2015 Advent Guide

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GOD’S FORCE AWAKENS: THE STORY OF THE INCARNATION Advent is all about waiting for the Incarnation, the coming of Christ, who reveals Himself as a baby to embody God’s love for us. Each year we are reminded not only of what God did for us, but also of what God desires of us. In this most important season for Christians how can we incarnate God’s love for us and for the world? What would that look like? Incarnate means to represent an idea or quality in a clear and obvious way. Our Advent theme is “God’s Force Awakens.” The Power of the Incarnation renews us, refines us, calls for us to rejoice and then invites us to be a part of a revolution that changes the entire world with the power of God. May God’s force awaken in us this season as we make the story of Christmas real to others in our community, in our state, and in our world.

ADVENT WORSHIP SCHEDULE Traditional Worship services are held in the Sanctuary at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship services are held in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday, November 29: “Renew” 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 and Luke 21:34-36 Sunday, December 6: “Refine” Malachi 3:1-4 and Luke 3:2-6 Sunday, December 13: “Rejoice” Zephaniah 3:14-20 and Matthew 11:2-6 Sunday, December 20: “Revolution” Micah 5:2-5a and Luke 1:39-55 Sunday, December 27 Combined worship in the Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m.

Join us for Christmas Preeve and Christmas Eve worship! Christmas Preeve Wednesday, December 23 in the Sanctuary The greatest time to reach our community in mass numbers with the absolute best of St. Luke’s is on Christmas Eve. What better way to welcome our guests than to make room for them. We invite all members to come to one of our very special Pre Christmas Eve services on December 23. These services will have the same music and elements as our December 24 services. Sign up to serve as an usher by emailing worship@st.lukes.org.

6:00 p.m. Worship with the Children’s Choir (New interactive service for families) 7:15 p.m. Candlelight Worship with the Sanctuary Choir 8:30 p.m. Candlelight Worship with the Contemporary Praise Team Christmas Eve Thursday, December 24 in the Sanctuary 4:00 p.m. Children’s Nativity Pageant 5:30 p.m. Candlelight Worship with the Contemporary Praise Team 7:00 p.m. Candlelight Worship with the Contemporary Praise Team 8:30 p.m. Candlelight Worship with the Sanctuary Choir 10:00 p.m. Candlelight Worship with the Sanctuary Choir 11:15 p.m. Candlelight Communion with the Mixed Ensemble

ADVENT DEVOTIONS Week of November 29 – December 5: Renew Luke 21:34-36 and 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 Luke 21:34

“But be on your guard. Don’t let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping. Otherwise, that day is going to take you by complete surprise.” 1 Thessalonians 3:10

“Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you face to face and restore whatever is lacking in your faith.” Happy Christian New year! The first Sunday of Advent is actually the first day of the Christian calendar. Different than the beginning of the secular New Year, this is the beginning of a new year marking the life and call of Christ on our lives. Advent is traditionally a time of self examination, preparing our lives and hearts for the celebration of Christ as God incarnate among us, and the waiting for Christ to come again. This Advent we are going to dig into what it means to be overwhelmed by the power of the Incarnation, God with us. With day to day life, struggles and conflicts in the world around us, we can begin to wonder where God truly is. There are times when we forget the power of Christmas. As the scripture says we get dulled by the events and miss the power and point of the season. God loved the world so much God came to us with flesh on – God Incarnate, God with us, in order that we might be overwhelmed not with stress, worry or fear, but the power of love, grace, mercy, justice and purpose in our lives. God’s force awakened again on that Holy night for a world that was feeling the pain of isolation and oppression. God’s force of love and redemption came to us and often we forget to harness that story as the power in our everyday life. This year, what does it mean to use this season of Advent as the preparation for a new year in our faith, with a commitment to RENEW our belief in the POWER of God with us. How can we examine our lives in light of the incarnate God among us and renew our spiritual walk in a way that lives in anticipation of Christ who will come again? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

ADVENT DEVOTIONS Week of December 6 – December 12: Refine Malachi 3:1-4 and Luke 3:2-6 Malachi 3:2b-3

“For he is like a refiner’s fire and fullers soap; he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver.” Luke 3:4b

“prepare the way of the Lord and make his paths straight.” This is the season where many of us go into storage or attics and pull out our Christmas things that have been in boxes all year. I always wince the moment light hits those dark cracks and crevices – because you never know what might be hiding in the shadows. John writes in the first chapter of his gospel story that the Word that came into the world was life, and the life was the light for all people. We understand John to be writing about Jesus – the Word of God come into the world bringing light into darkness. When we renew our commitment to the power of God with us, it turns a light on in our hearts and lives. It shows in our own hearts, as well as in the world around us, where issues of sin, injustice, hurt and fear have been hiding often in the shadows. Places, situations, issues we like to keep hidden, thinking that if we keep them in the dark they don’t have power in our lives. But the only way to truly have power is to come into the Light – to allow the Incarnation of God to be not only with us in the world, but within us, within our hearts – casting light that shines like the refiners fire. John the Baptist called us to repentance, telling us to prepare the way for the Lord to come into our lives – filling in the rough places, tearing down the mountains and lifting up the valleys. Malachi spoke prophetically to call for God’s people to repent and likened it to the process of refining gold and silver. Christ has come, Christ will come again – are we ready? God’s mercy and love is a refining process – not of judgment, but to purify the impurities that create a road block for God to be completely with us. What needs to be refined in your life in order to truly be empowered by God’s incarnation? What has God’s force awakened in you that needs the power of refiner’s fire? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

ADVENT DEVOTIONS Week of December 13 – December 19: Rejoice Zephaniah 3:14-20 and Matthew 11:2-6 Zephaniah 3:14-15a

“Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away the judgments against you.” Matthew 11:5

“the blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the wretched of the earth learn that God is on our side.” Coming out on the other end of refinement is a cause for rejoicing. This journey toward the manger makes us examine our hearts but it calls for a response of rejoicing because of the grace and goodness of God we find in the gift of Christ. When God’s force awaked in the life of Jesus it brought God’s kingdom to be among us. It turned everything upside down and proved God’s love for all of us, including those who were often ignored in God’s economy of community and redemption. Everyone is in on the love and redemption of Christ. Just like Good Friday leads us to the Hallelujah’s of Easter, Advent leads us to the greatest love story the world has ever known – the love story that began with God’s incarnation. Rejoice, joyful proclamation of the grace of God who has led you through the fires of refinement bears to the world a testimony of the goodness of God. Our rejoicing gives power to others who feel as if they are unredeemable in the eyes of the judgmental God some portray. By living, rejoicing in all things, we give permission and power to others who feel as if they are called to live in shame, or accepting grief as the final say in their lives. Rejoice in the power of God’s grace and salvation that has come in Christ. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

ADVENT DEVOTIONS Week of December 20 - 24: Revolution Micah 5:2-5a and Luke 1:39-55 Micah 5:4a

“And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.” Luke 1:51-52

“he has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly.” The Savior of the World being born in a small, no account city to a poor, young virgin claims that God has chosen to work in a radically different way than anyone would expect. When God’s force awakened in the power of the Incarnation a revolution began. A revolution of love, and justice that disrupts the status qou and turns everything upside down. In God’s kingdom the powerful are humbled and the poor and oppressed are exalted. In God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, in our suffering we are made strong, in our broken places we receive healing. As we live as people between the Kingdom that is now and not yet, we are invited to be a part of the revolution of God’s incarnation. Proclaiming the power of God’s force among us means we live as a force of love, mercy, justice, radical hospitality and the power of community. As you walk toward Christmas, how will your life – your passion, time and resources – empower the revolution of God’s good news? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


God’s Force Awakens: Making God’s Love Incarnate in our Community

God’s Force Awakens: The Story of the Incarnation

When schools close for the winter holidays, families of children who rely on free breakfast and lunch through their public schools face a challenge to provide food. Hourly paid individuals face double the challenge when their work places close for the holidays and they lose part of their household income. Parents have to make difficult choices between paying only a portion of their rent or forgoing a car payment in order to provide food to their children when school is closed. The Bag of Grace, which contains non-perishable food items based on the “recipe for hunger” to feed a family of four for four days, eases some of this financial crisis.

How to Give: • Buy the food items and return to the Welcome Hall no later than December 6. Get a list of food items in the Welcome Hall (Nov. 15, 22, and 29), on your Christmas Concert tickets, or at st.lukes.org/advent. • Donate the full or partial amount toward the purchase of a Bag of Grace. Food items are being purchased at a discount or wholesale to extend the reach of the donated dollars. Visit st.lukes.org/give to donate. • Volunteer on Sundays Nov. 22, 29 and Dec. 6 during worship to help direct donations, Sunday, Dec. 6 after worship to sort, inventory, and pack up trucks, Monday, Dec 7. to deliver. Visit st.lukes.org/advent to sign up.

Goal: 200 bags Cost: $50/bag Total Value: $10,000


How to Give: • Pick up a Wish Tree tag from the Welcome Hall (Nov. 15, 22, or 29) and return the unwrapped gift no later than Sunday, December 6.

St. Luke’s has been partnering with Orange County Public Social Workers for over two decades to assist families in multiple ways— backpacks and school supplies, contributing to their emergency relief fund, and donating Christmas presents. Providing this connection over the holidays is just one of the many ways that the social workers connect with struggling families throughout the year. Parents and their children select their Christmas gift wish that is worth up to $25. St. Lukers (and now other community groups) donate gifts. Social Workers distribute the donated presents to the parents so that they can then give them directly to their own children. We have found this is a very dignified way to honor a struggling parent and share Christmas joy with children.

• Donate $25 per gift at st.lukes.org/give. A portion of the gifts are being preordered at discount or wholesale prices to extend the reach of these donated dollars. • Volunteer Sundays during worship on Nov. 22, 29 and Dec. 6 and Wednesday morning Dec. 9 for sorting and distribution. Go to st.lukes.org/advent to sign up.

Goal: 800 gifts Cost: $25/gift Total Value: $20,000


Family photo taken at the 2014 East Winter Garden Christmas Shop.

How to Give: • Pick up a Christmas Shop tag from the Welcome Hall (Nov. 15, 22, 29, or Dec. 6) and return the unwrapped gift no later than Sunday, December 12. Or go to st.lukes.org/advent for a list of desired toys. • Donate $12 per gift you want to donate. A portion of the gifts are being pre-ordered at discount or wholesale prices to extend the reach of these donated dollars. Visit st.lukes.org/give to donate. • Volunteer at the Christmas Shop for logistics, set-up, checkout, gift-making, food service, or clean-up. Sign up at st.lukes.org/advent.

St. Luke’s has been partnering with community organizations in East Winter Garden since 2013, to host a very special Christmas event in the EWG neighborhood. A temporary Christmas Shop is created through the donations of toys. While children make their own gifts and play games, parents can shop for the Christmas gifts they want to give their kids at very low costs. This event brings residents, volunteers from St. Luke’s, and community organizations together in a fun intergenerational holiday atmosphere. It changes the dynamic of Christmas from one of receiving charity to having an affordable shopping option for the holiday season for your family. The funds taken in from the Christmas Shop go back into the Community Transformation budget and are used throughout the year for events and activities.

Goal: 300 gifts Cost $12/gift Total Value: $3,600

COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS Saturday, December 19 The mission of Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida is to transform the lives of homeless men, women, and children by providing crucial services to end their crisis of homelessness. St. Luke’s has partnered with the Coalition for almost 30 years in providing a meal (the food, the bakers, the cooks and the servers!) once a month. Help make Christmas merrier for the families at the Coalition shelter in downtown by helping with the extra special Christmas dinner on Saturday, December 19.

How to Give: • Volunteer on Saturday, December 19 by signing up at st.lukes.org/advent • 12 bakers (from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s main kitchen in Building C) • 15 cooks (11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) • 25 servers (4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.). Cooks and servers can meet at the church to carpool or go directly to the Coalition at 639 W Central Blvd, Orlando.

Goal: 52 Volunteers

God’s Force Awakens: Making God’s Love Incarnate in our State

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME For over 25 years, St. Luke’s has dedicated all or a portion of the annual Christmas Eve Offering to the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home (FUMCH). This year we will continue that tradition with FUMCH being included in our overall Advent/ Christmas Eve giving. The Florida United Methodist Children’s Home is one ministry with many different parts all working together to help children, youth and families find a place of healing and wholeness through the love of Jesus Christ. What began with two small children in 1908 as the Florida Methodist Orphanage has grown into a very diverse and complex ministry serving the needs of approximately 400 children and youth in Volusia, Flagler, Seminole, Orange, Osceola and Hillsborough counties each and every day.

How to Give: • Save throughout the season and give when you come for the Christmas Preeve or Eve services on December 23 or 24. For those with offering envelopes, there is a dedicated one for this purpose. • Give at st.lukes.org/advent anytime between now and the end of the year.

Financial Goal: $75,000

God’s Force Awakens: Making God’s Love Incarnate in our World

ZOE MINISTRIES Developed in Africa, ZOE empowers orphans and vulnerable children to overcome extreme poverty, become selfreliant, and learn of God’s love. Active in Kenya, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Liberia, Guatemala and India, ZOE reaches approximately 28,000 children. Children are a part of mutually-supportive groups of 60-100 who all live near one another. Group members elect their own leadership, and select a volunteer adult mentor from their community. Serving as both family and colleagues, group members provide one another care in times of need and celebrate success. Each group chooses and manages an income-generating project, such as a vegetable farm, chicken coop, or selling clean water. This mutually accountable model has a high three-year graduation rate. St. Luke’s has been able to offer grants for housing and durable goods to ZOE. We are now exploring a ministry partnership with a specific working group for a three year commitment. We hope to kick this partnership off by funding the first year of one of these working groups ($7,500 for each year) through our Christmas giving. A few St. Lukers will then be able to visit our sponsored working group in February or March of 2016.

How to Give: • Save throughout the season and give when you come for the Christmas Preeve or Eve services on December 23 or 24. • Give online anytime between now and the end of the year at st.lukes.org/ advent. • Volunteer to be on the Zoe Core Team. Contact Kellie Brinker at kbrinker@ st.lukes.org.

Goal: Fund One Working Group for One Year $7,500

GLOBAL FAIR TRADE MARKET In cooperation with Ten Thousand Villages (TTV), St. Luke’s will offer a fair trade market for your holiday shopping. TTV strives to improve the livelihood of tens of thousands of disadvantaged artisans in 38 countries. Product sales help pay for food, education, healthcare and housing for artisans who would otherwise be unemployed or underemployed. The Market will be available on Sunday, December 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Welcome Hall. In Croix des Bouquets, a small village near Portau-Prince, artisans cut open 55-gallon drums, pound them flat to create beautiful works of art. This craft tradition originated in Haiti in the early 1930s.

Goal: The Global Fair Trade Market brings in around $4000 each year with the majority of funds going directly to the artisans who make the items. TTV donates 10% to the host community. Those funds will be added to our total Advent/Christmas Eve offering.

How to Give: • Shop on Sunday, December 6. In addition to remembering your loved ones with a special gift you are helping artisans support their own families around the world. • Volunteer on Wednesday, December 2, Saturday, December 5, or Sunday, December 6. We need 4-10 volunteers for each slot. Go to st.lukes.org/advent

Goal: $4,000 to artisans around the world (10% donated back to St. Luke’s)

FREE MOVIE ON THE LAWN DECEMBER 12 6:00 P.M. Get into the Christmas spirit as you enjoy complimentary hot dogs, popcorn, hot chocolate, and s’mores. The feature film “The Santa Clause” will start at 6:15 p.m. on the field behind Building C. Bring your blankets and chairs!

R.S.V.P. and sign up to serve at st.lukes.org/movienight


R.S.V.P. online at st.lukes.org/movienight or by turning in a ticket like this to the church office in Building C. Reply requested but not required. Name Email/Phone Total Number in Group

CONNECT AND CARE OPPORTUNITIES Cluster Groups (Social groups open to all) Visit st.lukes.org/clustergroups, email connect@st.lukes.org, or call 407.876.4991 ext.*262 for details about these intentional social groups that connect based on location, interest, or life stage. Young Adult Christmas Party: On Friday, December 4 at 6:30 p.m. all young adults (20s-30s) are invited to the Christmas Party at the home of Heidi and Rob Stange. Email connect@st.lukes.org for details. West Orange Connection Christmas Party: Live in West Orange County? Celebrate the season at the 5:00 p.m. Christmas concert on Saturday, December 5, and then a potluck at the home of Gary and Liberty Goetsch. Each person should purchase their own tickets. R.S.V.P. to westorange.cluster@st.lukes.org by December 1 for details. Mom Connection (formerly Moms United): Meet in the Attic of Building C on Wednesday, December 9 or Wednesday, December 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. to celebrate the season, our children and each other! Email mom.cluster@st.lukes.org for information or call 410.430.4136. Register for childcare at st.lukes.org/childcare. Friends on Wheels: Join this bicycle group on a special night ride on the West Orange Trail during the month of December. Date to be determined. Any level bikers age 12 or over are welcome. Email friendsonwheels.cluster@st.lukes.org to express interest and full details. Open Arms: This affirming group is open to all LGBTQ persons and allies. Celebrate the Christmas spirit and join us at the home of Mike Bukowski on Saturday, December 5 at 6:30 p.m. Bring a toy to donate for St. Luke’s Christmas Shop. Email openarms.cluster@st.lukes.org for full event details and location. Military Potluck Party: Join the Military and Friends Cluster Group along with the Military Support Ministry for a potluck Christmas party in Fellowship Hall on Friday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. Military (active/ retired), spouses, family members, friends and community members are welcome. Bring your favorite dish to share. Email military.cluster@ st.lukes.org to R.S.V.P. and to receive more information. Travel: Like to travel? Join us on Monday, December 14 as we celebrate the season in the magical town of Celebration! We will enjoy decorated streets, houses, holiday carolers, Florida “snow”, and each other. Meet at St. Luke’s at 6:30 p.m. to travel together or you can meet us there. R.S.V.P. to travel.cluster@st.lukes.org by Thursday, December 10. Bowling: During the month of December we will meet only on the first and second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Winter Garden Bowl. Join us for a fun Christmas celebration on Monday, December 14 at the bowling alley as we celebrate and bowl one game together. For more information email bowling.cluster@st.lukes.org.

Military Support Ministry Care Packages Care packages will be assembled for deployed military on Friday, December 4 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Meet in the Rotunda of Building C. Drop off items at the church office in Building C by Thursday, December 3. For a list of items needed visit st.lukes.org/military. If you would like a family member to receive a care package call 407.876.4991 ext. *262 or email care@st.lukes.org with their information. Senior Luncheon On Friday, December 18 at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, enjoy an early Christmas luncheon. R.S.V.P. by calling 407.295.4348 by Tuesday, December 15. United Methodist Women Get connected to women’s circles at St. Luke’s. Email umw@st.lukes.org or call 407.876.4991 ext. *230. Surviving the Holidays Has 2015 been a difficult year for you due to divorce or separation, illness, job loss or death of a loved one? Join us on Wednesday, December 9 in the Special Events Dining Room of Building C for a “Christmas Blues Gathering.” Pastor David Stephens provides ways to find “comfort and joy” by connecting with others. Email care@st.lukes. org to R.S.V.P. or call 407.876.4991 ext. *262. Buddy Break This ministry for children/teens with special needs is collecting red and white individually wrapped candy canes and small packages of wrapped cookies for the “Caroling for Kids” hospital visitations. Drop off items in the church office Attn: Kim Paredes. Carolers are also needed for Christmas Eve/Day to share hope and encouragement with patients, families and caregivers. Visit nathanielshope.org/events-programs/ christmas/ or email buddybreak@st.lukes.org for information. St. Luke’s Sports and Recreational Ministries Visit st.lukes.org/sports or contact Chris Smith, Director of Family and Recreational Ministries, at csmith@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext.*290 for information. 2016 Basketball and Cheerleading Season This “non-competitive” league is open to boys and girls in kindergarten - grade 7 for basketball and ages 4 - grade 7 for cheerleading. Register by December 20. The season runs from January 23 through March 12. The cost is $99. (Receive a $20 discount If you are using your uniform from last year.) Adult Sports and Fitness Programs St. Luke’s offers men’s basketball, men’s softball, and adult co-ed intermediate and advanced volleyball. Child Development Center Registration for 2016-2017 School Year Parent’s Day Out, Preschool and VPK Registration starts in February. Visit st.lukes.org/cdc or call 407.876.1155 to schedule a tour. St. Luke’s Community Counseling Center St. Luke’s licensed mental health counselors can help you navigate the holidays. Talk with our caring counselors about stress management tips, relationships, sadness, or anger. Call 407.876.4991 ext. *250.

GROW OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH How will you #pictureAdvent? Sign up to receive daily “#pictureAdvent” devotions throughout December! Join hundreds of people from across the country as we focus on our faith during the hustle and bustle of the Advent season. Don’t journey so quickly to Christmas that we miss the powerful experience of Advent! Children’s Programming A Night in Bethlehem for Families Come as a family and experience what it would have been like on that wondrous night. Taste, smell, and feel what Mary and Joseph encountered along their path and into the city. Visit the Marketplace, taste bread in the Bakery, smell the herbs in the Herb shop, and make an advent keepsake in the Craftsman tent. There is room at the Inn for everyone! Register for this event at st.lukes.org/children on either December 2 or December 9 starting at 6:45 p.m. in Building A Room 201. Spend quality time together celebrating the true spirit of Christmas! Youth Programming Youth Mission Wednesdays All youth are invited on Wednesday, December 2 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a night of serving and missions in the Attic. The St. Luke’s Mission Team will provide an opportunity for youth to put together care packages the Coalition for the Homeless as well helping our global mission partner Ten Thousand Villages sort and price items for the Global Fair Trade Market. On December 9, a week after putting together care packages, youth are invited back to learn from our missions team what it truly means to serve and ways they can better impact the community and world! Meet in the Attic of Building C from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.! High School Youth Group All High School students are invited to High School Youth Group Sunday, December 13 in the Attic of Building C from 6:00 pm. to 8:00 p.m.! Be sure to invite a friend! Youth Christmas Party! On Sunday, December 20 all youth are invited for a night of fun, fellowship, games, and S’mores at the fire pit! Come out between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. as we will pull out the marshmallow guns and play a game of Reindeer vs. Elves! Meet in the backfields!

GROW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADULTS Adult Opportunities Take time to prepare your heart for the coming of baby Jesus. With the excitement and joy of the season, our spiritual growth often takes a back seat. Here are several ways for you to bring meaning to Christmas this year. Why This Jubilee? - Advent eCourse Author James Howell uses well-known Christmas songs and carols in 24 reflections on the birth of Jesus. Featuring The Place, The Men, The Mother and The Child, Howell embraces phrases from “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World” and many others relating them to our day-to-day lives. The eCourse utilizes audio recordings of music, video reflections from Howell, daily readings, and group discussion. eCourses offer you spiritual formation resources that are accessible anytime and anywhere. This class can be completed at your own pace. Why This Jubilee? is available for individuals for $19.00. To sign up as an individual, go to st.lukes.org/advent. For group study, contact Amy Winslow, Director of Adult Ministries, at awinslow@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *253. Advent Devotions Devotions are available in the front of this Advent Guide as well as online at st.lukes.org/advent for weekly inspiration. Pastor Jenn created these thoughtful messages to help us keep Jesus in clear focus wherever we are this Advent season. Some of us are rushing from event to event with our children. Some are adjusting to a different holiday with some of our family not with us. Our constant is the birth of our Savior and these Advent devotions can help you focus on the reason for the season. Additional Advent Resources Do you have a small group looking for spiritual inspiration as Christmas approaches? St. Luke’s has many studies on-hand for your group such as:

The Miracle of Christmas by James W. Moore The Case for Christmas by Lee Strobel Come Home for Christmas by James A. Harnish The Journey by Adam Hamilton

Stop by Amy Winslow’s office in Building C to see what is available for purchase or loan, email awinslow@st.lukes.org, or call 407.876.4991 ext. *253.

JANUARY SERMON SERIES Simplify: Unclutter Your Soul

“You simplify your life for reasons that matter for eternity: to give clarity, purpose, and power to the things that matter most in this world.”

• Do you know what matters most to you in this world? • Is it your family, your purpose, your relationship with Christ? • How does your schedule, your circle of relationships, your finances and work life, reflect those things or people that matter most to you? The beginning of a new year is an opportunity to try new things. But the Christian year began in December with the advent of God bursting forth on the scene in the life of Jesus. The power of the Incarnation should call us toward a more purposeful, intentional live as followers. However in this busy world that clutters our minds, hearts, calendars and even goals it’s hard to live intentionally. Using the book Simplify by Bill Hybels we will look toward new disciplines and practices to unclutter our lives and live with eternal significance.

4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road Orlando, Florida 32819 407.876.4991 www.st.lukes.org

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