Spire Your Guide To Fall at St. Luke's United Methodist Church

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Vol. 167 | No. 3 | Fall 2019


YO U R G U I D E TO FA L L StLukesMethodist.org | 713-622-5710


3 6-12 13 15 20






Spire (USPS 7190) is published monthly by St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 7027-5334. Periodicals postage paid at Houston, TX and additional mailing offices.


an original music video from Ash Rising, our Contemporary Worship band Gratitude is the easiest practice in good times. But what about in times of pain and hurt, in hard times "too hard to describe"? On August 4, St. Luke's Contemporary Worship band, Ash Rising, released their original song Grateful to remind us all that we can be grateful in every season of life... that we can stand in Christ when we can't stand on our own and remain grateful through it all. Download Grateful wherever you listen to music and add it to your playlists as a as part of your gratitude practice during St. Luke's Year of Gratitude. 1. Watch the video at StLukesMethodist.org/contemporary 2. Or view on the St. Luke's App 3. Add it to your Spotify playlist: https://spoti.fi/2M17vXS (also available on Apple Music and Google Play) 24

Better Together By Dr. Tom Pace, Sr. Pastor

“I cannot be with my friends anymore,” the text message read. “We disagree on too many issues and I just can’t be around them anymore.” For the first time in my ministry, I am receiving more and more messages just like this one – emails and phone calls and conversations. It affects families and friendships, schools and communities. Sometimes, I hear people tell me that the church needs to speak out more clearly. I do believe that is true. But what we need to do even more, I believe, is not so much “speak out forcefully” but rather “talk with lovingly.” There are lots of people speaking out. They dominate the airwaves with their pronouncements and denunciations. There aren’t many people showing us how to live together well. That is what we in the church are called to do.

In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, Paul says “I hear there are divisions among you…” Then he goes on to share some of the most powerful passages in Scripture, such as “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” (1 Co 12:26) and of course “If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.” (1 Co 13:1) On Sunday, September 8, St. Luke’s will begin a three week sermon series titled Better Together, based on passages from 1 Corinthians. We will explore together both the theological framework and practical suggestions for not just tolerating one another, but actually living in love together. I hope you will invite your friends and colleagues, whether they are folks you agree with or folks you struggle with. Both the church and the world so desperately need to hear the “more excellent way” that Paul shares with the church at Corinth.



Launching Sunday, September 8 Foundations 9:45 a.m. | ES308/313 Led by William and Adrienne Vanderbloemen, this class is for couples and singles in their 40s and 50s. The class will have a substantive lecture that dives into the overarching themes of the Bible followed by a lively Q&A. The group will also have regular social and service opportunities.

The Table 9:45 a.m. | ES314 A Christ-centered community for couples and singles in their 30s and early 40s (many with young children) to grow in their faith. The lessons are discussion-based and alternate between Bible and life-application studies. Social gatherings and service projects with a focus on families and children will be offered regularly.


FALL SERMON SERIES The High Impact Life September 29–October 27

When you are gone, will the world be a better place than when you were here? What can we do with the life we have to make an impact? How can we change the lives of people in our city, in our church? What can each one of us do with our time, our aptitudes, our passions, our resources that will make a difference? The sermon series “A High Impact Life,” will begin with “Impact Sunday” on September 29, as we hear various ways God is working through St. Luke’s to make an impact on lives and families in our city. Then, during October, we will look together at the calling each one of us has to “push back the darkness” and be instruments of God’s kingdom, making the world a better place. Along with this sermon series, we will join in our annual generosity campaign, inviting people to recommit themselves to the ministry of St. Luke’s and in 2020 to support it financially. Each one of us can make a difference, and we can make a real difference together!

SAVE THE DATE IMPACT SUNDAY September 29 8:30, 8:45, 9:45 and 11 a.m.

CHURCH CONFERENCE Sunday, October 20 5 p.m.

A special worship service where we celebrate all God is doing through St. Luke's.

Hear about exciting plans for 2020 and get the latest church news!






to dig deeper and learn everything we can about God’s love.

New Studies


The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery Wednesdays | October 16 - November 13 | 6-7:30 p.m. | ES309 Led by Rev. Michelle Manuel

The Study: Women, Wisdom and The Word A new small group for women ages 40 and above Tuesdays | September 10 - November 12 | 12-1 p.m. | ES306 Led by Jennifer Boubel

Join St. Luke’s newest associate pastor, Rev. Michelle Manuel, for an exciting journey to spiritual discovery! The Enneagram is an ancient personality type system with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired. This 5-week class establishes a practical, comprehensive way of accessing Enneagram wisdom and exploring its connections with Christian spirituality for a deeper knowledge of God and of ourselves. Participants will purchase their own book and study guide, The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/group-life.

Join St. Luke's Chief of Staff, Jennifer Boubel, for a study of Jen Wilkin's book None Like Him. In this book, Wilkin reminds us that our Creator possesses many attributes we don’t – and that’s a good thing! During this 10-week study, the group will take a closer look at the God who is infinitely knowable, creative, able to provide, timeless, unchanging, powerful, wonderful, and more. Participants will purchase their own book, None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (And Why That's a Good Thing) by Jen Wilkin. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/group-life.

Moms—We've got you covered! Moms of Littles Bible Study Mondays beginning October 7 | 9:15-10:30 a.m. | ES308/313 Led by Julie Ellerbrock and Cindy Donaldson Want to join a community of other moms to share in the joys and hardships of motherhood? Moms need other moms. We just weren’t made to do it alone—together is better. Come find friendship, community, resources and support. Moms’ Bible Study Tuesdays | ongoing | 9:15-10:30 a.m. | ES314 | Led by Julie Ellerbrock and Christy Dulaney Moms are super busy; yet, we all need time with Christ and time with each other as we journey through motherhood. This commitment is simple – just come. The conversations are rich. The studies are impactful. The relationships formed are life-changing. Busy Moms’ Bible Study Wednesdays | resuming September 4 | 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. | ES309 Led by Lori Fahrbach and Rev. Katie Montgomery Mears Striking a balance between work, motherhood, and all of the other things that fill up our lives can be tough. Bible study may get pushed to the side because it feels like one more thing on the “to-do” list... but the truth is that time spent studying scripture and being in fellowship with other women brings refreshment. Join Lori and Katie for encouragement and meaningful discussion about our faith. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/group-finder For childcare, available at no cost, contact Adrian Chandler (achandler@stlukesmethodist.org.)


Women's Groups With the Master on the Mount: A Ladies' Bible Study of the Sermon on the Mount Wednesdays beginning September 4 | 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | ES308 | Led by Elizabeth Farish The Sermon on the Mount is probably one of the best known teachings of Jesus: three chapters, only 110 verses, but what powerful words spoken from our Lord. This 23-week study by author, Susan Heck, will help women examine their hearts and challenge them to live in full obedience to Jesus Christ. Women of all ages are invited! God and Girlfriends Wednesdays | resumes September 11 | 12-1 p.m. | ES306 | Led by various members During the school year, these women gather weekly to study the Bible, encourage each other and pray. The group includes a variety of ages and professions. All women are welcome. Current members are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s and range from mothers of young children to grandmothers. For information, contact Mary Schuler at mschuler@stlukesmethodist.org or 713-402-5008. Go With Grace Thursdays | resumes September 12 | 7:15-8:30 a.m. | Hines Baker Room | Led by Rhonda Ward Learn and grow with women who are seeking to learn how to live and love like Jesus through Bible study, prayer and fellowship.

Men's Groups

Men’s Life Etched Upon the Heart: The Power of Character in Life and Work Wednesdays | September 11-November 13 6:30–7:45 a.m. | Fellowship Hall What are the essential qualities, the internal character traits, like integrity and humility, which guide our actions as men? How do these show up in our lives and in our work? We invite men of all ages to join Dr. Tom Pace for teaching, a light breakfast, and round-table discussion about real-life issues and life-approaches related to men. Men’s Morning Small Group Thursdays | August 8-September 12 | 6:30-7:45 a.m. | ES301 | Led by John Holmes Join men of all ages for study and fellowship on Thursday mornings. On August 8, the group began the study Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey. In the fall, the group will join in the all-church Scripture+Shared study, Storytime: The Parables of Jesus. All men are welcome! Downtown Group for Men (ages 25 through 45) Thursdays | resumes September 5 | 12-1 p.m. | Led by Whitney Mears and Barry Alsup Come join the downtown men’s group at lunchtime on Thursdays. The group alternates between book studies and Scripture+Shared.

Register for groups: StLukesMethodist.org/group-finder 8

Bible Study Groups for All Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study Wednesdays beginning September 11 | 6:30–8:30 p.m. | ES311 | Led by Peggy Keus and Bob Mueller A 34-week study that moves through the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. Disciple emphasizes disciplined reading of and listening to the Scriptures. It results in biblically nourished persons committed to live as disciples of Christ. Students use both the Bible and the study manual to complete daily reading assignments. The study book also includes commentary and questions for reflection and response. Cost $40. Disciple II: Into the Word, Into the World Mondays beginning September 9 | 6:30–9 p.m. | ES301 | Led by Jana Gaddy and Sandy Hendon A 32-week study that proclaims the transforming power of scripture while teaching Bible study skills that take participants deeper into the Scripture. Equal attention is given to Old and New Testaments with concentration on Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. Participants will read familiar passages, seeing them in fresh ways and expecting God to speak through them. Into the Word, Into the World approaches all experiences of life as opportunities for faithful witness and service. Requires the completion of Disciple I to enroll. Cost $40. Disciple III: Remember Who You Are Tuesdays beginning September 10 | 6:30–9 p.m. | ES301 | Led by Jana Gaddy A 32-week study that makes a connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Several themes weave their way through the study: the call to remember; the call to repentance; the need for renewed vision; and the place of community. Sixteen sessions are devoted to the major and minor Old Testament prophets, excluding Daniel. The second sixteen sessions cover the thirteen letters traditionally attributed to Paul. Requires the completion of Disciple I to enroll. Cost $40. Women of the Old Testament, Their Words, and Why They Matter Wednesdays | August 28 - October 30 | 9–11 a.m. | ES311 | Led by Louise McEvoy In this 10-week course, we will study the groundbreaking book, Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter by Lindsay Hardin Freeman, identifying the women who speak in the Old Testament and learn their words, context, and historical background. God’s sacred circle included mothers, grandmothers, warriors, prophets, prostitutes, and murderers. Readers who take the study will be changed for the better. Join us as we reflect on how God is speaking through each of these women. Participants will purchase their own books. If You Want To Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg A 6-Session Journey on Learning to Trust God Tuesdays | September 10 - October 15 | 6:30-7:45 p.m. | EN207 | Led by Peggy Keus and Gail Jacobson Relating the story in Matthew 14 to life today, John Ortberg invites you in this 6-week study to learn the essential skills for water walking by knowing how to discern God’s call, transcend fear, risk faith, manage failure, and trust God. Cost: $20 (includes the book and study guide). A Good, Godly Marriage Sundays | September 8 – October 6 | 4 - 5 p.m. | ES313 | Led by Rev. Thomas and Ginny Harper A Good, Godly Marriage is designed to help couples invest in their relationship and cultivate a strong, healthy marriage. The journey of growing together through marriage never ends. Every marriage has its unique challenges, but God can greatly bless our lives through our spouses. Whether you are looking to simply invest more in your marriage or address some specific challenges that have surfaced, you're invited to this class led by Rev. Thomas Harper and his wife, Ginny.






Because God never meant for us to walk the journey of faith alone TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 | 6:30-8 P.M. | FELLOWSHIP HALL

3 reasons why YOU should join a small group: COMMUNITY

We were created to be together and are encouraged as we see lives transformed.


It’s just better to have others in our lives to share the good times as well as the hard times.


We grow closer to Jesus and live a more consistent faith journey when we pray and study scripture with others. Pre-register to let us know your group preferences, then show up ready to connect with your new group! Contact: Rev. Michelle Manuel (mmanuel@StLukesmethodist.org) Register: StLukesMethodist.org/group-life.

Jesus knew how to tell a good story. He knew that it would draw listeners into what he was trying to teach them about the kingdom of God, how to manage money, true obedience, and especially love and forgiveness. • Study with your current small group or Sunday School class • Have a crazy schedule? Invite a friend to be your “Bible Buddy,” using the materials to study and exchange ideas at a time that works for both of you! Download the app: Subsplash.com/ScriptureShared/app or StLukesMethodist.org/scripture-shared


Life Resources

practical studies to help along the journey Financial Peace University Sundays | September 8-November 3 | 4-6 p.m. | ES306 | Led by Brian and Katy Cox Are you ready to take control of your money? Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-lesson course designed to help you build a budget, dump debt, grow your wealth, and leave money stress behind! Each lesson, taught by Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts, is based on biblical wisdom and common sense. In your FPU group, you’ll be motivated and encouraged by others just like you! When you sign up for FPU, you’ll get your member workbook and one year of Financial Peace Membership, with access to exclusive online tools to help you on your journey. Register: https://www.fpu.com/1093354 Savvy Caregiver Class Six-session program on Sundays | September 8-October 13 | 3:30-5:30 p.m. | ES301 Caregiving, especially for someone dealing with dementia, is difficult and requires special skills and knowledge. The SAVVY Caregiver Class*, presented by Amazing Place, helps caregivers and family members understand the changes a loved one is experiencing and how to provide the best individualized care throughout the progression of dementia. Registration required. For more information and to register for this free program, contact Sharon Cantrell, Caregiver Educator with Amazing Place, (scantrell@amazingplacehouston.org) or 713-440-8177. Binder for Life Tuesdays | September 10, 17 and 24 | 6-8 p.m. | ES311 Led by Mary Schuler and Tina Melo This 3-week class is beneficial for adults of all ages and stages of life, but especially appreciated by those 50+ who want to ensure that loved ones have the documents needed to manage their affairs should they become incapacitated or pass away. This class is for educational purposes and is not intended to provide financial, tax, legal or medical advice. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/events, 713-402-5087, or reservations@stlukesmethodist.org. GriefShare Support Group | September 10–December 3 Tuesdays 6:30-8 p.m. | Hines Baker Room | Led by Rev. Bill Denham Going through the valley of grief is a difficult journey, but working on and leaning into the grief is worth the investment. Course materials: $35. Register: Shelley Quillin (squillin@stlukesmethodist.org) DivorceCare Support Group | September 10–December 10 Tuesdays | 6:30-8 p.m. | ES309 | Led by Susan Silvus and Jon Norman DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you and help you face challenges and move toward rebuilding your life after divorce. Course materials: $35. Register: Susan Silvus (ssilvus@gmail.com) Parenting with Love & Logic Sundays, October 13-November 17 | 4-5:30 p.m. | ES308/313. This parenting program is designed to help parents raise responsible, respectful children who are fun to be around and become productive adults. It provides solutions for families of children from early childhood to beyond adolescence. Hosted by Childrens Ministries. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/events Caregiver Conference Saturday, October 19 | 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Hosted by St. Luke’s and presented by CarePartners, the Caregiver Conference supports all caregivers who are caring for loved ones of any age or illness with specific resources provided for those caring for loved ones experiencing memory loss. This full-day conference is free, includes breakfast and lunch, and is open to all. Register: https://www.carepartnerstexas.org/educational-resources/conferencesworkshops/. Volunteers are needed throughout the day to help with set-up, guest services, and clean-up. To volunteer, contact: Mary Schuler (mschuler@stlukesmethodist.org) or 713-402-5008.


AFFINITY GROUPS Learn something and make a friend Women’s Book Group 2nd Mondays | 10 -11:30 a.m. | ES306 All women who enjoy reading and discussing books are welcome. Each month a book is read and then discussed at the meeting. Books are chosen by members of the group and range from the most contemporary to the classics. Whether you read the entire book, make it part way through, or did not have a chance to read it, everyone is welcome to come join! Information: Dorothy Voss (713-660-7243) Men’s Pick-Up Basketball Open Gym Saturdays | through October 26 | 9-11 a.m. Activity Center Gym Open to all men of all ages! Play is no-cost, come-as-youcan. Contact Michael Lutter at mlutter12@yahoo.com if interested. No RSVP needed. Women’s Night Circle 3rd Tuesdays | 6:30-8 p.m. | ES309 Women of all ages are invited to participate in this multigenerational caring group of praying and supportive women. Information: Pat Deckert (713-334-6848) Bridge Group Mondays | 1:30-3:30 p.m. | EN205 Contact: Kathy Austin (713-252-6727) Fridays | 12:30-3 p.m. | EN205 Contact: Joanna Reid (713-520-7344) Interested in learning or brushing up on bridge? All levels of experience are welcome to join in the fun! No reservations necessary. Games Group | Mondays (1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th) 10-11:30 a.m. | EN204 The group plays American Mah Jongg where all levels of experience are welcome. Contact: Lori Wilson-Reynolds (713-665-3553.) Bible Journaling 4th Sundays | 4:30-6 p.m. | ES314 | Led by Sally Penning Join us in exploring this creative approach to Bible study. We will share techniques and spend time together in God’s word. No art experience needed. Childcare is available with advance registration. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/group-finder


SENIOR ADULTS Register for Sr. Adult events: StlukesMethodist.org/events, reservations@stlukesmethodist.org or 713-402-5087 Program and Luncheon: Historic Buildings of Houston Thursday, September 12 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. | ES308-313 Join us for a presentation by Will Howard, from The Heritage Society, as he shares his knowledge of the history of Houston. Registration required for buffet lunch ($10). Day Trip: World of Neighbors Tour 3 Thursday, September 19 | 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. | Cost: $12 Lunch: TBD (on your own) Rev. Gregory Han, from Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston, will guide us on visits to on visits to the Chung Mei Temple, the River Oaks Islamic Center and Annunciation Orthodox Church as we learn more about our neighbors. Registration required. AARP Safe Driving Class Monday, September 23 | 12:30–4:30 p.m. | EN207 A refresher course for drivers aged 50+. Cost: $15 for AARP members; $20 for non-members. Registration required. (Note: class does not qualify for ticket dismissal.) Afternoon at the Movies: Hidden Figures Monday, September 30 | 1:30 p.m. | Rotunda Theater See the story of three incredibly gifted African-American women whose mathematical skills were instrumental during the early days of the “space race.” Popcorn and snacks. Reservations not required but appreciated. Program and Luncheon: How to Avoid the Funeral Trap Thursday, October 17 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. | ES308-313 Ken Lambert, the “funeral negotiator,” shares information and tips to help families avoid mistakes and take control of the funeral process. Buffet lunch ($10) to follow. Registration required for lunch. Day Trip: Houston Cemetery Tour with History Tours Thursday, October 24 | 10 a.m.-3 p.m. | Cost: $12 Lunch: TBD (on your own) Explore some of Houston’s most famous cemeteries and pick up bits of Houston history along the way. Advance registration required. Faith Heritage: Tell Me Your Stories Sunday, November 10 | 9:45 a.m.-10:50 a.m. Student Ministries Building Older Adult Ministries and the 6th Grade Confirmation Class will get to know one another and to share stories. To participate in this Sunday School hour event, please register in advance: (mschuler@stlukesmethodist.org) or 713-402-5008.

Looking for a good read? PASTOR’S PICKS



“I bought it on Kindle, confusing it for a different religious book, and then couldn’t put it down. It is a mystery that takes place in a small town, and pastors play a part, so it resonated with me!”

“I love this book! The author, sometimes called a prophet, so beautifully writes of a God of love, mercy and compassion. Never again does one need to picture a distant “finger shaking in the face” God, for God is present. He is in us and all around us, calling us to walk out our faith here and now, experiencing the beauty and freedom of the Gospel. We are not just waiting for heaven.”

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger

The God We Never Knew by Marcos Borg



“Taste and See is, on the surface, a lighthearted study of food in the Bible – figs, bread, fish, olives. But on a deeper level, the book is about community and God’s provision. I loved how the author wove the historical context of the scriptures in with her stories of fishing in the Sea of Galilee and baking matzoh bread.”

“This book presents a moving allegory of the afterlife where the main character finds himself in Hell boarding a bus bound for Heaven. This setting sets the stage for a meditation on good and evil and why people choose Hell over Heaven in their lives. This short book is not a description of what Heaven and Hell is actually like, rather it reminds the reader that “in the end everyone will say to God either thy will be done, or thine will be done.”



“The sequel to Father Gregory Boyle’s beloved Tattoos on the Heart, Barking to the Choir is a library of Father G’s memories from a lifetime of seeing God’s love and grace for men and women coming out of gangs. Gregory Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, the largest gang intervention and rehabilitation program in the world.”

“I love this book! Dr. Cleveland challenges her readers to look within and find the hidden ‘rules’ that keep us bound to church settings where everyone looks the same. This book personally challenged me and helped give me tools to change my thoughts, beliefs, and social settings.”

Taste and See: Discovering God among Butchers, Bakers, and Fresh Food Makers by Margaret Feinberg

Barking to the Choir by Father Gregory Boyle

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis

Disunity in Christ by Christena Cleveland


Women of the Word events will be held several times a year to help women rejuvenate their souls, get excited about the Word and all that God has to offer. Be empowered as we return to our daily routines. The Power of Prayer Sunday, September 15 | 4-5:30 p.m. | Hines Baker Room Come meet our newest pastor, Rev. Michelle Manuel, as she shares her testimony about the power of prayer. Jana Gaddy, St. Luke’s Prayer Team leader, will present Praying Through Life where we will take a look at how we currently pray, learn the basics of prayer, and explore strategies to improve our prayer lives. Light refreshments and childcare provided. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/wow

A Beautiful Creation Women’s Retreat: In the Spirit of Gratitude Saturday, November 2 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Women of all ages, Let's gather for A Beautiful Creation retreat. Join us to explore God’s desire for us to leave our creative mark in the world. The day will include creative workshops, worship and a keynote by local artist Lanecia Rouse Tinsley. Breakfast and lunch are provided as well as childcare. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/abc19 (Childcare registration deadline is October 30. )

Save the date for our Advent W.O.W. event! Saturday, December 7 Finding Balance During the Holidays

Coming Soon

At St. Luke’s After School, we have been providing loving and quality after-school care for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade for 36 years! We want our kids to thrive during the after-school hours; each day, our children have access to Homework Central - a room staffed by professionals and college students. We also have transportation options, gym time, and occasional field trips! St. Luke’s After School Care is where kids have fun and get homework DONE! Register: StLukesAfterSchool.org 14

Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, October 13 | 3-4 p.m. Outside on the ellispe All pets welcome in cages or on leashes


A New Show on St. Luke’s Instagram TV! The sermon does not end on Sunday. We learn when we hear the message, but it becomes sticky when we talk about it with others. That’s where we connect with the Gospel, and things shift in our hearts. We launch into action at work, at home, with our family, and with our community. Introducing "Beyond Sunday,” a 20 min. show on IGTV featuring St. Luke’s Associate Pastors, Reverends @katiemontgomerymears, @davidinboots, @tiharper, and @michellemanuel__ Each week they’ll have a lively conversation around the Sunday sermon, the scripture, how it affects our lives, some theology… and maybe even a spirited debate from time to time. (also available on the St. Luke’s App!)

Wednesdays starting September 11 15

STUDENTS Vision Morning | August 25 | During Sunday School | 9:45 a.m. All Student Ministry families are encouraged to spend their morning with us in the Student Ministry Building! We'll have information about all the trips and events for the year, including special one day only pricing if you register that day. Plan to drop in and grab a breakfast taco and some coffee (and donuts, of course) while you check out everything we have going on for the 2019-2020 school year and summer! Small Group Kickoff | September 4 | 7-8:30 p.m. All 6th-12th grade Small Group students are invited to our official kick-off to Small Groups. We'll hang out and play games on Blanton Field. Dinner will be served. All Student SNL | Slip N Slide Kickball | September 8 | 5:30 p.m. Our 6th-12th grade students are invited to the first SNL (Sunday Night Live) event of the year. We're going to play Slip N Slide Kickball on Blanton Field. It's going to be crazy and tons of fun! Small Groups Begin | September 11 | 7-8:30 p.m. This is the first official week of Small Groups. Everyone will meet in their host homes for dinner and discussion time. Middle School Fall Retreat | September 20-22 The 6th-8th graders are returning to Stoney Creek Ranch for fall retreat! Our good friends, Ryan DeLange Band, are leading us in worship, and we'll be encouraged and challenged by our speaker, Jeffery Dean. We always have a blast at Stoney Creek and can't wait to go back!

CHILDREN Fall Kickoff Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 8 when our children move to their new classes for the 2019-2020 school year. An email will be sent after Labor Day with classroom assignments. Register: stlukesmethodist.org/fallkickoff See the back cover for more Fall Kickoff fun! Children’s Church returns Sunday, September 15! Kinder—3rd graders are invited to participate in a worship service designed just for them at 11 a.m. on the 2nd floor of the Johnson Building. Children’s Church has upbeat music, dedicated prayer time, exciting curriculum (outside of Sunday School), and small group discussions that build community and foster faith growth. Parenting the Love and Logic Way This 6-week parenting program is designed to help parents raise responsible, respectful children who are fun to be around, as well as provide solutions for families of children from early childhood to beyond adolescence. Classes are Sundays, 4–5:30 p.m. from October 13–November 17. Course fees are $140 per individual or $240 per couple, plus an optional $15 for a workbook. Led by therapist Phylis R. Tomlinson, Independent Facilitator of Parenting the Love and Logic Way. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/loveandlogic. Childcare is provided with a reservation.

Middle School SNL - Live Action Clue | October 13 | 5:30 p.m. Who did it? Where? How?! Middle School students will run around gathering clues from people and characters all around the church as they try to solve this classic murder mystery game that's come to life! 30-Hour Famine | October 18-19 Have you ever gone 30 hours without eating? Do you think you could do it? Food scarcity is a problem facing thousands of families, even right here in the Houston area. This overnight event provides students with an experience they won't soon forget. High School Camping Trip | October 25-27 All 9th-12th grade students are invited to our annual camping trip! We'll spend a few days enjoying God's beautiful creation outdoors as we sleep in tents, go on hikes, and cook our meals over an open fire. More details coming soon.


Learn more about Student Events and register: StLukesMethodist.org/students

Fall Fest at Gethsemane! September 25 | 4:30-6:30 p.m. A community-wide event held at St. Luke’s Gethsemane Church, Fall Festival is a smorgasbord of students, teachers and residents from the community who come together for an afternoon of thrilling games, tasty fair food and a whole lot of fun. To join in the fun or to volunteer, contact Sheridan Gabrisch (sheridan@myconnectcommunity.org.)

WE GIVE OURSELVES AWAY IN GENEROSITY AND SERVICE Saturday Serve: Bring your family and friends! September 14 | 9:30 a.m. | Gardeners! Join us for a work day at Christian Community Service Center Garden at Gethsemane. October 12 | 9:30 a.m. | Package new underwear for Undies for Everyone. Information: Madeline Beem (mbeem@stlukesmethodist.org) November 16 | 9:30 a.m. | Holy Spirit Episcopal Church (12535 Perthshire Rd.) Prepare backpacks with food for children to have over the Thanksgiving break. Harvey Workdays: We are still committed to helping those affected by the flooding of Hurricane Harvey as we serve with our partner, The Restoration Team. Information: Madeline Beem (mbeem@stlukesmethodist.org)

Top 10 Ways to Serve - Early Fall Take worship outside our walls. Camera Operator | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 8:45 a.m. | as available Be a part of bringing worship to people who are at home, or on vacation as we launch livestreaming in our Contemporary service! No experience necessary – just a willingness to serve. Contact: John Manigold (jmanigold@stlukesmethodist.org) Help our children build a spiritual foundation that lasts a lifetime! Children’s Church Resumes September 15 | 11 a.m. Come form relationships through this worship community for children in K – 3rd grade. Adult and teen volunteer teams include check-in/check-out, small group leaders and community builders. Contact: Mike Mosby (mmosby@stlukesmethodist.org) Share God’s love with our Gethsemane kids! Sunday School Teacher | once per month Gethsemane’s Children and Youth Ministry needs loving Sunday morning teachers. If you you are interested, contact: Juana Tavico, Children’s Coordinator (jchavez@sltukesmethodist.org) or Lynzey Guidry, Youth Coordinator (lguidry@stlukesmethodist.org) Start your Saturday off right! September 14 | October 12 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. Serve alongside your family and friends once a month as we work with local community partners. In September, we will work in the CCSC garden to provide fresh, healthy produce to our Gethsemane community. In October, we will package new undergarments for underserved children. Contact: Madeline Beem (mbeem@stlukesmethodist.org) You can make a difference in the life of a child! KIDS HOPE USA Mentors | September-May Just one hour a week mentoring a child at one of our partner schools, Briarmeadow Elementary and Sutton Elementary, will help that child succeed. Contact: Marci Pampe (mpampe@stlukesmethodist.org) or Karen McCarver (kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org.) Looking to do something meaningful? Wednesday Night Fellowship at Gethsemane 5:30-7:30 p.m. Gather your crew to cook/serve dinner to our Gethsemane community. Contact: Madeline Beem (mbeem@stlukesmethodist.org) Give the gift of life. | Blood Drive | September 22 | 8 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Visit the Donor Coach in the parking lot to donate blood. Sign up: Madeline Beem (mbeem@stlukesmethodist.org) Blessing of the Animals Prep | Week of 9/30 Help us prepare for the Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 13, by packaging dog and cat treats. Contact: Rev. Katie Montgomery Mears (kmontgomerymears@stlukesmethodist.org) Love food and teenagers? Student Ministry Café | Sundays | 9:30-10:10 a.m. as available Help serve drinks and breakfast items to our students. Serve occasionally or once a week. Contact: Tracy Velarde (tvelarde@stlukesmethodist.org.) Smiling faces and helping hands needed! Caregiver Conference | Saturday, October 19 Volunteers are needed throughout the day to help with set-up, guest services, and clean-up. Contact: Mary Schuler (mschuler@stlukesmethodist.org) 17

MUSIC AND FINE ARTS The Rob Landes Trio presents Music From WWII Sunday, August 25 | 6 p.m. | Sanctuary Tap your feet to the music of Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller and more. Free admission. A free-will offering benefits Friends of Music. SundaySing! Round-Up and Children’s Choir Kickoff Friday, August 30 | 5:30 to 8 p.m. | Rotunda Theater SundaySing! for grades 1–5 Fall rehearsals for grades Pre-K-5 begin Sunday, September 8 with registration at 4 p.m. More details or to pre-register: (jbair@stlukesmethodist.org) or 713-402-5028.

Theater Under the Stars (TUTS) Spotlight Series We are privileged to host TUTS in free events that take audiences behind the scenes of their upcoming productions. Meet the creative team and cast members from each show! Thursday, September 26 for Spring Awakening and Thursday, November 21 for Elf: The Musical. 6:30 p.m. in the Rotunda.

SongPlay! for you and your child begins the week of September 22, with classes on Sunday afternoons, plus Monday and Thursday mornings. A musical experience with an eye to the neuropsychological development of young children from birth through preschool. Register: StLukesMethodist.org/song-play

Pure Sound Pumpkins arrive October 5 Patch is open Monday-Saturday | 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday | 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Proceeds from pumpkin sales help send our Pure Sound Youth Choir singers on their biennial tour next year. Help them by purchasing your fall decorations at St. Luke’s!

Pure Sound Youth Choir's 24th Retreat Friday, August 30 | Camp Allen Guest clinician Dr. Jeb Mueller, Associate Director of Choral Studies at the University of Houston Moores School of Music, leads the retreat. Welcome the choir back to St. Luke’s on Monday, September 2 at 4 p.m., for a performance.

Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza Sunday, October 20 | 4-5:30 p.m. | Sanctuary Open to youth of all ages. To introduce young people to the organ, St. Luke’s organists Rob Landes and Jim Roman will demonstrate the Sanctuary organ. Kids will get a chance to ask questions, go inside the organ to see how it works, and even get a chance to play it. Following the event is pizza in the Hines Baker Room.

Choir Kickoff Potluck | Wednesday, September 4 Chancel Choir, St. Cecilia Women’s Choir, and Veritas Men’s Choir begin the fall season with a potluck at 5 p.m. with rehearsals following. It’s a perfect time to join! Learn more: StLukesMethodist.org/music-fine-arts/ Audition for Tapestry Players Sunday-Monday, September 8-9 Join our resident theater company for their upcoming season Auditions for Goldilocks and the Three Bears (performances Friday, October 18-October 20) Miracle on 34th Street (performance December 1) Sunday-Monday, September 29-30 Auditions for The Mystery of Edwin Drood (performances January 9-12, 2020) Sign up: TapestryPlayers.org/auditions


Rotunda Gallery Artists of the Month Stop by each month this fall to see our rotating exhibition of art, including a group show by Creative Energy Art in September, word artist Marlo Saucedo in October, and jeweler Vanessa Parker in November. All proceeds help to build and maintain our permanent art collection here at St. Luke’s.

Study music at the Bridges Academy of Fine Arts Take lessons with some of the top music instructors in Houston. Over 200 students study at St. Luke’s each semester in disciplines such as piano, strings, voice, organ, guitar, and winds. Learn more: bridgesfinearts.org.

Tapestry Players presents Goldilocks and the Three Bears Friday-Sunday | October 18-20 |2:30 p.m. Saturday, October 19 | 10:30 a.m. Tapestry Players presents an adaptation by William Goldsmith of the popular fairy tale, in which Baby Bear and Goldilocks (now friends) have very different recollections of the details of that fateful day. A reenactment of the story ensues, with plenty of laughs and some important life lessons. The show runs under an hour and promises to be excellent exposure to theater for young audience members. Tickets: TapestryPlayers.org/goldilocks beginning September 3 Conspirare presents How Little You Are Sunday, November 3 | 7:30 p.m. | Sanctuary Conspirare and the Los Angeles, Texas and Austin Guitar Quartets come together under the baton of Craig Hella Johnson to perform Nico Muhly’s enchanting How Little You Are. This five-part work sets texts of 19th-century pioneer women. The program will also feature a world premiere by composer Kile Smith. $40 General Admission / $20 Students with valid ID. Tickets on sale beginning Tuesday, September 3 at StLukesMethodist.org/conspirare.

CWP is a casual gathering led by Sr. Pastor, Dr. Tom Pace. It is the perfect way to learn more about St. Luke’s model and vision for ministry and our membership covenant. After the class, we offer an optional Joining Service for those who are ready for membership.

Wednesday, September 11 | 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday, November 3 | 4-6 p.m. Register: stlukesmethodist.org/new-here/#cwp

What's your next step? Do you ever feel stuck on your journey of faith?

11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. | Hines Baker Room September (8, 15, and 22) | October (6, 13, and 20) | November (3, 10 and 17) We all want to live and love more like Jesus each day, but sometimes the demands of our lives keep us stalled on the journey. We get it – and we care about your spiritual life and want to help you grow constantly in your love for Jesus, one another, and the world. So… we designed Starting Point, a three-week class intended to jumpstart your journey! It features teaching by Dr. Pace, opportunities for reflection and discussion, and practical ways to plug into the various ministries of St. Luke’s. Register: Rebecca Alsup (ralsup@stlukesmethodist.org)



Fall Prayer Service – A Time of Spiritual Renewal Wednesday, September 18 | 7 p.m. | Chapel Life comes at us fast! Before getting swept up in all the challenges and opportunities that lay before us this fall, take a deep breath with us as we align our hearts with God’s purposes for the upcoming season. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Thirsty for Theology Monday | November 11| 6:30 p.m. | Black Labrador (4100 Montrose) Join other young adults for a frank conversation about spiritual topics. Led by Rev. Thomas Harper, Thirsty for Theology is a group for young professionals (30s and 40s) who are ready to discuss the deeper questions about God, the church, and our culture as a whole. We will discuss the importance of being open about asking hard questions and searching for answers together. If you are single, married, divorced, a good Christian, bad Christian, or not even a Christian, come join us for fellowship and holy conversation.

Prayer and Healing Services | Wednesdays | 7 p.m. | Chapel September 3, October 2, November 6 Join us as Rev. Thomas Harper will lead a time of prayer and communion where we ask God for spiritual and physical healing for you or a loved one.



Celebrating Lives GETHSEMANE EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM In Honor of: Rev. David Horton by Dick Brewer In Memory of: Greg Gee by Mr. and Mrs. William Jee and Family ST. LUKES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH In Honor of: Ken Blanchard by Laura and Bill Denham Rev. David Horton by Edna Thompson CARING MINISTRIES In Honor of: Dr. Marcella Manning by Eloise and John Lloyd In Memory of: Lana Hadlock by Bill and Laura Denham Katherine Jager by Laura and Bill Denham James W. Moore by: Elaine Herring CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES In Memory of: Patricia Lancaster Morris by Bill and Laura Denham Jeanette Boyer by Bill and Laura Denham THE COMMUNION GUILD Marcia and Ben Mathes STUDENT MINISTRIES In Memory of: Kathryn King Gibson by Bill and Laura Denham Katherine Jager by Jennifer and Rich Gould Debby and Bill Leighton CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER In Honor of: Nancy Stephenson on the occasion of her birthday by Elinor Hart Betty Brown Linda Burch Pat Deckert Pam Howard Bobbie Wisecup Susan Silvus

Kristen Tillman by Noralyn Carpenter KIDS HOPE USA In Honor of: Marci Pampe by Dick Brewer Linda Christians by Marcia L. Pampe In Memory of: Carl William "Bill" Pampe by Jeannine Smith FRIENDS OF MUSIC In Honor of: Karen McCarver by Don and Jan Wagner Gaye P. Platt by Ben and Marcia Mathes Marcia and Ben Mathes on occasion of their wedding anniversary by Byrom Wehner In Memory of: Marg Frances Platt by Ben and Marcia Mathes Betty Jane Pippins by Laura and Bill Denham Dr. James W. Moore by Gordon and Kay Dees Rev. Wesley Stevens and Marilyn Stevens Wilma and Scott Brockett JAMES W. MOORE ENDOWMENT In Memory of: Dr. James W. Moore by Mary Jo Loyd Karin and Stephen Wende Pamalah and Stephen Tipps Regina Rogers James and Sally Winfrey Albert C. Carnes Jr. Denise and Randy Doyle John Carloss John and Cynthia Harper Pat Deckert Beverly Merritt Joe L. Penland Judy and Taylor Moore Bonnie McKenzie Anne and Tio Suman Vicki and Bill Hitzhusen Margie and Jim Camp Gertrude and John Cox Ann Eutsler Carl Rhoads Franna and Ted Litton Gene Graham

Continued on page 22


Continued from page 21

Mary and John Hasenbank Carolyn and Bob Fryar Mary and Victor Casad Carol and J. McKenzie Mary Sawyer Clara and Shed Boren Sallie and Ken Schwenke Hulda Schubert Liz and Arlee Leifeste Jackie and Gus Browning Sherry and Jerry Ritcheson Margie Peeples Sylvia and Ed Ashbaugh NEEDLEPOINT GUILD In Memory of: Dr. James W. Moore by Betty Pierce ST. LUKE'S BUILDING FUND In Honor of: Jon Norman by Laura and Bill Denham In Memory of: William David McCarver, Jr. by Laura and Bill Denham Patricia Tillman by Laura and Bill Denham Marjorie Hatfield by Laura and Bill Denham Margaret Ann Smith by Laura and Bill Denham Jim Moore by Laura and Bill Denham David Yarbrough by Laura and Bill Denham Billie Stevenson by Laura and Bill Denham ST. LUKE'S DAY SCHOOL In Memory of: James W. Moore by Jeanne, David and Katie King PRAYER MINISTRY In Honor of: Jana Gaddy by Friends at Disciple II: Barbara, Neil, Betty, Kathy, Michel and Lavonne PM Pals In Memory of: Jake Hampton by Betty and Bob Geary Charles W. Schwartz Dr. Miles Mitchem by Susie and Bill Stroud 22

WOODSHOP MINISTRY In Honor of: Paul Renner by Bonnie Bryan Mayor Patricia and Bruce Wallace, Jr. Lee Nash by Gail and Jackson Nash RANDY SMITH BIBLE STUDY CLASS In Memory of: Margaret Ann Smith by Val Dean and Jack Read RANDY SMITH SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION In Memory of: Margaret Ann Smith by Eugenia M. Pruette Susie and Joe Dilg Richard P. Dawson Agatha and Gus Brann Richard P. Dawson Mary McLean Lora and W.M. Kilroy Gene Graham Barbara and Dan Clinton Jr. Jane Sloane Nancy and William Drushel Betty Pierce John Holstead Randy Smith by Eugenia M. Pruette GENE DECKER STUDY CLASS OUTREACH FUND In Memory of: Richard Harrison by Betty and Bob Geary Gene Decker Study Class Jane and Charles Szalkowski Sally and Larkin Matthews Steve Mims by Vicki and John Crum Carolyn Anglum Anna and Ted Litton Pamalah and Stephen Tipps Peggy Roe William Livesay Karen and Don Eldridge Melinda Hall Charles Lusk III Mary and Marion McDaniel Vermillion Family Foundation Edna and Bob Edgley Barbara and Wayne Harms Sharon Anne Ward by Jane and Charles Szalkowski Tom Thacker by Gene Decker Study Class Bud Rainey by Gene Decker Study Class Jane and Charles Szalkowski

Sally and Larkin Matthews Betty and Bob Geary

GENE DECKER STUDY CLASS ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: Sharon Anne Ward by Gene Decker Study Class NICK FINNEGAN COUNSELING CENTER In Honor of: Linda Christians by: Rhonda and James Ward Peggy and Leendert Keus Jill and B.J. Mulloy Barbara and Neil Stovall Becky Browder Sue Jordan Sara and Frank Eggleston Babs and Ed Smith Susan and Tommy Stone Vicki and Jim Keiser Sandy Hendon Martha and Bruce Jamison Joan and Don Haley Clara and Shed Boren Gail and Ken Jacobson Katy Hays Jane and Charles Szalkowski Lynda Aycock Tammy Jenkins by Robert and Louise Bland Margaret Ann Smith by Sue Carpenter ST. LUKE'S MEMORIAL GARDEN In Memory of: James W. Moore by Penny Brooks ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOUNDATION In Honor of: Linda Christians by Nancy and Bill Cobb Laura and Rev. Bill Denham by Clara and Shed Boren In Memory of: Lana Hadlock by Peggy Roe Morgan Lee Copeland by Dan and Kathryn Burton Caren and Bill Hamilton Martha Loyd by Kim Wheless Joanne Mueller Debby and Bill Leighton Stanley Reese Shaeffer by Alison and Wilson Smith Kelly and J. Michael Cunningham Beverly and Scott Shaeffer

Dr. James W. Moore by Jane and Charles Szalkowski Carolyn Wildenthal Joanne Mueller Beverly Arnold Alice and Randy Helms Susan and Tom Martin Steven Arnold Debby and Bill Leighton Betty and Bob Greary Elizabeth and Warren Fisher Ginger Blanton Dick Brewer Val Dean and Jack Read Patrice and Richard Domercq Margaret Ann Smith by Carolyn Wildenthal Joanne Mueller Beverly Arnold Alice and Randy Helms Susan and Tom Martin Steven Arnold Betty and Bob Geary Anne and Bob Pullen Ginger Blanton Katherine Jager by Carolyn Wildenthal Marie Watts Elizabeth and Warren Fisher Ginger Blanton Billie Stevenson by Joanna Mueller Steve Mims by Beverly Merritt Gaynelle Schuler by Elizabeth and Warren Fisher Patricia A. Tillman by Elizabeth and Warren Fisher John Gaston by Clara and Shed Boren Ken SooHoo by May and Bill Jee J'Net Fuller by May and Bill Jee BOYSCOUT TROOP 46 In Memory of: Jim Sippel by Val Dean and Jack Read THE STORY In Honor of: Jenny Michelle Mueller by Michelle McNeely Mueller Carl McNeely Mueller by Michelle McNeely Mueller Katie Mueller Garoni by Michelle McNeely Mueller


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