Morrissey Mount Vernon Ace Hardware Dr. Stevan & Louise Mowrey Antoinette Mukakabanda Michael Mulford Dr. Katie Mulholland Ben Munoz

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate



Below $100 continued Marlyce Murdoch Mary Murphy Jessica* & Michael Musil Ron & Donna Mustaine Debra Nachazel* Barbara Nannelli* Bill Nash* Donald & Grace Nau Ernest Nauman Sarah Neff Nancy Nelson* John Nelson Jeffrey & Julie Nelson Elizabeth Nelson* Bethene Nelson Louis & Jennie Netolicky Janice Netolicky Thomas Neuhaus Mary & Clifford Newman Patricia Newman* Allen Newton Diane Nichols* Linda Niebes John Niebuhr Jackie Niemier* Jayne Nirschl* Mary Noland Houtz* Rosann Nolte* Susan & Jon Novak Roy Null Joan O’Boyle Patricia Odegard Erin O’Dell* Patricia O’Donnell Carol & Charles Oehler Anna Oetker* Tamatha Ogden* Juliana Oglesby* Greg Olbekson Deborah Oldakowski* Olmstead-Kirk Paper Company Sheldon & Betty Olsen Vicki Olson Jennifer Olson Judith Orban Dr. Paul & Peggy Orcutt Shannon Orton* Oscar’s Restaurant Karen* & Ralph Osenbaugh Gaylord & Barbara Osmundson Terri Overman* Jennifer Owens Nancy Palmer Robert Panek* Mark & Lisa Pannkuk Stephanie Parker* Nancy Pasker Donald & Janet Patschke Linda Patterson* Audrey Patton Lisa Paulos Gary & Holly Paulsen Robert & Mary Pavlicek

Margaret Paxton Cathy Peddicord* Rosemary & Raymond Penningroth PepsiCo Foundation Renee Perlwitz* Jay Perry Larry* & Marilee Peters Randy Peters Lynette Petersen Julie Petersen Maureen Petersen Robert Phillips Kristine Phipps* Benjamin Phipps* Edward & Carol Pickart Ann Pickford Becky Pierce* Genna Pierson* Jane* & Richard Pike John* & Mary Pilkington Catherine Pilkington* John & Anne Pilling Ruth Pilsbury Karla Pisarik* Joyce Pochobradsky* Shawn & Patricia Poggemiller Delmar & Lenore Polhman Cynthia* & John Pospisil Roxann Pospisil* Kelly Pottebaum* Sandra Pounds John Powell Megan & Scott Power Thomas Prescott Wendy Preston Tommy & Tina Price Sandra Prichard Wanda & Nicholas Pristash Lois Prosser* Robert & Loretta Prostine Nancy Pruin* Kristine* & Fredrick Purdy Allen Purdy Angi Quam* Jay Quimby Nevin Raber Kari Raiche Cathy Rammelsberg* Robert Ramoska Sharon Ramsay Janet Ramstad* Brooke Randall* Susan Randall Arlys Rathje Cheryl Raub* Harlan Raus Dorothy Ray* Robert Rayman Anthony Razo Helen Read Don Reck Tawnya Reed* Elmer Reedy

Jo Ann Reese Denise Rehmke Brenda Reich* Barbara Reicks John Reid Jr. Lu Anne Reifschneider Irwin Renfer Evelyn & Roy Reuter Teresa Reuter* Suzanne Revers Bernadine Rhinehart Tina Rice* Kendra Rice* Kathy Rice* Caprice Rich* Bobbi Rich Heidi Richards* Dennis Richardson Thelma Richardson Kay Ricklefs* Evelyn Riedesel Sharon & Duane Riha Janet & James Riley Michael Rinehart Laura Riniker* Ellen Rink Katharine Risk Cathy Risse Alma Ritonya Cody Ritter Joyce Roberts* Diana Robertson Connie* & William Robinson Ronald Robinson Matthew* & Shelley Rocca Rachel Roder* Dean & Debra Roggow H. Kristen Roland John & Karen Roltgen Linda Roney* Ila Rooks Holly Rosauer* Mary & Robert Ross Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Ruth Rothrock Brandie Rowley* Sarah Rowley* Mary Sue Rozek Rosemary Russell* Patricia Ryan Shaunette Ryan* Carolyn* & Clem Ryan Ryan Companies US Inc. Lila Sabin Tom Safley Anne Salamon* Mary Kay Salmon Nadine Salwey* Joseph Sample Leslee Sandberg Carol Sauer* Diane Saunders Beth Schaefer Harold & Joyce Schaefer

Glen & Christine Schanbacher Charles & Jo Ann Scheer Elmer Scheetz Dale Schellhorn Alissa & Daryl Schepanski Marilyn & Dennis Schipper Jerry Schlesselman Barbara Schlitzer Steven & Georgia Schmickle Linda Schmidt Jean Schmidt James & Susan Schmidt Kyla Schminke* Lewis Schmitt Don Schmitz Jennifer Schneekloth* Patricia Schneider* Gerald Schneiter Amy Schneiders* Mary Schoop Maxine Schott Cory & Rachel Schrank Dr. Thomas & Barbara Schroeder Pearl Schuldt Adrian Schulte* Melvin & Marjorie Schulte James & Sue Schultz Sylvia Schulzetenberg Darwin* & Jean Schuttloffel Andrea Schwake* Jean Schwegler Janelle Schweitzer* Everett Scott Vance Scovel* Colleen Seaman Johanna Secl* Jenna Sedlacek* David See Tom & Julie Seedorff Patricia Seger Kristen* & Jerry Sehr Kathryn Sellers Scott & Sheila Semler Jill Sempf Jeanne & Richard Sentman Greg Serbousek* Richard & Avis Serovy Ward Seufferlein* Eugene Severson Frank Seydel Wilma Shadle Nancy Shaffer Rhonda Shaffer* Jennie Shanklin* William Shebetka Karmen Shedenhelm Jennifer* & Thomas Sheka Carol Sheneberger* Barbara Sherman Debbie & Ken Sherwin Debra & Ronald Shields Melvyn Shoemaker Jeanette Sholes*

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate

James & Joyce Shover Rebecca Shukers Tina Shuvo* Susan Siddell ArloAnn Sieck Katie Sievert* Karla* & Randall Simmen Nina Simmons* Luann Simon Harry Simonsen Deb Simpson* Karen Sindlinger Linda Singelstad Robert Sion Frank Sirena James & Mary Jo Sires De Ann Sitter* Catherine Skala* Darlene & Jeff Slach Bambi Slagle* Jerry Smiley Catherine & Slade Smith Angela Smith* Tim Smith Anne Smith* Harold & Donna Smith Lisa Smith Linda* & Howard Smith Irene Smith JoAnn Snodgrass Royal Snyder Leslie Somerville* Connie Soper* Diane Sorensen* Tonya Sotelo Don Sova Sharon Sowadski Deborah Spangler* Sally & Larry Spaulding Terri Spear* Terry & Shellie Springer Mary Springsteen* Keith & Peggy Sprouse Kathleen & Daniel Squires

Debra St. John St. Luke’s Volunteer Services Amanda Nelson* James & Dorothy Stadtmueller Jon & Nancy Stahl Emma Stano Linda Stauffacher* Jeri Steenhoek-Asher Kim Steffensmeier* Kimberli Steggall* Michelle Steinke Michael Stenzel Genevieve Stickney Lisa Stiles* Kristine* & Bruce Stolba Clair Stoll Jean Straub* Heidi Streif Jim Strickland* Sherrill Strobel Eugene Strother Fran Struck* Dr. David & Gail Stubbs Carolyn Stucker Kathryn Sturm Janis Sullivan* Kimberly Sullivan* Teresa Sullivan* Marcy Surles Ila Sutton Martha Swain* Beverly Swalley Lisa Swanson* Nina Swanson Linda Sweet Jodi Swendre Swisher Men’s Club Patricia Switzer Tamara Szewc* Sarah Tackenberg* Cherie Tait Regina Takes Barbara Tapper Sara Tapya* Robert Taylor Vanessa* & Christopher Taylor Andrea Taylor*

whitney frost Internal Marketing Consultant

russeLL r. wasenDorf sr. President and Chairman of the Board, Peregrine Charities

Cindy Taylor* Barbara Teahen Michelle Teberg* Bonnie Terrill Donna Test Heidi Thalacker* The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts Therese Thenhaus Mindy Thies* Kelsey Thomann* Everarda Thomas Shirley Thompson Lydia Thompson Lois Thompson Amanda Thornburg* Krystal Thorson* Glennis Thurmond Merald & Shirley Tice Virginia Ellen Tippett Emil & Nadine Tisl George & Bonnie Tobiason Kathleen Toborg-Halupnik Joanna Tomlinson* Chuck Topinka Diane Toussaint Lori Townsend* Patricia Townsend Anthony & Deanna Townsend Darlene Trachta Thomas & Lois Trilk Richard & Charlaine Trinkle Nancy True* Lee & Leah Tucker Kristin Tucker Jim Turman Ethel Turner* Christi Uitermarkt Jeffrey Upah* Pamela Uthe* Shannon Vacek* Teri Van Dorston Brenda Van Fossen Mary Lynne Van Rennes Richard Van Severen Rod & Doris Van Velson Robert & Sara Vancura Anne Vandersloot* Garmai Vankpanah Joseph Vanoort Sheryl Van Scoyoc* Carla Vash Larry & Luz Vawter Linda Vawter* John Vernon Connie Vieth Henry & Janet Vincik Deloris Vlasek Barbara Vobejda Cheryl Voelker Loretta Vogt Marie Von Behren Patricia Voss* Barbara Vulich*

Donna Waggoner Suzanne Wagner Robert & Barbara Walden Christy Walker* Judy Wallig* Mark & Kristen Walter Judith Walton* David Wandschneider Michael Ward Leora Warrick Bruce Waters Sue Watson Rhonda Watts* Julie Watts Vicki & Jerry Wear Karlya Webber* Rhonada Weber* Jean Weber* Carol Weber Dr. Jeruld & E.S. Weiland Janet* & Jeff Weimar Susan Weinberg Lola Mae Weinrich Donald & Eloise Weiss Donald & Patricia Wells Wells Fargo Nancy Welsh Merle Welte Kris Wentzien Debra Werdeman* Kathleen & James West Barbara West* James & Helen Westcot Kelene Westendorf* Erin Westerholm* Rebecca Westphal Ann Wharton* Grace Wheeler Charles Whetstine Martha White Karen Whitehead* Kim Whiting* Gayle Wiegman* Andrea Wiley* Kathleen & Kenneth Wilgenbusch Edward & Nancy Wilhelmi Edward & LaVonne Wilhelmi Gwen Wilkins* Patricia Willenborg* Lorraine Willia Leota Williams* Harlan Williams Lois Williamson Joyce Willis* Frank & Sandy Wilt Doug Winegar Daisy Wingert Ann Winter* Kevin Wise Stacey Witzenburg* Eugene & Darleen Woellert Ladonna Woerdeman* Theodore Wolf



ruraL HeaLtH Care endowmentS 12 eaStern iowa orGanizationS


In 2011, 12 Eastern Iowa organizations were the recipients of $35,210 in grants as part of St. Luke’s Rural Health Care Endowment Fund, which provides matching funds for not-for-profit projects that work to improve the health and wellness of rural residents. The recipients were:

organization Belle Plaine Area Ambulance Benton County Volunteer Program Blairstown Volunteer Ambulance Service Clarence Community Ambulance Service Hiawatha Fire Department Mechanicsville Fire & Ambulance Volunteers Inc. North Benton Ambulance Service Parnell First Responders Robins Fire Department RSVP of Jones County Victor First Responders Volunteer Services of Cedar County total

Granted $ 1,677 $ 1,200 $ 8,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,313 $ 2,000

Program Training mannequin Medical transportation Pediatric bag & vacuum spine board & CPR education materials Stryker power pro cot Advanced pediatric training mannequin 12-lead Zoll monitor

$ 1,500 $ 1,125 $ 2,895 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,500 $ 35,210

Two 12-lead cardiac monitors Motorola pagers Two Zoll AED units Elderly outreach transportation program EMT basic training Handicapped accessible van

The Rural Health Care Endowment Fund was established in the early ’80s, during the farm crisis. The crisis put a strain on the support of small rural communities’ emergency medical services. St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation developed the idea of giving small grants to rural ambulance services. A number of corporate gifts originally established the fund and in 1996, St. Luke’s employees started designating money to this fund through annual fundraising. Since that time, other friends of St. Luke’s have contributed to this fund. Since the first grant was made in 1980, 131 applicants have been granted more than $255,000.

Jobeth wiese Administrative Assistant, Medical Staff Office

aMber wasenDorf Executive Director, Peregrine Charities

riCk Monthie Manager, Plant Operations

Mary CLouse Revenue Cycle, IQ4 EMR

Dr. kathLeen oPDebeeCk Former Medical Director, Child Protection Center

Below $100 continued Dawn Wood Eloise Wood Pete Wood Michelle Wood* Mary Woodruff Erin Woods* Frances Woods Thomas & Carolyn Woods Carol Woodson Catie Woodward* Jean Workman Blaine & Judy Worley Ronald Worrell Bryan Wright* Sara* & Michael Wright Tammi Wright* Norma Wright Brian Wulf Rona Wyant Garfield Yarbro YMH Torrance Inc. Herman & Virginia Yossi Donald & Donna Young Rachel Young David Young Leonard Young Katherine Young Charlene Zahorik* Joel & Connie Zamastil Debra Zastrow* Judy Zier Jenny* & Gary Zittergruen Joyce Zoulek Julie* & John Zuber Diane Zundel Sharon Zweigle* Gifts in-Kind Apache Hose & Belting Co. Sandra Bodin Julie Heitz Eugene and Dorothy Hinman Deb Hoffman Tara Kress Judith Lebeda Brent Leis ME&V Wayne Meier Pipe Pro Inc. Robert Porazil Beth Schaefer Makenzie Schultz Arlene Smith Rachel Young MatchinG Gift coMpanies Alliant Energy Foundation Fairfax State Savings Bank IBM International Foundation PepsiCo Foundation United Fire & Casualty Co. US Bancorp Foundation

in honor of Dr. Michael Almasi Joy Cummings Dr. Alvina Driscoll Holly Flynn Karla Goettel Dr. Matthew Gray Marla Griffith Steven Griffith Dr. John Herring Jennifer Hurlbert Dr. Jerry Kaalberg Linda & Erik Kocher Mildred Langguth Joan Lipsky Jill Morgan Dr. Kathleen Opdebeeck Michele Prostine Dr. Paul Renz Erica & Scott Rheinschmidt Joni & Dick Scotter Fred Schuchmann John Sheehan Nancy Skogsbergh Susan Tesdahl Dr. Jeff Westercamp Dr. Dennis Yossi Dr. David Zenk Dr. Sunny Zhang

Maurice Burr Juanita Bush Margot Buss Robert Byse Stan Cadwallader Arlette Carnal Emily Cerveny Lloyd Chalupsky Jim Christensen LoRee Clark Albert Coates Lloyd Collier Roger Conrad Jane Borg Cook Donald Coppess Joanne Cortez Sandy Cortez A.W. Crump Alphonso Davis Betty Davis Emma Davis Randy DeKlotz Robert Dennert Darrell Dennis Rose DeWald Frank Dickey Tom Driscoll Winston Dubisher Clarence Edwards Margie Edwards Don Engelhardt Catherine Erb Goldena Estes Maurice Estes William “Bill” Ewing Judith Faaborg-Woods Virginia Fedeler Lloyd Fernow Marjorie Fifield Martha Flack William Flattery Etta Fleming Arlene Floyd Valeda Francik Jean Franklin Thelda Franklin Verda Freese Mary Frye Arlene Furler Marlyn Garling Joseph Geistkemper Phillip Gerdes

in MeMory of Ronald Achey Tim Adkison Mary Frances Allen Gene Anderson Kenneth Anderson Sr. Leo Anderson Patricia Anderson Sandy Anderson Ralph Arens Marion Armstrong Carl Aschoff Gene Balcom Constantine Barbulescu Francis Bateman Rebekah Beasley Cynthia Beauman Paul Belfield Rosemary Bell Irene Benischek Joan Bickel Ruby Boesenberg Ralph Bridgewater Geneva Brock Mary Broulik Caitlin Brown CharLes Daniel Brown Cizio Dorothy Brown Senior Kenneth Brown Occupational Ruth Brown Therapist, Delmar Brunssen Therapy Plus Dennis Buresh M. Duane Burkey Eric Burns

Genevieve Gillam Orval Goldsworth Ashlyn Rae Gonzales Ida Gould John Greenlee Annie Griffin Ruth Gunderson Jerry Haight Bill Hampton Janice Harrison Elsie Hasley Miriam Hellwig Dorothy Hepker George Herger Linda Herren Maxine Hess Richard Hill Blanche Hinton Carol Hlas Vivian Holecek Deanna Holsinger Phillip Holt Dorothy Holtz Eileen Hoover Thelma Horak Geraldine Houston Louis Houtzager Jim Hovind Patricia Hubbard Eleanor Hunt Elnora Husman Anita Jewell Doralene Johnson Dale Junge Roy & Doris Junge Jim Kautz Mabel Keller Dolores Kindred Paul Kladivo Megan Klein Bob Klinger Howard Knoebel Charles Kocher

kay heGart y Partner, McGladrey

nanCy kasParek President, U.S. Bank in Cedar Rapids

* Denotes St. Luke’s Hospital, Iowa Health Physicians, Iowa Health System or Cardiologists, L.C. associate



in MeMory of continued Stephen Koecke Roland Krekeler Malinda Krizan Roger Kuriger Barbara Lagerstrom Sheryl Lamb Betty Larson Naomi Lash Beatrice LeClere Harold Leclere Virginia Lehr Kathleen Lewis John Lidvall Norbert Light Lowell Lindenberg Arlene Littrel Pearl Lodge Marlys Long John Lower Ruby Lubbock Gerald Maiers Donna Malloy Alvin Malmer Leland Martin Robert Matias Ellsworth Maxey Deverne McClurg William McCracken Marilyn McKenzie Joe McKone Bette Mehegan Betty Merritt

Laura Ransom Harriette Rayman Helen Reck Richard Reddick Jeannie Reid Leonard Reyman Evelyn Riha Zenaido Rodriguez Carrol “Dave” Ross Eldon Russell Roscoe Schilling Ethan Ronald Schlacke Don Schmidt Russell Schmidt Rudolph Schoon Howard Schott Charles Schwartz Kenneth Scott Margaret Scott Carl & Edna Seeck Veronica Settle Sandra Sevening Eula Shebetka Marilyn Shefelbine Donald Skelley David Smith Jay Snell Harold Stickney Norma Stoneman Marian Sullivan Mabel Sutton Gary Svenson Kathy Symonette

Sharon Meskimen Mary Millage Jack Minder Donald Minor David Mitchell Maxine Moes Kathryn Montross Howard Duane Moyer Eldon Muller Mary Mullin Gunnar Munson Audrey Murray David Nation Mary Jane Nauman Eleanor Nessler Charlotte Newland Edna Newton JoAnne Nissen Dorothy Nordgren Sharon Novak Myrtle Orcutt Isabelle Othman Loretta Owens Joyce Parks Bonnie Petersen Evelyn Pickerell Edwin Plesek Darrel Porter Richard Poulson Donald Puffer Hannah Pump Patricia Raddatz Mabel Raetz

CarL & mary koeHLer

Molly Jane Tanner Mrs. Wallace Thein Sheri Dawn Thomas Bonnie Thompson Thelma Thompson Howard Tisher Jon Tumilson Ronald Van Cleve Raymond Van Hamme David Vaughn Rosemary Vondracek Lucille Vonessen Leo Lewis Vorba James Wallig John & Shirley Walton Tim White Delores Wiedersberg Betty Wiese Donald Wilkinson Leo Williams Leota Williams Mike Wilson Jim Wittenburg Esther Womachka Charles Woods Walter Woods Harlene Woodson Daryl Wurster Lyle Young Shirley Young Adaline Zuber

Legacy Society

Generosity is enduring. It lasts throughout lifetimes, and often beyond. Carl and Mary Koehler wanted to continue their giving for years to come, and the gift of their estate perpetuates their generosity. When you notify St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation of your intention to include St. Luke’s in your estate plans, you will be invited to join the Koehler Legacy Society. Dr. Ken & Kathy Anderson Dr. Dustin & Tonya Arnold Walter & Evelyn Badger Mary Ann Barry Dean & Gale Beer^ Wilma Blosser J. Scott & Joann Bogguss Sondra Bolsinger-Lamb Ernie & Joanne Buresh Robert & Stephanie Caldwell Russel Carne Francie Cohn Thomas & Joanne Collins Ramona Cook Arlene Dayhoff Marilyn DeLange^ Sallie & James Driscoll Shannon & DeLane Duval Susan Enzle

David Fagle Julie Foster Van Camp Helen & Dale Fye Edna Gelski Faye Gerner Sally & Steve Gray Edwin Hemphill Alice Henline Devoe Marcia & James Holley Merlin & Darlene Hulse David & Mary Johnson G. Richard & Jacqueline Johnson Dr. Rhys Jones† & Valerie Chittick John & Pat Kerr Mickey & Wendell Kirkpatrick^ Dr. Keith & Cheryl Krewer R. Eugene Mahany

Gary McEowen David & Ruth McGuire Jean Means Wallace & Betty Milden David & Patricia Miller Dr. Dale & Louise Morgan Jean Munson^ Helen G. Nassif Margaret Netolicky Greg and Debbie Neumeyer Mary Ann & Sam Osborn Dr. Merlin & Ruth Ann Osborn William & Char Osborne Jay Petersen Marvin & Beverly Pospisil Dale & Caryl Rammelsberg Virginia Rystrom Fred & Lois Schuchmann James & Patricia Sealy ^

New member in 2011

Thomas & Margaret Sears Dr. Gerald & Nancy Shirk Nancy & John Skogsbergh Barry & Cari Spear Gary & Susan Speicher James & Mariann Stickley Frank & Anna Teffer Joan Thaler Claude & M.J. Thompson Eddie & Sheryl Thompson Jean Todd Butterfield Theodore & Cathy Townsend Maxine (Mickey) Van Hamme Dave & Sue Verhille Susan Welsh Susan Welty Paul Wright Burnita Young Elaine Young †


GeneroSity FueLS tHe


The recipients below received scholarships and awards made possible by generous donors. Fred and Greta Schuchmann Education Fund Sara Goslin Neff Sandra Lathrop Joseph and Natalie Cohn Education Award Kerri Feldhaus Ted and Lillian Feder Education Award Barb Conway Mansfield Education Award Mary Greif Schwartz Education Award Sheryl Bosch Jessica DeBlois Stacey Guertin Jenna Hindman Jessica Kelly Kuntz Education Award Jennifer Gilchrist Cassandra Herschman Jayne Hildebrand Sara Huilman Nicole Jilovec Adam Misfeldt Ashley Pick James Stainbrook J. Stewart McQuiston Education Award Julie Dalby Julie Gutman Amy Klopfenstein Tamara Roseberry

CaroL CoLLinGsworth Director, Lab

Yaw Scholarship Kelli Jensen Megan Johnston Jill Sadler Rachel Schueller

Dale and Ruby Morgan and Mable Ray Endowment Award Sara Goslin Neff

Smulekoff Family Award for Nursing Excellence Ashley Caton Cathy Hunt Colette Webster-Moore Carroll H. and Lena Nelson Critical Care Award Brenda Berry Jody Neuhaus Dr. Stephen and Peg Vanourny Award for Excellence in Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing Angela Genskow LaMorgese Award for Excellence in Neurological Nursing Michelle Jonas Ronald L. Mahany Award Ashley Steinkamp

Anna Purna Ghosh Oncology Nursing Award Krystal Lein Social Worker Award Marilyn Gerhold Nancy Lamb Skogsbergh and Edna Lamb Nursing Leadership Award Stephanie Anderson Darrell Dennis Pulmonary Medicine Award Monica Farmer St. Luke’s Auxiliary Scholarship Kara Flack Adam Misfeldt Excellence in Behavioral Health Award Chris Croghan Veronica Marks Melissa Moeller Tawnya Reed

Elaine Young Leadership Award Barb Haeder

nanCy sChoeben Director of Finance, Foundation

kristi thoMson Manager, Breast and Bone Health

PauLa Grahs Product Line Coordinator, Purchasing

tony fawCett Maintenance Mechanic, Plant Operations


Foundation Board oF direCtorS (Above, left to right) Lynn Sundall Ritu Munjal, MD Sally Gray Jim Sealy, Foundation President Steve Allsop, Past Chair Milt Aunan, St. Luke’s Hospital CFO Doug Neighbor, Treasurer Dina Linge James LaMorgese, MD Sondy Daggett Kenneth Anderson, MD Terri Christoffersen, Chair Phil Hershner Bill Hochstetler Paula Roby Shirley Holtey Not pictured: Ryan Buresh Lon Olejniczak, Vice Chair Paul Rhines Nancy Skogsbergh Ted Townsend, St. Luke’s Hospital President/CEO Kim Wilkerson Directors completing service in 2011: Tiffany Earl


auXiLiary Board oF direCtorS

St. Luke’S HeaLtH Care Foundation


To support St. Luke’s Hospital as the premier resource for improving the health of Eastern Iowans.



(At left, left to right) Mary Klinger, Director of Major and Planned Gifts 319/369-7771 or Nancy Schoeben, Director of Finance 319/369-8006 or Karen Newland, Administrative Assistant 319/369-7716 or Jim Sealy, President 319/369-7164 or Megan Moffitt, Annual Fund Manager 319/558-4994 or Tonya Arnold, Grants Manager 319/369-7572 or

May 2011-May 2012 Tonya Arnold Gale Beer Angela Berns Linda Bildstein Darlene Duckett Linda East Doris Faas Gail Gevock Linda Hale Shirley Holtey Gingie Hunstad Judy Lebeda Jan Lesan Judy Mather Judy McCracken Nancy Mortimore Norma Newmeister Shar Petersen Sarah Rheinschmidt James Sealy Margaret Sears Joann Teegarden Jane Tjaden Janet Wuest Jan Zuber

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