Club accreditation scheme

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St Mary’s Club Accreditation 1.


“Club Accreditation is a way of measuring the progress of clubs with their development plans and rewarding clubs for providing a high quality experience for their members in line with the ‘More than a Game’ student sport strategy.” 2.


When a club becomes accredited, they will gain access to a significant reward package;          

£400 grant into your club account £250 voucher for O’Neills (must be used in the 2017/18 academic year) £100 to support the development of student coaches and/or referees Free printing for sports club events*. Recognition on the St Mary’s Students’ Union website 3 hours of 1-2-1 support to create marketing materials – e.g. video, flyers etc. Club Accreditation awarded at Sports Awards Club Accreditation is a criteria for the club of the year award A guarantee of a table for Sports Awards 2017/18 Priority table allocation for Welcome Fair September 2018

*printing available for sports club events and initiatives but will be subject to maximum copies and sizes.


How does Club Accreditation work?

Club Accreditation covers the same 5 areas as your development plan.     

Coaching and Workforce Participation Resource Marketing and Communications Performance

Within each of these areas there are a number of criteria which all have 1,2 or 3 club accreditation points Each criteria has a number (C5.1)

How many points a club gets for meeting the criteria

Explains how the panel will assess whether the criteria has been achieved

Shows what strategic aims of the student sport strategy the criteria delivers

To become accredited a club must be able to evidence that they meet the criteria with a minimum of 15 points in each area of the development plan. Once a club has become accredited, accreditation lasts for 9 months before the club have to re-apply. The below diagram outlines the timescales of Club Accreditation and when clubs can apply.

Clubs work on their development plans on an on-going basis. This will be done by the work of the committee and during development meetings with the Sport Development Team. As clubs work on their development plans, the content will be linked back to Club Accreditation showing which criteria it delivers and how many points it is worth. Example below.

Once a club believes they have delivered the objectives of their development plan meaning they have 10 points in each of the 5 areas, they submit their plan for assessment. There are fixed deadlines for assessment: 8th December 2017 & 7th March 2018 (assessment will be completed within 2 weeks) Once submitted a panel (VPSS, Student Sport Development Officer & Sport Development Manager) will complete the Club Accreditation Assessment as below (grey boxes). The panel may request additional information to validate your points and assessment.

Club becomes accredited and gains access to the rewards package. Club Accreditation lasts for 9 months before clubs will have to re-apply to maintain their accredited status and access to the reward package*. *Subject to 18-19 budgets

If the club did not meet the criteria, feedback will be provided on each criteria. The club then continues to work on their development plan and can submit for assessment at the next deadline.


Club Accreditation Criteria

The below table details all the Club Accreditation criteria for each development area. To become accredited, clubs must score at least 15 points in each area. Clubs do not have to meet every criteria but must reach the desired points for all 5 areas.

When clubs re-apply for accreditation, they cannot use evidence from their last application. E.g. if a club becomes accredited in March 2018. When they re-apply they must have raised £500 for charity since March 2018 to meet criteria C5.2.

Participation Criteria C1.1 – Track interest levels in your sport through to membership C1.2 – Have a defined membership offer at the start of the year for members

Club Accreditation Points 3

Assessment/Evidence  

1 

C1.3 – Support the delivery of a ‘learn to play’ 6 week programme with SIMMSactive


C1.4 - Sustained training attendance


Keep a record who ‘signs up’ at Welcome Fair, who then attends a session and who then buys a membership In documented format, have a defined membership offer for students which includes everything they get as members. E.g. coaching, training sessions, stash etc. Jointly with SIMMSactive, run a 6 week learn to play programme to bring new people into the sport. Support must include support with promotion, delivery and management of programme. Average weekly training attendance of 70%. Measured over a minimum of 12 sessions in a row

More than a Game strategy 1,2,7 1,7



 C1.5 - Hold a participation event for non-members


C1.6 - Support the delivery of SIMMIESGIRLSCAN week


C1.7 - Provide competition opportunities for those not in the BUCS/main teams


C1.8 - Retain 80% of members from the previous year


C1.9 - 70% member satisfaction


C1.10 - Engage with an SU campaign


    

C1.11 – Have a clearly defined social calendar for the first month of term which included socials that do not involve alcohol. C1.12 – Have a clearly defined taster session/trial schedule at the start of the year C1.13 – Project work that increases the participation opportunities within the club

 1 1

 

1,2 or 3

Evidence of holding a participation based events which is attended by non-members (other students and/or community) e.g. A 3 v3 basketball competition. A target will be set for participation. To be defined by the Sport Development Team once the format of the week is set. Offer competitive playing opportunities for those players not regularly selected for BUCS teams. Excluding LUSL leagues 90% of the members from the previous academic year (excluding graduating members). (1st club members only) Through a membership survey, accurately demonstrate 70% of members are satisfied with their club experience. Actively engage with one of the SU campaigns. This will be determined by the campaign but must have a tangible element e.g. an event, some produced/run specifically. (Excluding RAG) Evidence of a defined social calendar for the first month of term which includes socials that are non-nightclub/bar based and are not centred around alcohol e.g. bowling, topgolf etc. Evidence of a clear schedule for taster session/trials promoted ahead of the start of term and welcome fair. To be agreed with the Sport Development Team but the project must help to increase the participation and have a tangible benefit.


1,2,5 1,5 1,7 1,7 1,2,5,7

1,2,7 1,3 TBC

Competition and Performance Criteria

Club Accreditation Points

C2.1 - Have a player code of conduct in place for all players


C2.2 – Hold pre-season sessions prior to the start of term


Assessment/Evidence  

Evidence of a documented player code of conduct signed by all players. Hold a minimum of 4 sessions before the start of term with a minimum of 50% of team players in attendance

More than a Game strategy 3,7 1,3

C2.3 – Implement a Christmas training programme for team players

 3 

C2.4 – Hold a fitness/S&C session once a week outside allocated training times


C2.5 – Record matches to implement performance analysis


C2.6 – Training attendance of 80%


C2.7 – Compete in friendly matches/competitions outside of main competition focus


C2.8 – Club players to attend university representative squads trials

 

 3 

C2.9 – Recruit a guest coach(s) to deliver training sessions 3 C2.10 – Host a recruitment event for perspective students

 3 

C2.11 – Performance based target for your club/teams 3 C2.12 – Project work that supports the competition and performance of the club.

 1,2 or 3

Evidence of training programme in place for team players over the Christmas break with a minimum of 50% of team players completing. A minimum of one session held outside of club training times for fitness or S&C. Sessions must be delivered for a minimum period of 8 weeks and have an attendance equivalent to 80% of a team. A minimum of 6 matches recorded. Clubs must be able to evidence how the footage is being integrated into the overall club training programme. Training attendance 80% of the required squad for a minimum period of 10 consecutive sessions. To be applied as appropriate to each sport. Clubs must be able to demonstrate competing in fixtures/competitions outside main competition focus and not funded centrally. Have a club member selected to attend a university representative squad trial at national level e.g. English Universities, World University Games etc. An external, qualified coach delivering additional coaching sessions to the club within the last 12 months. A minimum of 2 sessions from one or more coaches. Host a sport based recruitment event for prospective students from colleges/schools etc. The event must include information about the club and also about applying to St Mary’s. E.g. an open day To be set by the Sport Development Team in line with the season’s planning document completed by the club’s coach(s). This can only be assessed at the end of the season. To be agreed with the Sport Development Team but the project must help to develop the performance of the club and have a tangible benefit.



1,3 1,3 1,3






Coaching and Workforce Criteria

Club Accreditation Points

C3.1 – Attend 4 club development meetings throughout the year


C3.2 – Hold monthly committee meetings


C3.3 – Support 2 students to gain coaching qualifications


C3.4 – Support 2 students to gain referee qualifications


C3.5 – Attend NGB conference or CPD event


C3.6 – 2 students coaching on a weekly basis in the community


C3.7 – Written role descriptions for each committee member role


C3.8 – 2 committee members attending sessions as part the Committee Member Leadership Programme.


C3.9 – Hold an AGM


C3.10 – Have 2 members obtain a first aid qualification


C3.11 - 2 committee members attending each SU Council meeting.


C3.12 – Support the delivery of SIMMSport multi-sport


Assessment/Evidence      

 

  

Attendance of a minimum of 4 committee members at each club development meeting. Evidence of holding committee meetings on a minimum of a monthly basis. Minimum of 2 students gaining coaching qualifications within the last 12 months Minimum of 2 students gaining referee/official qualifications within the last 12 months A minimum of 1 member attending a NGB (e.g. sport specific body or BUCS) event within the last 12 months. A minimum of 2 members delivering coaching sessions for your sport in the community or St Mary’s programmes (excluding clubs) on at least a weekly basis. Evidence of documented role descriptions in place for each committee member with the job title and duties. A minimum of 2 committee members attending 2 noncompulsory sessions as part of the Committee Member Leadership Programme. Evidence of holding an AGM where a minimum of 50% of the club attend. Evidence of 2 members gaining first aid qualifications within the last 12 months Attendance record of SU council showing a minimum of 2 committee members at each SU council meeting up to point of applying for ClubScore Status. Minimum of 1 student coaching or volunteering at a SIMMSport

More than a Game strategy 4,7 4,7 3,4 3,4 4,5,7 4,5,6 4,7 4,7 7 4 7 3,4

holiday camps C3.13 - Project work that supports the coaching and workforce of the club

 1,2 or 3

multi-sports camp throughout the year To be agreed with the Sport Development Team but the project must help to develop the coaching and/or workforce of the club and have a tangible benefit.


Marketing and Communications Criteria

Club Accreditation Points

C4.1 – Regular communication with alumni


C4.2 – Hold a database of alumni contacts


C4.2 – Active public social media profiles


C4.3 – Conduct a membership feedback survey


C4.4 - Produce an annual club video


Assessment/Evidence      

C4.5 - Promotion campaign for BUCS matches or alternative championship


C4.6- Produce a club leaflet or flyer


C4.7- Hold a database of all members


C4.8 - Actively promote sport scholarships


C4.9 - Actively promote SIMMSactive within written


  

At least a termly communication with alumni or an active communication channel e.g. alumni facebook group Hold a database with contact details of alumni for at least the last 2 years with a minimum of 50% members Regular content provided on social media channels including as a minimum weekly content not focused on weekly matches. Membership survey completed by 60% of members with a summary of the findings and actions. Produce an annual video covering highlights from the previous year and an overview of the club. Provide pre, during and post-match/competition coverage on social media channel(s). For BUCS league teams this should be for every match and for others, focused on their main competition. Have an up-to-date club flyer that provides an overview to current and prospective members. Hold a database of all current members including name, email, phone number, coaching and official qualifications. Include sport scholarships on club promotional materials such as club videos, leaflets etc. and or contact external clubs directly promoting the scholarship scheme. Include SIMMSactive on club promotional materials such as club

More than a Game strategy 6 6,7 6 7 6


6 6,7 3,6 1,6

publications C4.10 – Engage with a nationwide promotional campaign such as Mental Health Week, LGBT/rainbow laces etc. C4.11 – Set up a club email account that is active and monitored regularly C4.12 - Project work that helps to improve the marketing and communications of the club.

 2  1  1,2 or 3

videos, leaflets etc. Actively engage with a nationwide promotional/awareness campaign. Involvement must include something tangible such as a special event or specific social media content etc. Have a club email address which issued on all communications and web/social media presence. Account needs to be managed effectively and handed over with each committee. To be agreed with the Sport Development Team but the project must help to improve the marketing and communications of the club and have a tangible benefit.




Resource Criteria C5.1 - Sponsorship agreement for £500 C5.2 - Raise £500 for charity

Club Accreditation Points 3   2 

C5.3 - Partner with a local partner to run an event

3 

C5.4 - Recruit a guest speaker to deliver a workshop for members


C5.5 - Hold a club specific awards evening


C5.6 - Apply and gain external funding for a project


C5.7 - Have an active relationship with your National Governing Body (NGB) C5.8 - Raise £300 for the club through fundraising

2 2

   

Assessment/Evidence Signed sponsorship agreement and money in club account Record of fundraising events/initiatives taking place and/or record on money being donated to charity Evidence of supporting the running of an event with a local school, clubs etc. This must involve support on the day of the event and not just promotion A guest speaker (external to the club and coaching team) to deliver a session to member of the club. This criteria can be scored up to three times over the course of 12 months. Evidence of specific club awards event taking place with sport based awards Have successfully applied for and gain funding from an external organisation. The funding can be for any amount. To be determined with the Sport Development Team based on the size and potential of your specific NGB. Evidence/money in the club account from club based

More than a Game strategy 5,7 4,5,7 5

5 4,7 5,7 5,7 4,5,7

events/initiatives. C5.9 - Implement a formal partnership with an external club C5.10 - Partner with another St Mary’s club/society to run a joint event or initiative. C5.11 - Any additional project that helps to increase the resource within the club

 2  2  1,2 or 3

fundraising events/initiatives. This cannot be sponsorship or through FridayClub or Bus2Club. Have a documented partnership with a local club. The partnership must be active and bring tangible benefit to your club. Evidence of actively working with another St Mary’s sports club or society to deliver an event of initiative. This must go beyond supporting the promotion of the event. To be agreed with the Sport Development Team but the project must help to increase the resource within the club and have a tangible benefit.




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