Committee Member Leadership Programme This year we are launching a Committee Member Leadership Programme aimed at developing you as a committee member to help you grow your experiences and skills. There are a number of sessions which are compulsory for committee members and then a number of workshops and training opportunities for committee members to choose from. Below outlines the programme. Committee members will be sent information as each session approaches.
Title Club Development Meeting 1 Mental Health in Sport Course Mini-bus driving training course
Detail Club development meetings to plan, implement and review the club development plan. The Student Minds Mental Health in Sport workshop is designed to increase knowledge and understanding of what mental health is and provide you with the confidence and skills to support teammates. A theory and practical based exam that qualifies you to drive a minibus. Students who qualify will be expected to drive clubs to and from games. A workshop to highlight common BUCS rules and how they can be applied. Students will be able to get specific advice about rules they are unsure of and there will be time spent on the playing under protest rules. The SU works for you, and they want to make sure your voices and opinions are counted. SU council is where students vote to bring in policy, so it’s important that you’re there to represent yourself and your clubs.
When Time Who Club Development Meetings Sept 1 hr are compulsory for all committee members Sept x 2 1 hr 9th Oct Sept 29th
Any club committee member, recommended for captains and social secretaries. Any – you must be 21 or older and have held a UK driving license for 2 years.
1 hr
Captains, club coordinators of BUCS clubs. NB: It is compulsory for clubs to have one member attend per BUCS team.
Oct 12th
1 hr
Any committee member NB: Compulsory for minimum 2 committee members
Club Development As above Meeting 2
1 hr
As above
SU Council
Nov 30th
1 hr
As above
3 hrs
Any club committee member
1 hr
Any club committee member
BUCS rules and regulations workshop
SU Council
First Aid Course Anti-doping – why does it matter to me and our club?
As above Emergency sport first aid to provide you with the basic skills to provide first response to incidents. Anti-doping, it’s all over the news but does it really matter to you whilst playing at university? The answer is a very clear YES! This workshop will cover how anti-doping applies to university sport and what steps you can take to keep yourself clean and your club clean
Mini-bus driving training course
As above
As above
SU Council
As above
Feb 1st
1 hr
As above
How to use your sport experience to get a job
Research shows that those who are engaged with sport at university earn on average £5,824 more than those who don’t engage with sport. This workshop will explore how you can communicate and evidence the skills you have learnt to help you apply for jobs.
1 hr
Any club committee member
As part of LBGT week, award winning, oneman theatre show about homophobia in sport. We will also launch the rainbow laces campaign.
1 hr
Any committee member
As above
1 hr
As above
As above
Mar 15th
1 hr
Odd-shaped balls & launch of rainbow laces Club Development Meeting 3 SU Council Club Committee Training Club Development Meeting 4 SU Council
Committee training is compulsory for all committee members
As above
1 hr
As above
As above
May 10th
1 hr
As above