Worship Guide May 19, 2013

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Thanksgiving Sunday November 25, 2012 May 19, 2013

December 30, 2012

WORSHIP Traditional

8:00 & 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary The Rev. Jad Denmark Prelude “O For a Thousand Tongues” (8:00/9:30) The Sanctuary Handbell Choir (11:00) The Morning Handbell Choir

Gathering for Worship & Chiming of the Hour Choral Introit (9:30)


9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams Gathering Song “Fire Never Sleeps”

Welcome Call to Worship *Praise Song

“Everywhere That I Go” “You Are Good“

“Suddenly There Came a Sound”

*Opening Prayer *Praise Song

“O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing”..................#57 (verses 1, 2 ,3, 5 & 7)


“Sweet, Sweet Spirit” (8:00) Randy Lowe, soloist “Rushin' In Like a Mighty Wind” (9:30) The Sanctuary Choir

Closing Song

*Call to Worship *Hymn

*Opening Prayer *Passing the Peace and Welcome Witness in Music

“A New Hallelujah” “Man In The Mirror”

Scripture: Acts 2 Sermon: “Accepting the Invitation” Series: Mission Possible “Fire”


Prayers of the People; The Lord’s Prayer Offering and Offertory “Pie Jesu” (8:00) The Sanctuary Handbell Choir “Spirit, Sing” (9:30) The Sanctuary Choir

*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication.....p94 Scripture: Acts 2 Sermon: “Accepting the Invitation” Series: Mission Possible


“Breathe On Me, Breath of God” .....................#420

The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams

*Benediction & Benediction Response

“The Lord Bless and Keep You” ......................p2280


“Soldiers of the Lord”

11:00 a.m. Worship Prelude Gathering for Worship & Chiming of the Hour *Call to Worship *Hymn “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing”..................#57 (verses 1, 2 ,3, 5 & 7)

*Opening Prayer *Passing the Peace and Welcome Offering and Offertory “Pie Jesu” (11:00) The Morning Handbell Choir

The Children’s Musical

FEELING INSPIRED TO GIVE TODAY? Visit one of the Giving Kiosks located in the narthex of the sanctuary and outside the gym. Kiosks accept debit and credit cards and offer a printed receipt and an email confirmation of your contribution to St. Luke’s. You do not have to be a member of St. Luke’s to use this free service. You can also use the QR code to give directly from your mobile device!



We often define church according to a building or the hour of 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning, but what if you could find a community of people who believed church was a catalyst for change? As a congregation we value Christ-centered love lived out in acceptance, hospitality, community, discipleship and service. We long for everyone to experience the Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors of God’s Church. This Worship Guide will provide you with many opportunities to connect with our diverse ministries. We invite you to get involved! SUNDAY WORSHIP: Join us each Sunday for Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary at 8:00, 9:30 or 11:00 a.m., Contemporary Worship in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium at 9:30 a.m., or re•define contemporary family worship at 11:00 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium. GOD-O-SEA/CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: Please stop by the Welcome Window in Building B on Sunday mornings if you need more information or assistance on your child’s placement. We look forward to being a part of your child’s spiritual formation. We also offer a free nursery in Building A for babies who are at least six weeks old. NEXGEN WEEKLY PROGRAMMING: High School students in grades 9-12 meet Wednesdays in the Attic (Building C) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Middle school students in grades 6-8 can participate in FUEL Thursdays in the Attic from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Enjoy fellowship, games, and praise and worship. We also have Ohana, a family game night, on Sundays in the Attic from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Stay up to date with all the NexGen (middle and high school) programs and events by visiting www.nexgenministries.com. Contact Andrew Miller at amiller@st.lukes.org or Dave Jans at djans@st.lukes.org or call 407.876.4991 ext. *254. PRAYER CHAPEL: If you are in a crisis due to your health, your job, or in other areas in your life, come to the Chapel for prayer Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and put those burdens on the altar.


Campus Facilities Optimization

EXISTING PAVING NEW PAVING Renovated Space New Addition

Property Line

Existing Parking - 310 spaces

To accomplish our goals for St. Luke's and Community Transformation, we need to optimize our campus for growth and new opportunities. Please vote TODAY in the Welcome Hall of Building C or online at www.st.lukes.org/commit regarding the prioritization of the campus optimization projects below. We will use your feedback and share this important information at the church conference on June 9. Please prioritize the projects 1 to 5 (1 being most important and 5 being least important). Project Red:

Welcome/Gathering Space & Reconfigured Vehicular Drop-off

Project Purple: New Contemporary Worship (600 seats), New Youth Center & Relocated Children's Playground


Project Gold:

Existing Building Renovations

Project Blue:

Sanctuary Renovation

Project Green: Gym Expansion (Stage Addition)

Project Red (Welcome/gathering space, connection point, front door, reconfigured vehicular drop-off) Project Purple (New Contemporary Worship Venue (600 seats), new youth center & relocated playground)

Second Floor

Farley Street

Project Gold (Existing building renovations and repurposing of buildings A & B, The Attic, and the Fellowship Hall)

Master Plan - Final

Project Blue (Sanctuary Updates) Project Green (Optimization of Coleman Memorial Gymnasium via expansion to include stage addition)

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Rd. Orlando, FL 32819 Phone: 407.876.4991 Website: st.lukes.org

CONNECT Ohana Luau & BBQ


Join us TODAY from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the Ohana Luau! Ride the waves on our surf simulator and then dunk Pastors Jad and Corey in the dunk tank! Proceeds benefit Surfing the Nations. Tickets are $6.00 per person, maximum $20.00 per family and are on sale between worship services in the Building C Welcome Hall or at the entrance to the luau. WELCOME STRATEGY TEAM: The next meeting for the Welcome Strategy Team is Wednesday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. in Building C Room 201-203. RSVP to Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. SUNDAY LUNCH BUNCH: Meet at BJ’s Restaurant (4151 Conroy Road next to Olive Garden, at the Mall of Millenia) on Sunday, June 2 at 12:30 p.m. Please call Becky Garner at 407.352.4875 or 407.353.8446 for reservations or cancellations. CELEBRATE THE MUSIC AND MINISTRY OF BRYAN FITZGERALD: On Sunday, June 2 we will celebrate the wonderful ministry that Bryan Fitzgerald has led as our Director of Music Ministries. Bryan will be recognized during the traditional worship services and in the Sanctuary from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The FINAL deadline for all letters of thanks and appreciation to ensure inclusion in Bryan’s “Memory Book” is TODAY. Please send all letters via e-mail to Kelly Smith at ksmith@st.lukes.org. We will present this book to Bryan on June 2. If you would like to make a donation to the Fitzgerald Music Education Scholarship please make checks payable to St. Luke's with Fitzgerald Scholarship noted in the memo line. Checks can be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church office no later than May 31. You can also give online at st.lukes.org/give. CHURCH CONFERENCE: On June 9 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary take part in an exciting gathering where our church family will be making some very important decisions about how we will move forward with the vision God has given us to transform our campus and our community. Childcare is available for children 6 weeks through preschool by making a reservation at www.st.lukes.org/childcare. ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS: Our annual senior recognition service is Sunday, June 2. Choose the 11:00 service – traditional or contemporary re•define – where you would like to be recognized. Students will be asked to wear their graduation robes and stand so they can be recognized. We will take a group photo at the end of each service. To register your senior email Andrew Miller, Director of NexGen High School Ministries, at amiller@st.lukes.org and include student's name, telephone number, and which 11:00 service - contemporary or traditional - you will attend. CLUSTER GROUPS: Pick up a listing of all cluster groups from the information racks on campus or visit st.lukes.org/clustergroups. WEST ORANGE CONNECTION: There is a cluster group forming for those who live in or near the 34787 zip code. A kick-off meeting for interested adults will be held on Friday, May 31 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Terry and Kathleen McCorvie in Winter Garden. To RSVP email westorange.cluster@st.lukes.org. BOWLING CLUSTER: Come to the next meeting on Monday, June 3 at 7:00 p.m. at the World of Bowling. CLASSIC CARS CLUSTER MEETING: Are you interested in cars? Do you like fixing them up, souping them up or just admiring their artistic flair? How would you like to meet other classic car enthusiasts? The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Special Events Dining Room. Clusters are 20 or more people sharing a common interest, life stage or location. Groups gather once a month, creating a community where everyone is connected. To RSVP for any of the Cluster Group meetings above or for more information contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. LET’S PLAY CARDS OR BOARD GAMES: Every Tuesday St. Luke’s has a delicious lunch available for $5. Bring a friend, eat lunch and play cards or board games in the Rotunda area. If you are interested please contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. MARKETING INTERNSHIP: College students interested in a summer internship in marketing can email a resume to Dawn Fleming at dfleming@st.lukes.org.

Follow St. Luke’s on Facebook at facebook.com/stlukesorlando or on Twitter at twitter.com/ stlukesorlando for regular updates on all of our ministries!

GROW The Global Leadership Summit is a training event that exists to strengthen Christian leaders through skill development and inspiration. This conference is streamed LIVE to St. Luke’s from the campus of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL. Visit st.lukes.org/summit to view this year’s presenters. Register before July 23 to receive the Early Bird Rate of $79. This Early Bird Rate applies to church members and regular attendees only. St. Lukers should use the password 13GLOBAL to receive the discount. For questions contact Kelly Smith at ksmith@st.lukes.org. WHERE IN THE WORLD IS PASTOR BILL?: Follow Pastor Bill on his journey through the Holy Land at st.lukes.org/FindBill. THURSDAY THRIVE DINNER: Enjoy dinner from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Building C. The menu for Thursday, May 23 includes pulled pork sandwich, tater tots, coleslaw, dessert and drink. Adults $6.00, children 5-12 $4.00, and children 1-5 $3.00. Family max of $20.00. Please sign up at the Service Stations in Building C or call Dede Duncan at 407.876.4991 ext. *296 by noon the Monday before THRIVE. PARENTS OF INCOMING 6TH GRADERS: Join us TODAY at 4:00 p.m. in the Attic (Building C) for an information session where you can hear details about the youth ministry plans for the summer and the upcoming school year. Students may attend, but the conversation will be geared toward adults. PLAN B – SINGLES: Please join us as we discover how to regain control of our lives through the study, "Getting A Grip”. Study guides available at the reception desk, but not required. Five-week focused study on getting a handle on our schedules, bodies, finances, devotions and relationships. Class meets on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in Building C Room 205. Open to ages 45-60. E100: The American Bible Society has selected the 100 most essential passages in the Bible. Join Joline Krolicki and Judy Arndt beginning June 9 as we zip through all 66 books Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in Building B Room 205. THE ME I WANT TO BE: Beginning June 13, join us Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. for an engaging study of John Ortberg’s book, “The Me I Want To Be: Becoming God’s Best Version of You.” Classes meet in Building C Room 204. CONNECTIONS: On May 26 we will begin a 10-week study, "Experiencing Forgiveness" by Charles F. Stanley. God wants you to experience complete forgiveness and the freedom to embrace all of the blessings, challenges, and joys that He has for you-now and in your future. In "Experiencing Forgiveness", Charles Stanley identifies the components of forgiveness and teaches you to forgive others, to accept God's forgiveness of your sins, and to find the freedom and blessings of a full, abundant life. Please join us at 9:30 a.m. in the Special Events Dining Room in Building C. BAPTISM CLASS: June 2 at 4:30 p.m. in the Special Events Dining Room. No childcare is available at this time. ST. LUKE’S CORE CLASSES: The following are classes that all potential new members and St. Lukers should take: Learn Classes Beginnings: Mark your calendar for this course starting August 25, choose either Sundays at 11:00 a.m. or Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. It is an intro to Christian theology, history and practice. Bible Basics: This inviting class will answer questions like: What does Bible mean? Who wrote the Bible and when? How do you use the Bible? How do you pick a translation of the Bible? Classes start Sunday, June 2 at 11:00 a.m. in Building C Room 203 and Tuesday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m. in Building C Room 201-203. Wesley Way: Starting August 25, choose either Sundays at 11:00 a.m. or Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Spend two weeks on the story of the Wesleys and the Methodist Movement and two weeks learning about the spiritual and theological convictions of Methodists. St. Luke’s 101: Learn who we are, our core values, our mission and how we operate. This class reveals the uniqueness and passion of St. Luke’s. Classes start Sunday, June 2 at 11:00 a.m. in Building C Room 201 and Tuesday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m. Building C Room 208-210. Decide Class This final class builds on the experiences from the first four courses and empowers participants to continue their Christian journey. Subjects include the spiritual disciplines, The Bible in 12 Words, Commit and Meet Jesus on the Road. Classes start July 28 at 6:30 p.m. in Building C Room 208-210. To register for classes visit www.st.lukes.org/sg. Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org with questions.

SERVE Within Our Community A ST. LUKER SERVES: St. Luke’s goal is to lead our members toward having a habit of service and we will do that in a strategic geographic location for community transformation. As the Mission Possible series comes to a close, where are you on the continuum of service? Have you been inspired to serve for the first time? Are you ready to make a bigger time commitment? Maybe walk alongside a family wanting to get out of poverty? No matter where you are, you can find a place to serve. Visit the Serve tables (organized by level) in the Building C Rotunda TODAY. Sign up for a ministry that is your passion or get more information about how to get started. Pick up the brand new St. Luke’s Serves booklet. Find resources to get equipped to serve at every level. ENTRY LEVEL SERVICE Little or no preparation needed for these service opportunities. Donate items for children, pick citrus or serve food at the Coalition. Low time commitment and mostly behind the scenes. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS IN SERVICE Most of these require sign up, some training, or background check applications. Meet those you are serving face to face. Be an evening or overnight host for Family Promise, volunteer in a classroom, be a pen pal for someone in jail or prison, or build alongside a future homeowner at Habitat. DEVELOPING A HABIT OF SERVICE Significant time commitment needed for these opportunities. Go on a week-long mission experience, be a job counselor for 12 weeks for an unemployed person, serve on a coordinating team, or help others get started in service. LEADING OTHERS IN SERVICE Service can’t happen without leaders. Big time commitment with great rewards. Help others find their passion in serving through your leadership. Lead a mission team, become a Circles Ally, be a Faith Friend, or foster a child. BISHOP'S OFFERING FOR THE FLORIDA ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Bishop Ken Carter has selected three programs to equally share in proceeds from the offering collected at annual conference June 13. Stop Hunger Now: The Florida Conference is launching a yearlong campaign titled "A Million Reasons." Organizers hope 100,000 meals will be packed and sent to Stop Hunger Now during the annual conference. Wesley Foundation at FSU: The Tallahassee campus ministry is the second largest of its kind in the U.S. Funds collected from the offering will go to upgrade the ministry's aging physical facilities, including buildings that date from the 1950s and '70s. Leadership development for young clergy of color: There is a need for intentional processes related to culture, skill development and relationship-building with younger clergy, and within this constituency, younger clergy of color. If you would like to contribute to this special offering, make checks payable to St. Luke's and write "2013 Bishop's Offering" in the memo line. Within Our Church PROVIDE A RIDE: Help St. Lukers and provide a ride to a doctor’s appointment when a family member is not available. Share God’s love with others! Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. SUNDAY COFFEE TEAM: Volunteers are needed to make coffee on the second Sunday of the month at 7:15 a.m., and one person is needed to put the doughnuts out on the third Sunday at 7:30 a.m. If interested please contact Dede Duncan at 407.876.4991 ext. *296 or dduncan@st.lukes.org. BACK 2 BASICS: Our new summer programming for Grow Ministries (children, youth, and adults) will run June 9 to August 18 on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Can you spare one hour, one Sunday in June, July, and August and lend a hand as a Small Group Leader? Please contact Meredith Bright at mbright@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *258. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES PROJECTS: We have lots of fabric bears that need to be cut for our VBS mission project! We also have sewing opportunities. Email Meredith Bright at mbright@st.lukes.org for pick-up. TECH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Volunteer to operate video cameras and ProPresenter, our worship presentation software. No experience required. Contact Vince Lepore at vlepore@st.lukes.org to sign up!

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