Worship Guide August 18, 2013

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Meet Jesus on the Road: Serve August 18, 2013 St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road Orlando, FL 32819 407.876.4991 • st.lukes.org

WORSHIP Traditional

8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary The Rev. Corey Jones Prelude Gathering for Worship *Call to Worship *Hymn “Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service”......#581

*Opening Prayer *Passing the Peace and Welcome Back to School Prayer The Sacrament of Baptism

Those receiving baptism today: (11:00) Madelyn Elizabeth Pfingsten

Witness in Music

“Touch Through Me, Holy Spirit” (8:00/9:30/11:00) Frank Ritti, soloist

Prayers of the People; The Lord's Prayer Offering and Offertory “Concerto for Two Violins in F Major” (8:00/9:30/11:00) Abigail Goodin and Kate Goodin *Doxology and Prayer of Dedication.......94

Scripture: Micah 6:6-8 Sermon: “Meet Jesus on the Road: Serve”


9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium The Rev. Jad Denmark Gathering Song “Share the Well”

Welcome Call to Worship *Praise Song “Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing)”

*Opening Prayer *Praise Song “Mighty to Save”



Back to School Prayer Scripture: Micah 6:6-8 Sermon: “Meet Jesus on the Road: Serve”

Series: Reflect: Values That Change the World

Closing Song “Micah 6:8”


Series: Reflect: Values That Change the World


“O Jesus, I Have Promised” ..................................#396

*Benediction & Benediction Response

“The Lord Bless and Keep You”...........................2280



The Rev. Jad Denmark

The flowers in the Sanctuary are given in celebration of Daryl & Monica Jones’ 25th wedding anniversary.

BACK TO SCHOOL SUNDAY: We are taking time in the worship services today to pray for students starting school this month as well as teachers and administrators and to give thanks for the donated school supplies and backpacks. PRAYER CHAPEL: If you are in a crisis due to your health, your job, or in other areas in your life, come to the Chapel for prayer Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and put those burdens on the altar. Feeling Inspired to give today? Visit one of the Giving Kiosks located in the narthex of the sanctuary and outside the gym. Kiosks accept debit and credit cards and offer a printed receipt and an email confirmation of your contribution to St. Luke’s. You do not have to be a member of St. Luke’s to use this free service. You can also use the QR code to give directly from your mobile device!

For sermon videos and worship schedules visit st.lukes.org/worship.



Are you ready to COMMIT? Check here for the latest news! Updates are also available online at st.lukes.org/commit. On Sunday, June 9, the church conference voted to move forward with releasing the remaining Bodybuilding funds, forming a building committee and forming a campaign committee. The items listed below are some of the next steps and events that you can expect in the upcoming months. •

AUGUST Update Supplying backpacks and trained volunteers for "Meet the Teacher Night" at Maxey Elementary School • Introductory meetings about Circles Campaign in East Winter Garden • The phase 1 building committee continues to discuss facilities optimization with architects Commit Campaign Committee has been created to work on informational material, prospectus and to build lay volunteer teams • All St. Lukers have received Save the Dates cards in the mail. If you did not receive a card, update your address by emailing Linda Shankle at lshankle@st.lukes.org. •

• September 8, 2013 Community Gathering Event • 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Training for all St. Luke’s servant ministers • 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Worship celebration for sharing of details of community transformation and building plans and final Church Conference approval of campaign costs •

September/October Create a Joint Neighborhood Task Force with St. Lukers and residents of East Winter Garden • Begin Circles weekly meetings • Begin one-on-one meetings with potential donors for first commitments and legacy gifts to campus and community plans •

October 27 - November 1 Campaign Dinners • Share more details and first phase funding results • Formal invitations will be distributed

November 17 The Big Event Church-wide Commitment Worship Service • Celebrate where God has led us • Make our campaign commitments. • Hard Rock Live has been confirmed as The Big Event location

*Updates are noted in blue.

For information about the Commit Campaign visit st.lukes.org/commit.

Connect RAGTIME intertwines the stories of three families as they confront history's timeless contradictions of wealth and poverty, freedom and prejudice, hope and despair, and what it means to live in America. Final performance TODAY at 4:00 p.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium. Tickets are $10 each and are available in the Building C Welcome Hall between worship services, and at the door if still available. *Caution: This show contains difficult subject matter regarding race, gender and violence. Please be aware when bringing children under the age of 13. KICK IT WITH ST. LUKE'S SOCCER: St. Luke's soccer is open to boys and girls of all skill levels entering VPK - 7th grade. St. Luke's Sports promotes fun and fellowship. The eight-week season runs September 9 through November 2. Evaluations are Saturday, August 24. Register today at www.st.lukes.org/sports. MEN, HOW CAN WE HELP YOU?: We offer confidential, non-judgmental, one-on-one Christian care to help you make it through a crisis, no matter how big or small. Contact the Care Office at 407.876.4991 ext. *262 or ccrowley@st.lukes.org to be confidentially matched with a Stephen Minister. CLUSTER GROUPS: Pick up a list of cluster groups from campus info racks or visit st.lukes.org/clustergroups. BOWLING CLUSTER GROUP: The Bowling Cluster Group will meet at the World Bowling Center at 6540 Canada Ave. on Monday, August 19 at 7:00 p.m. Email bowling.cluster@st.lukes.org for details. WEST ORANGE CONNECTION: Do you live in the West Orange area? There is a cluster group for those who live in or near the 34787 zip code. The next meeting of this group will be on Friday, August 23 at the Winter Garden Theatre. For time and directions email westorange.cluster@st.lukes.org. ENERGETIC EMPTY NESTERS: Meet for an afternoon of bowling on Saturday, August 24 at 3:00 p.m. at Downtown Disney’s Splitsville ($20 per person). RSVPs are requested to ensure we have enough lanes reserved. Email emptynesters.cluster@st.lukes.org for more information or to send your RSVP. DINNER FOR 8: "Fall" back into the swing of things at our kickoff event Saturday, September 28 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Enjoy good food and meet new people! Bring a heavy appetizer. Dessert and drinks will be provided. Call or email Tania Mark at 407.797.4685 or flamboyanst@aol.com. ST. LUKE'S 60+ SINGLES: Join us Thursday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. for T.N.T. Movie Night in Building C Room 200-202. Please contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org with questions. ERASING PREJUDICE TEAM: There will be an Erasing Prejudice Meeting Tuesday, August 27 at 7:00 p.m. in Building C Room 200-202. For information contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. WELCOME STRATEGY TEAM: There will be a Welcome Strategy Team meeting on Monday,August 26 at 7:00 p.m. in Building C Room 201-203. For information contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Has a member of your family died recently and you feel that you need some support and guidance? The Grief Support Group will start on Wednesday, September 25 for five weeks in Building B Room 201. Pastor David Stephens will be the facilitator. To register and for more information contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. LET'S PLAY BALL: The St. Luke's Men's Softball Team is preparing for their next season and is seeking additional players. Contact Dave Smith at 407.354.1525 for more information. Season begins August 26. NEW EXERCISE/BOOTCAMP: Tuesday, September 10 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Challenge yourself and take your exercise to the next level with Chris Smith, a certified personal trainer. Class is $5.00 per person. All are welcome! ST. LUKE'S SOCIAL MEDIA Follow St. Luke’s on Facebook at facebook.com/stlukesorlando or on Twitter at twitter.com/stlukesorlando for regular updates on all of our ministries! WELCOME GATHERING: There will be a Welcome Gathering Lunch for anyone interested in learning more about membership on Sunday, August 25 in the Fellowship Hall across from the Sanctuary. This lunch is a time for St. Luke’s Leadership and Pastors to share with you about who we are as a faith community. We can provide childcare and we will provide food for children as well. To RSVP contact Carol Crowley at ccrowely@st.lukes.org.


We are so glad that you decided to check out St. Luke's! We long for everyone to experience the Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors of God's church. If we can answer questions or help you get connected please contact the Connect and Care office at 407.876.4991 ext.*262 or email Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org.

For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/connect.

Grow LIVING THE SERIES-GOING DEEPER IN OUR VALUES: “Living the Series” is an open discussion about today's worship experience. Share your thoughts as we gather to gain perspective and be empowered to respond to the word proclaimed. Join us TODAY from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Attic in Building C. NEXGEN WEEKLY PROGRAMMING: High School students, grades 9-12, meet Wednesdays in the Attic (Building C) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Middle school students, grades 6-8, participate in FUEL Thursdays in the Attic from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Stay up to date with middle and high school programs and events by visiting www.nexgenministries.com. Contact Laura Turner at lturner@st.lukes.org with questions. TODAY'S SUNDAY PROGRAMMING FOR ALL AGES: •Infants through pre-school age children continue to meet downstairs in Building B. •Programming for incoming Kindergarten through 4th grade students is at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. •Merge, for incoming 5-8 graders, is at 9:30 a.m. in the Attic of Building C. High school students assist with the Elementary program in the Fellowship Hall. •Young adults drop in for Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. in the workroom of Building C (1st floor). This group is studying Adam Hamilton’s “Christianity’s Family Tree.” We will delve into many Christian denominations. BECOME A ST. LUKER...TAKE THE FIRST STEPS If you are interested in membership at St. Luke's take the first steps listed below! Visit st.lukes.org/grow for course descriptions or contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. Step 1: Attend a Welcome Gathering The next gathering will be held Sunday, August 25 at 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Step 2: Attend Four Learn Classes (Beginnings, Bible Basics, Wesley Way, St. Luke's 101) If you are new or returning to church we invite you to take all four classes. If you are transferring from another church where you have been active, we invite you to take Wesley Way and St. Luke's 101. Choose to attend either on Sundays or Tuesdays. New classes start Sunday, September 8 and Tuesday, September 10. All courses are four sessions. Beginnings: Join us Sunday in Building C Room 201-203 or Tuesday in Building C Room 204-206 Wesley Way: Join us Sunday in Building C Room 208-210 or Tuesday in Building C Room 208-210. Step 3: Attend the Decide Class At the end of this four-session class consider joining the church. Decide: The third session of this class meets August 25 in Building C Room 208 at 7:00 p.m. FALL CLASS SIGN UPS: Complete Disciple I and then take any other class in the series. No prerequisite for Financial Peace University. Sign up at st.lukes.org/grow or register in the Building C Rotunda. HEAVEN IS FOR REAL: The Connections Class will spend five weeks discussing Todd Burpo's book, “Heaven is for Real,” a little boy's astounding story of his trip to heaven and back. The class meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Special Events Dining Room in Building C (right next to the donuts) and is open to all. No need to purchase a book. TRACE THE JOURNEYS OF PAUL IN GREECE: Join Pastor Bill in Greece for 8 days starting April 26, 2014 with an optional three-day Greek island cruise including Mykonos, Ephesus, Patmos and Santorini. Informational brochures have been placed in the information racks around campus. WESLEY HERITAGE TOUR: Join Pastor Jad and Shelly Denmark on a 9-day trip to England starting July 7, 2014 with an optional four-day London tour. The 9-day trip will visit Epworth, the childhood home of John and Charles Wesley, the birthplace of the Methodist movement, as well as London, Bristol, Bath, Stratford and Oxford. Informational brochures have been placed in the information racks around campus. LIFE COACHING SEMINAR: This interactive class will help participants engage in personal discovery to bridge the gap between desire and realization of your goals. The workshop is facilitated by Lisa Quinn, LMHC, on Thursday, September 19, 26 & October 3 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Building B Room 201. To pre-register, call St. Luke’s Community Counseling Center at 407.876.4991 ext. *250. SERVE TRAINING: Prepare your heart and mind for service with these upcoming opportunities. TOXIC CHARITY: This six-week class based on the book "How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help and How to Reverse It" discusses learning how to serve without hurting others, checking the intentions of our charitable acts and understanding the intricacies of poverty. Sunday, September 8 at 11:00 a.m. in Building C Room 205. Register at st.lukes.org/grow or contact Sharon Briggs at sbriggs@ st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *239. Meet Jesus on the Road: Learn how St. Luke's understands mission from a United Methodist perspective, explore what the Bible says about poverty, learn about asset-based development, and explore diversity and serving with people from very different backgrounds. August 25 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30p.m. in Building C Room 208. For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/grow.

Serve Within Our Community IN THE WELCOME HALL TODAY: Join us in the Building C Rotunda and let us answer your questions about serving in the community! Contact Mariam Mengistie at mmengistie@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *313. •GLOBAL MISSIONS Ethiopia Church to Church Child Sponsorship: For $38 per month, you can transform the life of a child that is living in Ethiopia in extreme poverty. •ORLANDO MISSIONS Educational IMPACT: Learn how you can serve at Mollie Ray and Pineloch Elementary Schools. Habitat for Humanity: Help finish construction on our latest Habitat house in Winter Garden. Family Promise: Sign up today to welcome four families September 8 – 15 and make their stay on our campus pleasant. Backpacks and school supplies: We are still taking backpack orders today in the Rotunda so that OCPS can have a stock of supplies for later in the school year. Shepherd’s Hope: Learn more about how you can get plugged in to this medical ministry. Blood Drive: Donate blood Sunday, August 25 from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. •UPCOMING MISSION TRAINING Toxic Charity: Starts Sunday, September 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Building C Room 205. Meet Jesus on the Road: August 25 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Building C Room 208. BACKPACK MINISTRY - A NEW VISION: Thank you for participating in our backpack/school supply drive this summer! St. Luke's is in the process of transitioning our mission ministries to align with our 4D Vision and is shifting some resources away from "relief/charity" and toward more developmental ministries. By ordering through a wholesaler this year we were able to purchase 450 backpacks filled with school supplies for under $8,000. We were also able to provide teacher supplies for every classroom at Maxey Elementary in East Winter Garden and VPK supplies for our own CDC. In past years, 450 filled backpacks would have cost around $18,000 (based on $40 for a filled backpack) and the time to do the shopping. Though this expense does not come out of the St. Luke's budget, it does cost YOU time and money. With the money and time you saved this summer, have you considered how you are going to re-invest it? Within Our Church IN THE WELCOME HALL TODAY: Stop by one of the tables in the Building C Welcome Hall to find out how you can serve right here at St. Luke's! •Grow Ministries Growth Group Facilitators: Are you interested in facilitating a small group this fall? Children's Ministry Servant Ministers: Help children that need additional guidance during Sunday morning programming and Thursday THRIVE. •Connect and Care Ministries Stephen Ministers: Be a listening ear to someone in need. Inspirational Writers: Write greeting cards to service members, shut-ins and new members. In Home Care Ministry: Provide food for people who are in crisis. Buddy Break: Buddy Break provides free respite care one Saturday morning or Friday evening a month for children/young teens with special needs and their siblings. Prayer Ministry: Pray for those on the prayer list and for those who submit prayer requests. Military Service Support: Provide emotional and spiritual support for those serving in the military and their families. Opening Doors Ministry: Promotes accessibility and safety across campus. Canine Crusaders: Visit nursing homes and medical facilities as a dog/owner team. Hearts to Hands Ministry: Knit and crochet prayer shawls and newborn hats and blankets. Cluster Group Leadership: Facilitate a cluster group based on interests, life stage or neighborhood. •Connection and Communion Team Connection Point Person: Welcome guests to campus and be available to answer questions or provide direction. Usher: Assist with welcoming the congregation to worship services, seating, collecting offering, and communion. Greeter: Welcome new and returning attendees to campus for worship and special events. Liturgist: Participate in leading worship and prayer for traditional services. Communion Server: Serve communion to the congregation at any of our worship services. Communion Prep Team: Prepare communion elements for traditional or contemporary services. Prayer Station Prep Team: Help with prayer stations before or during contemporary services. •Support Ministries Reception Desk: Welcoming guests to campus and helping them find their way. Marketing and Communications: Help communicate to the congregation and the community. Tech Ministry: Use your audio, video and lighting skills to help the team with worship and events. Data Entry: Input membership and attendance counts, finance, or general data into our database.

For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/serve.

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