2014 Holy Week Guide

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ST. LUKE’S WELCOMES YOU The St. Luke’s family in faith welcomes you to the services of worship that mark the holiest week in the Christian calendar. We sincerely hope that your observance of the events in the final week of the life of our Lord will not be limited to Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. To fully experience His passion and resurrection you need to walk with Him from Sunday to Sunday. Our Lenten theme has been “Broken Beauty,” and for the past six weeks we have gathered as a congregation to consider what it means to be healed and made whole in Christ, not in spite of, but by embracing our brokenness. The mosaic crosses in our worship areas have been shaped by pottery that was broken on Ash Wednesday, as well as nails, small crosses, and remembrance tokens we received on Baptism Renewal Sunday in January. Those who have worshipped here during Lent have watched as brokenness has become beautiful. Please use this worship service booklet for your own devotional preparation for Easter. Bring it with you to the services you choose to attend, make notes, and if you cannot come some days, set aside some time to worship privately using the liturgies and rhythms of contemplation reflected in these pages. Wishing you a blessed Holy Week in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,

2014 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE April 13, Palm Sunday..............................................4 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C) 11:00 a.m. re•define: Contemporary Family Worship Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C)

April 17, Holy Thursday ...........................................6 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C)

April 18, Good Friday.................................................8 A Service of Tenebrae 7:00 p.m. Contemporary Worship Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C) 7:00 p.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary

April 20, Easter Sunday ...........................................11 7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C) April 14-18, Prayer Labyrinth

Monday, April 14 – Friday, April 18 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

The Pastors, Staff, and Believers of St. Luke’s

4851 S. APOPKA-VINELAND RD. ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32819 407.876.4991 www.st.lukes.org



You do not need to be a member of St. Luke’s for your children to attend our nursery or Sunday programs. Nursery care and program rooms open 15 minutes prior to the service you are attending. Children must be signed in and out by an adult for all programs. Stop by the Welcome Window in Building B on Sunday mornings or call 407.876.4991 ext. *295, *308 or *237 during the week for more information.

The prayer labyrinth is an ancient practice of the early church that has re-emerged in recent times. It is a contemplative space intended for personal spiritual reflection as one walks the maze of the labyrinth. St. Luke’s prayer labyrinth will be available in the Fellowship Hall Monday, April 14 through Friday, April 18 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for persons to come and reflect, pray and walk throughout Holy Week. Prayer stations that surround the labyrinth will reflect the sermon series, “Broken Beauty,” which has been our focus during the season of Lent. Children are welcome to experience the labyrinth with their families. We ask that parents stay with their children in this quiet and contemplative space in order to maintain the reflective atmosphere for everyone.

PALM SUNDAY Elementary age children should worship with their families. 8:00 a.m. Worship Service: Nursery and preschool age children please go to Building B Room 112-114. 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services: Sunday programming is offered for infants through preschool age. If your child is already registered, bring them to their assigned classroom. If you are new to St. Luke’s, please stop by the Welcome Window on the first floor of Building B for assistance. Prayer Labyrinth Participate in activities for the whole family. Parents must remain with children. HOLY THURSDAY (7:00 p.m. worship) Nursery and preschool age children please go to Building A Room 110 for special activities. Elementary age children should worship with their families. GOOD FRIDAY (7:00 p.m. worship) Nursery and preschool age children please go to Building A Room 110 for special activities. Elementary age children please go to Building A Room 201 (upstairs) for special activities. EASTER SUNDAY Elementary age children should worship with their families. 7:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Services Building B Room 106: Infants and Crawlers Building B Room 112-114: Toddlers through preschool 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship Services Building Room 106: Infants and Crawlers Building B Room 116-118: Toddlers Building B Room 115: Preschool 10:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship Services Building B Room 106: Infants and Crawlers Building B Room 112-114: Toddlers Building B Room 116-118: Toddlers Building B Room 108-110: Preschool Building B Room 105-107: Preschool 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Services Building A Room 109: Infants & Crawlers Building A Room 110: Toddlers Building B Room 101-103: Preschoolers


DEVOTIONS This year we have included devotions for each worship service within this guide. Please use each devotion as you experience the Holy Week journey. Space for notes is provided at the end of each devotion. LENTEN OFFERING 2014 A long time tradition of St. Luke’s is to have our offering during Lent, from Ash Wednesday through Holy Week, go to ministries in our community and beyond. This year is no different as we extend our reach by supporting our local community partners, our advocacy efforts, and ministry with our global mission partners. We encourage you to give up an amount of money daily as part of your Lenten spiritual practice and give toward this goal. EASTER FLOWERS The list of Easter flower donors is available in the wall rack in the Narthex of the Sanctuary and in the North Welcome Hall of Building C. Please take your donated flower after the 11:15 a.m. worship services.

Palm Sunday April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem. The expectation of the Messiah coming to save the people of Israel seems to be coming to life through Jesus. All the signs point to him. The crowds welcome him with palm branches and shouts of praise. Certainly now they would be redeemed and restored through their new king. Many who saw this spectacle were not as joyous. This moment seemed to some a deliberately defiant political act. The authorities and leadership felt threatened and planned for Jesus to be dealt with. In the midst of it all, Jesus had very different plans. Jesus entered into Jerusalem knowing he was on a journey to his death. He did not ride in on a stallion, there was no sword; instead he rode humbly on a donkey. He had the heart of a servant who would use only the instrument of sacrifice to be the true healing and restoration not of political power, but of the world. This Lent we have been looking deeply into the ways in which we can surrender our brokenness to God, and take steps toward our own healing and restoration. We have been learning to quit fixing and allow grace to have room and time to work within our hearts. We are finding the courage to see ourselves through a new identity, standing up for the healing and restoration God is bringing to our lives, and not allowing others to seek to diminish this work or keep us broken. As we begin to enter into Holy Week, we have the difficult step of finding the courage to offer our brokenness to the healing process of Jesus’ journey. Just like those who wanted a king to come save them, we have to be willing to embrace the fact that healing comes most often through moments like Good Friday. Are you ready? Is there a brokenness you realize needs to be carried by Jesus during the journey of this week? Is there something or someone for whom it’s time to take the difficult road toward Calvary in order to find true beauty in resurrection? Start today by laying whatever or whoever it is down on the road alongside the palm branches. Begin the journey of surrender by writing it down in this guide, or putting it within your Bible and bringing it with you to each of these services. Allow each of the stops with Christ this week to be another part of the healing and transformative process of resurrection beauty. Our Father, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, may your reign become real through the works of our hands and your love become alive in our hearts. We offer our brokenness to you this week. May your redemption and love make us beautiful works of your art. Amen. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________




in The Coleman Memorial Gymnasium Contemporary Worship (9:30 a.m.) re•define: Contemporary Family Worship (11:00 a.m.)

in the Sanctuary (8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.) PRELUDE “Crown Him with Many Crowns” The Handbell Choir with Kenneth Boyd and Ron Logan, trumpets, Paul Nichols and Nate Lewis, trombones, and Chuck Riehle, timpani

SCRIPTURE Luke 19:28-40





THE PROCESSION OF THE PALMS “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna”...................................#278



PRAISE music “Everywhere That I Go” “Great God” “I Know Who I Am”


OFFERING “Who Is Like the Lord”

WITNESS IN MUSIC “All God’s Children” The combined Sanctuary and Children’s Choirs


*THE PEACE AND WELCOME (Please offer expressions of love to those around you.)

Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE “O Lord, Hear My Prayer” The Sanctuary Choir



CLOSING SONG “Take Me to the King” Closing Prayer OF CONFESSION

OFFERING AND OFFERTORY “Hallelujah” from Mount of Olives The Sanctuary Choir


*DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION SCRIPTURE Luke 19:28-40 SERMON Dr. William S. Barnes *HYMN “All Glory, Laud, and Honor”.............................#280 *BENEDICTION *CHORAL BENEDICTION “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” *POSTLUDE “Now Thank We All Our God”

*If you are able, please stand in praise to God.

*If you are able, please stand in praise to God.


Holy Thursday April 17, 2014

Don Saliers, author of the The New Handbook of the Christian Year, writes this about Holy Thursday, (sometimes known as Maundy Thursday) “we relive with the disciples that fellowship meal on the very threshold of the Passover in which Jesus uttered the unforgettable words with the sharing of the bread and the cup – ‘this is my body,’ ‘this is my blood of the new covenant’ and commanded that we forever ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’ We experience anew that which was enacted on this extraordinary evening, including the act of mutual servanthood in the washing of the feet.” “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “mandatum” meaning commandment. This is the night in which Jesus gave us the commandment to love one another. Tonight, we come to a common table and find ourselves sharing bread and cup which reminds us of the need we all have for forgiveness, healing and love. As we move toward the table, we move not only toward Christ, but toward one another. It’s a powerful thing to remember the brokenness of Judas and Peter that night. But Jesus washed their feet, and even looked them in the eyes and said those powerful words of grace and love. Tonight as you come to the table, come with your hands wide open. Allow the water of Christ to wash those hands and prepare you to receive the bread and cup that washes our souls. St. Luke’s is open to all persons of every age who seek to live in the newness of life which God offers in Christ. You need not be a member of this church or of any United Methodist Church to join us at the table of the Lord. Children are welcome to receive the sacrament, and parents may indicate their desire to the communion servers. If you wish to be served where you sit, please indicate your desire to an usher. In what ways might your brokenness become more beautiful by accepting forgiveness? What is the dust Jesus might wash away from your heart to help transform brokenness into beauty? Tomorrow the journey will become more difficult and revealing. Sometimes this is the time when many of us seek to give up, or settle for surface fixing instead of the deep healing. As you leave the holy room with the disciples to go pray with Christ, do you have the stamina to “stay awake” in a new way as we move toward Good Friday? Lord, we give you thanks for satisfying our hungry hearts with this holy meal shared in the Spirit with your Son. As His death brings us life and hope, so may His resurrection lead us to salvation. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Holy Thursday Worship in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium at 7:00 p.m. GATHERING Music *CALL TO WORSHIP *SONGS OF PRAISE “Come Thou Fount” “Hosanna” Opening Prayer SCRIPTURE Exodus 12:1-4, 5-10, 11-14 and Luke 22:7-13 MONOLOGUE “Thoughts on a Family Meal” SCRIPTURE John 13:21-30 MONOLOGUE “Thoughts on My Own Etiquette” SCRIPTURE Luke 22:24-27 MONOLOGUE “Thoughts on a Seating Chart”

“CONFESSION AND PARDON” PRAYER OF CONFESSION SCRIPTURE John 13:3-5 MONOLOGUE “Thoughts on Washing Up” SYMBOLIC WASHING OF THE HANDS PASSING OF THE PEACE (Let us offer one another signs of reconciliation and love.) Offering “Broken for Love’s Sake”


“THE GREAT THANKSGIVING” Luke 22:19 “Thoughts on Bread” Matthew 25:27 “Thoughts on Cup” Luke 22:20 “Thoughts on a Promise”

“LITURGY OF BREAD AND CUP” SCRIPTURE Mark 14:27-31 MONOLOGUE “Thoughts on Thank You Notes” SCRIPTURE John 13:34-35 MONOLOGUE “Thoughts on Others” “LITURGY OF OUR RESPONSE” “GIVING AND RECEIVING OF THE CUP” Music During Communion “Remembrance (The Communion Song)” PRAYER “STRIPPING OF THE CHURCH” SCRIPTURE Matthew 26:36-42, 45-50 MONOLOGUE “Thoughts on Waiting” BENEDICTION *If you are able, please stand in praise to God.


GOOD FRIDAY: A Service of Tenebrae April 18, 2014 The service of Tenebrae, or “shadows,” was formed from a combination of night and early morning prayer with a focus on the commemoration of the Passion of our Lord. It was originally read and sung by monastic choirs in the Middle Ages, though its origin predates even that time period. The most significant feature of the service is the gradual extinguishing of the lights and candles in the room and on the altar. The bare altar and unvested furnishings emphasize the starkness of the events recalled. The candles represent the disciples and all later believers who follow Jesus, and the larger candle represents Christ himself. We mark today as the day the final sacrifice was offered. The Lamb of God gives his life on the cross of crucifixion. We do not like conflict; we do not like for something to have to die in order for growth to take root. We do not like the pain of re-breaking something that has not fully healed correctly. But for beauty to rise from the ashes, for new life to occur, for healing and transformation to come, there is first death. Don Saliers writes “Here the reality of His death is encountered, a death we remember also at the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday. But now we experience the anguish of our own sin intensified, and our own complicity in his betrayal.” As uncomfortable as Good Friday makes us, this is how new life can begin. It starts with standing at the foot of the cross with the hope, trust and faith that by following our Savior here, we will know new life on Sunday. “In Christ we pass over from death to life. This is God’s grace and doing alone. Just as the Hebrews passed from slavery in Egypt to life in God’s promised land, and as Jesus Christ was raised from death to life, so the church proclaims and enacts its faith that by God’s saving grace, we pass from sin and death to life with God. The whole world is in the process of being redeemed.” (Saliers) There are hurts, brokenness, sin and pain that only the power of the cross can truly redeem. But know that in offering these things to God on this holy night, new life and resurrection is our promise. The Light will shine and the Son will rise no matter how dark tonight may seem. How does our brokenness cry out for the cross? What can you leave at the foot of the cross tonight to surrender to the power of death and resurrection? Our Father, while we were still your enemies, Lord Jesus Christ, you suffered and died for us, winning the victory over death for our sakes. Give us grace to lift you up as we follow the way of your cross so that all people may be drawn unto you. Amen. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Contemporary Worship in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium at 7:00 p.m. OPENING MOVEMENT



Sixth Lesson The Way of the Cross Luke 23:26-31 Leader: The righteous one, my servant, shall make many righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities Response: By His wounds I have been healed.

Opening HYMN “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” *CALL TO CONFESSION *PRAYER OF CONFESSION First Lesson The Darkness Foretold Luke 18:31-34 Leader: Who has believed what we have heard? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? Response: By His wounds I have been healed. SONG





“Broken Things”

Luke 23:44-46 “How Love Wins”

Ninth Lesson The Burial of Jesus Luke 23:47-56 Leader: Yet he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for those who have sinned. Response: By His wounds I have been healed. HYMN

“O Sacred Head Now Wounded”

Tenth Lesson The Song of the Suffering Servant

Fourth Lesson Jesus Before Pilate and Herod Luke 23:1-12 Leader: He was as one from whom others hide their faces, he was despised and we held him of no account. Response: By His wounds I have been healed. SONG

“What Wondrous Love Is This”

Eighth Lesson The Death of Jesus

Third Lesson Jesus Before the Council Luke 22:63-71 Leader: He was despised and rejected by others; a man of suffering and acquainted with infirmity. Response: By His wounds I have been healed. SONG

“Blessed Redeemer”

Seventh Lesson The Crucifixion Luke 23:32-43 Leader: He shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he poured out himself to death and was numbered with the transgressors. Response: By His wounds I have been healed.

Second Lesson In the Garden of Gethsemane Luke 22:39-53 Leader: He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. Response: By His wounds I have been healed. SONG

“Scandal of Grace”

“Were You There”

Isaiah 53:4-9

*BENEDICTION *If you are able, please stand in praise to God We ask that you depart in silence. This service will end in darkness. Please watch your step.


Fifth Lesson Jesus is Sentenced to Death Luke 23:13-25 Leader: Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him with pain. When he makes his life an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring and shall prolong his days. Response: By His wounds I have been healed.


Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. OFFERING/OFFERTORY “Epitaphe” David Patrick, organ

PRELUDE “Adagio in G Minor” Susan Weed, Janice Roberts, and Lynne Rudzik, violins, Abby Goodin, viola, and Amy Tsai, cello

Sixth Lesson The Way of the Cross


Luke 23:26-31

ANTHEM “Tableau of Sorrow” The Sanctuary Choir

*Opening HYMN “What Wondrous Love Is This”.............................#292 *CALL TO CONFESSION

Seventh Lesson The Crucifixion

*PRAYER OF CONFESSION First Lesson The Darkness Foretold

HYMN “Were You There”.....................................................#288 (vs. 1, 4 & 5)

Luke 18:31-34

ANTHEM “Portrait of Grace” The Sanctuary Choir Second Lesson In the Garden of Gethsemane

Eighth Lesson The Death of Jesus

Luke 22:39-53 Ninth Lesson The Burial of Jesus

Luke 22:63-71 Tenth Lesson The Song of the Suffering Servant

Isaiah 53:4-9

*BENEDICTION *If you are able, please stand in praise to God

Luke 23:1-12

After the benediction please remain seated until the choir exits. We ask that you then depart in silence. This service will end in darkness. Please watch your step.

*HYMN “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”.................#298 (vs. 1 & 3) Fifth Lesson Jesus is Sentenced to Death

Luke 23:47-56

ANTHEM “Pieta” The Sanctuary Choir with Susan Weed, violin

ANTHEM “Scenes From Gethsemane” The Sanctuary Choir Fourth Lesson Jesus Before Pilate and Herod

Luke 23:44-46


HYMN “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross”........................#301 (vs. 1 & 3) Third Lesson Jesus Before the Council

Luke 23:32-43

Luke 23:13-25


Easter Sunday April 20, 2014

Christ the Lord is Risen today! Hallelujah! Today we celebrate resurrection from the dead, victory over the grave, beauty made out of brokenness. You and I are new creatures, reconciled to God, offered new life, a fresh start. Clarence Jordan, co-founder of Koinonia Farm, wrote, “The resurrection of Jesus was simply God’s unwillingness to take our ‘no’ for an answer. He raised Jesus, not as an invitation to us to come to heaven when we die, but as a declaration that he himself has now established permanent, eternal residence here on earth. He is standing beside us, strengthening us in this life. The good news of the resurrection of Jesus is not that we shall die and go home to be with him, but that he has risen and comes home with us.” Today new life begins, and we claim that all of our lives have been redeemed, healed, put back together and fashioned into a masterpiece of God’s restoration. Our lives, the broken beauty that they are, are the revelation of Christ to the world. Christ is risen – and you and I are made new. Hallelujah! Thanks be to God! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please note: All saved seats will need to be released five minutes before the service time to make room for all in attendance.




in The Coleman Memorial Gymnasium 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.


in the Sanctuary 7:30, 8:45, 10:00 and 11:15 a.m.

John 20:1-18

PRELUDE “Lift High the Cross” The Handbell Choir with Pati Sayers, piano



Amanda Leakey

*PROCESSIONAL HYMN “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”...........................#302 (vs. 1-4 only) The Sanctuary Choir and the Handbell Choir with organ and piano

SONG OF CELEBRATION “Rez Power” WELCOME Welcome to this celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord! We hope you will return to worship with us and will consider making St. Luke’s your church home.

*Opening Prayer *THE PEACE AND WELCOME WITNESS IN MUSIC “Gloria” The Sanctuary Choir with organ and piano

*CALL TO WORSHIP SONGS OF PRAISE “You Are Good” “Just Wanna Say”


PaSTORAL PRAYER, SILENT PRAYER, THE LORD’S PRAYER OFFERING AND OFFERTORY “The Mind of Christ” The Sanctuary Choir with organ and piano


John 20:1-18

Doxology and Prayer of Dedication *HYMN “The Day of Resurrection”.....................................#303

Colossians 3:1-4 Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams

SCRIPTURE Colossians 3:1-4 SERMON Dr. William S. Barnes *CHORAL ACCLAMATION “Hallelujah” from “Messiah” The Sanctuary Choir with organ and piano

VIDEO “Broken Beauty” OFFERING “Higher Medley”

*BENEDICTION “The Lord Bless and Keep You”


*POSTLUDE “Partita on Crucifer” Organ

“Saved By Grace” “Hello My Name Is”

*Benediction *If you are able, please stand in praise to God.

*If you are able, please stand in praise to God.


Connect Register for VBS and camps at www.st.lukes.org/summercamps. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 16 – JUNE 20: Everyone at St. Luke’s Workshop of Wonders (WOW VBS) can discover how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. Use your heart, mind, and imagination to participate in the creative life of God, the one who works wonders! VBS 2014 is for children four years of age (by June 16) through students entering 6th grade. VBS runs from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Cost is $30.00. SCHOOL OF THE ARTS CAMPS: (Grades as of Fall 2014) Take the Stage Camp: June 23-27 for grades 1-8. Campers will enjoy acting, singing and dancing on stage while creating a musical theater production with a great message. Change the World Camp: July 7-11 for grades 1-8. Campers will participate in hands-on service projects and learn ways to be a world changer for God. Spark the Imagination Camp: July 14-18 for grades K-6. Campers can choose from a variety of half-day options in music, art, culinary and performance. CLUSTER GROUPS: Cluster Groups are based on life stage or neighborhood. BOWLING: This group meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the World Bowling Center at 7540 Canada Ave. The next bowling night is April 21. For more information email bowling.cluster@st.lukes.org. CLASSIC CARS: Do you like fixing up cars or admiring their artistic flair? Meet other classic car enthusiasts by emailing classiccars.cluster@st.lukes.org for meeting information. ENERGIZED EMPTY NESTERS: This active, dynamic group meets once a month for fun and fellowship. For more information email emptynesters.cluster@st.lukes.org. GOSPEL CHOIR: Meet in Building B Room 209 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the first and third Sundays of each month. Contact gospelchoir.cluster@st.lukes.org. JUSTICE: This group is a collection of individuals who are passionate about justice in our community and beyond. For meeting information email justice.cluster@st.lukes.org. KEENE’S POINTE: Friends, neighbors, and residents of Keene’s Pointe are welcome to come meet other St. Lukers who live in the area. For meeting information email keenespointe.cluster@st.lukes.org. MEN’S: This is a social group for men age 21+. For future meeting locations email mens.cluster@st.lukes.org. MOMS UNITED: All moms are welcome in this collaborative cluster group. Email momsunited.cluster@st.lukes.org for more information about the Pregancy to Preschool or School Age Moms groups. Please include the age(s) of your child/ children in your email.


st.lukes.org/connect OPEN ARMS LGBTQA: This affirming group is open to all LGBTQ persons and allies, and typically meets on the second Tuesday of every month in the Attic of Building C. Contact openarms.cluster@st.lukes.org for more information. PAPER ARTS: This group gathers monthly to share art projects such as scrapbooking and card making in an inviting and relaxed environment. For more information email paperarts. cluster@st.lukes.org. WEST ORANGE CONNECTION: This cluster group is for those who live in or near the 34787 zip code. For details on the next meeting email westorange.cluster@st.lukes.org. YOUNG ADULTS: This group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the Attic of Building C at 7:00 p.m. For more information email youngadults@st.lukes.org. DIVORCE CARE WORKSHOP: This 12-week workshop will begin Thursday, April 24 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Building C Room 208-210. Child care is available by registering at st.lukes.org/childcare. R.S.V.P for the workshop by contacting Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org. AN EAR TO LISTEN AND A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON: Stephen Ministers are trained for 50 hours to listen, support and help you to find the path back to joy and peace. No issue is too small! Contact Carol Crowley at ccrowley@st.lukes.org to be matched with a Stephen Minister. SENIOR LUNCH AND PROGRAM: The Senior Lunch and Program celebrating Mother’s Day will be on Friday, April 25 at 11:30 a.m. Bring a picture of your mother! Please contact Debbi Gale at 407.295.4348 by Tuesday, April 22. TWO HEALTH AND FITNESS OPPORTUNITIES: Evening Exercise: Join this exercise class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium. Beginners welcome! Cost is $5 per class or $30 per month. First class is free. 50+ Exercise Program: Join us in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium for low impact aerobic classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. or for strength for life classes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Cost is $2 per class. ST. LUKE’S COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER: The center can accommodate any budget. Call 407.876.4991 ext. *250 to set up an appointment. CALLED CHARGE CONFERENCE: St. Luke’s will hold a Charge Conference on April 24 at 7:00 p.m. in Building A Room 114118 to confirm candidacy for two St. Luke’s members, Kelly Rhyne and Peter Knight, who are currently seeking ordination in The United Methodist Church. Both candidates have been approved by the Staff Parish Relations Committee and now must be approved by the elected leaders of St. Luke’s. Please note only elected leaders may vote.



Sunday Programming CHILDREN: Children preschool through grade 4 can attend God-O-Sea and grow together as disciples. Stop by the Welcome Window in Building B on Sunday mornings for room assignments. Regular programming resumes April 27. MERGE: This Sunday morning group for 5th and 6th graders meets from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Attic of Building C. This group serves as a crossover program from Children’s Ministry to Youth Ministries. Merge is designed with fun, purposeful teachings that 5th and 6th graders can understand and enjoy. Regular programming resumes April 27. ECHO: This Sunday morning group for 7th and 8th graders meets from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in Building C Room 205207. The Bible provides direction and guidance, but only if you know how to use it. Each week in Echo, we dive into Bible stories to find out how the lessons of the past can Echo in our lives today. Regular programming resumes April 27. Weekday Programming YOUTH MINISTRIES: st.lukes.org/youth High School Youth Group: Students in 9th through 12th grade experience high-energy games, fellowship, music, teaching and worship. High School Youth Group meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Attic of Building C. WEDNESDAY AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM: We invite all middle school students to come out on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for an afternoon full of fellowship, activities, and games. For more information contact Laura Turner at 407.876.4991 ext.*258 or email lturner@st.lukes.org. FUEL: This weekly worship experience for middle school students is on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Attic of Building C. Come and enjoy hanging out with your friends, games, music and worship. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: st.lukes.org/children WEDNESDAY AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM: Elementary students participate in activities, games, choir rehearsal and worship arts. The afternoon starts at 2:30 p.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium. Contact Laura Turner at lturner@ st.lukes.org. Register elementary students at www.st.lukes. org/grow. THRIVE on Thursdays: We don’t just build disciples, we help them THRIVE! Elementary aged children (K-5) rotate through three stations - School of the Arts, Cooperative Games, and Spiritual Formation - all based on a theme of the current sermon series. Children will be actively engaged through cooperative games, creative expression, cooking, and awesome science experiments! Register at st.lukes.org/grow. Registered children can be signed in at 6:15 p.m. in the Gym.


8th Grade Dusk to Dawn Night: 8th graders who are about to transition into high school will experience one exciting night on May 30. We will leave St. Luke’s at 5:30 p.m. and go west coast to east coast in one evening with fun stops along the way. Registration is now open at st.lukes.org/youth and the cost is $50. 5th Grade Ri5e Late Night: This Milestone Celebration for 5th graders and their parents will take place Thursday, June 5. We invite all 5th graders and their parents to celebrate the milestone of graduating to middle school. The night will begin with FUEL from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Then students and parents will get to know the middle school staff and volunteers while having fun with games, music, food, and more. Register at st.lukes.org/ youth. ADULT GROWTH GROUPS: Stop by a Connection Point or visit www.st.lukes.org/grow for current class offerings. There are classes on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., weekdays and weeknights. Topics include Bible studies, prayer, and Christian life. New startups include Financial Peace University, Legacy, and Making Sense of the Bible. JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE WITH PASTOR BILL IN 2015: The next Holy Land pilgrimage will begin on April 22, 2015. The 12-day tour in Israel will be followed by an optional 4-day tour to Jordan, including a visit to Petra and Mt. Nebo. Full brochures are available in the racks across campus. EXEGESIS: Join Pastor Bill for Exegesis (his Thursday night Bible Study). This class supplements the Sunday sermons with ‘behind the scenes’ information. As he says, “It’s everything you wanted to know that I don’t have time for in the sermon.” Meet in Building B Room 209 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY NIGHT DINNER: There will be no Thursday Night Dinner on April 17 due to the Holy Thursday worship service. The menu for April 24 includes pot roast, mashed potatoes, a veggie, salad, rolls, dessert, and drink. Dinner is served in Building C and the cost is $6.00 for adults, $4.00 for children 5-12, $3.00 for children under 5, or $20.00 family max. Call Dede Duncan at 407.876.4991 ext.*296 by the Monday before to reserve your seat!



Within our Community

Within our Church

For more information about upcoming opportunities or to sign up for those listed below contact Sharon Briggs at 407.876.4991 ext. *239, email sbriggs@st.lukes.org or go to www.st.lukes.org/SERVE.

ACOLYTES AND CRUCIFERS ARE BACK: Your 3rd through 7th grader can participate in traditional worship. If your child is interested, please contact Amy Winslow at awinslow@st.lukes. org or 407.876.4991 ext. *253.

DINNER AT THE COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS: St. Luke’s prepares dinner for the families of the shelter on the third Saturday of each month. Food donations are needed. Volunteer opportunities include baking at St. Luke’s as well as cooking and serving at the shelter downtown. Join us on Saturday, April 19 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

CHILDREN’S LIBRARY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: The St. Luke’s children’s library needs volunteers once a month to read to the pre-school students. The books will be pre-selected. Contact Mary Ellen Hanson at maryefl80@gmail.com.

GOODWILL DONATION COLLECTION TO BENEFIT ST. LUKE’S MINISTRIES: St. Luke’s has a unique partnership with Goodwill Industries. We collect donations which support their programs and in return we receive vouchers for use by our Orlando ministries. It’s a win-win partnership! We now have a permanent bin by the back door of the Fellowship Hall where you can drop your donations. There is also a St. Luke’s bin at the Goodwill Donation Express located at the Dr. Phillips Marketplace (be sure to specify that your donation should be placed in the St. Luke’s bin). SHALOM MINISTRY READING PROGRAM: This ministry is working with Orange County Corrections to begin an innovative and exciting faith-based club that will assist inmates with improving their reading levels. There is evidence that a direct correlation exists between increased reading levels of inmates and reducing their chance of returning to prison. SHALOM MINISTRY PEN PAL: Become pen pals to fellowship and grow in faith with someone who is incarcerated. A pen pal is a friendship that transcends generations and breaks down walls that could normally keep us from building relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ. CHILDREN’S SUNDAY ON MAY 4: We are celebrating all the ways we serve children in our community and in our world. Come to the Welcome Hall in Building C to learn more about child sponsorship in Ethiopia, Family Promise, Educational IMPACT, and Beyond Biological. The new Director of the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home, Becky Dotson, will be in both of our 9:30 a.m. worship services. There will be a panel discussion at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall about Safe Families, foster care, and adoption with Bethany Christian Services, Open Hearts, and Community Based Care of Central Florida. CIRCLES CAMPAIGN INFORMATION MEETING: Are you interested in being part of the long-term solution to poverty in our community? Join us for a Circles Information meeting on May 8 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Building C Room 201. The Circles Campaign is a research based model that helps individuals build relationships across socioeconomic lines in order to empower families in poverty and change the perception of poverty in our community. Interested participants should sign up by contacting Meghan Killingsworth at mkillingsworth@st.lukes.org.


CONNECTION POINTS: Connection Point Volunteers are needed between services at the two Connection Point counters in Building C. Training is provided. Contact ccrowley@st.lukes. org to sign up for training. CAMPUS HOSTS NEEDED: St. Luke’s is preparing a team of volunteers to act as Campus Hosts Monday through Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. As campus use expands we are hosting more groups that are new to our site. The Campus Host assists people in finding their room location and is available should issues arise. Training provided. Contact Kelly Smith at ksmith@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. *223.



What’s up with worship? On Sunday, April 27 (the Sunday after Easter) the Bethune-Cookman University Concert Chorale, under the direction of Professor Damon H. Dandridge, will lead all three traditional worship services. St. Luke’s also welcomes the Bethune-Cookman University Inspirational Gospel Choir, under the direction of Vertellis Kendrick, in contemporary worship as well as re·define: Contemporary·Family· Worship that morning. This is always an exciting and uplifting time of music and ministry! New sermon series: “St. Luke’s Celebrates” On Sunday, April 27 join us for the new sermon series “St. Luke’s Celebrates” This season is all about celebrating and rejoicing in the gift of new life happening all around us. Help us lift up the diverse and unique individuals within our congregation and our community. Each week we will honor a different group of people (i.e. children, women, men, students), hear some of their stories, and find ways we can connect and grow together through St. Luke’s ministries. Join us as we celebrate what it means to be a part of this unique body of Christ and the gift of resurrection!


This ancient modern style of worship incorporates weekly communion and responsive reading. Sundays at 8:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary


Music in this service is led by the Sanctuary Choir. Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary


Music in this service is led by the Contemporary Praise Team. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium


Contemporary·Family·Worship This service actively engages worshippers through experiential opportunities for all ages. Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium

4851 S. APOPKA-VINELAND RD. ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32819 407.876.4991 www.st.lukes.org

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