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Endowment Funds


Civil Discourse Endowed Fund NEW

Fund Value: $255,469

Established in 2020 through a gift from Jennifer and Graham Foster, the Civil Discourse Endowed Fund permanently established The Civil Discourse Speaker Series, which allows St. Luke’s students and community to be exposed to the highest quality lessons in civil discourse. The income from this fund supports the costs associated with bringing together two parties or sets of experts in their respective fields to publicly discuss an issue that has two clearly articulated sides.

Class of 2012 Center for Leadership Speaker Series Endowed Fund

Fund Value: $402,295

Established as a legacy gift by the families of the Class of 2012, this endowment helps to underwrite the Center for Leadership’s speaker series program and support the Center for Leadership’s mission to develop every SLS student’s unique ability to lead and make a difference.

Class of 2013 Student Life Endowed Fund

Fund Value: $364,857

Established in 2013 as a legacy gift from the Class of 2013 to support activities related to student life and the promotion of school community and school spirit.

Karen E� Wiegman ’92 Award Endowed Fund

Fund Value: $20,833

Established in 2005 to provide an annual award to a senior who has shown the most growth over their years at St. Luke's School. This growth is marked by social connections, academic discovery, and personal maturation.

Parsons Family Women & Leadership Endowment Fund

Fund Value: $67,677

Established in 2013 to support initiatives related to women and leadership, including but not limited to program/ conference support, individual awards, and/or scholarships for female students with leadership potential.

Richard J� Pedrick Endowed Memorial Fund

Fund Value: $286,264

Established in 1995 in memory of past parent and former Trustee, Dick Pedrick, "to perpetuate, as a living memory, all that Dick Pedrick stood for." The Richard J. Pedrick award is awarded annually to a graduating senior who exemplifies leadership, dedication, intelligence, athletic participation, good sportsmanship,and love for his/her fellow human beings.

Social Justice Design Based Learning Fund NEW

Fund Value: $83,721

Social justice-focused design-based learning opportunities are an essential element of a St. Luke’s education. Established in 2020, income from the Social Justice Design-Based Learning Fund will be used to meet the costs associated with existing programs, such as J-Term and Community Service programs, or to launch new projectbased learning initiatives with a social justice or community service focus.

S� Philip Klein Emerging Leader Award Endowed Fund

Fund Value: $72,469

Established in 2012, this award is presented annually to a 9th or 10th grader who possesses good character, has strong leadership potential, and who wants to take on the personal challenge of the Hurricane Island Outward Bound program.


Class of 2021 Experience Fund NEW

Fund Value: $1,000,441

This Fund allows students to participate in grade- and class-level trips, special athletic events, performing arts opportunities, as well as global exchange trips. The Fund also helps families afford books, transportation fees, and other costs beyond tuition.

Duncan Edwards Waterside School Scholarship Fund

Fund Value: $209,496

Established in 2013 to provide scholarship awards to outstanding students coming from the Waterside School in Stamford, CT.

E�E� Ford Foundation Fund for Minority Scholarships

Fund Value: $221,130

Established in 1997 to provide need-based scholarships for minority students, grades 9-12.

George E� Stevens Horizons Prize Endowment

Fund Value: $2,103,385

Established in 2010 to provide full scholarship support for a Horizons student for up to four years of high school. The prize recognizes students who love learning, demonstrate good character, pursue excellence, and embrace community.

McIntire Family College Opportunity Fund

Fund Value: $398,222

Established in 2012 in honor of Gavin McIntire ’08, this endowment provides funding for juniors and seniors on financial aid, to address college search-related expenses, so that they may discover and improve their chances of attending schools that will provide rewarding individual college experiences.

The Orlich Family "360" Endowed Fund

Fund Value: $189,381

The Orlich Family "360" Endowed Fund was established in 2019 to help fund non-tuition essentials so that students on financial aid will have access to the full St. Luke's experience, both in and out of the classroom.

Richard Whitcomb Endowed Scholarship Fund

Fund Value: $7,379,722

Established in 2003, in honor of beloved Headmaster Emeritus, Dick Whitcomb, the Whitcomb Scholarship provides need-based scholarships for students based on their ability to make a major contribution to the School and who personify former Headmaster Dick Whitcomb's passion for academic curiosity, strength of character and co-curricular involvement.


The Tyler Family Endowed Chair for Theater Arts

Fund Value: $2,415,493

An Endowed Chair is the highest honor St. Luke’s can bestow on a faculty member. Established in 2019 by the Tyler Family, The Tyler Family Endowed Chair for Theater Arts supports the salary of the director of the theater arts program and/or the theater arts program.

Faculty Development Endowment

Fund Value: $255,564

Established in 2016 as part of the Final Phase of the Momentum Campaign, the Faculty Development Endowment supports well-established faculty members in their desire to take on high-level, long-term professional development projects that are ambitious in scope and ultimately advance teaching and learning at St. Luke’s School.

Chadwick Family Faculty Development Endowed Fund NEW

Fund Value: $64,941

Established in 2020, the Chadwick Family Faculty Development Fund supports the pursuit of projects that advance teaching and learning at SLS while enabling faculty to pursue areas of professional interest that are fulfilling to them and help them grow as professionals. Projects that will be funded will be beyond the scope of what is currently funded by the school’s professional development budget.

China Care Endowed Chair for Chinese Language Education

Fund Value: $1,108,483

Established in 2006 to fund a Chinese language instructor who will also be the coordinator of the St. Luke's School China Care Club, a student organization which will help further the mission of China Care.

Goldstone Faculty Enrichment “Dream Grant” Endowed Fund

Fund Value: $334,753

Established in 2011, this fund provides grants to teachers and administrators to pursue personally rewarding experiences, be it travel, summer study, or the opportunity to pursue a passion. See page 55 for this year's recipients.

Head of School Discretionary Endowment Fund

Fund Value: $1,422,780

Established in 2005 to fund projects determined by the Head of School.

Edward Scovner Excellence in Middle School Teaching Award Fund

Fund Value: $42,513

Established in 2013 by the Royce Family to support an award to a middle school teacher who has most inspired students to fulfill their individual potential through her/his commitment, deep affection for students, and most importantly, distinctive style and approach to teaching.

Kontulis Family Faculty Chair

Fund Value: $1,392,501

An endowed chair is the highest honor St. Luke’s can bestow on a faculty member. Established by the Kontulis Family in 2016, this rotating endowed chair helps St. Luke’s to recognize, retain and inspire top teaching talent. Chairholders serve a two-year appointment and receive a stipend to be used to further a project of their choice.

The Dr� Kidd Excellence in Teaching Award and Endowment for Faculty

Fund Value: $1,147,726

The Dr. Kidd Excellence in Teaching Award is given to a full-time teacher who exemplifies the ideals of SLS through excellence in the classroom, service to the total School community, and dedication to the well-being and growth of St. Luke's students.

Tracy B� Duncan Innovation Award

Fund Value: $128,770

The Tracy B. Duncan Innovation Award quasi-endowment provides awards to innovative members of the St. Luke’s community whose work has made a significant impact on the student experience and in the development of a culture of innovation at St. Luke’s School.


Unrestricted Board Endowment Fund

Fund Value: $14,413,522

Established in 2007, the income from this quasi-endowment provides unrestricted support to the school’s operating budget while allowing for flexibility in the future.

General Endowment Fund

Fund Value: $8,674,473

Established in 1980, the interest from this fund provides unrestricted funding to the school.

WHY I GIVE Fiorella Velasquez ’06

It is an absolute priority for me to donate to SLS and contribute in some way, no matter the circumstances each year, because I want the School to continue to carry out its mission. SLS was instrumental in nearly every aspect of my development as a person. SLS guided, encouraged and supported me in pursuing my heart's mission—to be an agent of social change.



Patricia & John Chadwick


Anonymous Elisabeth Evans & Mark Davis


Maureen & William Boian '64 Mary & Andrew Bowman '64 Clinton Cross '51 Susan & Donald Hill '67 Pamela & Peter Mezan '60 Susan & Kurt Ostheimer '61 Anne Richmond Deedie & Donald Rose '53 Mike Runyon '62 Betsey & Arthur Selkowitz '61 Lucia & David Tyler '65


Nicholas Campofranco '02


John Runnette III '50


Elizabeth & Steven Goldstone


Mrs. Richard Cohen Melissa & Charles Froland


Peggy & Ed Petner Sunny Greenberg & Steven Piltch


Anonymous TaShun Bowden-Lewis '90 Kelly Brewer '89 Joyce & Barry Chavkin Cindy & Mark Feinberg '81 Michelle Flowers '00 Gaye Frasca Fulljames '74 & Gregory Fulljames Jane & Robert Golenbock '66 Wendy & James Hilboldt, Jr. Anne & Mark Kelley '81 Marcia & Richard King '64 Christopher Marquardt '85 William Mason IV '82 Eileen & Scott Oakford The Perry Family Roseann & Roy Scaffi di Kristin Heineman Smith '89 Frederick Steiwer '71 Ingrid & Phillip Tucker Chris & Steven Ware '66 Andrea Whitcomb '83 Barbara Whitcomb &

Richard Whitcomb* Joseph Williams '10 Claire Wilson '18 Alexandra Zipparo '97


Elizabeth & Charles Kontulis


Jennifer & Roger Schwartz


Alisyn Camerota & Timothy Lewis

* deceased

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