Worship Guide June 8, 2014

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FEBRUARY 2, 2014

JUNE 8, 2014

WORSHIP What's up with worship? The sermon series “St. Luke’s Celebrates” is all about celebrating and rejoicing in the gift of new life happening all around us. Help us lift up the diverse and unique individuals within our congregation and our community. Each week we will honor a different group of people (i.e. children, women, men, students), hear some of their stories, and find ways we can connect and grow together through St. Luke’s ministries. Join us as we celebrate the gift of resurrection and what it means to be a part of this unique body of Christ!

Traditional Worship Prelude Gathering for Worship Choral Introit “He Is Lord” The Sanctuary Choir

*Call to Worship *Hymn “God, Whose Love Is Reigning o'er Us”...............#100

This week in worship... Happy Birthday Church! Today for Pentecost we focus on celebrating the birth of the church and what that means for us here at St. Luke’s. It’s a day of celebration, surprise, food and fun in worship and at our Celebrate Church event.

Join us!

Liturgical Worship

Sundays at 8:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Today's Message: Dr. William S. Barnes

Traditional Worship

Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Today's Message: Dr. William S. Barnes

Contemporary Worship

Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium Today's Message: The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams re·define: Contemporary·Family·Worship Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium Today's Message: The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams

*Opening Prayer *Passing the Peace and Welcome Offering and Offertory “Spirit, Sing” The Sanctuary Choir

*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication...#94 Scripture: Acts 2:2-21 Sermon: "St. Luke's Celebrates Church" Series: St. Luke's Celebrates

The Sacrament of Holy Communion Music During Communion “Come, Share the Lord” The Sanctuary Choir “Life-Giving Bread” The Sanctuary Choir


“Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart” (verses 1 and 5)......................................................#500

*Benediction & Benediction Response “The Lord Bless and Keep You”


*Please stand in praise to God if you are able.

The flowers in the Chancel are given in memory of Albin & Ilga Banga by Maris and Carol Banga. The flowers in the Narthex are given in memory of Major Claire Henderson by Glenn, Claire, & Michael Fournier.

“St. Luke’s Celebrates Church” TODAY with a free, fun event on the front field. It's a party with inflatable games (including a giant water slide), kid zone carnival, and indoor board games. Food trucks will be open from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Admission to the event is free and you can purchase food from the food trucks if you didn't pack a picnic lunch. We hope you brought your summer fun clothes and a towel so you can enjoy the festivities!

For sermon videos and worship schedules visit st.lukes.org/worship.

UNEWS Welcome to the new UNEWS section of your worship guide! Each week we will highlight events, inspiring stories from St. Lukers, and specific ways to worship, connect, grow and serve during this season or sermon series.

The United Methodist Florida Annual Conference The 2014 Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church will be held at The Lakeland Center in Lakeland, FL from Wednesday, June 11 through Saturday, June 14. On Friday, June 13 in the Youkey Theater, John Andrew "Jack" Ladd, St. Luke's member, will be licensed as a local pastor. Corey Jones, St. Luke's Minister of Community, will be commissioned as a provisional elder. And Sarah Miller, wife of Andrew Miller, St. Luke's Director of Youth Ministries, will be ordained as an elder. Clergy delegates to this year's annual conference include Co-lead Pastor, Dr. William S. Barnes, Co-lead Pastor The Reverend Jennifer Stiles Williams, Minister of Community, The Reverend Corey Jones, and Minister of Connection, The Reverend Jad Denmark. Lay delegates include Lynette Fields, Dawn Fleming, Antony Larry and David Volz. On Thursday, June 12 St. Luke's will facilitate The Cost of Poverty Experience (C.O.P.E.) for over 100 participants at Annual Conference. To sign up to volunteer visit carecalendar.org and use ID number 181620 and password 7740. Contact Megan England at mengland@st.lukes.org with questions.

Summer Sermon Series St. Luke's will be starting a new summer sermon series "Psalms: A Sountrack for Summer" on June 22 and we're asking YOU to get involved no matter where you'll be this summer! •Pick up a copy of Elizabeth J. Canham's "Finding Your Voice in the Psalms: An Invitation to Prayer" in the Welcome Hall of Building C on Sundays or at the reception desk Monday through Friday during normal business hours. This is a great companion book to the sermon series. •Get weekly inspiration and connect with others by following us on Facebook at facebook.com/stlukesorlando or on Twitter at twitter.com/stlukesorlando. The official hashtag for the Psalms series is #psalmssoundtrack. •Sign up to receive weekly text messages by listing your cell phone number and service provider next to your name on the fellowship pad or by emailing this information to marketing@st.lukes.org. •Send us your photos and drawings for the song or Psalm of the week and you could be featured in the worship guide, on the website or on Facebook or Twitter! (Submissions for each week should be emailed to Dawn Fleming at dfleming@ st.lukes.org. and must be received by Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.) "Psalms: A Soundtrack for Summer" includes: June 22 Psalm 23 "Bridge Over Troubled Water" June 29 Psalm 46 "Someone to Watch Over Me" July 6 Psalm 139:1-12; 23-24 "Time After Time" July 13 Psalm 86:1-10; 16-17 "Help! I Need Somebody!" July 20 Psalm 13 "All By Myself" July 27 Psalm 104 "What a Wonderful World" August 3 Psalm 133 August 10 Psalm 100 "Shout!"

The Liberty Voices to Perform Free Concert at St. Luke's

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On Saturday, July 12 and Sunday July 13 at 7:00 p.m., the world renowned a cappella group The Liberty Voices will perform a free concert in the Sanctuary. The group has performed for five United States Presidents, has toured the country, and been featured on national television and various parades. They also perform at national and international conventions. The group will perform Americana, Folk, and Patriotic songs as well as songs from some of your favorite Disney animated movies. Tickets are free but will be required. Check next Sunday's worship guide for instructions on how to purchase tickets.

Online Giving Feeling Inspired to give today? Use the QR code to give directly from your mobile device or make your contribution through electronic funds transfer (EFT) online at st.lukes.org. Choose "Give" at the top of the page. You can also place your gifts in the offering plate during worship.

Connect CLUSTER GROUPS: See what the St. Luke’s cluster groups are up to at st.lukes.org/clustergroups. Interested in starting a cluster group? Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *262. WILLIAMSBURG CLUSTER: Join us for a donut, coffee and a disccusion on starting a cluster group for those in the Williamsburg area on Saturday, June 21, at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Lucille Ellson. R.S.V.P. to Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org for directions. SCHOOL OF THE ARTS: For information about camps contact Cindy Brough at cbrough@st.lukes.org. Take the Stage Camp: June 23-27 for grades 1-8 (as of Fall 2014). Campers will enjoy acting, singing and dancing on stage while creating a musical theater production with a great message. Change the World Camp: July 7-11 for grades 1-8 (as of Fall 2014). Campers will participate in hands-on service projects and learn ways to be a world changer for God. Spark the Imagination Camp: July 14-18 for grades K-6 (as of Fall 2014). Campers can choose from a variety of half-day options in music, art, culinary and performance. HEALTH AND FITNESS OPPORTUNITIES: Evening Exercise: Join Chris Smith, certified personal trainer/group exercise instructor, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the gym. Beginners welcome! Cost is $5/class or $30/month. First class is free. 50+ Exercise Classes: Join us in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium for low impact aerobic classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. or for strength for life classes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Cost is $2 per class. Called Church Conference: June 17 at 6:45 p.m. in Building C Room 208-210. This Church Conference will affirm salary adjustments to Pastor Jenn and Pastor Corey’s compensation. Pastor Corey’s adjustment is due to his continuation in the ordination process as a Provisional Elder within The Florida United Methodist Conference. Pastor Jenn’s is related to her revised duties as Co-Pastor. Both adjustments will take effect on July 1. All are invited to attend and only elected Church Leaders have a to vote. ABUNDANT LIFE WORKSHOPS: To register for these free workshops call 407.876.4991 ext.*250. HANDWRITING ANALYSIS WORKSHOP: On Wednesday, June 18 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Building C Special Events Dining Room have fun exploring and interpreting handwriting and its meaning. A series of interactive and fun exercises will be presented. Pre-registration is required. MEDITATION FOR RELAXATION & STRESS: Wednesday, June 25 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Building C Special Events Dining Room. Pre-registration required. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S TEA: On Saturday, June 28 at 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, all women are invited to the 5th annual ladies’ tea sponsored by the UMW. Seating is limited so purchase your tickets today in the Welcome Hall between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Tickets are $15.00 (non-refundable) and must be purchased by June 15. All proceeds go to local missions. AN EAR TO LISTEN AND A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON: The Stephen Ministry is a confidential group of trained Christians who want to help during any crisis you may be facing. No issue is too small. Contact the Connect and Care Office at 407.876.4991 ext. *262 or email Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. HOLY SMOKE BARBEQUE BROTHERS: Come join other St. Luke's men for great barbeque as well as casual conversation, fun, and fellowship. We will meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at various BBQ restaurants around Central Florida. Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. CHRISTMAS IN JULY: The Military Team is sending boxes to our deployed service members on June 26. Pick up a list of suggested items at the table in the Welcome Hall and drop off donations in the church office by June 25. Personal notes are welcomed. Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org with questions. SENIOR LUNCH: There will be no senior lunch in June. Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/stlukesorlando and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/stlukesorlando! Want to get more connected with St. Luke's each week? Sign up to receive the weekly update by visiting st.lukes.org/weeklyupdate! Check out weekly devotions at st.lukes.org/news. NEW TO ST. LUKE'S? Visit a Connection Point station at either end of Building C to pick up a First Time Guest Welcome Packet. Let us help you get connected. Contact the Connect and Care office at 407.876.4991 ext.*262 or email Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org.

For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/connect.

Grow SUNDAY MORNING PROGRAMMING FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH: Children: Preschool age children will journey with Peter as we all learn to grow into disciples of Jesus Christ. Stop by the Welcome Window in Building B on Sunday mornings for room assignments. SUMMER SUNDAY PROGRAMING: June 8 through August 17 at 9:30 a.m. only. Elementary: Come and enjoy Psalms of thanks, trust, and peace through children’s favorite poets like Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein, and Jack Pselutsky who have written current poems with a life lesson. Meet in Building A Room 201. Youth: Learn about the “Armor of God.” 5th and 6th Grade "Merge" will meet in the Attic of Building C. 7th and 8th Grade will meet in Building C Room 204-206. 9th through 12th grade students are encouraged to volunteer with middle school Sunday morning programming and then attend worship at 11:00 a.m. YOUTH MINISTRIES WEEKLY PROGRAMMING: Join in activities, Bible study, music and worship in the Attic of Building C. Youth Group is open to all grades 6-12, and meets Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Stay up to date by visiting st.lukes.org/youth. Contact Laura Turner at lturner@st.lukes.org with questions. YOUTH MINISTRIES SUMMER EVENTS: Registration is required for all events. Go to st.lukes.org/youth and click on “Summer Event Registration” to reserve your spot. Events are open to students in grades 6-12 unless otherwise listed. Youth Cocoa Beach Trip: Have some fun in the sun on Saturday, June 21. The cost of the trip is $5.00 and includes lunch. Youth Blizzard Beach Day: Speed down the water slides at Blizzard Beach on Friday, June 27. The cost of the trip is $60.00 plus the cost of lunch. Youth Deep Sea Fishing Trip: Reel in the catch of the day on Saturday, July 19. Registration for the trip will close on June 23. The cost of the trip is $60.00 plus the rental cost of fishing gear and lunch. FREE ONLINE COURSE THROUGH EMORY: Join Pastor Jad for this fascinating Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “The Bible’s Prehistory, Purpose and Political Future” in partnership with Emory University and Coursera. Biblical authors responded to defeat by gathering the fragments of their pasts and weaving them into an amazing historical narrative. Learn about this narrative that is part of a larger literary tapestry that sustained their communities as they struggled to cope with a new age of foreign rule. Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org to sign up. MAKING SENSE OF THE BIBLE: Join this summer Bible study and promote discussion on the Bible’s toughest questions. The cost of the book is $16.00. The class meets Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in Building C Room 204-206. Contact Laura Turner at lturner@st.lukes.org to register. BEGINNINGS: This is an exciting introduction to Christian beliefs, history and practice. We discuss subject matters including the Trinity, Theodicy and the Sacraments. Don’t know these terms? Perfect! Learn them with us. Classes are Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in Building C Room 203 and Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in Building C Room 206. Sign up online at st.lukes.org/grow. WESLEY WAY: This class dives into the history of John Wesley and the Methodist movement as well as Wesleyan Theology for us today. Learn about Wesley and how his values continue to impact the modern church. Classes are Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in Building C Room 208-210 and Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in Building C Room 204. Sign up online at st.lukes.org/grow. DECIDE: Meet on Sundays at 6:30 p.m. in Building C Special Events Dining Room. Topics include Spiritual Disciplines, the Bible in 12 Words, Meet Jesus on the Road, and Commit: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity. Sign up online at st.lukes.org/grow. ONCE UPON A TIME: Discover the wonderful magic inside every story by connecting faith with current literature. This new class for preschoolers will meet in the Sanctuary from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on June 26, July 1, July 10, July 28, and August 1. Contact Laura Turner at lturner@st.lukes.org for more information. MEN’S GROUP: St. Luke’s offers a men’s study group on Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. Come before you head to work. Meet in the Special Events Dining Room in Building C for discussion and fellowship. Contact Joline Krolicki at jkrolicki@st.lukes.org for more information.

For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/grow.

Serve Within our Community For more information or to sign up for any of the opportunities “Within Our Community,” contact Megan England at mengland@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *238. LAST CHANCE TO SPONSOR A CHILD IN ETHIOPIA: Provide education, food, access to health care and connection with a church in one of the most impoverished slums in the capital, Addis Ababa for $38 a month. Children’s ages range from 4 to 12 years. Forms must be submitted by Monday, June 9. EAST WINTER GARDEN HABITAT: Construction of the Habitat house for the Fikes family on 555 Bethune Avenue has started! We are looking for Core Team, Lunch and Special Volunteer Groups Coordinators. SUMMER SCHOOL: Mollie Ray teaches reading June 11 through July 16 while Pineloch offers science, reading and general programs at Shingle Creek Elementary. Classes are from June 11 to July 14 (not the week of July 4) Monday to Thursday with shifts between 8:00 a.m. and 1:50 p.m. GOLFING WITH CELEBRITIES - SHEPHERD’S HOPE FUNDRAISNG: July 17 and 18 is the Celebrity Golf Classic held at the Reunion Resort (a Wyndham Grand Resort) in Orlando. For more information visit http://shepherdshope.org/golf-sponsorships/. COALITION MEAL MINISTRY: On June 21, St. Luke’s volunteers are preparing dinner for families staying at the shelter. We are looking for 9 servers at the shelter from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; 8 bakers at St. Luke’s from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 10 cooks at the shelter from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Carpooling possible. CIRCLES INFORMATION MEETING: Join us on June 16 and 19 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Building C Workroom. The Circles Campaign is a research based model that helps individuals build relationships across socioeconomic lines in order to empower families in poverty and change the perception of poverty in our community. Sign up by contacting Meghan Killingsworth at mkillingsworth@st.lukes.org. BRIDGES OUT OF POVERTY: Learn an innovative approach to reduce poverty June 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Building C Room 200-202. Contact Meghan Killingsworth at mkillingsworth@st.lukes.org. Within our Church ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF CIRCLES: This position directs the Circles program, part of St. Luke's Community Transformation Initiative (see Circles description above). The position is 30 hours/week (some evenings and weekends required) and includes benefits. Formal training and work experience in the fields of social work or human services required. Must be comfortable training and leading diverse groups of people and clearly articulating the causes of poverty in Central Florida. Send cover letter and resume attn: Kelly Smith (see UNEWS for address) or ksmith@st.lukes.org. Deadline for resume submission is June 15. WORK ON "BIG FISH” THE MUSICAL: St. Luke’s is producing “Big Fish” the musical August 15-17 and August 22-24 with evening performances and matinees. Share your gifts during the summer musical! Ushers, Greeters, Box Office, Concessions: If you would like more information or would like to help please contact Dede Duncan at dduncan@st.lukes.org. Production Team: If you would like to help with lighting, sound, costume, or other crew positions please email Director Steve MacKinnon at smackinnon@st.lukes.org. Choir: Rehearsals begin July 1 and will be held Tuesdays from 7:15 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Building B Room 209. Contact David Patrick at dpatrick@st.lukes.org for more information. No audition necessary. CONNECTION POINT VOLUNTEERS: Help St. Luker’s and guests get connected with each other, with the ministries of St. Luke’s and with Christ. The time commitment is ONLY one-half hour a month! Training available. Please contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org if this is a way you would like to serve. COMMUNION SERVERS: Communion servers are needed once a quarter at the 8:00 a.m. worship service. No experience necessary! Contact Amy Winslow at awinslow@st.lukes.org. SUMMER CHOIR: We’d like to invite you to join us for our Summer Choir that will sing on the second and fourth Sundays in July and August. Rehearsals are at 8:45 a.m. on those Sundays in Building B Room 209. BECOME A SMALL GROUP FACILITATOR: If you have the gift or passion for helping people grow their faith, prayerfully consider facilitating a small group. There are short and long term studies and Sunday morning groups. Contact Joline Krolicki at jkrolicki@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *264. VBS 2014: Use your heart, talents, and imagination to serve at Vacation Bible School 2014. VBS runs from June 16 to 20 (9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.). We also need help with setting up and decorating of rooms if you can’t help out with VBS week. Contact Laura Turner at lturner@st.lukes.org to volunteer. SUNDAY COFFEE TEAM: Volunteers are needed to make and replenish coffee on the second Sunday of the month. Please contact Dede Duncan at dduncan@st.lukes.org if you are interested. For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/serve.

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