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Message from the Head of School and Board Chair

The 2020-2021 school year brought us unprecedented challenges and satisfying achievements. In the summer of 2020, we faced the daunting task of thoughtfully and safely planning our school’s reopening. Throughout, we remained focused on one goal: doing what’s best for our students. With input from health experts, the State of Connecticut, our trustees, and faculty and staff , we made the decision to off er in-person instruction to all students every day. We also determined that a live zoom option was essential to off er as well. Emboldened by this singular focus on delivering an exceptional education, St. Luke’s was “open for business” all year, placing us in an enviable position relative to other area schools. Our faculty and staff have never been as tested as they were in this school year and we have never been so proud to be their colleagues. An important marker of a school’s health is fi nancial stability. In this report, you will see that the health of St. Luke’s is excellent. In this year like no other before it, in the midst of a global pandemic, when the campus was closed to all but students, faculty and staff , our community collectively contributed $5 million to St. Luke’s. Some of the fi nancial accomplishments of the past year included:

• Our Annual Fund exceeded its dollar goal and parent participation reached 92%. • The Class of 2021 Senior Gift raised almost $1 million for Financial Aid. • An alumnus of the Class of 1950 gave $1 million to our endowment because in his words “When I needed it, St. Luke’s changed my life.” • Three new endowments were established for civil discourse, design-based learning and faculty development (see pages 42-44), and a $500,000 refurbishment for the Seldin Performing Arts

Center and the Wyckoff Black Box Theatre was funded. • Our endowment reached $40 million for the fi rst time in our history. In the pages that follow, we are pleased to highlight the stories of a few St. Luke’s families and friends, whose contributions are creating pathways for students now and into the future. It is this humble generosity and deep commitment to our mission that allows St. Luke’s to be the kind of place that it is today—a place where our faculty members are deeply committed to the success of their students, our parents are cooperative partners in all that we do, and our alumni are ready to lend a hand when needed. We believe strongly in the quality and value of a St. Luke’s education, and we are proud of the opportunities presented to each student. To be clear, this unique student experience at St. Luke’s School would not be possible if not for the passionate support of our wider community. As the 2020-2021 school year ended, we experienced the annual ritual of the “beautiful sorrow” of saying good-bye to our Class of 2021 graduates while at the same time looking forward to the future with enthusiasm and excitement. This is a special time for St. Luke’s and the two of us are proud to be a part of it with all of you. With sincere gratitude,

Mark Davis James Andersen Head of School Chair, Board of Trustees

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