Parish News
Summer 2013 | Free
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Summer 2013
Contents 7
Vicar’s Voice - Rev’d Jenny Welsh
A Fitting Welcome
The Coronation - Jane MacAllan
The 60th Anniversary Coronation Service - Valentine Low
Rev’d Ije Ajibade - Lesley Raymond
Confirmation Group - Stephen Bonnell, Morwenna Cory and Kitty Croft
Music on a Summer Evening
From the KPN Archivem and News in Brief
A Year in the Life - Adam Norton
The Kids page - Max Croft
Would readers wishing to submit articles for our next issue Autumn 2013 or would like to advertise in the KPN (all proceeds to the church) please email
Editors: Fiona Braddock and Olga Pantyukhova. Printed by Print Express. Distributed free through our three parish churches. Copyright remains the property of the respective authors. Heartfelt thanks, as always, to all our contributors.
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hen I told my congregation at St Pancras, Euston Road that I was moving to St Mary Abbots they all warned me how different life would be in W8 after my years in WC1. So, on coming to Kensington, I fully expected to find a church which reflected the grand postcode. I knew it would be beautiful and elegant, with a deep Anglican tradition, but the people I left behind in Bloomsbury warned me that it would also be dry and stiff, and very posh. Imagine my relief to discover how wrong they were, and unfair, too. Posh yes, but dry and stiff are not words I associate with St Mary Abbots. In the four weeks I have been here (really? Such a short time?), I have found my own words to describe this place. The first word is family—it’s often an unhelpful cliché to call the church a family, but my observation is that it’s what St Mary Abbots tries to be: not a cloyingly closed family excluding strangers or newcomers who don’t belong, but an huge extended family that assumes that everyone belongs, if they want to—I’ve watched people welcoming visitors and newcomers at church, and I’ve been welcomed too: by young parents at the toddler group and at the school gate, by the craft group, and into people’s homes. I’ve seen children welcomed and looked after; and I’ve seen people caring for those who might otherwise be isolated. I’ve found that people here love to celebrate and share hospitality; and that they really love St Mary Abbots and want other people to love it too. 7
= Regular Worship ST MARY ABBOTS
‘I’ve found that people here really love St Mary Abbots and want other people to love it too’ The second word is wholeheartedness— life here at St Mary Abbots does seem to be wholehearted and generous, from the preaching of Christ’s love in our worship, to the way people give their time, energy and resources in glad response, keeping the Church open and welcoming to those who come through the doors. The third word is discipline—as in discipleship: I am rediscovering here what it means to be part of a community dedicated to the full round of liturgy and prayer; what it means to be fed daily with the sacrament and to pray daily with colleagues and friends. This shared rhythm of prayer gives a shape and structure to daily life; like a sort of breathing through the week, and essential to a life of discipleship. The final word is one I am still searching for: it’s very hard to experience what is not here at St Mary Abbots, and to realize who is missing in this extended family. I am looking forward to working with you all to see what else St Mary Abbots might be, for the people who don’t yet belong, for those who are unnoticed or forgotten in our neighbourhood, and for those who are desperate to know the love of God in Christ. I hope we can find that last word together. 8
Sundays 8.00 am 9.30 am 11.15 am 12.30 pm 6.30 pm
Mondays 8.30 am 1.05 pm 5.30 pm Tuesdays 8.30 am 9.15 am 11.30 am 5.30
Holy Eucharist SUNG EUCHARIST (with Creche & Sunday School) Choral Matins & Sermon Holy Eucharist Evensong with Sermon & Holy Eucharist (1st Sunday of month: Taize Prayer & Holy Eucharist) Morning Prayer Sunday on Monday service Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Informal Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer) Evening Prayer
Wednesdays 7.10 am Morning Prayer 7.30 am Holy Eucharist 2.00 pm 3rd Weds in the month: Holy Eucharist with Laying-on of Hands & Anointing 5.30 pm Evening Prayer
Parish Directory
Clergy, wardens, vestry and office
Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evening Prayer
Saturdays 9.40 am 10.00 am 5.30 pm
Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer
11.00 am 6.30 pm
Holy Communion (on 1st and 3rd Sundays in the month & on major Feasts): BCP Holy Communion (on 2nd & 4th Sundays in the month): BCP morning prayer Contemporary Evening Service
ST PHILIP’S Sundays 8.30 am 10.30 am 9.00 pm
Holy Communion SUNG EUCHARIST (with Sunday School) 1st Sundays: all- age service with Eucharist Night Prayer
Monday to Friday 9.10 am Morning Prayer
020 7937 6032 07732 743 228 020 7937 0765 07702 829 859 07733 316 063 020 7937 2419
Associate Vicar The Rev’d Jenny Welsh The Rev’d Peter Stubbs Honorary Priests Deputy Churchwardens for St Mary Abbots Church: Carole-Anne Phillips Thomas Williams George MacAllan Vestry/Virger St Mary Abbots Centre Adam Norton (Manager) Mark Uglow Director of Music Stewardship Secretary James Egert Children on Sunday / Alexandra Swann Children’s Champion Friends of St Mary Abbots David Banks (Chairman) Emily Crowder (Secretary) Bellringers Kensington Parish News Fiona Braddock (Editor) Laura Sylvester Friday Playgroup
020 7937 2364 020 8868 8296 020 7937 3448 07768 166 422 020 7937 5136 020 7937 8885 07920 591 553 07957 131 862 07732 743 228 07904954959 07770 920 085
On MAJOR FEASTDAYS additional Services also offered: see the Bulletin & Noticeboard.
Sundays 8.30 am 11.00 am
Thursdays 7.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am St Mary Abbots School Eucharist (in term time - all welcome) 5.30 pm Evening Prayer Fridays 7.10 am 7.30 am 5.30 pm
Vicar of the Parish The Rev'd Gillean Craig Parochial Church Wardens David Banks Adrian Weale Children’s Safeguarding Officer: Samantha Giles Electoral Roll Officer: Sally Bessada Parish Administrator: Susan Russell
Associate Vicar with Special Responsibility for Christ Church The Rev’d Mark O’Donoghue 020 7937 2966 Adrian Weale 020 7937 0765 Deputy Wardens: Philip Witheridge 020 7937 5184 Adele Pye 020 7937 2966 Administrator Director of Music Rupert Perkins
Associate Vicar with Special Responsibility for St Philip The Rev’d David Walsh Non-Stipendiary Ministers The Rev’d Lesley Perry The Rev’d Ijeoma Ajibade Deputy Wardens: Anne Steele Callum Stewart Licensed Reader Rupert Steele Liz Christie Administrator Children’s Ministry Leader Erica Roane Chris Luxton Membership Secretary Director of Music Rebecca Taylor
020 7603 4420 07860 579 838 020 8747 1556 020 7938 1367 020 7937 4159
A FITTING WELCOME St Mary Abbots welcomes its new Associate Vicar, Rev’d Jenny Welsh
n Sunday 28th April at Solemn Evensong with splendid music and liturgy St Mary Abbots new Associate Vicar Jenny Welsh was Licensed by the Archdeacon of Middlesex. Unsurprisingly the church was packed, there was a great turn out from St Mary Abbots and from many of those whose lives have already been touched by Jenny Welsh’s ministry.
House of cards I built my house of cards Careful, clever, quite high Even beautiful. Admired. The wind of the Spirit, sudden, strong, good, Felled it.
The congregation, keen to get to know our new Associate Vicar, soon filed into the school hall for drinks and a taste of the delicious spread laid on by Alison Steel and helpers. All agreed that it had been a wonderful occasion and a fitting
welcome for Jenny and her family. 10
Two works that came out of St Mary Abbots’ Lenten Quiet Day
I built my house of cards again Just the same, In fear, without hope, Hidden. The wind of the Spirit, full of pity, good, Filled it. Careful, clever, quite high Even beautiful Anon 11
HAPPY AND GLORIOUS St Mary Abbots’ Archives hold a copy of a special Order of the Divine Service for Trinity Sunday, 31st May 1953 the Sunday preceeding the Queen’s Coronation, Jane MacAllan tells us more
s the Vicar, Prebendary Stanley Eley, wished his congregation a happy New Year for 1953, he reminded them to “take to heart” the words of the Queen’s broadcast when “she asked so movingly for our prayers”. 2nd June 1953 was to be the occasion of her Coronation. In her first Christmas broadcast as monarch in 1952, Her Majesty asked that “whatever your religion may be, to pray for me on that day - to pray that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.” Moreover, the Queen pledged to “dedicate myself anew to your service. I shall do so in the presence of a great congregation, drawn from every part of the Commonwealth and Empire, while millions outside Westminster Abbey will hear the promises and the prayers being offered up within its walls, and see much of the ancient ceremony in which Kings and Queens before me have taken part through century upon century.” The Second World War had ended only 8 years previously and the country was still suffering deprivations from that conflict. The Coronation provided an opportunity for the country to celebrate its traditions and to stage a colourful pageant to uplift the spirits and
be shared by the nation instead of, as in past centuries, those privileged few who had been invited to be in attendance at the Abbey. For the Sunday preceding Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation, a special Order of Divine Service for Trinity Sunday, 31 May 1953 was issued “By Command of the Queen”, a copy of which is in the St Mary Abbot’s archives. It contains the Order for Morning Prayer, the Holy Communion and the Order for Evening Prayer. At the discretion of the Minister, the National Anthem was to be sung at Services. The desire was expressed that any collection would be given “to central or diocesan funds for Training of the Ministry”. The coronation ceremony is rich in religious symbolism and historic associations and has deep significance in terms of the committal of the monarch to the people. The Order of Divine Service includes special prayers for the chief moments of the Coronation. One remembers the presentation of the Bible that Queen Elizabeth “may ever find therein revealed true wisdom”. As an ecumenical gesture, the actual presentation was made by the Moderator of the Church of Scotland.
Image: The angels are playing musical instruments in praise of God illustrating lines from Te Deum Laudamus, which was sung at the Coronation: ‘To thee all Angels cry aloud: The Heavens and all the Powers therein.’
offer hope for the future. Moreover, it sent out a powerful message that Great Britain and its Commonwealth was still a force to contend with. Television, still really in its infancy, enabled the BBC to broadcast the event directly into homes making it possible for everyone with access to a set to witness it. Thus the experience of the Coronation could
Another prayer was for the anointing of the Queen. This refers to the bestowal of unction: “O Lord and Heavenly Father, ... , who by anointing with oil didst of old make and consecrate kings, priests, and prophets, to teach and govern thy people Israel: ... strengthen her, O Lord, with the Holy Ghost the Comforter...”. Queen Elizabeth was being anointed as our chosen leader with holy oil in a ritual that had been recorded in the Old Testament (I Samuel 16:13; I Kings 1: 34-5) and that had been re-enacted in every Coronation for over 1,000 years. The Holy Spirit was being called upon to descend and
sanctify the Queen as it had kings, priests and prophets who had been similarly anointed. The Old Testament kings were invoked as exemplars: “And Zadok the priest took an horn of oil out of the tabernacle and anointed Solomon. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, God save king Solomon” (I Kings 1:39). This is, perhaps, best known to us today through Handel’s triumphant music for the choral anthem, Zadok the Priest, which was sung at the Coronation. There are prayers for the delivery of the sword symbolising justice and which is to be used to “protect the holy Church of God”; the orb set under the cross as a reminder that Jesus “to redeem the world, did reign from the cross”; and the investiture of the ring “ of kingly dignity, the seal of Catholick Faith” that the Queen may continue “the Defender of thy Religion all her days”. Prayers for the Royal Family include Queen Mary, the Queen’s grandmother, although, sadly, she had died in March just a few weeks before the Coronation. The Order of Divine Service gives a choice of appropriate hymns to be sung on Trinity Sunday. Under ‘The Church and the Nation’ it suggests: All people that on earth do dwell. Vaughan Williams arranged the music for this hymn so that the whole congregation in the Abbey could join in singing it. This was a radical departure from previous Coronations where those assembled were practically passive onlookers. Whilst the Coronation for Queen Elizabeth had at its core an ancient ritual providing continuity with the past, it also introduced subtle changes to reflect the attitudes and aspirations of a modern society.
Choirs, trumpeters, nearly two dozen members of the Royal Family, the majesty of the Abbey itself, where, resting on the High Altar, was the St Edward's Crown, back for the first time in 60 years: it was not easy to resist the splendour of it all. But amid all that grandeur and ritual, solemnity and soaring music, there was one piece of theatre that caught the eye, a strikingly modern moment on an occasion steeped in history: at the centre of it all, a lollipop lady.
A REGAL OCCASION Valentine Low reported for The Times on the service marking the 60th Anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation oets’ Corner, Westminster Abbey, somewhere near the back of the South Transept: it’s where onlookers like me, gatecrashers on the great ceremonies of our time, get see history unfold.
That, undoubtedly, had been a magnificent occasion, and if the anniversary service was a more modest affair, it had echoes enough of the original to evoke memories of that rainy day 60 years ago.
Mrs Adom, who knew nothing about the nature of the ceremony she had been nominated to take part in until she turned up for a rehearsal on Monday, said: "I knew everyone was watching me in that uniform. Everyone was smiling — I don't know if they were happy to see me or if they were surprised."
That we were marking history on June 4 was in no doubt. Before the service started, television screens dotted round the Abbey showed footage of the 1953 service, distant black and white images that seem alien to modern eyes.
"Resist the splendour of the spectacle," said the Archbishop of Canterbury as he began his sermon. And while it may have been spiritually instructive advice — he wanted the congregation to focus on the deeper meaning of the Coronation — it was hard to follow.
An extraordinary sight, but also a lesson in modern history. In its own deliberate, selfconscious way, that procession was an attempt to sum up how the country sees itself now: inclusive, multi-racial, without class barriers. In short, not a sight that would ever have been seen at Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953.
P 14
Victoria Adom, originally from Ghana, was taking part in a procession that brought the holy oil used in the anointing of the Queen 60 years ago to the altar. There were 11 of them, including a Queen's Guide, two schoolchildren, a nurse, and a High Court judge. It was an arresting image.
As Mrs Adom, who works outside Gateway Primary School in Lisson Grove, said: "To see a lollipop lady in Westminster Abbey, they were surprised." It also amused Prince Philip, who the evening before had been unwell enough to cancel his appearance with the Queen at St James's Palace. June, and regal celebrations, seem to be a bad time for him. A year ago the Duke was struck down by a bladder infection after enduring a cold and rainy day on the Thames for the Diamond Jubilee Pageant. It must have been with great relief that on the day the Queen had her "liege man of life and limb" back by her side . If he has been steadfast in his loyalty to the Queen she has followed what Archbishop Welby called "a path of demanding devotion and utter self-sacrifice, a path she did not choose, yet to which she was called by God". Throughout the hour-long service the Queen looked pensive, serious, solemn, as well she might. For her, the Coronation was a ceremony of the utmost symbolic and spiritual meaning. Then, on her way out, just after she passed St George's Chapel with the Dean of Westminster, where, standing next to the Coronation Chair the actress Claire Skinner had read Carol Ann Duffy's poem The Throne, she allowed herself a smile. It was, after all, a joyous occasion: and one does not get to see a lollipop lady in Westminster Abbey every day. 15
A COMMITMENT TO SOCIAL CHANGE AND JUSTICE Lesley Raymond reports on a fruitful three years for Rev’d Ije Ajibade at St Philip’s
je Ajibade’s arrival as curate at St Philip’s coincided with a new sense of purpose and optimism in the church, and she has brought a different consciousness to our worship through her work in the community. Ije was born in UK to Nigerian parents and lived in Nigeria between ages of 12 and 22. After gaining a law degree she returned to London to join her two sisters. Brought up Christian, she has successfully combined a career with continued study, increasing involvement in ministry and a personal focus on people with HIV. She was recruited to the London Assembly in 2001 and the Mayor’s Office in 2005 under Ken Livingstone. She currently manages the Mayor’s living wage campaign. In 2004 Ije felt called to ordained ministry in the workplace – without really knowing what it meant. She attended a meeting on Ordained Ministry to help her explore her vocation and
marginalised groups I feel the presence of God in these communities.” Her arrival at St Philip’s feels like it was meant. “Bishop Paul sent me to meet David and Father Gillean, and David invited me to St Philip’s for a service. I came with my younger sister and was immediately struck by how friendly it is. The welcome has been extended to my family. My one regret is that I don’t live closer so that I could devote more time to St Philip’s and its congregation. With self-supporting (non-stipendiary) clergy there are always pressures on their time.” Ije has a long-term interest in HIV and in human rights. She began to volunteer for HIV charities in 2004 looking at HIV from the position of faith, trying particularly to engage with African communities in London to overcome the stigma of infection and mobilise the church to get involved.
eventually she was put forward for ministerial training. She gained a Certificate in Theology at the SE Institute of Theology in England (SEITE) then became an ordinand for three years, training for ministry. This meant attending evening classes and residential courses while studying for a Masters in Christian Ethics, holding down a full-time job and raising her son as a single parent. “After I became ordained, I became more aware of God working in odd places,” says Ije. “Often when I am with
Ije has spoken about HIV at Lambeth Palace and is now one of the directors of The Kaleidoscope Trust, an organisation working for the human rights of gay people in countries where it is a crime to be gay. This enables her to minister to people who do not attend church. “I can provide spiritual support as part of my outreach work,” she says. “One of the highlights for me was going to New York and attending the UN Civil
Society Hearing on AIDS in 2011 in my collar. I also gave evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on HIV later in 2011.” Another commitment is Ije’s strong involvement in Southwark Cathedral, where she is one of the Cathedral chaplains. Earlier this year, Ije visited a friend in South Africa. She was invited to preach at St George’s Cathedral in Cape Town, which was Desmond Tutu’s church where he spoke out against apartheid. “God shows up in the most unexpected places,” she says. “I had little time to prepare but I preached about Abraham’s journey and talked about the work of that Cathedral and the challenges ahead. I also conveyed greetings from the Dean of Southwark.” Of the future, Ije says: “I will continue to be linked with St Philip’s but I won’t be around as often as now. I have learned so much here from David and Lesley. Preaching is not in my comfort zone but I have become more confident in standing up and speaking up for God. Wearing my collar in London I find I am more open to people, and they often ask me to pray for them.” “It’s been an incredible three years. I feel very fortunate in the support I have had from everyone at St Philip’s. It is wonderful to feel part of this community and to be accepted and welcomed by everyone here.” 17
THE CLASS OF 2013 After a glorious confirmation service earlier this month, three of those recently confirmed share very different perspectives on their experience and what they have learned by Stephen Bonnell, St Mary Abbots
n Shrove Tuesday, I began the confirmation classes unsure about what it is that I would learn about and uncertain about what the journey would bring. I had some apprehensions about the process as I was uncertain about whether I was really ready to call myself a Christian. The preparation for confirmation coincided with the final months of my Bachelors degree at Heythrop College, on Kensington Square. Taking on the extra responsibility of the classes often provided me with a sense of perspective on my studies. I discovered faith to be something that challenged my sense of self whilst strengthening me deeply just as one contributes to a family that doesn’t dissolve one’s identity but strengthens it. I was, at first, implicitly certain that I had already understood the nature of Christian living. However, as Lent went on and Easter approached I learnt more and more and discovered just how dynamic Christian life is. I found that the Christian life is not something the dimensions of which can be learnt by rote and isn’t a self-enclosed
system that excludes others from the unity it promises. I found Christian faith as a promise for the world at large but a challenging one. Unity is something achieved, not given. The confirmation service followed Pentecost on the 24th of May. It was a wonderful occasion. It was pervaded by the sense of family that unites people in love for one another, in doing for others, and in being together. One of the things I was most impressed with in my confirmation classes was discovering the strength and richness of Christianity. As a student of philosophy, I’ve spent much of the past three years being formed by the application of doubt to claims about how we are to understand life and how we are to live our understanding of it. I’ve found Christian faith to be something enlightening in this regard that has provided me with the opportunity to give due attention to the truly important aspects of life such as the love of others, which, when opened to, gives us the courage to accept the freedom and love promised and provided by God.
From the Editor To paraphrase the Bishop of Kensington, this year’s confirmation service at St Mary Abbots Church was awash with “cheeky chappies for Christ”! The Rt Rev’d Paul Williams was a fantastic example of why so many young people continue to come to church in the parish and beyond. We are blessed to have clergy who not only understand young people but, crucially, can communicate with them. Hence, a
terrific sermon by the Bishop that touched on football, the internet and so much more - and of course his startling revelation that he broke his shoulder sumo wrestling! With a record 31 adults and children being confirmed, all the children (and most of the adults!) behaved impeccably during what was quite a long service, culminating in that special moment when they took bread and wine for the first time. 19
by Morwenna Cory, aged 14, Christ Church
fter many years of consideration I finally decided that this year I would make the tremendous step of confirming my faith. So this year when it was mentioned in church I asked my mother to sign me up. Throughout the course we read through many familiar - and unfamiliar - stories in the bible. We found many insights into their meanings, and learnt how Jesus and the bible is important for day to day life. And of course, along with my fellow candidate, we gained an insight into our leader Heather’s numerous baking specialties! Throughout the course I had great fun exploring and investigating my faith. It was a thought-provoking process and I enjoyed being required to think about things from very different angles and then articulate my
thoughts and conclusions. By the time the day arrived I was completely confident in my beliefs and the step that I was taking. The service itself was absolutely lovely, and it was a pleasure to be a part of. Thanks to a rehearsal the night before, we all knew exactly what to do. The service was made even more unusual by the fact that the poor Bishop had broken his shoulder. Hopefully he shall recover soon. It was great to be able to stand up in front of the large congregation and declare my love of God and my desire to follow him. The promises we make as we are confirmed are quite big ones and I was determined to be sure I could answer them truthfully and seriously. Thank you to everybody who made it possible for us to make this big step to publicly show our faith.
From St Philip’s
T The Easter story as depicted by one of the Year 5 candidates from St Mary Abbots during preparation classes for confirmation
hursday 23 May was an important day for St Philip’s. It was the day that eleven of its candidates were presented for confirmation to the Bishop of Kensington at St Mary Abbots, supported by their families and friends from the wider congregation. David Walsh commented on this record number of candidates for confirmation – the highest number from St Philip’s in 52 years.
“We happen to have an unusually large number of Year Five pupils at St Philip’s this year,” he said. “But it’s one of a number of encouraging signs as we plan the future for our ministry with younger members of the church. We’ve recently discovered we have at least 60 children who come to St Philip’s, either regularly or occasionally.” 21
Christ Church
Christ Church
If music be the food of Christ Church, play on! Andrew Cowan enjoys the inaugural Music on a Summer’s Evening in aid of the Christ Church Community Appeal
artin Luther, the great reformer, once said: “Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.” On Thursday 6th June, almost 200 people from the local community gathered as the sun shone to enjoy God’s great gift at Christ Church Kensington’s first Music on a Summer's Evening. With a growing reputation for staging wonderful concerts, this evening had it all with a champagne reception in the picturesque gardens on arrival with canapés courtesy of Launceston Place, a stellar line up of musical talent that would grace any concert hall, and all in aid of a great cause - the Christ Church Community Appeal. The Appeal has been launched to raise £750,000 to enable the restoration and renewal of this beautiful Benjamin Ferrey ‘country church’ so it may serve the local community for another 160 years. Having raised £200,000 in the last few years to repair the vestry and chancel roofs, Christ Church is currently re-slating the nave roof and then needs to complete the remaining roof works, renew the heating and electrics, repair the walls and windows and install loos and a kitchen.
As Rev'd Mark O'Donoghue said during the evening: “The Christ Church Community Appeal has the kind backing of the Bishop of London, our local councillors and many in our local community. We now want to invite many in the wider community to support the Appeal however they feel able so that together we can strive to leave Christ Church in great shape for the next generation. Christ Church was built to be at the heart of this local community's life. It has remained so ever since. With our help it can continue to do so for another 160 years.” The concert began with Laura Sergeant on the cello as she expertly guided us through the Prelude and Gigue from Bach’s Suite for solo cello in C major, Paul Hindemath’s
Solo sonata and The Swan As people recovered from a from Saint-Saens’ Carnival breathtaking display of Zariņš’ of the Animals. Laura was dazzling technique and virtuosity, followed by the headline act of the vocalists assumed centre stage. the evening, Reinis Zariņš, a Sofia Larsson, took our breath away young London-based Latvian as she worked through the haunting pianist who recently wowed aria, Quia Respexit Humilitatem London’s Wigmore Hall. Zariņš from Bach’s Magnificat in D began with Bloch’s little known Major, played with our emotions Four Circus Pieces, witty with Debussy’s Green and Strauss’ depictions of various circus Das Rosenband before soaring the acts, which he explained had heights with her brilliant finale, never been published because Berg’s Die Nachtgall. they were intended as Bloch’s private family favourites, which The final performer of the would be accompanied by the evening had only just returned composer’s own commentary. from performing with Sir Antonio A scholar as well as stunning Pappano and Ian Bostridge in performer, Zariņš then showed Rome. Joshua Owen Mills is a why, although often heardind wonderful Welsh tenor on the rise ividually, Debussy’s three and he did not disappoint with a Top: Sofia Larsson pieces, Masques, D’un cahier tour de force of varied styles ranging Bottom: Reinis Zariņš d’esquisses and L’isle joyeuse, from Tosti’s A Vucchella, Mozart’s belonged together. James Hanbury commented: Hier soll ich dich denn sehen, Poulenc’s “'Never have I seen a piano played with more Voyage à Paris, Liszt’s I vidi in terra before passion and character than by Zariņš, he seems raising the roof with Leoncavello’s Mattinata. completely at one with the instrument and kept As guests drifted home with Mills’ encore us all enthralled.” ringing in their ears, all agreed the evening had been a stunning success. Naomi Pilling After an interval in which dessert canapés admitted: “I didn’t know what to expect were enjoyed and conversations buzzed and I was SO surprised. I loved it.” Christ around the church, Zariņš turned to César Church will be hoping that Jennie Dalton Franck’s Prelude, Chorale and Fugue, before spoke for many when she said: “What a which he treated us to an unforgettable fabulous evening - easily as good as anything performance of Franck’s Panis Angelicus, on in London’s concert halls tonight and all during which the evening’s two vocalists, right here on our doorstep. Christ Church’s Sofia Larsson and Joshua Owen Mills, Community Appeal deserves to flourish emerged from the choir stalls to sing. Lucy and I look forward to many more evenings Hammond Giles remarked: “Panis Angelicus like tonight.” For more information on the Appeal, please contact communityappeal@ was so wonderful; I had goose bumps all up my arm. And I cried!” 23
id you know that there has been a version of the Kensington Parish News for over 100 years? And that copies of these magnificent historical documents are safely housed in St Mary Abbots Church? St Mary Abbots archivist, Jane MacAllan thought KPN’s 21st century
readers might be intrigued to see what our congregation was reading 130 years ago! Please see below the first of many facsimiles that we will be reproducing, this one on the important topic of children’s hats for summer; still good advice even though it was in the Kensington Parish Magazine of June 1881!
ST MARY ABBOTS CENTRE TWO EXCELLENT SPACES FOR HIRE Central Kensington location in quiet cul-de-sac 5 minutes walk from Kensington High Street tube station and 8 minutes from Notting Hill Tube, in Vicarage Gate. A venue for film and stage rehearsals, business meetings & seminars presentations or meetings, family receptions (not weddings), children’s parties Facilities include two kitchens, pay telephone, ample space for cloaks, disabled toilet, central heating, car parking (limited) with theatre hiring
MAIN HALL (21 X 12 METRES) Holds 250 people LONG ROOM (14 X 4.5 METRES) Holds 80 people From £160.00/4 hours sessions Charity rate from £80.00 £60.00 surcharge for evening & weekends Information from: Adam Norton - SMA Centre Manager St Mary Abbots Centre, Vicarage Gate, London W8 4HN Telephone: 020 7937 8885 Mobile: 07812 428 010 Facsimilie: 020 7938 4317 Email:
London ‘Haus Krai’ for women violently killed in Papua New Guinea Members of the Papua New Guinea community in UK and friends of PNG (including former missionaries, local religious leaders, and others who have worked in and for the country) came together on Saturday 18th May at an ecumenical service at St Philip’s Church, Earls Court Road. They gathered in solidarity with the Women Arise movement, which had organised a National Haus Krai in PNG 14th/15th May in Port Moresby – a call to action to help end violence against women in Papua New Guinea. Further reading:
Support Needed Fr David Walsh will be taking part in the British London 10k run on Sunday 14th July. ‘It’s been a very good incentive for me to get fit’ David tells KPN ‘more importantly, I’m hoping to raise £1k for the ‘Bishop of London’s Mission Fund’, which funds projects supporting communities in deprived parts of London. If you would like to help David reach his target you can donate online at www.
commitments. Moreover, students doing exams might find it hard to concentrate with a Zumba class going on in the room below!
St Mary Abbots Centre Manager Adam Norton shares extraordinary tales of actors, dance troupes and Christmas lunches for the elderly
have now been Centre Manager at St Mary Abbots for two years, and I can honestly say that it has been a very fulfilling and interesting experience. However I must also say that I did not think my job would include supervising the lifting of several mature trees over the building into neighbouring gardens. Nor coping with the accidental demolition of one of the handsome pillars at the entrance by a careless lorry driver! The Centre is used almost every day of the year in some capacity or other. It even opens its doors on Christmas Day to host lunch for those who might otherwise be eating alone. However, I suppose the most exciting and varied customers are the theatre companies that rent the Centre for rehearsals. I will always remember my first day at work in 2011 when my first duty was to welcome Sir
Ian McKellen to the Centre. Since then I have had the privilege to meet a number of other well known actors, including Maureen Lipman, Trudie Styler, Rufus Sewell, and Kristen Scott Thomas. All of them delightful and highly complimentary about St Mary Abbots Centre! The theatre is an unusually wide space, capable of replicating all but the very largest West End stages. In recent years two very successful musicals have rehearsed here – Wicked and Legally Blonde. And we are just about to welcome the stage version of The Commitments, based on Roddy Doyle’s book and the award – winning film by Alan Parker. We have also recently provided space for the Young Vic, Chariots of Fire, Grease and the children from Matilda. And my favourite – Some Like It Hip Hop by the hugely talented ZooNation Dance Company – currently playing at the Peacock Theatre.
Three times a year the theatre space is rented for exams by the University of South Africa. UNISA is the biggest university in South Africa and one of the largest distance education institutions in the world. Last year we were visited for the first time by representatives from the university, who pronounced our premises “ideal”. Although a change in foreign student visa legislation has led to a decline in students taking their exams abroad, I hope we will welcome UNISA to St Mary Abbots Centre for years to come. Among our regular meetings I am delighted that two recently introduced activities, the Little Art Studio and the Young Actors Company continue to grow. Both will happily welcome new members and their details can be found online. The Handicraft Group that meets on Tuesday mornings is also looking for new recruits.
We are also lucky enough to be able to derive useful revenue from the renting of parking spaces in the Centre forecourt. These are mainly taken by local estate agents, who come and go constantly, ferrying their clients to view the fabulous high – end real estate that surrounds us. Of course the Centre is not just a venue to be rented out for commercial gain, valuable as this is to support the work and upkeep of the church. The Centre is the home of the Vicar and the Associate Vicar, and also houses the Parish Office. It provides the venue for the annual Summer Fete, the Christmas Bazaar, the Quiz Night and the Bonfire Party. The many regular PCC meetings take place here as well as the annual general meetings of both church and parish. We also host meetings for the Friends of St Mary Abbots . Ditto the Friends of St Mary Abbots School. Not to mention the bell ringers. But I promised I would.
I have enquiries almost every day from people wanting to hire a space for regular activities. These have included Zumba and Salsa classes, martial arts, ballet and singing lessons, yoga and transcendental meditation. Unfortunately we have no room for these at the moment because of all our other 26
We’ve gone coronation crazy at the KPN this issue but can you work out the word search, unscramble the scrambles and conquer our quiz?
The ed has been working really hard - and seems to have got in a bit of a muddle. Can you unscramble the words for her? TESETMINSWR (where the coronation took place on June 2nd, 1953) JEMATSY (how you should address the Queen if she invites you to tea!)
We’ve hidden lots of coronation words in our word search. Can you dig them out?
KAMBUNGCIH LPAACE (where the Queen lives in London)
sovereign 28
NAOROTNICO KICCEHN (a dish made specially for the day) BORES (what the Queen wore on the day)
It’s a fact!
4. Prince Charles was at the coronation but not Princess Anne. Why? 5. To the nearest thousand, how many guests were there at the coronation? 6. Why did more people see the 1953 coronation than any other in history?
1. What has been used at every coronation since 1307, is decorated with leaves and birds and lives at Westminster Abbey?
7. What piece of regalia did the Queen hold in her right hand that represents Christ’s supremacy over the world?
2. What did the young choristers at Westminster Abbey have hidden in their cassock pockets on the day of the coronation?
1. The Coronation Chair 2. Sandwiches and sweets to keep them going! 3. On safari in Kenya 4. Princess Anne was too young.– she was only two - while Prince Charles was four 5. 8,251 6. It was the first to be televised 7. The orb 8. God Save the Queen
Search me!
3. Where was Elizabeth when she heard her father, King George VI, had died and she was to be Queen?
8. What did the congregation cry out when the crown was placed on the Queen’s head.
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