St. Luke’s Westheimer Campus now offers both an Induction Loop and an FM assisted hearing system in the Sanctuary and in the Parlor.
Two Sections, Section A • 076510 • Vol. 157 • No. 34 • December 24, 2010
in this issue
Year-End Giving
A Letter to the Volunteers
Joy to the World
t is 11:50 p.m. on Christmas Eve. The last in a long line of Christmas eve services is reaching its climax. This one is calmer than those earlier in the evening. The crowd is slightly smaller. The volunteers Silent Night, have done their best to put the room back in order, to clean up the bits of candle wax and used bulletins and other remnants of almost 5,000 people who have come through our doors that evening. We have shared communion with so many—old and young, stranger and longtime friend-looking them in the eyes, and pressing into their hands the tangible sign of God’s unfailing love. Then, without fanfare, the organ begins, and the congregation knows what to do. The warm light of Christ spreads from the Christ candle as we sing.
Holy Night
Silent night, Holy night. All is calm. All is bright. A peace, mingled with exhaustion, and edged with excitement about the day ahead, comes over me. I don’t understand it. It is “pre-rational.” It doesn’t come from an intellectual understanding of the theological implications of the incarnation. Rather, it emanates from my very core. In spite of the disarray in the world around me, in spite of the broken places in my own life and my anxiety about so many things, all is well. A King has been born. God has not abandoned us, but has chosen to come himself and put things right. I can relax. Emmanuel. God is with us.
Christmas Offering
ant to give a life-saving gift this Christmas? Honor your friends and family with a gift to purchase an x-ray machine for the Maua (Kenya) Methodist Hospital. When the St. Luke’s Mission Team worked at the hospital in late August, our hearts went out to the doctors and nurses at the hospital as they worked to save lives with limited resources. The most limiting diagnostic tool that they lack is a working x-ray machine. The current machine is old and broken beyond repair. A new machine, purchased in Kenya with training and maintenance available, will make a daily difference in the level of care that can be delivered to the more than 14,000 patients that visit the hospital each year. You can make your donation through the Christmas Offering. Acknowledgement cards to give your friends and family are available in the church office or you may contact Alice King, 713-402-5067 or, to request cards. Thank you for helping to bring a new x-ray machine to the 800,000 people served by the Maua Methodist Hospital.
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 3471 Westheimer at Edloe P.O. Box 22013, Houston, Texas 77227 713-622-5710
The United Methodist Reporter (USPS 954-500) is published weekly by UMR Communications, 1221 Profit Drive, Dallas Texas 75247-3919. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, Texas and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to The United Methodist Reporter. PO Box 660275, Dallas, Texas 75266-0275.
March to the Manger
arch to the Manger on December 5 was a special time for the children of St. Luke’s as they brought their gifts to baby Jesus. The gifts will benefit Jingle Bell Express (CCSC). Thank you to the Erwin and Gonzalez families for participating in our live Nativity scene, and to the Reinertsen-Forehand family for coordinating this memorable event.
The City and World KIDS HOPE USA is seeking mentors for at-risk elementary school students attending HISD’s Sutton Elementary for the 2010-11 school year. To be a friend for one hour a week contact Marci Pampe, St. Luke’s KHUSA Sutton Director, at 713-357-4466. Mentors of Hope encourage students with life reaching out to our goals by mentoring social skills or serving as a program volunteer during a 30-minute, weekly community and lunch at Hope Café on the Lee High School campus. the world Contact Sheila at 713-787-1767. Misión Milby Community Development Center needs volunteers to help refurbish its building. Please contact Pamela Scheyer at 713.869.9898 or YoungLives ministry to teen and parenting moms is looking for mentors and volunteers. Please contact Courtney at or 832-630-0296.
Wanted: a K.I.S.S.(able) Website
n the last issue of The Spire we announced our website redesign project and listed five areas of focus. This issue we’ll discuss the first two initiatives: 1. Strive for simplicity 2. Create & maintain trustworthy content
Strive for Simplicity
“Keep it simple, stupid!” You’ve heard it before. Since we’re a church let’s take a different approach. I suggest we use “Keep it SUPER simple” instead. This is not only a more positive approach but it best describes the effort our team will make to build a site that best supports our web strategy, “We want our St. Luke’s to be your St. Luke’s.” In an effort to be welcoming to our website guests we will work to provide: - Simplified navigation - A clean, updated design (using welcoming colors and photos of smiling St. Luke’s faces) - Freshly written content - A “connect-the-dots” approach to help you navigate interactions between ministry offerings Church websites have become one of the first places people look when deciding on a church to attend. In many cases their website experience will determine if they take that first step toward their vehicle. As author Michael Wesch says, “Think beyond the user experience (online), and start designing for the possibilities of human connection.” “Don’t make me think” is often heard in the web design world. Our team will put themselves in the shoes of our website guests in hopes to better anticipate their needs and provide a better experience. We’re going to do the thinking for them so they can best find what they’re looking for.
Trustworthy Content
Have You Completed Your Year-End Giving?
he Finance Office reminds us that the fiscal year for the church ends December 31, 2010. Any gifts you wish included on your 2010 Record of Giving should be brought to the church or postmarked by the post office no later than Friday, December 31. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Jesus Christ through St. Luke’s. Also, donating appreciated securities is an option many choose for contributing to the church. If you wish to make a stock gift this year, please plan to complete your transfer by Wednesday, December 15, so that the sale can be settled by year end. Contact Roxi Dainty at 713-402-5026 or for transfer instructions or questions.
“The single most important thing most websites can offer to their users is content that those users will find valuable.” - Jesse James Garrett We want to respect our website guests’ time, we know that they’re busy. They want access to what’s important to them and we want to not just meet, but also exceed, their expectations. As part of this project we’ll be evaluating existing content, work-flow processes, and building a team of staff and lay leaders to support the website. A few areas of focus include calendaring, sermon archives and storytelling. We plan to: - Meet your needs with accurate and up-to-date content - Make content available in formats you need - Write and communicate in ways that speak to you - Provide well-formatted pages If you have any questions or would like more information please email Chris Davidson at In our next issue we’ll dig deeper into “Enhance our teaching & learning content offerings.”
The City and World
A Letter to the Volunteers
Dear Break Dancing Ministry Volunteers,
n behalf of the break dancers at St. Luke’s UMC Gethsemane Campus, I would like to thank you for your generous donations of time and delicioso food. Your contributions make it possible for us to provide hot fulfilling meals for young men and women in our community. Moreover, you have become part of the solution.
There is a blatant problem in the at-risk, povertystricken community surrounding our Gethsemane campus. Young people aren’t given the guidance and enrichment that they deserve. They come from troubled neighborhoods, problematic homes and distressed families-making it hard to succeed in life. This vicious cycle of “do what you got to do to survive” continues and they conform. They settle for low paying jobs, get into debt and some even hustle. The solution requires adults, young and old, getting involved. We have taken an initiative at Gethsemane to reach out to young men and women to provide them a safe second church home; a place where they are shown Christ-like love, positively supported and can grow through developing relationships with caring adults. Thus, earning the right to share our testimonies, the good news of Jesus Christ and who God created us to be. Since the inception of our partnership with Youth Advocates in the fall of 2009, dancers have begun asking questions about the positive nature of the church environment and, in turn, gotten involved. In the past semester, we have seen several of the students participate in the Pure Sound retreat, regularly attend high school small groups and participate in Sunday morning worship. This spark of interest is only possible with the aid of thoughtful donations from people like you. In the coming year, we plan to find more ways to embrace our predominately male group. My prayer is that they may find peace and freedom in Christ and in His word as we have. As you know, the cost of supplying hot meals and beverages does not go away. We hope for your continued support in the future. Once again, thank you for your generous donation and supporting our ministry with your positive presence. It was pleasure meeting all of you. I pray that you share your testimony of service and what you have witnessed at the Gethsemane campus with others, so more lives can be transformed for His glory and together aid in the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Thank you for being a part of the solution. Sincerely, Jasmine Young Associate Director of Youth Ministry St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Gethsemane Campus Office: 713-357-4470 Cell: 832-922-9215 Cell: 832-922-9215
Divorce Recovery Workshop
re you going through a divorce, or have you recently gone through a divorce? If so, the St. Luke’s Divorce Recovery Class may help facilitate your healing process. The class is offered 4-5 times each year and the first series of 2011 will begin on Sunday, January 30. The four week series will meet from 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. on January 30, and February 6, 13 and 20. Dr. Kelton Ro-Trock will facilitate this lecture and discussion group. Dr. Ro-Trock has been a licensed marriage and family counselor in the Houston community for more than three decades. An ordained United Methodist minister, he has served as chair of the Pastoral Counseling Department at the Texas Regional Institute of Mental Sciences and as a member of the Adjunct Faculty at Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas School of Public Health. Class size is limited to eight participants so prior registration is needed. For more information, to register, or if you would like to be notified about future classes, contact Dee Haggard at the St.Luke’s Center for Counseling and Life Enrichment, 713-402-5046 or
This weekend we will be celebrating, “The Mass of the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ”…well, that’s what the church used to call it. It was shortened to Christ Mass and then became known as Christmas.
Why Celebrate Christ’s Mass?
I saw a funny post on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. The post spoke of celebrating “ChristX” this year. This new designation made me curious. We’ve all seen Xmas, but ChristX? In reality, ChristX was meant to be a negative critique of the popular use of Xmas and a critique of the “-mas” part of the term Christmas. All this makes us ask, where did the term Xmas come from anyway?
The Chi (x) and rho (r) were a common abbreviation used by early Christians to represent the first two letters of the word Christ as it is written in Greek. Likewise, the X was used as a common abbreviation for the word Christ. Then we come to the “-mas” part. Christ Mass is supposed to be the Mass (or worship service) for the Anointed One. Mass, of course, is what we used to call (and some still do) a service where Eucharist (Communion) is offered. Therefore, the term mass always speaks about the receiving of Christ. In the end, terms like ChristX are a bit redundant, and when it comes to ideas like “putting Christ back in Christmas,” it is the role of Christians to observe Christmas well. During Advent we have prepared ourselves to receive Christ both in the telling of the story leading up to His coming as a child, but also in the reminder of what it means to prepare for His second coming. Now comes the day for the Christ Mass (Christmas) and then comes Christmastide (the 12 days of Christmas where we celebrate his coming into the world as King and celebrate the promise of his coming again). Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King. -Justin
Celebrating Lives ADVENT DECORATIONS In Honor of: The Advent Guild Gayle Eury by Kathryn & Claud Riddles May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13 As Christians, we are called to care and pray for one another.
Cares and Concerns:
Recently Discharged Jim Dowland Jody McFadden Susie Mitchem Knox Nunnally Al Smith
Charles Temme Steve Van Coutren Dorothy Voss Don Wright
Congratulations to:
caring ministries
Tom and Angela England on the birth of their son, Evan Pence England, on December 12. Rob Schmidt and Melanie Bolling on the birth of their son, Charles Jackson Schmidt, on December 20. Proud grandparents are Judy Bolling and Bob and Susan Bolling.
Our Sympathy to:
Dr. B.J. Hightower and family on the death of B.J.’s mother, Bobbie Joyce Warren Tennon, on December 3. Briscoe Parker, Jr. on the death of his wife, Fredda Foote Parker, on December 7. Elizabeth “Peach” Haenchen, Morgan and Jake Haenchen on the death of their husband and father, Mark Stephen “Frost” Haenchen, on December 10. Pam Howard on the death of her mother, Roberta Almquist Howard, on December 14.
If you know of a concern or a joy that the church should know about, please contact Caring Ministries at 713-402-5086 or -5156.
We Care!
Are you or a loved one facing surgery or hospitalization? A crucial aspect of St. Luke’s Caring Ministry are the prayers we have with members prior to surgeries and during hospitalizations. Contact Karen Smith with details at 713-4025086 or
Are you or a loved one going through a difficult time?
o you need a Christian friend to support you and pray for you during a time of need? St. Luke’s Stephen Ministers are trained to provide loving, Christian care on a one-on-one basis. Please call Amy Birchill at 713-402-5046 to learn more.
ELIZABETH DODGE SCHWAB MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP In Memory of: Elizabeth Dodge Schwab by Ethel Dodge GENE DECKER OUTREACH ENDOWMENT In Honor of: Nancy & Walt Bratic by St. Luke’s Study Class GETHSEMANE FOOD PANTRY In Honor of: Betty Geary on her Birthday by Judy Bolling GETHSEMANE YOUTH MINISTRY In Honor of: Gene Graham by Monday Night Bible Scholars
he 3rd through 5th graders of St. Luke’s contributed “family stockings” to each family finalizing an adoption at the Harris County Family Courts’ Adoption Day on Tuesday, December 21. Stockings decorated and filled with Christmas treats were created by St. Luke’s children in celebration of those who have found their “forever homes.” Our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders’ participation in this event played a small but important role in raising awareness about the need for adoptive families. St. Luke’s Adoption & Foster Care ministry will Spotlight Adoption on January 16, 2011. If adoption has touched your life – as a child, parent, extended family member or a friend – and you have a story to share, please contact Amy Bezecny at or 713 402-5134.
MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In Memory of: Jesse Leon “Pick” Pickens by Dan & Beverly Arnold Dottie Brannon Jane & Mike Garriott Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Goodman Carla & Shawn Hansson Elizabeth Hearle Alice & Randy Helms Sara Taylor ORGAN MAINTENANCE FUND In Memory of: Anita Buhler Smith by James & Virginia Yarbrough ST. LUKE’S METHODIST CHURCH FOUNDATION In Honor of: Joe & Sally Bridges Jennifer & Todd Darwin & Beth & Drew Cosby by Janelle Bridges In Memory of: Vernice Murray by Lee & Mary Denson Mrs. Briscoe (Fredda) Parker by Bob McClure ANONYMOUS GIFTS TO: Ann & Randy Smith Scholarship In Honor of: Barbara Finney United Methodist Women Missions Fund In Honor of: Francis Dickerson Barbara Henington Betty Brouthers
Chancel Choir Retreat
hancel Choir members are looking forward to their 15th annual retreat at Camp Allen, January 14-16. Guest clinicians will include Pam Elrod, Director of Choral Activities at SMU, and Paula D’Arcy, writer and inspirational speaker. “This is my story; this is our song” is the theme for this year’s retreat. Director Sid Davis says that the focus will be both on individual stories as well as choir stories on the occasion of this 15th retreat. This is always a very special weekend for the choir, with terrific opportunities to learn new singing skills, but also to have fellowship with one another in a relaxed atmosphere. If you’d like to learn more about the Chancel Choir and their retreat, please contact director Sid Davis at 713.402.5021. It’s the perfect time to join this fabulous choir!
senior adults
Living Abundantly: Connecting-GrowingServing Mainstreamers is a ministry by, with and for Senior Adults.
January Mainstreamer Day, Thursday, January 13. Program at 11a.m. in the Parlor featuring Jane Lehto of Medical Reimbursement Resources, who will talk about the changes and proposed changes to Medicare and supplemental insurance, along with information about concierge and boutique health care. Lunch at noon. $10. As a new addition to Mainstreamer Day, there will be a time each month after lunch for those who would like to play board or card games. We have some games already available, but you are also invited to bring your favorite game to share. Or you might like to get a bridge game going by making sure you have a foursome on hand. Come for the program, stay for lunch and games...invite a friend to share the day with you! Call Kathy Neely, 713-402-5139, for reservations. January Day Trip, Thursday January 20. Tour of NASA. The tour includes options that you can choose to do in any order: There is a tram tour that will take you to Rocket Park, where you will see space capsules; Mission Control, a training facility; and you can spend time at Space Center Houston, where there is a short movie and many interesting exhibits. Lunch will be on your own. The bus will leave St. Luke’s at 9 a.m. and return by 3:30 p.m. Don’t miss this interesting day… Call Kathy Neely for reservations at 713-402-5139. Gethsemane Silver Circle, Wednesday, January 26. Join the lively group at the Gethsemane campus for a day of games and lunch. Games and fellowship begining at 9:30 a.m. in Canterbury Hall. Lunch is served at noon ($5). Call Betsy Evans, 281-565-0348 for reservations. Mainstreamer Highlights: Wonderful shared stories of the war years were the highlight of our celebration of Veterans Day on November 11. The newly formed Senior Adult Choir in their “premier performance” entertained Mainstreamers on December 9. Volunteers assembling baskets of fruit and other food items for low-income senior clients of Meals on Wheels and the Food For Seniors programs of Interfaith Ministries. “Warm Your Heart” is a Christmas outreach of Senior Adult Ministries.
Joy to the World! Do you have joy in your life? True joy. The kind for which we pine during Advent—the kind where the Divine bursts through into your ordinary life, like the Christ Child in a lowly manger? At a recent Improvisation worship service, Rev. Alison Gardner Young challenged the community to check our perspectives. Are we actually on the lookout for this kind of joy? Or are we blind and numb to that still small voice simply because we aren’t looking the right way? In chapter 40 of Isaiah, the prophet says, “in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord.” Not “in the lovely parts of your world” but “in the wilderness” prepare, seek out true joy. Kristen is a loyal member of the Improvisation community. She teaches English at Jones High School, which is located in South Park—Houston’s very own wilderness. “Tough” does not begin to describe this part of town. Drug-dealing, prostitution and gang-warfare dominate in this place, where “automatic rifles can be purchased almost as easily as rap CDs.” Kristen was moved by the challenge to seek out true joy in the wilderness. So moved that she prompted her students’ daily journal time: Is there joy all around you if you open your eyes to seeing it? Kristen didn’t expect that even a little joy could slip into the impossibly difficult lives of these students. But it did. And not just in little slivers, but in abundance. Over and over—without exception. The answer to her question was a resounding “YES!” Do you have joy in your life? True joy? Look again. Merry Christmas. Repeat the sounding joy! Repeat, repeat the sounding joy! Improvisation • Worship • Sundays • 6pm • Chapel
New Members
We welcome Tom Gengler and Lizzy Ligon, who unite by profession of faith. Tom is an analyst with Barclay’s Capital.
Katherine Lucille McWilliams, daughter of Patrick Michael McWilliams and Wendy Quick McWilliams on December 19.
Scott and Stephanie Sanders join St. Luke’s, he by profession of faith and she by transfer from another United Methodist church. Scott is a self-employed financial consultant and Stephanie is an associate with Smith, Adams Law, LLP.
Wesley Ryan Mock, Jr., son of Wesley Ryan Mock and Jennifer Michelle Hicks Mock on December 19.
Randy and Charlise Cunningham transfer to St. Luke’s from another United Methodist church. Randy is a counselor in the Goose Creek Consolidated ISD and Charlise is a 5th grade teacher, also in the Goose Creek Consolidated ISD.
James Henry Young, son of Jeffrey Alton Young and Jill Willard Young on December 19.
Ann Chapman unites with St. Luke’s at our Gethsemane Campus by transfer from another United Methodist church. She is a vice president with Crump Insurance. Dylan and Stephanie Gill join St. Luke’s, he by profession of faith and she by transfer from another United Methodist church. Both Dylan and Stephanie are engineers with Occidental Petroleum. They are the parents of Jameson Dylan Gill, age 2 months. Robert and Zoe Mayfield unite with St. Luke’s by transfer from another United Methodist church. Robert is Vice President of Mayfield Electric Co. Inc. and Zoe is a homemaker. They are the parents of Avery Anne Mayfield, age 15 months. Not Photographed: Kyle Simson unites with our congregation by profession of faith. He is a commercial advisor with Chevron. Kyle joins his wife, Amy Davis Simson, and her family in St. Luke’s membership.
embers of the St. Cecilia Choir (for adult women) and Veritas (for adult men) are planning a New Year’s Open House supper on Wednesday, January 5. This would be a perfect time for interested singers to come visit, as choir members will be enjoying some great food and then learning new music together. Join them in the Hines Baker Room from 5:15-6 p.m. for social fellowship and food; following that time together, stay for rehearsal. All adult choirs rehearse regularly on Wednesday evenings; interested singers are always welcome, even if you are unable to attend the Open House.
SundaySing! & SundayRing!
undaySing! is our children’s choir, and they will be kicking off their spring season on Sunday, January 9 in the Rotunda Theater. Grades 3-5 meet from 3:45-4:45 p.m., and grades 1- 2 meet from 4:30-5:15 p.m. Director Jane Long says, “Besides working on music, we play games together and have a very good time!” SundayRing! Handchimes is for children in grades 3 through 5. Their kick off is also on Sunday, January 9, from 5- 6 p.m. in Room C263. Director Katy Cuddihee says, “We always have a great time making music together, so come join the fun!” For more information about any of our choirs, contact BB Bamberg at 713.402.5016 or bbamberg@stlukes-hou. org.
Spiritual Growth
Special “Thank You” to the United Methodist Women of St. Luke’s
PureSound adult ministries
t. Luke’s United Methodist Women do amazing things. These women meet in study and fellowship groups to embrace and support one another and to learn more about their faith. The annual Lenten and Advent Spiritual Growth services provide this group of believers a special opportunity to awaken in worship. One of the most powerful part of the UMW’s multi-faceted ministry is the outward-oriented aspect. The UMW Service Group organizes monthly volunteer projects that benefit the greater-Houston community, and the UMW as a whole raises and distributes funds that support a wide range of causes and programs. Consider the incredible impact of the 2010 UMW designated giving on all of the following organizations: Newgate Connection, Amazing Place, Boy Scouts of St. Luke’s, Gethsemane Community Garden, Jerry Eckles Music Scholarship, House of Tiny Treasures, Medical Bridges, Living Water and St. Luke’s UMW College Scholarship. Thank you to the United Methodist Women of St. Luke’s for supporting these organizations!
f you are in 6th through 12th grade, love to sing and want to serve St. Luke’s by participating in the Music Ministry, consider visiting the Pure Sound Open House on Sunday, January 2. We’ll gather in the Choir Room at 3:30 p.m. to enjoy great food and fellowship, and then following the party, we’ll rehearse new music for spring and celebrate the “graduation” of our New Sound 6th graders who will become “official” members of Pure Sound. It’s going to be an exciting year for Pure Sound singers, so come be a part of the fun!
U.C.A.L. BASEBALL 2011 (February-May) Pre-K/Kindergarten T-ball 1st/2nd Coach Pitch 3rd–5th Machine Pitch *all teams are co-ed*
St. Luke’s Members $150.00 Non-Members $170.00 REGISTER NOW thru February 7 For more information: Kim Burnett 713.402.5108 or
worship Gethsemane Campus 8:30 a.m. Blended Communion service 9:45 a.m. Servicio en Español – Spanish Worship 10:55 a.m. Traditional Worship Westheimer Campus 8:30 a.m. Sunday – Traditional Worship with Holy Communion* 8:45 a.m. Sunday – Encounter Worship, Fellowship Hall 9:45 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday – Traditional Worship* 6 p.m. Sunday – Improvisation Worship, Chapel * Sanctuary Sermon videos, podcasts and corresponding study guides are available online at
December 26
“Turning My World Upside Down”
Regular Service times. There will be no Sunday School but the nursery will be open.
Luke 1:46-56
Dr. Tom Pace–Westheimer Campus Rev. Justin Coleman preaching–Gethsemane Campus Rev. Alison Gardner Young preaching–Westheimer Campus The altar flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in honor of Pat and Wally Hladky on their wedding anniversary by the Hitzhusen family.
December 24 Christmas Eve Services
3 p.m. - Family Service with nativity and Encounter musicians 4:15 p.m. - Family Service with nativity, Holy Communion and Encounter Musicians 6 p.m. - Candles and Holy Communion, St. Cecilia Choir 8 p.m. - Candles and Holy Communion, Pure Sound presents Vivaldi’s Gloria 9 p.m. - Improvisation candlelight worship with Holy Communion, in the Chapel 11 p.m. - Candles and Communion, Chancel Choir
January 2
“Do Not Be Afraid…” Regular Service times.
Matthew 1:18-25
Dr. Tom Pace–Westheimer Campus Rev. Justin Coleman preaching–Gethsemane Campus Rev. Alison Gardner Young preaching–Westheimer Campus The altar flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in honor of Chris Ingersoll by the Hitzhusen family and in loving memory of Sigurd Linden by his son, John Linden.