St. Luke's 2016 Holy Week Guide

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ST. LUKE’S WELCOMES YOU Welcome to St. Luke’s Holy Week, This is the powerful week we walk with Christ into Jerusalem to the cross and resurrection. In each moment of this week we span the range of human emotions as we encounter God’s love incarnate in the sacrificial acts of Christ in his final week. We encourage you to be with us in worship during each of the holy celebrations, spend time in the Prayer Labyrinth walking the prayer stations, and utilize this guide as a devotional during your “chair time.” (dedicated time to listen to and talk with God through prayer and scripture reading) Remember also the challenge for each of us to consider giving a dollar a week for our Lenten Special Offering outlined in more detail on page three of this guide. You can bring this special offering throughout Holy Week as a gift above and beyond our operational budget. We will journey closely with one another, as we understand the profound values of love He spoke from the cross in new ways this year. We will explore the powerful victorious cry in His final words “It is Finished” as the Salvation story of grace unfolds and culminates in the sanctifying power of Easter Sunday. We hope you will join us at each holy service, as we can only truly understand the power of Easter if we allow the intimacy of Holy Thursday and Good Friday to reach deep within our souls. We will be in prayer for our congregation and you as the CrossWords of Christ are revealed to us. Until then, we sing the Alleluia of Easter with one another. I am humbly yours in grace, peace, and love,

Jenn. The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams, Lead Pastor

2016 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE March 20 - March 26, Prayer Labyrinth in the Attic of Building C Sunday, March 20 – Thursday, March 24 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday, March 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, March 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The prayer labyrinth is an ancient practice of the early church that has re-emerged in recent times. It is a contemplative space intended for personal spiritual reflection as one walks the floor maze of the labyrinth. Children are welcome to experience the labyrinth with their families. We ask that parents stay with their children in the quiet and meditative space in order to maintain the reflective atmosphere for everyone.

March 20, Palm Sunday..............................................4 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C)

March 24, Holy Thursday ...........................................7 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C)

March 25, Good Friday...............................................10 A Service of Tenebrae 7:00 p.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary 7:00 p.m. Contemporary Worship Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C)

March 27, Easter Sunday ...........................................14 7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Coleman Memorial Gymnasium (Building C)

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES You do not need to be a member of St. Luke’s to bring your children to our Child Care or Sunday programs. Child Care and program rooms open 15 minutes prior to the service you are attending. Children must be signed in and out by an adult for all programs. Stop by the Welcome Window on the first floor of Building B on Sunday mornings or call 407.876.4991 for more information. PALM SUNDAY *Elementary children attend worship with their families. *8:00 a.m. Worship Service Infant-Preschool children please go to Building B Room 112-114. *9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Sunday programming is offered for infants through preschool age. If your child is already registered bring them to their assigned classroom. If you are new to St. Luke’s please stop by the Welcome Window on the first floor of Building B for assistance. PRAYER LABYRINTH Participate in activities for the whole family in the Attic of Building C. Parents must remain with children. (See times on page 2.) HOLY THURSDAY (7:00 p.m. Worship) Infant-Preschool aged children will check-in at Building A Room 110. Elementary children attend worship with their families. GOOD FRIDAY (7:00 p.m. Worship) Infant-Preschool aged children will check-in at Building A Room 110. Elementary children attend worship with their families. EASTER SUNDAY Elementary children attend worship with their families. 7:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service Building B Room 106: Infants & Crawlers Building B Room 112-114: Toddlers through Preschool 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship Service Building B Room 106: Infants & Crawlers Building B Room 116-118: Toddlers Building B Room 105-107: Preschool 10:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship Services Building B Room 106: Infants and Crawlers Building B Room 112-114: Toddlers Building B Room 108-110: Three Year Olds Building B Room 105-107: Preschool 9:30 & 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Services Building B Room 106: Infants and Crawlers Building B Room 116-118: Toddlers Building B Room 101-103: Preschool

DEVOTIONS This year we have included devotions for each worship service within this guide. Please use each devotion as you experience the Holy Week journey. Space for notes is provided at the end of each devotion. LENTEN OFFERING 2016 A long term tradition of St. Luke’s is to have our offering during Lent go to ministries serving locally, in our state, and globally beyond our operating budget. All the offerings from the Ash Wednesday service and the Holy Week services go to this offering as well as the designated envelope provided. Those ministries include all the United Methodist Special Sunday offerings that support educational scholarships, peace and justice ministries, and United Methodist Committee on Relief that responds to disasters worldwide as well as scholarships for Florida’s own United Methodist summer camping program. The Lenten Offering has also helped kick-start new ideas. This year we will support UM Microfinance which is an on-line lending platform like Kiva connecting United Methodists around the world. We encourage you to give up $1.00 or $2.00 a day or set a household or small group challenge as part of your Lenten spiritual practice and give toward this goal. Be sure to mark it for Lenten Offering. EASTER FLOWERS The list of Easter flower donors will be available on Easter Sunday in the wall rack in the Narthex of the Sanctuary and in the North Welcome Hall of Building C. Please take your donated flower after the 11:15 a.m. worship services on Easter Sunday. NEW TO ST. LUKE’S? Visit the Connection Point in the Rotunda of Building C to pick up a First Time Guest Welcome Packet. Let us help you get connected. Contact the Connect office at 407.876.4991 ext.*262 or


PALM SUNDAY March 20, 2016 Lent has found us standing at the foot of the cross listening to the final words of Christ. These are his “CrossWords”- God’s values of love offered to the world but hopefully we have heard them spoken to each of us as individuals. It might seem easy to belong to a church who values words like Acceptance, Hospitality, Community, Discipleship and Service, but to hear Christ speak these values to us as a gift from the cross of salvation, helps us understand these words in an entirely different light. Now we find ourselves at Holy Week. We begin to experience the last words of Christ, “It is finished” and “Into your hands I commit my spirit” as we walk through the week that brings to fruition the salvation of God in Christ. As Christ makes His way to the final moments of His mission and ministry among us, may we lean in and listen with even more focus and openness. May we have the courage to simplify our lives in intentional ways that allow sacred space to actively worship, make “chair time” (dedicated time to listen to and talk with God through prayer and scripture reading) to listen and prepare our hearts, to process this time with our community. Remember, we only understand the power of Easter after experiencing the ecstasy and tension of Palm Sunday, the intimacy of Holy Thursday, the brokenness of Good Friday, and the silence in between. We begin with Palm Sunday. The day we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The plan of salvation begins to unfold as we recognize the tension that exists between the hoped for “victor” who would enter into Jerusalem to overtake the world’s kingdom, and the “servant” who entered on a donkey to usher in God’s Kingdom. What we hope for and what we need are often different. The Messiah who was hoped for would bring justice to the Jewish people, saving the Israelites from the oppression of the government. The Messiah needed would bring justice to the entire world, and save humanity from the oppression of sin. Reflect on Isaiah 50:2-9 Chair Time: (dedicated time to listen to and talk with God through prayer and scripture reading) Consider what you are hoping to happen in your life. Write down your longings here and your hopes for how your encounters with Christ this week will help you find healing or answers. Is our ecstasy of Christ’s entering into our lives about the hopes we want in life or the hopes God knows we need? Prayer for the Morning: I rise, O God, awakened by your Word, to live another day. Lead me in your path. Show me the steps to take toward greater faith. Hold me in your care as I move through this Holy Week where the shadows deepen even in the daylight. Hosanna! Save me now, dear God! Amen. Prayer for the Evening: I come to the darkness of night, O God, tired and ready for a sweet respite in your care. Keep me safe from all harm, and bring me to the morning light with renewed strength. In Jesus’ holy name, I pray. Amen. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________




in The Coleman Memorial Gymnasium Contemporary Worship (9:30 & 11:00 a.m.) SCRIPTURE

in the Sanctuary (8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.) PRELUDE “Christ is Lord” Orchestra

John 12:12-13

*GATHERING SONG “Let’s Celebrate”



CHORAL PROCESSION “God’s Holy Lamb” The Sanctuary Choir, Children’s Choir, the Orchestra, and St. Luke’s Dance Ensemble



*PRAISE SONG “Let It Be Known”

*HYMN “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” (vs. 1, 3, and 4) #280



*PASSING THE PEACE AND WELCOME (Please offer expressions of love to those around you.) PALM MESSAGE

The Rev. Jad Denmark

WITNESS IN MUSIC “Sing Hosanna! Blessed is He!” The Sanctuary Choir, Children’s Choir, Orchestra


The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams


John 19:30a Luke 23:44-47


*CLOSING SONG “Breathe Your Name”

John 19:30 The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams

OFFERING AND OFFERTORY “By Your Mercy” The Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra


PASSION MESSAGE The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER *HYMN “Lift High the Cross” (vs. 1 and 2).......................#159 *BENEDICTION “The Lord Bless and Keep You” *POSTLUDE “Ride On, Ride On in Majesty” John R. Mason, III organ *If you are able, please stand in praise to God.

*If you are able, please stand in praise to God.



“Maundy Thursday is an alternate name for Holy Thursday. The English word ‘Maundy’ comes from the Latin mandatum, which means ‘commandment.’ As recorded in John’s gospel, on his last night before his betrayal and arrest, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and then gave them a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them (John 13:34). This is why services on this night generally include the washing of feet or other acts of physical care as an integral part of the celebration. While John’s gospel does not record the institution of the Lord’s Supper among the events of this night, the other gospels do. Christians therefore keep this night with celebrations both at the basin (foot washing) and at the Lord’s Table (Holy Communion).” (source: Tonight we celebrate intimate moments with Jesus. The servant Lamb of God stooped to hold our feet, washing with his hands, and drying with his linens. He took bread and broke it and placed it in our hands – “my body broken for you.“ He took a cup and invited us to take it in – “my blood spilled out for the forgiveness of sins.” He handed the same elements even to the one who would betray him with a kiss, as well as the one who out of fear would run away and deny ever knowing him. He doesn’t deny them the offering of himself, he does not withhold himself from those who would turn on him, but freely gives. It is in this modeling he invites them to love one another. The power of this final commandment has been exemplified by his actions of the evening. When dinner is over he invites those he loves to come away and pray with him. In his prayer, he first prays for those he loves and finally expresses his own agony in having to walk the path ahead of him. His disciples fall asleep. In many ways, they have been asleep for years – missing all the signs and messages he had given to show where the final journey of his mission would end. In the garden, Jesus offers his final plea of release… “Take this cup from me” but finds the resolve to stand and receive the kiss of betrayal that would lead to his end. The power of this night is an invitation to experience the intimacy Christ longs for us to have with our creator God. It invites us to recognize the God who stooped toward us as a servant and offers to hold us and cleanse us. It beckons for us to taste and see the lengths God would go to show his mercy, his goodness, and his love. And finally it challenges us to wake up – to stay with Christ in the world as people wrestle and struggle with the paths they are called to walk. Reflect on Isaiah 52:1-12 Chair Time: (dedicated time to listen to and talk with God through prayer and scripture reading) Get out and leave your captivity, shouts Isaiah. He cries out for us to “rise from the dust, sit in a place of honor.” Then his Son, Jesus Christ cleans the dust off of your feet, and invites you to sit with him at his in Holy Communion. What dust is Christ wiping away from your heart tonight? As you receive bread and cup from Christ’s own hands, who are you at the table? How intimate do you allow Christ to become in your own heart? Prayer for the Morning: O Lord, as I live in you, keep me faithful. Allow me to experience today with eyes wide open and heart fully awake that my living may be precious in your sight. Give me experiences where I taste the goodness of your mercy in ordinary moments and overwhelm me when I come to the table of grace tonight. Open my heart to your intimate acts of love and servanthood so I might do the same for others. May I live in you forever. Amen. Prayer for the Evening: O Lord, as I rest in you this night, keep me faithful. Let my dying and my living be precious in your sight so that I may rest in you forever; I ask in Jesus name. Amen. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


HOLY THURSDAY: SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION · MARCH 24, 2016 Worship in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium at 7:00 p.m.


“Beautiful Things”


“Love, A New Commandment”


“Remember” “This I Believe”



“A Lenten Love Song” Madison King, soloist


“Who Am I”


“Whom Shall I Fear”


“Take My Life”


*If you are able, please stand in praise to God.


GOOD FRIDAY: A SERVICE OF TENEBRAE March 25, 2016 Good Friday. How can we call it good? The pain and darkness of this day overwhelms us to the point where we sometimes want to pretend that it is just any other day. Pastor Nadia Bolz Weber writes in her book Accidental Saints: “Good Friday is not about us trying to ‘get right with God.’ It is about us entering the difference between God and humanity and just touching it for a moment. Touching the shimmering sadness of humanity’s insistence that we can be our own gods, that we can be pure and all-powerful.” Tonight we encounter ourselves before the cross. We stand and witness the horrific events and hear the words we have studied, the CrossWords, whispering in our hearts. He died to speak those words to me. Tonight we linger, pushing ourselves not to run, or turn away. True discipleship beckons us to not allow other things, busyness or worry, exhaustion or fear to stand in the way of our being present with Christ. We make ourselves search for the words to explain the love we witness here to those who do not understand. We do not shy away from the anguish. We stand and understand all the better those final words of victory – it is finished, the mission is complete, payment has been offered and debt paid in full on behalf of those who God loves most extravagantly. And with all humility we too may begin to offer the same childhood prayer Christ offered “into your hands, we commit our spirits.” Reflect on Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 Chair time: (dedicated time to listen to and talk with God through prayer and scripture reading) What makes you want to run away? Why is it we sometimes long to find “other things” we have to do besides worship and hear the story? Can you indeed find the courage to enter into the difference between God and humanity and reach out to touch, feel, and wonder tonight? At the final moment when Christ breathed his last breath, scripture records the temple curtain was torn in two. No longer was there anything to separate God from God’s people. What curtain does this night need to tear open between you and your God? Prayer for the Morning: God, on this most challenging day, be with me. Open my eyes to see moments of pain and suffering around me into which I may carry your loving presence. Amen Prayer for the Evening; Holy One, into your hands I commit this day that I have lived. Salvage what needs saving in me. Strengthen what is good in me. And in all things bind me closer to you through Jesus Christ. Amen. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


GOOD FRIDAY: A SERVICE OF TENEBRAE · MARCH 25, 2016 Contemporary Worship in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium at 7:00 p.m. The service of Tenebrae, or “shadows,” was formed from a combination of night and early morning prayer with a focus on the commemoration of the Passion of our Lord. It was originally read and sung by monastic choirs in the Middle Ages, though its origin predates even that time period. The most significant feature of the service is the gradual extinguishing of the lights and candles in the room and on the altar. The bare altar and unvested furnishings emphasize the starkness of the events recalled. The candles represent the disciples and all later believers who follow Jesus, and the larger candle represents Christ himself. The dramatic high point of the service occurs with complete darkness and the loud noise of the strepitus at the death of Jesus. WELCOME & CALL TO WORSHIP FIRST LESSON The Darkness Foretold Luke 18:31-34 Leader: All you went through you shared with us beforehand. But we did not want to hear or believe death and suffering would lead to life. Forgive us our blindness, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. HYMN

“What Wondrous Love Is This” (vs. 1, 2 & 3)


CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION SECOND LESSON Jesus Before Pilate John 18:28-40 Leader: Like Pilate, we do not want to take responsibility for your cross. We want you to prove who you are so we can shrink in our role on this day. Forgive us our fear, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. SONG

“Broken and Beautiful”

THIRD LESSON The Soldiers Mock Him Matthew 27:24-31 Leader: We made you into an example of humiliation. We mocked you and stripped you bare before watchful eyes. Forgive us our betrayal, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. SONG

“How He Loves”

FOURTH LESSON Jesus Speaks Forgiveness and Welcome Luke 23:22-42 Leader: We poured out our shame in anger toward you, afraid to admit our longing of hope. And in our rejection, we place more burden of sin upon you. Forgive us our inability to cry out in repentance, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. SONG

“Late Have I Loved You”

FIFTH LESSON Jesus Speaks Compassion John 19:25-27 Leader: We have not opened our hearts to see those who you call us to care for as our own. We have turned aside when on the cross, you charged us to care beyond ourselves. Forgive our selfishness, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. OFFERING/OFFERTORY



SIXTH LESSON Jesus Cries in Anguish Matthew 27:45-49 Leader: You bore our sins and shame. You carried the weight and pain of our iniquities. You cried out in anguish of the isolation our sinfulness placed on you. Forgive us our silence, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. SONG

“The Fall”

SEVENTH LESSON Jesus Speaks His Humanity John 19:28-30 Leader: You cried out in thirst, emptied of life giving water you came to bring. We didn’t understand you would thirst so we might never thirst again. Forgive us our ignorance, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. SONG EIGHTH LESSON

“At the Cross (Love Ran Red)” Jesus Speaks Victory

Luke 23:44-49 Matthew 27:51, 54


“Were You There” (vs. 1, 2 & 5)


NINTH LESSON The Burial John 19:38-42 Leader: You speak no more and are placed in a tomb. No more words of love, only the final act of love remains. Forgive us. We are speechless, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. HYMN

“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”


“The Price He Paid”


“Depth of Mercy”


The Song of the Suffering Servant

*BENEDICTION *If you are able, please stand in praise to God We ask that you depart in silence. This service will end in darkness. Please watch your step.



Isaiah 53:4-6

GOOD FRIDAY: A SERVICE OF TENEBRAE · MARCH 25, 2016 Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. The service of Tenebrae, or “shadows,” was formed from a combination of night and early morning prayer with a focus on the commemoration of the Passion of our Lord. It was originally read and sung by monastic choirs in the Middle Ages, though its origin predates even that time period. The most significant feature of the service is the gradual extinguishing of the lights and candles in the room and on the altar. The bare altar and unvested furnishings emphasize the starkness of the events recalled. The candles represent the disciples and all later believers who follow Jesus, and the larger candle represents Christ himself. The dramatic high point of the service occurs with complete darkness and the loud noise of the strepitus at the death of Jesus. PRELUDE

“Nocturne in C Minor Op. 48, No. 1”

John R. Mason III, piano

WELCOME *CALL TO WORSHIP FIRST LESSON The Darkness Foretold Luke 18:31-34 Leader: All you went through you shared with us beforehand. But we did not want to hear or believe death and suffering would lead to life. Forgive us our blindness, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. HYMN

“What Wondrous Love Is This” (vs. 1, 2 & 3)


CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION SECOND LESSON Jesus Before Pilate John 18:28-40 Leader: Like Pilate, we do not want to take responsibility for your cross. We want you to prove who you are so we can shrink in our role on this day. Forgive us our fear, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. ANTHEM

“Jesus, Only Jesus” The Sanctuary Choir with Barbara Levy, oboe

THIRD LESSON The Soldiers Mock Him Matthew 27:24-31 Leader: We made you into an example of humiliation. We mocked you and stripped you bare before watchful eyes. Forgive us our betrayal, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. ANTHEM

“Via Dolorosa” The Sanctuary Choir

FOURTH LESSON Jesus Speaks Forgiveness and Welcome Luke 23:22-42 Leader: We poured out our shame in anger toward you, afraid to admit our longing of hope. And in our rejection, we place more burden of sin upon you. Forgive us our inability to cry out in repentance, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. *HYMN

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”



FIFTH LESSON Jesus Speaks Compassion John 19:25-27 Leader: We have not opened our hearts to see those who you call us to care for as our own. We have turned aside when on the cross, you charged us to care beyond ourselves. Forgive our selfishness, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. OFFERING/OFFERTORY


John R. Mason, III, organ

SIXTH LESSON Jesus Cries in Anguish Matthew 27:45-49 Leader: You bore our sins and shame. You carried the weight and pain of our iniquities. You cried out in anguish of the isolation our sinfulness placed on you. Forgive us our silence, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. ANTHEM

“Oh Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done” The Sanctuary Choir

SEVENTH LESSON Jesus Speaks His Humanity John 19:28-30 Leader: You cried out in thirst, emptied of life giving water you came to bring. We didn’t understand you would thirst so we might never thirst again. Forgive us our ignorance, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. ANTHEM

“My Precious Dying Lord” The Sanctuary Choir with Barbara Levy, oboe


Jesus Speaks Victory

Luke 23:44-49 Matthew 27:51, 54


“Were You There” (vs. 1, 2 & 5)


NINTH LESSON The Burial John 19:38-42 Leader: You speak no more and are placed in a tomb. No more words of love, only the final act of love remains. Forgive us. We are speechless, Holy God. Response: Into your hands, we commit our spirits. HYMN

“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”


“The Price He Paid”



“Even the Heavens are Weeping” The Sanctuary Choir with Barbara Levy, oboe, and Matt Ohrberg, percussion


The Song of the Suffering Servant

Isaiah 53:4-6

*BENEDICTION *If you are able, please stand in praise to God After the Benediction, please remain seated until the choir exits. We ask that you then depart in silence. This service will end in darkness. Please watch your step.


EASTER SUNDAY March 27, 2016

Today all things are made new. Today the stone is rolled away, Jesus is alive, and resurrection is offered not only to Christ our Lord, but to us as well. We began the Christian year speaking of the Power of the Incarnation during Advent. God came to be with us in Christ, to take on our lives, live in our flesh, to die our death. Now we recognize the true power of the Incarnation in that living and dying with Christ, we too, are raised with Christ. Marcus Borg writes of the Incarnation in this way: “Rather, the way of Jesus is the way of death and resurrection — the path of transition and transformation from an old way of being to a new way of being. To use the language of incarnation that is so central to John, Jesus incarnates the Way. Incarnation means embodiment. Jesus is what the Way, embodied in a human life, looks like.” It is our turn to wake up into a new way of being, to be transformed through the power of resurrection into our new life. What will be different now that you have seen the rhythm of grace that is the Incarnation of God with us? How will you live into these CrossWords? Now that you have heard these values of Christ spoken into your life, what does it mean to be the church who speaks these values to one another, to the community and into the world? Reflect on Isaiah 61 Chair Time: (dedicated time to listen to and talk with God through prayer and scripture reading) When Mary first saw the resurrected Jesus, she did not recognize him, even though she knew the tomb was empty. Have you ever experienced the presence of the risen Christ, even when you were not expecting him? Are there times you have been in the presence of the risen Christ but have not recognized him? Who are you looking for in the Risen Christ as your Messiah? Prayer for the Morning: Jesus, victorious Lord, I exult in your resurrection. As I sing, “alleluia” with my voice, let my life embody “alleluia” as a testimony to your love and a witness to your eternal life. Amen. Prayer for the Evening: Lord, the days of sadness are over, for you have risen from the dead. As you conquered the grace, free your servant from fear of harm or death, that I may rest in peace this night and in the morning rise to sing “alleluia.” Amen. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


EASTER SUNDAY · MARCH 27, 2016 TRADITIONAL in the Sanctuary 7:30, 8:45, 10:00 and 11:15 a.m.

CONTEMPORARY in The Coleman Memorial Gymnasium 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

*OPENING MOVEMENT “Everybody Rejoice”

PRELUDE “Andante Maestoso from Symphony No. 3” The Handbell Choir with organ and brass

*WELCOME Welcome to this celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord! We hope you will return to worship with us and will consider making St. Luke’s your church home.

*CALL TO WORSHIP *PROCESSIONAL HYMN “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”...........................#302 The Sanctuary Choir with The Handbell Choir and brass



*PASSING THE PEACE AND WELCOME WITNESS IN MUSIC “Great and Awesome God” The Sanctuary Choir with The Handbell Choir and brass



OFFERING “Good to Be Alive (Hallelujah)” SCRIPTURE MESSAGE

John 20:1-2, 11-16

THE LORD’S PRAYER OFFERING AND OFFERTORY “Alive and Well” The Sanctuary Choir with Bradley Roberts, soloist, and brass

John 20:1-2, 11-16 The Rev. Corey Jones



*HYMN “The Day of Resurrection”......................................#303


SERMON The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams *CHORAL ACCLAMATION “Hallelujah Chorus” from “Messiah” The Sanctuary Choir with The Handbell Choir and brass

“Rez Power”

*BENEDICTION “The Lord Bless and Keep You” *POSTLUDE “Arise, Shine, Thy Light Has Come” The Handbell Choir and brass

*If you are able, please stand in praise to God.

*If you are able, please stand in praise to God.


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For more information and a full listing of connect and care opportunities, pick up a Connect & Care Ministries Catalog from one of the campus information racks (Sanctuary Narthex, the Fellowship Hall, and the Welcome Hall of Building C), visit connect, or call 407.876.4991 ext. *262. STEPHEN MINISTERS: Are you in need of a caring Christian NEW TO ST. LUKE’S?: Visit the Connection Point in the who will confidentially listen, empathize, encourage, pray, Rotunda of Building C to pick up a First Time Guest Welcome and support you through a crisis or difficult time? Mark the Packet. Contact 407.876.4991 ext. *262 or Connection Card, call our Care office at 407.876.4991 ext. *262, for more information on getting connected at St. Luke’s.. or email to be confidentially matched with a Stephen Minister. PARENT’S DAY OUT AND PRESCHOOL: Registration at St. Luke’s Child Development Center is open for the 2016-2017 EVENING EXERCISE: Join Chris Smith, Director of Family school year. Registration forms are available at and Recreation Ministries, for circuit and cardio training. All For information and tours call 407.876.1155. are welcome (modified techniques for all levels). Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Coleman Memorial FAST TRACK RETREAT APRIL 22-24: Jump start your spiritual Gymnasium. Meet in the Fellowship Hall across from the journey with the Fast Track Retreat! Explore Christianity, The sanctuary during Holy Week. Cost is $5 per class or $30/month. Methodist Church, St. Luke’s, and God’s call for your life. Sign First class is free! up at or call 407.876.4991 ext. *262 for details. 50+ EXERCISE: Join us in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium • Dates: 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 22 to 12:00 p.m. Sunday, April 24 in Building C for low impact aerobic classes on Mondays and • Where: Warren Willis Camp in Fruitland Park, FL Wednesdays from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. or for strength for • Cost: $80/person life classes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 50+ Yoga is offered on Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Cost 60+ MINISTRIES: St. Luke’s offers a variety of opportunities is $2 per class. Classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall across for those over age 60. Pick up a 60+ Ministries Newsletter from from the Sanctuary during Holy Week. campus information racks or visit COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER: Receive counseling SENIOR SUNDAY BRUNCH: Join us following worship in areas such as stress management, depression, anger, domestic at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 3 at O’Charleys on Turkey violence, and grief. The center can accommodate any budget. Lake Road. To R.S.V.P. please call 941.730.1364 by Thursday, Call 407.876.4991 ext. *250 for an appointment. March 31. Pick up a 60+ Ministries Newsletter from campus information racks for a full list of senior groups and activities. GRIEF & CELEBRATION OF LIFE GROUP: Join Pastor David Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Building B Room 203. Call SENIORS LUNCHEON AND PROGRAM: Join this group on 407.876.4991 ext.*262 for details. No class during Holy Week. Friday, April 15 at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall across from the Sanctuary for lunch and a musical program presented by UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S RUMMAGE SALE: Come St. Luke’s Traditional Music directors John R. Mason, III and to the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 2 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 Amy Martin-Cole. R.S.V.P. by calling 407.295.4348 by Tuesday, p.m. for the annual UMW Rummage Sale benefiting missions. April 12. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S TEA: Join us at the MAKE NEW FRIENDS: Visit, UMW Tea on Saturday, April 23 at 1:00 p.m. Tickets are $16 email, or call 407.876.4991 ext.*262 for per person and will be on sale starting April 3 at details about social groups based on interests, life stage, or tea and between worship services in Building C. Email umw@ neighborhood. (Adult Singles - 40+, Bowling, Classic Cars, or call 407.876.4991 ext. *221 with questions. Friends on Wheels - Bicycling, Military and Friends, Mom Connection, Motorcycle, Open Arms LGBTQA, Painting, Paper CARE MINISTRIES: Let us know about life events, illness, Arts, Prime Time - TV, Travel, West Orange Connection, West upcoming surgery, or sudden hospitalizations by contacting Windermere/Keene’s Pointe, Young Adults) Pick up a Connect the Care office at 407.876.4991 ext. *262. Visit and Care Catalog from campus information racks (Sanctuary for more information about Care ministries. Narthex, the Fellowship Hall, and the Welcome Hall of Building C) for a full list of meeting dates, times, and locations. HEARTS TO HANDS KNITTING GROUP: Take FREE classes on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in Building C Room 200. For information email or call 407.876.4991 ext. *262.



For more information and a full listing of opportunities for children, youth, and adults, pick up a Grow Ministries Catalog from one of the campus information racks (Sanctuary Narthex, the Fellowship Hall, and the Welcome Hall of Building C), visit st.lukes. org/grow, or call 407.876.4991 ext. *238. WEDNESDAY THRIVE DINNER THRIVE is St. Luke’s Wednesday dinner and spiritual formation night. Join us for dinner from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Welcome Hall of Building C. Make reservations at thrive or call 407.876.4991 ext. *258 by Monday. Cost is $7.00/ adults and $5.00/children.

Fun Fridays: Middle and high school students are invited to St. Luke’s to hang out, relax, and fellowship together. Movies, games, and laughter should be expected! For more information contact


Children’s Vacation Bible School and Summer Camps: Visit to view dates and themes for the 2016 summer camps. Vacation Bible School Block Party 2016: Where the party starts with God’s love is June 20-24. Registration is now open for all camps!

Sunday Morning God-O-Sea: See page 3 for Palm Sunday and Easter room numbers by age. Children dive into a new Bible adventure each week. In April and May, classrooms will be learning about spreading the Good News! Stop by the welcome window on the first floor of Building B for room assignments. Wednesday THRIVE: Elementary children can participate in fun afterschool classes starting at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays followed by children’s choir. From 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. children participate in spiritual formation rotations based on the current sermon series. There will be no Wednesday programming during Holy Week. Get ready for our new sermon series activities starting March 30. YOUTH (6TH-12TH GRADE) WEEKLY PROGRAMMING For more information and to subscribe to the monthly youth newsletter email Visit for the latest news and events. Sunday 5th and 6th Grade (MERGE): A collaborative ministry between Children’s and Youth Ministries designed specifically for 5th and 6th graders where activities connect scripture with everyday life. Meet in the Attic of Building C from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday 7th and 8th Grade Bible Study: Grow deeper in the Bible with your fellow students. Meet in the Attic of Building C from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday 9th through 12th Grade: Build a stronger faith connection. Meet in the Attic of Building C from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Youth Group: Students in grades 9-12 meet Sundays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Attic of Building C for fellowship, games, and discussion about how they can live their faith in real life. Wednesday THRIVE: St. Luke’s offers many opportunities for youth through Wednesday THRIVE programs. Students in grades 6-12 can join the After School Program at 3:00 p.m. in the Attic of Building C for homework, recreation, fellowship. Dinner is served from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m ($7/adults, $5/ children). Youth can also become involved with the Youth Praise Band, Youth Dance Ensemble, Youth Choir Ensemble, Middle School Youth Group, and High School Small Groups.



Youth Summer Activities: Summer is coming and there’s a lot going on with youth! • June 8: Youth End of School/Beginning of Summer Party • June 20 to June 24: Vacation Bible School and Momentum-volunteer sign-up available on youth website • June 26 to July 2: Youth Week • July 11 to July 16: Warren Willis Camp (Week 5)--register at • July 24 to July 30: High School Mission Trip to Branches UMC (Florida City, FL.) For more information go to Sign up for the youth newsletter to make sure you don’t miss a thing! ADULT MINISTRIES Email or call 407.876.4991 ext. *297 for more information about the opportunities below. Prayer Ministry: If you have the gift of intercession, St. Luke’s Prayer Ministry needs you! New Bible and Book Studies: We invite you to join a Bible or book study to continue on your spiritual journey this spring. Pick up a Grow Ministries Class Catalog in an information rack in Building C or in the Sanctuary Narthex to view days, times, and studies. Email or call 407.876.4991 ext. *297 for assistance in choosing a class. Life on the Frontline: Join others on the frontline of ministry at home, work, or church for a time of Biblical reflection and spiritual renewal on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. starting Sunday, April 3. This study was recommended by our Belfast Methodist partners. Specifically for ministry leaders but open to anyone who is interested. Justice for the Poor: This is an introductory six-week study open to anyone. The study recaptures the biblical vision that links poverty with justice. Sundays at 11:00 a.m. starting Sunday, April 3. Isaiah 65 Mosaic Bible Reflection/Art Small Group: Create beautiful mosaics based on Isaiah 65, a new heaven and a new earth. Class will start with a short devotional based on Isaiah 65. Select Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


For more information and a full listing of service opportunities at St. Luke’s and in the community, pick up a Serve Ministries Catalog from one of the campus information racks (Sanctuary Narthex, the Fellowship Hall, and the Welcome Hall of Building C), visit, or call 407.876.4991 ext. *285. WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY For more information about upcoming opportunities or to sign up for those listed below call 407.876.4991 ext. *239, email, or go to RELAY FOR LIFE: On Friday, April 8 join fellow St. Lukers and our Dr. Phillips community as we support the fight against cancer. Ambassadors needed to greet guests at the St. Luke’s tent at Dr. Phillips High School. Help is needed to staff the tent between 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. To sign up for a shift email or call 407.876.4991 ext. *258.

WITHIN OUR CHURCH RECEPTION HELP: Volunteers needed at the church reception desk to answer the phone and greet guests in the office. Contact Laura Turner, Administrator for the Leadership Team, at or 407.876.4991 ext. *258. USHERS: Welcome the congregation, collect offerings, and facilitate worship one Sunday per month in Contemporary Worship or Traditional Worship. Email or call 407.876.4991 ext. *254 to volunteer.

FAMILY VOLUNTEER NIGHT: On the second Friday of every month the Community Food and Outreach Center hosts Family Volunteer Night from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. These monthly events bring families together in the spirit of service. Enjoy dinner, music and a whole lot of fun as you help organize the Cost Share Grocery Program, the Emergency Food Pantry and the Community Thrift Center. All ages welcome! Upcoming Family Volunteer Nights: April 8, and May 13

GREETERS AND CONNECTION POINT VOLUNTEERS: Greet worshippers and provide direction to guests on campus. Contact or 407.876.4991 ext. *262.

FAMILY PROMISE, APRIL 3 TO APRIL 10: St. Luke’s will host Family Promise in Building C starting in April. We will be utilizing the upstairs classrooms and a portion of the Attic to offer hospitality for up to four families for the week. Come and meet new friends and be a part of the Family Promise team. There are many ways to help including donating food, meals, set up, tear down, or hosting for an evening, overnight or Saturday session. We are asking all volunteers and those interested in the program to attend an informational orientation on April 3 at 4:00 p.m. in the Attic of Building C to learn about the changes involved in moving to Building C. Please contact if you have any questions. Sign up at under the Serve on Campus page.

CARE MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS Email or call 407.876.4991 *262 to help in these areas: • Call sick/hospitalized St. Lukers/assist with administrative duties. • Transport individuals to appointments, grocery/pharmacy, library, etc. on an as needed basis. Liability insurance required. • Help purchase and prepare meals. (Paid for by the church)

DONATE BLOOD AND SAVE UP TO THREE LIVES: Donate lifesaving blood on Sunday, April 10 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Big Red Buses will be on campus in the front and back parking lots. Make an appointment at using sponsor code #7191 or just show up. Photo ID required. COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS MEAL PREPARATION SATURDAY, APRIL 16: St. Luke’s has partnered with Coalition for the Homeless since the early 1990s, providing hot meals each third Saturday of the month to people experiencing homelessness in Central Florida. Baking at St. Luke’s main kitchen in Building C from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; cook (including food preparation and washing dishes) at the Shelter located at 639 W. Central Blvd in downtown from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; serve meal at the Shelter from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This is an entry-level ministry (no training/orientation required) where families and friends can serve together. Elementary age children may be involved in baking and serving, must be high school age to cook.


CAMERA OPERATORS: Volunteers are needed to record worship at the 9:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship service and 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship service. Training provided. Contact Vince Lepore at to get started!

UMW MISSIONS RUMMAGE SALE: Donations of gently used clothes, furniture, household items, knick knacks, holiday decorations, electronics, etc., are greatly appreciated! Drop off items outside of the Fellowship Hall Thursday evening March 31 and Friday, April 1. Volunteers are needed to sort items for sale on Thursday and Friday as well as help oversee the sale on Saturday. To volunteer email or call 407.719.1199.

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Pastors and Staff To reach staff members by phone, dial 407.876.4991 followed by the extension. Church office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Fridays. PASTORS The Rev. Jennifer Stiles Williams, Lead Pastor* Ext. *224 Dr. David Stephens, Minister of Care* Ext. *233 The Rev. Corey Jones, Minister of Stewardship* Ext. *288 The Rev. Jad Denmark, Minister of Connection* Ext. *229 WORSHIP Bradley Roberts, Executive Director of Worship* Ext. *236 Steve MacKinnon, Director of Contemporary Music Ext. *272 Steven Leonard, Associate Director of Contemporary Music and Technical Services Ext. *228 John R. Mason, III, Creative Director of Traditional Music Ext. *244 Amy Martin Cole, Choral Director of Traditional Music Ext. *245 Vince Lepore, Manager of Technical Services Ext. *221 Ben Adams, Worship Producer Ext. *235 Andrea Whitman, Administrator for Worship Ministries Ext. *253 CONNECT & CARE Dawn Fleming, Executive Director of Marketing and Connect Ministries* Kim Paredes, Administrator for Connect and Care Ministries

Ext. *302 Ext. *262

Child Development Center Debbie Shellhorn, Director of the Child Development Center Cindy Wunderlich, Associate Director of the Child Development Center

Ext. *269 Ext. *241

Community Counseling Center Dr. Joanne MacPherson, Director, Community Counseling Center Toni Deputy, Office Manager, Community Counseling Center

Ext. *250 Ext. *250

GROW Jayne Andrews, Executive Director of Grow Ministries* Ext. *237 Janet Schwenk-Chambers, Director of Children’s Ministries Ext. *308 Amy Winslow, Director of Adult Ministries Ext. *297 Caryn Royer, Director of High School and Young Adult Ministries Ext. *296 Zac Burke, Director of Middle School Ministries Ext. *264 Chris Smith, Director of Family and Recreational Ministries Ext. *290 Luky Nova, Administrator for Grow Ministries Ext. *238 April Outing, Coordinator for Child Care Ext. *295 SERVE Lynette Fields, Executive Director of Missions* Ext. *230 Mariam Mengistie, Director of Mission Development Ext. *313 Kellie Brinker, Associate Director of Missions Ext. *239 Adam Hartnett, Director of Neighborhood Ministries Ext. *285 Beth Witten, Circles Coordinator Ext. *285 Tiffany Kelly, Circles Coach Ext. *285 Sophia Scott, Circles Administrator Ext. *285 Peggy Caverly, Administrator for Serve Ministries Ext. *285 COMMIT Kelly Smith, Executive Director of Operations* Ext. *223 Tyson Schmick, Manager of Information Systems Ext. *221 Dustyn Gilliland, IT Associate Ext. *221 Carrie Lepore, Graphic Designer Ext. *234 Denise Sullivan, Communications Assistant Ext. *225 Lisa Lietz, Finance Manager Ext. *227 Laura Turner, Administrator for Leadership Team Ext. *258 Linda Shankle, Membership Secretary Ext. *222 Jose Hernandez, Facilities Associate Ext. *249 *Denotes Leadership Team



What’s up with worship?

New sermon series “What’s in a Name?”starting Sunday, April 3 Join us starting April 3 for a new series of Sunday morning messages that will answer the age old question, “What’s in a name?” This sermon theme will have us exploring the gospel of Luke for which our church is named. This gospel offers a unique picture of Jesus. The message he was bringing into the world became the very DNA of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. The Gospel according to St. Luke was written for people considered outsiders and outcasts, people who were otherwise forgotten; the widows and the orphans. It shows a Jesus who walks with, eats with, touches, and heals those whom society views as the least and the last and continually restores the dignity of the poor and marginalized by lifting them up as the blessed, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Throughout this series we will hear how our vision, values, and dreams for our congregation and community are rooted in the hopes that St. Luke’s charter members first had when forming the church more than 30 years ago.

Join us for these worship, prayer, and baptism opportunities! TRADITIONAL WORSHIP Music in this service is led by the Sanctuary Choir. Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary

BAPTISM CLASS: There will be a preparation for baptism class on Sunday, April 3 at 4:30 p.m. in the Special Events Dining Room in Building C.

CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP Music is led by the Contemporary Praise Team. Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Coleman Memorial Gymnasium

HEALING PRAYER SERVICE: Join us on Sunday, April 3 at 10:30 a.m. and also at 12:15 p.m. in the Chapel of Building C for a healing prayer service.

4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road Orlando, Florida 32819 407.876.4991

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