Worship Guide November 9, 2014

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NOVEMBER 9, 2014

WORSHIP What's up with worship? “REGARDING GENEROSITY” STARTS TODAY •How do we rethink our understanding of what it means to be RICH? •How can we begin to have a global understanding of wealth? •How do we reshape our lives around the heart of the matter? A new sermon series about rethinking what it means to be rich, reordering priorities, and reshaping our lives kicks off today. The book “How to be Rich” by Andy Stanley will accompany the series. Pick up your book for $10 in the Welcome Hall of Building C and receive a free bookmark. Books will be on sale between worship services on Sunday and in the church office during normal business hours.

Join us!

Traditional Worship

Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Today's Message: Dr. William S. Barnes

Contemporary Worship

Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium Today's Message: Dr. William S. Barnes re·define: Contemporary·Family·Worship Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium Today's Message: Dr. William S. Barnes

Traditional Worship Prelude Gathering for Worship Choral Introit “Let Everything Praise the Lord” (8:00) The Children's Choir “Thank You, Thank You” (9:30) The K-1 Chorale “Simple Gifts” (11:00) The Sanctuary Choir

*Call to Worship *Hymn

”Stand Up and Bless the Lord”.............................#662

*Opening Prayer Passing the Peace & Welcome Witness in Music

“Give Thanks” (8:00) The Children's Choir “I Surrender All” (9:30/11:00) The Sanctuary Choir with Susan Brown, soloist

Prayers of the People; The Lord's Prayer “Cares Chorus” (8:00) The Children's Choir “Cares Chorus” (9:30/11:00) The Sanctuary Choir

Offering and Offertory “If I Planted a Garden” Paige Christoffers, soloist

*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication.....94 Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:17; Luke 12:13-21 Sermon: "RE: Think Rich" Series: Regarding Generosity


”Take My Life, and Let It Be”.................................#399


“The Lord Bless and Keep You”


*Please stand in praise to God if you are able The flowers in the Sanctuary are given in memory of Bill Williams by his daughter Lorraine and Keith McDaniel and his grandchildren. ORDER CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS: Honor a loved one this Advent season. Today through November 30, you can purchase poinsettias in memory of or in honor of a family member or loved one that will adorn our campus on Christmas Eve. Order forms are in the information racks in the Sanctuary Narthex, Building C and in the church office. Cost is $15 per poinsettia. All orders must be completed by November 30 for on time delivery.

For sermon videos and worship schedules visit st.lukes.org/worship.

UNEWS Regarding Generosity Weekly Challenges As we use Andy Stanley’s book How to Be Rich you will be presented with the weekly challenges listed below. These challenges will not only help you grow in your spiritual journey but will also help close the gap in our 2014 giving shortfall toward the budget. Discover how you are rich in ways you have not even considered.


There are over 500 people who attend and participate in the ministries of St. Luke’s but give nothing.

WEEK TWO CHALLENGE: Increase current giving by 10% through end of 2014! If everyone increased their giving by this amount we would have no financial challenges.

WEEK THREE CHALLENGE: Give through online giving!

Currently there are 298 households giving online. This benefits the ministries of St. Luke’s by establishing consistent giving patterns. Your gifts are received even when you have to miss worship. Complete the Commitment Card you will receive in worship and let us know how you are experiencing the joy of giving.

Look for These Fall and Winter Events CHRISTMAS CONCERTS: “‘Tis the Season” is the theme for this year’s Christmas Concerts that will be held on Saturday, December 6 at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 7 at 4:00 p.m. New this year, tickets for the concerts will be $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12. Children under 3 are free. Adding a price to the tickets allows us to accommodate more concert goers in the Sanctuary (due to a more accurate headcount) and also shifts the performances to fiscally responsible events such as we have done with the summer shows. Tickets are available at st.lukes.org/christmasconcerts, in the Welcome Hall of Building C between worship services, and in the church office during regular business hours. LIVE NATIVITY TOUR, FREE FOOD AND CHRISTMAS MOVIE ON THE LAWN: Mark your calendar for 6:00 p.m. on December 12 at St. Luke’s. The Angel Gabriel will be your tour guide as you step back in time and experience the sights and sounds of his visits to Mary, Joseph, and the Shepherds. Learn about St. Luke’s ministries along the way and hear our gifted gospel choir and praise team vocalists. Tours leave from the Rotunda of Building C every 15 minutes from 6:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Enjoy complimentary hot dogs, chips and a drink on the lawn before the movie “Elf” starts at 8:00 p.m. Bring your blankets and chairs and enjoy popcorn and treats under the stars. Please R.S.V.P. at st.lukes.org/movienight.

Financial Update as of September 2014 AUGUST $2,848,008 Year To Date Income: $3,063,943 Year To Date Expenses: ($215,935) Over/(Under):

SEPTEMBER $3,223,244 $3,450,117 ($226,873)

OCTOBER $3,554,353 $3,808,272 ($253,920)

New Online Giving Portal: "My St. Luke's" Use this QR code to give directly from your mobile device or make your contribution online at st.lukes.org. Choose "Give" at the top of the page to create your new "My St. Luke's" account. Once you have logged in click the green "Next" button to make your one-time or recurring gift. You can also place your gifts in the offering plate during worship.

CONNECT BASKETBALL AND CHEERLEADING REGISTRATION: Registration is now open for the 2015 basketball and cheerleading season through St. Luke's Sports. Teams are open to boys and girls of all skill levels from kindergarten - 7th grade. St. Luke's Sports promotes fun and fellowship. The season begins January 19 and runs through March 14. There are no evaluations/tryouts but registration closes on December 31 so register TODAY at www.st.lukes.org/sports! Cost is $99 and players who are able to use last year's uniform will receive a $20 discount. Coaches are needed! There will be a coaches meeting on Monday, January 12. CANINE CRUSADERS 2015 CLASS: Sign up for the January Canine Crusaders class. Let your four-legged friend help spread a little joy! Stop by the table in the north Welcome Hall on November 16 and 23 where the Canine Crusader team will be available to answer questions. The cost is $50, nonrefundable. Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org for more information. ARE YOU AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE? Stephen Ministers are caring members of the congregation who have been trained to be there for you. They are not counselors, therapists, or problem solvers, they are simply a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. Call the Care Office to learn more about Stephen Ministry and to be matched confidentially with a Stephen Minister. Call Dr. David Stephens at 407.876.4991 ext. *233 or Carol Crowley at 407.876.4991 ext. *262. DIVORCECARE GROUP: A 13-week support group for those who are separated or divorced begins Sunday, November 16 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at First United Methodist Church of Winter Garden (125 N. Lakeview Ave, Winter Garden). DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) for children of divorce (ages 5-12) will run concurrently. Childcare will be available. For more information call the Winter Garden church office at 407.656.1125. SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS: Are you going through a divorce or separation? If so please join us for a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar on Wednesday, November 12 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church of Winter Garden (125 Lakeview Ave, Winter Garden). For more information call the Winter Garden church office at 407.656.1125. MILITARY SUPPORT TEAM: The Military Support Team will be packing boxes to send to the deployed on November 21. A list of items needed will be available at the table in the Rotunda today and November 16. Thanks for supporting the Military Ministry! For questions contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. SENIOR LUNCH AND PROGRAM: Celebrate an early Thanksgiving on Friday, November 21 at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. To confirm your reservation contact Debbi Gale at 407.295.4348 before Wednesday, November 19. EVENING EXERCISE: Join Chris Smith, certified personal training and group exercise instructor for circuit type training and cardio exercise. All are welcome and modified techniques can be made for all exercise levels. Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the Coleman Gymnasium. Cost is $5 per class or $30 a month. First class is free so come try it out! CLUSTER GROUPS: Contact Carol Crowley at 407.876.4991 ext. *262 or ccrowley@st.lukes.org. Biking Group: Looking for friends who enjoy bicycling? Riders of all levels are welcome. If you are interested in a Biking Cluster Group, contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. Young Adults (20s and 30s): This group meets for lunch on the first and third Sunday of each month. For more information email youngadults@st.lukes.org. Bowling: Join this Cluster Group on the first and third Monday nights of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Kings Bowl, 8255 International Drive. For more information contact bowling.cluster@st.lukes.org. CAMERA CLASS: Confused by all of the features on your digital or 35mm film SLR camera? Learn how to use your camera’s settings along with tips on portrait, still life, landscape, and action photography in this eight-week class brought to you by St. Luke’s School of the Arts. Class meets on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Visit www.st.lukes.org/soa or call 407.876.5226 for more information or to register. COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER: Receive counseling in areas such as stress management, depression, anger, domestic violence, and grief. Call 407.876.4991 ext. *250 for an appointment. NAMI MENTAL ILLNESS GROUPS: On the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month the support group for those with mental illness meets at 6:30 p.m. in Building B Room 201. Contact Tracy Lutz at 407.253.1900. A support group for families meets concurrently in Building B Room 215. Contact Bernie at 407.765.8644. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT ST. LUKE'S?: Get the latest info on Facebook at facebook.com/stlukesorlando and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/stlukesorlando. View the weekly newsletter at www.st.lukes.org/ news and sign up to receive it via email. NEW TO ST. LUKE'S? Visit a Connection Point station in Building C to pick up a First Time Guest Welcome Packet. Let us help you get connected. Contact the Connect and Care office at 407.876.4991 ext.*262 or email Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org.

For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/connect.

GROW UPDATED "HEARTS FOR PEACE IN THE HOLY LAND": Join us on Sunday, November 16 at 4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary for a discussion about the hopes for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land with a Palestinian Christian, a Jewish human rights observer and an American pastor. They will share their perspectives on the current situation, their work for peace and justice and their hopes for the future. WADI FOQUIN: An Ancient Village Struggles to Survive as Settlements Expand: Join us on Wednesday, November 19 at 7:00 p.m. in Building C Room 201-203 and meet Ata Manasra, who will share the story of Wadi Foquin, a Palestinian village currently threatened by expanded Jewish settlements in the West Bank. His visit is made possible in part by the United Methodist Kairos Response. EXEGESIS: Dig deeper into the sermon series and scriptures for the week with Pastor Bill. Bring your Bible and meet on Thursdays in Building B Room 209 (the choir room) from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER: Join us for a home cooked meal in the Welcome Hall of Building C from 5:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The menu for November 12 includes meat loaf, macaroni and cheese, green beans, salad, rolls, dessert, lemonade or ice tea. Cost is $6.00 for adults/children 12+, $4.00 for children 6-12, $3.00 for children under 6 or a $20.00 family max. R.S.V.P. weekly by Monday at 12:00 p.m. to Dede Duncan at 407.876.4991 ext. *296, dduncan@st.lukes.org, or online at st.lukes.org/thrive. “HOW TO BE RICH”: St. Luke’s November sermon series, “Regarding Generosity” is using sections from Andy Stanley’s book, “How to be Rich.” The book is on sale for $10 in the Welcome Hall of Building C between worship services on Sunday or in the church office during normal business hours. SUNDAY MORNING PROGRAMMING FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH: Children: Children preschool through grade 4 will follow the Bible characters as they journey through Genesis. Stop by the Welcome Window in Building B on Sunday mornings for room assignments. Special Needs: Children with special needs can learn in an environment designed with them in mind. We will offer a one-on-one Special Needs Sunday Programming class from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. If you feel your child is in need of a specialized situation please contact Jayne Andrews at jandrews@st.lukes.org. Youth: • 5th and 6th Grade (MERGE): A collaborative ministry between Children's and Youth Ministries designed specifically for 5th and 6th graders where activities connect scripture with everyday life. Meet in the Attic of Building C from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. For information contact Laura Turner at lturner@st.lukes.org. • 7th and 8th Grade: Grow deeper in the Bible with your fellow students. Meet in Building C Room 205-207 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Email Andrew Miller at amiller@st.lukes.org for more information. • 9th through 12th Grade: Build a stronger faith connection. Meet in Building C Room 204-206 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Contact Andrew Miller at amiller@st.lukes.org with questions. YOUTH GROUP ON SUNDAYS: Students in grades 6-12 meet from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Attic of Building C for dinner, activities, Bible study, music and worship. Anyone interested in joining the Youth Praise Team meet in the Attic of Building C at 4:00 p.m. THRIVE: St. Luke’s offers expanded programming for children, youth, and adults on Wednesdays. Childcare is available by reservation at www.st.lukes.org/childcare. Sign up for groups and activities at st.lukes.org/thrive. WEDNESDAY AFTER SCHOOL/WEDNESDAY THRIVE PROGRAMMING: Children in grade K-5 who attend the Wednesday Afterschool Program will connect with our Advent sermon series “Come Home for Christmas” through spiritual formation rotations of edible devotions and visual arts. We will be cooking up yummy snacks for hope, peace, joy, and love. Wednesday evening children will make the connection through edible devotions, expressive games and creative arts. Wednesday afternoon sign-in begins in Building A Room 201 at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday evening sign-in begins in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium at 6:15 p.m. Register at www.st.lukes.org/children. WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH INTEREST BASED BIBLE STUDIES: Students in grades 6-12 can choose from mosaic tile, ultimate Frisbee, cooking, or book study. Join us in the Attic of Building C at 6:30 p.m. OPEN ARMS: The Open Arms LGBTQA family and friends invite you to a new study of Tim Keller’s “The Prodigal Son: Finding Your Place at the Table.” The study group meets Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Garner-Quintero residence in Ocoee. Please R.S.V.P. to openarms.cluster@st.lukes.org for directions. COVENANT STUDY: This study examines what it means to be in a relationship with God. Meet Wednesdays in Building C Room 200-202 at 6:30 p.m. Sign up at www.st.lukes.org/adults. MEN’S GROUP: This study group meets on Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. at Bay Hill Club and Lodge. Contact Joline Krolicki at 407.876.4991 ext.*264 or jkrolicki@st.lukes.org for more information.

For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/grow.

SERVE Within our Community HOLIDAY 2014 MISSION OPPORTUNITIES In “How to Be Rich” Andy Stanley says “If you are going to be good at being rich, then you must begin cultivating awareness of things that really matter. Opportunities that make a real difference in the world.” Through this holiday season, there are several ways you can cultivate your awareness toward things that make a difference in our community. We kick off two of those TODAY. To request more information or to help with collecting for these ministries during the next four Sundays, contact Kellie Brinker at kbrinker@ st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *239. MAKE A DIFFERENCE LOCALLY Wish Tree: Pick up tags TODAY from the South Welcome Hall and the Narthex. Return UNWRAPPED gifts by Sunday, December 7. The gifts will be given to Orange County Public School Social Workers, who work with parents in choosing an appropriate gift. They work with the families throughout the entire year. Gifts will also be donated to the Christmas Shop in East Winter Garden where parents can shop at reduced prices for their children. Money collected will go back to the community. Bags of Grace: During the long winter break, families that depend on the free or reduced school lunch program can have a difficult time making ends meet. Help contribute to a food package that will feed a family of four for four days. Lists are available next to the Wish Tree Christmas stations in the North and South Welcome Hall and the Narthex. Food will be collected in the Welcome Hall November 16 through December 14. SAVE THE DATE-FAMILY PROMISE FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK: Prepare now to spend part of your Christmas break with our Family Promise families. These are families temporarily without permanent housing who have a home for a week with us. Volunteer as daytime, evening or overnight hosts, for set up or tear down, or providing daily meals between Sunday, December 21 to Sunday, December 28. To sign up and view items to donate visit www.carecalendar.org. Use calendar id: 5382 and security code 1111 to logon.

Within our Church CHRISTMAS CONCERT TICKETS: Volunteers are needed to sell Christmas Concert tickets between worship services on Sunday, November 16, 23, and 30. Contact Jeanne Gall at jgall@st.lukes.org to sign up to serve. ARE YOU CALLED TO BE A STEPHEN MINISTER?: A Stephen Minister is a caring member of our congregation who has 50 hours of training and is a trustworthy confidant for care receivers. If you are interested in training contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP SET UP/TEAR DOWN TEAMS: The worship production team needs help transforming the gym into a worship space on Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and resetting the gym on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The commitment is one Friday or Sunday per month. Contact Ben Adams at badams@st.lukes.org for sign up information. JOIN THE TECH TEAM: Get involved with worship by volunteering to operate slides for worship. Contact Vince Lepore at vlepore@st.lukes.org to sign up. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP MUSICIANS: Calling all bass and guitar players! The Contemporary Worship Praise Band needs you! Contact Steve MacKinnon at smackinnon@st.lukes.org to get connected. WELCOME GUESTS: Give the gift of a welcoming smile to guests and St. Lukers at the Connection Points in Building C. Training provided. Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org to serve. CONSIDER FACILITATING A SMALL GROUP: There are short and long term studies and Sunday morning groups. Contact Joline Krolicki at jkrolicki@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *264. MARKETING INTERNS AND VOLUNTEERS: To learn more about internships and volunteer opportunities contact Dawn Fleming at dfleming@st.lukes.org. CELEBRATION, JOY AND EXCITEMENT: Our Children’s Ministries Sunday programming at 9:30 a.m. is growing by leaps and bounds. We need extra hands to help with this growth with our infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Come share your smile and God's love to our youngest St. Luker's. Contact Jayne Andrews at jandrews@st.lukes.org to get connected.

For more information about items or events listed above visit st.lukes.org/serve.

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